Thursday, July 20, 2023

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Eternamente Amándonos, Amor Invencible, & Mujer- Week of Jul 17, 2023

Coming Soon: Tierra de Esperanza will start MUY PRONTO! Vencer la Culpa will start on Aug. 1st at 9PM!!

PREEMPTION ALERT: There will be no Primetime Telenovelas on Thursday due to airing of Premios Juventud! ON FRIDAY, fútbol will preempt Eternamente Amandonos and Amor Invencible; Eternamente Amandonos will air from 7-8PM and Mujer will air at its usual time!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! The patio for Eternamente Amándonos is going strong with Jarifa providing some highlights; so we are plenty grateful! :-) Diana, Adriana and Weirdo are consistently providing recaps of all the unbelievable intrigue and evil in El Amor Invencible. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

7-9 PM – Eternamente Amandonos: Ep. 15

9-10PM – Amor Invencible: Ep. -- (Preempted!!)  

10PM-11PM – Mujer (Últimos Capítulos!!)


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Amor”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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Invencible / OG

Since there is no show until Monday, I guess we can only keep chatting and waiting and showing how annoyed we are by the way things are turning out.

I, like many if you, have decided that Leona doesn't actually deserve Gael. I mean, come on, woman, you fall asleep while reading business stuff with a man like that besides you?? That is the kiss of death for novela couples. These two will not end up together.

Since some have asked about the original, I will give a few details, I checked it out when I started watching. I might be mistaken on some of the details, though, at the time I didn't want to spoil myself too much

No worries, there are no spoilers ahead, the original was very different fron out Invencible.

In the OG there was no Ramses, every bad deed against Marena was done by the Gael character, who was in cahoots with Columba from the beginning. And Columba and Marena were besties as teens, too, so there was betrayal all around.
David was the good guy in that one, too, and he ended up with Marena.

Seeing how the Mexican version completely changed the narative from the very beginning, I think they decided to give Daniel Elbittar a greyish role because he killed it as Pedro Del Monte. And then his natural charm took over and the writers found themselves with the perfect "triangle", where anything could actually happen. They could have easily turned Daniel into the main galan, but I guess they are just that stupid.

I don't know what they think we want, but from what we've seen recently, it's clearly not it.


Adriana, thanks for the information on the original. Huh. Weird.

Okay, I'll go ahead and say it: this novela, from a certain point on, was just badly written.

I had high hopes that this would turn out in a hight-quality revenge novela but I guess I was mistaken. I'm disappointed. And with 7 episodes left, I'm pretty sure nothing will change.

I wasn't even planning on starting this, but the first episode was amazing. And then I checked the cast and come on, can you possibly skip a novela with Angelique Boyer, Daniel Elbittar, Marlene Favela, Juan Soler and Leticia Calderón? I had never seen Cantú or Carrera in anything before, so I thought it would be a good excuse to watch them.

And it started out great, big bad wolf Ramsés, stolen twins, fancy new name and hair color and BOOM, unrecognisable, annoying people and everything.

But I feel like this one lost it at about the middle.

Leona turned into an egoist who put people in danger for nothing and wanted someone to keep on saving the day (David), while she was just making plans that would surely fail (the microphone thing, for instance. Sure, this was at the start, but still...).

David became a whiny toddler who couldn't understand that his relationship with Leona was over. Half the screen time was David being annoying and whining.

Gael is the only character with a proper arc. Oh, yeah, I forgot, he could have stopped Ramsés's business at 17-18, when even the Interpol can't. Sure. Let's hate on him for absolutely no reason.

And as for the plot lines... Apolo's death was the starting point of the world's worst writing. Why even introduce him to the story if you'll kill him off for... why was he killed, exactly? Just to show that Ramsés is evil? We already know that, thanks.

Also, IMO, the creepy relationship between Lola and Calixto should have already stopped.

As for the love triangle, just a mess. I mean, why make Gael likeable if you want her to end up with David? But the problem was that they changed the ending they had in mind to "suit the viewers". Not a spoiler, I'm pretty sure Leona will end up with David, so who thought that it would be a good idea to make these two be in a relationship? But kudos to the writers, they made us not caring anymore. What's the point of the novela then?

