Thursday, August 05, 2021

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Diseñando Tu Amor, Si Nos Dejan & La Hija del Embajador - Week of Aug 2, 2021

 ANNOUNCEMENT:  No Preemptions!!

Greetings, Caraymates!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! JoelD is taking a necessary break from providing recaps for Diseñando Tu Amor but feel free to discuss and share any details.  Si Nos Dejan is being “highlighted” by Jarifa, Diana, and RGVChick, and Super-dondi356 is still providing the amazingly detailed and helpful recaps for La Hija del Embajador! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8- 9PM  -  Diseñando Tu Amor: Ep. 70-71

9-10PM –  Si Nos Dejan: Ep 41-42

10-11PM  La Hija del Embajador, Season 2: Ep 48-49 (Últimas Semanas!!)

Coming Soon: “La Desalmada” – Aug. 23rd at 10PM(E)  AND “Que le Pasa a Mi Familia” – Aug 30th at 7PM(E)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “EMBAJADOR”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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DEJAN - Ep 41: Another Cat Out of the Bag…and the Rats Run Wild Part 1

Carlota convinces Alicia to name her prince. Alicia drops the bomb—Martin…Martin Guerra and she hopes that Carlota will meet him some day, he is kind and loving …a real prince. Nothing that has happened with Martin ever happened with Sergio…he makes her feel so important. Struggling to keep her composure, Carlota comments that she sounds very happy and sure of herself. Alicia then shares how Martin went to meet her kids…and he had to put up with everything thrown at him by Eva, Miranda and Yuri. Alicia finally notices Carlota’s somber demeanor and asks if she is okay. Carlota replies that she is perfect; she is just surprised to hear about such about perfect man. When she asks how they met, Alicia shares that Martin works at the news station with Sergio. Carlota comments that she now understands—Alicia has a fascination with news reporters…and men who use words well to seduce. Alicia explains that they are very different. After Carlota comments that it must be very difficult since the two men work together, Alicia responds that Sergio ran off Martin from the station; she feels very bad, but thanks to Carlota’s advice, she took the risk to live this insanity. Carlota gets up and falters. .. her blood pressure must have lowered and asks that they stop for now. As they walk toward the door, Alicia thinks Carlota was right, Martin is real and she can’t stop this marvel that she is living. After Alicia eaves, Carlota heavily leans against the door.

Martin questions Robles, the PI, but he denies everything. Martin warns him to stop.

Yuri continues her run as Mujica tells his team to remain calm; they need to wait until Cholo gets closer to Yuri. Karina realizes that the sting is to catch Cholo and wonders why no one told her. She turns away and sends Yuri a message “Get out of here!”

Yuri finally looks at her message and when she approaches Cholo, she tells him to RUN! Mujica orders everyone to be on alert—Cholo is getting away! Yuri is about to leave the park when she is stopped by one of the units...and she is surrounded! Karina takes over and slams her on the car telling her to be quiet. Meanwhile, Mujica and his team are chasing Cholo who is sprinting away (no match for the cops!)

Carlota recalls her conversations with Alicia and Martin. She wonders how she didn’t figure it out.

Martin tries to get Sofi to watch a movie but she wants to go to her mother. Martin tries to talk to her about Alicia. It is not fair that she isn’t allowing him to move on with his is impossible for him and Carlota to get back together. Sofi shuts down and insists that he take her home.

Miranda asks Eva for a sleeping pill since she hasn’t slept for two days. Eva refuses and tells her that she needs to catch up on her school work…that will help her sleep. OR she can drink some tea or warm milk.

Robles calls Eva and tells her that Martin spotted him. Eva berates him so he reminds her that she was the one who hired him. Eva insists that he continue investigating Martin.

Alicia is at a store trying to make a purchase but her card is rejected. She tries another ..and the same thing…no dice.

Gutierrez asks for an update and is told that the dog escaped. Moises approaches and Yuri asks what he is doing there. He wonders why he is there too and asks what she is doing with that criminal. Mujica orders that she be handcuffed; so Karina does the honors.


DEJAN - Ep 41: Another Cat Out of the Bag…and the Rats Run Wild Part 2

At the news station, Juleech is being her usual beyotchy self. Diablo presents the next topic for a report, but Juleech is appalled by it….she is not just a pretty girl in a short skirt! As she threatens him, Sergio approaches and orders Diablo to his office.

Alicia sits in her car crying when Luna approaches and asks if she is crying. When Alicia denies it, Luna wonders why adults always deny crying when they actually are. When Alicia explains that she didn’t have enough money to buy something, Luna offered her some money…(how sweet!), but Alicia refuses the money. Luna then tells Alicia that her daddy returned.

At Luna’s house, Toro and the Goonies are teasing Quique…who wants to follow in his daddy’s footsteps.

At the hospital, Prudencia wakes up to find Lucas crying. She assumes that the surgery went well and asks if he called his father. He tells her that SerJerk didn’t answer…and of course he didn’t show up (liar!).

Juleech complains to Serjerk about interrupting her meeting. He tells her to hurry because he is getting tired of her complaints. They get into it about who will meet with Diablo first. After he yells at her, Juleech knows this is not about her… so he explains about Martin going to HIS house. Juleech warns him that if he isn’t careful, he will find Martin at his house in pj’s with a glass of wine in hand.

Sofi arrives home and stomps in. When Sofi notices that Carlota has been crying, Carlota blames it on allergies and asks Sofi to go do something. Martin sits down and questions Carlota about what is going on. She admits that there is something wrong and offers him a drink.

At the police station, Yuri is being interrogated. Mujica asks who tipped her off at the park, but Yuri remains quiet. When Mujica asks for a status on Cholo and that Yuri’s cell phone be checked, Karina offers to take care of the cell phone. Mujica then tells Moises to leave, but Moises insists on staying because Yuri needs a lawyer.

Gonzo tries to call Lorena but she doesn’t pick up so he leaves a message—her cake was a hit and he left her a piece. He also hopes to talk to her soon.

Alicia tells her BFFs about her credit cards being canceled. After Fedora calls SerJerk a dog (insult to dogs!), Alicia comments that SerJerk has no responsibility in giving her money any more. ..she needs to work, but she doesn’t know in what since all she knows is how to keep house and raise kids. Rebeca then shares her news. Alicia is shocked.

Carlota tells Martin that she is human just like her clients…she has fears and traumas. She helps her clients, but there is no one to help her; so she called on Dr. Tequila. Martin thinks it’s because of what Sofi saw…but Carlota blurts out, “ Do you want to tell me what the hell you are doing messing around with Alicia Carranza?!”

Miranda is in her room playing her video game against Culebra. He sends her messages but she ignores them and yells “I hate you! You’re just like all the rest…!”


DEJAN - Ep 41: Another Cat Out of the Bag…and the Rats Run Wild Part 3

The doctor goes in to talk to Prudencia and Lucas, He tells them that they will have to start therapy to see if the procedure worked.

Juleech pretends to be understanding…she tells Serjerk to do what he has to do ad then to just STOP taking it out on her…she is the one who spoils him and loves him! For three years she put up with being his mistress…this is her torment and she will not be with a man who is always thinking about another house. He has to accept that she is now his woman ..his family. She was better off being a mistress, but she will not tolerate that anymore.

Eva forces her way into Miranda’s room. When Miranda complains, Eva insists that she will enter however and whenever she wants. When she accuses Miranda of wanting to take drugs, Miranda insists that she is not taking anything, but Eva tells her that no one will believe her. After Miranda wonders if Eva also thinks she is odd, Eva assures her that when she scolds her it’s because she loves her…blah, Blah! Blah! Eva asks her to look around and see how things are falling apart…ever since Alicia ran off her father and got involved with that gigolo. Eva then sits Miranda down and comments that she needs both her and Yuri to help her recover their mother…and maybe her father…and if that doesn’t happen then they can expect a time of darkness and tragedy.

At the station, Gutierrez asks Karina for the phone, but Yuri tells him that the person in charge of evidence is out to lunch. Meanwhile, Facundo is talking to the media and requesting that a new team be assigned to investigate the case.

Mujica is interrogating Yuri and asks what her relationship with Cholo. Yuri replies that she was his lawyer until the man present decided otherwise. Mujica asks why she was still communicating with Cholo. When Yuri replies that she did not believe in the new lawyer’s objectivity, Mujica gets nasty(er) and wonders how Cholo was paying Yuri…it is very suspicious that a pro bono lawyer would maintain such a close relationship with her client. When Yuri comments that she is convinced that Cholo is innocent, Moises wonders why since she had no evidence.

Alicia refuses to believe that Rebeca has Alzheimer’s, but Rebeca assures her that is what she has. She is no longer the same person…and she is sorry for herself and everyone else. Every time she thinks about forgetting them…Alicia interrupts and assures her that won’t happen because they won’t let her. Rebeca thinks that the only thing she has left is today…and they need to live it…together.


DEJAN - Ep 41: Another Cat Out of the Bag…and the Rats Run Wild Part 4

Martin asks how Carlota found out. Carlota refuses to tell him. When she refers to Alicia as Carranza, Martin insists that her last name is Montiel. Carlota points out that all the magazines refers to Alicia as Carranza. She mocks that some day the headlines will refer to Sofia as the stepdaughter who could be her granddaughter! Sofi listens as Carlota berates Martin for going up against the most revered newsman of the country. When she adds that the only way could compete against SerJerk was to get involved with Alicia…and only because she is 50 years old and her self-esteem is shot to the ground, Martin finally loses it and tells her to STOP!! He storms out.

At the station, Karina asks Facundo what he is doing. Facundo will not allow Mujica to get his way. If they kill Cholo, they will close the case and the real murderer will be free. Karina doesn’t think it is a good idea, but Facundo insists that it is the only way.

Fedora tries to tell the girls that Samuel has changed—he is loving and respectful. Rebeca mocks that she thought she as the one who is crazy…they are not going to swallow her BS, Alicia insists that if there is the slightest possibility that Samuel could lose it, she needs to get rid of him. Fedora insists that she is not going to put herself in danger…they need to trust her (as far as they can throw her??).

Gonzo is waiting for Lorena but Natalia to ell s him to give it up…Lorena left on a trip.

Toro and his goonies watch the newsclip on Facundo. The goons thinks that Facundo didn’t learn the lesson after they roughed him up

Juleech hears the same news clip and thinks it would be a good subject to report on. Diablo brings up that Facundo is Martins father, but Juleech insists that this could more interesting that they can imagine.

Martin goes to see Alicia since she didn’t answer her phone. He tells her that Karina called him and told him that Yuri was taken in by the police; she was arrested and being charged.




The title was perfect Rgv Chick. An extraordinary and all-encompassing recap. I am in awe of your fluidity, insight, and laser sharp wit.

“Fedora calls SerJerk a dog (insult to dogs!)” had me grinning ear to ear. So, so true!

“Carlota tells Martin that she is human just like her clients…she has fears and traumas”. I applaud her honesty as I cannot imagine how difficult it is to listen and council yet distance yourself emotionally and keep your objectively to the degree required. However, Carlota’s assertion that “Alicia has a fascination with news reporters…and men who use words well to seduce” was more personal than professional. While she did maintain her composure, we could see how truly devastated she was.

I had the distinct impression that Carlota and “Dr. Tequila” are more than passing acquaintances. Carlota needs to seek peer counseling - immediately.

Watching Sofia deface her coloring book seemed to leave no doubt her Disney fantasy of reuniting her perfect family is shattered.

“Juleech is being her usual beyotchy self…she is not just a pretty girl in a short skirt! “ HA! Nor a modest one at that 😊

“When Mujica asks for a status on Cholo and that Yuri’s cell phone be checked, Karina offers to take care of the cell phone”. Karina did not hesitate to put herself in danger and thanks to her, Cholo was not apprehended. Unfortunately, Facundo’s impromptu press conference has put him in the spotlight the very last place one of the few who believe in Cholo’s innocence should be.

“Eva then sits Miranda down and comments that she needs both her and Yuri to help her recover their mother…and maybe her father”. Eva is disgusting and reprehensible. It’s amazing that Alicia overcame her upbringing to be the lovely, kind woman she is today.

Fedora lying through her teeth about Samuel?? Your wise comment on Fedora “(they need to trust her (as far as they can throw her??) said everything.

“Rebeca thinks that the only thing she has left is today…and they need to live it…together” was a lovely sentiment. Life is a gift and needs to be lived to the fullest as we never know what day may be the last.

Marvelous Rgv Chick, thank you, thank you!



RgvChick, your title was the best and had me smiling this a.m. along with the excellent recap. I could picture the “rats” scurrying around. Ha! Ha! Thank you!

