Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #86 Monday 6/27/22 Chente Scowls and Scowls Some More--OR--Chente Has a Lot to Scowl About

Hey, Judy, B, we are into the final stretch!  It looks like it will be another exciting episode tonight. It is a truly lovely evening  on the patio. We have some pie tonight: cherry or blueberry,   a la mode if you wish.  We also have throws out tonight to keep nice and comfy. 

Here we go!

1. It is the next morning at the boarding house and breakfast time. JuanGa is looking for Granny Magos. Olga says she took Ben to school and nastily adds that Granny Magos is capable of doing that other own.  Claudio complains about being cold in his room while Chole reminds him that it must be better than  sleeping on a park bench. Surprisingly, Claudio agrees saying  the neighborhood is in the hands  of criminals and tells how other day he got assaulted and Simba did too. Chole cannot believe that Simba was assaulted. JuanGa jokes that they must have stolen his soap being as filthy as he is. Claudio explains how those vandals strongly clawed his neck. Chole asks if he is sure about what he is saying. Claudio says he is. Olga appears to stare off into space as she listens carefully. Chole explains that Natalia told her that she gave the guy who tried to hurt her a good clawing on his neck.  She concludes that the guy must have been Simba. Mario agrees that if he has a scratch mark on his neck, the attacker must have been Simba. Chente comes in wondering why everyone is so quiet. 

2. At Natalia's, Adrián gets up from the couch making sure to stow his wallet  and his gun under his jacket. All Natalia is concerned about doing is cleaning up the mess that looks much worse in the light of day. She convinces herself she can start over. Adrián's phone rings. She tells him to answer it as she goes to fix breakfast. 

3. Adrián answers the phone. It is an irate Simba asking what is going on and why Adrián hasn't been answering him.  Adrián pretends he is talking to his secretary as Simba warns him not to play stupid. He needs money and a lot of it because he has to get away from there NOW. Adrián says they will talk later. Simba says no way. He needs the money right now and isn't putting up with his stupidity. He will meet him at the usual place in an hour and he better be careful to not leave him like some dumb ox waiting for him.  Adrián really wouldn't want him to open his mouth now, would he?  

4. Chente and JuanGa go looking for and catch Simba on the street. JuanGa tells him they are just to visit  their buddy as Chente grabs Simba by his jacket. As JuanGa holds Simba, Chente punches him in the gut saying he knows it was he who was the brute who  robbed  Natalia and wanted to hurt her. A defiant Simba says that woman wanted to steal his house from him. People like her don't belong in the neighborhood and should leave. Simba elbows JuanGa, wriggles free but Chente grabs him and tells him he isn't going anywhere and emphasizes that with another punch in the gut. Simba says if Chente lets him go, he will tell Chente about all of the things that Olga has done to him. She has been deceiving him. 

5. Natalia asks who called and Adrián says it had to do with work. She presumes that Elías has him very busy. Adrián admits that he is not working for Elías and makes it clear they are partners. Natalia shrugs and asks what kind of business are they in. Adrián answers vaguely saying it is business, imports, those kind of things.  He says he is going home to change and he will be back. She should call him if she needs anything. He tells her to be very careful and kisses her on the cheek. 

6. As he turns to leave, Natalia  wipes his kiss off of her cheek and his phone rings again. This time it is Olga. He asks what in the hell does she want. Olga is warning him that they know that Simba was the one who robbed Natalia's house.  Chente and Mario were talking about it. If they get their hands on Simba, she is sure that Simba will tell them he is working for him and everything else. She tells Adrián that he needs to shut him up like now. Adrián leaves.

7. As Chente and JuanGa keep control of Simba, he starts spilling his guts. He tells JuanGa that Olga made fun of both of them but the one who is losing big time is Chente. She has been making him look like an idiot for a while now. He will tell him everything but he is going to have to let him go. He doesn't want to end up behind bars. 

