Monday, August 09, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Diseñando Tu Amor, Si Nos Dejan & La Hija del Embajador - Week of Jul 26, 2021

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! JoelD is still taking a necessary break from providing recaps for Diseñando Tu Amor but feel free to discuss and share any details.  Si Nos Dejan is being “highlighted” by Jarifa, Diana, and RGVChick, and Super-dondi356 is still providing the amazingly detailed and helpful recaps for La Hija del Embajador! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8- 9PM  -  Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep. 72-74

9-10PM –  Sin Nos Dejan: Ep 43-45

10-11PM  La Hija del Embajador, Season 2: Ep 50-52 (Últimos Capítulos!!)

Coming Soon: “La Desalmada” – Aug. 23rd at 10PM(E)  AND “Que le Pasa a Mi Familia” – Aug 30th at 7PM(E)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.


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DEJAN - Ep 43: Part 1

Yaya frantically shakes Miranda and asks her to wake up. She wonders what Miranda did. Miranda finally wakes up and tells her she is fine, but when she tries to get up, she is too weak. Miranda explains that she took some of grandmother’s sleeping pills and asks Yaya not to say anything to her mother.

Downstairs, Eva has seen the newspaper headline with Alicia’s and Martin’s photo and chides Alicia…she finally did it! She ruined her reputation! When Eva adds that everyone will say that she is a pathetic woman in her fifties, Alicia blames SerJerk for publishing the photo. Meanwhile, Serjerk yells at Juleech because he knows she is the one who did it. Juleech defends her actions….this will make him look like the victim. She only used the tricks that Martin used. She explains that yesterday Serjerk was the man with a mistress and now he is the scorned husband who fought hard for his marriage, but his wife just mocked him. Serjerk calms down since she makes a good point.

Martin shows the article to Nelson. He doesn’t want to think what Alicia will say when she sees it…or Carlota or Sofi. And he has lots to worry about since Carlota and Sofi have seen the picture and Sofi is beside herself because all her friends are already commenting about it. Sofi dos not want to see her father kissing that woman anywhere…her father betrayed them!

Karina goes to see Yuri. She thinks it’s time that Yuri start thinking about herself since she is the one who is in a jail cell. Yuri argues that they have nothing to hold her on…what they did was illegal and they can’t hold her. Karina then shows Yuri the picture of Martin and Alicia and asks “What is up with your mother?”

Moises is in his bathroom rushing to get dressed. The wedding planner thinks it would be nice to make love in the morning, but Moises has things to do. He tells her that this will be the last night that she spends there since he doesn’t want Yuri to find out.

Eva is lashing out at Alicia because they are now poor. Gonzo tries to speak up for Alicia so Eva turns on him and tell him that he isn’t of any help since he has no way of making a living. After Eva tells Alicia that it is her fault that the family is a disaster, Alicia tells Eva that she (Alicia) is the only one she has, so Eva has to put up with it. After Alicia goes to her room and cries, Martin calls to say good morning though it may not be so good after she sees the newspaper. Alicia tells him that she already saw it and so did her mother and Gonzo. She cries as she tells him that her mother told her so many awful things and made her feel worse. Martin tells her not to pay attention to the article, but Alicia doesn’t know how everyone can just ignore it…people like to sensationalize everything. Martin offers to take her to the Public ministry but Alicia prefers that they not be seen together; her children are too affected by this. Martin tells her that she needs to think about herself too; her kids need to get used to the idea that he will be there for her. Alicia thanks him for everything and concedes.

Juleech is relishing in her newest scheme as she talks to Mabel on the phone. When Serjerk tells her that he is going to the police station, she wants to go with him, but Serjerk doesn’t’ think she should go. Juleech then suggests that when all of this is over, they invite his kids over for dinner so they can share in their new life.

Alicia goes to see Miranda and shows her the article…and apologizes. Miranda tells her that this family is a disgrace…she hates them!!


DEJAN - Ep 43: Part 2

Maruja is also beside herself since she has seen the picture. As Facundo calms her down, Mujica arrives and asks to talk to Facundo alone.

Martin goes to pick up Sofi. After Carlota mocks him about being so photogenic, she wonders if he ever thinks about his daughter; he is hurting her. She can’t understand how that woman at that age with so many insecurities…Martin interrupts and wonders how she can say that if she doesn’t even know her. They are interrupted by Sofi who is ready to go to school, but refuses to give Martin his usual kiss.

Mujica chides Facundo for the statement he made to the media. When Facundo insists that there are a lot of inconsistencies in the investigation, Mujica warns that he doesn’t know what he is getting into. Facundo agrees but he knows that Mujica is protecting someone…who could be involved in his son’s murder. Mujica can’t believe Facundo could say something like. Before he leaves, Mujica tells him that if he talks to the media again, he will forget that they are friends.

El Toro tells his goons that they need to be on high alert since he is expecting a shipment. When the goons ask what they will do about the ex-cop, Toro tells them to look for him; if they find him they should call him.

Before Sofi gets off the car at school, she reminds Martin that he has always said that being alone is best…he can do whatever he wants. Martin acknowledges that he did say that...he sometimes forgets that having such an intelligent daughter can be a problem. He asks that she give him a chance to let him introduce Alicia to her; once she gets to know Alicia, she will realize that her father deserves a woman like her.

At Fedora’s, Samuel doesn’t allow Fedora to answer the door. After he goes to the door, he walks back with a big bouquet of flowers and asks who they are from. Fedora sees the card and realizes they are from him. He tells her that this is so that she can see that he is kind…attentive...the best man in her life. She goes for a vase but he wants a kiss…then he suggests that they finish breakfast in bed.

At the police station, Gutrerrez telsl Mujica that Yuri’s phone had no evidence that indicated she was tipped off. Mujica insists that someone one had to tip her off…there is someone that they are missing. He then orders them that he needs results NOW since the whole country has their eyes on them; they;d better go out and look for Cholo…he wants him there dead or alive!!

Moises goes to see Yuri. She overhears him complain about the conditions that his wife is in; so she reminds him that she will not be his wife. She then asks how they found out that she was going to see Cholo. He tells her thar they probably intercepted her phone. When he reminds her that Cholo is a murderer, Yuri retorts that he knows Cholo is not a murder, yet he wants to bring him down…because of his jealousy. After Moises asks if they are more that friends, Yuri wonders what he would say if she admitted it and that she stopped the wedding because she fell in love with Cholo. Would he still try to get her out of there? Moises remains stoic and walks off.

Eva talks to Miranda in the kitchen. She insists that they need to be united in order to get her mother out of that man’s hands. If they let their guard down, that man will end up living there. Miranda will never allow it! Eva insists that the only man that should be there is Sergio!

Serjerk goes to the public ministry and demands to see Mujica. When he is told that Mujica is not there yet, Serjer insists that he will wait for him in his office. Meanwhile, Moises is talking to Mujica and chastising him for keeping Yuri there since he did things illegally. When Mujica reminds him that he was the one who suggested it, Moises retorts that he was supposed to catch Cholo, not Yuri. Mujica then wonders what Yuri would say if she found out that it was Moises who suggested that they intercept her phone, Moises warns him of what the media would say if they found out how he was handling the case.


DEJAN - Ep 43: Part 3

Karina is doing her own chastising as she tells Martin that he is making the wrong choices; he is wasting the best years of his life. As she tells him to think of his parents, his daughter and himself, Alicia passes by and overhears. When Karina sees her she leaves. Martin tries to kiss Alicia but she reminds him that they are out in public. She tells him they should go see Yuri.

Fedora is in bed assuring Rebeca that she is fine, but Rebeca knows something is wrong just by hearing her voice. When Rebeca comments that the last person she would imagine is an abusive relationship, Fedora denies it. As Rebeca talks, she wraps some ear rings in newspaper and places them in a drawer between some clothes.

Eva gets an update from Robles who tells her that he has found nothing on Martin. She orders him to keep looking…and if he can’t find anything then they need to make up something!

Alicia and Martin have a confrontation with Serjerk and Juleeech in Mujica’s office. After Alicia chides him for printing the photo and Serjerk denies it, Alicia thinks that the most important thing right now is Yuri. After Mujica gets a call, he asks to be left alone with Sergio but Alicia insists on staying.

Fabian and Rebeca meet with the doctor who confirms the diagnosis. When the doctor mentions treatment, Fabian wonders if all that he has to offer; so Rebeca interjects that she wants to start the treatment immediately.

Gonzo is on his way to find Lorena. He stops to look at Lorena’s social media page and sees something about a wedding so he speeds off.

Miranda reads all the awful comments her peers are making about her mother when Diego shows up and asks if she will let him enter. After he jumps over the patio rail, he tells her he wanted to see her. When Miranda wonders what he is doing there, he catches sight of her cut arms, but she refuses to talk about it. He wonders if she is going to fall for Nicole’s little games, Miranda retorts that she will believe what she sees and she sees that he is playing both of them. When he tells her that he broke up with Nicole, Miranda scoffs that she thought he was different and knows that he is lying, Diego then tells her that he only has one response for her…and kisses her! She pushes him away telling him that she hates him, but Diego argues that is not what her lips said when they kissed. Just then Eva comes out shouting insults at Diego so he rushes off.

At the police station, Juleech approaches Martin and mocks his newfound popularity. Martin tells her not to be so modest; he knows that she was behind it since it was the same reporter who publishes the article. After he suggests that she should focus on her relationship with Sergio rather than Sergio’s relationship with Alicia, Yuri is brought out and escorted to Mujica’s office. When Yuri confronts Mujica and asks is she can leave now or is he going to keep looking for guilty ones where there are none. Mujica comments that he can’t do his job when people have so many “godfathers” who protect them. He knows that she and Cholo will make a mistake and there won’t be anyone who will be able to protect her.


DEJAN - Ep 43: Part 4

Gonzo finds Lorena who wonders what he is doing there. He tells her that he is capable of going to the ends of the earth to get her forgiveness.

Your arrives home escorted by Alicia and Martin. When he asks Miranda about Diego and wonders when they will have another adventure, Miranda retorts that he should have enough with the adventures he has with her mother. Eva then chides Martin for bringing so much anger to the house…the best thing he can do is leave Alicia alone!

Carlota is having a session with Dr. Tequila and thinks it’s time she do what she needs to do.

Martin is sitting with Alicia when Alicia gets the call from Carlota who tells Alicia that they need to talk as soon as possible.



Dear friends, Diana has asked me to let you know that she has suffered the loss of her beloved long time furbaby, Juliet. Personally, I understand the grief and despair that the loss of a beloved pet can bring; and I'm sure that all those who have had such an experience can also relate. Diana needs some time to grieve and will not be visiting our patio for a few days; so please keep Diana in your thoughts and prayers;


RgvChick, thank you. What an episode and you sure did justice to all of the action and inaction!

THE HIGHLIGHT: Yay! We had a Nelson sighting!

So, Alicia DOES appreciate Martín’s determination in his pursuit of her.

Well, at least Dr. Tequila gave Carlota some good advice this time.

I couldn't believe Karina. She had that cray cray look in her eyes again advising Martín against a relationship with Alicia.

It was good seeing Mujica thwarted at least in his detention of Yuri. Too bad it had to be due to Sergio’s connections.

Will Facundo survive?

Oh noes! Cholo is wanted! dead or alive! (Dum, dum dum dum!) Made me think if Bon Jovi.

Looks like YaYa didn’t learn her lesson about informing Alicia about anything going on with Miranda. Couldn’t believe she didn’t tell Alicia about the sleeping pills.


RgvChick, thanks for letting us know about the death of Diana’s pet.

After today’s episode all I want is to see Eva’s downfall. What kind of mother will want her child suffering in a doomed marriage to a jerk of a man....I just can’t wait to see her alone and penniless


Thank you, Jarifa! I always smile when I see Nelson...definitely my favorite character! :-)

Yes, Alicia finally admitted that she appreciated Martin's determination...and I certainly can't blame her. What woman doesn't appreciate being pursued by a handsome young man? I'm all for a person thinking of one's self, but when that self has a family in turmoil, I'm not sure how feasible it is to delve head on into a relationship. I still feel Martin is pushing too hard and wearing Alicia down. She is really in no condition to make those decisions right now...she is weak and vulnerable.

I am somewhat worried about Carlota asking Alicia to meet ASAP. I hope Carlota takes on the role of counselor and refers Alcia to another counselor. I will be very disappointed if she takes on the role of jealous ex-wife instead.

I also worry about Facundo. He is digging himself into a deep hole he may not make it out of.

Karina is so volatile! She is such a good cop, but those fits she has may well be her downfall.

I felt a bit of relief when Mujica said he wanted Cholo "dead or alive". It's a bit of improvement from ordering that Cholo be killed at first sight.

MaameAdwoa, I think all of us are anxiously awaiting the anvil to fall on Eva...the sooner the better!


OT ..Dondi

I googled "Fatmagul" . Brilliant.Mesmerizing . I have jumped around the episodes and am completely hooked . thank you thank you

OT...Chick , thank you for letting us know about Diana's loss.

((((Diana)))) please know that I am sending you love and good vibrations. What I know for sure is that grief is the price we pay for love , but I believe love is stronger than death . I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers .

TU AMOR. Oh Diana, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved pet. We too lost a pet a couple of months ago, our elderly dog who had suffered for so long that she just couldn't go on any more. The thing that most bothered me about last night's episode was that federal agent. If she really thinks Patricia has proof of Nora's theft, shouldn't she subpoena it? And wouldn't she know about the warrant out for Val? Either she's crooked or not really a government agent. And that scary female "ex-con" was just a step too far. And Val is not only supposed to marry Ricardo but pretend to be enamored of him? Yuck. How long before Patricia gets hers?



Since I am at work, I wont say much but this, I thought the heat in the
Western fires and the summer heat in the east and southeast was a hot
Mess but this takes the cake.
Im just done with jerkass
And eva.
And everyone else that's just flown the coop of sanity.
Alicia can't catch a brake
She may have to play dirty to get some relief. Just dont sink to low where we cant tell her apart from the network slut. How much more of this will we have endure?
Good guys-0
Bad guys-95.

Thank Rgv Chick. Stay cool and safe

TU AMOR. And poor Humberto! I hope he is vindicated soon. I expect Lizia will end up spilling the beans. She looks pretty guilt stricken.


Diana, I am so sorry. I know firsthand how much it hurts. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You have enriched all of us and lifted our spirits when times get tough. I hope we can do the same for you at this time.

Embajador S2 #50 part 1

Kahraman states his terms. I will report the corpse… unless you hand over the entire company to me. And… I want the mansion. Sancar bangs on his desk, rises from his chair and shouts, did you go crazy?! Kman replies, it may be that I went crazy. You hurt me, Sancar. You took what I had. I waited for this day, it's my time. Now I ask you if you would like to spend the rest of your life free as the peasant’s son… or do you prefer to spend it in prison, Sancar. Make up your mind, you have 24 hours—think wisely. Kman tosses the stock paperwork back on Sancar’s desk. He takes the bag of money and walks out. Yeah, Sancar knows he’s in big trouble.

Sahra has arrived at the grove office in a taxi. She confronts Kman, tell me, did you make an agreement with that idiot? Kman tells Sahra to calm down. I have not accepted, he says, but I will, and you will not report the corpse, or I will confess that you murdered Loki.

Sahra replies, no, that's not possible, I'm going to get the inheritance if I report it. I promise we will divide it. Time for some truth. Kman tells Sahra, oh, doctor, I don't understand why you are like this. I don't want to hurt you but there's no money. Your brother named Nare as his beneficiary. Sahra is devastated.

Gediz sadly says, it's all my fault. We lost our shares, the centennial mansion, all that we had achieved. I caused this to happen, didn't I? Sancar turns on his ex-partner, it's too late for regrets, Gediz. Nare nods in agreement.

Sahra strides into the office. She points a gun and shouts, Sancar! Gediz says, Sahra… no. Sancar turns to look at Nare and he puts his arm out for her to stay back. Sahra looks at Gediz and says, I will report Akin's body since Nare got his inheritance. If I don't, the bastard who murdered him will not go to prison. Sancar takes a step closer to Sahra as she explains, I will lose either way, understand, Gediz? But I'm not going to be the only one to lose ...

Nare rushes forward, calm down, Sahra, I beg you—Sancar stops her and pushes her back behind him. Gediz implores, stop, Sahra, don't do it, Sahra. Sancar makes a silent plea to Sahra, extending his arm out in her direction. Sahra is not deterred. I will not lose this time, she states. And she tightens her finger on the trigger.

There’s a shot. We see Sancar flinch, and he grabs Nare, but he is not the one who is hit. Sahra staggers and drops the gun. In shock, she looks over Gediz. Sancar and Nare turn to look, too. And we see it is Gediz who fired the shot, with his gun still pointed. Sahra falls to the floor.

Gediz’ lips quiver as he remembers his conversation with Sahra, where they said they would give themselves the chance to love each other.

That was the end of Turkish ep 33. They cut the beginning of ep 34 which begins outside of Gediz’ guest house with this song: Herkes Yaralı/Everyone’s Wounded – Sezen Aksu

Make sure to read the translator’s comment. During this song, Sancar is standing a distance away from Gediz who is sitting on the bench outside the guest house. Nare brings tea for Sancar and coffee for Gediz. She asks Sancar if he will go to Gediz saying, he saved you from Sahra, I know you want to go. Sancar is reluctant, it would be a mistake, he says. But Nare makes a case, Gediz is devastated, he needs someone. Put your enmity aside for a moment, please. Sancar goes over Gediz.



Embajador S2 #50 part 2

[Turkish] Sancar sits next to Gediz and says, I thought that they become masters when they give and efes when they shoot. You're confused. Gediz answers, yes, I'm confused. Sancar thanks Gediz, I owe you my life. Gediz responds, you wouldn't have told me something like that before, you would have hugged me saying this would pass. Sancar smiles at that, you would have clearly said that “it will pass, don't worry, Sancar.”

And since you don't know if it's going to pass, you're not going to hug me, Gediz says with some sadness. His smile gone, Sancar replies, in fact I would like to strangle you. I owe you my life and I thank you, because you even risked becoming a killer for me, but don't expect more from me, Gediz. Gediz wipes his eye and nods. He asks Sancar, and how does it feel to murder? Sancar says, it is something horrible, but you will not know it. [hopefully]

The doctor comes out of the guest house and says Sahra will be ok. You can see her now, she’s awake. Everyone is relieved. Sancar goes to enter but Nare says she wants to go first.

Notice how Nare’s got that efe stance going with her hands behind her back, lol, She tells Sahra, that wasn't your first attempted murder.

We get a flashback. Nare speaks to Ceylan, there is a favor that I have what to ask of you. We are meeting with Kahraman, only Kahraman has a very big advantage over Sancar and he's threatening us. Do you know anything about Kahraman that we can use against him?

Ceylan replies, Kahraman never involved me in his business. I don't know anything. I wish I could help. Nare says, you stayed at Menekse's house for a while, and you were there when Kahraman killed Loki. She asks Ceylan, if we call the police could you be a witness against Kahraman? Ceylan answers, yes, but that wouldn't work, because Kahraman didn't kill Loki, Sahra did. Loki was going to kill Menekse and I was going to be left alone with my baby. Sahra did it to protect us. She's not bad, Nare, I swear. End flashback.

Nare says, I know you killed Loki. Sahra replies, if you want to report me for that, I’m going to report Sancar. Nare says of course, you tried to kill him, of course you would report it. I want to kill you now for what you did to Sancar and I would also like to kill myself for trusting you. Equally I believed in Akin. I don't know why I trust the wrong people so easily, she tells Sahra, I think I'm learning my lesson each time, but I don’t. [moment of self awareness]

Nare continues, anyway, I'm not here to talk about me, Sahra, but to talk about you. You won't be able to get anything if Sancar goes to prison or dies. On the contrary, you will lose everything you have because I'm going to send you to prison. And when you finally finish your sentence, you won't even have work or your youth, not to mention money, because I will inherit the money that you are chasing. And I will donate every penny of the 100 million dollars from your brother to help to the animals.

Nare makes an appeal, look, Sahra, let's end this mess. We only hurt ourselves. What we do will not end good for anyone. We will not stop until we are all dead. We're just going to end the same as Akin, we won't even rest in the grave. Don't you want this to end? Sahra dolefully says, and what would it be like?

Nare replies, we must accept that we have all lost. We will make a deal with Kahraman. Sancar is going to give him everything he has and he’s going to make a deal with him. He'll be bankrupt but free, what do you say about that? Sara asks, and me? Nare tells her, you renounce the revenge, and the corpse and you give up the inheritance. In exchange for that, you can start a new life in another place, do you think that's okay? Sara asks, and Gediz? Nare answers, Gediz made his decision by shooting you.



Embajador S2 #50 part 3

Gediz asks Sancar, what is your decision? About what? Gediz says, about Kahraman. He asks, what will you do, will you hand over everything or will you go to prison? Sancar pointedly replies, why do you ask?

Gediz answers, if you refuse Kahraman, I could be your witness. I'd say it didn't happen like that. I'd say Akin wasn't killed, that he fell or something like that. Sancar scoffs, it's a little late for that, no one had reasons to kill Akin more than me, and do you remember where his body is? It’s at my aunt’s. And who reported me to the police?.... My partner.

Gediz realizes that won’t work. He says Kahraman knows that you kidnapped Akin two days before. [Turkish] Even if Nare says you helped her, no one would believe it. Whatever anyone says, this is a premeditated murder. Gediz continues, if you refuse Kahraman's offer you will be in prison at this time tomorrow. Then Nare is going to report me, and we will both go to prison and it ends, that's all. And Gediz looks at Sancar and adds, anyway, you won't forgive me.

Sancar replies, I said the same to Nare. Gediz says, in the end it seems that she did forgive you. Sancar answers, I don't know if she did, but I'm not as good as Nare, don't forget that. There’s a pause for silent communication between the ex-partners. Nare comes out of the guest house and Sancar grabs her hand, come on, let's go, quickly. Gediz goes to the guest house door. He can’t go in; he sits on the bench.

They cut a bit here. The ladies are all in the kitchen working on Feride’s “recipes”. They talk about Halise refusing surgery and being upset about Ceylan’s arrival. Ever the optimist, Ceylan suggests she will speak with Halise and find a way into her heart and convince her to have the operation.

Ceylan approaches Halise out on the balcony. Good morning, Señora, can I sit down? Halise smirks, if I say no, you will still sit down anyway. Oh no, Ceylan replies, if you tell me I’ll stand with my baby, carrying his weight. Halise rolls her eyes and tells her to sit.

Ceylan starts to explain her story, when I first arrived I was about 25 years old, and of course, I did not know anyone. I thought that the people I worked with were my friends. Halise asks, and what was your work? Ceylan almost tells her the truth but catches herself and says, in a restaurant. I was in charge of the tables and carried the orders.

Ceylan continues her tale, well, they told me there was someone famous in town, that there was a legend about a great leader, Sancar Efe. Everyone was talking about him, he even had a song. And a huge mansion, too. I wondered what it would be like to live there, I always wanted to know.

Halise tells Ceylan she was very lucky she made her way here. Ceylan replies, luck is not something I know, but I have run into with good people who have helped me a lot. Ceylan asks, do you know what I just heard? Gulsiye mentioned you are sick, and she is very concerned that you don’t want the operation. Elvan is, too. And you won't believe it, but Señora Feride is also very worried. Halise doesn’t buy that last part. Feride would dance on her grave.

Ceylan doesn’t give up. I can I tell you what I found? What makes this mansion so famous is the love inside and the people who care about you. That's how a mansion like this becomes a home. If something were to happen to you all the mansion would collapse. I think you should have surgery as soon as possible.

Halise answers, what you say is true, but you forget something important. I spent my entire youth in this mansion. There have been more before me and there will be many more when I go. It is an inheritance of hundreds of years. This mansion is a shield for the Efeoglus, and after I die my lineage will continue.



Embajador S2 #50 part 4

For that reason, Halise continues, Elvan will never divorce my son. Sancar and Nare must get married and have many babies, they will continue the lineage. Is that clear to you? Now go and tell everyone one by one if it is necessary that if I die humiliated, it will be your fault. She warns Ceylan, don't get too used to being here, we don't want to see Kahraman hanging around. Ceylan leaves in defeat.

Sancar and Nare arrive at the mansion. She asks, do you want me to stay with you when you tell your mother? Sancar asks when I tell her what? About giving Kahraman the mansion and the company. Sancar firmly states, I will not give Kahraman anything, much less the mansion. Why do you say this? Nare reminds him, he told you that if you did not give him everything he would report you—Sancar starts walking and quickly responds, well, let him do it, I'll go to prison for a while and that's it.

Nare runs after him and stops him. She’s ticked. Think things through, she tells him, we've been through a lot so you wouldn’t go to prison, and it turns out that you can't give up a house. He tries to interrupt but she’s not having it.

Nare is adamant, I think you are not understanding, I don't want my daughter to grow up without her father-- Sancar is just as adamant, I don't want that either, but you can't see my hands are tied. Nare presses, you would have no problem if you will give him what he is asking for. Why don't you understand that?

Sancar replies, suppose I do, even though I would not give it to him hypothetically, but suppose I fix it with Kahraman… what will Sahra do? Can't you see that I have no other option? She will report me to the police, should I bury her with her brother to avoid going to prison?

Nare drops a bomb on Sancar—Sahra murdered Loki. It’s Kahraman's advantage over her. Sancar is stunned, then he starts shouting. What’s happening?! I can't believe it, it's impossible! Nare says, that means she is not going to report you. I spoke with her, and she seems convinced. Even if she wasn't, she's hurt right now, she's isolated, she doesn’t have a phone. If you make an agreement with Kahraman, we destroy the body and remove the evidence.

This is non-negotiable for Sancar. [Turkish] I will not give the mansion, he tells her, this is our legacy and we got it one hundred years late. My mother became the owner of the mansion where she started as a servant. I can’t evict her from here. If there is something that we can leave our daughter, it is this mansion. It will be for Melek and she will leave as a bride from here.

