Saturday, March 30, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2, Viernes 3/29/19, Episode 13: One Great Big Blended Family

Javier whines to Alonso that Gustavo keeps coming over to his side of the room and yelling at him and messing up his papers. Alonso points out that sitting around for weeks on end surrounded by lurid photographs of your new brother's dead relatives may not be the most emotionally intelligent way to forge a relationship. Javier takes this meekly.

Ani asks Ale if she has a boyfriend, and Ale smiles and says no -- but you don't need a boyfriend to be happy. In fact, she has been way happier since she hasn't had a boyfriend. Just sayin'.

Ric, Rob and Adrian visit Rafael in jail. Everyone continues to be baffled by the specter of Fake Veronica, but Rob assures Rafi with his usual groundless confidence that they will find her. And of course they will! There's only one bar in Mexico City; she's bound to wander in sooner or later.

Since the triplets have to go everywhere together, Juan is left on his own with the case of Julio, who is still (literally) spitting mad. He reports to Alonso that cell phone records showed no suspicious communication between Julio, Eva, or either of the assailants, so they must be either very well organized or telling the truth. If the latter, though, why are they so hostile to their own lawyers...?

Nancy sees the weekly thug-o-gram being delivered and questions Alan about it. She leans so far over his desk that he nearly falls headlong into her cleavage, but he catches himself and tells her to mind her own business. (Note to criminals: Normal people never give each other briefcases. They carry their own stuff in their briefcases. If you want to fly below the radar, you should go for a nice Trader Joe's bag or something.)

After some interminable banter, Rob tells Vic she's driving him crazy. She tells him not to blame her for his crazy.

Alonso visits Gustavo at home to ask him to play nice with Javier because they all need to get along now that Mommy's gone. He moves the bottle of whisky about 18 inches farther down the table, which will totally solve the problem. When he suggests that Gus consider moving out of the house, Gus goes to pieces as per usual. They decide to have a slumber party with consoling man hugs.

El Ciego gets a tip from inside the prison and directs El Chivo to chill El Gato in a safe house for a while. (Why are all the bad guys common nouns? So we don't get too attached to them?)

Rob has to go out and buy Juan a painting for his office, because Juan still has training wheels and can't do anything for himself.

Alonso decides the firm needs interns, so Ric and Vic go out and adopt a couple of 14-year-olds who smile way too much. I think they both remarked about how the Singing Von Vegas are so well known for their incredible rendition of the LA JUSTICIA song, but I may have dozed off at that point.

There are at least three separate conversations in which it is concluded that Fake Veronica must have a really, really strong motive for wanting Dr. Lara dead. You can see why these folks are lawyers. Guau.

El Gato faces off with El Chivo in the safe house, accusing him of making up the whole APB story to get him out of the way and take his job as El Ciego's right-hand noun. Neither having good coping skills, they both pull guns, and...cut to exterior and BANG. But in the immortal words of B. Manilow, just who shot who...?

Miriam is reunited with her incredibly color-coordinated children, and they all go off to bake a cake. Or maybe that was a Target ad; I'm not sure.

Alonso calls a pre-intervention meeting of the older kids and tells them they have to be really, really nice to Gustavo. Rob remarks that he simply can't imagine how Gustavo must be feeling right now, which is astonishing because Gustavo has been telling everyone exactly how he is feeling, at high volume and with props, for weeks now. Al says they need to give Gustavo a good case to work on so he remembers how great he used to be, which seems like kind of a sucky thing to do to a client.

We finally see Fake Veronica, so she's "real." She holds a newspaper article about Dr. Lara's death and pronounces, "It was totally worth it." I don't find her all that good-looking, but I'm not a guy, so.

We close on Cousin Raul dashing into Ricardo's office and announcing, "Remember that guy who killed Gustavo's family? Well, we found him..."


Blue Lass: Enjoyed the recap.

What a fun, concise, lively recap, Blue! Yes, I think bringing the dirty money to Carlos in a Trader Joe's bag is just the touch that is missing. What a funny visual.

