Friday, January 04, 2019

Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 1/4/19 Capítulo 80 Sebas Has a Conscience--OR--Gabriel and Dani Have a Fine Old Time

Blanca is writing in her journal asking for God's help for members of the family. She wants Julieta to get her health back; Linda to do some reflecting;  Dani to become a mother; Polita and Audi to find some peace; and Tulio to come back soon.  Hermoso starts to bark.  Blanca asks him if he is hungry and tells him her little book is off limits. Frida comes in asking if he is being naughty. Blanca says for that very reason they have to keep a close eye on him. Blanca does not want him ruining things in the house.  Blanca tells Hermoso the rules of the house for dogs: stay off the furniture, do not steal food, let them know when he has to go and no barking.   Hermoso barks back.  Imelda says that is all that they need is a furry Córcega.  Imelda would like more grandchildren, though, if Gabriel gets busy. . .

Gabriel and Dani are at the beach organizing the  quinceañera (sweet fifteen).  It looks like it will be a hit  even with sand sculptures. They have time to work on the quinceañera and also spend time together. Dani likes how Gabriel can take other's dreams and turn them into reality.  Gabriel says she is his dream turned into reality. He loves her to the sun and back and to the sun . . . She teases him and says she loves him from where they are to the sea. Gabriel gets serious. He is thinking of his dream: to be there at the beach with her and a child of theirs. They have a romantic time  at the beach.

Sebas has jumped into the pool and is under water.

Dani and Gabriel are still having a romantic time at the beach having a picnic and now drinking wine. They are talking about how much they mean to each other again. 

Julieta keeps moving her "imán"(magnet)fingers.

Sebas is still under water when the doorbell rings and Susana finds out it is Pancho who has come to speak to her. She leads him outside to the pool area so Sebas will not get upset. When they get outside, she sees Sebas floating face down in the pool.  She runs and jumps in the pool to get him.  She and Pancho drag him out of the pool. Pancho  gives Sebas CPR.

Robert stands alone at the hospital and looks sadly at a photo of his family on his phone.

Pancho frantically continues with the CPR and eventually Sebas comes to. 

Linda does not like the idea of moving to another country. She tells Axel that is too drastic for her.  She has already lived on another continent and she does not like the idea of leaving Mexico or Oaxaca. Axel suggest then going to Mexico City where people are more progressive and where there will be more opportunities for both of them.  Then they can visit their families whenever thy miss Oaxaca.  Linda has to think about it.  She thinks they really should live together first and she wants to help the children at Robert's foundation.  Before they would leave Oaxaca together, they would have to know each other much better.  They would also have to be on good terms with their families.  Right now, Linda reminds Axel, that his grandmother, mother and brother all really need him.  He should try to get along with them because family is very important.  He should try to fix things especially with his mother. Axel agrees and smiles.

Susana cries and cradles Sebas as Pancho looks on.  Sebas apologizes to Susana and she apologizes to Sebas, also.  Pancho smiles slightly as Sebas just stares.

Blanca, Eugenio and Frida all pray for Julieta before going to sleep. Hermoso jumps on Frida'a bed. She hugs him. Blanca gets upset. Blanca reminds Hermoso of the house rules and decides he is just like Linda.  Frida moves Hermoso to his bed in the living room where he proceeds to chew up Blanca's journal. 

Dave awakes screaming for his mother  in the middle of the night seeing Julieta being thrown flying out of the tent from the explosion in a nightmare. Blanca hears him and runs to him. Dave says he had a dream where his mother was dying.  Blanca tells him to calm down and that it was just a nightmare. She tells him that it is all okay because she is with him.  She takes Dave to the kitchen so she can warm up some milk for him.  On the way,  Blanca sees what  Hermoso did to her journal.  She just knew that the dog was going to cause problems.  She proclaims that he  has gone from being "Hermoso" (Beautiful) to "Horroso" (Horrible). Now she will be stuck writing in that dog chewed book. Dave adds it is all soaked in dog saliva, too. She looks sad. Dave hugs her. Hermoso whines. 

Gabriel and Dani have a romantic time in  their hotel room. 

Robert comes home. Dave greets him telling  him he had a nightmare about his mother.  Robert says there is no new information. Things are the same with Julieta. Blanca says all is well on the home front but "Latoso" (Annoying) chewed up her journal. Blanca offers Robert food or tea.  Robert just wants his Julieta to wake up.

