Monday, May 27, 2024

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#1): Tu Vida Es Mi Vida, Golpe de Suerte, & El Gallo de Oro - Week of May 27, 2024

GRAN ESTRENO for Golpe de Suerte with  Big Ed Yanez and Mayrin Villanueva on May 28th at 8PM!

Welcome to page 1 of Primetime TNs/Series! This week we have EL GRAN POR FIN for Tu Vida Es Mi Vida on Monday!! AND we have the gran estreno for Golpe de Suerte on Tuesday! Jarifa is still stalwart in providing us with her notes on the couch for El Gallo de Oro which is in its últimos capítulos…GUAU! Mini-recaps/highlights are being provided. As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Tu Vida Es Mi Vida: GRAN POR FIN—MONDAY!

8-9 PM – Golpe de Suerte: Gran Estreno!!(Tues.-Wed.)

9-10 PM – El Gallo de Oro

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Oro”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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VIDA: Gran Final Part 1

Gracia rushes up to the pier where Gnat is waiting for her. Gnat thanks her for coming and knows that Gracia probably already knows that the cops are looking for her and they won't let her leave the country. She tells Gracia that she saw her mother one more time...she remembered how she did not fulfill her promise to her mother. She then states that this is where the only man she loved died and it's the place where her mother's ashes were dispensed, so this is the place that things will end for her as well. Gracia pleads with her not to do something insane ( which is her usual MO...) As they talk, sirens are blaring and coming closer. Gracia swears she didn't tip the cops off, but Gnat tells her to chill; Gnat called them herself; (being the best lawyer in the country) Gnat knows that by turning herself in and cooperating with the police, she can get some leniency. The cops approach, arrest Gnat and haul her off.

Emi and Diego tell Paulepe that they have the rest of the money needed...thanks to the newly reformed Renata (I guess we can drop the RATA now). Lor is handed the check and he tells them that he will contact Dr. Mueller immediately. After Emi gets a call, Emi then suggests that they go a futbol game ( I smell a setup...)

Now at the futbol game, Diego complains because he didn't want to come. Emi tells him to just sit and watch. Meanwhile, Pepe gets the call from Gracia informing him that Gnat has been swatted...err, arrested; he, in turn, goes and gives Paula and Lor the good news...but Rol is still at large.

Out in the field, the players and coaches stand behind Art who announces to everyone that for a long time, he pretended to be someone he wasn't...he is gay...blah, blah,blah...and he is in love with the most special guy, Diego! Emi et al walk behind Art and display a "Te Amo Diego" banner as Art asks Diego to be his novio (and I'm looking hard to see if I can catch site of Art's parents who would NEVER accept him). After the shook subsides, Diego finally goes out to the field and yells, "YES, I want to be your novio!!"

After the game, Pepe and Paula go to Isa's home where they find long-faced Alex, Isa, Gracia and Rafa. Alex and Rafa tell them that MAL has been found...dead; she was murdered! Gracia tells them that Gnat is cooperating with the cops and informed them that Rol had murdered Mal in cold blood (and she probably left out that she told him to do it). As they make that announcement, Lucia walks in and overhears; it doesn't take long for the tears to start flowing.

After the super quick funeral---

Lor goes to see Isa and informs her that the restaurant and property is back to being theirs. When Isa expresses her happiness since she had already prepared herself to leave this housee and everything she built with Alex, Lor seems perturbed that Isa still hasn't made up her mind who the heck she wants (as are we!!). Isa tries to justify herself, but Lor points out that Pepe and Paula will marry in a few days and Paula will have her surgery afterwards; he needs to know if she will be going away with him. Isa delays answering then explains that this has been a very difficult year for her, but she has learned that life is short and things shouldn't be put yes, she is going away with him!


VIDA: Gran Final Part 2

Paula and Pepe are outside on the patio. Pepe expresses his concern about his children since they have been greatly affected by thier mother's death. Diego is unseen and listens as Paula tells Pepe that she understands since she went through the same thing when German died...and now she doesn't know when and if she should tell her kids that Rol killed their father.

