Wednesday, May 31, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #18 5.31.17: A Confession of Love from a Coward with Bad Fashion Sense

• Having seen the gun, Ryan understands why Estela always said that her life depended on what was in the blue suitcase; he assumes she always her knew father’s lifestyle would catch up to her. Laustela notes the gun is new, and barely touch, before Ryan suggests she keep it, for protection. Laustela hesitates and Ryan reminds her that he already saw her handle a gun and knows she can use it. Laustela hopes she never has to use it.
• That night, Laustela and Ryan arrive home for a change of clothes. Ryan gives her the suitcase and asks her to hide the gun. Laustela nods, goes to Ryan’s room and looks for a place to hid it.
• Morgana finally finds Chavalin at the bakery, explains that she’s Laustela’s friend, and tells him that Paloma, Laustela’s daughter, had to go to the hospital. He asks if she’s okay and Morgana nods as Chavalin takes out his cell to call Laustela. Morgana stops him, reminds him she’s at the hospital, and asks how he is related to Laustela. Chavalin thinks it’s strange she doesn’t know, since Laustela sent her, but she looks untrustworthy either way so it could be that she’s not as friendly with Laustela as she originally told him. Morgana tells him to calm down, she just thought Laustela had no family, but he explains that he’s an uncle on Laustela’s mother side. He then asks Morgana to leave as he’s very busy and has to call his niece. Morgana nods, huffs and puffs, and hurries out.

