Wednesday, May 31, 2017

La Piloto #61 5.30.17: In Which Yolanda is Back Where She Started...

• Monica walks to the shower and remembers when Joanna and her cohorts threatened her in the recreation yard. She then remembers when they beat her up in her cell and warned her not to fight back. She gets to the showers but finds no peace; Joanna and her cohorts are waiting to tease and berate her. Monica warns them to leave her alone but Joanna warns her to be careful and listen to all her instructions unless she wants her to cut off her tongue for insubordination. They leave her be while she showers.
• Vergara sends Yolanda, Lizbeth, Olivia, Wilmer and Estela to where Zulima is waiting for them. They are all happy to see her, and introduce Wilmer, before Vergara announces that Yolanda has decided to work for their organization and distribute drugs along the same routes as the Lucios. Estela is happy to hear it, as narcos make great money, and then asks about Rosalba and the baby. Vergara explains that they are safe in an undisclosed location, incubator and all. He then tells Yolanda that they need her to start ASAP and asks her what she needs. Yolanda tells him they need helicopters, a plane and an airstrip where they can land and take off. Vergara nods.
• Some time later, Vergara brings Yolanda a suitcase full of cash and tells her it’s her it’s her pocket cash. He then reminds her that nothing is free and this cash is more of a loan than a gift as they will deduct every red cent from her first paycheck. Yolanda nods and Vergara gives her the cell phones she asked for before reminding her that they are not to make personal calls and she should always remember that any stupidity on her part would only hurt her aunt and the baby, in that order. He then leaves them to work and Estela jumps at the money. She closes the suitcase and tells them that they must take care of it.