Diana, I, like you, think that Carlota and “Dr. Tequila” are old buddies. It looks like now Sofía’s and Carlota’s wishes to bring Martín back have been clearly destroyed. I was surprised how well she held it together while talking to Alicia. As for Rebeca, I agree that she is handling her diagnosis with reality and grace.

I think the character of “Fedora” has an expiration date as she is unable to get rid of Samuel. Is Fedora a sex addict in addition to allowing herself being abused in this

In addition to being a miserable human being, I am starting to see Eva for what she is: an addict. So, I will say that Eva is acting in true “addict” form continuing to fight for access to her gambling fix by trying to enlist her granddaughters in getting Sergio and Alicia back together again.

Alicia is entitled to a division of property in her divorce. Maybe her credit cards being cancelled and no employment options will finally light a fire under her to get that done. Her seemingly lackadaisical attitude on her economics is mind boggling.

As for Yuri, all I can say maybe her experience as a possible defendant will help her be a better lawyer. At least she was good at keeping her mouth closed and mot baited by Mujica.

Can’t wait for tonight!



For any Jaime Camil fans who have Apple TV, I recommend “Schmigadoon”. Camil plays a possible love interest for the protagonist as he sings and dances along. A spoof of musicals, “Schmigadoon” has had me laughing and humming its catchy tunes. Also it has only six 32 (?) minute episodes; a perfect summer show.


Jarifa, very good point in that "In addition to being a miserable human being" Eva's behavior mirrors that of an addict. To be honest though, I can't muster up the slightest bit of sympathy for her.

If Moises really loved Yuri, I don't feel he would have gone along with all of this. It's not his heart that Yuri shattered when she broke the engagement, but his ego.

Yes, more action tonight!



Chick , thanks so much for every detail of an episode in which the bad folks are just positively brutal ...Serg bent on revenge .Jul trying to be large and in charge . Carlota badgering Martin about his "old" girlfriend . It would be nice if people could come up with a few other more accurate adjectives to describe Alicia. about kind, beautiful, intelligent, caring, loving , affectionate , responsible ....She has so many good qualities , but the only ones who seem to acknowledge them is Martin, her 3 close friends, and Gonzo.

I chuckled at Jul telling Diablo that she " wasnt just a pretty girl in a short skirt." Ha! I didn't hear Diablo say he thought she was pretty or notice her skirt. What an egotistical , over confident, materialistic girl. I know a lot of adjectives to describe her , too...none of them complimentary . Hey , did the police forget about her DUI ?

I need Muj and Moi to get taken down hard. Yuck

Dejan #41

Thanks, RGV Chick. You got it all.

Fedora is a real idiot. I will be glad to see the back of her at this rate. I know we aren't supposed to gossip on this site but I think this actress is now the uncrowned queen of bad plastic surgery; she look nothing like she did the last time I saw her.

I wish someone would slap Eva flat. The only right thing she that not giving any pills to Miranda.

Carlota needs a shrink herself. I shouted at the screen when she did her little rantfest in front of Martin. It was disgusting and nothing like this will do her daughter any good.

The cancelling of the credit cards will make SerJerk look bad when his public finds out. Alicia does need to work but she also needs a seriously aggressive lawyer to force a fair settlement... plus punitive damages. She needs Victoria from PASL.

El Toro and his minions may be responsible for Simon's murder but when Facuno went on the air he put a target on his back.


Glad the cats out the bag regarding Sarah being Akin's sister...what a sucker punch to Nare and Elvan for having put so much trust in her. Do we even know if Sarah is aware that Akin raped Nare?

Even more glad that the fake pregnancy has been revealed. This really devastated Sancar. While he didn't love Meneske...he appeared to really be excited and wanted the child...especially know it would be a boy.




Thank you Diana, Jarifa, and Susanlynn!! Reading your comments makes me smile since I agree with all of them.

Diana, "Carlota’s assertion that “Alicia has a fascination with news reporters…and men who use words well to seduce” was more personal than professional. While she did maintain her composure, we could see how truly devastated she was." Her devastation was clearly evident and I'm sure it took all of her strength to contain everything she was feeling; though as you pointed out, she did take that little jab at Alicia. Professionally speaking, she should have stopped the session as soon as she heard Martin's name, but she took advantage of Alicia's trust to get more details...and that, IMO, is not kosher. And Diana, thank you for mentioning this, "Watching Sofia deface her coloring book seemed to leave no doubt her Disney fantasy of reuniting her perfect family is shattered." When I am taking notes, I miss so many visuals and this was significant. Carlota needs to seek peer help, not just for herself but for Sofia as well.

Jarifa, " I am starting to see Eva for what she is: an addict..." Great insight, but TBH, when it coems to Eva, I would rather just not see all! LOL AND regarding Alicia, "Her seemingly lackadaisical attitude on her economics is mind boggling." Another attribute that she seems to have in a common with Martin...birds of a feather...

Susanlynn, it does seem that the cops have forgotten about Jul's DUI, doesn't it. Maybe she scared them off with her threat to make a scandal via media. And "I need Muj and Moi to get taken down hard." From your mouth to the TN gods ears...PLEEEASE!!!



"...when it coems to Eva, I would rather just not see all!" Agree Rgv Chick. Where is David Copperfield when you need him??

Susanlynn, I don't think the police have forgotten Juli's drunken drive. I suspect that will continue to haunt her (hopefully).

Urban, yes, Facundo might have skipped the speech and painted a bright red bullseye on his back. With Simon already gone, it would be terrible to lose him too...



Well, we've been waiting and hoping for something positive to happen...Whoever would have guessed it would be dear, sweet Consuelo, in full housekeeping attire doing her best Mrs. Columbo act in Yolanda's room??

Looks like Camila is making inroads with Ricardo but will it be enough to bring him to his senses??

What a horrid, uncomfortable dinner! It looks like Guillermo had some wise words to impart to Claudio regarding Valentina but I don't know what they were.

Can Leo crawl any lower??? And Patty, calling Hector having the gaul to show up at Helena's was mind blowing.

I hope JoelD is doing all right. I readily admit there is more I don't understand than what I do...I miss him and his amazing recaps.



Susanlynn and Diana,

I am hoping for Julieta to be at some media gala and for the cops in uniform to come in with a warrant for her arrest and arrest her on the spot. If Yuri is in the pen, maybe they could share a cell. I better not let my imagination run away with such delightful possibilities lest I be disappointed!


Diana, I don't watch this consistently, but I did catch some of that dinner. Claudio let it slip that Nora was working as a model. Guillermo was not at all pleased since he wants Nora to concentrate on her studies. After Valentina and Claudio spoke in favor of Nora, Gutierrez agreed to let her model but she had to continue her studies...with one condition (that Nora suggested)--that Claudio help her with her studies. Gutierrez also told her that if she failed as much as 1 class, her modeling would be over.

I also caught a glimpse of Yolanda(?) warning the blonde doc (Rosamaria??) about setting her eyes on Guillermo, but the doc stood her ground and told Yolanda that she was too intelligent (with 2 degrees) to be intimidated by her.


Thanks so much Rgv Chick! I really appreciate your filling me in...

Ahhh, so NORA suggests Claudio help her! Of course she would. She has done everything possible to hurt her sister and taking Claudio would be the jewel in her crown. I am fairly sure Claudio is too smart to fall for it...

I did sense Yola was warning Rosa off so thank you for confirming. Rosa can take care of herself that's for sure. I suspect Guillermo will be her back up plan in case she can't finagle Claudio. Ack.


TU AMOR. Yep, Diana, Consuelo was hilarious as the "cleaning lady." Anything to protect one of her kids. What a great mom! I thought Guillermo's wise words about Val to Claudio made the uncomfortable dinner worthwhile. Guillermo has great insights into Val's character (after all, she's his real daughter), and is right that she's probably being forced to agree to marry Ricardo (and no doubt for a virtuous reason.) Hector can't win. Even when Patricia admits she was being predatory toward Hector, and that he didn't return her kiss, Helena still doesn't trust him. Of course, as usual, Patricia is up to no good. Nora did benefit from all the support she got at the dinner for her modeling career. How long before Guillermo realizes she's not really going to school, but that Humberto is doing her online classes for her? Maybe when Claudio notices that she doesn't have any homework? Or when Humberto is fired after being framed by Enrique? I too miss JoelD's recaps, Diana, and hope things are going well for him.


Again I only catch a few scenes of this TN, but I thought there was a scene where Patricia told someone that she had another DNA test done on Nora (without Nora's knowledge) and confirmed that Nora is actually Guillermo's daughter. I remember the scene because I thought how futile Nora's little scheme was (to use Helena's hair for the first DNA test).

Embajador S2 #48 part 1

Nare finds out Sahra is Akin’s sister, and she faints into Elvan’s arms.

Gediz shows up at Meanie’s and sits down next to Sancar. They are silent for a moment and then Gediz muses, [this scene in Turkish] as sağdıçlar, we walked shoulder to shoulder to victory and now, each one of us is at the bottom. Sancar gives a sad smile and a slight nod of acknowledgement. In the minute you found out you would not become a father, I could have become a murderer. Sancar turns to look at Gediz.

Gediz continues, Kahraman is likely dying and I'm sitting here. And the strange thing is that you also became a murderer [I have a different opinion…] and I turned you in. I tried to put you in jail, bankrupt you. But you have been defeated by a child that did not exist. If I had known this I would have planned it.

Sancar says, but my ex-wife and your girlfriend came up with it. They were able to deceive a person who doubts everything…. Or I really wanted to be deceived. Gediz responds, or maybe ... women are better than us in love and revenge. We are like children playing in the sand compared to them. Gediz adds, by the way, she's not my girlfriend; we are nothing.

Gediz drops a bomb on Sancar—Sahra is Akin's sister. Sancar quickly turns to look at Gediz again. Sancar stares at him for a few seconds then asks, what’s with that? Gediz replies, I don't know, I stepped on every banana peel, and I fell into the traps. Especially the ones I put myself.

They didn’t show this, but Sahra was locked in a bathroom. Kavruk unlocks the bathroom door. Sahra asks him, what does Sancar want from me? Kavruk tells her to turn around and put her hands together [so he can tie them]. Sahra brushes this off, and tries to brush past Kavruk, really? Can you move?

Kavruk puts his arms across the door and gives her his own version of the Efe death stare, you didn't hear me? I don't like hitting people, he tells her, but the guards outside love doing it. I only know that they are monsters. You will obey or I'm going to call the guards.

Sahra complies and Kavruk ties her hands. She asks, what does Sancar know? Could you at least tell me what it was I did? Kavruk doesn’t answer but we see a knowing smile. She says, it seems you want to cut my throat. Kavruk takes her outside.

Sancar asks Gediz, you have no idea where your girlfriend is, right? Do you want to know where she is? Sancar puts his phone on speaker to take a call from Kavruk.

Kavruk reports, we will take Sahra where you ordered us. I sent a doctor to Kahraman; Gediz was saved from being a murderer. [We see the doctor tending to Kman.] The doctor is taking care of him in case of complications. Necdet and the woman are going to the olive grove. [We see Necdet and Ceylan riding in a car] As soon as you order, I will send them to you. Kavruk asks, do you need anything else? Sancar replies, not for now, Kavruk.

Sancar takes the phone off speaker and asks, is Nare okay? Kavruk answers, she's okay. [We see Nare and Elvan as Kavruk speaks.] She said she would go to the cabin. I told Elvan not to tell anyone anything. If Señora Halise found out, she would go crazy. She said okay. Sancar thanks Kavruk, closes the call and stands up.

Gediz comments, wow. You are in mourning and your men take care of everything. Excellent. He asks Sancar, will you tell them to kill everyone? Sancar answers, [Turkish] the one who was not given pride was given kindness, isn’t that so Gediz? Gediz nods. Sancar turns and heads back to the house.

Atike worries, daughter, your brother and Ceylan fled the house together. They went to tell him the whole truth. This can’t be. I think I'll lose my mind. Sancar Efe wants to drive us crazy. He's doing it on purpose. He’s waiting for us at the entrance.



Embajador S2 #48 part 2

Sancar bangs on Meanie’s door. Atike answers. Sancar gives her the death stare and says, bring your daughter. Meanie appears… Sancar ... what are you going to do to me? Sancar speaks without looking at Menekse, I will go mourn ...the death of my son that I could not bury. He pauses with his head down for a moment. He gives Meanie the death stare and continues, then I will punish everyone. He steps closer to her and adds, I'm telling you so you can't sleep well. He turns and walks away.

