Monday, April 04, 2022

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2, Pasión de Gavilanes, y más: Week of April 4, 2022

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • 9-10PM -  Hercai: Amor y Venganza 2
  • 10-11PM - Pasión de Gavilanes

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #93
Part 1 of 4

Just as Azra is about to speak, Miran’s phone rings, it is Firat who would like to meet with him as soon as possible, it is important. Miran agrees to meet him. Turning back to Azar, he asks, what is it that you needed to tell me? Azra has changed her mind, it is nothing, it can wait, she says. Miran head off to meet with Firat.

Zehra is angsting (not sure if that is even a word) in her bedroom, determined to find a way to help Reyyan. Hazar comes in and see her face. He wants to know what is going on. She says there is something she has wanted to talk to him about for a while, but doesn’t know where to start. Is it about us? No, it is about Reyyan. What is wrong with Reyyan? Is it bad? Tell me!

Down in the Sad courtyard, Mr. Bad Toupee (thank you novelera) arrives because Handan wanted to talk to him. He is annoyed with her, Halef arrives and tells Cihan that the men have found Azat and Gonul. They have a plane ticket heading to Ankara that night. Cihan orders him to ensure the men keep Azat in their sights. He tries to leave but Handan holds him back saying, Leave Azat and Gonul alone, they will go wherever they want and you are going to let them.

Just at Zehra starts to tell Hazar about Reyyan, she is interrupted by the yelling match between Cihan and Handan in the courtyard. Hazar basically does a “hold that thought” and runs out to see what is causing the commotion. Hazar and Nasuh eavesdrop from different levels of the balcony as Handan shows Cihan the letter from Azat. She tells him if he keeps insisting that Azat return, they will lose their son forever. For once, listen to the voice of your child and not your anger.

Cihan reads the letter (I don’t have time to translate word for word). Basically, Azat tells his father that he is doing what is right for his life and he is going to take Gonul by the hand and lead that life. He wished that he could have said things in person and get his parents blessing, but Cihan did not allow that to occur. He would like to return home one day soon, but only when they accept him and Gonul with open arms. Azat is sad that he has to leave his mother who spent her whole life caring for her children, it pains him to think if the tears that dropped onto this letter from her eyes. Cihan is so overcome with emotion and realization he drops down onto the flowerbed.

At the Hopeless kitchen, Azra’s snack and cell surfing is interrupted by the conniving Dilsah. She has a favor to ask. Dilsah wants Azra and Miran to meet with her that night after Reyyan has gone to sleep. Azra is fine with that as long as it is okay with Miran. Dilsah says not to worry, she will get Miran to agree. (This cannot be good).

At a restaurant with beautiful stained-glass windows, Firat welcomes Miran. Miran doesn’t really even say hello, he just arrogantly jumps right in and tells Firat off regarding the business decision he is making. The look on Firat’s crestfallen face is very evident. Miran can’t even be nice for a minute so Firat can ask him to be his best man at his wedding. Instead, Firat apologizes for what happened at the company HQ earlier in the day. He goes on to say that he is not trying to backstab or get in Miran’s way. Miran says all he wants to do is spend time with Reyyan and Umut. As a brother to Firat, he has to be able to say these harsh things. There is uncomfortable silence from Firat.



Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #91
Part 2 of 4

Back at the Sad courtyard, Cihan is still sitting on the rosebushes when he gets a call from Halef or one of the goons following Azat, they need instructions now or else they will lose Azat in the big city. Cihan calls them off. Handan, Nasuh and Hazar look relived. Well at least Handan does. Cihan cries and then pouts off to his room.

Hazar goes back into the bedroom with Zehra and tells her that they found Azat but Cihan is letting him be. He asks again what is going on with Reyyan. It appears that Zehra has had a change of heart. She tells him that he is being too hard on Reyyan and it is breaking her heart. Don’t do or say things you might regret, she tells him, remembering Reyyan’s words about killing herself if Umut is killed. What are you talking about? What greater regret is there than breaking the heart of someone you love, she says, leaving the room.

Azize shows up at the Sad konak just as Azar exits the Hopeless one. Azra demands to know why Azize has kept hidden that Fusun poisoned Reyyan, killing one baby and it was Azize who saved the second. Azize does not want to have this conversation outside and rightfully so, as both Cihan and Zehra have managed to exit rooms that have a perfect sound effect vantage point to hear this whole conversation.

Azize tells Azra that she never said anything to Miran because she didn’t want him to became a murderer. Azra cannot believe the evil depths her mother has gone for revenge and she plans to hold her accountable. Azize begs her not to do or say anything that will put Miran at risk. Azra says she will think about it and heads back into the konak. Turning, Azize sees Zehra and realizes she overheard the whole conversation. Cihan’s hamsters start turning his brain wheel, as he digests what he just overheard as well. He vows to use this information to get even.

While Handan is drinking some water in the kitchen, she sees an angry Zehra come in, grab a large knife and head out. Azize also sees Zehra who manages to stop one of the drivers and gets him to drive off to the Aslanbey konak. Azize and Mahmut follow. Somehow, Zehra driver manages to avoid Mahmut’s pit maneuvers and bullies her way past all the guards at the Aslanbey front gate. She demands to see Fusun, screaming at the top of her lungs, she demands Fusun meet her in the middle of the courtyard. The Z and Fu rumble is on!

Fu strolls down the staircase telling Zehra to stop yelling and is immediately woman handled by Zehra who puts that large (hopefully VERY sharp) knife to her throat. You did it! You killed my grandchild, says Zehra. Fu tells everyone gathered in the patio to leave her to talk with Zehra. You do know that slicing a person isn’t like slicing bread right Zehra? Fu is cool as a cucumber. Pressing the knife harder against Fu’s neck, Zehra says, what does poisoning a pregnant woman look like? What is it like to kill a baby while in the mother’s womb?

Drawing blood, Zehra continues her rage and tells Fu that she will now die for killing Reyyan. Her attempt to slice open Fu is interrupted by the arrival of Azize who tells Zehra to drop the knife and not become a murderer. Azize tells Zehra that she understands her rage more than anybody. She has spent her whole life seeking revenge and now her family won’t even look at her. By evoking Zehra’s children and the grandchild to come, Azize manages to get her to drop the knife. Fu covers the cut on her neck. Azize gives Fu an “I will be back look” and follows Zehra out of the courtyard.


Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #91
Part 3 of 4

Yaren has been watching the whole scene and immediately pulls out her phone to gossip with Handan. Fu sees this and threatens her not to share what she just witnessed with anyone. She demands Yaren give up her phone and get to her room. Fu stomps her cane and sits in frustration. (Yep, pretty bad when the housewife Zehra gets the best of you!).

Zehra walks zombie like back into the Sad casa. Of course, Handan sees her state and watches, saying nothing.

Fu sits arms crossed in her bedroom, lamenting. This is not good Fusun, she tells herself. Azize kept quiet for her own interests and Reyyan kept quiet to keep the peace. But Zehra, what if she tells Azra? You will lose your own daughter just when you finally found her. How, how do I fix this? I need an ally inside the Sadoglu family. Cihan is my best bet. I have to convince him I am not a friend, but I am not an enemy either. What to do? What to do? She ponders out loud.

Azize and Nasuh talk outside the Sad konak. Azize is afraid that Fusun will do something to hurt their family. She tells him they need to beef up protection. He tells her not to worry, they are a family now and no one will hurt them. Azize says she wishes they really were a family, but Hazar will never accept her. Hazar appears from a balcony overlooking the alleyway and listens to their conversation. Nasuh tells her that Hazar will end up accepting her just as Miran brought her back and Reyyan called her grandma Ayse. Hazar does not look as convinced as he head upstairs to the bedroom.

He hears Zehra praying out loud for God to give her patience to deal with everything and to forgive Reyyan for what she is doing. Hazar comes in and asks her if she is scared? Don’t worry, he tells her, Reyyan is strong. This is birth, not death that we are talking about here. Hazar holds her as she cries.

Reyyan is resting as Miran returns home for the day. He has missed her a lot. Looking serious, she tells him there is something they need to discuss, he of course interrupts her saying he has a surprise first. Have Ayise pack your bags, we leave on our honeymoon tomorrow. We are going? Yes, you me and Umut will spend a few dreamy days away from everyone. Of course, we might have to close Umut’s eyes a few times, he continues playfully.

Umut decides to give Reyyan a few kicks and excitedly Miran places his head and hand to feel the living child in her body. He marvels at the miracle of it all. He is of course jealous that he won’t be able to have the same connection she has with Umut until he is born. Reyyan listens wistfully, the moment gone to share her grave issues.

The next morning, Reyyan awakens to a dressed Miran gazing at her. He shares that watching her sleep is his favorite pass time. It sounds like he does this a lot. He is very grateful to have such beauty to wake up to every morning for the rest of his life. Reyyan gets melancholy for a few seconds, but they continue the sappy banter. Reyyan says she needs to get up and dressed so they aren’t waiting on her for breakfast. Miran tells her to stop by Umut’s room first before heading down to the kitchen. When he leaves, she looks at her calendar. Miran’s birthday is three months away, just about the time Umut will be born.

We cut to Azra and Miran who have decorated Umut’s room and are waiting anxiously for Reyyan to see it. Walking to the room, Rey sees Azra and Miran laughing through the curtains. She walks into the baby room.


Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #91
Part 4 of 4

Do you like it? says Miran. We wanted to surprise you, adds Azra, we worked all night to get it ready for you. Actually, it was mother Dilsah’s idea to make up the room for you, Azra continues. Dilsah, you say? Asks Reyyan. In walks Dilsah, all sweetness and light. Oh yes Reyyan, I wanted to surprise you as well as apologize.

Miran and Azra worked all night to put the room together. Somehow Reyyan manages to keep it together saying she had hoped the she and Miran would be the ones putting everything in the room. Don’t take it personally, she tells Azra, I just wanted that time with my baby’s father. Miran immediately knows he screwed up big time and offers to take everything down and start again with Reyyan. She is remains gracious and tells Miran and Azra to go down to breakfast, she and mother Dilsah will be down shortly.

Reyyan closes the door and tells Dilsah, so you are not going to give up on this are you? Well neither am I. I will fight for my child and for Miran. I will tell him everything. We have fought through a lot to get here and I am not stopping now. Dilsah isn’t so sure and continue with her AzMir (thank you dondi356) hope. Reyyan makes it even more clear to her loca mother in law, I will tell Miran everything. When he finds out what you are planning, he will distance himself from you, put you in the manicomio or out on the street. With that, Reyyan heads down to breakfast.

