Thursday, May 27, 2021

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Suerte de Loli, Café con Aroma de Mujer, y más: Week of May 24, 2021


Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 9-10PM—La Suerte de Loli
• 10-11PM—Café con Aroma de Mujer**

**A new novela, Café con Aroma de Mujer, began on Tuesday. It stars William Levy, Laura Londoño, Carmen Villalobos, and Diego Cadavid. Here's a brief summary that appeared on CarayCaray under "Coming Soon": "The story revolves around Gaviota (Laura Lodoñes) who, along with her mother, comes to the grand Hacienda Casablanca to pick the coffee from the second harvest of the year. This time around is quite special for Gaviota since she thinks it will be her last time of picking someone else’s coffee. Octavio Vallejo, owner of the hacienda, has promised to give her a piece of land as a reward for saving him from a kidnapping. Unfortunately, Octavio dies prior to finalizing the deal; and Gaviota must now rely on the heirs to honor their father’s promise…not an easy task, but it is here where Gaviota meets Sebastián (William Levy), one of Octavio’s sons who had been living abroad. There is an immediate and strong attraction between the two, but it seems impossible for the two to be together since they come from totally different worlds and, as always, there is another woman, Lucía Sanclamente, who is an elegant woman of class. Lucía can be very sweet, patient, and sensible, but she can also be very manipulative, shrewd, and obsessive. She fights for Sebastián, the love of her life, who is the perfect man who can give her the family of her dreams."

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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I will put up my regular Thursday night recap tonight, up late as usual


I wrote the premiere episode recap of Café con Aroma de Mujer, and Adriana Noel has volunteered for Thursdays.

Are there any other offers to volunteer for recaps once a week?

Tuesday might be good for me for Café, provided we have any other volunteers. Two a week isn't really that great. And, of course, just a few lines are perfectly fine to get the ball rolling for virtual conversation. I've been doing short ones for Wednesday for Loli, in addition to my longer ones on Thursday.

From what I've seen of the quantity of comments on the Telemundo pages so far, it looks like our regular twice a week pages that encompass all the evening novelas should work.


La Suerte de Loli - #86 – Parte 1 de 3

From Wednesday We again see Rafa walk in on Octavio and Loli kissing. Bruno confronts Melissa about the 18-year-old postcards from her married lover. Rafa and his lawyer talk about getting information about Bruno’s criminal past to get custody back for Loli.

Octavio and Divina are having breakfast together. Divina is all in on the Loli/Octavio marriage, while Octavio reminds him it’s only un trámite (a formality). Annoying Apolo shows up. Hmmm. From what Apolo has to say it sounds like he wouldn’t mind if Octavio married Victoria; it’s only Loli he objects to. Octavio explains the dual purpose: Loli gets custody of Sam and Nicky and Octavio gets Gabriel and Christi.

Rafa is sitting in his car and on the phone with Rogelio. He tells Don R. about the TV station wanting Rox and not Paulina. Rogelio understands this. He says that Rox is fresca (cool or sassy) and what they wanted. Vicente knew how the TV people felt, but he wanted to be difficult. Rafa says he’s sure that Vicente will blame him. Rogelio tells him to stay put at Global Radio; remember…they have a plan.

Rafa is still in his car and Divina walks up looking…divine! She’s got on a long, curly purple wig and a purple vest. S/he says that s/he feels guilty for not telling Octavio he was going on this mission. S/he is helping the ex of Octavio’s fiancée. The mission is to find the baddies that Bruno was involved with.

Rafa says he can go alone, but Divina says he knows these people al pie de la letra (very well indeed). [I really love the way Rafa is with Divina. He’s not taken aback at the purple wig and seems to enjoy Divina’s company.]

Rox is on the air broaching the topic of interfering mothers when Veronica, of course, calls in. Rox tries to get the engineer to cut her off. And then she pretends she doesn’t know who is calling and advises the caller to stop speaking to her daughter.

Rox goes to commercial break and Vicente slithers up. He lies through his teeth and tells Rox that the President of the TV channel called him and wants to make changes in the pilot. When Rox says she’d be happy to do so, Vicente tells her that they don’t want her to be on the program at all.

Apparently the gang that had a suitcase full of money in that car that spent time in Bruno’s garage can’t afford a gang clubhouse. Zancudo {mosquito) and some other thugs seem to hang out under a freeway overpass. Rafa and Divina walk up. Rafa says he’s looking for Zancudo. When he sees that is who he’s addressing, Rafa asks if he knows Bruno Torres. Zancudo: “Ah, this idiot is a friend of yours? What do you want to do, rob me again?” Rafa: “No! I haven't come because Bruno asked me.” Zancudo: “So, spit it out. What is it” Rafa announces that Bruno also robbed him.

Zancudo laughs, but then gets in Rafa’s face and says he doesn’t believe him. I’m not exactly sure what happened next, but Zancudo grabs Rafa by the lapels. Rafa pushes him away. We see some sunglasses fall on the ground and then Rafa has his hand over one eye and is in pain. He and Divina run towards the car and make a quick getaway.


La Suerte de Loli - #86 – Parte 2 de 3

Rox says to Vicente: “They don’t like my weight? My image?” She tells him about a movement of being positive about one’s body.

With forked tongue Vicente tells Rox that that is not it; the channel just wants more announcers, a new concept. Rox tells him that she’s been the biggest star of Global Radio for 10 years. And for those 10 years there has not been one day of lowered ratings. Vicente tells her that TV is different from radio. He offers her an extra hour in the morning.

Rox looks Vicente in the eye and tells him she’s not going to tell him where to put his extra hour because that would sound very crude. She resigns and hands him her ID badge.

After Rafa and Divina make their escape, there is a funny moment where s/he tells Rafa her heart nearly came through her prosthetic chest. She tells Rafa he was machote, but they don’t have any proof of Bruno’s involvement. Rafa smiles and begins to play the encounter he recorded on his phone.

That evening Mati, Rox, and Loli talk while Loli scratches herself when the topic of marriage is mentioned. We find out that Mati also quit GR. Loli opines that Vicente’s management is going to sink Global Radio. Loli starts to get a bunch of alerts on her phone and congratulations on her podcast – the one she didn’t know she had.

Mati explains that he was experimenting and uploaded a very upset Loli. She was crying and talking about losing the kids. Loli is not happy with being on audio like this, but notices that she’s got 200K followers.

