Thursday, January 04, 2018

Enamorandome de Ramon #110 1.4.18: Snake Bites & Love Cookies

The doctors try to revive Porfirio’s body but he flatlines and they call the time of death.

In the waiting area, Margarita can’t calm down because they have no news on Porfirio. Just then, the doctor comes out and tells him the sad news: Porfirio has passed away. Margarita breaks down crying in Antonio’s arms, incredulous that her beloved friend has died.

Ramon goes to see Julio in his office to pick up the money. He thanks Julio as the money will help him fix the pending cars, so they can get paid, but Julio ignores him as he doesn’t know anything about cars. Ramon, slightly dejected, bids him goodbye as Jessica walks in to tell him his appointment is there but Julio can’t see her and orders Jessica to call his accountant to deposit the money he asked for his taxes. Jessica obliges and leaves.

Ramon calls Fabiola to tell him that he got the money, but he confesses that Julio was insufferable. Fabiola can’t understand why but they both assume he’s stressed because of Osvaldo. Ramon then hangs up when he receives a call from Antonio, who reveals that Porfirio has passed away and he can’t pass by the hostel. Ramon gives him his condolences and then hangs up and calls Fabiola back to tell her what happened. Fabiola is shocked to hear Porfirio has passed as well.

The doctor gives Margarita Porfirio’s death certificate and she promises to take care of his burial as he had no other family. He then leaves them, and Margarita breaks down crying again. Antonio stands a few feet away but can’t do anything to make her feel better.

At the funeral home, Valente tells Benito that Finito and Luisa don’t look as happy as they did the day of the wedding but Benito shrugs. He tells Valente that he is down in the dumps as well and would prefer not to hear about Luisa. When Adalgiza comes to ask him for something, he leaves in a huff and Valente tells Adalgiza that he thinks Finito is having problems with Luisa. Adalgiza smiles wide and hopes that’s true; Valente promises to find out what is really happening between them.

Ramos visits Cuellar in his office to tell him about a break in Dario’s murder case. Turns out they analyzed the prints of the murder weapon and the same prints were found on the brick of cocaine they found in MedFer; both sets of prints belong to Rulo. Cuellar nods as they may find have a reason to why Dario was murdered.

The detectives have set everything up in Dalia’s house and instruct her on what to say when she calls Rulo. Dalia listens intently.

In their lair, Rulo and Osvaldo wait for Chava to come back. Chava does then and suggests they leave as his uncle is starting to ask questions they can’t answer. Dalia then calls Rulo and tells him that she spoke to their fake passport contact and he wants $5,000 for each passport but she doesn’t have the money. Rulo asks her for her debit card number so he can deposit some money and they will send her pictures of themselves via text. He then asks her to give the guy fake names and make sure he gets to work on it ASAP. She asks him for a location to meet but he promises to tell her when she has the passport. She tells him she loves him and hangs up as the detectives confirm hat they have their exact location and radio their partners to mount an operation to capture them.

Jessica confirms with Julio that the money he requested has been deposited into his account and leaves. He confirms the deposit and smiles as Juana calls him to tell him about Porfirio’s passing. Julio laments it but he didn’t know his condition was so grave. He then tells Juana that he will meet her at the funeral home and she hangs up. Juana then asks Fabiola to call Hortensia to tell her about the funeral and Fabiola, begrudgingly, obliges but Hortensia is her usual witchy self and proclaims that she doesn’t care. Furthermore, she has nothing to do at the funeral and Margarita shouldn’t act like Porfirio’s widow when she’s hanging on Antonio’s arm because it’s in poor taste. Also, she asks Fabiola to only call her with good news and hangs up. Fabiola tells Juana that she knew Hortensia would be horrible and Juana nods.

Over lunch, Dalia tells Valente that she hopes Rulo is in jail soon because he engulfed everyone in his shady business deals for no reason. Valente reminds her that everyone knew Rulo was not trustworthy and told her so, but Dalia asks him to please not remind her.

As the three dumdums walk around in broad daylight, Chava asks Rulo to text Dalia their photos as they already transferred the money to her account.