Invencible + Portuguese OG

I read the synopsis of the Portuguese Original, Mar Salgado (Salty Sea) and wanted to add to Adriana's great and useful information.

A big difference is that in the Portuguese OG, Gonçalo (Gael) was 24 when Leonor (Marena/Leona) got pregnant and she was 16! So he wanted to hide that he was dating a minor too.

Oh and I think David in the OG didn't change his name, he wasn't hurt be Gonçalo at all.

Also, the ages in the Portuguese OG actually make sense. Gonçalo married Patrícia (Columba), who, as Adriana said, was friends with Leonor and had one kid, Kika, who was 2 years younger than Leonor's kids.

It might seem unimportant, but the ages in the Mexican remake make no sense. For some reason, all the kids go to the same school, even if they have different ages. Sure, it was never directly stated, but in the first episode, Consuelo and Cristobal talked about their kids, they were already alive when Mar was pregnant. And Kika couldn't be the same age as AnaJu because in this version Gael isn't a villain and wouldn't do anything with Columba while he was with Mar.

How the ages should have been:
Leona: 33/34
Gael: 33/34
David: 33/34
AnaJu: 16
Benja: 16
Kika: about 14/15
Itzel: about 15
Teo: about 15

And the secondary characters's ages are a mystery...

More Invencible Stuff + OT

Some trivia I found:

The first title for this telenovela was "Amor Imposible". I guess that was the OG title because it's impossible to love this novela.

Marjorie de Sousa was considered for Columba's role, but she was replaced by Marlene Favela.

Anette Michel was confirmed for Josefa's character, but was replaced by Leticia Calderón.

Speaking of Anette Michel, I just saw she was in a relationship with Jorge Luis Pila in 2001-2002. That got me thinking that Univisión REALLY sucks at ages, since Anette Michel will play Roberta in Minas de Pasión, basically Antonia Guerra in the new La Patrona, said character is the mother of the main galán, who in the original was played by Jorge Luis Pila. Oops.


Weirdo, the point where I feel the novela started to really disappoint me was after Leona and Gael had their big talk on the roof, with that epic kiss and after that.... nothing. He took a back seat to the whole revenge plot, David became his most annoying self and Leona started to descend into obsessive hatred of Ramses more tha. ever before.
I will never forget how Consuelo had just come out of her operation ans Leona was right there, by her side, talking about HER problems.
Had the writers decided to start buildinga romance between Leona and Gael from the moment they bith confessed their truths, things would have been so much better.
I actually wonder if Danilo Carrera didn't speak with the producers to make sure he won't lose his galan status. I don't have anything against him, but I dislikes all his galan roles, I don't feel he's cut out for it. Especially since they always make him do all these random accents, Makes me think that the actor actually speaks this way.


Great discussion. I, like you Adriana and Weirdo, had high hopes given the cast and quality production this novela was given. However, having been very disappointed in several main line tv series in the last couple years and recently the series finale of The Black List, I am blaming not the writers, who only deliver what is ordered, but the producers of these shows. In this case it is Juan Osorio. I have seen the absolute best from him (Mi marido tiene familia series) and the worst (Sueño de amor). Unfortunately, Amor Invencible is closer to the latter. Could he make this novela any darker, perverse, illogical or depressing? I have ended up watching it out of interest in a detached sort of a way, like an experiment, but not enjoyment.