Nare gets teary, but you won't be able to see any of that if you're in prison. He starts, Nare, don't say—she interrupts to place a guilt trip. Sancar, I would like to wear the ring that I gave back to you, I want to enter through the doors of this mansion as a bride. How can I heal my wounds and be a bride if you’re not here? You're only going to hurt me more, understand.

Sancar takes her face in his hands, okay, okay. They get close, almost kiss. But he pulls away, angry, this can’t be. Why does it have to happen to me to me? He tells Nare he will speak to Kahraman to see if he can get a different deal. He heads to his truck.
Nare asks, but what if he says he wants the mansion? Sancar replies, I will not give it. My mom is sick, they say they have to operate on her, but she doesn't want it, and if we lose the mansion she dies. Nare counters, do you think she would rather lose her son? Without another word, Sancar drives off.

Nare and Kavruk talk out on the porch. She explains, Kahraman wants the mansion, if he doesn’t get it, he will send Sancar to prison. I feel like I have a knot that won't let me breathe when I think that Sancar will go to prison tomorrow. I feel like my heart stops. His mother doesn't know and neither does my daughter.



Embajador S2 #50 part 5

Kavruk says, calm down, look at his mother and daughter and yourself. You’re Efeoglus and you can bear everything because you are special. If it is necessary for Sancar to go to prison, he would serve his time fast, he would bear it. Listen, there is no reason to give up this mansion, it was put in your hands, Nare. Huh?

Nare is puzzled. What did you say? Kavruk realizes his mistake and tries to cover saying, I don't know, I forgot. Nare reminds him, you said not to give up this mansion for any reason because it’s in my hands. Kavruk babbles, ah…that…yeah. Nare presses, why did you say that? Kavruk is stuck, excuse me, I got confused, what was the--? Nare won’t let go, Kavruk, stop playing and tell me why you said that. Kavruk has no way out. He tells her that Sancar placed the deed in her name. So the mansion is yours, he says, and it is your responsibility to take care of it. Nare’s jaw drops. Uh, oh…..

Kman and Kdad are out on the patio. Sancar has arrived and is watching and listening from behind the bushes. Kman has grilled some meat for dinner. He’s trying to get his dad to eat but it’s a no go. Kman is frustrated. I'd rather have a woman where you're sitting, but I'm wasting time with you. You don't care, you only knew how to get drunk and ruin my family. You did it all my childhood.

Kman starts a story about men and women in the stone age. The man hunted a mammoth and brought it back to the woman. Blah, blah, blah. I guess Kdad was somewhat interested because he takes a piece of meat from his son. Kman is proud that he tricked his father like a mother tricks her baby to eat. But his father then spits it out.

That’s when Sancar makes his entrance. How are you? [Turkish] I think your mammoth is burning. Kman replies, no problem, today I went hunting and caught two men who are partners. Today we will eat them. Sancar says they will ruin his stomach.

Sancar turns to Kdad, how are you, sir, do you remember me? Kdad smiles and nods at Sancar. Sancar asks, you’re apparently not accepting food from him, right? It looks delicious, allow me. Sancar gets Kdad to eat. He says, you know who to trust, and know who not to trust. Do not go hungry. Sancar stuffs meat into some bread and hands it to Kdad. He accepts it.

Sancar sits at the table and Kman asks, what do you want? Sancar hands him a paper, my new offer, look at it. Gediz's shares and mine, it’s 45% of the Sadiclar Group. Kman replies, I understand that you want to negotiate. 45% of the group is reasonable, but without the mansion it is worth nothing, without the mansion there is no deal.



Embajador S2 #50 part 6

Sancar gets up from the table—excellent, let me go say goodbye to my family. Kman says, you can give up your woman, your daughter, but not your mansion. You prefer to go to prison than to lose your home. Sancar replies, [Turkish] my grandfather would turn in his grave and my mother’s heart would break, I'd rather go to prison. Sancar leaves and Kman calls after him, save your strength for tomorrow and dress well.

Sancar calls Muge. I was at Kman’s house, and I heard something. Kahraman said his father was busy getting drunk and ruining his family. He said he did it during his childhood. Muge asks, do you think the sister we are looking is a daughter of a woman from the club? Maybe, but there is no child registered, Sancar replies. Think Muge, his father spent time in that club and the son also saved a woman from the club, do you think he's projecting, do you think that's why he acted that way?

Muge says, lately you're a better psychologist than me, Sancar [not hard] It could be what you say, he’s making up for something from his past. Tomorrow I will try to make his father talk a bit about the situation. Sancar warns her, don't you dare come to this guy's house, I only asked because you are a psychologist, to give me your point of view. I'll see to it that he speaks.

Muge says, look, that man thinks I'm his daughter, it's going to be easier for him to talk to with me. Sancar doesn’t want Muge involved. Muge says, wait, don't hang up. She asks, what are you going to do if you find Kahraman's sister?

Sancar answers, I will have an advantage. I need an advantage. Muge says, Kahraman values his sister. if you find her, you could negotiate with him. Sancar says, I have until tomorrow to find her, it’s my only hope because if not…. Muge finishes the sentence, you go to prison. We have to find her, Sancar. Sancar replies, I hope so, Muge, I hope a miracle happens and we find her.
And we are out.




Dondi, thank you . These people are bulletproof . Sahra survives. Ggrrr

OT...thank you for recommending "Fatmagul."I have been jumoing around the episodes. What a story . One of the best i have ever seen. Engin is unbelievable. He looks younger abd gentler with long hair. He reminds me of Fernando Co!unga in my fav tn " Alvarado" and Adrian Paul in Highlander tge tv series. Those exoressive , dark eyes and dark hair remind me of someone else, too.

♡Diana Im sorry about the death of your pet. That's just like loosing a family member. Just take one day at a time love♡


And they always find a way out. Yall know what would be shocking? If dudu is the sister. That's a stretch I know, but who is her mom?

I wish gediz and sancar were still friends again but gediz really did
Cross some lines. Actually he broke
The line. Well maybe theres hope? Maybe?

Halise came be so mean. I thought what ceylon said was really sweet.
But ol hellian had to go and ruin it.

I want to see who that sister is.
Zahra should just leave town. Doubt
Her and akin were that close anyhoo

Ok thats it for now. Thank you dondi.


Thanks, Susanlynn and Nina.

Nare doesn’t like Sancar’s “traditions” or when he takes the law into his own hands. Somehow it’s ok when she does it, but he can’t She’s buried a body and is currently blackmailing a couple of people.

Oh boy, now Sancar has turned the deed over and “entrusted” the mansion to Nare. Will he be sorry?

I don’t know if it’s much of a surprise that Gediz shot Sahra. Sometimes I think Gediz is in love with Sancar.

Let the speculation on Kman’s sister begin! I see Nina already weighed in.

OT Susanlynn

Fatmagül is worth watching start to finish. I’m not sure if there is any reliable place to find the eps with English subs at the moment. Maybe someone on Caray knows. This show first aired back in 2010 so everyone looks younger. Now that you've seen a bit of KPA and Fatmagül, you can understand why I am an Engin fan.




Dondi, yes, Sancar is one of tbose guys that women love and men want to be . In true galan fasbion, everybody wants Sancar.

Gediz is always in his shadow .

OT Susanlynn

Fatmagül is one of the best novelas I've ever seen - and I've watched hundreds. Highly recommend it.

The relationships are some of the most honest I've ever seen portrayed.

OT...Anonymous....yes,I agree tbat "Fatmagul" is amazing. It is right up there with my first and fav novela " Alborada " starring Fernando Colunga . I am so glad that Dondi recommended it to me. I am not watching in any order , but i love it.

Dejan #43

Gracias, RGV Chick. Great work.

Eva and Robles making shit up about Martin? Robles should realize that he could lose his license over that. But if he goes through with it and Eva can't pay the bill.... what an I saying? She will get SerJerk to pay it.

I am also eager for her downfall. How selfish, vicious, and horrible do you have to be t o such things? She is what Juleech could become in another 20 years.

Carlota is in serious trouble as well. I hope Sofi catches her boozing it up and shames her for it.


DEJAN - Ep 44: Snakes in the Grass…at Home…in Therapy…Everywhere!! Part 1

Carlota and Alicia make plans to meet. Carlota knows that she must be very upset because of the photo in the newspaper. After the call, Alicia leans on Martin and tells him that she is scared. As he reassures her, Miranda runs down the stairs and tells him to get his hands off her mother. Martin opts to leave. On his way out, Martin is accosted by the media. He mocks that there must not be any other problems in the country to report on. When he mentions that they should go to Julieta for the latest news, Lalo, Julieta’s reporter buddy, turns away.

Inside, Alicia chides Miranda and tells her that she needs to control herself. After Miranda shares some of the comments her peers are making, Alicia tells her to stop…she is not going to live her life based on social media comments. Alicia is fed up with everyone judging her. Miranda tells Alicia that she cares more about her novio than her. Alicia refuses to let Miranda try to control her. When she orders Miranda to her room, Miranda shouts “I hate you!” Eva then approaches and berates Alicia; she tells her that her plan to destroy her family is working out well. Alicia retorts that, yes, she is good at destroying family…she learned it from her (Eva)!

Gonzo is with Lorena who tells Gonzo that the wedding is her sister’s. He helps her make the wedding cake.

Serjerk tells Fabian that he is fed up! He just took Yuri out of jail and his other daughter is using drugs! This has been the worst day of his life. Serjerk continues complaining but Fabian remains silent and Serjerk finally notices that something is wrong. Fabian tells him about Rebeca having Alzheimer’s. As he continues to talk about how worried he is, Rebeca listens.

Julieta tells Mabel about the dinner she has planned for Serjerk’s kids. She will have to pretend that she cares about this kids…love is like chess; she needs to make her moves intelligently until she gets what she wants—a wedding in her new house after Serjerk gets rid of Alicia and the kids!

Cholo crouches by the steps of a church. When the priest arrives, Cholo asks for help. The priest lets him.

Yuri tells Chela that she is very worried, especially since Cholo has no one. When Chela mentions that Yuri has someone who loves her and is waiting for her, Yuri tells her that she told Moises about her feelings for Cholo. Chela advises her to give up on Cholo; there is no way things will end well.

Moises tells Serjerk that Yuri has feelings for the criminal. They need to keep Yuri from getting involved with that murderer; they need to get Yuri out of the country.

Alicia tells Yaya what to make for dinner, but Yay doesn’t have everything to make the dinner Alicia wants. Afterwards, Martin calls Alicia to warn her about the reporters outside her house. Alicia refuses to remain inside just because of those vultures and thanks him for the warning.

Diablo meets Martin at the bar and asks for details (about the current scandal.


DEJAN - Ep 44: Snakes in the Grass…at Home…in Therapy…Everywhere!! Part 2

Alicia manages to leave the house despite the media vultures.

Martin shares with Diablo that he doesn’t only have Serjerk to deal with…now he has to confront his daughter, Carlota and even is mother. Diablo points out that Martin is risking his family and wonders if that woman is worth it. Martin relies that he can’t rule his heart…the ones he worries about most is his daughter and Alicia; no one from either side wants them to be together.

Serjerk assures Moises that he is not going to allow Yuri to bring herself down. Just then, Lucas calls to tell Serjerk that everything went well, but his mother will need therapy that is very expensive…and he will have to pay for it.

Eva questions Yuri about why she met with that bad guy. Yuri replies that Cholo is her client and adds that she doesn’t want to talk about it. Yaya then comes in and informs them that the gardener will be leaving and won’t return until he gets his pay. After Yaya leaves, Eva works on Yuri to get her on the same page…Yuri needs to work on her mother so that she can leave that hippie. Alicia needs to realize that the hippie is the worst mistake she has ever made!

Cholo is eating and confesses to the priest that he is running from the law, but he swears he is innocent. He is running because they want to kill him.

Mujica complains to Karina that he can’t do his job if everyone uses their influence to get what they want. He can’t do his job and is disgusted with so much corruption (Huh?! so is he fed up with himself??) Mujica then brings up that he noticed how Karina treated Yuri so well…and she was very happy thar she was released. He then calls Gutierrez and orders him to keep an eye on Yuri…he wants to know every step that she takes including any calls she gets.

Fedora tells Rebeca that she can’t deal with Rebeca’s illness. Rebeca doesn’t know how to handle it either; what will she do if she wakes up and doesn’t recognize Fabian. Rebeca then asks how things are with Samuel. As Fedora replies that everything is marvelous, Samuel arrives and wonders why Fedora has to have visitors when her husband arrives. Rebeca listens as Fedora tries to stop Samuel from insulting her friends, but Samuel tells Fedora that he can say whatever he wants IN HIS HOUSE!. As he continues to berate Alicia, Fedora reminds him that they are like family, but Samuel retorts that he is her only family.

Alicia is meeting with Carlota who is questioning her about how her family is reacting. After Alicia shares what happened to Yuri she adds that Martin accompanied her to the police station. Alicia doesn’t know what to do; she doesn’t know if she will be able to handle everything. When Alicia asks what she should do, Carlota knows that she had advised her to fight for that relationship, but now the relationship is doing her more harm than good; and Alicia should rethink what she is doing…she should stop seeing that man for some time.

