Monday, May 10, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Suerte de Loli, Buscando a Frida, y más: Week of May 10, 2021

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—La Suerte de Loli**
• 10-11PM—Buscando a Frida

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hi all! Coming up for air after a couple of long shifts. The recap for Episode #73 will be up later this morning.

I also wanted to say thank you to dondi356 for that terrific recap on Friday for episode #72. I enjoyed that so much more that taking the time to watch it!


Loli – Episode #73 Scenes are abbreviated and situations not necessarily in sequence. This is short and sweet folks!
Part 1 of 2

We return to the Global Radio breakroom where Rafa overheard the discussion about Leo kissing Loli. Loli tries to cover and says it was an “accident” where their lips just barely touched each other. Rafa is furious and tells Leo to leave his life because all he ever brings is problems. Loli asks Rafa to calm down.

Leo ends up packing his stuff to spend the night at Paulina’s. Jess is glad to see her Tio and Paulina is glad to add more dirt on to Loli. Leo just looks dazed and confused ending up back at Rafa’s the next day. Rafa, who has calmed down, lets him back in to stay with a big hug. (These two have some real issues to hash out!).

Berta, the social worker is skulking around Global Radio looking for Loli. Pauline entices her into the spider web of fakeness (formally Loli’s office) and asks if the information she provided about Loli not visiting her dad in rehab was helpful? Yes? Well, here is more juicy stuff to add. Paulina, faking mortification about what is on the USB Angie gave her, turns over the sex video of Loli and Rafa.

Felipe the homeless convict, is throttling Bruno calling him a traitor (I yell, Don’t Stop!) Bruno begs for his life saying the Melissa is having triplets. Felipe, stops choking him (darn it) saying “Melissa…” then claims that he will be a great uncle to the triplets. Bruno is saved again. Across town, Melissa is being fanned by Norita after learning that Bruno is the assistant to a secretary and not an executive. Nora tries to cover, but Melissa realizes that Bruno is lying to her. Later she confronts him and he admits his lies but it was all done to protect her and the babies. Mel faints and we all fast forward.

Rox is talking to herself while making popcorn. She feels like just calling Romeo for a romp. Cesar calls at the moment to say that he will be home early but not to their home. He is going to spend the night with Dulce because she asked him to as she is not feeling well. Rox loses it and tells him he can spend the night and every night afterward at Dulce’s. Later that night, Cesar tries to open the apartment door only to realize that Rox has changed the locks. She again tells him to just leave and the situation is not working out, she can’t have a relationship with him, Dulce and the baby (if there really is one).

Berta and Loli and in the conference room at GR. Berta is lecturing Loli on her many life issues. Loli tries to explain that she is just human, make mistakes but she is trying be a better person. Loli tells her about Raul and his soon to be execution, asking Berta if she hasn’t ever made a mistake, like falling in love with a convict or does she know a social worker who has? Berta says she will not talk about her personal life and she is not the only social worker in LA. (There goes that theory).

In the never-ending saga of Mati, Art and Selma, they return from seeing the retirement place specializing in care of Alzheimer and dementia patient. Selma loved the beautiful, big house and gardens. She cannot wait to move there! The next morning, Art asks Mati for the umpteenth time when they are going to schedule their wedding vow ceremony? Mati, for the umpteenth time avoids answering, says they need to wait and focus in on getting Selma moved in to the assisted care home. Selma overhears the conversation and has a breakdown saying she thought they were all moving to a new home, not putting her in a home! She accuses Art of wanting to steal her apartment and inheritance and he is a bad son. (Since Mati hopped in the sack with Jack, this story has gone nowhere).


Loli – Episode #73
Part 2 of 2

One day before Raul’s scheduled execution, Loli, Rafa and Norita are ready to go to the state capitol if necessary, to make the Governor grant the stay of execution as he has not returned any calls or met with Loli. Loli receives a collect call from San Quentin, it is Raul asking Loli for the opportunity to meet Nicky as his last request before dying.

