Monday, December 02, 2019

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Sultán, El Final del Paraíso, El Señor de los Cielos 7, y más: Week of December 2, 2019

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
  • 8-9PM  -    El Sultán
  • 9-10PM -   El Final del Paraíso
  • 10-11PM - El Señor de los Cielos 7
El Sultán begins Monday, December 2.   "A story full of love, betrayal and intrigue that tells the rise to power of "Suleiman the Magnificent", one of the most important figures in the history of the Ottoman Empire.  During his conquest of the world, 'Suleiman' will find himself in the midst of a power struggle between the two most influential people in his life, who will unleash a bloody game full of intrigue, conspiracy and death."

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I'm taking a look at this one. If I like it, I'll put up a recap. If not...well my long absence from commenting will continue!


EL SULTÁN – Primer Episodio – Parte 1 de 2

Kind of fun to see the main male character with male pattern baldness! And I was surprised to see a blue-eyed Turk, but then I don’t really know any Turks.

We begin in Manisa in 1520. This is a city in Turkey. Suleiman is out hunting (falconry) with some of his men. They notice riders coming. His men kneel and draw their bows to protect him. One of the approaching riders dismounts, bows, and says he brings news for the prince from the Grand Vizier Piri Pasha. Suleiman opens a scroll that says his father, Selim Khan, has died. One of the men understands, draws a sword and gives it to Suleiman, after declaring him Sultan of the Ottomans. They all kneel.

Karadeniz (The Black Sea). A number of women, young girls really, are in the hold of a ship. They are told to line up for food. All of them comply except for one, Aleksandra, who says she’d rather starve. She yells at the others not to eat that Ottoman soup. A guy tries to force her to eat, but she gets her hands on a knife and threatens to kill him. Another guy comes behind her and she ends up tied to a pole.

We see an obvious CGI image of Istanbul. Suleiman fondly greets his mother. His sister is there as well. She calls him lobezno (wolf cub). She orders a fancy caftan brought for him to wear.

He does a monologue starting with: I am Suleiman. We discover that he had three brothers who died. He was born in 1494. From the age of 10 he studied with Rumi masters. He was named a Prince of the Crown and the Governor of the Province of Manisa at the age of 16. He loves the mountains. He loves the stars. He’s the 10th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

Some older guys are talking. One Kafer AG says that there was another son of Sultan Selim, Obeiz, who was exiled. Piri Pasha tells hin to shut it. All these guys kiss them hem of Suleiman’s caftan.

Rome – the Vatican A cardinal tells the pope that Sultan Selim died and his son succeeded him. The pope muses: “the Lion of Islam died; now the lamb arrives.”

While tied to that post Aleksandra remembers her past. We see her sweetheart. A person shouts that the Tartars have arrived. Later we discover that this is Crimea. Alek’s whole family is killed in front of her eyes and she’s carried off.

At Topkapi Palace some guy chews out a cook. Is he perhaps the harem’s eunuch?

Suleiman’s friend is Ibrahim of Parga, a converso. [A Christian who converted to Islam}

The new female slaves arrive at Topkapi Palace. Some older woman, who appears to be in charge of the harem, glares at Akek.

Suleiman gives the Grand Vizier the same job he had with his father. He names Ibraham Jefe de su Aposentos Privados (head of the sultan’s bedchamber – probably more important than it sounds).

The Queen Mother has the rowdy Alek brought to her. The girl swears she’ll kill herself if they don’t let her go.


EL SULTÁN – Primer Episodio – Parte 2 de 2

Suleiman has sex with one of the favorites, Ayse. [We don’t really see anything.] He sends her away afterwards.

Ibrahim has a flashback. He says he was born in Parga (Greece), the son of a fisherman. He appears to have been captured. I’m not sure what happened in this scene.

The older woman in charge of the harem doesn’t like Alek’s defiance. But they say that the mother of Suleiman is the daughter of the sovereign of Crimea. A younger woman having some role in the harem, tells Alek that, if she plays her cards right, she can end up as one of the favorites.

Alek has a dream of her dead parents.

Suleiman talks with his mother. We find out he has a wife, one Mahidevran, and a son, Mustafa. We see a flashback that he has. He appears to love his wife. He’s setting an emerald for her.

When Suleiman walks through a hallway lined with the harem, everyone looks down, except for Alek. She calls out: “Sultan Suleiman!” He approaches her and appraises her. She sinks into his arms and then faints after saying his name once more.

The nobles of the court, at least one of them, appear to resent a converso having the sultan’s ear.

Suleiman asks an old man if his father suffered. He’s told that on his last night alive: despotricó contra usted. (Sounded off, or raved about Suleiman) Suleiman tells this man that he heard about the cruelty of Kafer AG against the Egyptians.

We then see said Kafer AG watching his money being counted. There’s less than he thinks there should be. He sends the guy counting the money to get the rest (from the Egyptians). If they don’t provide it, burn everything. And later tell the judge that it was those people who did the burning.