It's a relief to see others are as disappointed as I am. Weirdow, you have my sympathy. At least now I'm not the only one expressing my annoyance at how things turn out in telenovelas. I needed some company:)
I wonder when the whole 'let's give the audience what they want' decision was made because that roof top talk makes no sense with what happened later. Leona just kept getting worse and worse. The worst part is that everyone else just goes along with what she says/does. Even Josefa said at one point she now understands why Leona wanted revenge. It's like they killed Apolo off just to make sure everyone understood Leona's revenge was justified because no one is allowed to say a word against her. And Gael said she became a better person. Next to her I feel like a saint. I remember getting irritated with female protagonists before, mainly because theywere judgemental or never really faced consequences for what they did. But I think Leona wins this contest.
David's character baffles me,though. He just kept getting more and more annoying. They gave him some really nice scenes with Camila and I was honestly expecting this could turn into something. But nope. Let's ruin it by establishing David as the obsessive, jealous, judgemental and self-righteous guy with no self-awareness because that's what women like.And they apparently do if Leona/David camp was a thing. When he is written in such a way, his superman presence everywhere and constant rescuing of Leona feels like a comedy. Even if they had done things right, they overdid this part.
The whole Lola Calixto 'relationship' should have ended. Lola just comes across as stupid instead of a misguided young person who was manipulated by an older man. How is it possible that nothing seems to open her eyes to the fact that Calixto is awful and won't give her what she wants just because 'he loves her'. The guy was ready to sell her, for God's sake!
Someone in the team really can come up with nice romantic scenes/. I wonder who kept ruining things. I wish I could understand why they did things the way they did. And who is soo damn good at writing unlikable protagonists? Or is David a co-protagonist?


Wowee wow. what a great conversation , and I agree with everybody. QTH? What happened , and how is this going to end ?

I first saw Daniel ( David) about ten years ago (?) As Fernando Colunga's spoiled son . He was very handsome, and I think he turned out as a good guy. Since then , I have seen him in shows as both a villain and a good guy . I liked him , but never enough to be a telenovio. He doesnt seem to have a lot of dnergy and charisma. Daniel , on the other hand, is a Renaissance man . He seems to be good at everything ( singing, dancing, basketball) .
He has a joie de vivre and a very smiley , joyful , slightly haughty personality. I think we have all met a person like that who is naturally charming, full of energy, and charismatic . So, what happened to the character of Gael ?. Did Daniel change the character by the all in way he kissed and romanced Leona and the way he delivered the lines the writers gave him? Did they always notice this and plan to make him the galan or did he just take the Gael character to an unexpected place ?

Adriana, I , too, thought that the tide had turned in Gael's favor on the rooftop. Great honest conversation and epic kiss....and David didn't suddenly show up in a helicopter.

That last episode with Leona muttering as she readS beer statistics while Gael fantasizes about her was.....very odd . i was frustrsted and seened more uoset thsn Gael . By the way,has Gael completely handed over the beer biz to biz genius Leona , and he is now the house husband in charge of Kika, Oliver, and his mother ? Then, Leona's reaction to Camila proposing to David and Gael looking crushed noticing her reaction ..uh oh. How can he end up with her?

More later, real life is calling me.


Thank you everyone for your insightful, wise and thought provoking comments.

I appreciate your starting this off Adriana. "They could have easily turned Daniel into the main galan, but I guess they are just that stupid...I don't know what they think we want, but from what we've seen recently, it's clearly not it". Exactly it!! I share your disappointment wholeheartedly. I could cut and paste everything you said and said so well.

Weirdo, "David became a whiny toddler who couldn't understand that his relationship with Leona was over." Yes, and he refused to accept it as well. "Gael is the only character with a proper arc. Oh, yeah, I forgot, he could have stopped Ramsés's business at 17-18, when even the Interpol can't. Sure. Let's hate on him for absolutely no reason". Excellent summation of the crux of the problem. Yes, done to death.

"I have seen the absolute best from him (Mi marido tiene familia series) and the worst (Sueño de amor)" is the bottom line truth Jarifa! The heroine in Sueno de dreck was dissed and dismissed and did not have the happy ending we wanted. I remember at the time refusing to watch the finale because of this. Whatever possessed him to twist this into the disaster it is now?

waterlily, I fear we must blame the writers and Juan Osorio. A fish stinks from the head down.

My last thought is I keep harkening back to the ending for Teresa (starring Angelique). It took the last five minutes for a happy ending. I was on tenderhooks the entire time. While this is far more complicated (another problem), there is a sliver of hope I am clinging to.



Susan, "...did Daniel change the character?" is a great question. It's entirely possible...I do think that the current "awkwardness" and relative calm before the storm of the last few epis is due to the fact they extended the storyline.

Weirdo, I also wanted to comment on your noting Marjorie de Sousa and Anette Michel. I understand they were cast as Columba and Josefa but both had to drop out as they were still working on another TN. Nothing against these two but I cannot imagine anyone doing the roles better than Marlene or Leticia! Both were fabulous.