Diego dashes over to Emi who is worried about Lucia and doesn't know how to console her. Diego tells him that Rol didn't just kill MAL, he killed their father too! ...but Diego has a plan. He explains to Emi that Renata told him that Rol has been pretending to be someone else and communicating with him (Diego) through the dating app. After Diego sends a message to Rol's alias, Emi tries to stop him, but Diego pleads that he should trust him.

That night, a male figure is standing on the pier facing the lake (it's obvious to us that isn't Diego...but whatevs). As Rol approaches, he takes out his gun to kill Diego...and SORPRESA!! the cop quickly turns grabbing Rol's arm and subdues him, The other cops quickly reveal themselves and surround Pepe telling him to put down his gun! Pepe and Rafa also reveal themselves; and Pepe mocks Rol for being set up by two adolescents...and he hopes he rots in jail!! Rol, spewing his hatred, yells that before that happens, he will kill Pepe because Rol will not allow Pepe to be with Paula! Right as Rol pulls the trigger, Rafa leaps in front of Pepe and takes the bullet (not to worry, it was in the arm and with all those muscles, he should be fine)! The cops then shoot at Rol, riddling him with bullets!! ROL GOES DOWN!!!

At her home, Paula is concerned and asks the family if they have heard anything from Pepe or Rafa. ZaiSo hasn't heard anything yet, but is sure they'll capture Rol.

LA BODA NON-INTERRUPTUS--Paula and Pepe have their simple wedding with only family and close friends attending as the song Pepe sang for Paula plays.

Later that night, Paula and her kids sit together in the living room as Pepe, Teo and Lucia stand close by.. When Susy asks how long the surgery will take, Paula admits that she doesn't know, but assures that as soon as she wakes up, she will call and let them know she is fine. Suzy asks if Paula will really be fine, so Emi tells her that yes, their mother will be fine because she is a strong woman, but Paula tells Emi that there is no need to lie because they know the risks; however, Paula feels in her heart that she will survive. BUT in the case that something happens, she wants them to move forward; they need to trust each other...they are strong and they can take care of each other. They will not be alone because she found them a good father and they still have their grandfather and new family. Group hug ensues. When Diego cries that he doesn't want anything bad to happen to her, Paula assures that she will always be with him...everything will be fine.

Isa looks solemn as she tells Rafa that after Paula's surgery, she is leaving with Lor. Rafa wonders why she doesn't look too happy and if she is thinking about Alex. Isa hands him a letter (and since the writers are going to tease us with this until the very end), she doesn't specify whom he should give it to!

At the hospital, Pepe is with Paula who is getting ready to go into surgery and has faith that all will turn out well. After Dr. Jasso introduces Dr. Mueller, Paula thanks him..and she is taken to the surgery room (finally!)

Gracia goes to visit Gnat in prison. When she tells Gnat that she wants to move to the city so that she can be closer to Gnat, Gnat tells her to continue on with her life...Gnat is where she needs to be..Gracia, however, insists that she is her daughter and she let her down...she will come visit as often as she can. Gnat concedesand thinks that maybe one day she will call her "Mother."


VIDA: Gran Final Part 3

Lor goes to see Rafa who has summoned him. Rafa needs to resolve a situation. His mother wrote a letter and asked him to deliver it. Lor wonders if the letter is for him.

Paula's surgery begins...

Isa is at the bridge recalling her kiss with Lor. Lor approaches; so Isa asks him why he asked to meet her there. Lor explains that this is where their love story began; therefore, this is where their story should end. After Isa sees Alex and Rafa at a distance, Lor explains that he read the letter she wrote to Alex and thinks it is she who should give it to Alex. Lor continues that he doesn't know if he will ever stop loving her; he knows that she loved him very much too, but love is not enough. She will never love him as she has loved Alex all these years with whom she has a family...and he knows that her story with Alex has not ended. After Lor leaves, Alex goes to Isa who admits that she had written him a letter to clarify things, but she no longer needs to clarify anything because she loves him (she finally said it!) Meanwhile, Rafa tells Lor that things turned out well...and he calls Lor PAPA!

