Saturday, July 01, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carillo Friday #40 If the real Batman and Robin were this bad...

Recap written by RgvChick and Kirby- THANK YOU!!
Laura returns to PsychoB's table and he shows Laura the check he received from the auction and tells her he didn't know what she had to do but that she wasn't with the "winner" for very long.

Next day--
LetMe goes to find Tadeo at the studio and scolds him for getting a job as a guitar player/singer. She tells him that he needs to go back to school and get some type of certification. She then goes to find Morgana and tells her how dare she give her son a job and that she knew she couldn't be trusted. Morgana tells LetMe that she was just trying to help and that she hired Tadeo on the condition that he go back to school..and that he has to show her his report card. LetMe calms down.

(My fav scene) Mercy goes to visit Rosario, She hands Rosario the American flag received when her son, Rafael died in the Afghanistan war, a picture of Rafael and a letter that he wrote to her before he died. In the letter, Rafael tells her that his father told him the truth before he went off war, but that he knew she had fought a much more bitter war of loneliness, pain, and not seeing her son grow up (sniff, sniff). He tells her that he forgives her, but that he really doesn't have anything to forgive. He ends it by calling her "Mama" (tears abound).

Danilow is in his office pacing talking to some singer that has canceled because of Regia's bad reputation.

Different programs are shown trashing Regia and reporting how she has changed (for the worse) and how Danilow sent a message through social media that Furia Productions had released her. Then they show Paloma with tears in her eyes, watching the reports and saying "My mommy is not bad." (more sniffles)

PsychoB is with Laura and tells her that Paloma does not want to see her. Laura pleads with him to let her talk to her. He agrees but tells her that they will have to bring her forcefully. Laura goes to the door and kneels, asking Paloma if she is ok. Paloma tells Laura that she doesn't want to see her and Laura asks her why. Paloma tells her "because you are bad, very bad." (more tears flowing).

My other favorite scene ( and only because twiddledum and his sidekick mess up again). Ryan and Joe are discussing how they could get Laura and Paloma back. Ryan remembers that Danilow has the money, probably cash, that he received to be laundered. Ryan says that if they can find the money they can use it as leverage to get Laura and Paloma back. He also remembers that Horacio also knows where the money is, so the Black Hornet and his sidekick decide to go follow Horacio who may lead them to the money. They spot Horacio's car, and what do they do? They don't trail far enough behind to be spotted, instead they speed towards Horacio's car and chase him down a street. Another car happens to get in the way, so Black Hornet slams on the brakes and Horacio gets away. 

The other Danidumb receives a phone from Horacio showing camera shots of the inventory room. As Danidumb is arguing with Ryan about releasing Regia from Furia, his phone rings indicating that someone is in the inventory room. He goes down as TomAss is putting a couple bundles of bills in his pocket. There's a fight and Danidumb knocks TomAss on his sorry ass and points his gun at him. Living up to his DaniDumb name, still pointing the gun at TomAss, he takes his phone out to make a call and looks AWAY from TomAss. TomAss gets an object (don't remember what it was, I think it looked like a large pulley), quickly gets up and hits DaniDumb on the head. DaniDumb goes down (KNOCK-OUT) but to make sure, TomAss hits him one more time, runs, picks up the cash DaniDumb took from him, gets more bundles of cash, then runs out.

Horacio comes to the inventory room. DaniDumb is already conscientious with a kerchief on his head looking like a dork. Horacio figures out that there is about half a mil plus a little more missing.

TomASS calls LetMe and tells her they need to high-tail out of town. LetMe tells him, "no, but my children..." So he tells her it'll only be a couple days...the company is sending him to MONTANA for training. She caves in, so he tells her she needs to pack her things quickly, and by the way, I need you to get an envelope that is there.

LetMe starts packing and goes for the envelope. She looks inside and sees all the money..Oh me, oh my, what did he do? Where did he get this money?

Morgana happens to call LetMe and tell her she needs the shorts she had ordered right away. LetMe tells her she needs to send someone for them because she has a slight problem. LetMe asks Morgana to not tell anyone so TomAss won't find out she is sending someone over. Morgana tells her, "Of course, I'll keep it hush-hush. Very conveniently, while they are talking on the phone, Ryan comes in walking toward Morgan (who of course does not see him) and overhears the hush-hush part so he keeps back and listens. LetMe gives Morgana her address and Morgana repeats it loudly. Ryan, who only heard part of the conversation, assumes that Morgana is talking to someone about the money.

Now since Ryan knows (or thinks he knows) where all the money is, he rushes off to tell Joe! They jump with glee and hug each other..not really, j/k. They get in the batmobile and rush off to the address. Ryan gets down, knocks on the door, and LetMe opens the door. She is shocked to see Mr. Ryan but asks him in. She starts rambling, "Oh Mr. Ryan, I can just imagine why you are here." Seeing Ryan has a confused look, she says, "Oh you don't have to pretend, I know he probably took the money, You are looking for Tom. You came for the money...blah,blah blah" Ryan looking all befuddled asks her "Who is Tom?" LetMe responds, "Tom. Tom Allen. Ever since he started working there, he started bringing that money...he stole it right??? Ryan still has that "huh? look but the scene ends...

So now in addition to all these people looking for LauStela, resembling the Spanish festival "Running of the Bulls", we now have a crowd beginning to form to look for Tom-P-Ass too. DaniLow wants to return the favor of getting clocked on the noggin with a with a Harbor Freight sheave block.
And Ryan and Steve want to find Tom-P-Ass to find out where the money is hidden. Hmmm..what does Tom do?Note to Money launderers: To hide money just sneak in at night and hide it in Ryan's refrigerator or his car.
BTW in their defense, the money was not as much as it originally looked to be. It is in a thin layer on top of the speakers in the equipment cases. IE: rather than a box 2 by 3 by 3 feet full of money there is a layer 3 by 3 feet by a few inches of actual money on top of the big stage speakers.
When Horacio and Danidumb were in the inventory, Danilow told Horacio he would have to "get rid of" the gringo. Horacio wouldn't get into that type of thing...why don't you get 3 of your (EL D) henchmen to do the job. Danidumb has a better idea..."I'll just go to Salgado, tell him the gringo stole some of his money, and he can send 3 henchmen to be rid of the gringo."

So Danidumb goes to Salgado, struts in to his hotel suite (I think it's a hotel suite) all confident with that cocky grin. They get into some small talk when there is a knock on the door and one of Salgado's henchmen comes in. The henchman tells them that one of their "customers" was caught stealing. Salgado tells him something like, "Well just take care of it..and by the way, send me the video of the guy's hands being cut off." DaniDumb eyes almost burst out. Salgado then turns to DaniDumb and asks, " Ok, now what is that you really came to talk about?" 

Back at the Riverside dump/house..

Luisa comes in accompanied by a young man who is bringing in a tray of food. Laura is laying down and Luisa kicks her (not too hard), tells her to get up, do exercise, do something to look good and pretty for her fans. Laura remains laying down and tells her that to look pretty she needs her make-up, brush, conditioner.." Luisa pulls her up and orders her to eat. Laura asks the young man who he is but he remains silent. Luisa tells Laura that the young man will be looking after her because Juanson has something else to do. Luisa says the young man will be a deaf-mute to her but will be watching her closely. Luisa then turns around and bitch slaps the young man asking him, "Isn't that so?" She grabs his face and asks, "Now, what are you supposed to do if she gets out of hand?" He responds, "Slash her face."

Later on, the young man, Celso, brings in a make up bag. He sees that Laura hasn't eaten and tells her that Luisa's orders were that she eat everything. Laura responds that they can't force her to eat. She starts asking if he takes Paloma her food, is she eating, is she okay? Laura pleads with him to tell her about Paloma, but he just says he cannot speak to her. She apologizes and tells him she doesn't want to get him in trouble.

Blake and Paloma Scene--
Blake sits with Paloma and and asks her if she likes her doll. He says he knows that when they first met he was a little rude. Paloma asks, "What's rude?" He says, "well a little angry. I just want you to like me and I want to be good. Not like your mother, she is bad." Paloma asks him if he, too, saw the television." Blake nods yes and tells her that it must be very bad to be on television, people saying that she is bad..and that the bad person is your mother. He then begins to touch and feel her face. (shudder, shudder)

Back to Laura--
Laura looks around the room and up at the camera. She goes to the door, pulls something from her blouse (maybe a hair pin) and starts to jimmy the lock. In walks Celso, Laura begs him not to tell Luisa or Blake as they will harm Paloma if he tells them. He gets behind the door (I suppose so that the camera won't reveal that he is talking) and tells her not to worry...from what she told him, he knows she is a good mother and he knows what it is like to be separated from your family. He knows that what she is doing is only because Blake is forcing her to do it...and he is a Regia fan. He tells her that he will help her, but she needs to wait for an opportune time. She agrees.

The opportunity arrives...
Celso comes in and tells Laura that there is a chance for her to go see Paloma. He tells her that he has fixed the cameras so that they show her and Paloma sleeping. He gives Laura a key and tells her to hide it well so no one will find it. She takes the key, goes out to the hallway, and, with her heart leading her, walks straight to Paloma's room. She lays down next to Paloma and softly caresses her face.
Paloma wakes up, turns to her and says, "Mommy.'
Laura: "Yes I'm here with you."
Paloma; "Go away"
Laura: "Why do you want me to leave? We haven't seen each other in a long time. Don't you miss me?"
Paloma: "No"
Laura: "You don't know how much I missed you. Don't you love me anymore?"
Paloma: "No, it's your fault I am's your fault I am here."
Laura continues to caress her face.

Mercy tells Rosario that Agustin has taken her bags up to her old room. Rosario thanks her for taking her in and, with tears in her eyes, tells her that without Estela and Paloma, she just doesn't know what she will do. Mercy tells her "no more tears, we've been through too many misfortunes to now be broken by this." She tells Rosario that for now, she will stay there for as long as need be, she will not be lacking in shelter or food. Rosario then asks if Ryan has found out anything about Estela and Paloma. Mercy tells her "no" but that knowing her son, he will find them and bring their little girl back to them.


