Thursday, September 28, 2023

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Eternamente Amándonos, Tierra de Esperanza, & Minas de Pasión- Week of Sept. 25, 2023

 Coming Soon: Vuelve a Mi with William Levy and Samadhi Zendejas will start on October 9th at 9PM on Telemundo!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series! There are great recaps and discussions for Minas de Pasión, Tierra de Esperanza, and Eternamente!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

7-9 PM – Eternamente Amándonos: Ep. 89-90

9-10 PM – Tierra de Esperanza: Ep. 42-43

10PM-11PM – Minas de Pasión: Ep. 21-22


Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Tierra”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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Notes from the couch . . .

Rogelio and others learn a lot of lessons tonight.

ROGELIO learns that

in spite of him and Paula finding Jazz with the mother who took her by mistake, "I'm sorry" will ever be enough for Paula or any mother who has spent even one second not knowing where her baby was when that was his job. A few hours later as he continues his mea culpa tour with her, Paula is in a much better frame of mind and apologizes for her response and teases him by telling him that from now on when he takes Jazz out, they will have to attach her stroller to him with a leash.

Violeta is a snake in the grass, if he ever had any doubts. She tells him earlier in the day that JJ has scheduled a supper with some investors. He tells her that Paula will be coming, too. She asks if he does everything with his wife. He says he tries to. Paula is not able to come, so he goes on his own. He has been waiting for 35 minutes in this restaurant with garish velvet oversized chairs when Violeta arrives with her lame excuse that just 10 minutes ago the investors called her that they couldn't make it. She suggests they relax and have dinner on the company's tab. He warns her not to confuse things. He has no time for that. He leaves and tells her to enjoy her meal.

his son is growing up but he hasn't learned that he cannot stop that. When he hears that Lucas's girlfriend Regina kissed him, he congratulates him. When he talks to Luis who is taking care of him in Morelia, he is less than pleased and asks him what is going on. He tells Luis to keep an eye on Lucas and Regina. Lucas isn't hiding that he is in love with Regina and wants to marry her. His uncles promise to give him good advice about girls.

there is nothing like family or being married to Paula when he and Paula talk about the plight of Olimpia and what her life has been like.


OLIMPIA learns that

you can never beat around the bush telling a dying person what you want them to know. When inviting Luna to the grand opening to her new boutique in Morelia she finds out that Luna has been rushed to the hospital. When she gets there, she introduces herself as an old friend of Luna's family to Luna's husband. He tells her that Luna was admitted because of pre eclampsia caused by hypertension. They had to induce labor. The baby is fine. Now, Luna is also suffering from anemia. He gave blood already and is waiting for more members of his family to arrive. Olimpia offers to give blood and she does. Olimpia calls Paula who rushes to the hospital to support her. Paula calls Rogelio to tell him what is going on. Olimpia goes in to see Luna and grabs her hand. She remembers holding her hand as a baby. Luna regains consciousness, smiles and asks why she is there. As Olimpia answers there is something very important for Luna to know, Luna coughs and dies. Paula consoles Olimpia and Rogelio arrives to also offer his support. Shortly thereafter, Olimpia tells Luna's husband she is Luna's birth mother. She searched for her for many years and finally found her. Olimpia says goodbye to her daughter at her casket.

the time to be free of old resentments is now and gives Martina all the documents she needs to sell the property as well as the names of a couple of possible buyers.

IGNACIO learns that

his therapist sees that he is making progress. She tells him that he looks well. He admits he is feeling better and is actually smiling. He says his ex came to see him and she is still pregnant. She had hid it from him but then decided she had to tell him. He is excited but also afraid. He tells her of his recurrent dream of the boy running to another father. The difference is that now he doesn't feel distressed. The therapist says that is because he is processing his experience from a different less painful place. Ignacio doesn't want to be like his father. He is decorating a bedroom for his child. He will be there for his son. The therapist congratulates him. The therapist says that his child can give him a great opportunity to transform himself but that will all start with forgiveness. Then he can stop seeing himself as a victim and taking responsibility for his own actions. He is sure he will be a good father.

he can be present in his child's life when Cecilia allows him to come to her doctor's appointment with her after he tells her he wants to be involved as a father from now on. He later tells Casandra that he doesn't think there is anything left between him and Cecilia but that she allowed him to go to her ultrasound appointment with her and he got to see his child.



Cassandra and Eva finally have a chance to chat. Eva asks what happened to Cassandra at La Perla once she left. Cassandra says she had to make more money so she ended up working as an escort. She is still ashamed. Eva says no need to feel like that with her because she was one, too. She knows how hard life can be. Cassandra says that she was confused and scared but when she started making more money, she left that horrible life and went to work in the textile industry. She met Olimpia who practically adopted her and she became her right hand woman. She thanks Olimpia for who she is today. She invites Eva and family to the grand opening.


Felipa find out that she is going to have twins.

After seeing his child in the ultra-sound session, Ignacio seems to have mellowed. Instead of screaming for Felipa, he comes into the kitchen and politely asks for a cup of coffee. Felipa and Melitón wonder what is wrong with him. When he sees Fernando on television explaining to the press that the Iturbide family has been fully exonerated, Ignacio writes him an e-mail telling him that believe it or now, he is happy for him. Unfortunately, he has a change of mind and deletes it.

Aunt Pati tells Lucas that she is going to Los Angeles for two years of specialty training in gastroenterology. He will miss her. She says he can always come and visit. She also tells Ulises who wonders if they had started a relationship, would she still be going? She says YES! Her career aways comes before anything and anybody.


Poor ROGELIO doesn't know that it was far too early for him and Paula to have agreed that their love can overcome any adversity or to have proclaimed at the end of the episode that "The nightmare is over!"

Please feel free to add anything I left out.


Jarifa, your “learned” theme was inspired. After years of writing outstanding recaps, your creativity continues unabated.

Rogelio did indeed have quite the “mea culpa tour.” Fatherhood is demanding and as most mothers have learned, you must be laser-focused on your children at all times. Having eyes in the back of your head is likely quite helpful! And children do grow up, have crushes and eventually fall in love.

“OLIMPIA learns that you can never beat around the bush telling a dying person what you want them to know” was tragically true. Losing her daughter on the precipice of reconciliation has already filled Olimpia with grief, resulting in her starting to set her wrongs to right. I was struggling to try and figure out if the baby survived, I am so glad that happened. Hopefully Olimpia will be able to forge a loving relationship with her grandchild.

Ignacio seems to be trying to fight his internal demons, evidenced by the text he started but failed to send.

Ignacio “…later tells Casandra that he doesn't think there is anything left between him and Cecilia.” Hmmm, is he saying what he truly believes or what he wants to believe? During the ultrasound he and Cecilia definitely “had a moment”. I don’t know if it is possible for Ignacio to overcome his past, he is such a tortured soul. I am also conflicted as to whether he and Cecilia can or should be together.

I can’t take Violeta seriously. She of the lame and utterly failing “come hither looks”, while perpetually whining. Her white skirt was so short I seriously thought there was going to be a wardrobe malfunction when she moved.

I’m not quite sure what happened in the scene where Fernando and Imelda argued; Blanca and Paula were very uncomfortable. It seemed Imelda wanted something or wanted to do something he didn’t like?