Loli, Nora and Rafa are all discussing the best approach with Nicky, Rafa says not to give up hope, he is convinced that Raul will not die the next day. Loli tells him to deal with the press/interviews and she runs out the back door only to end up at, surprise, Mariana’s grave asking for guidance. What should she do? Show me a sign! On cue, in floats the Octavio butterfly and lands on Mariana’s headstone. The butterfly says nothing meaningful to those of us watching, but Loli seems to clearly understand what she is saying.

Back at her home, Nicky is showing Loli the latest family drawing that does not depict Octavio because Nicky says he is not real dad. Loli tells him that Octavio loves him very much and it doesn’t matter that he isn’t his real dad, in fact all the people that now surround Nicky were sent by his mom to protect and love him. Nicky agrees and decides to add Octavio to the drawing. (Guess this is butterfly logic). But Nicky says he still wants to meet his real dad.

In two very random scenes, Octavio receives a call from his lawyer with news about the reopening of the bar but he won’t share anything until he sees Octavio in person. Robert/Divina comes in to say he has found a gig for the guy’s dancing at a baptism (what the heck?). Next, we see Octavio and the guys toasting in the bar with Domingo to the reopening of Hunky Bar. (Either I feel asleep and missed a few scenes or this was chopped into pieces and strung together).

Angie is entertaining two handsome musical entertainers (I don’t know who they are) scheduled to be on Roxs' show. She even asks for a selfie with them. On the Rox show, she is talking about dealing with your partners ex and their kids, sharing her Cesar story with the world. The two musical entertainers encourage her to make amends with Cesar who on cue sends a huge teddy bear and lovely card asking for forgiveness. Everyone encourages her to give him another chance.

Rafa is out in front of the CA state capitol building with a huge group of reporters demanding that the Gov grant the stay of execution for Raul! Octavio is watching live on TV when his doorbell rings and it is Victoria, unannounced, wanting another cup of coffee (at least her brat wasn’t with her). Leaving the door wide open, Octavio invites her in explaining that the guy about to be executed is Nicky’s biological dad. Of course, Nicky and Domingo walk in through the open door at that precise moment. Nicky says, “What? That guy is my dad?” Cara impactado de Octavio!



Where to start? So many funny asides, VVS. Loved your recap and short is always fine.

I especially liked "spider web of fakeness". And, on that topic I have been thinking. What in the world does Pau gain if Loli loses custody of Sam and Nicky? If telenovelas ever had logic, it would be better for Pau's chances with Rafa if Loli were distracted by parenting duties. If she lost the kids, she'd have more time for Rafa!

And "I yell: don't stop!" We should be so lucky as having Felipe finish Bruno off. And more illogical stuff: Felipe apparently thinks the world of Melissa, who kidnapped him from the hospital and blames Bruno, even though he overheard the FBI agent (or whatever she was) thank Carol for the tip.

At least they got Sacramento right. I wouldn't put it past these Florida writers to think that LA was the capitol of California.

I also loved "butterfly logic".

Yep, I'm no longer on Team Victoria. She's verging on stalking Octavio.

I now think Rox SHOULD dump Cesar. The writers have made him into such a pushover that I no longer think Rox deserves putting up with him.

I don't think you fell asleep, VVS. I was completely confused about how Octavio managed to re-open Hunky Bar. Something was said about corrupt sanitation officials and Octavio not having bribed them, but beyond that ???

Art really lost it with his mother last night. He rather brutally told her that she lives in his house with his husband. Her delusion was that where she's living now is somehow her home and they are the guests. Jack...come back!

Hi novelera! Thanks for adding some of those details I missed. Yes! Jack come back! Art did lose it. Mati is much more kind with poor Selma.

When Felipe had that dreamy eyed look about Melissa that save stupid Bruno, all I could think of was a scene where she was telling Bruno about having to take Felipe to the bathroom and got a glimpse of his wanky. Apparently, Felipe didn’t even try to hide anything so he must have delusions of grandeur with Mel.

What does Paulina gain keeping Loli from getting custody is a great question! I agree that she should help her and because Nicky is so young and Sam sick that could leave the road open for Pau to regain Rafa since Jess is near graduation. Loli will have no time for him!