Lor and Rafa return to the hospital where Pepe tells him that Paula is still in surgery and the doctors have not given any updates. Just then, Dr. Jasso comes out and tells them that the surgery has been concluded. When Emi and Pepe ask how Paula is, Dr. Jasso remains quiet and puts on his best poker face....


The family is gathered under a veranda sitting at a long table for some type of celebration. Marcos and Gracia are together and Marcos shares that the Lugos gave him the food truck...and he wants her to be his business partner. He knows that she will accept because he is she accepts his offer and kisses him! We see that Alex and Isa are quite happy with each other, ZaiSo is VERY pregnant!! Diego asks Art if holding his hand is okay; and Art replies "yes" and he will never let go. Andrea has a new beau who is warned by Diego that he will have him to answer to if he hurts Andi. Paula finally appears and jovially walks over to Suzy and Teo who she pokes and plays with. Lor walks in too...with his big smile. He comments to Paula that he is happy she has the family that she deserves. Paula adds that is what she had always wanted. Pepe then approaches Paula and congratulates her for all the work she has done. She is very happy and would never have been able to accomplish this without his support. Pepe thanks her for coming into his life..thanks to her he has learned how to live. Paula comments that hey have their whole lives together and is thankful spend it by his side. also thanks him. I love yous and kisses follow...and they are magically transported to a hillside overlooking the lake...

as the "FIN" is displayed...and da-da-dats all folks!!



Well, what can i say? The bad guys got their just desserts and we had several HEAs. I'm not too keen on the idea that ISA had an HEA after all that indecision, but oh well, we can't have it all, can we?

My heartfelt thanks to Doris. I could not have (and wouldn't have wanted to) seen this through to the end without your help. And thank you to all who commented and kept the discussion going. All of you were a great motivator and kept me going.

Can't wait to read everyone's take on this "POR FIN!"


Rgv Chick,

Your superior wordsmithing transformed the finale into a delectable, divine concoction, oh so rich and smooth as silk. Replete with wit and wisdom, you explained every word, deed and emotion to perfection.

Thank you for your time, your attention to detail and your always marvelous sense of humor lo these many months. You and Doris both did an outstanding job.

We knew Paula's life saving surgery would come late in the game, but having it occur in the last 15 minutes with hardly a mention was a bit of a surprise.

"Gnat is cooperating with the cops and informed them that Rol had murdered Mal in cold blood (and she probably left out that she told him to do it)" was exactly right!

The biggest surprise for me was not Gnat's ending up in prison, but who she presented herself to be; fire and fury extinguished, not quite contrite but seemingly not seething in hate. With Mal dying a torturous death, Gnat's fate seemed tame by comparison. The scales of justice seem off to me.

"Pepe mocks Rol for being set up by two adolescents" was great; Rol died the death due him.

"Lor seems perturbed that Isa still hasn't made up her mind who the heck she wants (as are we!!)" mirrored my thoughts exactly! I admittedly was confused about "the letter" but as the writers (recently) made it fairly clear that Isa and Alex were going to end up together it was really no surprise that they did. I wish things would have been decided sooner so that Lor (and we) could have moved onto other things.

I found several things touching tonight. Diego seemed truly beside himself before Paula's surgery, immersed in grief. Kudos to the actor. Rafa, taking a bullet for his brother, has indeed redeemed himself. I was happy he finally called Lor "papa". I liked the time jump and ZaiSo being pregnant was a nice surprise.

The plot did suffer some twists and turns, the writing not always consistent but overall, it was a good adventure. Susana Gonzalez shone throughout. She illuminated the screen with beauty and grace and was amazing here. Juan Soler was also excellent.

Again, heartfelt thanks to you and to Doris for guiding us on this journey.


EL GALLO DE ORO #12 (Uni edit) (VIX Season 2 #4/#5)

In any indoor scene with La Caponera or Dionisio they are continually drinking so I have stopped mentioning it.
Sorry for any typos.