Rebeca knows that Samuel continues to be the bad guy he has always been. As she continues and warns Fedora that the guy could kill her, Samuel listens from upstairs. Rebeca advises Fedora that she needs to end this nightmare…she should change the locks and get the cops involved (how long have we been saying this?) . Samuel continues to listen.


DEJAN - Ep 44: Snakes in the Grass…at Home…in Therapy…Everywhere!! Part 3

Julio meets with Julieta who reminds him that he promised to make her the next star of the station. When he asks if Serjerk knows about this and adds that Serjerk won’t like it, Julieta insists that he answer her.

Miranda is in her room playing a video game and thinking about the kiss Diego gave her. All of a sudden the computer goes off and Eva comes in to tell her that the electricity has been shut off…her mother hasn’t paid the bill and her father refuses to pay anything ever since her mother got involved with that hippie!

Maruja chides Martin about the photo in the paper. When she questions him about the “older woman”, Martin tells her that she doesn’t care about the age difference.

Carlota continues to advise(work her fangs into) Alicia. When Alicia reminds her how she had encouraged her, Carlota explains that was before the photo…Yuri being in jail…and Miranda being accused of having drugs. That relationship has brought more problems than happiness. If Alicia puts that relationship on hold, she could diminish some of the problems. Carlota is especially worried about Miranda who needs Alicia more now than ever. When Carlota adds that Alicia should weigh the good and the bad that the relationship brings and ask if it’s really worth it, Alicia replies that she will think about it.

Martin refuses to talk about Alicia and asks for his father. Maruja tells him that he should know…his father is obsessed with the case. Mujica came over and Facundo fought with him and left. She is afraid that Facundo will fall off the wagon. When Martin reminds her that his brother was the favorite one , Maruja shares that Simon was into some bad stuff. She found a backpack with drugs in Simon’s room but Simon denied it was his.

Facundo is out in the neighborhood when Toro approaches and advises him that memories can become an addiction…and addictions kill.

The priest advises Cholo that he needs to think hard about what he is going to do. He needs to stop running and turn himself in and put everything in God’s hands. Cholo argues that it isn’t easy…and he hasn’t called on God in some time. Cholo is very scared…and he has a great need to be with that woman; it is the first time he has fallen in love.

Serjerk is questioning Yuri about Cholo; so she explains that she believes he is innocent. When he asks why she canceled her wedding, Yuri replies that she simply does not want to marry Moises; she has every right to have other experiences. Serjerk warns her to be careful with those other “experiences” and forbids her for talking to or seeing that criminal. Before he leaves to go see Miranda, Serjerk reminds Yuri that she is his favorite…but she can’t tell anyone.


DEJAN - Ep 44: Snakes in the Grass…at Home…in Therapy…Everywhere!! Part 4

Miranda is in her room listening to the dark side of her conscience who asks if she is going to let the world tell her what to do. When Miranda says, “I have to leave now for sure; this is going from bad to worse,” Serjerk enters and asks if she is talking to herself. Miranda replies that she has nothing else to do since there is no electricity. Sergio blames Alicia for not paying the bills and assures Moranda that he will take care of it. He tells her that she is his favorite but she can’t tell anyone.

Gonzo has finished the wedding cake and Lorena thanks him with a hug….and a kiss!! After he thanks her for the kiss, Lorena asks that they go slowly this time.

Alicia arrives home and greeted by three snakes. Eva lets her know in her usual way that the electricity has been shut off. When Alicia suggests that Yuri could have paid the bill since she also works, Yuri is shocked; so Alicia tells them she will take care of it and walks off, but the big wig snake and her two little snakes in the making follow Alicia and continues to berate her relationship with Martin. Alicia walks off without saying a word and goes to her room.

Martin is feeding Nelson as he thinks about what his mother told him about Simon. Meanwhile, Alicia is thinking about Carlota’s advice. Crying, she calls Martin and tells him that their lives are becoming too complicated and it would be best that they stop seeing each other for a while. When she adds that they need to look at the signs, Martin argues that the sign is that their story is unique, but Alicia is not swayed and tells him that their story is a mistake. They were not made to be together in this life. They need to stop seeing each other for the good of her family and his family too. Her heart is breaking because he is the best man she has met in her life, but she can’t take it anymore. She wishes him good luck and the best. Martin sighs deeply.

And that is how the episode ends…Hasta mañana!!


Thank you, RgvChick. Excellent! I was watching this as I was doing other things last night so missed many of the finer points.

I was soooo disappointed that they ruined the rather benign character of Carlota and now have made her into that “snake in therapy” “working her fangs into Alicia.”

Miranda and her mouth need a vacation . . . with an old school mother. I say no more.

Finally some refuge for Cholo and . . . FOOD.

Wonderful comment about Mujica: “(Huh!? So is he fed up with himself?)” I did a double take when I heard him whining.

Unbelievable: Alicia needs some help from a therapist who can teach to her to make her own decisions and not to be so easily talked into anything by ANYONE including her therapist.

Wow! Just think if Julieta got her OWN show in addition to being on with Sergio. That could be the beginning of the end for her with Sergio. His jealousy could be a game changer.

I am confused. Is Fedora really “married” to Samuel or are they just playing house? I had thought the latter.

Even Nelson couldn’t stand Martín in tears and had to leave the scene.


Thank you, Jarifa!

This was a very frustrating episode all around. Alicia’s walls caved in and she did the only thing she could to survive.

I was afraid of Carlota going to the dark side, and she did. She needs her license to be revoked.

I too did a double take when Mujica made the comment about corruption. I had to rewind and make sure he said it!l. What a hypocrite!!!

Samuel and Fedora are not married. This is something feom Samuel’s twisted imagination. When he was listening to Rebeca, I cringed with fear for Rebeca.

I was glad Cholo got some refuge and food too, but though the priest was trying to do what is right, I was somewhat disappointed with the priest’s advice. I have no idea how Cholo can get out of this mess. Yuri may be the answer to his prayers but I’m pretty upset with Yuri right now so I can’t count on her for anything.

Watching Eva makes me sick...and now the two little witches gave joined in...just so sad and upsetting!

Dejan #44

Gracias, RGV Chick. How much worse can this get?

Every time I think Eva has sunk to a new low, she sinks even deeper. Turning Alicia's daughters against her is way beyond the pale. She is clearly invested in increasing Alicia's misery until it is greater than her own. When I think of something she said in a previous episode, it reminded me of my own mother: "That kind of love doesn't exist." Nobody deserves a mother like her.

SerJerk has also hit a new low in telling each of his daughters separately that she is his favorite. This will absolutely cause problems between them down the road. Also his determination to force Yuri to marry Moises. He has no idea that his children are not his property

The wedding cake(s) was gorgeous. Who designed it? Whose recipe was used?

Of course, there will be a delay in Alicia finding out who Gloria really is. At which time she should sue her for malpractice.

BTW, does anyone recognize the actor who plays El Toro? He is not listed in any cast list I found.

Cholo can't hide in the church forever.

TU AMOR. I sure miss Diana and JoelD. Hope they are both back recapping and commenting soon. I loved the way that Majo stood up for Consuelo against Leo both in this episode and the previous one (though the same incident). And Yolanda is not going to let Leo be his partner in her business. Serves him right! I can't wait to see him get what's coming to him. The Claudio/Val exchanges get ever more maddening. Come on, Val, tell him about the accusation against Nora so that he can work his lawyerly/accountancy magic. Loved it that Nora doesn't want Val moving into Guillermo's house. And evidently Guillermo wasn't even informed of the move. Well, Adelaida's son is obviously someone we haven't met before. I wonder when he will turn up and if he even speaks Spanish. I'm looking forward to the high-fashion sales at the Tinguis market. I wonder if it will start a trend and bring a more upper crust clientele to the market.


Guess we are at that point where everything is going to go to hell for the “good guys” for a while.

RgvChick, yes, Carlota needs her license revoked. I couldn’t believe she was doing what she did.

Urban, I always find it annoying when they do not publish accurate and complete lists of the actors.



Alicia must have an incompetent divorce lawyer. She has been running the household for thirty years and has not had an outside job during all that time. Sergio should still be responsible for the upkeep (mortgage, utilities, food, etc) of the house, especially since there is still a minor child involved. HE had the affair, HE was responsible for the divorce, HE should pay for it. Even if none of it had been his fault, most (US) courts would have put a temporary support order in place until the final financials are worked out. There is no way his family (even the ex-wife) should be allowed to go without at least the basics. Come on, Alicia, put in a call to Victoria (PASL) ... STAT!

Carlota ... really? Her professionalism just went straight down the sewer. Alicia should mention to Martin that she is following her therapist’s advice and then mention her name. I’d love to see him look Carlota in the face and tell her how disappointed he is and how he has lost all respect for her ... he had always spoken highly of her and now this! Tell her she should be reported to the Psychiatry Board for letting her personal feelings dictate her advice to her patient and accuse her of malpractice.

Dejan #44

Indeed. Could it be that Alicia's lawyer is taking dinero under the table from SerJerk?

Could it also be that the discovery of Carlota's ethics breach will be what makes Martin lose his cool for the first time?

BTW, I loved how Martin called out that stooge that takes orders from Juleech.

Nelson honored the screen with his presence! That makes me happy. Think he could win the hearts of Yuri and Miranda? He is such a handsome dog.

Watch for a juicy weekend discussion coming your way on Friday.



Thank you, Urban! I think many of the characters hit a new low, but the ones who upset me most were Yuri and Miranda. I've seen toxic mothers, toxic fathers, toxic grandmothers...but this seems to be a toxic family!

I think El Toro is Francisco "Pakey" Vázquez. He was Monchis in "La Reina Soy Yo".

Anon 1:25, "Carlota ... really? Her professionalism just went straight down the sewer." Sure did! She can go right behind it as far as I am concerned! It really irks me how she kept telling Martin that Alicia had very low self-esteem...and she does this??? No scruples whatsoever!

Embajador S2 #51 part 1

Muge finds Gediz sitting outside the guest house. She asks, did you see her yet? Gediz replies, I think I don't want to. Muge tells him mom is worrying. What will you do? Will you wait here until tomorrow? Why? Gediz answers, she afraid of the dark. Muge sighs.

Gediz asks his sister to go in and ask Sahra if she wants anything. Muge grudgingly does so. She is cold with Sahra, how are you? Good? Sahra asks, he's outside, right? Muge acknowledges. Sahra knew it. Muge asks her if she needs anything. Sahra says she needs someone who does not look at her with so much hatred. She asks, can Ceylan come?

Muge goes out and tells Gediz. Muge hugs her brother and says, a miracle will happen and this will pass. Gediz asks how. Muge reminds him about Kahraman’s sister. She says, maybe it is important. I'm not sure, but it might help. Gediz again asks how. Muge replies, Sancar and I believe that this girl's mother may have worked at the club. I already sent a message to Nare and she is going to talk to Ceylan and try to get info. Gediz rests his head on his sister’s lap. [what do you think of Muge’s raincoat dress and her rain boots?]

Nare speaks with Ceylan about Kman’s missing sister. Elvan, Gulsiye and Zehra are also in the room. Do you have information that can help us, Nare asks? Ceylan gives a big smile. She informs the ladies, this is a topic that I know well. Kahraman normally doesn't talk about this, but he has been looking for her. He always has, but he cannot find her. And he's also upset with his father about this. Kahraman's father probably left that woman and her child out on the street. But I'm not sure.

Elvan interjects, damn, if he's upset with his father, why did he throw you out? Ceylan doesn’t answer. Nare asks, do you know the name of this woman? No, Ceylan answers, but Kahraman doesn't know either. He was forcing to his father to tell him, but his father is senile and can no longer remember. Nare asks if there is anything else she knows that could be of help to them now. Ceylan has nothing else.

Gulsiye comments to Ceylan, what the sultana is trying to say is that you can leave. They laugh and Ceylan leaves. Zehra says she’s a little lost. I knew that Kahraman was asking for the mansion, she says, but that was the last I knew. What happened later? Elvan informs her, you missed the most important news of all. Sancar transferred the deed of the house to Nare.

Zehra gasps, how romantic is Sancar. Just don't let mom find out. Elvan tells Zehra, he wanted to protect his mother, that's why he did it. Zehra doesn’t understand.

We get a flashback. Kavruk tells a shocked Nare, Sancar put the deeds in your name, so the mansion is yours and it's your responsibility take care of it. Nare has to absorb that for a moment and asks, how? When? Why?

Kavruk explains it was before he brought Akin to the mountain. But why, Nare asks? Kavruk replies, it's very obvious, think about it. You were going to leave and we thought Menekse was pregnant. We had no idea what would happen to Sancar. Everything was confusing at the time. We did not know what awaited us and he was aware of that. Nare asks for more info.

Kavruk continues, he did not trust the son he would have with Menekse. He thought that when he grew up he would be like his mother, and that scared him. More so if he wasn't here. He feared that when his son grew up, he and his family would kick Halise out of the mansion. And they could do the same to Melek because he knew Menekse was capable of it.



