Monday, July 11, 2022

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): La Mexicana y El Guero, La Hija del Embajador*, & Mujer de Nadie- Week of July 11, 2022

ANNOUNCEMENT:La Hija del Embajador” will be preempted on Tuesday, primarily due to Futbol.

 Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! There’s still much mayhem for our protag on Mujer de Nadie; Weirdo, Darcy, Princess Juju and Urban are off to a great start with the recapping of all misfortunes and intrigue. Our sedulous Dondi356 continues with entrancing recaps of La Hija del Embajador: Season 3!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

11-12 PM  La Hija del Embajador 3: Ep. 45-46 (*on Unimás-Últimas Semanas!!)     

8-9 PM  La Mexicana y el Guero:  Ep. 28-30

10-11PM – Mujer de Nadie: Ep. 10-12

 La Herencia” will have a stand-alone page and a really fabulous recap team (still hoping for more recappers) has formed to lead the discussions!


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Guero”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 9PM.

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I am not watching this but I caught a couple minutes of it today. I was surprised by how convincing Juan Soler was at sounding like he didn't speak Spanish well!! If I didn't know better I would have believed it! Impressive!


Wow! That was some fantastic Mariachi serenata! (I need to learn more vocabulary re Mariachi and these serenades)

Seven or eight musicians, great singer, and Marcia was really touched. So why was I laughing the whole time? Not very romantic of me   :-)
Luis is nothing if not persistent. Why did they cut just before The Kiss? Ah, Marcia is shy, so all the Mariachis turned away to give the lovebirds some privacy.
Sorry, but I'm still laughing. In any case, Marcia is hooked, Gonzalo is surprised, and Isis is disapproving.

I am amazed that Tyler could stand up, let alone walk and embrace Andrea, after all those shots. He should be in the hospital.
And, of course, in walks Katya!

I wish doña Maty would fish out that photo that she hid in the couch and show it to Erika.

Darcy, I think he does a great job with his "accented" Spanish, and I'm impressed that he's been able to keep doing it so well, not just the accent but grammar as well. He has several times "caught" himself using the wrong verb tense or mood and then "corrected" himself, something most of us non-native speakers are quite familiar with   :-)

I hope he can speak Spanish normally after a day's filming   :-)



Thank you for the shout-out! The first episode recap is up!!

Adriana Noel

Mujer de Nadie

Can't wait for the recap of yesterday's episode, Princess Juju!

Mexicana. I think Erika is on to Andrea's deception. As soon as she gets Maty's picture (and Maty was no doubt shown hiding it for a reason), Erika may at least be able to get Tyler's investment back if not his romantic interest. I doubt if there will be more than that because there are still almost 100 episodes to go. I also thought the mariachi serenade was hilarious, Andy! Juan Soler is better at bad Spanish than he is at good, native-quality English.

Mujer #10 July 11,2022

Quick Recap because yesterday was my boyfriends birthday and I just now finished watching the episode:

Fernando and Lucia almost get arrested for breaking into Lucia's old house, Juventino saves them from arrest but he has one condition: Lucia and Rafael are to leave San Jacinto and not come back-they either agree to that or they will be arrested for breaking and entering. Fernando gets Lucia to leave.

Pilar is with Gabino, they chat about Isaura- it looks like Pilar might be a little jealous by Isaura, just then she gets a sharp pain in her shoulder, Gabino tells her that she needs to get some blood work done to figure out what's wrong.

Michelle is with her friend Paulina, she tells her she caught Alfredo cheating but she's taking him back, he told her the affair meant nothing and if the other woman was so important to him he would have dumped her (Michelle). Paulina can't believe what she's hearing and michelle tells her that men are like that, she asks Paulina if she knows of any man that never makes mistakes or a man they can truly trust and believe in. Girl, please.

Gertrudis is upset that Pedro did nothing to get rid of Lucia- Pedro gets very personal with Gertudis, he kisses her hair and asks her if her husband is sleeping, he offers to give her a massage and just then her husband walk in! Gertrudis and Pedro jump and Pedro leaves when Jacobo questions why he is there. Jacobo asks Gertrudis if she had anything to do with Lucia almost getting arrested, she denies having anything to do with it.

Mujer De Nadie #10 July, 11 2022 Part 2

At the brothel Diego sets his sights on one of the young women working there- I still can't remember her name, she turns Diego down but Alejandra catches her and sends her off with Diego, Diego uses the poor girl as a therapist, he rants about how horrible and ungrateful his sister is and how all he's trying to do is protect her. He really should invest in a therapist and possibly some medication.

Alejandra is asked by one of her workers how much she trusts Isaura, Alejandra says she doesn't trust her at all but she needs her for the time being, once she's of no use to her she'll get rid of her, Alejandra also finds out that Alfredo was responsible for the pictures that were taken of Lucia, she's going to sit on the information and let Alfredo think that there won't be any consequences for what he did but she will make him pay.

Casilada receives a package at the house, Alejandra comments that not only is she ugly but now she's also a compulsive shopper and that was really mean but the delivery of the line was great and made me chuckle. Isaura opens the package and finds that it is a provocative body suit- at first it looked to me like a Halloween costume for dogs, but it turns out that Casilda is playing dress up in her room, in the end Casilda has to pay Isaura in order to secure her silence. Isaura is the queen of side hustles, how many people are paying her for various things now?


Mujer De Nadie #10

Roxana visits Fernando, she apologizes for her jealous outburst and teases him about Fernanda, he tells her he didn't even remember her outburst,Michelle falls for it and the two have sex, while he is out of the room Michelle takes his phone and gets Lucia's contact information. She calls Lucia's phone and Casilda answers, thinking that Michelle is a friend of Lucia's she gives her the address to Lucia's studio

Lucia is working on getting her studio ready when Michelle walks in, Michelle warns her to stay away from Rafael, she tells Lucia that Rafael told her what kind of woman Luccia is and she refuses to listen to Lucia when Lucia tells her that Rafael lied to both of them. Michelle tells Lucia that she and Rafael will be getting married, Lucia asks her to leave and on her way out Michelle breaks one of Lucia's creations, Lucia then starts pushing her out and then Fernando shows up, he asks Michelle what she's doing there.


Mujer de Nadie

Very good recap, Princess Juju!

I especially loved: "at first it looked to me like a Halloween costume for dogs". I laughed out loud when I read that!

I can't stand Michelle. She gets on my nerves! She's on my Hate List for this telenovela, alongside with Alfredo, Isaura, Gertrudis, Heri, Rafael, Diego, Pedro and half the other people.

Thanks for the recap, Juju!


Thanks Princess for your recap! I love your humor and always enjoy reading your recaps.

There really aren't many people to like so far in this one! Lucia is nice of course but she is naïve to the point of being annoying. Fernando would probably blend in with the wall if he stood next to it. I love Casilda, because she in entertaining but that girl needs help big time! Paulina may end up being worth rooting for but so far she's wallflower material. I kind of like Isaura, just for the campy element. She's fun to watch.

Michelle is a train wreck but actress is doing a fantastic job!!! She's very convincing and killing it in every scene!

Weirdo, your list of people to hate is pretty spot on....but I am making exceptions for two of them (at least for now). First as stated above, I kind of like Isa, she's the only one actually enjoying herself around here and she's funny. The second is Pedro....well, I mean he's horrible undoubtedly and he will probably only get more reprehensible as the tale unfolds, but he's nice to look at and someone has to be after all. :) T


Speaking of entertaining....Casilda's plan for seducing Leo???? Lmao!!! This has got to be some writer's high school fantasy about how the shy bookish girl could really be a closet dominatrix played out on the small screen. It's crazy, and creative and totally unrealistic....I kind of love it, not gonna lie.


SpanProf, I agree that Juan Soler is better at bad Spanish than native-quality English. But not terrible, and I don't know how many Mexican viewers would realize, or care.

I do want to see what happens now that Luis has recaptured the heart of his Marciuca, that sucker for a Mariachi serenata.
Gonzalo is definitely a good guy, and a bright one, but does Andrea really believe that he hired the Mariachis to serenade her? And what exactly does Gonzalo mean when he says to himself how much he likes her? Should Helena be worried?

Ah, well, more tonight.



Darcy: This Telenovela will be quite intriguing.

Steve Boudreaux

Mujer de Nadie

Yesterday's recap will be up a bit earlier than usual. I really liked the episode, it was a fun one!

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 1/8

We left off episode 10 with Michelle who breaks Lucía's creation. She pretends to apologize, saying that she didn't know it meant so much to her, while laughing. Lucía grabs her and tries to kick her out and Michelle starts screaming at Lucía and says that she has no idea of what she's capable of. This is starting to become a fight.

Fer comes and asks them what's going on. Lucía learns that Michelle is Fer's sister and is shocked. Michelle is also shocked and asks him "is she the girl you fell in love with? The zorra who-". But before she could finish what she was saying, Lucía gets angry and tells her that she doesn't have the right to talk like this about her, since she doesn't know her. Michelle tells her that she doesn't have the right to be with her novio. She sees Fer's shocked face and tells him that Alfredo cheated on her with Lucía.