• Danilo passes by Ryan’s room and notices that no one’s there. He goes inside, grabs a pair of panties from one of the drawers and falls into bed to smell them. He then notices the blue suitcase inside, opens it and finds the gun. Just then, he gets a call from Morgana.
• Fausto gets a call from Mr. Blake, who demands to know if Laustela is Laura. Fausto explains that Laustela looks like Laura, but isn’t, and he got up real close and personal to no avail. Mr. Blake curses his luck as Fausto reiterates that it’s a shame they didn’t find Laustela, though he’s there if he needs anything else. He then hangs up and smiles.
• Mr. Blake vows, to Luisa’s chagrin, to find Laura Oviedo, as he’s sure she isn’t dead.
• In a club, Danilo tells Morgana about the gun he found; turns out Estela Carrillo had it engraved and everything. He tells Morgana that they need to lift prints off it and see if Laustela is a criminal like her father, that way they can get rid of her at Furia. Morgana asks if they are going to blame her for something and Danilo nods; he tells her that he will grab the gun himself. He then asks if she found out more information on Chavalin and Morgana reveals that he is Laustela’s uncle.
• Paloma is released from the hospital, much to Laustela’s joy. Paloma is happy to go home and see her teddy bears, though Laustela brought one to accompany her. Paloma is ecstatic that Laustela and Ryan are going to be her parents and they both smile as Rosario gets Paloma ready. Laustela then receives a call from Chavalin, who tells her about Morgana’s visit (though he doesn’t recognize or know her) and warns Laustela that someone is digging dirt on her.
• Later, at Furia, Laustela and Ryan talk about the situation. Ryan thinks it was one of Pedro’s people and Laustela worries they may find out she’s an imposter; either way, she doesn’t see why they are still bothering her as she’s at Furia, like they wanted. Ryan assumes they need her to launder money but Laustela feels there is something else. She needs to find out the truth as she’s worried about Paloma. Ryan offers his help and vows to protect Laustela but she reminds him that they are no longer together. Ryan nods and understands; he didn’t mean for her to take it any other way and leaves.
• Mercy is shocked that another cleaning company has left them high and dry but Genesis suggests they hire something, full time, to focus on the cleaning. Just then, Joe arrives and genesis leaves. Once alone, Joe goes to kiss Mercy but she pushes him away. Joe is confused but Mercy doesn’t want to hear more about the subject for now. Joe nods but asks if Mercy would be with him if he wasn’t married. Mercy laughs it off, as a man would never leave his young wife for an older woman, but Joe is serious. He confesses that he and his wife, Liz, have been having a lot of issues but Mercy warns him to keep his mouth shut, especially because she’s fond of Liz. Just then, Ryan walks in and asks what the problem is. Mercy tells him that Joe was just asking where he was.
• Genesis welcomes Laustela again and hopes she never leaves. Laustela explains that she won’t, especially because she will now be working with Danilo’s bad on their new album. Genesis nods, tells her that her work on the album has been quick and effortless, and tells her that Danilo is already promoting the band’s new single and everything. Just then, Genesis notices a news report on the TV on Guillermo Reina, hopes they found him and turns up the volume.
• Joe tells Ryan that the festival and subsequent raid helped Furia and a lot of their old artists are looking to renew their contracts. Ryan nods and Joe explains that the next show is Danilo’s band showcase to present their new album, which should be out for sale the same day of the showcase. Ryan nods and Joe explains that Danilo has been worked hard, in fact, he already has an important sale coming up. Ryan asks about it and Joe explains that it is a distribution deal with a Mexican businessman; he suggests Danilo explain the deal to them at the board meeting. Ryan agrees and then asks Joe about his home life. Joe admits that he is having problems with Liz and then asks Ryan about Laustela. He tells Joe that thinks are good but wonders when was the last time they hung out. Joe tells him it was almost 3 years ago and Ryan realizes it was about the time he met Estela. He laments how some relationships destroy friendships and Joe agrees, though he also blames himself as his home life isn’t easy. Ryan suggests they do something soon and Joe agree.
• Asdrubal assures El Dorado that the money laundering is underway but El Dorado asks him to turn on the news. Asdrubal obliges and sees the news report on the known Regional Music talent representative, Guillermo Reina, who had been missing for quite some time; his body was found in the border of Mexicali. The report states that there were rumors regarding his ties to organized crime. Asdrubal shuts the TV off, breaks a glass on the floor and curses Calao for his poor body disposal skills. Talisman thinks it was just bad luck but Asdrubal reminds him that El Dorado already forgave Calao for disposing just a good money laundering machine. He shakes his head and orders Talisman to bring Calao ASAP.
• Laustela is still shocked about the news report on Guillermo but Genesis reminds her he lived in a dangerous world. Danilo comes, asks about the latest gossip, and Genesis tells him they found Guillermo Reina dead as Calao listens close by. Danilo remembers when he and Morgana saw Calao take Guillermo for a walk at their first party and turns around as Calao gets a text message and runs out. Danilo tells the girls that it’s a shame before running after Calao.
• In the lobby, Danilo catches up to Calao and demands to know why he’s leaving so quickly. Calao reminds him that he already ran all of Danilo’s errands and needs to go see Asdrubal. Danilo asks if he had something to do with what happened to Guillermo but Calao is quiet. Danilo nods, understands that Calao is not going to say another word and sends him on his way. Calao tells him to mind his business and races out.
• Moments later, he goes back to the meeting and laments what happened with Guillermo. Joe thinks he probably suffered a lot but Mercy reminds them that they must sent a crown of flowers to the wake in Furia’s name, especially since the talent he represented will be there and will be looking for new representation. Ryan doesn’t think it’s a good idea and Joe agrees, especially since some of the artists Guillermo represented still have ties to organized crime. Mercy doesn’t think it matters as they have Laustela working with them but Ryan chides her bringing up a tired subject. Laustela also reminds her that Ryan’s own arrest and imprisonment are already a stain on Furia’s name.
• Asdrubal tells Calao that he was lucky that he left the body on the other side of the border, or he would fare far worst than a simple burn to remind him of his stupidity. Calao tries to argue but Asdrubal asks him to shut up because he doesn’t think. He then orders Talisman to bring Calao over to the fire and Talisman obliges.
• Joe suggests they move on to more agreeable subjects like Danilo’s band’s new album. Ryan agrees and Joe shows him the contract for the band’s promotional tour in Mexico. Ryan congratulates Danilo on a job well done as Joe asks him to sign the contract. Ryan prefers to look it over but Danilo asks him to listen to the song Laustela composed and plays it on his phone for everyone to hear. Laustela smiles slightly but Ryan wants to read the contract though he stops when he hears the song. He agrees that it’s really good and tells Laustela that she continues to surprise him while signing the contract. Danilo then tells Ryan that Laustela’s song will be their lead single.
• Asdrubal chides Calao for killing Reina, before El Dorado officially ordered the hit, but Calao argues that he ahs been faithful and good at his job. Asdrubal reminds him that he is missing a lot of brain matter still but he hopes that after his “lesson” he will think before he acts. He then tells Calao to put his hand on the grill as Talisman eggs him on. Calao places his hand over the grill but doesn’t touch it until Asdrubal pushes his hand on the flaming-hot metal. Calao doesn’t cry but his eyes well of with tears as he stares Asdrubal down. After a few seconds, he lifts his hand and stares at the freshly burned flesh.
• That night, Laustela fitting Ryan’s bed as he comes in and smiles. She tells him that this is all part of the charade for Pedro’s people. Ryan nods and reminds her that they already saw what happened to Guillermo. Laustela also nods and thinks that he is right: they want her close because of what Estela may know about her father. Ryan tells her that he would rather see Furia closed down than be further implicated with organized crime. Laustela agrees though she wonders how long she can fake their situation. Ryan reminds her that they already talked about that but Laustela reminds him that she doesn’t like his plan and she would rather not make another grave mistake. Ryan agrees and storms out.
• In the roach motel, Fausto and his lady friend discuss his money making business with Mr. Blake. He compares it to milking a cow: first you massage the utter, then you apply pressure and watch all the milk fall out. When that’s done, rinse and repeat until all the buckets are full. The woman reminds him to be careful before someone else steals his business but Fausto tells her that all his cattle is marked and kisses her.
• The next morning, Danilo is working on his computer when Calao walks in, late, and quietly stands in front of him. Danilo chides him for leaving him stranded but then notices his hands and Calao tells him that he burned his hand because he asked too many questions. Danilo wonders what he did to piss off Asdrubal though he admits that he would never burn Calao’s hand as that’s too messy unless Calao stabbed him in the back or ratted him out, then they would have to see. Calao tells him that it is just a small setback because he was too passionate at his job; Danilo agrees and tells him that the higher ups don’t appreciate how passionate they are. He tells Calao to go have a few beers and relax. Calao obliges as Danilo shakes his hand, wincing at the thought of a burn on his own hand.