Yes, Rox dump Cesar already and just keep Tomas! I am not a Victoria fan at all. I only like our Victoria who provides comments from time to time. 😊



Thanks very much, VVS, for this wonderful recap. You've captured just about everything and included a merciful, much-appreciated "Mel faints and we all fast forward."

I'm tempted to put an up-arrow at the top of this comment pointing to novelera's, and just say "what she said." I too think a short recap is just fine, and I would have pointed to the same delightful asides that she already did.

I can add one thing: the name of the singers on Rox's program are apparently Alan Ramirez and Oswaldo Silvas. They may or may not be famous. I know next-to-nothing about Mexican singers. (I took note of the names in case I needed them for tonight's recap.)

One other thing--Bruno gets a phone call (from Zancudo? I don't know) reminding/warning him that he has less than 24 hours left to find the car.

I'm not yet ready to give up on my theory about Bertha and Raúl Acuña. I don't believe a thing Bertha says, and she'd be especially wary of admitting anything about her private life to Loli. It's true that she didn't seem to react when she heard Raúl's name, but for the moment, I'm clinging to my theory. Bertha may claim that she's not the only social worker in LA, but seeing is believing.

Last night, all we saw of Rafa's attempt to pressure the governor was his standing outside with a group of reporters. I had been under the impression that he had found out something incriminating about the governor's dealings or tax returns or something similar, but none of that was evident last night. Perhaps we'll find out tonight. I hope I don't miss it--I totally missed the butterfly bit last night!

Hi Juanita! Thanks for adding some more of those details I missed! I forgot about Bruno once again being on the death clock for 24 hours! I appreciate yours and novelera’s kind comments.

Also, thanks for the names of the musical group on the Rox show. I had never heard of them but I guess they are famous for love ballads.

I am certain Bertha/Berta, whatever her name is, definitely has a shadier side, not sure if she is involved with Raul, but she is compensating for something!

I totally forgot that Rafa had dirt on the CA Governor! I do hope that gets included tonight otherwise it was a waste of dialogue that I can barely understand!

Looking forward to your recap tonight!



Bruno and Melissa are annoying as all heck, but I was glad to see her get mad at him for all his nonsense. She's probably more mad about the money, but he needed to be called out for all the lying he's doing. And why are they buying Carol a ring or anything else when SHE has all that reward money?

Berta is also lying about there being roe than one social worker in LA. We watch telenovelas, Berta! We know better.

I think a baptism sounds boring (if you're related to the baby) but I'd totally go to one that had strippers. Way more fun than a non-stripper baptism!



VVS, great recap. Wonderful observations and asides. Might have been short but it was sweet and to the point. Unlike this show.

“butterfly logic” should become a standard phrase.

“Dulce and the baby (if there really is one)” Did she get a test or see a doctor? Good grief, this is just as ridiculous as Lupillo’s mole proving he’s Sam’s father.

I got the feeling that Octavio was opening despite the order and letting the chips fall where they may.

Why does Nicky always have to get devastating news by accident?



Hi dondi356! I agree that Dulce needs to prove she is pregnant and if she is, I am not convinced the baby belongs to Cesar. I am a firm believer in that DNA test!

I hate how poor Nicky wanders into those adult conversation and discovers devastating news. It will be interesting to see if he will visit Raul before the lethal injection. I am sure the Gov will wait until the very last second to grant the stay.

So Octavio is just going to open up? I like that approach.

Thanks for the comments dondi356!


La Suerte de Loli - #74 - p 1 de 3

Well, just about the entire episode dealt with the attempt to save Raúl Acuña from being executed. Everything else was little more than filler.

The episode opens with Rafa asking his lawyer, Gonzalo, whether he has been able to talk to Señora White, the person who identified Raúl Acuña as her husband's killer. Gonzalo informs him that he hasn't been able to find her. But even if he had, does Rafa think she would speak in favor of the man she had accused? Rafa insists that Acuña didn't kill her husband, and she has to hear what he has to say.