Lucía says that she didn't know Michelle and Alfredo were together and it's obvious she's telling the truth, but Michelle is an idiot, so she doesn't believe her. She says that it's Lucía's fault Alfredo was at the hospital(?) and that she wants to take him away from her. They try to get close to each other many times, I assume for the classical telenovela hair pulling and slapping, but Fer stops them and tells his sister that she's wrong. Michelle can't believe her brother's taking Lucía's side and Fer drags her out as she's screaming "how dare you defend her?" Lucía goes back to the broken creation and picks up its pieces.

Casilda and Silvia are together, trying masks on. Silvia says that it's not a good idea, what if Leonardo finds out? Casilda says something about Silvia going to prison because she's a thief and assures her that it is a good idea. Silvia realizes that Casilda is in love with Leonardo and promises that she's going to help her have her magical night (what the heck is going on?), but wants something extra like a bag or shoes(?). Casilda agrees, she'll get whatever she wants. They put on their masks and smile. (Come on, I can't be the only one that thinks that whatever they're thinking is a bad idea...)

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 2/8

Fer brings Michelle a glass of water and tells her that she should be mad at Alfredo. FINALLY SOMEBODY SAID IT. Michelle is so angry she throws the glass on the floor, gets up and tells him that he should have defended her, he doesn't know, he wasn't at the restaurant with them! Fer says that both her and Lucía are victims, get it through your head! But Michelle's head is empty, so she tells him to stop believing Lucía's lies and that she's sure she didn't tell him she had a novio. Fer calmly replies that yes, she told him from the start and tells Michelle to open her eyes, Alfredo is manipulating you! Michelle says that HE should open his eyes (WHAT?) and that Lucía hasn't stopped looking for Alfredo. Fer tells her "what did you expect this idiot to tell you? That he's cheating on you?" Michelle starts screaming AGAIN, she says she saw something that I didn't catch because Fer and Michelle were talking at the same time.

Just then Marta comes and tells them to stop, what happened? Michelle starts her crap again, "Fer is going out with the one who Alfredo is with" and turns her back, pretending to be hurt. Marta is shocked when she hears that Alfredo is also with someone else. Fer tries to make Michelle understand that both she and Lucía are victims, Michelle tells him to shut up and leaves!

Lucía looks at the pieces of the thing Michelle broke, probably thinking if they can be glued, when Rafael comes in, he brought the lease agreement they have to look through together and sign. He looks at the pieces and Lucía tells him it was very special. Rafael looks at them more carefully and says that it can be fixed. Lucía doesn't really think so. Rafael pretends to be kind to her, saying that we all have moments when we feel like we're broken and that he thinks this is what's happening to Lucía now.

Lucía confirms it and Rafael says that she's a strong woman and that feeling will go away. He also says that strong women dominate the world and Lucía says that it's just like hearing her dad speak, because of all the wisdom in the words. She wipes some tears. Raf tells her to listen to her heart and just then Roxana sends him a message saying "Mi amor, I'm waiting for you." Raf says that he has to leave and tells her to take a look at the contract and call him when she's ready. She thanks him for bothering with the broken creation. Raf tells her "life's scars are beautiful" before he leaves.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 3/8

Alejandra is with Pilar and they're looking at something online. Anyway, the conversation goes to Gabino. Pilar thinks that he really loves her, Alejandra doesn't think so. Pilar tells Ale she thinks she (Pilar) was wrong in rejecting Gabino's offer. Ale says that at Pilar's age, a man can be even more dangerous than Alzheimer xD. Pilar insists that she wants to be with Gabino, she doesn't want to die having not tried this relationship. Alejandra tells her that if she stays with Gabino, she's going to die of boredom and disappointment and grabs her tablet again. (Honestly, Pilar, if you don't care about Alejandra's opinion, just don't talk to her and stop wasting our time...)

Fer goes to Alfie's to talk to him. Alfredo thinks it's about the job Carlos asked for, but Fer goes straight to the point and says that he doesn't want him playing with Michelle and another woman. Alfie of course denies this and says that Michelle's making stuff up.

Fer doesn't buy his crap like Michelle and Alfie admits it. Well, not exactly admits it, he says he met someone else and went on a couple of dates, you're a guy, you understand (no comments). Fer doesn't believe him and says that Lucía isn't like this. Alfie pretends that he didn't know Fer knew Lucía (lie, he saw them talking together on Capítulo 2) and tells him that Lucía was the one who uploaded the pictures on the internet!!! (Fer, please punch him, for Viewerville's sake.) Fer actually punches him (THANK YOU!), Alfie doesn't shut up and says that Michelle will stay with him for as long as he (Alfie) wants and Fer punches him again. Fer tells that pathetic loser that he'll make sure Michelle finds out the garbage that he is (his words exactly, go Fernando!) and warns him not to hurt her.

Lucía glues the broken pieces together when Alejandra comes in and asks her if she's feeling well, she didn't come down to eat dinner. Lucía says she's fine, she just wanted to continue repairing this. Alejandra asks her why is she gluing the pieces together, it's broken anyway and Lucía responds with "by repairing this, I'm repairing myself". Alejandra asks her repair herself because of what and Lucía says "of Alfredo's betrayal".

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 4/8

Alejandra tells her that love as a couple doesn't really exist and that it's a lie for people to sell more stuff. Lucía says that it does exist, even though it didn't go so well for her, but thinks that it will happen to her at some point. Ale laughs and says that this is what she used to think too, but she thankfully changed.

Silvia is waiting for Leonardo to come. When he does, she shows him some sexy underwear she's wearing. He tells her that she's spectacular and tries to kiss her, but she says "not here" and goes to the door. She looks outside and says that she'll find him later and to wait for her. She blows him a kiss and leaves.

Ale finds Casilda and tells her that she should stay here and take care of Lucía, not go to the club tonight. Casilda wasn't expecting that and says that there is a lot of work at the club, but Ale insists.

Fer is telling Diego about Alfredo. Diego asks him "what if Lucía isn't who you think she is?" and Fer says my thoughts exactly, "you too?" Diego says that her photos are on the internet and says that Fer doesn't believe his own sister. Fer tells him that Alfredo is manipulating her and Diego asks him "doesn't Lucía manipulate you too?" (Can't Diego get punched too? Please?) Fer says that Lucía isn't manipulative and Diego hopes he doesn't make a mistake.

Marta calls Fer on the phone and tells him that Michelle is furious and wants to leave the house (if you leave the telenovela too, Michelle, you'll be doing us a very big favour!) Fer wants to talk to her but Marta says that she has locked herself in her room and doesn't want to get out. Fer insists and tells Diego that Michelle wants to leave the house. Diego couldn't care less. Marta knocks on her door and tells her that Fer wants to talk to her. She finally unlocks the door and starts saying "how dare he" and something about Alfie again while grabbing Marta's phone. She's such a well-mannered woman!

Fer can't believe that she defends Alfie after everything he did and tells her to start acting like a woman of her age. She's screaming at the phone "I don't want you and mom controlling my life!" while making her luggage and Fer responds with "Then make the right decisions in life and stay away from the people who hurt you, not your family!" Michelle, as always, tells him to shut up and continues throwing her clothes in the luggage like a maniac.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 5/8

Marta tries to calm her down but Michelle gets her luggage and leaves. Carlos is there and wants to know what's going on. Marta tells him that if he was there more often, he'd know.

Heri is driving and sees Toña. He asks her if she wants a ride and she declines. He says that he wants to protect her and she tells him that she doesn't want nor need anyone's protection. He tells Toña to tell Lucía that he wants to see her at her aunt's house. He smirks and leaves.

Michelle GOES TO STAY AT ALFREDO'S?!?! She is still mad at her brother and can't believe he hit Alfie. Alfredo tells her to go back home and that she's not staying here, he doesn't want any problems. Michelle gets mad at him too, says that she fought with everyone to be with him, she defended him and he doesn't let her stay here? She says that he was playing with her (unfortunately, I don't think she really believes that, she's probably going to forgive him the following day), he tells her that he wasn't, she tells him to shut up (that's the third time she's telling somebody to shut up in ONE episode, I'm impressed) and leaves.

Carlos tells Fer to not interfere in Michelle's and Alfie's relationship. Fer asks him if he's defending Alfredo and he says no, just don't get involved, they're grown up. Another fight almost starts but Marta tells them to stop, the only thing that's important now is where is Michelle? Diego, who's also there, just got a text message from Paulina ("Michelle is here, at home") and Diego tells that to the rest. He says that tomorrow he and Fer have to sign something that Rafael will give them.

Lucía is telling Casilda about the things she has to do to open her shop/talavera. Casilda tells her to go to sleep and Lucía asks her what's wrong. She says that she had plans with a friend of hers to go to see a movie, but her aunt -oops, her godmother- told her to stay here with Lucía. Lucía tells her to go and Casilda can't believe it. She says that if her godmother asks, Lucía should tell her she was here all night. Lucía agrees. Casilda gets outside and calls someone, Silvia I assume.