Mercy finds her heart
Laura finds a friend
TomAss gets busted and returns the favor to DaniLow's brainless head
The Porsche sounds Baaaaadd
LetMeThink .....DOES
TomAss runs like the little chickenshit that he is when there is an almost man after him

NOTE to Ocampo: How insulting. You would have us think a Darling child like Paloma is changed overnight by some Bullshit immigration propaganda on TV. It isn't working on us and it would not have worked on Paloma either.

Ding Dong... (doorbell)

“Oh Hey Charlie, Sharon, come in. How are you guys? It is good to see you, we have not talked since we were all picking up our kids at the last day of school the other day”

“Oh we were just taking a walk and wanted to stop and say Hi.”

“Well Thanks, your yard is looking good this year. Can I get you something?”

“Actually we wanted to see your basement now that it is finished. We got some bids on doing ours.”

“Come on down, it turned out really good and we have our hideaway all set up down there.”

Tromp walk clomp walk.
“! Who the hell are you guys?” “Hey.Hey!”
“Buena noches, Senor, Hi. I am Pablo and this is my brother Valdos. We live here now. Where we lived before we didn't have much food and no air conditioning, but you have plenty, so we chose to live here with you.”

'Are you crazy? This is against the law, I am calling the cops, to get you guys out of here.”

“Ohhh Racist Haters, huh? You Gringos are all the same. Go ahead and call them, we have rights.”

There Rosy O'Camonnell. That is MY propaganda

Adriana, "double shifts all through the weekend". You must be exhausted. Will be thinking of you - wishing you stamina and perseverance. God bless.

A few musings to begin with. Another tearful, heartbreaking conversation between Laura and Paloma "through the door".

Dan catches Tom red handed and while I'm sad to report he did not beat him to a pulp, Tom is scared enough that he wants to get out of Dodge.

Mercy (and her hat, credit Julie) show a bit of compassion for Laura's stalwart friend.

A new character is introduced - another captor for Laura that may be her saving grace (?)

I didn't see every minute of this but I think we did not have a badbun sighting.

All in more, more angst and anguish. I will leave the real summary to those who understood the events far better than I.

Adriana Noel, please take care of yourself!



Kirby, our comments crossed.

Loved your bird, your short list summing the events up succintly and "TomAss runs like the little chickenshit that he is when there is an almost man after him". Great!

"NOTE to Ocampo: How insulting. You would have us think a Darling child like Paloma is changed overnight by some Bullshit immigration propaganda on TV. It isn't working on us and it would not have worked on Paloma either". Could you explain what happened if you have a moment?


Well, well, wellllll Mercy Me. old Merc has sure turned over a new leaf. I guess those cheaters stick together eh? It was probably the best moment of the show when she brought her the flag and picture.

I have to give it to TomNoAss, he plays a helluva pretend tough guy. He folds, begs, and crawls backwards on his ass convincingly. Pretty realistic for bullies like him when the tables are turned.

Even LetMeChoosetobestooopid had to admit the money was stolen. Now will she run away to Montana with TomAss or let him run away and disappear and consider it (stolen) money well spent?

Dogs were taught loyalty through thick and thin by children like Paloma. I am still incensed about that and the transparent bull they are trying to load onto us. That undocumented behavior did not make ANY sense.

"I have to give it to TomNoAss, he plays a helluva pretend tough guy. He folds, begs, and crawls backwards on his ass convincingly. Pretty realistic for bullies like him when the tables are turned".

Wow. What a perfect description Kirby. He folded like a cheap suit, didn't he?


Diana the new guy Celso at first told Laura her pleas were falling on deaf ears, but later hacked the video surveillance system to freeze with a picture of LauStela sleeping on the screen, and then went and gave LauStela a key to get in and see Paloma. So she quickly thought to hell with the good samaritan who helped me, grabbed Paloma and ran for safety...

Nope, she goes into where Pal is sleeping, allows the baby to explain that after all those years of adoring her Mommy, what she saw on TV has made her realize she does NOT LOVE HER MOMMY ANYMORE and wants LauStela to go away. So LauStela decides on a nap with Paloma.

Her benefactor will be in just as much trouble, probably death, if she is found napping with Paloma as if she had run away. Oh DimBulb Dave and Loosi where are you?

Oh no Kirby! No. No. Just No!

Yes, Paloma "turning" on her adoring mother makes no sense. I would believe a change of heart in an instant from any of these insipid characters, but Paloma? NEVER. So the writers had to bring Laura to (what I hope is) rock bottom. She wasn't suffering enough I guess. Blech.

Thanks for explaining what happened with the new captor. Someone had a heart but as you pointed out, that may be his undoing. It struck me as odd he was chosen to watch her. He didn't have smoke curling from his nostrils or a devil's tail as Blake and his henchie do.


OK, none of these inept characters are moving to save Laura and Paloma.

If badbun is capable of doing anything other than stare evilly and shoot his staff, I hope he comes to Laura's rescue.


Alfredo, I just read yesterday's evening comments and see you are back!!!

You've been truly missed!

Can't wait to see what your take on all of these sordid events is.

Welcome back to this TN where the world is certainly bleaker unfortunately.

Oh, and I think I heard this is in Ultimate Semanas? Is that right?

I know there will be a second installment but hope the current loose threads are tied up. No way can we wait to make sure Paloma is safe and sound.


Good Morning Diana. Quite an episode. Chayo and Mercy was good. Mercy is still an annoying self centered spoiled old broad, but she has improved a hundred percent.

Trying to outrun a 914 Porsche with a guy driving who appears to be very familiar with the car's capabilities in a Lincoln Town Car? Puleeeze Horacio.

You wonder, has LetMesharethemisery ever seen American Idol, or So You Think You Can Dance? In some cases kids are better off without their biological parents. Tad and Maria are beginning to realize that their Mom is mentally defective and they are better off with her jettisoned from their lives. Believe me, it happens.

They should stay away from closeups on Morgana's face.

Little Blue Heron. Same body as Great Blues, all dark blue/black feathers except mating plumage, and about 1/3 the size.

Kirby: Morgana AKA Abortion Barbie still upping the ante.

I am starting to miss those knuckleheads on Vino.

I was hopeoing that Paloma and Laura would be free last night.

I am surprised that the galan and a supporting actor (Joey,,) have the same look..a pompadour haircut with a full heard and mustache. Diesntbtgevgalan usually have a unique look? #,vestsarethebest

I am getting tired of all the evildoers and their evildoing.

I wish that Dan would have given Tom a couple badges before Dumb Tom turned the tables on evidently Dumberdan.

Where's BadBun. Yeah, he's bad , but I enjoy looking at him. #shallowsorrynotsorry

SusanLynn, dealing with laundry and unpacking

Badges??? Bashes ...Sorry..hurrying and sleepy. ..."doesn't the galan"

Diana...I am not appreciating Rosy's messages about life in the U.S. for immigrants. I have taught a thousand of them , and they usually have not encountered all these awful scenarios that Rosy is presenting. As for the lack of success in rescuing Laura and Paloma , perhaps another Rosygram is that ultimately we cannot count on anyone but ourselves to rescue us in some situations which is a hard but important lesson to learn . Sometimes, you are the only one who can save you.

Good Morning!

This is what I remember form last night.

Luara returns to PsychoB's table and he shows Laura the check he received from the auction and tells her he didn't know what she had to do but that she wasn't with the "winner" for very long.

Next day--
LetMe goes to find Tadea at the studio and scolds him for getting a job as a guitar player/singer. She tells him that he needs to go back to school and get some type of certification. SHe then goes to find Morgana and tells her how dare she give her son a job and that she knew she couldn'tbe trusted. Morgana tells LetMe that she was just trying to help and that she hired Tadeo on the condition that he go back to school..and that he has to show her his report card. LetMe calms down.

(My fav scene) Mercy goes to visit Rosario, She hands Rosario the American flag received when her son, Rafael died in the Afghanistan war, a picture of Rafael and a letter that he wrote to her before he died. In the letter, Rafael tells her that his father told him the truth before he went off war, but that he knew she had fought a much more bitter war of loneliness, pain, and not seeing her son grow up (sniff, sniff). He tells her that he forgives her, but that he really doesn't have anything to forgive. He ends it by calling her "Mama" (tears abound).

Danilow is in his office pacing talking to some singer that has canceled because of Regia's bad reputation.

Different programs are shown trashing Regia and reporting how she has changed (for the worse) and how Danilow sent a message through social media that Furia Productions had released her. Then they show Paloma with thears in her eyes, watching the reports and saying "My mommy is not bad." (more sniffles)

PsychoB is with Laura and tells her that Paloma does not want to see her. Laura pleads with him to let her talk to her. He agrees but tells her that they will have to bring her forcefully. Laura goes to the door and kneels, asking Paloma if she is ok. Paloma tells Laura that she doesn't want to see her and Laura asks her why. Paloma tells her "because you are bad, very bad." (more tears flowing).

My other favorite scene, and only because twiddledum and his sidekick mess up again). Ryan and Joe are discussing how they could get Laura and Paloma back. Ryan remembers that Danilow has the money, probably cash, that he received to be laundered. Ryan says that if they can find the money they can use it as leverage to get Laura and Paloma back. He also remembers that Horacio also knows where the money is, so the Black Hornet and his sidekick decide to go follow Horacio who may lead them to the money. They spot Horacio's car, and what do they do? They don't trail far enough behind to be spotted, instead they speed towards Horacio's car and chase him down a street. Another car happens to get in the way, so BLack Hornet slams on the brakes and Horacio gets away.

Susanlynn, "Rosygram" - simply great.

