Friday, June 02, 2017

La Piloto #63 6.1.17: In Which Yolanda Doesn't Follow Orders and Pays the Price

• Armed guards escort John and Arley out of the jail and to the waiting trucks. Arley teases John on the way to the squad cars before a guard orders him to shut up. John only smiles as they are loaded up into the cars, which drive away as a man observes from an adjacent roof. The man calls Oscar and tells him that the car carrying John just left.
• Later, Oscar then calls his men by the airstrip and orders them to stay put until Santamaria gives the order to move in. Santamaria tells Oscar that the extraction should be easy since there are only four squad cars protecting escorting John. Oscar asks him if they have to wait much longer but Santamaria asks him to be patient and then leaves the car to make sure the diversion is in place. Oscar reminds his men to stay sharp as it’s going to get good.
• Yolanda reminds Vergara that he has plenty of men that can kill John but Vergara reminds her that she must follow his orders or the baby dies. Yolanda understands and Vergara explains that she will fly with two men and they will relay the plan to her once they are up in the air. He then tells her that she will also have men are the ground to help her, if need be, and Yolanda nods before they leave.

• In the squad car, Arley tells John that he will be close enough to hug and kiss him soon, all the police need to do is take their cuffs off. John continues to smile and laugh but asks Arley why he hates him. Arley reminds him that the Lucios left him to rot in prison and then ordered Amanda’s execution. John reminds him that he should’ve taken care of that long ago but Arley isn’t talking about that day. He means the day that Amanda the day she went to go visit him in prison and told him they were having a boy. John has no idea what he is talking about and reminds Arley that he would tell him if he had ordered her execution, especially because he has nothing to lose. Arley is quiet and John tells him that whatever he believes is his business.
• Zulima tosses and turns around in bed, sweating, and remembers when she ran Amanda over and then suffocated her at the hospital. She wakes up, looks around, and remembers when she asked Yolanda about Amanda’s baby after Yolanda told her Amanda had died.
• Vergara’s men order Yolanda to take off in the helicopter and drive toward the military airport, ASAP. She reminds them that the military airport has a radar but the men remind her that she has a reputation for being a great pilot. Yolanda nods and the men explain that they will get close to the airport and throw grenades down at the airport. Yolanda reminds him that their orders are to kill John, only, but the men ignore her.
• Santamaria talks to man inside a car and reminds him that they are counting on him. The man nods and Santamaria stands off to the side as the man drives a few feet and leaves the car in front of the military airport entrance. Police approach it and the men flees from the car.
• Arley remembers when Lizbeth told her that Amanda died of respiratory failures. He vows to find out what happened but John suggests he forget about revenge, especially now that they are going to the best suite in prison. Arley then asks John if Oscar is going to rescue him as an order comes through the guards’ radio to stop the transfer as there is a suspicious car parked in front of the airport. The radio then orders them to stay put as they await further instructions and Arley smiles at John, knowingly. He asks John if Oscar is coming for him but John warns him to be quiet.
• Oscar looks at the scene in front of the military airport as he receives his order from Santamaria to continue with part 2 of their plan. Oscar orders his men to move forward, kisses his gun, and gets out of the car.
• In the parking garage by the airport, Dave, Raul and another agent wait for John and Arley. Dave worries that something may have happened as the transport is not there yet. A few moments later, he receives the news of the suspicious vehicle in front of the airport and Raul worries that it may be a bomb. The agent reminds them that they can’t get close to the hanger but Dave prefers to be safe than sorry and starts the car before driving away.