• Moments later, he finds Laustela at the Furia stage and asks her about her relationship with Ryan and Paloma’s official registration. Laustela explains that all that is on the backburner, for now, and he should focus on having children of his own. Danilo nods but doesn’t think Morgana is the right girl. Laustela nods and then Danilo tasks her to focus on the music.
• Later, sitting on stage, both Danilo and Laustela compose a new song for his band as Ryan and Mercy discuss Furia business while Joe stares at her and smiles, secretly. Danilo and Laustela continue to compose as Morgana sunbathes and stares at Ryan, pacing through the house on the phone. Laustela looks at pictures of Ryan and shakes her head as Ryan gets closer to Paloma, to Rosario’s delight. Danilo also gets closer to Laustela as Leticia continues to learn at the bakery while Chavalin observes her, longingly. In private, Laustela hides the blue suitcase in a top shelf of the closet, away from prying eyes. Ryan and Laustela continue to keep up appearances and arrive at Furia together though they don’t notice Fausto observing them from the sidewalk…
• Weeks later, Morgana signs a love song on the Furia stage as Danilo and Laustela look on. Danilo is frustrated with Morgana’s lack of feeling and asks her to stop before asking Laustela to show Morgana how it should be sung, much to Morgana’s annoyance. Laustela obliges and shows the Morgana how to sing with feeling as Danilo cheers on. He then asks Morgana if she can replicate the song, just like Laustela sang it, but she wants a break as her throat feels sore. Danilo asks her to stop wasting time but Morgana asks him to go to hell. Laustela asks all of them to take a break and then reconvene later. Morgana storms out and the band members leave; once alone, Danilo suggests that Laustela become a singer herself but she shakes head. Danilo reveals that he recorded her and replays the song as Laustela sings and dances along.
• Sometime later, Danilo tells Laustela that his romance with Morgana might be over and she may have another lover already as they have been distant, especially since he started working on the album. Laustela laments it and Danilo thinks she and Ryan should be happy as someone needs to be. Laustela shakes her head and Danilo asks if she is still having problems with Ryan. Laustela is quiet and he asks if they are only together because of Paloma. He interprets her silence as a yes and Danilo confesses that he feels closer to her than Morgana, especially after all the time they’ve spent together. Laustela is taken aback but Danilo explains that he wouldn’t tell her this if he wasn’t sure that he is in love. Laustela is quiet.
• At a bar, Fausto drinks a beer and looks at two dolled up women, who sit close by. He grabs two more beers to offer then but find an older woman standing in his way. She thanks him, grabs one of the beers and chugs it down. She is surprised to see he’s so generous though he knows that what she likes is whiskey. The woman is revealed to be Tona, when Fausto asks her how she found him. Tona reminds him that he was always went to El Gabacho whenever he crossed the border though one of her “girls” informed her that he was there. She is surprised to see him there, especially because he never liked the US, but Fausto reminds her that things haven’t been the same since “the argument.” Tona agrees that none of them were the same afterward, even Mr. Blake.
• Danilo admits that it was forward of him to declare his feelings, especially since she was his brother’s girl, but he couldn’t hold it in anymore. Laustela is quiet for a second but then smiles and explains that she cares for him too, especially because he loves music as much as she does, but they didn’t know each other a month ago and he may be confusing his feelings. Danilo shakes his head and asks, point blank, if she’s definitely not interested in him or if he has a chance later on in life. Laustela prefers to not ruin their friendship and Danilo agrees. He then goes to find the rest of the band as Laustela smiles to herself.
• Fausto chides Tona for coming to the US, and disappearing soon afterwards, but she explains that she couldn’t risk the police finding her. Fausto nods and asks if she’s back in the business because she’s looking good. Tona nods and asks if he’s willing to come back to the business as he was her best recruiter of talent. Fausto considers this as he drinks his beer.
• Chavalin pays Leticia, who thanks him, but asks if it would be all right if she took another job as she needs more money than she wins at his bakery to bring her children across the border; Chavalin nods and tells her that he doesn’t have a problem with it. Just then, there is a knock on the door and Leticia goes to answer it. Moments later, a man, dressed in black, comes and explains to Chavalin that a friend told him about his establishment and he needs papers, ASAP. Chavalin nods and then asks if he has money. The man nods as Chavalin grabs his tin of IDs and looks through it for one that looks like the man in black. He explains that he can change the picture if anything but it doesn’t matter as the man in black is revealed to be a police officer, who then takes out his badge and tells Chavalin that he is under arrest. Chavalin slightly smiles and then throws the IDs at the man and takes off running. The man gives chase but he is unable to catch Chavalin and decides to go another route. He intercepts Chavalin, knocks him to the grow and handcuffs him before stuffing him into the back of a police car.
• Later, Laustela receives a call from Chavalin, who reveals that the police have arrested him. She asks where he is, so she can go help him, but he tells her that he will take care of it. What he does need is for her to take care of herself and to tell Leticia what happened. Laustela nods, asks again if he needs help, but Chavalin asks her not to worry and hangs up.
• Joe gives Mercy the budget for Danilo’s band’s show as she tells him that she is so “happy” to hear that the band’s launch, not. Rosario and Paloma then come downstairs as Paloma wants to find cocoons and see butterflies hatch. When their alone again, Joe asks Mercy if she is starting to like Paloma but Mercy reminds him that kids are like dogs, sometimes you like them and sometimes you don’t. She then asks if he is thinking about his own kids but Joe tells her that he thinks she would think differently if she would’ve had other children. Mercy thinks he’s crazy and then signs the budget for the show. She asks Joe to give Liz her regards and he reveals that they are thinking of separating before leaving Mercy alone.
• Leticia and Laustela watch the police empty out Chavalin’s bakery from across the street. Leticia has her papers but laments that all the rest of her things are in the bakery. She then asks if Chavalin’s crime is serious and Laustela nods before explaining that only the government can issue the documents that he falsifies. Leticia wonders if he will spend a lot of time in jail but Laustela hopes he won’t. Leticia then thanks Laustela for letting her know about the police before she went inside the bakery; Laustela explains that she also came to offer her a place to stay while she ponders her situation and decides if she wants to leave or stay. Leticia is unsure but follows Laustela to her car.
• Fausto and Tona laugh about old times In Mexico and she asks again if he wants a job or not. Fausto shakes his head and she wonders if he trying to help competition. Fausto shakes his head but sees a news report about Milton Cameron, the same reporter who stalked and photographed Laustela. Milton is talking about Danilo’s band, which weren’t even a blimp on the musical radar until they opened for Don Chayo’s band, and the fact that they have a new album coming up. The other reporter asks if Don Chayo is going to collaborate on the album but Milton thinks the most interesting thing about the album is the fact that Ryan Cabrera’s current girlfriend, Estela Carrillo, is helping produce the album. Fausto smiles at the news.
• In his office, Ryan slams down his computer and goes to leave when he finds Morgana, crying, outside his door. He asks her to come in and Morgana obliges, though she secretly smiles to herself when she’s inside.
• Tona tries to get Fausto’s attention but he continues to listen to Milton, who states that no matter how hard Regional Music tries to get away from organized crime, it’s ties to it are too deep.
• Ryan suggests Morgana leave Danilo, especially since he treats her so bad, but she explains that he promised to marry her and build a life with her though now it feels like he doesn’t love her anymore. She admits that it feels horrible for the person you love to not feel the same and asks Ryan if he thinks she’s ugly. Ryan thinks she is very attractive, and shouldn’t fish for compliments, but Morgana feels like she’s past her prime. She asks Ryan what he like the most about her and he tells her that she has very nice eyes, hair, lips, everything; he admits that she would turn the heads of any man who wasn’t blind. Morgana asks if he would like her if he wasn’t with Laustela and Ryan tells her he would or he wouldn’t be a man, to put it simply. Morgana smiles, thanks him and kisses his cheek as Laustela walks in and sees them. Ryan looks from Laustela to Morgana but doesn’t say anything. Morgana immediately tells Laustela that it the kiss didn’t mean anything, and even swears it, but Laustela tells them that it doesn’t matter. Morgana nods and leaves as Ryan tells Laustela that Morgana’s kiss caught him by surprise. Laustela reminds him that he owes her no explanation for his actions and he should do whatever makes him happy…