Gabriel and Dani are in a bubble bath in a hot tub. Gabriel proclaims that he feels different. He doesn't know what happened but he feels very happy. He thinks that they just needed some time alone. He also thinks that Dani looks different to him.  He sees something special in her eyes, something he has never seen before. Dani will never forget this moment. It feels like a dream.  He thanks her for making him remember that the most valuable thing in this world is love, etc., . . .

Inside Susana's house, Susana cradles Sebas' head on her lap and offers him some hot shrimp broth. Crisanta is there, too. Susana says it was a miracle that Pancho was there.  Pancho is ready to leave and  tells Sebas that he hopes he feels better. Next, he tells Susana she can call him for whatever they need need 24/7. As he is leaving, Sebas gets up  smiling and thanks Pancho for saving his life.   He offers his hand to Pancho and they shake.  Pancho says he would do it a thousand times again.if it were necessary.  He pats Sebas on the head and leaves as Susana continues to thank him. 

Dave wants to know what is going to happen with Sebas. Robert doesn't know.  Dave doesn't want to go back to school right now because he wants to spend more time with his mother. Robert will call the school and tell them he will be out for a few days.  Dave makes it clear that if Sebas is still going to b at his school, he wants to change schools. 

Susana asks what happened to Sebas in the pool. Did he fall in?  No, Sebas says he did it on purpose. He wanted to die. He didn't want to hurt anyone else. Axel comes in wanting to know what is going on. Susana tells him that now more than ever she needs the four of them to stick together and to start over as a family.

Robert tucks a sleeping Dave in and kisses him.  He kisses Blanca, too.  He finds Julieta's pajamas under her pillow,  and caressing them he  lies down  next to Julieta's  empty side of the bed. He prays for her begs that she not to be taken from them. 

At breakfast the next day, Susana tells Sebas that what he did last night was very serious, too serious. Crisanta tells him that he and Axel are all she and Susana have.  Susana needs him to understand that there is nothing more valuable than life itself and that every single one of them is indispensable in their family.  Will Sebas promise her he will never do what he did again? Yes, he promises.  He apologizes and she kisses him. Susana tells him how much he and Axel and her mother mean to her. Yes, she will be telling his father. There will be no school for Sebas because Susana has decided that the time has come to find him some professional help.  They are going to look for a psychologist.  She doesn't care what it takes.  Sebas is going to get through this. She wants her family to always be the family she dreamed of. 

At breakfast at Pancho's house, Pancho tells all of the kids and Diego  that they will be going  to school and he will be going back to work because bread cannot sell itself.  It is important that they all take care of each other. Pancho has a message for them and especially Julio.  This is the time to be helpful not to just their own family but also to the Córcega's and also Sebas' family.  They are all going through some very bad times.  He tells them they need  to forgive and leave all of the bad stuff behind.  Julio reminds him that Sebas did something really bad. Pancho knows that and tells them that at this time, Sebas is not doing well and needs their forgiveness.  Life has meaning when we show love and compassion to others.

Robert thanks everyone, at breakfast, for their love and support.  Imelda explains  that family is always there as a refuge during the most difficult times in life. Eugenio reminds Robert that this will always be his home. Robert gets a phone call to come to the hospital.

Julieta's doctor tells Robert that they have lessened the medication and have seen some movement in Julieta's left fingers. They need Robert and Dave there so Julieta can hear them  as she emerges from the coma.  Robert and Dave go in to talk to her.  Dave repeats "we are an 'imán' (magnet)"  and Julieta opens her eyes and closes them again. Dave and Robert are overjoyed.The doctor checks Julieta's eyes and says  they need to get her stabilized and bring her back to consciousness  little by little so as not to overload her system since she is still very weak.

Susana and Sebas are at the hospital. Susana is telling him that he needs to forgive himself and that he needs to value his life above all things. Therapy is going to help him with his feelings.  Sebas noticed that Dave and Robert went running down the hall. He wonders if Dave's mother is okay. 

The doctor has good news. Robert asks if Julieta is  out of danger. The doctor says she is stabilizing. Julieta opens her eyes and looks at Robert and Dave. She slightly smiles as she remembers Blanca. 

