Friday, May 26, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #14 5.25.17: Painful Pasts & Punches

• Ryan and Laustela consummate their love, amid roaring passion and desire.
• Bonita tells Leticia that she got married a year ago in a civil wedding but not a religious one. She warns Leticia that she will call the police if she doesn’t leave. Leticia obliges and breaks down outside.
• Laustela wants to talk more about her past but Ryan thinks there is time, especially because he doesn’t want to ruin the moment. Laustela agrees and they go for round two.
• Erasmo finds Leticia outside his house and demands she leave, go back to her children, and stop embarrassing herself. Leticia obliges as Erasmo goes inside.
• Over breakfast the next day, Danilo tells Mercy that he is fixing up the ranch Walter left him and will leave her house soon. Laustela and Ryan come and they both congratulate them on getting back together. Mercy then teases Danilo on is 20%.
• Luisa tells Mr. Blake that she found a girl that may know where Fausto is but she hasn’t been able to make her talk. Mr. Blake wants to meet her ASAP as there are certain ways to make people talk.

• Laustela sings around the kitchen when Danilo comes and tells her love has made her even more before. She thanks him and he wonders if they will still be friends. Laustela nods and he then tells her that he has been working on a melody for her song and decides to show it to her.
• Leticia goes back to Chavalin and tells her that she is separated from Erasmo, for the time being, and needs helping finding a job. He will help her and Leticia vows to fight for him.
• Danilo puts his hat on Laustela and sings her song with his melody. She smiles as she listens to it. Ryan comes and tells him that his song sounds beautiful; Danilo explains that Laustela wrote the lyrics, possibly for him, and Ryan hugs her. Danilo then proposes that Laustela right all the lyrics for his band’s new album.
• Asdrubal updates El Dorado on Laustela and Ryan; he thinks the call just made the inevitable possible because Laustela seems in love. Asdrubal then hangs up and chides Calao working out when he should be watching Danilo. Calao obliges.
• Laustela kisses Ryan and he congratulates her on her immense gift. Laustela then accepts Danilo’s offer as Morgana comes. Laustela thanks Morgana for finding her purse and Morgana explains that she did it out of the kindness of her heart. Danilo then takes Morgana away and Laustela wonders if she should accept since they are leaving. Ryan has to iron out some details but she can write from wherever they are. They kiss and Laustela goes to make Paloma breakfast.
• Danilo drags Morgana outside away and chides her for announcing that she is his girlfriend. She reminds him that she will be the mother of his child and Ryan is Laustela’s girlfriend. She realizes that they may have lost the 20% and Danilo reminds her that he is thinking of a solution. Morgana proposes she stay in the mansion too since it’s big enough for all of them.
• Laustela asks Paloma if she likes Ryan and Paloma nods; he showed her a lot of cool things. Rosario thinks Ryan is a good man too and Laustela tells them that he may be a father for her in the future. Paloma is happy but Rosario reminds her that Ryan will have to register Paloma. Laustela nods but she needs to tell him about her past first and gauge his reaction. Rosario thinks she’s being immensely brave.
• Morgana pulls her bags out of a red truck out front. He laughs at the fact that she came ready but Morgana wasn’t taking her chances. She is surprised that he is welcoming her with open arms but Danilo thinks it is for the best, especially because he has plans for her.
• Luisa tortures the girl with a whip as Mr. Blake urges her to talk because Fausto is not worth her suffering. He demands to know where Fausto is but the girl reiterates that she doesn’t know anything. Mr. Blake nods and cuts off one of the girl’s finger before telling Luisa to have at it until they find out where Fausto is.
• Mercy tells Ryan that she hasn’t seen him this happy in a while but she is ecstatic to know he is back with Laustela and Paloma will have a family. Ryan knows she only cares about the 20% but Mercy hopes Laustela doesn’t leave again. Either way, they need to register Paloma ASAP and suggests he doesn’t marry Laustela to do so.
• A woman, likely a prostitute, tells her “likely” pimp that she is leaving for the night. The woman chides him for being lazy but he throws her out. Moments later, there is a knock and Luisa comes in and manhandles Fausto like a rag dog. After a few good punches, Luisa holds Fausto down and calls in Mr. Blake, who is happy to see him. He tells Fausto that he needs his eyes to find Laura Oviedo because that prostitute must pay.
• Ryan takes Laustela to his room and tells her that he has a solution to her and Paloma’s immigration status: they should get married. Laustela is floored.
• Fausto thought Laura had died but Mr. Blake tells him they were wrong and asks Luisa to show him the picture of Laura on her cell. She asks if he recognizes her but Fausto is quiet.
• Ryan knows it’s not the best proposal but it’s the perfection solution and he can’t live without her now. Laustela thinks it’s too soon but Ryan explains that it will be a small ceremony and then they can move to Spain and reintroduce her to everyone as Laura later. He proposes they send someone to Mexico to start her immigration process. Laustela nods and Ryan asks again if she would like to marry him. Laustela nods and they hug.
• Fausto is unsure because Laura was a small, insignificant thing and Laustela is a beautiful, refined woman; he would have to see her face-to-face. Mr. Blake asks him to get dressed because they are leaving and Luisa throws the tortured girl’s finger in front of him as a reminder of how bad things can get. They go wait outside for him to get ready.