Rafa brings Pau something that Jess left at his place. She starts probing: “Is he upset about Loli’s getting married?” She convinces him to say a while. And, of course, she brings out the tequila.

Melissa has made a special meal for Bruno, a romantic dinner with some of his favorites. He strings her along for a while until he says that everything is perfect (gesturing toward the food) except for their marriage.

After a lot of tequila, Pau and Rafa kiss…and then end up in bed. [I can hear you Team Loli/Octavio fans cheering in the background.]

Apolo tells Octavio that he’s not marrying Loli only for Gabriel and Christi. That Octavio is crazy about her. Just then Andrés shows up for a “man-to-man” talk with his bio dad.

Loli gets drunk with Mati and Rox and mirrors Rafa’s doing the same with Pau. The three amigos decide to form a company together. Rox gets a call and has to leave. Veronica set off a fire alarm and the building had to be evacuated. [Could Rox convince Tomás to bite her mother so she’d leave?]

Loli drunk dials Rafa to tell him he’s the love of her life. Meanwhile, Viewerville gets a good view of hot and heavy Rafa and Pau.


La Suerte de Loli - #86 – Parte 3 de 3

Melissa pleads her case with Bruno. He tells her she was thinking of another man while they were at the altar saying their vows.

Octavio talks with Andrés, who says that his mother has been upset, crying. Andrés knows that Octavio is his biological father and asks if Octavio and his mother had a fight. Octavio tells him that there was no fight; they just aren’t going to be seeing each other any more. Victoria shows up, knowing Andrés is there. She talks with Octavio and handles the brushoff with dignity.

Bruno shows up to spend the night at Loli’s house. The jackass tells Nora that, if Mariana were there, she’d let him stay. Domingo comes in to remind Bruno that the house is Loli’s! And it’s Loli’s because Mariana wanted it that way.

Rafa wakes up horribly hung over. Pau tells him that couples often separate and then give each other another chance. Rafa recoils and says “No! We aren’t getting back together.” Just then Jess walks in to speak to her mother and is shocked at what she sees. Rafa pulls on his pants and runs after his daughter. After they leave Pau sits up in bed with that self-satisfied wide smile that makes me want to loosen a few of those too-white teeth with my fist.

It’s also the next morning at Casa Loli, and Bruno even wants breakfast. Domingo tries to throw him out before Loli sees him, but she has gotten up. She wonders what Bruno is doing there. There’s a lot of arguing back and forth between Loli and Bruno with Nora in the middle. FF>>>

At Casa Bruno/Melissa Sam can barely get ready for school because Carol is grooming herself and staying in the bathroom. Nicky has another one of his stomach aches. It’s attributed to his getting up in the middle of the night to eat some of the leftovers from the romantic dinner. Melissa lets him stay home from school.

Jess sarcastically reminds her parents that her father was with Loli until that broke up and that her mother is going to marry Vicente. Pau says that she knows “this” wasn’t right; but she and Jess’s father love each other. Rafa keeps trying to tell Jess that they aren’t back together, but doesn’t seem to get through. After he leaves Pau tells Jess that, obviously, she’ll have to talk with Vicente.

Loli and Octavio are at Hunky Bar doing some work on the accounts. Loli offers to withdraw her desire to get married when hearing about Andrés and Victoria. He insists that their plan will work. She says they’ll be friends. He says maybe a few little kisses.

At GR Pau manipulates Bruno again, telling him he has to stay with Melissa to keep custody of his niece and nephew. [And to spite Loli, of course.]

Zancudo calls Bruno because of some gente having come to see him. He reminds Bruno that he knows where he works and lives and then hangs up on him.

Rafa is at GR listening to Loli’s inebriated voice mail message. Angie walks up asking him where he’s been. Rox and Matías quit.

Pau goes into Vicente’s office and tells him they have to talk. He’s already in a dither because of Rox quitting. He gripes about Rafa not being there to handle this even though he’s the president. [Isn’t Queen Pau also the president; why isn’t she being blamed for Rox and Mati quitting?]

Rafa walks in and says to Vicente: “What did you do? What’s going on?” [meaning Rox and Mati quitting, of course] Vicente: “I have the same question. What’s going on? As he looks from Paulina to Rafael.

CAFE - Capitulo 2 - The reversed shotgun wedding
part 1

Carmenza scolds Gaviota for being impolite to Sebas! But it was probably better to give the TV back. Gaviota tells her about the kiss, how he went for it and she felt paralyzed. She is confused because she’s usually not like this with guys, but with Seb she felt it was for real. Carmenza thinks Seb is going through a hard time after his father’s death and he’s just looking for company. Gaviota agrees, but she will get over this or else! Carmenza asks if she’s falling in love. Gaviota might, since she feels the butterflies and the electrical charge going through her entire body when she sees him.
The next morning, at breakfast, Paula thinks Marcela is eating too much, so Marce asks her to look the other way if she doesn’t like it. They talk about the 25%, they’re both hurt, since their dad always cared a lot about them. Paula thinks they should talk to their mom, who has veto power over the whole thing. Julia shows up and says that this is a family tradition, they will always have everything they need, but the men are in charge of the company. Dad thought the girls didn’t care much about the family business, anyway. Seb and Bernardo come to the table and Julia asks Marce to call for their breakfast. Marce gets upset with the machismo.
Ivan and Lucrecia arrive, too. They talk about going back to Bogota. All the men need to go, but the girls will stick around, even if they’re not worth that much. Bernardo decides he can stay after all. They all have to eventually go back to work, but they won’t forget their mom. Ivan says he has good news, he and Lucrecia have been thinking of getting married for a long while (yeah, right). Marcela is no fool, she mentions the first grandchild and Ivan protests. Julia gets upset with the fighting, leaves the table.
Carmenza and Gaviota talk about their land again, they’re worried about the money they gave Octavio (without a receipt!). They don’t care about the land, but the money!
Talk in the fields between the women: Aurelio is a hot commodity among the female workers. One of the ladies left her son behind, with her father, but one of these days she will get him back.


