Thursday, March 29, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): José José, Al otro lado del muro, Enemigo íntimo, y más: Week of March 26, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 8-9PM—José José, el príncipe de la canción
• 9-10PM—Al otro lado del muro
• 10-11PM—Enemigo íntimo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Lado bad Andreas didn't express himself to Eliza sooner...maybe he would have had a chance. But Max is back and at the moment no one else will get Eliza's attention. I didn't catch all of the conversation between Andreas and Eliza but it sounded like she herself wasn't sure of the future. Max does not deserve her but I don't see anyone else separating them at the moment. Jen will try and will continue to cause problems but she wont be able to come between them again. I wish she would because I'd rather see Eliza alone or with anyone else but the spineless Max.

Tom was right in telling Max to get loss but Eliza will work to soften him. Too bad. Just hope the Max situation does not drive Tom further into the gang life.

Guess we should't be surprised that Alondra went to Julian. She is her brother and regardless of how well she's been treated with by Eliza and her family, reality is...Julian and Ernie are her real family and she's missed that connection. Doesn't appear that Julian is aware of his dad's dirty dealing. Perhaps he and Alondra and learn the truth together. I wonder if Paula is going to do anything to hurt Alondra now that she's back. There's no reason to do so now...unless she does it to get back at Sofia when she finds her.

Not surprised that Richard fired Joel. He deserved it...but they both are jockeying for a position with Sofia. Looks like Joel has the upper hand on that for now. They all need to continue on with the business at hand .....getting proof against Collins and Ernie so that Sofia can be vindicated.



I'll try to do the recap tonight.



Nett: It's United States Senator Irving Cummings (R-TX)!


Looks like the only decent characters right now are those on the sidelines. And just when I thought I couldn't hate Jennifer more, her pity party and self-indulgent manipulations continued.

Spanish Student

Lado 27 1/2

Alondra always talked lovingly about Sofia (at her grave) Sofia wants to know what changed, Joel tells of video kissing, oh, and, did you tell her I killed your sister? Joel stumbles a bit and Sofia can see that by his leaving doubt in the air was enough to turn Alo.

Tom, who remembers what his mother went through, is not so forgiving of Max, don't call me son, Eliza pulls him aside, tries to explain how fate backed Max into a corner, Tom's not buying, Rod and Karina are ready to forgive him, and you are too, Tom asks?, let me know when he moves in so I be moved out.

Jen has ripped up her room and looks dead by the time Steve gets there, (we're not so lucky), he talks her back to life and she rants on, (which all makes perfect sense if any of it were true, like how Eliza put a hex on him) why don't HER children die? calming Steve tells her Charlie needs you, you need to be strong, I can't, she says.

Frida is practicing her dance moves (but they all lead to the floor), Mark has news, he has set her up with a producer, her phone rings, err, her alarm that she set, with Mark gone she answers Tom, he wants to go out again.

Patrick is on Joel about telling Sofia about Alo meeting with Ernesto.

Richard is telling Sofia he is having Alo watched, like before Sofia asks, no, it's good now, Sofia is still panicked, she wants to quit the FBI and take Alo far away, ah but look at the consequences, Richard says, you'll go back to prison, and the FBI won't be protecting Alo, this will all be over soon, he promises.

Lorena sends Joel his ticket to Colombia, Patrick tells him to go, clear your head.

Paula gets a call, Pastrana?, he found the guy that posted the video, he doesn't know Sofia, sure of it, and he won't be talking anymore.

Karina and Eliza are worried about Alo, will she go live with her dad and brother?, as Alo rings Julian's door bell, she has to tell him who she is, he offers her a beer, nope, I'm driving, car?, nope a bike, they chat, Alo tells Julian he is the same fool he always was, he calls her a tomboy, Julian says he missed her, wants her to stay.

Santiago and Raquel sweet talk over the baby as pop has gone a courtin'.

Karina is interested in maybe their dad can help them get documented, but she doesn't want him to think that's why she wants to be around him, Eliza says it's ok, as a freshly cologned Andres appears with a bottle of wine, Karina leaves and with some wine courage Andres stumbles through how he loves Eliza, wow, Eliza wasn't expecting this, and... Jen is at the door, (oh great, even the floor boards groan)


Lado 27 2/2

Richard busts in on Joel and tells him he is off the case, Joel is in his face, you are getting too close to her, she is using you, back and forth and time for some blows when... Patrick pops out of the closet, or was it from another room, the front door?, and lands squarely between them (that was amazing) they found the video guy dead, tortured and left to bleed out, Richard coolly looks over the facts, he was a gang member, maybe... Joel jumps in, you just don't get it, you need to use your brain and not your body. (I'm guessing Joel will never be a greeter at Walmart when he gets older)

Andres moves to a backroom where he can listen as Jen apologizes, what?, Eliza holds no grudges, Charlie will die in 6 months, they can only manage the pain, but wait, Jen wants to know if Charlie can spend some time with her kids.

afterwards Andres asks if Eliza is considering going back together with Max, she says she has fantasized about it, hmm, well, forget what I said then, as Andres drags back to the dugout after 3 strikes, he promised to watch the baby.