• Laustela tells Ryan that she doesn’t have anyone to bring to the wedding but Ryan knows people. He doesn’t care; he wants to help them and be with them forever. He worries that Paloma’s father may show up but Laustela shakes her head and thanks him for all he’s doing for them. They kiss, passionately and smile.
• Later, Danilo is having a smoke when Ryan comes, surprised to see him smoke. Danilo admits that he’s worried because Morgana came to live with them because he can’t pay for a nicer place for her to stay. He tells Ryan it’s for a few days but he worries about Mercy’s reaction. Danilo already told her to hide when she sees Mercy and Ryan is surprised to know Morgana is his girlfriend. Danilo admits that she’s not, really, but he can’t leave her in the street. He then asks when the wedding with Laustela is, since they seem to be moving quickly, and Ryan announces that it will be soon, much to Danilo’s surprise. He hugs Ryan but boils inside at the news.
• Mercy chides Rita for getting lost in such a small house but Rita is trying to figure out where to set up Ryan’s and Laustela’s things since they will be together. Mercy tells her to figure it out without her and Rita leaves. As she does, Paloma comes and admires Mercy’s perfume bottle, spaced like a genie’s lamp. Mercy shows Paloma how it works and tells her she will give her the bottle once it’s finished. Paloma prefers a butterfly and Mercy, now bothered by the girl, asks her to find Laustela or Rosario and leave her be.
• Danilo is surprised to find Calao on his tour bus. Calao reminds him that he is under strict orders to watch him, just in case. Danilo wonders what he will tell Ryan or Morgana, if they see him, but Calao reminds him that El Dorado makes the rules and he’s staying.
• Leticia finishes cleaning Chavalin’s bookcases and asks if she can help with anything else. He shakes his head and Leticia thanks him again for all his help; she thinks her children would love him. He asks when they are coming to the US and Leticia wants it to be soon so all three of them can convince Erasmo to come back with them. Chavalin doesn’t think it’s a good idea but shrugs and asks Leticia to make them some dinner, if possible. Leticia nods and goes off as Chavalin asks her to also check if the bread came and if there are clothes in the dryer. Leticia nods again and goes.
• Laustela tucks in Paloma and then tells Rosario about Ryan’s proposal and the fact that she accepted. They celebrate, quietly, and then worries that Ryan may leave her when he finds out the truth. Rosario reminds her that she was forced to do that but Laustela worries that she will lose Ryan now that she can’t live without him. Rosario tells her to decide, and soon, before leaving.
• That night, Laustela tosses and turns in bed with Ryan and remembers her awful past…Her singing for Fausto, who promised to make her a star, but instead forced her into prostitution…Her arriving at the brothel…Fausto forcing alcohol down her throat as the Madame pushed her to sleep with men against her will…Laustela suddenly wakes up and Ryan asks her what happened. Laustela tells him that she needs to tell him her past and then he can decide if he wants to be with her. He vows to be with he forever but proposes they talk tomorrow, as they have all day to do so. He then cuddles her as they go back to sleep.
• Morgan comes into the patio, in a bathing suit, and asks Mercy where she can get breakfast. Mercy demands to know who she is and why is there; Morgana explains that Danilo invited her to live with him. Mercy tells her that her house is not a hotel, she has to make her own breakfast and Danilo is a scoundrel to have invited her to stay. Morgana backs off and Mercy leaves because she will not argue with riff raff. Once alone, Morgana sits down and eats the breakfast Mercy had prepared before taking a nearby plastic container with a fork and demanding service.
• Laustela wakes up but finds Ryan gone. He has left a single, red rose in his place and left a letter asking her to meet him for lunch so they can talk. He chose to let her sleep in because it seemed like she had a horrible night. Laustela smells the rose and smiles.
• At Furia, Ryan tells Genesis the good news: he is back with Laustela and she is going to come back to work with him. Just then, he receives a call, on his office line, from Steve, who tells him about someone who threatened to kill themselves. He tells Steve that he is on his way but forgets to bring his cell phone.
• Danilo and Asdrubal discuss the best way to start their money laundering operation. Danilo tells him that Ryan is on his side since he asked Laustela to help him compose songs for his band’s new album. Asdrubal doesn’t care about the music, he wants to know about the money laundering. Danilo explains that Furia will produce and pay for everything regarding the new album, he will just report that everything was more expensive than it actually was. Asdrubal chides him for his dumb plan because Furia has no money for them to invest in his album. Danilo nods and Asdrubal explains that Furia will put the equipment and El Dorado will put the money. Danilo doesn’t think Ryan will accept outside help but Asdrubal reminds him that Ryan is on his side. Danilo wants a bigger cut for his services though and asks who the investor will be since they don’t trust any outside help. Asdrubal smiles, knowingly.
• Mercy goes into the Furia conference with Joe, pissed that they are at Danilo’s beck and call nut Joe reminds her that he knows about their affair and can tell anyone he wants. Just then, Danilo arrives, surprised that Ryan is there but goes ahead with the meeting anyway. He introduces Mercy and Joe to the new investor, Lucio Galvan. Lucio shakes both their hands and tells them that some people also call him “El Dorado.” Danilo looks at Lucio, shocked…


