Thursday, November 09, 2017

Enamorándome de Ramón, Capítulo 61, Wednesday November 8, 2017; Roxana loses the baby, but Ramón regains his memory

Ramón wakes up but cannot not remember his life, he is stuck in the past and thinks that he is on the run with Sofía. He declares his love for her. Sofía tells him she loves him and he needs his rest and to go to sleep.

At the hospital, the doctor requests to speak to Antonio. It’s bad news as Roxana lost the baby. Roxana cries and the doctor says they need to do a D&C on her. Antonio tries to show his support and sympathy, but Roxana rejects it. He calls Margarita to let her know the news. He tells her he has mixed emotions about it, but at the same time he feels liberated from Roxana. He also tells her that she is the only person who won’t judge him.

Julio meets Emilia at the Casino. Emilia says, “Shall we go or stay?” Julio says, “Well we can stay a little while then we can go back to your place.”

Fredesvinda makes a drink with a potion for Benito to fall in love with Ada and he drinks it all up. Ada comes out and wants to know if she spiked Benito’s drink and Fredes says she put a double dose of her potion in it. Ada is excited.

Franc and Fabi are at the clinic getting their premarital exams and blood tests. Franc hands her some paperwork to confirm a marriage date. He promises that everything will turn out well and he will make her the happiest woman in the world. “I’m going to dedicate myself to you.” Says Franc. They go off to breakfast, but Fabi looks like she is on her way to get a root canal.

Juana brings snacks for the team as they keep vigil. Andrea leaves for her classes. Ring! It’s “the kidnappers”. Juana answers. “Bueno?” Rulo demands of her, “Okay, I gave you all night long. You are not going to tell me that you don’t have the money because I’m going to get mad!” Juana tells him, “It’s not that easy to get all that money together.” Rulo continues to make threats and Juana is in tears again begging him not to hurt Ramón. He hangs up but it’s still not enough to trace the call. (Which I find very strange because can’t they ping the towers?) Chava things that Juana might be believing that they really don’t have Ramón. But Rulo is confident, he thinks they are going to take the money and run, while Juana waits forever for her son. “See?” says Rulo. “That the way the business goes!” Chava just smiles in admiration.

Vicente and his team explain to Juana what the plan is. They will get some money together for the ransom. Juana is afraid something is going to go wrong because the kidnappers may find out she is on to them. They give her the instructions on what to do and how to handle it for the next call.

Benito arrives at work and his co-worker is telling him about all the excitement in building regarding Juana. Then Finito comes around and challenges Benito “man to man”. But this makes Benito quite angry and Benito slugs him good. Luisa arrives to see this and this makes her quite upset. (Well I think Finito is good for Luisa).

Sara finds Jorge at the university and he turns away from her affection. “Jorge what’s wrong?” Jorge says, “Are you sick in in the head or what? How did you ever think that sending Andrea a message from my cell phone was a good idea? I thought you were much more intelligent than that!” Sara says, “I did it so she could finally leave you alone. I’m so tired of her.” “Andrea and me?” says Jorge. “I just hope I don’t really lose her. Do you want to know the truth? I LOVE HER! And I’m not going to stop loving her either.” Sara says, “You’re so ungrateful. You just used me!” Jorge says “No, I thought I would take a chance on this opportunity, but I didn’t intend to use you. I’m sorry.” Sara continues to plead with him (she should have a lot more pride in herself!) “You can’t go with your cousin, because that’s just SICK!” “Well maybe so”, says Jorge. “But you are not the medicine that will cure me. Excuse me, Sara but this just is not going to work out.” He walks away and leave her crying.

Andrea meet Santiago in the cafeteria. He shows her information on a Chilean university he is interested. But he doesn’t want to be there alone, and he asks Andrea to go with him. Santiago says it will be very good for her career. He will help her in getting into the university.

Luisa applies an ice pack to Finito and he tells her how much he loves her. (Banda music starts playing.) He thanks her for the ice pack and says goodbye.