Mark is showing his buyer, err, producer, pics of Frida, the producer doesn't put a lot of weight in photos, especially since the price is so high, Mark goes to get her.

oops, Frida is once again singing at the club, and next wants to do a duet with Tommy, I could never do anything that would make you look bad he says, sits her down and sweet talks, it's like your heart is asking mine for a dance, a slow song comes on and they do.

Joel is at the door (he keeps getting shorter, doesn't he) hmm, Sofia opens, he... didn't mean to turn Alo against you, Sofia says she can forgive him, but that doesn't change how things are, he's off the case too, hmm, you were right Sofia when you said what happened between us was a mistake, that's what I said, Sofia looks him in the eye, but it's not what I meant....

they kiss.

(talk about a couple of cold wet hungry lost puppies)



First, Deb thank you so much for posting a recap. At first this was a very slow and boring episode. I'm sick already of the Max-Eliza-Jennifer storyline. I don't care for Max and could do without Jennifer totally.

Hopefully, Eliza will come to realize that the whole Max thing was nothing but a pipe dream and not reality. But maybe they deserve each other.

Didn't you guys think that Jennifer perfectly set up the idiot Eliza and one of her kids for a bone marrow transplant? "Just let your kids be close to Charlie until the end". OMG, Eliza is so good-hearted that she fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

I would have loved to hear exactly what Richard said to Joel during their back and forth.

Would someone please explain to me why are they censoring the cuss words, but leaving in pretty explicit sex scenes? I thought Telemundo was 'narco-novela-land' and therefore what harm can a few mild cuss words do.

If anyone listened to Richard uncensored, please do share!!

My votes still say Richard and Patrick are not spies. However, it would be a great twist and turn of events if the writers went there.

Who thinks Julian and Alondra will rat Ernesto out.


Victoria: You do realize Alondra & Julian will NEVER snitch on their Daddy anytime soon, so get used to it.

1.) I'm guessing the dude, who videotaped Sofia trying to run towards Alondra at the Mexican Consulate got whacked.

2.) I cannot believe dumb-ass Eliza fell for that trick that Jennifer used hook, line & sinker. IDIOT!!!

3.) Looks like one of Eliza's kids will die if Jennifer gets her wish.

4.) Joel is another IDIOT.

5.) Why do I get this feeling Frida won't have a happily ever after ?

6.) Mark is involved with the Syndicate.


Thanks, deb. I totally identify with the floorboards. Her lying pity party was so annoying that I wanted to fast forward thru every scene until the shifty-eyed schemer showed up at Eliza's. It would be best if neither child is compatible (except maybe my theory about the newly conceived in Eliza's belly), so we'll have time to see Jennifer's true colors. She shouldn't get to take advantage of Eliza's kids (Tomas wouldn't fo it anyway).

Poor Karina. If Max truly wanted to recuperar sus hijos he'd spend more time with the right attorneys to avoid ICE giving them the boot. But this man is not a thinker or doer.

What is Mark really up to?

I always thought it was best if Joel Was fired or quit. Let's see how much drama happens now that he doesn't have to bounce every thought off Patrick or Richard. I'm wondering if he'll return to Bogota. Now that Pastrana has returned to do what he does best, it's only a matter of time before he checks out Irene's old place again.

Deb, i think Joel might be walking on a few extra floorboards himself. He was shorter than Sofia outside her door and taller 2 steps later as he walked in.

Spanish Student



Isn't Frida a little bit too old to be kidnapped by the Syndicate? I would have thought that they wouldn't spend so much time, effort, and money to make her a star singer. IMO Mark is just wanting to pump her out to the highest bidder.

What do you want to bet that Tomás is the only one who's bone marrow is compatible with Charlie.

Again, I can't believe that Eliza fell for Jennifer's crap.

Steve, you are probably right that Julian and Alondra won't snitch on Ernesto, but I'd like to think that they would see what their father is really like and reject him outright.

I'm totally lost on how Joel ended up in Bogotá. That 10-year time jump left a few unanswered questions.


Victoria, I wondered the same about Tomas being the only compatible child. Would be nice if Jennifer had to confront someone from Eliza's family who was as stubborn and hated the situation as much as she does. After being bullied by thugs, he won't fall for her crap.

Bogotá was just a new storyline...Patrick and Joel were investigating traffickers there and ran into Juan?.