Part one

1. Lorenzo tells his dead father Lucas about how hard it was seeing Dioniso as the owner of the f****** hacienda. He wanted to throw him and the Caponera out. Lucas asks if he wants him to whine along with him. Lorenzo recognizes the usual comments form a bitter old man. His father tells him to talk to him with respect. He takes another drink of liquor and answers yes, sir.

2. The quinceañera continues and so does the long-distance flirting between La Pinzona and Jesús.

3. Remigio tells Dionisio that none of their roosters is missing. Remigio thinks it might be one of the new workers. Someitme they pull off pranks that nobody gets. Dionisio makes it clear that what he saw was no prank to him. Maybe it is witchcraft like La Caponera said. Remigio is to take charge and find out who did it.

4. Lucas tells his son that if Dionisio and La Caponera are feeling like the owners it is thanks to Lorenzo that they are. Lorenzo tells his father that will all change but he wants his revenge. La Caponera's daughter is going to make them rich. Lucas is only interested in getting back what he had. Lucas promises to get it all back. He notices that Lucas hasn't touched his tequila. Lorenzo goes to make them some food.

5. Jesús comes to introduce himself to La Pinzona and her friend Cecilia. He has known La Pinzona's father a long time. He knew him from San Marcos. Cecilia ask if he would like something to eat. La Pinzona answers for him saying he was just leaving and probably doesn't even dance. He does and invites Ceciia to dance with him. As La Pinzona dances with another guy, she and Jesús flirt across the dance floor.

6. Dioniso asks what kind of work Jesús can do. He has cleared tables and worked in a store. Dinoiso asks if anything went missing from the store. Jesús says that stealing was something he did as a kid but now he wants to earn a living. Dionisio wants to know if he has done any physical labor. Jesús has herded cattle, planted sugar cane and fed cockfighting roosters. Dionisio is interested in his rooster handling. He hires him on the spot and Jesús will be paid and given room and board. He will start the next day.

7. Secundino tells Dinsio that he checked with the maids and nobody cleaned up anything like what he saw. Everything else was normal at the hacienda. Dionisio wonders what the f*** is going on. He watches La Caponera drinking from a bottle of tequila? mezcal? as she dances with the crowd.


Part Two

8. After the party, la Caponera shows Dionisio the tour invitation letter from Enrique León who represents important musicians. As they both drink some more, La Caponera tells Dionisio how this is the opportunity is that she was waiting for. It seems like the next step. Dionisio is not as excited as she is. He says she has her album, she is on the radio, she performs at their cantina and they haven't seen each other in almost a month because she was at fairs in Tlaquepaque and San Miguel El Alto. She says it is her job. He understands that but she cannot leave her daughter for such a long time. She is open to taking La Pinzona with her and he can come visit them when he can get away. He isn't up to that any more and he doesn't want La Pinzona to miss that much school. It just isn't a good time. She asks what his decision is. He reminds her that she has never needed his permission to decide what she wanted to do. She says she only wants to know if he supports her. Dionsio makes it clear that he supports her but, if he is being honest, he would prefer that she not go.

9. Jesús runs into La Pinzona when he comes into the house to get some invoices for Secundino. She is col and courteous to him as he asks where the desk is and she tells him there isn't one. La Caponera comes in and presumes he must be Jesús. It appears that they already know each other. He says he met La Pinzona a the cantina. La Caponera doesn't look happy hearing that. He leaves without the invoices.

10. Dionisio tells Secundino that La Caponera can't live in the same place day after day but at some point she has to stop. She and he are not the same as they were before.

11. Dionsio has workers closing down a road that has been used by the public through his property. He tells Secundio that nobody goes over his head. Secundnio reminds him that by closing the road he is going over the other landowner's heads. Dionsio insists that he is doing this to help towns people who get f***** over by he other landowners. Secundino sees this action as only causing Dionisio more problems.