Benito goes up to see Juana and he finds out about the kidnapping. As he gets to the elevator he runs into Luisa. They exchange some angry words. She calls him a pile of macho trash. Benito says, “Just leave me in peace.” Then he walks away and makes a threat regarding Finito saying that “Finito will meet his end.”

Franc is getting the paperwork done for their marriage. He wants the wedding to be tomorrow. He calls Fabi to give her the good news that they will marry tomorrow. She looks as excited as someone who is getting ready to go clean toilets. She says she will be ready and wants to know when they will go to Canada. They hang up and Franc laughs, thinking to himself, “We’re not even going to get to go on a honeymoon till you ask for money from Juana.”

Antonio arrives at Roxy’s place and Roxy is depressed. “Why do you worry if you don’t care about me?” They argue and she accuses him about wanting to run into Margarita’s arms. Antonio calls the doctor, but while he is on the phone, she calls out to him saying she is hemorrhaging.

At Don Pedro’s office, he explains to Marg something about a case. Phone rings and she finds out that Porfirio is suing her and needs to serve her.

Meanwhile, Veronica’s partner in crime, Edmundo calls her and now he is upset about the lawsuit. He tells her she had better fix things or they will both be in hot water. She hang up and says, “Now what do it do?”

At Zenaida’s and Fermín’s place, Sofía and Zenaida have a talk. Zenaida tells her she needs to tell Ramón the truth so he can get his memory back and let him decide what he is going to do.

Ramón is up and walking and wants to go outside. Fermín helps walk Ramón outside and Ramón sits in front of a tree. He starts talking like he was not in Mexico City and hasn’t seen his mother. Then he starts talking about what a nice place they are in and how happy they could be in love there. Finally, Sofía says, “Ramón, there is something I have to tell you. You have lost your memory.” “How is that? Says Ramón. “Does the name Fabiola ring a bell for you?” says Sofía. Then the memories finally come flooding back. He realizes he needs to get back to the civil registry because he was going to get married to Fabiola. Sofía, still thinking that her father’s people did this, explains the kidnapping that happened right before he was supposed to get married. Ramón tries to get up and leave because he thinks Fabi is waiting for him but then he head begins to hurt.

At Juana’s Julio arrives and Juana tells him she can’t stop thinking that the worst is about to happen. He half-heartedly reassures her that everything will be fine.

At the hospital, Roxana cries to the doctor that Antonio doesn’t love her and that he abandoned her. She feels alone and doesn’t want to live anymore since she lost the baby. The doctor goes out to Antonio and tells him she may be suicidal so he decides to keep her in the hospital for another day.

Osvaldo has run out of money. He calls Julio and asks to come home. Then he finds Franc at the hospital to give him notice that he is moving out. Franc says, “Well at least I don’t have to throw him out. Now all I have to do is deal with Agustín.”

Andrea tells Santiago that she will go with him to Chile! They kiss, but Jorge arrives. “I guess I got here at a bad time.” But Santiago says, “No, we were just celebrating that we are going to Chile together.” Jorge wishes them happiness and leaves.

At Fermín’s cabin the woods, Ramón wants to leave first thing in the morning so he can find Fabiola. Fabi dreams about Ramón in her mind and tells herself she promises to forget him.

Antonio calls Betty and asks her to pick up Diego from school. Marg calls and he explains Roxy’s situation. She tells him about Porfi’s lawsuit.

At Porfi’s office Veronica is composing a phony email from the Cresta Group to Porfi asking him to compensate 300,000 pesos to withdraw the petition. Veronica is thinking of saving her own skin here with no other thought to what is going on.

At Juana’s Rulo calls and she tells him she has the money. He gives her the instructions to go to a gas station at 6:00 a.m. She must bring her cell phone and he will give her instructions from there. The experts there tell her to follow their direction and they will not put her son’s life in danger.