Suleiman gets a report of how rich his Empire is. He authorizes money for the Janissaries (Turkish infantry). He outlines his plans of conquest of the unfaithful. His first plan is to conquer Rhodes. He plans to make the Mediterranean Sea an Ottoman Lake.

He calls his council together and says that his throne is not more powerful than the laws of Allah. The Koran commands justice. The 600 Egyptian families that were kidnapped from their native land are free to return. They’ll get an indemnity for their losses. He orders Kafer AG to be tried immediately and to be punished for what he did.

Sin-Senos4 #77

as Cata has spent a few days alone with Titi, now she spends some alone time with Santi as Al and Titi prepare for the fight, (will she then spend some time with Al, doesn't look like it the way he is painting himself out of the picture).

Cata and Santi finally have a plan, find Yessica's relatives, but their joy is short lived, broken by a call from Mari, she will trade Cata's sister for Cata finding and returning her daughter, they'll set up the exchange later, the full weight of Mari kidnapping CataM and Nachi crushes Cata and Santi.

seems Alex is in on the plan as killing Cata is on his agenda, they toast as a family, and prepare to take off, Moncho groans.

Al drops by Marcela's, she's packed and leaving town, she's no dummy, 2 things she knows, she is not little al's mother and Cata will always be in Al's heart, but hey, he can stay in the apartment as long as he wishes.

Leon, Val's guy is tracking down Rog.

Val meets the press leaving Alf's funeral, she blames the Hand's successors for Alf's death, and knows Cata was there too, names her public enemy number one, later we hear there is a warrant for Cata's arrest.

Vane, Liset, and Francisco are hot on finding Amparo's kids, but wait, they get written notice from Rubens, the DEA office is closed.

when Val is asked why Cata has turned, she replies, Cata always wore a mask.

since their house was destroyed Leti's only proof that Valeria stole her daughters face is her word, Luis is hot on getting justice.

Mateo and Sal talk Maribel into secretly recording a confession from Jo who is under house arrest, which she does before Jo gets busy getting her ankle bracelet removed then bashes Maribel and has her guy put the bracelet on her, then taking her clothes and tying her up, they leave the house with Jo posing as Maribel, Mateo and Sal are watching from afar.

Jota lets Cata know they can talk to the red light girl, who has been busy stabbing a picture of Valeria, they do, and yes this will work, but the red light girl needs some more time to recover.

as everyone sees how Diabla has duped everyone, Titi calls Valeria, Al's girl.

the fight promoter shows, they talk business, but the fight has to be tonight.

Val is at Alf's office in Pereira, is this Enrique's ?? office now, they talk politics, but she wants to go far away, he wants her to run for prez and confirms that the party will back her.

is it Pilar and Fernando, Amparo's kids, working in a cafe, Vane and Liset corner them.

everything is coming together, taking down Diabla will be paradise for Cata, not so much for sadsack Santi, he has no way to prove his innocence and he has lost both (all 3 actually) of his kids, he gives Cata a kiss on the forehead as he flashes on the good times.

Val sets up Al's son return with Sasha and Quique.

Al has messaged Val that he'll get the guy responsible, it's not Cata, Val calls him back, she can't stop the investigation, but hey, her guards will rescue little al tomorrow, in return she wants him to never doubt her again, he's all in.



excellent recap Novelera!

I really miss how good you are at this, when I watched the sequel I was totally lost because of the newness of it all.

some defs from wiki,

Aga- was placed after the name of certain civilian or military functionaries in the Ottoman Empire.

Pasha- was a higher rank in the Ottoman political and military system, typically granted to governors, generals, dignitaries and others.

I missed the part about Rumi masters, interesting guy,

"I died to the mineral state and became a plant,
I died to the vegetal state and reached animality,
I died to the animal state and became a man,
Then what should I fear? I have never become less from dying."

so Suleiman worked with jewelry to learn patience, I think the emerald ring matches Alek's eyes, will she teach us how to faint?



Novelera: I'm assuming you've heard about Jaime whacking Mommy Amuhada ?


Thanks very much, novelera, for your superb recap. I watched the episode, but, like deb, I felt I didn't yet have a handle on who was who and what was what. Your recap helped immensely. And thanks too to deb for all the additional info.

I don't have anything important to add to the recap. Though I almost always avoid dubbed films and telenovelas, I decided to give this one a try. My hope was that perhaps the dubbed Spanish would be clearer, and that I wouldn't have to deal with lots of slang and bleeping. And I was right--as long as I didn't look at the people while they spoke, I was happy.