I was very surprised Pati is sailing off into the sunset, at least for the foreseeable future. I thought sure she was poised to cause some major havoc. Looks like the way for Ale to get together with Ulises has been cleared.

Felipa and Melitón scenes are so sweet in looking out for Ignacio. And what wonderful news – finally! Two babies, so happy for them!



Thanks, Diana. You are too kind. This was a fun episode to recap.

On to Imelda: Imelda seemed to be interested in being a party/event planner as indicated by her desire to plan Martina’s wedding, etc. Fernando asked her how? who would watch the kids? She suggested to Fernando that since he is unable to find a job (nice dig), she could go out and work while he took care of the kids. He thought THAT was ridiculous!! Of course he would because he might have to actually do something.

More mañana. ; )


I'm still irritated that Paula told Rogelio about Olimpia. She called him even now, which wasn't my favourite thing. I find this kind of behaviour insufferable when I'm required to admire it. Now Paula will insist everyone go to that openning, everyone including Martina. In Paula's world people don't have free will if she's decided what's best for them.Sounds familiar?
Violeta is odd. Did she think Rogelio would stay? He never gave any indication he liked her so I am confused as to what she thinks is going to happen. I suppose she has no long-term plan, but still. What would have changed if Paula had been there?
It's tragic Olimpia didn't have a chance to tell the truth to Luna. I suppose that's how much acting out of anger and resentment costs. Expensive. I still can't believe her anger won over her love for her child. She got angry her husband only cared about their child so in a way he punished the child too.I can't reconcile her regret with her previous actions. I know you can regret what you did but a part of me wonders why this regret didn't surface at the door of the orphanage when she still had a chance to change her mind.


waterlily, “I know you can regret what you did but a part of me wonders why this regret didn’t surface at the door of the orphanage when she still had a chance to change her mind.” Exactly. It was good that Olimpia eventually came to regret what she did but, as you noted, she punished her child for nothing but her own pride. I do not know if Luna would have forgiven her if she had lived. Luna was lucky never hearing Olimpia was her mother on her deathbed with no time for a resolution. That would have been a nightmare. Again, Olimpia was making it all about herself and her need for forgiveness.


Jarifa, thank you for another wonderful report from the couch. It was so clever to set up the "lessons learned" theme as you gave us each character's epiphanies.

Waterlily, I am with you about Olympia. Giving up her daughter to spite and punish her cheating husband was awful and ridiculous. My mother used to say " Don't cut off your nose to spite your face." Olympia has evidently lived a life of revenge and now the bill is due and she is paying for that appetite for revenge. I can't feel sorry for her. When you bring a child into the world, you are forever linked to that person and your job is to help that child grow into a good oerson.

The Violetta storyline wasn't thought out well. Maybe that actress knew someone and needed a job. She is clueless and silly, and she can't take "no" for an answer. Go away little girl. There are other guys in that office who will buy what you are selling. She lastima.

I have never watched a Telenovela with so many babies .

I am ready to have these storylines wrapped up. As Caray's dear Dr. Carlos used to tell us " Next!"


Thank you Jarifa for the wonderful notes from your comfy couch!

I am glad the Jazz story resolved quickly and I was annoyed by Rogelio saying it's not my, it was exactly the textbook definition of your fault dude!!! Seriously??? Then later he hears Lucas kissed a girl, has a concerned, says NOTHING to Lucas but orders Luis to 'talk to him'?? What??? Dude, that's your kid!!!

I am starting to like Melton and Felipe with Iggy....they have a very different but very watchable vibe. They just sort of circle carefully around each other, kind of eyeing each other with curiosity. Iggy doesn't like them exactly, but he needs them, and he knows it. They don't (or at least didn't) want to like Iggy but he's just so pathetic, there is nothing there to hate and plenty to pity.

I have no sympathy for Olimpia either and I too am glad she didn't tell Luna just before she died, that's horrible. It's shocking to see someone dying of preeclampsia on screen. My sister had it with her first child, she lived of course, but seeing it work out the other way is jarring!


Wikipedia highlights today, normal recap tomorrow.

Mauricio receives the DNA test results and discovers that Nico is his son; Roberta finds out and celebrates the news.
Nico collapses in Mauricio's arms and at the hospital questions Emilia about his condition.
Mauricio visits Nico in the hospital to promise him that he will take care of him.
Mauricio reveals to Emilia that Nico is his son and that he was the one who raped her.

Damn, did I have to miss THAT episode?

I hate being disorganised. Because of that, I'll make myself a recapping schedule. I'll have it figured out (and posted here) by Sunday.


Aaaand that was Minas #21, I forgot to add it.


"I suppose that's how much acting out of anger and resentment costs. Expensive. I still can't believe her anger won over her love for her child" was well said waterlily.

Jarifa, you are right in that it was best poor Luna did not learn the truth, especially under such impossible circumstances... "Olimpia was making it all about herself and her need for forgiveness". Yes, indeed.

On Meliton and Felipa, "They don't (or at least didn't) want to like Iggy but he's just so pathetic, there is nothing there to hate and plenty to pity" was perfect Darcy!

"The Violetta storyline wasn't thought out well. Maybe that actress knew someone and needed a job. She is clueless and silly, and she can't take "no" for an answer. Go away little girl" had me laughing Susan. From your lips to the writer's ears!!



Hi, Diana, I had the same feeling about the actress playing Gabriel's ex-wife . She was a super bitter itch villain in " Siempre Tuya Acapulca" by Azteca. When she first popped up in this show , I thought " oh boy, here we go; she's here to ramp up the crazy." Then, she just was annoying and rude and faded away ????? What was that about ? Why was she ibtroduced if her storyline was so weak? The actress playing Felipa was also in that novela , and she was great comic relief. I am glad that we are seeing some of this actress's charm and charisma.

I am starting to like those scenes of Felipa and Mel hiding and watching Igy. I think he is starting to appreciate them in his own odd way.


Weirdo, thank you for the highlights! What a powerful, revelatory episode.

A few comments…

I kept thinking of the Sally Brampton quote: “Only by acceptance of the past will you alter its meaning”. Sniveling, cowardly, unshaven Mau facing Emilia, confessing he is Nico’s father. You could almost hear her heart beating rapidly in her chest as a gamut of emotions – initially shock and then a growing horror played across her face. Her world has imploded. How will she process this and however will she move forward.

Nico looked so small and so sad in his hospital bed and it seems as though his bond with Mau is sadly quite strong. Leo not only has Seb, but now Mau to compete with for the child’s affections. I take comfort in that children have an infinite capacity for love and there is room for all in his heart (although we wish Mau were not in the equation).

Roberta crawled right to Nico’s hospital bed to claim him as her blood.

Have we seen Danilo before? Rodrigo Brand looked so different! I couldn’t decide if he looked sleezy, sort of handsome or a mixture of both. He and Sara met up at a bar, he seemingly offering a rapid-fire series of pickup lines. Sara, sucking on a lime, initially seemed uninterested but then they ended up standing up, ferociously groping and madly kissing each other. Good heavens, please get a room!

Jennifer cries on Orlando’s shoulder (again). They kiss quite passionately and then she pulls away, apologizing saying he is her friend and she knows he’s gay. I’m not gay Orlando manages to get out. As she processed this, she panicked and ran out. I must say Orlando gives VERY good hugs.