Rulo and Chava meet outside to gloat about their upcoming riches.

Os arrives home with his things and Julio welcomes him home.

The kidnapping experts load up some briefcases with money on the top but the rest is newspaper. However, this is what they will use to trap the kidnappers when they pick up the briefcases. This is the only option they have, but Juana needs to decide.


Yes Cynthia, Fabi DOES have the root canal and cleaning toilets look down pat, thanks for that chuckle before sunrise. Very entertaining recap clever girl. Thank You so much.

So for however long Red Butinski has longed for Jorge. Then through no doing of her own that long awaited prize falls into her lap. SHE HAS HIM Yipee, Woo Hoo. Da Da Da DUM, then her true personality took over for a moment and the conniving little bitch that she is surfaced just long enough to send that message on his phone and now look. Jorge is far more unobtainable now than ever before. Go find a mirror and cry, Red.

Ooooo I can't wait for Ramoon to arrive and find Mrs Fabifarter packing to go to Canada. Maybe then he will see the diamond Sofia is compared to Ms Cubic Zirconia Francenfarter.

Speaking of, does Francystco think this is a good time to have a quuickie wedding and demand the money from Wanna?? Her little hayseed size brain is waaaay overloaded as it is now. Sheezo those cookies she gave the detectives came from Kroger. One more thing up there and those pigtails will be twirling in the steam.

No honor among thieves must have been coined based on some reality somewhere. How long has it been since R&C heard from Dull-Oh!?

And do Ferm and Zenny not have a phone? I keep expecting Ramoon to call Wanna or Fab or SOME-Fricking-body. If I had been through what he has, as soon as the memories started coming back I'd be calling my buddy in Tijuana or my work, or Fabi, or Obama or somebody. Heck, he hasn't checked his email or ebay bids in days either, yikes.

Somebody has to say it, and you can always count on me. I am so glad Rocks(inherhead) was not able to bring a baby into this world under those circumstances. Babies are not poker chips.

Kirby: Sofia is hell-bent on keeping Ramon as her prisoner. I wouldn't be shocked if she ends up PREGGERS.

Cynthia: More chaos!

Cynthia, your screen shots were like mouth watering frosting on an already decadent cake (recap). Fantastic.

"They go off to breakfast, but Fabi looks like she is on her way to get a root canal" and "Chava just smiles in admiration" had me smiling in appreciation.

So, brains, beauty, courage and heart were not enough. Sophia gave Ramon raw, real honesty. By telling Ramon his memory is faulty and reminding Ramon of "her" existence, that painful truth which will likely end up in her losing Ramon, the love of her life.

That said, did anyone else see Ramon's joyous and contented expression just prior to Sophia imparting her emotional utterance of Fabiola's name?? Really patio, he never looked that happy when with "her". Further, just the mention of "her" name had him forgetting everything he and Sophia had just been through in mere seconds?

All this occurring while "she" and her loathsome soon to be Mr. are getting a marriage license. I. Can't. Even.

I'd rejoice if I thought Sara wasn't going to darken our screens again. Alas. Little Miss Beyotch will surely concoct some sort of revenge plan. Jorge should have known you can't replace silk with burlap.

While I'm in a "mood", please allow me to rant about Antonio. "He tells her he has mixed emotions about it, but at the same time he feels liberated from Roxana". Wow. Gives cold and callous a new meaning.

"(Well I think Finito is good for Luisa)". ITA. He sure will be good for somebody.

I don't know what Ramon's reality will be when he finds out about "her" and Fran. "Maybe then he will see the diamond Sofia is compared to Ms Cubic Zirconia Francenfarter". Amen, Kirby Amen.

Marvelous screen shots and recap Cynthia, thank you. Along with Kirby's avatar, proof positive there are some good things to savor and enjoy.



Thank you, Cynthia. Enjoyed the screenshots.