12. When they are alone, La Caponera asks La Pinzona if she was at the gambling tables. La Pinzona says she wasn't. When La Caponera threatens to check with Carmela, La Pinzona changes her story and says she went over to see what was going on but she didn't play or get close to anyone who was playing. La Caponera is exasperated asking her how many times does she have to tell her that the "gift" they have has only caused problem after problem. La Caponera tells he that she doesn't want her near any kind of gambling. La Pinzona says she gets it.

13. Remigio and Hugo are at the road closure when it is tested by the first car by Sebas Arriaga. He has one man with him. Remigio tells him he can take the road that goes around and through Noria. Sebas is not pleased with that answer. Remigio pulls his gun along with the rest of the men. He makes it clear that nobody is going through. Sebas says that Dionsio is even more stupid than he thought. Secundino says if he wants to talk to Dionisio, he knows where to find him. When he leaves, Secudnio tells his men that it's on now!


Part Three

14. Cecilia runs into Jesús and lets him know that every Thursday night , she and La Pinzona and other friends meet up to play cards at a barn on the property. Ceciiia tells La Pinzona that she told him about the game. He has to get back to work. La Pinzona is worried that he might tell her parents about the game. Her mother is suspicious. She tells Cecilia that she found some beer for the game.

15. That night La Caponera is performing at the cantina. Carmela works there and it seems that she and Justina are in the process of buying the cantina from Dionisio Through a conversation Carmela has with Dionisio, it should be theirs in five more months.

16. Sebas and Juvencio Arriaga come into the cantina to talk to Dionisio about the road closure.

17. La Pinzona asks Secundino if he knows Jesús' parents. Secundino tells her that he was an orphan. Nobody took care of him. He survived by stealing and when he was caught her father defended him. He is curious about her questions snd suspects she likes him. She makes it clear she is not looking to get married. He thinks she is better off going to bed. They say good night.

18. Sebas tells Dionisio that closing the road isn't doing him or any of them any favors. Juvencio adds that legally it is a public road. Dionisio makes it clear that he knows that but that also the owner has the authority to define the road's use unless a judge makes a ruling. He bets they didn't think he would know the law. The brothers think a judge will rule in their favor. Dionsio does't agree. There are plenty of roads that go to town. Juvencio says the highway is impassable. Dionisio suggests that they talk to their friend the mayor to fix it for them. Sebas doesn't think it is a good idea to have your neighbors as enemies. Dionsio asks when any of them were friends. He excuses himself but invites them to stay and order what they want. It is on him. The men turn down the invitation and leave.

19. La Pinzona grabs the beers from the refrig and sneaks out of the house to the barn. She doesnn't see Lorenzo follow her though and out of the house.

20. Dionisio goes to the washroom at the cantina and closes the door. He hears a man outside tell him that he has a very pretty daughter and he should take care that nothing happens to her. Dionisio is shaken and comes out asking Carmela if she saw anyone by teh washrooom. She didn't. Dionsio grabs La Caonera and tells her they have to go home.

21. La Pinzona, two girls and two boys meet in the barn. They start drinking the beer and start to play a strip poker kind of game. Pinzona gets things going when she goes beyond removing shoes by taking off her blouse. Suddenly, they hear a noise in another part of the barn and find a case of mezcal. They all start drinking the mezcal and in a short time, they are all passed out in various stages of undress.


Part Four

22. Lorenzo arrives with another dead rooster. He marks La Pinzona's bare midriff with its blood and lays the dead bird by her side.

23. Dionsio and La Caponera get home and find La Pinzona to be missing. Dionisio fills La Caponera in on what he heard outside of
the washroom. Dionisio sends everyone out to search for her but she is not found.

24. FLASHBACK: We see Lorenzo washed up on the shore of the river. A person approaches him and pokes him with a stick. Lorenzo is alive.

25. Lorenzo gets a visit from a man who tells him that he delivered the message. He was almost caught by Dionisio but it was so crowded, he was able to get away. Lorenzo asks about teh other job. The man tells him it is ready to go. Lorenzo wants the whole town to know about it.