Thanks, Alfredo! Looking forward to your recap.

That Luisa turned out to be HELL on braids...I guess she has more compassion for butterflies than she does for people. Kirby, wasn't it you that mentioned something about her being a wrestler-type? Boy, were you right!!



Alfredo, thank you! Really looking forward to what you have to say.

"That Luisa turned out to be HELL on braids". RC, you absolutely nailed it!

I must admit I turned away when I saw she was helping to torture that poor woman and I missed what was in the baggie. Ack.

I really like Mike Biaggio and was wondering when he was going to "appear". He's a baddie to be sure but is there any doubt Luisa is the baddest?? Stomach churning.

I did like Estrella and Ryan's chemistry.

I also enjoyed Mercy Me and little Paloma having a moment. Very sweet. She is an adorable child. Mercy did not seem to warm up to Morgana though did she? :) Not that she cares about Danilo in any sort of motherly way but Morgie is not exactly DIL material.

Wish I could remember more but that is all I can recall at this moment.

Alfredo, what would we do without you????

Princess, hope everything is all right with you...


Yeah. Rio, the first time I saw her I thought she was that Rhonda Rousey the 'Ultimate Gettin My Ass Beat' Chick. Cornrows on a white chick = RUN....Fast. I mean..Honey Bun could use her. That little shrimpy Calao who is always strutting over to the weight bench to curl about Seventy Frickin Five pounds would not stand a chance against CornChick. She beat Fisto like a rented mule. YIKES.

Dam these TNs, Is it that they can't think up anything with enough intellectual Pizzaz so they resort to blood and mutilation?

Morgana is a hateful little bitch. Thankfully she ruined her reproductive abilities, either that or Darwin has been resurected.