Valente asks Dalia about Luisa and Finito’s relationship then and she admits that they don’t look happy, but Luisa wouldn’t tell her if anything was indeed wrong. Just then, Rulo calls her to tell her that they sent her the money but had to go to a bigger town to do so. Dalia tries to get the name out of him Rulo has no idea what it’s called exactly. He instructs her to get the passports done ASAP and hangs up. Dalia then goes with Valente to tell the police the dumdums have changed locations.

At the funeral, everyone hands around and laments Porfirio’s passing, especially since he was so young. It seems no one really knew how bad his condition was there but Juana notes that cancer doesn’t discriminate and affects everyone equally. Fabiola declares that he was a great person and lawyer as he helped her get out of jail and they all comment on how inconsolable Margarita looks.

Across the room, margarita cries in Antonio’s arms as Pedro gives them his condolences and offers Antonio his services regarding his case at MedFer. Antonio shakes his hand and thanks him.

At the clinic, Francisco meets with the buyer, who gives him proof of the wire he sent. Francisco logins into his bank account and confirms that 1 million has been deposited. The buyer then promises to give him the rest as previously established and leaves. Once alone, Francisco smiles as he already has 200,000 in the bank (because Fabiola is a dumb).

As the trio walks around, Rulo is glad to be out of Chava’s family’s ranch because that place had nothing fun to do. He is happy to see that this new town has a better hostel and a billiard bar. Chava asks him to be quiet but Rulo promises to buy him a beer so he can smile more.

At the funeral, Fabiola receives a call from Francisco, who tells her that he has the money and wants to meet with her ASAP. Fabiola tells him that she can’t meet him today and hangs up. Francisco laughs to himself as he thought Fabiola needed the money urgently.

The detectives tell Dalia that the trio had already left when the police arrived, but she tells them that Rulo sent her money from the new town and they may be able to locate them this way. The detectives decide to look in nearby towns, with names starting with San Jose, to see if any have a place to send money from. One detective leaves and comes back a few moments later to tell them that they found the town and will send units immediately.

At the funeral, Margarita cries by the coffin as Antonio looks on. Juana then receives a call from Jessica, who tells her to tell Andrea that tomorrow they are signing the food franchise paperwork. Juana relays the message to Andrea but wonders where Julio is as Jessica couldn’t locate him either.

That night, the trio plays a round of pool and have a couple of drinks as they discuss their plans. They can’t decide on where to go but they will decide when they have the passport. They then pay for their drinks, so they can go back to the hostel.

At the hostel, two detectives talk with the owner and she explains that the trio came in the car out front (which has plates from Mexico City) and only paid for one night. They thank her and leave before the trio arrives, but they don’t notice one of the children playing from the entrance has heard everything.

Moments later, the trio walk back to the hostel and run into the same child playing out front. He tells them that some men were looking for them but left no message. Rulo thanks him, asks him to not say he saw them and leaves with Chava and Osvaldo in tow.

Adalgiza calls Valente to see if he found out anything new but Valente tells her no. Adalgiza promises to find out if Finito and Luisa are as unhappy as her and Benito, but she doesn’t realize Fredesvinda has heard the whole conversation.

The trio run away form the hostel and Osvaldo and Chava believe Dalia told the police where they were but Rulo reminds them that she didn’t know the town’s full name or in what state they were. He then finds an old car parked by the side of the road and asks the other two to keep watch as he breaks in and hotwires it.

Luisa arrives at her old home and Dalia fills her in on everything that happened with Rulo. Dalia hopes the police catch him and Luisa hopes so too. Luisa then fills Dalia in on Porfirio’s death and they both wonder why the good people die while the bad ones are still kicking. Luisa then tells her that Julio has been insufferable but Dalia wonders why she puts up with it as she can work with Finito. Luisa explains that she doesn’t want to be with him 24/7 and she needs her own income, just in case. Dalia wonders why she’s thinking about divorce when she just got married and Luisa confesses that Finito is nice, but she doesn’t love him. Dalia reproaches her actions, namely, the fact that she is married to only a friend, but Luisa asks her to stop and then bids her goodbye as she only came to see how she was.

The trio arrives at a roadblock and curse their luck. When they try to do a U-turn, another two police cars block their path. They get out of the car and run down the hill and into the bushes. After a few feet, they stop and hope they lost the police, but they are right on their tail. They point their guns and demand the trio stop but all three begin to run. Rulo and Osvaldo manage to get away but Chava is stop in the leg and falls. Neither of his “friends” offer to help. In fact, they leave him there to get caught.

