Monday, September 30, 2019

Primetime on Univisión (#1): Amor Eterno - Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2019

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series. AnonFri and Clara are providing some very appreciated recaps/details about “Amor Eterno.”  If some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute some highlights or a mini-recap for AE, I’m sure it would be appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TN covered by this page is:
  • 7-8PM   - Amor Eterno: Ep. 57-59
Only one TN is being covered by this page for now. Although there is really no need to identify it in your comment, you may continue to do so to avoid confusion in the future. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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Hey y'all how's it goin?

This show is really getting good. If I'm not mistaken the eterno puckerer
Want nihan to give him a child? No
Say it ain't so. There should never be no off off offspring with his DNA
Ever. Never. Ever. Well he(emir)took
Nihan to a cabin somewhere in the woods and was followed by zahir, I'm
Thinkin that's his name not sure any
Ways Kemal sent him and nihan saw him.
Nothing happened there,emir's daddy calls, And reads him the riot act about I don't know...raging his own personal war with kemal? Whatever, it got him away from nihan. Ill know fersher if What I assumed was mis-interperted.
Wont I have egg on my face :¤{


Vildan swears she will win the war against Zeynep. Onder says they must deal with her so that Ozan can be happy.

In Ozans room, Zeynep is still wearing the same red dress from the wedding. Nihan is at the foot of the bed, and Emir is eulogizing her, while Zeynep jealousy listens. Nihan leaves first for a breath of fresh air, Emir walks out after. zeynep makes a lame excuse about getting water, but Osan tells her hats what the help is for. Zeynep goes out anyway and asks Emir what it was that he wanted to say to her, and he blurts out the number of seconds it took for her to come out and see him.

Tariq is with Banu at the seaside.

Kemal sends a message to Nihan about his arrival. He’s greeted by the servant, and Nihan goes to see him at the front door. She accompanied Kemal to Osan’s room. At the same time the Efsane is calling Emir to let him now that Kemal is in the house. Emir curses him under his breath.

Kemal’s partner in crime is following Emir.

On the way to Osan’s room Kemal lets Nihan know that they need to talk but Nihan tells him he had plenty of time to do so before. He chooses not to say anything and goes into the room, Nihan waits on her toes.

Zeynep asks her brother about her parents but he didn’t give her any information. He asks to speak to Osan alone and lets him know that his parents are very disappointed they didn’t get to see Zeynep in a white wedding gown. Osan claims he loves her, but Kemal lets him know he doesn’t really know who Zeynep is. He describes her to him and tells him that they cannot live under the same roof as Vildan and Emir. He offers to help them financially to live elsewhere, and reminds Osan that his sister’s dream was to get married.

Nihan catches Zeynep eavesdropping. She asks her what she’s doing outside the door, but then gives her bags of clothes. She tells her that she looks like red riding hood with that red dress. Zeynep thanks her and lets Kemal know that she accepted the clothes from Nihan because all of her belongings are still home. Kemal tells Zeynep he will still continue to protect her.

Kemal and Nihan will go to speak elsewhere, because she asserts the house is full of spies. She takes him into his room, but not without a protest from Kemal. She assured him it is the safest room in the house. Once inside she jokes around that she has him in her hands. They get to business fast, Nihan tells him the tomb was empty and that Emir claims he sepulchered the lady elsewhere. Kemal doesn’t buy the story and tells her that it’s all part of Emir’s plan. Nihan tells him everything that happened when she was with Emir. Kemal tells her they need to be careful and find Karen. They will follow Emir wherever he goes and find a trace of evidence. Kemal then leaves her room.



Tariq takes the fun from the compartment in his car after Banu leaves. At the same time we see Tufan asking someone where Karen (?) was taken, but the person doesn’t know. Tariq calls him just after the person left and lets him know he wants to learn how to use the gun.

Osan asks Zeynep if she’s happy. He tells her about Kemal’s offer. Zeynep lets him know she doesn’t feel good about taking his help because they would be in debt to Kemal. She prefers Osan’s parents to do the funding, but he claims that his parents don’t want him to leave. Osan tries to convince her to accept Kemal’s offer instead, to which she agreed to, but her facial expression showed she has other plans.

Emir pulls into a driveway someplace, with Zehir calling Kemal to let him know he believes he found the hideout. Meanwhile Emir is threatening Karen. She asks about her husband. Tufan’s call interrupts him, and he asks him why did he take him out of the mission. Emir lets him know that he needs to know if he’s his right hand or a traitor. Tufan is displeased.

Leyla and Nihan are walking out of her home together. Kemal calls Leyla and tells her that he won’t be able to go to the auction. Nihan takes the phone and asks him why he’s not showing up. Leyla asks for Nihan’s keys so that she can drive while Nihan continues to talk to Kemal. He lets her know that Zehir found Karen. Nihan is upset but Kemal tells her to focus on the auction instead.