Ryan was pretty cool when he walked in on DaniLowLife working on Dumstela. Does she really not see what he is doing? I could see a guy being clueless, but women are much more intuitive and usually are on to us right away.

But Laustela has a history of doing more dumb things than smart ones, so go figure.

Diana MercyMe and Paloma were cute until MercyMe turned it off and we saw that the whole interaction with Paloma was just a hollow, selfish act. Then she dispatched her like she does the sweet little maid.

Thanks, Alfredo!!

Kirby, it's very possible that Laustela suspects Dumilo of being insincere, and is just humoring him until he finally reveals what he's up to.

Diana, in the bag looked like a severed finger. RC is right, Luisa's compassion appears to be limited to butterflies. Either that or she was just happened to be stifling a random burp when Mr Blake stuck his hand in the butterfly jar, and she has no compassion at all. But that would be weird for this kind of TN, where I would expect most characters to be more complex than that.

What else do I remember about last night's episode?

- I think Laustela told Ryan about the threats.
- I guess that guy was the infamous Fausto. I won't miss him when he's dead. How did Laura get mixed up with him? He makes Erasmo look like a real catch.

Julie: It serves Morgana AKA Lillian Smith-Palacios (from "Vino El Amor") right because the abortions she had years earlier have caught up with her buji expletive.

Julie I wondered about that, (her just humoring him) and was looking for any signs, but if she was, she fooled me. I thought maybe with her passion for music, she may have been influenced by that and lost sight of how DaniLow was playing her.

Thankfully, it appears she is pretty committed to Ryan and it would be hard for DaniLowdowndirty to steal her. I would expect him to possibly take advantage of her generosity and music interest to put her in a compromising situation and then blow it out of proportion.

Julie .yeah, I was wondering how Lestela got involved with a crumb bum like Fausto. Well, when you are young and foolish , you sometimes fall for a bad guy who made you think he was a good guy.

He took Laura-with-bangs to that dark, creepy place . Brothel? Did he want her to hook up with that smarmy guy who was grabbing her. Is Fausto a pimp? Yuck. Well, Luisa really gave him a beatdown. Yikes! Was that to get information from Fausto on Laura?

I had to change the channel when that torture scene came on. Yuck.

Moreforme sat right down in the chair that Mercy had vacated and scarfed down her cereal and juice. Goldilocks. I got a kick out of her rapping on the pitcher with the utensil to summon the help.

Perhaps Lestela thinks Dan is just a young, naive kid flirting innocently with her and is not taking him seriously. Is he supposed to be younger than Lestela ?

It seemed that Mercy was talking sweetly to Paloma about her perfume atomizer, but then when the kid said something about butterflies, Mercy got miffed and was back to her old cranky self. Geez.

Infamous Fausto? In- Famous for letting a CornHair girl whip his ass like a Tasmanian Devil?

There is losing a fight, there is getting attacked and there is getting an old fashioned ass whipping
and that is what he can tell his buddies about.

I was laughing like crazy the whole time, as I could care less who won, but it was fun seeing how good Luisa is.

I was watching Ryan and Kisstela last night and remembering Luci and David. When Laustela kisses Ryan she WRAPS him up. He could not escape if he wanted to, she has one arm all the way around his neck. I didn't see the right hand and arm, but I'd wager it was in use too. Compare this to Luc and Dud with their clinical basketball kisses. Well, there is no comparison.

Dr. Smooch :-)


Kirby, love your comment on "CornChick" and "Thankfully she ruined her reproductive abilities, either that or Darwin has been resurrected." Thank goodness she can't reproduce more little Mor(B)itches.

Julie and Diana, yes, that was the severed finger Blake cut from Fausto's girlfriend? when they were torturing her. I guess when she heard Blake say they had nine more to go she gave up the info on Fausto's whereabouts.

Susanlynn, it does look like Fausto was pimping Laura, what a nasty place that was! And Luisa was trying to get him to identify Laura from that pic she showed him. He told them he couldn't really tell because he only remembered Laura as a flaca (thin) girl...the girl in the pic (according to Fausto) was more mature and "buenota" (better-looking). So he had to see her in person to make sure it was her. Also, I think Laustela telling Ryan about the threats was in the avances. That scene with Moreforme (good one!) was funny...the woman is crude!