I enjoyed Aleks' role, and I loved her fake faint and her promise to show I don't remember who how to do this. And it's clear that Aleks has made a huge impression on Suleiman. When he should be doing other things, he finds himself thinking about her and remembering her faint. Even in this first episode, it seems highly likely that Aleks will have to battle the other women and, especially, the mother (Mahidevran) of Suleiman's son, Mustafa (who I thought was very cute). My only problem with the casting is that I think the woman who is supposed to be Suleiman's mother looks to be not much older than he is. Also, who is the older woman who seems to be in charge of the harem?

For now, I think I'll continue to watch.

Sin Senos & El Clon cast & mansion

I've been watching morning reruns of El Clon and was struck by the reusing of a family mansion and some cast members. The distinctive white modern minimalist double curving front staircase house that Marcial grabbed from Yesica and gave to Hilda was also the Ferrer family mansion in El Clon. Then I noticed some reused cast members:

Majida and Jordana Issa (Yesica and Amparo Beltran sisters, Sin Senos Si & El Final)
Majida played the conniving 2nd wife Rania in El Clon but lived in a traditional white mansion. She may yet pay a visit to the Ferrer mansion where she later lived with Mayor Anibal in Sen Senos Si. Jordana played minor character Zuleyka in El Clon.

Leonardo Acosta (Pres. Alfonso in El Final, club owner Rogelio in El Clon)

Stefania Gomez (Vanessa in Sin Senos Si and El Final, Vicky in El Clon)

Christian Tappan (original Octavio in Sin Senos No, Escobar in El Clon)

Roberto Manrique (Santi in Sin Senos Si and El Final, Alejandro in El Clon)

Linda Lucia Callejas (Hilda in Sin Tetas, Himelda in Sin Senos No and flamboyant Gloria, mother of Alejandro (Santi) in El Clon)

Monica Uribe (Marcela in Sin Senos No, Andrea in El Clon)

Sandra Beltran (evil Yesica in Sin Tetas, evil Alicia in El Clon)

Mijail Mulkay (Pedraza in Sin Senos No, Mohamed in El Clon)



Thanks for the kind remarks. The recap was difficult in that I had to look some things up. Yes, the dubbed Spanish is very clear, but somehow sounds a bit affected, not the way people normally speak i.e., it sounds intoned and overly dramatic. But the acting is good. I find Suleiman to be perfectly cast.

They more or less dispatched with a major villain, Kafer AG, sooner than I thought they would.

deb, I've heard that aga used after names before, but the Spanish caps put his name as Kafer AG, without a second A, so that's how I typed it. Adding the second A certainly sounds better.

I'm very intrigued by the exiled other son of Selim. Surely he'll appear at some point.

And, at least so far, the novela is not following the normal style; i.e., the rival of the heroine is an evil witch. He appeared totally in love with his wife. And she's seemed like a good person and an excellent mother. So, how is Aleksandra going to get him to fall in love with her? Maybe she's only going for lust.



YES.. SANTI..TIME..!!I LIKE HIM.. the strong silent type…but the revelation that Mari meth kidnapped Catamedia, didn’t stop them from loving that psycho..

Catamedia isn’t going to forgive nada…’Miss-me-with-that-Bullsh#$t’..!!!

AL bobo..did that idiot .. just rat ‘fink-tattle-tail-snitched..... Titi to Valeria!!!!!!!

Amparo’s children… and Amparo??? She survived??????

LOVED it..!!WHEN CG tells Jota.. shut up abt Vanessa, damn, you were just with her.. give it a rest…already!!

Catamedia is going to survive DR.EVIL JR…. AND MARIMETH..TRUST ME!!..


VALERIA AND MEET-THE- PRESS…she goes all-in.. and BLOWS, CG UP!!!

RUBEN.. how the heck does ONE, close a DEA branch office.. in a NARCO STATE???

MARIBEL, I AM SORRY ,YOU DESERVED to have that VASE…. busted-upside-your-head. Ouch!!saw that coming a mile away…..LOL!!

Titi calling Valeria-- whoo---whee!!...AL bobo’s girl!! LOL !!! TOO TRUE!! THE LINE OF THE NIGHT..!!! HE hit it on the head!!

WHA??...Who are these[GREEDY] POLITICIANS that want Valeria to run for president!! gOSH!!…Berrios was a klutz , but a brilliant klutz… the man could stand for Comprehensives and site primary sources and cross reference material in his sleep!!

Poor Santi, he was working… with Zoraya??!! he fell for a pretty face.. and the curse that came with it!!





I saw the last two versions...hope it is a different script..

I will enjoy this one, because I will be rooting for his grand mother and the women who run the harem...they have some serious domestic influence on the political outcomes.. the relations trumped all, with all the intermarriage/ political marriages...
so the sultan had a Sufi his spiritual counsel... Rumi was an incredible poet and Sufi [mystical branch of Islam] muslim / whirling dervish....they accepted and still accept, women mystics..

so the sultan may be progressive..??he is going to need all the his arsonel . ..cause Sufi's had /still have, women leadership and spiritual discourses …

....but the court is not going to agree with his interpretations of the Hadith / traditions..

we saw this last night when he made the proclamation abt the Egyptians/ Mirs' ,who were being exploited ….he upheld his edict by using Suras / passages from the Quran/ not Sharia law.!.

