Friday, May 26, 2017

La Piloto #58 5.25.17: In Which Yolanda Realizes Her Nightmare is Far From Over...

• Dave wants to be a DEA again and accepts the offer to take over Montgomery’s position. He reiterates that they still have plenty to do including dismantling the whole Lucio operation. Fajardo admits that he was wrong because he is an excellent agent and Dave thanks him. For now, their top priority is finding Montgomery, who is probably hiding with Oscar. He shows Fajardo Montgomery’s card, which has his personal contact information and not his DEA information.
• Bautista updates on John’s situation; he thinks it would be impossible to launch an escape plan at the Mexico City police station but Oscar thinks they should still try. The Senator thanks him for the information and hangs up as the consul walks in. The Senator chides her for being so carefree but their situation but she explains them she had to go through hell and high water to be there. The Senator reminds her that they all fall should John talk but the Consul wants more details so they can take care of the problem. Vergara explains that they tried to rescue John in Villa Antigua but it failed and they are looking at other options. Oscar tells them that he will rescue his brother, no matter what, and storms out.

• The girls propose a homemade incubator but Estela thinks it’s a dumb idea. Olivia tells them that she saw a video online and it worked. Just then Lizbeth comes in with a cooler and begins to infect it to make the incubator. Yolanda instructs Estela to go to the store and get some supplies but she reminds him they have no money. Rosalba gives them some but Yolanda warns Estela to not waste the money on Alcohol and hurry. Despite her protests, Estela obliges as Lizbeth gets a call from Raul. He asks her where they are and Lizbeth passes Yolanda the phone and explains what happened at the hospital. She then gives him Rosalba’s address so they can talk in person.
• Bautista meets Vergara, who tells him that he already left the offer from el Cartel de las Sombras. Bautista wishes him luck and goes to meet with John, who tells him to tell Oscar that he shouldn’t risk himself again like in Villa Antigua lest the police capture him too. Bautista nods and tells him that his situation is critical as the DEA wants to put him on a plane that very day. John tells him he won’t go and Bautista reveals that the Senator is already working on his release.
• Benavides is in the bathroom when he receives a call from Vergara, who tells him that he’s a friend who left him a gift in the last stall of the bathroom. Benavides initially resists but goes to find the package: $100,000. He thanks Benavides for helping John and tells him that there is a lot more on the way. Benavides, however, tells him that they made a mistake because he will turn in the money and he would never help him. Vergara hangs up and, moments later, Benavides leaves to turn in the money as Vergara watches from afar.
• The girls have placed the baby in the incubator and tell each other that they will pray for him to get better. Estela comes back with Raul and Wilmer in tow; they both are shocked and surprised by the baby in the incubator.
• Vergara reports back to Bautista and tells him that Benavides rejected his offer. He tells John, who confirms that they will have to do things the hard way.
• Montgomery receives an email from Dave, who suggests he can help him before his “bosses” kill him or he lands in jail. He reveals that he has been reinstated and can help him but he needs to get in touch with them ASAP.
• Fajarado and Dave wait for Montgomery to answer; Dave thinks he will do so as it is his best option and Fajarado agrees. He then leaves to see about John’s extradition as Dave waits by the computer.
• Raul tells everyone about Monica’s arrest, much to the girl’s surprise. Yolanda hates the fact that a happy day was muddled by Monica’s arrest. She then receives a call from Dave but she lets it go to voicemail and will call him later. She then tells Raul that she understands he is with the Federal Police but Raul reveals he is not anymore and won’t say anything about the baby. Everyone thanks him.
• Rubio brings Santamaria a few things he stole from the corner store and reveals that he found out John Lucio was captured last night. Santamaria assumes he was the prisoner the men tried to bust out at the station and asks if he knows where he is. Rubio tells him John is in the Mexico City police station and Santamaria assumes Yolanda is there too or close by. Rubio nods.
• Lizbeth thinks they should go find the Cielito Lindo money, pronto. Yolanda agrees and tells everyone that it will be equally divided among all of them, as payment for their suffering. Just then, Amanda’s cell phone rings and it is Carmen. Lizbeth tells Yolanda who Carmen is and decides to answer. Carmen wants to apologize to Amanda who behaving so erratically the last time they saw each other but Lizbeth reveals that Amanda has passed away. Carmen breaks down because she doesn’t want to bury more children and asks if about the baby. Lizbeth tells her that he survived and asks to see the baby. The girls agree to visit Carmen in Villa Antigua and go see her personally. Carmen is happy to hear it and Lizbeth asks if she can pass by the bar and see if it is still closed. Carmen agrees and they hang up.
• Three men in suits, on Oscar’s orders, take a young girl to the same warehouse where Estela and Christian were kidnapped and put her in a car. One of them calls Oscar, who instructs them to wait on his order and thanks them for a job well done.
• Montgomery reports back to the Senator and Consul and tells them that no media has reported about his dealings with the Lucios or El Cartel de las Sombras. Both of them are quiet and Montgomery asks them to say what they are thinking because he’s tired of them treating him like he’s their employee when he’s their partner. The Senator goes to answer but the Consul suggests they minimize the in-fighting as Oscar comes and asks Montgomery to leave him alone with the Senator and Consul for a moment. Montgomery obliges and Oscar can’t understand why they still have Montgomery with them, as he doesn’t work with the DEA and can talk at any moment, and they both agree. He suggests they kill him pronto.
• Montgomery hears everything, runs to his computer and opens up the email from Dave.
• In the office, Dave tries to call Yolanda again to no avail. He then receives an email from Montgomery, who accepts his offer, but wants immunity in a country that is not the US. Fajardo comes and is happy to hear they have an important piece of the Lucio puzzle on their side.