Sancar heads out the gate to his truck. Gediz follows and asks, don't punish Sahra, okay? Sancar asks, why? Are you in love with her? Gediz claims it’s not that. She's just a poor confused girl, he says.

Gediz makes a case for Sahra, yes, she is Akin's sister, and he was a monster. Her father threw her mother out in the street, and she committed suicide. You murdered her brother. She would go crazy, don't you think? She is afraid of being alone. Do you still want to make her suffer? Gediz continues, our biggest problem is Kahraman. He is behind everything. Instead of fighting each other, try to convince him.

Sancar can’t believe what he’s hearing. He reminds Gediz that Nare, Elvan and Sahra were poisoned. Who did that, huh? Sahra, maybe? Gediz admits, when she tried to get Nare to tell her where her brother was, I got mad. It was just a - a harmless serum, Sancar. [Gediz has lost his mind!]

Sancar’s gotta take a big exhale here to calm himself. He asks, does she know where the body is? Gediz replies, of course. But Kahraman stopped her. He managed to stop her with something that I don't know. She won’t act without an order. If we take care of him (Kman) then everything will be resolved. Sancar answers, [Turkish] do you know who I trust the most, Gediz? Azrael (angel of death). At least his intentions are known. Sancar makes a call.

A car pulls up to a warehouse. Sahra is taken out of the car and brought inside. A guard answers Sancar’s call and tells him Sahra is already inside. While looking at Gediz, Sancar asks, there are no windows in that place, right? Perfect. Sancar orders, now close the door and turn off all the lights. She’s going to stay a couple of days in the dark. That’s enough, Gediz says. Sancar growls, that maniac entered the house of my daughter and wife. Wouldn't you have lost your mind? Sancar gets in his truck and drives off.

Halise is still in her PJs, playing sick. She hurries to lay back on the couch as Elvan comes in. Elvan rushes over, suegra? What happened? Halise explains, well, I organized a beautiful and entertaining henna night. Nare took off her ring, then you told me that you were going to get a divorce, and my son doesn't care about me. What can I do, Elvan? I have endured so much sadness. It broke my heart.

Elvan sits, after what you just told me, I feel terrible. I’m sorry for everything I did. Halise says, I excuse you, but listen Elvan. Come back to the mansion. You and Yahya they will have your own room. It will be just the two of you. Elvan flashes back to what she witnessed at the real estate office. Elvan asks, did you arrange a room for Yahya? Halise answers, yes, it's up to you to accept it or not. I'll tell Sancar to hire a nurse to take care of me.

Feride enters the room and says, it won't be necessary. If Gulsiye or Ayse are not here, I can take care of you. She hands Elvan a glass and says, give this crybaby this tea. It will remove the rust from her sick soul. Halise asks, did you put poison in the tea and that's why you want to give it to me? Feride replies, I've always thought that poison does not work on snakes. Elvan laughs. Feride advises Elvan, get divorced now. Don't be a fool and get out of here. Halise comments, oh, how annoying that woman is, and she takes the tea.



Embajador S2 #48 part 3

Dudu and Yahya are out seeing houses. Dudu thinks this house is ok, but she likes the previous house better. The agent says, but that one is only for sale, not for rent. Yahya repeats to Dudu, it's not for rent, honey. Dudu puts on a disappointed act and asks, and you can't buy it? Yahya asks the agent for a few minutes alone.

Yahya asks, what’s happening? You agreed we would rent. I can't buy a house. Dudu replies, yes, I did, and you said it would be until you left her. We don't know when you will divorce. She lays it on him, I don't know, she might forgive you and maybe you'll go back to her. My reputation is at stake.

Yahya tries to resist, we talked about this last night and we already agreed. Listen, if Elvan forgives me, it won’t change us. I want to be alone with you, he touches her cheek. I'm serious, Dudu. I love you. Dudu’s got him where she wants him. She says, hmm ... prove your love. Take me to the mansion... or buy the house. Yahya says, you are naughty. You know you convinced me again with that smile.

Yahya gets a call from Halise. She tells him, I've been trying to save your marriage. Where are you, son? Yahya asks, what’s happening, mother? Halise says, I'm sick, it's my heart, son. Then she adds, I’ll wait for you to eat today. Yahya is alarmed, what? Do you want me to bring a doctor? Halise answers, I'm sick Yahya. That's how it is. Bring the doctor if that's what you want. Yahya says, okay, stay calm. I'm going to bring a doctor. Bye.

Yahya sighs. Dudu asks. He tells her, my mother it doesn't feel well. Dudu pretends she’s sorry about Halise but I think she’s sorry for herself. She might not get the house. Yahya thinks and then tells Dudu, all right, then ... I'm going to buy you the house. She’s happy. He goes to speak with the agent.

They cut the beginning of this scene. Nare and Melek arrive at the shack and sit on the mattress. Melek senses her mother has something to tell her so she says, you can start now. How do you know, Nare asks? Because dad did the same thing yesterday. Nare says, we make you go through a lot, right? Melek responds, do you know why I thank Allah the most? For you being my mom and dad being my dad. For being with me no matter what happens. She takes her mother’s hands. Nare hugs and kisses her daughter.

Nare starts the conversation with Melek. Do you know why dad pulled us out of the house so urgently and suddenly? Why? Nare says, because Sahra wants to hurt us. Why? Nare tells Melek that Sahra and Akin are siblings.

Melek says, but Sahra is not like him. She's a good person. They are very different. Nare replies, that's right, Melek, however Sahra fooled us all. She is not a good person. She’s not, Melek asks? Nare gives Melek the bad news, well ... Menekse lost the baby a few months ago. She didn't tell your father. Sahra is a doctor, and they tricked your father by telling him that the baby was still alive.

Melek gets sad. She asks, I’m not going to meet my brother? Nare shakes her head no. Melek is trying not to cry. She asks, does dad know this? Nare replies, of course. that's why dad is so hurt. Nare takes a big breath and says, Melek ... dad needs you to give him a lot of love. His only cure is for his little girl to hug him tenderly. We hear a car drive up. Melek jumps up, I think my dad is here.

Sancar gets out of the truck and Melek comes out the door and races towards him. Dad! Dad! Sancar responds, my love, and he gets down on his knee and takes her into his arms…dad…. He holds her tight. Nare watches at a distance. She smiles and says softly, what dad needs is a hug. Sancar asks, call me "dad" again.



Embajador S2 #48 part 4

Melek looks at her father and says, [Turkish] dad. My beloved dad. The best dad ever. She kisses his cheeks. He hugs her. She tells her father, my brother in heaven says you’re right, “abla” (older sister). Sancar asks, does he speak to you? Melek answers, of course. He’s a smart guy. He knows our dad is the best in the whole world. Sancar is speechless. Melek continues, I’ll love you for him, too. I will love you very, very much. I promise. Although I do not know how. I already love you too much. Sancar responds, hug me. He holds his daughter tight and looks over at Nare. [recapper pauses to get a tissue]

Kavruk has escorted Kman home. He tells Kman, Sancar will talk to you tomorrow. Kman asks, how did you find out I was there? Kavruk explains, we were going to take care of you when you had the money. Kman asks, and where were you going to take me? To Sancar, Kavruk answers, weren't you going to negotiate?

Kman smiles, typical of Sancar, right? He doesn't even enjoy blackmailing me. His plan didn’t work. I lost the money, Gediz has it. Kavruk says, don't be so sure. He stops Kman from walking away and says, you wanted Gediz's money for the grave. What do you want from my Efe?

Kman replies, what do you think? I'm looking for his shares. Think about it. I’ll have control of his business, and I’ll control the sisters. To the right, Muge, on the left, Zehra. We will make a lot of money. He gives Kavruk a tap and asks, do you want me to make a space for you? Kman gets a Kavruk death stare in return and he answers, I must refuse your offer. Power corrupts everything, Kahraman. Better take care of yourself. And with that, Kavruk leaves.

Kman opens his door to find Muge peeling fruit and watching TV with his dad. The last thing he needs. He says quietly, Gediz hits me, and his sister stays at my house. He slams the door, startling Muge. She drops the knife. Who gave you permission to enter my house? Muge replies, I told you that I would come to feed your dad. Did you forget? Why are you coming in and slamming the door? You gave me a big scare. Kman says, my goal was to scare you away.

Kman bends to pick up the knife Muge dropped, and she notices his head wound. Kman tells her Gediz did it. Now, go away and don't come back without letting me know before. Muge asks, what did you do to make my brother hit you like that? Kman sighs, oh, really? Oh no… I blackmailed him. I took the money he got from the shares. I wanted to deliver Sancar to the police and then, he hit me. Was that clear?

Muge replies, but you, what kind of—Kman interrupts, I'm a bastard. That's what you think of me. I am someone terrible. She nods. He continues, remember this well. I am aware that you are no longer afraid of me, but for both our sakes, go back to your old habits. Go tell Gediz to give me my money. I will continue with my plan to report to Sancar, tell him too. If he asks how you found out, I don't know if you want to tell him, "I found out because Kahraman told me while I was babysitting his father". Muge puts her boots (!) on and slams the door on her way out.

Gediz calls Kman. Oh ... it’s the one who tried to murder me this morning. You call to apologize? Gediz replies, you're wrong about that. All day I regretted not doing it. Kman says, at least you are honest. Gediz says, now I'm just furious. You took my money. You did not report the body to the police, and you called Sancar just to annoy.

Kman says, if you don't give me my money, I won't follow through on our plan. Gediz informs him of another problem—Sancar has Sahra. What? Gediz says, Sancar knows the whole truth. You have to help me. Kman needs to lower the phone for a second and recoup.



Embajador S2 #48 part 5

Kman tells Gediz, I thought I had saved myself from Sahra and all her crazy entanglements. Sancar and you can do what you want. Why do you want to get me involved? [I’d like to know this, too] Gediz replies, he locked her up in a dark room. Sahra is afraid of the dark. She must be terrified. Gediz catches himself, why am I telling you this? You love to terrorize women, don’t you? Bastard. I don't know why the hell I asked for your help. [I don’t know either but I know Gediz is an idiot.]

Gediz arrives at the mansion and Kavruk and Elvan are outside the gate. Gediz asks Kavruk, where do you have Sahra? Tell me. Where? Kavruk responds, you won't hear a word from me. I'll pretend you didn't come and that I never saw you here.

Elvan starts with Gediz, yes, you are here. You're an idiot. [I second that] Give me patience, she says, I must control myself. She asks, why did you dare to take Sahra to Nare's house if according to you, you love Nare? [inquiring minds…] You’re even asking where she’s hidden. What will you do, Gediz? Will you go save her? Gediz says, don't be absurd, I just want to send her back where she belongs. [liar] Sancar is going to hurt her, understand? He took her brother from her. Just imagine what it would do to you.

Elvan says, wait, I'll figure it out. I will imagine it. I imagined it. She will get what she deserves. Gediz is like a broken record [remember records?]. Sahra is afraid of the dark. She has been traumatized since she was a child. Sancar knows and he will punish her with it. I have looked for her everywhere. Sahra will go crazy.

No sympathy from Elvan [or from recapper]. What should we do? You will get what you deserve, Elvan says, it doesn't move me. Thanks to Sancar, she will get her punishment.
Gediz continues to make his case, what is so difficult to understand? She lost her parents long ago. She and her brother learned to live alone. Put yourself in their shoes. She had a brother, but they took him away and she wants revenge. [Good grief, does Gediz hear himself?]

Elvan can’t believe what she’s hearing. That bastard Akin made Nare—she’s too sickened to mention what he did and says, better not make me open my mouth. Gediz says, she doesn't know what her brother did. Elvan angrily tells Gediz to go away. Kavruk steps towards Gediz and says, if you know why Sahra has lost her mind about her brother, you also know why Sancar decided to punish her. Forget about this topic.

Yahya drives up to the mansion with a doctor. Elvan comments, it seems that idiots rain; they arrive one after another. Yahya gets out and tells the doctor to go ahead. Gediz and Yahya stare at each other and Gediz leaves. Elvan follows Yahya into the mansion.

The doctor has done his work and Yahya asks, how is my mother? He says, maybe not be today, but it is urgent that your mother get bypass surgery. Consider it and let's choose the day. Gulsiye accompanies the doctor out.

Yahya tells his mother, you heard the doctor. You need surgery so I'll schedule it for next week. Halise says, I will not have any surgery. If I died in the hospital, I would die disappointed. Elvan tries to reason with her, it will be for your good, suegra. Halise is firm, I am not going until you and Yahya forget about the divorce, Sancar and Nare marry, and my dear granddaughter lives with us in the mansion. Ah, if I die without this, you will miss me when I die. Haughty Halise has spoken.

