Thursday, May 20, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Diseñando Tu Amor, ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? & La Hija del Embajador - Week of May 17, 2021


1) Si Nos Dejan premieres on June 1st @ 9PM (E)

2) La Hija del Embajador 1a Temporada: Gran Final May 24th at 10PM (and Season 2 will start May 25th!)    

3) Te Acuerdas de MI?: Gran Final May 25th at 9PM

 Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! JoelD is impressing with his recaps of Diseñando Tu Amor ; and Dondi356 is is steadfast with the amazingly detailed recaps for La Hija del Embajador and we are ever so grateful! Minicaps are also being provided for ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi? by yours truly and Diana. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8PM -  Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep. 18-19

9PM: - ¿Te Acuerdas de Mi?: Ep 72-73 (Últimos Capítulos!)

10PM – La Hija del Embajador: Ep. 53-54 (Últimas Capítulos de Primera Temporada!)

Click “Read More” for additional info—

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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It seems that kahraman does have a conscience. Good for him. I was so
Happy to see that sweet little face
When gediz opened that door. I was
Thinking it was sancar coming to
Cry on his bff's shoulder but it was something better. That little actress is so good at facial looks.
She was really sleepy. Now I want her to tell her parents what that nasty heffa said to her. Yahya can
Go crawl on a hole Im just done with him. Sorry cus. How could he do that to that little girl. She's the sweetest breath of fresh air on the show.

So I'll comment some more tomorrow.
Good night all.

Ps,Love elvan. The girl got spunck!
And she's on time for that mean ass
Ok for real good night.

ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark

How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? Tolkien

Previously: The truth is out there – Eddy has bravely revealed the tragic murder of Antonia by Fausto’s hand. Eddy speaks with his Juliet, telling her that before he makes a formal declaration, he must see her, and assures her they will rescue her. Faby tells her Romeo that he has been and always will be her hope and salvation. Alas, Faby’s timing is askew – she is detected as she rounds the corner, her captors in hot pursuit. Hearing her peril, Octavio yells to her on the phone but in fleeing for her very life and soul, she trips, rolling down the stairs, landing unconscious!

After a brief argument, Octavio quickly leaves with Emilia and Eddy to go check on Faby (they did not want to be left behind). At the scene, the security goons note that she is not responding. At the stairwell, the paramedics (who must have conveniently been in the vicinity) arrive.

Vera is at Antonia’s grave when Lola arrives and ask what happened. Vera berates herself for being an idiot; she allowed herself to be duped in the worst way. Pedro was right all along Vera laments. Olmo AND Fausto murdered Tomas. When Lola, clearly shaken, asks if she is absolutely sure, Vera assures her she is, confiding that there is a witness, Laiza’s father, who already confessed. Vera cries as she sobs that that is not even the worst news…Fausto killed her mother!

After searching the mansion, Jass relays Vera and Pedro are nowhere to be found. Fausto is contemptuous Jass allowed Vera to escape. Lashing out like a petulant child, Jass demands to know why Vera is so important to him when he is the one who takes care of him! He is the one who lost his family because of Fausto. He would give his life for him but all he worries about, all he cares about is Vera! As Fausto stands and walks to him, Jass asks what it is that Vera has that he doesn’t.

At the cemetery, Lola wonders what Vera will do now with the information she has. When Vera replies that she is going to go far away with Nico and Pedro, Lola argues that this is not the time to give up. Vera has been through so much and she is so close. Listening to the encouragement of her oldest and dearest friend, Vera quickly agrees. With a look of stern determination, she turns to Antonia’s grave and declares she will finish what she started. The two heartbroken women, bound by their love and devotion to Antonia, share their grief with a hug as tears cascade down their faces.

A livid Fausto tells Jass not to be so dramatic; Jass is just as important to him as Vera (translation – neither are the least bit important). Fausto scathingly tells him to stop crying before Fausto loses respect for him. Fausto chastises his son for not being too smart lately. He threateningly barks that Jass had better find Vera and Pedro and get his wife and son back. Lastly, he had better MOVE!!!

Olmo and Ivana discuss the family hierarchy. Apparently Faby’s place is assured and Pedro has no place.


ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 2

Faby is taken back to the apartment in a wheelchair, bruised and scraped, her arm in a bandage. Ivana storms in and is told that Faby fell down the stairs. Instead of comforting her as any mother would, Ivana chooses to scold, not sympathize. Olmo dismisses the guards and asks what happened. Faby snaps that she only wanted to talk to her father; this would not have happened if her mother didn’t have her locked up like a prisoner! Ivana spews her disgust that Faby fell because she was stupid and wanted to go look for Octavio. When Faby yells back that Octavio is the only one who worries about her, Olmo suggests that they both calm down…the doctor will check Faby.

At Marina’s apartment, Andres tells Pedro that he does believe him. Marina ugly cries as she kneels at Pedro’s knee, distraught and heartbroken trying to process the news. She assures him that she knows he would not make up something like that, but it is difficult for her to accept that her father is a murderer…it’s a nightmare.

Olmo tries to convince Ivana to back off a bit with Faby who is close to being at the age of majority. If things continue to escalate, if she leaves, Ivana will never see her again. Ivana argues that she is not going to allow Faby to do whatever she wants, Faby needs to learn to respect and obey! Olmo then reminds Ivana that Faby could have died…and it is because of Ivana’s insistence that Faby came close. Meanwhile, there is a commotion in the hall as the security guards fend off Octavio, Emilia and Eddy who arrive, wanting to see Faby. Ivana contemptuously reminds Octavio that he does not have permission to see Faby. Octavio counters that just because he doesn’t have custody does not mean that he can’t see Faby; he urges Ivana to stop being so manipulative! She waves them off with her hand as if they were insects crawling on a screen. After Olmo shouts, “Enough!” The guards escort the trio out; and as they leave, Faby bangs on the door shouting to her father and asking that they not leave her there! As she yells, the doctor reaches for an injection.

Cut Scene. At the mansion, Alicia arrives with dessert. She notes that Fausto is upset and correctly guesses that it must be because Vera left. Fausto confirms and adds that he has tried calling Vera but she does not respond…and what is odd is that she took Nico. When he feigns anguish that Olmo might have taken her, Alicia reminds him that Vera left with Pedro…they must be fine! Fausto argues that Vera left in a rush, so Alicia points out that he would not allow Vera to see Pedro…and she points out that anyone is capable of doing crazy things in the name of love. Once calmer, Fausto thanks her for being there and for being so supportive, he loves her…(as bile rises collectively in viewerville’s throats).

Teo knows that it is too soon to celebrate but he wants to toast his grandmother who is risking her life by being at Fausto’s house. Lola suggests that they also toast Antonia and Pedro suggests that they toast his father. Gonzo tells them that they need to act quickly to make sure the two criminals pay for what they did. Pedro thinks they need to find a secure place where they can meet since Olmo’s men have already been to his apartment as well as Teo’s apartment and Lola’s store. Lola knows a secure spot so she will take care of this. Vera then adds that they also need to protect Eddy since he will be in danger once he gives his statement. They all toast to success.



ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 3

At the viper’s hotel nest, Olmo persistetly continues to try to convince Ivana to ease up on Faby. He reminds her of the advice she gave him to get Gaston and Marina back by being sweet as honey and wonders why she doesn’t follow her own advice. Ivana explains that I is different with Faby who is even more stubborn than she is. Olmo cautions that if Ivana continues being harsh with Faby, Faby will end up hating her. He then adds that being ruthless with enemies is one thing but with family, you need a gentle hand. When Ivana brings up Pedro, Olmo quickly spews that Pedro is NOT of the family and he will never be! Olmo then gives up and leaves.

At police headquarters, Gonzo, accompanied by Octavio and Emilia, tells Eddy that what he is about to do is the bravest thing Gonzo has seen in his entire career. He assures Eddy and Emilia that he will do everything possible to protect them. Eddy smiles and comments that he thought that lie detectors were only a thing done on TV…and he asks if, by doing this, the young man who was put in prison will be released. Gonzo assures him that he will personally make sure of it. Eddy then starts his statement. He is asked what he saw and Eddie courageously tells his truth. He saw Fausto, Raul Bernal, kill Antonia.

Faby wakes with a headache and asks the doctor who she is. The doctor introduces herself and tells Faby that she has been monitoring Faby to make sure she is all right. When the doctor asks if she remembers that she put a brace on her, Faby moans in pain, holding her head. As the doctor gives her some water, the doctor explains that she is feeling confused because she had to give her a sedative since she was so upset and trying to hurt herself. Faby asks for her father, Eddy and Emilia. When the doctor motions that she doesn’t know, Faby asks to use her phone, but the doctor tells her to rest.

Lola takes Teo, Pedro and Vera to an old, abandoned theater where they can meet. As Lola shows Teo how they can fix it up, Vera thanks Pedro for being with her. Pedro only likes to see his gypsy smile. (1, 2, 3…eye roll!) (this great line is courtesy of RgvChick)

As Octavio, Emilia and Eddy arrive at Octavio’s building, Jass calls demanding his wife and son return. After Octavio tells him that they are under his protection, Jass wonders if Octavio is going to try to stop him, but Emilia tells him that Eddy is not safe with him. When Jass asks, “Says who?” Eddy interjects that he says so…and his mother isn’t safe…and neither is he (Jass) as long as he lives with that murderer! Jass thinks he is making things up, but Eddy assures him that he is not lying…he saw Fausto shoot Antonia! Jass actually does look flabbergasted while Emilia appeals to Jass’ better instincts (which alas are non-existent at this point) stating that if Jass continues to be with Fausto he will end up like him. Octavio warns Jass that he’d better leave them alone!

Fausto and El Chamaco chat. El Chamaco wants to expand their business to the other side of the border, he has some friends with mucho dinero that he wants Fausto to meet. Fausto is thrilled and will do whatever is needed to expand their business. El Chamaco will wait for Fausto; they will leave by helicopter in three hours. As he hangs up, Fausto sees Jass and says oh it’s you. What is it he asks? Jass doesn’t beat around the bush and asks Fausto point blank if he killed Antonia.


ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 4

Teo informs the others that Eddy's statement came out perfectly. As Pedro asks what the next step is, Julio arrives. Pedro wonders what he is doing there, so Vera explains that she asked him to come since he knows Fausto better than anyone. Julio assures them that he is there to help…and he also has his own reasons to catch Fausto.

Visibly taken aback, Fausto asks Jass who told him. Jass says only that he knows Fausto did kill Antonia. Fausto wonders what the problem is…the end justifies the means; and he did it to convince Vera to become his ally in destroying Olmo. Fausto slowly gets menacingly closer as he tells Jass that, now that he knows everything, Jass is his confidante…and will now tell him who told him.

Ivana and Olmo speak to Rodrigo on Facetime. Rodrigo confirmed that El Chamaco is leaving for the US to look for new “partners.” Olmo thinks it’s it the perfect opportunity to set him up, but Rodrigo worries that there isn’t enough time and suggests that they wait for a better opportunity. Olmo, however, doesn’t think they should wait; and when Rodrigo mentions that Raul Bernal is joining EL Chamaco, Olmo smiles and thinks that’s even a better reason to attack TODAY! Ivana adds that they can kill two birds with one stone!

It has been agreed…EL Chamaco and Fausto are history! Ivana laughs that it is their lucky day. As Olmo brags that once EL Chamaco and Fausto are dead and buried, this will be a new era for the Familia Casares, Gaston quietly listens from the other side of the door. He then sees the maid and calls to her.

Jass tells Fausto that Eddy saw him commit the murder. Fausto assumes Vera now knows and that is why she left, but Jass assures him that Eddy hasn’t talked…he is very loyal to the family…and to Fausto. Disregarding anything his idiot son says, Fausto calls El Chamaco; he needs a small favor. Some time ago, he committed some sins; and there seems to be witness, that until a few hours ago, he didn’t know existed. As he adds that the witness puts him at risk, Alicia quietly approaches the door and listening closely, hears Fausto say that the witness needs to be eliminated. As she hears Fausto say the witness is Eddy, his nieto Alicia noticeably blanches. Fausto had already forgiven Eddy once, but there won’t be a second time…so Fausto needs help in throwing out that trash. Not being deterred, El Chamaco agrees to having a child murdered (at the bequest of his grandfather no less). Fausto will send him more information.

We saw a swarthy looking bald guy going toward a plane.

Ivana and Olmo toast to Fausto’s final fate and El Chamaco, the traitor’s demise. Just then Gaston strides in asking what they were talking about. When Olmo simply states, “businesses,” Gaston asks that he tell him about those boring businesses…do they have to do with killing El Chamaco? Olmo’s sensibilities are offended and he forbids Gaston to talk to him like that! Gaston retorts, “Of what? That you are murderers?” Olmo reminds him that he made a decision and needs to stand by it rather than running off! Gaston counters that Olmo only talked to him about some shady businesses; he never mentioned anything about planning a murder! Ivana mocks that he is playing innocent…did he think it would just involve talking to the press and media? Gaston reiterates that money laundering is one thing, but planning a murder is totally different.


ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 5

At the new hideout, Pedro doesn’t think they can get far with accusing anyone of his father’s murder since Ramiro has disappeared, but Eddy’s testimony will convict Fausto. Just then, Alicia arrives with Teo…she grimly relates that Fausto is planning to murder Eddy! Pedro and Vera’s faces mirror their horror.

Olmo reminds Gaston that he is part of the family…he is a Casares! They must remain united and there is no place for betrayals! He reiterates that Gaston will not run out!! When Gaston remains quiet, Olmo adds. “That’s the way I like it! With fortitude and guts like your father!” Viewerville is empathic but worried as to if and how Gaston might extricate himself.

Alicia relates how she overheard Fausto talking to one of his partners with whom he is traveling with to the US; unfortunately, she has no idea who it is. After Julio assumes it’s El Chamaco, Alicia excitedly recognizes the name and adds that Fausto mentioned that it will be done today as they travel to the US. Vera insists that they need to protect Eddy. Even though Eddy is under Octavio’s protection, they cannot take any risk! Vera thinks that she is the only one who can convince Fausto not to leave…and at the same time, save Eddy. Pedro worries that Fausto will kill her, but Vera’s steely determination is apparent.

Fausto alights from his limo, arriving at the helicopter departure site. As he chats with El Chamaco who assures him that Eddy is history, Vera calls him and tells him that she needs to talk to him right now! Fausto tries to make excuses saying he will be back in a few days, but Vera tries to convince him to stay and help her bring down Olmo…today! If he doesn’t help her now, he can forget about her forever! Let’s go El Chamaco urges as Fausto hesitates. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Fausto agrees but only under the condition that Pedro won’t be around. He warns Vera there will be no underhanded games.
Fausto apologizes to EL Chamaco; he can’t leave now since there is some important business at the company and he doesn’t want the Casares to take over. When Fausto adds that it’s for his daughter whom he needs at his side to destroy Olmo, El Chamaco questions that he only wants his daughter to avenge Olmo.

At the safe site, Vera reiterates that she has decided to go while Pedro persists that Fausto could kill her and she should not go alone. His pleas fall on deaf ears.

Octavio goes to his boss with the good news that he has a witness to Antonia’s murder. When the boss reminds him that he won’t go after Olmo with false evidence, Octavio tells him it isn’t Olmo, it is Raul Bernal. The boss laughs that Octavio is now targeting Olmo’s partner. Octavio emphasizes that he has a witness who has already given his statement to the district attorney. Octavio wants protection for his witness but is told they don’t have enough resources. His boss cruelly states that no one cares about Antonia or that kid they put in jail for her murder. Octavio retorts that he cares that there is an innocent man in jail. The boss stands firm as he tells Octavio that the case is closed...and besides, the case is also out of their jurisdiction. He suggests that Octavio forget about his vendetta against Olmo! Octavio then threatens that they either arrange protection for the kid or he is out! Octavio remarks that he Is a policeman and his duty is to protect. If they won’t t protect a poor kid who witnessed a murder, then he is out of that institution!! The boss warns him that if he leaves, he won’t be able to come back!


ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 6

We see a helicopter spinning out of control spiraling downward, losing altitude quickly. El Chamaco calls Fausto, screaming that he is a traitor! That is why he begged off at the last minute. As Fausto tries to dispute this, El Chamaco threatens that Fausto will not get away from him...not even if he is dead.

Delia asks Laiza if she would like to fulfill her dream of opening a restaurant. Delia’s cousin’s daughter, Soledad just opened a small diner. How would she like it if she and Delia became partners with them? Delia is thrilled!

Octavio tells Gonzo that he is no longer a policeman, the department is rancid with corruption. His superior cares nothing about Antonia’s murder and doesn’t want to place Eddy in the witness protection program or do anything to protect him. Gonzo reminds Octavio that they have Eddy their word that they would protect him. Alicia has already told them Fausto is going to have Eddy killed! Octavio tells Gonzo that he will take Eddy and Emilia far away and make them think that they are in the witness protection program. He doesn’t want to worry them any more than they already are but he needs Gonzo’s help. Gonzo will be their only contact. Gonzo solemnly wishes him luck.

Rodrigo, Olmo and Ivana watch the news about the helicopter going down. There are no survivors.

Melida hands a freshly showered Gaston the baby. He sees and hears the news of the crash on TV.

Vera is at Fausto’s calling him but there is no answer. She is talking to Julio who tells her about the crash – there are no survivors.

Rodrigo is bragging that the news about the crash is all over the internet when Gaston enters and wonders if they realize what they are can they be celebrating a murder?! When Olmo clarifies that it was an accident, Gaston calls him a cynic. Olmo tells him it was necessary as Rodrigo tells Gaston to calm down and have a drink with them. Gaston stands and grimly relates he doesn’t drink with murderers!! After Gaston abruptly leaves, Olmo follows him, telling him to smile as the good stuff is just beginning. Olmo argues that they did the world a favor by getting rid of El Chamaco. Gaston assures Olmo that there are moral limits that he is willing to cross, but he is not a murderer! Gaston adds that he spent a lot of time trying to earn Olmo’s respect, but he doesn’t need it...not his or anyone else’s!

Octavio tells Emilia that he will have to take them to a secure place. He is there to protect them and he will never leave them alone. He tells them to hurry so that they can leave.

Vera returns to the safe site and assures Nico that they will be fine. She tells Lola that she never got to talk to Fausto...he apparently got on the helicopter and the helicopter crashed. Vera is furious because death is like a prize for him. Julio approaches...

Alicia and Pedro hear the news in the car. The list of those who perished in the crash were made public. Pedro doesn’t think it was an accident; criminals who are in the middle of a business’s too convenient. Just then Alicia gets a call from Olmo who gives her his condolences...and he wants to call an emergency council meeting. Alicia tells him that she will be there.


ACUERDAS Episode 72 Secrets, Spies and Whispers In the Dark Part 7 Last

Eddy still blames himself for everything that is happening; he should have spoken up earlier. After Octavio assures him that anyone would have reacted in the same manner, Eddy regrets that he won’t be able to say goodbye to Faby. Just then, Faby calls Octavio so he tells her that he will have to be away from the city for some time ...but first there is someone who she needs to talk to.

Marina enters Olmo’s office. She manages to evade his affectionate embrace telling him she needs to talk with him. Her countenance is grim as she meets her father’s eyes with a level stare asking intently if he killed Pedro’s father!

At the mansion, Jass gets a call from Fausto who tells him about the crash. He bitterly bites out that Olmo tried to kill him!! He tells Jass that no one should know he is alive and gives him directions to get him some cash. Fausto reiterates that everyone should think he is dead...including Vera!




As we race toward the finish line, there was little dialogue and action that wasn't important and relevant - hence the long recap.

All thanks and appreciation to RgvChick for her all encompassing and beautifully written dialog translations. Amazing. Thank you so, so much.

In my heart I was prepared for Fausto to seek revenge against Eddy but seeing him do it so cold bloodedly was chilling.

I like Octavio but wish Emilia and Eddy were going into hiding with Gonzo.

Looking forward to your comments tomorrow.



The recap was wonderful. Thank you, Diana. I still have to watch this episide later this morning so my comments are coming after I do my grocery run.


Good morning Jarifa! Thank you so much. Can't wait to see what you have to say!

Each successive episode seems to peel back yet another layer of evil in both Fausto and Olmo.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but there seems to be another layer of evilness.

Fausto has used up more than 9 lives so we know he isn't a cat. Perhaps rats have more? I will have to research that. :)



A few comments as I watch.

Vera hasn’t gotten any smarter neither has Pedro since the last episode.
Fabi gets some bruises and a tranquilizer for her attempt escape. Sorry, doctora, giving somebody a tranquilizer is “drugging” them. Jackassery!
Marina has another emotional whiny outburst! Annoying.
Have to admit that Olmo gave Ivana good advice about Fabi but she enjoys her power over her daughter way too much.
No surprise that jASS ratted out his own son Eddie or that Fausto ordered a hit on him.
Olmo and Ivana looked so smarmy on that video call as did Gastón listening at the door.
Yay! Alicia had the smarts to leave as soon as she heard the info on the hit on Eddie and tell the good guys.
Wow! Excellent plot turn with Fausto missing the plane explosion because of Vera. The only thing that could have been better would have been part of the wreckage falling on Fausto’s car.
Yay! Octavio had the guts to quit the corrupt police dept. He’d make a great private eye.
Great knowing that Olmo is enjoying a false sense of security. Ha! Ha!
I cannot wait for Fausto to catch him off guard.
Gastón in his towel was not a pleasant sight. The greasy long hair wet or dry doesn't do it. They could have styled the actor to be more attractive for his part.
Alicia was good on the phone with Olmo; better she is going to the board meeting.
What kind of lie will Olmo tell whiny Marina about Pedro’s father?
Yay! Fausto is headed underground.

Can’t wait for tonight.

No surprise that jASS gave up Eddie; nor a surprise that Fausto ordered a hit on him.



Sorry about the typo!

TU AMOR ep 18

Hello everyone. This will be my last recap for a while. I'm heading off on a week long fishing trip to the wilds of northern Michigan.
I'll check back in when I return. Bye for now.

Caudio's marriage proposal becomes awkward as Valentina hesitates in answering. Instead of saying yes or no she expresses her fears of making a mistake by rushing because of Fatima. Claudio doesn't have any doubts. He could have married her the first day he saw her. The ring isn't very valuable in a material sense but it's all that he has left from his mother. Val thinks it's the most beautiful treasure he could have offered her and whether they can adopt Fatima or not, the answer is yes, 1000 times yes. They seal the deal with kisses and hugs. Horacio thinks this is happening kind of fast and worries they might not have thought things through. What about the other muchacho she supposedly loved? Val swears she loves Claudio, but in a different way.

A nurse tells Ricardo that it's going to hurt the doctora to see him go. She's been totally concerned about him since he arrived. The nurse follows up by asking about his novia. Does he love her a lot? Yes, they're going to get married. Poor doctora Rosa. That's going to hurt. He calls the nurse closer and asks her to confirm that Rosa is in love with him. The doctora walks in before she can answer. He tells the doctora that when he gets home he'll sent money for all the expenses. She says not to worry about that now but to call his family to let them know how he is. He can't remember anyone's number except Valentina's. She loans him her phone and tells him to call and only listen but not to speak. Claudio eventually answers but gets no response from the unknown caller who hangs up. Ricardo thinks he called the wrong number because a man answered and he didn't sound like he was from the pueblo but maybe from Mexico City. Ricardo asks her to sign his release so he can head back to the ranch tomorrow. Ricardo tries reaching Val a few more times. When she does finally answer, she thinks she's talking to Beba. She says Don't call me , OK, why don't you die?

Patricia and Enrique are with Guillermo in his office. She asks him how he could leave her in misery. She has lost everything. He says to not be so dramatic. She'll still be very rich. She doesn't want to lose what's been in her family for generations. He says that business has been bad because of the pandemic and he needs more liquidity. He doesn't know anything about the dairy business. That's why he has a buyer. She can't believe what she's hearing. She says if Alfonzo were there he'd never allow it. Guillermo tells her that he knows it's difficult for her but one day she'll thank him. He tells Enrique to explain the details to her and leaves. She takes out all her ire on Enrique. How long have you been planning this? How could you betray me? She winds up as he starts to explain and gives him a teeth rattling slap before he can say more than four words. She says that Helena took her ranch and now Guillermo has taken all the rest. Enrique knew it and didn't tell her. She doesn't need a coward to explain the details of anything. Hector calls while she's taking pictures of the paperwork. He agrees to take her to the ranch. They'll meet early the next day. Adelaida is up early the next day too, and Patricia takes the opportunity to play on her sympathies. She tells her that she needs to go to the ranch to get it ready to turn over to Helena. She has to say goodbye to everyone at the dairy. But worst of all, she'll never be able to go to the tomb of her father or her brother ever again.

TU AMOR ep 18 part 2

Enrique shows up as Hector is putting Patricia's bag in the trunk of the cab. Enrique tells him to get the bag out of there, the señora is coming with him. He tells Pat that he's taking her. Enrique gets mad when Hector asks her if she's OK and makes the mistake of grabbing him by the arm. He ends up with Hector's hand around his neck. Patricia orders Enrique to pay Hector the fare for his lost trip and names 5000 pesos as the price. This seems like robbery but he hands it over. Patricia tells Hector to come back tomorrow. Same time. Same plan.

Valentina and Claudio clean up around his mothers grave. He reminisces about his childhood and growing up with Hector, Leo, and Camie. Horacio told him that his mother was pretty and a good person. He never knew his bio dad. While looking at the grave, he formally introduces Val to his mother and shows her the ring. We see from the stone that she was only twenty when she died.

