Monday, July 08, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): La Reina Soy Yo y Más - Week of July 8, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series which are not being covered by recappers. Highlights, summaries, or details of scenes/episodes are encouraged (this would be a good time to practice your skills in recapping :-). As of now, Diana and I are providing mini-caps for LRSY, but if some brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for LRSY or AE, I’m sure it would be very appreciated. TNs/series covered by this page are:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep 1-3
  • 8-9PM   – La Reina Soy Yo : Ep. 41-43
  • 9-10PM – La Rosa de Guadalupe
As with other discussion pages for more than one TN, PLEASE identify the TN you are commenting on to avoid confusion and so readers can easily find the conversations they are looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Reina”)

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Ep 41: Part 1 Mending Fences Isn’t Erick’s Forte

Yameli calls Zaria and tells her that Chris and is mother just left Luxor after reproaching Charly for keeping Chris out of the concert. Yameli wants Zaria to interview Chris and his mother; so she gives Zaria the contact info.

Erick goes to see Vanessa at Ruco’s place. After they talk about why she escaped from the center and Erick gives her some money, Erick finds out that Vanessa is living there with Ruco and tells Vane that she is messing up big time. He stars to walk out, but Vane asks him not to be like her parents. Erick understands that she wants to be alone, but not that she is living with that guy who is a dealer. Vane assures him that they are both clean and Ruco is not dealing anymore…Ruco is a good person and Erick should give him a chance.

Yameli enters Charly’s office who looks worried—he is worried about Vanessa and can’t think of anything else. Diana enters and tells them that the tickets are selling like hotcakes. Charly is not as excited as Diana expected, so Yami shares about the confrontation with Chris. After Yami leaves, Diana stays to reassure Charly about Vane, but he prefers to be alone. After an eye roll, Diana goes to Yami’s office to tell her that she has contacted the private investigator. Yami encourages Diana to follow her instinct….separations can be horrible. Yami then shares that she had a 17 year relationship that she would like to tell Diana about. When Diana asks for details, Yami tells her that she would love to tell Diana her story…but not there.

Erick and Vane are talking outside. Erick is trying to encourage Vane to talk to her father, but Vane doesn’t want to. After Erick talks about how family show be united, Vane agrees to go to Erick’s concert and to his rehearsals.

Charly goes to Yami’s office to tell her that he has the money for the concert…it’s money that was owed to him. Diana comes in; so Yami tells her that Charly has good news; so Charly tells her that he has the money for the concert. Diana is suspicious about the money and asks to talk to him privately. As they leave, Yami has her devilish smile.

Zaria interviews Chris and his mother. Chris is grateful that he will have a chance to tell everything that the dog, Charly, did to him.

In Charly’s office, Diana asks about where he got the money, but Charly won’t say. Outside the office, Yami tries to listen, but is surprised by Axel who has no idea about where Charly got the money. Inside the office Charly and Diana argue about the sale of the house and where he got so much money. Diana hopes Charly isn’t up to his shenanigans.

Yami is walking in the garage when she here’s Axel singing. She approaches him and compliments his voice. Yami wonders why Axel isn’t singing since he seems to have a talent for it. When Axel shares that he used to sing when he was young, Yami wonders why he left his dream to help someone else accomplish their dream.

Ep 41: Part 2 Mending Fences Isn’t Erick’s Forte

Erick rehearses at the Capilla as Juanjo coaches him. Serg and Vane are there watching him. Outside, Axe arrives to drop off Yami. Yami asks Axel to send her his songs; she is sure she will like them. As she walks in, Yami read a text from Zaria that she has finished the interview with Chris. Yami replies that she should publish it after the concert. Inside, Serg and Vane have joined Erick on stage and dance until Serg mentions that he is glad Vane will be coming to the concert and talking to her father. Vanesa tells him to stay out of her business and walks out.

Yameli sees Vane leaving the Capilla. When Yami tells Vane that her father should be arriving soon, Vane knows and prefers to leave to avoid problems. After Vane tells Yami that she is on her way to see Ruco, Yami asks her to call her mother; Vane agrees. Yami enters to watch Erick rehearsing. She loves watching Erick on the stage where he belongs. Yami mentions that she saw Vane outside, so Erick confides that he invited her to the rehearsal hoping that she would see and talk to Charlie. Yami tells Erick that Zaria will be interviewing him; Erick refuses to do so since she is the one who caused problems for Charly. Yami manages to get Erick to agree to the interview when she tells him that Zaria is the one who has promoted his concert the most…and she asks Erick to trust her.