CAFE - part 2

Ivan and Seb talk about their mom’s pain. They remember the fight the other night, Ivan is upset Seb hit him for a recolectora, thinks he likes the campesina. He repeats that she already made a move on him. Seb doesn’t believe him, they decide to change the subject. Ivan asks Seb to be his marriage godfather. They shake on it, they are now the heads of the family. Seb mentions that Javier called, he wants to talk to them. Ivan gets restless.
Paula and Lucrecia talk wedding dresses, Seb tells them that Ivan left, Lucre is not happy, Paula notices. She calls him, he’s in the pueblo, and they make nice, need to get ready to leave the ranch. Ivan is with the notary, he has found the contract for Gaviota’s land, and he says Don Octavio never got any money for it, so the women surely fooled him. The notary says the women need to pay what is established in the contract and Ivan needs to respect it.
Marcela gives Seb some coffee to eat (as coffee is not only for drinking). Seb is leaving in a week, so Marce wants to know what will happen with Gaviota. Seb thinks Gaviota is very authentic, but he can’t picture himself with someone like that. It’s not about social class, but about the way they live. Marce mocks him, Seb thinks they have nothing in common, he lives in NY. And can you imagine Gaviota as part of this family? Marce isn’t buying any of these excuses.
More dress talk between the women, but Lucrecia feels bad because they are still in mourning. Julia understands, especially since the wedding will be small, with no fuss. This seems like news to Lucre, but Ivan is in a hurry to get married. Marce suggests to do it at the ranch, Lucre wants to asks her parents, prefers the club. Julia likes the idea of doing it at the ranch, so Lucrecia gives in. Marce offers to do the Menu (She’s a cook)… Poor Lucre, talk about high jacking her wedding. Paula thinks she won’t need to work when she gets married, another WTF moment for Lucre. Run, girl, run!
Later on, Ivan and Lucrecia leave the ranch. In the car they talk about getting married at the ranch. Ivan tells her about Seb being godfather, and Lucrecia will ask Lucia. Aurelio listens on from the driver’s seat. The guy is everywhere, he’s in charge of the workers, their meals and their pass time, he pays them and scolds them when necessary, has the time to flirt with the women in the fields and give out sage advice left and right. And in his spare time, he drives the family around. And this is only episode three.


CAFE - part 3

In the city, at Café Elite, Ivan is in full boss mode. Paolo Emilio, his accomplice in the money laundering, tells him that Carlos Mario is bringing in another shipment. Ivan is having second thoughts about it, but the other guy encourages him. They talk about Javier, Ivan can’t fire him all alone, he needs the board of directors to vote on it first. PE explains that he transferred the money through different accounts, in different countries. Javier must have searched through all the papers, one by one. They confirm this with another employee, Aura, who immediately warns Javier.
When he arrives, Javier asks about Seb, but he has to go alone to talk to Ivan. Ivan asks about the reunion with Seb, Javier tells him about some shady money movements around several accounts. Ivan plays the fool, Javier explains how PE changed the accounting reports. Ivan asks if Javier accused him with his father. He admits he knew about it, he even decided to hire a company for an audit, since Paolo Emilio is obviously guilty. Javier immediately calls PE to confront him (poor patsy).
PE denies everything when Javier mentions the accounting reports who have been modified. Ivan is outraged that Javier could doubt him, when all is PE’s fault. PE is going to search for a lawyer, while the company will start investigating.
Later in the parking, PE tries to talk to Ivan, Ivan thinks PE should be more astute, the audit might not happen. (Anyone who understood the whole money laundering scheme better, please explain, between the slang and the accents some of the details are lost on me).
The workers talk about the draught. Gaviota asks about Ivan, who has left. Aurelio tells them about the wedding, it will be a small party, but they already have the padrinos, Seb and another lady.
Seb arrives as the coffee is being weighted. He wants to talk to Aurelio about the way they process their coffee, Gaviota agrees with Seb’s business idea. She also mentions this is the last year they’re coming to work at the ranch. Seb is amused.
At home with her mom, Gaviota is still upset, Carmenza says she and Sebas not right for one another, she thinks Seb only admires Gaviota. They count their money, decide to save half and have some fun at the next day’s fair. They talk about the wedding, this means Seb will be around for a while longer. What a beautiful wedding that will be!
The next day at the fair Gaviota and Carmenza talk to the notary. They ask for a copy of the sales commitement, but the notary tells them that Ivan took it, so they need to talk to him. Carmenza is relieved that Ivan knows, thinks their problems are solved. Gaviota wonders why he hasn’t talked about it.
Margara (one of the workers) and a guy talk about their past that is better left unknown for the new people in their lives.
Ivan calls Carlos Mario, they set up a meeting for later.

Seb and his sisters arrive at the fair. Seb sees Gaviota, at the same time as another well dressed guy, who runs behind her. Seb tells Marce he’s planning to have a drink with Aurelio and the guys, gives her the car keys. Marce suspects his desire to enjoy to fair has more to do with Gaviota than hanging out with the boys. Smart girl!



Terrific recap novelera! So many funny, snarky asides for this interesting episode.

I really liked Apolo at the beginning of the novela, but like a lot of the characters, he has become tiresome with his lectures of Octavio and yes, annoying.

I wonder what plan Don R and Rafa have come up with? I hope it is a good one for Chente’s demise.

[I really love the way Rafa is with Divina. He’s not taken aback at the purple wig and seems to enjoy Divina’s company.] Rafa has not been one bit phased by the Divina/Robert persona not matter how over the top the comments or look.

“Apparently the gang that had a suitcase full of money in that car that spent time in Bruno’s garage can’t afford a gang clubhouse.” So funny novelera! I was wondering where the Mosquito (thank you) parks his purple low-rider car?

I wasn’t sure what happened to incite everything but Divina was great to grab a bottle, break it and defend she and Rafa back to the car. The part about her heart coming through her prosthetic chest was hilarious! I really enjoyed this whole storyline a lot last night. Divina has become one of my favorite characters.

Rox goes to commercial break and Vicente slithers up. Perfect description of Chente.

After a lot of tequila, Pau and Rafa kiss…and then end up in bed. [I can hear you Team Loli/Octavio fans cheering in the background.] More like screaming to get that manipulative succubus off of a drunk Rafa. I couldn’t believe Mr. Calm/Even Rafa could allow that to happen a kiss maybe but THAT!??

I think it will be interesting to see how the new socios work out.

Melissa and Bruno, I could care less. I liked how adamant Domingo was defending Loli and her house. Bruno scraping bottom along with Pau and Chente.