Toña calls Lucía and tells her the conversation with Heri. They both promise that they will take care of themselves and the bell rings. Toña asks her about Fer and the bell rings again. Lucía says that they'll talk later and hangs up.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 6/8

Casilda is indeed talking to the phone with Silvia and tells her that she's on her way to the club. She opens the front door and guess what? Fer's there! He introduces himself and Casilda quickly tells him that Lucía's in the kitchen. She leaves.

Lucía and Fer see each other through a mirror-like thing. Lucía asks him what he's doing there, but Fer can't hear her and they finally go to another room to talk. Fer tells her he needed to see her and to apologize for everything that happened with his sister. Lucía thanks him and Fer looks like he wants to kiss her, he tries to come closer.

Casilda reviews her plan with Silvia. Basically, Silvia is going to put the mask she was trying on previously on and get Leonardo in the room. The lights will be closed and she's going to tell him that she needs to go get something essential and he should stay here. Then, Casilda, with her mask on, is going to enter and she's going to have, as she said, "the most marvellous night of my life". (OH NO) But, wait, there's more. Afterwards, she's going to go to the corridor to "check that no one is there". When she's there, she's going to run and when Leonardo gets out, he's going to see Silvia. (OH NO) Silvia says the final "ok" and Casilda is very exited again. (How is this going to work, though? Won't he realise that their voices are different? Silvia has already talked to him and Casilda is going to too...)

Lucía tells Fer that she understands Michelle (you're the only one, girl) but her words did hurt a bit. Fer says that she's going through a difficult time, but that doesn't justify the things she said. Lucía tells him that her dad never liked Alfredo, but the weird thing is, when he was on his death bed, he wanted Alfredo to take care of her.

Casilda's and Silvia's plan is going well so far. Silvia manages to get out of the room with only a few questions from Leonardo, where is she going and if anybody else knows about this. Silvia tells Casilda that if he figures this out, she's not going to pay for Casilda, but Casilda reassures her that nothing will go wrong. (I'm not so sure about that.) Casilda gets in and Leonardo doesn't realize that she's not Silvia, despite having different colored hair (I guess he doesn't realize anything because it's dark? Meh, I've tightened my beanie a bit.)

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 7/8

Silvia is outside, looking nervous. Isaura comes and asks Silvia about Casilda. She tries to open the door! That idiot figured out the plan? Silvia says that it's a new girl. They're talking a lot and Alejandra comes. Leonardo hears the noise too and when the three of them left the corridor, he left as well! Plan failed miserably...

It must be the next day. Carlos is talking to Alfredo and says that his sister is spoiled and blah blah blah. (Oh, so you can interfere, Carlos, but your brother can't?) Alfredo says that he and Michelle can fix their problems on their own.

Carlos says that he doesn't agree with what Fer did. He came here to learn what the job is, in case he's asked(?) He sees some people closing whatever place they're in and Alfie runs to them and asks them what's going on. A guy says that they have orders to close the place. Alfie doesn't understand, he fixed it all with Heriberto! The guy tells him that they're closing it because "the construction permits were revoked, the deadlines were not met and the security conditions were not adequate". He politely tells Alfie and Carlos, who is next to him by the way, to get lost.

Paulina assures Michelle that she doesn't have a problem if she stays here. Michelle thanks her (I didn't actually believe Michelle knows the word "gracias". If she also says "lo siento" one of these days, I'll be super impressed) and makes stupid excuses for not staying at Alfredo's, even though nobody asked. She invited a friend and asks if that's ok. Paulina tells her that it's her house too, she can do whatever she wants, but she'll have to return to her family at some point. Michelle starts whining ("I hAvE nO fAmIlY") and starts blah blah blah-ing. Diego comes in and tells Paulina to come. He looks at Michelle and says that 1. that's not her home and 2. they're not responsible of anything that happens to her. He leaves and Paulina tells Michelle "welcome to my life".

Lucía goes to her soon-to-be talavera and Fer is outside with a truck. He brought the things she left at Toña's house. Lucía thanks him again and Fer leaves, he has a crazy day at the office. He kisses her hand before he leaves.

Mujer de Nadie, Capítulo 11, Martes, July 12, 2022 - Parte 8/8

Lucía and Isaura are unpacking. Isaura asks her if Casilda was with her last night and Lucía says yes. "All night?" Isaura asks her. Lucía says yes again and tries to change the subject. When the talavera starts generating money, do you want to have a day job? Nah, Isaura likes to work at the "club". She tells her no, don't worry about me. (She didn't tell Lucía about the club, I just added what I think her thoughts were.)

A delivery guy with a huge bouquet of flowers comes in and tells Lucía to sign so she can take them. Isaura thinks they're from Alfredo, I think they're from Fer, but nope! They're actually from Rafael, who wishes her good luck in her new beginning. Isaura thinks he's too interested, Lucía says he's just kind, but doesn't look like she wholeheartedly believes it.

Paulina is with Fer at the office and says that she can't believe Alfredo was with the same Lucía from San Jacinto. Fer asks about his sister and Paulina tells him that she's still annoyed and doesn't want to come back home. She then tells him that they're siblings, they can't fight for a woman(!!!) (Okay, I just HATE that line. It's SO sexist! They say the word "woman" like it's something with no value. It's even MORE enraging when a woman says this!)

Fer says that they didn't fight for a woman, they fought for Alfredo. He is the only one who's responsible, but Michelle STILL wants him! Paulina has a "I'm not so sure, but I don't want to fight with you" face. Diego comes in and says that Rafael is here and everything is ready. Raf gets in and so does Roxana. Raf tells everyone that Roxana is his wife. I assume Fer didn't know, because he has an odd face...

And we have the Fin del Capítulo.

After this capítulo, I only have one question...
Why are Lucía and Fernando they only ones that have a brain in this telenovela?


Thank you Weirdo for this excellent recap to go with my morning coffee! I have to run out the door so I haven't had time to read yet, but I'm looking forward to it!

More later!


Weirdo: Awesome job on the recap of last night's episode.

Lucia just cannot seem to catch a break 24/7.

Steve Boudreaux

Embajador S3 #45 part 1

Time jump of 5 months.

Sancar is in prison. He’s pacing out in the yard. Cut to the beach house. It looks as if it was abandoned in a hurry. Dirty plates are at the sink, the yard is covered in leaves and branches. Cut to Halise who is crying and hugging Melek’s fairy doll close to her chest.

Song: Beyaz Giyme/Don’t Wear White - Yüksel Baltacı

Back to Sancar in the prison yard. An inmate rushes up to him and asks to kiss his hand. Not necessary, Sancar replies and asks the man who he is. He answers, Efem, I am Mete, the son of Yilmaz, from a neighboring village. I arrived today. I was happy when I heard I would be in the same dormitory as you. Although I think there’s nothing to be happy about. I know, Sancar replies, may Allah save you.

Mete thanks him and says, I know about your situation. The people of our town are looking for your daughter and wife. But for 5 months, no one has seen them nor have they heard anything about them. We are also looking for this bastard but we can’t find him. We will destroy him when we find him. Don’t worry, it was in self-defense, you won’t be here very long. You will get out and I know you will find them. Inshallah, Sancar replies.

Mete asks if Sancar wants tea. Sancar says yes and Mete runs off to get it. Sancar leans on a wall. He has flashbacks. First to the night he asked Mavi to marry him. “we will be a family, I promise you we will be happy.” Then to the doctor’s office where he heard his baby’s heartbeat for the first time.

Sancar sits against the wall and wipes his eyes. He has Mavi’s “E” necklace in his hand.
Song: a reprise of “Deniz Üstü Köpürür”. If you remember, we first heard this during the rescue at sea episodes.

He has another flashback. Melek’s “wedding” ceremony. “Do you promise to never abandon us?” “Now we are officially a family, mother, father and daughter. And with a sibling, we will be a complete family.” Next, he thinks about the time she came to him at the olive grove, after Guven took Melek. He told her, “today was a very bad day. I need you with me, Mavi.”

The memories are too much, and he quickly gets up and starts pacing again. Mete brings the tea and Sancar sits and broods.

Elvan and the baby visit the mansion. They are in the kitchen with Gulsiye and Zehra. Gulsiye gushes over Gediz and Zehra looks on and smiles. Gulsiye tells Elvan it’s good she came because they can’t deal with Halise. She’s out of control.
It can’t be easy, Elvan replies, I know Halise Anne, too. She is partly to blame. But just when we were at the point of ending this war, she suddenly lost two grandchildren. I don’t understand why Mavi acted like this. I’m not one to judge but… it doesn’t seem fair to me. I don’t understand her reasons.

Gulsiye agrees with Elvan. I felt very bad when I saw Sancar. Mavi left and not only that, she took Melek from us. Yahya’s been in charge of looking for them, Elvan says, he’s working with the gendarme and the police. I don’t understand where they could be. How could a woman and a small child disappear?