At the breakfast table, Miran is kicking himself for being so clueless, Azra feels pretty as well. Reyyan strolls in all smiles while Dilsah looks like a stress stick. Reyyan assures Miran with a smile that she is not angry. He announces to all that he and Rey are going on a trip. Just then his phone rings and it is Hazar asking if he is going to the factory? No, says Miran, we are going on a trip. Hazar says it can wait and to enjoy their trip.

Reyyan announces that Miran can indeed go see Hazar because Dilsah had yet another brilliant idea. She thinks that Reyyan should not be traveling in her difficult pregnancy and has offered to take Good Grannie and Azra to the village house for a few days. (Well played Reyyan). Isn’t that right mother Dilsah? The stunned Dilsah responds, yes. GG is excited to go as is Azra. So, we won’t go on a honeymoon, says Miran, but it will come to us!

Cihan and Halef are driving. Cihan tells Halef to have two or three good men watch over Azat. One day he will come back. In the meantime, he plans to have patience and make sure Miran and Fusun end each other while he sits by and watches.

Reyyan is out in the patio getting some fresh air. Azra comes down and joins her. She encourages Rey to tell Miran the truth he deserves to know what she is dealing with. Rey says that she will tell him, but not yet. She is scared. Azra marvels at their great love story and as Dilsah listens, Azra says that because of ReyMir she now believes in love and would love to find someone like Miran to love her back. The episode ends on Reyyan’s “not in a million years” face.



Thanks very much, VVS, for this excellent recap. Alas, between all the things that almost happened but didn't and all the sappy ReyMir scenes, I can't help but feel that the episode didn't deserve your superb recap skills.

I just knew that something would prevent Azra from telling Miran about Reyyan's condition. Doubly frustrating, it was a call from Firat, and when Miran goes to see about the urgent matter Firat mentioned, Miran immediately starts in again about Firat's being wrong about the business, and so Firat never does ask Miran to be his best man.

Zehra too almost tells Hazar about Reyyan, but they're interrupted by the shouting between Handan and Cihan, and so Zehra's revelation, too, bites the dust.

I was surprised and pleased at Reyyan's managing to get Dilsah away for at least a few days. But what Azra intends as kind and admiring words about ReyMir inadvertently spoil Reyyan's feeling of triumph. Oh well.

I wish Azize hadn't talked Zehra out of slitting Fusun's throat. However, I don't insist on violence. I'd be just as happy if Fusun would drop dead or be killed in a car accident or fall off the Aslanbey balcony. Anything that would help bring this dizi to its long overdue end.


Good morning Juanita. I always appreciate your early morning comments. This episode really did go round and round the same plot issues.

I was particularly frustrated with Miran who just treats Firat as an afterthought. Firat deserves a better “brother.”

If Azize is going to keep stopping everyone from offing Fu, then she needs to do something to help that process along and fast.

I thought I saw an announcement for a new novela starting in May. I wonder if that is the replacement for Hercai? We are about ¾ of the way through Turkish episode 64. So maybe 14 to 16 more Telemundo episodes? It sure better be worth it!



Thanks for another fabulously well written recap, VVS!

Angsting is in the dictionary and it’s a great description for Zehra. I LOL’d when she stormed the Aslanbey konak and held a knife to Fusun’s throat. That was fun.

Miran is a clueless jerk. His disrespect for Firat is maddening. Dilsah suckered him. What made him buy into the idea of preparing Umut’s room without Reyyan?

Cihan is graciously letting Azat go. About time. I expect his plans for Miran and Fusun to backfire on him big time.

I saw the promo for the new TN in May. It’s a remake but I haven’t seen the original. Interesting cast, including Carmen Villalobos, Fabián Ríos, Gregorio Pernía. Looks like we moved the “Sin Seños” barrio to the big city.

I’m heading off and I’ll be traveling over the next two weeks. I don’t know if I’ll have Telemundo wherever I go or if I will even have internet access at times. Peacock can be unreliable. I’ll keep you informed about my Friday recap. If I can do it, it might only be a quickie.



Safe travels dondi356! I hope you are going somewhere fun!

I am also glad that Cihan let Azat lead his life. His anger is going to backfire for sure at some point. Hopefully he and Fusun go down at the same time.

I will do my best to put up a recap on Wednesday as I know that Nett is out this week as well.

Thanks for the back story on the upcoming novela. Not sure I will watch but we will see.


I will post yesterday's recap in ~2 hours.


In Kurulus Osman , the actress playing Fu has to deal with the Mongol hordes. I think Supermom Zebra defending her daughter looked even fiercer.



Zehra did look pretty fierce last night Susanlynn! Fu keeps getting knocked and knifed around but does not seem in the least bit fazed!

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 35, Lunes, April 4 2020 - Parte 1

1. Keep in mind that I'm using YouTube subtitles, which aren't the most accurate. I also used my logic and my (bad) Spanish to understand this.
2. Feel free to add to this recap!

We left off episode 34 with Adán, who is creepily watching Norma. Norma had seen/felt someone was there.

Adán comes out of the trees and Norma asks him what he's doing there and why he's hiding. He says that his duty is to take care of the lonely hours or something along the lines of that, I think. He then tells her that she must be feeling bad about with what's happening with her husband.

Juan is working on his laptop. He has a conversation with an employee of the house (I don't know her name). Juan now lives at the room that was Don Martín's. When the employee leaves, he looks at pictures of him and Norma.

Norma tells Adán that nothing is going on with her husband. Adán tells her that he knows that it's not true, he was the one who assisted Rosario after the confrontation with Juan. He says that he's willing to do whatever she wants. Norma tells him to stop interfering with her personal life. The talk a bit more (I didn't understand full sentences, just a few words. Subtitles didn't help) and Adán repeats that he can do whatever she wants. He then leaves.

Juan calls Martín and asks how Norma is doing. Martín says that she's very sad. Juan tells him that he understands that she needs time and hopes she feels better. He hangs up.

Muriel and JD are talking on the phone. Muriel says that she's sorry his parents broke up and sad because her mom's involved. JD tells her that they'll soon be back together. Both Muriel and JD say that they miss each other. Juan David asks her if she talked with Rosario. Muriel tells him that she did, but did not discuss the subject in depth. One of the twins (I can't tell them apart yet) tells JD to come to their table and JD closes the phone.

Érik or León tells JD that they were (?) with "the best rider" and Cevila (so I assume it's Érik at this point lol). JD does a handshake-thing with Albín and tells the twins that he's incredible and not even his father would have done it as well as him. Albín says that Juan is an excellent rider and he hopes he was up to take his place (at least that's what the subtitles said). Now, for real, something is seriously wrong with the subtitles. The actors are talking but there are NO subtitles! Anyway, Albín says that he and Norma don't have fun anymore. They all drink.

Jimena sees some flowers on the table. Bertha, I think, tells Jimena than Duvan left them there. Jimena didn't expect that. When Bertha leaves, Óscar tells her that Norma and Juan fought and separated. He wonders what they can do to help and Jimena tells him that it's difficult to help on that subject. Óscar wants to talk to "grumpy" Juan, but is afraid that he'll hit him, lol. They talk a bit more and they kiss.

It's the next day. Adán is annoyed because Norma rejected him. His friend or whatever he is tells him to stop having illusions. How does he know that Norma and Juan are separated? (Adán's friend asks him). Adán says that she found him raping Rosario Montes (bruh. Okay, what? He kissed her, he didn't rape her. Adán should calm down). He says that she won't forgive Juan and that she needs a true "macho". Yuck! His friend tells him that Norma is a respectable lady (why is this guy hanging out with Adán, again?). Adán says that all woman are the same when it come to sex (sexist pig) and that he's not going to rest until he has her.

Romina is climbing down (I don't know how to explain this) some rocks, goes to a wall of a house and looks around her. She seems rather serious.

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 35, Lunes, April 4, 2022 - Parte 2

In part 1, I meant 2022, not 2020!

Madrina sees Duvan studying for an exam and asks him where Romina is. Duvan says that she's not here and asks Madrina how she's doing with her witchcraft! XD Madrina doesn't like this. She asks Duvan about Romina AGAIN and he tells her that she must be close because the car didn't move. Madrina suspects that Romina is in the woods.

Speaking of the devil, Romina is carefully watching Bertha get into her car and leave the Jimena-Óscar household. She runs to the house, which has creepy sculptures outside. She searches in her backpack's pocket and finds the keys she made Duvan steal. She opens the door and looks inside.

Romina gets inside, throws a picture of Jimena and Óscar on the floor and sits at the couch like she owns the place.

Norma and her sisters (that's a cool band name, btw) are taking a walk. She says they can't help her, but Sarita says that they can help her see things in a different way. Sarita doesn't think Juan has anything going on with Rosi. Norma tells them that she's not like this for Juan, but for Juan David. She knows Rosi is always looking for him and she says that problems are bigger now that she arrived at their hacienda. Jimena defends Juan by saying that Rosi must have insulted him or hit him and he just responded. Sarita says that she doesn't think so, it's not the way in which he would have responded. Norma says that Juan was out of his mind. Her sisters try to make her feel better by defending Juan (I don't know if that will help, but okay.) They say that he probably figured what was going on with Rosi and JD. Norma tells them that it's like Juan doesn't trust her. She won't rest until she finds what's going on with him.

Romina gets up from the couch and starts to walk around the house. Bertha is talking on the phone with Jimena and tells her that she will go back at home. She closes the phone. Romina opens a door and does the classical smelling-the-man's-shirt that telenovela women do. She then proceeds to rip one of Jimena's dresses (no logic). She goes to the bedroom, grabs a bottle out of her backpack and starts spraying the bed (WTH) AND the wall for good measure. She tries to unlock a cupboard.

Sarita tells her children that she's nervous about what happened with Norma and Juan. Gaby asks her why they fought. Sarita tells the reason is Rosario Montes. She tells them what happened (well, not exactly what happened, she says that "Juan reacted violently towards her", not "Juan kissed her") and says that Rosi hasn't changed at all (that's what I said a (few) day(s) ago!). Sarita's upset that Rosi came back. Andrés says that it's a difficult subject and Sarita tells him to quit working for her (I was expecting that). Andrés says that this is personal. He also says that he did see something about Rosario but chose to remain silent (nobody asked him what he saw, why?). He tells them that he's not interested in Rosario's personal life, she's his boss. Gaby tells them to stop fighting. Andrés leaves. Gaby tells Sarita that she has her own problems. "Nino y su familia", Sarita says. Gaby says yes, Nino and his family. Sarita asks her what's happening with the guy that's chasing her. Gaby hasn't seen him recently.

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 35, Lunes, April 4, 2022 - Parte 3

Look who's here! Demetrio! His friend/whatever informs him about Gaby and that she hasn't told the police anything. Demetrio says that Gaby looks fragile but has a temperament. The other guy tells him that he must be very interested in her. Demetrio says that Gaby is special. He tells the other guy (Román, if anyone cares, which I doubt) that he wants yo get out of there. (Dem's wound/scratch is healing btw.) Román doesn't think that's a good idea. Everyone thinks he's far away. He thinks he should wait a bit more. Dem tells him not to put himself in his place.