• John is doing pushups in his cell when a guard tells him that he has a visitor, Carlos Pinto. John doesn’t know him but the guard tells him that Pinto is Colombian and John asks if he’s sure.
• Later, the guards bring John into the visiting room and escort all other prisoners out. John sits in front of Carlos and finds that it is actually Santamaria, who Salvador Moreno described to the T. Santamaria nods and reminds John that he raided his stash many times though John reminds him that he is now wanted by Interpol for doing unthinkable things. Santamaria nods again, tells John that he has some things to discuss with him about Yolanda and removes his sunglasses. John wonders why he’s so interested in Yolanda, though he suspects it has to do with his eye, and Santamaria remembers when Yolanda drugged him and left him blind in one eye. John admits that he is also looking for Yolanda, since she turned him in, but demands to know why Santamaria wants her so bad. Santamaria tells John that he and Yolanda have a few personal matters to attend to; what he needs from him is an address where to find her. John doesn’t know where she is though he assumes Dave is protecting her. Santamaria remembers when Dave tried to arrest him at the gas station and tells John that he knows Dave well. John tells him to find Dave and he will find Yolanda though he needs a favor: for him to kill Yolanda softly, whenever he finds her, and send her his regards. Santamaria nods but he needs John’s help. John wonders how, since he’s in jail, but Santamaria instructs him to call Dave and ask him to come and visit him; he will of the rest. John obliges.
• Arley is escorted to the warden’s office and the warden announces that both he and John Lucio will be extradited to the US. Arley refuses to be extradited but the warden announces that it’s done and orders him to be taken to his cell while he waits for further instructs. They drag Arley back, kicking and screaming.
• The girls all look at the money and decide that they will use Yolanda’s part of the money to claim Amanda’ body. Olivia volunteers to do so but Lizbeth reminds them that they must tell Raul and Dave what happened. Yolanda suggests they use one of the cell phones they got from Vergara to call them but warns them not to say anything about their current employment. Lizbeth obliges and calls Raul as Zulima keeps watch.
• Raul answers and asks if she’s okay. Lizbeth nods and reveals that El Cartel de las Sombras kidnapped them. Raul asks her to describe where she is, so they can send a rescue team, but Lizbeth shakes her head and explains that they threatened to kill them all if Yolanda didn’t comply with their demand: return to work for them as a pilot. Raul thinks it was stupid of her to accept but Lizbeth reveals that she has to help Yolanda as well because they are out of options and El Cartel de las Sombras is the most powerful cartel at this time. Raul asks if she’s willing to be a criminal again, especially after all they’ve been through and built together, for money. Lizbeth is shocked that he never knew her, really, and hangs up without another word.
• Dave goes to visit John but doesn’t notice Santamaria parked a few feet from the entrance, waiting. Santamaria loads his gun and smiles.
• In the prison, a guard tells John that Dave is there to see him, on his orders, but John refuses to go see him and promptly tells him to go to hell.
• Outside the prison, Dave wonders if John has lost it when he receives a call from Monica, who tells him that she’s surviving. Dave asks her to be patient but Monica asks him for a favor: to go to her apartment and bring her some toiletries, some clothes and some money from a chest in her room. She asks him to bring her everything, pronto, and then asks him to bring her a weapon to defend herself with or she won’t make it. Dave demands to know what is happening but Monica asks him to hurry and hangs up.
• Inside the prison, Monica gets off the phone and hurries to her cell.
• Santamaria sees Dave start the car and leave. He turns on his own car and follows him.
• Some time later, Dave packs a bag for Monica with her requests as Santamaria breaks in, gun drawn. Dave turns around and sees him but realizes that his gun is on the bed while Santamaria’s is in his hand. Santamaria thinks it’s a pleasure that they meet again and smiles.
• Lizbeth tells the girls and Zulima that Raul can’t handle the fact that she is working with narcos and Yolanda again; she knows that everything is definitely over between them. The girls lament the breakup but Zulima worries how Dave will take the news and asks Yolanda if she’s not going to call him. Yolanda prefers to breakup with him than to tell him she is a drug trafficker again and remembers all the time Dave tried to help her and asked her for a second chance. She shakes her head at the irony of it all as Zulima comforts her.
• Santamaria knocks Dave to the ground and ties him up before pointing his gun at him. Dave warns him that the whole building will hear the shot if he kills but Santamaria puts a silencer on the gun and tells him there is always a solution to every problem. He then tells Dave that, while he would love to blow his brains out, he needs him and asks where Yolanda is. Dave doesn’t know as she wasn’t kidnapped and doesn’t know where she’s being held. He then warns Santamaria that he shouldn’t kill a DEA agent, especially because Reyes is already dead, but Santamaria orders him to shut up and kicks him in the face. Santamaria could care less and takes Dave’s cell phone; he looks over his outgoing calls and sees he’s called Yolanda many times. Dave explains that he has her cell phone number but she hasn’t answered since yesterday. He suggests Santamaria call her himself and Santamaria obliges but finds that Dave was telling the truth and the number goes to voicemail. He hangs up and Dave asks Santamaria why he’s so obsessed with Yolanda. Santamaria remembers all Yolanda did to him but also all he did to her. He tells Dave that his is not a revenge but a punishment for her betrayal, especially so she doesn’t do it again. Dave just laughs uncontrollably and tells him that he will never have Yolanda.
• Just then, Raul calls Dave and Santamaria lets it go to voicemail though Raul calls again and Santamaria warns Dave to answer and act calm. Dave obliges and Raul tells him what Lizbeth explained earlier on the phone. Dave is floored that they’re working with the cartels again and demands to know what Raul or the girls will do. Raul tells him that he talked to them but they are out of options. Dave shakes his head and asks if they knew where they are. Raul confirms that they don’t and Dave tells him that they will talk later before hanging up. Santamaria is thinks it is funny that Yolanda is a drug trafficker again, though as full blown leader now. He then asks Dave if he feels bad because Yolanda stabbed him in the back. Dave doesn’t answer and Santamaria laughs.
• Monica goes back to Joanna’s cell to warn her that she’s not scared of her little games. Joanna reminds her that she’s not playing and their little game ends when she decides. She then orders her lackeys to drag Monica out and names her the official toilet scrubber of the whole cell block. Monica is quiet but Joanna demands she start cleaning and Monica obliges as other inmates look on.
• Santamaria calls Yolanda again to no avail. Dave tries to reason with him and tells him that he has plenty of contacts that can help him but Santamaria shakes his head. He then tells Dave that he is going to go, since he doesn’t know anything, and points a gun at his head. There is a knock on the door and Santamaria goes to answer it as Dave manages to untie his feet but not his hands. As Santamaria looks over the balcony, Dave comes and knocks him down. This sends the gun flying and Dave is able to catch it and point it at Santamaria. Santamaria hurries down the stairs, much to Dave’s horror, and out the street.
• Dave arrives at the DEA and tells a fellow agent, Ruiz that he was robbed and he needs his cell phone blocked, ASAP. He then sees that John Lucio’s extradition has been approved.
• Oscar sees the same news report and curses his luck. He orders his men to find out all the details of John’s extradition, right now!
• Dave calls Fajardo and tells him the good news but Fajardo already sent him a message with the news a while ago. Dave explains that his cell was stolen but Fajarado reveals that the cell phone contained sensitive information like the fact that John is going to be transferred early tomorrow morning. Dave already ordered the phone blocked, though he doubts Santamaria could do much with the information either way.
• In the mechanic shop, Santamaria receives the text message from Fajardo on Dave’s phone. He reads it that it will be at 5 am in a DEA plane that is currently on it’s way to Mexico. The plane will take John and Arley back to the US. Santamaria smiles and goes to change the plates on his stolen car when he receives another call on Dave’s cell from Oscar, who wants to see him ASAP. Santamaria reveals that he took Dave’s cell phone and is now privy to very important information he may be interested in. He asks Oscar to jot down his personal cell as he doesn’t know how long Dave’s is going to last. Oscar obliges.
• Dave goes to visit Monica at the prison. The guard chides him for making the line, especially since he’s an agent, but Dave shakes his head. The guard then searches his bag before going inside the prison.
• In his cell, John remembers everything that happened with Yolanda. Her love, her supposed betrayal and her actual betrayal. Benavides then comes and announces that he will be extradited soon, thought he doesn’t tell him that it will be tomorrow. John tells him to leave, if he’s finished, and asks that he tell his daughter “hi.” Benavides leaves and John curses his luck.
• Dave meets Monica in the visitation room. Joanna and her cohorts scream obscenities at him but Monica tells him to ignore it. Dave then tells her about Santamaria’s attack in her apartment; Monica is shocked but is happy to hear he’s okay. As Joanna and her cohorts look on, Dave and Monica exchange a knife under the table. Monica explains that it has been a nightmare in prison because the redhead, Joanna, won’t leave her be since she put her in jail years ago. Dave asks if she beat her up and Monica nods. She reminds Dave that she is cannon fodder in prison, as she was a federal agent, though Dave warns her to be careful with the knife. Monica hopes to at least get out of jail alive, despite everything.
• Santamaria arrives at Oscar’s new headquarters and gets of the car, hands in the arm. Oscar still orders him searched and then welcomes him to his establishment before asking what he wants. Santamaria reveals that he knows the exact place and time from which his brother will be extradited…