I'm all for people, women in particular being proactive in saving them/ourselves. But Laura is in the clutches of a madman. Unless she really is Wonder Woman, someone is going to have to step up and intervene.

I'm with you in enjoying watching badbun. If only those sultry stares and looks weren't so tinged with evil!

Now I'm going to enjoy Kirby's Little blue heron...


I just caught up on the Thursday comments and have some comments to add.

Diana and Julie. I enjoyed reading your favorite movies which were quite different from my odd favorites ( all the Doris Day movies, all the Gidget movies, all the Sandra Dee movies, Max Dugan Returns, Gone with the Wind, Spencer's Mountain, Blue Hawaii, Donovan's Reef)

Alfredo..Welcome hone. You were missed.


R&S overhear Morgana talking to LetMe at Furia about some secret, that secret being that LetMe is sewing for her. LetMe gives Morg her address to send someone to pick up a 'something'. Ryan memorizes "3456 SomeFthing Street". After Horacio gets away they think Morgana must know about the money, AKA the secret Ryan overheard and luckily he remembers the address.

TomPAss has told LetMe about an envelope of money hidden at home and she is to meet him with the cash as they are going on an emergency trip to Montana for his job at Furia. He is so freaked out trying to talk to her he is just blithering and blabbering like the p..Wussy he is, scared to death (of death). Soon after she finds a big clump of his stolen money Ryan and Steve arrive and Ryan goes to her door. LetMe is sooo freaked out that between Ryan not even being able to get in a word, she admits that TomAss must have stolen the money, blah blah, blah.

So now in addition to all these people looking for LauStela, resembling the Spanish festival "Running of the Bulls", we now have a crowd beginning to form to look for Tom-P-Ass too. DaniLow wants to return the favor of getting clocked on the noggin with a with a Harbor Freight sheave block.
Ryan and Steve want to find Tom-P-Ass to find out where the money is hidden. Hmmm..what does Tom do?

Note to Money launderers: To hide money just sneak in at night and hide it in Ryan's refrigerator or his car.

BTW in their defense, the money was not as much as it originally looked to be. It is in a thin layer on top of the speakers in the equipment cases. IE: rather than a box 2 by 3 by 3 feet full of money there is a layer 3 by 3 feet by a few inches of actual money on top of the big stage speakers.

DaniLow goes to see Marcelo Marseau to do, I am thinking, some damage control. I just could not pay attention while they were 'dancing'. RGV did you get all that with those two?

The other Danidumb receives a phone from Horacio showing camera shots of the inventory room. As Danidumb is arguing with Ryan about releasing Regia from Furia, his phone dings indicating that someone is in the inventory room. He goes down as TomAss is putting a couple bundles of bills in his pocket. There's a fight and Danidumb knocks TomAss on his sorry ass and points his gun at him. Living up to his DaniDumb name, still pointing the gun at TomAss, he takes his phone out to make a call and looks AWAY from TomAss. TomAss gets an object (don't remember what it was, I think it looked like a large pulley), quickly gets up and hits DaniDumb on the head. DaniDumb goes down (KNOCK-OUT) but to make sure, TomAss hits him one more time, runs, picks up the cash DaniDumb took from him, gets more bundles of cash, then runs out.

Horacio comes to the inventory room. DaniDUmb is already conscience with a kerchief on his head looking like a dork. Horacio fgures out that there is about half a mil plus a little more missing.

TomASS calls LetMe and tells her they need to high-tail out a' town. LetMe tells him, "no, but my children..." So he tells her it'll only be a couple days...the company is sending him to MONTANA for training. She caves in, so he tells her she needs to pack her things quickly, and by the way, I need you to get an envelope that is there.

LetMe starts packing and goes for the envelope. She looks inside and sees all the money..Oh me, oh my, what did he do? Where did he get this money?

Morgana happens to call LetMe and tell her she needs the shorts she had ordered right away. LetMe tells her she needs to send someone for them because she has a slight problem. LetMe asks Morgana to not tell anyone so TomAss won't find out she is sending someone over. Morgana tells her, "Of course, I'll keep it hush-hush. Very conveniently, while they are talking on the phone, Ryan comes in walking toward Morgan (who of course does not see him) and overhears the hush-hush part so he keeps back and listens. LetMe gives Morgana her address and Morgana repeats it loudly. Ryan, wo only heard part of the conversation, assumes that Morgana is talking to someone about the money.

Now since Ryan knows (or thinks he knows) where all the money is, he rushes off to tell Joe! They jump with glee and hug each other..not really, j/k. They get in the batmobile and rush off to the address. Ryan gets down, knocks on the door, and LetMe opens the door. She is shocked to see Mr. Ryan but asks him in. She starts rambling, "Oh Mr. Ryan, I can just imagine why you are here." Seeing Ryan has a confused look, she says, "Oh you don't have to pretend, I know he probably took the money, You are looking for Tom. You came for the money...blah,blah blah" Ryan looking all befuddled asks her "Who is Tom?" LetMe responds, "Tom. Tom Allen. Ever since he started working there, he started bringing that money...he stole it right??? Ryan still has that "huh? look but the scene ends...

working on it..Kirby..

Nina.. I liked your "feeling summertime good" comment. I love summer !!!

When Horacio and Danidumb were in the inventory, Danilow told Horacio he would have to "get rid of" the gringo. Horacio he wouldn't get in to that tyoe of thing...why don't get 3 of your (EL D) henchmen to do the job. Danidumb has a better idea..."I'll just go to Salgado, tell him the gringo stole some of his money, and he can send 3 henchmen to be rid of the gringo."

So Danidumb goes to Salgado, struts in to hotel suite (I think it's a hotel suite) all confident with that cocky grin. They get into some small talk when there is a knock on the door and one of Salgado's henchmen comes in. The henchman tells them that one of their "customers" was caught stealing. Salgado tells him something like, "Well just take care of it..and by the way, send me the video of the guy's hands being cut off." DaniDumb eyes almost burst out. Salgado then turns to DaniDumb and asks, " Ok, now what is that you really came to talk about?"

Kirby, our comments crossed...sorry, I hadn't seen your summary of the LetMe-Ryan scenes.

Nice work Rio Chik. I believe we have covered the main points. Did we ever see LauStela get up from her visit with Pal and go back? I believe the last scene was her layin aroun wit Pala.

I wonder: Do these TN writers base the overall intelligence of their characters on a sliding scale above or below the prospective audience, or maybe their own? If it is audience based, they may be trying to shoot a little below ours to make us feel better or something. If that's the case, I have bad news, they are shooting down into the floor.


RgvChick, thank you for the relating all the events in grand styele.

I so enjoy the savvy and sensitive way you phrase things, particularly "Rafael tells her that his father told him the truth before he went off war, but that he knew she had fought a much more bitter war of loneliness, pain, and not seeing her son grow up (sniff, sniff). He tells her that he forgives her, but that he really doesn't have anything to forgive. He ends it by calling her "Mama" (tears abound). Now that you graciously translated this, my heart is in my throat. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child, especially one lost when you were not able to be together, cherishing every moment.

Now I am really anxious to learn about Mercy's lost child.

Kirby, I thought the boxes were filled with cash. I kept thinking HOW much is there...Appreciate your noting is was just "on the top".

Thanks everyone for pitching in - as usual a lot happened. Far too much for me personally to follow.


Thanks. I got most of that, but I missed the part where Dani planned on letting M Salgado know so HIS goons could solve the problem. Yeah that was funny as hell about the video of the hands. I saw where he told Hore to kill TA and he said his specialty was cooking the books (in so many words) but killing was above his pay grade.

I am one of Laura's biggest supporters, but I am totally dismayed that she chose to lie down with Paloma. While they likely would have been thwarted in any escape attempt, hasn't any of what is happening sunk in? What does she think Blake will do if she is discovered.

Laura's been using her little gray cells (Poirot) more than most here. She needs to be level and clear headed despite this latest heartbreak of her child being turned against her.

I don't think I've ever commented this much early in the day. But the story is so gut wrenching and the comments and summaries so wonderful, it's hard not to.


Diana: Laura is STUPID!

RgvChick--Great resume! Yes, you are a natural. And this is how it starts. You and Kirby make a great tag team.

Before I add any comments (I've been concentrating on LaCandi), I have a question. Did I miss something? Where did Mercy get the memorabilia from Rosario's son in order to give them to her, including the letter. I was moved by the whole scene and it was obvious Mercy was thinking of her lost child reflected in Rosario's emotional response. Wanna bet Rosie (as opposed to Rosy) will be the first to know Mercy's sad tale?

Adriana – Sorry for the double shifts! Hope you do find time for a little R&R.

Kirby and RgvChick - Thanks for the rundown of yesterday. No shortage of action here and you both cleared up my foggy.

Finally, welcome comic relief. Dumbass TomAss running scared. Will Leticia thank her lucky stars and let him scamper off alone?

I share the anger on Paloma's turn though I can see her being mad at mom for (she thinks) abandoning her. But a three year old being convinced by strangers on TV and a creepy old man visiting her dank room? Nuts.

So Laustela didn’t have a chance to tell Ryan and Danilo about Mr. Blake and Luisa and they didn’t sneak her a phone? And since Mr. Blake is hiding in plain sight, with reporters covering his every word, can’t they track him and follow him to Laustela?

Susanlynn, I thought it strange the show would have mom Mercy involved with a guy groomed like her son especially since he's her son's age. I love DZ's look in this, I've always liked him with a beard. Joe's beard is nice too, but not that pompadour. I prefer Ryan's cropped cut.

Alfredo - Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful vacation. Some things defie logic now, but I'm still enjoying Estela.

Mmmm, agree with the criticism of Rosy O's "message." To call someone you love a mulatto? What century was she writing for? Aren't we going for mixed-race, multi-racial or just NOTHING these days? I'm certainly multi-racial, going back all the way to the 12th Century. Now what? Do you think she's actually sending a message to undocumented residents to come back home? Getting shot or murdered gruesomely on the streets of some Mexican village, or kidnapped for ransom is better than living in the shadows? Hmmm.