RUMI poems: constant veneration [ Zhikr / Islamic 'rosery' ] of the 'Beloved' [Allah-hu] = Love for [God/Allah]...the Triple Flame [heart / qulb / tulip ] with God... total immersion with Allah....

I hope this series moves fast... it should... Univisions version was long!!


Sultan #1


thanks a did a great job..

I enjoyed the last version , of SULTANA....I loved all those domestic politics and loved to watch how the political marriages influenced national relationships…...

So, the Sultan was educated by[ RUMI DEVOTEE/ Sufi Imams… I hope he can keep those spiritual principles in good stead given the court he has to lead....

He hit the ground running ,when he had the Aga arrested, for exploiting the Egyptians/Mirs’..

In the other series, his sister was married to the Egyptian prime minister..?? will this carry over???

I am team mother/grandmother.. and the women who run the harem…

Rumi ,was an extraordinary Sufi poet….he encapsulated the essence of Sufi devotion and meditation on the TRIPLE FLAME…the love of God [Allah-hu ]

-Rumi's poems..were prayers to the ‘Beloved’ [Allah]….to praise Allah constantly [Dhikr/ Islamic rosary; continuous meditation on the 99 names/qualities of Allah[God]…

Sufism the Mystical branch of Islam..has/still accepts women as prophets and mystic and intellectuals of Islamic philo./ Sharia-law/finance/Quranic discourse/Hadith..etc..

Sufi women are also part of the practice of meditation known as Whirling Dervishes….
……A state of ecstasy /union with -Triple Flame /Qulb/heart of God/Allah….!

Sufi music incorporates many of Rumi's poems.....lovely!! Bliss....bliss with the Beloved!!

This sultan is going to need all the moral anchors he has…he made his decision to compensate the Egyptians, based on Hadith / prophet Moham.traditions [ Royal house]….…Not….!!....Sharia Law.!![ court ].

The confrontations and in fighting will start here!!!

trust me!!!


I was going to try to do a short recap, but I found that I still can't tell who is who, nor can I follow some of the details, especially about the situation vis a vis other countries. I have a hard time recognizing the various women and telling them apart. So instead of a recap, I'll just mention some of my thoughts and impresions.

When I saw Mustafa in episode one, I thought he was a cute kid. In episode two, however, I find him a spoiled brat. He thinks he owns the palace and can order anyone around, even his grandmother! He orders her to take him to his father. His abuela isn't pleased, to put it mildly. "How dare he speak this way!" she exclaims. Mahidevran, Mustafa's mother, apologizes, but her mother-in-law tells her "Mothers should be smarter." The abuela tells her bossy nieto that "there's only one ruler in this palace, El Sultán Suleiman Khan his Excellency." She makes Mustafa repeat what she has said.

Aleksandra and the other captive women are told that they will dance for the Sultán. The Telenovela Magic Dance Studio apparently gives instant lessons that permit them not just to dance but to perform routines in sync. Aleks goes all out to impress the Sultán. While the others are sitting on the floor after their dance routines, she continues to dance alone rather erotically. Suleiman responds by tossing her a fancy violet handkerchief (pañuelo). Later, she is told that she will be with the Sultán that night.

Aleks apparently tells Maria or one of the other girls that she is going to be with the Sultán not just for one night but for a thousand and will make him her slave. Someone apparently overhears her (or makes the whole thing up, though it does sound like the sort of thing Aleksandra would say) and reports this to the Sultán's mother. The mother tells the reporting woman to keep an eye on Aleksandra. She adds, "I know what I'll do."

What she does is apparently arrange for one of Mahidevran's attendants to block the door to the Sultán's chamber that evening and for Mahidevran to enter instead of Aleks. Suleiman has been preparing himself for Aleks' arrival, making sure that his shirt opens to show his sexy chest hair (the equivalent, perhaps, of women showing off their boobs). He turns around, expecting to see Aleks, only to find Mahidevran. His face doesn't reveal his disappointment, but he soon finds an excuse to send Mahidevran off to spend the night with Mustafa, claiming he has work to do (the male equivalent of "I have a headache"). He then sends for Ibrahim and chews him out for allowing Mahidevran (whom he refers to as a "stranger") to enter rather than Aleks.

Suleiman later goes to see his mother and warns her not to interfere in his life and his decisions. She tries to look puzzled, but he assures her "you know what I'm talking about," and he warns her, "People who try to control me get what they deserve."

Meanwhile, Aleks tells Maria about encountering Mahidevran. "She looked at me and was afraid I'd steal her husband. And I will." A moment later, someone enters the room where Aleks and Maria are talking and tells Aleks, "You will attend the Sultán tonight." I think that's where the episode ends.

