Thursday, October 11, 2018

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Falsa identidad, El recluso, y más: Week of October 8, 2018


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—Falsa identidad (9-11PM this Friday)**
• 10-11PM—El recluso (ends tonight)**

** Since El recluso ends tonight (Thursday), Falsa identidad will run for two hours (9-11 PM) this Friday.  Starting next Monday, Oct. 15, the 10PM slot will be filled by season 5 of Señora Acero.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Isabel Castillo is doing an awesome job.

Falsa identidad - Capítulo 23 - Parte 1 de 2

This is not a full recap, but it will probably turn out to be more than just a short list.

Diego is not pleased that Isa has brought his mother to their place without consulting with him. Fernanda sees his displeasure and says she'll leave. Fine, says Diego. Isa tells him that people are following his mother in order to get to him. "I'm doing this for you," Isa says. Fernanda doesn't leave.

Piochas and his fellow thugs burst in to Mateo's place. Piochas has his gun drawn, as does Mateo. Mateo was supposed to locate Fernanda and turn her over to Piochas. Mateo explains that his best men couldn't find her. He tries to calm things down. "We're on the same side," he tells Piochas. Piochas warns him that he'd better turn Fernanda over to him quickly, or "I'll have to get even with you--or your son." The thugs leave.

Porfirio tells Mateo that he no longer feels he knows him. First, there was what Mateo did to his mother, and now Mateo's involvement with the narcos. Mateo angrily tells his son, "I did what I had to to get you out of the hole you were in--all your life." Porfirio asks what Mateo will say if Porfirio leaves--what excuse will he have then?

Diego has a talk with Fernanda. He says that he knows she blames him for Eliseo's death, and he does deserve some blame, since he became involved with the Gaona cartel, and Eliseo took some measures to try to protect him, and that resulted in his death. But, Diego tells Fernanda, "you too deserve blame" [he addresses her as "usted"]. "You brought Augusto into the family, and Augusto was involved with the cartel. We both share the blame for Eliseo's death, and we both lost the person we loved most." Fernanda agrees.

Jim comes to see the Babel dancers and joyfully announces that Babel will not have to close, he's found new socios. Everyone is happy. He asks "Camila" whether she's happy. She says she's happy for everyone. She also takes the opportunity to tell Jim that she's grateful for his offer of a new dance, but she can't accept.

Ramona and Augusto talk about Augusto's need for new ways to invest his money [most of which is probably the money he stole from Fernanda]. Circe enters the room. Augusto is stunned. Circe betrayed him to Eliseo and ruined his life, he says. "I should kill you now," he tells Circe. Circe apologizes for what she did in the past and explains that they can be helpful to each other. She's looking for a socio. She has valuable contacts but no money. He has money but no contacts. "Wouldn't you like your own cartel? Or do you want to be a gato for someone else [ says that in Mexican slang, gato means a servant, a lackey.] Augusto says he doesn't need her, he can invest in other businesses. "Yes," agrees Circe, but no other deal will offer you what I do: vengeance."

Diego goes to sleep on the sofa, turning his bed over to his mother. Isa comes home after the Babel show, and she and Diego talk. She assures Diego that she will never regret being with him. "Reconciliation is the best part of disagreeing," he says, smiling. She's afraid they'll wake the children or his mother. "Doing it in silence is exciting," he says, and they, um, reconcile.

Mateo and his men come to Zoraida's house with a search warrant. They're looking for Fernanda, but their search is unsuccessful. Mateo warns Zoraida that he'll be watching her.

Isa buys some clothes and other things for Fernanda. Fernanda asks why she's doing this. Isa responds, "because you're the mother of the man I love."

Falsa identidad - Cap. 23 - Parte 2 de 2

Diego comes to see Chucho and apologizes. He wants to be friends and wants the two of them to look for work together. Chucho says regretfully that though he likes Diego, being with him just brings problems.

Jim meets with the two men who have agreed to be his new socios. They are about to sign the agreement when the door to Jim's office opens and José and several other cartel thugs enter. He tells the two startled men that he's the major partner. The men leave. He tells Jim that the rules are changing, that's he (José) is in charge. One of his men brings in an older woman who apparently works at Babel, perhaps as a cleaning person, I'm not sure. They throw her on the floor, and Jose says that if people don't do what he says, this is what will happen: he takes out his gun and shoots her in the head.

Porfirio cashes the check he's altered from $6000 to $36000. Mateo comes home and finds that Porfirio is gone and has left a note saying that he intends to find Isa and get back his family. He wants to do anything to avoid becoming like his father.

