Friday, May 13, 2022

La Mentira Mi Fortuna es Amarte #55 Thursday May 12, 2022

 Hi all, below is your recap:

  • Olga continues to fake being a victim, everyone is mad at vicente for leaving her behind, Simba gives her an update on what's going on in the barrio and Olga is convinced that Vicente will now have to be with her FOREVER.
  • Simba's like "girl your toxic", he takes his 30,000 pesos and leaves.
  • Seriously, everyone feels bad for Olga including Mario and Valentina, Mariois quick to blame Chente, as the conversation progresses Valentina says she wants to go see Felix in prison to give me a piece of her mind!
  • Chente finds out the truth- Natalia did not reconcile with Adrian and in fact she spent the night with Andrea and Regina, yes, she and Adrian are getting along a bit better BUT Natalia has made it clear to Adrian that she loves Vicente.
  • Vicente realizes he's a dummy and goes looking for Natalia in order to apologize but Teresa tells him he's just like Adrian and to leave Natalia alone.
  • The next morning Natalia makes breakfast for everyone, she gets up from the table and tells everyone she agreed to join Adrian for breakfast.
  • Adrian shows up and he has a showdown with Vicente. Adrian is a jerk and calls Vicente a dog with fleas! He gets punched for this and I cheered. Adrian does give Chente a check for the money he stole from him, he tells him that with that money he can pay off Natalia and the house will finally be his. Vicente questions whether the check will clear, I'm wondering the same.
  • Elias calls Mario, he has a plan to get revenge on Adrian, basically his plan is to trick Adrian into a shady business deal, a deal so juicy that there's no doubt that Adrian will steal from them and when he does they will send him back to prison where he belongs.
  • Mario was a busy boy, he also helps Tavo draft the paperwork needed to gift Chole the boarding house and the salon.
  • Tavo drinks with Claudio and tells him a few things that he needs to hear, mainly that he needs to deal with his drinking problem before Teresa leaves him, she's only with him out of fear of being alone.
  • Claudio says things will change when he gets his political position and Tavo tells him to stop, everyone knows that that's never going to happen.
  • Claudio runs to Constanza and tells her that Tavo and Chole broke up- she can still get him back so she won't be so alone.
  • Constanza tells him she's not alone, she has Andrea! Claudio reminds her that Adrian is back and that Andrea adores him, it's only a matter of time before she goes to live with him.
  • Constanza finds out that Andrea has a doctors appointment and did not tell her about it, Andrea tells her she's going to the doctor with Adrian, Constanza reminds her that the baby is hers and demands that Andrea cancel on Adrian and take her to the appointment instead.
  • *Prayer circle for the baby*
  • Chole refuses to take ownership of the boarding house and the salon, all she wants is Tavo and a baby.
  • Go the freaking doctor Tavo! 
  • Juan Gabriel makes food for Olga, she pretends to not be hungry but as soon as he leaves she digs into the food.
  • Did we ever see Juan Gabriel cook before?
  • Chente visits Olga, she makes a show of telling him how terrible she feels, she only feels safe when he is with her.
  • Chente vows to be there for her.
  • Adrian and Natalia have breakfast, he tells her he has returned the money to Chente and tells her she can now leave and get a better place, he offers her money to start a restaurant when he finds out she's going to start a restaurant in the barrio.
  • Natalia tells him that she does not need his help, she's happy to work and earn her own money.
  • Adrian offers to be an investor in her restaurant but she tells him that she already has partners, Chente and Mario.
  • Also, letting Adrian invest in her restaurant is like letting Bernie Madoff manage your 401k.
  • In the UK Omar is telling Veronica his plans, one of his friends will buy his ticket to Mexico and the other will give him some cash for the trip, Veronica tells him that as soon as he lands in Mexico Elias will have him thrown in jail.
  • Adrian tells Natalia that Omar has no clue that Andrea is knocked up, they decide to call him but the idiot left his phone behind and Veronica is the one who answers the phone.
  • Veronica makes it seems like Adrian is the one who is giving her all the information she has on Natalia.
  • Magos sets the boys straight, they are a family and have always and will always be there for each other, the fighting stops NOW.
  • The boys agree to come together as a family to support Olga.
See you all next week!


Thanks, Princess Juju.

Well, at least Adrian is good for something in finding out that Omar doesn't know about the pregnancy.

Glad that Natalia, though mad as heck at Chente, is keeping him as a partner and not taking Adrian's offer to be an investor.

I'm actually looking forward to Valentina visiting Felix in the slammer to tell him off. But I'm guessing she's not rid of Felix yet.

Princess Juju, thank you for snappy recap as the evildoers get worse. Olga is awful. I can't wait to see the anvil she gets .

Adrian is king of the weasels , a legend in his own mind .
However, I don't see Chente as a galan. Are there any galans in this tale ? Maybe Jojo is the closest we have to a galan.

Andrew is a spoiled brat with no hope of reformation as long as Con and Adrian are buzzing around her . tablet always changes Andrea to Andrew. Sorry.

Fantastic as always Princess!

I laughed at "...letting Adrian invest in her restaurant is like letting Bernie Madoff manage your 401k". One of Natalia's current investors, Chente is solid and dependable. I'm a bit worried about Mario who at times does allow his seething resentments to adversely affect his decision making skills.

Niecie, yes, at least someone was able to finally realize Omar is in the dark. The three way phone call between Adrian, Natalia and Vero surprised me. I'm impressed that Vero seems to have no fear of Adrian at all! As loathsome as he is, he is always several steps ahead and I'm not convinced she is as cunning as he. I can only hope they will eventually cancel each other out.

"Constanza reminds her that the baby is hers" was sickening. "*Prayer circle for the baby*" indeed. I'm really wondering if Omar really will make it back.

Tavo does need to get himself checked out but I suppose that won't happen until the 11th hour.

Tere, c'mon is Clodio REALLY better than no one??

Princess, thank you so much...


Thanks, PrincessJuJu for your most excellent recap. I have yet to watch this episode but now know what to look for. ; )

Princess Juju, thank you very much for this fun and helpful recap. I enjoyed reading it and now have an idea what happened last night as I never got a chance to watch.

Susanlynn, "Andrew is a spoiled brat..." Please tell your tablet to stop picking on me, although I have not been otherwise called a "brat" in about a gazillion years.

Diana, you are a very sweet person, always seeing the best in other people, even telenovela characters, but "One of Natalia's current investors, Chente is solid and dependable" might be a bridge too far.   :-)


Just finished. Best line was Simba telling Olga that she scared him worse than the girls from The Ring and The Exorcist.

Thanks, Princess Juju, at least some things are getting worked out. There’s no way Connie will end up with the baby. Not sure Andrea is much better but when she sees the true nature of her father she may grow up!

Chente is just to insecure. I’d say he deserves getting stuck with Olga for life but she’s too evil. He’s a nice guy but I agree, not the typical leading man.

I don’t see Mario and Omar getting the best of Adrian. Since Victoria is a cold blooded killer I think she’ll be his downfall. Of cause Olga is right along side her.

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