I wonder how Alondra will react when she sees Sen Slimy hanging with her dad. And how will he react to her?

Spanish Student


Muchísimas gracias, deb, for this superb recap. I've always enjoyed your delightful style, and this recap shows it off in spades. I loved your snarky remarks, such as "we're not so lucky," "even the floor boards groan," "he keeps getting shorter, doesn't he," and, of course, "talk about a couple of cold wet hungry lost puppies." Yes! Even your non-snarky descriptions have that special deb flair. I'm thinking of statements such as "Andrés drags back to the dugout after 3 strikes" and "Patrick pops out of the closet...." And in addition to being a delight to read, the recap also covers everything important. I don't know how you do it!


Well, Juanita beat me to the punch for quoting all your great lines, deb. "Even the floor boards groan" is worthy of being put up on the Caray front page! Thanks so much for the terrific recap. I also loved the line about Joel not being a greeter at WalMart when he's an old guy. I was SO rooting for Richard to punch El Sapo in the face.

So, I guess they're going with the two best looking guys in the show striking out: Richard and Andrés. Sofía must be off her meds to start kissing him after he put Alondra off her mother until the last week of the novela.

Hmmm, it never occurred to me that Tomás would be the compatible half sibling. I was thinking for sure it would be the kindly Rodrigo. But I don't think people die from donating bone marrow. It's a pretty common medical procedure.

I'm not 100% positive what Mark has in mind for Frida and that horrible man. But I don't think it's related at all to what Senator Slimy and Ernesto have been doing all this time. My guess is that the "producer" who was licking his chops over the thought of Frida is a guy who pretends to give a lovely young woman a career in singing (maybe not dancing in Frida's case) and then uses her sexually himself. Then eventually gets her trapped in prostitution. The disgusting thing is that Mark, from what I could tell, is in on the "game".

They explicitly said that the 20-something guy who put up the video of Sofía having been tortured in an abandoned building and then killed. What death will be bad enough for Pastrana, and Paula for that matter? Although she did look a bit shocked that Pastrana killed him.

Last night was the first time I liked Julián a little, either child or young man. It was a subtle touch that showed that he, too, has been damaged by the trauma of losing a step-mother who loved him.


Spanish Student: I gave up on Alondra from the get-go. My hope is that Karma will get her in the end.

1.) Frida sadly won't be long for this world because Mark & that so-called "producer" are plotting something sinister.

2.) Lorena is going to figure out Joel has feelings for Sofia.

Novelera: Time to update the Body Count.


Body Count:
1.) Irene Benitez

2.) Juan's Cronies

3.) German: Sad :(

4.) The Smuggler

5.) Gasoline Dude

6.) Pastrana's Thugs

7.) Long-haired Pastrana Thug

8.) 2 Prison Security Guards transferring Sofia to maximum prison

9.) More of Pastrana's Thugs

10.) Several LAPD Officers

11.) Dr. Marquez ?

12.) Maria Suarez

13.) Camera Dude filming Sofia at the Mexican Consulate General in Los Angeles.


I will do a recap tonight. I'm hoping for a volunteer for Monday.


wow, thanks everyone for the wonderful comments!

Juanita, you are always such a dear for acknowledging the people that post here (something I am not so good at) and thanks always to you and LXV for being the hosts and allowing this Telemundo page to exist.

good point Spanish, what will happen when the Senator and Alondra discover the other anew.

a little something I left out, although Richard definitely fired Joel at last (and I hope this isn't the perfect time for Joel and Sofia to grab Alondra and make a break for it) Richard asked Patrick if he could count on him.

also from an earlier show the guard that let Joel into the consulate and the one who let him have time with the security system, agreed to sweep that under the rug, so Paula's radar hasn't landed on Joel as yet, and she doesn't seem too sure about Sofia being alive.

and Richard's guys watching Alo must be parked outside of Ernesto's mansion.



OMG!! YOU ARE TOO DARN MUCH!! LOL!!.. You had me rolling ..SPLITINGMY SIDE LAUGHING... with your surgery on Jenny from hell!!!!

I am in love with Andres[ I think he is the front runner when Joel runs his course.. pour some wine ..Poppi Chulo ..'come-a-courtin; for me...

yes this is a setup for a bone marrow and maybe it will also..KILL ONE OF HER KIDS'..death wish demoness!!!!!

don't be so sure abt Julian/ Alo ??..but Julian is banging Paula.. and he will burn dad..sooner or later... for $$$$$$$$$ Julian is a bastard of a bastard..$

YES!! SNEAKY AND LOW BALL ITCH-BEY jenny -rat...The chick is cray cray!!..
yes Alo knows the SENATOR.. SHE FOUND THE PHOTOS!!!!

YES. SNARKY IS THE WORD!!...thanks for recaps....!! it helps a lot!!