Back to the shack. Sancar is roasting chestnuts on the stove. He dumps more on Melek’s plate. Nare comments, enough, Sancar, there are only three of us. It’s more than enough. Ugh, I think that stopped his heart. He looks at her and says…. there are only three left…. Sancar goes back to the stove. He looks sad.



Embajador S2 #48 part 6

Melek calls to her dad. What, my love? I think you shouldn't pretend not to be sad, she says, you should let those tears fall. He takes the remaining chestnuts off the stove and sits next to Melek.

Sancar says, [rest of this scene in Turkish] I don't want to cry. But if I want to share my grief, by talking, should I share that? Melek says, you should, if you don’t then you're going to feel a pain here…she puts her hands over her chest.

Sancar asks, do you know what I was happiest about? Melek shakes her head. Sancar tells her, your mother would have raised him. Your mom has a great talent for raising children. She is amazing. I have an example right in front of my eyes. She gives her dad a kiss and he kisses her back.

Sancar continues, I could not see how you cried and laughed when you were little. I would have seen it now [with the baby] and I would have said: "my little Melek also cried like that when she fell" She was like this with her first tooth, her first word. You, mom, and I would have raised him together. And I would get to know you all over again. I am upset that I lost him, and it makes me sad.

Melek tells her dad a story. One day I climbed a tree and almost fell. I got stuck on a branch and I hung like a bag [not a piñata] until mom came to rescue me. Sancar asks, like a bag? Really? Yes, really. Nare wonders how Melek can remember, she was only three years old. They were still in Switzerland. Melek insists she remembers it well and she was wearing a yellow jacket. That’s right, Nare says.

Sancar tells Melek he’s going to get more wood for the fire and when he comes back, she can tell him stories until morning. Melek agrees and Sancar leaves with a smile.

Melek asks Nare, dad is going to cheer up if I tell him everything I remember? Nare hugs and kisses her daughter, I believe so, Melek. That’s well done. She tells her daughter, I'll help your dad with the firewood, while you pick up in here. Then we'll tell dad all the funny stories that you remember, okay? Melek says sure.

Nare goes out to Sancar. Are you okay, she asks? Sancar replies, do you think I can be sad with the miracle we have? He asks her, are you okay? I am, she says, I'm just a little worried for you, Sancar. He says, don't worry, I’m alright. And I'll be better tomorrow.

Nare asks, what will happen tomorrow? Sancar answers, you tell me. Nare says, today this place is a refuge for us but… Sancar says that’s true. I would love to stay with you in the shack, but—tomorrow I must face the situation. I will take you and Melek home and then I will confront to Kahraman, Necdet, Menekse and Sahra.

And you, Nare, he asks? How you feel? About what, she replies? About Sahra. You trusted her friendship. What will happen now? Nare says she will try not to think about it. I hugged Akin's sister, she says, she entered my house and even stayed a few nights. I can't seem to get rid of Akin despite him having disappeared from the world. It seems like he is still stalking me. Thinking about it makes me sick. But I know it will go away.

Sancar affirms, and so it will be. It will pass. Just like Akin left our lives, Sahra will, too. Nare, I'll help you get through it. I swear I won't let her hurt you.

And we are out.




"How long before Guillermo realizes she's not really going to school, but that Humberto is doing her online classes for her? Maybe when Claudio notices that she doesn't have any homework?" Yes, SpanProf I say laughingly. OK so Guillermo said Val might be being forced into marrying Ricardo. I thought that might be the case but couldn't be sure. Thank you!

Rgv Chick, I thought that Valentina is Guillermo's daughter, but I have missed much since Joel has been away so you might be right!! Thank you!


TU AMOR. Actually, I think Patricia got the DNA results that said Val was Guillermo's daughter, but then she lied to Enrique and said the results confirmed that Nora was. I'm not sure what her nefarious purpose is. Maybe like Yolanda she thinks that Nora is easier to manipulate.


Dondi, thank you for another detailed recap of all the danger and despair . I love your recaps , and I love your side comments. This has been a wild ride .

At first, I thought I couldn't watch this way show because Melek resembles my second oldest granddaughter . However, for me , Melek is the star of this show , the true hero. She has become resilient and wise beyond her years .The adults surrounding her should take lessons from this wonderful little girl. The scenes of her cheering up and counseling her dad made me cry . Out of the mouths of babes, indeed.

San has also grown and changed . I think we have Melek to thank for that , too. She has made him want to be a better man . The father \daughter scenes are heartwarming , especially those last night .

Wow, we saw a different side of Kavruk last night . He was giving San's signature death stare to Sahra and Kman , and he and Elvan certainly put Gediz in his place . Now, if he could only use his new powers on Hellise .

How about that Energizer Bunny Kman? Gediz bashes his head with a rock. Then , he is out and about with a bandage on his bean for a day and back to risky monkey business . I just don't understand all the supposed wheeling and dealing in this show.

I have had enough of wishywashy Ya and conniving , social climbing Du. Don't care . Elvan deserves much better .

Uh oh , Meanie , you are so busted now. Necdet , however, may have saved himself .

Dejan #41

Juleech getting arrested during a gala event would be so sweet! That would definitely grind her gears down to them having no teeth. SerJerk would definitely not be able to remove that mud once the journalistic community published that.

On that subject I neglected to scold Carlota for accusing Martin of envying SerJerk. There is nothing to envy other than his money or whatever will be left of it at the end of this tale.


Thanks, Susanlynn.

Melek is a star. She is a catalyst for change in the series. And the young actress is holding her own against some acting heavyweights. The interaction between Melek and Sancar held my interest throughout the entire dizi. I waited for their scenes each week.

Funny how Sancar and Gediz are enemies, but they seem to find their way back to each other.

Looks like Gediz has made another poor choice in the romance department.

Who knew Kavruk was a badass? He’s the only one that Efe can completely trust.

About Kman: you know what they say, “hierba mala nunca muere”. With his shaved head, facial expressions, gestures, and his prayer beads, I find him a very entertaining villain.

LOL--- “wishywashy Ya” & “social climbing Du” YaDu.

Necdet will always look out for himself first. He’s determined to get back to the mansion, by hook or by crook.




Dondi, even though I have to buckle my beanie and suspend my disbelief for every episode , I look forward to this show every night...the actors, the culture, the architecture, the landscapes. I will definitely be sad when it ends.


SpanProf, “Actually, I think Patricia got the DNA results that said Val was Guillermo's daughter, but then she lied to Enrique and said the results confirmed that Nora was.” Oh my, more twisted than a pretzel. Thanks for the clarification.


If only Karina wasn't obsessed with Martin, she would be one of the good guys. She took a big chance warning Yuri.

Carlota also took a few steps down in my estimation. Sure, she's human. But she's also a professional. It was really hard to keep it together but she should have realized she needed to talk to somebody before she lashed out at Martin. SHE'S the one who encouraged and gave Alicia the confidence to "go for it," to seek her own happiness. And now because it's with Martin, all of a sudden she sneers that he can only compete with Sergio by seducing his low-esteem 50-year-old wife? Aren't psychiatrists/psychologists required to undergo therapy periodically? She needs help! That wasn't a brand new bottle of tequila she popped open - and she had already had a couple of shots before Martin and Sofia got home!


The recap will be up sometime tomorrow Sat.

SI NOS DEJAN #42 Part 1

I think I will always remember this novela as my guilty pleasure father summer of 2021.

Here we go . . .

Martín has come by to let Alicia know that Karina told him that Yuri has been arrested as an accomplice in Cholo Fuente's escape. Alicia cannot believe it! Eva doesn't miss the opportunity to come out and yell at Martín for coming over again. Alicia explains about Yuri being arrested and tells her to put a lid on it for now. Eva tells Alicia to call Sergio. HE is her father after all. This could end up in the press or on TV. Martín nods in agreement. (Yikes! Martín agreed with the old witch)

As they were snacking on some Pepsi and Lays potato chips (?) (What product placement!), Diablo tells Martín and Julieta that he can see how this particular report they are thinking about doing would address police corruption but he fears that the real reason for doing it is to stomp on Martín's reputation. Sergio asks"What reputation?" He is an opportunist. Diablo thinks it is sick that they would want to do a report on the killer of Martín's brother. Sergio just fired the guy. Julieta sees no problem but Sergio has to think about it.

Alicia calls Sergio and is met with "What do you want, Alicia?" as he answers the phone. (She should've hung up) She informs him about Yuri's arrest. She isn't telling him who her source was. She is going to the Ministerio Público. Sergio is on his way. When Sergio tells his colleagues what Yuri has been accused of, Julieta sees it as another reason to do the report.

Moisés is not a happy camper and asks Mujica if it isn't a little much to have arrested his Yuri. Mujica thinks it was a little much for Yuri to have met with a fugitive. Moisés reminds him that she said nothing to him. Mujica doesn't want to hear about any "technicalities" because someone warned Moisés just in time and whatever the case may be, Yuri has been arrested. Moisés reminds him that Cholo hasn't been convicted of anything yet so there is nothing to support any charges against Yuri. He emphasize that the only innocent one here is Yuri and his only interest is seeing his Yuri freed. Mujica asks him if he knows if Yuri is still his, turns and walks away.

Gutiérrez brings Yuri some food with some advice. It is good to have a full belly when you don't know what is going to happen to you next. (I say if someone else cooked the meal, you eat it but then again Yuri doesn't cook, does she? ) Yuri isn't talking in her holding cell.

Alicia is getting ready to leave so Eva takes that opportunity to tell Martín that taking care of Yuri is urgent but also important is what he is doing to her daughter which is really a low blow. She hopes Alicia recognizes her mistake and gets rid of him. Martín answers that they both want Aiicia to be happy but by different ways that only Alicia can choose. (that shut up the old biddy)


DEJAN Part 2

Alicia tells (a bratty) Miranda what is going on. A suddenly concerned Miranda wants to go with her but Alicia says it is better that she stay. Miranda concludes her mother would rather go with that guy rather than her own daughter. Alicia tries to explain that the the Ministerio Público is no place for her or her sister.

Karina asks Mujica what he is planning doing with Yuri and if it is a good idea to keep her locked up. Mujica says it is none of her concern and he is only interested in Cholo being captured. Mujica tells Gutiérrez to activate all available units. He asks Karina about Yuri's cellphone and if Nuñez found any thing on it. She says Nuñez went out to lunch. Mujica gets a call and tells Karina to go as he answers it. (Looks like Mujica is a hunter of all kinds of creatures with that stuffed blue marlin on the wall fo his office)

It is Toro on the line who wants to know if Mujica saw what Facundo told the press: Cholo is innocent and that the Ministerio Público is accusing him unjustly. Toro is starting to doubt Mujica's work and fears that Mujica doesn't have Facundo under control as he said he had. Toro is ready to get rid of Facundo once and for all. Mujica says that would just make Facundo's accusations appear to be true. He will take care of him. (Hmmmmm. . . )

Quique walks in on Toro frantically searching the drawers of a dresser. Toro says Quique has his gun. He has told Quique to return it to him every single day. If he doesn't, he will beat him into mincemeat. He pushes Quique to emphasize that point and leaves. (Looks like we have child abuse here on top of most probably spousal abuse)

Maruja doesn't know what Facundo was thinking in making that statement to the press. He says he was thinking about Simón while some poor devil is paying for a crime he didn't commit. Maruja wants to know how he can be so sure. Facundo says there is something very shady going on. He insists he knows what he is doing. Maruja thinks that Martín isn't going to like it one bit. Facundo asks her to let him deal with the consequences. He is Simón's father; not Martín. (So true)

While waiting for Alicia, Martín leaves another message for his father. He heard his presentation to the press and wants to talk to him. It is urgent!!



SpanProf: My hunch was right all along: Valentina is the biological daughter of Guillermo.


DEJAN Part 3

Alicia comes strolling out and doesn't know if it would be a good idea for Martín to drive her to the MInisterio Público with Sergio being there. Martín says Sergio is always going to be there since he is the father of her children. It is time that he start getting used to the fact that they are a couple. Martín plans on being there for all occasions good and bad. Alicia has to agree. As her therapist, he advises her to live this experience with intensity and love. She smiles and they leave. (He drives an old muscle car of some kind from the 60's, 70's??)

A desperate Gonzo is at school pumping Natalia for info on where Lorena went. She finally tells him that Lorena went to a town outside of the city: Tepoztlán. She only knows that she left this morning. Miranda calls him with the news about Yuri.

