Thursday, September 14, 2017

Enamorandome de Ramon, September 14, 2017, Chapter 26: A secret is revealed, and Diego pounds on his classmate.

Repeated scene: Julio, Juana and the rest of the gang watching the video of Ricardo and Katy again. Julio hears when Ricardo said he would rather not have to make Julio the beneficiary. Julio has a small undetectable reaction to this revelation.  Juana and the rest are so proud to hear about Ricardo and Katy’s trust in Juana.
New scene:
The gang continue discussing how it seems that finally everything is going to be solved, well not exactly says Fabi because Juana still can’t go back to the house because HTH is still opposed to Juana living with the girls. Fabi asks Julio to please talk to granny. Julio and Fabi leave, so Juana and Ramon are left alone, Ramon tells Juana he is so proud after seeing her old bosses speak so highly of her, than he hugs her.

At Benito’s house he is dancing, working on his disco moves when he hears the doorbell. He thinks it’s his changita (little monkey) coming for her surprise, so he joyfully goes to open door, but guess what buddy it’s not your changita its your nephew Rulo and his buddy. They see that the house is all decked out for a party so the party crashers invite themselves. Benito texts Luisa telling her not to come yet because Rulo is there. She agrees and stays home and falls asleep.

Francisco calls Agustin tells him that he owes money and wants to know if he could borrow some. Agustin is sorry but he doesn’t have money to let him borrow any, and how much are you talking about by the way, 60,000 pesos ($3,400 approximately).

Juana tells Ramon that she is happy that she will be getting the money but she is nervous because it is a lot of money to handle. They also discuss Antonio and how Ramon trusts him, and that Tony said that he never doubted Juana’s honesty; well Juana wonders how come Ramon trusts him so much. Well because he is a good man. Well she has learned her lesson and trusts no one from the family except for the girls.

Benito still can’t get rid of the party crashers; as a matter of fact Rulo invites girls over, since the “girls” Benito invited never showed up. Benito tells him not to, but Rulo is not one to listen to his uncle, so calls the girls and invites them to the happening party at Benito’s pad. Luisa wakes up from her sleeping beauty nap and notices that Benito never even called her, so she takes out her jammies and goes to sleep Next morning on her way to work she notices two party girls leaving Benito’s house, and she thinks to herself, that darn Benito he lied to me. Now he is going to hear me.

At the shop Ramon is telling Fabi that they are going to need to go back to the supplier of the part to tell them that the part was defective, Rulo overhears this and offers to go return the part himself he just needs the invoice, and he will do it Fabi agrees to let him go at lunch time. Rulo thanks his lucky stars because he will be able to continue to hide the truth about his deception

In the office Dalia comes into Fabi’s office and with her “best intentions” tells her that Ramon is just using her, because he has an ex-girlfriend who is the love of his life, her name is Sofia and Dalia is sure that he still loves her. He left Tijuana because of this girl, Dalia continues trying to push Fabi’s buttons, and she has planted the seed of doubt but Fabi pretends to ignore her and does a good job at it, that Dalia has no choice but to leave. Before she does Fabi tells Dalia that she has noticed how she looks at Ramon and she is probably just saying this to her because she is jealous.

Jorge at school goes to talk to Andrea and tells her that since she said cousins or nothing, he will settle with cousins, and will try to forget he is in love with her by dating other girls. The friend that’s in love with Jorge shows up (can’t remember her name) and Jorge in coded language says, what do you think of this model, Andrea signals no, and they both laugh. Jorge leaves the girls, and then the friend asks Andrea if Jorge is Gay because she suspects that he is but she will keep his secret, and try to forget she loves him. Andrea is happy to hear that.

Hortensia the horrible remembering that Maggie told her that the cassette evidence about the insurance policy was found, is determined to go and do something about it, she staggers out of the house and leaves determined to do something about it.

Rulo and his sidekick discussing that they now have to buy an actual part in order to not get in trouble, the pal says why me, well bud you were in this deal so now we have to split the cost. Dalia comes over to where they are standing and flirts with Rulo (Yuk). She is doing it in order to pretend she is not interested in Ramon, since Fabi told her that she knows that she is after Ramon.
 Antonio walks into Fabi’s office. He tells her they have to reduce overtime hours because they have a deficit. Fabi having actually been affected by Dalia’s comments is not really paying attention to Antonio. Antonio notices and asks her what wrong, nothing Tio, just thoughtful. Ok then, well on to other topics, how is Tia Margarita, well she’s ok; too bad you guys can’t be together you looked so happy. I know but for now we can’t be together, for Diego’s sake.