YES.. MS. FRIDA must be for special class of pimps...!!!!!!
thanks for recaps...

TWO INCHES.. YA'LL ARE rough!!...shortie Joel.. is A jerk, and he DOESNOT HAVE ENOUGH SEX APPEAL!!!BUT his name is as costar??? yuck , so what.... we can like Andreas.. the sexy man!!!

no!!don't give up on Alondra.. she is TOO YOUNG!!!!! JULIAN IS A CORRUPTED CRIMINAL ALREADY.. HE CAN GO TO JAIL!!



FINALLY, HE IS WAKING UP, HE finally noticed that his tour equipment is being loaned out for private profit. Monola and Anel are reaching the end of their life span in this relationship…

Claudia/Blondies’ husband despite all his wealth is sterile and soon to die with no issue…. No kids, he wants children?? … now that he has been cuckolder by blondie with his right-hand man and then by his business partner, I guess he wants to save face, Claudia /Blondie was a whore in the beginning and at the end as well...she was basically a good person...

.. Anel [ the same prison admin in Enemigo/ the chick that ‘s SCREWING the warden]
She tried to pull a john, a gigolo or just any man she could… but ..’no -go ‘..giiven her husband and she is obese as well as too self-absorbed and cray - cray…. I hear after their divorce she regains some of her career and goes on to reestablish her self on television on telenovelas...

Gonzalo has custody of his son and Alicia relinquished due to her income... she was fired by frank… the blank man…Poor little boy was having a birthday party, but when his mother left, the little kid decided to run away and find his mother… but just as the search begins…...



JOSE JOSE / PEPE…. Was our guide THROUGH THIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY and it helped!!
PERSONAL NARRATIVE WAS NEEDED TO PROVIDE INSIGHT AND CLARITY... to this miasma of personalities and historical events…there was so many intersectional and peripheral influence it would take an encyclopedia to organize and catalog the events in his life!!

So sad he didn’t spend more time with Frank Sinatra!!


ENEMIGO ... #125

Primos the lawyer was ambushed by his own bodyguard then by the rival gang/ dark knights[templar]… they had a shoot out with the cops to kill Primos??…

Primos made it out alive due to his armored vest and Alex realized that the body guard knew abt the vest !! the assassination attempt on his part was bogus...

But not, the ambush by the templars, they mean business

however.. how the heck did they know abt the arrest and extradition of Primos??
This is the question El Capo asked his son/Luis [golden gun psycho] and his right-hand man!!!
There is a mold/informant in the FEDS/ TASKFORCE??!!

Primos goes in the hospital and bribes the doctor, but Alex is very wary and sets a trap and check points!! All for naught and we have been here before!!

Back at dunlas prison. Zoraida calls for a TRUCE?!?
AND Roxy agrees with caution, she tells the witch, I don’t believe you, but, I -will- go- along- to- get- along… for a minute...

Madre checks in with Nesemo... capo tells him to drop Roxy and follow the directive... to put her in check...

Tilapia cover is blown and the solider who tagged him is on the run… but tagged on the street...

Roxy and the girls are chilling with all new cell redecorated, Madre has provided them with television, liquor, food/pizza and a new attitude when Zoraida called time-out!!

Madre has everybody watching tilapia, freaky flunky ,Fang -gang-banger,is dropping hints,that Tilapia's days are numbered ...left and right….

The lady cop has a gamer friend and I think that gamer pal is the dark Templar knights [plant] the in… how she was made... and setup to be blackmailed..!! poor stupid chick..

Nesemo is contacting the PROFESSOR to update him on the Primas situation... Capo dad,Nesemo relays to Luis that he gave the order to Madre to kill Talipia …... but professor says to rescind that order…...

Too late!!??Tilapia is MOST LIKE the next to die??! I DOUBT IT… THIS IS ULTIMATE CHAPTER ...

Capo is fed up with Madre…. Why, because Madre is doing Roxy???WTF!!! And wont jump on command??... mission aborted??.. but at this point.. I don’t think Madre cares to stop the murder…
Madre send the kid to pull Tilapia into the fishing net…. freaky Fang tells him abt the cancellation, but Madre don’t give a damn the fish fry is on!!

Puma pulls Roxy’s coat tail to the location... of the bull fight.. she attends but it ends badly for the old Madre…


Just updates until next year..


Madre sets the mood by calling Tilapia out as a traitor and cop- plant... so that kills the mood for everybody…if word gets out he is cop ,his life aint worth spit!!

Zoraida’s crew are on the scene and the whole yard/ cell block, came out to see the slaughter...but Talipia did not need to be recued Madre is an old Bull… put out to pasture!!??

Rapist, ratfink, cop confronts the warden abt Tilapia and that saves his ass from retaliation..just in the nick of time..