8. Back at the boarding house, Mario has just called the police to go to Simba's place. Chole wishes Chente and JuanGa had waited for the police. Vale thinks they did the right thing so Simba won't be able to cut out. Chole reminds them all that Simba was once Olga's novio. Olga says she does not remember and if she doesn't remember, it never happened. Chole rolls her eyes. 

9. With his hand on Simba's neck, Chente says with the police on their way, it is a little late for him to be sorry. JuanGa insists that he is telling lies about Olga! Chente wants Simba to confess that he was the one who beat up that blonde jerk and that 2XJosé is innocent. He knees him to emphasize his request. As Chente grabs him by the neck again, Simba says he did it to help 2XJosé. That jerky guy was bugging him. Chente informs him that his brother ended up in jail because of him. JuanGa tells Simba he is screwed because he is going to pay for everything he did. Simba asks that he be let go again so he can tell Chente what kind of woman he is going to get married to. Chente is in no mood to hear more but Simba continues reminding him of that night he left Olga out on the highway. Simba says he was there, too, because Olga had set a trap for Natalia. He swears on his saintly mother in heaven. They release him as he stands in between them to tell the tale. Simba explains that he was hidden but he saw Chente arrive with Olga and how they argued and then Chente  left Olga all alone. He asks if they really do not want to know what happened next. He tells Chente it would be to his advantage to know. All Chente has to do is help him and he will tell him the truth. 

10. Nobody sees Adrián standing at the corner of the block taking aim at Simba.

11. GrannyMagos goes to see 2XJosé in jail.  

12. Chente continues to rough Simba up who is asking him to take him to the bus terminal and he will tell him everything along the way. They will never see him again. JuanGa and Chente agree that the only place Simba belongs is in jail. 

13. Adrián is frustrated with so much action going on and not being to get a good aim on Simba.

14. Simba is begging for his freedom and not to be sent to jail. He informs Chente  that there never were any men who raped Olga. He and Olga had sex and then she asked him to beat her up. It was all part of a plan to make Chente feel guilty. It was all so Olga could blackmail him whenever she felt like it.

15. Chente has Simba around the neck again.  Adrián decides it is now or never. He shoots and Simba falls  to the ground on top of Chente. The police arrive and Chente checks to see how Simba is doing. Simba is wheezing trying to breathe as Chente holds him. 

16. Chole has noticed how nervous Olga is. Olga says that she is worried about Chente who still isn't there. With Simba, who knows if he did something to him. Chole still cannot believe that the Simba, who she has knows her whole life,  could be the source of such evil.  Olga says "Caras vemos, mañas no sabemos" (We see peoples' faces but do not know about their tricks) (You can't judge a book by its cover) Olga says she always had a bad feeling about Simba like she couldn't trust him. Her phone rings. She tells Chole it must be Chente. It is Adrián. 

17. Adrián tells Olga she can be calm now because their friend won't be opening his mouth. Dead men don't talk. 

18. Olga lies to Chole telling her that the call was from JuanGa saying they were still looking for Simba. Chole looks like she doesn't believe her cousin. 

19. JuanGa tells the police the direction the bullet seemed to come from as they arrange for the neighborhood streets to be searched for the gunman. 

20. Chente is telling Simba to hold on because an ambulance is coming. Simba manages to ask him to please take care of his child so he doesn't end up like him.  Chente says  he will but then asks if he has  a child. He tells Chente that the baby that Olga is carrying is his.  With that last comment, Simba loses consciousness. Chente is left wondering. 

21. Lorenzo is still in the hospital increasingly desperate about not being able to feel his legs as Regina comforts him. 

22. GrannyMagos and 2X have a tearful visit at the jail. She sees the fear in his eyes like when he was a little kid. She insists that they will do what is necessary so he can leave jail with his head held high and she has the funds to do it. He will have the best lawyer around. 