I'm aware that I've said nothing about all the political and diplomatic machinations in the episode. I simply couldn't keep them straight.

Sin-Senos4 #78

Mari can't come up with a plan, Moncho wants to help.

Santi grabs his gun, writes a note for Cata and leaves.

Mari and Sebas meet Santi but he pulls his gun on Mari, he's going to shoot, oh wait, this is Mari's dream, she tells Moncho her dad is not well.

Cata meets Vane and Amparo's kids, she tells them Diabla's face story, wants their testimony and offers them justice, Fernando backs off.

Maribel gets loose, calls the police then Sal, as Jo arrives at Hilda's saying it's a good day to die, but she hesitates so long Sal and Mateo crash in, Sal fights her for the gun, yep, he gets shot, and as Jo swings it up to get Hilda, Mateo knocks her arm away, the bullet clips Hilda's arm, as Jo runs for it, Mateo in pursuit, ducking the shots till she is out of bullets, the police with Maribel cut her off, scooping her up.

Cata finds Santi's note, he'll return when he has cleared his name and reclaimed what was his, as Hilda calls to bring her up to date on Sal.

Mari is hitting the blue juice, tells Moncho Sebas won't help and she doesn't trust his mom, she just wants to see her daughter.

Sal has lost a lot of blood and the Doc informs Hilda he has a rare blood type and they don't have any in stock, Hilda must find a donor, as Angelina Roberts, the queen of fashion calls her, she hands the phone to Mateo, not now.

wandering Al swings by Hilda's and learns of Sal, Leticia and Luis corner him, telling the story of their missing daughter, he says he knows it's true for you but he must find his own truth, and leaves.

Diabla double checks on Al's sons rescue setup, she doesn't want him hurt (is she setting up the nannys), then digs up Alf's hidden phone in his old office that he used with his FBI connections.

Cata tells the gang about Santi leaving as Al wanders in hearing the news, is he worried that Santi might go after Val?

Jota and Vane talk about going away, Hilda calls because Hulk Jota has that same blood type Sal needs, yep he is in, but tells Vane this is why we need to leave or things like this will always be happening.

Nelly tells future prez Val that the Sin Senos foundation is a go, but the name is already registered, Val assures her there are ways to fix these things.

Sebas corners sis in the head, he wants to know whose side she is on, your's of course, and she enlists his help to have Alex land the plane so she can turn over CataM, but first she needs to extract her revenge.

she spills all to Moncho, will she turn over CataM?, nope, they talk of going away, mom Reina listens from around the corner.

Mateos and Maribel are off to the police to make sure Jo gets locked up, Jota and Vane take their place at the hospital, the doc cautions Hilda, Sal has gone into shock and the blood is no guarantee he will recover.



1.) El Capo, Ojeda & Volpi still plotting more chaos against the Casillas family, who are downright lazy!

2.) Carla imploring the Mexican people on the ongoing violence.

3.) Berenice still has no damn clue that Jaime was the one, who whacked Mommy Amuhada.

4.) Rutila needs to get a backbone & tell that Colombian chick to get lost.

5.) Luzma & Isturiz as a couple ?

6.) Castillo & Carla having some problems lately ?


Thanks so much for the recap, Juanita. I agree that the geopolitical stuff was very confusing. I kept replaying those parts of the dialog. One of the things that made it confusing was that they used the names of the countries and the names of the rulers in Spanish and we're used to hearing them in English.

Someone, the Grand Vizier maybe? mentioned that Carlos wants to be Holy Roman Emperor. We know him as Charles V. According to the Wiki he was HRE from 1516. So our novela begins in 1520 and, IIRC, Suleiman mentioned his trying to become HRE. He should have already been in that role by 1520.

Also they mentioned the names of European rulers in Epi #1, Francisco and Enrique. This would be Francis I and Henry VIII. I knew about Charles HRE because Catherine of Aragon appealed to him, think he was a nephew, for help preventing the divorce.

Anyway, the guy who showed up and was forced to kneel was an envoy from Venice. It was hard to understand all of this conversation, but Suleiman basically said he planned to rule over many countries.

I thought Suleiman did have sex with his wife. He managed to not look totally disappointed when he saw her. And they showed them in bed together with the classic of the woman with a sheet covering her chest but her arms and shoulders bare. But he then dismissed her in a very cool manner. And he refused to give her the emerald. Wonder if Aleksandra will end up with it.

I'm not thrilled with Aleksandra, or maybe it's the actor portraying her. I liked the rebellious side of her, but now she just looks smug all the time.