• Montgomery tries to flee the Lucio headquarters but is stopped by Oscar who asks where he is going in such a hurry. Moments later, Oscar takes him to the same warehouse where he kept Roberto and reveals how disappointed he is in Montgomery. He confesses that he was going to kill him but thought about the future and welcomes him to his new home. Montgomery pushes Oscar out of the way and runs as Oscar takes out his gun and begins to shoot.
• Fajardo and Dave instruct his agents to watch for Montgomery and arrest him as soon as he arrives at DEA headquarters.
• Montgomery has managed to run up to the roof but has nowhere else to go. Oscar comes with his gun and one of his men and tells him that his best bet is to talk to him as he can’t leave.
• Inside the house, the Senator tells the Consul that Montgomery is stupid if he thinks he can leave. They then hear two gunshots and a fall. When they go to the window, they see Montgomery’s body sprawled on the floor and shake their heads.
• From the roof, Oscar looks at his handy work and smiles. He instructs his men to take a picture for posterity and then goes back to the Consul , the Senator and Vergara, who has just arrived. He tells them their number one priority now is liberating John but t he Consul prefers to leave that to the men and leaves Oscar shakes his head and asks if Moncada has delivered the money to Benavides. Vergara is quiet.
• Benavides is in his office, arranging John’s extradition. When he hangs up, his phone rings and he demands they leave him alone. Moncada suggests he looks at his email first and Benavides obliges. He finds a picture of the same girl from the warehouse, his daughter, bound and gagged. He is floored.
• Rosalba goes to find Yolanda in the kitchen and tells her that she thinks it’s a bad idea for them to go back to Cielito Lindo and for dirty money. She suggests they let everything go but Yolanda shakes her head. While she would like to do so, they need a lot of money now for the baby and everyone else that is with them. Rosalba understands but she wonders what Dave would think. Yolanda shrugs and Rosalba reminds her that what they are going to do is not right.
• Fajardo tells Dave that he will be on the DEA plane with John as soon as the final documents are signed. He then gives Dave his probationary badge and gun. Dave smiles and thanks him for everything. Fajardo then asks him to follow him because he has something to show him.
• Oscar sits on Montgomery’s computer and looks at the photo of Montgomery’s body. He wonders what to do.
• Fajardo shows Dave his new truck, much to Dave’s surprise, and Fajarado tells him it was for the DEA hiccup regarding Montgomery. They then wonder why Montgomery is taking so long as Dave receives a text from Montgomery’s phone. It is the picture of Montgomery’s body and both Dave and Fajardo shake their head, surprised.
• Raul remembers his stand off with his father and sighs. Lizbeth comes and asks him what his wrong. Raul confesses that despite everything he did for the Federal Police, they fired him at a moment’s notice. He remembers when he shot his father in the name of the Federal Police and it was all for naught. He calls his life a disaster but Lizbeth tells him that she will be there for him and help him be strong like he helped her. Raul nods and she assures him everything will be okay.
• Dave calls the Director and informs him about what happened with Montgomery; he will send the picture ASAP. When he hangs up, Fajardo confesses that the level of violence in Mexico shocks him. Dave nods and tells him that John’s extradition has to go off without a hitch. Fajardo nods.
• John demands to know what is happening with his rescue. Bautista asks him to be quiet and explains that everything is going to plan regarding Benavides and his daughter. John hopes that is the case or else.
• Rubio goes to the window of Cielito Lindo and sees Carmen. He calls Santamaria over and they both wait for Carmen to come inside. They slam the door shut and sit her down in a nearby chair. Santamaria thinks she looks too curious and wants to know who sent her. Carmen is quiet and Santamaria tells her that he is dangerous, and she can ask Rubio about it. Carmen explains that her daughter, Cindy, used to work at the bar and Santamaria nods and explains that there is a safe in the back that he can’t open but wants to. He asks if she knows the combination but Carmen shakes her head.
• The Senator asks Vergara to call Moncada as he can’t wait anymore. Oscar comes in, with Montgomery’s computer, and asks the same thing. He sits down and opens the computer in front of Vergara and the Senator, who don’t notice the webcam is on and recording. The Senator stands up and tells them he will go shower and rest at home for a couple of hours while they wait for an answer on Benavides. Oscar nods and thanks the Senator for all he’s done for him and John, despite some personal messes. The Senator asks him to not be a brownnoser and leaves with Vergara. Once alone, Oscar closes the laptop and leaves too.
• Carmen reiterates that she doesn’t know anything, on the memory of both her children, but Santamaria is doubtful. He asks why she came then and Carmen explains that she was looking to see if anyone was there. Rubio looks at her cell phone and sees that the last made call was to Amanda.
• In the foyer of Lucio headquarters, the Senator instructs Vergara to get him more information on Yolanda Cadena. He is surprised but the Senator wants to know everything about her, up to the last detail, and warns him that no one can find out. He then reminds him to keep him updated on the John situation and leaves.
• Santamaria realizes that Amanda was one of Yolanda’s friends and asks if she’s on her way to Cielito Lindo. Carmen confesses that Amanda died last night in Mexico and Santamaria asks her if anyone else is coming. Carmen tells him that a few friends are coming too and Santamaria asks if Yolanda is coming. Carmen doesn’t know, as she spoke with Lizbeth, and Santamaria cheers as that is another one of Yolanda’s friends. He serves Carmen a drink, so they can celebrate, and asks Rubio to call Amanda’s number. He obliges.
• Lizbeth hears Amanda’s phone ring and picks it up, per Yolanda’s instructions. She doesn’t recognize Santamaria’s voice so she puts it on low speaker as he asks if Yolanda is with her. Olivia listens and Yolanda confirms that the voice is indeed Santamaria’s…