Romina is still trying to open the cupboard, when Bertha comes. She manages to hide seconds before Bertha saw her. Romina tries to leave the house.

Madrina is smoking tobacco amd it talking to herself about Romina, says that she's getting into things that she shouldn't, while they show us Romina running. Duvan asks Madrina what she's doing and she actually tells him she's smoking tobacco and _________ mysteries (subtitles said "giving", which doesn't make a lot of sense). She's looking at the cigarette and "sees" Romina running away. Madrina says that she should be careful. Duvan just doesn't seem to care. (This kid is so cute!)

Bertha sees the thrown picture on the floor and asks if anybody is there (why does everyone ask this stupid question?). Romina is still running.

Bertha fixes the picture and looks outside, but sees no one. Romina is STILL running.

Now we're at Bar Alcala. Rosi is performing. Ghoulish Gunther tells Muriel, who's reading, that Rosario is a true artist. Muriel admits that her mom's got talent. GG says that Rosi's passion made her leave everything, including Muriel, to go on stage. GG also tells her that he's here to (subtitles:) clean it up and return to your father. He's kind enough to not control/manipulate Muriel's life though :) He asks her what is she doing with her problem. Muriel tells him she doesn't have problems. GG says that if she has and some are unsustainable, don't hide them (he knows something, for sure). She says that she's not hiding anything, she only has the freedom to fight for her rights. GG says that when she starts making commitments, her freedom will start running out. Gunther tells her Rosi won't support her, because (Rosi) wants everything. Muriel tells him that if Rosi confronts her, she will carefully confront her back. GG tells her to be careful, because if Muriel has rebelliousness and youth, Rosi has experience and is cunning and that nothing has been said yet.

Don Martín is hugging Norma. She tells him that she feels like there's some sort of force that threatens their happiness and that they were very united. Martín tells her to have faith and says that Juan is a good man. Norma decides to go for a walk and thanks Martín for listening.


Thank you, Weirdo, that was an exciting read and your snarky asides were spot on. I haven't yet watched the show, I'll try to come back later to do it.
Well done!


Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 35, Lunes, April 4, 2022 - Parte 4

Gabriela, Juan, JD and the twins have dinner. JD says that mom is missing. The twins change the subject to something happier. Their horse won the race. The twins say that Albín was the best, but they see Juan's face (even though Juan said that Albín is a good rider) and start saying that he's not that good. Ah, the power of non-verbal signs. They tell Juan that Norma didn't come, even though they insisted. JD says that he wants Juan to return to the house soon, but Juan says not soon, because of what happened with Rosario.

Norma walks, goes next to the pool and gets on a yoga mat or something similar, when she sees Adán (oh no, not him again), shirtless and asks him what he's doing there at night. He finds an excuse (that he went to clean the pool) amd Norma says "you're going to clean the pool like this?" He just laughs. Somebody slap him!

Juan is also shirtless, in bed. He gets up, clearly thinking about Norma. He's again looking at pictures of himself and her.

Norma tells Adán to go away because she wants to exercise. Adán caresses her arm. No subtitles during the WHOLE CONVERSATION. Norma repeats that she wants nothing and tells him (again) to go away. Adán pretends to do so, but hides to watch her creepily again.

Romina is thinking about trying to open the cupboard and wakes up Madrina. She tells her about the cupboard, without mentioning who's it is, just a rich person's. Madrina tells her that it'll probably have important documents, jewelry or money. When Madrina asks why, Romina says she dreamed about it. Madrina tells her she dreamed of an animal being loose in town.

Demetrio is stalking Gaby again and tries to follow her, when a man stops him and tells him this is private property. He says that he just saw a woman passing by and the man that stopped him says that she has authorisation. He doesn't let Demetrio pass. They talk about some documents. Demetrio then proceeds to STAB the poor guy.

Fin del Capítulo


Thank you, Adriana for your kind words!


Thanks so much, VVS. Another terrific recap. And you came up with a perfect description: conniving Dilsah.

I came up with a new title for this dizi: Hercai: Amor, Venganza, y Escuchango a Escondidas. Escuchar a escondidas is what my dictionary gives me for eavesdropping. Somehow the English is better.

As usual Cihan's threats don't make much sense. I can see how everyone finding out about the poisoning harms Fusun. But is he thinking Fusun's Goons would kill Miran if he came for her?

I was confused by Zehra getting in that car and riding through the countryside. Haven't they shown multiple characters walking through those medieval streets from Sadoglu konak to the Aslanbey one and vice versa?

I'm kind of enjoying Fusun's bullying Yaren. Love seeing someone put her in her place.

Was Miran hinting there might be some hanky panky on the honeymoon? Kind of thought sex during a pregnancy as fraught as Reyyan's would be off limits. Guess they could just "fool around".

How great was it to see Reyyan snap out of it and get one over on Dilsah! But, like nearly everything Viewerville hopes for in this one, I doubt it will happen.


Weirdo what a fantastic first recap!!! And you did all that while fighting bad captions! So impressive! I love seeing the show through your eyes and hearing your asides and reactions!

The employee at Norma's house is Dominga, and I don't remember which twin said what, but Leon is the lighter haired one - he's not exactly blond I guess, but more definitely lighter hair than Eric who has dark brown hair.

I thought the discussion with Sarita and Andres was interesting because I can understand both sides of it, but I think ultimately Andres is right. If he's going to make it as a musician and live in that world he's likely to run into all kinds of people with all kinds of personal problems and situations that he's better off not getting involved with. He wouldn't make it very far if he quit a job every time his boss did something he didn't agree with. On the other hand, it's not just any old personal problem, it's a problem with his own family which is different. I think if he knew the full extent of the problem he might feel different, but as it is these people tell each other things in bits and pieces and you don't get the full impact of what is happening.

I do NOT like this Adan guy! Norma should fire him. She needs to get him far far away from herself. During the last conversation by the pool he was trying to convince her he could help her exercise, he's supposedly an experienced personal trainer and he was offering to teach her some moves, she turned him down flat!!

I did kind of want to know what Roman's name was, thank you! He seems like a bright little thug and I am thinking he might play a bigger role as the plot develops.

Demetrio gets creepier and creepier every day! I think he's creepier than Gunter at this point!!! He kills people without so much as hesitating! Disturbing!!! I hope Gaby gets far away very very quickly!

Once again Weirdo, thank you so much for your hard work!! I hope you are having a wonderful birthday! :)


I just went back and re-watched the end and I had to watch several times to be sure because of the darkest and the camera angels - but that wasn't Gaby that Demetrio was watching, that girl looks a lot like her (just like all of his victims). They say serial killers have a type and his type is clearly Gaby....EWW!!!


I wanted to congratulate Weirdo for joining our recapping team here at Telenovela Central. Thanks so much for your fine recap!

I am sort of aware of what's going on in Pasión, but haven't really had time to watch two a night. I am appreciative of the stalwart Pasión recappers. I do tune in once in a while and watched the episode where Norma and Juan respectively sulked in their rooms.

Again, ¡muchísimas gracias, Weirdo.


VVS...yes..'Superb'[JUANITA].....!!... You did the heck outta that recap..I wasn't unable to watch. But your descriptions. were clear and concise...

I wanted Firat to PimpSmack the Bejezzus outta Moron...OMG..Moron NEEDS TO GET ON HIS KNEES AND BEG FIRAT'S forgiveness!!!

OMG!! LITTLE UMMI ZEHRANNI was gonna slice Fusun's sour-aszz..!! oil it first Zehra ..for a smoother cut...

Did you list the cast of SIN SUENOS[my addiction]...!!OMG!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!

LOL...!!..TOO CUTE..the Walls -have-ears..!! yes..Presentata

TEAM : ZEHRANI.. those Postpartum hormones.. are a bitch...!!...



I read today that Unimas will start airing Embajador on May 2nd.


Thank you to everyone for your words!

My birthday was amazing, thanks Darcy. My mom's homemade carbonara was delicious and I really like the chess book I got!

Yep, fighting bad captions indeed. When JD said "Rosario" the subtitles said "a user" and when he said "Albín" the subtitles thought he said "someone", lol.

Adán is very creepy! The conversation I didn't understand just made him worse. Ew!

No worries, Novelera, the Pasión recap team got your back :)

Hercai2: #94 - p 1 of 3
As the previous episode ended, Azra told Reyyan that she'd love to find someone like Miran who would love her. At the start of the present episode, Reyyan says politely, "I hope you find one some day." Azra asks, "Where? It's hard to find such a loving man." Of course, Dilsah comes by just as Azra says this. Azra goes off to find Sukran so that she, Sukran, and Dilsah can go off to Sukran's house. Dilsah stays behind momentarily with Reyyan, in order to say/threaten, "I'll be gone for only two days. I'll be back on the third." She continues, "You'll lose the baby if you tell my son, isn't that right?" Reyyan tells her it's none of her business, and adds that it's getting late.

The scene shifts to the business office. Cihan and Hazar are the only ones there. They had thought there was to be a meeting, but Firat left word that he had an emergency and wouldn't be present. Hazar says that Miran, too, won't be at the meeting, since he's going on a trip with Reyyan. Hazar then tells Cihan that he's planning to retire. He wants nothing more to do with Azize. Cihan is not happy to hear this. "We'll look weak before the Aslanbey. We need you to be here." Hazar insists that he wants to retire, and he's transferring his shares to Miran. At that moment, Miran enters the room. "What did you say, Papá?"

Reyyan is in Umut's room. She's clearly distressed at not having had a hand in organizing the room, and she doesn't like how it has been done. She moves things around, refolds some of Umut's clothes, and thinks "Who will pick up your toys? Your papá? Will I get to nurse you?" She cries. "Who will you call mamá, son?"
Her phone rings.

Back at the business office, Miran tells Hazar they can't do without him, and he asks him to reconsider. Cihan points out, "Azize raised your son. They're alike. Now you're making way for Azize." Hazar remains adamant. Cihan tells him, "Your decision will be our downfall. I hope you don't regret this." With that, Cihan leaves.

Reyyan's phone call was from Zehra. She confesses to Reyyan, "I know what Fusun did to you. I went to the mansion to kill her, but I couldn't. I couldn't leave you alone, especially not now. There must be a way, perhaps a miracle." Reyyan tells her, "I'm not sure if I will live or die, but my son will live. He will be my little miracle."

Miran continues to urge Hazar to stay in the business. Hazar insists he doesn't want to be anywhere near "that woman" (Azize). Miran tells him that can be arranged. He also points out, "We made her change her mind because we didn't want more hate." Miran tells Hazar that he means everything to them. Hazar assures Miran, "You and Reyyan are everything to me. I'll be here for you. But not in the same room with that woman."