The episode includes several idiotic scenes involving Bruno. In the first, two thugs come to Global Radio to find him. Bruno tries to hide behind Lupe, but finally she leaves and he has to face them. FF>>

Loli is asleep. We see her wake up and see Mariana sitting on her bed. She's shocked and delighted. She hesitantly reaches out to touch Mariana--she feels real skin. Mariana tells her she doesn't want Nicky to meet his father. Her plan was that when he became old enough, she would tell him simply that his father was an anonymous sperm donor, and that's that. Mariana tells Loli that she knows this is really too much for Loli to handle. Loli becomes panicked. "What are you saying?" she asks Mariana. "Don't take the kids away from me!" Then we see her really wake up from what was clearly a dream. She looks at Mariana's photo and tells the photo, "I know I'm not a good mother, but I won't let you down."

Nicky is crying unconsolably, having learned that his "real" father is about to be executed for murder. Nicky sobs, "I don't want him to die. We have to do something. We have to go to him!"

Bruno is in the car with the two thugs. Nora calls. She berates Bruno for lying to his family. One of the thugs is impressed with Nora's call. He wishes his mother had given him such good advice. Bruno abruptly ends the call with Nora. The phone rings again. This time, a male voice (I think it's Felipe) tells Bruno to put him on speaker. He then announces, "I know where the car is."

The scene shifts to right outside San Quentin prison. Rafael tells his lawyer, "You spoke to Sra. White on the phone, I'll talk to her in person." The lawyer tells him that the elusive Sra. White is in Los Angeles. So off Rafael goes to LA.

Loli is at San Quentin, where she plans to talk to Raúl and to tell him she doesn't want to bring Nicky to see him. It would be too hard on Nicky. She tells this to Rafa on the phone as he's on his was to LA. He tells her he spent the day outside the governor's office waiting for him, but the governor never showed up. As soon as the call with Rafa ends, Loli gets another, this one from Octavio, who lets her know that Nicky has heard all about Raúl on TV. Nicky gets on the phone and says,"I want to help save him. I've grown up." Loli lets him know that if Nora gives her OK and Octavio will take him, Nicky can come. Loli then looks skyward and prays to Mariana for guidance.

Bruno, Felipe, and the two thugs have been waiting for two hours for the arrival of the thugs' boss, Zancudo. Finally he arrives, in a ludicrous pink limo. Zancudo, in an outfit as ludicrous as the limo, exits the car in slow motion. We, however, will zip through this scene in FF>>. As we race by, we see that Altimio is brought, bound and gagged. Zancudo demands again to know where his car is. Felipe brings them to where the car is. It's missing a tire, the hood, a light, and a few other parts, but the trunk is intact. Zancudo opens the trunk and starts laughing. The item he wanted--a large briefcase or very small suitcase--is there. Everyone is happy for a few seconds. Someone yells "Police!" and everyone runs.

La Suerte de Loli - #74 - p 2 de 3

Angie is talking with Pau. She tells Pau that she's obsessing over Rafa, and she suggests that Pau talk to him and tell him how she feels. And while she's at it, cancel the wedding with Vicente. Pau responds, "Do you want me to humiliate myself further?" Angie replies that distancing Rafa from Loli won't help. In fact, he'll wind up hating Pau. Pau doesn't know what to do. She feels what she's doing is her last resort. Angie wishes her good luck and tells her that if her strategy works, Angie will offer a toast with the very best champagne.

Gonzalo is at Rafa's (Thanks to Telenovela Airlines?). Rafa is disappointed that he (Rafa) wasn't successful in speaking with Sra. White. Gonzalo says "I warned you. I spoke to her. she didnt want to know anything about the death of her husband. And you, Rafa, arrived unannounced. She opened the door and told you she didn't want to speak with you," Rafa is depressed. "I don't know what else to do." Leo advises Rafa to look after himself.

Back outside San Quentin, Nicky has gotten hold of a microphone and is talking not just to the people gathered there but to everyone watching on TV. "I know my papa is innocent. I came here for that reason. I want to tell him that it's not fair that he dies. I need him with me." The scene shifts to the governor, watching the TV. A woman comes over to him and tells him that the Attorney General is on the phone.

Sam apologizes again to Nora and tells her, "I want you to stay with us, abuela." Nora has been critical of Loli's letting Nicky participate in the effort to save Raúl. Sam defends Loli, saying Loli is doing what's best. Sam asks her grandmother, "Do you know what it's like to grow up without a father?"

