Saturday, April 20, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 36, Viernes, 19 de abril, 2024 - "Love, discord and violence"

Editted now

I apologise for the delay.


Esteban and Kenzo are talking about the latter's feelings for Nandy. Kenzo admits they kissed, but this whole thing is weird to him, he has never had feelings for a trans woman before. He's afraid of what his kids will say, what Felipa will say (honestly, if you care about your ex's opinion on your current love life you need to rethink boundaries). Esteban pretty much tells him to accept Nandy as a woman and if he loves her, go for it.

Teen Drama

Gala tells Bosco to take it calmly: their dad and Paz are dating. Bosco takes it as you'd expect; freaks out completely, starts shouting that Paz is just interested in their money etc, grabs his sword and goes to practice. I sincerely hope Paz isn't around, because with the temper he has he's going to practice on Paz's head.

Jer apologises to Esteban for what he did. Then, he apologises to Gala when they're alone. Salo enters and Gala is barely able to keep them for hitting each other again. She's had enough of both of them! She leaves, with Jer and Salo bickering at each other as usual.

Gala goes to the bathroom, remembering her drama with both boys. She then gets a whipped cream can she had in the BATHROOM and starts eating, the bulimia thing again.

Esteban tells Gala he knows why she's not feeling well. Gala has a total deer in the headlights look and then he says he knows she broke up with Salo. If she loves him, then she should fight for him. Gala says he likes someone else.

Ginebra and Mauro

Gin has an open verbal fight with Paz about Esteban. Paz shows her the ring he gave her and tells her to say the truth, is she interested in Esteban? Yes, she is! Gin then insults Paz is all ways you can imagine about her social class (at some point she tells her to serve her some juice, like don't you have manos,you despicable woman?) and even says Esteban is vulnerable and would have fallen for any woman who worked for him; she's nothing special. Paz replies that she (Gin) works for him but Esteban isn't interested at all (smooth burn!), plus he has a novia now. Gin finishes their fight by saying that she'll find who killed her husband and took her daughter; and when she finds that person or persons, she'll make them see hell.

Later, she hugs Bosco and is generally sweet to him. Esteban enters and Bosco leaves. The perra pretends she's very happy about him and Paz and wishes them the best from the bottom of her heart. Not even Gala's whipped cream is sweeter than this. Monito enters to grab something, Gin pretends to be sweet to him too and Monito finds an excuse to leave. When he does, Gin tells Esteban Paz is hiding something about this kid: first, the burn he actually doesn't have, then, the whole other story she told the mother group. Esteban says that's Paz's business and she'll have her reasons.

Another scene with Gin: during a talk with Elvira, El's daughter is mentioned. El shows her (in a picture) the orphanage, almost completely burnt. Gin silently remembers her younger self telling young Mauro to burn this place up together. Young Mauro is alarmed and says there are still people there, but young Gin claims it's the people that did all this harm to them. They pour the gasoline and young Gin lights a match. The young, invisible to El, Gin looks at today's Gin as the memory fades away. El, hopeful, says Gin must have remembered something; she replies she remembered that mother of hers who abandoned her in a similar place. El admits she knows who her daughter is but she doesn't know what to do. Gin "advices" her to talk to her, it'll be worse if she doesn't.

Mauro is listening to a convo between Mir and Nandy through the bug in the necklace. Mir tells Nandy she didn't get any info, but now she's confused, she knows Mauro is a bad man but she keeps thinking he has something good when she's with him. Nandy tells her about the kiss with Kenzo. Gin enters and asks Mauro if he heard something useful; he lies that no, they're in the market. Back to Mir and Nandy, there are hugs all around with Samlunamaria.

Paz (+ Esteban)

Paz tells Mir about the ring and they're both very excited.

Paz shows the ring to her mom too. Mir tells Paz (in front of Doña Lupe and Pepa) about concluding that Señora Ginebra is a good person, Mauro is the bad one. She should be a detective (sarcasm). To give her credit, though, she did say she finds this odd. Lupe agrees that no mother can want something bad for their child. Paz is still unconvinced, what about the things Samlunamaria said about the beatings? Lupe says she might be confused, she has lost her memory after all. Paz is thankfully still unconvinced.

The next day, Paz is cooking when Esteban enters. Cute dialogue that is a pain in the butt when you have to recap entirely from memory and then they cook together.