I think this show had good ratings in Mexico and the U.S. It was the best telenovela I have seen since Fatmagul , and then it took a turn and got strange and disappointing . I agree that it was a mistake to kill off Apollo , Ram's nemesis and the good to balance his bad .Did the actor have to leave the show for some reason ?

It used to be that the galan was a truly good guy who defended the weak and innocent while being romantic and handsome and sexy. David got the first half of this equation ,while Gael had the second half covered . had figured out the whole equation . Maybe the writers are just taunting us with no bunny hopping for the married couple and Leona's repeated petulant pouts whenever David is around Camila. Maybe we are being tricked into Gael not being the obvious galan and bachelorette Leona's final choice . Come on, Leona, pick Bachelor #1. Maybe we are being played with and the final scene will be Gael's Beach bed fantasy happening for him ....and us.

Another WTF moment was that dinner David set up for Camila. He keeps sending her weird mixed messages getting her hopes up before he looks uncomfortable and guilty and murmurs " Leonaaaa." Dinner for a friend in a romantic setting with candlelight and champagne ....sure ...that happens to everyone. Show of hands .

Regarding the OG Portuguese show, if you are going to change everything about the story and the title , why don't you just write a whole new original story ?


I love our little discussion.

I went to see who are the writers and was surprised when I saw Juan Osorio listed as a writer. Huh.

I problem I caught is the number of writers; I get putting 2-3 people writing for the same novela, but seven? I don't know the exact number of writers telenovelas usually have, but seven sounds like a lot. Maybe that's why we got great scenes, good scenes and not-so-good scenes.


The end of our jouney through this maze of insanity is almost over!

Next week will be our last full week...

On that note, I will do my usual Monday and for the second night, would prefer to do Wednesday if possible.

Adriana and Weirdo, please "phone home" and let me know what you can do. Thank you both for all you have done and are doing to capture this exhausting world of crazy :)!


Invencible Recapping

Hi, Diana. I can do Friday as usual.

Exhausting world of crazy indeed! Thanks so muh to both you and Adriana for being my co-recappers! As wild as this novela was, having you two as recappers made it be almost normal.

Thanks to commenters too! :)


I'm enjoying the conversation. My biggest issue with Gael in the beginning was that he spent the next 15 years apparently not fighting back against Ramses, though he was angry and filled with grief and self-loathing. Now he's risen up and a while back he even fought the traffickers. My impression is the writers had so many balls in the air (revenge, love triangle, trafficking, gender identity, drag, pedophilia, etc.) that the writers crashed under the weight of it all. At this point, I just want to see Matias and Jacinta together, Flor have a date with a nice guy, and Gael loved by all his kids.


I was all set to watch Vino in daytime when some movie came on instead. It is kind of silly but Aaron Diaz is in it so I haven’t turned it off yet lol! Which brings me to my point I just saw a commercial for Eternamente say it returns Monday. I know it’s on the schedule for today but Vino was on the schedule for today too. Thought I would give you all a heads up it may not be on tonight after all.

I am still watching Eternamente but am several episodes behind and torn as to whether I want to keep watching or wait for the new shows starting Aug 1, it would be a easier choice if they weren’t doing all these double episodes, sigh. On the other hand I’m intrigued by the earlier comments that this is going to be a show full of character growth….I guess we’ll see if I can catch up and hang on through next week.


Great, Friday is yours Weirdo! It has been a crazy, out of control ride. But Rgv Chick, you, Adriana and the patio have made this a fun venture in spite of it all.

Adriana, kindly confirm you can do Tuesday and Thursday. Thank you!



I can definitely do Tuesday and Thursday. It won't be long before the madness is over.


Thank you Adriana!! Yes, the end is near :)



The above should have read "But Rgv Chick, you (Adriana), Weirdo and the patio have made this a fun venture in spite of it all!



I had been checking the guide since my tv didn’t record episode 13. When I looked today it had the fútbol from 7-10 pm. So I hit record in case the guide was wrong. I recorded fútbol! I’m on the east coast so don’t know if Univision is showing Eternamente in other parts of the country.


OT....I think Mujer is on at 10 tonight . My guide had Eternamente at 7...but it was futbol.