Thank You Alfr...Mr. Aparicio your work is very much appreciated.

So old Oscar Boy recorded his 'coworkers'. Great, if DEA Dave and company can't capture them, turn them against each other and let them kill one another.

Was this a Zooli free episode? I kept looking at the drapes for a leopard print headwrap.

I don't know anything about human infant incubation. I don't know how premature seven months is. I DO hope the one in their incubator is from Mattel.

I suppose Karma can work either way. In a perfect world, when Karma takes a big bite out of your ass you think "Yikes, that didn't work out too good." and change your ways for the better. That is the whole Karma thing, right?
Or if you are S&M, when Karma almost kills you and blinds you in one eye, you are even worse? Holy Frijoles Batman! Can't Karma figure out the ones who should just be killed the first go-round? Look how this is working out. This iws like swatting a housefly and it shatters into a mound of fireants. It is time to bring out the lawn mower gas can.
I used to feel sorry for Rubio. No more. He will be trotting around looking for some ice water for Mi Colonel while his ass is on fire too.

I guess we now see why these Narcos do not have wives and children.

A. Those family people just do not fit into their lifestyle. OR
B. They have already been killed long ago by their competitors.

And it understandably worked on Benavidez, as the extradition was mysteriously stopped. Will the poor guy get his daughter back unharmed? I think in the majority of cases the hostage is killed either way. It is truly sad to realize there are actual people like that in the world. For MONEY. Money, that's all. A squirrel would never take your kid hostage.

They could have pitched us a bone and sent Boozey Bitch to Cielito Lindo rather than Crazo Carmen. S&M on her abrasive ass would have almost been fine as opposed to Carmen who is just about cray cray through no actual fault of her own.

I have probably just had bad luck, but the flight attendants I have known I wouldn't leave my favorite Hilfiger with them.

Dave & the DEA better start finding out about the Senator (soon-to-be President of Mexico) & his corrupt activities.

Thanks Alfredo for your excellent recap. I could not watch it last night but feel I can understand the ongoing drama! Lol@Kirby, for Mi Colonel not understanding how Karma works. Yoli, still has a lot of enemies out there. Who will get the money and what about homeless, broke Zulima!

Oh my, more bloodshed (not that Montgomery was a sympathetic character) but the kidnapping of Benevides' daughter was another sad footnote in this violent story.

Hated watching Santamaria terrorize Carmen, but found the improvised incubator interesting. I still remember the story about how Frank Sinatra's granny improvised an incubator for him as an infant, putting him in a slightly warm oven! Whatever works.

Thanks so much for keeping this going Alfredo. You and Jardinera deserve a special award. I'll be behind again starting next week because I can only record one show, without short circuiting my husband's late night TV viewing, and I'll be checking in on la Candidata.

I believe our well-informed Stevey recommended that one, and hopefully, it will be a little less bloody.

Lynette: My previews many times give away toooo much, and it showed a Zoolima preview which might go along with your question about her. Now I'm shutting up.


Thanks, Alfredo. Just catching up.

Poor Carmen doesn't deserve this. The woman needs counseling and support after her loss. On the phone she sounded like she had truly calmed down since getting batty and scaring Amanda off.

I do like that Oscar recorded the high and mighty senator and Vergara. They think he's a Neanderthal so it never crossed they're minds he'd do that.


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