Embajador S2 #51 part 2

Nare asks, did he give me the mansion for that reason? Kavruk tells her that Sancar said there was no other person in the world to entrust the mansion to more than the woman he loves. He knew that if something happened to him, you could take care of it—the house, his mother as well as his daughter, because he knew the kind of person you are. He said that's why he knew he could leave you everything.

Nare is really affected, did he really say that? She asks, why didn’t he tell me? Kavruk replies, he was going to tell you. He was going to do it when you rode Gece into the mansion…and it never happened. End flashback.

Zehra wipes tears and Elvan says, that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard. But, moving on to something else, let Menekse die of envy. She says to Nare, thanks to her cruelty, it was that you became owner of this mansion now. Let her suffer in exile. Nare looks very worried.

Meanie and family have made a rest stop and sit at a table. Meanie stares off into space and starts banging her hand on the table. This is extremely irritating. They don’t have much money. It might come down to a choice between food and gasoline. Necdet asks if Meanie has any money. She says he already exchanged all her gold. They can only afford to have tea. They talk about where they should go. Atike cries. Meanie bangs. Necdet gets angry, we are suffering because of all those horrible things you did with your daughter. I lost Gulsiye.

Meanie slaps the table and shouts at her brother, we are here because of you! You and Ceylan! If you hadn’t run to tell Sancar, he still wouldn't know. He would not have thrown me out on the street. Because of you, we are hungry and broke. And Ceylan is having fun with my son in that mansion while we speak.

Necdet answers, look at her, she still says that's her son. He asks Meanie, did you go crazy or what? That's not your son. Meanie gives Necdet a bug-eyed stare and starts banging on the table again. Necdet asks his mother to take Meanie to the bathroom and wash her face until she calms down. He threatens to leave them behind.

Atike takes Meanie to the sink and she goes into a stall. Big mistake. Meanie stares into the mirror and starts banging on the sink top. Atike leaves the stall and Meanie is gone. Atike runs out to Necdet, is Menekse on the bus? They see another bus leaving the rest stop, it’s headed back in the direction of Mugla.

Necdet calls Sancar. Menekse escaped, she’s coming back. Sancar give a big exhale. Necdet asks, what do we do? Should leave for another town with my mother? Sancar replies, are you an idiot? The only thing I asked you was that you take your sister away. Necdet asks, do you think we should go back too? Sancar answers with great frustration, what are you waiting for?! Necdet and Atike are thrilled to go back.

Sancar gets a nice surprise when he heads back to his room. Melek is sleeping in the bed and Nare is next to her. What are you doing here? What happened? Nare answers, you mother fixed her a room. Sancar likes it and so does Nare.

Sancar sits on the bed and smiles at his sleeping daughter and asks, but where am I going to sleep? Nare replies, if you don't fix things with Kahraman, it's pretty clear. Sancar smile takes on a different meaning, ah, again with that. Okay, I understand.

Nare asks what happened with Kahraman. Sancar looks at her, hesitates, then answers, without a miracle, this is our last night. Nare repeats, our last night? What are you talking about? Sancar says, listen, I wanted to convince him, I almost did it. The shares… I gave him almost everything.



Embajador S2 #51 part 3

Nare realizes…but not the mansion. Sancar tells her, please listen. I'm looking for Kahraman's sister. If we find her by tomorrow, we will have a chance. Nare worries, what if you can't find her? Will you give him the mansion? Sancar says, you know I can't do that. This is not only a house, you know.

Nare thinks differently. She tells him, these are only four walls to me, and even less if you are not here. They are just a pile of stones if you are not here. [Here comes the guilt trip.] Are you going to condemn your daughter to growing up without you? Don't do this to your family, please. She puts her hands on his face, I beg you to think about it. Think of us, please.

Sancar feels the pressure. He touches her face and asks, don't do this to me, I beg you. I do not have any other option. Nare asks, no other option? No. They separate. Teary Nare says, I'm going to give you another option. Find Kahraman’s lost sister. Arrive at a new arrangement. But if the only option is going to prison ... I will give my wedding gift to Kahraman.

Sancar is stunned. [Turkish] He says, this is not a gift, I entrusted it to you. Nare replies, you entrusted me to take care of this mansion, but Allah has entrusted you to me. She takes his hand and asks, which one do you want me to choose? Sancar replies, what I asked you to do. Nare tells him to think about their daughter. What do you think she would ask me to do?

A tear falls from Sancar’s eye. His hands are in Nare’s. He gets up and says, I put this mansion in your hands and if you give this house to my enemy… forget about our wedding. I will take Melek to sleep with me. He picks up Melek and tells Nare, if you’d like to spend tonight with us, let’s go. She sits on the bed and cries.

Nare eventually makes her way up to Grandpa’s room. Sancar pretends to be asleep. She slides into bed next to Melek and watches them sleep. She kisses her daughter then settles back. Sancar smiles in his pretend sleep. Nare turns to look at him and he opens his eyes. She’s ticked and turns away. Sancar keeps smiling.

In the morning, Elvan greets a happy Melek as she comes downstairs. Nare comes down next and Elvan grabs her, come here. She asks Nare, did you dare to sleep next to him last night? [why is this such an issue with her?] Nare answers, good morning, Elvan. Yes, but Elvan asks again, did you and Sancar sleep together, Nare? What happened with Kahraman?

Sancar comes down the stairs in time to hear Nare say, Sancar did not agree to anything with Kahraman. He will go to prison this afternoon. Sancar panics that Nare could be heard downstairs. Ticked off Nare says, what a good idea. She shouts, Señora Halise! Sancar grabs her, [Turkish] what are you doing? Are you crazy? Nare responds, we better not compete to see who is the crazy one. There is an intense look between the two and Elvan exclaims, looks like someone will have to call to the firefighters! She laughs but Nare and Sancar are not amused.

There’s a knock on the door. The guard says, Yahya is here and is looking for Sancar Efe. Sancar goes out and Elvan follows. The brothers talk outside the gate. Elvan watches from a distance. Sancar starts, tell me what you have to say, Yahya. You know what I think of you after what you did to Elvan. Yahya knows. He says, brother, your blows were very clear. Sancar replies, great, don't forget them because we won’t forgive.

Sancar informs his brother about the big issue. Kahraman found Akin's body. He wants the mansion and he is going to report me if I don't give it to him. I have one last chance but if I can't find her, I'll visit the prison today.



Embajador S2 #51 part 4

Yahya goes to comfort his brother but Sancar puts his hands up. Thanks, he says, I only invited you here for my mother. Don't tell her that I will go to prison, because if she finds out she will have a heart attack. And if tomorrow I'm behind bars, I want you to do what you can to convince mom to have the operation. When she recovers, you tell her. Yahya agrees.

Sancar continues, no matter what, I know you love our mother. Do everything you can to—Sancar is distracted when he sees Dudu getting out of Yahya’s car. Dudu gives Elvan a “deal with it” look. And Sancar slugs Yahya—idiot! Dudu rushes over and Elvan intercepts her, warning, you better not get involved.

Yahya snarks, it’s good that you are my brother and that you love me. If you were someone else, what would you be capable of. Sancar shouts, do you call this being a man, Yahya?! Where is your manhood when you bring your girlfriend?! Or are you just stupid?! Yahya answers, I was with her when you called me. Sancar says, did you think it was a good idea bring her? Yahya sees no issue. He shouts back, we are already separated! Besides, what is she (Elvan) doing in the mansion?

Sancar grabs his brother by the collar, pay attention, Yahya. If you dare to kick Elvan out and bring Dudu to live in the mansion while I'm in prison, I swear I will do my best to escape and I will come look for you. And I’ll rip your head off. Elvan pipes up, let him try. You'll see what Nare does about it.

Dudu tries to add her two cents, sorry, I don't want to get involved, but ... Yahya tells her to shut up. Dudu speaks anyway, wait, I'm not interested in coming to live in this old mansion. I have a new house. She asks, and what does Nare have to do with this? Elvan spills the beans, soup and tea-- because now Nare is the owner of this mansion. Sancar wishes she didn’t say that.

Yahya is floored. He asks, how is Nare the owner? Are the deeds in her name? Sancar asks Yahya to shut up, or mom will have a heart attack. Yahya can’t believe this, what did you do? He shouts a lot of questions at Sancar. Don't you know how important the mansion is for our mother? And you gave it to Nare in secret? Are you trying to prove something to me? Was it because I brought Dudu here? That's why you didn't want to give the mansion to Kahraman, because it already belongs to Nare. And that's why you're going to prison, right? Sancar tells Yahya to get out. He puts his arm around Elvan and they walk back through gate. Yahya shouts after him, what a good job brother!

Sancar sits for breakfast. Halise tells him, I’ve been thinking, we have had so many difficulties. Nare shoots daggers at Sancar. Halise says, [Turkish] I was thinking you could bring the bring the imam from the mosque with you this evening. Let him read the Quran with us. Feride adds, incredible as it may sound, I agree with your mother. Halise asks Sancar, what do you think?

Sancar answers, it's a good idea, but this is not the time to meet people. Maybe another time. Halise says, there won't be people, only us. I want to fill the mansion with the words of the Quran. Sancar starts to raise another objection but Nare interrupts, why are you making it so complicated, Sancar? Do you have anything better to do tonight?

Melek speaks up, dad, if you have nothing to do today, you have to take advantage of the fact that Aunt Feride is here and give thanks for the good. If not, something bad may happen. Nare advises Sancar to listen to his daughter at least this time.

Halise senses something and asks, what's going on here? She rethinks and says, if my son is very busy today, we better do it tomorrow. She tells Nare to stop bothering Sancar. We can do it tomorrow. The house won't go anywhere. Nare quickly says, but maybe Sancar will go away. Uh oh… Sancar relents, okay, mother. We will do this tonight.



Embajador S2 #51 part 5

Nare asks, Sancar, are you serious? Sancar says, yes. If there is something urgent, then I will see. Sancar gets up from the table and wishes everyone “afiyet olsun”, enjoy your meal. Nare sighs and touches her hair. Halise asks, what's wrong with you? Why are you bothering my son? Feride gives her take on it, maybe it was your son who did something wrong and it's bothering her. Elvan says it’s not bothering, it’s flirting. Isn't it true, Nare? Oh boy….

Gediz calls Sancar and tells him Sahra wants to see Ceylan. Sancar replies, you are asking me to take a pregnant woman to a murderer? Are you crazy? Gediz makes the case for his maybe girlfriend. She is in bed. How could she hurt Ceylan? She has a soft spot for her. I think she even sees Ceylan as a mother. She loves her very much. The poor woman (!) is bedridden. Sancar says he will ask Ceylan.

Necdet drives up to the mansion. Sancar immediately attacks him, I should kill you! Tell me where is your sister, idiot! Necdet doesn’t know. Sancar continues shouting and beating on Necdet. He threatens, find your sister immediately or I will kill you!
The only thing that saves Necdet is the appearance of Ceylan. Ceylan says to Sancar, what are you doing? They told me that you called me. Ceylan welcomes Necdet and says to Atike, you are not welcome at all.

Sancar has calmed down and announces, Sahra, who was helping you, tried to shoot me yesterday. Ceylan gasps. Sancar adds, but she is wounded. Necdet plays it up, how dare she threaten you?! She deserves to be wounded. Sancar tells him to shut up. He tells Ceylan that Gediz called and Sahra wants to see her. Do you want to go see her? Ceylan says yes, if it’s ok with him.

Before he goes, Sancar gives orders. He asks Metin to call the other guards. He tells Necdet to bring his mother to the grove and then look for Meanie. Find her this afternoon! Understand? Then he tells Metin to get Necdet and Atike something to eat first. As Sancar drives off, we see Meanie lurking nearby.

Meanie calls her mother. Atike asks, where are you? Meanie warns her not to say anything to Necdet and asks, where did Ceylan go? Atike replies, I think she went to Gediz' house to see Sahra. They shot her. Atike is worried and tells her daughter, they will shoot you if they see you. Look at what they did to Sahra. She pleads with Meanie, let's go now, please. Meanie says, no, mom. I am an exile, while Ceylan raises my son in the mansion. Should it be like this? First, I'm going to teach her a lesson. Atike says, don't do it, daughter. I beg you please. Meanie hangs up on her.

Kman comes downstairs to find Muge feeding his father. What are you doing here so early? Muge responds, nice to see you too. Kman says, but shouldn't you knock? Or are you going to come in whenever you please? Muge thought he had already gone to work. She invites him to grab a plate and eat, too.



Embajador S2 #51 part 6

Kman asks, don’t you think that this is too much? She replies, I only made him breakfast. He has to eat. While we have breakfast, why don’t you go and get dressed for work? Kman asks, tell me what it is what you're trying to do here. Are you trying to make me feel bad? Muge says, no… why?

Kman responds, because I'm ruining your brother and his partner. You do know that, don't you? He gets a thought, wait, did they purposely send you to spy on me? What are you supposed to get from me? Muge snarks, yes, they sent me here to spy on you. And I'm interrogating your father, who has Alzheimer's. Let’s see if you evade taxes, and if I can use his testimony in court. Because I'm a very stupid spy.