OT...Saw the Barbie movie today . Angelique could be a Barbie.


Soccer coverage started early on Univision tonight with their Messi-mania in Miami which was a-okay with me.

Anyway, there were a couple of scenes that had piqued my interest from the last episode so I took another look and got more details.

The Patch was talking to his boss Juventino who concluded they had found the goose who would lay the golden egg when Patch had located Eva in her new digs. The Patch reminded Eva about what she supposedly did to Juventino. She denied doing anything to him but then said that with what had happened to her, she had already paid. The Patch said he was now in control and that with 50 (thousand?) or maybe 100 (thousand?) his memory could get cloudy.

When Irma was talking to the shirtless Ignacio in his bedroom, her hand traced some scars on his very badly scarred back. As she brought our attention to the scars she said that he could use the the many wounds that had been visited on his body and soul to arouse the hatred needed to fuel his revenge. How did he get those scars?

The actor playing Lucas, Erika's son, is Kaled Acab and is about 12. I am terrible with ages so this was welcome info. From what I could find out, he played a young Vicente Fernández in the Netflix production "El Rey."

I have been enjoying Diana Bracho so very much. When she was in the hospital feigning her illness she almost looked like a little kid playing a prank. I do not dislike any of the actors or story lines so far. The characters are interesting enough. Some are a little far-fetched but, hey, it is a telenovela.

Feel free to add anything I missed/left out so far.

Any opinions/comments?



Jarifa, thank you for all this information. I always learn so much from all of your posts.

I had been looking forward to watching this one hour episode as even though I've watched some every night, I've not seen enough to really follow along.

I can't really add much to the discussion.I didn't see the Irma/Ignacio scene so can't even speculate...I did see the scene with Eva but am not sure who Juventino is/was.

Diana Bracho is great. Yes, "she almost looked like a little kid playing a prank" (great description). She is playing such a snobbish, self serving elitist but I have a feeling she is enjoying every minute of it! :)

Lucas is a sweetheart. He's 12??? I thought he was much younger but I'm not good about children's ages either.

I think Paula is the best. A sweet and loyal character. I have mixed feelings about Rogelio.



I finally caught up this evening and thank you Jarifa for your notes from the couch!! They definitely helped with getting everyone straight.

Martina is hard to take seriously...she's too over the top!!! And somehow still seems vulnerable in a weird sort of way. I wouldn't want her for a mom or mom-in-law but she's interesting to watch. I like how she tells on herself - the doc and Paula - it's not everyday we get a manipulator who freely admits they are manipulative. Still I keep thinking she needs a group hug along with a clue.

The one I can't stand is Imelda! Who yells at someone for getting shot at their wedding and accuses them of making a scene and stealing YOUR spotlight?? Really??? You're not mad at the shooter you are upset with the victim? That's just beyond any level of vanity I want to hear about. She has no job (which is good in her new family) no ambition, no hobbies, no nothing....really no reason for breathing except to be miserable and as much as I'm sure she'd love to steal our fair galan - she doesn't even have a PLAN for that I am sure. She's not a conniving vilain, or a sneaky one, or......she just whines and sleeps and makes catty comments. Pass! I am sorry she got raped though, that she never happen to anyone.

Speaking of plans, I get that Ignacio was abandoned and then apparently treated horribly by someone (I think I remember him telling Cecelia that his step father beat him but I might be remembering wrong) but this whole 'My daddy left me so I'm going to go take revenge on a bunch of people who know nothing about it and had nothing to do with it' revenge plot is a novela staple I will never understand. You clearly think your dad was a POS (and maybe he was) yet you envy the people who got him after he left you? Though that family didn't have him for long either if he's been dead for 20 years.

One thing I noted that I haven't seen mentioned, when Erika was talking to her friend about the wedding and all the other goings on the friend looked at her and said very pointedly 'You have to stay calm RIGHT NOW' and Erika said she knows and she's trying but it's not always easy. That set off warning bells in my mind. Ms. Erika, left Rogelio presumably before he knew she was pregnant (if Lucas is his) and has stayed far far away for however many years Lucas has been alive; but she's suddenly back, worried about whether or not Lucas will like it in this town, and needing to stay calm?? speculation but I'm wondering if Dr. Erika is under a doctor's care herself.