Well, apparently Firat's "emergency" was his wedding to Zeynep! We see a very happy Firat and Zeynep, and Azize and Nasuh as the very happy witnesses. The only other person present except the justice of the peace (or whatever the Turkish equivalent is) is a very happy Esma. Esma, Azize, and Nasuh give the couple their blessings. Esma also gives Zeynep a lovely gold necklace. Nasuh gives her a gold bracelet, and as he puts it on her wrist, he says, "Have at least nine children!" Azize says to Firat, "I did what you asked, Firat. Now it's your turn. Take your bride and move to the Aslanbey mansion. There's no other way to stop Fusun."

Luftu and Asiye are working in the kitchen and seem to be getting along much better than when Asiye refused to dance with him at ReyMir's wedding. Reyyan comes into the kitchen and says she'll take over from them, they should enjoy themselves on their day off (at least I think that's what she said). They happily go off.

Hercai2: #94 - p 2 of 3
Reyyan is busy preparing food and seems to be enjoying herself. Miran leaves the office, gets in the car, and buys a large bouquet of flowers for Reyyan. He takes a selfie of him with the flowers, then calls Reyyan and tells her to put the photo he's sending her in the album for Umut.

At the Aslanbey mansion, Yaren is sitting in the courtyard, drinking a glass of tea. Fusun calls for Melike and Seyda to come and take away Yaren's tea. She's not supposed to have tea. It's not good for her. Suddenly the door to the mansion opens and Firat and Zeynep enter, still in their wedding clothes. Fusun looks at them and asks, "Did you just come from the tailor?" Firat informs her that they have just gotten married. Fusun remarks that they hadn't invited their Aunt Fusun, but that's OK, she'll be pleased to have them living with her. Firat
tells her, "I didn't come to live here with you. I came to live in my mansion. I present the lady of the mansion--the only one--Zeynep Aslanbey." [It has apparently been a great season for avocados!]

Miran arrives and gives the bouquet of flowers to Reyyan. She in turn points to all the balloons that she has used to decorate the patio where the (2nd) swing is. She tells Miran that they're celebrating not just their honeymoon but also his birthday. He's a bit puzzled. "But it's not my birthday," he says. She tells him she knows this. "I had to fulfill my promise to celebrate your birthday." "But why now," he asks. "It's in case I can't be with you on the day of your birthday." Miran begins to get uneasy. Reyyan continues, "Umut may be born at that time." Miran reminds her that the first birthday he celebrated turned out to be the day his parents' bodies were left on the patio. "I thought it was a curse," he said. "But then you arrived, and I left all those fears behind. I want to celebrate, becaue I have Reyyan by my side." He blows out the one candle on the birthday cake Reyyan has made. Reyyan then says, "Miran, I have to tell you something very important."

Zehra is in her room when Handan comes by. Zehra notes that it wasn't so long ago when both Reyyan and Yaren were babies, and now they're pregnant. Time passes. Handan then changes the subject and asks Zehra whether she had taken something from the kitchen when she was there. Zehra says she took a pair of scissors. Reyyan needed them. Handan finds this somewhat strange.

Reyyan tries to follow up on her statement about needing to talk with Miran about something important. "It's about the future." No sooner does she say this than Miran says, "Speaking of the future...." and pulls out an envelope from his jacket pocket. It's apparently a document about entering the university. I at first thought it was a statement of admission, but apparently it's permission to take the entrance exam. He tells her she could take it now, or she could take it next year. Reyyan bursts into tears.

Handan comes to see Cihan on one of the Sadoglu konak's outside patios. She tells him it's about Zehra. "Zehra claimed she took a pair of scissors from the kitchen, but I think she took a knife." Cihan sees Miran within earshot on a patio in Miran's neighboring house. Cihan then says to Handan, "If she finds out about Fusun...." "What about Fusun?" Handan asks? "Fusun poisoned Reyyan. She poisoned a pregnant woman and killed her baby." Handan asks him why he's shouting. Viewerville knows it's so that Miran will hear him. Handan asks how Cihan found this out. He tells her he found out from Azize. He overheard her on the street. Zehra also heard her. Predictably, Miran screams, "I'll kill you, Fusun Aslanbey!"

Hercai2: #94 - p 3 of 3
Miran confronts Reyyan. "You knew what she did! Don't lie! Fusun poisoned you! You knew she killed our child! I'll kill her!" Reyyan pleads "No! Think of Umut. We have another baby." Miran orders Reyyan to go inside and he gets into his car. Instead of going inside, Reyyan says, "You can't do this to Umut. You can't leave him without a father. He needs you. You must not become a murderer! You can't leave him fatherless when he'll also be without a mother!!"

A smug Cihan says aloud (but not loud enough for anyone else to hear), "If you don't kill Fusun after hearing this, you can't call yourself a man, Miran. You wanted to take my son from me, didn't you? You got what you deserved."

Miran gets out of the car. He keeps telling Reyyan to get into the house. A desperate Reyyan says, "You can't leave my son alone, Miran." "What are you saying, Reyyan?" "When he's born, you and he will be alone, Miran, because I'm dying!!" "What do you mean, you're dying?" "It means I won't be here after Umut is born." Miran claims Reyyan is playing with his mind. "You don't want me to kill Fusun because then he'd be without a father. But this time you've crossed the line with this lie, Reyyan." He gets back in the car. Reyyan stands in front of the car and then gets in with him. She tells him, "I'm going to die. It's not a lie. I wish it were. I was going to tell you tonight." Miran calls Azra and tells her to come to the fountain. Now!

Cihan calls Seyda so that he can talk to Yaren, whose phone Fusun confiscated. Seyda gives her the phone. Cihan tells her there's going to be a big scandal at the Aslanbey konak, and she should stay in her room. She repeats to Seyda what Cihan has told her, and one of Fusun's goons (I think) hears what she says.

Fusun is mulling over the turn of events. Thinking about Zeynep, she says, "She's never even seen a mansion, and now she's the lady of the mansion. It's not going to be easy. But I'll get Firat on my side, and then neither the Sadoglus nor Azize will be able to oppose me."

Azra meets Miran and Reyyan at the fountain. She tells Miran that Reyyan is telling the truth and was planning to tell him at the right time. "If Reyyan insists on having her baby, she probably won't survive." Everyone is momentarily silent as the episode ends.


Juanita, than you for every frantic detail . I always enjoy your excellent accounts of all the crazy.

If we had done a drinking game for every time we heard ," I'm going to kill you\ him\her\them\me" , we would all be on the floor.

Poor, normal Zeynep has no idea about the dysfunction she has married into .

Cihan yelling at Handan so that Miran would hear. Ha It is all so ridiculous . Chicken Little is off his rocker running around all day every day like the sky is falling.

And Hazard is retiring . ...from what ? Wearing a hard hat? Starting additions on a cabin that was then abandoned ?

I noticed the word "probably" when Azar was talking to Mir about Rey dying . I used to have to explain to my students the difference between " possibly " and " probably." I don't think Rey will die. Turkish risks seem to like to surprise you with killing off characters. We have been teased to much about Rey's demise. I don't think it will happen .

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 36, Martes, April 5, 2022 - Parte 1

Jimena starts smelling the bed sheets and pillows. She gets up and asks Óscar about it, but he's in the shower and can't hear her. She finds the dress Romina ripped and is shocked.

Romina doesn't allow Duvan to visit the Jimena-Óscar household as long as Jimena os still there. Duvan says that Jimena is his friend. Romina wonders how Duvan can have Jimena as a friend after everything she told him about her. Duvan says that he thinks as he feels, but Romina says that she's his mom and he should think just like she does. He should hate her, because Romina does as well (???). She tells Duvan that his mission is done; he got the keys. Duvan says that she only cares about the keys and that he loves Jimena and that Jimena loves him. That witch almost hits Duvan! She tells him that he'll never visit that house again and Duvan runs out of the house (can you blame him?). Romina yells at him to not yell at her (oh, the irony) and tells him that he'll never see Jimena again. This woman REALLY needs some parenting tips.

Ghoulish Gunther tells Rosario about the stabbed man. He's not dead (yet), Gunther says they try to save him. He tells Rosario that it's a very dangerous city but she cuts him off saying that she can defend herself. GG asks her if she cares about Muriel. She says that she cares. She just doesn't know how to tell her things and do what she wants. GG leaves.

Óscar talks on the phone about the end of the fair. He sits down and asks Jimena what she asked him while he was in the shower. Jimena repeats about the strange smell on the sheets. Bertha comes in and Jimena asks her if she changed the soap, but Bertha says no, it's the same as always. Jimena tells her to get a different one, I think and says that she's still in charge of the house. She doesn't say anything else but looks sceptical.

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 36, Martes, April 5, 2022 - Parte 2

Jimena shows Bertha the dress and Bertha says that she doesn't know how this happened. She was outside just for a bit and when she returned, everything was back to normal (did she forget about the picture she found on the floor?). Jimena asks her if Duvan came back and Bertha tells her no and that she doesn't think Duvan would have been able to do something like this. Jimena doesn't think so either. She tells Bertha that she wants to talk to Duvan when he comes. She also said "I want to find out about everything..." but subtitles said something about a mobile home. I don't know if that makes sense and I missed something, or it's just subtitle nonsense. I mean, last time it converted "Rosario" into "a user" and "Albín" into "someone"...

Juan and Gabriela are talking but subtitles are drunk again and I didn't understand half the words they said. They mention the words "barbaridad" and "macho protector" (the second technically is a phrase, not a word, but anyway). Then, in a rare funny scene, Gabriela asks Juan to stop calling her "suegra" (mother-in-law) and Juan said "perdón, suegra" LOL. I honestly hate these subtitles. They translated "suegra" into "to know it", BRUH. Anyway, Juan then says "Alright, suegra, I'll stop calling you suegra." XD (Thank you, subtitles, for saying that this meant "don't turn around", I appreciate it.)

Gabriela says that she knows her daughter and that Juan should just apologize to her without mysteries. Juan says it's more complicated than that and Gabriela tells him that Juan is Norma's love of her life. Juan tries to change the subject and they begin to talk about the fair. Gabriela thinks that Juan should participate, but Juan believes that Albín can do it better than him. Gabriela tells him that it doesn't matter if he fails, what matters is that he shows that he's the owner of the ______ of the Reyes. Now, Gabriela either said "seinta" or "hacienda", couldn't distinguish which (in case anyone is interested, subtitles said "stores", which is "tiendas" in Spanish if I'm not mistaken, no sense again). A car comes into view and in it are the twins and Albín, I think. Now from here and up to ? aren't any subtitles for some reason. Honestly, I don't know if having no subtitles is worse or better.