Kman lets it go. Muge says, will you go to work in PJs? Go change, or you will be late. Kman goes upstairs and Muge goes to work on Kdad. Open your mouth, dad. He calls her daughter. Muge smiles, that's right, it's me. Do you recognize me? You remember me, right? Kdad smiles and nods. She says, dad, at least tell me my name. Do you remember my name? He replies, yes, my daughter. Yes, I'm your daughter, Muge says, call me by my name. Oh dad, please tell me.

Kdad struggles. Muge watches to see if Kman is coming. We see Kman putting on the finishing touches. Muge says, okay, no problem. Dad look at me, do you remember my mother’s name? Do you remember what she was called? Kdad thinks hard. Muge smiles at him and repeats, what is my mother's name, dad?

Kman has his jacket on. He’s ready. Kdad’s face lights up. He has a name… Nese. Muge gasps.

And we are out.




Dondi, thank you .I am amazed and appreciative of your snappy recaps that never miss a beat .

First, I have to mention the purple three piece suit. Kman is a clothes horse .

Second, Meanie just refuses to make a gracious exit . She just keeps trying . I'm tired of her.

Third, Dudu has some nerve showing up at the mansion with weasely Ya.
You have to love the way San protects and stands up for Elvan . She has to be a little in love with him .

OT....I continue to skip and jump my way through episodes of "_Fatmagul ." Kerim is a sweetheart who reminds me so much of someone . M His greatest feat. ...enduring Mukaddes.


Thanks, Susanlynn.

Those barnacles were harder to scrape off than Sancar thought.

Dudu is a real piece of work. She’s with Yahya and she’s still spying for Kman. Everything she hears goes back to him. Uh oh….


Glad you are enjoying Fatmagül. Where are you watching it? Love Kerim. We all had to endure Mukaddes. The actress who plays her is fantastic. Really, the whole cast is great.



OT...Dondi, I am watching " Fatmagul" online . I am jumping all over . Saw a lot of episodes from 30 to 60. Missed some before 30. Saw some later ones . Writing and acting is amazing . Love the scenes of Turkey and Turkish culture , tradition, and daily life. Love Kerim's stepmother . Wonderful to see such a positive and loving character depicted on tv when do many programs are filled with dark, negative characters . She holds everyone together, and also she has instilled her positive , caring nature into Kerim .We all need an uplifting person like her in our lives . I want to be her.


1. Alicia is telling Martín that she just cannot take anymore so she is breaking it off with him. She only wishes him the best.

2. Martín keep calling Alicia back but she is not answering. Yaya comes in to ask about dinner as she sobs on her bed. Alicia says she doesn't care and that Yaya can ask one of the other women in the house. (Sure took Yaya a long time to get the message and leave)

3. A depressed Carlota thinks back on was she told Alicia. Sofía tries to solve her depression using Carlota's own methods. Carlota tells Sofía she has the right to be sad and to please leave her to enjoy her sadness. Sofía can order a pizza.

4. Martín crying in Diablo's beer and complaining to Diablo that Alicia isn't answering her phone. Diablo says in the long run it is better that it has ended for him and for Alicia. Martín hates to see Sergio win. Diablo says it has nothing to do with "winning". It is the only sensible thing to do. Martín says if he were 30 years older than Alicia nobody would care, so why should this matter with her being older? Diablo angrily tells him to quit dreaming. Alicia made her decision. He needs to let Alicia go. Martín is not sure he can do that.

5. Poor Alicia cannot catch a break. Eva comes knocking and waltzing into her room. She insists on talking to Alicia so Alicia slowly turns, faces her and tells her to chill some champagne to celebrate her breaking up with Martín. Everyone them won. Alicia is giving up. She accepts that for all of them she is just an old lady who no longer can love. All Alicia has left is an infinite anger since she is dying of love. Eva thinks that time will show her that this was the smartest decision of her life because life always goes on.

6. Julieta wants to go out to eat. Sergio cannot be bothered. He likes home cooked food. Then she wants him to cook them something delicious. Nope, that isn't happening. He laughs in her face. She wants to go out and have a good time. His phone rings. It is Eva giving him the good news. After he hangs up, he is so happy that he is willing to take Julieta out to wherever she wants to go. He also doesn't share why he is suddenly in such a good mood.


DEJAN Part 2

7. Lorena tells Gonzo that the cake was a success. She wants to toast with him to all of the work he is doing to make the reception a success and to the two of them. She finally feels that he is 100% there for her. Gonzo happily toasts.

8. Miranda is having tantrum because her phones dead and there is no where to charge it since the electricity is still off. Yuri paid the electric bill but since it is late they will have to wait until tomorrow for their service. Miranda gets into it with Eva arguing about her dependence on her cellphone. Alicia overhears the arguing from the hall above. Miranda blames all of the drama on the fact that nothing has worked since her father left. Alicia goes back into her room. They all notice when her door slams.

9. Martín is upset that Alicia made that decision without talking to him. Maybe her mother made her do it. Diablo asks him if he realizes what complete rubbish that is. Martín reminds him that her whole family is against them. Diablo reminds him that all of his friends think that what he is doing is nuts. Martín says what is crazy is that in the 21st century when homosexual marriages have been legalize and there is in vitro fertilization, somehow it is scandalous that Alicia was born before him. Diablo reminds him it is a 15 year difference. Martín doesn't 't understand how it would be okay if it were the other way around. It is normal if the guy is 20 to 30 years older than the woman??? Diablo says it is just that society has been used to that for centuries. Diablo hates to tell him but Alicia has given up. (I do like that Martín is fighting against a social norm that is senseless)

10. Yuri brings her mother some food on a tray. Alicia is trying to sleep. She tells Yuri she isn't eating. Yuri also informs her that she paid the light bill and that the electricity would most likely be back on tomorrow. Alicia reaches into her nightstand to get her notebook. She knocks it on the floor but then is too depressed to pick it up.

11. Martín wakes up with Nelson by his side and goes looking for his phone. Alicia hasn't called so he calls her again as Nelson supervises. He wants to talk with her in person. Why they had was too powerful to end on the phone. He won't accept that.

12. Alicia listens to the messsage and cries some more as she thinks about how he told her that he loved her and not her birth certificate . . . .

13. Suddenly the lights are back on and Miranda comes charging in telling her how great it is to have the power back on. Miranda wants to know why she is crying. Alicia says she is sad. Nothing happened. Miranda has nothing to worry about. Things are going to go back the way they all want them to be. Miranda is overjoyed and goes on about how all she wants is for her dad to come back home to live.

DEJAN Part 3

14. Lucas tells his mother Prudencia how the physical therapist is going to come by and she will be walking no time. She asks if Sergio will be coming with him to see how she is doing. Lucas says the only reason that Sergio has been generous is to keep him from informing his family about his existence. She doesn't believe him.Sergio was always so attentive. Lucas says the only one Sergio worries about is himself. She tells him not to speak about his father that way. He also tells her that Sergio had his doubts about whether if he is his real son. She says Sergio would be incapable of saying that since he prohibited her from being with any other men and he was the only one she had ever been with. Sergio knew that. She is upset.

15. The next morning, Martín goes to pick up Sofía . Carlota says she sent him a message that she was taking her to school because Sofía was still upset. An aggravated Martín asks if Sofía talking to her father is like disturbing the hornet's nest. Sofía appears with no hug or kiss for Martín. He decides to make their day by letting them know that he and Alicia have broken up. If it had been up to him, he would have spent the rest of his life with her. So now they both can smile and celebrate like all of Mexico will! He apologizes to Sofía. This has not been his best day. He leaves and Sofía smiles.

16. Alicia calls Fedora and wants to meet with her and Rebeca at her house. Fedora tells her that is not a good idea with Samuel at her house. Rebeca is going to resign today and will want to talk, too. Fedora will get back to her later with a meeting place. Samuel appears having listened in. She tries to explain how much her friends mean to her and how they are going to meet. He reminds her that he doesn't like either one of them.

17. The priest stops by the house to see Yuri. Unfortunately, Eva answers the door and tries to listen on them. While Eva is getting him coffee, the priest says he has a message from Mr. Pip that takes Yuri smile. He says his doing very well but he needs to talk to her. he will be at the church of Our Lady of Hope. Yuri explains the priest stopping by to Eva with some lie about legal work that she is doing for the church in a property dispute. No, Moisés knows nothing about it. She will tell him later. She thanks the priest for allowing her to do justice which is the most important thing in her life.

18. Mabel hires Martín in spite of him being declared a persona non-grata by Sergio Carranza. The rumors are flying! Yes, she is the press director who would dare to defy the all powerful Sergio Carranza.

19. When Marcela is going out for some tomatoes, Toro tells her to go get some beers first. He takes advantage of her time out of the house to put Quique in a head lock and choke him to let him know he is serious about getting his gun back ASAP before he forgets that Quique his son.


DEJAN Part 4

20. Sergio gets the bad news from Tamayo that the shareholder board has postponed selling him shares. They are worried about all of the bad press he has been receiving. Sergio says he has the Yuri thing under control. Tamayo asks if he has it hidden in the same way he kept Martín and Alicia being together a secret that ended up with him looking like the cuckold of all of Mexico. What about the scandal with Julieta? Tamayo says there have been just one too many things happening at once. Fabián has nothing to say and excuses himself. Tamayo remarks it is a pity what is happening Rebeca. Sergio says it is pity what is happening to everyone.

21. Chiquis has the address and phone number of Facundo Guerra for Julieta who thinks that is worth a whole box of donuts for Chiquis. Julieta is going out for a while to work on a very special report.

22.Right before she is gong to go to the church, Yuri gets a call from Moisés who is offering her her old job back at the firm. She sarcastically jokes about justice and an innocent man: Cholo Fuentes. That being said she is interested in getting her job back and will check in with Moisés in couple of hours. She has some errands to take care of. He asks what does she have to do. Shelies and tells him she has to take care of a power problem at the house.

23. Tamayo gives Sergio one last tidbit. Julieta wants her own show IN ADDITION to appearing with Sergio. He warns Sergio that it could come to pass. She is a great professional and she had a great proposal for her show. It was powerful and up to date. Sergio is not happy camper. The programming committee will make the final decision.

24. Eva makes a dramatic return to the slots! She is there to settle her accounts with the casino by playing until she has won all of the money back that she ever lost at the casino. She orders a chai tea.

25. Quique talks to his buddy who he gave the gun to. Sounds like the guy isin't going to part with it because Quique owes him. QuiQue tries to explain how his father is giving him a rough time but to no avail.

26. Gonzo offers Alicia some sympathy. She says she couldn't deal with all of the pressure and with people looking at her like an old woman. Gonzo doesn't want his mother talking that way about herself. He tells her not to give up if she loves Martín. As for Lorena, he says if everything goes well, she will be meeting her soon.

27. Fedora tells Carlota that she classifies her relationship with Samuel as an addiction. He hurts her but she cannot leave him. They have this tension as they yell and fight and then end up in bed having sex.It is as if violence unites them. Carlota reminds her that sooner or later Samuel will beat her and she could end up in the hospital or dead. They have to form a strategy to get him out of her life and house. Fedora thinks that will be very hard. Fedora says she is going to see her friend Alicia who is very depressed. Who knows what her family members especially Eva who is EVIL with a capital "E" have done to her?

DEJAN Part 5

28. Mabel gives Martín the tour of their office. He agrees to start tomorrow. They agree to meet over dinner tomorrow so she can fill him in on other info about the job (Looks like she might want more than just a journalist . . . )

29. Julieta shows up to talk to Facuno at his home. (Unbelievable that he sat there waiting for his wife to answer the door. Does he answer the phone?)

30. Yuri goes to the church and sits in a pew. Cholo kneels behind her and pretends to pray. They smile at each other.

31. Fedora comes to see Alicia. Gonzo answers the door.

32. Alicia is in her garden when Martín shows up insisting that they talk. She insists that she has made up her mind and does not want to see him again. The price is too high for her to continue their relationship. Even her therapist told her to end this madness. He wants to argue his points. He will do whatever it takes but she is not interested having made her decision.She doesn't want to re-make her life with him. She threatens to call the police if he doesn't leave. He keeps arguing, so she calls the police and tells them a thief has entered her home.


Gracias, Jarifa.

I am getting a bad vibe now. Sergio is finally getting hints that Juleech is wrong for him. He likes home-cooked food and she doesn't cook. He isn't nuts about partying on a work night.

His glee at hearing of Alicia's misery won't erase that for long.

He is looking older than in the opening episode. I'm sure being seen as a cuckold is part of the cause.

Mabel definitely is looking to seduce Martin. Let's hope he has the strength to resist.

I hope Eva loses everything and that somebody finds out.

El Toro made the next Toxic Fathers list.

Carlota told it like it is for Fedora who must have something bad in her past to make her as she is. However I think her prophecy will come true. This will be fodder for Juleech. However I want to see her fall. Did the police forget her DUI or are they enjoying the scandal and don't want to interrupt it?

Finally, if everyone in your life can't deal with you having a love life you are entitled to, should you be miserable to please them because they're faaaaaaaaaaaaamily?



Jarifa, thank you for such an outstanding retelling of all the misery and unpleasantness. I am rpeferring to read the recaps over actually watching these people who are so insensitive and selfish.