Julio arrives at the funeral and goes to hug Margarita. He laments this happened because he knows how important Porfirio was. Margarita thanks him and Julio then goes to see Juana, who chides him for disappearing again, but Julio explains that he was very busy. Juana then relays Jessica’s message and Andrea declares that she wants to see bank statements tomorrow, to see exactly how much money she has left, and she would like to have Antonio present at the signing. Julio is shocked that she doesn’t trust him, but Andrea explains that she would like Antonio’s opinion as well. Julio tells her that she can do as she pleases and storms off. Juana admits that she’s shocked, but Andrea explains that Julio’s attitude lately has been weird, and she wants a second opinion. If anything, his actions right now leave much to be desired. Juana explains that he is just angry that she doesn’t trust him, but she can do as she likes. She then leaves after Julio and Andrea asks Jorge if she thinks the same thing as Juana. Jorge agrees that she can do whatever she wants with her money but asking Antonio to be present shows how little she trusts Julio even though he’s only helped them all this time. Andrea doesn’t change her mind though and Jorge can only shrug.

The police capture Chava, who begs them to help because he’s bleeding out, but they tell him he will be fine. Two other officers come back and tell the other two that they haven’t been able to find Osvaldo or Rulo, who ran into the woods.

Juana finds Julio, who is fuming because Andrea doesn’t trust him, but she asks him to calm down as Andrea only wants to go over the numbers one more time. Julio asks if Andrea asked her to come calm him down, but Juana shakes her head and explains she knew nothing about Andrea’s decision. Julio believes Andrea is trying to oust him from the food franchise, but Juana assures him it’s not and asks him to go to the cafeteria, so they can drink something and calm down. He obliges, and they go.

At the sub shop, Finito cooks on the grill as Teofilo tells him about the meat shop owner, who’s wife cheated on him because he no longer slept with her, and Finito nods slowly. He then considers his own relationship with Luisa quietly.

Sometime later, Andrea asks Jorge if he’s still angry and Jorge shakes his head, but he doesn’t like how she’s trying to hide the fact that she doesn’t trust his dad. Andrea thinks there’s nothing wrong with checking on her accounts periodically though Jorge reminds her that Julio has always been very meticulous with money and will likely stop helping them with the food franchise. Andrea shrugs and declares that she can manage it herself, if that happens, but she still doesn’t think she’s making the wrong decision, especially after how Julio’s behaved lately. Jorge nods and tells her that he is going to get a drink at the cafeteria to cool off.

At the cafeteria, Julio has finally calmed down and ask Juana to intercede on his behalf. She reluctantly agrees, and he thanks her for helping him. Juana smiles as he caresses her face.

Moments later, Andrea is on her way to the cafeteria when she runs into Juana, who asks her to reconsider her decision to have Antonio present tomorrow. Andrea won’t though and reminds her that her money is the only thing they have right now until MedFer’s legal troubles are over, so they should take care of it. In the end, it’s not about Julio’s ego and Julio should realize that. Juana can only shrug before leaving her to find Fabiola.

In the woods, Rulo tells Osvaldo that they must go get Chava, but Osvaldo reminds him that the police shot him in the leg and caught him already. Rulo nods as Osvaldo takes out his phone and tries to activate the GPS so see how they can get to another border but he has no signal.

Chava, with his leg now bandaged up, meets with the detective who caught him to talk about his case. The detective explains that he will be transferred to Mexico City to make his statement and reminds him that everything he says can and will be used against him. Chava nods slowly.

In bed, Luisa remembers what Dalia said about Finito only being a friend and considers making the first move. Finito thinks about Teofilo’s words and thinks about making the first move but, when they turn to face each other, they bid each other good night and turn around again. On each side of the bed, they consider what to do to save their marriage.

Fredesvinda takes out her wooden box of charms and proceeds to find the right potion to put in her cookies so that Adalgiza and Benito fall in love, once and for all. Benito comes then and wonders what she’s doing up. Fredesvinda explains that she’s baking cookies for tomorrow and he nods before leaving. Once alone, Fredesvinda gets to work.