HTH comes to visit Don Pedro, to find out if it’s true that a video of her son choosing Juana exists. He says yes, so she wants to see it. Pedro tries to convince her that she does not need to see it. But the stubborn witch wants to see it. He obliges and shows her the video. She sits there watching the video, she hears Ricardo saying that he can’t make her beneficiary because the girls don’t get along with her... She begins to feel sick and leaves without finishing the video. Pedro calls Julio lets him know that his mother had been there to watch the video. She left feeling sick. Julio does not think it’s a big deal. Julio says he will go check up on her sometime, no real concern on his part.

Luisa comes and slaps Benito, she will never forgive him. Benito is shell shocked not even knowing what this tornado is coming from. Luisa says “I saw two “bataclanas” (prostitutes, or dancers) coming out of your apartment, no those senoritas are Rulo’s friends, (“senoritas” ha don’t think so). Benito tries to explain the situation, Luisa listens and seems to believe him, but uses the opportunity to play hard to get. She says she will thing about it. Benito is left wondering, why does he even bother being so creative in his relationship.

 Juana goes to police station to take out her permit to sell her tacos; receptionist gives her rules and regulations. She begins reading the requirements, and she realizes that the requirements are overwhelming.  She leaves thinking it will be hard to comply with all the requirements.
Roxy talking to her old boss wants to work. Then gets a call from school, something happened to Diego. They also called Antonio, he runs out too
Virginia gets a call too, from Mother Ancelma, she looks concerned leaves the store.
Juana calls Julio regarding all the requirements for her taco stand, and since he had offered his help she is asking for his help, he cringes, because of course he did not mean it when he offered her help. But oh well if he wants the cash, he will have to do something for her. He calls his secretary to see if she knows anyone at the station, but she doesn’t well he asks her to investigate because they need to get the permit to sell tacos. Virginia calls Julio lets him know that Mother Ancelma called her, he becomes concern and says he will meet her, leaves the office post haste.

HTH is walking down a street, not feeling well a bit faint, a young man sees and asks her if she needs help. No thanks don’t need help. She cries because Ricardo did not trust her.

Roxana walks in to school sees Antonio and becomes upset. “What are you doing here?” “I’m here so you can leave now” Well Antonio is not letting miss Roxy tell him what to do, he was called as well and has every right to be there. A secretary comes to summon both, Diego hit a kid , so principal wants to know what is going on in the household because normally when good kids act out like that it means something is going on in the home, well no need for a detective here because Antonio and Roxy begin to argue viciously in front of principal. She suggests they get professional help or she will have to do something to solve the problem.
On a bus Osvaldo sees his car outside parked on the street, he gets off confirms it’s his car. Then gets on a taxi to go home.

When Julio and Virginia get to the convent they ask Mother Ancelma about Betito (he has a high fever and doctor gave him antibiotics), who is Betito? Well here we find out that Betito is their son, who at the time of his birth Virginia had had a complication, and Betito was deprived of oxygen for a long time. Unfortunately this affected his health, and the doctors at the time did not think he was going to survive. At that time Julio had been devastated because they had been looking forward to the birth of their son. Well Mother Ancelma had a solution for them, there was a brand new baby boy whose mother had died, they had no information as to who she was, no documents no next of kin, so if Julio is interested they can have the baby. Virginia accepts the baby in her arms, asks about her son and Julio says doctors not sure he will make it. Virginia says she will love this baby as if he was her own. They continue to visit Betito and take Jorge into their family as if he was their son, I believe no one else knows about the existence of Betito, and everyone assumes Jorge is the son Virginia gave birth to.

Fabi and Ramon in the car about to continue with her driving lessons, he asks her why is she so quiet, she says she is just thinking. Then she asks him about what he used to do in Tijuana, he explains he used to drive a limo, and took many brides to their weddings. Fabi continues with interrogation and goes straight to the point, what about girlfriends? What about Sofia the last girlfriend. He is like what are you talking about; Fabi says “why don’t you want to talk to me about her?”  She gets mad gets out of the car and walks away; he chases after her and says that he will tell her everything. OK, well is she pretty? “Yes but not more than you,” (good answer Ramon) was she important to you? Not more than you (two for two). Who cares about Sofia he says, he wouldn’t be there with her if Sofia meant anything to him. Fabi believes him so she apologizes and everything is back to normal.
Luisa calls Juana, tells her that Benito is cooking for her tonight, so she will not be coming home. Please play interference for her with Dalia; she will just say that she had to stay at her bosses’ home because Virginia got sick.  Osvaldo gets home and grabs his spare keys.
Antonio invites Diego to eat, Roxy invites herself they begin to argue, and Diego yells at them to stop fighting. Antonio has no choice but to allow Roxy to play third wheel, for Diego’s sake.