26. Jesús finds Pinzona and her group in the barn. He starts to clean the blood of her body and she wakes up. She asks what is going on and he says he is cleaning blood off of her. All of the young people start waking up. They do not understand how they passed out and slept through the night. One of the boys blames the mezcal. Something was wrong with it. Jesús tells them all to go home.

27. La Pinzona comes home escorted by Jesús. She apologizes to her parents who hug her. La Pinzona tells her parents she was in the barn with Ceciia and some guys. LIttle by little it comes out that they were all drinking and fell asleep. Dioniso asks how many times this has happened. He is answered by sience. So, he tells her that she is grounded. She will not take a foot outside of the house unless she is accompanied . She can go to school but her friends will not be visiting her. She looks stunned and he tells her to take the damn stupid look off her face. He sends her to her room. La Caponera wants to discuss the matter with him. He declares that there is nothing to discuss. That is his finally word on the matter. La Caponera looks disturbed. She thanks everyone that helped look for La Pinzona and tell them they can go.

28. La Caponera asks Dioniso if he isn't overreacting. He doesn't think so. She says La Pinzona only had one too many. She didn't kill anybody. Dionsio asks if she can hear herself. La Pinzona isn't old enough to drink. La Caponera cannot believe it. At La Pinzona's age, La Caponera did whatever she wanted. She went everywhere and she drank, too. Dioisnio says just because she did it doesn't mean it was right. La Caponera thinks his problem is with her and not La Pinzona. He agrees but she disagreed with himn front of their daughter. La Caponera tries to explain she wanted them to talk together on how to punish her. La Pinzona is also her daughter. Dionisio is glad to hear that. According to Dionisio, La Pinzona needs a mother who is present and not about to go on tour. La Caponera asks if he is really angry about her tour. He doesn';t think it is good for her to be going on a tour. She is an absent mother. La Caponera says maybe La Pinzona needs more of her father. He tells La Caponera not to be stupid. He has never neglected either of them. She thinks his only priority is the f****** hacienda and making more and more money and having the other landowners accept him as one of their own. Maybe, he should have been paying attention to his daughter. He tells her to shut up. She isn't being fair. Well, she refuses to be blamed for being a bad mother because she isn't. He is not the almighty father that he thinks he is. So, she is going to give him the opportunity to show her what a great dad he is while she goes on tour for three months. He asks if she is going. She asks if he is deaf. She is accepting the offer right now and as he always says, it is her final word on the subject.



A million thanks, Jarifa! Your recaps are so terrific, and you always put in something I completely missed.

Well, tonight's episode us showed to whom Lorenzo is speaking in his stark cabin. He's not in his right mind and thinks he's conversing with his father. At least Ghost Lucas has the presence of mind to tell him the loss of the hacienda was all Lorenzo's fault!

So far I really like Jesús. Something was said about his age, forget who. But, when they came to San Marcos to bury Eduvides, I think the boy was about 7. And La Pinzona was an infant. I also got a kick out of his asking Cecilia to dance instead of La Pinzona, who'd been sort of snotty with him.

I didn't grasp the part of the conversation where Dionisio said La Caponera had been going to fairs. I did hear him say she was the Queen of his Cantina, and thought that was her only performing outlet.

When they were arguing about their daughter, I was thinking: OK, these people have lived on the edge and been in danger, but they want their child to be a proper, well-bred lady. With her genes?

Ay, Dionisio. I'm sure he'll live to regret fencing off a road that's been used by everyone for a very long time.

How did Sebas Arriaga get to be a mucky muck in Jalisco? I thought he and his brother were loan sharks. Now he's with the other hacendados, looking down on Dionisio. Apparently it will take the other landowners an hour out of their day getting to town.

We saw some of Dionisio's former sweetness with Carmela, happy to see them own the cantina. But he's hardened a bit over the years.

Mr. Google tells me it was Confucius who said: "Seek revenge and you should dig two graves." I'm hoping this applies to Lorenzo, but I fear for Dionisio

I did not get that that scene of Lorenzo in the river was a flashback. I thought he was there after putting the blood on La Pinzona.