• Vergara updates the Senator on their plan to have Yolanda kill John as the girls, Wilmer, Olivia and Estela walk into the dining room and hear everything. Olivia is pissed that they sent Yolanda to the lion’s den, especially with all the DEA agents that will be in the hanger, but Vergara reminds them that, if she is such a great pilot, then she will find a way to kill John without getting caught.
• Yolanda arrives at the airport and flies overhead.
• Oscar arrives at the hanger and gets inside the plane prepared for John but finds it empty.
• Dave arrives at the hanger, notices the commotion, and assumes this must be a distraction to rescue John though Raul reminds him that Oscar, or any of the Lucio guards, has not been spotted near the airport.
• Oscar catches his breath inside the plane and radios Santamaria. He tells him that the plane is really small and doesn’t seem to have a lot of places to hide but he will find one. Santamaria asks him to be alert for his signal to proceed with part 3 of the plan.
• Olivia doesn’t think Yolanda should have to do El Cartel’s dirty work but Vergara asks them to be patient and trust that everything will be find. Vergara then gets a call from his ground support team, who tells him that John arrived but is currently under a roof and they can’t proceed for the time being. Vergara asks him to be on alert and hangs up. Lizbeth thinks they should abort the operation immediately but Vergara shakes his head and reminds them that they were going to go visit a possible airstrip location. He orders them to do so and gives Estela some money so they can work. Once alone, Vergara radios Gonzalez and tells him that John is at the airport and they should proceed. Gonzalez nods, notices the DEA plane in the distance and orders Yolanda to fly directly overhead.
• At the hanger, Dave signs over the DEA documents to release John as Arley continues to tease John that no one will come and save him. John tells him that he will send him a postcard from the Bahamas as Dave comes and informs them that they will proceed with their extradition to Miami ASAP. John congratulates him on a job well done and Dave approaches John and reminds him that he is just another criminal he captured, nothing more, nothing less. He will miss John, especially because he hoped to get more information on El Cartel de las Sombras but you can’t have everything. John tells him not to miss him too much as one day he may surprise him. Dave tells him that he will be waiting, just in case, and goes.
• In Miami, Fajardo gets the report on the car outside the hanger and asks his agents to be extremely careful.
• Gonzalez orders Yolanda go move overheard, as John and Arley are coming out, but she claims that there is too much wind and can’t steady the helicopter long enough. Gonzalez reminds her that Amanda’s baby and Rosalba’s lives are at stakes and she obliges.
• Dave personally escorts John and Arley to the plane, as he wants no surprises, but immediately notices the helicopter flying overhead. He radios his men, chides them for letting a helicopter go through their closed airspace and orders backup. Suddenly, Arley takes off running as DEA agents try to stop him.
• Gonzalez takes off the pin off the grenade and Yolanda maneuvers the plane away from the plane. Gonzalez demands to know what she is doing but throws the grenade on the ground anyway and it explodes on top of a ground support equipment. Arley and another agent are thrown back and the DEA agents begin to shoot at the helicopter. Gonzalez orders Yolanda to leave immediately and she obliges.
• Dave orders an ambulance for Arley and then drags John onto the DEA plane. He places on in one of the seats and then sits in front of him as another agent sits adjacent to them. Dave orders the plane to take off and reminds John that he will remember that day every night in jail. The plane finally takes off en route to Miami.
• Vergara paces the dining room and finally calls Gonzalez to ask for an update to no avail.
• On the ambulance, an EMT attends to Arley, who seems to be in bad shape. As soon as the EMT is distracted, Arley wakes up and grabs him by the neck.