Muriel finds JD on a road and they kiss passionately. The Pasión de Gavilanes theme songs plays as they get into The Slowest Car in the History of Cars™ and leave.

Rosario is getting ready to go on stage, I assume and she has a flashback on her kissing Juan David (from what I understood, it was the time when the Juan thing happened some minutes later). Andrés walks in and tells her she looks fantastic. I now found another channel that posted this, with trashy subtitles as always. He tells her that she doesn't look like she had an accident and Rosario says that thankfully, it wasn't anything serious. She asks him if he's in contact with JD and his family and Andrés says that they are close, but doesn't see them much now, since they have the fair business and he's here at the bar. Then Rosario asks him if he knows what's happening at his house, to which he replies that things are well, because, if not, he would know. Rosi continues the interrogation by asking him about Muriel as well. He responds that she must have other commitments, he hasn't seen her lately and he tries to leave, when Rosi stops him and tells him that she knows he knows about her and Juan David (Rosi, you're not together with JD, just realize it and move on).

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 36, Martes, April 5, 2022 - Parte 3

Andrés says that he doesn't talk about personal stuff, Rosi tells him to excuse her (aka leave now), then changes his mind and tells her that Norma and Juan had a fight and broke up. She says "I'm sorry", but her face says "I don't really care."

Gabriela, Juan, the twins and Albín are celebrating when Albín says that Norma should have been here. He says that he liked her from the moment he saw her, because she's a beautiful woman and a great person. Juan says something about replacing(?) him with Albín, but Albín tell him that she's like family to him. Gabriela senses the tension and makes a toast to Norma.

Jimena is very sweet. She ordered/designed/something from the workshop for Duvan for special occasions! Jimena wants to know what happened with her dress. (I still don't know her plan to find out, but okay.)

Muriel and JD have some sort of romantic kissing scene and say that they miss each other again. JD asks Muriel about her and her mother. I didn't understand everything Muriel said, but she talked about "being cordial to avoid friction" and "I hope this doesn't come between us because _____". If someone can fill this in, it would be amazing.

Madrina is walking and sees poor Duvan sleeping in the car! She tells Romina to get the kid back in and that desgrasiada tells her he asked for it! The only thing that convinces Romina to get Duvan inside is that if he dies, Óscar won't forgive her! She goes outside and starts banging the car door so Duvan wakes up.
She starts screaming at him and Madrina gets him inside.

There's a scene with Jimena and Óscar outside with some horses, but Óscar was mumbling the whole scene and "I don't like the amount of souls" doesn't seem a realistic think to say, so I couldn't understand anything. :(

Now Jimena's at home. She asks Bertha if Duvan came and she says no, but he shows up when you least expect him. Jimena wanted to go to his house to search for him (I guess that's why she was out), but Bertha says that Romina doesn't like visits. Jimena says that she doesn't like Romina and tells her to call Cosme(?) to find the kid.

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 36, Martes, April 5, 2022 - Parte 4

Adán and his friend talk about the guy who killed the guard and the women (Demetrio). Afterwards, Adán's friend tells him that it's impossible to have Norma, but Adán says it's hard, not impossible and that he accomplishes things when he starts them (lol, I want Romina and Adán to end up together, they deserve each other).

The Cosme dude finds Duvan, who doesn't want to visit Jimena because his mom doesn't let him, but finally agrees and goes to the house. The poor kid is sick with the flu because of last night! Jimena brings him his present and Duvan likes it but thinks it too fine(drunk subtitles or the actual thing?) for him. Jimena insists he keeps it.

Romina realizes that Duvan's gone and is mad. She looks in her car. Nope, Duvan's not here!

Duvan comes out wearing the suit. He is SO adorable! Jimena takes some pictures of him and then gets him to her room and shows him the ripped dress. She asks him if he tore it! The kid looks like he's about to cry. Jimena: Oh, no, I don't think Duvan tore my dress. Jimena a few hours later: Hey, Duvan, did you tear my dress?

Duvan says that the bow is too tight around his neck and goes to remove it. He actually removes the whole suit and when Jimena tells Bertha to pack it, Duvan says he's not taking anything because she thinks he ripped her dress and that he's not her friend anymore. She apologizes to him and asks him to let her accompany him to his house, but he refuses and says that he might be bad, because his mom forbid him to come here. He tells her that he's never coming back and leaves. This kid kind of reminds me of the young David from La Patrona, for some reason.

Román visits Dem (I'm bored of typing Demetrio) and brings him food (I'm a foodie and hungry as always and seeing these chips did not help). Román knows Dem killed the guard. Dem pretends that it wasn't him, but when Román tells him that whoever tried to kill him left him alive, he's kind of shocked. Román tells Dem that their job is serious and they can't ruin it for pleasure, they talk a bit more (I didn't understand what they said) and Román left. (Meanwhile, I still want to eat these chips. Dem doesn't deserve them. I do, after all the subtitle drama!)

Romina is mad at Duvan for going to Jimena's house. She has a stick with her, which is concerning. She tells Duvan to remove his shirt(!!!) and he does. I apologize for the word, but if that bitch hits Duvan... Duvan saves himself last minute by saying that Jimena thought he ripped her dress. Romina just laughs and asks him if Jimena was angry. He says yes and that she wants to talk to her. Romina says "let her come" and laughs a bit more. Duvan goes to get inside a room and Romina hits him in the butt!

Pasión de Gavilanes, Temporada 2, Capítulo 36, Martes, April 5, 2022 - Parte 5

Jimena tells Óscar on the phone that she's sad about the dress. She hangs up and talks to Bertha about Duvan. She says it's like Duvan is something of hers (little does she know...).

Don Martín is brought to the dinner table at Norma's house. The twins try to convince her to go to the fair but she refuses and says that it's going to be like this for some time, but doesn't know for how much.

Gabriela and Juan are watching the horses and talking when Albín and some others (didn't show them yet) come by car (Gabriela had invited him). Albín tells Juan that he didn't know he and Norma are separated. Juan says that he doesn't want to talk about it here, in front of everyone, but in a more one-on-one situation.

The people at Norma's are singing when Norma tells them that she would love this to continue, but it can't because it's getting late(?). Quintina and the rest (except Norma) take some things inside, when Annoying Adán comes in and is like "aLlOw Me To HeLp YoU, sEñOrA nOrMiTa". They have the same conversation about Norma feeling lonely and finally Norma tells Quintina to come. Norma leaves.

I seriously need help with the last scene. Gabriela and the rest were having a great time when Juan tells Albín to come, obviously to talk about Norma. They go into a room and they talk, but I don't know what they said. Can anyone please help? Thanks.

And we have the Fin del Capítulo


I loved your recap Juanita! That avocado reference just doesn’t get old! Firat sure did show he has some for sure! Wow, what a nice surprise for he and Zeynep to get married and how interesting that Azize and Nasuh were the witnesses. What did Azize mean that “she had done her part?” What did she do exactly? Moving into the Aslanbey konak with that witch Fu and that biotch Yaren is not going to be fun at all for Zeynep.

So glad that Miran finally knows the truth. I am sure there will be tons of crying drama for a bit until he hopefully goes into overdrive to find a cure or a doctor worth a crap to fix Reyyan.

Thanks again Juanita!



Happy Belated Birthday Weirdo! Sounds like you had a nice day. I am behind watching and your recaps look so tempting, but I want to watch first and then read. Thank you so much for taking up the recapping duties! I will be back!


Wow, Weirdo another fantastic recap while you battle drunk subtitles and everything! It's hard to believe it's only your 2nd recap, you are a natural! :)

Jimena told Berta she wanted to find out everything about Duvan's home life. Which was interesting at first because I thought maybe Jimena suspicions were headed in the right direction but then she asked Duvan if he did it. Jimena doesn't know Romina is Duvan's mother btw, she thinks his mother is Madrina. The suit she tried to give Duvan was one she designed herself especially for him.

Romina is horrible, but I kept getting distracted by the fact that everyone was talking about how cold it was and how Duvan might freeze to death outside - yet the woman herself was scantily clad the whole episode! How is she not freezing? It was so out of place, there's even a scene of her building a fire in her short shorts and cropped top?? WTH

If I remember correctly Gabriela told Juan to prove he's the Rey of the Reyes, or the king of the castle, but I might be remembering incorrectly.

Muriel told JD she would be cordial unless Rosi tried to come between her and JD and then she wouldn't stand for it. And Roman was mad at Dem (I like it) because it's one thing to commit murder for business (ie. money) but he can't just go around killing people for fun...hehe But I think he went too far I don't remember exactly what Dem said but it was pretty clear Roman may be in danger himself right about now.

The scene with Juan calling Gabriela 'suegra' over and over again was hilarious.

That last scene between Juan and Albin was Juan attempting to ask Albin straight up with he had any interest in his wife, but in typical TN fashion he asked in a way that left it up to misinterpretation. I don't remember exactly what he said but he used words like 'I feel like you are hiding something' and 'something happening with you and someone'. Albin admitted something was happening, and his feelings were very real and serious but he wasn't willing to talk about it yet, not even with Juan and Juan asked if Albin thought his feelings were reciprocated (ie. if Norma felt the same) and Albin said absolutely! Which Juan of course understood to mean Albin has feelings for Norma and he is sure she feels the same - which is why he grabbed him - but of course Albin could have been talking about someone else and not realize Juan meant Norma. Which is what I am guessing to be true based on the TN format and as I've said a couple times before Albin's interest in Norma doesn't seem to be romantic he just likes having a good time.

My guess (and this is 100% speculation) is that our very first impression was correct and Albin is interested in Andres. That's why he gives some sort of consideration to Juan's asking - because Juan is Andres' uncle, yet he still isn't willing to talk about it yet. Albin thinks Juan is upset because he might be involves with Andres (maybe he thinks Juan has a problem with Andres being gay) and Juan thinks Albin is admitting to being interested in Norma and is bold enough to say to his face that she is interested in him too, so he's pissed!

Well I am sure there is more I meant to say but I am in a rush today so gotta run, thank you again for this wonderful recap!!!



Juanita...THANKS MUCHO MUCHO...YOU ..'SLAYED-IT'... cause this is the third sason from hell..........!!!

Yes..!!.. Team FIrat and Mrs. ZeYnab/ZeYnap?...MasAllah Masallah..MasAllah!!..bring it!!

I AM WITH YA'LL..Cihan is a bastard... and that....'Dopefiend-move'..was still slick , if I'm just saying...nice for a rat-aszz-bastard...good chess move..!!

oh when Moron goes to jail... what will his Twin Flame..gonna do??!!

Yes... Poor Zeynep..why didnt he move into Esma's house....oh yeah,rich Azize wont go to a effing hotel..why???????