Diana, Rogelio is a real dunderhead at this point. He has to wake up sooner or later, right? These characters and their problems seem to be almost trivial when compared to what “Amor invencible” is putting us through. I hope we find out more about Eva’s and Ignacio’s past.


I am enjoying the trivial, so far, problems in this telenovela. Martina is kind of fun as you never know what’s next. Paula will be fine as she seems to just roll through life. Invencible has been so intense, as was Perdona. I just find this more in the “light entertainment” area so far.


Invencible Recapping

This week, as Diana said, is a full week (24-28/7), meaning we'll see episodes 74-78.

And next week we'll see episodes 79-80. But Monday is July the 31st and on Tuesday, August 1, Vencer la Culpa will have it's Gran Estreño at 9PM.

Safe to say that we'll get a two-hour Gran Final on Monday?

The above was "Invencible Programming", not "Recapping".


On literally every Wikipedia page on telenovelas, there's a differentiation on "created/developed by" (creado por) and "written by" (escrito por).

For example:

El Amor Invencible:

Created by:
Pablo Ferrer García-Travesí
Santiago Pineda Aliseda

Written by:
Hugo Moreno Cano
Martha Jurado
Marisela Rodríguez
Juan Osorio
Claudia Vázquez
Lilian Gatica
Eduardo Rubio

Out of curiosity, I researched a bit and found this:

"Created by" shows the writers who had the initial idea and wrote the first episode (no I'm not kidding. The first episode).

"Written by" shows the writers who wrote the plot and the dialogue.

Am I the only out who thinks that's a bit weird? So other people have the idea and write the Gran Estreño and other people write all the rest?!


Hello, Weirdo, thanks for doing the research on the writers. I first found out about these teams of writers for shows while I was watching the Outlander series on Starz.I had read the original book series by Diane Gabaldon , and there was a website for commenting on the series and the books. Diana interacted with the fans and was very honest. . She usually wrote one episode each season. There was a team of writers who wrote the rest . . Sometimes her characters and storylines were changed , and she sometimes didnt like that. The fans who had read and loved the books didn't like any changes to the books. There were also some writers the fans liked more than others. We also found out that writers sometimes squabbled amongst themselves .

I noticed that for Invencible , 4 writers are women and 3 are men. This show took a sudden turn and jumped the shark. I wonder who is responsible . I think too many cooks spoil the stew. Maybe there was no clear vision from the very start of how this story was going to end , or maybe the vision changed for some reason.

I have a question . They usually start playing the theme song every time that the destined couple share a romantic moment. Does anyone remember if they played that theme song for both the David \Leona moments and the Gael\Leona moments , or were different songs played?


Weirdow, I never knew what the difference was between created by and written by. This is strange. Why would the creators get to write only the first episode and then someone else writes the rest? Wouldn't it be cheaper to just have a team of writers? Why would you need to separate teams for something like this? I still don't get what happened to the writers of this show all of a sudden.7 is way too many for a telenovela like this. Maybe that was the problem. I wonder how they even managed to agree on anything at all. I wonder how much the creators get paid for having 'the idea'.
btw, are double episodes of eternamente going to continue next week? Are they in a hurry to finish with it for some reason?


waterlily, Yes, “Eternamente” is double episodes this week again from what I can see. I am guessing/hoping that it will go to single episodes once the two new novelas start on 8/1. Let us keep our fingers crossed!

OT...Meanwhile Mujer continues in the 10 pm spot. It was on last night after the futbul game. The story is interesting. There is one main villain but also love and support for the main character.

OT + Invencible (+ a bit of Eternamente)

Susana and waterlily "too many cooks spoil the stew" and "7 is way too many for a telenovela like this." I agree! The less writers the better. The only time (that I'm aware of) the "many writers" strategy worked was in La Doña, which had 10 "written by" writers for 2 seasons.

Interesting question, Susan. I unfortunately don't remember.

Waterlily, I'm also very confused by how the whole writing thing works. ¿Qué? This system would make some sense if the ones who had the idea was also in the writing squad. But nope. Imagine writing dialogue and ALL the plot for a novela you didn't think of anyway. Or worse, imagine having the idea and writing only the first episode!