I don’t even know what to say about Andy showing up at Octavio’s. When did he learn that Octavio was his bio dad? I must have missed something.

I am all for Zancudo kicking some Bruno butt very soon!



Muchísimas gracias, novelera, for yet another marvellous recap. That makes 3 in 3 days!!

I loved so much about this recap, starting with the perfect way you refer to Vicente "slithering up" to Rox and speaking to her "with forked tongue." I also liked the way you handled the tedious arguing among Bruno and Loli with Nora in the middle FF>>. And thanks for including the delightful statement by Divina that "her heart nearly came through her prosthetic chest." Somehow, I missed that gem. I'm also pleased that you asked what happened to all the money that Zancudo apparently retrieved from the car trunk some episodes back. I'd forgotten about that.

I wonder whether Nicky's stomach ache is going to turn out to be more serious. A stomach ache is one thing (though the food didn't seem to affect Birdbrain Bruno), but a stomach ache accompanied by a high fever is worrisome.

I'm puzzled by what Mati and Rox did, somehow turning Loli's very private sadness into a podcast broadcast to hundreds of thousands of people. For one thing, I am appalled that her so-called friends would violate her privacy so flagrantly. I'm also puzzled by how they managed to broadcast it. Presumably it wasn't via Global Radio. How could they broadcast it in a way that would immediately attract over 200,000 followers? Even if it was broadcast via Global Radio, did GR have lots of empty radio time? And would hundreds of thousands of people be listening when there was no scheduled program?

I have to say, I may be on Team Octavio/Loli, but I did NOT cheer when Rafa went to bed with Pau. However, it was better than the alternative: I was afraid that Rafa would leave and try to drive home drunk. (I also was apprehensive when Mati and Rox, similarly inebriated, left Loli's house.)


Thanks for another great recap, novelera!

Want to say right off the bat, I did not like Rafa and Pau! I actually groaned and yelled, Noooo, why are you doing this?! I would be very surprised if this stopped the Loli and Rafa endgame. Loli and Rafa are “on a break”, after all. I say let Rafa be the one to scratch Loli’s itches and keep her away from Octavio. She will only break Octavio’s heart.

“manipulative succubus” LOL, VVS

Those postcards are 18 years old? Is Carol Bruno’s daughter or the lover’s?

I admit I don’t pay attention like I should, but I also thought little Andy didn’t know Octavio was his bio dad and I thought the kid didn’t like Octavio.

[Could Rox convince Tomás to bite her mother so she’d leave?] hear, hear!

Braindead Bruno wants a divorce? He needed someone else to remind him about custody?




Thanks so much for the fine recap, Adriana Noel. I really appreciated all the details.

I wonder if they're going with anorexia for Paula. She wouldn't even eat a whole spoonful of the dessert Marcela created, sticking her finger in for a small taste.

The plot is thickening here. I really don't understand what the money transactions have to do with what Carlos Mario is doing. They haven't really said; but, of course, we all suspect it's drugs. What Pablo Emilio did with the money that was deposited into Café Élite's accounts was to disperse it in amounts not more than $3K into a lot of the company's world-wide accounts. This was to disguise the money laundering. But Don Octavio found out about the whole amount that came in $100K, and it's been hinted that it was Javier, the honest guy who alerted him. I'm not sure what Javier's title is with CE but Pablo Emilio is in charge of accounting. I remember when Don Octavio said: "You and Pablo Emilio must have lost your memories". This didn't make sense when he said it, but it does now.

Well Gaviota can't be Octavio's daughter because...incest. But Sebas' mother's suspicious attitude toward Gaviota makes me wonder if Don O might have had something going on with Carmenza in the past. It would also fit in with Carmenza warning Gaviota about becoming involved with a patrón.

The conversation about Sebas wanting to do more coffee crop processing at the hacienda was interesting. Sebas mentioned getting a trilladora. I looked up the word and it's a machine that separates grain from the leaves of a crop. And something was also said about letting the beans dry in the sun. I think Gaviota and Sebas are on the same track of making the coffee more tasty and valuable. Since they pick the coffee beans from the plant, I don't quite know why they would need this machine, but you could write a book about what I don't know about coffee processing.

The well-dressed guy who looks like a rival for Sebas is Lincoln Palomeque, one of my very favorite actors. One of the cast said something about his being an agronomist. He played a Colombian drug lord in La Reina del Sur, but was totally charming. He is Colombian so it's not surprising to find him in this cast. Last night he was looking at Gaviota as if she were the last glass of water in the desert.


Novelera, thank you for clarifying some of the details of the money scheme Ivan is involved in. Is he paying Carlos Mario with some of the money that he's spreading among several accounts? Pretty stupid to do shady business with a guy and sleep to his wife on the side. But never accused Ivan of being too smart.

I remember Lincoln P. from Santa Diabla, he was the saintly dead husband who returned from the dead and proved to be not so saintly after all. I couldn't remember him at first.
I don't know much about coffee, either, and I can barely understand some of the expressions. Is Levy doing the Colombian accent, too? I can't tell, but considering he's Cuban, lived and worked in Mexico for a very long time and now he lives in the US, the guy must have like a switchboard in his head for whenever he has to activate whatever accent.


Adriana Noel, I have a vague idea of how money laundering works. The traffickers, usually drugs or sometimes even people, own a legitimate business. Or they corrupt someone else's legitimate business. They give these businesses their $$ from drug sales to deposit and the businesses claim these as normal sales. Narcos might have a LOT of small businesses, such as salons, small grocery stores, etc., that they run the money through. I think I've read somewhere that the businesses then create a fake vendor, XYZ Plumbing or some such, and disperse the "cleaned" cash back to the narcos as normal expenses.

I didn't watch Santa Diabla, so didn't see Lincoln in that one. I did see him as the husband of a woman who specialized in, guess what?, money laundering. It was called La Mariposa and was very good, with Michel Brown portraying a DEA guy who goes undercover to trap her and ends up falling for her.


Re William Levy's accent, it's pretty neutral. I didn't get the sense he was trying to sound Colombian. To my admittedly more used to hearing English ear, he is just difficult sometimes to understand. He doesn't enunciate as well as some other actors in telenovelas, sometimes almost mumbling.


Great recap Adrian Noel. I so appreciate all the details especially some of the dialogue. Between you and novelera, that whole Ivan and the money laundering made more sense.