I assume we will pick up where Mau and Emilia left off.



Susan, I agree that there is a very slow progression of Ignacio "starting to appreciate him in his own odd way". They make me smile and are a small but powerful light in this sea of deceit.

Gabriel's wife was a minor annoyance but Vi is a major PIA!! In the face of Rogelio's completely having her number and being obvious he isn't the least bit interested, her continuing pursuit makes absolutely no sense at all.

I'm also puzzled by Pati's intended departure. It seemed as though she was going to fight for custody at some point. Then it seemed she might be paired with Ulises. It seems the writers weren't sure what to do with her.



Diana, yes, the writers seem to throw in characters and start their storylines but can't complete the arcs. The stories often come and go quickly with no logical development . Maybe they wanted to keep the audience interested by not having the original storylines go around and around towards the end as they often do.

At this point , I am ready for this train to pull into the station and board a new train to a new destination.

Looking forward to the new shows being developed .


Thanks, everyone, for your fascinating comments. They give us a lot to think about.

I am seeing the plot and character development as being very similar to real life. Plots can be long and can be short. I am enjoying the mix. Sometimes people and situations change and there is no logic to it. People come and go. It is clear that Pati’s prime directive wasn’t to rescue Lucas as time went by. Now it is her career. This novela has covered about three years so far which is a long time in real life and novela time. As for Violeta, I think she is a real threat no matter how flaky she might seem. It wouldn’t take much for her to get Rogelio into what might look like a compromising situation. She almost did. Him not being interested has nothing to do with it. It is a power play. She isn’t running on all cylinders so to speak. ; )

Busy day so you probably won’t hear from me again until I get off the couch with #90 notes.


Gracias, Jarifa.

"this restaurant with garish velvet oversized chairs"

What tacky decor. Violeta's choice of restaurant is yet another clue that she's a ditz.

So glad the baby switch got resolved quickly. I feel for Rogelio, maybe because my family once drove our Rottweiler from boarding kennel and didn't realize it wasn't him until we got home.

Imelda wants to work? This I gotta see.

It appears Roberta wants to take Nico away from Emilia. Mauricio is too weak to stop her and I also suspect it wouldn't take much to convince him to go along with this plan.
That Danilo guy suggested some kind of business to the alcalde and some other guys I believe. Wasn't it a snail business or something? My video of that episode got cut at the point where they werediscussing this.
It appears Mauricio still expects Emilia's forgiveness, which is crazy, given that he is aware of what he did.
Jenifer...I don't know what to say about her in this episode. She actually wanted to make E suffer by taking Nico and doing what exactly?
Sara... I remember her saying something along the lines of 'Leo has to see that I'm better than that minera'. Well, he doesn't seem to so leave him be, why don't you? Because you are stupid, I guess.
Tigre accepted his daughter's noviazgo because Leo seems to care about Nico and seems to have proven he is a decent guy.
Zaira now can't rentthat place where she was staying because the lady heard all the rumours from her daughter and changed her mind immediately. It's hard to watch stupid people. All of them really need to learn to separatereality from fiction. Misinformation is a thing obviously, but I can't believe people are so quick to believe something so stupid about someone they actually know.


Thanks so much for your “notes from the couch”. I bet you took great notes in school!

Violeta is getting more forward or pushy. She either doesn’t realize, or doesn’t want to realize, that Rogelio has no interest in him. What would she have done if Paula could come to the dinner. And I agree, Diana, that skirt was much too short. I grew up in the days of mini skirts but don’t think I ever saw one that short. No way could you bend or sit.

I am so pleased that Felipa and Melitón are pregnant with twins! And I loved the different comments about their relationship with Ignacio. I hope he gives the villa back to Martina but keeps them with him!

I was so afraid Olimpia was going to tell Luna she was her mother and then Luna was going to die. So it was much better to have her die before hearing the news. Olimpia would have had to live with that extra guilt forever.

I had to laugh when Fernando was talking to Imelda about how could she work and watch the kids. She never really watched Ada much. Felipa did it mostly in the Villa.

Didn’t someone recommended this telenovela because of the character development? There’s been so much change as the characters grow and change, and for the better.



I only watched the first half and recorded the rest , but I haven't had a chance to watch.

Waterlily, I had no idea what that long haired, pony talked guy was talking about with Fidel and Adelberto. It seemed like he was a snakeoil salesman trying to convince them to do\ buy whatever he was selling . I am anxious to watch him seducing Sara , who is obviously missing Leo's attentions.

Conceited Sara thinks she is a bag of chips and all that . She cannot imagine why Leo would drop her like the proverbial hot potato for Em.

" It's hard to watch stupid people ." Amen., truer words were never spoken . I'd like to needlepoint that onto a pillow for my sofa.

Why did Jenny think Orlando is gay? Does his father think so , too, since he keeps sending that lady of the evening to his office but Orlando just wants to talk to and dance with her ?. Just because Orlando is not a male chauvinist pig like Fidel and Adelberto and is a kind and caring person doesn't mean he is gay . Again, why would a person with Orlando's sterling qualities obsess over Strange , nasty Jenny?

Uh oh, Roberta is now focused on taking poor Nico . I hope she doesn't get her hands in him because she has managed to mess up both of her sons and step daughter.


Liz, those very short skirts are popular with young girls in my area . They all wore them for the prom. I wore miniskirts , too, but these new styles are soooo short that I wonder if they are actually " skorts" with built in shorts. Otherwise, how can you sit down ???? Yikes.


Can someone please post the most important points about last night's episode as I have not been able to watch or yet.



Urban, unfortunately, I had a phone call and missed just about all of this last night.

All I can recall was Marco trying to be endearing, almost purring like a cat trying to get Maria Teresa to pet him. He was really pouring it on. They did kiss but I don’t think Maria Teresa heard any angels singing. Santos was outside looking in, seething. Marco obviously knew he was there and after she left, strutted outside to add salt to Santos' wound intimating she and the ranch would all be his…

Hopefully, someone else who saw more and has a better memory than I might be able to add more.



I watched but similarly to Diana, I watched distracted...

The only important thing I remember is Nany convinced MT that she needed to go to Santos and talk out where things stand between them and at the same time Valentina wanted to give Santos a little surprise to make up after their argument about Bernarda controlling her and Regina. So, MT goes to Santo's abode around breakfast time hoping to talk and instead finds Vale half-dressed hoping to introduce sexy time into Santos' breakfast routine! Both Vale and MT are embarrassed, and Santos never showed up to see either woman in his home. However, MT is left thinking that Santos must have truly moved on with Vale as she assumes they spent the night together and that is why Vale was half-dressed. So, it's the typical misunderstanding of a compromising looking situation contrived to keep the main couple apart - except in this instance it didn't happen because of conniving or deception on Vale's part like typically happens with the secondary girl in these stories. Vale really was only intending to surprise Santos and had no idea MT would show up.


Darcy, thank you so much! That was a very important and pivotal scene. You explained it as well as the misunderstanding for the inevitable fallout so well...

Interesting that there was no ill intent on Valentina's part as she didn't try to pretend something happened when it didn't.

There is a lot here that isn't the typical TN formula and it's very refreshing.



Diana, it is refreshing, isn't it? I am so tired of the whole the women have to hate each other troupe. So at least one of them HAS to be a total B*tch or evil, heartless, etc etc. It's nice to watch a show with strong good-hearted women who can be a little at odds and even be jealous of each other without being rude and disrespectful and harping at each other 24/7.