Circe and Augusto go to see Brandon the narco. They bring him a briefcase stuffed with cash. Circe makes a phone call and reports that she's just spoken with the Colombians, who have agreed to deal with her.

Diego tells Deivid that he's willing to join with Deivid to sell stolen gasoline. He stipulates three conditions. 1) Chucho is to be a partner. 2) No guns 3) They tell no one else, esp. not Isa or Fernanda. Deivid is uneasy about Chucho, but Diego vouches for him. [I suspect that may turn out to be a bad decision.]

Fernanda announces that she's decided to let go of part of her past. She takes off what looks like an expensive engagement ring, and then she asks Isa for a scissors. She uses the scissors to cut Augusto out of a photo she's holding. The cut off part falls on the table. Isa picks it up, remembers meeting Augusto, and asks "Who is this man?" Fernanda replies that he's Augusto, her husband, a criminal who abandoned her. End of episode.


Thank you so much Juanita, for the recap... Also for the comments this week.
Thank you too Novelera, Anita and Niecie. Was a bit help up but now I am all caught up on the happenings in Alamos and Mexico city :-)

Looks like everyone wants to move to Mexico now, with one reason or another.

I am glad Coronita is disgusted by Corona Sr, he is human after all. But who would just forgive someone for killing his mum and burrying her body in the bathroom and even putting tiles over it. Jeez

Augusto looked like he was salivating over Camila, I also can't trust him around Diana, such a disgusting pervert.

Can Amanda get over herself already? She hasn't even tried to give Diego a chance. Such a brat

Is Isabel going to tell Fernanda about Augusto being around and actually having a lover? Marlene has him on a pedestal

Joselito knows how to out-do himself.. he is getting worse. Why did he have to shoot that woman though, couldn't he just show the example by shooting Piochas in the head instead?

I also didn't know Ramona could have affection for anyone until I saw her with Circe, and also lied about knowing her whereabouts. And that's quite a beautiful house she has.. Sad that some girls have to be sold for her to have that life. Also, what happened to the girl Ramona sold to Tamaulipas?? What was her name again? I forgot


Thanks, Juanita. You most definitely did a full recap. It's all there.

Evageline, the girl Ramona sold is Lourdes. I hope one day we see poor Lourdes get her revenge.

Porfirio wants to start anew, but cashing that faked check is going to come back and bite him on the butt.

Mateo looked like he was going to cry when he read Porfirio’s goodbye note. Boohoo, no more son around to make feel like a loser.

Yes, José has gotten so much worse, even touching the blood from the poor woman he murdered and wiping it on Jim’s face to let him know he (José) calls the shots and Jim is a lowly employee who needs to clean up the mess.

Diego should leave Chucho out of his schemes. Chucho, just say "no."


Two episodes will air tonight.


Juanita: That means "RECLUSO" will be airing their Gran Final on Monday night.


Many thanks, Evageline and Niecie, for your great comments.

Evageline, I expect/hope that Isa will tell Marlene what she has found out about Augusto. She was skeptical about Augusto from the start, and that plus her friendship with Marlene will probably make her tell Marlene sooner rather than later. Then again, this is a telenovela, so all bets are off :-).

Niecie, I loved your "Chucho, just say "no.""
Normally, altering a check would get Porfirio (or anyone else) in trouble, but it's not clear it will this time. Porfirio now knows a lot of dirt about Mateo, and Mateo may decide to overlook the extra $30K rather than get the authorities involved.

telemundo, general

El Recluso ended last night (Thursday), as the Telemundo y Más pages have been saying all week. That's why there will be a 2-hour episode of Falsa Identidad tonight (Friday). On Monday, season 5 of Señora Acero begins at the 10PM slot.


Thanks so much for the fine recap, Juanita. Yes it was one!

Well Uriel del Toro is rapidly making me forget Andrés, the mensch from Al Otro Lado del Muro. That scene in Jim's office was ghastly. At first Ramona was looking triumphant at seeing Jim's plans for Babel fall apart. Then she realized the full horror of Joselito's reign.

José also said he was going to be at Babel every day from now on. At least that's what I remember. That seems odd. Doesn't he need to spend time in Sonora to cement his position as head of the Gaona cartel? And isn't Gavino in Sonora?

Was there ever any doubt that Circe would end up in "the business"? Not for me. I hope she manages to royally screw Augusto.

Porfirio Corona seems to be undergoing a big change in his character. Not going to get Isabel back, of course. I found it interesting what he thought as he boarded the plane. He wants to be a better man for Isabel; but, if he were really that man, he would have turned his father in for murder.

Mateo actually loves his son and was very upset by his leaving.