The quinceañera is a hit for Gabriel.  He and Dani are still feeling romantic.

Dave and Robert stay talking to Julieta. She tells them she loves them in her head and does the imán thing with her hand. Doctor's orders: it is time for them to leave and let Julieta rest.  

Robert sees Susana and she asks how Julieta is doing.  He says she woke up.  Susana thinks that is the best news ever.  Robert explains that her brain swelling has to still come down but it looks like they are headed in the right direction.  Dave excuses himself to "get some water". Susana knows that she cannot fix the situation but she is so sorry for all they are going through.   She also lets him know that they are having a rough time. Sebas tried to drown himself in their pool.  Robert is taken aback and is clearly upset. 


They sure pack these episodes and i

t was nice having some carefree happy beach time with Gabriela and Dani to balance out the drama.

I liked how they had Pancho all sweaty and out of breath after doing CPR on Sebas. Doing CPR with chest compressions and breaths, is hard work.

It looks like they have rehabilitated the Sebas character.

I guess Tavo is the only psychologist in all of Oaxaca.

That is all until mañana.

Good morning Jarifa. Reading this was very enjoyable. Lots of positive happy events and good "messages" about forgiving, moving on, valuing Life etc. And how right you are, doing CPR with chest compressions is very hard work. My arms are really not strong enough to make much of a difference except on children. If my husband ever has another heart attack, the squad better get here quick!

Thanks for another great recap, and so glad the drama is winding down a bit. For the moment.

Good Morning, Patio! Jarifa, thank you for a splendid retelling of last night´s events. THough is was difficult to watch as Sebas was floating face down in the pool, we do indeed have some light at the end of several tunnels.

I SO enjoy Gabe and Daniel they are still my all’time favorite couple. The. Magic words for me last night were from Gabe...when he said he felt ¨different.¨Juls said the just about the same thing when she got pregnant with Blanquitañ so I´m hoping Dani´s oven is baking already.

Daniel Arenas continues to impress. The relief he showed looked quite genuine. And I thought Dave´s little nose pressed against the glass was so cute!

Wishing a great weekend for all!

I meant Gabe and Dani, not Gabe and Daniel...but I’m sure you all figured that out, right?

Perfect title (again) Jarifa. An amazing retelling. Your words evoke such powerful images, ebbing seemlessly between the sad and the happy.

"Hermoso" (Beautiful)", "Horroso" (Horrible)" and especially "Latoso" (Annoying)" had me smiling away. An avowed animal lover, dogs can rarely do anything wrong in my book. Even Imelda had to smile a bit.

Bitter and sweet story last night.

Bitter was seeing Sebas floating in the water and the life seeping from his body prior to Pancho's miraculous save. Sebas clearly intended to kill himself leaving no doubt how distraught he was. Horrible to see.

"Susana has decided that the time has come to find him some professional help". Finally.

The sweet. Everything Dani and Gabi.

“Gabriel and Dani are in a bubble bath in a hot tub”. OK, at first I was wondering why there was foam in the pool. Never having been to the Poconos, bubble baths in a tub the size of an ocean is new to me. :)

"Magic words for me last night were from Gabe...when he said he felt different.¨Juls said the just about the same thing when she got pregnant with Blanquitañ". Thank you RgvChick for that nice nugget of information. Surely that must be significant!

"I guess Tavo is the only psychologist in all of Oaxaca". Yes, the unsung hero!

Judy, I'm also glad forgiveness was in the air last night. Pancho and Sebas was a huge first stride. And now that Robert knows what happened, his huge heart will be open to Sebas, I am sure.

I'm looking foward to Julieta aka sleeping beauty waking up to good health and happiness.

Jarifa, another outstanding recap. Thank you.


JudyB, it seems like this dramatic episode lasted about 6 episodes which is pretty good for a novela; not too long. Maybe that differentirtes the dramedies from the dramas. I knew about the CPR fatigue because I have taken more than my share of Red Cross CPR classes.

RgvChick, yes indeedy do "we do indeed have some light at the end of several tunnels." Dave's nose pressed against the glass and leaving the little heart behind was sweet.