The next day, Julio calls Noe to tell him that he has the money he owes him, with interest, and Noe promises to call him when he gets back to Mexico City, so they can meet. Julio then hangs up and hopes Juana can convince Andrea to reconsider her decision.

At the station, Chava explains to the detective that Palomo paid them for storing the drugs at MedFer but they never knew where Paloma got the drugs; last, they heard Palomo was found dead. Chava then asks if they caught Osvaldo or Rulo but the detectives demand he be quiet and answer his questions. Chava nods and explains that Palomo always paid in case, or bricks, sometimes, and would call when he needed more supplies. The detectives listen intently.

The dumb duo continues to stumble around in the woods and Osvaldo hopes they reach a river soon, so they can pinpoint where they are.

Rosendo calls Sofia, who is in Colombia, to ask her about their business dealings. Sofia explains that everyone is worried because of Palomo’s untimely passing and they would prefer to enter the Mexican territory on their own, without them as the middleman. Rosendo orders Sofia to make sure that doesn’t happen as that business is theirs. Once he hangs up, Chato tells him that the police are getting dangerously close to their business. Rosendo asks him to send some men to investigate and make sure the territory strays theirs. Chato nods and leaves.

Margarita and Antonio arrive at Porfirio’s, but Margarita can’t help but cry when she sees everything. Antonio asks if he will be okay and Margarita assures him she will; she knows Porfirio is gone but would like to help him out however she can. Antonio nods and tells her that he will be back soon. Margarita nods and he goes. Once alone though, she hugs one of his blazers and cries, wondering why he left her so soon.

Benito is cleaning out the hearse when Fredesvinda arrives and tells him she was nearby and brought him cookies. Benito thanks her but he doesn’t want any right now. Fredesvinda begs him to try it, as they are his favorite, and Benito promises to try them soon. She then kisses him goodbye and leaves, angry that Benito didn’t eat the cookies, but smiles when she turns around and sees him eating them.

Andrea and Jorge arrive at Juana’s and she wonders why they are there so early. Andrea explains that she is going to visit Antonio to ask him to come to the meeting and leaves. Once alone, Juana wonders why Jorge hasn’t said anything. Jorge tells her that he is going to stay out of it and suggests Juana do the same. Juana nods and then goes to make him a coffee to go with the sweet bread.

On her seduction tour, Fredesvinda goes to visit Adalgiza next. She offers her some cookies and Adalgiza begins to eat them while explaining that her friend, Nicolle, from Indianapolis started a funeral home and offered her a job. Fredesvinda nods and Adalgiza explains that she will think about it as it’s a good offer, but their conversation is interrupted by a customer. As Adalgiza shows the customer the various plans they have, Fredesvinda declares that Adalgiza isn’t going anywhere if she has anything to say about it.

The dumb duo arrive at a river and run along the edge of it. They greedily take a drink of water and splash some water on their face. Osvaldo then goes to stand by some rocks and doesn’t notice a snake slithering close by. The snake bites him and he falls at Rulo’s feet while screaming bloody murder. Rulo looks at the bloody snake bite and wonders what to do…


I am about to read the recap, Alfredo , but I had to tell you immediately that I love the title !!!! The snake gets bitten by a snake, and Fredes has a recipe for love potion #9 cookies.

Andrea must have finally read that email I sent her. Good Girl.

Tweet, tweet, tweet, do I hear a little bird singing? Wait ! No ! It is Chava. Looks like he is doing a lot of damage from under that BUS. Hee Haa Haw.

Thanks to Kirby, Rgv Chick, Judy B, and others who made things clearer for me on yesterday's post with regard to the relationships of Margarita, Porfirio, and Antonio.
Sadly,it does sound as if P. got the royal shaft.

Finally, someone buys a vowel and says "Show me my money." I hope that Antonio goes ballistic when discovers that Julio has taken his nieces money and gambled it away.

Where did the writers find the inspiration for Hor? Did when of them have the Grammy from hell? This woman does not have a bit of compassion or empathy.

"Antonio goes ballistic when (he) discovers that...."

Susy see my comment a couple days ago yearning for Julio to get just one Good Old Fashioned North Texas Ass Whipping before this thing is over.

Well, nevermind, you don't need to now, do you?