Claudio has a talk with Leo at his cell. He tells him to stop the lies and the pretending. That he knows Leo never hit the Paparazzi. He asks him what he gains from all this. In a few hours he'll be transported to prison which will be a lot harder to get out of than the local jail. Leo says he could argue that he was only defending his sister from the psychological harm the paparazzi caused by publishing the photos. The charge is attempted homicide and Claudio has to prove that it wasn't Leo's intent. His attitude isn't helping. Leo doesn't appear worried, as if he has everything under control. They both know the only way Leo gets free is if the paparazzi drops the charges. Leo is incensed. Is Claudio accusing him of being in cahoots with the photog? Yes. And worse, he thinks Leo paid the Paparazzi to take those pictures of Camila. He's known him since they were kids and Leo never does anything by chance. He always has a plan. Claudio is called to the office of the public minister and sees he photographer there. He doesn't look very hurt. The guy tells him that he recovered very quickly and that he came to withdraw all the charges. Later, Leo tries to choke him through the bars of his cell. He calls him an imbecile that can't follow directions. He better have a good explanation for dropping the charges or Leo is going to kill him. His reason is that he felt bad for Leo's mother. Hector grabs him on the way out. He confesses that Leo paid him to take the pictures. Hector wants to know why he wanted to be locked up. The photographer thinks it was to ruin Helenas show.

TU AMOR ep 18 part 3

Ricardo can't reach Val because she's turned off her phone. He tells Dr Rosamaria that he has to go. She says she needs to go with him because he could have a relapse, lose his memory again, or get a headache. He seems to be playing with her feelings because he asks her why she would leave behind everything at the hospital to go with him. She says she has an ethical and moral obligation to take care of him. He asks her if that's the reason or is there something more as he steps closer and caresses her neck and her hair. He suggests it's time to use the tu form of address. Later, as he's joking with a nurse about finding the doctora a novio, she is justifying her unethical trip to Samara as fighting for love.

Yolanda has no patience for a pouty Patricia who is feeling sorry for herself at her fashion studio. She lays down some of that philosophy of modeling we heard about earlier. Stand straight! Head up! Don't ask me what to do, you figure it out. Be strong not weak. Ok. From now on Pat is never going to be taken advantage of again. She'll write the rules of the game. She knows how to get even with Guillermo and Enrique. In order to take care of Helena she needs Yolanda to give her a job at the studio. Yolanda likes the idea. Welcome to Olimpo Platas! She introduces Pat to the team and tells them to follow any orders she gives without question, as if coming from Yolanda herself. Patricia's mother studied at the same fashion schools as Yolanda but died when her son was born. Pat will be the artistic director for this show and Beba will be her assistant.


Diana, despite all the vile and nastiness, you painted a beautiful picture! The title and quote were inspired; and from start to finish, I was fascinated by your vivd descriptions of the events, the characters, and their emotions. You are amaster at writing!

I especially liked your reference to Faby as Juliet. I'm wodering if Eddy will actually leave without his Juliet, but she is well guarded. An snow tha she tried to escape the guards will be more alert. I can't see how Eddy would be able to go rescue his damsel in distress.

I too was disturbed by how quickly and easily, Fausto ordered that Eddy be "eliminated." The man is heartless!

Gaston is getting a spine and it sure does look good on him. I hope it becomes strong enough to kick Melida out...and leave the baby; though I doubt she will leave the baby since it is her ticket to luxury living.

So it looks like Delia and Laiza are leaving?? Did Laiza get a divorce? Gabe seems to have disappeared!


OMGosh, Jarifa, "The only thing that could have been better would have been part of the wreckage falling on Fausto’s car." That would have been epic!


Diana , thank you for every detail as this tale descends into darker and darker depths. Both Olmo and Fausto need to go and i am hoping that Ivan a and j ASS go with them. Ready the anvils . I loved the quote....please keep them coming .

Acuerdas Thank you, Diana for a wonderful recap!
I was actually shocked that Emilia and Eddy told Jass, with Octavio standing there, that Fausto killed Antonia. Didn’t they suspect that Jass would tell Fausto and thus put Eddie’s life in danger!!??
And what did Vera think she would gain by speaking with Fausto? I just did not see any logic in that!

Acuerdas Thank you, Diana for a wonderful recap!
I was actually shocked that Emilia and Eddy told Jass, with Octavio standing there, that Fausto killed Antonia. Didn’t they suspect that Jass would tell Fausto and thus put Eddie’s life in danger!!??
And what did Vera think she would gain by speaking with Fausto? I just did not see any logic in that!



Thank you for the very fine recap. May the fish be biting and not the bugs!

Claudio has to be a keeper because he even cleans graves!

Ricardo is a real cutie but is morally compromised to put it nicely.

What will Valentina do when Ricardo appears on the scene? Thinking about the most likely inevitable of reappearance of Ricardo, made Valentina’s conversation with Horacio cringeworthy.

From yesterday’s episode, I hated seeing Horacio having some shots with his old pal Regino about the threats he got from his son Brochas and his gang not knowing that his old pal is as corrupt as his son and he has now been set up. It is sweet that Héctor is interested in polishing off his rough edges (improve his language) for Helena.


Jarifa, "Octavio had the guts to quit the corrupt police dept. He’d make a great private eye" - the career change would be wonderful. From your lips to the writer's ears. I suspect covert work might be a bit safer. Too bad the torture chamber Olmo was relegated to isn't available for Fausto. I think he is the top 5 most heinous villains. Ever. I smiled at "Jackassery!" was great. Can we tweak it just a tiny bit to Jacassery? :)

RgvChick, you are too kind as my recaps are possible only because of your generosity. Loved "Gaston is getting a spine and it sure does look good on him"! I hadn't thought Laiza and Delia would be moving but that makes perfect sense. I'm curious as to how things will end with he and Laiza.

Thanks Susanlynn! No spoiler but I'm fairly certain that there are some hefty anvils awaiting Fausto, Olmo, Ivana and Jacinto. It will be interesting to see who falls first. And how!

Thank you Fe. I was also a bit surprised that Eddy and Emilia told Jacinto what occurred. I don't think they realize how fully embroiled Jass is in all of this or that he is a cold blooded murderer himself.

Thank you all. I always appreciate the supportive, kind comments and am particularly grateful for today's.



Yes, Diana, we may tweak it for the connections in this novela. 😊


Thank you Jarifa! All copyright credits will be assigned to you!!! 😊


Embajador #57 part 1

A doctor has come to check Meanie’s baby and he tells everyone in the room, don't worry, the baby is fine. The cramping was due to stress. She needs to rest. Elvan moves a few steps closer to the bed and tells Meanie, yes, rest, telling everything you did will tire you. Atike defends Meanie, can’t you see my daughter is suffering? Leave her alone.

Elvan has no mercy and mocks, ah, the liar, the shameless one, is suffering. She warns, once your baby is born, I'll let you know what it is like to really suffer. And if something happens to Melek, your baby will be the one to pay for it. Did you hear me? Is it clear? The ladies of the mansion leave Meanie and her mom. Meanie immediately sits up in bed. Atike cautions her daughter to lie down, someone can come back. Meanie does that and just in time because Elvan opens the door and gives her the “I’m looking at you sign”.

Elvan stands in front of Yahya and stares at him. He asks her why she’s looking at him like this. Elvan tells him, I’m memorizing your face because Sancar is going to break it, and I'm not going to see it anymore.

Sancar and Nare enter the mansion. Did you find her? Sancar approaches his brother and says, let Yahya answer. Yahya says he’s already spoken with the police. Sancar shouts, you will also talk to me! Does that bother you? Elvan pipes up, let Menekse speak, too. She goes in the bedroom and tells Meanie that Sancar is outside. Meanie gets up and goes out. Sancar tells her, you better be pregnant.

Sancar questions Yahya, who told you to bring Melek here? Yahya thinks back to Meanie’s blackmail. He tells his brother he did it because… Elvan missed Melek so much and I wanted to surprise her. I saw Menekse at the door. She told Melek she would have a brother (Sancar shoots a look at Meanie here) and my niece was bewildered.

Meanie interjects to save herself--- but first Yahya told her….we had good news for her… and that's when I said she was going to have a brother or sister, I swear that's how it happened. Isn’t that true—the shameless liar asks the stupid Yahya. He answers as he thinks he must, yes, it was as she said, I spoke first. Sancar is irate, and you idiots left my daughter outside as if nothing happened? Meanie explains they were going for help. We went in to call Elvan, but then Melek was gone when we came back.

Nare feels faint and leans against the wall. Sancar notices and rushes to her side, are you okay? Meanie hobbles over to her husband and takes his hand. I did not know Yahya was going to bring Melek, but when I saw her, I wanted to break the news to her. May lightning strike me right now if I'm lying [IF ONLY!]

That’s the last straw for Nare. She tells Meanie, if something bad happens to Melek, I'll make you pay for it. I swear if something happens to my daughter, I'm going to kill you, you bitch. She turns on Yahya, I'll kill you, too. She gets in Halise’s face, I'm going to burn down this mansion, the Efeoglu mansion, of which you are so proud. What? I’m speaking a language you perfectly understand, Nare replies. She turns to the entire family, I can deal with everything that has been done to me, but I swear if you hurt my daughter, I'm going to burn this mansion to ashes. Ask that my daughter is found well.

Sancar asks Nare to calm down. This just upsets her more. Calm down? She asks him, were you able to find my daughter? Can you assure me that my daughter doesn't feel scared? So don’t ask me to calm me down. Because… I will not do it. Nare faints into Sancar’s arms.



Emjadador #57 part 2

Melek is walking with her canine companion. She stops and tells him, we are lost. Can understand me? Because I don't understand you, and you don't help me. Remember, we have to help Kavruk. I don't want to stay here crying. But she does start crying. She composes herself and says, let's go. If we find the road, maybe we'll see a car go by. They start walking again.

Akin asks Kahraman, how long am I going to stay in this house? Kahraman doesn’t answer he’s too busy contemplating his predicament. Let me go, Akin says, you kidnap Nare and I'll give you the money we agreed upon, okay? Are you listening? I said twelve million. Kahraman asks, do you think he is dead? Who? The man who was about to hand you over to the police, Kahraman responds, do you think he died? Akin has no idea and probably doesn’t care.

Kahraman jumps up, I can't stand this another minute. Akin stops him, where are you going? To the crash site? Kahraman gives the TV remote to Akin and tells him if his father complains, ignore him. And don’t even think about escaping, he warns, I have my men outside. Akin stops Kahraman again, he has an idea on how to kidnap Nare. We’ll use Melek it will make it easier. Kahraman looks disgusted and leaves.

Nare is in Zehra’s bed and a very worried Sancar sits next to her. He reaches out to touch her but stops. Elvan brings cologne. Sancar says, give it to me, I’ll do it. Zehra volunteers to do it and Elvan asks why, are you afraid that that crazy woman (Meanie) will faint out of jealousy? To hell with her. Sancar chases them out to go look for Kavruk.

Elvan stops in front of Meanie and tells her, what you did turned against you. Your husband is taking care of Nare in that room. Meanie steps closer to Elvan. Elvan tells her to save her energy. When they find Melek, she says, we are going to fight face to face. Elvan, Zehra and Gulsiye go to find Kavruk. Zehra thinks Elvan might have come on too strong. Elvan disagrees because it was Meanie’s fault Melek went missing.

Sancar lovingly puts cologne on Nare’s hands and neck. I won’t even try to describe this, you have to see it for yourself.

Nare comes around. Sancar asks, how are you? She doesn’t answer and gets up. Sancar tries to stop her as she opens the door. I’m going to find my daughter, she says, and comes face to face with Meanie. Sancar tells Nare, we can go find her together, alright? Nare tells him to stay, your wife is not well. You don't want something to happen to your baby. I’ll go alone. Meanie places her hand on her belly to make Sancar feel guilty. I can look for her alone, Nare tells him.

Ha, ha, Sancar pulls Nare back into the room and literally closes the door on Meanie! Meanie gasps. Sancar tells Nare, you can barely stand, and he sits her on the bed. Nare questions how he can shut the door in his wife's face. She tries to push him out of her way. Sancar tells her it’s his daughter that’s lost, too. Don’t provoke me, he warns. Nare reminds him that Melek is lost thanks to his wife and brother. Don’t provoke me, she responds. She tries to get past Sancar again.

Okay, he says, you want to fight. First, calm down. I’ll look for my daughter and then we can fight—Nare responds, when I find her, I will have nothing to do with you. Sancar smiles at her, don't make me laugh, we will fight for custody. We will not reach an agreement and you're going to curse me. He sits her on the bed and tells her, you can start now. Curse me, go ahead, let it out, I'm waiting. They both laugh about it.



Embajador #57 part 3

Nare’s laughter turns into a sob. Is she crying now, she asks Sancar? Sancar sits next to Nare and assures her, she's not crying, she's fine. She’s Melek, our beloved daughter. He goes to wipe her tear, but she turns away. Why don’t you rest? Then you will feel better, and we can go looking again. Surprisingly, Nare lies back in the bed.

Elvan and Zehra return to the room. Kavruk is nowhere to be found. Nedim saw him about ten minutes before Melek disappeared. Nare and Sancar have the same thought and they spring into action. They leave the mansion without explaining to anyone.

Meanie asks if there was news and Elvan gives her a snarky answer that I couldn’t quite figure out. Anyway, Elvan informs them that Kavruk has gone missing, too, and we think he could be with Melek.