Fantastic recap, Juanita! You got to write about ALL the toxic males from last night. And your descriptions were perfect.

Toxic males, let me count them. #1 is Cihan. #2 is Miran. #3 is Big Sissy Hazard. #4 and more are the Goons. Never thought I'd say this, but my favorite guy is now Nasuh. He was delightful at the wedding. From hating all the Aslanbeys, he's now been a witness at Firat's wedding.

I was surprised all the beans were spilled last night. Miran is just unwatchable. I definitely did not back up and watch his tantrum again. They sure have made good use of Miran's buying that house next door to the Sad konak. Now Zehra can watch her pregnant daughter with tears in her eyes and Cihan can say things to manipulate Miran.

Interesting that they set up this big reveal to have Dilsah and Sukran away from the Hopeless Konak. I was confused about the big meeting with Azra. I thought she went with Dilsah and Sukran. Haven't they shown that as a drive of several hours from Midyat to that village before? So I guess Azra got to the meeting place by Telenovela Magic.

It was interesting that Miran didn't even believe what Reyyan told him. He thought she was lying to stop him committing murder.

Tonight should be full of Angry Bangs. Maybe I'll mute my TV.

Many thanks, Susanlynn, VVS, Halimacandy, and novelera, for your VERY interesting and insightful comments.

Susanlynn, I loved your suggestion about the drinking game. I wish the folks who had made the "I'm going to kill" remarks would also play the game and drink themselves unconscious. As for Zeynep, I still think she may have something eerie in her family history. Isn't she the one who said she had never celebrated her birthday, not even when she was a child? And yes, we haven't exactly seen Hazard hard at work. Though of course, he isn't retiring because he's worn out but rather that he can't stand the thought of being anywhere near Azize. Poor baby! And yes, I too think that Reyyan is likely to survive. The more the signs point in the opposite direction, the more strongly I think she'll make it, perhaps with some help from Telenovela Medicine and/or Telenovela Magic.

VVS, I'm glad you enjoyed the avocado mention. You're right--it really doesn't get old. I'm glad you asked about what Azize meant when she said she had done her part and now it was time for Firat to do his. I was wondering the same thing. It's pretty clear that she and Firat have been cooking up some kind of scheme to defeat Fusun, but that doesn't make Azize's role any clearer. And yes, I too am relieved that FINALLY Miran knows about Reyyan's very serious health problem. Although I found it troubling that he didn't believe Reyyan when she told him.

Halimacandy, Let's hear it for Team Firat and Zeynep. They seem by far the most sane, well-meaning, and likeable couple in the entire dizi. And I agree that Zeynep would probably have been happier living at Esma's, but the plan that Firat and Azize have been putting together to defeat Fusun apparently requires him to be in the lion's den, the Aslanbey konak.

Novelera, yes, I hadn't thought about it, but you're right--last night's episode was filled with Toxic Males, starting with Cihan. As for the location of Sukran's house, several times in the dizi I've been confused about that (not counting my confusion when she had to move). Sometimes it seemed far away, while at other times it seemed almost walkable from Midyat. As you say, if it is far away, it's fortunate that Azra was able to use Telenovela Magic to meet with Miran and Reyyan. If she hadn't managed to meet with them, Miran might still not believe Reyyan was telling the truth. Such a supportive husband! I almost choked the other night when Azra said she hoped to meet a guy like Miran.


Hi all, I will have a short recap for tonight's episode. I am sure I will have to mute my TV with all the Miran drama.

novelera, that you for the comments on the Monday recap. I really appreciate it. You are so right about all the toxic men! Nasuh is becoming more likable compared to the others.

Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #95
Part 1 of 2

Miran tells Azar to leave. Reyyan says she will call Azra as Miran grabs his chest and has a major panic attack and then a major meltdown. Poor Reyyan is dying and he makes a scene, as she comforts him. He cries to the heavens demanding to know if this is the price he has to pay for what he did in the past.

He then gets angry with her for making this decision without him. He refuses to lose her and demands that they abort Umut immediately. Reyyan refuses. Miran doesn’t think it is fair for her to bring a motherless child into the world. He realizes all the things she was doing was not to prepare for Umut’s birth, but for her death. He cannot live without her. He grabs her hand and says he will show her what this decision is doing.

Yaren is arguing with Fu telling her that Cihan told her nothing. He was just checking on her. Fu is not convinced and is about to give her a good smack with her cane when Firat intervenes. He defends Yaren, much to her delight, especially as Yaren sees Zeynep peering over the balcony. When Fu leaves in frustration, Yaren throws her arms around his neck to thank him. Firat disengages from her and tells her to go rest. Yaren tosses another look up to the concerned looking Zeynep.

ReyMir arrive at the bridge that Rey jumped off of way, way, way back when we were all still excited and interested in this dizi. He tells her that since she has left him not choice, then the three of them should just jump off the bridge and end it all tonight. Does she really think that Umut and he will be able to just go on with their lives if she is gone? There is no Miran without Reyyan.

She thinks back to that day and Miran jumping after her to save her. She hugs him crying and says, then save us, keep me and Umut alive. I know you can find a way. Miran promises to find a way to save them both. Back at the Hopeless casa, he also promises to stay focused on her and not on revenge, for now.

Fu calls Cihan from Seyda’s phone and give him a nice surprise. She threatens him with using Yaren, he threatens her and gets angry when she hangs up on him. We all yawn in boredom.

Miran puts Reyyan to bed. She tells him to change and join her as she falls asleep, exhausted. Miran ends up in the baby room and reading Reyyan’s journal to her son. He cries until Azra calls to check on him. He is angry that Fu is the one responsible and no one told him the truth. He hangs up the phone and heads out.

Fu tells her head henchman to find out what Cihan is up to. Then she threatens poor Seyda with the cane she claims has broken many bones of the people who defy her. If he lends Yaren a phone again, she will break all his bones. As he scurries off, Miran fights his way into the courtyard and proceeds to threaten Fu with her life, saying that it is a promise to Reyyan that is keeping Fu alive right now. Things get ugly when Fu blames Azize for everything and Miran pulls a gun.

The newlyweds are cozy in bed and wake to this yelling. Firat comes down and is able to keep Miran for shooting Fu, but Miran does empty the magazine into the flowerbed for good measure and leaves, threating Fu again. Firat shuts Fu down when she pretends to know nothing about the poisoning. He says he has known for awhile and kept quiet for Miran’s sake, but now, Miran knows. Firat heads back up to his bride.



Hercai: Amor y Venganza – Season 2 Episode #94
Part 2 of 2

A devastated Miran arrives home, but then decides to get back into the car and drives away. Hazar sees him and decides to follow, wondering what is going on and why Miran is out so late at night. Miran ends up and Casa Esma. He knocks and Azize answers. Saying that he is not well, he falls into her arms, calling her grandma. From afar, Hazar watches this with disgust.

Inside, Azize tries to get Miran to tell her what happened. He tells her that Reyyan is dying to save Umut and he needs her help. He tells her this is all Fusun’s fault. He ends up putting his head in her lap as he did when he was a child. He reminds her that she told him as a child to run to her when he was scared and she would be there to help him and make things better. Well, he is now very, very afraid. He will not live without Reyyan. She is his everything. Azize tells him to pull himself up and fight with everything to get through this. She says he has been through hell and survived. He and she will help save his family. (This is a very touching scene that I just don’t have time to fully recap).

The next morning, Esma finds Azize still sitting in the living room thinking. She has not slept all night. Azize wishes she would have crushed Fusun’s head a long time ago and not let things drag on. If she had taken action, then Reyyan would not be going through all of this. (Did she forget that it is because of her venganza that Reyyan is in this situation in the first place??). Esma tells her not to do anything that will endanger the family. Azize agrees that she will wait until Reyyan is better. When the time comes though, she will swoop all over Fusun like a dark cloud.

Reyyan awakes to find that Miran has already researched and found a doctor in Cyprus and in American willing to review her case. He sent her records for them the review. She hopes that it will work. He says he promised to keep her and Umut alive and that is his intention.

Good Grannie, Dilsah and Azra return from the village. GG has brought some pickled tomatoes she made for Lutfi. She heads to the kitchen to show him how to store it. Meanwhile Dilsah tries to get Azra to agree to not say anything to Miran about Reyyan’s condition. Azra is annoyed with her, but Dilsah pretends to care about Reyyan but also her fragile relationship with Miran. Azra cannot understand why Dilsah hates Reyyan so much to hope that she dies.

GG overhears this discussion and demands to know why Dilsah hates Reyyan? This is the end of the episode.



Thank you, VVS, for the happy birthday wish! Yes, I did have a nice day!

Thanks Darcy, for calling a me a natural. I'm glad that I'm good at it and you guys liked them :)

Darcy, thank you so much about adding the things I didn't understand. Okay, now the last scene makes sense. I was confused, because I did catch the words "feelings" and "real", mostly because I also don't think he likes Norma. You cleared it up (as well as the other things my drunk subtitles missed). Thanks again!

Yes, I wondered about Romina not freezing while wearing shorts and a crop(?) top (I have no idea how it's called lol). Like, what?

Jimena asking Duvan about the dress was stupid. Why would a kid rip his friend's dress?

I can't wait to read Darcy's or Adriana's recap later today. It was fun writing mine!


Many thanks, VVS, for stepping in for Nett and providing this very fine recap. I especially enjoyed your offering critical commentary along the way. For example, "Poor Reyyan is dying and he makes a scene." Yup, it's still Me-ran. And then there's the phone call between Cihan and Fusun, about which you rightly say "We all yawn in boredom."

I suspect Miran was not simply trying to call Reyyan's bluff by suggesting that, since she was essentially planning suicide, the three of them should commit suicide together. But however sincere he was or wasn't, I think his suggestion may have made Reyyan have more doubts about what she was planning. Now she thinks more about the possibility of both mother and child somehow surviving. It's highly likely the remaining episodes will have some cliffhanger moments when it looks as if Reyyan won't survive, but I'm betting she will.

And wow, Firat's avocados are amazing! He prevents Fusun from hurting Yaren, and when Fusun tries to blame Reyyan's situation on Azize, Firat tells her that he's known for a while what she (Fusun) did, and he kept quiet in order to protect Miran (i.e., prevent him from becoming a murderer). Since in the previous episode Fusun thought she could get Firat on her side, she must now be realizing that she may not succeed.

Speaking of Fusun, where did she get these useless bodyguards? Miran enters the Aslanbey courtyard and singlehandedly knocks out three or four goons who try to stop him.

I'm very pleased that Good Granny is now aware that Dilsah hates Reyyan. That was a good way to end the episode.

Thanks again, VVS.