I don’t know, Zehra says, there’s no trace. We’re all miserable, especially Sancar Abi. I investigated if she went abroad, but it seems she didn’t. I don’t understand how she could disappear this way. Our men are looking in all the towns. Perhaps someone has seen them. I will find her and reunite my brother with his children. Inshallah.


Embajador S3 #45 part 2

What was she thinking, Elvan asks? Sancar doesn’t deserve this. If she doesn’t want to see him, okay, but she needs to think about the children. Zehra says, at the beginning, I thought Mavi was doing everything to protect us from that scoundrel Sedat. He could have done something bad. But I’m desperate. A lot of time has passed and she hasn’t sent any messages.

Little Gediz makes a noise and all attention turns to him. Zehra starts talking to him. Elvan chimes in, why don’t you tell your hala, “hey, it’s time you give me cousins.” Elvan winks at Gulsiye. Zehra responds, [Turkish] when it will be destined. My brother Yahya spends most of his time looking for Melek. Now I’m in charge of the business. Sancar Abi is in jail, but he’s still working, looking for new investments. He’s been making me work hard lately. It seems like a good thing. It keeps me busy and distracted.

Elvan asks about Zehra’s marriage. You’ve had to take charge of the business matters just when you came back from your honeymoon. But they say marriage is for better or worse. Zehra agrees. She adds, I’m happy, there are no conflicts, everything’s going well. We’re lucky. [you would think she’d be excited than this as a newlywed]

Zehra changes the subject. Yahya never leaves you alone, she notes. He’s always with you. Whenever I call, he’s with you or he’s coming back from your house. But we only see each other for the baby, Elvan replies, I swear there’s nothing between us. He and I… you know, we’re over. Zehra smiles. Gulsiye asks Elvan if she’s heard from Bora. Elvan sadly shakes her head no.

Halise shouts in the living room, what is it doing here?! Are you trying to drive me crazy?! She takes a letter out of a drawer and shouts to the ladies in the kitchen. Answer, who knows, who was it? Who dared to put this in the drawer! Halise is extremely upset. The ladies run from the kitchen. It’s there if Sancar wants to read it again, Zehra replies. And what did you want, Halise asks, that my son is poisoned by reading this woman’s words again?

Halise tears up the letter. I called her daughter! I accepted her as part of the family! Halise throws the pieces to the floor. What did she do?! She stabbed us in the back! She sent my son to prison and kidnapped my angel. Melek should be with us! I should be with my unborn grandchild. Halise runs out of steam and needs to sit.

Please don’t do this, Elvan says, you have to stay strong. We promised we would all be reunited. How will we be reunited, Halise asks, we don’t even know where they are. Halise is not well. Zehra asks Gulsiye to get the BP cuff. Elvan says get the cologne. Halise starts moaning, she left… she kidnapped my granddaughter… she ruined us all.

Yahya is meeting with Faruk at the olive grove. Sancar has spent a lot of time in prison, Yahya says, why is he being held so long on a case of self-defense? Faruk says to be patient. Preparing the evidence and charges takes time. We have the testimonies of Zehra and Kavruk, Yahya says, Sedat’s prints were on the gun. There was a report on Kavruk’s injury. That’s enough proof. Will Sancar be released tomorrow?

Faruk says that Kavruk and Zehra are close to Sancar, so it makes their statements dubious. The gun and the prints are in our favor. He might not be released, Yahya asks? Faruk answers, justice will prevail. But there’s no guarantee that Sancar will be released after tomorrow’s hearing.


Embajador S3 #45 part 3

It’s unacceptable, Yahya says, don’t they see? It’s obvious that man kidnapped my sister and her husband. He threatened them with his gun, his prints are there. And he’s free and my brother is in prison without knowing when he can leave. Faruk says, sooner or later he will be free, but perhaps it won’t be tomorrow. It’s better you are prepared for any possibility. This is not acceptable to Yahya. I don’t care what you have to do, he tells Faruk, but you have to free my brother tomorrow. Be assured that I will do what I can, Faruk answers.

Yahya asks if he has any news about Mavi. There’s nothing. The police are still looking but there’s no trace. Yahya tells Faruk he’s part of the family. We are alone in this. My mother’s condition is serious. She’s very depressed. Did my brother mention anything? Does he really not know where Mavi is?

Let me explain, Faruk says, when I found out about the situation, I spoke with Sancar. (we see Sancar sitting in prison as he explains) I told him, if you have hidden them someplace, it’s better not to involve the police. He answered me without hesitation to make a complaint because Mavi kidnapped his daughter.

A cell mate asks Sancar if he wants more tea. No, thanks. A guard comes in and tells Sancar he has a visitor. The visitor is Guven. Sancar doesn’t even sit. I’ve got nothing to talk about with you, Sancar tells him and bangs on the door for the guard. You lost the custody case, Guven says. Sancar stops and looks. Guven continues, the court granted me custody of my granddaughter. Guven shows him the paper.

You came to tell me this, Sancar says. [Turkish] At tomorrow’s hearing, I can testify and save you, Guven says. Sancar scoffs, you weren’t even there, how are you going to testify? I can tell them what I knew about Sedat’s plan, Guven answers, I can say I also knew he was planning to kidnap your sister. Since he is someone close to me, my statement will completely change the situation. They will probably free you.

Sancar sits and asks, what changed that you want to betray that man? Guven sighs, I want my granddaughter back. You already have custody, Sancar replies, what more do you want? Guven thinks he has it all figured out. I know you have hidden Mavi, he tells Sancar, you shot Sedat knowing you would lose custody of Melek. You acted as if Mavi had kidnapped her. I want you to tell me where my granddaughter is in return for me testifying in your favor and you will be free tomorrow.

[Turkish] Çok şükür, Sancar replies, çok şükür. You think that I have Mavi and Melek and I’ve hidden them? Then that means Sedat doesn’t have them. I almost lost my mind thinking about that. Guven is at a loss. You think it’s good that Mavi has kidnapped Melek, he asks? Don’t misinterpret, Sancar responds, I wouldn’t give my daughter to you or to any other person. I’m going to get out of prison, I will find Mavi and I will keep my daughter. But while I’m in prison, Melek and Mavi are alone, but not kidnapped by that psycho. I’m grateful for that.

Guven makes his own promise, I will find her and when that happens, I will take her abroad and you will not see her. I’m going to separate her from you. It’s better you speak now. Think about it. Don’t spend years in prison in vain. Sancar laughs and Guven wonders why. I’m laughing because not even I could find them with all my men, he tells Guven. How could you? I don’t want to continue this chat. Sancar gets up and bangs on the door for the guard. Sancar is taken away and Guven bangs on the table in frustration.


Embajador S3 #45 part 4

Halise is calmer now. She asks Elvan what she put in her tea. Chamomile. Fennel. Melissa (lemon balm). Kavruk comes rushing in. I’m still not sure, but we have news from Dagbelen they might have seen Melek. The ladies jump up. Kavruk shows a pic on his phone of a girl, taken from the back. Looks like it could be Melek. Halise is hopeful and grateful to Kavruk. She hugs him. Oh, my brave SIL! May Allah be pleased with you! [never thought you’d see that happen, right?] We looked for her so long and you were the one who found her! Notice Zehra rolling her eyes. Hurry, go and bring my granddaughter.

Zehra asks if he knows anything about Mavi. No, Kavruk replies, they said the girl goes out for bread but no one goes with her. They don’t know her mother. Elvan thinks that since Mavi would be visibly pregnant she won’t go out in public. Halise isn’t sure about that. If Mavi could kidnap a girl, what could she do to her own child? Zehra tells her mom to calm down. There’s no time to lose, she tells Kavruk, I’ll accompany you. Elvan says a little prayer for the safe return of Melek.

It won’t be long before I reunite with Melek, Halise says, and when that happens, I won’t hesitate to get revenge on Mavi. And I won’t have sympathy for her. When I accepted that damned one, she stabbed me in the back. She will pay for all the days I was suffering and had to live without my Melek and Sancar, who is suffering in prison because of that damned woman. She has to pay for what she’s done. My poor Sancar. He was hurt. But what hurts most is that he was deceived. After this, how will my son go forward? How will he trust anyone? How will he remake his life? Gulsiye tells Halise to drink her tea before it gets cold.

Guven gets a call from a strange number. He shakes his head, answers and asks, you changed your number again? It’s Sedat, out somewhere, eating a sandwich. Sedat replies, I’m thinking, does Sancar have relatives, or property outside of Mugla? Good day to you, too, Guven says. Sedat ignores any courtesies and continues, I have looked in every corner of Mugla. I searched all the villages. Where could Sancar be hiding Mavi? Sancar said he doesn’t know where they are, Guven answers. How could you be so sure he’s hiding them?