"But Fabi looks like she is on her way to get a root canal" "She looks as excited as someone who is getting ready to go clean toilets" - I think pretty soon she is going to prefer to have done that instead of marrying Franc.

Another Medina sister decides on the spot to pick up and move to a different country with her boyfriend. And in part for the same reason - to forget their love. At least this one is not getting married and has some justification - to continue her studies. Still, about as reasonable as Fabiola.

"She knows Ramon will go back to Fabiola but also know that is his happiness (even if we don't think so) and I was so happy to see they are keeping Sofia a wonderful human being who knows when to lose". So well said Alfredo!

Our Sophia table is getting crowded. I'm delighted. We've now moved Fabi's table out onto the grass...:)


So you pick up one of your students, quit your university teaching job in Dumb Fork Mexico and move with it to Chile' (or Lukewarm) or some other country? Things have changed a bit since I didn't have to make those decisions.

Susy, was Hubba a student? Did you two move here from Bizzarostan after you met during his finals?

Yes Mr. A., Sophia showed her true colors telling Ramon about Fabi. Too bad he can't have 'Mouse in the Corner" vision and see her latest plans, he might see her and Sophia both in different light.

If R&C have not seen or heard from Dairy-Oh or Ramon and Sophia in D A Y S...what is to make him believe that Ramon could not come walking into Juana's house at any minute, or that he already has and the Popo are setting a trap. (Which they are)


And I presume that Dairy-Oh was shown to be undead for some entertaining purpose later, maybe soon?

"out onto the grass...:)"
out onto the grass by the Porta Potties...:)


Alfredo it is going to be hard for her to wriggle out of this after she has already agreed to it with a snake oil salesman hell bent on getting his hands on her money. And Ramon does not appear to be in any shape to show up in the nick of time to spirit her away from the Justice of the Peace or Judge or whatever marries couples like that.

Yes Esmeralda is not hard to love.

WooHoo, Sheezo Meezo that fish tore UP my stomach this morning, I gotta Go, right now, Oh, yeah this looks good. Maybe it won't stick with all that wax on that fiberglass. Bombs away !

Thanks so much Cynthia!!!

I was happy that Ramon regained his memory but more impressed that it was Sofia who told the truth. She is infinitely more mature than Fab, who goes off on tantrums left, right and center. I too am glad that the writers haven't turned Sofia into a she devil.

Thank you, Cynthia, fir that recap of all the crazy.

I feel like I can really relate to this episode because even though I have never been kidnapped or had amnesia, I have had a root canal and a miscarriage, plus I am responsible for cleaning three toilets (no housekeeper)on a regular basis., Hubba and I met in high school . He went off to college and the Navy. I went off to college and a teaching job. Then..married. However, our older daughter met a guy getting an MBA in NYC and ended up marrying him and moving to CAnada. We go to CAnada a lot and believe me, the Canadians do not want Frank. He would definitely harsh the classic Canadian mellow. #timhortonrukes

Oh, by the way, even AMerican citizens cannot just decide to move to Canada. I think that for Fab to accompany Fran who evidently has some kind of work visa (?) , They would have to be married. #packwarmjacketsgoodbye

Good Morning! It's a crisp 55 in the RGV and (Mexican) hot chocolate is oh so good today!

Cynthia, great recap and the screenshots noteworthy as always, thank you!!

Can I copy and paste everyone's comments?

Diana, I luurve when you rant and rave!

Kirby, you're forthrightousness (is that a word?) is appreciated. Sad to say, but I'm sure there are many who thought Roxana's baby "chip" is probably better off where it is angel.

ITA with everyone's sentiments regarding Sofia; she is so much more deserving of Ramon at this point that I wouldn't mind a TN historical event and not have the protags end up together.

Kirby, love your avatar!

Busy day...more later :-)


CHickie...I could sure go for a Mexican hot chocolate. After an unseasonably warm fall, we are experiencing a sudden drop in temperature. It is 40 now at 11.30 a.m....and Hubba is on the golf course. #cannoteven

OMGoodness, Susy, 40? You definitely need some hot chocolate...I'll have one for you :-)

40? As in DEGREES?