I'm smiling at your entire comment Darcy.

"I am so tired of the whole the women have to hate each other troupe". Amen and good riddance to that. Here's hoping other TNs follow suit.



Today it the highlights from the couch. . . the short and sweet edition.

Lots of talking and not much action.

MARTINA and OLIMPIA are reconciled. No, they are never going be "besties" but after Paula tells Martina what a terrible life Olimpia has had, Martina even admits how very much alike they are. It takes a lot of cajoling from all parts of the family, but Martina ends up going to the grand opening of Olimpia's Morelia boutique.

ROGELIO and VIOLETA Rogelio goes to see JJ about the supper meeting where the investors stood him up. Interesting but JJ know nothing of the meeting. Rogelio tells him that Violeta scheduled it and then told him the investors cancelled. JJ calls Violeta to the office where she makes up a lie where she had mistaken the day but was too embarrassed to admit it. JJ says that by hiding the information she caused confusion, which is not needed. Rogelio tells her he wants to know about meetings well ahead of time. She says she will not do what she did again and leaves. Later, she confronts Rogelio. She was put off that he would go and accuse her of not doing her job with JJ. Rogelio makes it clear that he accused her of nothing. He only wanted to clarify things with JJ and find out exaclty what happened. He advises her to be more careful because the kind of "mistake" she made aggravates him a lot. She says he put her in a bad spot with her uncle. He disagrees. She did that all on her own. At this time in his life, he values the time he can spend with his WIFE, KIDS and FAMILY. Tightlipped and boiling, she apologizes and leaves. She then calls her friend Mariana to tell her all about what happened. Violeta is confident that sooner of later Rogelio will tire of his controlling wife. Mariana tells her to quit making up nonsense in her head. Violeta plans to make herself indispensable.

ROGELIIO and PAULA have a romantic date. He plays a barrista to remind her of their meeting, has flowers for her and a trio to sing to her. They agree they are still deeply in love with each other and have grown together. Of course, Violeta has to call and leave a message asking Rogelio if he needs anything. That rubs Paul hate wrong way again. Rogelio teases her about being jealous and calling Violeta a silly girl who needs attention. Paula isn't buying it.

IGNACIO and CECILIA Ignacio catches Cecilia outside of the music school . He tells her that she doesn't have to worry about him pursuing her. She doesn't want problems. He assures her there won't be any as long as he can be a part of his child's life. She agrees. He makes it clear that he knows that their relationship is over. He is starting a relationship with somebody else but doesn't want that to complicate things for them as parents. He is not going to repeat the same mistakes. He leaves telling her to take care of herself. Cecilia is upset.


She runs into a guy (is this the parent of a student that somebody was referring to the other day?) He is divorced himself but isn't going to get involved with anyone until he gets himself together. She tells him that she knows that she and Ignacio are done but it still hurt when he talked about going out with somebody else. The man with no name tells her that men are very dependent creatures. He makes it clear she can count on him. She cries as he holds her. She sees Ignacio and Cassandra together as a couple at the grand opening and is visibly upset.

IGNACIO and CASANDRA Ignacio ends up asking Cassandra to live with him. She says yes making it clear that she is not just some pretty little thing or is there to rescue anybody. She never thought about being a mother but admits that she is beginning to feel something for Ignacio. He is also beginning to feel things for her. She also is not fond the of the Villa. Ignacio says neither is he and he was thinking of moving back to his own home.

OLIMPIA and CASSANDRA Olimpia surprises Cassandra at the grand opening by announcing her retirement and turning her company over to Cassandra to run.

IGNACIO and MARTINA At the grand opening, Ignacio offers Martina a truce. He wants to give her La Villa back. Martina makes it clear that she is not interested in his tricks. He assures her that he is serious. She asks what he wants in return. What is his price? He says there is none. She asks if the war is over. He says not yet but he suggests that she accept the truce. She takes the keys and tells Gabriel what happened but that the war goes on. She has no idea what to expect.


Lucas "proposes" to Regina who accepts for now and forever.

Martina has another moment of disorientation. Out of nowhere, she tells everyone that she is going to take a shower because it is so hot. Paula asks her about her shower later and Martina has no idea what she is talking about.

Fernando has brought the signed documents submitted by Olimpia to a notary and finds out that everything is in order. He also has a prospective buyer.

That's it for me tonight. Feel free to add anything I left out.


Sorry for the typos!


Jarifa, thank you for your excellent recap! The earth may not have moved tonight but there were a few meaningful shifts in the cosmos.

I thought Ignacio wasn’t enamored with Cassandra but tonight clearly showed they are moving at lightning speed and that I was very wrong. Moving in together and meaningful music after their scenes together prove otherwise. Although he gave Cecilia fair warning he was seeing someone, she looked crushed and even more so when she saw him kissing Cassandra at the opening. Even Eva was open mouthed impactada. I believe Cecilia’s no name friend is Regina’s father.

My favorite scene was Felipe and Meliton talking with Ignacio. Although Ignacio seems to be most animated when he is in a fit of rage, he did seem to be a bit interested despite his lack of facial expression. He made me smile when he put two fingers up for the two babies.

Martina’s puzzling remarks did not go unnoticed, especially by Paula. I hope someone realizes something is seriously amiss and that she gets the medical attention she needs.

I didn’t understand Fernando’s conversation with the woman in the wheelchair (or who she is) but am glad he appeared to empty his wallet.

I liked Paula and Rogelio’s date…

A far too short but sweet Chuy sighting.

Cassandra’s white blouse with different textures and beautiful sleeves was tonight’s fashion favorite.



Diana, thanks for the info on the identification of the father. The woman in the wheel chair was the mother of Fernando’s cellmate who protected him with the understanding that Fernando would go and see her and tell her that her son was thinking of her and to make sure that she was supported economically. I was surprised with how emotional Fernando was when he was talking with her. Yes, Cassandra’s blouse was lovely. It was a real statement piece.

It was good that Rogelio “clarified” things about that meeting with JJ. Vapid Violeta sure was quick trying to make up that lie. She sounded like a little kid telling Rogelio that she didn’t appreciate him telling (tattling ??? on her to) Uncle JJ she did something wrong. At least Rogelio was quick to “explain” things to her.


I'm working on a recap for #22. It'll be posted later today :)


Thank you for explaining Fernando's meeting Jarifa! I was also surprised he was tearyeyed but happy he kept his promise. There is hope for him yet...

"Vapid Violeta" 😊 isn't to be put off is she?? The more Rogelio tells her what's what, the more determined she is. As you noted the other day, something is definitely "off" there...



Thanks, Jarifa, they seem to be giving us endings but it’s really too soon.

I liked the scene where Fernando was so moved by the cell mate’s mother.

If Ignacio is giving the keys to Martina it does seem the “war” would be over. I guess he still needs to reconcile with his brothers. I did like him with Felipe and Melitón. And if he’s going to have his son some of the time I’m glad they’ll be around. But I’m surprised he moved on from Cecelia. She seems to still care about him but I think they are setting up her final relationship, the divorced dad.

I hope they can get their company back. Rogelio does not need to be around Violeta. She seems obsessed and could end up being dangerous.