The reunion of the kids with Miriam was very Target commercial-esque. They sure don't miss dear old violent dad much. Cake all around!

Speaking of cake... Did you see Victoria break off a corner of the brownie and take one little nibble? Um, there are 12 servings per package for a reason, Wasp Waist.

I agree with you that Javier seems disagreeable, but he *has* to be emotionally removed given his line of work and the many similar cases he's dealt with. I think we'll eventually get to see the soft kitten side of him. Purrrr.

I was hoping that "Veronica" would turn out to be Tatiana. Dang, that would have been a fun spin.

Nancy has got to be a spy put in there by Sofia. I hope that by double dipping and getting 2 salaries she can finally afford a nice blouse to go over that bustier.

I like the fast paced stories in this tn. They match your great recap.

Rosemary la Otra

"Rob remarks that he simply can't imagine how Gustavo must be feeling right now, which is astonishing because Gustavo has been telling everyone exactly how he is feeling, at high volume and with props, for weeks now."

Ah, that's sounding like Blue Lass. Thanks amiga. And my goodness, I don't know how Carlos and cousin are getting any work done with Nancy's cleavage abounding at every turn. Reminds me of Kat's famous "rogue boobies" quip about Ivana (Soy tu Dueña). Truly remarkable.

As was your recap. Thanks so much. Brightens up a drizzly day in Ohio with the temperature turning back down towards freezing. Ugh.

Rosemary la Otra, good to see you back. Hope your weather is better than ours.

IMO they are dragging the Gustavo, sin familia, on and on and on. Let's get to juicer scenes.

Blue Lass I really liked your recap.

Blue Lass, you know how to make a some what serious story funny.
Lol. The color coordinated children from the target commercial, I had not
Noticed their clothes, but that's a fun commercial. And going with mom to bake a cake. Well atleast she is not crying anymore, now she's just happy happy happy. And uncle sourpuss is in jail. Let's hope he don't get out and
Find his marine gun and come gunin fer ma and the youngins.

That giant painting Rob bought for lil
Juan....why? O why did he buy a giant painting of a rocky mountain. I don't see the beauty in looking at rocks jetting up. Maybe if I could actually see that painting I learn to like it.
Does anybody know the name of that mountain?

Has it acured to anyone that julio & eva may not have killed the parents?
When I saw that veronica person,looked
Like she nD a black eye, or plastic surgery gone bad. Was Dr Lara a doctor
That screwed up her face? Y'all Am I completely missing it. What's veronica
Got to do with this?

And about Nancy's boob situation,I do
Not think she'd be aloud in court in America lookin like madam 2-mounts. Maybe.
Carlos probly hied her for her DDouble
DD-termination skills.

Blue Lass this was fun girl.
Thanks lots. Now I'm gonna watch Aquaman and his scaly abs.

Has it "occurred". My spelling is bad.

Not "acured".

Hi Judy B! Well, if waking up to unexpected, non-forecasted snow and 16,000 people (but not me) without power is good weather, then yes, it's all rosy here. Thanks for the shout out. I have missed the fun of CarayCaray.

I'm worried about Violent Jacob getting released. I hope Ale goes to the consulate to petition for him to not enter a country that he spit at. She's got the judge who saw it. I really hope he's done for in this season...and next.

Nina, "Veronica" is the name Ms. Black eye / possible botched plastic surgery gal gave to Rafael. She lied and said she was Dr. Lara's wife, Veronica.

Yikes Rosemary la Otra, no more whining from me about soggy weather in Ohio. (Okay, disclaimer, nothing stops me from whining) but glad to hear you have power and hope those 16,000 unlucky people get theirs restored soon. A few years ago, during 100 degree weather here, our power was out for a week. The next year my husband bought a whole house generator.

Thanks, Blue Lass.

I'm sure Julio and Eva did the crime. It's written all over their behavior, starting from the murder of his father. This case could be on any version of Law & Order. The way Julio picked up the dog and started walking ahead of his father into a street with no cameras, their demeanor, and their escape attempt all point to their guilt.

