Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Nuria will never change: A que no me Dejas # 124 03/07/2017

This will be short because I'm on my own a work for three weeks, nothing says fun like doing the work of three people!

  • Fabricio and Alan both spot Almuneda with Jaime, they both assume the worse. Alan confronts Almuneda for "seeing a married man" and Fabricio uses this as an excuse to go see Adriana.
  • Jaime, we all know id suffering from cancer and the chemo has been giving him terrible side effects, his heart might be compromised, so if the cancer does not kill him the side effects might.
  • Special service announcement: if you have cancer tell your spouse and children!
  • Nuria wakes up at the hospital and learns that she's been disfigured and will never be able to talk again.
  • Leonel confronts Rene, he wants to know if he is still on his side, and if so why did he put up the 2 million to save Valentina, and why is he hearing that he made up with Gonzalo? He also let's it slip that he knows about the casinos Rene is planning on starting.
  • Rene explains that he has not made forgiven  Gonzalo and that he knows Leonel is behind the fraud that landed Osvaldo in jail, he also tells him that he does not have to explain what he does to anyone.
  • Rene later let's Carolina know that he knows she talked about his plans to someone.
  • Carolina calls her mom and screams at her for not keeping her mouth shut, Ileana tells her that her job is to keep Rene informed, she fails to notice that Micah is in the background listening to her conversation.
  • Adriana meets with Julieta who seems way too informed about what happened to Nuria, when Adriana questions how Julieta knows so many details Julieta says that she heard the new on the radio.
  • Much later a friend of Silvia's comes looking for her, Julieta makes up a story about Silvia seeing someone and being so over the moon that she's not returning any one's calls.
  • Gonzalo, Val, Mau and Tobias go to see Nuria. Tobias confronts her and tells her that he hates her for everything she has done. Nuria cries and Gonzalo thinks she's asking for forgiveness but the others know better and realize that Nuria would never ask for forgiveness.
  • And they are right, Nuria gives zero fudges about all the evil things she's done, she does not care if Tobias hates her because she just wanted to have a child in order to secure her place in her fathers will.
  • Gonzalo is left alone with Nuria and tells her that as much as it hurts him she will be going to jail, to pay for everything she has done. He says he is sure she never felt remorse over Camilo's death or the death of Alfonso and that maybe in jail she will begin to pay for those crimes, he leaves and as he does so we can hear Nuria begging him to kill her.
  • In the waiting room Gonzalo tells Tobias that he hopes he (Tobi) will one day realize what a blessing it was to be raised by Beto and Chelo. If he had been raised by Nuria he probably would have turned out just like her, if not worse, and if he had been given away like Nuria wanted he never would have gotten the chance to be with and know his blood relatives. Gonzalo also tells Tobias that hopefully one day he will be proud of Beto and Chelo who gave him all the love in the world, if he had gron wp at Nuria's side all he would have gotten from her would have been crumbs of affection. It looks like Tobias is getting it.
  • Val and Mau talk about how evil Nuria is, bad things happened to them too but they picked the side of love instead of the dark side, hu, I guess Val forgot about the 15 years or so where she completely ignored Gonzalo.
  • Leo goes to visit Nuria, and it's striking to see that he totally "gets" her, he knows just by the way she looks at him what she wants/needs. He laughs at her for ending up disfigured and without the ability to shout at people and mistreat others. Leonel is a monster!
Join us tomorrow!


I completely don't get why Jaime wants to hide such a medical condition. This makes no sense at all.

Nuria learn how to sign? I don't think so. If she can't move her fingers that wouldn't work anyway. She will suffer at least a while, since her condition would also make suicide a difficult option.

Princess Juju: AWESOME :)

Alfredo: My detailed thoughts!

1.) When will Almudena come clean to Alan about the truth too ?

2.) Adriana needs ANVILS NOW!

3.) Julieta is NOT done wreaking havoc yet.

4.) I understand that Nuria will not be able to use her hands ROFLOL. Karma is a BITCH!

5.) I understand that we're going to see Deborah (Leonel's co-conspirator against the Gonz) will be making some appearances.

6.) I enjoyed watching everyone give Nuria the evil redhead a big-ass SCOLDING :)

7.) The GOLD DIGGERS Ileana & Carolina need to GO DOWN NOW!


Thank you, Princess Juju

Nuria got a verbal ass-whuppin' yesterday to go with her trashed body and the wench wasn't the least bit moved or remorseful. She's one of these people that will need to be forked over into the fire with the devil's own pitchfork before she rethinks her life. The cherry on the top of the karmageddon sundae was Nuria screaming in her mind for Gonzo to kill her. I hope we're done with that wretch. I hope the show doesn't disrespect us by having Nuria resurface, having escaped from jail bearing bionic arms with claws on the end to slash Valentina!

Thanks, again, Juju!

Thanks for the recap!

I laughed as soon as Leonel entered Nuria's room because I knew he was going to give her the business! And boy did he. I love this guy. He is not fooled by Nuria like everyone else. I hope that his downfall includes much more than just a prison sentence. But considering how meticulous he is about his appearance, prison might be hell for him.

Lila: Nuria the evil, sick twisted redhead now knows how it feels to be humiliated!


Thank you, Juju! Ah, what fun to watch everyone tell Nuria off while she had to lie there and take it in silence. The best was Leonel who knew exactly what his Chiquis Triquis was thinking.

Adriana telling Fabian to blackmail his father. Ugh! Where did she pick up such trifling ways? Her mother must be rolling in her grave.

Juli making up that story about Silvia having a novio she calls Flaco was hilarious.

Princess This was short, but you hit all the hot spots.
Gonz told Toby about what would have happened if moma nunu would have raised him, true. But what's gonna happen with overtanned hotdaddy? He's
Making him think money is the way to happiness. He is gonna be very very
Adriana thinks Tia is reabilitated.Ha!
What is her reaction gonna be when she
Finds out about the human popcycle in
The freezer? She is so into her sick tia. She'll learn the hard way. Like toby.

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