The lady federal agent ,Olivia… sneakin /peepin.. Searches Primos’ house for the Capo’s phone and she finds it and it’s significance... she tells Alex to pull Tilapia Now!!

The doctor... is confronted by Nesemos' right hand man and, he is ordered to give Primos an ‘gift, most likely poison, no, its a phone..

The battle is on… and the cops know the score that the fight is to cover up the assassination attempt… Tilapia got the better of Madre and, the rapist cop was very unhappy to find him alive..

The poor thirst,loney..deparate for any man.Federal agent , lady – video Gamer... meets the dark templar- plant .
This is , some man ,she has been gaming, long distance/over nights with ...of course !he is a dark knight agent and hacker!! And this has been planned for months…by the templar gang..!!

Nemesis… checks in with Madre … then heads to his meeting with the PROFESSOR!!??? HE SEND Primos a phone by way of the nurse and tells him to recoup fast!!


Alex and the commander visits Primas and warns him abt not cooperating…. He accuses him of harassment.

Madre is professing his love and devotion to Roxy… he tells her abt Tilapia the fish… that he’s a cop rat-fink-telltale -tale-snitch!! Roxy tells lover boy, to cool his heels and let her confirm the veracity and if its true …. 'Do what you want with him’…

PRIMAS comes home to see the FEDERALES SEARCHING HIS HOUSE?? AS high tech as he has been, didn’t they expect he has his business monitored, this is the same chick that is the tech whiz…???? Olivia what are you thinking, I guess you are not ALEX’S main squeeze any more since Miramar…, and you can get killed off???

Primas and Nemesis are organizing Roxy’s interview?!!he requests it under the auspicious of the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR AND I don’t mean Roxy LEAVES THE PRISON... AND WHAT HAPPENSS NEXT...?? REALLY!!!.......she has escaped!!!..

Segue to season #2...
SO TALIPIA AND Madre goes crazy trying to follow her scent... but good-bye princesses!!

SUPER SERIES.. ..OK..##@$%%^ WTF…...!!! I suppose this is where we leave for the season.



Deb, thank you so much for your fantastic recap.
I haven't had the opportunity to watch last night's episode yet, but couldn't help myself and read your masterpiece.

I especially loved "Jen has ripped up her room and looks dead by the time Steve gets there, (we're not so lucky)"; "Jen is at the door, (oh great, even the floor boards groan" and "I'm guessing Joel will never be a greeter at Walmart when he gets older".




The recap will be late. I'm STILL at work!!! Rush project!!!


Sorry, all, didn’t expect to work until 8:15 with a 40 minute commute home. So this will be just the facts without much wit.

Nothing happens with Sofía and Joel because Richard has sent an FBI agent to watch outside her apartment.

Julián and Alondra are funny together. Nice to see Julián being a good guy. Ernesto comes home and is pleased to see his kids together; he invites Alo for dinner. She’s ready to say no until she hears Margarita is there.

Steve rags on Max at length for moving out when Charlie is so sick.

Mark catches Frida coming home from her evening with Tomás, but she convinces him she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

Alo tells Eliza the truth about having visited Julián.

Paula meets with Senator Slimy who tells her Sofía can’t be alive. He hired professionals, not wetbacks [what an ass!] to run into Sofía’s van. But now he wants Alo dead because she saw the photos of the little girls in his house. [How does he know this?] But Paula convinces him Ernesto would go off the rails.

Ernesto, a little tipsy at breakfast, tries to convince Julián and Paula to read from his prepared script when Alo comes for dinner.

Tomás is at Rod’s soccer game when 66 insists he come right away.

Patrick tells Sofía Joel has lived many years in Bogotá and was planning his wedding when Richard wanted him here for the case.

Andrés lets Eliza down easy. He tells her their business feeds both their families and let’s pretend nothing happened [his declaring his love].

Another amazing telenovela coincidence. Joel is on his way to the airport when he sees Pastrana walking along the street. He jumps out of his cab and follows him.

Alo arrives at Casa Ernesto and is very, very salty with him.

Pastrana tells Paula Sofía is alive and shows her a video of some kind of TMZ guy who has the video at the consulate and says it’s Sofía.

Max brings Charlie to meet Eliza. Max is trying too hard.

Joel has followed Pastrana and bribes a waiter to put a bug under the table when he brings Pastrana and Paula their drinks. Joel hears everything they say. Paula flat out admits that they killed her.

At the FBI office Sofía recognizes Pastrana. She’s worried about her daughter, but Richard won’t let her leave the office.

Alo keeps up some fairly hostile banter with her father, while Julián cracks up. Finally, Alo asks why, if her father loves her so much, he never looked for her.

Jennifer buys Rod an ice cream and then, under the pretense of cleaning him up, takes a DNA swab.