Anita... I have the same question. How did finallyMerciful get those items? Is this the beginning of her redemption? Will she and Rosario bond now?

OT. Anita..the traffic north around NYC and Boston was terrible. Hubba did not try your alternate suggested route because it was 200 miles out of our way. Luckily , we had no wait going over the Tappanzee Bridge.

Kirby and Rvg..thank you both for the recaps. I understand little, so I mostly rely on the visual.

Niecie..You might fall in love with someone who resembles your dad...but a guy who resembles your son????

Back at the Riverside dump/house..

Luisa comes in accompanied by a young man who is bringing in a tray of food. Laura is laying down and Luisa kicks her (not too hard), tells her to get up, do exercise, do something to look good and pretty for her fans. Laura remains laying down and tells her that to look pretty she needs her make-up, brush, conditioner.." Luisa pulls her up and orders her to eat. Laura asks the young man who he is but he remains silent. Luisa tells Laura that the young man will be looking after her because Juanson has something else to do. Luisa says the young man will be a deaf-mute to her but will be watching her closely. Luisa then turns around and bitch slaps the young man asking him, "Isn't that so?" She grabs his face and asks, "Now, what are you supposed to do if she gets out of hand?" He responds, "Slash her face."

Later on, the young man, Celso, brings in a make up bag. He sees that Laura hasn't eaten and tells her that Luisa's orders were that she eat everything. Laura responds that they can't force her to eat. She starts asking if he takes Paloma her food, is she eating, is she okay? Laura pleads with him to tell her about Paloma, but he just says he cannot speak to her. She apologizes and tells him she doesn't want to get him in trouble.

Blake and Paloma Scene--
Blake sits with Paloma and and asks her if she likes her doll. He says he knows that when they first met he was a little rude. Paloma asks, "What's rude?" He says, "well a little angry. I just want you to like me and I want to be good. Not like your mother, she is bad." Paloma asks him if he, too, saw the television." Blake nods yes and tells her that it must be very bad to be on television, people saying that she is bad..and that the bad person is your mother. He then begins to touch and feel her face. (shudder, shudder)
Back to Laura--

Laura looks around the room and up at the camera. She goes to the door, pulls something from her blouse (maybe a hair pin) and starts to jimmy the lock. In walks Celso, Laura begs him not to tell Luisa or Blake as they will harm Paloma if he tells them. He gets behind the door (I suppose so that the camera won't reveal that he is talking) and tells her not to worry...from what she told him, he knows she is a good mother and he knows what it is like to be separated from your family. He knows that what she is doing is only because Blake is forcing her to do it...and he is a Regia fan. He tells her that he will help her, but she needs to wait for an opportune time. he agrees.

The opportunity arrives...
Celso comes in and tells Laura that there is a chance for her to go see Paloma. He tells her that he has fixed the cameras so that they show her and Paloma sleeping. He gives Laura a key and tells her to hide it well so no one will find it. She takes the key, goes out to the hallway, and, with her heart leading her, walks straight to Paloma's room. She lays down next to Paloma and softly caresses her face.
Paloma wakes up, turns to her and says, "Mommy.'
Laura: "Yes I'm here with you."
Paloma; "Go away"
Laura: "Why do you want me to leave? We haven't seen each other in a long time. Don't you miss me?"
Paloma: "No"
Laura: "You don't know how much I missed you. Don't you love me anymore?"
Paloma: "No, it's your fault I am's your fault I am here."
Laura continues to caress her face.

Anita, I think Tinkerbell brought Mercy those must have been off screen.

I was also wondering what happened with Laura, Danilow and Ryan..they just seemed to leave a whole scene out. But whatever she said sure convinced Danilow to drop everything. Ryan is fumbling around like a chicken without a head but at least he is still trying to rescue Laura.

Kirby, the episode ended with Laura caressing Paloma's face.

Like those above, I think Laura and Celso didn't think things through. There little plan would work, but they are not considering that Paloma might spill the beans. If she does, Celso is a gonner.

Sorry for all the typos..I was writing like a mad woman...

my admiration for the recappers is far beyond the universe...

I like typo chicks

Hey, here's a hair brain idea. Celso tells Laura that he knows what it is like being separated from your family. Could he possibly be either Rosario or Mercyme's missing baby? Everyone is always connected somehow in these bizarre tn storylines, verdad? He seems to have been so randomly introduced into this story.

You can't imagine how excited I was when Danilo found Tomas.
And how disappointed I was when Tomas got away.
And how resigned I felt when I realized that it was because of Danilo stupidly looking at his phone like it was more important than keeping an eye on the guy who was stealing Marcelino's money.

I forgot the other scene with Mercy and Rosario--

Mercy tells Rosario that Agustin has taken her bags up to her old room. Rosario thanks her for taking her in and, with tears in her eyes, tells her that without Estela and Paloma, she just doesn't know what she will do. Mercy tells her "no more tears, we've been through too many misfortunes to now be broken by this." She tells Rosario that for now, she will stay there for as long as need be, she will not be lacking in shelter or food. Rosario then asks if Ryan has found out anything about Estela and Paloma. Mercy tells her "no" but that knowing her son, he will find them and bring their little girl back to them.

Kirby, "Mercy Finds Her Heart" perfect!! She has always had just took a little girl to help her find it.

SusanLynn, Rosario's son, Rafael, was killed in the war. MercyMe's missing baby?...possible...

Rvg...but was he really???? I never trust these tn people!!!!

Julie...yeah, people get in all kinds of trouble checking cellphones. Didn't some woman fall into a fountain at a mall , not to mention people getting hit by cars or drivers having accidents. We were a lot safer in many ways before the invention of cellphones. #bradybunchwaltonsingalls

Wow, Mercyme's seems to have had an epiphany.

Most three year olds absolutely adore their mommies. It is very unrealistic that Paloma would accept the idea that her beloved mommy is suddenly bad. No way.

Sue, Rosario's son was killed in Afghanistan. That was his picture MercyMe brought to her bedside along with the flag from his coffin.

I've only just started reading the comments, but I agree with Kirby's very first statement - Paloma wouldn't turn against her mother that easily. Little kids aren't like that.

When she was watching TV, I thought she said "Mommy is NOT bad." So later, when she was talking through the door, I thought she was just playing along with what she thought the bad guys wanted to hear. (Maybe a bit much to expect of a small child, but who knows.) But when they were alone it sure looked as though the brainwashing had worked.

I really thought Celso was trying to trick Laura until I saw him get nervous around Johnson. Phew!

Oops didn't see your previous post RgvC.

Adrianna you write a snappy recap, but you post a 'knock down drag 'em out' discussion page too!

Fifty and counting and half of us haven't even cleared our throats yet. GaaahhhLee

SusanLynn, " It is very unrealistic that Paloma would accept the idea that her beloved mommy is suddenly bad." ITA, it's part of " the transparent bull they are trying to load onto us." that Kirby mentioned above. Even kids that suffer abuse from their parents usually don't turn on them...and they expect us to swallow this BS.

I love factoids, fake or not. Mr. Blake thinks he's going to shake things up nationally for the likes of Sen. Logan, right?

Well, Riverside's 2014 population was 319,504
L.A.'s 2014 population was 3,929,000 – and somewhere around 4 million in 2017 (est.)

Who would you imagine has more status, power and influence.....(with apologies to Mayor Rusty Bailey [who seems like a great stand-up guy] in advance, because I wouldn't want to be mayor of either place).


P.S. Rusty Bailey's credentials are platinum compared to the Creepy little upstart of Mr. John B. Green (lol). I hope he's running against Rusty and gets a shellacking.


Julie, Paloma did say, "My mommy is NOT bad." when she was watching the TV reports. I think the writers want us to think that there is where the "brainwashing" started. By the time they "forced" her to go talk to Laura, her thoughts had already been turned...

I think that part of Blake's torture for Laura is to turn everyone against her..even those that love her. Some of his questions to her were "How does it feel to lose the love of your child?" and "it's horrible to feel like your dead among the living, isn't it?" So maybe he wants her to feel what he has been feeling???

THANK YOU RGVCHICK AND KIRBY for that recap. Congratulations, you're now a professional!

Thanks for confirming that Paloma did say "NOT bad" to the TV. Now the brainwashing seems even less plausible. It doesn't happen that fast.

I think you're right about how Blake is torturing Laura. But some of it doesn't make sense, like the people at Everwood. Those people knew her before she was famous. They knew of her struggles. (Not all of them, but enough of them.) The other night, when they were saying that she had never suffered, that made no sense at all.

Hi Susanlynn, those weren't necessarily my favorite movies - just the funny ones! There's also the distinction between favorites and those that are good for rewatching. There are movies that I really love, but can't watch very often.

Anita, from what I have observed, "mulatto" is not quite as unusual a term in Mexico as it is here. (I don't know about "quarteroon" and "octoroon"!) You didn't miss anything - Mercy showed up with the flag, photo, and letter without explanation, though presumably she went to San Bernardino and asked Idalia's husband for the stuff.

Leticia should be suspicious that Furia is supposedly sending Tom back to his home state, of all places, and not a neighboring state where their kind of music is popular.

Niecie, your questions are thoughtful and incisive. Of course, they have no answers!

I was both disappointed and amused when I realized that the money was being stored in a shallow compartment on top of the speaker cases. I had thought the speaker cases were packed full of cash, which would have been really stupid, not to mention a truly insane amount of money. But now I'm wondering what would happen if they needed to use those speakers before the laundry was ready.

Is it Christmas?

RgvChick, your recap and comments are exceptional. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your conversation translations as they add so much.

That said, I'm often relieved I don't understand what is being said. "Now, what are you supposed to do if she gets out of hand?" He responds, "Slash her face." Mercifully, that did not compute.