23. Tavo goes to see Fernanda. He reminds her that she was helpful to him and Connie when they found out they couldn't have children a while back. Fernanda remembers finding them a specialist at the hospital. Tavo says he was the one who determined he was sterile. He would like to talk to him again but cannot find him. Fernanda tries to locate the specialist on her computer and finds out that he was let go by the hospital because there was a couple rather serious lawsuits filed against him.  She cannot give him any details but his diagnosis could be compromised. She thinks he should get some new tests done. A visibly disturbed Tavo nods. 

24. As Omar and Andrea help Natalia clean up the mess, Natalia thinks she will have to close the fonda down again. Andrea's suggestion to cook at Chole's isn't going to work this time because it is a daily business. There is nowhere to put the customers. She has an order from Julián and is afraid that will turn out badly, too.  Vale and Mario come by to help out. Mario informs Natalia that Simba was the one who attacked her.  Vale says they identified him by the scratch marks she left on Simba's neck. Natalia asks about the other guys that were with him but they know nothing. Vale thinks the police must have him so he will  have to tell everything he knows. Andrea adds that he also must have been the one who beat up Lorenzo. Omar adds if that is true, then 2X will be able to get out of jail. Natalia makes it clear she is in favor of 2X being freed. Mario says they can depend on him to do what they need to help 2X. 

25. Chente and JuanGa are giving their account about what happened when Simba got shot to a police officer. Chente says there was only one shot and they didn't see where it came from. Chente says before Simba lost consciousness, he confessed that he was the one who attacked Lorenzo. He reminds her that his brother is in jail unjustly accused. She says when Simba is stabilized, he will be able to give his statement to the authorities, but in the meantime, it is important that his brother launches a strong defense.  His legal situation is tricky.

26. Regina goes to see Lorenzo to give him the good news that 2XJosé wasn't the one who beat him up. It was Simba a mechanic who works at his uncle's shop. She admits that 2X knew him like everyone in the neighborhood has known everyone for ages. Lorenzo thinks that 2X had Simba do his dirty work for him. They were accomplices. Regina disagrees and says she made a mistake. She should not have doubted 2X. He is innocent. Lorenzo insists they planned it all and it is their fault he cannot move his legs. She tells him to trust her and talk to his lawyer so they know what really happened. He agrees that will be talking to them so 2X never gets out of jail. Suddenly, Regina is not so taken with Lorenzo. 

27. Seeing the mood that Chente is in, JuanGa tells him to calm down before he talks to Olga. (Stupid) Juanga thinks that Simba must have been lying.Olga is incapable of such evil.  Chente wants an explanation. Juanga tells him to take it easy since she is pregnant with his child. Chente insists it isn't his child but is Simba's. JuanGa informs Chente that he  and Olga never had sex because she said she wanted to be pure at the altar when she got married. That is how he knows she didn't have sex with Simba. Chente asks JuanGa if he is still in love with her in spite of everything. JuanGa admits that he is even though Chente is going to marry her. Chente thinks that right now they need to get 2X out of jail. Chente agrees they are going to need to get 2X a real good lawyer. It looks like Chente will be selling his truck again but maybe that won't even be enough. 

28. Andrea looks at the spray painted "Get out of the hood" sign in the living room and tells her mother it is evident that Simba and his friends want them out. Andrea thinks they all should go live with her father. Omar has to agree Samba's pals are still on the loose.  For once Natalia thinks for herself and refuses. She was thrown out of her  house once because of Adrián, and that is not going to happen again to her again. She will defend her home tooth and nail. Vale is in complete agreement because this is her home and a home is sacred. 

29. Heliodoro has arrived at the rooming house overjoyed to see  GrannyMagos. Juanga is taken aback by them hugging. Chente explains he is her novio. JuanGa doesn't understand that at  her age. Heliodoro introduces himself as GrannyMagos just beams. She tells JanGa that she can do whatever she wants at her age. Heliodoro just laughs and makes Chente laugh, too. GrannyMagos gives Chente a package of money from the sale of her house and her properties. He is to use the money for 2X's defense since it is a family matter. They should be able to get him a good lawyer. They need to take care of their own. Isn't that the  first lesson she taught them?