Because I know Mavi very well, Sedat says, she wouldn’t go anywhere while her husband is in prison. I am sure they planned this together. I want you to answer me. As far as I know, Guven replies, Sancar doesn’t have any other relatives. Besides, if he did, do you think he’d hide them in a place where we would look? Sedat knows that Sancar would have to make sure they are safe. He wouldn’t have hidden them in a place he didn’t know. Think, there must be a detail we missed.

Guven asks Sedat to have patience. Leave it to me, he tells the psycho. Don’t forget the police are looking for you. Sedat replies, even if he hid them on another planet, I will find them. If they think a lot of time has already passed, I’m going to leave them alone and I’m going to forget about this matter, they are wrong. Sedat hangs up on Guven. Guven is troubled.

Zehra and Kavruk are on the road. He notes she doesn’t look happy. It’s because you are working too much, he says, you carry all the weight on yourself. Your beautiful eyes no longer shine. I’m thinking you should talk to Yahya so he can help you a little. That’s not necessary, she replies. I don’t understand why you won’t let us help you, Kavruk says. Even last night, you didn’t come to sleep in bed. And later I saw you in the guest room. I felt relieved but still, I worried about you. I think this is too much for you.


Embajador S3 #45 part 5

Zehra apologizes. I couldn’t sleep, she says, I didn’t want to wake you when I turned on the light. I fell asleep in the guest room while reading a book. That’s all. Kavruk looks concerned. Zehra gets a call from Sancar. She informs him they might have found Melek. Sancar answers, really? Zehra puts it on speaker. Kavruk explains about the photo and he feels this is Melek.

Sancar asks, who saw her? Where did they see her? Kavruk explains it was Hamdi’s son who saw her buying bread and took a picture. He wasn’t sure and that’s why he sent a picture. We are almost there. That’s good, Sancar replies, keep me informed. We will, don’t worry, Kavruk tells him. Sancar hangs up and he’s got a strange look. Maybe confused or concerned. You’d think he’d be happy, right?

Guven’s on the phone with marina business. He ends the call as Dudu enters and then he pretends to be on the phone with Sedat. Yes, I do, too. My only wish is that everyone can find happiness. Hopefully that happens soon. Take care, have a good day. Guven turns to Dudu and tells her Sedat sends his regards. Dudu asks if Sedat is okay. Yes, nothing to worry about, Guven replies. They sit.

Guven continues, honestly, I can’t handle this anymore. We haven’t had success. We looked all over. Months passes without any news. We thought you’d get Gulsiye to tell you something. I’m afraid I don’t know anything, Dudu replies, it seems no one has any information.

He knows where they are, Guven says. Dudu has no idea what he means. Who do you think, Guven says, it’s Sancar. But perhaps you can help me find out some things. Guven takes “bugs” out of his pocket. I don’t know, maybe you could place these in the mansion and in the olive grove. Dudu’s not sure about this. It’s been months since she’s been in these places. I just can’t go without an invitation, she says. Please understand, I can’t imagine what would happen if anyone saw me there. Not even you could save me.

Guven laughs. Were you always a coward like this, he asks, can I give you some advice? If you continue like this, you will never be able to fulfill your dreams. You won’t have luxuries, or comfort, or happiness. Absolutely nothing. Dudu sighs. But Sancar is in prison now, she replies. Why am I going to set this up?

Guven tells her that Sancar will be released very soon. There’s a hearing tomorrow. He must already have a plan. That’s why I want to know each step he takes. Look Dudu, I haven’t been able to sleep for months. I have custody of my granddaughter but I don’t even know if she’s alive. I am desperate. Do you think that’s fair? Honestly, I think Melek is fine, Dudu replies. I also want to think that, Guven answers, but unfortunately, that’s not enough. Whatever we believe won’t change reality.

Dudu sighs again. Does Sedat know what you are asking me? Of course he does, Guven replies, in fact, it was his idea. He wants this all to end. He asked me not to tell you this, but he commented that when this is resolved, perhaps he could be with you. Guven adds a wink for extra effect. Dudu looks at the bugs and considers. She grabs them off the table. [Ay, Dudu, remember what Sancar told you?]

Cut: Kavruk and Zehra walk through the town looking for the house where Melek might be staying. They stop a local and ask. He knows the house where a woman and her young daughter live and gives directions. They get to the house and with a Bismillah, Zehra knocks on the door.

A woman answers and Kavruk says, sorry to bother you we are looking for a little girl. Maybe you saw her? Kavruk shows a pic of Mavi and Melek. We hear a girl call out from another room—mom who came? Zehra and Kavruk think this could be Melek. The girl sounds like Melek, but unfortunately, it’s not her. She does look a little like Melek. A big disappointment.


Embajador S3 #45 part 6

Sancar sits at the table and drinks tea. A cellmate sits there doing some crafting. [Turkish] He says, instead of lining up your problems one by one, take these and line them up here, Sancar Efe. Prayer beads, bracelets, make whatever you want. Each string has its own meaning. They may seem cheap, but they are dearer than any jewels, because they are made by manual labor and with the light of our eyes. If you have a loved one to whom you can give them and kiss her hand, then you are very lucky. And if your beloved appreciates your gift, then you are doubly lucky. Sancar doesn’t say anything and drinks his tea.

Mete enters and tells Sancar he spoke to his father. The girl wasn’t your daughter. Sancar thanks him. I wouldn’t have bothered you, Sancar says, if I hadn’t spent my phone card. Mete says it’s no problem as he had no one else to call. They cut: Sancar gets up and moves closer to the beadmaker and asks, what have you got? The beadmaker gives him the supplies and Sancar starts smiling.

Zehra and Gulsiye are in the kitchen. Gulsiye notes Zehra’s poor mood and says, I wasn’t going to ask but, what is wrong? Nothing, Zehra replies, why are you asking? You look worried and you’re quiet, Gulsiye says and she asks, is it because of Kavruk? Now Zehra really has a worried look. Gulsiye presses, if Kavruk has done something, you know you can tell me. Why are you saying these things, Zehra asks? I’m worried about Melek and my brother. I can’t stop thinking about them. I still had the hope of finding them (Mavi and Melek), but it wasn’t so.

Gulsiye changes the subject. I don’t know, where is that Necdet? I haven’t seen him today. I hope nothing bad happened. Zehra is curious, this is strange, since when do you worry about him? It’s not that I’m worried about him, Gulsiye replies, I gave him a list of things that are needed and he hasn’t bought them. What do you think could have happened? Zehra smiles. Gulsiye denies she cares. If you say so, Zehra tells her and laughs.

Gulsiye’s instincts were right. Necdet is in trouble. Guven’s goons have him sitting in a chair in some barn. Guven begins, they say you’re a very funny person. You’re always smiling and you make others laugh. They say you are very happy. We see that Necdet has been badly beaten. Guven continues, but after seeing you in this condition, I feel like crying. I feel very sorry.

Necdet says, please Guven Abi.. Guven gives him a disapproving look. Guven Abi? Necdet corrects himself, Guven Bey. I swear I don’t know anything, he says, otherwise, I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you. I had already told those men before you arrived, I know nothing. Please believe me and let me go. Necdet gets out of his seat and Guven promptly slaps him down.

Guven warns him, if you don’t do what I’m going to tell you, you will never see your beloved again. Get up! My men have already told you before that I wanted information, right? Necdet nods. Why haven’t you found out anything, Guven asks, are you defying me?
No way, Necdet replies, I would never dare to upset you, Guven Bey. Guven asks, then why do you go around saying that you would never betray the Efeoglus? That you are loyal. You don’t want me to think you’re fooling me. Necdet shakes his head no.


Embajador S3 #45 part 7

Be careful, Guven warns, I know people like you. Don’t you dare. You are going to bring me the information I ask for, understand? I want you to spy on everyone, especially Gulsiye. She’s at the center of the mansion. You will keep me informed on the smallest detail that happens in that mansion, understand? Necdet nods.

Otherwise, Guven cautions and pokes Necdet in the temple with his finger, remember, I’ll finish you, your beloved and your poor sister that’s in prison. Guven puts his finger under Necdet’s chin and lifts his head to look him in the eyes. Do you understand? Every word, Necdet replies. That’s it, Guven says and gives him a couple of little slaps and a bigger one that knocks poor Necdet off his chair.

Guven orders his guys to pick up Necdet. I’m fine, Necdet says as the goons lift him, I just lost consciousness for a second. They sit him back in the chair.

And we are out.


Mexicana. For all his left-wing and anti-capitalist ideas, Bonifacio is incredibly authoritarian. Not only is that very funny, but there's a lesson there. I loved the confrontation between Brandon and Bonifacio. Brandon assumed that Boni was some kind of rapist and intervened to protect Viiyeri--which actually may have impressed Boni. Then Brandon did an excellent job of manipulating Boni. I suspect that if Brandon ends up with anyone, it will be Viiyeri. Maybe they'll go off to Italy together. I'm glad that Maty showed Erika that phony picture with Rene. Now if only someone would believe Erika's story of what really happened!