Diana meets with the private investigator and tells him she wants to know everything that Charly does. The PI tells her he will report to her every 5 days, but if he confirms that Charly is seeing someone, he will inform her immediately. Diana insists that she will want to know the name and everything about the woman.

Juanjo and Yami are discussing preps for the concert with the engineer when Charly arrives. As they discuss Charly’s songs, Zaria walks in; so Charly questions what she is doing there. Yami assures Charly that she will talk to Zaria to make sure she does everything well. Yami takes Zaria aside and tells her that the interview needs to be released after the concert, not before….and it has to indicate that things didn’t go well for Charly and that Erick did well.


Ep 41: Part 3 Mending Fences Isn’t Erick’s Forte

Zaria interviews Erick and asks if the concert could be considered a reconciliation between the two brothers. When Zaria tries to lead Erick to say the Charly took the news that Erick was recording for someone else badly, Erick assures her that there were no problems since they are a family who is very united. Zaria then asks if Charly might get jealous of Ericks talent and success, but Erick again backs up Charly and tells her that Charly is the one who has a career and has a lot of fans, if anyone has learning to do, it is Erick. When Zaria thinks that Erick is a perfect mixture of humility and talent…she has heard that Erick composes his own songs just like Charly did, but now Charly’s songs have changed. Erick responds that not all change is bad. After Zaria asks about all the gossip and scandal surrounding Charly, Erick prefers no to talk about that; he would prefer to talk about his own career and what he is doing. Zaria wonders if there will be a duet; so Erick responds that he hopes that someday, he and Charly can sing together.

Diana arrives at the Capilla and tells Yami that she has already hired the PI. They approach Juanjo and Charly who can’t agree on anything having to do with the concert. Charly then gets on the stage to rehearse. Erick watches in admiration and Diana smiles as if remembering the Charly she fell in love with. Juanjo interrupts Charly and tells him that Erick needs to rehearse since Charly already has his song down pat since he always sings it the same way. Charly has a hissy fit and walks out…and we see him with his fans who take selfies with him.

At the next rehearsal, Erick is on stage as Charly watches and looks bored…or is that a look of worry? Yami whispers to Charly that Erick is marvelous and asks if he is proud of him. Charly replies that he is very proud of Eric…but he misses his daughter. When Yami tells Charly that she invited Vane to the concert, Charly doesn’t think she will show up. Yami suggests that this is not the time to be sad since Charly needs to concentrate on the concert.



Perfect title Rgv Chick.

You never fail to include all of the important details and do so with your superb writing skills.

There were many conversations I could only try and guess the gist of but you fleshed everything out beautifully.

I'll start with "Erick watches in admiration and Diana smiles as if remembering the Charly she fell in love with". Yes. Exactly.

"Charly is the one who has a career and has a lot of fans, if anyone has learning to do, it is Erick". Erick was true to character and gave not just the right answers in response to Charly, but what he feels (or wants to feel) in his heart. Bless him.

"Erick is on stage as Charly watches and looks bored…or is that a look of worry?" Correct once again! You nailed it.

There is something that tugs at my heart watching this father and son who have no idea who they "are". "Yami has her devilish smile" does not make me relish her "success" but leaves me cold as this family in crisis sinks even lower.

While my opinion of the "heroine" ebbs and flows, there is no doubt you are a consummate recapper Rgv Chick. Just wonderful.



I also wanted to mention Yameli's "interest" in Axel's singing.

Is it real or feigned? Just another scene that made me uncomfortable. "Yami wonders why he left his dream to help someone else accomplish their dream".

Am I being too cynical or did she mean any of it???


Thank you so much , Chickie,

In Yami's desire to have her revenge on Charly , she is also hurting those around him. I cant figure out why she told Diana to get a PI. How is she going to continue to hide the fact that she is the other woman in Charly's life ?

It seems that Axel is next on Yami's list to betray Charly by starting his own singing career. I think that Yami is going down a slippery slope in her relentless quest to destroy Charly. She may destroy herself and her chance at a happy life in the process.

Looks like get another hot, humid week here with highs in the 80s.


Susanlynn: Like I said before, Yameli's undercover revenge plan will blow up in her face.

RGV Chick: Enjoyed the recap.

Good morning Patio. Great recap Rgv Chick and very interesting episode. As to your question of "was it boredom or worry", I think it was incipient sadness. In spite of his big ego and self-regard, Charly is intuiting that his time has passed and somebody else younger and more talented is going to take his place. This is never easy...for any "star". And there will always be somebody younger, more talented, or just better-looking that will replace you. Without a center, without an inner life, when Charly is passed by, there will be nothing but emptiness for him. Scary and sad.