30. Lorenzo cannot believe that Regina is on 2X's side. She says he is only looking for revenge. Lorenzo says he was left as an invalid. She insists it wasn't 2X. She cannot believe that with what he knows, he  still want him charged with attempted murder.  2X will always hold a special place in her heart. She tells Lorenzo that he sounds like he is crazy. Lorenzo tells her to go since she isn't going to support him. 

31. Everyone is  joining in at Natalia's to clean the place up. Adrián comes in trying to be the hero. Delivery men are soon bringing in boxes and boxes of kitchen and cooking supplies. Now that they are back together, he doesn't want to leave her one moment alone! He wants to  help her out. 

32. Chente is grateful for the money. GrannyMagos is grateful to be enjoying life and all of her naughtiness with Heliodoro. She grabs his arm. JuanGa tells her to control herself and cannot believe she is making eyes at  Heliodoro. She tells him to stop being so jealous. JuanGa cannot take that Heliodoro is so much younger than she is. She asks him why  would she want anyone who is older than  she when she needs a strong and vigorous man who can attend to her??? JuanGa asks what is wrong with her. Chente insists he cannot accept the money. Heliodoro tells him to take the money because defending 2X could set him back a lot. GrannyMagos hugs Heliodoro saying that her novio is right while Juanga turns his head away in disgust. Chente finally agrees to take the money with the condition that he will return it to her. She says she knows he will.  Heliodoro announces that is why he fell in love with her, because of her great heart. JuanGa cannot take him anymore and goes after Heliodoro. The two  goofs chase each other around. Granny Magos clearly takes Heliodoro's side. 

33. Natalia talks alone to Adrián. She makes it clear that she didn't ask for his help. She doesn't want it and doesn't need it. He says he cannot leave her in a situation like this. She reminds him of the even worse situation he left her in and she managed to fend for herself.  He says he cannot see his family living in this stinking neighborhood. He has taken the liberty of assembling a group of apartments she could choose from and only run her business out of this house. Natalia only has one question for him. Where is he getting so much money to support his luxurious life style?  He says he has been getting his money back by working really hard; sweating blood every single day. She sarcastically adds that surely he works from morning to night. What about  all of the people he left broke and all the money he ended up owing?  He explains that he met with his creditors and said that he would be able to pay them back if they let him have the small amount of money of his that still remained. Natalia still doesn't see how that makes sense with the immense house he bought,  paying Chente for his part of the house, paying for all of the kitchen supplies,  covering Lorenzo's hospital costs and paying Regina's tuition. Where did he get all of this money? He tries to explain that he renegotiated his payment plans with several of the affected parties. Some are being paid now, some later so he could reduce his interest. Since he has started to work with Elías, his business has been going very well. She asks if he can say what kind of business he is in. Angrily, he repeats that he is in the import business. He wonders why the interrogation. She reminds him she is giving him ONE last chance. She doesn't want to make the same mistakes with him she did before. Since she doesn't know how legal his businesses might be, she is asking him to remove all of the kitchen supplies from her house. He insists he has done nothing illegal. She asks how is she supposed to know. He robbed once before. Knowing his desire to get back his old lifestyle, he might have been felt the impulse to do it again. 

34. Olga wonders why Chente is looking at her like he is. He says because it has been a hard day. She asks if they got Simba. Chente answers that somebody shot him.  He is in critical condition at the prison hospital. The police didn't get he shooter but Chente thinks that Simba had accomplices. Chente thinks that they wanted to shut him up. Olga says that the situation is scary. She goes to touch Chente and he pulls away. Chente says that before  Simba passed out, he told him the truth about everything. Olga asks what was "everything". Chente says about the blonde jerk Lorenzo. Simba was the one who beat him up and left in him the street. Olga looks relieved and happy saying now they should be able to get 2X out of jail. Chente says it will be slow going since they have to wait until Simba regains consciousness to make any declaration before the authorities. Olga feels so sorry about the whole situation but also wants to know what else Simba had to  say. Chente tells her that Simba says the baby she is expecting is his. 