Paloma's been abducted from her home, taken away from everyone she loves and thrown into the "care" of people who are far from tender. Of course she's confused. Add Blake's poisonous whispering in her ear, it's a wonder she hasn't melted down entirely. But she loves her mother and once she is rescued, this will pass. Children are resilient and with Laura's love, she will overcome this.


I wonder if people ever launder money through a laundromat? #irony

Diana. Yes, and children are loyal. One of my mother's favorite stories was that when I was little, my aunts must have been saying something negative about my mother in front of me. I cried and told them, "Don't talk about my mother like that. She works hard! " I don't remember it, but my mother loved to tell that story. Paloma could not have been turned against her beloved and loving mother like they are portraying .

SusanLynn, "I wonder if people ever launder money through a laundromat? #irony" I don't go to a laundry mat, but I've washed AND dried money several times...comes out smelling like Downy LOL

Niecie, "So Laustela didn’t have a chance to tell Ryan and Danilo about Mr. Blake and Luisa.." I think Laura did get to tell them something. When Ryan was arguing with Danilow, Ryan asked him if he didn't realize he was putting Laura at risk by releasing her from Furia. Ryan wondered what Blake would do with her now. He did use the name "Blake", so Laura must have told them something,

Yeah, I've accidentally done cash in the washing machine, and it came out clean and unscathed. Not a trace of all those germs and cocaine you always hear about.

I assume that Laura did have a conversation with Danilo and Ryan in between episodes. Probably it was skipped because they didn't say anything that we don't already know, but maybe they decided something significant that we'll see in a flashback someday. Kind of doubt it, though.

Rvg...I recently washed the coins that Hubba had forgotten to take out of the pocket of his pants.#youhadonejob

Humidity is 90% here right now.
That is all.

Julie, you got me beat. Humidity is at 57% here, but it is 95 degrees, and according to the Weatherbug it feels like 103 degrees..I agree with weatherbug..Hot!

It's only 73deg here, very comfortable except that everything feels sticky.

Where's La Toña during all of this? I remember Blake telling her that she had to stay there until he was through with Laura. I hope they're letting her watch TV.

Julie, I was wondering about La Tona too. She's probably still tied up, hopeofully not in the same house as Laura. I sure hope I they are giving her bathroom breaks...or maybe that's why that house smells so bad...yu-uck!!

If Blake still has people at the other house, then he must have a LOT more people than we were originally led to believe. At the beginning, it really looked like just him and Luisa. Now he's got Johnson, Celso, and whoever's at his other house.

70 here but humid and raining off and on but sunny now. It is supposed to be in the high 80s all week for here. Summer.

Julie, yes, it does sound like PsychB has a crew. It seems Celso is being held against his will too...with some privileges. Maybe he is another that was "saved" by Blake and paying his dues?

Also, I hadn't realized Ausencio Granados is related to Marcelino Salgado...nephew I think. Part of Ryan's plan was to bring him into Furia to see if he could get a lead on the money.

SusanLynn, wish it were in the 80s here. Last week when it rained it stayed in the high 80s, but the heat is back this week.

Didn't Danilow outbid Steve or Joe for the dinner date with Lausterla? Wasn't the winning bid $30,000 which was Danilow who outbif Joe's 20,000. Blake was showing LauStela the check. So didn't thaqt mean that DaniLow had his dinner date with her, as Blake does not know who DanLow is? Couldn't she tell him all then?

Typos are contagious. The Eagle is saying, "Oh shucks I missed that turd down there with the camera."

Horacio outbid Joe because Joe was on the phone. I thought Joe had bid 10K and Horacio 20K, but whtaever it was, Ryan crashed Laura's dinner with Danilo. They both wanted to rescue her and she said no. Since that was the end of the episode and the dinner was over at the start of the next, we have no idea how much she told one or both of them in between. You'd think it would have been something. I can't believe the two of them would have just gone home meekly without any further discussion.

I'd find it very hard to believe that she wouldn't, at a minimum, have told them where she was being held. It's very strange that Ryan and Danilo didn't discuss any of it with Joe and Steve or Horacio afterwards, in the next episode.

Kirby, Danilow did outbid Joe. Joe's bid was 10k and Danilow's bid was for 20k. Danilow was at the table ready for dinner with Laura, but Ryan showed up. I don't think Blake knows Danilow. He knows about Ryan, but I don't think he has ever seeen him either. Blake was surprised to see Regia back from her dinner date so quickly...that's why he made the comment that he didn't know what she was made to do in such a short time. The check Blake showed Laura was for 20K. I did notice that when they showed the translation, they wrote 24k instead of 20k.

Yup, typos are contagious!! And hard to get rid of that condition :-)

Julie, our comments crossed...again. It does seem like there were critical discussions that are missing. Could Univision have made some cuts...since it's now in últimas semanas?

And you're right, Horacio was the one that did the actual bidding for Danilow.

LOL I just realized I wrote that Blake had never seen Danilow or Ryan... of course he hasn't...he's blind!! Maybe Luisa has seen them on TV?

I don't think it's actually in ultimas yet. I didn't see an announcement. Ultimos shouldn't start until #42.

There could have been a scene cut by univision, or by televisa, or maybe there was no scene at all. It seems like they could have cut something less important if there was a cut. But maybe I can check some online resources and find out.

Oh LOL, good point about not being able to see them. Maybe Luisa's seen them on TV or in magazines. If they were keeping tabs on La Regia it would have been very easy to know that she supposedly was involved with both of them.

It is surprising that Luisa didn't chaperone the dinner. Even for a 20K donation for dinner "alone" you'd think Blake would have paid someone to watch all the doors in and out of that room. Ryan pretty much waltzed in there with no trouble at all.

So in even a brief encounter Laustela was not able to secretly (probably, as TasMania was probably listening) get the info to them to come and get her ass? She is far unlike the women who have been in my life. In an emergency they can make an auctioneer seem groggy. Emergency can include "Where have you been/do you not have a functioning watch?"

So is she happy with things the way they are? Is it nice in a nostalgic kind of way to see her old pal Blake? Otherwise why is she not at least co-operating with the people who are dying (ask Emerson) to save her? She frikking has me fooled. What's next, is she going to the drive-in with Blake?


Julie, I didn't see a written announcement last night, but I could swear I heard "últimas semanas"...maybe wishful thinking??? Although, the only reason I would hate for it to end is that I would miss this patio ALOT!

Kirby, even if TasMania was listening, if Laura could quickly think to write a note inhte bathroom with lipstick, surely she could write a note about the place she is at. Although, she may not know where it is..if they cover her eyes as they would do when she was taken to El D's house.

Someone above mentioned slipping her a phone, that would work too..unless TasMania does a body search...which she (Tas) may not mind doing LOL

there come those typos again *in the*

RgvChick--you and I heard the same thing--ultimas semanas.

Well if she lived in Riverside for a while, she must have an idea where she is. It looks like a rundown residence and she might hear the traffic so she know which side of town at least. If you have lived anywhere for a while, you can kinda have an idea where you are even if you are lost.

My favorite part of the tn was when Ms
Mercy brought the flag,and the letter.
Now can somebody please tell me how was she able to get the flag and the letter her brave baby boy wrote her. With sidecockin the mean sister upside the head? I Tell you that was a heart felt moment. And Now her and mercyme is closer than ever. Will it last? I hope so.Its time For these two momas to stop the cattiness, well at least mercy should Stop the cattiness. Them youngins need There strength and clear headedness,ok To much? Well somebody has got to be Clearheaded in this tn, the other old People are crooked ass politicians and mob Bosses. And the young folk is goin off Half cocked tryin to rescue Laura and Paloma(which they're really bad at by The way).Well at least this is not a borring show, there's something new and Exciting every night.

I was so hoping Danilo would beat the crap out of Tomass,the Thomas got the best of him. Now what is letty gonna
Do now that Ryan is there? Were those
Bags the stuff she made for morgstupid
Or was she really going to leave with that Jackass she married.I hope not cuz this chick need to wake up those
Dorment brain cells and put them to work. Pronto.
Ms Ocampo has little paloma turn on her mom on a dime? Of course some kids
Are easy to influence. And shes 3 yrs old?I don't think so ocampo. You can tell a three-year-old something bad about Mommy but when they've been scared like this child when they see mommy they gonna run to mommy and jump in her arms, cuz they're going to be glad to see Mommy. And they got her laying up there with her eyes closed saying "leave"? Seriously Ocamp?

Thanks guys. Good discussion. Get some
Rest Adriana, those double shifts are

So now they are starting ultimas semanas before the six week mark?? I mean seriously we just started the second half with #37.

We really don't know whether Laura told Danilo and Ryan anything or not. My guess would be that she told them whatever she could but also told them to lay low for a while or be careful about how they move because the guy is friends with a state senator with connections to DOJ, is keeping Ryan out of jail and has Paloma.

Or maybe she really didn't tell them anything because she's so afraid of Ryan going to jail. But I think she should let Ryan worry about that. He's been to jail before and he fights like he's been trained, so he ought to be okay.

Ryan was a good fighter in Fin del Mundo too, I can't remember him doing any in TVA. He just discharged himself out of intensive care, remember, so when he is fully recovered he ought to look like The Rock in a fight. :-) :-)

Alfredo yeah, an airplane propeller is almost as unforgiving as a tree shredder.

The plane will need a propeller balance/reconditioning and detail.

I can't remember if Ramiro did any fighting in TVA or not. I thought maybe he was in a fight, or beat up on that guy who needed a new liver or kidney or something, but maybe I am just remembering the time Ana Laura slapped him.

However, I have seen DZ in a lot of things and this is the first one where I can honestly say that I really like him. (He was good in TVA too, but I thought it might be a fluke.)

Propellers? I remember a guy getting shredded by a propeller in the 2nd Indiana Jones movie. Personally, I found it delightful, but my friend was traumatized by it. IN fact, that movie was what prompted the creation of the PG-13 movie rating.