Rox, too, gets into the act. She announces on her morning program that she has a very important message for the governor. He had been on her program the week before, and he had promised to review Raúl's case, but he didn't. "Raul is innocent, and you refuse to man up and render justice. I appeal to your honesty. It's not too late. You still have a few hours to do what's right."

Business at the Hunky Bar has apparently not been good. Domingo says, "People need to know that we're open." Roberto/Divina breaks up a jealous fight between Adan and Romeo. FF>>

Leo is having a talk with Pauline. He observes, "You sent me after Loli to get her away from Rafa. And you love him? Who's it going to be, him or my brother?" Are you with Vicente out of interest?" This time, it's Vicente who overhears what's being said. He waits a few seconds and then comes into the room. He tells Pau, "I have tickets for skiing this weekend. Are you interested?" Pau says it's fine, as long as Rafa can be with Jess. Leo volunteers to be with her if Rafa can't.[No, no no!!]

Loli looks at yet another of Mariana's videos. Mariana is apparently in a medical office. She says to the camera, "They say I have low self-esteem. I'm a little nervous. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." (I think she may mean she didn't tell her about her plans to make her Sam and Nicky's guardian.) We then hear a loudspeaker summoning her to exam room 5. Mariana says, "Five is my lucky number. I know all will be well. Never give up hope." The message Loli takes from this video: "Never give up hope." [Knowing what Mariana will probably learn in Exam Room 5, that's not the message I'd take from the video.]

La Suerte de Loli - #74 - p 3 de 3

A desperate Arturo calls Mati to tell him that Selma has packed and is demanding to go on a cruise with Maria (who has been dead for ten years).
We hear Selma yelling and demanding that Arturo open the locked door. Mati tells him he'll come and try to calm her down. Arturo says that Selma needs professional help, and he's going to bring her to the retirement home. "I can't take it any more!"

Suddenly, we learn that Raúl's accuser has recanted, but the governor is not able to be reached. If they can't reach the governor in time, the execution could still take place.

Sam looks skyward and asks her mother not to let Raúl be executed. Don't let Nicky be left without a father.

We see two prison guards escorting Raúl to the electric chair. They stop at what seems to be a guard station leading to the place of execution. A phone is ringing. One of the two guards answers the phone. He listens, and then says to the person who has called, "Are you sure?" "Let's get this over with" says a despondent Raúl. "Congratulations!" says the guard to Raúl. "He stopped the execution!"

Outside the prison, many people, including Rafa, Loli, Octavio, and Nicky, are standing around feeling helpless. Then a man in a suit comes by and asks, "Are you relatives of Raúl Acuña?" Rafa points to Nicky and says, "This is his son."
The man is silent for a short time and then says, "The governor called. Congratulations. He stopped the execution." Everyone is ecstatic. Octavio picks Nicky up and hugs him. Loli and Rafa hug. "I can't believe it," Loli says.

The scene switches to Vicente's office. A very pleased looking Bruno is alone in the office, and he seems to be pretending that the office is his. He sits in the chair and whirls around in it. Suddenly, we hear Vicente muttering to himself, "You can't have doubts, Paulina," as he walks into the office. Bruno explains that he came in because the door was open. And as long as he's here, he'd like to talk to Vicente about the plans Don Rogelio had for him, to make him the Sales Director. Vicente quickly bursts Bruno's balloon. "I don't know what my father promised you. He makes lots of promises. He promised you a job you obviously won't have. He promised that I'd be his sole heir. And then he puts your niece and nephew in his will." This comes as a surprise to Bruno. Vicente then says, "I'm bored, Bruno. You can leave."

Raúl tells Loli, "I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." Loli replies, "This should never have happened in the first place. But I'd like to introduce you to the person who made your release happen." Nicky enters. "Hi, I'm Nicky, and you're my papá." A delighted Raúl says, "Come here, son." He picks Nicky up and hugs him. There are tears in his eyes, and in Loli's eyes, and in mine as well, as the episode ends.