“Aurelio listens on from the driver’s seat. The guy is everywhere, he’s in charge of the workers, their meals and their pass time, he pays them and scolds them when necessary, has the time to flirt with the women in the fields and give out sage advice left and right. And in his spare time, he drives the family around.” I really like this character and you described him so well.

I think Lucrecia is in for a rude awakening marrying Ivan and not just planning the wedding.

I am glad to see a bit of healthy competition starting with Sebas and the agronomist.

Am I ever going to get to see Sebas shirtless? Even lying-in bed, he was fully clothed. Still trying to figure everyone out so thank you for the recap.


cafe, telemundo

Novelera, you may remember Lincoln Palomeque from La Reina del Sur, seasons 1 and 2, where he played the Colombian drug dealer Sánchez Godoy. I almost wrote "delightful Colombian drug dealer," since I was quite taken with him, even though I found his accent a particular challenge, esp. in season 1. I'm not sure whether he tamed it a bit in season 2 or my ear got slightly better, but I remember being totally mystified by just about everything he said in season 1. That didn't dampen my enthusiasm :-).

Cafe Telemundo

I'm trying to catch up on this and join the conversation at some point.

Yes, Juanita! Loved, loved, loved Palomeque as Sanchez Godoy! He was also Manuel in Señora Acero and he was good in that one, too.




So, it's unanimous. All of us who've seen Lincoln Palomeque in ANYTHING came away charmed and/or madly in love. He really used that full-on Medellín accent for Sánchez-Godoy. I kind of agree with Juanita that he may have backed off it a bit in Reina 2.

I still have to work at the accents a bit in Cafe. I notice that it's sort of a tic that they end quite a few sentences with pues whereas Mexican speakers often begin a sentence with that word.


Bad weather in my neck of the woods. Telemundo reception going in and out so I will have to wait for the episode to be posted online. Recap will be late tomorrow.




Won't be able to do a recap for last night. I might do one for Monday, though.


thank you for this week recaps..

Yes..okay... so Melissa gives Fatso ,permission to ..with memories and old love letters..? he can cheat... BUT NOT WITH GEMMMA... CHUBBY can go pick up a hooker... they are cleaner and a street walker , both of whom would be more honest than that heifer,Gemma..

Pau.. so she finally got hip to Vinnie.THE BUM!.. and Rafa..keep your peniful.. in your pants..

Vinni the Bum..push Roxy to quit... that was a dopefiend move...

Rox found out Dulce is a lying plastic baby bump nutcase...however your evil mother is correct.. 50 pounds of baby will kill you .. you get the bariatric surgery first!!

RAFA ..GOTTA HAND TO YOU FOR THAT SMOOTH -PLAY-PLAY!...COLD-BLOODED-MOVE TO OUTPLAY BRUNO... that tactic was on point.. but with nutcase ,it doesn't take much...

Bruno is a bum.... and that's why he torturing Melissa, there is some passive aggressive GASLIGHTING going on with torturing a pregnant woman.. and when Mel finds out they have been living a out!!
cause fatso has mafia gangs on his back.. thats a REAL PROBLEM...!!


Loli #87 part 1

What’s going on Rafael, Vicente angrily asks? A look between Rafa and Pau. Shocked Rafa answers, you know? You think I’m stupid, Vic replies. [yes, it’s the evil kind of stupid] Rafa is contrite, it was a mistake. Pau has to jump in to save them both. Yes, a mistake, being late to a meeting and not calling to let us know, she says. Rafa catches up to her.

Vic complains, Rox has a berrinche, she quits, and then I have to deal with it because our president took the day off. Then he asks what happened to Rafa’s head. [I’d like to know that too, and I’m not referring to the cut] Rafa babbles about it all, he hit his head….he couldn’t… whatever.

Rafa asks Vic, why did you take the pilot away from Rox? She left! We lost her! Vic answers, you wouldn’t understand. Rafa can’t understand why Vic is ruining the company. A simple business strategy is how Vic explains it—he keeps his emotions out of it, unlike Rafa [gag]. So many times he had to overlook what happened with Rafa and Loli.

Rafa tells him not to mix things up. Rox is the most profitable talent they have, the sponsors are going crazy. Pau jumps in again, it happens, it’s not the end of the world. Vic asks Rafa to prepare a press release. Rafa can’t believe Vic’s indifference and leaves. Vic is not pleased with Pau, see what I have to do just to please you?

Veronica does her nails at the kitchen table while she rags on Rox for being unemployed. No, I told you I decided to work independently, Rox says, Mati, Loli and I are starting a production company. Vero is worried about money.

Cesar comes by to get Tomas. She leaves him in the kitchen with Vero. How long are you staying, señora, he asks? You want me to leave, she counters. [Yes!] No, Cesar says he’s glad she’s here. Vero asks about his relationship Rox. You planned on marrying? No, Cesar replies, Rox doesn’t believe in marriage and we never discussed it. So, you lived together, shared a dog, but no wedding plans? She brings up his marriage to Dulce. Cesar stops short of explaining that marriage, he only says we all make mistakes. Vero mentions the pregnancy.

Rox brings Tomas and interrupts the “nice chat” Cesar and Vero were having. And where were they? Vero says it was about convincing Rox to see the bariatric surgeon. She tells Cesar, if you love her, you will care about her health. Cesar had no idea about the surgery. And that’s because Rox is adamant she’s not going to do it. Cesar leaves.

Rafa speaks with Bruno. How did you do it in court? Did you bribe the judge, Rafa asks? Bruno claims innocence, the judge simply decided that Loli could not provide a safe home. Bruno changes the subject, he mentions Loli dumping Rafa to marry Octavio. How awful, he tells Rafa. [I have to agree]

Rafa plays the recording of Zancudo. You’re going to lose custody, Rafa tells him. Bruno begs him not to use this. He tries to play a sympathy card—his wife cheated. Rafa just walks away. Bruno yells like an idiot for all in the office to hear. He gets a call and leaves in a hurry.

Pau shares her good news with Angie. She and Rafa slept together. Whaaat?!!! Angie thinks that’s why Vic was upset. He doesn’t know, Pau tells her. Pau was going to break it off with Vic, but then Rafa walked in, they started talking about Rox. Angie says she needs a shot of tequila. Pau mentions Loli getting married. Rafa enters, Angie leaves.