Esteban has a little surprise for her; he shows her a room with a big table full of delicious looking food. They eat and then Esteban shows her a formal piece of parchment, the recipe for love. Paz starts reading; when she's finished, Esteban burns the papers saying that - you guessed it - El Amor no Tiene Receta

Aaaaand we get a sex scene, and a looooong one. Come on, why, why on a Friday? I only had 20% chance of recapping it! I admit I FF--> but I caught Paz saying she hasn't taken her clothes off in front of a man in a long time.


Rubio, who is OUT OF JAIL, is watching Lupe argue with some woman, Gema and another boy. When she starts walking, he attacks her, getting a knife out and telling her not to scream because he'll make her swallow her own blood or something like than. He mentions her daughters, especially Mireya. Lupe tells him not to mention her daughters and Rubio grabs her even more violently and closer to the knife.

And on that calm note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Thanks, Weirdo, for the excellent recap.

Paz and Esteban talking and talking about their feelings for so long was cringey. They sounded like two high schoolers. The writers could have/should have done better. At least Esteban mentioned the title and they had sex.

My only question is how did Rubio get out of jail. Poor Lupita running into him; like she needs more on her plate.

Weirdo you did well just from memory. The Paz and Esteban scenes were downright boring. Initially I wondered if Gala was consuming shaving cream to initiate purging her stomach, but un refrigerated whip cream will do the same I guess! I thought I had found a way to edit my comment by deleting the first. Unfortunately it leaves a "this comment has been removed by the author" in it's place. Oh well.
OT, we went from the mid 80's yesterday to 56°rain all day. If it ever stops I hope to get some veggies planted in my garden.


A thoughtful, clever and excellent recap.

Ginebra is so transparent isn't she? "The perra pretends she's very happy about him and Paz and wishes them the best from the bottom of her heart. Not even Gala's whipped cream is sweeter than this" was excellent.

Esteban and Paz both seem emotiontionally stunted. But in thinking about it, I imagine having your wife murdered and your child taken from you would leave much emotional carnage.

Esteban has hidden nothing from Paz, but that has not been reciproacted. I have a feeling it's already too late for Paz to tell Esteban the truth. If he loves her as he declares (and I think he does) he would have believed her and stood by her side. But now? Ginebra is setting her trap from which there is no escuse.

"Lupe agrees that no mother can want something bad for their child. Paz is still unconvinced..." Thank heavens for that at least.

Interesting Mauro did not tell Ginebra about what Mir said...

Jarifa, I couldn't believe that Rubio is out and about either. How did he get out and more importantly, when is he going back??

I'm also worried that Paz might have backed herself into a corner with Monito's story. Ginebra better not touch a hair on that sweet child's head.


Thanks Weirdo, that was great. I’m not sure if I missed something or just forgot. I saw Lupe see Rubio, but then a vehicle went by and he was gone so she didn’t think it was real. But I was worried that he was going to kill her since Ginebra wants to get rid of Paz’s whole family. I started watching this because Paz and Esteban are among my favorites. But I expected something lighter. And how did he get out of jail. Paz might be right that the police are in on this, at least some of them.

Paz should have told Esteban the truth long ago. I just feel Ginebra is going to get Esteban, at least for a little while. If Paz had told him the truth he’d be looking closely at Ginebra, maybe even investigating her.

I felt sorry for Salo, I know he likes Gala. I hope she doesn’t give Jer a chance, he’s bad news.

Thank goodness Paz is going with her feelings on Ginebra. But I think Ginebra will get Sam and Paz will be arrested. Hopefully not for too long.


Weirdo, thank you for a great recap of a busy episode .

I loved the love scenes . Nobody knows how to do love scenes like Daniel , and he has been doing those same moves since he was a young actor in Venezuela. If it isn't broken, dont fix it. Esteban had a happy marriage , so he knows what true love is ,and he wants to have that kind of love again. Paz , on the other hand, was married to Vermin , who hit her and sold their baby . I am sure Vermin never romanced her and treated her like a queen like Esteban is doing . And I assume that they have both been celibate for six years. No wonder they are acting like star struck teens . I can't get enough scenes of Love and Happiness ...shout out to Al Green .

I also loved the scene of Paz and Esteban cooking together . I watched on the big screen TV in the family room, so I noticed most of the ingredients . ..sesame seeds (maybe?) , almonds, pecans, something crunchy. I think Esteban placed poached chicken over the sauce. It looked tasty.