Back to Albin and Juan – they want to go outside and continue talking, but Andres and some other people arrive to interrupt. Andres hugs Albin, asks him to join him to another party. Albin, looking a bit uncomfortable, asks Andres to wait until he finishes talking with Juan. But Juan doesn’t have anything against Albin hanging out with Andres – and you can see Albin’s surprise, he’s happy that Juan doesn’t mind. Because, just like Darcy pointed out yesterday, Albin must be talking about his feelings for Andres, NOT Norma, but where would the drama be if he and Juan actually had a normal, open conversation? He leaves, but that doesn’t solve Juan’s confusion.

The next day Juan is still thinking about his talk with Albin and the much too friendly interactions the guy had with Norma in the past. JD, Gabriela and the twins arrive to check up on him and offer their support for the competition. Gabriela also asking about Albin, Juan thinks maybe he’s doing something that doesn’t want anyone to know about.

Romina is on the phone with some guy who doesn’t even know who she really is – she’s asking for a date, but he’s not interested, he blows her off. It’s Adan’s friend and neither he, nor Adan are interested in what Romina has to offer. Especially not Adan, who believes, get this, that he’s getting closer to getting somewhere with Norma.

We get to see the end of Juan’s performance and the twins cheering him. Juan thanks all his kids and his employees, Oscar is also there to congratulate him and Gabriela is very proud of him, too. Next thing you know, the workers at the ranch find out Juan won and everyone is happy, except for Adan. He does try to hug Norma, brutaly taking her into his arms, but she pushes him – Quintina wouldn’t mind the same treatment, though LOL.

Juan is encouraged by his three sons to come celebrate at the ranch, Norma has prepared a big party. He finally agrees. Sarita and Gaby come to the ranch, too, followed by Albin, who hugs Norma warmly and says he can’t wait to congratulate Juan. Their interactions are so open I’m starting to believe Norma knows he’s after Andres, not her. They

Arriving at HIS ranch, Juan is reluctant to go inside, but Gabriela is right there, still his best ally in all this mess. May I just say that she’s 1000 times better when Demetrio is not around? A completely different person. Her relationship with Juan is a great surprise. But Juan needs some time, he doesn’t want to make things worse. So Gabriela and JD decide to go inside and warn Norma that Juan is around.
Adan is still checking out Norma, happy that he got to hug her – he’s more certain than ever that he will have her.



The three brothers come to talk to Norma. They play with Quintina briefly, then they get their mom alone. When they tell her that Juan is home, Norma gets upset he dared to come. The kids explain that he’s still outside and JD asks her to listen to what he has to say. The twins insist, too, the two need to talk, why all the wait?

Norma does go to see Juan, with JD holding her hand. But then she makes the last few steps alone and Juan is waiting for her. She congratulates him for winning, he says the win belongs to her, too, everything around them belongs to the both of them. Norma says he doesn’t need her authorization to come in, but Juan says he was thrown out, he won’t go inside unless she says so. Norma asks him to come inside for the kids, who are waiting for him, this is his home, too. He agrees to come, thanks her for agreeing.
Norma leaves, JD who has been looking from afar asks his father what happened, Juan mumbles something that I didn’t get, but he doesn’t look happy.

Norma goes back inside and Albin notices her. He asks about Juan, he needs to continue his talk to him. Norma asks for details, but Andres come just then to ask about the new horse she bought.
Juan is coming in, seeing Norma and Albin chat (he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the fact that Andres is next to them, too, because of course, why would he?) He hides behind a wall and spies on them. He goes inside the house and straight to his office, closing the door behind him. Remembering the talk with Albin again he has a change of heart apparently. He runs upstairs, sees Albin go inside a room and he goes the other way, to his own room. He pulls out a gun from his nightstand, checks that’s it’s loaded…

Oscar asks the brothers what is happening with Juan and Norma; Sarita and Gaby arrive, talking about the horse Norma just bough. But they haven’t seen her, either. Sarita is happy that Juan has come, they all think Norma and Juan need to talk. Oscar says he’s going to search for Jimena.

Yes, Juan is in the house, slowly going towards the room where he saw Albin walk in. He listens at the door for a bit, makes a cross sign, looks like he’s about to cry, then throws open the door to walk in and see Albin kissing and undressing… Andres!! Norma appears out of thin air next to him, asking Juan what he’s doing. Inside, the boys are getting dressed. Albin thinks Juan disagrees with them and he wants to kill them. Andres realizes they are reckless, but for his uncle to go this far… They both want to go outside, but Juan asks them to stop, he’s the one leaving. Norma follows him, asking to talk, while Andres tells Albin they need to leave immediately, because something grave could have happened in his family’s house. Norma asks them to wait, she wants to talk to them.



Norma and Juan are in their room. She asks what is going on, he’s always been a sensible man, is he losing his mind? Juan explains if he loses her, he has nothing! Norma wants to talk, whatever happened with Rosario is not normal, and why was he pointing a gun at the boys? Juan asks if Norma knew about Albin and Andres and she admits that she did. Albin told her everything from the start and she didn’t oppose it, Andres has the right to live his life. Juan says he doesn’t have a problem with this.

Andres wants to leave before everyone finds out about them. Albin is shocked Juan would try to kill them. Andres is also surprised Juan reacted like this, insists to go. But Albin wants to stay, face everything and Andres won’t leave him alone. Norma enters, saying that Juan wants to talk to them. He apologizes for what he’s done, Albin says this was no joke, as uncomfortable as it was. Juan says he didn’t mean for this, Albin wonders when he found out about them. Juan says that he thought Albin and Norma had a thing, he behaved badly, so he apologizes, he left appearances get the best of him. Then he leaves, he can’t talk now. He tells Norma she deserves someone better than him.

Going outside he runs into Gabriela who wants to know what happened. Juan says he and Norma did talk, but no reconciliation for now. He wants to go, he’s in no mood for a party, and Gabriela agrees to accompany him.
The other guy is mocking Adan after seeing Juan at the house. But Adan is still cool, Juan is not with Norma. He will never lose hope. And Juan won’t come back too soon, that Rosario Montes problem is serious.

In the car, Gabriela asks Juan what is wrong with him. He says there will be time for this talk later on. She asks if he wants to go back home or to her place. He just wants to go rest, forget about that party. Gabriela gets Demetrio’s phone call just then. He’s agitated, has to tell her something important. But there is a knock at his door, it’s the police and he’s in a hurry to finish packing. He hangs up with Gabriela and then Roman calls him, to warn that the cops are on to him.

Gabriela tells Juan that Demetrio is a great person, but she could hear fear in his voice because of his mom’s condition. There is another phone call, but she can’t hear whoever is on the other line. In the meantime Demetrio is escaping through a window and asking Roman for his truck. Later they meet up and Roman gives him his car, but doesn’t want to let him sleep at his house, not even for a night.

Oscar has brought Jimena to the party, too. Norma welcomes her and Jimena is happy Juan is back. But Norma says that he only came for a bit, and then left with their mom. There was no agreement between the two of them, something wrong is happening with their relationship. It’s hard to explain, maybe they can talk later, now they have too many people in the house. Jimena hugs her sister.
Later they do get the chance to chat. Jimena thinks Juan is like a child who needs help, in spite of his somewhat savage looks. Norma says she always helped Juan, but this time she’s lost, doesn’t understand him. But he’s the man of her life and she still loves him. Jimena thinks Norma should go search for him, don’t prolong this situation, her marriage could depend on it. Quintina arrives to tell them that dinner is served, but Norma isn’t hungry, she’d rather be alone for a while. After encouraging her one last time and telling her she loves her, Jimena leaves.



JD is with Muriel in a video call. He’s already in bed, wishes for Muriel to have been around, too. She’s not ready for that, but JD is more than willing. She says this is not the right time, she’d rather meet just with his parents and brothers. As they talk Rosario listens to part of the conversation and leaves in a huff.

Sara asks where is Norma, why is she alone? Jimena says she needs to be alone for now. Sarita says she went through this with Franco, they need to do what they can to avoid the story repeating itself. Albin agrees, especially since it was their fault. This statement is surprising, but Andres covers quickly, and they both go search for Norma. And nobody finds it suspicious that this guy would be so involved in their family.

Albin and Andres try to talk to Norma. Albin feels a bit guilty because his familiarity with her caused this big misunderstanding; he also says she needs to talk to Juan ASAP. And no matter what, they will continue to support her.

Juan and Gabriela are back to her ranch. She keeps saying nice things about him, but Juan isn’t feeling it, he’s done such a big mistake, if she knew she’d think otherwise. Gabriela says she could never change her good opinion of him.

On their car back home, Jimena is feeling tired. Oscar guesses that she’s also upset. She says she wants to go to the neighbor’s house. Tomorrow. Oscar gets nervous, says he’s so tired, and only wants to rest the next day!

The house is quiet, Gabriela asks Juan if he wants to drink something. He says no, so she goes to bed.
Demetrio is sleeping, when someone walks in. It’s Juan!! Demetrio has come to find shelter in Gabriela’s house, without telling anyone. And of course he had no clue that Juan was staying with her. Demetrio goes in for the attack, but Juan stops his knife carrying hand, getting a very good look at who the intruder is!
And with this we end! That’s what I call a cliffhanger! Once you get used to the fact that this show is dark and twisted and nothing like the original, it does get pretty good.



This was a good episode, although they dragged out the whole misunderstanding thing soo much. How did Norma and Juan manage to stay married for 20 years if the guy never talks about his feelings? I don't remember him being so closed off before, he was quite teh opposite when he was trying to convince Norma of his feelings for her while she was married to another man. But NOW he's tongue tied?
Oh, well, at least Albin's mistery was solved. Looking back we can actually see that Norma has always treated him very warmly, like you'd treat a guy you like or a ... girlfriend. Had Juan spoken to her about his discomfort from teh beginning, all of this drama could have been avoided.

I was glad to finally see Jimena join her family. Lately it feels like she's a part of a completely different show. Just as dark and disturbing, but she's disconnected from the rest of her family. The way Romina is trying to gaslight her and her attachement to the child are probably the writers' way to make her forgive Oscar down the line - Romina is deranged and she'll be in love with Duvan by then. But I say it still won't be enough, Oscar deserves at least to be thrown out of the house - let's see if Gabriela welcomes him at her home, too.

And speaking of Gabriela picking up strays - I was surprised to see Demetrio being a suspect for the police so soon. I was even more surprised that he'd go to seek shelter at Gabriela's house, but what truly shocked me was the fact that he and Juan actually locked eyes - I was sure Juan would go to the bathroom or something and Demetrio would use this opportunity to escape. What will his explanation be? He thought this was Gabriela's room and he was waiting for her to seduce her? LOL Only then how would he explain the knife he is planning to attack Juan with?


VVS, that was another excellent retelling as we stumble and tumble to the end .