Rafa realizes he almost told Vic. He thought Pau had already told him. Pau says she’s not going to rush things. Rafa wonders what she means. She tells Rafa she knows what he’s feeling and they have to find a way to work together. He’s worried that Jess found them together. And that’s when Leo walks in-- Wow! You two were together?



Loli #87 part 2

With a big evil grin, Pau confirms but tells Leo this is a secret. Rafa asks for secrecy, too. Leo understands…Vicente….Loli. He zips the lips. Leo gets a call, what’s wrong? Pau asks and Leo says, it’s Bruno’s nephew, he’s not feeling well. [So they call a med school drop out? whatever].

Sam watches a video of her mom changing a flat tire on her phone: “Don’t follow in my footsteps, don’t be a single mother. First see that you can do anything we set our minds to do. The man you spend your life with doesn’t complete you but complements you. That’s the difference. Look for someone who appreciates you, loves you, and admires you. Who doesn’t compete with you. Who is not threatened by your success and above all, respects you.” There’s something else about fixing the flats you get in life…. A nice little video with solid advice. Sam misses her mom.

Jess sits at the table with Sam. Sam asks how’s it going with her parents. Jess drops the news, her parents spent the night together.

Loli and Octavio are at Nicky’s bedside and Mel starts making excuses. Bruno brings Leo, announcing, he’s a doctor. Loli begs to differ. Leo says only needed two more years, and a thesis. [Was he going for a dual degree? No mentions of clinicals… quack, quack, whatever, I’ll leave that be.]

Mel takes this opportunity to beg her chubs to come back.

Leo’s prescription is a lollipop. Loli objects, you can’t give that to a kid with a stomach ache. Octavio takes her aside and whispers, Nicky has nothing. It’s the stress of the situation. Poor kid. Octavio is going back to work. Loli wants to stay a little longer.

Leo chats with Loli, he’s sorry things didn’t work out with Rafa. He adds, I didn’t think he’d be with Paulina so quickly. Perdón? Ooops, I thought you knew they had been together, Leo says? Loli seeks to clarify—they were in a horizontal state? Leo nods. They slept together? Leo apologizes, he thought Loli knew, she was marrying Octavio… she stops him from continuing. She leaves in a hurry. Mission accomplished, Leo.

Rafa speaks with Rox over the phone. She tells him why she quit and her fans are upset. How can you have a Rox show without Rox? Rafa gets it. He asks for a chance. He will speak with Vic about this. Rox has doubts about this working out but if Rafa can work a miracle, they will have to talk about “improvements”.

A woman brings her daughter, Luna, to Nora for piano lessons. Ah, this is Rogelio’s granddaughter. She gives him a hug. The mother, Silvia, asks Don R what’s up. She usually sees him only on birthdays. They put the blame on Vicente for that. Still, Rogelio feels guilty about it and would like to make up for it. The piano lessons are a start.

Octavio is looking at his phone and laughing. Roberto comes in. He’s been looking at a photo of himself with Loli, to show the judge. This will prove they dated before marriage (?) Roberto has doubts about that working but he thinks Octavio should buy into this a bit more. He wants Octavio to go from fake to real.

He says if Rafa broke it off, he cleared the path for Octavio. Octavio is adamant, he is not going to take advantage of the situation. Ha, ha, Roberto gives his reasoning, and I will choose the English translation here: “she’s charming, you’re charming, and you can charm the pants off each other!” [this is why we need Roberto and Divina to stick around] Anyway, Roberto thinks Octavio should post the picture. This will be the best proof to show Berta. Make sure you use a good hashtag.

Mati and Rox are out in the park. He’s running around while Rox is panting, trying to keep up with him. She wouldn’t have joined him if she knew he was doing this. He’s doing it for relaxation and it gives him energy. He’s not trying to push an agenda on her, exercise, weight loss…



Loli #87 part 3

Rox notices Dulce aerobicizing nearby and she’s concerned about her baby. Rox goes to confront and at that moment, Dulce’s “baby” falls out of her sweatshirt. The truth is revealed, the pregnancy was fake! [turn in your Caray membership card if you were surprised]. Rox calls her out, you lied to Cesar!

Bruno is packing his things. He realizes this is the worst moment for this, the triplets, the custody. It’s too much pressure for him. She suggests marriage counseling. Bruno tells her he’s finally putting himself first. It’s been all about her for the past 18 years. [kinda glad he said this, and that’s what started their troubles] She begs him to stay, she’s so desperate to keep this loser, she suggests he cheat on her to even the score.

Vic wants to have a serious talk with Pau. He knows something is going on. Let’s discuss what we need to discuss. Pau says she tried to make it work but no matter how she tried, she couldn’t. He asks if this has anything to do with Loli marrying Octavio and Rafa being free. She denies it has anything to do with Rafa. He threatens her, I brought you to Global and I can take you out of there. Would you really get rid of Paulina Castro, she asks? I’m not afraid of you. Do what you want, she says, but this is over.

Pau doubts Vic will fire her. He already lost Rox. He admits she is right, she is a valuable part of Global. He asks what he means to her—a cover up, an accomplice, a marketing strategy? He mentions Rafa again. He doesn’t care about you. Pau tells him she’s breaking it off because of him (Vic). They have different goals. Rafa can move on with whomever he wants. Vic seems truly upset by the breakup. I don’t want to lose you, he tells her, but I can’t force you to be with me. I love you and if at any point…. She stops him and returns her ring. He thinks this would have worked but for Rafa. He gives the ring back to her and says, see you at the office, madam president. He goes.

Dulce explains she’s trying on the fake belly to get used to the real thing. Rox lets Dulce have it and Mati tries to keep her calm. Let’s bring this chat to the restaurant, Rox suggests. Dulce balks, Cesar’s there! Exactly why Rox wants to go and Dulce will go por las buenas or por las malas.

Mel is still trying and Bruno does not give in. I can’t recap more of the same. FF>>

I think Roberto posted the Loli-Octavio pic. Octavio is really pissed. Roberto thinks it’s good. Octavio worries about Rafa and Victoria. Roberto doesn’t care, he likes Rafa but prefers Octavio [we can agree on that] and he’s sorry about Victoria, but he prefers Loli [the lesser of two evils in my book] Octavio continues to shout at Roberto. Roberto wants him to think about the kids and about falling in love with Loli. Octavio is very frustrated.