I predict that Isabel and Fernanda will become close. And Amanda didn't actually seem to resent HER. Maybe Amanda's softening had something to do with, when Ricas innocently asked if she was now their abuela, she gently said she was not.

I don't think anything good is going to come of Diego becoming a huachicolero again. I am very disappointed in him. My immediate thought was: Who are they going to sell that gas to? Deivid said something about possible buyers that I can't remember just now.

Also, he said no balas but then corrected himself to say they'd carry guns just in case they needed to protect themselves.

I cannot see Chucho in that business, but it's probably going to happen.

Wow, Juanita--you covered it all with pizzaz, even the bad parts. Thanks.

Mateo's love seems very twisted. As long as Porfi was under his control and he could continue belittling him and making him dependent on him, he was happy and satisfied. I think now he realizes what he's lost by treating him that way--he *is* alone now. Of course, that may be the only way he knows, so I'll give him a temporary pass.

I wonder what Mateo will do to find Fernanda and keep Piocho's heat off him.

Yes, I noted Amanda's being nice to Fernanda. Well, she was in their house for a few days, even if Zoraida tried to keep her hidden.

Isa now knowing about Disgusto is a new wrinkle, as well as Diego being talked into robbing gas by Deivid. It's like that's all they know how to do. I guess those three places Diego looked for work is meant to represent he couldn't find any work anywhere, leading to desperation. He was just looking around on the streets. Don't they have Unemployment agencies in the DF?



Thanks very much, novelera and Anita, for your supportive and insightful comments.
Novelera, I feel the same way about Uriel del Toros making me forget how loving and appealing he was in Al otro lado del muro. In fact, I almost said something very similar in my remarks last night. When I first watched him as José, I rooted for José even though he was a bad guy, and I wondered whether I'd ever be really convinced that he was nasty. Well, I no longer wonder!

Anita, I agree that Diego's job search was pretty lame. However, even if there's an Unemployment Office, it might well require more information and investigation of his background than "Emiliano" can afford to provide.

I find myself rather uneasy about the developments re Porfirio and Diego. I'm still assuming that Diego and Isa will be together at the end, but I'm not as sure as I'd like to be. Perhaps I'm remembering the fate of Luis Ernesto Franco's somewhat similar character Rodrigo in Bajo el mismo cielo. With Porfirio's new insights and reformed personality, Isa may have an alternative. Just a thought.


I'm not all that surprised that no one has done a recap of last night's 2-hour episode. I watched all two hours, but by the second hour, I was half asleep (and possibly at times more than half). I don't mean to imply that the episodes were boring, just that I was very tired.

Here are a few things I remember. I'm hoping other people can add to these.

José tells Ramona that she no longer is of much use to him. "Are you firing me?" she asks. For now, no, he tells her, and then demands that she give him the combination for the safe. He also says that from now on, all the money will go to Sonoma (i.e, to the cartel). As far as he's concerned, Gavino no longer exists--he, José, is the boss.

Isa tries to tell Marlene that Augusto is married to Fernanda, has cheated her out of her money, and is involved with the Gaona cartel. He is not a good man. Marlene refuses to listen to her. Later, Diana tries to express her doubts to Marlene about Augusto. Marlene insists that she's mistaken.

The Gaona cartel is divided between those like Piochas who are loyal to Gavino and want to help him escape from jail, and those like José who want to see Gavino dead or at least rotting away in jail while José becomes the new leader. Gavino's lawyer is caught in the middle. Both sides are bribing him to help them. Piochas gets Mateo to get him police uniforms and to join with him in a plan to spring Gavino.

Fernanda tells Diego that resentful Amanda reminds her of him.

Porfirio asks the guy at the car rental office (?) to give him "Emiliano's" address. The guy says he can't do that, even after Porfirio offers him a bribe. When Porfirio becomes more insistent, the guy threatens to call the police. As the guy turns toward the phone to make the call, Porfirio grabs the folder with the information he wants and flees.

Fernanda takes Ricas to play in the park. Porfirio spots them, and Ricas spots Porfirio. Ricas and Fernanda get away.

Solas is recovering in the hospital. Zoraida comes to see him.

Diego tells Chucho his real name and more about his life. He wants to gain Chucho's trust so that Chucho will go along with the scheme Deivid and Diego have to steal and sell gasoline. [I'm not sure they really need a third person to be involved. My sense is that Diego wants to make up for causing Chucho to lose his job. Involving Chucho in the gasoline operation will give Chucho money to help support his family (as long as he isn't jailed or killed).]