Melek and her doggie pal are still wandering around. She hears a car and sees a headlight. It's a car, run! Hurry! She jumps out onto the road in front of the car and waves, stop! Stop! It’s Kahraman! He slams on the brakes. Melek covers her face.
Kahraman stops in time and jumps out. What are you doing? Who are you, are you okay? Look at me girl… Kahraman is dumbfounded…you are… Melek recognizes him, too. You're my dad's partner, right? She throws her arms around him. I was afraid, she tells him, I thought no one was going to come.

He asks her, what are you doing here? Where is your mother? Melek cries, I got lost. Kahraman asks again, why are you here? Melek explains that she hid in Kavruk's car. Uh, oh. Kavruk's car? Yes, I was in the trunk. Then there was an accident. Kahraman is uneasy, he thinks back to the car accident. Then he thinks what Akin told him about using Melek to kidnap Nare.

Kahraman tells Melek to get in the car. She waves goodbye to the dog and gets in. Kahraman drives off. [yeah, I know, I wanted her to take the dog, too]

Sancar and Nare arrive back at the search site. He asks Hasan, is there any news from Kavruk? Hasan delivers the bad news, we know that Kavruk was going to deliver Akin, but he never made it to the police.

What? No, it can’t be, Nare says, he can’t be with Melek. He wouldn't take Melek to deliver Akin, would he? Sancar asks if Kavruk was alone. Yes, he was alone. They try to figure out if there is a connection to the disappearances. Is it just a coincidence? Nare asks Sancar to tell her it’s just a coincidence. He says it is but he’s not very convincing. Where do you think he could have gone, Nare asks? They take off in the truck.

Melek leads Kahraman to Kavruk. She calls out to him, Kavruk, wake up, Kavruk. Kavruk does not stir. Melek keeps trying to wake him. She pats his face and says, I am very afraid. She takes off her sweater and starts to wipe blood from him. Meanwhile Kahraman calls emergency services and reports the accident. Kahraman hangs up and destroys the SIM card in his phone.

Kahraman picks up Melek and takes her back to the car. She doesn’t want to go. She wants to stay with Kavruk. She complains all the way. She drops her bloodstained sweater.
Sancar gets a call from Hasan telling him an accident was reported. It was Kavruk’s car. They head off in that direction.

Melek is still complaining about leaving Kavruk. Kahraman loads her in the car and drives away. Well, what do you know, Kahraman notices Sancar’s truck approaching. He puts on his high beams to blind Sancar and keep from being noticed. It works. Melek continues to cry as Kahraman drives.

Sancar and Nare arrive at the accident site. They find Kavruk. Thank goodness he’s still alive. Hang on Kavruk, help is coming. We hear the sirens. Nare notices Melek’s sweater. She picks it up and sniffs it. It’s Melek’s. They are terrified.



Embajador #57 part 4

In the morning, Gediz comes downstairs. Muge greets him good morning. I didn’t have a chance to ask you about the custody, she says. There was a trial, do you know who got custody? Gediz doesn’t know. They didn't call him. If it was Nare, Gediz says, she's probably already packing her bags. Muge suggests that he call her.

Gediz has a question for Muge. Why are you running away? Huh? Nare is running from here and you run away from life. Muge denies this. But you don’t work, you never go out and you’re always home, he says. Muge blames him, if you hadn't given my car to Nare, I'd go out. So, if you had a car, you would drive it? Muge says she was different back then but now… if she had a car… She wants to change. Gediz surprises her with a new car, and she is thrilled.

An ambulance brings the still unconscious Kavruk to the mansion. Ayse worries over Kavruk and Zehra pushes her aside. Kavruk, wake up, please, she tells him. Sancar informs them Kavruk has head trauma and they do not know when he will wake up. Ayse questions why Kavruk was brought here if he hasn’t woken up. It’s because Sancar wants him here and he will make sure Kavruk gets all the care he needs.

Sancar asks Elvan to go to Nare. Elvan asks her, are you okay? She shakes her head no. This is my girl’s sweater. It was next to Kavruk. I didn't see Akin, there was only the sweater. Nare continues sad and tired, but Melek is fine, she tells Elvan. This is Kavruk’s blood [how is she sure?] He will be ok, too. She asks Elvan, if something bad happened to my daughter, I would have felt it, right? Of course, Elvan comforts her, you are a mother and mothers feel this. If you say Melek is fine, then she is.

Sancar tells Nare, we will find her soon, it's only a matter of time. We won’t stop until we find her. Nare thinks Akin wouldn't hurt Melek because if he dared to, he knows I would kill him. Elvan looks at Sancar and he explains that Kavruk had an accident while taking Akin to the police. When we saw the sweater there ... Elvan says, the Melek I know, would have escaped from Akin by now. She's your daughter, right?

Sancar tells Nare he’s going to find Melek, and she should go inside and rest. Nare wants to go with him but Sancar wants her to stay. Ok, then, she will wait for her daughter here, outside. Elvan tells Sancar to go find Melek, and they will wait here. Don’t worry. He leaves.

Nare tells Elvan, you me and Melek could have been living in Switzerland. Elvan says, with you yelling at Sancar and me yelling at Yahya. We would very noisily return Switzerland. They laugh. Melek would not let us talk bad about her father, Nare says. Elvan replies, let’s see when she's older and meets a man.



Embajador #57 part 5

Nare is hopeful and says, we will see her grow up and fall in love. Of course, Elvan says, if you keep thinking bad things, I won't give you my blessing. Nare tells her, your blessing is very important to me. How can I repay you for everything you've done for me? Elvan kisses Nare’s hand and reminds her about the letter she left. Did you read it? Nare takes it out of her pocket. Here it is, read it, she tells Elvan. Elvan is pleasantly surprised that Nare carries the letter with her.

Teary Elvan reads: "smile for the life that you have and be grateful, okay? Did you smile? Come on. You will have my blessing if you do and I will smile.” Nare tells her, I'm going to smile until I find my girl. But instead, they both cry.

Refika asks Gediz about the custody. Gediz responds, why does everyone ask me the same thing? He doesn’t know what happened. Refika asks him if he fought Sancar again and Gediz admits things got tense. She admonishes her son, don't do this. I fought with Halise, she says, and look at us now.

Muge suggests again that he call Nare. He resists and wants to change the subject. Muge insists and he finally gives in and calls. Nare tries to compose herself to take the call. Gediz tells her, you didn’t bother to call me, and I was worried about you. They gave you custody, right? Gediz, Melek is not here, she says. Gediz asks, does Sancar have custody? Nare tries to explain, we couldn’t go to court. because—she starts crying—I’m waiting for my daughter to come back. She can’t continue and hands the phone to Elvan.

Elvan explains that Melek disappeared yesterday. Sancar is looking for her with the police and we are at the mansion. Gediz is alarmed. He tells Elvan he’s on his way. Gediz tells his family what happened and gets up from the table. He opens the front door to a big surprise. Melek is standing there. Kahraman appears behind her.

Gediz grabs Kahraman and is ready to strike, you kidnapped Melek? Kahraman sarcastically answers, yes, I kidnapped her. I regretted it so I brought her back. Let go of me, you idiot and he pushes Gediz off. Melek confirms that Kahraman didn't kidnap her, he found her. Kahraman tells Gediz that she got mad at her parents and left home. He found her on the road, and she wanted to come to see you.

Melek asks Gediz if she can stay with him. Gediz says, sure. Is this serious? Melek answers, yes, I am mad at them. Gediz tells her, we'll make them pay, they won't hurt you again. Kahraman leaves.

Sancar returns with good news. He takes out his phone and gives it to Nare to read. From Gediz: “Melek is here. Kahraman found her and brought her here. Don't call me because she didn't want me to tell you. That's why I'm texting without her knowing. I don't know what the hell you did to make her leave, but you're a damn fool, my friend."

Nare laughs and cries with joy. She tells Sancar he really is a damned fool. Is that what you think, he asks? But he doesn’t really care. Their girl is safe. He smiles and says, hug me, Nare. And she does.

And we are out.



TU AMOR. Excellent recap, JoelD! I concur with Jarifa! Enjoy that fishing trip in Michigan--May the fish be biting indeed! Dr. Rosamaria and Ricardo are a much better match than Val and Ricardo. And of course the writers had to tease us about whether Ricardo would be able to reach Val by phone. Now what was Leo planning to do in the reclusario? What nefarious scheme and how would it have torpedoed Helena's participation in the fashion parade? I suspect Enrique will be better off without Patricia. Now who would be a good maTCH FOR HIM?


Dondi, thank you so much for your excellent descriotion of every tense moment.

I an so happy that Melek is safe with Gediz . I wasnt sure what Kar was going to do. I wish Melek bad taken that sweet pul with her .

It was funny watching Meanie trying to get Sans attention while he only had eyes for his Nare. I cant wait to see Elvans p!an to punish Meanie for terorizing Me!ek.

Seeing San and Nare hug at the end was wonderful. However, Akin is out there hoping to grab anare away. Guy shouldnt even be alive after Muge, San, and Gediz all get their revenve on him . I am suspending my disbelief on that point.


JoelD, just wonderful. Last night, I wasn't able to watch so I appreciate your fine recap.

"Val swears she loves Claudio, but in a different way". I'm not an expert, but 9 times out of 10, this is NOT a good thing. Claudio IS nice. Perhaps too nice? I don't think the man has a mean bone in his body. A bit more spice might be nice. Jarifa and SpanProf, I still can't believe it's the same actor from Vencer..

Hector is playing with fire. Wonder how long before he starts feeling the burn?

"Pat will be the artistic director for this show and Beba will be her assistant". The look on Beba's face was priceless.

Wishing you good weather on your fishing expedition! Hope you have a great time.

Thank you so much.



Dondi, I can't tell you how much I enjoy your recaps. "Ha, ha, Sancar pulls Nare back into the room and literally closes the door on Meanie!" Yay! Aside from 1) Kahraman taking Melek to Gediz and 2) Sancar and Nare smiling and hugging in joyful relief, that was my favorite scene.

TU AMOR. Loved your playing with fire/feeling the burn observation, Diana. :)

Acuerdas #72/73

You guys are to be commended for your great work on this series.

You're all right; Vera stopping Fausto made no sense unless the writers use this as Olmo's excuse to try to eliminate her. Except how would she have known?.

Marina's meltdown over the nursery made no sense either except as a general relapse.

Ivana's coldness toward Fabi is still the chilliest ongoing thing in this story. I actually think she is more cold-blooded than Fausto.

UA: If you have to guess who do you see getting Karma anvils ?


HREAT recap Diana. Bell is throwing up. All the garbage is coming out.

What a bunch of cold black hearted people. Evil personified.

Fausto is the worst. His grandson is trash that needs to be taken out. He cares nothing for anyone.

Fausto, ivana, and Olmo deserve the
Same demise. With each lasting evil episode they get eviler and eviler(that's a word right?) Don't matter they're all going down.

That police chief is probly bought and paid for by fausto and oldmo.

Ok good night all.
Thank for this rip roaring epic of


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 1
There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent. -Lao Tzu

We get a repeat of Fausto calling Jass and telling him, “Someone wanted to kill me!!..The helicopter I as supposed to board went up and exploded into pieces!” He knows it was Olmo! He then give Jass orders to get him some cash and that no one should know he is alive, not even Vera! He adds that Jass should give his condolences to his beloved Alicia.

Marina hasn’t gotten an answer so she demands the truth from Olmo….did he have anything to do with Pedro’s father’s murder?! Devious Olmo half-heartedly denies it and reminds her who taught her to walk, to talk, who has been at her side every moment of her life. When she mentions Pedro, Olmo reproaches, “Pedro! Pedro! The one who cheated on you and had a son with another woman…who was my wife?” Marina doesn’t want a sermon, she wants to be certain that he is not a murderer! Olmo looks closely at her and tells her to look into his eyes; he is her father, he is not a murderer!

Jass is gathering the cash when Alicia enters and asks what he is doing. Is he going on a trip? Does Fausto know? When Jass abruptly tells her about the crash and that his father is dead, Alicia feigns surprise and asks if he is sure…did someone see the body? She then gets a reminder of the council meeting. Jass advises her to run while she can. Once Jass leaves, Pedro slides in. Alicia tells him that Fausto is not dead…Jass left with a bag full of money (Alicia rocks!)

Marina goes to see Delia and Laiza. When she sees that they are packed and ready to go, she asks if something happened…with her father. Delia tries to evade the questions, but Marina assumes that they don’t trust her father anymore. When Marina tells them that she has heard horrible things about her father and adds specifics, Laiza confirms that what Pedro told her is true and gives her an account of what Ramiro confessed.

Eddy tells Faby that he and his mother are going into hiding and he doesn’t know for how long or when they will see each other. Faby thinks he is doing the right thing; he is brave. Eddy assures her that no matter how far apart they are, he loves her with all his heart. Faby cries as she promises never to forget what he told her…wherever they are, they will always have that connection. When Eddy confides that he is scared, Faby reminds him that her father will protect them. Eddy doesn’t want to say good-bye; so Faby reminds him that this is just a “till later.”