Alfredo, thank you for the last two recaps. You help me keep up to dtae, as my schedule os so busy right now I barely have time to breathe.
Just a few quick thoughts, since I'm on the run:
"Pedro's people" sure are dangerous folks. Little do Ry and Estela realize that in fact who they need to worry about are Danilo's people.
And where is Pedro's gang, anyway? Anu other relatives that might know Estela? This is totally unrealistic since Pedro was a known criminal and Estela is constantly on the press. Oh, and the fact that Ryan didn't introduce the "love of his life" - Realstela to anyone is just ridiculous. He didn't even take her to his apartement. Yeah, right!

Poor Chavalin, falling for LetMe and now in jail. What he did is a very serious offence, I think he's in deep trouble.

Alfredo. Your recap is filled in some gaps I missed, thank you!!! And how you whip these out so quickly...WOW!!

Chavalin continues to impress me. He is not only sweet and kind-hearted, he is smart! Love the way he caught on to Morgaspy so quickly. What a guy...he was more concerned about Leticia and Laustela than he was about his situation after he was arrested. Now that is what I call a "galan".

What was Laustela thinking? Paloma was just about to be dismissed from the hospital for getting something she shouldn't have gotten into; and she puts the gun in a low drawer? QTH?!

La Toña looks scary. That "argument" she mentioned must have been a doozy. I'm wondering what exactly she meant when she said that "Latin meat" was valuable in the States was she referring to just prostitution or could also include human trafficking?

Scumbun sure is starting to show his true colors...he's even starting to get his own hands dirty. I cringed and looked away during the "burning" scene. It's interesting that when he speaks to ED, it's always implied in conversation or, like tonight, on the phone. More reason for me to suspect that we haven't seen the real ED.

Getting late...more tomorrow



I agree, Alfredo, those were some good scenes.

"Tweddle Dee making cheap declarations of love while Tweddle Dum" LOL too funny!! BTW, love your title!

I also thought Danilow's comment (at the begining) about Morgana's singing sounding like a hen laying an egg was hilarious...I totally missed that yesterday.


"Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" - hilarious.
I CANNOT believe tha Estela and Ryan are giving Danilo the time of day, both in the personal and in the business department.
She's been sold into prostitution for all we know, yet she can't recognize a sexual predator when she has him drooling in her lap. And he's supposed to be an astute business man but he allows someone whith no experience to call the shots at his company (brother or no brother, it's not like they were raised together, Danilow is a perfect stranger for him).
Which brings me to the point I was making the other day: we can all see that Morgana and Danilow are lacking one or ten neurons, yet they manage to dupe our protas every step of the way. So, who are the real dum-dums then?

Alfredo , thank you for a speedy, delicious retelling of this saga. You are unbelievable ! How do you do it? I am very grateful for your time, talent, and effort.

Poor Chavalin. He is such a sweet, caring character....probably the sweetest guy in this while mess.

Dan is dumb. I am anxious to see him wear that skull sport coat with his skull shirt. It would kind of be Garanimals for grownup guys.

Notstela did not put a lot of thoughtinto "hiding" that gun bag. And Dan lying on her bed with her intimate capparal on his face. QTH? Juvenile delinquent.pervert.dimwit.

Thanks, Alfredo. Love your title and recap.

Yes we're in the portion of the program where the two leads are as dumb as donuts. Excuse me, if you're having love troubles with my brother/sister-in-law, talk to them and don't mack on me. Laustela is the dumbest because Fausto already ran this same game on her. ("We love music and I care for you so! Let's go to the big city and make your music dreams come true.) Her radar should be at full blast when Danilo makes a move. At the least, she should think about what a skunk he's being to his brother. And thank goodness she finally moved the gun up higher.

And these two ballistics experts are sure the gun has never been used and doesn't have a dirty history? Right.

Poor Chavalin. He knows the consequences of dealing in fake IDs, but he's such a sweet guy and he's got the brain power that everybody needs.

That La Tona is one scary woman. (shudder!)

Alfredo: Guessing I'm going to update the Body Count.

Alfredo, another excellent outing. Your titles are fabulous and it's obvious all of us are here early waiting to see the magic you wove in your recap. Today was especially good!

Enjoyed so many lines particularly "Morgana nods, huffs and puffs, and hurries out".

I admit I am impressed with Laustela as her bad experience has not jaded or hardened her. She is sweet and easy going. I think the actress is absolutely nailing her part here. Her reactions always ring true to me.

I agree with you that Ryan has no reason (yet) to believe his newly found brother is out to hurt him.

I laughed at Danilo and the underwear. I wouldn't have expected anything less. Fits right in with his immaturity. I cringed though that he found the gun so quickly. Laustela should work on vastly improving her ability to find safe hiding places. Geez, what would have happened had Paloma gotten in that drawer?

Adriana Noel, Chavalin's arrest surprised me. I agree he is in very hot water but hope he is free soon as our leads continue on, blissfully (for the most part) unaware of the grave danger they are in. As you pointed out Niecie, he is the most thoughtful and smartest character here and his absence is going to be clearly felt.

“Mercy warns him to keep his mouth shut, especially because she’s fond of Liz”. Really? If she is cheating with a friend’s spouse, I shudder to think what she would be capable of if she didn’t like someone. Inquiring minds want to know. Who is this Liz? Saint? Sinner?

Morgana is not the brightest bulb, but she has something far more valuable than intelligence. She is street smart and a survivor. Potent and combustible.

"La Toña looks scary". Ack. Totally agree RgvChick. She and Fausto made my stomach churn.

I continue to smile at Dan's wardrobe choices. Susanlynn, the skulls are apparently his fashion choice du jour. I have no issue with skulls, but on him they just look silly.

Manbun must be bad to the core. That flesh sizzling burning scene was cringe worthy. I've given up any hope now that he is undercover.

Alfredo, thank you! Sensational.


Thank You MR. Aparicio. WOW

When Tonya showed up I started really paying attention, and especially to their conversation about old times. Of course they had to bring up Blake, but there was another new name, Osedia or something like that. Maybe Oselia.

It turns out FauxPas is the 'finder' for Madams, which Tonya appears to be. I believe the Latin Flesh simply meant that there is a high demand for Latin Hookers. And FauxPas is the guy who, by hook or crook, finds them and gets them into prostitution. Not to preach, but many times this involves very young women and getting them addicted to drugs, which they pay for with sex, as prostitutes. S C U M.

On a lighter note, when they got home and she told Ryan "Don't think you are sleeping in here!" (with MEEE) and he told her it would not be like it had never happened before so ??????? was cute. I still do not like FakeStela. She is being dumber than dirt on purpose, and it will bite her ass before it is all over with. I hope he nails MorGetUsum just to prove to FakeStela that he accepts that he and she really AINT.

Adriana I thought I was the Avatar King, but my best bird is no comparison.

Yeah, watching DevilBun put that shrimp on the barbie was awful. Yikes.

And Madame LA Tona is scary.

I am also enjoying the sloooowwww realization in LowIQ's brain that what happened to Callous' hand could happen to him also. But DaniLowIQ's would probably be much worse, as the higher up the food chain you are the bigger bite the next bigger fish takes out of you.

"I like Liz, but I LIKE her husband better." I guess. Right Merc?

Kirby..I like your quote..true words. If Mercyme likes Liz so much , maybe she should consider stopping the Bunny hopping with Liz's HUSBAND. Have you noticed that very cute Joe has a head of hair like a helmet? It never moves. Is it an ode to Elvis? I'd like to see it mussed up a little.