Circe seems to be very successful at gaining money and new clients for Brandon's narco business. IIRC, at the very end of the second hour, Deivid and Diego go to meet with Brandon. Circe is there, too. Oops.

OK, I've probably got some of this wrong, and I've left out a lot of other stuff.
Te toca a tí


Thanks so much, Juanita! Yep, two hours is just too much for a recapper. We really appreciate your putting something up.

I noticed that Amanda is STILL not giving up on her daddy. This is one part of the show that infuriates me. Her father took away her phone so she couldn't ask for help, threw Zoraida out when she tried to help, and threw the kid across the room, causing her to need a doctor's examination. And she has the credulity to say to her mother that her father's appearance in DF must mean that he cares about them? Isa had the perfect rejoinder: well, if he finds us, I'll go to jail for kidnapping you; is that what you want? Of course, none of Porfirio's erstwhile family knows of his change of heart.

Isabel told Marlene that, since she couldn't support Marlene's relationship with Augusto, they'd just have to distance themselves from each other. This was very upsetting to Marlene. And, when they both are at Babel, Isa reinforces this by moving away from Marlene. When he starts putting moves on Diana, will she still be in denial?

Circe's moving fast on the Gaona cartel. Brandon called her mamichula and José is now being told of a cartel by that name.

Gabriela, who lives in the same apartment complex as Chucho, and now Deivid, is advising Chucho to stay away from Deivid. I think this is because she's one of the dancers at Babel and has seen Deivid as a member of the cartel.

José was offering Ramona a "salary", which I suspect will be a pittance.

So Circe called Deivid, wanting him, I think, to become involved with the Mamichula cartel. Deivid wants to, I think, give her a talking to about the danger she's in. And Diego comes along to also tell her this. I suspect now she's going to latch onto Diego for dear life and mess up his relationship with Isa.


Thanks very much, novelera, for your great additions and clarifications. I especially appreciated your last one. I was pretty much out of it by then, so I wasn't at all sure what Circe wanted nor why Diego would go along if he knew Circe was there. I'm still a little surprised that he went. I would have thought the last thing he'd want is Circe knowing where he is. Surely he must realize that she'll do exactly what you say: "latch onto Diego for dear life and mess up his relationship with Isa."

And yes, I think José said he'd give Ramona a sueldito. However, at the moment I'm not inclined to waste much pity on Ramona. [Hey, Ramona, remember Lourdes?]


thanks all for your recaps and comments!

Circe is taking on a vampire look, I'm waiting to see fangs when she smiles.

fyi, I'll be scarce for a while, my old computer at home died and newer operating systems won't work on the old dial-up internet I had, so... it will be a while to sort this out.



deb, it's great to see you back. Loved your envisioning Circe with fangs!

I really missed you and hoped perhaps you were enjoying yourself on a great vacation. Oh well... Needless to say, I'm sorry that you may not be able to comment much until you get your computer issues sorted out. Hope you can find a good solution soon.


deb, I've been wondering where you were! I also hope you get things straightened out with computer issues soon and are back here with your always witty and appreciated comments.

I don't know if any of you on this thread are familiar with long-time Caray commenter on the other threads, Susanlynn. She lost her husband suddenly and unexpectedly Saturday morning. Please join us in sending her out prayers and condolences.

Thanks, Juanita and Novelera.

The dancer that loves Jim and resents Isa got a lot of face time in the last episode. She seems to live in an upscale place. I'm wondering if it's the same place where Porfirio got a room. He's just like a kid bouncing on the bed.

Deb, I enjoy your comments, hope you're back soon.


Anon at 2:15--
Thanks for letting us know about Susanlynn. I haven't been commenting lately since I lost my best friend to breast cancer last week. She was widowed just the year before and has no children. That left her friends and step-family to begin to dismantle her life's material treasures.

I really wanted to do another recap but life got in the way. I'll volunteer to do THIS Friday's episode. If I can't, I'll let you all know in plenty of time.

Thanks to novelera and Juanita for keeping the flames fanned. The only time I see Isa smile is when Diego starts to kiss and nuzzle her. The last scenes leave me very nervous about Porfi lying in wait for the kids now that he knows where they are living.

Niecie--Porfi got himself a room in a fancy hotel, now that he's got lana to burn. So, it's probably not the same as Paloma's place--however we can't discount it unless we get some proof! Ha--Mateo's sadness with losing his son sure turned around fast when he learned Porfi defrauded him out of an extra 30,000 pesos.

Anita, I am so sorry to hear about your best friend. True friends are hard to find.

Anita, I am so sorry for the loss of your best friend. Prayers for comfort at this difficult time.

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