Marina gasps in disbelief. She cries that her father lied looking at her in the eyes. She is dumb! Delia firmly tells her that she will not carry the burden of her father’s sins. Marina asks for forgiveness in her family’s name (which is worth a pig’s droppings, but I digress)…because he father will never ask for forgiveness.

Pedro arrives at the safehouse asking if there are any new developments. Vera assures him that the last thing Fausto told her was that he was not getting on the helicopter. After Pedro states that he is sure Fausto is alive, Julio agrees and adds that Fausto is just hiding somewhere as always. Pedro relates how Jass left the mansion with a bag of money…they need to find Fausto! Vera needs to contact Jass who will lead them to Fausto, so her lightbulb flickers and knows that Jass will answer Emilia. Gonzo lets her use the private phone Octavio gave him. She tells him that they don’t think Fausto got on the helicopter and they need to contact Jass. She pleads with Octavio to let Emilia call him. After Emilia agrees, she calls Jass and tells him that they are about to leave the city and wants to see him one last time. Jass agrees to go to Octavio’s place and advises Fausto that he will be a little late.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 2

After Marina leaves, Delia wonders why Laiza lied to Marina about where they are going. Laiza explains that Marina is weak; and if Olmo asks her, she will tell him. They need to protect Marina as well as themselves.

Octavio alerts Vera that Jass is about to arrive and they are already packing the car to leave. Emilia is having doubts about leaving without seeing Eddy’s father, the man she fell in love with (puh-lease!); so Eddy reminds her that his father is not the man he used to be…he is no longer here. Emilia insists on staying, but Eddy firmly tells her “NO!” and persists until he orders “Let’s go!”

Ivana calls Melida who advises her that the sole heir to Raul Bernal’s assets is Vera. Ivana fumes, but Olmo smiles and tells her to end the call before he explains that he does want to see Vera again, but only to destroy her! If Vera steps foot in there to claim what is hers, they can finish her off! Ivana apologizes for getting upset, but Olmo likes it, grabs her and plants his slimy lips on hers.

As Jass arrives at Octavio’s building, Vera drives up and comes to a screeching halt. While Jass hisses as she get out of the car, Pedro comes from behind, knocks him to the ground, grabs the weapon and turns it on Jass! (Yeehaw!! Rope ‘im again, cowboy, but this time do it right!)

At the council meeting, Olmo heads the group telling them that Raul’s death affected them all but they need regroup for the good of the company. Ivana spews her own bile and reminds them that Julio cannot vote for Raul since he is no longer his rep.

At the apartment building, Vera tells Jass that they will not let him go until he takes them to Fausto. Jass uses his ninja moves and knocks the gun out of Pedro’s hand. While he punches out Pedro, Vera retrieves the gun and gets Jass’s attention.

As Olmo continues the meeting, the secretary walks in, places a table on the table and VOILA! There is Fausto asking if they planned to have a meeting without the major stakeholder. Olmo’s fumes could have burned all of them! Ivana douses the fire by telling Fausto that they heard the helicopter that was owned by that criminal he works with crashed, Fausto sarcastically appreciates their concern for him…but he is more alive than ever….it’s only rumors that he was in that helicopter with that malevolent…Chamaco…whom he doesn’t even know!

Andres reassures Marina that if what they are saying about her father, there is nothing they can do, but he will not allow her father to ruin everything that they are trying to form…a family. Their baby comes before her father and he wants her healthy. When he suggests that they leave far from there, Marina cries as she agrees; she wants them to go far away.


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 3

At the meeting, Alicia tells Fausto that she knew he was fine. Fausto then tells them that is what he wanted to talk to them about. What happened is just part of a plot by someone who wants to harm the grand family that they are. When Olm doesn’t think that what the news is reporting is false, Fausto tells them that is why he needs to stay away…until everything gets cleared up because they all know what those type of people are capable of. Fausto then suggests that the company will now be called “Grupo Bernal!” Olmo loses it and shouts his disapproval, then orders everyone out. Ivana offer to help him deal with Fausto but Olmo tells her that this is between him and Fausto. After everyone leaves, Olmo tries to talk, Fausto barks that he is the one who will listen! Olmo is a traitor who kills his friends! When Olmo tells him that they are the same, Fausto reproaches him for trying to kill him, but now Olmo will be responsible for everything that El Chamaco’s heirs do…Olmo, the idiot, has declared war on them! Olmo tells Fausto that he is wrong; this is a fight between the two of them and it’s not going to end until one of them is six feet under. Just then, Fausto hears the screeching of tires. He goes to the window and sees Pedro pointing the gun as he follows Jass. Fausto ends the video session by telling Olmo that the next time they see other will be the last! Olmo practically breaks his hand as he slams it on the desk.

Vera, Pedro and Jass enter the room where Fausto was and find nothing but a note for Vera :You are going to betray me too, daughter?

Ivana accuses Gaston of being the ho talked too much about their plans and that is why Fausto was able to be saved, Gaston is confused that Ivana referred to Raul as Fausto, but Ivana continues to spew her insults and asks if he had anything to do with Fausto being saved. If he did, he put his father’s life in danger. Ivana gives Gaston a piecemeal explanation of who Fausto is and how Vera was involved and is Fausto’s daughter.

Jass tells Pedro and Vera that they will never find Fausto. When Pedro tells him that they will take him to the cops, Jass questions what they will accuse him of…he is just as guilty as Vera! Vera then tells Pedro to let him go; if Jass wasn’t any good for Fausto, then he won’t do them any good either.

Gaston wonders why they haven’t gone to the cops. Ivana scoffs at the thought and adds that the only way to get rid of Fausto is to kill him and they were very close to do it. Gaston points out that she just confessed; he cannot believe that he was raised among them loved them and they are a sick family of murderers. When Ivana hisses that he didn’t have a problem spending the money he was given and that he should take his given place, Gaston retorts, “You reap what you sow!” And they sowed betrayal and hate! This will end badly and Gaston doesn’t want his son to be part of this. Ivana argues that is why he needs to help them…so that he can give his son a life of luxury, the life he deserves. Gaston needs to help them or someone will die. As she asks who it is that should die, Fausto or his father, Olmo enters barking that he can’t believe Fausto is alive. They need him dead NOW!

Pedro and Vera confab in Fausto’s room. Pedro states that they need more evidence to put both Olmo and Fausto in jail (Nahhh. Really, Pedro??? Was that one of your brighter moments)


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 4

Upon arriving at the hotel, Ivana invites Gaston to dinner, but he has lost his appetite. When Olmo follows him and points out that Gaston now knows everything about him, Gaston reflects how he has always looked up to Olmo and wanted to be like him…and it isn’t until now that Gaston realizes what kind of person Olmo is! Gaston walks away (keep walking, Gaston!) Just then Marina approaches and confronts Olmo. She has confirmed that he did kill Pedro’s father! And then he adopted Pedro and raised him as his own son! She asks how he could look Pedro in the eyes all these years! Olmo wants to explain and give his version, but Marina refuses to hear his lies! She doesn’t want to see him; she doesn’t want to be a Casares knowing that her father is a murderer! He is dead to her! She swears that her son will never know him. Olmo doesn’t deserve a family, he doesn’t deserve to be a father!! Olmo pleads with her, but Marina boldly walks away.

Jass is at the mansion quite drunk and calling for his minions. When Alicia enters and asks for Fausto, Jass wonders what she is doing there, this is not her house and it never was! Alicia tries to calm him down, but Jass refuses to be told what to do; she is not his mother! And Fausto is his father…and he ill not return because he is in hiding as always. He then shouts, “Get out!”

Back at the safe site, Alicia shares how Jass was drunk. After she tells the not-so-mod squad that Fausto will not be returning, she adds that she will be going back to the mansion because now is the time to look for any evidence that might be in the house. Vera appreciates it, but doesn’t want to put Alicia in any danger. Alicia remarks that the danger would have been if she had married Fausto…and now nothing and no one will stop her from going against Fausto! Pedro suggests that while they gather evidence against Fausto, they can go after Olmo. When Vera suggests that they get the letter that Ramiro wrote to Laiza, Gonzo advises them that it won’t be enough. Pedro thinks that they should get Ramiro to testify! (Pedro is really on a roll, isn’t he?)

Gaston has shared everything with Melida who can’t believe that Olmo and Ivana confessed everything to him, She can’t understand how they could take that risk since El Chamaco’s people will take revenge. Gaston is miffed that Melida isn’t showing any concern that they are murderers. After Melida explains that the Casares empire is in jeopardy, Gaston tells her that they are protected by Rodrigo who helped them kill El Chamaco. Gaston is still in disbelief that he is living amongst murderers. When Melida points out that those murderers are his father and his aunt, Gaston resolutely states that he does not want his son to be one more. Melida wonders if Gaston is going to give up everything…she reminds him that they have a contract…and if he breaks it, she will leave him with nothing and take their son.

Delia receives a call from Pedro who tells her that he needs to find Ramiro. She hands the phone to Laiza since she may be able to help him. As Laiza tells Pedro that she can send him the address where she last saw him, Olmo comes aknocking! Laiza tells Olmo that now is not a good time; they were getting ready to go out. Olmo addresses Delia and asks if it is true that they are leaving to get away from him, After he reminds Delia that they have always been upfront with each other, Delia sternly asks if he is sure about that. Olmo affirms that he has always shared his problems with her and they have always supported each other, but Delia can’t hold back and tells Olmo that she has been an idiot all these years! She was naive to think that he was he friend, that he was a good man! But now that she knows what he is, he should not ask her for anything! She SLAPS him hard enough to leave her handprint!! She yells, “You are a murderer! MURDERER!!”


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 5

Pedro et all going looking for Ramiro but NADA! Just then Fausto calls Vera. He agrees to see her, but she’d better not bring Pedro or he swears she will never see him again! She assures him that she will go alone and tells him that she will send him the address for the meeting place.

At Laiza’s apartment, Delia questions how Olmo could kill Tomas. She then gets dizzy; so Laiza tells Olmo to LEAVE! If he really loves her mother as he says he does, then he should leave them alone and forget about them! Olmo hangs his head as he hobbles out.

At their safe house, Octavio shows Emilia some groceries he bought. When they look for Eddy he is nowhere to be found; he escaped through the window! (One guess as to where he went!) Meanwhile, a housekeeper brings in a cleaning cart…and quickly hands her a note: “Faby, it’s me, Eddy. One of the housekeepers agreed to give you this. Don’t worry, I’m going to get you out of there. I don’t know how yet, but I will free you. Destroy this letter so your mother won’t catch us. And be on the alert for a signal, Bye!”

Ivana hisses insults about the ungrateful housekeeper who has gone against Olmo. Olmo isn’t sure Delia has gone against him; he doesn’t think Delia has told anyone about Tomas. Ivana points out that they can’t be sure if and when Delia will talk…and they can’t leave any loose ends hanging. Olmo is surprised that Ivana is suggesting that they kill them; Delia is like family. Ivana emphasizes that they WERE like family…not anymore since they don’t know what side they’re on and they can’t let them runaround free. Olmo still wants her to be saying absurdities. Olmo comments that everyone is so ungrateful…and the one who pit his family against him was that traitor, Pedro!

The not-so-mod squad confab about Vera’s meeting with Olmo. Pedro wants to go with Vera who is going to try to get Fausto to confess, but Vera insists that Fausto doesn’t want to see him there; Pedro should stay with Nico! The others join in trying to convince Pedro that he should not go. Gonzo assures him that they will be there watching everything. No convincing Pedro…he swore to Nico that he would protect them with his life, and that is what he is going to do!

At the hotel, Eddy is dressed like a busboy. After he sets off the fire alarm, the guards tell Faby that they need to vacate the building. Ivana runs yelling after Faby, but Faby runs like a flash down the stairs. Eddy quickly removes the busboy jacket as Faby runs to him. They both hightail it out of there as Ivana spots them and tells the guard that there is no fire…that boy set off the alarm to take her daughter! Outside, Emilia and Octavio are in the car and hear the fire alarm. Octavio knows that there is no fire…it’s just Eddy. Silvio and his minions search everywhere, but Eddy and Faby manage to escape!!

Ivana is in the hallway and calls Silvio as Melida and Gaston are exiting the elevator. He listens as Ivana orders Silvio to stop looking for Faby…he needs to take care of Laiza and Delia who have information against Olmo. Gaston takes off! (Hopeofully he changes into his SuperGas suit on the way!)


ACUERDAS, Ep. 73: Reaping What You Sow Can Bring Up Worms Part 6

The NSMSquad is in a van testing the equipment. Vera is ready to go! She walks to Antonia’s grave and asks for protection.

Laiza and Delia have packed the car and ready to leave while Gaston drives like a madman and calls Laiza. Delia thinks that Gas must have found out that they were leaving; so Laiza refuses the call. They need to leave before she changes her mind. As they drive out, Silvio follows close behind!