And like Susanlynn, I'm wondering how Yameli is going to avoid being found out as "the other woman". Maybe she doesn't care at this point.

Thanks for all you do Chickie. Still amazed each day at your dedication and hard work.


Thank you, Rgv Chick.

"Diana hopes Charly isn’t up to his shenanigans." She even called him Monchis' nephew.

Yamelí encouraged Diana to stand up for herself, go fulfill her dreams. Now she is noticing Axel's talent and talks him up. She could get points if it weren't part of her game against Charly.

I will also comment on "Erick watches in admiration and Diana smiles as if remembering the Charly she fell in love with." Charly was singing "Perdóname" - the song that Yamelí composed for him. Rgv Chick translated it. Some time ago we commented that it was as if Yamelí wanted Charly to say those words to her. Here, the words of the song moved Diana. The words and seeing Charly sing them in front of her must have made her think what if he were saying this to her for real.


Thank you, Diana, Susanlynn, Steve and Lucio.

It was indeed an interesting episode. Diana, I too wondered about Yami's interest in Axel. I would like to think that she is truly trying to help Axel (wishful thinking?) but what a coincidence that she developed an interest right after he denied knowing anything about where Charly got the money. That look she gave him when he said that was one of suspicion; so when she approached him about a singing career, my first thought was that she was trying to gain his trust and maybe he would confide in her whatever he knows about Charly. OTOH, I'm sure Yameli remembers Axel from their younger years and how he competed against Charly in a maybe there is some sincerity in her words.

Susanlynn and JudyB, "How is she going to continue to hide the fact that she is the other woman in Charly's life? Juanjo asked Yami that same question and she responded that the PI would actually be working for she will control what he tells Diana.

JudyB, "In spite of his big ego and self-regard, Charly is intuiting that his time has passed and somebody else younger and more talented is going to take his place. This is never easy...for any "star". And there will always be somebody younger, more talented, or just better-looking that will replace you. Without a center, without an inner life, when Charly is passed by, there will be nothing but emptiness for him. Scary and sad." I just had to copy and paste this...what amazing insight you have and always express it with such eloquence! Charly has much to worry about; he already knows that the songs he wrote were total failures.

Lucio, I don't really care for Diana, but recently, she has proven to have been completely in love with Charly...which doesn't say much about her,but at least she is trying to salvage the marriage while Charly is doing everything he can to remind her that he doesn't love her and it is over. Odd that these characters could get points, but they do or say something that disavows any good that they do.

Did anyone else watch Amor Eterno last night? It looks pretty good.

Ep 42: Part 1 And the Self-Made Pedestal Will Fall

Yameli and the others watch Charly as he rehearses. While Erick watches, a man is pointing out what Charly is doing so Erick can learn from it. Afterwards, Charly is backstage with Axel and tells him that the money has arrived...and Operation Washing Machine will start today.

Vanessa tells Ruco that her uncle invited them to the concert. Ruco thinks that Erick only invited her since Erick can’t stand him, but Vanessa doesn’t want to go alone. When she suggests that they take a little something to relax, Ruco suggests that they go out for a ride.

At the rehearsal, Zaria approaches Charly who doesn’t want her close to him. Zaria just wants to wish Charly well and throws him a kiss before walking away. Charly then tells Axel to tell Hormiga (Ant) to meet him in his dressing room.

Erick is being dolled up as he tells Juanjo that he doesn’t want the press conference to be like Zaria’s interview since Zaria was targeting Charly and he got nervous since he didn’t want to say anything against Charly. Juanjo points out that Erick doesn’t need to defend Charly, but Erick thinks that he and Charly are a team…and Charly is family.

Hormiga goes to see Charly who needs to talk to him because he wants to be the one to close the concert. He wants Hormiga to sabotage Erick’s last song so that Charly can take over… he is after all funding the concert. To convince Hormiga, Charly hands him a bundle of money; so Hormiga will gladly do what Charly proposes. As Hormiga leaves, Yameli enters and wonders what Hormiga was doing there. After Charly tells her that they were just discussing sound preps for the concert, he suggests that they get together tonight or tomorrow after the concert, but Yameli reminds him that the others, including Diana, will want to celebrate with him. Yameli then brings up that Vanessa will be coming to the concert and he should try to talk to her, but Charly doesn’t think she will attend…and she threatened him. Charly then gets fresh and wants some nookie, but when they kiss, Juanjo enters and interrupts looking quite shocked and disgusted…the reporters are there. After Juanjo leaves, Yameli reminds Charly that they need to be very discreet.