This is what I remember from last night"

DaniLowIQ once again proving his LowIQ when he was telling Hotbun his plan for laundering money...which was to bring in new talent. Hotbun telling him that was a stupid idea because to do that they need cash/money which Furia doesn't have. But then Hotbun told him they would bring in a "investor" to help them.

Ryan and Laustela in bed (with clothes on..Wow!) and she has her nightmare/flashback... Nasty! Nasty! Nasty! Yuck! Yuck!

Ryan proposed to Laustela. I think that was really too fast, especially when she accepted. She's probably on cloud nine after her night with Ryan and is not seeing the reality or consequences for a future based on lies.

Palomita (dear little one) going into MercyMe's bedroom. It was really sweet and Mercy was actually being kind..then she did the Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde thing when Paloma asked if she had any butterflies.

MercyMe went into the studio and DanilowIQ was singing Laura's song (is he going to steal it?). She told him that Ryan and Laustela were back together and better than Ryan gets the 20% back.

Laustela asking Palomita if she would like to have Ryan as a (papa) daddy. Palomita asked her what a "papa" was (awww, poor baby, how could she understand what she has never had). Laustela explained that it was someone who would care for her, love her, and make her feel secure. Palomita was so excited about that.

DaniLowIQ called an emergency meeting with MercyMe, Joe and Ryan. MercyMe and Joe got to the meeting room first and were complaining about the hold LowIQ has on them. LowIQ walks in and ask for Ryan and they tell him that he couldn't make it. LowIQ then tells them that he has news for them--he has someone interested in coming in as an investor. The investor walks in and introduces himself (don't remember the actual name he gave), but then states that he is better known as "EL DORADO" DUN-DEE-DUN-DUNNNN Even LowIQ had a deer-in-the-headlights look!!

That's all the I remember so far..gotta run for now...



Yes, Lestela knows how to embrace a guy. She is very enthusiastic after being so standoffish. What a difference! Maybe Dave should have invested in cowboy hats instead of those vests. I wonder if we will ever discover the story behind the lack of chemistry between IB and GS .

Kirby, "Tasmanian Devil" What a perfect description for Luisa!! That was really funny how she was just whipping him about like a ragdoll...LOL


Oh, I forgot about the scene with WontLETgo and Chavalin...she was just asking him what she could do for him, some chilaquiles maybe and he said something like you don't have to do anything, but yeah, you can do that...then added a list of other things she could do.

I thought that was wasted's still a mystery as to why they are spending so much airtime on her.


OH RIGHT - El Dorado showed up. How could I forget??

Luisa was awesome. I don't know if I like her, but I like when she beats on Fausto. Admittedly I don't know Fausto very well either, but something tells me that hearing his side of the story won't make me like him more.

Thanks for those details, RC.

Julie, I don't consider your decision to not like Fausto as rash. I think that it is a definite deal breaker when your beau takes you to a bordella and suggests you get busy. I hope that Laura gave him a beating similar to the one we saw Luisa giving him.

Have we seen ED before this?

I don't know if I like Luisa, but if I don't I'm keeping my Dorito hole shut. I/m OK with how I look NOW. :-)

Sue I woke up this morning laughing about shotgun in the ambulance.

This place is the most fun I can have without danger of arrest.

Awww, Kirby. We like it when your Dorito hole is open. If you don't like Luisa, speak your mind; the Patio Peeps will back you up. Together we stand, divided we get beat up :-D


SusanLynnn, no, we had not seen El D before. IMO, the man just doesn't fit the name (or reputation)


Kirby...I always feel that my day was not wasted if I can make someone smile or laugh. I enjoy coming here and reading everyone's thoughts. It is a nice place to relax and have a little fun.

RC..I did not get a good look at El D. Maybe we will get a closer look tonight.

Hey, guess the title of Shakira's new album !!!!