66 gives Tomás some pills and, disgustingly, tells him that they will make the girls at Mark’s big party “cooperative”. Tomás is obviously thinking about Frida, and I suspect he’ll try to foil this plan.

Mark gives Frida a dress the size of a handkerchief and pooh-poohs her remarks about wanting to be noticed for her talent.

At the bar Paula tells Pastrana to find Sofía and kill her, while Joel listens in.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Novelera, MANY THANKS for doing this under very difficult circumstances. Even at your most rushed, you've done a terrific job! I think you've covered everything important. And what do you mean, "no wit"? I laughed out loud at your description of the dress Mark bought for Frida being "the size of a handkerchief." I have to admit, though, that when I saw Mark bring the "dress" out, I thought he was carrying only the top part of a 2-piece outfit.

I knew Jennifer's sudden attack of reasonableness wasn't to be trusted. Why can't she be upfront about Charlie's need for a transplant from a sibling, rather than sneakily obtaining Rodrigo's DNA?

Ernesto seems desperately trying to re-create a past world where he, Julian, and Alo are living happily together again. My guess is that this may be what brings about his downfall. As corrupt as he is, he's simply not in the same league as Cummings, Paula, and Pastrana. He may try to oppose them if/when they go after his family.


wow novelera, I can really appreciate you doing this for us after a long and busy day, and such a wonderful summary.

maybe I can add some color,

so Rich has guys watching Alo, but they don't seem to tell anyone she is at Ernesto's.

I think that since Alo was leaving, Ernie invited her for lunch the next day, funny how he starts his days with some vodka in his orange juice, and produces a copy of the facts for Julian and Paula, who look thrilled, not, so they won't contradict each other, I like that Julian wanted the real facts.

I really like a feisty Alo, who starts with commenting on Ernie's alcohol breath, and pretty much picks apart his truths, but then it didn't really matter what he said, that's just how she is.

when Paula was balking on killing Alo, I think Irv said he would get Ernie a case of whiskey ??, as that would fix it.

in the english caps Patrick called Lenora, Joel's wife, planning the wedding, that sure put a crack in Sofia's world, and Rich's copy of a rendition of the man who kidnapped the video guy, Sofia recognized as Pastrana, pretty much got her adrenaline flowing, if she has any left.

while Lenora was asking Joel about colors, as she was sorting through some new lingerie, he was packing a big suitcase, is this still in the cab?

ah yes the “cooperative” drugs Tom is to deliver to Mark, he could call Fri to warn her, but why do I think he will do more.

Jen, so subtle, spilled your ice cream, let me get that spot inside your cheek, this lady keeps getting scarier, so if he's not a match it's on to the next one, and neither Max nor Eliza know about the transplant option.

so is Joel convinced now, I knew he couldn't live without his daily Sofia fix, his look-a-like girl just doesn't measure up.

was Mark holding Frida's new dress upside down?

btw, I saw a promo that says we are moving to a new Etapa.



Deb: Cummings' racist comments wasn't surprising. After all he is a Southerner.

Juanita: Nothing about Jennifer surprises me at all. She'll continue doing this until Ultimos Capitulos.

Novelera: Joel FINALLY figures out Paula had Irene whacked ?


I can't believe the script writers used the word 'wetbacks'. Getting away with that is terrible.

The episodes are starting to have a lot of 'fluff' material. However, I still find that I'm still waiting anxiously for what could/will happen next.

I didn't see Jennifer's conniving moves for a DNA sample from Eliza's kids so soon. Can you imagine her doing this to Tomás? I'm surprised that Rodrigo didn't catch on to what she was doing since he is kind of smart. Beenie time:. How did J. know that Rodrigo was at practicing soccer?

I'm still worried about Alondra in the wolf's den. Ernesto is so crafty, if not street smart, that she might fall for his invented history.

I didn't think Sofia would be that affected by Joel having a girlfriend. Did she think he would be celibate for 10 years?
If Joel is so sure that Sofia killed his sister, why is he trying so hard to save her?

BTW I needed a beenie for how quickly Joel found Pastrana and Paula, especially since the taxi driver kept driving after Joel shouted Stop.

I can't wait for everyone's input.

Please let this be a short, one season only novela. I guess it's pretty popular in Mexico because Telemundo is doubling up on commercials.



Steve / anyone where did you hear Paula say that they paid to have Irene killed.?? I missed that completely.


Not all Southerners are racist!! Offense taken.


Thanks, Novelera, your just the facts version was perfect. Maybe having Alondra near Margarita is a good thing. She was practically an accomplice in Sofia's escape.

Steve's response was to guilt Max into being responsible for Jennifer's emotional wellbeing. He should know that Max is doomed under those circumstances.