Ugh, I'm wrong. The propeller scene was in the first Indiana Jones movie, and that's the one my friend complained about, but the second one was much more graphic.

The PG-13 rating wouldn't have helped my friend even at the first movie - we were already 14 by then.

I cringed when she backed into that propeller. That is about a $10,000 prop from the looks of it. It will have to be completely gone through now. Even a bird strike can cause a need for an overhaul.

I hated DZ in Fin del Mundo where the original Chava's wife supposedly made him quit after the first kissing scene with Marjorie Sousa. Then presto changeo next episode there is DZ as Chava. But he grew on us and before long he was great.

He was a convincing race car driver, and it looked like anyway, he didn't mind laying around kissing all over Marjorie de Sousa. He's a tough guy.

Maybe the problem with DZ was that the first few times I saw him, he was playing douchebags way too convincingly.

Wow, 100 comments.

In TVA, DZ's Ramiro had a great fight scene. This acrobat had been spying for the bad guys and Ramiro caught him shoving a woman around. Ramiro gave him a beat down and stuffed him in his car trunk -- sweet.

I have to give props to the actor playing Tomas. He's good at it. Now Tomas has screwed up bigtime stealing from the mob and he's scared s***less, but on the phone with Letmebeyourfool he's still got this arrogant know-it-all tone with her mixed in with his desperation.

Laustela asked for her makeup bag, which was pretty big. Maybe she's got a plan for it other than glamour.

I remember Laura specifically asking for her conditioner. Maybe she's planning to put a puddle of it on the floor so that Blake, Luisa, etc. will slip and fall. ;-)

Hey, All.

I've edited the summaries I posted earlier, corrected typos, added a few more details and tried to sequence the events a little more in line with the episode. Should I post them again or should I send it to someone?

Rgv, hopefully Adriana will see this (between double shifts??) and have you send it to her... then she can post it for you.

Ok, Julie..thanks! I don't know how you all manage to recap the way you all do. I just wrote a few summaries today, but Julie, you did it 4 nights in a row! And I know Alfredo does several nights of the week too...It's not at all easy. You all are SOOOOO AWESOME!!

Alfredo, I'm honored that you asked, but I don't think I could do as quick a job as you all do. If you really need the help, I can try it, but it'll take me a while to get the recaps done...and you can kick me to the curb if it doesn't meet your feelings won't be hurt :-) Wednesdays or Thursdays would be best for me.

And I can help Adriana on Fridays whenever she needs help.

Wednesday is fine, Alfredo. I'll email you tomorrow.

Hmmm...Laura asked for her makeup bag. Is she going to Macgiver her way to freedom?

Looking forward to your recaps, Rvg !!!

Kirby..I think that I remember that sudden switch of Chavas. Is that really the reason? Marjorie ? I saw her on a dance show..very good and very competitive . She played a great bad girl in AV , and she had a gruesome anvil in that one.

Hello, everybody!
I've been at work from 5.30am until 11pm, with a 3 hours after-noon break (yeah, not something I recommend, but the circumstances were extraordinary), so I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but since this thread is now over 100 comments long and we're only Sunday morning, then my non-recapping skills have to be amazing.

A few quick thoughts:
Diana, thank you, you are pretty great, you always have a good word to say to each and everyone of us. I hope all is going well with you, too.
Alfredo, welcome back. I hope you're well rested and ready to tackle the ultimas semanas (already? wth!)
Rgv, yey!!! Another recapper! I took your comments and those of Kirby's and I edited them into the main post, so now we have a proper, pretty incredible recap. I only added a title, inspired by your witty writing. I'm looking forward to reading your recaps.

Sue: Yep, in Hasta el Fin del Mundo the original romantic lead opposite Marjorie de Sousa was Pedro Fernandez the Mariachi singer guy. He was pretty good, he just exuded humility and sweetness. He is probably like that in real life too, I don't know.

The show went swimmingly along as he was hired as her driver, getting to know her, etc. etc. So of course finally after a loooong time they become lovers...BOOM ...gone. It was all over the Latin Soap Opera universe that his wife very politely told him that she was just not comfortable with those scenes, and he withdrew as gentlemanly as he could.

There was no scandal or anything, the word was that he is just very in love with his wife, and it was pretty much a mutual decision. Looking at Marjorie, you can see how she would make any mortal woman uneasy. So then Mr. DZ shows up the next episode wearing the same chauffeur or race car driver uniforms, and best buds with the same pit crew, etc. I had to be hard for David, and actually he made a better Chava after the initial bumpy start.

Of note also: The other romantic male lead opposite Pedro, Julian Gil, was her on again off again other boyfriend, and wound up briefly married to Marjorie after Hasta el Fin del Mundo. Marjorie is stunning. But she makes dumb mistakes like us mortals.

Kirby: DZ was perfect in "Hasta El Fin Del Mundo".

It got that TN (one of my favorites) going a quick pace.

Adriana Noel, thank you for posting this! You are amazing and I'm in awe of your work schedule. Please, please, try and get some rest...

RgvChick and Kirby, thank you again for a sterling recap. RgvChick, so glad you are joining the recapping team - and what a splendid one too. What could be better? Having Kirby sign on as well...

I don't think I've seen as many comments except after a finale. Thought provoking, insightful and just plain fun.

I'll simply say that DZ simply isn't one of my favorites. Personally, he does not appear to exude much warmth although that may be grossly unfair because of course I don't know him. I think he did a good job replacing Pedro, not an easy situation to walk into. I like him here though, he and Laura have good chemistry which is critical.

For everyone having oppressive heat, stay cool and safe.


Thanks Alfredo.

I think I will pass on recapping for now. I don't type fast enough to pound out a recap expeditiously. I do not record the shows either, but am actually working on that, so maybe later. I am happy to do the 'fill in the blanks' when there is a need though, but I just do it from memory.

Diana, I am with you , as usual. DZ just does not do it for me. However, I did prefer him to Pedro in Hasta. I gave up on that show. I do not think that an actor deciding to leave a show after it had already started would have been allowed in American shows..contracts .In often wonder how the spouses of actors and actresses can stand their husbands and wives having love scenes, especially nowadays when scenes are so graphic.

Well, another hot , sunny day here. Have a good day, all.

Good Morning, All!!

Adriana, I echo Diana's sentiments...with a schedule like that and still doing a tremendous job in organizing and editing the recap is unbelievably remarkable. You are an exceptional woman!

Thanks to all for your well wishes and support on recapping. I am no where near the level of the recappers, but I do want to help out in any way I can and hope I do not disappoint.

Kirby, I've read your "min-recaps" here and on La Piloto ( I was a part-time lurker there) and they are amazing. I think I have figured out the 3 main ingredients of a recap: thorough summary, wit and insight--and Kirby, you have all 3 PLUS a great memory!! I had a thought--wouldn't it be great if you and I co-wrote? We could sign as "KIRGV" or "CHIKIR" (the second one even sounds a little like Shakira..and I know you like her :-)

Kirby, is that another "Limpkin" different color? or is it like a chameleon and change colors to camouflage itself?

SusanLynn and Diana, add me on to "doesn't do it for me" list for AssBun..RAAWWWRR, but DZ, meh, and anyway that would make me much more than a cougar...more like a baby snatcher...

"now AssBun..RAAWWWRR"

RgvChick, I gave a hearty laugh. I'm right there with you! I believe Susanlynn and a few others are with us there.

Part of my frustration with his character is that they've painted his character dark but we don't know if there are any shades of gray or even (gasp)a ray of light??

Kirby, your memory is amazing. Looking forward to your continuing wry commentary...


Diana, to relieve the frustration with the AssBun character, I do the auto-suggestion technique--"He's just acting, he's just acting..."

Wow, a new recapper. Awesome, Rgv!

Adriana, hang in there...

Ooooh you are close RGV it is a double first cousin. A Lumpkin.
Actually it is called a Tricolor Heron. Very much like the Great Blue Herons except color. :-)

Oh my goodness, Kirby, you had me going there with "Lumpkin"...then I read the next sentence LOL It really does look like it's camouflaged with the background.

Well, it appears that some of us are fans of the actor playing Badbun. ...those blue eyes, that long,silver hair. Where was I? I much prefer him playing a good guy .

Adriana, I hope that you get a break and time to enjoy your sweet little girl .

Rvg, you will be a great recapper .

Game of Thrones marathon on today, but sometimes it is just too violent and gross

Susanlynn - I like Marco, too, but he was a bit bland in PyP and never got a girl (probably a good thing). He was stellar in La Verdad Oculta (as a bad guy)--the first time I saw him. He was a sleaze bag in Querida Enemiga and barely caught my eye. I keep my eye on him now.

Welcome to our crazy world of recapping, RgvChick. Doble Vida doesn't mean do it in double time. Do your regular thing and we'll lap it up.

I get Marco Mendez mixed up with Tio Mariano (in TVA) who actually is Ramiro Fumazoni or something like that. Both blue eyes and grey hair. Whattya say Sue and Diana, he have the same drool quotient?

I was always rooting for him to give in in TVA as I suspected that whacked out little Ana was not going to have babies and would self destruct before too long anyway. I just thought the decadence factor would have been over the top with him and Ana.

It is only 85 degrees here unbelievably, but has rained three times already.
So guess what we have today?

Whistling DUCKS !

DAAANNGG!! Have a Sunday treat, ladies (make sure you scroll down!)... Ramiro Fumazoni at...

Kirby, you have whistling ducks in Flori-duh; I have roasting ducks in RGVeeerryHOT!

Just took a close look at your ducks...the beaks and legs look like they were transplants...from a flamingo! Extraordinary ducks!

Thanks, Anita. I'll try to live up to Caray's expectations.