35. Adrián has the delivery men "undeliver" all of the supplies. He tells Natalia that she has no idea of how her words have hurt him. He was in jail once and has no intention of ever doing that again. Natalia reminds him that she and her daughters ended up  in the street due to his ambition and lies. She has no intention of repeating that experience either. He says he is her husband and asks her to allow him to support her. Natalia informs him that she is no longer the same person. She doesn't  need a husband to support her and if he doesn't get that, their relationship will go nowhere. BTW,  she has to get back to work. He doesn't want to interrupt so he turns to leave but he has  to stop and tell her how grateful he is for her giving him another chance and  asking her to be patient with him. He acknowledges that she has changed and he is so very proud of the woman she has become. He loves her. As he turns to leave, we see his expression change to one of anger.

36. Mario comes out of the kitchen telling Natalia  that he heard the whole interchange thing and that she shouldn't confront Adrián like that. She could give the police and their plan away. Natalia knows that and admits she has to learn how to control herself. 

37. Olga is on her knees begging Chente not to believe Simba. He pulls her up as she insists she is telling him the truth. She now says that Simba raped her but she couldn't say anything because he was threatening her but now that he is dying, she could tell him the truth. With his  finger in her face, Chente tells her that Simba said that she made him beat her up because it was part of a larger plan to harm Chente by making him feel guilty. Olga doesn't know how he could believe a murderer instead of her. How could he think that she would have somebody rape her and beat her up? Chente has had enough of Olga making a fool out of him. She insists she never did.  Chente says if she and Simba  never had a plan then what was he doing out at that abandoned location. Olga says because Simba was insistent and really wanted to see her. She says Simba must have followed them and when Chente  left her alone and abandoned, Simba appeared and he dd what he did. Chente insists  Simba had no reason to lie. Olga says he did it to save himself from the police so Chente would help him.  Chente  adds that Simba clearly told him that the baby Olga is expecting is his. He wants the truth from Olga. Olga lies directly to Chente's face and tells him the baby is his. When she found out how long she had been pregnant, it proved to her that the baby wasn't Simba's. The timing was off since she  was only two weeks pregnant and the Simba incident had happened weeks before. Chente still thinks it is impossible that he is the father as Olga insists. 

38. Back at Natalia's, Regina is blaming herself for the vandalism because she accused 2X of beating up Lorenzo. She thinks it was retaliation from the neighborhood. Natalia says now they know that Simba was the criminal and that 2X will be set free. Regina doses't think so. Lorenzo thinks 2X and Simba were accomplices and will do what he can to ruin him. Regina tried to change Lorenzo's mind but he is full of hatred and vengeance. He is afraid he will never walk again and wants 2X to pay for that. 

39. Chente tells JuanGa that he has not idea what to believe.  JuanGa has no problem believing that Simba raped Olga. He blames Simba for everything. The neighbors arrive and are there to offer  Chente a hand in the bad times not just when there is a party going on.

40. Ben is playing with his action figures when Olga sneaks her way into his room.  He freezes in terror as she announces herself as the "witchiest witch"  in the  county and adds that he doesn't know how great she is feeling. She pulls him over by his ear so she can talk to him up close and personal. With the spells she cast, she made his father believe her whole story. She pulls  him closer and tells him that sometimes she likes him because he is like her own little box of secrets. She can vent with him because she knows that he won't say anything. He isn't like that  gossipy fleabag Simba, is he? Ben insists he won't say anything. Olga says she is so very close to getting his father to the altar. She is going to marry him. Ben says no. She says yes. She is going to be his new stepmother. She tells him to stop saying "no" or he will find out what a hard hand she can have with him. She declares herself bored and leaves a distraught Ben in his room. 