• John looks out the window of the plane and tells Dave that he is sure Yolanda was in the helicopter and threw the grenade. Dave informs him that she works for El Cartel now and they likely ordered his execution. John smiles at the irony of it all and remembers when he showed her how to fly. He tells Dave that Yolanda doesn’t love them anymore and confesses that she used to call him the love of her love. He asks Dave if she told him the same thing and Dave remembers all her promises, post coitus, a few days ago in Villa Antigua. Dave smiles and nods at John but his eyes are filled with tears. The pilot then calls Dave to the cockpit and Oscar shoots him in the back and the other agent in the chest. John is sure happy to see Oscar and grabs the keys to the handcuffs off the dead agent as Oscar goes to the cockpit and threatens the pilot.
• Some times later, John has taken off his bullet proof vest and grabbed a gun from the DEA agent. Oscar explains that Santamaria helped him and they should trust him as they are at war and need all the help they can get. John nods and reveals that the helicopter at the airport was from El Cartel and Yolanda was the pilot. Oscar is shocked and then John asks him what is next. Oscar informs him that they need to crash the plane, so everyone thinks he is dead, and parachute out of the plane.
• Raul and the other agent find the abandoned ambulance and the agent looks around. He then informs Raul that Arley escaped and no one has found him. Raul wonders where he could’ve gone, as he still needed medical help, and suggests they go to the hospital. The agent obliges and they drive away.
• Arley indeed arrives at the hospital, seconds later, and almost faints in the lobby. A doctor and several nurses take him to a room to attend to his wounds.
• Yolanda, now in El Cartel Torture Warehouse, is tied up with her feet in a bucket of water. Vergara comes and she vows to make him pay before demanding they let her go. One of Vergara’s men bring jumper cables, puts them in the bucket of water and electrocutes Yolanda for a few seconds instead. She remembers her recent breakup with Dave as she fights through the pain.
• With the pilot now dead and the plane on autopilot, Oscar helps John put on his parachute and then gives him a locator so they can find each other before putting one on his own parachute. John informs him that the plane will crash in five minutes against the mountains so they need to go. They both reaffirm their love for each other, open the doors and John jumps out. As Oscar is getting ready to go, Dave wakes up, grabs him by the parachute and a fight ensues. Oscar gets the upper hand and chokes Dave but Dave punches him in the face and knocks him down. While Oscar recovers, Dave steals a parachute and jumps out the plane after John. Oscar gets up, grabs his parachute and jumps out.
• Vergara’s men ask if he wants another round of volts but he is done. He informs Yolanda that he is tired of her game and warns her to follow his orders or things could get very ugly. He pulls her head up and tells her that he makes the orders that she will follow blindly or she will suffer with what she loves the most. Yolanda whimpers as Vergara gets up and leaves. Once alone, she remembers when Santamaria hung her from her arms in Colombia and finally passes out.
• A doctor and nurse attend Arley, who is now in a hospital gown and in a bed. The doctor orders the nurse to give Arley medicine and then take him to X-ray to make sure there are no broken bones. As the doctor leaves to report Arley’s condition, the nurse goes to check on another patient, and Arley wakes up. He grabs clothes from an adjacent bed and changes before leaving.
• Outside the hospital, the agent asks Raul how he’s so sure Arley is at the hospital. Raul explains that he needed medical attention and probably came there. Just then, the agent radios them and informs them that a DEA plane crashed in the mountains. Raul shakes his head and wonders what happened.
• John lands in a field and takes off his parachute. He looks around, doesn’t see Oscar and wonders where Santamaria is.
• Santamaria checks on John’s locator and informs his men that he is a few yards away from the extraction point though Oscar’s locator is even further from the extraction point but still moving.
• Jut then, Oscar falls through a greenhouse as workers look on. They go to see if he’s okay but Oscar is unconscious with several wounds on his face and hands.
• Santamaria wonders if John and Oscar jumped in time but cocks his gun either way and walks with his men to the closest locator.
• Dave, who has landed in a tree, tries to pry himself loose but can’t. Just then, a truck passes by and he tries to get the driver’s attention…