Andres moves forward with life which causes a 2nd look from Eliza. Mustard seeds.

Juanita, yes, the turning point for Ernesto/Julian would be the kidnapping of Alondra. He's bound to upset Sen Cummings sooner or later...he always seems to be bargaining with him for something.

Didn't Pastrana see the same video/image before killing the innocent photographer? I didn't understand what was new info.

So if the Senator knew about the photos, does that mean Sofia returned his flash drive too...along with the cd?

Deb, I also noticed the different baggage. Maybe Joel left it or the writers switched it so he could run with it.

Does new etapa mean a time jump or we're moving towards the finish line?

I didn't catch P&P talking about having Irene killed. But if Ernesto's goons tried to kill his wife, years after she was in jail, that's enough to doubt Sofia's guilt.

Spanish Student



I went back and listened again to Pastrana talking to Paula and what Joel heard.
Paula definitely said to Pastrana that they had Sofia killed and was Pastrana really sure she was alive.

But I couldn't understand was what Pastrana said about, I think, was not being able to bribe the US authorities because most of them were uncorruptible.

Any better interpretations?



Victoria: Give up on Alondra. The girl is a LOST cause!

She reminds me of Daniela Montenegro from "PyP".


deb, great point about Joel's suitcase. Apparently it morphed into a briefcase. :-) And I'm really disappointed that the English captions translated "mujer" as
wife." It CAN mean that, but that's not the way Patrick was using it here. That should have been clear to the translater from his going on to say that she was planning a wedding. Oh well...

Victoria, yes, "wetback" is offensive, but that's exactly why the word is appropriate here. Consider who is using it: Senator Slimy!

Spanish Student, yes, Pastrana had seen the video before, but what's new here is what the blogger added: a photo of Sofia that can be compared with the image in the video. We didn't see the other image, but the blogger apparently showed it, and the two images were VERY similar. That's why Pastrana is no longer sure Sofia is dead. Joel hears Paula ask Pastrana whether he arranged for Sofia's death, and he said yes, but the police were not wanting any outside meddling, so he couldn't be absolutely sure she really died. Joel also hears Paula tell Pastrana that he should find Sofia and kill her. I suspect that Joel's travel plans to Colombia have now changed.

This comment has been removed by the author.



Thanks for the clarifications. I also hate when they interchange 'mujer' for ' esposa'. I've always taken 'mujer' to mean my woman, as in having 'had her'.

My Dominican husband says that is the most favorable way to interrupt the difference. However, each Latin country has their own regional way of speaking, as we do here, North vs South. And as you mentioned, the context in which a word is said should lead to the proper interpretation.

It was funny for Southern Hillbilly, me, to hear so many different ways of saying an object or the difference in cuss words in different Latin American countries where we lived. Foods were especially hard.

I do hope stupid Joel finally understands that Sofia didn't kill Irene. I don't know what everyone else thinks.

But no way are Richard and Patrick spies. At least in my opinion.

I do just love the 'macho' mujer thing though, because, to me, it's more romantic!


Juanita: Cummings racism isn't shocking.

Victoria: Telemundo should be ashamed of letting that racist comment be aired like that.


Thanks for …’Banging -it-out’. You have magic fingers!!!
I need those recaps, cause it’s a crazy week …this show has a real quickie pace, if you blink lose a lot!!

Yes. Joel ... stupid …’wake up’... call. You are so lucky Sofia likes you. Can you take a bullet for love!!

Yes…Alo, on her way to her funky family…’wake up’ call!! ... she will blow this whole show wide open, because Eliz hasn’t a clue... this child is in the crux of a mafia ring... she is surrounded by criminal!!
Cannot wait until she catches Julian in bed with Pus- filled, Paula= the skank…!!!

***Anastasia Says:
True life: I was born in the 1960's APARTHIED under the system of Slave codes called... Jim Crow, Charleston S.C……
I Don’t take offense... Call a Racist a Racist... Cause in real life, these poor little girls... Brown-children are under triple assault: …...language, color, gender…
.. and Jennifer's ...'beaner'/ 'wetback' comments are real soft…... Compared to real life, street vocab. ...however, the writers makes it clear, that Jenny bitch, is racist!! and sneaky ... [trust me] ... she would get her mouth busted wide open, if she says that to someone to their face!!

I am very glad Telemundo is trying to reflect some of the real social issues of the 21st century... [ child sexual trafficking] …at least a little... at least,they are attempting to portray/capturing the zeitgeist of this cultural climate as well...about time…too!!



HALIMACANDY: Alondra will stay with Ernesto & Julian until the Gran Final.

Victoria: Noticed Sofia went back to Blonde.


HALIMACANDY: Jennifer being racist doesn't surprise me either.