Julio and Virginia over coffee talk about their son Benito, and how they regret that they did not take him home to take care of him, but doctors thought he would be better cared for by the nuns. Besides doctors had given him no chance to live. Julio says it would have been a challenge, and an emotional burden on everyone. (Man this is harsh)

Rulo and the buddy are upset at how much they had to spend on the new part, but they had no choice because they would have been discovered otherwise.
Dalia now flirting with poncho since Rulo did not accept her earlier advances (not because he did not want to but because he had to solve his issue with the spare part). Ramon show up as happy as ever, and Poncho comments how Ramon has found his better half. Dalia not pleased at this.

 Osvaldo gets to where his car is parked and gets in, starts engine and takes off. (This will not end well)


Thank you Sandie! I haven't read the recap yet, but some quick comments...

Yay! Jorge is they just need to tell him so he and Andrea can be together without any guilty feelings.

Osvaldo "stole" his car...he'll probably get caught and a can of worms will evolve for Julio...another Yay!

More tomorrow...

Thank You Sandie. I completely missed the episode helping powerless (still) neighbors. After reading your work of art, I feel like I actually simply saved some time. :-)

HTH had to sit and watch 'The Video'. Wonderful. Then her malady afterwards is not from the Ramon Bite, her head is about to explode. Good.

Point two. I do not like to rename a character mid season, but a name can NOT be based on the ONE solitary positive attribute. Dalia is no longer Thigh Gap. I need a new one, and am leaning toward Pandora. What do you think? Runners ups: Skank, Skunk, Twit, BellaDonna, Cuttlefish, Scorpion. She needs to hook up with one of Ramooon's greasy coworkers. Then maybe she will be so busy trying to scrub his funk off herself she won't think about Ramoon for a while.

OK we knew it all along, Jorge: It is time to introduce CuteMute to Jose Cuervo, Little Jorge, and hangovers, in that order.

This high school 90210 bullshit show is boring me to death, maybe things will get more interesting when Ozzie gets caught 'stealing' his own car, which his Father in essence stole from him. And maybe we will get to see Hort in a facility with lots of mirrors wearing diapers and a bib. Perfect.

Hoppy FryDay Patio

PS I finally met someone who has a cell phone but no CAR CHARGER. Like having toothpaste but no toothbrush. I've seen everything now. They are a dollar....Yes one ...that's $1 at Dollar Tree. Or free if you live near me. Yikes

Sensational Sandie.

Good morning to you, Rgv Chick, Kirby (and anyone else who's joined since I started beeping this).

"Benito is shell shocked not even knowing what this tornado is coming from" had me smiling away. Thank you for "changita (little monkey", a welcome vocabulary lesson for today.

When the relationship of any couple completely deteriorates, it is always the children who suffer. Love turns to hate and the children are left to make sense of it all and to cope whatever way they can. And what happens? "no need for a detective here because Antonio and Roxy begin to argue viciously in front of principal". Cringe worthy.

"Dalia comes into Fabi’s office and with her “best intentions” tells her that Ramon is just using her, because he has an ex-girlfriend who is the love of his life" nailed that scene perfectly. Dalis has too many hard edges...Kirby, I am thinking she and Rulo are end game so...

We were expecting that Jorge was likely adopted so that revelation was not a terrible shock. But Betito was...For a brief moment, Julio looked broken. My heart went out to he and Virginia. I suspect that this heartbreak drove a couple who might at one time been in love to quietly bickering adversaries. I am going to try and judge both less harshly.

That doesn't mean I've extended sympathy to Osvaldo who cares about no one or nothing but himself. As you noted Sandie, his bad journey will be Julio's nightmare.

Thank you for the picture Kirby - colorful and cheerful.

Sandie - thank you!


beeping this? Typing this...Ack.


Thank you, Sandie.

Julio is in trouble. This is a TN and anything is possible, but I don't see how he gets out of this. He will have to stage all kinds of alternative reality scenes to return the car to the new owner.

So, they just take somebody else's baby? Aren't there laws and child services? Or all the paperwork was handled off screen?

Sandie: I ROFLOL at the picture with the Disco person.

"Too many hard edges." is exactly right. Being smitten with someone is one thing. Not taking no for an answer is as selfish as it gets, among other undesirable things.

Me Me Me and to hell with what anyone else wants, including my prospective prisoner. Dalia has a nice slim body ...slim brain too.

Lucio, I don't think the letter of the law was followed in the very quick adoption. Were any forms filled out? I wouldn't bet my life on it. You posed a good question. I'm going to comment with my heart, not my head.