El Dorada!!!! She is 40, and her beau (and father of her two sons) is 30. Go , Shakira !

Hey, SusanLynn, I just looked at the songs on the album...some of them sure would fit this TN:

Me Enamore (I Fell In Love)
Chantaje (Threat)
Perro Fiel (Faithful Dog)

Dang, she doesn't look 40 at go girl!!


OK. Just so we come back down to earth. Will ED as we call him, (not the very private medical condition), have fake credentials? You don't go and invest in much of anything save a FloriDuh Lottery ticket, without showing who you are, and where this money came from. Or will it be like the VEA cell phone, just forgotten? As they have indicated, the music business is rife with corruption and of immense interest to organized crime to begin with. This one is in LA, so our crack Law Enforcement will be looking over their shoulder every step of the way. They can probably get some help from those guys over in Sonoma.

Shakira is 40? ! ! !
Great, I don't feel so dirty anymore. Where'd I put that old DVD?


OT...Has anyone seen that music video Shakira did with Mana while she was very preggers? Mi Verdad. It is a great song to begin with and I am a huge fan of Mana, but with her in there, (the gal caaannn sing) it is excellent.

RC, thank you for all the details!

I had no idea Ryan proposed. I miss so many important things when they aren't spelled out for me...

OK I also missed Mercy Me pulling back from Paloma. Thanks Kirby and Susanlynn for setting me straight.

Julie, I did think Luisa had a hint of humanity. She was monstrous last night. I had no idea who their victim was. Now I know...You made an excellent point that it would be hard to fathom she is 100% evil. I always say that shades of grey are infinitely more interesting than pure, unadulterated evil. Even though I must admit I'm sure Fausto deserved her beat down, that torture scene was gruesome.

For the life of me, I have absolutely no clue as to what Les did to Mr. Blake that has him hunting her down like a fiend.

Kirby, are you referring to the song they sang for Sueno de Amor? I loved that.

Thanks everyone for filling things in and all the great comments.


Thanks Alfredo. Daniloblo is really...
Dumb. Assdrubal had to point out to him that furia has no capital to invest in a new artist. He and assset have no Brain between them. And When they're apart One or the other has no brain at all.
Laura is a very frustrating woman.Shes
Gonna do Something to annoy me to the
End. They probably won't reach the alter before both of them are almost
Taken out by the blind one, or his nutbut of a brother.
I wonder if Luisa will be the one to end the Ol blind guy. Cuz he is really
Crazy and she knows where all the bodies are buried.

Thanks Alfredo.

Gracias, Alfredo!

Fantastic Alfredo. Thank you..

"Ryan and Laustela consummate their love, amid roaring passion and desire" was so romantic and just lovely.

From the sweet to the sour. "Erasmo finds Leticia outside his house and demands she leave, go back to her children, and stop embarrassing herself". Ugh. May I please give Luisa his address??

Speaking of..."Luisa comes in and manhandles Fausto like a rag dog". I admit I enjoyed her tossing him around, clearly having the upper hand. I rather think she went easy on him - I have no doubt she could have been him like a pulp. So much for wishful thinking.

Dan is rather lacking in brain power. I'm not sure how he's survived - no street smarts, or smarts of any kind.

I am really enjoying Laustela - the character and the actress. She has every reason in the world to be bitter, but instead she is sweet and caring.

I have a question. Who is Ryan's friend that he was playing pool with in tonight's episode?

Alfredo, thanks so much for doing this - you are very much appreciated!


I tried to type "beaten him to a pulp".


Thank you, Alfredo aka "The Whiz" So many details to remember....your recaps are always precise and thorough...very appreciated!


Diana, that is the infamous Steve.


Thanks RC.

I have a tough time in the beginning trying to keep the characters straight and I recall seeing him but couldn't remember his relevance to the story.


Thank you ,Alberto, for going above and beyond the call of duty to give us a recap. You are super.

"Roaring passion and desire"... Ahem..we did not get much roaring in Vino. ..just some love and basketball. ..cough.

Well, on to try to read last night's recap while I get ready for a picnic.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, all. And thanks to all who serve to protect us.

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