Karina manages to talk to Yuri alone. In tears, Yuri asks if Cholo has been arrested and is quickly relieved when Karina tells her that he managed to escape. Yuri starts to rave about his innocence when Karina tells her to lower her voice so as not to cast any doubts on Karina's loyalty to the police force. Yuri thanks Karina for saving his life. Karina needs the password for Yuri's phone so she can erase their earlier conversation to avoid her involvement. The password is "Great Expectations". Karina notices the untouched food and informs her that she will be worthless to her if she is weak. Yuri whines that she isn't hungry. Karina suggests that she start thinking about her fiancé Moisés who is moving heaven and earth to try to get her out. He must love her a lot. Does she love him? Yuri's silence tells Karina that there is more than her love of justice motivating her. Yuri asks if it is so apparent. Karina says that anyone can tell a mile away and that complicates things. She tells Yuri to eat and that she will be back. (I hope Yuri stops blubbering already)

Karina gets Nuñez the cop in charge of the evidence room to leave by telling him there are free donuts in the break room. She agrees to cover for him as he goes to get one and brings back coffee for both of them. Karina goes to the evidence box that has Yuri's phone. She deletes the incriminating call. (Food in a break room!!! Like bees to honey wherever you work!)

Martín and Alicia arrive at the Ministerio Públic where they are attended to by officer Chacón who just so happens to have been one of Captain (!) Facundo's coworkers that Martín knows. Martín explains they are there to see Mujica. The officer will see what he can do.

Sergio arrives in a huff wondering how Alicia can appear in public with that guy. (Alicia should have asked him in a nice and loud voice how he could appear in public with that whore, but I digress . . . ) Alicia tells him to use the experience of his age to concentrate on what is at hand. Alicia is only interested in the welfare of her daughter. Julieta chimes in with if they are talking about age, Alicia isn't making a very good judgment dependent on her, either. Martín backs up Alicia saying that the problem at hand is Yuri. Sergio informs him that he has nothing to do with what is going on. Yuri is important not him. Martín sarcastically comments they all know HOW important Sergio is. Alicia reminds Sergio they are divorced. Julieta looks surprised. Sergio tries to escape by saying he will find out what is going on. Martín says he has already asked a police officer to do him a favor and get some answers. Well, HE Sergio Carranza is not going to wait on any favor from any police officer!! (I would love to see him slip on a banana peel and fallon his butt at this point) Sergio and Julieta stalk off.


DEJAN Part 4

Gonzo goes home and Miranda brings him up to date on Yuri. They both don't get how Yuri could be arrested but Miranda is relieved that now she is not the only black sheep in the family. Miranda is done talking to him because of his secrets. She explains that his mother doesn't know that he is working at the bakery. She laughs saying there is a world of difference between being a doctor a baker. (Miranda seemed a little weird in his scene even for her)

Fedora is calling Alicia at home because she isn't answering her cellphone. She gets Gonzo on the phone. He tells her about Yuri. Of course, Samuel is lurking and overhears her talking. He asks if she was talking to that brat, yes or no?

Eva comes out wondering if Gonzo had heard something about Yuri. Gonzo says he was talking to Yuri. Eva just has to call her that "tramp". Eva goes on abut how she women do not know how to age with dignity. Gonzo thinks that Eva is filled with bitterness because every time she talks, she says something to hurt somebody. Eva doesn't get it, Fedora is the tramp who sleeps with half of Mexico but yet she is the bad guy. Eva adds that it wouldn't surprise her one bit if Gonzo himself were part of Fedora's collection. Furthermore, she blames Fedora for being a bad influence on Alicia mixing up her beliefs about things. She isn't a good friend for Alicia and Gonzo knows that. Gonzo doesn't know anything and he has had it with everyone in the house. he can't stand anyone. Eva calls him a "sensitive millennial." (Can't wait to see her when her $$$ is cut off)

Samuel is still waiting for the answer to his question and is getting angrier. He grabs Fedora and she finally explains how she called Alicia and Gonzo answered. He thinks that is exactly what she was hoping for calling "Alicia "at home. She says she doesn't understand his twisted mind. He slams her against the wall and he tells her the woman who will cheat on him has not been born yet. He doesn't think that she would like to be the first or see that precious little face of hers ruined. He kisses her over and over as she cringes.

Miranda finds Eva's collection of medications and after reading many labels, chooses one and takes a photo of its label. (?)

Moisés explains everything he knows to Sergio. He says that the police intercepted a phone call between Yuri and Cholo where they made plans to see each other today. Julieta says that proves she is an accomplice. Sergio insists that Yuri would never do anything like that. Moisés says that is exactly what he has been telling the police. Sergio tells him to do something. Yuri cannot spend the night in jail. (okay . . .)

Alicia is finishing up a call with Gonzo. She will keep him informed. She also asks him to keep an eye on Miranda for her. (Really?)

Karina comes into the waiting room and sees Martín and Alicia. It seems he had called her since they were so worried abut Yuri. She now understands why he called her. Karina says she is okay but is a little bewildered that she is under arrest. Alicia is overwhelmed and thinks it is impossible she would be an accomplice. Cholo is still on the loose ands she sees Yuri being used as the sacrificial lamb. Alicia has to sit down. Karina offer sot get her sone water. Alicia says her blood pressure must have fallen. Karina cannot resist and says given this situation at licia's age that would be understandable, right??? Martín says he will take care of the now sobbing Alicia. (Karina never disappoints. Ugh!)

DEJAN Part 5

Miranda is all alone is her room being harassed by a video call from Nicole. Miranda answers and asks what she wants. Nicole wants to tell her how things are so much better since she has been out of school. She shows her a six pack of beers and informs her how she and her novio Culebra are going to have their own private meeting. Miranda hangs up and throw the phone off of her bed.

Nicole and a friend are in Culebra's basement evidently waiting for the gamer guys to arrive. Nicole laughs about what an idiot "the strange one" is. Nicole's friend asks why she would tells Miranda what she did when Culebra isn't going out with her anymore. Nicole answers because she wants to and she can. She won't let Miranda celebrate her breakup with Culebra. The gamer guys arrive. Nicole asks if Culebra would like to share a beer with her. He says he can't. Nicole says she has to go to the bathroom since she has already had some beer. Culebra points to the bathroom. (Does Culebra have parents or was he hatched from an egg like culebras are?)

Miranda is angry with herself for answering the phone. She decides she has to find way disappear. She just wants to go away.

Julieta comes by to chat with Alicia congratulating her on her master stroke. Alicia says that divorcing Sergio was the best thing she ever did. Julieta says no, it is her getting Martín at her age. That is a real feat! Then to get him to believe that she is suffering because of her relationship with Sergio. Brilliant!!! Alicia gets up in her face her and tells her that if she is lucky enough to make it to her age and is even more lucky in dealing with a boring, unbearable, and ailing Sergio and finally decides to leave him, maybe she will find a younger man, too. Alicia has to hand it to Julieta for her perseverance in destroying her marriage. Alicia says she never could have destroyed it if it weren't already in tatters when she arrived on the scene. Sergio described Alicia as insipid, boring and only interested in the price of vegetable and that is not even addressing how boring things were in the bedroom. Alicia has to agree with Julieta on that one. Things were very boring in the bedroom but Julieta must known that better than her alone, right? Julieta says they are very creative . Alicia doesn't believe that because when she caught them in bed there was nothing creative going on. Julieta advises her to pay attention because the same thing is going to to happen with Martín as with Sergio because Alicia is boring and in the hot flashes of menopause. It might have lasted 30 years with Sergio but with Martín julieta is giving it three weeks. Alicia answers with "if your say so" and Martín arrives with some water.

Sergio has come to get Alicia to meet with Mujica. Julieta comes along as does Martín at the end of the line.

Sofïa has made a smiley waffle breakfast for Carlota to remind her that she has plenty o things to smile about. Carlota says this isnt' exactly a "light" breakfast. Sofï says she could gain a few pounds so she will be ready when her father isi done with that woman and comes home. Carlota has to explain to her one more time that he isn't coming back. He father is secure with where he is. They enjoy the breakfast anyway.



Jarifa , thank you for that detailed recap of all the drama unfolding .

I didn't notice much of a difference in Alicia's appearance after the "makeover" at the salon, but I did notice that she is dressing younger ...tight jeans and a cute striped top instead of her usual sophisticated ,tailored skirts and trousers .

This harping about Alicia's age is annoying . Mind you own business . I love whenever Alicia gives as good as she gets and delivers a zinger to Serg about his age. If Alicia is 50, do we know how old Serg is? I am quite sure that Evileva pushed and shoved Alicia into marrying Serg because Eva wanted to jump on that gravy train . woo woo

Fedora is sleeping with danger . So foolish in her glass house with her violent , young , demented , dangerous boy toy.

When you look at the three friends, you see three upper class women whose comfy lives have drastically changed . Alicia especially seemed to "have it all"... married to a wealthy , successful man ...three children..beautiful home with a full-time maid. Now, their nice lives are crumbling .

Is it just me , or are Jul's dresses getting tighter and shorter as her ego gets bigger and more repulsive ? I need her to pipe down and then eventually get a great, big , old anvil. ...other than Serg.

Meanwhile, Evileva is like an annoying gnat who just has to harangue everyone she corners about what they are doing wrong . Look in a mirror.

Karina is a good cop , but she has to wake up and accept the obvious fact that Martin is the ship that has sailed off with beautiful Alicia .


Oh my, I just read the part of the recap describing what Jul said to Alicia. What a truly awful, cruel person Jul is . Someone who takes such delight in using words to wound another must have some big problems herself. She is the grownup version of Nicole . Age is the theme of this show , and we are shown the progression of these types of women....Nicole becomes Jul who then becomes Eva. Sad people who live to hurt others.

DEJAN Part 6

Everyone has met in Mujica's office. Mujica cannot believe he has the national journalism winner in his office!! Sergio asks when his daughter will be released. Mujica doesn't know because there have been charges filed against her. Moisés says that is illegal because they have no evidence. Mujica says that the prosecutors office has the beginnings of a foundation for the case that she was in on the jail break. Alicia thinks thinks that the whole idea of her being involved in a jail break is absurd. Mujica says they will see what the investigation shows but in the meantime, Yuri will remain behind bars. Martín nicely asks Mujica if Alicia can see her daughter. Sergio complains they aren't there for visits. He wants Yuri out NOW. Mujica informs him that HE is the only one to raise a voice in HIS office. Moisés suggests to Sergio that he let him handle it. Mujica says the interrogation of Yuri will continue tomorrow as to why she never notified the police if she was in contact with Cholo. Martín thinks it must be for the same reason that his father made in his press presentation: maybe Cholo is wanted dead rather than arrested and alive. That comment finishes the visit. From now on, Mujica will only talk to Moisés, Yuri's lawyer. On the way, Sergio tells Mujica that this isn't ending here. As Moisés tries to escort him out, Sergio tells him NOT to touch him. They leave with a lingering look from Moisés and a smirk on Mujica's face. (Aside from being a crooked cop I am getting a real blue collar vs. white collar vibe of resentment from Mujica)

Nicole is all over Culebra but he is not having it. She decides to take a photo of al lof them together. Culebra turn away from the camera. The group complains so they take another photo with Culebra facing forward. Nicole makes sure her face is next to his and he puts on a fake smile. (WHY is Nicole there anyway if he broke up with her and he found her actions so disgusting???)

Gonzo tells his friend Susu that tomorrow no matter what is happening with Yuri, he is going to Tepoztlán to find Lorena. Susu says that is exactly what he should be doing rather than being involved with an older woman who has a real lout as a lover. He agrees and says got time off and is ready to go. No, he hasn't decide how he will find her with no address bu he will.(the optimism of youth!)

Fedora is on the bed texting as Samuel is watching her in his robe from the bathroom. He asks whose is texting with. She says Rebeca. He demands to see her phone. She balks but he forces her to hand it over. He warns her that she better not be in contact with the brat, because she will not like what happens. He proclaims that it is all good!

Karina brings Alicia to see Yuri. Alicia explains that Martín made it possible and that they are all moving heaven and earth to get her out ASAP. Yuri gets all excited she she hears that her father is there almost burning the place down to rescue his princess. Alicia asks her what was going on with Cholo. If she knew he was escapee, why was she meeting him? Yuri starts out by saying she cannot leave him all alone. She has her reasons and asks her mother to trust her. Alicia says no worries and that she can tell her when it is all over. She is going to be out of there very soon. ( Some how I don't think so)



Jarifa , I think that you are right about the blue collar vs white collar thing . We have an interesting triangle of power forming ...despicable, corrupt Mujica and Toro vs good cop Facunda and Martin on one side and strutting peacocks suits Serg and Moises on the other . ....all pushing for what they want . In the middle are innocent Cholo and not very smart Yuri. How did this girl get through law school ???? She seems like more like a teenager than Miranda.