Loli shows up at Rafa’s. She gets right to it—I can’t believe you’re back with Paulina. He denies. So it’s just sex, Loli asks? She’s angry, it hurts. Rafa asks who told her. Not important. Rafa explains he was trying to get dirt on Bruno so Loli wouldn’t have to get married. And you bumped into Paulina and slept with her, Loli asks? Alright, I'm marrying Octavio, but.. Rafa interrupts and wants to know why she has to marry him. They argue back and forth.

Leo comes home. Right away Rafa accuses him of spilling the Paulina soup, tea and beans. Loli says Leo has nothing to do with it. Leo goes on defense, and the best defense is a good offense. You slept with Pau and I’m the bad guy? Leo brings up the accident. He tells Loli, my brother can’t handle the fact that I killed our parents. [And there it is folks] Loli is stunned and Rafa tell Leo to shut up.



Loli #87 part 4

Leo continues, he says he did it for me, but the truth is he can’t handle the resentment. Rafa asks him to shut up again. Leo won’t. He’s fed up with St. Rafa who sacrificed himself. Just tell Loli the truth. Leo admits he was the one behind the wheel, not Rafa.

Cesar is confronted with the truth. He is devastated. Dulce cries and tells him she did it because she loves him so much and didn’t want to lose him. Rox is expecting Cesar to explode with rage and she is very disappointed when he walks away needing to get a little air. [I think Cesar did the right thing for the moment. Let’s see how he follows up]

Loli doesn’t understand. Leo explains that Rafa enjoys being the hero. Rafa says it’s just the story they agreed upon. Rafa and Leo explain the flashback we see. Mom had an accident, Rafa wasn’t there to drive them to the hospital. Leo just came back from a party, he was drinking.

Leo repeats, I killed our parents. Rafa says it was an accident. Loli wants to leave so they can settle it but Leo wants her to stay. He says he will leave so Rafa can tell the beautiful story of how he took the blame to save him, the good for nothing brother.

Rafa shouts, you were 18, you were drunk! Your whole life was ahead of you! Did you want to spend it in prison? [so Rafa took the blame for the accident? He covered up a fatal DUI?] Leo shouts back, stop thinking you know what’s best for me. He leaves. Loli tells Rafa not everyone would have done what Rafa did for his brother. Rafa says it’s the same as she’s doing for the children and the reason she’s marrying.

Ok, let’s forget about the accident and get back to Rafa sleeping with Pau: Rafa is so remorseful, he asks Loli for forgiveness. Loli says, I think you are awesome, and this shouldn’t have happened. She leaves.

Leo showed up at Pau’s asking to stay. She likes him but now that she’s trying to get back with Rafa…. Ok, but he tells her that Loli found out about her sexcapade thanks to him, and she owes him. Well at least we know he’s getting a dinner invite.

Bruno and Mel are lying on top of the bed fully clothed. No idea what happened there, but Bruno agrees to stay. She’s happy but he says he’s only staying for the kids. And he’s not sharing a bed with her.

Vero made dinner but Rox isn’t hungry. She’s still full of disappointment from Cesar’s lack of anger. Vero notices the fake belly. Rox feels stupid and walks away.

Bruno and Mel set up a bed in the garage. She warns him about a ghost. Good grief. Carol comes in. Bruno says he’s sleeping here because her mom complains about his snoring. And you brought your clothes, Carol asks? Bruno gives up and says just don’t tell your cousins. And the dope asks her about the ghost in the garage.

Cesar has come to see Rox. What did she say when you told her you were moving out, Rox asks, did you quit the restaurant? Cesar didn’t do any of that. Instead, he tried to put himself in Dulce’s shoes and he understood. Now Rox doesn’t understand. Dulce lied and made a fool of him for so long. She goes over the list. Cesar says he felt bad for her. Dulce was desperate and he couldn’t get mad.

Rox is frustrated. She tells Cesar, why don’t you just tell her, “Dulce, I love you and want to spend eternity with you”. Cesar replies, no I won’t because that’s not true, because the only one I love is you. You know that, Rox. No, she doesn’t know. and she doesn’t need a man. If she did, it would be a man who would give his life for her, who would go all out for her. Not a man who believes another woman’s lies. Cesar asks for another chance. Rox tells him there’s no chance and reminds him to lock the door on the way out.



Loli #87 part 5

Vicente comes to Rafa’s office. I always find out afterwards when you do stuff, he says. And so he’s here to tell Rafa in person so he doesn’t hear it from someone else—it’s over between him and Pau.

Rafa says he thought they were doing great. Vic thought so, too. He says, who understands women? One day they love you, he tells Rafa, the next they marry the first guy that crosses their path. Vic asks, you don’t know anything by chance? Anything I don’t know about? Rafa says to discuss that with Pau.

Vic mentions Loli and thinks Rafa must be devastated, too. Well, we are single again, he says, maybe we can be friends again? What if we go out and drown our sorrows together? Like old times? Rafa remains silent. Vic tells him to cheer up, it’s not Rafa’s fault he and Pau split.

Loli drops in on Pau. She’s there to see Leo... but she does have something to discuss with Pau.

And we are out.




Thank you dondi356! What a great, funny recap! You and I were both thinking the same thing about Rafa: Then he asks what happened to Rafa’s head. [I’d like to know that too, and I’m not referring to the cut] no kidding!

So much going on in this episode!

Veronica is just another awful character to add to the list of many. I did think Cesar handled her well though.

Paulina is irredeemable at this point; I hope she and Chente battle to the death.

Finally, we hear the full story of how Rafa and Leo’s parents were killed. It is clearly a sad situation but Leo is a jerk. Rafa might have been overly protective his whole life, but show some gratitude dude instead of gossiping and undermining.

Leo’s quick turnaround to tell Loli about the tequila driven sexcapades puts Lupe and the gossip girls to shame. His medical school drop out knowledge just shows how lazy the writers are. [Was he going for a dual degree? No mentions of clinicals… quack, quack, whatever, I’ll leave that be.] Exactly dondi356!

Dulce and the second fake baby of the novela: The truth is revealed, the pregnancy was fake! [turn in your Caray membership card if you were surprised]. Ahha! We all called this one for sure dondi356.

I don’t care a whip about Bruno and Melissa, just get Sam and Nicky out of there pronto.