"I wonder how much the creators get paid for having 'the idea'." Me too... And I also wonder who gets paid better, the ones that had the idea or the ones who wrote literally everything? I assume the latter.

As for Eternamente, yes, from what I read double episodes still going strong, for unknown reasons.


Susan, weirdly enough, I can't find who's the main male villain in this one. The quién es quién is very limited for Turkish dizis.


Weirdo, the main villain is the leading actress 's younger ( and psycho) step sister . I like the strong, silent, sensitive galan Arif . His eyes are so expressive. I love the young children.I don't understand much of the dialogue , but I can figure out enough from the visual. I can't stop watching .


Weirdo, Seray Kaya plays Sirin , the main villain according to Wikipedia . The story is really heating up now. There are many episodes left.

OT...Weirdo , I just realized you were asking about the male villain. I dont think there really is one . There are a few bad guys , but there isn't one main villain intent on making the main character miserable. I guess these telenovelas and dizis are all studies into coping with life's slings and arrows and surviving .



Thanks, Susan, for the information regarding Mujer.


Weirdo, thank you for the interesting information on the writers! Fascinating.

Susan, "jumped the shark" is right. Hard to figure out exactly what happened but things certainly seemed to veer off course. I'm hoping it won't be a shipwreck...

In terms of the rest of it :), episodes 75 through 79 air this week and the finale, 80, airs on Monday.



Diana, yes, I miscounted. I'm glad it will be just one hour. I can't stand double episodes.


The scars on Ignacio's back were shocking, so I feel some sympathy for him, plus he's been manipulated by his mother. He and Rogelio have something in common having controlling, narcissistic mothers.

Could the quiet brother with glasses have a crush on Paula? When he and Paula were riding in the car on the way to Rogelio in jail, the camera focused on his comforting hand on hers and later hers on his. Hmmm, IIRC, the hand comforting even involved a hand on another's thigh.

Fidel is so loyal. I'm glad ya'll pointed out he's played by hottie Alfredo Gatica. I would've never known. What a versatile actor.


All said about this wild TN, it's amazing we're so close to the finish line but still there's no inkling of how things will end. I've enjoyed this crazy ride and I'm looking forward to Monday. Will David accept Camila's proposal? If so, will he do it because of love or because he doesn't want to humiliate her in front of all those people?


Is the actor playing Fidel the creepy, longhaired biker guy from" Camino?"

I, too, am feeling sorry for Igy.Who whipped him ?

Erika and Lukas are sure to add to the mix.

Why does Eva always have her sleeves pulled down over her hands ?

Yes,The tall , quiet Bro is in love with his sis in law.

Wardrobe has done a good job of depicting Paula as a free spirit by putting her in bright colored hippy outfits . Susan

Very OT

There's a huge fire where I live. Not close to me, thankfully, but it's been going on for 5 days. It's pretty much unstoppable now. Many people have lost their homes to the fire and so many parts of forests and animals have burned.

Last night we had no power for three consecutive hours and today in the morning for about half an hour.

Do you guys have fires in your countries? It's been a constant nightmare here, in many parts of Greece.


Weirdo, I hope you stay safe...

Fires/wildfires are unfortunately occurring more frequently here and in Canada.

The loss of human and animal life is terrible, not to mention the devastation caused by the fire itself and the smoke it engenders.

Susan, yes, Luis Gatica from Camino plays Fidel...


OT...Weirdo ...thank goodness there aren't fires where I live . We have gotten some rain late!y. We had smoke from the wildfires in Canada for awhile . Even that was Very scary. The firefighters who fight these fires are truly amazing . Our local volunteer fire chief is a friend and an amazing guy, a real life hero. All the love to these brave people who fight fires. Hope things calm down there soon.


Liz, yes, Martina is a bag of surprises. She is going to have to be on better behavior with Paula being pregnant , but after the baby is born, all bets could be off.

Niecie, good point about both Ignacio and Rogelio being controlled by their narcissistic manipulative mothers. When the truth is known of who Ignacio is, the men could be in a kind of proxy war on behalf of their mothers. Yes, Luis has it bad for Paula. The other night it sounded like he has even been writing about her.