The writers have crafted some interesting storylines revolving around age, male vs female , police corruption , social classes , marriage \divorce , mental and physical abuse. The writers have thrown a lot of stuff into the pot , and now they are stirring it up as it simmers and gets ready to boil over. It will be interesting to see how they wrap it all up and where each of these characters lands at the finale .

DEJAN Part 7

Alicia gives Yuri a blanket to wrap around herself to keep her warm.

Nicole texts the photo focusing on her and Cuebra's faces to Miranda. Miranda slams down the phone. She goes and finds the bottle of pills that she has now stashed in her clothes. It is evident that she has been cutting on her arms maybe even thinking about slitting her wrists. She takes out 5 or 6 of the pills and stares at them her hand.

Martín thanks Karina for allowing Alicia to see Yuri. Karina did it for Yuri because she is alone and afraid. Well, he thanks her anyway. She says she could get booted from the police department or from the profession. Then he'd have her around for more than 20 years. He laughs and says both he and Alicia would welcome her with open arms. She still doesn't understand how naturally he says "Alicia and I". and what he sees in Alicia. She only sees her age, wrinkles, weight and problems. None that fits with him. He thinks it all goes very well with him. She still doesn't get it

Sergio arrives at work and tells Diablo that he urgently needs for tonight the telephone number of Mujica's superior. Diablo says it is done. As they take their places on the set, Julieta asks Sergio why he didn't tell her about the divorce. He reminds her he has a child who was expelled for drug problems and another in jail. Is this any time for celebrations? Julieta says one is grateful for good news in the middle of a storm. She is only hoping he is as happy as she is with the divorce. it is for the good of all.

Rebeca and Fabián are all cozy in bed. She says this will be the fire time the ever watched the program together. They are justice a normal couple, he reminds her that they hate. She sees having him by her side as one advantage of her illness. He doesn't want to hear about it. Tomorrow they will have new results, test, etc. He is so happy be here with her on his own home. He has given sufficiently to the world of television.

Alicia comes home with Martín. She thanks him for his support, for everything. Because of him, she was able to see her daughter. He tells her it was nothing. he asks her to please go and rest and they hug. She asks how she can do that with Yuri in a cell. Martín says she will be fine and home soon. It is one big misunderstanding. Alicia warns him to be careful with Sergio. It doesn't matter if he is working with him or not. Alicia knows how he is and what he is capable of doing. The way Sergio looked at her and him, she knows he is planning something. Martín declares enough worries for one day. They kiss. She goes up to her room. (She didn't walk him to the door?? No, she didn't because we needed the next scene.)

Eva comes out with silent applause. Martín see the flowers he brought in a vase and says he is glad she liked them. Eva says she thought it was a sin to throw out fresh flowers and this house didn't need any more sins thanks to him and Alicia. He wishes hera good night. She wishes him the same in HIS OWN HOUSE!

Alicia checks with Gonzo upstairs. Alicia is going to check on Miranda. He says that Miranda is sleeping and doesn't want them to wake her up. He asks about Yuri. She says she saw her and how worried she is about her. Gonzo tells her "Tomorrow is another day". Everything will be fine. He tells her to go and rest. She does.


DEJAN Part 8

The next day, Sergio is on the phone talking to someone and demanding that his daughter be released and not caring how it is done. Julieta has surprise for Sergio. It is the front page of a newspaper that shows Martín and Alicia kissing in FULL color (that is pretty pricey, just saying) Above the photo it says "SCANDALOUS" in big red letters. Sergio is shocked and not happy as he asks Julieta "What is THIS?

It is breakfast time at Alicia's and Miranda dismissing from the table. Alicia asks Yaya to get her. Gonzo talks abut how stupid it is that the newspaper keeps being delivered to the house when Sergio was the only one who read it. Eva says she would read it , too. Alicia says that the privilege of a newspaper is going to end because she found out that she has no money. Her credit card was rejected at the supermarket. Sergio canceled all of her credit cards. Gonzo asks if he is crazy or what?? Alicia picks up the newspaper and sees the same photo that Sergio was just treated to. She shows Gonzo and Eva. Eva reads a headline that Sergio was betrayed by a trusted employee. (Uh, oh)

Yaya goes to get Miranda and finds her flung unconscious (or dead) on her bed.


DEJAN Part 8 first line

Correction: Miranda is MISSING from the table.



I've been following along, entranced...

Jarifa, you are sizzling hot today! “(Alicia should have asked him in a nice and loud voice how he could appear in public with that whore, but I digress . . . )” was one of many lines that had me smiling away.

An insightful, well written summary. Your care with these just shines. Excellent.

I appreciated your wry humor as the episode was intense. “(Looks like we have child abuse here on top of most probably spousal abuse)” was sobering. Toro is a remorseless, predatory killer. Along with “Mujica… a hunter of all kinds of creatures”, these two are cringeworthy and frightening. I agree with you and Susanlynn on the white vs. blue collar aspect evident throughout.

Nicole is a horrible human being. I’m pretty much done with Culebra. Rather than posing for pictures, he should have banned Nicole from their cozy little lair. Did he not realize what she was doing??? He is not clueless and is partly culpable for whatever happens to Miranda. As Carlos used to say, “Next”!

And weren’t we all cringing when Alicia walked right by Miranda’s room, allowing Gonzalo to lead her down the hallway??? She should have gone to check on Miranda immediately. Did she not think her youngest would be distraught and waiting for words of comfort?? Worse, where was Alicia's motherly instinct when she doesn't even check on her in the morning??? And the WORST, when Miranda doesn't appear at breakfast, she asks Yaya to get her? Sorry but Alicia stumbled, and stumbled badly.

I felt a bit of bile arising when Karina queried Yuri on her ”fiancé Moisés who is moving heaven and earth to try to get her out”. We now know he is jealous, vengeful, hateful and dishonest. His far from manly pride would not allow Yuri to leave him and he bears the brunt of responsibility for her present incarceration. And yet, he is surpassed by the horrid Samuel who continues to torture Fedora who amazingly continues to allow this to occur.

Yuri is lucky to have Karina on her side. OK so Karina isn’t all sweetness and light to Alicia, but she does have redeeming qualities and I think overall is a good and fair policewoman. Yet, “Yuri gets all excited she hears that her father is there almost burning the place down to rescue his princess” was absurd and sad.

Martín, far from being intimidated by Eva, seems to be handling her with little effort: “Martín answers that they both want Alicia to be happy but by different ways that only Alicia can choose”. Martin possesses relentlessness and an extremely high level of self-assurance. It is this combination of traits that led him to successfully pursue Alicia, wearing her resistance down astonishingly quickly.

Sofia preparing the smiling pancakes for her mother was a sweet gesture. Alicia has been a shock to both and while they haven’t handled the revelation graciously, I am hopeful once Sofia finally accepts the fact her parents won’t reconcile, she will be able to recapture the loving relationship she had with her father and that Carlota will be able to accept the situation in time.

I thought Martin was likely driving a Mustang (?)

“Sergio described Alicia as insipid, boring and only interested in the price of vegetable and that is not even addressing how boring things were in the bedroom”. Poetic justice would be Julieta and Sergio bound together for the remainder of their miserable lives.

No spoiler but am sure Miranda will be OK. Right???

Superb Jarifa, thank you, thank you.



Recap will be up later today.



TU AMOR. Claudio seems to be a bit more understanding with Val now that he's had that conversation with Guillermo. If Val and Helena had only stayed quiet for a minute or 2 more Rocio was about to tell them who was her ally at the taller (Leo of course). Btw, couldn't she be prosecuted for theft? Claudio should be on that. The frame process is well underway for Humberto and completed for Uriel. I too wonder what Leo has on him that he would agree to be the fall guy. I did notice that Leo paid him off. And I am assuming that Uriel's was the disguised voice on Majo's phone telling her that her fall was no accident. How long before both of those frames (of Humberto and Uriel) collapse?

TU AMOR. And how long before Consuelo finds a way to release the real video of Camila's conversation with Beba? Oh the suspense!

The car is a classic Ford Mustang, early 1960's model probably a first or second year model. Beautifully restored. His character in "Victoria" drove an Black MG convertible.


Thanks so much SpanProf. "The frame process is well underway for Humberto and completed for Uriel". Very well said. By failing to reveal what Leo could possibly have to blackmail Uriel, the writers have omitted a pivotal puzzle piece. I agree it was Uriel who warned Majo about the "accident".

It appears Camila is really getting to Claudio. Was she saying she wanted to be with him even if he marries Valentina?

SpanProf, are you saying that Consuelo was able to retrieve the video?? I thought she just took the sketches.

As much as I am enjoying this, I am missing out on so much dialog, I'm not able to follow along with what is actually transpiring.


TU AMOR. Thanks, Diana. I think Consuelo took something that was in a fairly large box, and I was just assuming it must be the videos. But possibly not. At any rate, Consuelo seemed pretty happy after her "raid" on Yolanda's office. I do think that Camila is at least somewhat willing to be Ricardo's mistress--the old "casa chica" story. I hope that doesn't happen.

TU AMOR. P.S. I don't know what I would do without the Spanish closed captioning when I watch on tv. Some words (and some voices) just fly right by me.


Ahhh, thanks SpanProf..I don't blame Consuelo for being happy about confiscating the goods from Yolanda. It's the only positive thing that's happened and although it's a sting rather than a wound, at least it's something.

Camila deserves more. I still have a bit of hope Camila will save Ricardo. He doesn't deserve her but if he is what she wants, more power to her.

Nora continues to disgust. And wait until Yolanda not only throws Leo over for Guillermo, but likely implicates him in some way. I cannot wait...



Next time Julieta snarks about Alicia and Martin and their age difference, Alicia should say, "Yeah, yeah, maybe in twenty years Martin might have to help me out a little with some personal things, but YOU will be changing diapers in about FIVE! And I don't mean a little baby's diapers!"

Embajador S2 #49 part 1

Sancar says Sahra will be gone from their lives soon. She won’t be able to hurt her anymore.

I think Nare is a little worried because she asks, did something happen to her? Sancar replies, I locked her up in a warehouse. Did she tell you that she was afraid of the darkness? Nare shakes her head no. Sancar is done gathering the wood and he smiles at Nare, let’s go back.

Yahya shows up at Dudu’s door. She asks, did you park far from here? Yahya assures her that nobody saw him. She asks him about Halise and he replies she’s doing better. There’s a knock on the door. It’s Gediz. What are you doing here?

Gediz says, I need to talk to you. About what? Gediz tells Yahya, I've been following you. Does Sancar have a warehouse that I don't know about? Yahya is puzzled, uh - why? Gediz informs him he captured someone I love. I must find her. I’ll give you what you ask for. Yahya won’t cooperate and replies, forgive me, but if he has her captive, she must have done something bad to my brother. I will never tell you. He shuts the door on Gediz.

Yahya says, did you hear that? How dare he ask such a question? I would never turn my brother over to the enemy for money. Obviously, Dudu says. Yahya decides to alert Sancar. Dudu asks, who did your brother capture? Yahya doesn’t know but he’s wondering, too, and he hopes it's nothing serious.

Sancar’s phone is off. Dudu says, if his phone is off, maybe something bad could have happened to him. Do you want to go to check the warehouse? [hmm… getting suspicious of Dudu?] Yahya asks, do you think I should? Dudu asks, is it far? If I were you, I would go myself or send a man there. He is your brother. What if he's in trouble? Where can he be? [like she gives a damn about Sancar]

Yahya thinks, which warehouse is Gediz looking for? Dudu asks, is there a warehouse that your brother does not own? Yahya has an idea, wait, maybe it could be that one in Sarujan. Gediz doesn't know it and it belongs to Kavruk. I'm going to ask Kavruk. Dudu says, great, do it. And send some guards. Meanwhile, I'll take a shower.

That snake, Dudu, heads into the bathroom and makes a call to Gediz, who is waiting for her call nearby. Dudu informs him, Kavruk has a warehouse in Sarujan village. Gediz replies, okay, tell your love, I thank him very much. Gediz takes off. Dudu starts texting someone else.

Yahya comes to the bathroom door. Dudu, my brother is not in trouble, he went to the shack. Dudu says, great, what happened? Who was the victim? Yahya still doesn’t know, Kavruk told me it's a secret, ask Sancar. But he reassured me, it’s not serious. Dudu replies, I’m glad it's nothing bad. I'll be out soon.

Dudu’s text was to Kman: “I know the location of the warehouse and I told Gediz. But I don't know if Sahra is there.”