Charly and Erick sit on stage for their press conference. There is a male reporter who asks leading questions to make Charly look good, but Zaria counters with questions to make him look bad. Charly takes the lead in answering questions, but when Zaria brings up the scandals, Charly warns the reporters that if they continue asking personal questions, he will end the interview. As the male reporter continues his leading questions, Yameli wonders who the heck he is.

After the interview, Charly demands to know what Erick told Zaria and tells him to stop believing everything Juanjo tells him. He reminds Erick that he is Charly Flow’s brother and all the people are there to see Charly, not Erick. Erick looks like he could kick himself for thinking that Charly could treat him as an equal. Yameli walks in and wonders why there is so much yelling when the reporters are still there. Charly tells her that he was telling his little brother how things have to be. Erick doesn’t want Charly to refer to him as “little brother” because that feeling of brotherhood doesn’t exist.


Ep 42: Part 2 And the Self-Made Pedestal Will Fall

Once alone, Yami tells Charly that he shouldn’t be so hard on Erick; he should behave like the mature man that he is. As they kiss, Juanjo walks in, but then walks out looking upset.

At the stairwell, Diana pays off the make reporter for doing a good job. Charly and Yameli then walk out; so Diana, alone with Yameli, tells her that the PI has found nothing on Charly. Yami suggests that maybe there is nothing to find…but Diana shouldn’t worry because the truth always comes to light.

Yameli goes back in to the bar where Juanjo is drinking. Juanjo doesn’t know how Yami can kiss that idiot; so Yami tells him that it’s part of the plan…she wants Charly to trust her and think things are well so that when he gets the hit, it’ll hit him harder.

Ruco asks Vanessa to promise that she will always have him at her side. After Vanessa promises, she asks Ruco to promise her that he will never let her down…and he promises.

The Next Day—

El Buho promotes the concert and emphasizes that it will be a concert of brothers.

Erick is at home singing as Lidia brings him is favorite dish for breakfast since it’s a special day for him. She recalls when she first held him in her arms. She looked into his eyes and knew that he would be very special; and she was not wrong.

Juanjo is at the table with his family, but he is lost in thought. After Wendy and her mother are left alone, Wendy’s mother advises Wendy to stick to Juanjo like gum at the concert—that way Wendy will know if he was working all day or spending his time with someone else.

Ruco looks at his phone. After he looks to make sure Vane is not around, he gets a package from a secret shelf and puts it in his pants. When he tells Vane that he is going out, Vane asks where he is going and reminds him about the concert, Ruco curtly tells her that he is going to an interview since someone has to bring in some money. Vane brings up the money Erick gave them, but Ruco thinks that it was just a measly amount and Vane spent most of it on her photos. They argue until Ruco rushes off to his “interview.”

Charly is exercising…because his body is his temple, but Axel knows that he is nervous because of Erick. Charly thinks that it should be Erick who is nervous. Just then, Axel and Charly listen to the radio as Erick’s newest hit comes on. When Yameli calls about business, Charly tells her to go over because he wants her with him.

Ep 42: Part 3 And the Self-Made Pedestal Will Fall

Yami calls Vane who tells her that she is already preparing her clothes for the concert. When Yami asks her to talk to Charly before the concert, Vane refuses to do so since they haven’t even called her. Yami knows that Vane threatened Charly but Vane assures her that her father was also being very mean… but she didn’t want to hurt him and she misses him very much. Yami urges her to talk to her father since the concert is very important to the family.

Ruco meets up with a client who doesn’t have enough money for the drugs, but he offers his watch as payment. Ruco takes the watch and whatever money the guy has. Vane tries to call him, but he doesn’t answer so she leaves message.

Irma goes to visit Erick at his apartment. When she sees that Erick is nervous, Irma tells him that she has a relaxation exercise that will help him. As she starts, Lidia arrives so Erick introduces Irma; and Serg adds that Irma is Erick’s girlfriend. Irma then continues the exercise, but Erick has a hard time resisting his desire to kiss her.

Yameli takes Vanesa to visit Charly. Vanesa points out that the idea of coming was Yameli’s; and they should talk about certain things. When Vane tells him that she wants to be a model and she wants his support, Charly tells her he will support her only if he knows who she will work for. Vane then brings up Ruco. Charly tells her that he will accept her relationship with Ruco, but not that she live with him. Vane concedes that she will live with one of her parents as long as they don’t try to control what she does. Meanwhile, Yameli calls Zaria who is coaching a group on a chant against Charly. Zaria tells Yami that things are going as planned. When Yami comes back, Vane and Charly are laughing. Vane tells Charly that Ruco will be coming to the concert with her. Charly grunts but tells her he won’t have a problem with it.