Thanks, Dondi, for the great recap with all the details. A lot of things going on! I can’t believe Sedat is alive and free and Sancar is in prison. Reading your recap makes me think Sancar was glad Malek wasn’t found. But he did want the police looking for them. So I’m thinking he doesn’t know where they are but told them to hide. He better find them before Halise!

I hope we eventually find out what happened right after the shooting. How did Sedat get away?!!

We know Guven is getting people to turn on Sancar. I’m not surprised about Dudu, she was always out for herself. But Necdet promised to be loyal to Sancar.

I’m disappointed that no word from Bora in 5 months. I was hoping he’d be there for Elvan. What are the chances he’s hiding Mavi. That would give him another chance with Elvan. I really don’t want her back with Yaya.



Dondi, thank you for yet another excellent recap of an interesting episode that had me wondering where the writers have taken us .

Gee, Sedat is back to normal (_well actually his normal is abnormal) eating a sandwich and ranting to Guven about his vow to hunt down Mavi . He was in two car crashes, stabbed himself in the stomach, and was shot in the stomach by San but the guy always Springs back to his evil crazy self, the relentless, obsessed devil incarnate.

Hmmmm. I think that San knows exactly where Mavi and Melek are because I think he and Mavi planned the disappearance together and told nobody... not even Kavruk who has known all San's secrets. Could They be with Bora who went away at about the same time?.

Will Dudu do the right thing ? If so, she might be redeemed and get a HEA with her dream guy Ya.


Liz...ha , I just read your comment and it looks like we both had the same guess that Bora might be hiding Mavi. San was suspicious of him in the past , but I don't know who else could have helped Mavi and Melek hide out . However, I don't usually make good predictions .

The writers certainly have reformed Necdat and made him Sancar's responsible and devoted helper .

Weirdo, thank you for that great detailed recap.

I think that Lucia and Fer make a great couple. I see a lot of chemistry developing !!

Rafe looks familiar to me, but I cannot figure out what I have seen him in before. So, everybody wants lovely Lucia...3 villains...Alfredo, the icky guy who attacked her( can't recall his name ), rico Rafe, and now the good guy galan Fer. Here we go....

thank you Weirdo, I understand why you got this out so fast, it was a great ep!

Diego looked shocked too at the Roxana status reveal. So far Fer is admirable and not really stupid... but it is early yet.

thanks again

I remember Livia Brito & Arap Bethke in La Piloto
Azela Robinson & Cynthia Klitbo in Vino el Amor



I tried to comment again from work and my phone was EXTRA special today so that didn't work out. Thank you again Weirdo for you very entertaining recap. I am not sure Lucia has a brain, but maybe....

Casilda and Silvia's plan is crazy and all and it does of course take some suspending of disbelief to imagine they could pull it off; but if I tilt my head just right and squint just so, I could almost believe Leo wouldn't catch on. I mean a different guy, no. A serious, sweet, in-love type absolutely not; but Leo is a skirt chaser who seems to be enchanted by whomever happens to be in front of him at even given moment. I could see how maybe he would be so busy thinking about getting busy that he might not notice the hair color differences.

Harder to believe is the idea that Alfredo would inspire such devotion in any girl, and while I agree Michelle is annoying I wouldn't want her to leave entirely. The actress is very talented. Maybe just switching from whining and doing the played out blame the other woman routine, to some other form of scheming or plotting....she needs something to distract the crazy because it's way too early in the story to lose it completely.

Susanlyn, I agree the chemistry is developing between Lucia and Fer, that's good to see.



Thank you Dondi for this fantastic as always recap! I like that they did the 5 month time jump, it was a good way to advance the plot!!

I agree with the comments that Sancar knows where Mavi and Melek are. He would be climbing the walls - literally - if he didn't!!! Also, I don't think it would make much sense for Mavi to have taken Melek if she wasn't in cahoots with Sancar. If just wanted to leave him, she would have just left him she wouldn't have kidnapped Melek.

I will take the guess one step further and say Zehra also knows...I think that's what she is so nervous and uncomfortable about. This time she's in on the secret and she's uncomfortable watching her family suffer with the lies. Maybe not even Kavruk knows as Susanlynn guessed and that's another element of uncomfortable - keeping such a huge secret from her new husband??? I don't know, but something tells me Zehra knows.

Halise was the new improved loving Halise for like three minutes and now she's back to being Halise!! I love it!

I could see Dudu going back over to the dark side but I don't think Necdet will. He's saying what he has to say to pacify the crazy man but when push comes to shove he isn't going to sell out Sancar.


How many times and for how long has Sancar been in prison in this novela? More than I'd assume for an influential man. It's getting tiresome!

I'd love it if M&M were with Nare!! THAT would certainly be a twist in the plot, and the best for Melek.
If Bora took them, he'd be in a great position to be the hero and reunite with Elvan. Adios, Yahya!

Zehra seems preoccupied with something, but it's not a good sign that she is shutting out Kavruk. Even if she knows where M&M are there's no need to be distant. Poor Kavruk!

Sedat... mala hierba que nunca muere.
Like Akin (?).

Necdet is more likely to stay loyal, Dudu not so much.

Thank you, Dondi, for the great recaps. I'd be lost without them!

Beth S.


Mujer #10 & 11'

Finally caught up. Gracias for such good work, amigas.

Michelle is a total idiot as well as a bitch.

Will get back to you later. There is a Trivia emergency afoot.


I finished jury duty. If there is ever a ballot proposal to convert to professional jurors I will definitely vote for it.

Sebastián is a wet blanket.

I thought that this novela had most everything, I didn't realize it was lacking the ghost of a little girl haunting the finca.
Gotta love it!   :-)

Even Andrea is a believer now!

More later.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 12 parte 1/5

Rafael shows up for his meeting with Fernando and it’s all smiles and greetings until Roxanna arrives and Fernando learns his new investor is none other than Roxi’s husband!!! Fernando can’t even fake composure and he quickly excuses himself to the confusion of everyone and demands a private word with Diego.

Left alone, Fernando accuses Diego of all manner of betrayal thinking he knew exactly who Rafael was and he partnered with Roxanna to pressure him but Diego reminds Fernando that they are friends and he is loyal to the company, he had no idea!! But who cares? They have to do what they have to do to save the business!!!

Isa warns Lucia that Rafael sent her flowers because he wants something from her – ie. HER! Naïve Lucia says not all men are like Alfredo to which Isa replies, no just most of them! (LOL) Lucia continues her defense of the man who is all too clearly up to no good and viewerville wonders how a woman who has already been set up to be raped and had her intimate pictures stolen and placed all over the internet could possibly still be this trusting. She’s also sure on the off-chance Rafael tries something, she can handle it. (Reality to Lucia, Come in Lucia)

Speaking of not understanding men at all, Leo shows up next and Lucia is very excited to see him especially since he is going to take the morning off to show her apartments! Isa isn’t happy to hear this because she wants to stay and mooch off Ale, but Lucia is determined and ready to go find her own space. Leo too asks about the famous flowers but Isa slaps his hands away preventing him from reading the card.

As Fernando’s would be new investors wait impatiently and wonder about his lack of professionalism, Roxanna excuses herself to go to the restroom but really, she’s going to drag Fernando back to the meeting.

Diego and Fernando are still arguing over whether or not to sign the deal. Diego thinks they have no choice but Fernando refuses to fall into Roxanna’s trap! Diego reminds his friend about silly things like bills and payroll but Fernando thinks they can find another solution – any solution really. Roxanna predictably interrupts and Diego leaves them alone. Fernando tells her off for being exactly who she is and doing exactly what she IS doing. But Roxanna plays the innocent, I am only trying to help and this has nothing to do with us, act. She accuses him of being arrogant and macho to believe he’s so important she would try to trap him! Roxanna storms off and Paulina comes in to inform our put-upon galan that the lawyers (of the client whose goods they lost in the robbery) were there to demand payment; Fernando is backed into a corner and as Roxi had told him, Rafael doesn’t like to be kept waiting. Whatever will our hero do??? (I say tell them all to go to hell and start daydrinking!)

Casilda is trying to call Silva and is very discouraged with no answer – they need to make a plan for Silva knows what! As she hangs up, Isa’s phone rings in the next room and Casilda has the good fortune to overhear Isa’s flirtatious conversation with ‘Don Heriberto’ who she is clearly happy to hear from. Heri wants Isa to come back to the casino and he’s willing to give her a line of credit to return. Casilda is able to overhear enough to make it clear Isa had something to do with selling the house out from under Lucia, Isa tries to play off the information as unimportant but doesn’t get very far as they are interrupted by Lucia’s arrival.

Lucia is very excited because she has found an apartment! Leo warns it’s small but Lucia says no way, it’s perfect for her and Isa and close enough to walk! Leo gazes at Lucia with open adoration and Casilda looks very uncomfortable and unhappy with this. Lucia leaves to get some water and Leo follows her like a devoted slave.