More in a few.

I'm back for a few.

Remember that in Episode 10 Raquel told Roberto and Juan that Sergio was a music producer and Julio had a band that hadn't gone anywhere at that point despite six demos. I think the motive for the crime is in there somewhere. What remains to be discovered is why Julio and Eva are so cold-blooded.

Urban O/T

That's so funny, 'L&O’. Do the writers think we are stupid and wear our reinforced 'beanies’ (sp) most of the time? To the best of my sketchy memory, I can't remember a scene in a telenovela where the writers accurately, not even close, depicted a real crime scene investigation.

One of the most disturbing episodes of ‘L&O’ ('Born Bad', 1993, Season 4, Episode 9) was when a 14-year old boy's lawyer claimed his client was innocent for the beating death of his friend; because he had an extra 'Y’ chromosome; and, therefore, was genetically, not environmentally, predisposed to criminal behavior.

This isn't meant to offend our male companions but, from the Web (“The Conversation”, July 30, 2015), here is something interesting, wacko, funny, believable, or unbelievable:

”Some people claim that, genetically, men are more closely related to male chimpanzees than to women.”

“Women have two ‘X’ chromosomes. Men have a single ‘X’ (from their mother) and the male-specific ‘Y’ (from their father)."

So have fun pondering that!


Thanks for the comments, everyone!

R la O, I love the idea of Tat as Fake Vero. You are more creative than the writers. And I do think we'll see behind Javi's tough-guy exterior will probably take a woman to bring him out.

Nina, I agree about the painting. Now Juan's office looks like a chain hotel room.

It was mentioned earlier on that Dr. Lara was a pediatrician, so there's probably not any bad plastic surgery involved. But what do I know? Maybe there's only one DOCTOR in Mexico City.

But we know there is more than one doctor named Dr. Lara / Laura!

It looked like a bruise to me. I think he was a sicko and that's how they'll get Rafael off. Or maybe Alejandra can offer another 2 sentence closing argument to seal the deal.

Judy, that sounds awful. 100 degrees and no power! I bet you were going from the bathtub to the squirt bottle for a few days.


Blue Lass, thanks for the laughs. My fave: on those thugs El Ciego and El Gato "neither have good coping skills, so they both pull guns"

I'm worried about Ali too. She's all alone without protection.

Julio has never expressed guilt or shame about doing nothing to help his dad. He could care less about anyone except Eva.

Law & Order had its share of mistakes and a few dated assumptions regarding cases like the boy in that episode. However, I don't think we're going to get information going that far back about either Julio or Eva. We may have to be content with what we observe of their behavior. Which has been chilling.

Yeah I thought that closing argument from Ali was seriously lacking some
Umf. Or something. You know when you go for a good firm handshake and you end up with a limp noodle? That was that closing argument that Ali gave. Maybe She was tired from all that travel and Fighting with in uncle nutjob.

I still find Mexican courts and laws to be so biased and the defense lawyers are responsible for finding evidence that would exonerate their clients. I mean the court cases are about 60 minutes long and have no witnesses?

Is this really how their court system is?

It is easy for people in English-language countries to forget that our legal system is vastly different from those of the rest of the countries of this world. Our trials are open to public view while those in other countries are not. We operate on the basis of presumption of innocence when most other countries do not.

Most other countries don't even own up to how much crime actually happens in them and little if nothing appears about it in their news. For example, in Germany you didn't hear anything about crime on the news until the Arwin Meiwes case happened (Don't google it if you're squeamish). Many other countries (I won't say which) have such a different concept of what constitutes crime that any crime stats they would come up with would make their places more lawful.

Of course police corruption is everywhere; it's merely a matter of degree. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.

I just looked up the English translation for "Por Amar sin ley"
It's "Laws of Love". It has the same abbreviation as "laugh out loud" lol.
I like the Spanish title better, even
Though I can't pronounce it.

I think a better translation would be "lawless love." ("Sin" means "without.")

They had different ones, but this one stood out to me.

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