Bold Prediction: John will likely escape!

I am still catching up from previous epi. Tia Rosa was in witness protection so how did Zuli know where to find them. I know Yoli was reunited with tia but did I miss them leaving the program. Why is Moni in general population. That just doesn't make sense either. one has told Yoli the extent of Zulis betrayal? I get Zuli is a big liar but surely Yoli should have doubt about her now. But then again...Yoli makes some bone headed decisions


Alfredo el Superdooper Recapper--Thank you for keeping us up on this really intense drama. There just seems to be no way out for any of them. I hope Dave and Raul can come up with something before all Hell breaks loose. I wouldn't put it past Yoyo to already be thinking of how to get herself and the girls out of this, but if so, she loses Tia Rosalba and the baby--not a good trade if she gets Zooli as part of the package.

I, too wondered how Zooli got Rosie's address--it wasn't clear in the scene that she was near enough to the taxi to hear the address. I certainly didn't hear it, but that would have been the ONLY way she would have known. Thank you for figuring that out.

Thanks Alredo...I agree, you definitely qualify for the Superdooper Recapper Award. Sounds like more mayhem. I may get to see this in a couple of days, not before. Since the other one I'm watching is la Candidata, I probably need to invest in some Prozac or Zoloft to keep my spirits up! So much physical and emotional mayhem!

Dave and Raul need to know the truth about what's going on with the girls as they have proven loyal and supportive men with resources . Liz and Yoli know this so it makes no sense not to tell them so they can help them out of this jam as well. Yes...perhaps Yoli can help take down the senator as well. Too bad Raul couldn't sense something more was going on. Surely Dave will figure it out once he had a chance to think about it

I'm waiting for the day Stella drops dare she encourage Yoli to stay in the narco world after all they've been thru.

So mi Col merely wants to capture and enslave Yoli again....not kill her. He's a diabolical person who deserves to be tortured without mercy. As does Zuli.


Thanks, Alfredo. Superb job.

I'm thinking they got Rosalba's address from somebody dirty in the DEA. Earlier when the Vergara or the senator wanted to find out the witness protection address, some lackey said it couldn't be done but they demanded it and it looks like they got it.

I just hate the Gone Girls being clueless with Zuli. Even though they don't know all her dirt, they do know that she hired them as flight attendants when she knew the company was narcodirty and that John pulled her out of the pack before he sent them off to get killed by Arley and Roberto. That they don't suspect her is idiocy.

Dave got on my nerves last night too, asking Monica if she's okay. Hell no! she's not okay. She's a policewoman in the general prison population. Dave should've been giving her cash for protection even before she called and asked him for it.

John going in with S&M for revenge on Yoli is sickening. He's got no narcohonor at all, going through a third party who tortured her for months because of him to get his revenge.

Raul had a momentary lapse. How could he not process that Lizbeth was going along out of fear, not love of money?

With the flashbacks and bad guys uniting, it feels like we're heading into ultimas semanas even though they haven't announced it.

Thanks Alfredo - great job. I wonder if Monica will be killed in jail? They need to get rid of her for the story to succeed or find someone else for her. I don't know if John will escape as they know that David's phone was stolen. On the other hand I think we are going to see Yolanda run the drug operation before she is able to take all the baddies down. Arley is the only one who knows Zulima's true colors - wonder if he will be extradited.

Lynett...Good point about Arley. Unfortunately I can't think of.scenario where he and Yoli can connect before he is extradited with John. Arley is the one person who can help the gone girls put it all together regarding Zuli the snake and John. Unfortunately a lot of her dirt will still be unknown when all this is over like the various deaths she instigated or committed.

We are in ultimate semanas per one preview I saw recently hopefully some of these loose ends will start to come together.


Amanda was the only one of 'the girls' who knew how bad Zoo Creature is, and of course, she is another of Zooli's victims.

Kirby: Who's likely to be the next victim of Zulima ?


Steve I'd bet Zooli still has a grudge against the hot Consul chick she walked in on in bed with John. That is my vote, although I would rather it be the mouth of Mexico Estela.

Kirby...Im with you on zuli's next target. Would love for her to put stella in a box but if she could knock anyone would be the consul chick. And of course yoli if she could pull it

Monica is likely going to get whacked.

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