Despite their many flaws, Virginia and Julio did a wonderful job raising Jorge. (Completely baffled as to what happened with Osvaldo, but that's another discussion). :)

In this case, a child went into a home as opposed to being lost in the system. Jorge's mother was dead and there was likely no one to step up and take him. I shudder to think of what would have happened to him otherwise.

Betito appears to be well taken care of and may explain why he is still alive at this point.


Kirby, I really enjoyed that Dalia didn't get a "rise" out of Fabiola with the Sofia taunting. Fabi smiled sweetly and shook it off, the exact opposite reaction Dalia was hoping for.

Instead of accepting defeat (gracefully or otherwise), Dalia is digging in her heels. She will soon be alienating everyone. She is so unpleasant (except her mother and Juana), I don't know how anyone stands being in her company.


Thank you, Sandie. I was surfing in and out.

What a strange revelation of how Julio and Virginia adopted Jorge. Did anyone recognize the Mother Superior? She has been in many telenovelas, but the one I remember her in best..Alborada playing the leading lady Hippolita's Maid. Marcelo was in that one with her playing the galan's bodyguard.

Dullia just keeps saying yazzzbto a guy who continues to say nioo. Why donpeolke do that?


Good Morning!

Sandie, thank you for a gem of recap...and love that screen shot!

Kirby, "Then her malady afterwards is not from the Ramon Bite, her head is about to explode." I hopeo she doesn't have some type of debilitating condition which will lead to Juana taking care of her...ACkkk!! And, I vote "skank"...don't ask me why, I just like it...Dall-Skank just sounds good to me.

I was really surprised by "Betito" I can see why Virginia is so clingy and afraid of losing's part of her guilt for "failing" her baby and giving her husband a healthy child. I wonder why the writers waited so long to introduce us to "Betito"...
Diana, "Despite their many flaws, Virginia and Julio did a wonderful job raising Jorge." ITA but I'm think his personality is inherited from his real mother. I think the paperwork for the adoption, while it may have not been to the letter of the law. was handled offscreen.

Fabi was fabulous in handling Dalia...kudos to her!


Kirby, interesting house! Where, what, why is that? Is it a home? business? Quite eye-opener for sure!!

Diana said: "(Completely baffled as to what happened with Osvaldo,"

It is real simple. Jorge was the redheaded step child and saw some discipline, Ozzie is their biological child and walked on water. That's the way it was in my Family, if you stretch to call it that.

RGV it is a little motel on the beach on the Gulf of Mexico near me. Yes it is a real building and a real functioning motel. Walk out of your room onto the beach. You see a lot of looney stuff here in Flor-I-DUH. The further South the loonier. Try the keys, for instance. I suspect the one we are discussing is a take off on Key West and Jimmy Buffoon.

Fabi, bless her little Doe-eyed heart, is pretty unflappable. DaliSkank got under her skin a tiny bit, but she didn't go off like a bottle rocket like she could have. I hear Vino in the background now. Fabi-lous approached it head on, got some clarification, and went on with her day, rather than heading to Ti-Juana looking for a cute Sofa.

When Sofia shows up, dives under a car and starts trying to kiss Ramoon's lips off, well...all bets are off then. Especially if Sofia takes a normal TN detour to meet Fab, introduce herself and ask where to find Ramoon first.

What I am wondering, is FrankenFarter a Bona Fide Doctor, or is he just doing his internship or something?

Kirby, good and interesting insight into how the "boys" might have been raised differently.

"When Sofia shows up, dives under a car and starts trying to kiss Ramoon's lips off, well...all bets are off then. Especially if Sofia takes a normal TN detour to meet Fab, introduce herself and ask where to find Ramoon first". OMG. If only! Now that will be something to see! I have a thought (call me crazy) that the real fireworks may be between Dalia and Sofia. Dalia fantasizes Ramon is hers and having yet another competitor? Likely too much, even for her.

Can't wait.


Kirby, I am thinking he is a full fledged doctor. Which makes his lack of funds even less understandable. He doesn't have a plush apartment or a fancy car (that I can recall). I suspect Julio is the only gambler in this and I doubt Fer is into drugs.

His "friend" Augustin certainly said no to his request for money quickly. Dinero is not something Augustin lacks...

As soon as he hears about Juana getting the money, he will be all over Fabi like a cheap suit.


all over Fabi like a cheap suit. Yup. It will be Oh Baby Baby, I missed you sooo much and you know how I have always luuuurved you and only you..(shhhh nurse goodbody)

If Fabi even talks to him she will have failed Dr. Johnson's IQ test. Of course, if I know these evil TN writers, FrankenFarter's come on will coincide with the Sofia scenario I described above, then we have a real horse race.