Looking forward to Monday!



Thank you Jarifa for your always spectacular notes from the couch!

It's interesting that Iggy didn't just say the war is over, it's like he's trying to grow as a person but he's not willing to admit it! lol With Martina getting the villa back I am sure Felipa and Melton will just stay with her. I wonder how she'll react to twins! :)

I like the comment about the company, I hadn't thought about it but that's right! Why don't they have their own company back yet? Fernando has already been cleared of wrong doing, why isn't that restored?

I still can't figure out a good reason why Violetta would insist with Rogelio, maybe it just is that she is mentally unstable... hmm.



Jarifa, thank for for that excellent recap of every moment.

Olympia Is melting and softening due to losing the daughter she callously gave away right after she found her and Igy is getting closer to a calmer nature and returning the keys to the castle to Martina. Therefore, I don't understand why he didn't announce that "the war" is over and done with. What does Ivy still plan to attack?

To me, it seemed too simple and quick to give Igy and fancy Cassandra a HEA. Her style is the polar opposite of free and trippy hippy Cece,who now seems destined to be with divorced dad who has been hovering around with Uli observing all the drama. I guess the writers feel she needs a nice, normal ( it seems) dad after the turbulent ride with messed up Igy.

After every sling and arrow of outrageous fortune that Martina and her family have endured, will this story end with Martina lost in the confusion of Alzeiners? That would be very sad. I am sure the family will rally around her .

I realized that woman Fernando gave money to was his cell mates mother . It was another sign that Fernando can be redeemed. He has taken one step forward and two steps back this whole show .

My favorite part of this show was the brothers' devotion to each other no matter what happens . As this family grows, the bonds between the people strengthen. I like seeing brat family closeness depicted on the screen .


Whoops ....brat family = that family ...ha..Freudian slip


Gracias, Jarifa.

Cecilia is in such a vulnerable state, being about ready to deliver and seeing Ignacio move on with another. She put up with so much with him. I hate that Ignacio never took full responsibility for the breakup as he should.

Felipa and Meliton do bring the joy. Before the TN ends, I hope we get a gang shot of all the babies together.

Minas de Pasión - Capítulo 22, Viernes, 29 de Septiembre, 2023

No, giving someone life doesn't make you a parent - Part 1/2

Mau tells Emi that Nico is his son. She freezes and says he's drunk. He replies that he's not, he's telling the truth. As Emi starts crying, Mau reaches Jenny's level of delusion when he says he did it because he wanted to teach her he loves her. Emi, still crying, pushes him out of the room, closes the door behind her and starts hitting him. He eventually gets a VERY well-deserved whack in the face. He continues his delusions, he says he didn't want to hurt her, what?! She freaks out at this and says that if he ever comes near Nico, she swears she'll kill him. Some nurses are there to calm her down. Mau leaves.

Em, still crying, unable to process this, gets into Nico's room and hugs him.

Fidel is spilling the legal details of how to get Nico's custody. He says even if Mau is proven to be the father, the law protects the mother. The only way for them to get custody is if the mother is unable to take care of him; maybe if she's in jail, or disappears... uh oh.

Sara wakes up (in Danilo's bed? hotel bed?) and freaks out. He enters holding some coffee. She asks him what did they do, and the answer is pretty obvious. Sara looks as if she regrets it, but that doesn't stop them from going Round 2 before their coffee. I hope it's cold coffee at least, otherwise it'll be too cold to drink! But anyway...

Zaira tries to ignore Tigre, who keeps changing seats to sit close to her LOL. I think they see Mau leave. Tigre tries to get her to go back to him, unsuccessfully. She says she is mad at him because he doesn't want to marry her.

Jenny goes to the hospital to get information on Nico. I usually don't comment on clothes, but that purple hoodie(?) and the movie-style glasses made her look sooo suspicious. The nurse still gives her some info and the name of Nico's blood donor (Mauricio Santamaría) when Jenny bribes her with cash. She flashbacks to a scene when Mau asked her the name of Nico's dad or something. She kinda freaks out, but tries not to show it.

Mau says "perdóname Emilia" to, uh, himself. Way to look sane there, bro. Jenny pops up behind him (uh oh) and starts being pathetic. He tells her to go away, she says she will, but she wants to know: is he Nico's dad? Mau doesn't deny it and leaves. Jenny starts crying. Ugh.

Emi joins the crying squad but with a far better reason. She flashbacks to her rape, that's more detailed this time, yikes. She even manages to remember Mau's face as her rapist's. Pobrecita.

Zaira and Tigre have a fight again FF-->

Jenny goes to Roberta's and says she changed her mind and there will be no wedding because she found out Mau and Emi had something. She admits she was the one with Nico at the park, which makes Roberta furious and earns her a whack like the loser of her future husband. Jenny says "so it's true then" and Roberta confirms it; Nico is her grandson. She threatens her; if she doesn't marry Mau, her family will become poor and ruined. Joaquina, the Ever Present Ear, is of course eavesdropping.

We get a downgraded Lamp Scene© of the OG, kinda, with Danilo and Sara. She says she doesn't want to see him again because of "the other guy" (Leo) yada yada.

Leo searches for Emi, but she's too freaked out to answer his calls or give him any sign she's okay.

When Emi calms down a bit, she tells Leo they're over and she and Nico don't need anyone. He says it's okay if she wants to be alone, but it's not fair for Nico. So women can be on their own only if they don't have kids? What?!

Minas de Pasión - Capítulo 22, Viernes, 29 de Septiembre, 2023

No, giving someone life doesn't make you a parent - Part 2/2

Míriam and Seb meet up. He says he has to go see Emi's son. Míriam tries to kiss him but he pushes her away for the 754th time. I know she's supposed to be a good character and all but it's getting creepy. That ratón, Ezequiel, took a few pictures of Míriam almost kissing Seb.

Warning: verbally disgusting scene coming up
Mau is doing his favourite past-time activity, drinking, when Roberta walks in and demands to know why he hid he had a kid from her. What happened, how did he get Emilia pregnant? Was it a one-night stand? That golfa surely had many one-night stands with men and he happened to be the father... Mau stops her and says she shouldn't talk about Emi this way, it wasn't even her fault! Roberta replies that he didn't make this kid alone and Mau confesses he raped her.

Flashback: Young(er) Mau is watching a young(er) Emi dance with her friends. A waiter tells Mau he can give a "special" drink to Emi if he likes her. Mau at first refuses, he just came to see her, nada más. The waiter says this might be his only chance. I think we all know what happens next.

Roberta, shockingly cool as a cucumber, says that if Emi didn't want to sleep with him, she would have defended herself! I am so disgusted with her I have no words to say/write. Ironically, Mau, the rapist, defends Emi, saying she couldn't do anything, she was drugged. Roberta says that Nico will be with them in a bit, with the villana crazy eye. Mau asks her not to do anything, she says she won't, but he can and shows him the paternity test results. Mau gets some crazy eye too. (I think Roberta gave him another whack at some point.)

Gigí, wearing a disguise as horrible as her daughter's, follows Adalberto around. Okay, now, come on. I am clueless when it comes to fashion, but I'm pretty sure this green jacket paired with that scarf should go to Urban's Crimes of Fashion list. She first goes to some bar, where Adalberto meets with Fidel. After she leaves (because there's some slimy guy who's hitting on her), we see Danilo meeting with Adalberto! They know each other!