Yolanda getting tortured ONCE AGAIN!

She should be better off getting whacked when this TN ends.

Little gal is a glutton for

Thank You to our Recapper WorkHorse, Alfredo. Really Buddy, I don't know how you do it. I still think it is that sercet Spanglish-->English decoder.

It was convenient that that Lear 31 had an extra parachute lying around. Did one of their skiddish FAs leave it behind, or did O-Boy bring an extra? In my days of being in and around that kind of airplane, no one in their right mind would have boarded a plane carrying a parachute, on the off chance that it might be needed. Anyway, onward.

I SO DOO want to see Yolanda put a bullet in Vergara and Zooli. I'd prefer some reciprocal torture, but that is not in her character.

We gotta give it to Mena, the Energizer Bunny, he is just unstoppable, and resourceful too.

John wins the skydiving contest for sticking the landing. Dave, honorable mention, O-Boy disqualified for destruction of private property.


Kirby: The big question is whether Arley will put 2 & 2 together about Zuli whacking Amanda (his Baby Momma) ?

Steve I have been thinking about that all along. Especially when Arley and John were in the van headed to the airport and John swore he had nothing to do with her death.

Arley is a man possessed now, hell bent on finding who killed his babie's Mother. If there is a Narco-TN God, Arley will figure it out. It dawned on me last night as we saw a flashback with Zooli, that she killed Amanda simply because Amanda was onto her. Until then, I was not really sure what her motivation was.

Now Arley has to flashback to his last conversation with Amanda and recall telling her about Zooli's true nature. He will then need one more piece of evidence, I don't know what it could be, to link Zooli to Amanda's death. It is out there that she was hit by a car. He just needs to connect Zooli to the car, which as yet she is not. As it is now, the popo know which car hit her, and that it was stolen, but there is nothing, Y E T tying Zooli to that car. That is what needs to happen next. I assume the police are still investigating. Where the fork are those surveillance tapes from the valet parking?

I'd betcha Alfredo already has this figured out.

Wow Alfredo, you're recalling a really grisly punishment from Amor Bravio. That one gave me nightmares. But Doña Barbara's punishment of her gang rapists was equally grisly.

Sounds like our sweet Yolanda (yes, I still think of her that way) is still going through mayhem and misery. Thanks for so faithfully keeping us up to date.

I'm only at Chapter 35 Alfredo. Not sure how long it is. It's certainly keeping my interested for now. Only drawback is the chief galan has very small eyes that make him look stupid. But the rest of him is fine. And the fellow who plays John in this one is a young paisan in love with a somewhat older woman and his character is very sweet and endearing. Quite a different role!

Alfredo, thanks for the speedy recap. Even though he is a bad guy I prefer John as a galan to Dave. I did not understand why Yolanda was not able to kill John. Was there too much turbulence? John correctly identified Yolanda as the pilot. Now how is SantaMarie going to get Yolanda as she has been taken by another set of narcos. He also wants to torture her - again. Maybe Arley will team up with Yolanda. Arley has become almost a sympathetic character. Another chapter this evening!

Alfredo - I'm getting tired of starting out to thank YOU for almost every episode, but without you, I'd be completely lost. I really needed the print translation of last night's episode. I couldn't figure out what Yolanda was doing, other than trying to avoid killing.....which one, John or Dave? (Me thinks it was Dave.)

Kirby, you took the words right out of my head--yeah, what on earth were THREE parachutes doing on the plane. It wasn't a military transport plane, nor was it a parachute training exercise plane....but let's suspend belief for the time being. Can't believe Dave is still alive, but he must have been wearing a bullet proof vest beneath his leather jacket, no? Arley's escape was also at the limits of my beliefs. Yolanda still alive, Rosalba and Baby still alive? MercyMe, when is it all going to end?

Please, please, let Raul get the feeling back in his legs. He needs to get back on his feet and help his folks. (I'd also like to see him in another tn....drooling a bit as she types).

Thanks Alfredo!!! Wow sounds like another high action episode.

Funny enough I think John is gaining even more admiration for Yoli and her survival skills. I think he will still kill her if given the opportunity.

I don't know how but maybe Arley can find out the truth about Zuli. But where does he go now? He has no one unless he now believes John didn't order Amanda's killing and he tries to get back with them---or Las sombras.

Arley almost passes out again and is found by a passerby. He is rushed back to the hospital and patched up, and gives them a fake identity. He stays put this time, and is recovering. He spends time in the patient lounge while he heals and regains his strength.

One of the nurses has been sneaking into the patient lounge and surfing the internet while on duty. She is called to a bedside emergency and leaves Caray Caray on, but the sccreensaver blanks the screen.

Arley bumps the mouse and Alfredo's recap pops up. Arley reads the truth and the whole truth and goes beserko.
He dives through a window and escapes, heading for the Cartel HQ to kill Zooli with his massive hands.

In Colombia, the Colonel stripped her naked & tortured.

Now this ?

That was funny Kirby!

The amount of physical torture Yoli has experienced since the very first episode is more than one person can bear and stay sane. Hard to watch.

...and never a hair out of place, make-up just right and clothes neatly pressed.

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