At the cemetery, Vera alerts the NSMSquad that Fausto has arrived. After Fausto comments that this is an interesting place to meet, the NSMS listen attentively as Vera tells him that she wanted to meet there in front of her mother’s grave to ask him face-to-face why he killed her mother! Fausto, showing no remorse and almost smirking, states, “Because it was the only way to convince you to be by my side to destroy Olmo Casares!”

FIN!! Hasta Monday…the end is near!!



RgvChick, while I loved the quote, the title had me smiling in pure delight.

Your recap was mesmerizing in its brilliance. Marvelous, every single word.

Your wonderfully wry and witty humor was on full display with “Marina asks for forgiveness in her family’s name (which is worth a pig’s droppings, but I digress)”. The “NSMSquad was great”. Your comments on Pedro were all spot on! The poor, stoic lad can barely keep up.

Fausto can really get a rise out of Olmo can’t he? The mere mention of “Grupo Bernal” was enough to propel Olmo into a frenzied state of fury.

Ivana suggested Delia and Laiza be murdered as nonchalantly as she would any mundane task. She has no blood in her veins, only ice. I hope Faby never has to spend another night under the same roof as that monster. Yes, we can only hope that Gaston who finally sees the light is able to don his “SuperGas suit” and save the day.

At this point, Julio’s only function is to sear Pedro with jealous stares. Alicia’s star is rising and is right in the thick of things.

When that cart arrived in Faby’s room, did anyone else think Eddy had hidden in it? I was disappointed but he rescued her out with fine flair.

I did like Vera insisting on meeting Fausto at Antonia’s grave. And the cocky sob had not one iota of regret as he smirked that he killed her to get Vera by his side.

There is a special place in hell for so many here. I’m hoping for some several select spots in heaven for others.

The action is really ramping up and I think the last two episodes will have us on the edge of our seats!

Wonderful RgvChick. Wonderful. Thank you.


Tu Amor

JoelD, thank you SO MUCH for your excellent recap. You covered everything so well! Enjoy your fishing trip!

Since this is a telenovela, and since there will always be incongruous coincidences, I wonder if Enrique is Claudio's unknown father. And I think Enrique deserves someone better than Patricia.

I'm assuming that Leo is conspiring with Yolanda. We shall see.

Ricardo is a weasel. There, I've said it.

Thank you RvgChick for a fantastically detailed recap!
A highlight for me was how each of Olmo’s children and close friends; Gaston, Marina, Delia, Laiza, Pedro confronted him and abandoned him. Only Jacinto is left!
The other memorable highlight was Eddy’s rescue of Faby. They, Teo and Gonzo are my favorite couples!



RgvChick, I loved the title and quote (as well as the recap). Just wonderful! Thanks!

A few thoughts: Well, this was a very satisfying episode with only minor annoyances (like Emilia wanting to wait forJass/Pedro INSISTING on going with Vera). Even Marina finally saw the light and Fabi got to escape via the old fire alarm trick. Olmo got an unexpected reception from Delia! That slap was the best and they actually bothered to make his cheek look marked. (If they had only taken such care with this novela from day one!) When Fausto calls Vera to tell her he heard she was looking for him, he sounded like the big bad wolf (Little Red Riding hood) to me. So now Delia and Laiza know too much to live . . . Monday should be another good one.



Jarifa, Delia's slap was great and a long time coming.

Not that this absolves Olmo of anything but it didn't seem to me that he agreed to Laiza and Delia's murders. The one person slightly outside the familial circle he seems to care about (as much as he is capable of) is Delia although if I recall correctly he threatened Laiza so she is totally expendable in his eyes.

I re-read what RgvChick wrote so unless I missed something Ivana just took it upon herself to order the executions. Or was Olmo's NOT saying to do it an implicit go ahead?

This TN hasn't been perfect by any stretch of the imagination but my mind is racing ahead trying to figure out what will happen! So, I'm still interested and excited to get to the finish line.



"I wonder if Enrique is Claudio's unknown father". I hadn't thought of that Two Black and White Cats - very interesting!

I'm having a hard time trying to see Sergio Goyri playing a good guy. I like his scenes with Armando Azaria. They worked together in Mi Pecado as two heinous villains and both were excellent. The TN was not for the faint of heart but the acting was superb.

Yes, I think Leo is in league with Yolanda.


TU AMOR. Of course, Beba would be more in Leo's age range, but Yolanda certainly works too--neither one would be above using the other, despite the age difference. One of the possible positive results of Ricardo's turning up may be that Val will see that he's not really her ideal mate. And I'm assuming that Patricia won't try to convince Ricardo that Val and Nora are dead, as she did Guillermo. Nora gets ever more selfish and resentful of Val and Val's goals. I'm glad that Fatima seems to have a nice young couple to be her adoptive parents. I agree that Enrique deserves someone better than Patricia, 2 Black and White Cats. A proof of his decent character was when he praised Claudio as both an excellent lawyer and a decent person--even if they were representing different sides about the ranch ownership.


Thank you, Diana and Jarifa!

Diana, "The mere mention of “Grupo Bernal” was enough to propel Olmo into a frenzied state of fury." and :Julio’s only function is to sear Pedro with jealous stares." This is why I love to read your comments; you have such a flair with words!

Jarifa, "That slap was the best and they actually bothered to make his cheek look marked. (If they had only taken such care with this novela from day one!)" YESSS!! This TN could have been so much better if they had just bothered to spruce up the details.

I just love how everyone is turning on Olmo. That, in and of itself is quite an anvil (but, no, not enough) since he is always stressing how keeping the "FAH-milia" united is most important to him. And I did interpret Ivana's order to kill Delia an Liaza as coming from solely her.

Well now it's hot and humid in the RGV...and I have to go out and mow some more weeds ARGGHH!



Diana, that was an interesting question about the hit put out on Delia and Laiza. So, I had to take a looksee. You are right that we never heard Olmo agree to killing Delia and Laiza. He listened to Ivana and her reasons but ended telling Ivana to stop with the foolishness. He never gave any indication that he was on board with that. That being said he did include them is the list of those who were “ungrateful” with Pedro heading up that list and the one who was responsible for it all. Looks like Ivana has gone rogue!

If the whole novela could have been like this final stretch! 🤔


Diana: What's the motive of Leo conspiring with Yolonda ?

SpanProf: Intriguing to see who'll be joining the Body Count.


Yes, I think a "I Hate Olmo" non-fan club has begun RgvChick!! I'm on board and signing up. :)

Jarifa, thanks so much. Your shrewd deduction "Looks like Ivana has gone rogue!" seems to have nailed exactly what occurred. She has ascended in the evil hierarchy quickly and now is not asking for power but freely exerting it. I am assuming Gaston is able to save Laiza and Delia, but that is a guess. And if not, although Olmo may not be happy there is little he can do. Ivana is all he has left.



Hi Steve. I'm not as up to speed as I should be on this. If it is Yolanda that Leo is conspiring with, I'm sure he wants what all villains want, money and power.

Who knows what Yolanda has promised him? His list of crimes are a long one and he is going to break many hearts when he is caught.



My apologies for not acknowledging your comment. I knew someone had listed all the people who had turned against Olmo, but I was in such a rush that I couldn't find it again. Thank you!


TU AMOR. I love the expression of distrust on Claudio's face every time he looks in Leo's direction--also his observation that Leo has been exactly the same, and completely untrustworthy ever since they were small children.

Embajador #58 part 1

The joy on Nare’s face begins to fade as it looks like she’s beginning to feel a bit suffocated by Sancar’s embrace. She pulls away and says, I need to see my daughter. She runs to the truck. Sancar jumps in and they take off. Elvan runs screaming into the mansion, family, listen up! They found Melek! She turned up and it's okay!

Gediz is sitting outside the bathroom door in Melek’s room listening to her cry. Sounds like she also has the water running. Refika and Muge enter. Refika has PJs for the girl and Muge brought milk and cookies. Is Melek taking a shower? No, Gediz tells them, she believes if she runs the water no one will hear her cry.

Melek is crying her eyes out, thinking about what Meanie told her: “Sancar is the father of my baby, did you hear? He's not your father!” She thinks about Kavruk, motionless on the ground and she couldn’t wake him.

Gediz gently calls to Melek, precious, that’s enough. Shut the water and come out. Melek closes the water, wipes her eyes, comes out and announces, okay, no more crying. She explains she couldn't cry yesterday when she went to find someone to help Kavruk. Gediz asks her why she needed help? Because we had an accident, she replies. The adults are shocked by this revelation.

Zehra is sitting at Kavruk’s bedside. He still hasn’t woken up. I don't want to lose you, she tells him, can you open your eyes, please? I’m begging. Ayse comes in with a basin of water and a cloth and she doesn’t look very pleased that Zehra is there. Zehra gets up….uh, I was just telling Kavruk that Melek showed up. Ayse says that’s good, he can hear us. She adds, you can go now. I can take care of my fiancé.

Zehra leaves the room and Ayse closes the door. Elvan comes up the stairs and sees Zehra. She asks, what's wrong? Why are you standing by the door with that look? Zehra frowns, I was kicked out. Who kicked you out? Ayse did, Zehra answers, she said she could take care of Kavruk and kicked me out of the room. It bothers you, Elvan asks?

Zehra’s steamed. Of course it bothers me, she says, he’s my Kavruk. Wow, Elvan says, "my Kavruk"? Zehra explains that Kavruk has been with her since childhood. She can’t remember a single day without him. She continues, who does she think she is to throw me out like this? She is his fiancée, Elvan reminds her. Yes, Zehra knows but she feels Ayse should consider her too. Zehra walks away. Elvan smiles and comments to herself, it seems that a certain person finally opened her eyes.

Gediz asks Melek if she was ever scared? Melek says no, never, well maybe a teeny bit. Gediz nods. He asks, you said people came after the accident and they took Akin, right? You weren't scared about what they said? Do you remember what they talked about?

Melek admits she was very scared, she cried a lot and that's why she couldn't hear anything they said. She feels ashamed and says she behaved like a coward. Gediz takes her hand and tells her, no, you are not a coward. Everyone gets scared. You know what? Only brave people like you go out to seek help. Melek asks, am I brave? Yes, you are, Gediz says.

Melek thinks she has to be much braver now. Why? Because I'm all alone in this world now, she tells him, I'm not going to talk to my parents again. Gediz sighs and offers her a cookie.

Nare and Sancar show up at Gediz’ house. She tells Sancar, you promised not to ask questions, remember? Okay, he replies. And you are not going to ask her about Akin or Kavruk, Nare adds, Melek will tell us everything when she wants to…and if you make her angry ... Sancar stops her there, when have you seen me hurt my daughter? Nare stutters…but ... Sancar firmly says, no buts. I understand, I hurt you a lot, but I would never do that to my daughter. He adds, with the condition that you stay.



Embajador #58 part 2

Nare responds, we found Melek and we will fight for custody. Where was the great Efe, whose name I swore not to pronounce? He went crazy because he lost his daughter one night, Sancar says heatedly, and I don't want to lose her for the rest of my life, do you understand? Sancar moves in closer to Nare, I'm not going to lose you, I promise you that. There’s a “look” between them that’s quickly broken when Muge answers the door. Come in, upstairs, she tells them.

Nare and Sancar stand outside the bedroom door for a moment to gather themselves. They knock and enter. Hello beautiful, Nare says to her daughter. Melek moves behind Gediz and asks him, did you call them? Muge and Refika have also entered and Muge says it was Refika who called them. Muge and Refika leave the room.

Melek tells Gediz she doesn’t want her parents to be here. Nare tries to explain, you scared us, and we missed you so much. Sancar adds, we looked for you all over. Sly Melek speaks with Gediz, I told you that I will have a brother or a sister, right? Gediz nods yes. She continues, it will be from another mother, I told you that too, right? Gediz nods again.

Nare tells Melek, it's okay, we realize you know the truth. If Gediz allows, Nare says, I'd like the three of us to talk. Gediz, can we talk to her? Gediz in turn asks Melek, what do you say? Melek puts her head on Gediz’ shoulder. Sancar asks, can you leave us alone? Gediz tells Melek, when you want them to leave, tell me and I’ll get them out of here. He goes.

Sancar tells his daughter, I know I did wrong, but I never hurt you, just your mom. (Nare takes notice) I married someone else, and I regret it a lot. I'm not saying this because of the baby that's coming. Melek, it's a baby, a baby that has not been born yet. Sancar looks at Nare and tells his daughter, I wish it was your mom’s, too. Still, he's your brother.

Nare tells Melek, your father loves you both. Melek asks him, do you love the baby? Sancar doesn't know. He hasn’t met him yet, but he knows he’s going to love him, because you love all your babies. He continues, you are my daughter and that is why I love you. And because you are Melek, and you have a special way of intimidating us. Before I was your father, I didn’t know I could love someone so much.

Melek asks, what about my mom? You don't love her, do you? Sancar gazes at Nare and says, it is a passionate love. What does that mean, Melek asks? Sancar does not take his teary eyes off Nare. It’s when they are in love, but they are not together, he replies. Melek questions, if they are not together, then they have children with other people? Both parents wipe away tears. Melek says, mom told me if a dad and a mom loved each other, they would have children. But I think that was a big lie.