Ooooo....welcome to Google plus

You embarrassed the whistling duck

Thanks, Kirby, I don't have to prove I'm a robot...YAY!! And, wow, did the duck eat some flourescent lights??

OMG, RgvChick - You have a lovely avatar. Never seen anything like it. The colors are stunning. Again, welcome to the fold.

LOL I don't have to prove I'm NOT a robot!!

Thanks, Anita, That's a bloom from a Passion of Christ vine.

"Choose all the images which are street signs." always got me as I would pick the trick house number too and get booted.

Kirby, the street signs bothered me, but not as much as the roads...I'd always have to "Please try again" ughhh!

Kirby, here is my take on "Tio Mariano" vs "badbun" (Marco).

Physically, Tio was very much my type. Crystal clear blue eyes, etc. But for me handsome is only part of the equation. Personality and charisma are just as important and I didn't feel either in TVA. Not sure if it was the actor or storyline or perhaps both.

Marco caught my eye and held it consistently through the years. Despite my short term memory being extremely bad, I remember his performance in QE (the first TN I saw in its entirety) and he was captivating. Susanlynn, I agree he can do good and bad equally well, as long as he gives those intense stares and smoldering looks :)

I am hoping the writers give us a bit more insight into his character here.

So, beautiful birds and now, extraordinary flowers. Next stop, Paradise?


OK news from another planet: ! !
Just saw an ad on Looney Vision for Double Life, and they actually showed Celso talking to LauStela Fri. night (actually not pertinent) but after the scene the show title in big print with Ultimas Semanas above it.

So a reliable source has confirmed it we are in final weeks. Of course in Looneyspeak that could mean ep 81 of a 160 episode show.

And yes nice flower. Very nice

Fudge ! One of these wires I am not supposed to touch
but I can't remember what Mom said.

Just back from seeing "Beguiled" ....$16.00 for Hubba and Ice to see a bad movie. The original with Clint Eastwood was better, and it is sometimes shown on TV, so save your money. The previews for Dunkirk looked pretty good. All the other previews were weird .

Both Marco and Ramiro are verra attractive men. I the only one still dealing with proving that I am not a robot and avatarless?


Ice????...I .

Oh my, Kirby, I hope the little critter doesn't get electrocuted!

Sue it is Google's way of making you indirectly pay for all this free server space and manpower to provide this blogspace for all of us without charging a dime. You register with Google and become part of the Google family, get a Gmail address, use Google search, and finally you are no longer suspected of being an evil space robot.

The price you pay is google knows every---thing---you---do. They read your emails, they record your internet activity, and if you have an android phone they know everywhere you have been with your phone 24 hours a day seven days a week. and when you surf the web they throw ads in front of you based on things you have mentioned in your emails or searched for on Google search.

For an eye opener Search for "Google Maps Timeline", I believe it is called.

Oh shit the Google police are at my door. Gotta go.............................

just kidding about the Go Popo

Wait? What? Big Brother will be watching me? Maybe I will just keep on identifying belts, vehicles, signs, storefronts, etc.

SusanLynn, I thought the same thing about "Big Brother" but then I figured, ehhh, if I use any type of technology, email, or social media, someone will always be watching anyway...

RgvChick that is a beautiful flower I've never seen that before. A Bloom from a passion of Christ vine I've never heard of a flower like that, do they grow in Florida? I'm in North Florida.

I'm the same way. It bothers me a LOT, but there is no other way if I want to be a part of humanity. If I have anything clandestine to do I actually know how to hide my tracks.

A. Just turn things off. No Power, no calls home to Big Brother.
B. Always have an alternate identity that is hidden from Google.

Cattle Egret

Kirby those little squirrels a very brave getting up on those post like that around all those wires they could get electrocuted. Your birds are just beautiful by the way.

Nina, I checked the planting zone map and your area is within the zones (5-10) recommended for growing the Passion of Christ vine. Once it establishes, you'll get new sprouts often. My gardener whacked mine last year and it died, but I still get sprouts. I have 2 vines growing now.

Kirby, I didn't know the cattle egrets had yellow-orange plumes on their heads. I see them here often, but only from afar.

Hmmm I THINK it is a cattle egret. I shot those Saturday morning nearby. I may need to research this one then. There is a pronounced crest/plume with a few stringy longer ones.

I had a devil of a time getting him to be still while the glue set. :-) Thanks

And Thanks NiNa. I try to go early in the morning or late in the afternoon as the sun intensifies the colors a bit. That is one of the wonderful things about Florida, we have an unimaginable diversity of critters here.

OK I am back. Breeding plumage. Only on horny birds. Celibate birds, understandably, are pure white. Kinda warm out there to be looking for action, huh birds?

I was reading back over this episode and I don't think any of us mentioned this. When Morgetabebe was confronted by LetMeBeadouche and told her one of the conditions of Tad's pickin' n' grinnin' was that he maintain his school and grades, she was LYING. Morg was making that up as she went along, as far as I can remember, just to attempt to stay on her embryo donor's good side.

Her whole scheme seems to be fairly involved for a gal who we could call a one TRICK pony, as her only TRICKS seem to be horizontal.

For Instance:

She has to pull off a pretend pregnancy for the months while she should LOOK preggers. Mayfair----> pillows?
She better hope DaniLow doesn't get a hankering 'that time'. Busted right there
Those products have to be hidden, does she thinks she can just substitute bandaids? I'd be shocked !
She must fake an actual delivery which which would involve many other accomplices.
She must actually get A BABY. She obvio has her eyes on LetMeGiveitUp. That might be a problem
She will have trouble explaining it's blonde hair


Diana: I do remember when DZ kicked a pregnant Jacqueline what's her face in "Sortilegro", causing her water to break.

Still bothers me 7 years later.

Kirby, I was surprised to read that Morgana worried about Tad's studies, too. So was it just a lie?
The only problem I see in Morgana' s lie is staying away from Danilow's lust (shudder) during her "pregnancy". For the rest I'm sure she'll have all kinds of circumstancial help: a storm during her "delivery", a trip to another country etc...

I remember when she was laying it on to Tad about his music and coming to Furia. It was all about talent, following your dream, blah blah blah. I remember NoThInG about school or grades. Maybe I dozed off. :-) RGV?

Yeah DaniLow could bust her. And I hopeo he does.

Hon, why do we do it this way? Aren't you taking your top off? Hey, why you laying on that pillow? Ewwww, what's going on here?

She needs Sarah Palin's help. She did not appear preggers in the middle of a campaign and then suddenly plooped out a kid. Remember?

Good morning, all. Hot and sunny day here. A good day to hang laundry out on the line.

Telenovela pregnancies are always weird. I remember one in which the girl gave birth while wearing tight jeans. QTH? In Amor Real, it seemed as though Adela Noriego did not want to appear pregnant on screen, so there was a scene of her character Matilde walking along a street and as she passed columns on a building her belly got bigger and bigger. Then, poof...she delivered her baby. If only it were that easy. Nine months, right ladies! And that last month, you cannot tie your shoes or get out of bed or a chair on your own .

Even Dan must be smart enough to know that the belly swells when you are pregnant. Maybe Morg will just avoid him. Headache? Morning, noon, and night sickness?

Good Morning!

Kirby, ITA, MorgaPhony was lying when she told LetMeBeFooled about giving Tadeo that condition. When LetMe was apologizing and told Morgana she would understand when she was a mother, Morgana responded that that would be soon as she was just as far along as she (LetME) was in her pregnancy (giving her that cunning look and pretentious smile).

The other thing (that is missing in the recap) is that when LetMe was scolding Tadeo, he told her that this is a job, just like any other job. She responded, “No, this is not like other jobs. This world is full of strange people and horrible things.” He argued that this a good place…she works here just like Estela and Morgana. She tells him that justifies her concern; she doesn’t want him ending up like Estela or to be like Morgana or anyone else who works there. So LetMeHaveDoubleStandards thinks working at Furia is good enough for her and the sorry excuse of her husband, but not for Tadeo? OTOH, I can understand how a parent is more cautious with her children, but she should give him some credit, he did get himself and Maria away from the coyotes; and of that entire family, he seems to have the better judgement.

Also, fashion while pregnant has changed drastically. It used to wear big tent tops , but now the maternity clothes are very tight showing the growing bump or the actual bump. No more big , loose tops to hide that pillow, Morg .

As far as the fake delivery, all Morgana has to do is go off on a tour or vacation, and POOF "Oh, look, I had my baby!" But I also agree that Danilow should be able to bust her right away, he was already touching her stomach and trying to "listen" to the baby.

Kirby, I was typing while you posted, but I think I answered your question? The comment regarding grades was made by Morgana to LetMe. Tadeo never mentioned that to LetMe.

Oh, and maybe, LetMe gave Morgana an idea when LetMe told her that she carried small--or was it someone else she said that? (I think it was when Morgana first found out LetMe was preggers) So Morgana can use that as an excuse for not "showing" too much.

Didn't MercyMe say that she was going to demand a DNA test...because who knows who the father could be? Wonder how Morgana will get out of that one...

I said, "Tadeo never mentioned that to LetMe." It just occurred to me, yeah, Morgana was definitely lying. Tadeo would have told his mother that he was going to continue going to school just to calm her down.

We are on the same page.

Same paragraph. :-)

Thanks Recap Gone Viral


It takes me a while, Kirby, but I catch up/on...eventually :-)

I was trying to figure out an explanation for the "Recap Gone Viral" (good one, Kirby :-) I don't think it's so much the recap as it is the storyline and particular events that have been so unbelievably portrayed. Ocampo/the writers are trying to send these messages that are supposedly inspired by actual events. Many of the events are true to life, yet they throw in these storylines that just are so obviously implausible (i.e., Paloma's waning love for her mother) and scenes that appear to have been left out...there's ALOT of ambiguity and skepticism. All-in-all that leads to much analysis, discussion, and debate. Whatever it is, whatever else they do...I like it! The groupthink here is tremendously delightful and gratifying.