She really did say that thing about a thousand and one nights and making him her slave, but then she laughed and said it was broma, but I think the sour faced harem boss had already left her eavesdropping spot by then.


thanks Juanita, always love reading your posts.

if you want to poke around the internet, the original name of the show is "Muhteşem Yüzyıl" (The Magnificent Century)

yes, names are tough, and it gets worse when they change them and their titles and hats, here is the cast list,
(their later names including titles that are used here may be spoilers)

if you click on the character name you can get pics and other names for the character.

Hatun- "used as an honorific for women during the Ottoman period."
Vizier- "is a high-ranking political advisor or minister."
Grand Vizier- "was the title of the effective head of government of many sovereign states in the Islamic world."

what I took away from the geopolitical stuff was a governor had broken away and aligned with the arabs and the pope decided to back the rebels of the east to slow down the Sultans expansion to the west.

keep in mind Aleksandra's scene with her ghost family, that her goal is to get revenge and give them peace.

of interest, the Topkapi Palace, where this takes place, was later abandoned and is today a museum open to the public.

I have seen the sequel, "Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem" which occurred 37 years after the death of Suleiman, I'm amazed that it is almost the same story with different characters that even look like these guys.


No thanks. Not watching that train-wreck.


Welcome back Novelera and Juanita! And thanks for recapping the first two episodes.

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve seen the first several episodes of El Sultan (Magnificent Century) in Turkish with English subs on Netflix. I was sorry I didn’t have the time to continue before it left.

I have to agree with Juanita that dubbing hinders the enjoyment of a show.

I’m questioning why Telemundo chose to air Kosem before Sultan. Kosem had references to events and people from Suleiman’s reign and they are spoilers for Sultan. The writers take dramatic license for sure but the two shows are based on historical fact and, like deb mentioned, one must be very careful when looking up info to avoid spoilers.




El Final del Paraíso

Weather conditions in my area knocked out my OTA TV reception Monday and Tuesday night. What a time for this to happen, final week! I went ahead and read your recaps anyway, deb. Can't add anything but my thanks. I intend to catch up tonight online and hopefully comment tomorrow.



Dondi356: I'm assuming you've watched last night's episode ?


Enjoyed last night...

Yes!! ...the version" SULTANA was the bomb.. espec..after the older stuffy versions of Sultan... that version was more Spanish western European than Turkish...

Kosem….was the bomb... I loved that show.. was light, lively and had a tight story line...and had a sexy Pasha who was in love with the sultans mother...

….too many versions..of this I need to see if its a do-be??!! or a don't -be...

Sin senos#4 FINAL#78

Yes!!.. Moncho may be cool after all, cause Marijuana [ no disrespect to spliffs-joint] is a wreck… Alex has her brother’s ‘nose-wide-open’…was he always so needy ….

That dream with Santi shooting them both dead…works for me…

Amparo’s kids…RUN -RUN -FOR -YOUR-LIVES !! DON’T HELP CG with nada..nunca..hell-nah!!

Maribel.. too funny ,sorry. It was cray cray!! And Sal. It’s abt time you took a bullet…you acerbated this mess.Mateo is the man!!

Okay so jota is the blood type.. good, Sal will get incredible HUNK jolts…lucky !!
Vanessa the woman is a saint!!

Marimath know Sebas is lost… But Reina you need to stop being Momma- Presentata….!

Nelly,what the heck is your problem are you in love with Valeria, why would you believe and support her over Berrios???!!!!!??? And the phone. Berrios, dude you had no STREET SMART..??!

AL BOBO… LET POOR MARCELA get on with her life and let’s get the fight a-going!!
Cg. CAN’T BELIEVE ALBOOB, doesn’t believe her. The man is in love with Valeria!

TEAM SANTI..!!! ALL THE WAY…. Shadow was right. Give him space ,he’s life is a wreck!!!



Belated thanks, novelera and deb, for your very helpful comments and added information. Yes, novelera, you're right, Suleiman did have sex with Mahidevran. I guess I mostly remembered how he dismissed her afterward, but I do remember that we saw them in bed in a standard post-coital pose.

And deb, I agree that Aleksandra's primary motivation still seems to be to avenge the deaths of her family. I'm not shre whether that will continue to be her main concern or whether she'll become more enamored of wealth and power.


EL SULTÁN – Miercoles

The Queen Mother (don’t think I ever got her name) chews out Mahidevran, thinking she ratted her out to Suleiman about switching women the night before. [From now on Mahidevran is M; not typing that over and over!] When M complains about how different he is the QM says that of course he’s different; now he rules the world.

A woman is shown named Gulfem. [This confused me.] They said she was the first wife of the sultan but she lost her baby and presumably favor. Since M was so cordial, I wondered if Gulfem had been a wife of Suleiman’s father. Still not sure.

Sambul leads Aleksandra to Suleiman’s bedchamber. We see him with his back to the door actually looking a bit nervous. She follows the instructions: Doesn’t meet his eyes, kisses the hem of his caftan. When he nuzzles her neck, she faints. He places her on the bed, concerned. But she says she was just emotional because of having to wait so long for him. [!] They kiss.