Some time later, Adalberto is outside of Míriam's and whining. He promises he'll divorce his wife for her and then marry her. Míriam, for unspecified reasons, believes him. They kiss as Gigí watches. She says "he has a lover... what did I do wrong?" so loudly I was sure Adalberto and Míriam would hear her. But this is a telenovela, so they don't.

Mau tells Leo he's Nico's father. Marijó and Joaquina, the Ever Present Ear, are trying to listen. Marijó wants to intervene, but Roberta stops her. After Mar+Jo leave, Roberta is happy because Leo will get his feelings hurt. No comments.

Jenny is crying when Orlando comes in FF-->

Emi tells Seb the man who raped her was Mau. Tigre temporarily replaces Joaquina as the Ever Present Ear. Yep. He was eavesdropping.

Leo tells Mau that just because he gave blood to Nico doesn't mean he's his father LOL. Mau insists he's Nico's father and he had something with Emi, which earns him a punch. Geez, three whacks for Mau in one episode. He shows Leo the paternity test. Well, I get Leo. Kind of hard to take Mau seriously, with the crazy eye and the blood dropping on his chin.

And with Leo's is-he isn't-he telling the truth face, we have the Fin del Capítulo.


Weirdo, wow...thank you for a fantastically snappy recap of a busy, weepy, slappy episode WOW.

I am fascinated by Danilo, who is very cute in a wolfy player way . He looks a little like a younger, freer , long haired version of Leo, so Sara must be drawn to that resemblance . She woke completely surprised at where she was , but she did it all over again sober. I don't understand where this guy came from. When we first saw him a few episodes ago , he was in the bar talking to Fidel and Addled and seemed to be trying to sell them on some idea . Does he live in this town , or is he just passing through ?

Mau is a pathetic manchild living in a bottle. Roberta's comments to Mau about the rape reminded me of Colomba in " Amor Invencible" telling her daughter that she was pretty and these things happen . Que?Que!What? Whereas her father had a different reaction. He hugged and comforted her before going to Romeo's apartment and roughing him up , doing the same to his awful father,and then took his daughter to the police station.

What are Seb and Leo going to do now that they know that Mau is Nick's father? I think She knew that Em was raped, but I don't think that Leon knew . Well, here we go . Gentlemen, start your engines .



Weirdo, your recaps continually get wiser. Thank you for infusing this with your wry humor which was sorely needed in this earth shattering and heartbreaking episode.

Emilia, shot through the heart was a tragic sight to behold; the cruelty and savagery of Mau’s lie finally coming to light. Although she was wounded prey, she chose fight not flight. Furtively casting her eyes about, she attacked him with a fearsome and fiery anger.

Roberta, she of the “villana crazy eye” trying to justify Mau’s behavior and trying to turn everything back on Emilia was disgusting.

“Mau reaches Jenny's level of delusion when he says he did it because he wanted to teach her he loves her” was so twisted and despicable I can’t even…

I’m wondering who will be the first to beat Mau to a pulp. I’d normally put my money on Seb but if Tigre was close enough to overhear Emi telling Seb Mau raped her, my money’s on him.

“No, giving someone life doesn't make you a parent” is so true; Mau and Roberta are prime examples.

I’m curious to know exactly who Danilo is and what his relationship is with everyone, especially Fidel.

“…he says she is mad at him because he doesn't want to marry her”. Tigre should be on his knees, crawling, begging Zaira to marry him.

Jenny has been forewarned. End it with Mau now. I mean, if she is sad, she can always take her consolation prize, Orlando up on his offers of comfort. Talk about trading up. 😊

Why Gigi stays with that loser is beyond me.

“Way to look sane there, bro” is right Weirdo. Mau looks perpetually unhinged doesn’t he?

I can’t see Leo giving Emi anything but love and support after she explains what happens.


This is a TN. Leo won't give Emi a chance to explain. He'll get all insulted at how she "lied" to her (by omission, I'm sure) and accuse her of hiding her "relationship" with Mauricio.

Msuricio is apparently able to understand Emilia couldn't have defended herself but somehow then goes and tells Leo they had a relationship. I cannot believe it. If Emilia told Leo what really happened, which of course she won't, what would M say then? I can't believe a man could be so obsessive that he'd lie to his'rival' just to...what, make him angry or make him doubt his chances? There's no way inhell or earth Emilia would want anything to do with him. He said himself he ruined her life. Or is it that he says it but doesn't actually believe he's guilty because 'I didn't mean to hurt you.'
Tiger must feel some sort of guilt if he still doesn't marry Zaira. For someone who is so willing to beat anyone who does something objectionable, Tigre is a coward when it counts. I don't know what Zaira sees in him. He seems more like 'you do what I say, regardless of whether I deserve you listen to me' kind of man. He refuses to give Zaira her place but then is oh such a man of the house when he demands they throw out Marijo.
I don't know how I will suffer through all those future episodes of Emilia not talking to Leo and Leo believing all kinds of stupid stuff about her and Mauricio. I just don't want this to happen.

Violeta was so funny I couldn't believe it. Did she think Rogeliowould do nothing about that dinner that supposedly got canceled? And then she gets so petulant when he does bring it up. I was so confused. She is seriously delusional if her friend says she makes up stories in her own head. I could maybe believe she could think all kiinds of crazy things about Paula, but how she doesn't realise Rogelio doesn't like her is a mystery to me. I mean, how does she explain that previous scene? Why doesn't it make her like him less? Why doesn't Violeta make sense?
I wonder if many men really are so incapable of being alone for long. I already heard they are less emotionally strong than women, which did make me wonder how women are supposed to get any emotional support from them when things are really bad. Those men I know are indeed of not much use when you need someone to talk to. If the roles were reversed, would a man stuck by someone for as long as Cecilia stuck by Ignacio? Even with Paula and Rogelio, she feels far stronger and it does feel like she is the support system. At least with Gabriel and Martina it's the opposite.


That is the second time Daniel met with Fidel and Adalberto. He met with them in a bar and was talking to them about something . This time Dan seemed to be telling them all about his " encounter " with Sara. He is one of those kiss and tell guys. i think Fidel asked him the name of his "bombon" ('s his dear daughter ) , but they were interrupted when Ezchiel sent Addled the photo of Miriam kissing Seb.

So, is Sara pregnant now by Danilo and will tell Leo the baby is his? There must be a reason for this random hookup with this new guy in town.

Weirdo, yes, if you are trying to not be seen when you are so spying on someone , a bright green plastic jacket and a babashka are probably are not a good disguise .

It is convenient that Orlando could enter Jenny's bedroom via the door from the patio.


New game show on Monday on CBS at 8:00 central time: Loteria Loca with Jaime Camil. The preview was a hoot.


Just finished watching but I have to go out. #43 recap will be up before dinner time.


Thanks everyone!

Susan, "He looks a little like a younger, freer , long haired version of Leo, so Sara must be drawn to that resemblance" yes! They're pretty similar.
Oh noes, Columba in Invencible is a bad as Roberta. Are they both overdosed on something? What kind of reactions are that to hearing someone was raped? Horrible.