Yes, Letme told Morgana that she carries small and Morgana seemed pretty happy to hear it.

And I agree that Morgana never said anything to Tadeo about going to school. I'm sure she made that one up on the spot when she was talking to Letme.


A fun patio , for sure.

Diana, hopeo your husband is feeling better and that you are taking care if yourself.

Okay, back to addressing Christmas cards. Safe cool, all. Hot and sunny here.

First chance to check out the comments today.

So Morgana's street smarts clicked in, pretending to be concerned about Tadeo's education. At least there is something going on in that feverish little brain.

Yes there is a lot of "ambiguity and skepticism" here RgvChick and it's great fodder for discussion and speculation.

Thanks for asking Susanlynn. Early morning surgeon's office appointment for hub, then an ultrasound for his calf, (thankfully no clot) and then home for his PT appointment. He has a way to go and of course, it's pretty painful at this stage. It's kind of amazing how resilient we are that we can be so sleep deprived and yet continue to function. Adriana Noel, I'm certainly including you in that after the weekend you had.

Looking forward to tonight's show.

Happy and safe 4th everyone. And a special thanks to all who served, living and deceased. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude.


Diana--Good vibrations for you and your hub. Yes, thankfully, we live in a country where freedom and justice are part of our heritage, though in smaller print not always and not for everyone. Right now Rosy O's scenarios are not making California Dreamin' too inviting, but hey, that's where I'll be passing through in the next day or two.

And here I was going to tell all of you a funny story about hiding a pregnancy. Ok, I still will. My mother was very vain about her small size and trim figure. She deigned to give my dad at least one child in the waning days of the Great depression. They'd been married for over 8 years. She was 33 and fairly old in those days for a first baby (me).

She was still working. She went out and bought dresses exactly alike, each one a size larger. In her last few weeks, even the largest dress no longer fit (I was a 6 lb. baby). Her solution was to unzip it and wear a sweater or jacket over the dress. Those were the days when the zippers were on the left side and went from under the armpit to below the waist. She told me it worked just fine.

In past tns we've had baby switches that worked for over 20 years. In CME, that scenario wouldn't work here because Renata was stolen at 1 year. In AQNMD, Micaela was lucky because she was aided by an electrical black-out, a storm and an already dead baby.

Here, there can't be a switch. There's no other baby to switch with. I posited a few episodes back that the only way that Morga can pull off a fake pregnancy is to go on a world tour without Danilo--and he'd be happy to let her (I think) and come back with a live baby. It might work if she takes LetMeBePartofAllThis with her as costume designer and gets her to conspire and stay on as the new baby's nanny--which I doubt could happen, but to speculate....and that's fun.

Anita..Your mother was a very clever women. I taught in a high school and wanted to keep my pregnancy a secret as long as possible. When my clothes got tight, I borrowed clothes from my mother who was a bit bigger than I was. This meant switching from the dresses and skirts that I usually wore to the slacks and tops that my mother usually wore. I only told my best friends that I was pregnant, but as time passed , the students and the other teachers were asking them if I was pregnant. Their answer was always, ",Gee, I don't know!" ...even just before I took maternity leave.

Anita, that's the only way I can imagine it to work too, unless Morgana has something really terrible planned for LetMe.

You mean like a 'difficult' childbirth as we have in TNs where the Mom dies and a 6 month old newborn lives and is fine?

Yes, and in an incubator, too. But vice a versa is also common, Kirby.

I don't think Morgana has it in her to hurt LetMe just to get the baby. But then, at the beginning of the TN, I wouldn't have thought that Danilow would have it in him to have his friend go figure. Another possibility...since everyone is after TomAss, if something (hopeofully) terrible happens to TomAss, LetMe's "citizenship" maybe in jeopardy. That could give Morgana an opportunity to play "Let's Make A Deal."

Like that poor thing in LP. In the styrofoam ice chest with a water bottle.


Same bird, 'Sticking it's neck out."

Kirby, is that a real bird? It looks ceramic!

I reviewed the Mexican version of the end of #39/start of #40 and I have an answer about the conversation between Laura, Danilo, and Ryan. THere is maybe 30 more seconds of it after she says NO.

She berates them for not thinking of Paloma. Laura says she's not going with them. It's not that easy, and she won't put Paloma in danger.

Which, I think, is pretty much what we thought she would have said. More important, however, it looks as though she didn't give them any helpful notes scrawled in eyeliner, nor did it look as though they slipped her any weapons or homing devices.


Julie--Knowing Morgana she might end up telling LetMeNotBeOneofThose she lost her baby, but Morgs was born healthy.

Oh I thought of another baby switch. One that didn't last more than a few days--In Reina de Corazones, Sra. Cobra and Estefania gave birth at the same time. Cobra's lived and Stefi's died and she forced the doctor to switch him with Cobra's. She went bonkers when Victor made her give up the baby.

Oh my, I just thought of something terrible...I hope someone "gets" Tom before he gets to LetMe and finds out she told Ryan about the money...

That is what i was asking a week or two ago. How long do you have to be married for the citizenship to 'stick'. IE: in a marriage just for citizenship, how long do you have to wait to kill him/her?

Like, after a month they take it back, but if the old boy can keep alive for 90 days you are home free?

Like it is that all fired great to be here. Us Gringos go SOMEWHERE ELSE on vacation.

"Oh Henry, how was the vacation ?"

"Man, it was the bomb! Chicago is so nice compared to home in Jackson, Mississippi."

"????????????????????????????" "OK"

Thank you, Julie! That was not a good 30 seconds to cut!

Kirby, yes, I remember you did ask that question...I don't know the answer though :-/

Kirby, fouund an answer for you...

If you marry a U.S, citizen, you won’t be eligible for U.S. citizenship right away. But you may become eligible for a U.S. green card, which can lead to U.S. citizenship. Assuming you stay married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse the whole time, you can apply for citizenship three years after obtaining a green card. If you are living in the U.S. after an illegal entry, however, you need to see an immigration lawyer. You cannot adjust status unless you are among a rare few who fall under some old laws

Well, there was a hot mess of baby-swaps (no actual swap) in Hotel de los Secretos. False Pregnancy arranged to buy Someone's Baby. Someone actually had Twins, but no one knew about the Twin, only the first Baby, which was given to False Pregnancy.

False Pregnancy killed the Baby while crazy from laudanum intoxication. Then Badguy found out about Twin and gave Twin to False Pregnancy. It all worked out in the end, but the point of the story is that we have a precedent for a baby swap much more complicated than anything Morgana is likely to try with LetMe.

Unless LetMe gives birth in a hospital. If it's out-of-town, surrounded by strangers, Morgana might get away with it. But if it's local it will be tricky because so many people they know will be hanging around.

It all depends on whether or not LetMe actually agrees to a deal with Morgana, which seems doubtful to me, or if Morgana is going to pull a fast one.

And hey, Chicago is pretty nice in springtime. Except for the damned wind.

A little more info--

Marriage to a U.S. citizen does not guarantee a green card or U.S. citizenship. Applications for U.S. green cards through marriage are scrutinized carefully, because the government takes fraudulent marriage very seriously.

Gracias. Now that makes sense.

I was thinking about the handgun vs death by handgun per capita ratios. :-)

Yeah I was a kid in Cicero.

I'm trying to get us to 200 comments so RGV has something to shoot for..........................


Put a picture of a coyote on here and I'll shoot it LOL

BTW, that last (bird) avatar is the one I thought was not real, but ceramic.


Okay, 200

Neck out or neck in?

Also at the start of at least some of the Mexican episodes is the statement: "This story is based on real events."

It is missing the word "loosely".

My older daughter married a Canadian. She had a work visa from her company when she moved to Canada. It took years for her to gain citizenship there. She said that if they move back to the US , it will take awhile for her husband to get US citizenship.

Oh wow, a second comment page!

Kirby...neck in.

Julie, I had started to watch "La Piloto" because it was based on "actual" events, but after the first few episodes, I knew that "no way" could all this happen to one person. It's the same with DV.

Yes, it is "actual events" totally unrelated to one another, many of them having nothing to do with immigration, taken out of context and strung together in a worst-case scenario for Latinos in the US. Nice work. You really don't need a "based on real events" tag for that. For once, I'm actually THANKING Univision for editing something out!

I agree, Julie. And what really gets to me is that supposedly, many of the characters in this TN were born and raised in the US and none of them speak fluent English. Even the cop that shot Emerson had a very heavy accent--that to me, is very unrealistic. Oh, and not to mention Ryan's court hearing at the beginning (someone commented on it when that scene aired) all in Spanish. That does not happen..they get translators for non-English speakers, but that's as much as they will least here in TX.

I don't think there was anyone in that courtroom who really needed an interpreter!

Regarding the accents, I can forgive Mexican actors for having an accent when they are playing gringos, because at least they are speaking English in a situation where you'd expect them to.

There was Unexpected Spanish sometimes in VEA too, but not as often as in LDVDEC. There was a lot more English in VEA. (I can't believe I'm admitting that VEA did something better!)

There is a particularly ridiculous example of Unexpected Spanish in tonight's episode. See if you can find it. ;-)

I have noticed in TNs in general, just starting the last couple of years, it seems to me, they actually speak Spanglish.

For a while we have been seeing a What? or Why? or Okay mixed into otherwise completely Spanish conversations.

Now it seems rather than an occasional word, we are seeing part or even whole sentences sprinkled in. I actually like it.

For characters who are cast as bilingual, I think it adds realism, for instance with Steve and Ryan to flip back and forth.

In Despertar Contigo the lead girl's BFF spoke more English than Spanish and it was pretty cool. Maia would be going on and on about her on again off mostly boyfriend in Spanish and her friend would look at her and say "Girl, what is wrong with you?"

Jewels I will be watching for it. Thanks

RGV yeah, I took a Hummel out to the marina. :-)

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