I am glad that Zehra, Azra, and now Goodgran all know that Dilsah hates Rey. I have no idea where the writers are taking this character . I don't know how they can redeem her, but then they have transformed As a from a terrible person into someone begging for forgiveness. ...who knows.

What a great noche de boda for Firat and Zeynep . Does every dizi have a character named zeynep? It seems to be a very popular Turkish name .

Fu and that weaponized cane. Does it have a hidden knife like a U he villain ?

The actor playing Mir should watch some dizis starring Burak Ozcivit (Amor Eterno) and Engin Akyurek (Fatmagul) to see true galans in action . These guys know how to play heroes who appeal to the audience and make us feel that true love exists. It does . The actor playing Mir does not seem to understand the appeal of strong, silent strength to portray steadfast love, devotion, and commitment.

OT...Darcy...thanks to the news about La Hija. I checked it out online and I think it looks pretty good. Niecie has been waiting for this last season and is squeeing about it .


Fantastic recap Adriana!! This was a kind of fun episode and it shows that you enjoyed it!

I agree with you, once you let go of the idea that this is going to be anything like the original you start to enjoy it more!! Lol

I hadn't thought about it until today either but it makes total sense that Norma knew all along about Albin and Andres. It explains why she was so comfortable dancing openly and frequently with Albin, that fact that she never even considered the message she might be sending her husband just shows how secure she felt with her marriage... until recently.

Juan being so withdrawn is frustrating but I was impressed that he did the right thing and admitted to all three that what happened happened because he thought Albin was interested in Norma and not because of Albin and Andres...he would have been horrible if he left them with that misunderstanding just to save his pride.

I find it really surprising that Andres is apparently in the closet. He is so open and confident in all other areas, he like JD has been shown to be quickly transparent and he told Muriel he was gay without a moment's hesitation so it is strange to me that he is not out with his family. I wonder why? I can't see anyone except Gabriela judging him.

I was shocked by Juan and Demetrio coming face to face and by Demetrio being so quickly fingered by the cops. It will be interesting to see how this plays out! Gabriela trusts both Juan and Demetrio pretty equally so once you put them at odds, whose side does she take???

I can't wait to find out!


Still keeping an eye on y'all and very impressed with the recaps and comments.

A big belated welcome to Wierdo and THANK YOU for taking the dive into recapping!! I am SUPER impressed!

Wishing a fabulous day to everyone 🥰

Hi, Chickie, thanks for taking care of us. Hopeoing that you and your animalitos are well.


Darcy, yeah, as I said, I was sure Demetrio would find a way to hide from Juan. Can I just assume that maybe his story is coming to an end? I know, it's still to early for that (I think the novela has about 80 episodes in total), but is he on his way out because he was supposed to be part of Sarita's story and, dare I say, since they were able to get Michel Brown after all, the writers changed the story and decided to get rid of Dimi earlier? Huge speculation on my part, but it's been a while since I summoned Franco, soooo...

If not, what could he possibly come up with to make Gabriela accept his sneaking in like this?

WEIRDO, I'm sorry I didn't get to comment on your excellent recap from yesterday. I was already asleep when you posted it (I'm several hours in front of you) and by the time I woke up a new episode had already aired. But you are a very good writers, and without proper captions!! I also have a hard time understanding some of the mumbling, especially from actors of Cuban descent, like Mario Cimarro or Will Levy.


Fantastic recap, Adriana!

Thank you for your comments about my recap. Subtitles suck A LOT and there is some mumbling. I actually really like Muriel's voice (I'll search later the actress' name), I can understand her most of the time and even the drunk subtitles are sober when she talks lol.

RGV Chick, thank you for your kind words! I actually really like recapping and I enjoy it a lot, which is very important. I see it as a hobby and I always can't wait to see the comments on Caray :)

I didn't expect to show us the Andrés-Albín relationship so soon. I thought this was going to drag for another 15-20 episodes before they do show it. I also don't get why Andrés never said anything to his family, as Darcy pointed out.

Óscar does deserve to be kicked out of house and Dem should just... Die.

Thanks for the recap again!


Adriana, great minds think alike, I totally meant to try to summon Franco in my previous comment and I forgot!!! Franco Franco Franco!!!!

Speaking of mumbling, what Juan mumbled to JD was that Norma didn't insist enough on him staying. I think he was unhappy because he didn't feel like Norma was really happy to see him or wanted him there.

Pasion/Actors/Previous Telenovelas

Okay, I found the actress that plays Muriel, her name is Camila Rojas. I actually really like her as Muriel, this show has a great cast. Did Ana Vega do the casting for season 2? Her work is usually excellent, I think she also did the casting for La Patrona and La Doña? I'm sure about La Doña, I'm not sure about La Patrona...

Speaking of La Doña, Bernando Flores (JD in Pasión) did an amazing job in the second season as Lucho the psychopath. He still gives me the chills every time I look at him. He slayed that role. Great acting by Aracely Arámbula in both La Doña (Altagracia Sandoval) and La Patrona (Gabriela Suárez/Verónica Dantés) as well. Liked her a bit more in La Doña. The one I liked the most in La Patrona was Christian Bach (Antonia Guerra). Another excellent actress. May she rest in peace...

P.S (contains spoilers about La Patrona): I'm one of the very few people that liked Antonia, mostly from episode 72 to the end. It's actually a complicated story, I started watching La Patrona (my first full telenovela, by the way, it has a special place in my heart. I think we all can agree that the first one we watch from start to finish is special for us) from episode 72 (when it finished, I then watched the first episodes), so I instantly liked her lol. I liked how she was (mostly, not always) direct with people and didn't just pretend to like them. I also liked her memorable lines. I didn't always agree with what she did, but I liked her overall. The relationship with Rodrigo was fantastic as well. With that being said, I think that it's obvious that I didn't like the ending. They should have at least made Rodrigo stay with her. :( I want a La Patrona 2! (Now that Bach's dead, though, I actually don't.) I could about La Patrona for days...


I never made it through La Patrona. I tried a couple times but I just couldn't. I do agree that Christian Bach was excellent though. I watched her in La Impostora and loved her in that too! Aracely Arámbula just isn't one of my favorite actresses and I don't even remember off the top of my head who the galán was in that but I just never got hooked. I am a huge fan of Christian de la Campa who is also in La Patrona, but I hated his character in it so not even that was a big enough draw. I know it can be more fun to play the villian than the nice guy but in my opinion De la Campa plays very wooden and one demensional in villian roles and he lights up the screen when he is given more emotionally complex projects...or at least that was true at the time, it was one of his very early roles so who knows he might be a better villian now with more experience.

I watched the first season of La Dona but not the second, maybe I should have! Lol love Bernardo Flores!! 😊


I appreciate the comments Juanita and Susanlynn. Like you, I am also glad the Good Grannie is now in the loop about Dilsah. Get this woman some mental health care soon please!

Juanita, I liked your take on the scene at the bridge. It was hard for me to decipher what Miran was trying to say and how sincere he really was. I rewatched it this morning and you are spot on with your comments.

Susanlynn, I haven’t seen any other Turkish galans so I don’t have a reference for the actors you mentioned. I will have to Google them. I am sure they are better that Miran. Fu and her cane are ridiculous and scary at the same time. I don’t understand why Melike and Seyda don’t call Nasuh and just go back to the Sad house.



VVS, I watched this episode after I read your recap. I especially noted Firat and Zeynap blussfully cuddling in bed after their noche de boda only to be treated to Mir bellowing and hissyfitting. As Zeynep looks down and sees Mir shooting an innocent shrub , I am sure she is thinking " QTH kind of family have I married into ?" So....I guess their honeymoon is officially over.


Contains spoilers for La Patrona.

I also hated Christian de la Campa's role in La Patrona. I was SO happy when Antonia killed him off.

Gabriela was an annoying protagonist. She cried in 99% of the total episodes and she was whining all the time "aNtOnIa DiD tHiS, aNtOnIa DiD tHaT!" Lol the bad thing about Antonia is that she has committed so many crimes that people think she did/ordered someone to do certain things that she didn't. An example is later on in the story, when Lucas raped Cecilia and everyone thought that Antonia ordered him to do it, which she actually didn't. She only ordered him to scare her so she can leave town, not rape her! Actually, Antonia was so mad when Lucas told her that she slapped the heck out of him.

I assume you didn't see the Antonia-Rodrigo relationship (you probably don't even know who Rodrigo is xD) Such a shame, I actually really liked it.

Again, I could talk about La Patrona forever. If you have any questions about how each character ended up or anything else, feel free to ask me. I would love to answer!

You should DEFINITELY watch La Doña 2! It's WAY better than the first one in my opinion! I absolutely loved that telenovela. The last episode was outstanding, but, no spoilers since you haven't watched it. I'm eagerly waiting for season 3!

OT/La Patrona

Btw, the galán was Alejandro Beltrán (Jorge Luis Pila), Antonia's son and Fernando's brother.


Oh the honeymoon is so over for Firat and Zeynep, Susanlynn! After Miran shot the innocent shrub (lol) did you hear him ask Firat "What are you doing here?" Firat responded, "Oh, we got married and moved in" "Congratulations" was the response. It was an awkward moment all around. Yaren is going to make Zeynep's life a living heck!


Thanks so much for the recap, VVS. Your snark-o-meter was on high.

Loved "way back when we were all excited and interested in this dizi". I guess Mr. Drama King's move of taking Reyyan to that same bridge worked. I was getting tired of Reyyan's martyr act, especially since we're all sure she's going to survive.

Yes, that was a very well-acted scene with Miran and Azize. For once Miran wasn't snorting and puffing, just vulnerable. His going to Azize for comfort was perfect, IMHO. Yes, she spent his childhood programming him for vengeance. But they've said several times that she was also the maternal figure in his life and comforted him when he was hurt.

I've decided who Fusun reminds me of. She's the Wicked Witch from all the fairy tales. She's the one who is planning to cook Hansel and Gretl in her oven. She's the one who poisons Sleeping Beauty. That scene with her threatening Seyda was ridiculous. And, yes, why can't Seyda and Melike just leave. Handan wants them there, but they aren't slaves. I'm sure they could find work with sane employers.

I'm dreading the big Hazard meltdown about his seeing Azize embrace Miran.

I'm not convinced they're going with Sukran finding out how evil her lost daughter is. That last scene might have been one of this dizi's famous red herrings.


You are so correct, Fu is the Wicked Witch from all the fairy tales, novelera! I like the word "vulnerable" to describe Miran with Azize. She did raise him after all and he loved her very much until a few months (weeks?) ago. I hope that Sukran does find out the truth and Azra doesn't cover up for Dilsah. You should have an interesting one tonight!


VVS...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...This was a rough one..

EXCUSE ME.. Moron ...what is with all of the ME-ME-ME-ME-


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