What a great recap Juanita! I appreciated the FF at the correct times! There was so much going on for a change and you were able to capture the important parts!

Gonzalo is at Rafa's (Thanks to Telenovela Airlines?) was perfect! I was thinking time machine?

All the scenes with Nicky made me cry too. I am glad that the A-Team was able to save Raul. I hope he is able to get real justice and that he doesn’t end up being a real jerk.

So now there is a rift between Chente and Paulina, that will be interesting. Scary that Angie is the voice of reason trying to keep Paulina from making a huge mistake tearing down Loli by giving Bertha dirt and the video.

Did you see the look on Bruno’s face when he heard that his niece and nephew are in Don R’s will and are millionaires? It was all dollar signs. I am sure he will try to find a way to profit from that!

Thanks Juanita!



Thanks so much, Juanita, for the terrific recap! You got the tearjerker. Well, if they were trying to instill suspense, it would only have been for newbies. We veteranos knew that there would be a literal last-minute call to save Raúl.

I was grinning from ear to ear when Vicente overheard Angie and Pau's conversation. By the way por interés usually means for money or some other benefit in this context. From what Pau said in another episode, marrying Vicente was to protect her image. If she had an affair with Vicente, it had to be for loving him, not just a romp in the hay.

I actually enjoyed Zancudo, his limo, and his outfit. I must have zoned out on the Spanish and didn't realize that it was Felipe who found the car.

Melissa is back to her constant judas expression. Of course it was awful to hear about Bruno's lies, but she just kept talking over him every time he tried to tell her something. And Carol was particularly bratty last night. I wish I'd written down what she said because it was awful.

Yep, Telenovela Airlines had a busy night. It takes about as long to fly to LA from San Francisco as it does to drive these days, considering needing to arrive early and take off your shoes.

I really needed the detailed explanation of Mrs. White and how she was convinced. Of course, I knew that, when Nicky appeared on camera, all would be well. That child actor surely can cry on cue, can't he? Cesar. Good. The expression "hangdog" fits him to a T.

I didn't understand why "no, no no" was inserted at the idea of Leo staying with Jess while Pau goes to Aspen to ski with the snake. Jess loves her uncle, and I don't think she'd come to any harm with him. Plus...why does she even need a babysitter? She's supposed to be 16 or 17 years old.


Many thanks, VVS and novelera, for your terrific comments. I am glad both of you were as astonished/puzzled/amused as I was at what seemed to be the rapid trips back and forth between San Quentin (which is in Marin county, north of San Francisco) and Los Angeles.

Actually, novelera, Cesar did make an appearance in the episode, as did another huge stuffed animal, but it seemed to me more of the same (yawn), so I left it out. Let's hear it for Recapper's Prerogative!

I put in the parenthetical no's because I don't trust Leo. Not even with his niece, especially such a gorgeous niece.

I guess I do hope Raúl turns out to be Nicky's bio dad, though I can't help but think that that might complicate the wonderful relationship between Nicky and Octavio. And have we had any definitive word about Lupillo and Sam? I have never been happy with him.


Lupillo seems to have disappeared. But it's ok! Because they have a complete stranger who was very recently accused of murder to be a father even though no dna test has been done yet. He might turn out to be good but Sam would be better off with Octavio. He may own a failing stripper bar but at least they know he's a decent guy.

I too appreciated Zancudo. I cracked up when he so very dramatically throw the cape (robe?) on, hood and all, and then immediately flung the hood back off his head. Probably because he was wearing way too many clothes for a sunny day in LA and didn't want to get heat stroke. Stylish AND practical. He's way ahead of Bruno on both regards.

I'd trust him more than Leo. Gabe didn't trust Leo and that boy probably has good instincts.



Interesting that both Juanita and Kelly thought that Leo might take advantage of Jess. That never occurred to me. I don't think Leo, at least so far, is that bad of a guy. To me he just seems inept. He's lived in the shadow of his very talented and intelligent older brother and has pretty much coasted his whole life. Sounds like he was living off the girlfriend in Miami, who ultimately dumped him.