Kirby...yes, most telenovelas have at least one person desiring the galan and one person wanting the leading lady. However, sometimes there are multiple pursuers.#competition

Diana..well, our older daughter was engaged to the son of a pediatrician at one time, and she used to tell us that we had less debt than his parents had. #lifestylesdiffer

Kirby, " if I know these evil TN writers, FrankenFarter's come on will coincide with the Sofia scenario I described above, then we have a real horse race." You know your TN's very well...that's probably what will happen...and big argument due to jealousy and lies, Ramon and Fab will rebound to FrankenFart and SoFart....they'll blow a lot of hot air and then sh*t will hit the fan.

Kirby..I thought SanFran was an intern.

Kirby..yes, that building looks very Margaritaville to me. I have never been to The Keys , but one of my best friend's daughter got married there. She said that it is an interesting place.

Thanks for stopping by everyone and for your comments, we have a lot of very knowledgeable TN enthusiast, and many of the scenarios written about may very well come true in this TN.
I too am glad that Jorge is adopted, as many in this patio had already predicted, suspected, and hoped. Now the real challenge is, when will his parents tell him. I think that they will keep that truth closely guarded for a while.
My favorite scene this episode was Luisa and Benito, they bring such a fun chemistry to this TN.
And like many of you, I too will judge Julio an Virginia less harshly, they did have a terrible event in their lives that may have contributed to their becoming who they are today. They do seem to be good parents to Jorge, I have not seen them treating him any differently than Ozzie.

Key West is pretty touristy these days, but still very cool.

Susanlynn, I don't have children but I see the debt my friends have gone into, remortgaging, etc. to help their kids. And that is with the kids taking on mountains of debt themselves.

I can't even begin to imagine what med school costs.

Kirby, I hadn't thought that Sofia might return and unwittingly open the door for "SanFran" (hee, hee)...I'm still firmly ensconced at Sofia's table. She got a very raw deal through no fault of her own. While it was good Ramon was able to move on (and do so relatively quickly), she has had no such opportunity.

Fran is a liar loser. Plan and simple.

I wouldn't call Julio a doting dad, but he does seem to have affection for both sons Sandie. Well, as much as he is capable of.


Great shot Kirby! Look at that sky...


Sandie, "I think that they will keep that truth (about Jorge) closely guarded for a while." I think so too; I'm just wondering if any of the other family questioned Jorge's "differences."

Kirby, hmmmm, "The Concha Republic" So does that thing produce shells? and 90 miles to Cuba?? I hadn't realized Key West was that close to Cuba!!

Diana...yeah, it is best not to keep a running tab on the cost of raising a child. Luckily, our kids both got good scholarships. Neither of them graduated with big debts. People sometimes carry those student loans throughout live. College costs have just gone through the roof , and I am worried about how much it will cost my kids to send their kids to college.

Rgv Chick, if there has been any questioning from the "family" regarding Jorge, I don't believe we've gotten even a hint.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact he and Andrea were obviously smitten, I wouldn't have been looking for anything either.

I thought it would be a wild twist if Andrea were the adopted one. Wrong. Again. :)

I have been wondering if Julio and Virginia subsidize all or part of Betito's care. Could that possibly be part of the reason for Julio's gambling?


Thank you sandie, good recap with newly discovered stuff.So Jorge is the
Adopted one well that clears that up.
So that also the feeling betwixt him &
Cute-mute they're not blood related.Ok
Then I can work with that. There was
This soap on years ago y'all might no
This one"as the world turns".The uncle
Fell hard for the niece.The mother was
Raped by a cousin, and we found out later that the mom was adopted. Lillie
And Holden. They had so much trouble.
With lillie's mother. Helltensia comes
To mind.Wait until she finds out about
Benito. What a tiiiiime that will be.

Julio is a jerk. Open your eyes Ramon.
Or is it Antonio?See I gotta getthese
Straight.The jerk is Julio and tony is
The good guy. Right?Whatever,the good
Guys win in the end.
Let her continue to think that Jorge is gay until they find out he's not blood related.The redhead butinsky is
Very annoying. And pushy.

Cute little boy gets aggrevated when ma & pa can't get their act together.
I like this kid,he actually tell em to
Shut it. And they do. Ok, let's see what happens tonight.

Thanks Sandiegirl.

Rather be dead
than red on the head.

As the Stomach Turns....yeah I have heard of that one.

And the other network had Days of Our Lies.

I'm watching the episode tonight if I have to hide in my car and watch it on my phone.!

LOL Kirby, good luck! hopeofully you won't have to do that.

What an extraordinary bird Kirby!


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