Dumb Duo, Seduction Tour and that snappy title Snake Bites and Love much fun Alfredo. Much more so than the episode, but then how much fun can you have during extended "velorio" scenes. It did seem strange to have so much financial wrangling going on (however justified) at an evening that was to be dedicated to Porfirio's memory but, what do I know? Funeral etiquette varies, that's for sure.

Had to laugh (sorry) when "Ooze" got bitten by a snake. Such a telenovela classic! They're showing reruns of Abismo de Pasión on Unimas and the heroine just got bitten by a snake on that one too. Madre Naturaleza is dangerous indeed. At least in Mexico.

Thanks for another detailed, informative recap AAA. Nice to see consequences of poor choices starting to appear. That bedroom scene with Finito and Luisa was soooo sad. Hope they can sort out their romantic mess soon, Fredesvinda notwithstanding.

Judy: Can somebody please give Hortensia & Julio their anvils ?

Thankfully the Python snake which left that bloody bite appears to be someone's escaped pet. Not poisonous.

Thank you, Alfredo.

Rats on the run. Seeing them prolong their suffering is even better than getting caught right away. Having to run through jungle, scared, exhausted, thirsty, hungry, snake bitten. If only Cyst and Julio were there too.

Yay for Andrea for demanding to see her account! She didn't allow to get persuaded by Julio, Juana, Jorge. Sudden outbreak of common sense. After seeing how getting small amounts of HER money out of Julio was like pulling teeth, sooo justified.

If Julio's hissy fit about having another set of eyes was not a red flag the size of Texas......

And we won't stand for Juliolio Whacking himself in a fit of desperation, will we? Nah, not to worry, he doesn't have the balls to do it anyway. It takes a pretty brave coward to put a pistol to his head.

Alfredo, thank you for another exceptional recap.

"Margarita breaks down crying in Antonio’s arms, incredulous that her beloved friend has died" captured that sad scene perfectly.

"As the three dumdums walk around in broad daylight" and "On her seduction tour" were favorites among many.

"they both assume he’s stressed because of Osvaldo". You would think so, wouldn't you? And as genuinely distressed he did appear to be when the police were searching his apartment for evidence, Oz doesn't even appear to be a blip on the radar due to Julio's all consuming obsession with the pursuit of money,

"Finally, someone buys a vowel and says "Show me my money." :) Susanlynn.

Our not so loveable soon to be cons on the run have run into some bad luck "Tweet, tweet, tweet, do I hear a little bird singing? Wait ! No ! It is Chava. Looks like he is doing a lot of damage from under that BUS" said it all Kirby! :) Oz in particular is in severe distress and I expect there will be karma via some type of physical damage due to the venomous bite.

Judy, yes, the Finito and Luisa scene was hard to watch. I keep thinking they are going to admit the truth but with Frede's continuing meddling (MORE cookies?) and staunch dislike of Luisa, I'm wondering if perhaps the matches are already made??

"Margarita shouldn’t act like Porfirio’s widow when she’s hanging on Antonio’s arm because it’s in poor taste" was really, really harsh but I have to be honest, was there a tiny kernel of truth? As we discussed yesterday Marg could have been a bit more restrained and not kissed Antonio's face off in front of her.

Today is a frozen winter wonderland. After spending time on and off trying to sweep my steps and clean off my car during the night, I finally gave up. My plow guy is no where to be seen so am working from home . That said, I am so grateful not to have lost power. Hope you are all warm, safe and dry.


For some of the newer people who might be curious what the extra 'A' is in AAA, our pet name here for Mr. Alfredo Aparicio, one of the recappers, it is for Amazing. Surprised? Hmmm..thought not.

Were it not for him and the others here who write these clever recaps, many of us would have wrapped this one in yesterday's newspaper and put it out on garbage day.

Thank You Buddy, you guys make it all happen.

AAA, thank you so much for this masterfully crafted retelling of last night's events. I only got to watch it in pieces, so now the puzzle is complete.

I agree with everyone's comments so DITTO to all :-)

So we've had a scorpion bite and a snake bite on this TN, what's next...a black widow/HorHellia bite? Aren't their spiders that kill their own babies?

Still pressed for time...I'm going nuts with TEN kids and counting! Diana I forgot to mention in the other patio that one of 4 kids born on Wednesday didn't make it, but I nursed it until late last night when it went to kid heaven; so I'm left with 9 :-(

Oh Rgv Chick. I'm so sorry! I'm sure your nurturing made the little one comfortable for its too short time.