Left alone, Isa offers Casilda a deal. I won’t tell your secrets if you don’t tell mine…. unfortunately, Casilda accepts.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 12 parte 2/5

Silva and Claudia show up together to visit Michele at Paulina’s house. Silva immediately asks if Michele has finally left Alfredo but of course she plans to do no such thing. Claudia accidentally knocks over a picture frame and is alarmed to recognize Diego! Silva thinks Alfredo is a no-good cheater (yep) but Michele insists it was a meaningless fling and it won’t happen again. She offers the girls something to drink and Claudia shows Silvia the picture. Silvia asks about the couple in the picture (It’s Diego and Paulina) but Michele says they aren’t a couple; they are brother and sister and this is their house.

Back to the business meeting from hell, Diego is staring at his sister in a rather intense way but then everyone in the room is intense and staring until Fernando finally signs the papers! Fernando is defeated, Diego and Paulina are probably just relieved and Roxanna is triumphant; congratulatory remarks are exchanged.

Alfi shows up to see Heriberto. He’s there to complain about his construction being shut down as he thinks Heri is responsible for it. Heri claims to know nothing about it but says he can ask Juventino. Alfi isn’t buying it and threatens to ruin Heri if things aren’t fixed right now, but Heri isn’t concerned. He tells Alfi he can if he wants too but he’d be much better off making peace, as they’d make better partners than enemies.

Leo is trying to flirt with an oblivious Lucia as she just innocently goes on about what she imagines for her life. She talks about wishing she could go back in time because she didn’t know what she had when she had it. Lucia isn’t going to mope though she is moving onward and upward and as she leaves Leo in the courtyard looking longingly after her, we see that Casilda has overheard this conversation. Casilda accuses Lucia of flirting with Leo. Yesterday it was Fernando, today it’s Leo; does Lucia think just because she is beautiful all the men are hers?? Lucia is shocked by Casilda’s outburst and the suggestion that she was flirting with Leo, but Casilda cuts off her denials with a warning: Leo is mine!

Alfi is leaving Heri’s house and Carlos is waiting outside for him. He asks if he solved his issues and Alfi says he hopes so. Carlos wonders what Alfi is doing at the home of Don Heriberto and Alfi is surprised Carlos knows who he is. Carlos mentions he is a dangerous man and tells him about the trouble they had with him over the money for their mother’s house. Carlos suggests they get out of there now!

Speaking of getting out of there, that’s what Claudia wants to do! I am sure in hopes that she won’t run into Diego but it’s too late. Diego and Paulina arrive home at that moment. Paulina greets them kindly and is very friendly. Diego doesn’t even bother saying so much as hello and just quickly leaves the room. Silvia wonders what is wrong with him but she is assured he is always like that.

After they leave, Claudia tells Silvia that Diego is a client of hers and she was embarrassed. (I was surprised Silvia didn’t already know that; wouldn’t she have seen him at the club? It seemed like she recognized him earlier) Silvia doesn’t think it should be a problem – he’s obviously no one important, look where he lives! He’s not dripping money. Claudio wonders what if he tells Michele or Paulina but Silvia points out that he’s not likely to admit his trips to the brothel. She wonders why a guy like that goes to a brothel…. he’s single and not ugly why doesn’t he get a real girlfriend? Maybe he has a sexual problem, Silvia guesses. Claudia doesn’t think he needs to have a sexual problem to go to the brothel (Darcy wonders if obsession with his sister might be his sexual problem). Silvia says stop beating around the bush, how is he in bed? Claudia clams up and says he just likes to talk. Silvia warns her to be careful. She recognizes that look and it’s dangerous. Guys like Diego use girls like Claudia for fun and to escape from their problems, but that’s it.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 12 parte 3/5

Fernando comes to see Lucia and it appears he is telling her all about his internal struggle with accepting his lover’s husband as a business partner, (which seems like an odd choice and too much honesty for this early in the not-yet relationship, but okay) Lucia says she’d like to help but she knows nothing about any of that and has no connections! (LOL) Fernando suggests changing the subject instead and asks how her day went. She excitedly tells him about fixing up the shop and finding an apartment and just as they are all smiles Lucia gets a phone call from the same man who ruined the earlier part of Fernando’s day! (Fernando doesn’t know it’s Rafael on the phone)

Rafael is calling to make sure Lucia got his flowers. She says yes and thank you. Rafe wants to keep flirting but Roxanna walks into the room and he quickly hangs up. Roxi questions who he is talking to and he tells her but tries to make it sound like nothing. Roxi seems both suspicious and jealous but doesn’t push it.

Now off the phone, Fernando asks Lucia out to dinner but he wonders if he should ask anyone else for permission? Like her aunt for example? Lucia laughs and says of course not. She gives him permission herself but first she wants to clear up a doubt. The day she left the prison she saw him kissing another woman and she is wondering who she is. (so maybe he didn’t give quite all the details of the business deal after all) Fernando quickly assures Lucia that he is not in a relationship with that woman, they had something but it’s over. He says if he did have a relationship, he wouldn’t be there like this. Lucia questions, like this how? And Fernando says ‘like an idiot desperately trying to get your attention’ (AW) They laugh and Fernando assures her he respects her decision in not wanting to enter a relationship right away but he’s still going to keep trying to get to know her. He hopes she doesn’t mind; Lucia doesn’t mind. So, it’s a date then, right? Lucia confirms with a ‘si’.

Paulina is looking over something while Diego comes in demanding to know who those women were. Pau tries to shrug it off but Diego doesn’t like those women and doesn’t want them coming to the house. Pau asks him rather comically if he’s going to play the jealous brother with Michele to, but he doesn’t laugh and informs his sister he’s serious, he doesn’t want them in his house. Paulina tries to tell Diego that she can’t just tell Michele not to invite friends over but Diego interrupts and says do whatever you want with Michele but I don’t want those other girls here. He’s not asking, he’s telling!! Diego storms off and if looks could kill Paulina would have one less jealous brother.

Carlos is looking for beer (I think) in Alfredo’s fridge and is disappointed to find nothing. Alfi has other problems since his bank accounts seem to be frozen or possibly closed? Carlos proves himself utterly clueless and useless as he suggests Alfi call Michele and plan a romantic night…. Are you kidding? Alfi and all of viewerville wonder simultaneously! Fine, Carlos relents, I’ll go buy beer! It won’t solve your problems but it will make the night more bearable. (I guess I can’t really say much about this since I suggested day drinking earlier in the recap) Alfi says forget the beer buy the good stuff and passes Carlos some money. Carlos says this isn’t enough to buy what you like. No worries though, we are friends and business partners I got you! (I can’t decide which one of these guys is stupider. I think it’s probably Carlos but I don’t know, it’s a toss-up)



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 12 parte 4/5

Casilda is asking St. Antonio what she has to do in order to accomplish the miracle of tricking Leonardo into sleeping with her!!! (Lmao) Lucia shows up and wants to talk but Casilda won’t open the door because she doesn’t talk to those femme fatal types, Lucia lets out a long-suffering sigh and tells would be little sis to let her know when she wants to talk. She walks away. Casilda calls her cynical and goes back to dreaming about Leo.

Alfredo is calling Lucia and for some crazy reason (like ‘it’s in the script’ for example) she takes his call! He is tries to do the whole apologizing thing and Lucia tells him he’s lying scum and to stop calling her. She is about to hang up when Alfi plays the only card he has and tells her that he has proof that Heri tried to rape her. He begs Lucia to come meet with him so he can show her the proof and Lucia unfortunately agrees. But it has to be in a public place. Lucia warns him if he’s lying…

Carlos has returned with whiskey or tequila or something just in time to hear Alfi make his plan. Yes, he learns his sister’s boyfriend is trying to meet up with another woman; no, he doesn’t care. No one word of protest about cheating on his sister but he does bet his new buddy that Lucia won’t show up. They have a drink and form a plan.

Ale and Pilar are talking at the club. Que Sorpresa! It wasn’t Heri who was messing with Alfi after all but rather Ale who got the contract cancelled and stole the money from his account. She donated it all to someone or something but I didn’t catch it. Pilar’s ‘finance’ arrives and interrupts Ale’s gloating.

Fernando is leaving Lucia a super cute ‘nervously anticipating the first date’ message telling her all about how he is dressed up in his finest clothes and how he can’t wait to see her. It’s dorky but adorable and Mama interrupts of course to express her disapproval that Fernando is flirting with Lucia instead of trying to make up with Michele. For some reason that defies understanding, Mama isn’t at all concerned with the fact that Michele’s POV is ridiculous, she too blames Lucia and Fernando, and begs her son to call and apologize to Michele. Fernando tries this but Michele remains unmoved by reason and insists she won’t talk to her brother until he learns to respect Alfredo. She hangs up. Fernando calls Lucia again to tell her that he’s running late but is on his way.

Pilar makes Gabino the happiest person in the world when she informs him that after much thought, she has decided to give them a shot! She’s ready for a real relationship. She gives him the further good news that she’s decided to get the medical tests she needs to figure out what’s wrong with her. She’s worried it’s serious but she’s ready to find out. He assures her he will be with her every step of the way. They are ready to kick up their heels and celebrate when Pilar is hit with a sudden fit of faintness. She thinks it’s better that she goes and rests a little, Gabino reluctantly agrees it’s for the best.