Like Tano? On Joe. Yeah, I'D like to see that.

Joe's hair is the direct opposite of the Tano wild and wooly hairdo. I think Joe uses some kind of pomade or hairspray , and his hair slides right down into his carefully by trimmed beard. Joe is the ultimate metrosexual. Mercyme's perfect boytoy.

Haven't read any of this yet, but right out of the gate I have to say WOW to your title, Alfredo!

The MercyMe/Joe thin is puzzling. And I do think they were going at it when Walter was alive--wehen the will was read MercyMe thought he had left her out because he had found out about an affair but she told Joe she didn't think she knew about them (Mercy & Joe). I do think JOe is more into Mercy than vice versa. Either way, it IS totally wrong.

Kirby, I too tried to listen to that conversation between Fauxpas and La Toña, They did mention someone named Osiel. I've always thought that was a male's name, but then he said that that was one he would have made a home for. One more mystery to add to this web of deceit. Whatever happened changed their lives, even Blake's. And she went into hiding because continuing the "beezness" would have been too risky.

Regarding the Lausela/Ryan/Danilow/Morgabitch rectangle...what a crock! But then there is always a love triangle/rectangle in these TNs. I do think Danilow is falling for Laustela though. It's so obvious that he does not care for Morgabitch (other than for physical entertainment). She, however, seems to be more into him and is only after Ryan because Danilow told her to do so.

Alfredo, "Respect seems to be what is also lacking here, besides brains." So true!! ..and not just in regards to the Mercy-Joe thing.

Does anyone think that the Chavalin'S arrest was a set up? And if it was, whodunit? Danilow? DevilBun?


pfft typos so early!! thin should be "thing" . "wehen" = when



Kirby, thank you! Your avatar is rather intriguing, I would say.

Diana, good description of Morgana! Street smart and willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Deadly combination!

SusanLynn, funny you should mention Joe's hair. With that hair and beard, I feel like he would be perfect for a "Planet of the Apes" sequel.


Hmmm..Is Letmedosomething going to end up cleaning at Furia now
That Chav will be in jail or will she keep the bakery going? Being at Furia would put her into a good position to be eyes and ears for Laura.

So..we have another hidden mysterious person of interest...Oselia ...the plot thickens.

I did not know that Chav was Laura's tio .

One more cuppa coffee...then..I gave gotta do stuff.

Finally, a beautiful day here ..sunny, blue sky, 70.

SusanLynn, the thought of LetmeGetAJob going to work at Furia did cross my mind too. But do you think Laustela is smart/sneaky enough to get her to be her eyes & ears? I'm not sure about that...maybe she'll find something incriminating while cleaning...or overhear someone, like Danilow and Calao. Ohhh, that just gave me an ugly thought...Letme and, non, NO!!


LOL, no, SusanLynn. Chav is not Laustela's tio. He just told Morgaspy that to catch her in a confirm his suspicions that she was not really who she was saying she was.


RC..thanks for clearing that up about Chav.

I think that Letmelookandlisten might be smart enough to notice things happening at Furia .

Hmm..I need to think this through. There was an "argument." Did this "argument" happen because Mr Blake and Tona and Faust told Laura that she was going on a new career path to be a lady of the night at the house of joy , and Laura said " hell no, I am not " , grabbed Baby Paloma ( Mr. Blake's grandbaby???,,), and headed for the border? Now,Tona and Blake want to kill her, and Wheeler dealer Faust looks as if he is playing both sides now that hevgas tracked down Laura. Like Dan, I do not think that Faust will survive.

Alfredo, so you think that Laura actually worked as a prostitute for awhile before she escaped? Yikes.

Oddly enough, I watched Victoria on PBS, and a character keeps her work in a brothel a secret when she becomes young Queen Victoria's hairdresser.

Alfredo, the transcript is on Univision. I was reading it, but they only mentioned that "something" happened that changed all their lives...and that she shut down the business. We don't know if it was an argument, a misunderstanding or something more violent. I'm sure it was a violent thing since, like you siad, Blake lost his eyesight...and someone got his hand stabbed. I keep thinking about that flashback of the stabbing. Laustela was in a pool, but was it a someone's private indoor pool. That would suggest she was among the "rich" so it could have been Blake's house.


SusanLynn, you bring up a good point. Maybe Laustela was Blake's "personal pro"???


Good memory, Alfredo. They must have left that off the transcript.

RgvChick would that be better than Laura having to be with random men. Like that smarmy guy who was pulling at her in her nightmare ! Yuck either way. #nogoodoption

Alfredo. "Oh god, Laustela as Mr. Blake's personal companion???? Barfffffffff" I know, what a horrible thought, but the way this TN brings in such twisted events...who knows...


The actress playing Morgana had a similar storyline in Robo..a girl tricked into prostration.

Whoops..prostitution. ..I have tiny fingers , but I still have trouble typing with this tablet .

I wonder what will happen when the two groups of baddies finally confront each other.

SusanLynn "I wonder what will happen when the two groups of baddies finally confront each other."



She also keeps telling Ryan that she had to do something she didn't want to do and hopes he doesn't think less of her because of it. I thought she meant he'd think her "unpure" or something, which would be dumb, but some people think that way.