Gin is not A happy camper , so Paz is in danger . Her continuing fantasies of shirtless Estaban show her becoming more and more obsessed with him. I find it interesting that unlike other telenovelas that I have watched the villaina in this show is not wearing tight, short , lowcut dresses. Instead, the good girls , Paz and Mir , are wearing short dresses with plunging necklines. Gin is always in layers . In this episode, she had on a turtkeneck with a leather jacket and leather pants. She also must have grabbed a couple crystals off a chandelier to wear as earrings.

Esteban had a very annoyed , concerned look on his face when he walked into the boys' room and saw Gin embracing Bosco . What exactly is Gin planning for Bosco? She knows he doesn't like Paz and is trying to win him over. It's creepy when she embraces him.

Will Vermin ever tell Paz that Sam is their daughter ? Will Paz tell Esteban that she has Sam and why she is hiding her from Gin ? So far, Esteban has been a n intelligent galan , but will that last ?

How did Rubio get out of jail? Does Gin have that much power ? Watching him stalk and attack Lupe at the same time Paz and Esteban were having their night of bliss was awful.



Thanks so much, Weirdo! Very impressive recap from memory!

Well, Gin isn't pretending to be on the same path as Paz anymore, is she? That is to say both looking for missing children. Hard to watch Gin carefully digging at Paz's worrisome places. I must say Altair is doing a great job as a truly scary villana.

I just listened to a thriller novel on Audible. The "one who did it" was a psychopath. But the book delved into the differences between sociopaths and psychopaths. This subject seems to involve a cottage industry of people posting about knowing sociopaths. There's even a new book written by a sociopath who worked on herself and even has a happy marriage. Ginebra is clearly a psychopath. Like the character in the novel, she feels no remorse for anything she does. She was bad as a small child. I think she'd have been bad even if Elvira had managed to hang onto her.

I do think the wardrobe department has gone overboard on her wearing black every time we see her.

Bulimia, pfft! I am not that interested in that plot point. But it was sad to see Salo, who really does care for Gala, being forced by the awful Gema to break it off.

Thank you, Weirdo, I haven't had the time to watch this yet, as life and drama kind of got in the way (yes, I'm actually involved in some silly story that seems taken out of a telenovela), but I wanted to thank you for your time and effort. Writing a recap from memory makes you a rockstar.

Nothing for me to add except to scream in Kenzo's direction: "Dude, divorce means that you don't have to give a dam! Geez!!

Thanks, weirdo.
Your comment about that sex scene mad me laugh. I actually have no idea how a scene like this could be done so that I'd find it enjoyable, but this one lacked something. The timing was bad as well because it will soon get ruined. And it's odd I wasn't a fan of the scen because I do like both Esteban and Paz.
Has Rubio already been ordered to kill Paz' entire family? Or is attacking women generally the first thing he thinks of doing when out of jail?
Miraya gets on my nerves with her nonsense. She slept with him twice and now he is a good guy. Couldn't she hire someone to have some good time?It would certainly be cheaper than sleeping with a criminal.
I always find it creepy when kids act the way Gin did in that scene. There's something terrifying about a kid setting a building on fire while there are people inside. Paz' response to Gin was amazing, though. And it's not like Gin can force Esteban to like her. I am curious how she makes sense of the situation in her own head. She blames Paz for messing up her plans, but I wonder if it occurs to her Esteban just may not like her. It appears she never really had to work very hard to impress a man. I just can't believe she assumes she can marry him when she is so cold and terrible at faking niceness for long periods of time. Now she can hope Esteban will show an interest in her because of Paz' betrayal, but previously her chances didn't seem that good. She is a scary psychopath and I used to think they were all good at hiding just how horrible they are.

Did they actually say the necklace had a microphone? I guessed it may have one but not fluent enough to know if it really does, or is the location where they had the conversation bugged. I don't remember where it was and not interested enough in this episode to watch it again.

Weirdo: Amazing job on the recap of Friday's episode. Keep it up!

Congratulations to the LSU Women's Gymnastics Team on winning their 1st National Championship in program history. They were definitely on a mission!


Yes, Kat. Mauro "generously" gave her a necklace so that he could listen in on her conversations, presumably so he could locate Sam.

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