At Erick’s place, everyone compliments Lidia on her cooking. When Lidia mentions her idea about opening a restaurant, Irma tells Lidia that she can work for her and help her out with whatever needs to be done.

Vane goes back to Ruco’s place. Ruco apologizes for being in such a bad mood...he was just worried about their money situation. When Vane tells him that she went to see her father, Ruco doesn’t look pleased. When Vanessa adds that her father accepted that she wants to be a model and that Ruco is her boyfriend, Ruco tells her that she shouldn’t trust Charly. Vane asks him to support her and to give her father a chance; so Ruco agrees.

Diana talks to her lawyer. She can’t get Charly to come to the house or to accept the offer on the house. When she asks if she can sell the house on her own, the lawyer reminds her that Charly has community property rights. Diana has no problem in giving Charly half of whatever she gets; she just doesn’t want to lose the offer.


Ep 42: Part 4 And the Self-Made Pedestal Will Fall

The concert is about to start and the fans and reporters are outside waiting to enter. Inside, Juanjo talks to Diana. After she gets a call, Diana shares that she is selling the house. Juanjo is sorry about her separation from Charly. Diana remarks that everyone knew that things were not right between them…marriage is not easy…and she would never consider getting married again. Just then, Wendy and her mother approach.

Charly arrives at the concert greeting his fans and briefly answering the reporter’s questions. When Erick arrives with Lidia, Irma and Serg, the fans run to him and a group starts chanting what Zaria asked them to say—"Charly, thief, you have no flow; Charly, pretender, you are no singer! Charly looks shocked and wonders what is happening. As Erick enters the concert hall, he looks back also wondering what is going on; and Yameli looks out with her devilish smile as Axel escorts Charly inside. Yameli tells Charly not to worry since there are always haters in the crowd. Once inside, Yameli stands beside Juanjo and smiles as the group continues to chant. After she tells Juanjo that she loves Zaria with all her heart, Juanjo comments that it seems that her plan is turning out as she planned. Yameli remarks that it hasn’t even started—this will be her night and Pez Koi’s night.



Susanlynn, I'm not watching "Eterno." I'm still outside with the animals during that time :-( I think Doris mentioned that she was going to give it a try.

Chickie, thank you . I loved the title.....self made pedestal , indeed.

Charlie's world is crumbling, and others are being affected.

OT..I watched the episode of Amor Eterno. It has the rich beautiful girl \poor gorgeous boy theme with a really hateful villain in the mix.

Thanks Rgv Chick. I've only seen part of this but was discouraged to see how badly Charly treated Erick at the rehearsal. Particularly when Erick still held such illusions about brotherhood and family. A rude awakening.

Had to laugh at this:

"Charly is exercising…because his body is his temple,"

And a rather bodacious temple it is. Always enjoying seeing the actor execute his dance moves, and clearly there have been a lot of female worshipers at that finely built temple. Superb construction for sure.

And as Susanlynn noted, your title was perfect. The "self-made pedestal" is about to collapse and the temple and out-sized ego will be going down in flames. Good-bye Charlie!

Agree that the new telenovela Eterno comes at a bad time. Summer-wise especially. But also, I'm disinclined to watch because it's dubbed. I want people's lip movements to match what I'm hearing. The Turkish actors though are beautiful and I love the tilted dark eyes. No shortage of eye candy on Univision. That's for sure.

Thanks for an artfully contructed recap of the latest doings on Reina. Looks like we're heading for more fireworks. Big ones!


Count me inn on those loving the title.

There was so much money changing hands, I couldn't keep track of the scorecard and who was sabotaging who. This was detailed and written with great skill and finesse Rgv Chick. It was incredible!

Of course Judy and I both noted "Charly is exercising…because his body is his temple" (because we are sisters from another mother). Loved it.

From the heights of “Erick thinks that he and Charly are a team…and Charly is family” to the depths of “Erick doesn’t want Charly to refer to him as “little brother” because that feeling of brotherhood doesn’t exist”. The utter destruction of family.

When I start to feel a bid badly that the noose is tightening around Charly's neck, I will remember that he plans to sabotage Erick's performance.

I have to admit, I shared Juanjo's revulsion about Charly and Yameli's kissing. She may get revenge but her self respect is evaporating.