Alfredo, you made me remember what's bugging me about Laustela. After her stint in the whorehouse -- whether she actually was forced to turn tricks or escaped in the nick of time -- you'd think she'd be less judgemental about someone spending time in rehab. She called Ryan a "loco" at the time -- of course she was angry (rightfully) about his lies/coverups. I'm betting [of course, I could be wrong!] he won't call her "zorra" if/when he finds out.

So, now we have to wait and see if Laura actually worked in the bordella or escaped before any thing happened. I guess she was Fausto's girlfriend when he took her there. What a crumb bun. I need something really awful to happen to that guy. Fire up that barbie, ScaryBun.

Niecie: Agreed. I was thinking how much trouble I would be in thinking .."Then why is she so stingy with Ryan?"


ITA that Laustela shouldn't be so judgmental. When you think of Ryan's past problems with hers, there is no comparison. But, in her defense, she was forced into her situation, a situation that a "decent " girl would be tremendously ashamed of...a situation which left much deeper scars than those of Ryan. OTOH, as everyone stated in a previous episode, she should have told him her "truth" when he told her about was the perfect opportunity. I,too, don't think Ryan would call her a "zorra" (or something worse) and I think he would be understanding and supportive, but some men would have a problem with accepting someone who had been "used" in such a way.

OTOOH, Laustela is making some really dumb decisions. I can't see how she doean't realize that her interactions with Daniloe are actually "leading him on" especially now that he has made his intentions clear.


" actually "leading him on" especially now that he has made his intentions clear"

That is any normal woman's cue to put on the brakes and avoid him as much as possible.
Flattering as it may be, now is the time to nip it in the bud. To have even sat there and let him blather on and on about how he feels about her was dumb. But her trademark is DUMB. As TNs go, had he been trying to tell her there was a car bomb in her car, she would have cut him off after three words and refused to listen. He shoulda told her her pants smell nice. :-)

Maybe not exactly dumb, yeah, flaky, that is what I was thinking. Like a can of Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuits.


hmmmm..."That is any normal woman's cue" Are there any normal women in TNs? :-D


I have to wonder if FauxPas was ever actually her boyfriend, or if she was just another of his 'Recruits'.

Kirby, "He shoulda told her her pants smell nice. :-)" If he had indeed told her that and she didn't "get it" or hit him where it hurts (or at least slap him), I would say she is really, really S-T-O-O-P-I-D!


I cannot imagine that if Laura had been forced in to prostitution that she could have been intimate with Ry so quickly. I would think that the experience would leave most people so traumatized that they would need lots of therapy before even thinking of having a normal sex life. Maybe she escaped before anything happened.

Dan is so much like oily Fausto that an alarm should have gone off immediately. Most women can identify worthless wolves like those two con artists pretty fast. ..the sweet talk , the looks, the Wolfy grin. yuck. Players

Not sure if FauxPas was her boyfriend, my guess is yes...and he was promising to make her a star...just didn't tell her what kinda star...slimeball..


Alfredo, good points. But one thing I noticed, is that DaniLow was telling LauStela that he is having romantic, emotional feelings for her. Music in common, he is really impressed with her talent.......etc.

Morgutsy was telling Ryan she had not had any in a while and a woman needs a man to make her feel like a woman, blah blah blah,, a standard straight sexual come-on.

Although they were both more probably lying, DaniLow's delivery was more digestible to the recipient.

I Think

Didn't the priest tell Ry about Laura getting involved with Fausto and how he defrauded Laura's aunt? So, the town must have known about the two being together .

I guess the difference in Dan and Morgana's approaches indicates the difference between what might seduce a man as opposed to what might seduce a woman...

Alfredo..right on the money about Laura not being a good judge of character. Too trusting? Gullible? Too sheltered living in a small town with her tia? You would think that she would have her guard up and not trust anyone after her experiences.

Hey, all. I was watching Taken for the umpteenth time. The guy (Nichola Giraud) that kidnapped Kim sure does resemble FauxPas. I wonder if these "kidnappers" have a certain "look" that attracts young, vulnerable girls.

OT Question: I saw that "La Piloto" is in its ultimos capitulos. Anyone know what will replace it?


Thanks, Alfredo.


Alfredo thank you my dear. Your recap makes it so much better to watch when I know I'll be readin the recap later.

I wonder if calao went to the Dr. for that very severe burn? He wasn't gonna
Let assbun see him scream. Poor dumb
Hit man.
Speaking of dumb. It seems some of the
Commenters are of the same mindset.For
Someone who seems to be smart about
People after what she (laura) went through the girl Ain't to bright. She can't see the goodness in Ryan and she can't see the jackassedness danilowdowndirtycrook.

And Im afraid Ryan is gonna get suckered into bed with the skank (morgetyousoonerorlater). Sooner than later cuz laura is closing the gates of glory cuz she stubbornly not willin
To trust.And now she's lookin jealous like. Well if he winds up with the skank it won't be because he didn't try with Laura.Man,she is one stubborn
Chick. She does have Trust issues.Ryan
Is so easy going and soft spoken, or Is that how the actor really speaks?

I feel sorry for chav, just tryin to help folks. Illegally. Well his heart is in the right place but, man,they're going to be hard on him. I hope letty
Don't get mixed up with Tona & fausto.
She would be prime meat for them cuz
She's kinda desperate for money.