I also think he's been very fond of his cuñada for many years and was willing to try to seduce Loli so as to do her a favor. Plus...get a bit of his own back on the brother who is so superior to him. He might have thought that reuniting with Pau would be the better thing for his brother.

Sorry for all the psychoanalysis of a character. I just got off my Spanish Zoom class. We are wont to lots of analysis of short stories. Right now we're reading the stories in Montevideanos by Mario Benedetti, a very well regarded Uruguayan writer.


Wonderful recap, Juanita. Thanks so much. I’m late and I don’t have much to add to the comments tonight.

novelera, when you mentioned the “last-minute call to save Raúl” I thought of Bajo el Mismo Cielo and what happened to Rodrigo. I am still ticked over that ending.

I really can’t stand it when Mel calls Bruno “Judas”. But then again, can’t stand much of what she does.

I guess Nicky is going to end up with a bunch of fathers, Raúl, Octavio and Rafa.



Belated thanks, dondi356 and Kelly, for your interesting comments. Kelly, I am happy to see that you, too, are uneasy about Leo. And dondi, I love you idea of Nicky winding up with a bunch of fathers. Perhaps that eill compensate somewhat for the eight years when he essentially had none. Also, I too recall with a chill the ending of Bajo el mismo cielo. I kept expecting a last minute reprieve and was devastated when it didn't happen.


Mini-Recap #75

Octavio is bummed. He says over the phone (from San Quentin) that he's nothing to Loli and now Nicky cares more about his bio dad.

Loli gets an official notice that Bruno wants custody of Sam and Nicky. Later we find out that Chente is paying his attorney. [They keep talking about the inheritance and the kids being millionaires; but doesn't Rogelio have to die first?]

Apolo returns, apologizes to Octavio and is re-hired.

Rox has Romeo over to visit. But he says he can tell she loves Cesar.

Loli tells Bruno and Melissa that she's going to fight with everything she has for the kids. Melissa looks scared.

Bruno remembers when Mariana bought groceries for him and wanted to keep it from Melissa so she won't despise him.

Leo tells Rafa he's looking for possible universities to re-enroll in medical school.

Melissa tells Gema that she doesn't need to move. With the big inheritance, they'll buy a house big enough for everyone.

Chente demonstrates some more sociopathic tendencies, and Rafa asks him what it would take to make him happy.

Pau pretends to want to help Loli and to testify at the custody hearing, but in the next scene she tells Angie what she really plans.

Bruno is now Chente's assistant. Chente announces that GR is now going into television. And he puts Rafa in charge of all the work.

Chente is ready to break it off with Pau because of what he overheard about her not definitely preferring him to Rafa. But Pau convinces him they are the ideal power couple.


Thanks very much, novelera, for getting us started with this helpful mini-cap.

I have never liked Bruno or Melissa, but tonight I found myself truly despising them. I was about to babble on about what I'd like to see happen to them, but I decided that repression is the greater part of valor. :-)

You raise a good question about Rogelio's will and intentions. For some reason, I had the feeling that the kids would not have to wait until he dies to start getting some of the money he wants them to have. I don't specifically recall his saying this, but it would make good sense. Then again, Bruno, Melissa, and Gema all assume that the money will be available while Rogelio is still alive, and I hate to think that I have any thoughts in common with them, so I'm probably mistaken. :-) (Indeed, Gema calls Marcelino--I assume--to tell him that she is going to stay with Bruno and Melissa for a little longer than she'd planned, in the hope that she, too, will be able to benefit from Rogelio's largesse.)

Not much else to say. The notion that Leo can just decide which medical school he'll enroll in seems totally ludicrous. Admission to almost any medical school in the US is highly competitive.

At one point in the episode, Loli said "There must be a logical explanation" for Bruno's sudden wish to adopt Sam and Nicky. I was hoping that the logical explanation would leap out at her then, but no such luck. And to make matters worse, she thinks that Paulina will help her. Oy!

I sure appreciate the mini-recap novelera! This whole kids in the will thing is confusing! I suppose the living will means just that; they get the money upfront. Bruno is despicable. He has been lying mooch for years. Poor Mariana, bring the loser groceries and covering for her brother’s ineptitude. Now he wants the kids for the money. I thought I heard Loli figure that out in the last scene or two and Norita claimed she told Bruno nothing about Don R’s will.