I'm not particularly enamored of the Van/Ruco storyline but I suspect this will not last and that Serge is a good potential candidate (speculation not spoiler).

Irma is a burst of sunshine and Erick is smitten.

“Wendy’s mother advises Wendy to stick to Juanjo like gum at the concert—that way Wendy will know if he was working all day or spending his time with someone else”. The dependent, sad, letting it all sink in look Wendy gave her was heartbreaking. Her mother should be telling her to stand up, find her voice and a path for herself. With or without Juanjo.

"Yameli remarks that it hasn’t even started—this will be her night and Pez Koi’s night". At what cost as I shiver a bit...

Susanlynn, I'm not watching AE either. Saw a few minutes but even if I was drawn in I need the recaps to make heads or tails out of things. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

Rgv Chick, another heartfelt and carefully crafted summary. Thank you!



THank you, Susanlynn, JudyB and Diana!

Susanlynn, "Charlie's world is crumbling, and others are being affected." Of all the characters in this story, Erick seems to be the kindest most noble one...and he will suffer the consequences the most. I still find it hard to believe tah NO ONE has brought up the resemblance between Charly and Erick...a faux pas on the writer's part IMO. The look on Erick's face when he realized that Charly had not changed a bit was heartbreaking.Erick is so set on "family" what will he do or think when he finds out that his father has sabotaged and berated him all this time without and inkling of remorse. And how will he react when he finds out that his own mother has destroyed the only family he has.

JudyB, "And a rather bodacious temple it is. Always enjoying seeing the actor execute his dance moves, and clearly there have ben a lot of female worshipers at that finely built temple. Superb construction for sure." I must admit the man has some good moves to show off that body. I sense "NudyB" peeking out for some of that eye candy :-)

Diana, I must admit that I haven't felt badly for Charly AT ALL! In fact every time he comes out, I hate him even more (except when he is on the dance floor, but then I erase Charly from my mind and concentrate on Lambda :-) And I don't blame you for having trouble keeping up with who is sabotaging whom. Yameli has so many targets just on her own that even those are hard to keep up with. And this line she uses that she is trying to help others (i.e., Vanessa and Diana)...well I just ain't buying it. I'm just wondering how many "friends" Yameli will end up with at the end.

REINA Part 1

Father vs. Son/Sharks vs. Jets (West Side Story) Rival Factions/Rival Performances

Various forces are at hard at work behind the scenes – some to uplift egos, others to crush. Charly has machinations of his own – to ruin Erick’s first chance in the limelight and to selfishly reap the spoils. As this family continues its course to implode, we, the audience, are riveted. While wanting things to be so different, we cringe at what is to come, yet cannot look away.

Screaming fans swarm as Lidia, Erick, Serge and Irma enter the venue. Lidia is excited and happy for Erick as the adoring throng surround him. Serge gives Erick the secret handshake for luck. Lidia is giddy with excitement.

As Charly gets his face on, he and Diana argue, stopping momentarily as Yameli appears, Charly yelling about imbecile Juanjo. Axel joins the fray trying to calm Charly down which is only achieved by Vanesa’s appearance. Hola papi she says as he graces her with a happy smile. Uh oh, Ruco is with her. Charly talks with her ignoring Ruco. Then, surprisingly, Charly makes nice with Ruco, (with a bit of spittle emanating through his teeth) as they hug it out. Even Diana asks what the deal is as Charly’s beauty regimen resumes. Ruco and Van argue as Serge eavesdrops. Lidia arrives looking skeptical but Van says Charly is OK with Ruco.

Hormiga and Axel discuss he plans to ruin Erick’s night. Axel reassures Yameli all is OK and I see a bit of hesitation of her part as she senses something not quite right. Wendy, mama and Juanjo’s sibs arrive. Wendy’s mother plays a ridiculous game of pretending not to know where she met her as Wendy’s mood grows pensive.

Juanjo and Yameli are checking things out as Axel takes his eyes off of his sandwich noticing Juanjo letting a swarm of people in. Irma gives Erick a little peck on the cheek and he moves in for a real lip lock. Serge again makes himself scarce but this time, is happy with what he sees.

El Buho is working the crowd into a frenzy with one exception (a bored Ruco sipping his drink). Even Wendy is whistling!

The stage has been set (literally and figuratively) and it’s lights, camera, action! Pez Koi and Charly Flow…Erick takes the stage first to thunderous applause. He admits his nervousness to the crowd, thanking his family. His velvet voice resonates with the appreciative crowd. Lidia is bursting with pride, Irma smiles radiantly and Yameli’s grin is high wattage.