CHickie..watching the forecast now... Down to 31 tonight. Tomorrow 37 . Brrrrrr..

Kirby...yes..40 fahrenheit...and some people (men) still think it is a good idea to be on a golf course. #??????

Don't look at me. I don't even waste my time on Put Put golf. I always thought that for it to be any fun whatsoever, there needed to be ball proof fences and the balls needed to be much bigger. I'll stick with noisy machines with spark plugs.

OK, mow back to our story of woe and despair.

So with these new unexpected Poriforio activities against Marg and others, does this potentially expose what Verrrroshit has done? IE: does she find her T..oe in the wringer?

Serves her right, but I'd sure like to know why in the first place, I mean Marg aint that luuuurvable, but she didn't even know her when she came to work there...OR DID SHE....?

Kirby, I've always wondered what motivates Veronica to destroy Marg, what concerns Verobis that Porf also filed against Pastrana. But I was confused about the email she sent last night...any thoughts?

Susy, It's still in the 50s here but today should be the coldest for the week. Warming trend for the next few days.

Verobis = Veronica is

It appears that Porf pursuing this supposed treachery of Marg is making Vero nervous. The patio always wonders about motive and motivation, but sometimes the writers just do stuff that is never resolved. #vinocellphones Sometimes , I think the writers are doing a kind of stream of consciousness writing . We probably are better at remembering show canon than they are.

Enough with the Benny-Luisa-Ada-Ma storyline. Luisa go for Fin.

I see a beautiful pink birdie...

I like that Vero's cohort is ticked Porf didn't shrivel up and blow away.

RgvChick, your question might best be answered by those who have a good understanding of exactly how the e-mail trail works. I would think that the e-mail should be traceable to her account but...

Kirby, I think Vero will be toast. First, Mags has not so Don Juan Pedro on her side. I think Vero's initial plan as an industrial spy was to get into Porf's good graces, and quickly. I did think Vero was sort of into Prof, but I think her ego was bruised when Porf obviously preferred Mags over her. Those sour smirks of hers seem to prove it became more personal than business.

It is my fervent wish that Ramon goes to visit Fabi and when he sees Fran, immediately leaves and goes back where he belongs. In Sophia's arms.

My brother is visiting so I'm going to miss tonight and tomorrow's episodes. Hope to catch up later this weekend.


I think Veronica was after Marg's job. I think it is all about ambition. Marg, being a more senior lawyer, got the better clients etc., had more power...

Alfredo said: "Enough with the Benny-Luisa-Ada-Ma storyline. Luisa go for Fin."

Precisely, if after 5 years you guys are still working on the fundamentals with no progress, forget it. Go with the new people who unbelievably are interested, and start over.

You have been blowing air into that flat tire for how long? And it's still flat ! Put on the spare and continue your journey.

Diana said: "It is my fervent wish that Ramon goes to visit Fabi and when he sees Fran, immediately leaves and goes back where he belongs. In Sophia's arms."

Amen Sister.

If I am not mistaken, Vero got onto Marg's work computer and sent the data to her crime partner, so she is in the clear there, as there is no way to tell who was using the computer if there was NO PASSWORD.. But the other recent one where I believe she sent it from somewhere else but signed Marg to it, might be a little sticky, as the machine's 'on premise' local IP is embedded into the message header. You can hack the header partially to give the sender any human readable name in the "From", but it is just a name and the embedded IP is still there.

At home or the office every machine, even if there is only one, has a unique local address, then the router which gets you out onto the internet freeway, has a unique IP address also. In this way local machines in an office or a family can communicate with each other or to machines in the "outside" world on the internet. This may be a bit too in depth for our story with Marg and Vero.

Diana..hope that you have a lovely visit with your brother!!!

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