Nare hesitantly asks, do you think you can forgive us, Melek? Sancar hopes she can, too. Melek shakes her head, no. Her parent ask… please… Melek gets up from the bed and opens the door. What are you doing?

Melek tells them they have to go because if they don’t, she’s going to hug them. So hug us, Sancar says. Nare agrees, come here. Melek can't do it. She puts her hand over her heart and says, it hurts me a lot. Go now, she orders, and runs into the bathroom. Sancar is disheartened. Nare tells him, let's give her time, okay? Sancar takes the hug Melek mentioned as a good sign. They hear her crying. Gediz returns and tells them, I need to talk to you about something important. Come.



Embajador #58 part 3

Gediz tells Nare and Sancar that Melek was in Kavruk's car. What? Kavruk didn’t know she was there. She heard Akin. And after? They had an accident, Gediz replies, Kavruk lost control and they overturned. Then the trunk was opened. She heard more voices but didn't understand much because she was crying. When she heard nothing, she came out, and saw Kavruk on the ground, but she couldn’t wake him up.

Sancar asks about Kahraman. How did he find Melek? Melek went looking help and she got lost. She saw lights on the road. It was Kahraman's car. Sancar immediately thinks this was not a coincidence. This was planned, he says. Gediz asks if he’s talking about Akin and Kahraman? This doesn’t make sense to Nare. She says Kahraman saved their daughter. What does Akin have to do with this?

Sancar puts it together for her, don't you realize what's going on? Kavruk has an accident taking Akin to the police. They take Akin, Melek disappears and Kahraman finds her. Gediz is on board, let's go talk to him. Sancar agrees and the men get up. Nare stops them, she wants to go with them. Someone more polite should go. I’ll thank Mr. Kahraman for saving my little girl.

Sancar does not want Nare to go. She won’t take no for an answer. She’s going to let Melek know they are going, and she tells the guys they better wait for her or else they won’t find her when they return. Gediz readily agrees—to Sancar’s frustration. They are driving him crazy, but Sancar reluctantly agrees to wait, too.

Melek is still crying in the bathroom with the water running. Nare calls her. I told you to go, Melek says. Nare tells her they are going to Kahraman to thank him for bringing her back and then they will return. Is that ok? We can wait for you to forgive us, but don't take long to do it because I miss hugging you, Nare tells her.

Outside, Gediz asks Sancar why he hid Melek’s disappearance it from him. Really, asks Sancar in return, are you really going to reproach me for that? After what you said? Flashback to their last confrontation on the marina terrace, when Gediz told Sancar to stay with his pregnant wife and leave Nare alone so she could be with him. He would heal the wounds Sancar caused.

Gediz understands Sancar felt jealous. Sancar is ticked, do you want me to beat you to death? Gediz tells him to calm down but then he adds, they will give custody to Nare because you will have a baby. Sancar says that's not gonna happen. You won't keep my daughter or my love. Gediz does not back down, everything belongs to the Efe, he scoffs, you already have two women, a daughter and a baby. All you do is cause injuries.

Sancar advises Gediz to find someone for himself. Nare comes out and sees them. Sancar gives his final warning, that woman is mine only. I will be the one to heal the wounds. Whether you find the right woman or not, Nare is mine. Nare walks over wondering what’s going on. Sancar says, let’s go thank Kahraman and he walks away.

Things are a little tense at the Kahraman household. [I hope you don’t mind this tiny little spoiler, the woman’s name is Ceylan.] Ceylan serves coffee to Kahraman and Akin and sits, waiting for some sort of introduction or explanation. Kahraman tells her to get lost. She leaves.

Akin is fidgeting and it’s getting on Kahraman’s nerves, stop doing that, please. Akin replies, only if you can get Nare. You remember her, right? Kahraman asks, what kind of obsessive maniac are you? You would be obsessed, too, Akin says, if they did this to your hand. I'm going to take revenge on her and you will have your 12 million, understand?



Embajador #58 part 4

There’s a knock on the door, one of Kahraman’s men. Kahraman orders, get me a boat from outside the country. Make sure there’s enough fuel. Get men who are not from around here, so if they catch them, they won't give us away. As you order, sir, the man replies. Kahraman adds reluctantly, I want another man to watch Nare, tomorrow we will kidnap her.

This has made Akin’s day. This is perfect, he asks, is the boat going to the Greek islands? Kahraman doesn’t give details, he says you take care of yours and I’ll take care of mine; bring the money. I'll put Nare in that boat and walk away with the 12 million.

There’s an unexpected knock on the door and Kahraman and Akin are alarmed. Kahraman opens to Nare. Sancar appears, will you allow us to come in? And if I say no, are you going to go? No, Sancar replies and barges in. Gediz asks Kahraman to excuse Sancar’s bad manners and barges in as well. Sancar looks surprised to see someone but it is only Kahraman’s father. Sancar thought he was in a nursing home.

Sancar notices the coffee. Who did you drink coffee with? With my father, Kahraman answers. Akin is hiding in a closet, listening. Nare asks Kahraman, is he your father? She tries talking to him but he’s too busy watching TV. Kahraman explains he won’t pay attention to her. Nare says, get well soon [geçmiş olsun/may it be in the past], and Kahraman thanks her.

Sancar asks why is the coffee on his right side? Your father is left-handed. Akin is sweating it out in the closet. Ok I'm guilty of putting the cup on the wrong side, Kahraman holds his wrists out, arrest me. Nare starts to thank Kahraman for saving their daughter. Sancar blurts, where did you find her? Kahraman asks if he needs to call his lawyer. Gediz tells him, you need an Imam, but if you convince us, we will forgive you. Where did you find her? She jumped in front of me on the road.

Sancar asks if he saw Kavruk’s car. He says Melek took him to the accident site. Did you call the ambulance, Gediz asks? Yes. Why didn't you wait for the ambulance to arrive? Because the girl was scared and asked me to take her to Gediz. And did you also take Akin, Gediz asks? A pause… who is Akin, Kahraman asks? Sancar is losing patience, you heard his name at the meeting, so don't lie. Gediz says, you knew we were going to bring him somewhere and curiously, he disappeared.

Kahraman claims he has no idea what they're talking about. You have lots of enemies, have you looked for them? Nare says that’s enough, let’s go. Mr. Kahraman, you saved our daughter, on behalf of the three of us, I apologize for their attitudes instead of thanking you. Kahraman thanks Nare for being nice. He looks so guilty. They leave.

Kahraman orders Akin out of his hiding place. Akin is pissed that Kahraman found Melek but returned her. He yells, I told you several times, Kahraman, we could use her to kidnap Nare! You would have had your 12 million!

Kahraman is disgusted with Akin and grabs him by the collar. Listen to me! You were trembling in there a moment ago, weren't you? Don’t provoke me! I hate people who act as brave inside, but outside they are chicken. I swear I’ll hang you!

Akin works on Kahraman, you think you are very brave, but you are the chicken. What happened, you made friends with Melek? Akin says he has no problem with the girl, he just wants to settle matters with Nare. Okay? If not, then say goodbye to your money. You will have a lot of problems with Sadiclar. Think about it, Kahraman. Kahraman breaks another string of beads. He must have a closet full of them.



Embajador #58 part 5

Elvan comes to visit Melek at Gediz’ house. A very happy reunion. Lots of hugging, kissing and tears. Melek can’t stop crying. What's the matter? Why are you crying? Melek says they took her to the mansion, but she didn't see her. Where were you? That woman was there, and you weren't. Melek starts, she told me that ... Melek stops. Elvan asks what did she say? Don't be afraid, Melek, what did she say?

She told me that my dad is not my dad, he's just a dad to her baby. Flash back to Meanie telling Melek. “he's not your father, girl!” Melek tells Elvan, that's why I don't want to be with my dad. He can stay with his baby. I don’t care! Elvan feels for Melek. She wipes her tears. She tells Melek that lying harpy will not make her cry again. Smile. She tells Melek how she turned the hot water off on Meanie while she showered. They laugh. Elvan wonders what else they can think of to do to her. Melek suggests chewing gum in her hair.

Sancar comes through the door and asks who will you put chewing gum on? Melek runs up the stairs. Elvan tells them this will pass. She explains she came because she cares about Melek and wanted to see how she was. Gediz welcomes her. Elvan thanks him and then says she’s going. She asks Sancar to take her home.

They all ask her to stay for a while. They ask about Kavruk. Kavruk is still the same, she says, it was nice to visit. She asks again for Sancar take her home and then he can come back here. It’s obvious she wants to tell him something. Okay. Sancar shoots Gediz a “stay away from Nare” look before he goes. Elvan and Sancar step out. He wants to know what happened. Get in the car and I’ll tell you, she says.

Sancar bangs on the mansion door blows right past Gulsiye. Gulsiye asks, what's wrong? Elvan, tells her nothing yet, but a huge bomb will explode soon.

Sancar bursts into Meanie’s room and tells Atike to get out. Atike is worried about the baby but Sancar doesn’t care. He orders Atike again to leave. Out!

Meanie asks did something bad happen? What did you say to my daughter, Sancar asks? I told you already, that she was going to have a brother, nothing more. He says, don't lie to me! You told her that I’m not her father, only the father of your baby. Meanie denies it. Whoever told you that lied to you, don't believe it. Sancar is furious, are you calling my daughter a liar? No, she replies, maybe she misunderstood me. Ask Yahya. Sancar says he will.



Embjador #58 part 6

He warns Meanie for the last time, Melek is my daughter and the baby you're carrying is mine, too. If you don't treat my daughter the same way you treat the baby, if you make her cry just once, if you dare to do it, when you give birth, I'll take the baby and kick you out of the mansion. If there’s a problem, don't put her in it, I'll be the one to pay! You're not going to hurt my daughter for the damage that I caused you. Is that clear?

Meanie tries to say something but Sancar tells her to shut up. Just take care of our baby, okay? You are here because of him. Don’t provoke me. He opens the door. Elvan Gulsiye and Atike are waiting there. Sancar asks for Yahya. He’s outside in the pergola. Elvan and Gulsiye run to follow Sancar.

Atike goes to her daughter. If Yahya tells the truth, everything will end for us. Meanie sends her mom to see what they talk about. Meanie texts Yahya: "don't say anything to Sancar or I’m going to tell Elvan about your adventure with Dudu."

Sancar pulls Yahya up from the table. What do you want? He asks, what did Menekse say to my daughter? Yahya answers, I already told you. Sancar’s got his brother by the throat. Say it again, Sancar demands. We found Melek, why are you doing this? I want the truth! Melek spoke to Elvan and said Menekse told her that I was not her father, that I'm just the baby's father! Is that true? Halise’s jaw drops open.

Yahya sticks to the story and says it isn’t true. Sancar gives him one last chance, tell me the truth. Yahya looks around, at Atike, at Elvan. Are you blaming me for what Melek thought, Yahya asks? Maybe she thought you weren't going to love her the same anymore, maybe she was jealous of the baby. Maybe she lied, Yahya says. Sancar knows his daughter doesn’t lie. Yahya counters, how much do you know about your daughter? Were you with her from the time she was born? [low blow, bro]

Sancar moves in and says, you will pay for having lied to me in this way. He leaves. Elvan wants Yahya to come with her to talk. He tells her later and leaves, too. Elvan takes off after Yahya and stops him. She asks, why does Menekse have control over you, Yahya?

And we are out.



ACUERDAS This is from comment 5/21
"Great recap... and Hell is throwing up" is what it was suppose to say Diana. Sorry!


HA Nina! Love it and thanks for your continuing support and comments.



You're right SpanProf. At least Claudio has a clue about Leo. Helena seems very astute so I'm a bit surprised she hasn't sensed anything. Leo isn't exactly warm and cuddly but then again, neither is she (save when with Hector but who can blame her?) :)



This comment is from thursday night
Episode. I was do worn out from work I couldnt even look at the recap.
Dondi you nailed it girl. You are
Among many good storytellers on this patio.

Now, menekse is incredibly cold and
Bitchy. Like elvan told her what's
Happened has only backfired on her.

Kahrahman is really fighting his conscience. He dont seem like a bad guy hes just in a pickle and sancar and gediz are taking advantage of
His pickleness. And lookit he saved melek from that molester. But that could change. He's desperate. With a conscience.

Nare is very angry, she wanted to burn down the mansion. Lol, sancar would just build another one.
And they brought kavruk to the big mansion.
" Ayse questions why karuk was brought here if he hasn't woken up. It's because Sancar wants him here and he will make sure kavruk gets all the Care he needs." Cuz every body knows that the mansion is the best medical facility in turkey.
When they brought menekse and the doctor to the mansion someone said it wasnt safe because bbn of 5he virus. Could that be covid-19? News
Mentioned something about turkey being on shut-down again last month
Did anybody else hear that?
Well thats where all the excitement
Is, so that's the place to be sick.
Sancar sure is an arrogant SOB. He tells gediz hes gonna have his wife
And the baby n melek and nare. Very
Arrogant. Gediz knows it. And he'll
Find somebody love. Soon I hope.
Kahrahman father looks like he may
Have alzheimers disease. He just ignores him. That's a sad situation
He don't need to get mixed up with the likes of that bottom feeder.
Ok that's it for Thursday nite epi.