Galip’s worker is reporting on Leyla. Galip is upset but he still wants Leyla tailed.

Zeynep sees Vildan and tells her she wants to know everything about Osan’s disease. She tells her they will soon leave the house and they will be helped financially by Kemal. Vildan counters that they will not leave the home and she will not separate her from her son. Zeynep feebly feigns displeasure but she’s satisfied she’s staying at the hell house.

Zehir is in Kemal’s house and reporting the conditions of the hideout. Kemal declares they will go and save Karen. He enters the property and finds a hooked rod as his weapon. He finally finds a suitable entrance, while Zehir is pinching the wheels of a getaway car.

Kemal enters the house and sees two men watching television, their backs turned to him. Up the stairs, he finds Karen tied up in a room with tape over her mouth. He tries to calm her down as he’s freeing her, but Emir’s henchman is behind Kemal with a gun to his head. Kemal sensed it without Karen saying a thing, but Kemal takes down both henchman even though they had guns. Karen doesn’t want to leave without her husband but Kemal tells her hey don’t have time. They run out of the home and towards Zehir, who’s anxiously waiting for them in the car. He sees hem as thanks god, but Zehir asks where is the other person. Zehir believes Karen’s husband was transferred elsewhere. Karen will tell them everything she knows but only if her husband is saved. Kemal accepts the offer, though Zehir seemed less than enthused.

Tariq is practicing how to use his gun. Emir stands behind the bulletproof glass, watching him. Tariq lets Emir know that he wants to please him, and Emir encourages him, saying he will soon take over Tufan’s job. Tariq does not want to displace Tufan, but Emir convinces him he won’t, he will just be another addition to his armada. Tariq accepts the offer.


I wasn't able to see Monday's episode, Nina!

Thank you Clara for the info from Friday's episode.

The Sezin family really needs to let Osan grow up. He doesn’t do anything productive at all, and doesn’t even care to clear his name from the murder of the escort lady. It’s surprising that Emir’s constant threat of sending him to jail doesn’t motivate him in the least to help Nihan discover the truth; instead the man child selfishly plans his happiness at his sister’s expense. Even though he’s the one who can go to jail, he’s the least concerned with what really happened that night. Was he bought off by Emir early on? He doesn’t care at all about Nihan’s suffering.



Anon Fri, I just wrote -- and lost -- a recaplet of Tuesday thanks to recaptcha! Beyond frustrated, I was debating whether to try again and whew, I see yours! You saved my bacon. Plus, yours is far more entertaining and complete. Thank you !!

"Little Red Riding Hood," ha. And Nihan doesn't even know where that dress came from. But if I recall correctly, when Zeynep put it on many days ago, she didn't know she was getting married that day and would be unable to return home to her own wardrobe.

I thought Zeynep rather cleverly played going to Vildan to scuttle the housewife plan.

Yes AnonFri, you nailed Ozan's character. Or lack thereof.

Going back to Monday's episode, thanks for your recaplet, Nina. There was baby talk, but it was between Ozan and Zeynep [ack], not Emir and Nihan. I think Emir would be happy at this point, after 5 plus years of marriage, just to sleep with Nihan. He was pressuring her, but Kemal was able to get her out of the house by calling in a favor and getting Emir to have to leave to sign some documents ASAP.

Not totally sure, but I think scene between Emir and his pa was about buying Leyla's house. Emir wants to buy it for Nihan.

There was a scene, I think it was Monday, where Banu was fake accosted on the street as part of a set up to make Tariq pull the gun and get involved supposedly to protect damsel in distress Banu. Tariq decides he needs to learn how to operate the thing, and that led to last night's firing range scene and Emir's offer of replacing Tufan in his dangerous job.

Maybe the house auction will be tonight?

Thanks again guys. And thanks to RgvChick for the page.



Hey Clara,

I dislike recaptcha! It prevents me from posting on anything that isn't an android or windows computer. I don't understand why, but I've also lost information to that before. Sometimes it hurts to see it all disappear!

Yes, poor Nihan doesn't see the red herring with that little red riding hood dress. Zeynep is one of the wolves in that house! I fear for Osan, it seems like she won't have the patience to put up with him for long.


Thanks AnonFri for the recap.
And also thanks for The correction clara.

My bro is the one that thought emir was wanting an offspring, whew, she dodged A bullet. But osan and zeynep do not Need an offspring. Ever. Those families do not need to grow no more people.

I saw the episode for tonight but I'll hold My recaplet/comment till I hear from Someone who knows what they were actually Saying.
Tho I will say this, Tariq is stipud is what stupid does.
Kemal has got his hands full. And I'm
Gonna love seeing vildan fall. She'll
Deserve every anvil she will get, and they Will be many.