Diana, yes, Julieta is very much the "Sleeping Beauty". I found it interesting that it took a suicide attempt for Susana to get help for Sebas. When they first arrived in town, I remember her telling him to be good in school because of the fact that he had been asked to leave previous schoolS in Baja. So, he had been a problem for a long time. As for the bubbles in the tub, I am only guessing, but it sure looked like a bubble bath to me. : )

Jarifa, thanks for another excellent and detailed recap.

This is the second time Pancho has come to the rescue by performing CPR. Better him than me. I agree with you and JudyB that CPR is tough work. And those Resusci Annies never seemed to appreciate it.

Hmmm... I just checked the spelling of "Resusci Annie" and I'm told that I should "join Facebook to connect with Resusci Annie and others you may know." Interesting. She never had anything to say to me before.

Whatever. Yeah, nice to see signs of life from Julieta, and perhaps something similar from Dani and Gabriel. Nice to see Hermoso el Horroso making himself at home.



Good morning everybody. Finally got to watch this and must say I totally enjoyed it (of course I knew Sebastian was going to make it, so no worries). Anyway, basically a light episode in spite of the suicide attempt, and of course the pretty pretty (totally unrealistic, but who cares?) quinceañera party and private party with Gabe and Daniela were both delightful. I figured when he said he saw "a new look in her eyes" that she was already pregnant. That seems to be one of the classic telenovela signs that a bun is in the oven. But she hasn't fainted yet! Hopefully that's coming up.

Another positive for me was Susanna saying that yes, she would have to tell Sebastian's dad about the suicide attempt. So often warring couples hide important information from each other. I do like these positive messages when they are not too heavy and preachy.

But now, one complaint. Dang it, did you see how Pancho's arms were bent when he was doing CPR. All wrong. You need to be right over the person and pushing with straight arms. Clearly he hasn't been to class.

Hah, Andy, I did laugh at your memories of Resusci Annie. I can do all the counts right and the verbals but I could never make that little attachment squeak to show that I was pushing hard enough. I've got small bones and only weigh about 112 pounds most of the time. Just do not have the heft to make the dummy squeak. Fortunately, nobody ever had a heart attack in my classes.

Have a great day everybody. Yesterday was sunny and I was able to take a long walk outside in the park without freezing to death. And my family here made it back safely from their Mexico vacation. Feeling very blessed.

Andy, yes! Her name was “Resusci Annie”. Ah, the memory of the taste of bleach on the freshly cleaned mouths/airways!

“Hopefully that’s coming” re the “fainting”. Very funny but true, JudyB. We had a lovely spring like day yesterday, too. I will take it especially in January. Time to get the rest of Xmas put away today.


Thank you for your recap, Jarifa! I'm going to try to watch this one today.

CPR - Hubby and I took course in CPR this last winter, because, our age and age of our cohorts, likely to need it one day. What a physical workout! It was a refresher for me after 30 years, while he had never taken one but was a lifeguard as a teen (back before electricity was invented .). So much had changed. Defibrillators now. Different technique. My knees can't take kneeling in concrete floor without a pillow. I'm not as strong as I used to be and could not get the desired response from the fake person. Call 911 because I'm useless. It was very unsettling. Hopefully, in a real life situation adrenaline will kick in.

My first Red Cross teacher told us that if they did real CPR on a person with a heartbeat or breathing, it could kill them. I don't know how or why, but I took her word on it. teacher told us, when we asked that TV shows can never do CPR properly, for safety reasons. Even the teachers this year said don't do it if the victim is breathing.

Temo saved Julio's life, and J had a change of attitude. Is it too much to hope Sebas will have a change of attitude toward Pancho for saving his life? It's telenovelaland, so anything can happen. Still, I love the moral story of helping those who hate you.

doris, I, too, hope that “Bratty” Sebas is a thing if the past. He sure seemed repentant.

Thanks, Jarifa. Very late to the Patio. Missed this episode, but now I can picture it.

So glad things are going well for Dani and Gabe but must admit they're giving me a sugar overload.

Looking forward to Sebas's psych session with the only therapist in Oaxaca.

Oh Noes, Linda doesn't want to spare Viewerville by leaving town with Axel! With Axel, I'm reminded of the only advice that a woman should watch how a man treats his mother because that is eventually how he'll treat her. Axel treats Susana like crap.

Niecie..yes, I have heard that advice,too, and it is a pretty accurate gauge of goodness. Expanding a bit, watch how he treats other people in general.

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