Alfi goes to meet Lucia and brings his new accomplice with him! Lucia arrives and Alfi tries to make nice but Lucia isn’t interested. Get to the point or she will leave. Alfi agrees but it’s a trap, of course. Lucia sits down to look at the video and Alfi takes advantage of her naivety to move in for a stolen kiss. Alfi tries the whole you are the love of my life crap again but Lucia tells him to go straight to hell!! It’s too late though, because Carlos has taken a video of the happy couple kissing!!! Urg. (Naturally Carlos has nothing to say about overhearing his sister’s boyfriend call another woman the love of his life…dirtbag!)

Predictable Carlos sends the pic to Fernando with the tagline: ‘Look at this jerk, he’s cheating on our sister!!’ Fernando is gutted by what looks to be a romantic kiss between Lucia and Alfi.



Mujer de Nadie Capitulo 12 parte 5/5

Lucia exclaims to Alfredo that the video is a lie!? (We aren’t sure exactly what she saw on the video because we didn’t see what she saw on Alfie’s phone) He isn’t talking about any video and just saying ‘I love you’ and Lucia makes it clear it’s over. Don’t call me, don’t talk to me, don’t look for me! Alfi wants to know if she’s saying this because of Fernando, did she fall in love with him? Lucia says it’s none of his business and storms off. Alfi is ready to go after her but Carlos prevents him and tells him to behave in public. He says he will handle it.

Carlos goes after Lucia and introduces himself as the brother of both Michele and Fernando; accuses Lucia of recking havoc in his family. At that same moment Fernando calls, and Lucia answers because she’s a glutton for punishment. It's clear Fernando knows where and with whom Lucia is but she says she can explain. Lucia tells Fernando to wait a minute so she can give Carlos a parting warning, if he really wants to protect Michele he needs get her away from Alfredo – but of course Carlos isn’t the slightest bit interested in his sister.

Speaking of in-laws from hell, Heri and Juventino go a few rounds over messing with Ale. Each threatening the other with destruction. As an added bonus, Gerti gets in on the argument and threatens her husband as well….Yawn. FF

Casilda and Silvia are having a hushed yelling session at the club. Silvia is frantic because Leo has been following her around like a puppy desperate to finish what ‘they’ started. She’s supposed to meet him in a room like now, and if Casilda doesn’t come Sivia will have to sleep with him. Casilda says do it and I’ll tear your eyes out! (LOL) Isa hears the not at all quiet convo and comes to intervene. She insists on knowing what’s up but the girls say it’s nothing. Isa doesn’t buy that for a minute and tells them they can tell her or she’ll tell Ale! Casilda warns that she’s heard noisy people die young and since Isa is so nosy and already getting old, she had better be careful. She grabs a snickering Silvia and pulls her away.

Gerti meets Pedro out by a moonlit pool and suggests they take advantage of Heri being gone at the casino; Pedro eagerly agrees, but their excitement is short lived as not-at-the-casino Heri appears right on cue.

Marta finds Fernando crying without a beer and she asks him what is wrong. She guesses it’s because of Lucia but he denies it. Momma isn’t buying it though and goes on her third or fourth anti-Lucia rant of the night. Fernando begs to be left alone but his solitude isn’t peaceful as he immediately receives a call from Lucia. Lucia begs Fernando not to hang up because she can explain (I am not sure she owes him any explanations but she likes the guy and she’s low on friends at the moment so I guess I get it) Fernando isn’t buying Lucia’s innocence but he does decide they need to meet face to face and requests she send him her location so they can talk.

Fernando is a little more friendly by the time he arrives and Lucia is a bit more standoffish and less desperate for approval. Lucia explains what happened and Fernando immediately believes her. He apologizes and says he feels like an idiot with his attack of jealousy right out there in the street. Lucia says ‘exactly’! (LOL) But Fernando still can’t keep himself from following up with the question, ‘Did you kiss him?’

And the next thing you know the same man who so generously proclaimed that very afternoon that he would wait for Lucia and give her all the time she needs ends the evening by begging to know how she feels about him! Is she going to give him a chance, yes or no? Oh, but she doesn’t have to answer tonight! Tomorrow is fine!!!! (eyes rolling to the clouds) Then just when Lucia thinks she’s off the hook until manana, Fernando surprises her with a kiss!

One intense passionate kiss designed to make his case for him no doubt. And there we end.


Mujer de Nadie

First of all, thank you everyone for your kind words!

Out of curiosity, Rena, are you Greek? Rena is the "short" form of the name Eirini in Greece. Oh wow, I might not be the only Greek here!

Fantastic recap, Darcy!

Lucía has gotten on my nerves too. She is VERY naïve. Why, why, why would she answer Alfredo's call? I wanted to smash my phone across the room when I read that!

I agree, the actress who plays Michelle is very talented.

So, another kiss between Lucía and Fer... Meh. I'm not a romantic person. I expected the writers to end the episode in another way.


Caught up now. Gracias, Amigas.

Which is what Lucia desperately needs but there is a conspiracy out there to prevent this.

I am now wondering how long the FWB of Roxi (slut name if ever I heard one) and Fernando was and was it masterminded by Rafael.

It will be along time before Fernando finds out that his own brother was involved in the theft of the cargo. That will be a ragefest for the ages because of the double betrayal and the unforgivable disregard of Michelle's situation.

I completely agree on the strong possibility that Diego is sexually obsessed with Paulina.

This series clearly shows that most men do not even see women as people.

Need to go out but will be back later.


Darcy: Howdy from the Alamo City. Thank you very much for the recap of last night's episode.

More problems for Lucia the punching bag!

The villains still winning 24/7.

Steve Boudreaux

Mexicana. Sympathy for the jury duty, Andy. Yep, the "ghost" was an entertaining diversion, but I'm glad the situation was resolved fairly quickly when Melody returned. Of course, just about all the cast except Mario and Gladys think there really was a ghost. Paulina seems very needy. Any chance she and Nacho could get together? If not, I hope the writers find someone for her.

Mexicana. And I expect that declaration of love using "amar" by Andrea to Tyler will end with her saying that she loves him very deeply, but as a brother. It's way too early in the novela for more revelations than that.


Dondi, Embajador is moving so fast. I'm going to miss your recaps.

Seeing Sancar in prison made me miss adult Gediz. Those two were angry with each other but also looking out for each other - fun times. But it was cute to see Sancar crafting bracelets.

Okay, Mavi has kept her promise to never abandon Melek - good.

Halise, shut up. You've done so much damage and have no right to complain.

I can see Mavi telling Kavruk where she is, but if Zehra is the one she told I wonder why.

I too think Necdet will not betray the Efeoglus. He was reluctant to go along with his mom & sis's fake pregnancy scam and is grateful beyond words to be back in with Sancar. Maybe this is his chance to become worthy in Gulsiye's eyes. But buddy, you've got to clean up your table manners too.


Poor Viiyéri! She has two sets of parents giving her a hard time.

SpanProf, I think Andrea is the most complicated character in the novela. An attractive and likeable woman but a swindler and a cheat, in (non-sisterly) love with Tyler yet she is still planning to fleece him. And then what?
It's also interesting that she and her daughter have both fallen in love with someone at first sight and have not gotten over it, they are still in love.

Katya and Diego are interesting. I can't see any conversion for Diego, though who knows? Still, it would not be realistic, and wondering how this will be resolved gives me yet another thing to consider and chew on with this novela.
I suppose that Sebastián and Diego are supposed to be a nice gay couple, but I don't really see it. Diego is nice but if he has shown any interest or enthusiasm for anything or anybody, I missed it. Sebastián always looks like he just bit into an especially bitter lemon.

I did love Melody the Ghost, and I was never worried for her, but I think it's time for her to scoot. Silly as the folks at Campo amor might be, if the "ghost" makes too many appearances they would eventually find out the truth. I did love Chabela's first seeing the ghost, and it was great that don Jaime had a ready backstory about the little girl who drowned in the pool and came back to haunt the finca, making it hard to rent. Hmmm, maybe he shouldn't say that around Tyler who might wonder just how long the "family" has been at the finca.

Doña Maty was so considerate of Jaime's health after the big shock, "No action tonight for Jaime!"   :-)
And these zingers get a little musical accompaniment. For me it's a real shame that this novela was not offered earlier in the year rather than the couple of turkeys, La desalmada and Mi fortuna. Especially as it seems that the current Mujer de nadie and La herencia do seem to be decent (I don't watch either of them).

But is Melody OK with Gladys now, or not? I don't generally root for a married couple with children to break up, but Mario and Sofía are not an especially happy couple. And I do want Gladys to wind up with somebody nice, because that's what she very much wants.
I don't foresee too much heartbreak in this novela, unless the writers throw in a little to keep the dish from being too sweet.


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