Diana, ITA about Roberta.
"Tigre should be on his knees, crawling, begging Zaira to marry him." Ikr? Tigre is really annoying me these days with the way he acts.
"Why Gigi stays with that loser is beyond me." Honestly, this is her last chance. I've already lost all my hope though.

Waterlily, ITA with everything as usual.
"Or is it that he says it but doesn't actually believe he's guilty because 'I didn't mean to hurt you.'" That was the most ridiculous thing he could have said.
"Tigre is a coward when it counts. I don't know what Zaira sees in him. He seems more like 'you do what I say, regardless of whether I deserve you listen to me' kind of man. He refuses to give Zaira her place but then is oh such a man of the house when he demands they throw out Marijo." ITA

Minas Recapping

Starting from this coming week, this will be my recapping schedule:

Monday: Some highlights written by me
Tuesday: Wikipedia+Univisión highlights
Wednesday: Wikipedia+Univisión highlights or some written by me, depending on the week
Thursday: Full recap
Friday: Full recap

Wednesday (Tuesday's episode) is a HORRIBLE recapping day for me.
If anyone is able to recap once or twice a week, I'd be glad. Thanks :)

OT..tonight at 7pm eastern time on Univ. " Mira Quien Baila"

Diana...Big Ed will be on tonight on Univ . at 9 on "De Noche pero sin Suenos."

Tierra de Esperanza 9/29/23
Episode 43: Part 1 of 3

Marci almost begged Maria Teresa for a hance with her. She told him to be patient. He said love was the best medicine [as we all slowly gag on our popcorn]. He left as she sat down and started to look slightly uncomfortable.

Adriana and Irasema talked about Rut. Adriana was trying to get the skinny on fat Grim but could not say more when Norma arrived (sans makeup) saying she was having problems with Rut. Adriana made her usual insincere offer of help. Norma started rying as she told them that Clemente had left the house. Irasema looked ill at ease as Adriana hugged Norma.

Esteban watched Valentina groom a beautiful palomino that apparently did not get on with most people. She proudly said the horse trusted her and introduced herself. Esteban smiled, telling her that her name was pretty.

Irasema was curious about Clemente's fight with Rut. Adriana fake-scolded her for that but reminded Norma that Clemente had never lied to her. She advised being cold and firm with Rut to get to the whole truth.

Valentina and Esteban talked and she said she loved it at La Esperanza, especially taking care of animals. He told her she much reminded herself of her mother at that age, which she found surprising.

Adriana found Grim in a porch chair and he demanded she bring him the fodder for his porn mill. She told him she had two girls, both pretty and one of them deaf. He was pleased but said there would be consequences if any escaped. He also obviously displayed continued prurient interested in her which disgusted her. [Frankly, I hope she kills him.]

Santos went home to find fresh bread on the table and a note from Valentina.

Esteban and Valentina continued talking horses when Bernarda showed up looking for her. Esteban commented to Bernarda what a great daughter she had and how much like her she was. Bernarda persuaded Valentina to go with her to tend to the pigs.

Irasema entered the saloon and ordered a soft drink. She started talking Susi up [with the expected ulterior motive].

Bernarda scolded Valentina for wasting time and being too familiar with the patrón.

Iraswema gave Susi her phone number and the same BS that Adriana gave Regina.

Maria Teresa talked with Fabiola and all was well in their deals. Rut showed up with what sounded like official rules and the same attitude she always caught from him. She knew he was looking to shut her down.

Santos and Valentina met near the fields. She had placed the breakfast for him because of the issues with Bernarda. He was grateful.

Tierra de Esperanza 9/29/23
Episode 43: Part 2 of 3

Genoveva brought Maria Teresa's tea to the study and saw that something was amiss. Just as Maria Teresa mentioned Rut's name Esteban arrived and Genoveva went on about Rut. Maria Teresa stopped her but Esteban wanted to know what was going on. Maria Teresa dismissed Genoveva and finally told her dad that Rut was always looking for errors and weakness. Esteban was angry and Maria Teresa told him to take it easy.

Santos and Valentina met near the fields. All seemed well until she mentioned wanting to spend the night with him. She did not see that his face did not show the same eagerness for this.

Esteban wanted to deal with Rut and Maria Teresa said not to worry about it. He then suggested that they give a party for the whole ranch staff to celebrate the fruits of their labor. She hesitated for a moment because of dinero but finally that a great idea. He then mentioned inviting Marco in hopes of settling matters between him and Santos. Maria Teresa then told her dad that Marco was trying to win her and may succeed. Esteban seemed to like that.

Grim went to Rut's office with the “bad” news that one of the girls escaped from the brothel. Their security measures had failed. Rut said they were to find her immediately and discreetly. “No witnesses, understand?”

Clemente was reading one of Regina's notes as Camila returned from shopping. She urged him to talk to Norma. Sadly when she answered a knock on the door Marco came right in and kissed her. Clemente excused himself and left. Marco demanded to know what he was doing there and Camila told him she Clemente had problems with Rut. Marco said it would be bet for him to leave. Camila told him “No. He's a friend and I will help him.”

That night Esteban went to see Santos about the party. There had not been one like it in years. When he mentioned Maria Teresa Esteban watched Santos' face and noticed the change in his voice and expression.

Camila told Marco she was not afraid of Rut. Marco told her to be careful around him.

Bernarda and Valentina had a disagreement on the subject of trust which ended on a sour note.

As Esteban walked back to the hacienda he met the unfortunate girl who told him she had escaped from a brothel on the other side of the river.

Nani told MR she did not see love or romance between her and Marco. Maria Teresa said she could come to love Marco. [Okay, so why aren't you boinking him?]

Esteban told the girl he wanted to help her. He would take her to the police to report this. She screamed and ran.

Maria Teresa was sure she could trust Marco and Nani was hoping all would go well.

Esteban went to Santos' place and told him and Cris about the girl. They got up and headed out to look for her.

Tierra de Esperanza 9/29/23
Episode 43: Part 3 of 3

His transaction completed, Marco got dressed, saying that “Rutilio may be the law, but he's something else. Ask his son.” He took a sip of tequila from the bottle before departing.

Esteban went home and told Maria Teresa what happened. Maria Teresa told him about the thieves and the investigation. Esteban said he would talk with Rut. [I have a terrible sense of foreboding.]

Irasema and Adriana talked about Grim and Irasema told her about the escapee. Adriana realized that there would be more pressure on her because of that, especially if the escapee went to the police.

Maria Teresa told Esteban to not mess with Rut. She also told him that they did not have enough money to hire full-time security personnel. Santos returned to report that they did not find the girl.

The next day Clemente made breakfast for Camila. She confided in him that she did not have a “relationship” with Marco, that she was looking to get the goods on him. Clemente told her not to take risks. She said she did not care about risks; she wanted justice, as Marco was the one who knocked her up. Clemente said to count on him.

Irasema suggested to Adriana that they get something stronger than what they used before to knock out and rob clients. They could kill Grim and make it look like a heart attack.

The next morning Esteban said he had not slept well the night before. A nightmare named Marco arrived with a large sunflower for Maria Teresa who then told him the events of the night before and what they were going to do. Marco said he would help but Esteban declined, saying it was time for him to take care of business.

17 Episodes Remaining


Thanks, everyone, for stopping by the patio. It has been a busy weekend.

Liz, Thank you for: "I liked the scene where Fernando was so moved by the cell mate’s mother." He seems so self-centered and arrogant, so that was a welcome surprise.