Steve, I didn't notice Sofia going back to blonde. So I'll re-watch the end.
I do think Majorie de Sousa is knocking it out of the park.



Thanks, Halimacandy for your recaps.
I feel a little sorry for the cops. Here's part of what they're up against: The Mil Cumbres have the main prosecutor (Priamo) as part of their gang. The Oscuros have one of the top cops (don't know his name, but he's almost at the level of Alejandro). However, in reality, he's the cousin of Fermin, the boss of the Oscuros. And then there's the hacker, whom I think is working for Mil Cumbres, who has tricked Sylvia, and now is able to monitor everything SHE does. So that's 3 strikes against the cops.

Then you have the fact that they're completely intimidated by Madre/Guillotina on the men's side, and Zoraida and Roxana on the women's side. The main female guard pretty much works for Zoraida. And the male guards are either afraid to act, or are corrupt rapists like Bowser.

So you have the good guys, Alex, Olivia, Sylvia, Tipapia (although he's totally lost control of his mission by falling in love with Roxana), David, Trevor, Sergio, Minerva and Borges. Borges is not that likable, but he sure has a tough job as the warden. I liked the fact that he finally put Madre in the hole, but it could have consequences. Actually, why don't they just transfer Madre to another prison?

As for the bad guys, we have no sympathy for the Oscuros, who killed Roxana's lawyer, Ms. Keller in cold blood, and have killed many others the same way. We seem to like the Mil Cumbres more, especially now that Roxana is revealed to be Nemesio's daughter (although we viewers know she's not his biological daughter, because both her parents were killed). We think Madre was the killer, maybe with Samson. Roxy can't remember anything clearly, but the other day she was doodling the image of Madre's armband, and she told Nemesio she's trying to figure out something from her past. It's ironic that Luis is her "brother", he's such a jerk, whereas she is smart, and cool as a cucumber. It was also ironic that she lied to Tilapia about being totally innocent, he lied about not being a cop, and then they started to get it on. Yeah, right. However, here comes Bowser to crash the party......


Would someone please clue me in on what's up with the 'extra', 'reinforced' security team for Alondra????? Are they just suppose to let her go willy-nilly to Ernesto's house (twice now)? Are they only going to step in if someone tries to kidnap her (when it will be too late).
I have no clue!!


Happy Easter to everyone!


Thank you Steve!! 2½ hour Mass was a little bit much this year.

Hope to see more Caraymates post tonight and tomorrow.

Lado and Telemundo

Halimacandy, I too am glad that Telemundo has been dealing with current social issues. They've done a lot with problems that immigrants face, both those who come with papers and those who are undocumented. They've also dealt with class prejudice, drugs, transgender issues, and, as you've noted, human trafficking. And I'm sure I've left some issues out. This focus on current issues is one of the things that I value about Telemundo. Every now and then, I feel the novelas become Public Service Announcements, but for the most part, I think the focus is on the drama, not the lesson.


thanks Hombre, that's a pretty nifty summary you wrote bringing us up to date.

I don't know Fermin's cousin's name either, he used to work under Alex until he rescued Olivia by killing Turk's brother, no offense, ha!, and Olivia got him his own team.

Priamo's hacker that he hired for the Mil Cumbres, slid right into nerd Silvia's life since she is a gamer, somehow he's into her smartphone and thus the rest of her setup, he blinded all of the drones that helped Roxy disappear.

Tilapia has become just as much a problem to Borges as everyone else.

Roxy going to see Nemesio, her dad, whew! (her character keeps getting deeper) they talk about a new empire for her, diamonds, Luis says what about a new empire for me, nope, Nemesio tell him he gets this one when he dies, till then you do what I say.

Roxy didn't even blink when she told Luis to kill Minerva.

but she is going the extra mile to be legal.



Juanita, I pecked around human trafficking, wow, it's a $150 billion criminal industry, third to drugs and guns, a majority of people are for forced labor (like we saw in Sangre) and even for combat.

there was a company that hired 400 people from Thailand to work on the farms in Hawaii, took their passports, and made them work for free.

or in some countries you borrow money, but then can't make enough working to be free.

but the sex makes the most money, the girls are broken, by gang rape, beatings, and drugs (lifeless as Sofia describes them) and even used to recruit other girls, one incident I read about a gang in LA was getting girls from the local highschools.

also the average age a girl is taken is 12-14, average life span, 7 more years because of HIV, abuse, and murder.

what I did was google "human trafficking facts".



Wow, deb, I knew it was a serious problem, but I had no idea of the scale. Thanks very much for posting this info.


Deb: But does Roxana know that Nemesio was the one, who had her parents butchered ?



Watched the preview for the 6th Season. It's coming back!

I finally saw that preview of Sofia with blonde hair. I was starting to wonder if my TV was misbehaving!

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