Divina/Roberto is hilarious! Not even hot head Octavio can dampen his/hers enthusiasm for everything.

It looked like Rafa was going to come clean with Chente and Paulina/Loli looked ready to throw down!



Yet another terrific recap, dondi356! MANY THANKS! Loved the detail and the great asides. Among my faves: " [I’d like to know that too, and I’m not referring to the cut]"; " [turn in your Caray membership card if you were surprised]," and " [So they call a med school drop out? whatever]."

Actually, your longer aside about Leo's medical school experience was especially on target. Like you, I wondered about his claim that he lacked just two years and the thesis. The thesis??? He surely wasn't going for a joint MD/PhD degree. Are we to chalk this up to the writers' ignorance of what med school involves? Your "no mention of clinicals" also gets at a very serious problem with Leo's qualifications. It's in those last two years of med school that students get to see patients and get hands-on clinical training. Leo has had none of that. No wonder he prescribes a lolly-pop for a stomach ache.

One more thing about Leo. When he motions zipping his lips, I kept thinking that the same motion can unzip the lips, and that seems much more appropriate for Leo, as we see just a few minutes later when he "accidentally" tells Loli that Rafa and Pau have done the deed. I loved your saying "Rafa accuses him of spilling the Paulina soup, tea and beans."

Those endless repetitive scenes between Bruno and Melissa amply deserved your merciful FF>>. And yes, Bruno claims he's staying only for the kids. How altruistic! (Hmmm...for some reason, he doesn't mention the inheritance $$.)

So we finally learn the truth about Rafa's and Leo's parents' death. Your comment, "[so Rafa took the blame for the accident? He covered up a fatal DUI?]," gives me the impression you think he was wrong to do so. I dunno. I'd like to think that I'd have done the same thing to save my younger sibling from a likely prison sentence. Happily, that can remain idle speculation.


Fantastic recap, dondi. You were masterful in your scorn of last night's goings on. These people are driving us nuts! And, please, feel free to always skip Bruno and Melissa. Everything about them is awful. During the earlier part of the novela she was SO fond of her larcenous father and was ripping into Bruno about not supporting her in the style her credit card use was accustomed to. And it just made her mad when he had the temerity to mention he had trouble finding a decent job because he went to prison when it should have been Marcelino.

And, of course, Birdbrain Bruno was dead set on getting custody but because of a few post cards written 18 years ago he was going to move out.

The look on Rafa's face when Vicente asked him to write up a press release about Rox...priceless. The incredible nerve of asking Rafa to clean up the mess he made.

I'm afraid Veronica isn't going anywhere. She and Vicente would be a great match in the "can't believe the nerve of" sweepstakes. She grills Cesar who, with all his faults, does love her daughter. And she's not happy about Rox quitting because...golden goose.

I know Rafa didn't want Rox to go because he is still trying to run the company well. But...he and Rogelio now have quite the chink in Chente's armor. The board, which believed the crap about Rogelio having mental problems, can see how the snake is ruining the company.

Loved "turn in your Caray membership card".

I suppose Cesar will win her back, but she really is right that the guy is spineless. If Romeo weren't such a womanizer, he'd get my vote.

Leo is just plain rotten. I know that TN characters have to live together the better to say things for plot development, but please. He's got this hot-shot digital job and he can't afford an apartment? OTOH everyone's job at GR is in jeopardy when the sponsors jump ship from Chente's "leadership". And he has the cojones to say that his brother saved him from a DUI involving deaths as a ploy to play the hero. I know about sibling rivalry, but this loser takes the cake.


I think Cesar might deserve better than Rox or Dulce. Certainly better than Dulce, but Rox won't even give him a chance? Sheesh.

Pau might be overestimating her friendship with Angie. And Angie is starting to deserve better than her or Leo. Does she like food? Maybe she can get with Cesar since everyone is supposed to be paried up somehow. Speaking of that, since someone called dibs on Octavio (everyone called dibs on Octavio), I'll take Divina. I totally not their type but this is my fantasy and I make the rules. We'd be great together. He's such a good friend to everyone, even though he probably shoudln't have posted that pic online without permission.

Does Luna get shares of Global Radio like the other (not-really) grandkids? No one tell Vicente. Don R's days are already at risk.

Is Carol new? She sounds the same but looks differert and I can't tell if it's just because her hair is down and her face fell back in place or if she was replaced.



Kelly, Carol did look different, but I sort of remember shorter hair. I'm pretty sure it's the same young woman in the role. She's got the mean girl role down pat. She's probably a really nice kid in her real life.


Thanks for the thanks, everyone! Enjoyed the insightful and witty comments as always.

Most things we agree on. Bruno & Melissa, Pau, Vicente, Veronica, etc.

But I’ve got mixed feelings about the accident. And I’m kind of unhappy with the writers. Was there no 911 where they lived? Call an ambulance! Instead, they forced a drunk 18 year old to drive.

I get why Rafa would want to protect his younger brother and I’m not questioning that. If Rafa was unavailable to drive to the hospital, how did he get to the accident scene to make it seem like he was driving?

I think I'm in the minority on this but the accident revelation made me feel a bit sorry for Leo. That is a very heavy load of guilt he’s carried around for a long time. Did he ever get professional help to deal with it? It is unfortunate that he takes it out on Rafa but it makes sense to me that he would.

I suppose the outcome was ok because only the parents were killed. What if someone else died or was hurt in the accident?

At my school, out of my area, we run an impaired driver course for the DMV. And there’s a “scared straight” component to it. Tragedies. I am no teetotaler but there should be zero tolerance for impaired driving. Maybe I’m over thinking this. I just wish the writers would have come up with something better.




I agree with much of what you say, dondi356, and, FWIW, I'm a loyal contributor to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. I too wonder why, if Rafa was not present to drive his parents to the hospital, how could he have been present in time to convince the police that he was driving? However, if we accept the rather iffy assumption that Rafa was not present to drive but somehow arrived by Telenovela Magic in time to tell the police that he was driving, I can understand why the parents asked Leo to drive rather than call 911 and wait who knows how long for an ambulance to arrive. It's clear from the little we saw that the father was distraught and kept urging Leo to drive faster, so clearly he thought that time was crucial. And yes, I still would like to believe that I'd have tried to shield my younger sibling from a prison sentence for a fatal DUI.

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