Susan, Paula sort of has that hippie look in her clothes. It has yet to be directly revealed how Ignacio got those scars on his back but as his mother was talking about how his physical and emotional wounds should spur on his hatred to fuel his revenge against the Iturbide’s we can only wonder . . . : )



Weirdo, so sorry to hear you are dealing with heat and fires. Take care!


I have been wondering how much time has passed since Leona showed up to start her revenge plan and met David. Any guesses as to how much time has passed...months? A year?

Lots of anvils to be dropped....Ram, Col, Cal, Jermy , Romeo , and Dad.


Thanks guys...

Thankfully no one has died where I live, we had loss of animal lives, properties and forests.

The fire is still going strong for the 6th day in a row...

I wanted to say that we had frequent electricity cuts, so if the fire keeps going for another 6 days, Friday's recap might be delayed.

It's pretty much out of control now...


Weirdo, praying for you, your family and all the residents there.

Please take care...


OT...((((Weirdo)))..hope you are okay . ... You are in my thoughts and prayers .


Weirdo, I'm so sorry. Sending up prayers.


Camila so envious and desperate, doña Clara would be perfect mother in law. Poor David.



Californian here. Major wildfires are all too common in Ca, especially in Sept-Oct which are our hottest months. My town's been lucky:the worst we've gotten has been smoke. But towns, especially in Northern California have been completely destroyed by wild fires. Some insurance companies have pulled out of the market because it's too expensive to insure against them.

I hope you and your family stay safe. But, as we have learned (fire and earthquakes), it is best to always be prepared. Have one or more "go" bags with clothes, meds, important docs, cash. If you're told to leave your home, you must do so as quickly as possible.

Take care.



Thank you everyone...

The fire is in the south part now. I fortunately live in the north part, so up to now we're pretty safe.

There was another fire closer to where I live, but it got extinguished quickly, thankfully.

It's a pretty tragic period for the country. We have had more fires in different parts of the country and a bridge collapsed in another city, killing 2 people and trapping many more.

I hope the situation improves soon, here and in your countries.

Take care as well.


Weirdo, while relieved that you have escaped harm, I will continue to pray for everyone affected by the raging fires.

Thank you for letting us know...



stay safe out there!

There was no episode of Eternamente on Friday so ep 15 is tonight.

Invencible: I’m just seeing this on Prime and thought it was great in the beginning, it captured my attention. However, i was hoping that Leona/Mar would fall for Gael and they would have passionate scenes that would have drove David crazy… which I think he displayed some obsession issue. He could not lose again to Gael. He was a strange character as a hound Adrian. Standing around when Marlena and Gael is having a romantic dinner on the beach. Adrian/David was adopted and no one knows anything of his background, I was thinking that he and Romeo could have had the same father or mother.. There behavior was similar, always being around or knocking on someone’s door. Leona/Gael could have bridged their family together and they should have taken the twins back to Puerto Palma and showed them how they met and tragedy that occurred. Leona/Gael could have went back to his home with the twins and conceived another set of twins. Leona never had the chance to be a mother and watch her children grow up, that would have been prefect because David would still have tried to break them up and steal Gael’s family, which I felt he was doing. David joining forces with Columba, they should had her to have his baby, because all the underhanded things they were doing was back firing on them. Apolo should have stayed and married Josefa while Ramses would make everyone pay for there betrayal. He would not muerte Leona because she would be carrying another set of Torrenegro heirs. I think the should do a Season 2 and this time get it right. Leona gets pregnant by Gael when she ask him to come be with twins and her for a few days. Gael hires a new assistant/Attorney and she looks like Leona. Ends up being being a lost cousin who’s father left Puerto Palma long ago for a better life for his family. She is getting a divorce(husband a doctor) but his Father knows Ramses and on similar business as Ramses. Gael feels something because she reminds him of Leona . Don’t get me started when David finds out he try to pursue her to me Leona jealous. They could really make another season. Ramses comes back because he either is taken away and some doctors give him an antidote thru developed and/or Ramses had an imposter who had a facelift to play him at the end while he got away. I believe the corruption went all the way to the Mexican Presidency.. They should bring back all the same characters because they were phenomenal in their roles.

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