Eva's heartlessness doesn't surprise me anymore, but Yuri's and Miranda's apathy for their mother's feelings is mindboggling. And I expected Sofi to be happy about the "disunion" but Miranda expecting Alicia to let Sergio back in so that they can have the "familia perfecta" is just so childish and unbelievable.

Jarifa, regarding Sergio, " After he hangs up, he is so happy that he is willing to take Julieta out to wherever she wants to go. He also doesn't share why he is suddenly in such a good mood." SerJerk relishes in Alicia's misery and still wants the best of both worlds UGHHH! He makes my stomach turn!

I caught that little look Mabel had and it did cross my mind that she may want more than a journalist, but then I think about how she is best buds with Juleech. Is this another one of Juleech's schemes??

I was glad to see Carlota looking so miserable and guilty, but will she make a turn around and try to remedy what she did?

I suppose Eva got paid for her handiwork; I too hope she loses everything and then some. Maybe the casino owner can send his goons to rough her up....knock out some teeth...and that big wig.

Yuri is taking a big risk in meeting Cholo. She knows they intercepted her phone calls, does she not think that she is being followed?

Urban, "if everyone in your life can't deal with you having a love life you are entitled to, should you be miserable to please them because they're faaaaaaaaaaaaamily?" No, you shouldn't be miserable, but I also think you need to tread cautiously and slowly...something Alcia is not doing, primarily because of the pressure Martin is placing on her.

Dejan #45

Actually it's Martin who needs that advice more than Alicia. He has the same problem with his family which -- for the purposes of this situation-- includes an ex-wife and an ex-girlfriend both of whom express some very toxic jealousy.

It also worries me that Karina seems to also be the only honest cop in her precinct. If she were to go all Fatal Attraction on Martin we would lose the only ray of hope for cleaning up the corruption there and we don't want to think about what she might do to Nelson.

Miranda is being a brat and this will do her no good in the long run. If someone would only remind her how she feels when her relationship with Diego is threatened and she is forced to defend it and how she feels when it looks like he will end up with Nasty Nickie she might have some appreciation about how Alicia feels.

Yuri is going to end up in a sticky situation having to work again under the same roof with Moises. The money might be good but the pressure to re-enter his Sunk Cost Fallacy might break her. The one good thing about it is if she assumes financial responsibility for her family -- even temporarily -- she can tell her meddling abuela to butt out.


Urban, oh yeah, old Sergio is looking his age as of late. I always get a kick out of using “cuckold” which sounds so archaic in American English. When your “faaaaaaamily” is the cause of your misery, you need to take notice. Women should not be long suffering let alone for others’ selfish needs. Family isn’t everything. Alicia’s girls, Sergio and Eva all need a reality check and an attitude adjustment. Here is hoping Alicia takes her new found freedom to find out what SHE wants and pursues it freely.

RgvChick, I hadn’t thought that Mabel might be part of a Julieta plan. Given her scheming ways, that would not be surprising. I keep wiring for an arrest warrant to surprise her. As for Yuri, I wanted to ask her “Think much?” She is clearly Harebrained. I expect her to get caught in her lies with Eva having been told what she was. Yes, Eva needs a comeuppance that knocks off her wig!

Martín got on my last nerve when he refused to leave. He was very annoying, not at all attractive. He has a lesson to learn, but who will teach him? Alicia? Now that she has banned him? I have a feeling Nelson would have nudged him out of there long before Alicia called the police.



" I have a feeling Nelson would have nudged him out of there long before Alicia called the police." HAHA!! Jarifa. Nelson if probably the smartest of all; I can picture him tugging at Martin's pant leg LOL


Miranda is acting more and more like a big entitled baby. If her family was so perfect before, why was she always in her room playing video games and yelling at everyone who dared to come in to “GetOutttt!” and “Leave Me Aloooone!” Her sister bothers her? “I HATE you!” Her grandma won’t give her sleeping pills? “I HATE you!” Her boyfriend disappoints her? “I HATE you!” Her father doesn’t like her boyfriend and thinks she’s on drugs? “I HATE you!” Her mother DARES to try to be happy after 30 years of servitude? “I HATE you!” .... I HATE YOU ALL!!! She needs better dialogue. Just saying.

Dejan #45

I agree. Maybe this writer was dealing with a hormonal teen. I was much more mature than at that age.

Great point about Nelson! I wonder whether he is the actor's own dog; their scenes together are so sweet.

I just hope that this series doesn't end with SerJerk and Alicia back together. Does anyone know what the Mexican viewers are saying?

TU AMOR. The plot didn't seem to advance all that much in this episode, except for Yolanda's visit to gloat over having bought out Helena's taller in a bankruptcy sale. However, we also learned, when Claudio studied the legal documents, that Helena has a period of time to challenge the sale or pay off what is owed. I hope she can do that! I also hope that Majo is not seriously ill and that she only collapsed from overdoing it after her miscarriage. It was really creepy when Patricia told the servants to treat Val badly. I hope that at least the cook rebels or that Guillermo notices what is going on and intervenes. She is also planning to end up with all of Guillermo's money. Poor Camila seems on the verge of a breakdown and Ricardo's financial adviser says that Val needs to turn herself in. Terrible the way they keep torturing the good characters. Enrique is now being blackmailed by the computer nerd. Serves him right! And given the suspicious way Guillermo looks at Val, Ricardo and Patricia, I'm thinking he may figure out the hold Patricia has over Val. He's very savvy abour human character.



Dudu is dog doodoo. Just what yaya
Deserves. Such a weasle.
That true what you said about elvan
Sancar protect her just like a brother would a sister. She vee b probly wish yaya was more like him.
He is easy to love.

Kman is a dirty little troll. Probly just like his daddy, who looks like he got into a lot of trouble in his youth.

So is san going to prison or what. He appears to have lost everything.
And I hate guvon for always getting the upper hand on nare. I think if elvan hadn't said anything about the mansion maybe this would not have happened but there is enough blame to go around. Alot of real bad mistakes was made by some well meaning people.
I think they skipped something cuz they didnt show the cops taking menekse away in Handcuffs, or is that tonight?

What a mess this episode was. I could see sancars heart breaking when nare told him she had to sign the mansion over to her wicked ass
Daddy. I hated that too. Stuff got to better yall. The bad guys can
Not keep getting the upper hand.

Thank you dondi.

Embajador S2 #52 part 1

Kdad says… Nese. She is a nightingale. Muge follows up with, do you remember where Nese is? In which club did you meet? Where is Nese? What club did you go to, dad? Here comes Kman down the stairs and he hears Kdad say…. margarita (daisy)! [in the Turkish he said chamomile]

Kman asks, what daisy? Muge is startled and starts to babble, well, your dad said he likes daisies… and he asked if I could get some for him… yes… because he likes those flowers a lot. Kman looks askance at Muge and his dad. Kdad adds, and the nightingale, too, daughter.

Muge scrambles again, the nightingale is his favorite bird, your dad is telling me about his likes. He likes daisies and he likes those birds, perfect. Muge has the info and tries to make a quick getaway saying, I have to go to work. Kman tells her, don't go to work.

What? What am I going to do here, Muge asks? Kman says, I see you here as soon as I wake up and I'll see you at work. I see you wherever so don't go to work, go somewhere else. Kdad pipes up and admonishes his son, don't yell at her anymore. Better go to the kitchen, so that she falls in love with you. (lol) Kman rolls his eyes and Muge smiles at him, does he cook? How nice, Kahraman cooks. You flirt in a weird way, but it sounds good. Muge is able to make her exit.

Muge texts Sancar outside of the house: "I didn't get the sister's name, but I know her mom worked at the margarita club and she's called Nese the nightingale. I hope this helps." Sancar immediately calls her back, I told you not to go there. Thank you.

Sancar and Ceylan arrive at Gediz’ house. Before they knock, he asks, do you know the Margarita Club? Yes, I used to work there, she replies. Why? Sancar tells her we may have found Kahraman’s lost sister. There was a girl called Nese, the nightingale, did you know her? Ceylan says, no, I didn’t know her. But if they called her nightingale, she must have sung very well. Sorry, that was unnecessary, right?

Sancar replies, no information is unnecessary now, think. Who could know Nese? Ceylan remembers there was a girl who had been around for a long time. She surely knows her. Now she works cleaning the bathrooms, but before she was the most valuable woman in the whole club. The men idolized her so much that they drank straight from her shoes. Sancar stares at Ceylan. She apologizes again, that was also unnecessary information.

Sancar says, maybe ... but, do you think she knows her? Ceylan thinks so. She knows everyone who has worked in that club. Sancar asks for a name. Ceylan replies, they call her Delineada [in the original they called her, Sürmeli which translated to smutty or obscene!] Sancar asks, is that her name? How do I find her?

Ceylan says she will take care of it. She makes a call to Ahmet, a taxi driver she knew from the club. Do you remember the lady who is called "Sürmeli"? Aha, yes. Is it possible for you to bring her to--? Sancar whispers, to the mansion. Ceylan tells him to bring her to the Efeoglu mansion. She adds, if she asks you why, tell her it's because of Nese the Nightingale, okay? She hangs up and begins to babble about Ahmet but Sancar has all he needs to know and is not interested. He knocks on the door.

Ceylan tells Sancar, Ahmet said yes, he will take her. She will be there in an hour. Sancar says, fine, when you finish here, call me to come, okay? Gediz answers and thanks Sancar. Sancar stares at him and then goes without a word.

Meanwhile Refika pays a visit to Sahra. Welcome, Señora Refika. Sorry I can't get up because your son shot me. [hmm… maybe Sahra and Gediz were made for each other. They have the same snarky sense of humor.] Refika says, you made my son finally go crazy. Sahra replies, I didn't do it, I think he was already crazy. Refika tells her to shut up and don't joke about what happened.



Embajador S2 #52 part 2

Could you explain what you want from my son, Refika asks? On the one hand it’s Nare and on the other it’s Sancar. And now you, Sahra. Gediz and Ceylan are sitting outside listening to this conversation.

Refika continues, he became an enemy of Sancar when he was protecting Nare, and he shot you to protect to Sancar. Everything bad that is happening is happening to me. Sahra asks her, then don't you think that your son has any blame?

Refika answers, yes, and his only fault is to be merciful. The first day he brought Nare here and all his troubles started. His mercy caused this chaos. [and his jealousy and stupidity made it worse.] Gediz's only crime is to be good, and that is why he has lost everything, he no longer has anything, only his life. For now, it’s the only thing left. You won’t stop until you also take his life? Please stop, Refika cries, my son can't go on like this anymore. Everybody’s crying now, Refika, Sahra, Gediz, Ceylan.

Sahra wipes her tears and says, there was a man waiting outside last night. He stayed all night because he knows that I’m afraid of the dark. I know that he is a good man, Señora Refika. And now it is clear to me why he is such a good man. It's because he grew up with a mother like you. I wish I had a mother like that. I'm sorry, Señora Refika, I'm very sorry I let your son go through all of this. Sahra asks, do you think Gediz can forgive me, too? I already forgave him. Gediz is so upset, he gets up and leaves the bench.

Refika leaves Sahra and sees Ceylan. She explains that Gediz called her to come. Ceylan enters and Sahra welcomes her “friend”. We see Meanie lurking on the property. [she sure does get around.] As soon as Refika passes her, she hurries to the guest house door and listens in.

Ceylan says, I was very upset with you, why did you want to shoot Sancar? In fact, I came to ask you for an explanation. But Ceylan starts to cry, you don't know how much I miss being with you. They cry and hug.

Sahra explains, I never thought of killing Sancar. I went to Feride's house and saw where he had buried my brother. Oh no… Meanie hears this!

Sahra continues, but not even when I saw my brother there, I thought about killing Sancar. After, everything fell apart. I know that I got carried away for revenge, but I never wanted to harm anyone I was only hurting myself by doing it. Ceylan sobs, Sahra, don't go on, I'm going to give birth to my baby here.

That cuts it for Meanie. She barges in and confronts Ceylan. I hope you lose that child! Because of you, I was exiled, and now you are going to raise my son in that mansion? She wags her finger at Ceylan, because of you, I lost my son, and now I'm going to take yours. Meanie goes to lock the guest house door.

Sahra calls out, Menekse, it is not what you think, she did not say anything to Sancar. What are you doing? Meanie shouts, now I'll see to it that she doesn't have that child! She attacks Ceylan. There’s a struggle and Sahra climbs out of bed. Menekse! Now all three ladies are grappling with each other.

Refika runs shouting for Gediz. Gediz! He comes running to the guest house and breaks open the door just in time to see Meanie push Sahra to the floor. Sahra?! Everything stops. Gediz rushes to Sahra. She’s hit her head. There’s blood. Her eyes are open and fixed on Gediz for a few seconds. Her eyes close and her head drops to the side. Sahra is gone. Gediz is frozen. Meanie’s mouth gapes and Ceylan looks at her with hatred. Gediz turns to look at Meanie.