A lot happened last night. Quite an enjoyable episode as things ares starting to boil over.


Just marvelous. This roller coaster is climbing to brief, sunlit, breathtaking peaks and then a moment later, plunging us into the darkest abyss. Your summaries mirror all the tumultuous feelings we are experiencing and doing it perfectly.

"Caras vemos, mañas no sabemos" (We see peoples' faces but do not know about their tricks) (You can't judge a book by its cover)” was inspired. Your narration was impeccable!!

“Heliodoro has arrived at the rooming house overjoyed to see GrannyMagos”. And I was ecstatic to see Rene Casados! For too brief a time, the screen was illuminated with a bright light of goodness, kindness, intelligence, personality – in other words, a real man, a true galan which thus far, this telenovela has been devoid of (save Omar). “She asks him why would she want anyone who is older than she when she needs a strong and vigorous man who can attend to her???” Exactly!! Color me green with envy.

But those heartfelt, hopeful moments cannot negate Olga and Adrian’s murderous, treacherous lies and actions. Olga threatening Benja was beyond disturbing – good heavens please, let someone see the phone recording.

Even after Chente learned the tawdry truth from Simba’s vitriolic mouth, incredulously, Olga managed to plant a small seed of sickening doubt in his mind. “Chente asks JuanGa if he is still in love with her in spite of everything. JuanGa admits that he is.” JuanGa may be blinded by Olga, but he is a Rhodes scholar compared to Chente, bereft of reason and rationale.

“Suddenly, Regina is not so taken with Lorenzo”. I am not taken with Regina any longer so…

Adrian’s patience quickly evaporated at Natalia’s probing. As she seems to be a person who took everything he used to say and do at face value, any questions at all would likely have aroused his suspicions. But a valiant effort, even if years after the fact.

Judy, I’m a bit stressed so will forgo calories for the moment and have cherry pie. With whipped cream of course. Will you join me amiga??

Jarifa, an amazing summary. Thank you, thank you.


Thanks, Jarifa, a great recap of another exciting episode. I thought Simba was dead, so good to know he is alive. Hope he stays that way!

Looks like Olga is on video again. I think she is the worse of all, truly evil. Although all the bad guys in this are pretty evil.

I like the way they’re uncovering a little bit each night, but not fully. Keeps us on the edge of our seats and waiting for the next episode. Seems like it’s two steps forward, one step back.

Poor JuanGa, will he love Olga to the bitter end. Love, or hate, that he thinks she was keeping herself pure till marriage.


Good work, Jarifa. If Univision doesn't stop the snip snips there will be two whole episodes missing before the finale.

Lorenzo needs to get the starch kicked out of him. What would his parents or his aunt do if he flunked out of that school? Especially if 2xJose comes back and aces every exam.

When is Omar marrying Andrea? That has to happen ASAP.

More later.

Great work! I didn’t get the shotgun slang so thanks for filling in the gaps! Just when you figure the lies cannot go on they do. Ugh!! Olga and Adrian still got people eating out of their hands, aka Juanma and Andrea…—Jardinera654

Love that Natalia has now slapped almost all the w(b)itches. So far, she's whomped on Tania, Olga, Veronica and Constanza. I don't remember - has she got Samia?

Jarifa: I'm assuming the Gran Final is set for July 8th ?


Another great recap, Jarifa. Thank you!

As for the pie, I'll have just one of each, a la mode. I'm on a diet.

JudyJudy, I hope you can join us.

Chente is an idiot, he has proven that over and over again. Juanga is an idiot, junior grade, and it's touching that he believed that Olga was keeping herself "pure" until she got married. But he's still an idiot.

But Tavo is the King of Idiots.