I am sure the rest will flourish under your kind caring.


Two more babies!!!! Grabs head and keels over...

CHickie...I am so sorry that one of your little goats did not make it. Do you always have so many kids at one time? You must be exhausted, so I hope you can get some rest soon.

So..let's go back to the start of this telenovela to try to figure out the message this show is sending. The one supposedly happily married couple died in a plane crash shaking up the family dynamics and starting off these crazy events. Ramon's father left. Horry's husband cheated on her with the maid. Roxy left Antonio and Diego for fun and adventure. Virginia and Julio were not happy but stayed in the marriage. I don't think that we know what happened between Luisa and Dalia's father. We have had two weddings that resulted in one or both partners not wanting to have sex. I think that Pedro or Marg were both single. There are no priests or psychiatrists, but we have three honest lawyers and a couple sketchy ones.It appears that in the end we will have several happy marriages. So what lesson was taught?

RGV, ya keep having all these Kids, do you even know who the Daddys are?

You Texas women...............

Susy, what message was taught? Forkin glad to be a Single Gringo.
Or maybe a good story is harder to make up than it looks at first glance.

OT: Not to steal any thunder from all you suffering a Hortensia Winter, but it was in the THIRTIES here last night and has only been able to muster 53 so far today.


Thank you Alfredo for another exceptional recap. I liked the end where you said: "The dumb du arrive at a river and run along the edge of it. They greedily take a drink of water and splash some water on their face. Osvaldo then goes to stand by some rocks and doesn’t notice a snake slithering close by. The snake bites him and he falls at Rulo’s feet while screaming bloody murder. Rulo looks at the bloody snake bite and wonders what to do…" Looks like this is it for them. If Os is bitten by a poisonous snake, without medical help asap, this could lead to necrosis of his flesh. I see no way of getting to a hospital right away unless the police are right behind. If necrosis starts setting in, he will die from infection setting in from the dead flesh. Well I think he deserves this suffering and this is a good end to our Ooooz....As for Rulo, I'll bet you he just abandons Ooooz lying there. There is no honor among thieves or drug dealers!

Well looks like Chava will be telling all and singing like a bird. Maybe they will go easier on him for testifying and turning over state's evidence. Maybe not. We are talking Mexico here, not the program "Law and Order".

Thanks for mentioning the name of Finito's employee, the young man who works for him. I have missed it each time. Now I now it's Teofilo.

Finito and Luisa should have just gone for it! LOL! They might have even enjoyed themselves. Finito is so much better than Benito. I do not see what she sees in that little guy/mama's boy. Adalgiza should go back to Indianapolis.

Alfredo, you are so right that it was good to see Andrea asking Julio for answers. I don't know why everyone is so accepting of "well that's just the way he is." I happen to be a Treasurer for two non profit organizations and have access to their monies as I pay bills and such for them. If anyone from those non profit orgs wants to sit with me and go over the expenses and bank accounts, I say, "let's do it!" I have absolutely nothing to hide and never want to be accused of being dishonest. When you keep everything on the up and up, you welcome the transparancy. Anyone wishing to audit my books is welcome to it.

The writers did not have to kill Porfirio off. They could have let him fall in love with one of his nurses, have his cancer go into remission and find happiness for the rest of his life, while remaining friends with Margarita and becoming good friends with Antonio. Margarita needs a woman friend, so Porfi's new love could've fit the bill.

Anon 1:42, hey they could have had Porfi thinking he was going to die, so he goes off to make funeral arrangements for himself. Then, he meets Ada and he forgets all about Marg and Ada is smitten by the thought of being with a successful lawyer who is well educated. They fall in love, he goes into remission and they both live happily ever after, with Ada crossing the social caste barrier and getting a great guy for a husband. Fredes can just go eat dirt.

Thanks Alfredo!!!

I second Lucio's "Yay for Andrea". Juana should be ashamed of herself for handing away her POA to Julio. Jorge knows his father has had gambling problems in the past so he should be worried too. I can't help but think Julio will find a way to hide the problems. I would feel better if it was Pedro with Andrea over Antonio.