M is miserable, knowing where he is. Ibrahim plays the violin and it looks like Suleiman’s sister, Hatice, I think, may have a thing for him. Suleiman tells Aleks that Ibrahim is his falconer, his companion for seven years.

Aleks gets up and admires the emerald. But he calls her back to bed. She makes him laugh using incorrect Turkish. She doesn’t leave in the morning and they have a great time eating, laughing, and kissing.

M apparently has a regular Thursday night with Suleiman. She is getting gussied up and one of those harem bosses tells her that Aleks is still in his bedroom.

We see Aleks imitating several court people while he roars with laughter. He renames her Hurrem, something that gives light and happiness to one’s face.

She tells the harem her new name when she returns.

Mustafa is told that it’s Friday and he’s going to the mosque with his father to learn to pray.

Hurrem is moved to a private room and she bounces on the cushions like a child.

Suleiman gets a scroll that was placed in the mosque. Some cotton merchants complain about their taxes being higher than the ones the Venetians have, and Suleiman lowers them.

The QM is trying to cheer up M so she organizes a women’s party with music and dancing. Hurrem looks on from the favorites’ balcony. M insists that she come down and then orders her to dance, probably to humiliate her. But M doesn’t like how sexy she looks doing it.

Suleiman is gesturing to some map drawn in the sand. He talks about his ancestors who were unable to conquer Rhodes, but he plans to do it with over 400 boats.

When M sarcastically calls Hurrem Alexsandra and compliments her dancing, Hurrem insists on being called by the name Suleiman gave her. When M calls her insolent, Hurrem tells her she’s insolent. At this the QM has her dragged out. She ends up in a cell. When M asks her to apologize, she refuses and stays in the cell.


Thanks so much, novelera, for another excellent recap. I am constantly amazed at how you manage to capture everything so clearly and succinctly.

Ah, so Hatice is Suleiman's sister. Thanks for clearing that up. And I love your using QM to refer to Suleiman's mother (Queen Mother). I remember yesterday trying to figure out a quick way to refer to her. From now on, she's QM.

I would have thought that after the warning that Suleiman gave the QM in last night's episode about not interfering with his affairs, she might have been less harsh with Aleks/Hurrem. I see an explosion coming.

One thing that totally puzzled me was the bit near the end involving Nasuh, the guy who keeps drawing people and events in his notebook/sketchpad/whatever. He apparently also plays matrak, which Google says is "an Ottoman combat sport based on sword and shield fighting." Ibrahim tells Suleiman about this, and Suleiman wants to play with Nasuh, as long as Nasuh will say nothing about Suleiman's skill level. I have no idea where this is going.

Sin-Senos4 #79

Amparo's kids are with Cata at the pool hall, they will help, Cata worries Diabla will try to kill them if she finds out, they can stay here and they do, we learned that after Amparo's death they messaged aunt Yessica that they were returning to Venezuela where she couldn't find them.

[Amparo’s kids…RUN -RUN -FOR -YOUR-LIVES !! DON’T HELP CG with nada..nunca..hell-nah!!] ha ha Halimacandy!

rather than going to Alex, Reina confronts Moncho, are you betraying me, you need to choose between her and me, she needs his loyalty, he plays along, wanting to be Capo among Capos, this appears to work, she wants him to get rid of Mari.

as Val is heading to her car a lone hooded gunman grabs her, it's phantom Dan, nope, it's Santi, she makes with the talk, how Cata was spreading her legs for the narcos while she was making money, but Santi has already walked down Cata's past, Diabla sees he's shaking, a doc that has never killed a fly, he doesn't show fear, says he's excited, his eyes glisten, and the shots ring out, but not his, 3 shots to the back from Leon, Diabla's rant at Leon shows she was shaken. (hmm, is this how who ends up with Cata is decided, last man standing)

the dark fight of the century begins,

rd1, looks like they could use some xy5.
rd2 things pick up, a couple of good licks.
rd3 Titi gets a good shot to Al's face, followed by a kick to the head, Al is dazed, blood is spurting everywhere.

the card girl announces rd4, she appears to Al as Cata, he is rejuvenated, and gets in some good hits, kicks, and a jumping punch from above, crumbling Titi.

rd5, the card girl is now Cata for Titi, if he wins they will meet later, he's on.

the orbiting plane toasts to the plan, Mari turning over CataM to Alex, then getting CataG, Mari soaks in her blue juice.

the Doc questions using Hulk Jota's blood, they will analyze it, Hilda frets.

Maribel and Mateo present their evidence at the police station (a bullet casing?, apparently the cops didn't get any) it looks like they might send Jo home, what? Mateos is flipping.

Diabla watches the narco ladies at her house, they are getting restless, tells Leon to get rid of the 2 that deliver Al's son, oh and what about Santi, they gave him an underground suite, with pics of his burial so Diabla would have the proof she wanted.

the news announces an attempt on the first lady's life, but no identity is given, Cata wonders if it was Santi, she fills in Vane.