You are right novelera, Chente is a sociopath! I couldn’t believe he was paying the lawyer for Bruno and scrubbing his criminal record to boot! Paulina, what the heck? I cannot believe she is going to actually go down that evil path to lie to Loli and then sink her at the hearing. These two deserve each other for sure!

Poor Octavio, I am sure Nicky will love all his dad’s equally because he is a good kid. No surprise that Apolo showed back up and was welcomed back into the Hunky Bar fold.



Yes, VVS, I think the fact of Bruno's knowing about the inheritance was revealed right at the end. And Sam overheard.

I did a quick question to Mr. Google and a Living Will appears to mostly deal with what would happen to a person if they were to be incapacitated; i.e., whether or not to pull the plug.

It may just be Telenovela Law in action again, but something else occurs to me. What Loli was going to get, and I assume the children the same, was also stock in GR and the parent company that appears to exist. Again, this is a stretch, because GR doesn't seem like the kind of company that would be paying dividends...but dividends might be a possible source of funds before Rogelio dies. I suppose the kids could be selling off their shares as needed. But the writers keep saying inheritance, with the side issue of people wanting custody so as to live off the money. Still weird.


I thought 'repression bringing on valor' was just an old myth. Instead, it just brings on a heart attack, IMO. I'd love to hear what you would like to happen to Bruno and Melissa, and Carol too! The most despicable family I've seen in awhile.

I'm not really happy about the way the writers are going with this novela. Especially, Nicky's Dad(?) being on death row. Why would they want to put an adorable kid through such trauma?

I'm still hoping that Octavio is truly Nicky's Dad, he never did follow through with a DNA test. And for Octavio to end up with Loli.

It's a good thing I decided to watch 'Las vias del amor' instead of this.

I've only given up on two novelas, now three with LSDL.

So to all you recappers, thanks a bunch!


Does 'Bajo el mismo cielo' have an unhappy ending? I hate what Urban has appropriately labeled 'unconventional' endings. I like Gabriel Porras and that one on my watch list. But I'd be really frustrated to watch it and have it end sadly.


Victoria, in writing "Repression is the greater part of valor," I was playing on the saying "Discretion is the greater part of valor." I loved the fact that the two words rhyme and both statements make a certain kind of sense. I heard the "discretion" saying a lot when I was growing up, and I guess I just assumed that that was true for other people as well. Oops. :-)

As for Bajo el mismo cielo, I think it's well worth seeing, and Gabriel Porras does an excellent job,as do several of the other principal characters.


I'm in under the wire. Thanks for the mini-cap, novlera.

My heart breaks again for Octavio. He's the only adult I really care about. The actor is doing a great job with this character.

OMG, Leo was in medical school? I wasn't paying much attention so I thought he was just going back to college. That would make more sense to me.

Victoria, if you really like Gabriel Porras, you should watch Bajo el Mismo Cielo. Luis Ernesto Franco was great as Rodrigo. IMHO, it had a mixed ending and it sure packed an emotional wallop. I don't know, is that a deal breaker for you? Maybe others can give an opinion.



So maybe Leo isn't as bad as I thought? Maybe? But Bruno and Mel are definitely worse. I thought Bruno was just stupid people making stupid decisions. Turns out Bruno is as much a greedy jerkface as his wife. And Mel is more than just materialistic if she's hoping for Don R to die so she can get money.

Have these people never heard of an executor? Even if Don R dies (and it's not looking good for him), pretty sure the person with custody of the kids isn't necessarily the same person who controls the inheritance. Even if they could get a new house out of this- for the children, you see- the children could take possession of the house when they turn 18 and kick everyone the heck out. I think we could all get behind that decision.

And in what universe, even one with where LA only has one overworked social worker, would they give two kids to a former felon and his pregnant-with-triplets wife when Abuela Nora is right there and neither a felon nor pregnant? She did raise this dumdum, but Mariana seemed to turn out ok. Although giving the kids over to the entire staff of Hunky Bar would still be a better choice.


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