Gediz arrives at the warehouse and hits the guard from behind with a 2 by 4. He notes, this is becoming a habit. He takes the key and opens the door. Sahra? He turns on the lights. We see Sahra huddled in a corner, crying. Gediz rushes to her, Sahra, I'm here. Look at me, calm down, Sahra. Open your eyes. She opens her eyes…Gediz?... She throws her arms around his neck. l'm here, he says, that's it, come on. Be calm. He lifts her up and she holds him tight, she’s still crying. He tells her we must go. Come.

Sancar has spent the night sitting by the door, while Nare and Melek slept on the mattress. Nare wakes and asks him, you couldn’t sleep? Sancar says, no. I thought about what will happen today. Nare gets up and sits next to him. What's going to happen, she asks? I should tell my family that the baby is gone. He worries, my mother is sick. I have to tell her very tactfully, but I must be the one to tell her.



Embajador S2 #49 part 2

Nare mentions, speaking of that, you and Ceylan should have a talk. Sancar says he will; she will be brought to the mansion. The main subject is Kahraman, he will tell the police about Akin's body. I will negotiate with him. Sancar smiles and says, let me take you home, Nare. Whatever it is, it will be. I can’t hide, it’s time to… he starts to get up, but Nare puts her hand on his leg.

Nare says, I wanted to talk to you about something. Sancar’s listening. She starts, these have been very difficult days….uh ... do you want us to stay with you in the mansion? Sancar’s face lights up, are you serious? Nare acknowledges. He asks for clarification, does it mean they are back together. Nare shakes her head no. That seems ok to Sancar.

He asks, will you put aside your wounds just to be with me? She gives a slight smile. From now on, he tells her, Menekse will be left behind. But the fact that she is not here does not mean that your wounds have healed, right? Nare replies, exactly, I need more time, but—Sancar asks, but what? Nare says, I think that if Melek and I stay with you, the wounds are not going to open, right? Big smile from Sancar, it’s impossible to ask you for anything more. I’m so happy. Nare smiles back, I'm going to wake up Melek, she will be very happy. Perfect, Sancar says.

Family of three enter the mansion and Sancar greets his mother, how are you? Melek hugs her grandmother with a get well wish. Halise is very happy to see her. Now that you are here, I will get better very soon, she says. Then she looks at Nare, well, that’s if someone doesn't take you away from me again. They could take you away from me at midnight.

Nare shares with Halise, we'll stay here for a few months. Halise is delighted, is that true? Nare nods. Feride pipes up, if you decided because Halise is not feeling well, stay calm. Death has already forgotten her. We hear laughter.

Nare gives Halise a get well wish. Halise replies, if you don't wear the ring, I'll never be okay. Elvan whispers to Gulsiye, she's obsessed. Halise won’t let go, when are you going to get married? Sancar steps in here and takes Halise’s hand, mother, stop thinking about the wedding. How do you feel? Gulsiye whispers, why did he ask that question? Halise complains, what a horror. None of my children care about me.

Sancar answers, [Turkish] isn’t it enough that we are still alive and healthy? Halise pauses her complaints, what do you mean, Sancar? Don’t talk like that. A great future awaits you all. Sancar asks Zehra, have you already given her medicine? Yes, she’s had all of them.

Sancar starts the difficult conversation, I want to tell you something but-- don't get upset. Halise starts to worry. What happened? What ? Tell me. Did something serious happen? He tells Halise, Menekse lost the baby months ago. She had a pillow on her belly. Halise is stunned. What? Feride feels vindicated, I knew it. I told you she was not pregnant.

Halise starts to sob. Sancar asks her to calm down. I'm already grieving the death of my son, I will not grieve yours. Halise hugs Sancar, my poor son. I'd gladly give my life for you. My poor grandson died, she cries, how awful. Sancar puts his arm out for Melek and she joins the hug. Kavruk comes in and gets Sancar’s attention. Sancar tells his mother, I have to go, okay? Halise hugs Melek and Sancar and Nare leave with Kavruk.

Ceylan and Necdet are waiting out on the porch. Sancar tells them they are here thanks to the fact that Nare intervened for both of them. He asks Necdet, why did you betray Menekse? Necdet answers because they lost control of themselves. They can't stop. I couldn't stop them.



Embajador S2 #49 part 3

Sancar turns to Ceylan, what did you come for? Ceylan answers, I want my baby to be safe and sound, that's all. When I knew they would separate us, and that they also separated you, I knew they were bad. Sancar responds, ah, you are the one who was going to give her son to Menekse, right? They are crazy and you are not? Nare puts her hand on Sancar to calm him. Sancar says, what? Weren’t you the one who gave Nare to Akin? And you would discard your son after having him in your belly?

Ceylan is silent for few seconds then says, forgive me, please. I understand, what I did was wrong. I am ashamed to say that I had no other choice. But if you don't forgive me, my son and I are going to be on the street. Sancar says, Kahraman will help you. Ceylan shoots back, never. I will not ask for his help. I'd rather be dead.

Sancar can’t believe it and asks, are you going to keep him away from his son? Ceylan says, Kahraman told me that if I got pregnant, he was going to send me back to the club. He hates my son. This has an effect on Sancar.

Ceylan addresses Nare, answer me, would you give that man your baby? Suppose I give it to him and he agrees but throws me out on the street. If I knew that he took good care of him, I wouldn't mind if I had to be away from my son. Wouldn't you accept that, too?
Ceylan starts to cry. I don't want Kahraman to take care of my son. I don't want him to look like that sick man. She looks at Sancar, I want my son to be a fair gentleman, like you. Nare looks at Sancar hoping he will do what’s right. Sancar’s face softens.

Celyan makes her plea, have mercy on me, don't ignore me. I beg you, Sancar, accept me. I will do any work. I can stay in any corner you give me. You won't even know when my child is born. You won’t hear his voice. We won't make any noise, you'll see. I will do my best to take care of my little one. I will never make him cry. I beg you, accept me. You have to protect me… Ceylan cries desperate tears. Everyone is moved, even Kavruk is teary.

Nare goes over to Ceylan. Okay, Ceylan, calm down, okay? If you keep crying, your baby will be sad. Sancar gets up and tells Celyan to stand. What for? Sancar tells her, I’m going to introduce you to everyone who lives in this house. Sancar smiles, you will stay here. Ceylan cries tears of relief and gratitude. Nare thanks Sancar. Sancar tells Ceylan, come. Necdet asks, Sancar, can I stay, too? Sancar turns to him and says, you lost your chance.

Ceylan enters the mansion and Sancar doesn’t give details, he just says Kman abandoned her and she will stay with us. Feride comments, she's expecting a baby. You can see it with the naked eye.

Halise questions this, Kahraman abandoned her, and we will accept? I won't allow it, she tells Sancar. This time Sancar pulls rank and says, mother, she is going to stay. Nare handles the introductions and places Ceylan under Elvan’s guidance.

Now that Ceylan is settled, Sancar tells Nare he’s going to Menekse. And Kahraman, she asks? Sancar says Kman is going to the olive grove and Gediz will be there, too. Gediz will bring the money and if Kman accepts the shares, I’ll get rid of the corpse. Sancar sighs, he just wants this over with and everything to be calm.

Nare says she will go with him. Sancar’s not keen on the idea. She tells him, our destiny is going to be written. That's why I want to accompany you. Sancar doesn’t bother to argue, yes, Nare, okay, let’s go. Like I can stop you… yes, let’s go.

Sahra has stayed in Gediz’ guest house. He’s with her in the bed. He is watching her sleep, she’s having a dream about her mother, stay, mother, care for me. it's very dark. He places his hand on her arm and says, I’ll take out the darkness, Sahra. She whimpers in her sleep, help… Gediz says softly, I’m here, the darkness is gone. She suddenly sits bolt upright and gasps, mother!



Embajador S2 #49 part 4

She turns to Gediz and puts her hand to his face. He says, why do you look surprised every time you see me? He wipes her tears. They lie back in bed, Gediz is holding her. She thanks him for saving her. Gediz replies, I was lucky I found you.

Sahra sits up and says, I wish I was the woman you loved. Gediz sits up and asks, what would happen next? She kisses him and says, I would stay with you. Gediz tells her, you must get out of here. What, she asks? Gediz reminds her, I am doomed, Sahra. You must leave.

Sahra tells him, I'm going to go when I see the corpse of my brother. Gediz asks, and you will follow the orders Kahraman gave you? Sahra replies, I don't like following that guy's orders and I hate leaving you in this difficult situation. She sighs, I'm going to make Nare and Sancar pay for their crimes. Gediz says, have you thought that maybe they already did?

Gediz says, sometimes it doesn't happen the way you want. And you think you've lost and that the others have obtained victory. I believed that Sancar always won and that I lost, but he also suffers. He has suffered all this time. Now he will not be able to meet his child.

Gediz continues, just yesterday I realized that… I chased a woman who doesn't love me. I thought she deserved another kind of man in her life and that's why I looked for her love. [so will Gediz get out of the frying pan with Nare and into the fire with Sahra?]

Sahra asks, what decision did you make? Gediz replies, none. I was chasing you, I did it all day and, unfortunately, it did not enlighten me. Sahra says, luckily you had no light when you rescued me. Gediz asks, you don't like the light? Sahra plants a little kiss on his lips and tells him, I like the dark and the bad Gediz, more. [Ugh, that loser?!] You don’t say, Gediz replies, I thought otherwise. I will love and chase you. Sahra says, I guess I’ll be a rebel and a millionaire, but-- if I was a good girl, would you love me?

Gediz says he will be honest with her. I’ll stop loving Nare someday. And then I can love you. Would you wait for me? Sahra sees this will be very difficult. It’s difficult for you to stop loving that woman. Gediz asks, can we try? Do you want us to? Meanwhile, I'll hold your hands in the dark. Sahra asks, do you really want to love me? Gediz honestly does.

Sahra asks, are we going to give ourselves a chance? Gediz thinks, if Kahraman and Sancar reconcile, and you behave well, maybe we could be together. It’s very complicated, but it can be done.

Sahra asks, what’s next? Gediz replies, eating with my family? Sahra jokes, don't you think that it is too early to eat with your family? Gediz laughs and says don’t panic, but I slept with you last night, I hugged you when you were screaming, and we kissed just now. Sahra laughs, aren't we going too fast?

Gediz says, let's keep it up. I'll go down before to tell them about you, then you come down and join us. After that, we will find a way so Sancar doesn’t find you. You will have to hide for a while, and you can return when it calms down. Or I can go with you. Okay, doctor? She agrees and gives him another quick kiss.

Gediz gives her back her phone. Sancar gave it to him. Sahra snarks, what a nice guy. This is all his fault. [Really, maybe someone should fill her in on her evil brother and the fact she’s not getting his money.] Gediz tells Sahra she can take a shower if she wants, and he heads off to his family.

Refika is texting with her secret admirer, Guven. Muge catches her but she’s more concerned right now with her brother’s situation. Gediz walks in and informs them of the guest in the guest house. He adds, in fact, you both already know her. But you don't know who she really is. It’s Sahra, she is Akin's sister. Muge and Refika are floored.



Embajador S2 #49 part 5

They cut a scene, Ceylan calls Sahra and apologizes for going to Sancar. Sahra understands and says no need, they didn’t even find out from you. Sahra looks sad but she said Ceylan did the right thing for her baby.

During the commercial break, Gediz tells his family the whole story. If Sancar, Kahraman and I reach an agreement, I will be able to start from scratch. Sahra and I will give each other a chance. And if it doesn’t work out, I want your blessing (he wants forgiveness— hakkını helal et), and if I can’t get it…

Sancar calls Gediz as he pulls up to Meanie’s house. I’ll see you at the olive grove, Kahraman will be there. Gediz says ok, I’ll bring the money. Sancar replies, by the way, I want the girl you saved yesterday. Gediz tells him to leave Sahra alone. Sahra overhears. I already gave her a punishment, he says, I was the one who got her involved, so I'll get her out, okay? Sahra walks away before Gediz notices her.

Atike sees that Sancar has arrived and she starts to panic. He will behead us. She asks Meanie to beg for their lives. A bang at the door. Atike coaches her daughter, you have to cry, kneel down, if necessary. Sancar pushes past Meanie, followed by Necdet and a lawyer.

Sancar announces, you have just in one hour to take your belongings and leave this place. What? Why? What are you talking about? You will leave town immediately, Sancar explains, my men will escort you to the outskirts of the city. He warns, if you come back in a day, or ten days, or ten years, while I'm still alive, I swear I'll get you out of here. So don't come back.