Moncho spills on his talk with mom, this confirms for Mari that Reina wants her dead, you'll betray me right?, (poor Moncho, has she ever heard anything he has ever said)

what's this, Santi crawling out of his dark grave, ripping off his bullet proof vest (no one noticed), but wait, he says where am I?, who am I?, and runs off...



thanks so much novelera for the recap, love your view on things.

having been through the sequel, I know how difficult it can be getting oriented, let me see if I can help.

Mahidevran is the mother to Suleiman's oldest son (only one at this point) Mustafa, who is heir to the empire, so until Gülfem has a son (which isn't likely) she is not a threat, so they are like sisters ?? but later on when other women have Suleiman sons, there will be attempts to make their child the heir.

in the sequel it was customary that when a person became Sultan he would have all his brothers killed, Suleiman's brothers have already died, but there is this other heir that was exiled.

Mahidevran's Thursday night with Suleiman was because it is a holy day, and a son conceived on this day is blessed ??, Hurrem knew this and made sure that day was hers.

interesting how Suleiman's "ancestors who were unable to conquer Rhodes", instead of a larger force Ibrahim suggests they divide and conquer, so they are sending sympathetic Romans into the island as traders.

Nasuh is an interesting guy, intelligent, quick, good memory, never buys his own drinks, he knew who Ibrahim was and had a drawing he made, Ibrahim is quick to pick up on these things, oh and loved his violin, as Hatice watched, err listened to him.


Not interested.


1.) El Capo & his cohorts keep upping the ante & increasing the Body Count in the 7th & final Season.

2.) The incompetence of the Casillas family continues to amaze me even further: I hope Amado & Diana take over the family biz in the end because at least they know what they're doing.

3.) Rutila needs to get a backbone & get her Swagger back.

4.) Valeria & Joaquin continue to crack me up. Big question is how long before they become liabilities to El Capo ?

5.) Evalina is intriguing.

6.) More incompetence from DEA, DHS, FBI, etc., particularly Navarro, who cannot resist his attraction to Ambar, who is playing him for a fool.

7.) Jaime isn't going to tell Berenice that he whacked Mommy Amuhada because he badly wants to be President of Mexico in 2024.

8.) Gomez Labrador's pathetic weakness policy of "pacific-ying the drug dealers" is backfiring as I see that "EDSLC" is using the ongoing violence affecting the Gomez Labrador government, which is really based on the disastrous AMLO kissing up to the drug cartels policy.

9.) Jaime better hope El Capo didn't make copies because that dude has videos everywhere of anything.

10.) El Chema needs to go down.

11.) Volpi & Ojeda are upping the ante even further. Dalia is basically worthless.

12.) Corina might want to use more extreme measures.


Thanks, deb and Juanita for mentioning the interesting part at the end with this Nasuh. Wasn't in the mood for a long recap, so I just left that out.

I'm enjoying this novela. I can't imagine how I missed the others. I believe Dondi said that there had been one on Telemundo and also on Univision.

I'm completely new to Turkish novelas, and I can see why people like them.

I find the actor playing Suleiman quite attractive, especially when he smiles or laughs.


El Final del Paraíso

Thanks, deb, for the recap.

Ha, ha, naughty words appeared in the English subs online, F bombs galore. They were blanked out in the Spanish subs.

Reina is a real piece of work. Good mothers are in short supply on this show.

Speaking of mothers/parents, Vane and Jota took off for the hospital who was watching Nanita?

So Marcela isn’t around to baby sit anymore. Good for her. She’s a smart woman—too smart for Bobeiro.

Absolutely outrageous if Jo goes back home. Aren’t there any non-violent offenders they can release on house arrest.

That was a shock to see Santi shot. I hoped he would be wearing a vest. None of the bad guys noticed the absence of blood? But when I saw him getting covered in dirt with a little blood on the side of his face, wow. With 3 more episodes to go he doesn’t know who he is.

Leon’s looking a bit shifty. Is he up to something?

Still don’t get what Moncho sees in Mari.

I had a chuckle when Diabla said another man dies because of Catalina Santana.


sin senos


thanks... glad you appreciate it...

Gosh..I am a mess....Santi..!! no! no!!!!!.. but he is walking away from CG... and his old life...and GOOD RIDDENCE!!


THERE ARE NO GOOD MOMMAS... just Mf'ers…!!.. the loves that love their kids are cray cray!!!



I -am -in- it- to- win- it!!!

EVERY BODY that just posted... is correct!!!..... why this order of the series.... and their has never been a son of sultan Suliman...[everybody claims this name].. or the sons of Kosem…
part 2.. cause everybody ends up dead...

ladies of the court are some thing to watch.. they really drive the country...…


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