Ok circus continues tonight. I hope the lights don't go out, we've been Havin stormy weather in North Florida.
Power outages, and its way to hot for that. Well whatever we'll indure.It's only the first day of hurricaneseason.

Mercy is a terrible mother she's just comparing children to dogs.That's just horrible. what the hell does joe see in her? Ryans not gonna take to kindly
To his friend shagging moma. Yuck!

Thanks Alfredo.


"just comparing children to dogs .That's just horrible."

NiNa that's cause she's a BITCH. Ryan must have been adopted or something.

Thanks, Alfredo!

Laura sucks at hiding things.

And I hope Chavalin thought to inform Laura that he's her "uncle." I don't know if it matters a whole lot if Morgana finds out that he isn't, but why make it any easier for her?

Watching Danilo and Morgana throwing themselves at Laura and Ryan was kind of gross and not as funny as I thought it would be.

One thing that WAS funny was when Morgana commented to Chavalin something like "you talk funny." I've been noticing (but keep forgetting to comment) that Chavalin uses the "vos" conjugation, which I gather is common in El Salvador.

"Fausto nods and asks if she’s back in the business because she’s looking good." Ha ha, his definition of "good" must be different than mine. She's looking less unkempt than she did in Hotel, though.

So, Leticia is moving in to the mansion? Awesome. I hope Mercy gets hives having to live with so much riff-raff.

Alfredo, I saw the original Rosario Tijeras and also the more recent one with La Piloto's Zoolima.

The original with Flora Martinez was awesome. The next one with Zoolima was OK, but she was about as hateful there as in La Piloto. I might watch this latest iteration.

Missed out on a lot of fun on the patio yesterday!

I just looked up Rosario and the cast was totally unfamiliar to me. Although I don't have time to look everyone up, one of the characters is our own Leticia here.

Last night's episode was quite disturbing.


Good morning, Diana. Yes, last night's episode was disturbing. Awful.

And the worst part Susanlynn is that aside from the terror of what we anticipate is coming, we haven't seen exactly what transpires. Yet. Ack.


Diana, we need supersized anvils for those terrible people. Poor Laura.

Is that the same "Tijeras" miniseries that was on Telefutura a few years ago?

Julie, I think the one that is coming on was made in 2016, but I'm not positive.


We finally got a peek into how laura's troubles started. The girl is stubborn Her tia tried to tell her but she thought she knew best. She should have listened to her Tia. And she is still getting into trouble. Fausto knew exactly what to say to get her to fall down. I hate that these young girls are so inexperienced to the point where they listen to every sweet thing that comes their way from a hot lookin stranger. And he looked way older than her.A promise of a singing career. Was that mr blake manhandling her? Whats to become of paloma? Some Nasty stuff is comin. Is there a recap For last night comin?

Can we comment here about last night's episode? Yes, poor Laura...her past is horrendous...and yes, Nina, that was Osiel, La Toña, and (a younger-looking) Mr. Blake as a "client".


What's sad and disturbing about all of this, is that things like this really do happen :-(


Thanks, Alfredo, you're so thoughtful.


Thanks Alfredo. : )

Hi there. I did not understand the dialogue , and I was only half watching while doing something else. Did Laura spot Fausto in the audience before she ran off the stage so upset? Later, I think she got a bouquet of flowers with an unsettling note from him. She needs to get some protection around her, and I hope that she turns to Ry , not flighty man child Dan.

Seeing young Laura surrounded by those terrible people was upsetting. Perhaps she set a fire to escape and Blake got burned. I am still trying to figure out whose child Paloma is.

As you said, RC, this is especially horrendous because it dies happen in real life. I think that I will have to go to see "Wonder Woman" to see some female power. The director us a woman,vans the film got 4 1\2 out of 5 in today's paper.

I was curious about BadtotheBun sitting next to Mighty Young Joe (see what I did there?) I did not like the look on Badbun's face while he was watching Lestla sing. Yuck. this girl needs help. Does Rosario know about her experience at the bordella? laura, let Ry help you. You can then turn around and save him someday.Trueloves protect each other.

SusanLynn, yes, that was Fauxpaa she saw when she ran out...and the bouquet was from Fausto (although not signed). The note was disturbing because he is blackmailing her for $100,000 To keep silent about her true identity. Unfortunately, it seems she is going to turn to Danilow for help. And , yes, I noticed those looks Deviilbum was giving her...AACKK!


The Bun is getting scarier and scarier. Is Dan too stupid and arrogant to realize what evil people he has gotten involved with ?

What was going on at the end with Morgana? Was she really in pain or just trying to get Ry's attention? Did she have a migraine? She's the one who seems to have spent time in a bordella.

Danilow drugged Morgana to "force" Laustela to go on stage. But she did take advantage of the situation and blamed Laustela for drugging her so she could replace her. She then told Ryan that Danilow and Laustela were having a "relationship".


BTW, I think Rosario has heard about our attempts to find a name for Morgana...she called her "Moronga" (which literally means blood sausage) LOL


That Rosario would first right in here at Caray. Good one, Rosario.

I want Luisa to develop a conscience and a heart, put on her Wonder Woman bracelets and tiara ,and turn against those horrible peopke from the brothel.

Is LA Ton..Oselia?

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