Thank you Dondi.



KEEP bringing nfb it Dondi.
The nerve of yahya. How stupid is he? And such a Coward. You're right dondi that was a low blow from bro.
He's gonna have to make that up for the rest of his miserable life.
What he did with Dondi wasn't that bad, what they had dinner and they
Talk slot together but the customs
Are strict about a woman with a married man. And he did invite her to dinner. And he didn't ask her to come back to the mansion for the right reason. Yeah he's in a stinky pickle. Coward.

I wish they had taken the doggy with them too. Melek and the mut R
So cute together. Maybe he will wonder into compound of efe. Melek is such a cutie pie.

So kahraman has no conscience, much
He wants 12 freaken million dollars
Stupid is what stupid does.

Ok dinnertime. Later. Thank you Dondi.

I'm sorry Dondi you and yahya did nothing wrong. I thought sure I had typed "dudu". Please ignore that.
My bad. :-D


Thx are so great at these recaps and you are so appreciated.

Like the rest of the patio...relieved to see that Kman did not hold on to Melek and got her back to a safe environment. While he does appear to have a conscuece... he is a desperate man so I'm betting that he will assist Akin vs thinking of the kindness that Nare has shown him. She's done nothing to harm him. Can only hope that if he knew what a horrid rapist Akin is...he wouldn't assist him for any amount of money. Surely he wouldn't want that assist on his conscience.

I too thought that Melek would keep the pup. Has anyone else noticed this...but I've watched several turk TN and there always seem to be stray dogs...and cats the scene that are not part of the story. Makes me wonder about what the streets are really like over there.

Can't hardly wait for the anvil awaiting Meneske. What has Melek done to her but have the misfortune of being the off spring of her husband's true love. If she's got issues...take it out on the adults...not the kid. Here's to hoping that Loki is really that dad of her spawn. She doesn't deserve to have a child if she would bully a kid no matter who that kid is.

Things are heating up between Sancar and Gediz. Can't blame Gediz for being encouraged now that Sancar is expecting a child and doesn't appear to have a way out of his marriage to Meneske. No way can anyone expect Nare not to move on with her life..and why not with Nare. I get that the story line is leading us toward an ending with the original love birds...but that doesn't mean it was the best pairing. But if Sancar can get rid of Meneke.....Gediz doesn't have a chance.



DIANA,RGVCHICK, yall dida wonderful job with this recap. Yiu got all the fire works. And more is coming.

Why is Olmo so hurt that his kids
Have all turned against him? Hes a
Killer, a heartless coldblooded killer. I don't think that ivana's
Endgame is to be alive in the end.
Shes tasted blood and she likes it.
Sick bitch that she is. Iam so glad
Eddy get faby out of there. And you can tell she really doesn't care anything about Faby, I mean her daughter's running away from her and she stops and decides she would rather kill two people instead of going after her daughter that she claims to love so much the woman is twisted. And I don't think she just got like that recently, we still don't know how Alma died and I really think she had something to do with it. I could be wrong but I my doubts. I think she really lost it.

I really hope gas gets to laiza and
Mom before Silvio & his cutthroats
Merry murderers do. Jac-ass is just
Pitiful. Wouldn't be surprised if he's the one that takes out daddy.

I dont know who the sickest one is,
Olmo or fausto. Olmo looked really hurt when all his kids turned against him. I think he cared about pedro that much anyway. I don't care how hurt he is.
But fausto don't give a damn about
Nobody. These 2 people will probly
Be dead comes the end. With some others being collateral damage.

Thank you Diana.


dondi356, I have to agree with Nett, you are GREAT at these recaps and if it weren't for your detail, I'd miss so many things that may be appear trivial, but can be a turning point for a storyline.

I had to smile at your comment about the dog. I was so disappointed that Melek left it behind. I'm hoping that she runs into him again...maybe she'll go look for him. Such a beautiful dog!

I was really surprised that Kaveman...err Kahraman, took Melek to Gediz. I have seen him think twice about what Akin has asked him to do, but I thought the money had settled any doubts he had with Akin's plan. Nett said it best, "he is a desperate man so I'm betting that he will assist Akin vs thinking of the kindness that Nare has shown him." At least we know he is incapable of hurting a child.

Meanie is despicable! I think the baby is really is Sancar's; he noticed right away that Nare was not a virgin; wouldn't he have noticed the same if Meanie wasn't a virgin? Unless he just didn't care to "feel" anything! HA!

And Yahya is just plain stupid! As Nina pointed out, what he and Dudu "almost" did is did. not. happen! So why all the guilt??

I actually thought that Melek's disappearance would be the cliffhanger for Season 1 finale; I guess the writers came up with something juicier! Can't wait until Monday!

Once again, dondi, MIL GRACIAS!!


Nina, thank you!

Olmo has always shown that he wants his family together...not in the best of ways, but he did try to keep the family united. I have to give him (very little) credit for not agreeing with Ivana about getting rid Delia and Liaza.

All of us have, at one time or another, asked who is worse...Olmo or Fausto? When I heard Fausto order the hit on Eddy...he immediately went to the top of the list!


Good morning all.

Nina, if it weren't for Olmo ordering Pedro to be killed (adopted or not, he is still his son) there would be no contest.

However, that said, I agree with RgvChick that Fausto is worse. Eddy is a child.

Fausto seems immune to any type of true feeling for anyone. That is except Tadeo. I am so curious about this relationship but at this point, don't think there will be any closure.

With two more episodes left, anything is possible.



Thank you everyone for your kind words and comments. I am enjoying this even more the second time around with my Caraymates!

Kahraman is a very interesting character. He’s bitter, vengeful and now he’s desperate and yet, he has a conscience. He’s constantly fighting an inner battle. Anyone’s guess on what he will do next. I think he also has “short man syndrome”. It’s amusing when he literally goes up against Sancar or Gediz. The prayer bead thing is funny.

Nina: Thanks for inserting me into the story! I know you meant Dudu. I think dinner with Gediz would be a lot of fun. Dinner with Sancar, well, forget dinner, I’d just gaze into his eyes. But dinner with Yahya? No thanks, I’ll let Dudu have him!

Nett: Turkey, particularly Istanbul, has a very long history of street animals. The cats are famous. Dogs have a less happy history. Generally speaking, people do what they can to take care of them and there are laws against harming street animals. Part of the reason I like Turkish shows are the cat sightings!

Trailers for two documentaries on Istanbul street animals:

Kedi (cats):

Stray (dogs):

I saw Kedi and recommend it. I plan to watch Stray.

Rgv Chick: “wouldn't he have noticed the same if Meanie wasn't a virgin?” I had the same thoughts. And I don’t understand why the Yahya-Dudu flirtation is bombshell blackmail material for Meanie either. Maybe what little they have done is scandalous according to the traditions of the area? Look at the way Sancar was angry at Yahya for just sniffing around Dudu.

Season one final on Monday! Big cliffhanger coming! At least we don’t have to wait for season two.




Dondi and Chickie, i had tbe same thought. If San realized tbat Nare wasnt a virgin on their wedding night , why didnt he realize that Meangirl also wasnt a virgin? So if Loki is indeed the real biological father, i am chalking it up to San just wanting to get the deed done and not paying attention to what he was doing \ feeling. Maybe he was biting tbe bullet and thinking of England . I really, really dont want San to be the father, mostly because of Melek , who has been so cruelly wounded by Meanie 's hurtful, despicable , vicious comments to that sweet, little girl. I hope that there is a special place for those who harm children. There was a teacher i knew who tsught AP English . I student made a sign and out it over her class room ... " Abandon hope all ye who enter here"..the same sign greeting visitors to Dante's inferno. so...tbat where Meanie is heading, i hope.

P.s. We should name tgat dear litt!e pup. The writers missed an opportunity . If Melek had invited the little dog into Kar's car and t hen taken him to the mansion , the dog could have sensee Meanie's evil and protected Melek from her cruel words....maybe a littke bite to bring home t he dogs intent .


Ooops...big oversight by the writers that Sancar didn't notice that Menie wasn't a virgin...unless against all of our hopes...she really was one. Then again....he didn't sit around after the he probably didn't notice the sheets. But I do need a that how he knew Nare wasn't a virgin...the blood on the sheets thing or was it something else.

Thx for the the links of the street animals...I'm going to take a look.



Susanlynn, if we are talking Dante’s Inferno, the lowest circle of hell was for the betrayers (treachery). People like Akin and Guven, who would betray their own family and not show any remorse. Meanie and Halise could be headed in that direction, too.

There was nothing specific mentioned about “proof” of Nare’s or Meanie’s virginity when the marriages were consummated. I was surprised that Sancar was even able to do the deed with Meanie. But he had no hope of reconciling with Nare at that point and was hoping Meanie could make him “forget”. He immediately knew he made the second biggest mistake of his life. Now he’s paying for that, too.



I have not been reading continuously nor have i commented for awhile but i am compelled to do so now because many of you have truly helped me emotionally during this difficult Pandemic year and now again in its tenuous aftermath.
These telenovelas and especially the incredible recaps and commentary have saved me from boredom and depression. The recappers have continually clarified stuff for me and…. you commenters have made me laugh a lot and also gave me a true sense of community!!! We have been able to share so many feelings about these characters, their culture and the writer’s decisions!!!
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH Dondi, Rgv Chick…and others
Seems that many of us wondered about whether for sure Meanie’s baby is really Sancar’s ( OH how i wish he/she were not!!!). Many of us wanted that dog to be included in the family. Many of us desperately wish they could permanently throw Meanie out of the mansion but the baby is a huge issue. Dante’s Inferno too good for her!!! Many of us are grateful that Karahman returned Melek to Gediz, and…lastly many of us agree that Yaya is pathetic, weak and despicable and that his “flirtation” with Dudu is NOTHING! For goodness sakes….Yaya could hardly be forgiven anyway with the way he treated Elvan so why would anyone think twice about Dudu!!!!
The music adds so much substance to this TN! The exotic music combined the long pauses, intense staring and dramatic facial expressions
Amotelenovelas. (AMOT)



AMOT!!! SO glad to "see" you back!! When someone has not commented for a while, some of us tend to worry and wonder if all is okay with our missing Caraymates...and when they pop in, it is a relief and pleasure to know they are well; so thank you for dropping in!

It's nice to hear that the recaps and comments give relief from the humdrum of daily life AND brightness in a time when there is so much chaos, fear and doubt...but we shall prevail as long as we stay united (Oh sheesh, I'm starting to sound like Olmo....just a little LOL)

Isn't it amazing that other's thoughts mirror our own? As I read dondi's recaps and the comments, I find myself thinking "Oh I thought the same thing!" And ITA about the "exotic music combined the long pauses, intense staring and dramatic facial expressions" in this TN; they are beautifully and expertly incorporated into each and every scene. And dondi providing links when the songs have lyrics is even better! Oh how I wish I understood the Turkish language!

I do hope you keep on dropping in, even if just to say "Hi!" Keep safe, stay well :-)


AMOT, I feel the same way as you do about Caray and I thank you for your comments. It’s all about the sharing, caring, and learning.

I hope you stick with us on Embajador. Big stuff coming up! So happy they kept the soundtrack for this show.



Great stuff.
It serves the plot at this stage for Vera to know why Fausto killed Antonia, but did he honestly (lol) really think he could come back from that? I actually thought for a while that Fausto expected Vera to become another Ivana who would seduce and use anyone whom Fausto would need or get revenge on. Somehow she didn't get the criminal gene.

Unless we get a last-five-minutes-of-the-finale confession I don't think we will find out how Alma died.

Emilia got on my last nerve when she wanted to wait for Jacinto. I was afraid that the time it took Eddy to get her on her feet was going to be enough for Jacinto to shut up and do damage.



I agree with you about Caray . It offers a nice break from reality especially this last year of isolation and uncertainty. It's always interesting to learn other people's views about storylines and characters. Hang in there.


I'm glad you were able to get some relief from the recaps and comments of these crazy sometimes funny and not so funny stories. Really some of the stuff these characters do is so Stupid, I think the actors laugh at themselves. I never thought these Turkish tns could be so good. I love the close ups, the eyes they really Say more than the parts they speak. In this one anyway. I hope you stick Around n join the patio, we're kinda crazy on this patio. We drink fake Wine(make believe wine) and say crazy stuff and we just crack each other up.
We gotta laugh it keeps us sane. I hope we hear from you again, theyre
Getting really good.


Seems like there will be a lot of loose ends left tonight, since season two starts tomorrow. At least we won't have to wait months.
Please, please don't let Akin, la mala hierba que nunca muere, survive! I do not want to see him anymore.

As much as I like Gediz, he needs to cool it about Nare. Does he have a death wish, telling Sancar that he loves Nare? Shut up already!

I hope Sancar and Nare get together, but with Meneske lying about her baby's daddy, it won't happen soon.

Lots more to say, but will spare y'all. ;) Thank you, Dondi, for your marvelous recaps. You deserve a gold medal!

Beth S.


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