Darcy, yes, Ignacio seems even more conflicted than ever. "It's interesting that Iggy didn't just say the war is over, it's like he's trying to grow as a person but he's not willing to admit it! lol" Exactly. He just cannot give it up. I wonder what it will take.

Susan," To me, it seemed too simple and quick to give Igy and fancy Cassandra a HEA. Her style is the polar opposite of free and trippy hippy Cece, who now seems destined to be with divorced dad who has been hovering around with Uli observing all the drama." I am wondering how quickly the HEA will happen without Iggy throwing a wrench in everyone's HEA, including his own, somehow.

waterlily, "Why doesn't Violeta make sense?" Because she is hot to trot, immoral and crazy. : ) Nothing good going on in that noggin. I think they have done a good job so far limiting Rogelioi's options with Violeta because Rogelio needs the job and she is JJ's niece. I hope Rogelio gets his company back and established so he can leave JJ's employment and vapid Violeta behind.

Niecie, "Felipa and Meliton do bring the joy. Before the TN ends, I hope we get a gang shot of all the babies together." Me, too. Of course, with about three years having gone by already, who knows how old they will be by the end of this? LOL


Urban, thank you for this fantastic recap, so many clever lines. I laughed at “A nightmare named Marco!”. Indeed!

“Maria Teresa then told her dad that Marco was trying to win her and may succeed. Esteban seemed to like that”. Well, that makes one of us. Esteban, like Maria Teresa, is far too trusting. I wish Santos had spoken with Esteban, enumerating all of his well-founded fears regarding Marco.

“When he mentioned Maria Teresa Esteban watched Santos' face and noticed the change in his voice and expression”. How about a little advocacy for someone you have known and trusted for years instead of encouraging your beloved daughter to be with men of whom you know little.

I enjoyed Esteban and Valentina’s conversation; it seems they are bonding quite quickly.

“Maria Teresa told him about the thieves and the investigation. Esteban said he would talk with Rut. [I have a terrible sense of foreboding.]” I do too Urban. Just as whatever relationship (and I think it was significant) Bernarda had with Esteban is going to be revealed, Esteban decides to play hero having no idea what he is up against in either Rut or Marco.

“Adriana…reminded Norma that Clemente had never lied to her”. At least she has said one, good, true thing.

I was surprised it took Valentina this long to want to take her relationship with Santos to the next level. I hope he continues not to go there.

“Irasema suggested to Adriana that they get something stronger than what they used before to knock out and rob clients. They could kill Grim and make it look like a heart attack”. A little surprised this came from Irasema; I’ve no idea why Adriana hasn’t done away with Grim long before this.

Still unsure how Camila is ever going to get anything out of Marco that she can use against him. He is pretty cagey, at least sober. Unless she manages to get him drunk, loosening those vile lips.

The party should be interesting. So, who is going to find the poor escaped prisoner??



Thank you Urban!

I too loved the conversation with Valentina and Esteban but it definitely made Bernarda very very uncomfortable which has me wondering if Esteban could be Vale's dad after all... It seems like a weird thing to keep a secret considering Esteban and Bernarda clearly get along well and care about each other, but I'm sure we'll find out it's more complicated.

That poor girl ran away from Esteban!!! It's totally understandable but poor thing had found safe haven and she didn't even know it! Now, who knows who will find her next and what the consequences will be!

As a rule I don't root for murder, but in this case, I agree, Adri should just take Grim out! Poison him, toss him off a cliff, whatever works.

I don't think Camila is smart enough to get anything out of Marco but Clemente is pretty bright, if they put their heads together they might come up with something.


Urban, thank you for an excellent recap as this story spins toward the finale .

I think that MT might have a funny feeling about sly Marco that she is ignoring . She isn't a very good judge of character when it comes to men. Case in point : Aldo.

I have loved Alessandro Tomassi ever since I watched him in " Alborada" as Fernando Colunga's right hand man. I am sure that Esteban is Val's fatber because we saw the call of the sangre in their sweet scene together , so she is MT's half sister.

Does anyone know what show will follow this one ?

OT...I am watching the preshow for Mira Quien Baila right now.

Eternamente #90

Great stuff.

Rogelio gives Violetta too much credit. The time when she should have had attention is long ago. She is a desperate predator and a potential Bunny Boiler. She might get it in her head to eliminate Lucas and Paula from his life.

No office I have ever worked in would find that "skirt" acceptable. I would have sent her home to change. However I think that while Rogelio has her number he really needs to talk to JJ about this. We know feom the phone conversation that she is BSC.


Susan, thanks for the heads up about Eduardo!

Sunday is my PBS night but I will try for a quick channel change if I can :)



Urban, BSC is perfect!!!!!

Tierra #43

I think the light bulb will go on very shortly about Valentina's paternity but we may not know about Regina's until the last week. My current suspect is Marco, which could answer a question I had the other day.

I hope Santos and Cris find the missing girl. She is less likely to run from them and they both know better about Rut and Marco.


How many here have seen the 1993 version of Corazon Salvsaje? Luz Maria Aguilar (Nani) played the mother of Monica and Aimee.

Tierra #43

thanks for doing Thursday for me.

One of the issues about Esteban is that he cheated on his wife; Maria Teresa is older than Valentina. It's possible that Bernarda felt foolish and/or ashamed at having been The Other Woman and feared the judgement of others, especially her daughters. It makes me wonder how this was handled back in the day since there does not seem to be any gossip about Bernarda in the town. Then again, how often does she ever leave the ranch?


Urban, interesting theory about Esteban, I have been assuming that if anything happened between him and Bernarda it would have been after MT’s mom’s death, not that he cheated…..that would certainly add a layer to it.

I have not watched Corazón Salvsaje

Minas 21/22

Great work, Weirdo.

Mauricio is one sick dude. I think he really has convinced himself that he and Emilia had a thing going on and refuses to face that he had violently abused her. It is disturbing that he thinks of her as his property.

What is even more disturbing is that Roberta sees nothing wrong with any of this. She will do whatever it takes to destroy Emilia's rep so she can take custody of Nicolas who is still young enough to mold into a psycho like Mauricio.

Saddest of all is that Emilia has not told Leo. She is too emotionally damaged by this to tell Leo who loves her enough to take her and the boy far away from this area without looking back.

I had the same thoughts about Berta and her stupid clothes. At least now she knows about her creepy husband.

Tierra #43

Good point, Darcy. Valentina would definitely be around 20 and Lucia died in 1993 according to the date on her tombstone.


Urban, thanks.

Mau and Roberta are very disturbing, both in their ways. Victim-blaming always disgusts me, but Roberta talking this way was even more disgusting. "She could have defended herself" was silly at best; she was DRUGGED, as her freaking RAPIST pointed out. Is she really that delusional? At least in the OG the main villain was shocked and repulsed when she found out!


Weirdo, yes, Roberta is an irredeemable witch. Heart of stone . I hope she doesn't get her hands on Nico .

Mau got smacked by mommy , Em, and Leo, but now that Seb and Tiger know what he did to Em, I am expecting them to both go after him. Go, team, go.

Eternamente #90

To weigh in on another issue, I agree that Olympia's daughter was better off never hearing that confession. Olympia can just live with her guilt for the rest of her life for all I care.

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