Yameli is encouraging Charly, waiting in the wings. Her kisses fuel him as El Buho gives him a warm and enthusiastic intro – it’s infectious - even Axel is smiling! Charly thanks everyone, talking up Pez Koi as Juanjo looks as though he just bit something sour. The agitators are at it again (as Juanjo sort of smiles). Yameli is on her radio (but is she actually saying anything?!). Hmmm. Charly’s fans are faithfully chanting. Charly is moving really, really well (thanks Lambda) although the singing is somewhat mediocre. Juanjo stares impassively. Axel and Diana try to figure out what is going on…Charly calls a young woman onstage who will likely keep that “cherished’ memory forever.  Yameli looks as though she’s eating Juanjo’s sour lemon too. The crowd is now chanting Charly in a good way. Are you all right Erick asks. Yes, he says. His eyes say otherwise.



Father vs. Son Sharks vs. Jets (West Side Story) Rival Factions/Rival Performances

El Buho is continuing to psych up the crowd as Pez Koi appears. Juanjo finally smiles. Erick’s song about impossible love rings out as Charly complains to Yameli, again about Juanjo and Erick getting all the attention. Some caressing seems to calm Erick down as Yameli’s devilish smile (credit Rgv Chick) reappears. Unrest from the crowd as (I believe the agitators brought in by Yameli/Juanjo) are evicted. Axel tells Diana Yameli is to blame.

Charly sings as Yameli has flashbacks to the rooftop where she, Charly and Juanjo were happy – or so she thought. She and Erick watch their ex-lover and father from the wings as Yameli’s face reflects deep pain while Diana and Vanesa smile from their respective vantage points. The crowd is going crazy and El Buho whips them into further frenzy. Pez Koi calls out Irma to her quiet delight. Strobe lights and back up dancers highlight the performance and Irma joins him onstage, sharing the mic, sealing the end with a kiss.

Juanjo and Yameli are trying to figure out what transpired with “their crowd” as Diana confronts them. They have no idea that things are still only at a slow boil, with an explosion yet to come.



I hope there wasn't critical dialog that I missed. That said, I did not understand what the Diana/Juanjo/Yameli conversation was during the last scene. If someone could add that, I would greatly appreciate it.

Tomorrow looks like nail biting time!

Sleep well all - Diana


Diana, reading your recaps is like reading a prize-winning novel. I am in absolute awe of your writing skills. I can't even list all the favorites; I would have to copy your entire recap.

In the last scene, Diana was questioning Yameli and Juanjo about the group that was yelling out slurs at Charly. She asked them why they allowed them to come in; so Yameli told her that the group had gotten the tickets from the radio station that was giving away's the radio station that they have a contract with; so they had to allow the group inside. Yameli also brought up Irma singing with Erick and noted that Irma is very talented.

The only other conversation that is worth mentioning (and that I can think of) is the one between Ruco and Vanessa when they were arguing. Ruco was questioning Vanessa as to why she hadn't told him that she was going to go live with one of her parents. Vanessa explained that she wasn't really planning on going to live with her parents; she just wanted to win some time so that Charly can get to know Ruco.

Tomorrow is definitely nail-biting time! I can't wait to see if Charly's plan to sabotage Erick will be thwarted...I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Good night, all! More tomorrow...



Thank you for your kind words Rgv Chick. You are more than generous! :)

Thank you - I did think Van and Ruco were fighting about her going to live with either Diana or Charly but with my limited skills, wasn't sure.

Your filling in how Yameli tried to "weasel" her way out of how the group got in is greatly appreciated. Diana looked like she didn't believe it for a minute but seemed to accept it in the end.

You are getting a doozy tonight Rgv Chick! I can't wait to see what happens!! Even more, can't wait to read your recap :)


Loved the title Diana, and the introduction was superb, so I'm copying it here...

"Various forces are at hard at work behind the scenes – some to uplift egos, others to crush. Charly has machinations of his own – to ruin Erick’s first chance in the limelight and to selfishly reap the spoils. As this family continues its course to implode, we, the audience, are riveted. While wanting things to be so different, we cringe at what is to come, yet cannot look away."

Just a very skillful way to encapsulate what the episode was and meant to all us viewers. NudyB loved this one because it was mostly song and dance and I was impressed with Erick's moves as well. In fact I continue to be amazed at how well cast this one was. The two look like brothers (or father and son) and both move well. I enjoyed every number, with the backup dancers as well.

Thanks for noting Erick's "velvet voice". And Emma (el Huracán) is well-cast also. Just the sort of bonbon a young man would be crazy for.