Thank you Ladies.


Leyla and Nihan’s car gets hit from behind by Galip’s henchman and so they slam into the car in front of them. They try to pay off the front car’s damages but the driver refuses and calls the police. A text message from that driver’s phone reveals he was paid off by Galip to stall the two women from going to the auction. Leyla is worried she won’t make it to put a bid on her house.

At the hell house, Zeynep is intruding in Emir’s room. She finds Nihan’s eyeshadow and puts it on, then continues to touch everything in the room. She swears that no one will kick her out of that hell house. (Don’t hold your breath for her revenge. Seems she’s only after getting Emir back)

Vildan is sitting in the auction room with her attorney. She receives a message from Galip that she needs to up the bid as high as possible because Leyla is on her way. Vildan eventually reaches 20 million, but buys the house for $25, above its value (which was 18 million. Did Galip fund this?).
Apparently it was Emir’s plan to get Kemal to find Karen first. Tufan shows up and Emir gives him Tariq as an assignment.

Kemal speaks with Karen to figure out where her husband may be. He asks Zehir if any of the other houses along Emir’s route caught his attention. Zehir asks “Will Karen be left alone here?” Kemal claims they all don’t have a choice. He tries to get Karen to provide information on the dead escort but she refuses because it would mean she would be useless to him afterwards. She wants her husband with her first.

Vildan won the auction. Leyla and Nihan run to find the auction room but upon seeing Vildan they knew she won. The two sisters stare at each other. Leyla is heartbroken and cries. Vildan gives her a week to leave the home. Nihan tries to comfort Leyla.

Leyla sits in her living room contemplating the loss. Nihan leaves her be.



Vildan won the auction. Leyla and Nihan run to find the auction room but upon seeing Vildan they knew she won. The two sisters stare at each other. Leyla is heartbroken and cries. Vildan gives her a week to leave the home. Nihan tries to comfort Leyla.
Leyla sits in her living room contemplating the loss. Nihan leaves her be.

Zehir and Kemal are in a car looking for the home that caught his attention. Nihan calls and lets him know that Leyla lost the home to Vildan. She asks him for an update. He tells her they’re now looking for Karen’s husband, and Nihan is shocked he hasn’t told her a thing sooner. He tells her he was busy, that she should comfort Leyla because she needs her right now. Nihan asks if he needs her too. He confirms, says he’s doing everything for both of them and they say their goodbyes.

Kemal and Zehir get their friends to distract Emir’s henchmen by fighting outside the cabin. They both run into he home as soon as they see the men meet the raucous group outside. Kemal frees Karen’s husband, happy to find him alive.

Nihan is comforting Leyla, letting her know they can still find a way to get her house back. Leyla claims she’s unsure if losing the family home is scarier than not having a place to go to. Nihan lets her know she’s not alone. They will find a way. Leyla regains hope.

Kemal calls Nihan to tell her they have Karen’s husband in the car with them. Soon enough she’s next to Kemal in the car, excited to finally learn the truth. She asks the husband if he’s ok. (He did seem a little too calm back there!)
They reach the hideout and Nihan freaks out. Karen was shot dead just before they arrived! Kemal couldn’t believe it. Nihan is breaking down and gives up hope that they will be together again.

Once everyone exits the cabin, Karen’s husband apologizes to her lifeless body, and calls the police, incriminating himself for her death. He walks out and tells them all to go, the police will arrive soon. Kemal wants to face the police together, but the husband says it will be inconvenient for them to stay.

Tariq the idiot is crying a car, next to Tufan. He shot Karen. Tufan is driving and callously tells him he has nothing to worry about, but Tariq couldn’t believe he murdered helpless Karen.

Emir is satisfied his plan went exactly as it was supposed to.


I was able to watch most of it yesterday. I definitely missed a few scenes, but I tried. I hope this helps, Nina.

I couldn't believe they chose to leave Karen alone. Although whoever had stayed with her would have likely died too.



O honey if helped me alot. Thank you Thank you Thank you so so much.

I can't believe they left her there alone either. What were they thinking? Not much apparently.
And to think stupid tariq did the killing. Maybe he pleased emir after all. The sensible DNA must have went to kemal and just totally skipped tariq n zeynep altogether.

Emir is a cold blooded killer. He did
Not pull the trigger(probly cuz he's to much of a coward). Narcissist are thst way after all. Stupid tariq. He will probly wind ip dead or in prison.

This heffa actually want this man that
Pretty much raped her(with her consent
Of course). She is just as twisted as he is. I'm more later gotta go.

Thanks anonFri.


Ok, more later, gotta go ^^^^

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