Embajador S2 #52 part 3

There’s a cut scene.
Nare and Elvan sit outside and Elvan sings this song: Giden Bulutlar Giden/Go Clouds Go
During this song, Sürmeli arrives at the mansion and listens to Elvan sing. She tells Elvan, you have a beautiful voice. She tells them that Sancar Efe called her about Nese. Sancar appears and he welcomes her into the house.

Gulsiye serves tea and Sancar asks Sürmeli, you were a friend of Nese, how can I talk to her? She is disappointed. It looks like I came here for nothing, she replies, I was hoping for you to be the one to tell me about her. And this is a disappointment for Efe as well. Elvan asks, you are you looking for her, too?

Sürmeli answers, I've been looking for a long time, you can't even imagine. She explains, many years ago she became pregnant by a most disgusting guy, and they fired her. And stabbed a guy and they sent me to prison. I never saw her again. We lost all contact. She continues her story, when I got out of prison, I came back to work at the club and then I got pregnant. I named my daughter Nese, but that daughter of mine is unworthy because she ran away with her lover.

A sad story for everyone. A dead end for Sancar. Sürmeli leaves the mansion. Ahmed says, well done señora, you saw a mansion from the inside before you died. Sürmeli shuts him up, who told you that this is the first mansion I’ve seen? He apologizes. Elvan waves at Sürmeli from the gate. Seems there’s some sort of special connection here…. hmm….. Ahmed drives off with Sürmeli.

Sancar paces and Nare says, so that's how it ends. We couldn't find the sister and you don't want to give up the mansion. You will go to prison this afternoon, right?
Sancar sits with her and says, [Turkish] we won’t part in a quarrel, right? We aren’t together, but smile for me, and I will keep you in my heart. He places his hand over his heart. Smile just once. Come to me, he says, and they embrace.

Song: Biz Aşktan Razıyız/We Are Satisfied With Love [or We Consent to Love]
Sorry, I can’t find a link to a complete translation. From the little I could understand, it’s beautiful and appropriate.

Gediz calls Sancar with the news—Sahra died.

Dudu the snake calls Kman, who is with Guven. She starts, you're going to take the mansion from Sancar, right? Because I'll be the owner of that place, we had agreed, remember? Kman asks, why do you sound so worried? Dudu shares the breaking news—because Sancar ... put the mansion in Nare’s name. Kman smiles at the news. This can’t be good for Sancar and Nare.

Sancar has gone to Gediz’ house. The police are there. Sahra is brought out in a body bag and Meanie is led away in handcuffs. Sancar gets a text from Kman: "I want you in my house in half an hour, or I'm going to report you. " He shows Gediz the text. Gediz tells him to go. He will be fine, and he will take care of Ceylan, too. He gave you only half an hour, go.

Nare is with Gece and she gets a call from her father: go to the back gate and don't tell anyone. I’ll wait, come.

Meanwhile, Sancar shows at Kman’s door. Kman tells him, I don't want the mansion anymore, money is fine. Give me 45% of the shares, and you take the body away.
Nare asks Guven, why are you here? Guven says, so direct? Nare’s not in the mood. It’s not a very good day, dad. Make my life easier for once, please. Okay, Guven says, I'll make it easier. Choose… Sancar or your inheritance? Nare responds, did you come just to ask stupid questions? She walks away. Guven calls after her, I know where the body is.



Embajador S2 #52 part 4

Nare stops dead in her tracks and asks, Kahraman? Guven calls a man out of the van. What is this all about? Guven replies, the mansion. Nare doesn’t understand. Guven makes it clear. This man is a notary. And this, he pulls a paper from his coat, is the power of attorney that Kahraman gave me. Transfer the mansion that Sancar gave you, to Kahraman, or I'm going to call the police so they can dig up the body you left at Feride's.

Nare calls her father a bastard and tells him to get out of there. She walks. Guven says, you decide, I'll call the police. And don't forget to say hello to Sancar when you visit him in prison.

Guven dials, hello? Nare runs back and grabs the phone. Wait, no… Guven tells her, if you would have let me do it, we would have shared that inheritance as father and daughter. Nare replies, can you understand that you are no longer my father?

Guven holds out the transfer to her and she signs over the mansion, while Sancar signs the shares over to Kman. [Oh Nare, what have you done?]

Sancar immediately calls Kavruk, who is waiting with a crew at Feride’s. Sancar gives the order to take the body. They start digging.

Nare tells Guven, I'll call Sancar now. You will stay until they take the body. Guven tells her that’s not necessary. Surely Sancar has already given the order for the body to be exhumed. Nare is puzzled, did Sancar know that I was going to give the mansion to Kahraman?

Of course not, Guven answers, he thinks Kahraman just asked him for 45% of the shares. But what he doesn't know is that he lost the company and his beloved mansion. He lost everything, Nare. [thanks, Nare, you screwed Sancar again] Guven laughs, Kahraman is a very smart man. He managed to fool you both at the same time. Nare curses both Guven and Kman, I hope you die. She staggers away under the weight of what has happened.

Sancar gets a frantic call from Necdet. You have to escape, Menekse reported the body when questioned. Sancar asks, how did she know that? Necdet replies, she heard when Sahra and Ceylan were talking. Sancar quickly calls Kavruk, Menekse told the police about the body, leave immediately. Kavruk answers, what?! Maybe we'll finish in time, before the-- No, it’s too late. We hear the sirens and see the police cars.

It's nighttime. Nare and Melek meet Kavruk out in the mansion yard. Inside the women of the mansion get ready to read the Quran. There are sirens. Nare gasps. Halise stands and places her hand over her heart. In the original she says… my son….

Kavruk has taken Nare and Melek to the mountains to see Sancar before he leaves. Sancar calls his daughter over. Melek runs into his arms and cries… dad ... [I can’t take it when she cries] Sancar asks, how are you, my love? Melek sobs, dad, I'm going to miss you a lot.

Sancar smiles, do you see the tree there? Every time you miss me, hang a white handkerchief, please. Melek asks, and when I do, will you come? Sancar replies, I will know that you missed me very much. Melek tearfully asks, what if you miss me? Sancar tells her, I'll collect the handkerchiefs that you hang up, daughter. They hug. Melek starts sobbing again. Sancar signals to Kavruk to take Melek. Melek kisses her dad goodbye. With a final wave, she goes with Kavruk.



Embajador S2 #52 part 5

Nare and Sancar embrace. She sobs. He tells her, everything will be okay. I promise that I will be back. Nare holds on tight and says, I was losing my mind when I thought you might go to prison. And now you're leaving. I will not see you again.

She looks at him, [Turkish] Sancar, how can I breathe without you? Sancar tells her, if not for jail, I would stay to fight Kahraman. I can't let him have what he wants, I have to get those shares back. Nare asks, and how will you do it being a fugitive? Sancar says, I will find the way. But it won't work if you break down. I need you to be strong for me this time, please. You are my strength and my weakness. He holds her hands.

Nare puts her hands on his face. [Turkish] you were my mountain and now you yourself are climbing this mountain. I have no choice but to entrust you to her. Sancar responds, I entrust my family and our mansion to you until I return. And I entrust you to Allah.

Nare tells him, don't mention the mansion because you can't entrust it to me. Sancar, I must confess ... I gave the mansion to Kahraman.

And we are out.



TU AMOR. I will say that this crisis has brought Helena and Hector closer than eve. She realizes what a great supportive guy he is. And of course Guillermo's understanding of human nature doesn't extend to Helena. When will he learn?


Urban, the Mexican viewers are saying nothing because this premiered here first and is not being shown yet in Mexico. We and our opinions are the first this time!!!

Anon 11:12, Miranda may have psychological problems with the bullies, etc. but that clearly hasn’t stopped her from being a spoiled brat. From her reactions to daddy dearest, I bet he floated in and out granting her every wish while Alicia was left to be the bad cop holding down the fort.


Dear Dondi, thank you for every detail of this excruciating epsode. It seems though the bad guys are all winning except Sahra who is dead.

Meanie managed to still cause trouble in her way to jail . Well, she will now have 3 meals a day and a roof over her head.

Necdet seems to have cast his fate with Sancar since he called to warn him that Meanie told the police where the body is .

I hope that giant anvils are awaiting Guven , Kman, and Doodoo. Awful .

How many episodes are left? I am hoping to that the ending gives us some happiness for the starcrossed lovers and their sweet child. Watching Melek cry breaks my heart . I hope the rest little actress,doesn't actually verbose at her many, many highly emotional scenes.

OT ... " Fatmagul" ....I have watched some more episodes kind of haphazardly , so I am beginning to understand the plot and characters better. This show is the best telenovela I have ever watched . ..right up there with "Alborada." THe writing and acting is superb. The theme is heavy , but the message is about love,relationships, forgiveness, surviving tragedy, and rising from challenges . So grateful to you, Dondi, for recommending this uplifting story to me .


Thanks, Susanlynn and Nina. Your comments are appreciated.

Nina, I think you might have combined the last two eps, but no matter. You and Susanlynn, told it like it is, the bad guys are winning. And maybe poor Sahra was headed for redemption, but they decided to kill her off instead.

Meanie can’t suffer enough for my satisfaction. Necdet is wise to throw in with Sancar even though it looks bad for him right now.

The last scene with Sancar and Melek was heartbreaking. I almost don’t care about Nare anymore. The real couple is the father and daughter!

We have come to the end of Turkish ep 34. And now it looks like they might end it on ep 37, leaving us with 15 Turkish eps left to air. There’s a lot more story to tell but it makes sense to me if they pause there. I haven’t seen an official announcement of a continuation, but I saw a brief glimpse in a promo that made me think it will pick up at some point in the future. And there was a post on twitter that said it would continue, but no details.

OT Susanlynn. I wish you could watch Fatmagül complete from start to finish. It was recapped and discussed when it aired afternoons on Telemundo back in 2016. Click the link on our main page for “Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül”.

Fatmagül is one of the best series I have ever seen in any language. I couldn’t wait each day for the Spanish eps, so I began to binge watch online in Turkish w English subs. And it’s always better to hear the original actors’ voices. I’ll have to search and see if that site is still up. If you have questions, I can answer them, but I don’t want to spoil anything for you.




Thanks, Dondi. We are in crazy town with so many beanie moments, but you make it all clear. I never took to Sahra as a villain, not like Kahraman and Meanie and Guven. She just seemed to implausible as the beautiful young doctor who snookered Nare and Elvan. She got on my nerves. But I get a kick out of the other three villains. Who knew Meanie is as loca as Loki was?

I'm sorry to see poor Melek crying again. The adults expect too much from her.

I am liking Muge standing up to Kman.

Maybe Nare had no choice but to give in to Guven, but I wish she hadn't. Sancar always finds a way around a mess.


Diana, I am thinking about you. Please take care of yourself.


I am thinking of you. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved furbaby. Take care of yourself. We all know this feeling.


Diana, my condolences on the loss of Juliet. We understand.




Dondi , looks like San is going to hide out in the mountains and try to figure a way out of this huge mess. I have no idea where this show is going . I only know that I would like to see that happy family of three in the end ...even if their fortune is gone and they are all picking olives. Maybe Gediz will help him now.

OT...I am binging "Fatmagul" whenever I can . Because i am skipping around , I started writing down the episode numbers and making a brief annotation of what happened . I don't think I could have stood watching it one episode at a time ....too gutwrenching in the beginning . I still haven't watched all the beginning episodes before 14.
I will check out the caray recaps.


Thanks, Niecie. I get a such a kick out of Kman and at times Guven but I really want to give the boot to Meanie. She grates on me. She’s too stupid to live and that banging on the table….

Interesting stuff happening between Muge and Kman. When Kdad said to cook for her…lol.

“Maybe Nare had no choice but to give in to Guven, but I wish she hadn't. Sancar always finds a way around a mess.” IMHO, Nare had a clear choice: listen to Sancar, trust Sancar. As you said, he always finds a way around a mess. She should know this by now.




I MUST SAY I WAS PRETTY PIST OFF AT NARE WHEN SHE SIGNED THAT HOUSE OVER TO THAT LEECH. NARE JUST went AND PULLED THE LATTER,THE RUG,THE whole floor OUT FROM UNDER SANCAR. And he gave her that sad smile. I'M pretty sure he wishes he had not intrusted His inheritance to the love of his now very miserable LIFE All that bold criticism she gave him and she just Cut his heart out. Very sad epi. FIRST KAVRUK SPILLS
FRONT OF DOODOO. And then everythin
Went to hell from there.

Is gediz going to jail too? He did start this whole mess want his best friends girl. That started the trek to hell. It would have been nice if gediz and zahra had made a go of it but skinny menekse had to Crap all over everything.

That redhead that was leaving, look
Like she has as attachment to elvan
She could be her granddaughter^^^^
Wishful thinking on my part.

Thank you Dondi.

OT - Fatmagül

Susanlynn, Dondi356:

Definitely one of the best novels ever written. First time I saw it, I started somewhere midway through - which was probably a good idea because the first several weeks are very distressing.

The relationship between Fatmagül and Kerim is extremely well handled although I will admit that on my third viewing of the entire novela, I somewhat changed my opinion about the outcome.

Some of the best scenes occur late in the novela when the couple talks with a therapist.

All of the other characters are also well-handled. I don't think any of them, even the "villains" are one-dimensional.


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