I don’t know if Meanie’s feeling brave or if it’s just her usual stupidity, but she mouths off to Sancar, do you want to exile me? What are we going to do in another city? Answer me. No money, no acquaintances, no work. Will we suffer while Nare and you are enjoying your great luxuries and beautiful life together? [this chick is lucky to be alive]

Sancar waits for Meanie’s fire to die out then asks, are you done? You left my son without a grave, he says with a controlled anger, and you wanted to kill Melek. You should have thought about it before. On his way out he adds, I will buy the house and the shares. The lawyer will take care of it. The Barnacle Family has been scraped off by Sancar. [or have they?]

Meeting at the olive grove office. Gediz drops the bag of money on the table and tells Kman, I hope it won't do you any good. Kman smiles, what a good wish. Sancar throws his shares on top of the bag and says, we will get rid of the body, I will destroy it. Is it a deal?

Kman says, what made you think I was going to accept the deal for your shares? Nervous looks between the ex-partners. Sancar says, that’s what you told Kavruk. Ah yes, Kman remembers, I think I proposed it to him, but I changed my mind. Why keep half when I can keep it all? Since I have Sancar eating out of my hand, why not benefit?

Sancar asks, what do you want? Kman replies, I will tell you. Unless you decide to hand over the entire company to me, I'll report where the body is.

And we are out.




Susanlynn, yes, Mujica really seems to be enjoying sticking it to big wig Sergio and making a point that HE is in control. Even though Mujica is a slum bag, I am so enjoying seeing him not allow another scumbag from the upper class to get his way.
ITA about Alicia’s appearance. That was another goof point that Eva could have been instrumental in Alicia marrying Sergio in the first place because of $$. I would love to know how they met, about their courtship, etc. Very interesting idea about the progression of women and what Nicole could become.

Diana, I am glad your enjoyed the recap. It was one of those days when I had the time to take a deep dive on the recap. The writers of these shows are so excellent it is pure pleasure dealing with what they have created. Yes, as usual, Alicia chose to act like a lady which I would warn her has not gotten her anywhere fast or slow. Yes, Carlos would have said “Next” but he probably would find something redeeming about Nicole for the future and especially about Karina. You know how he loved those bad girls. LOL. Alicia did fail on her mother duties since she already knows how fragile Miranda is no matter what she says. I wonder if Miranda took just enough pills to knock herself out but not kill herself since it looked like she took a photo of the label first. The cutting was ugly but she could have easily killed herself if she really wanted to. We cannot be accused of spoilers with this one because we are the first ones in the world to see this novela, so feel free to speculate away. You guessed Martin was driving a Mustang and SFChicaBonita agreed with you.

SFChicaBonita, thanks for the info on the car(s) Not being into cars, I would never had known. Somehow that car goes well with the Martín character. Maybe he is able to appreciate things and people of quality from all eras. LOL


Oh Jarifa, Carlos did love the bad girls and just as you noted, would gallantly come to their defense. One of his favorites was Laisha Wilkins who was the best at being bad!

Your sharp attention to detail was evident throughout.

I believe Miranda did seem to take "only" four or five pills out of vial (that we saw), so hopefully this was a cry for help rather than do herself serious harm. Miranda needs to be Alicia's top priority (with Yuri a close second). I'd say it would be nice if Martin would back off a bit but we know that will not be happening. It's up to her to put all her time and energy where it's needed most - her children.



I should have recognized Martin's car. Hub's first car was a white Mustang ...maybe 1968 or around then. He loved that car. In later years, he always said he was going to buy me a new Mustang , but we never did.

Jarifa , your comment about Martin having a penchant for the classic and vintage like the Mustang ...and Alicia ... gave me a giggle.

Our dear Carlos loved those bad girls. I always thought that he just liked to stir the pot with us ladies here on the patio by defending those troublemaker gals.


Dondi , thank you . I don't know how you keep turning out these detailed recaps. I always enjoy your side comments.

I goggled the lead actor Engin. Wow..I think he is most attractive with long shoulder length hair . And what a head of hair he has .. a very hairy guy. He has a great smile ,and when he smiles, his eyes smile.

I just do not understand the constant deals that go back and forth between Sancar, Gediz ,and creepy , little, angry troll Kman. This guy just keeps going .San shot him. Gediz bashed him on the head with a rock , but Kman is the man of steel or he has 9 lives like a cat.

Fickle Gediz who was obsessed with Nare now releases Sahra to cause more trouble for San . He "'might" be in love with crazy Dr. Sahra.

Did you notice that Nare has become a fashion influencer ? Muge and Sahra were both wearing high boots .

Meanie just cannot keep her mouth shut and gets all lippy with San. What's her next dumb move ?

Feride (FeRude ) was entitled to that " I told you so" about Meanie. Feride has a good eye as they say about baseball players , and she called out Meanie as soon as she saw those skinny ankles, but nobody would listen .


Nina, I believe it's been a few days since you posted...

Just hoping you are all right and looking forward to reading your wonderful comments whenever you are able to do so :)



Jarifa, simply amazing! Thank you! We are so fortunate when you have "... one of those days when I had the time to take a deep dive on the recap." Your sides were spot on! I am especially appreciative since I kinda dozed of and missed most of the second half, but it worked out fine because Ithink I enjoy the episode through your eyes rather than the acual episode.

I don't have much to add, but, Jarifa, your insight about the blue collar vs. white collar struggle is quite insightful. And Susanlynn's idea about "the progression of women and what Nicole could become." is indeed interesting.

Diana, I always enjoy reading your comments. I toothink that Alicia fell short on her instincs and she passed b Miranda's room. Shehas reason t be distracted, but knowing how volatile Miranda is, she should have at least peeked in.



dondi, I'm running late on chores but I want to thank you for your week's worthy of exceptional recaps. I was especially looking forward to reading the recap for the Wednesday episode...that was one helluvan episode (are the writer's rushing to finish??) and you relayed it with your usual exceptional flair. Thank you for all you do!


Thanks, Susanlynn. As always, I appreciate your comments.

I know, the business stuff can get confusing, especially when the translations are not precise. Right now, Kman is blackmailing Sancar and Gediz with prison if he doesn’t get complete control of Sadiclar. And he has Sahra under control because he witnessed Loki’s murder and has video.

I am ticked that no one tells Sahra her brother was a rapist. Really ticked at Gediz. I guess he doesn’t care that Sahra also wants revenge on Nare, the woman he supposedly loves. Just wait until Sahra finds out that Akin’s money is going to Nare.

Nare as fashion influencer is a scary thought, at least for me.

Feride is great and it’s too bad they’ve cut most of her hilarious scenes.

Rgv Chick, appreciate you checking in on a busy day. Not so much that the writers are rushing, but the editing makes it seem that way. There is a lot more to go in the dizi. I've heard that Uni will bring Embajador back at some point to finish the series. Esperando la tercera temporada / üçüncü sezonu bekliyorum.

Ah… Engin… with the mesmerizing eyes and smile. That long hair was from the Fatmagül days. That was the first Turkish dizi I watched, and I was immediately hooked on dizi and on Engin. I highly recommend watching it. I know UniMas aired it a short while ago. And I’ll mention it again, watch Black Money Love (Kara Para Aşk) on Netflix.



Dejan #42

Finally caught up. Jarifa, this was stellar! My fave: (Does Culebra have parents or was he hatched from an egg like culebras are?)

It truly disturbs me that in an era when people live longer and age more slowly than even two decades ago that so many people want to condemn Alicia to knitting in a rocking chair and force her to accept a cheating husband. Further, that the "other woman" is as cruel and declassee as Juleech is. Yes, I think her dresses are getting shorter and tighter with each episode. Is she the next Niurka?

Anon at @5:06PM, this was brilliant: Yeah, yeah, maybe in twenty years Martin might have to help me out a little with some personal things, but YOU will be changing diapers in about FIVE! And I don't mean a little baby's diapers!" The way SerJerk drinks that could happen even sooner.

Nor will Juleech want to be changing baby diapers, either. She would delegate that to a nanny and ignore the baby.

Miranda is crying out for help and I don't think she is truly suicidal. However, I think she should fake her death just to provoke what's left of Nicole's mask to fall. I now agree that Culebra should know better and not be hanging out with that crowd. He is unworthy of Miranda.

How old is Yuri supposed to be? Did they ever actually tell us? Remember that law school is undergrad in Mexico and requires a 5-year program. It's not three years after getting your BA.

Martin isn't letting anything get him down. I like that. But we didn't see Nelson today.:(

I hope that the female viewers in Mexico are as outraged as we are about the age slurs.


Alicia's world is rapidly crumbling .Her three children all have issues,and no matter how old your children are, you never stop worrying about them and trying to help them. Her two best friends are also having their own problems . Meanwhile, Eva is pressuring her to stay with Serg , and we viewers know her nagging and badgering is for strictly selfish purposes to save Eva's source of money to support her gambling habit. UFf No wonder Alicia is drawn to the one person who is supportive and protective of her...the determined, laidback, eternal optimist Martin who seems to ride with the tide and go with the flow in his classic car .

It will be interesting to see how the writers deal with all these characters . I dont think we are going to see too many happy endings , but I hope we get a few. Reality is grim enough . We need some happiness at the finale .


OT...Dondi , I watched the first episode of "Black Money Love " on Netflix. WOW! I had to make myself stop after the first episode . I think others here at caray recommended it when we were watching the remake in Spanish . I noticed that the actor playing Azat in "Hercai "is in at as the bff of the leading man Egin . I like the longer hair on Egin . Excellent acting . Anxious to see how the story unfolds . I imagine it will be different from the remake .


Anon, 5:06, yes! Excellent comment about diapers. Julieta has NO idea what she could be in for .

RgvChick, thanks. I have dozed off more than once during this novela. A peril of getting up way too early. Glad the recap could be useful. This may be a drama but it is giving is a lot of fun this summer.

Urban, thanks. Your “ Is she the next Niurka?” has me wondering. . . .LOL Thanks for the info on legal education in Mexico. As for Yuri’s age, she had been going out with Moisés for ten years and seems to have been working at the firm for a while. 28 on the high end? Maybe?

Susanlynn, if nothing else, I want a happy ending for Alicia.

OMG. That’s an amazing piece of information!!
“Esperando la tercera temporada / üçüncü sezonu bekliyorum.”
I would be so thrilled. Is it really possible, DONDI?



These people are brutal. And carlotta is being really bitchy. I saw that coming.
Bit I think will over come it all.
After the storm.
That song title is perfect. It fits
Alicia n martin. Boy are they gonna
Have to fight for it.
Serjerkass is the the stuff that's under the slim at the bottom of the barrel. He will deserve all of the
Wrecking balls that's coming his way. Anvils are waaaaaay to good for this bitch eater.

I kinda figured it would be that horrible alzheimers. That sucks.

I think its it's very unfortunate that alicia most likely get blamed for all the ills of the world by
That jerkass she thought was a man
When she married it.
I think when ali n Marty hit rock bottom up will be their destination
Itll just take awhile to get there.
Until then they get to suffer at the mercy of bgg these vultures. It
Is heartbreaking that most of them are family that will cause the suffering, just cuz they want a life together. And the age is not
Jiving with there muddled thinking
Came up with the storyline anyway this is 2021 nobody gives a flip about age at least most people don't. At least it'll have a happy ending. I hope.

Thank you RgvChick.

Dondi- Gee. Thank you soooooo much for clearing up exactly who was planning what! “. It was getting so confusing and its no fun watching when you get to a certain level of confusion !!!

DONDI wrote: Kman is blackmailing Sancar and Gediz with prison if he doesn’t get complete control of Sadiclar. And he has Sahra under control because he witnessed Loki’s murder and has video. “

Gediz’ current protection or perhaps love of Sara (?) only adds to the confusion. Gediz is a very strange character.


AMOT, “Gediz is a strange character.” Yes. He’s not truly evil, but I think he’s a spoiled rich kid. He’s very jealous of Sancar. Gediz is nothing without Sancar, just style without substance.

About the return of Embajador: a post on twitter copied Univisionnow responding to a fan that they would air the rest of the episodes. But there were no other details. I really hope they finish.


Susanlynn, glad you liked the first ep of KPA. Yes, “Azat” is in this one and he’s a good guy here, too. I didn’t watch Imperio, but I read some of the recaps and comments. I saw you all had a snarky good time with it. There may be similarities, but I think you will like the original better. I’ll be here if you have any questions or comments!




Thanks, Dondi. I couldn't make it without you. Yay, Menenske is getting just what she deserves. I want to see Halise take a shot at her though. Sancar is too civil for me on this one.

I came in to Embajador a bit after it started and found this blog even later. I'm looking forward to following a new one from the beginning with you all--this platform has been so helpful and I enjoy and appreciate both the recaps and comments. Mil gracias!

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