Liz, "Poor JuanGa, will he love Olga to the bitter end. Love, or hate, that he thinks she was keeping herself pure till marriage."
Yeah, I quite agree. Juanga has really blossomed as a character. It's a shame that he's so hung up on Olga.

I have to wonder a bit about Olga. Is she really evil, or is she 100% crazy? Both?

Finally! Someone (Natalia) asks Adrián where all the money has been coming from! Sheesh!

Whose baby is it? Let's go to the DNA! But then what? What happens to the poor baby?


Anyone’s guess for the gran final is as good as mine. Originally it was supposed to be on July 4. Today on one tv schedule on line, I saw this novela going through July 6 and ending with 93? 94?episodes next Wed. Uni has made such a mess of this one, I guess we will not know until it really ends. We could use the time to complete the plot in the best possible way.

Thanks, everyone, for stopping on by the patio. It is a busy day today. I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments.

Jarifa, finally had a chance to watch my recording of this episode while reading your excellent as always account.

I especially love your introductory greeting to our Judy. My mother always made each family member's favorite pie for his\her birthday . I usually asked for peach or apricot pie,but my Hub always asked for cherry pie with a starting crumb topping.

well, going from delicious lies to devious lies. Olga is a lying liar who lies while looking muy innocent as she stares into Chentes gullible eyes. What a dim, dumb bunny.. . She seems to feel that if she gets the chance to talk loud enough, fast enough,and long enough , she can make anyone believe she is telling the truth . ..Well, at least her lying protocol works amazingly well with Chente. She definitely has this dude's number.

Then, feeling that she has convinced dim Chente to believe her not Simb a , she takes a victory lap by slithering into Ben's room to terrorize him ....and this session is captured on Ben's brand new cellphone .

Wow, Rene was positively chewing up the scenery in his cowboy attire doing karate poses. Okay.

Thanks, Jarifa.

So Adrian is an expert marksman? Okay.

Oh-no. Chente, the "man with honor," promised to take care of Simba's child. So his and Natalia's HEA will have them raising Baby OlgaSim beside Benja? Ugh.

I'm really turned off of Regina now. Yes, Lorenzo deserves our scorn, but she was taking his not being able to walk and feeling distraught about it way too lightly. "I'm so happy 2XJose didn't do it! Hey, don't you think you're going overboard about not walking?"

Great recap Jarifa! Thank you.

I totally agree with you Diana. Rene's cameo appearance was so much fun to watch. He just lights up the screen by just standing there and smiling. He's a beautiful man and a great actor, and I love how he gets into his characters. I watched him and Maria Rojo on YouTube as they worked together on the Corazon Salvaje novela in 2009.

BTW, since I came very late into this novela, I was wondering why Maria replaced Carmen Salinas? Anyone know?

Olga is pure evil and she needs to pay for her tormenting Little Benji. That child abuse needs to stop already. As for her bambino...hmmm...(ever hear of Rosemary's Baby)?



Heartsing, Carmen Salinas died on December 8th, 2021 four days before the great Vicente Fernandez. MFEA is her last novela and her last episode was #45.

Olga is one of the most evil female characters I've ever seen. Mental illness is no excuse.

Oh my! Thanks Urban, I did not know Carmen had passed away. She was a wonderful actress. I always enjoyed her work. Anyway, thanks for letting me know.

As for Olga, yes, the character is demonic. The actress does a great job of portraying that.



Thank you for reminding me about Maria and Rene in CS 09!!

That remains one of my favorite novelas (Edwardo Yanez is my telenovio). The scene at his mother's (Laura Flores) death, remains one of the most touching, best acted I've ever scene. What a cast!

"Olga is pure evil". I agree wholeheartedly. As we have seen a few brief scenes where she clearly longs to be better, to do the right thing, (but never does) she seems to fully realize the difference between right and wrong. I do not think she is mentally ill but evil incarnate.


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