A snake bitten by a snake. So poetic. I hope Rulo leaves him there. Then I hope Rulo gets picked up.

I still feel bad about Porfirio's passing. The fact that Rox and Porf died is just too smooth. I still think that Antonio isn't into Marg that much. He just needs her constant legal advice.


Thanks Alfredo. Slowly but surely the
Anvils are a fallin.
I'm glad Andrea is stickin to her guns about her money,cuz tio julio is evil,
A crook.Who is engaged to a Woman that is as dumb as he is.And those pigtails
Make her look dumber.I just Don't like
Them.I thought they were just for work
But she wears them all the time. Even
At formal Occasions.

Mags is really doing a whole lot of cryin.Guilty much?Are those guilt tear
s? She's acting like she was In Love
With this man,and this is not escapin
Antonio. I think she might have some
Guilt goin there.I could be wrong but
That's alot of emotion.

I still can't stand Franco.He is nasty
Smug.I want to see somebody knock that smug look off of his face. Does that guy know what's going on? The buyer?

Dumb dumb and dumber is now dumb and
Stupid. I knew CHAVA would sing his
Head off.And now a snake has bitten a
Weasel. Will he or won't he survive?
Stay tuned.

THANK you Alfredo.

Ah RGV Chick, I'm so sorry to hear about your little kid not making it through the night. But as Diana said, someone warm and caring was with him, doing her best to help him make it. Would that all of us would have someone so nurturing by our side when the time comes. RIP little one.

Susanlynn...I too am wondering what lesson was taught in this one. Usually we would have had a kind, sometimes stern priest, or a wise curandera, or both! dispensing wisdom, stressing the need for forgiveness and moving on without bitterness and anger, but here, not much more than Juana's placid "pues, bien" and letting people walk all over her if they choose.

Not great. We are seeing painful consequences of poor choices, but I miss the wise and caring priests, I really do. Don Pedro is about as close as we can get to mature integrity in this one.

Is it true there are few if any calories in Hot Chocolate if the outside temperature is below 40?

Kirby, it's true ... and even less calories if you add marshmallows ... I saw it on the Internet, so it must be. Lol

"Chava is the worst. The detectives didn't even need to apply a bit of pressure, he told them everything faster than Dr. Parrot" made me laugh out loud Alfredo.

Nina, very interesting point in that Mags might be feeling guilty. I'm not so sure she realizes how she's acted and see it simply as sadness without any tinge of feeling sorry that she didn't reciprocate Porf's great and true friendship as much as she could have.

Cynthia, we are the same wavelength. Only one or so episodes ago, I was thinking that Ada might be a good match for Ada too! I guess it was not to be.

"RGV, ya keep having all these Kids, do you even know who the Daddys are?" OMG. TOO funny Kirby!

Susanlynn, I have no answer to your well phrased questions. I'm completely with Judy in missing "the wise and caring priests". Whenever I think of TN priests, I envision Rene Casados as Padre Tadeo (FELS). What a kind, comforting soul!


Ada and Prof, not Ada and herself. Sigh.


"no one noticed because, to be it blunt, they didn't care. Now that he's gone, they feel that crushing weight of guilt at having never really appreciated him."

How very, very true. Succinct Mr. A

There are few people in this TN I would care to know or spend time with, Poorfi, being the exception.

True True, all true Alfredo. I really want to see Julio get his anvile.And
You know he deserve more than a anvil.
He deserve a wrecking ball.With virgy
Lip sinkin to wreckinball by milli.Lol

And fran-co-roni needs double that. I
Don't like the bad people.And I'm just
Sick of the dumb people, when are they gonna get some brainpower shock to the
One workin braincell? Hortinsia still
Goin at it being an Ol b-witch. Rant
Over. For now! Get refued with dinner.


Alfredo: The hypocrisy of them too, ignoring Porfirio like that was disgusting.

Margarita, I'm still pissed off at her too, she's too busy drooling over Antonio... if I was seeing her face-to-face, I'd slap her hard.


I agree Steve, and while she has nor been bad really, what would she have been without Poofirio and Don Pedro? Not as much for sure. I am not fully on board with the Wonder Woman Worship for her.

And looks like he's sick of seeing her cry over Porfi. I could see him dumpin
Her, cuz he may not be sure about her
Feelings towards him.

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