So far, Lari/Yameli has been able to talk her way out of every confrontation, but I don't know how much longer she can get away with it.

Must see TV indeed!

Thanks amiga. Well done as always. And amazing as always.


Judy: Good Morning from the Alamo City. Let me guess: Yameli's undercover revenge plan backfiring ?


Steve, so far Yameli seems to be getting away with it. Each time she's almost caught , she weasels her way with a glib explanation. But who knows?


Thank you, Diana. Loved the title and the introduction.

The concert setlist.
Eric - Enamorándome de ti (author: Eric - new song)
Charly - Sola (I think this is Charly's own song)
Eric - Amor imposible (Eric/Yamelí co-credit)
Charly - Reflejo (author: Yamelí - stolen by Charly)
Eric - Bombón (Eric - new song)

When Charly was singing Reflejo, it was a reminder to Yamelí of the good old times, but also of what Charly had done to her. To not lose focus.


Diana, I was amazed that the TN Diana didn;t question Yameli and Juanjo more. She did have that look of doubt then she just brushed it off. It seems to me that Juanjo is going to be blamed for everything. Charly thinks he was the one who brought in Zaria and now Axel and Diana are suspicious of him too.

JudyB, Yameli has done some fast talking and weaseled her way out of every confrontation, but will she back up Juanjo when and if he becomes Charly's target? Juanjo has pointed out to Yameli how she is using Charly's family against him; yet he dismisses how Yameli is using him. TBH, I'm getting tired of that pitiful look Juanjo usually has, but he doesn't deserve to be the fall guy for all of Yameli's schemes.


Oh and I do enjoy when NudyB makes an appearance :-)


Lucio, I was writing while you posted. Thank you so much for that list of songs. I am rally enjoying the music on this TN and am trying to download the songs, so your list will be very helpful, especially for the new songs.

Diana, thanks so much for that Well written recap of all the drama bubbling up in the pot.

Chickie, thank you also. P.s. How are your animalitos. I remember your unwanted visitor . How long ago as that? Time has kind of been standing still for me it seems.

I am wondering how it will be revealed that Erick is actually the love child of Yam and Charly. Who knows? Is Monchis really dead and in that crypt with the brother he killed? Will his evil self rise again to make trouble? Do any of his henchmen know the truth about Erick's parents?

This show is very good. It moves along nicely.

Gray here all day here comes the rain.

I get a kick out of Diana's hair....dark hair on top and a blonde ponytail. Remember when dark roots were unwanted? She and Yami have very different looks. Diana's look is elegant, sophisticated, polished.... skirts , dresses, heels. Yam has kind of a biker chick\cat woman look.


Thank you for your wonderful comments everyone! I just read Flor and Mirada recapped by our own Rgv Chick and Judy and wanted to comment on their fantastic recaps. This is the first chance I've had since early this morning to read the comments.

NudyB (I just love that and laugh out loud every time I see it), you are too kind! I really enjoy the singin' and shakin' myself! And yes, the family resemblance is so strong it's almost unbelievable it hasn't been noticed, especially by Yameli. Where the heck is the call of the blood? Right now, it is whispering quietly, if at all.

Lucio, thank you so much for listing the songs. And yes, I completely agree that Yameli was feeling every single word and the memories were not kind.

Rgv Chick, yes, suspicious Diana just seemed to let it go - out of character for her. I sense it if were just Juanjo, she might have persisted and not accepted the explanation. After all, she "knows" Yameli is her friend and would never hurt her, right? Ack.

You've all raised a very interesting point about Juanjo. If he falls, will Yameli step on him or pick him up? I honestly have no idea at this point!

Susanlynn, I do not believe Monchis is dead. Prove me wrong writers! The only other person who knows Erick is Yameli and Charly's son is Tono and that announcement would not have the same impact coming from him. Oh and Tono was the one who helped kill Yam's parents too.

Didn't Juanjo get a visible streak of blonde? I do not like the luke. At all.

Cannot wait til tonight! Again, appreciate all the support and kind words.


There are,a lot of weasels and weaseling in this show. Charlie in his arrogance and vanity is oblivious to what is happening around him. I keep hearing the song "You're so vain" by Carly Simon in my head.


Susanlynn, my animalitos are doing fine; thanks for asking. My infamous predator hasn't gotten any of my chickens anymore because I had a huge coop built in the area where the chickens used to sleep in the trees; they quickly learned that the coop was their new home. I still have all of my goats, but no more kids. The only male I kept is "fixed"!!

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