I don't think I'll ever understand the complexities of usted vs tu. During their whole argument, Dionisio used the formal pronouns and verb forms, while La Caponera used the tuteo. I get that one uses the more formal with officials, people older than oneself, and strangers. And the tuteo is used with children. But I don't get a married couple ever using usted. I have also noticed that Mexican people are more likely to quickly use the tuteo than people in other countries,

Jarifa, I've been following your recaps but I read them too late in the day to comment. You do an amazing job and I'm extremely grateful for all the detail because, like Noverela, I miss little bits. Thank you for keeping us in the know!

I was sad to see that Dionisio and La Caponera aren't so tender with one another anymore. And that he actually raised his voice! Where did his sweetness go? Still, it's a realistic development - that he has changed, becoming more success oriented, and that her need to be out in the world and to grow her career, which she was quite clear about when they first met, has begun to cause problems.

I wish that Jesus's hat wasn't so white. What I have really enjoyed in this show is that everything looks a bit dusty, even the rich guys' hats are a bit dirty, and the horses manes aren't neatly combed, etc. It's a nice touch of reality. Jesus just looks too crisp - ha!

Thanks so much, Rgv chick for this last and all the other recaps. Also thanks to Doris. You both made this so much more enjoyable to watch. iIt seems that on the scale of annoyance this telenovela was quite high up because we did grumble.Or was this just me?
Seriously though, if I had to describe the ending in one word, I'd say bland. So many insufferable characters got a happy ending and the bad guys didn't suffer nearly enough. Sofi just ended up with clueless Rafa.Isa didn't even have to make up her mind because Lorenzo made the decision for her. Isa has to be the most irritating secondary character and I will only remember her for this. Paula was quite irritating too. All those scenes where she uselessly threatened Rolando were so hard to watch. Then her decision to seek treatment after she fell in love...I wouldn't want such a role for sure. Pepe was a nice break from all the stupidity when he was in his role of a great father. Didn't he say at one point Paula taught him to be a better parent? How is that possible when Paula herself messed-up in this role?
Well, it's over. But when I learnt it was going to be a story about cancer, I thought they'd a bit more realistic with the symptoms at least.
Pepe saying Rolando was tricked by two teens just proves how useless the adults are.The whole ending felt kind of rushed. Recently telenovela endings have felt so underwhelming.
Thanks again to recappers and commentators. This was great fun.


Dear Chickie, thank you for an excellent recap of this final episode . Thanks also to Doris and you, the dynamic duo who took on recapping this wild ride .

The writers decided to wrap up all the loose ends speedy quick in thks final ride. was a lot.

Where to begin ??? Well, Isa waffles until the very end . I read somewhere that not making a decision is making a decision. That was quite a bizarre resolution . She tells patient Lor that she IS going with him . Then she writes a mysterious letter to someone and gives it to Rafa. Then, Lor somehow finds out about the letter and reads it and decides that Isa actually loves Alex and should stay with him. QTH? oksy. Whatever .

Gnat's storyline ended with a whimper instead of a bang ( thank you T.S.Eliot). ..." Swatted " ...ha. ...compared to MAL's sudddn cokdblooded murder ordered by gnat and carried out by Rol. And rotten Rol tricked by two teens and gunned down by police .

In the end , everyone except Lor is paired up around a long picnic table , including Andi' s cute new novio, who has no lines . Born to be wild Lor is going to take all his scarves and ride off to who knows where . Persistence evidently pays because Marcos got Gracia ..and a food truck, barely used.

I'll be honest . This show was hard for me to watch having lost two close friends this year . I on!y surfed in and out, but the wonderful recaps provided by Chickie and Doris kept me invested in seeing it through to the bitter end . Adios....NEXT


Golpe de Suerte

Any recappers for this one? I'm busy with El Amor no Tiene Receta but I will watch occasionally. Glad if recappers are found!


Jarifa, thank you for your Excellent detailed recap as time passes and people change . I was sad to see Dionisio's sweet nature changed by wealth and power and the magic between La C. And him seemingly gone . True love shouldn't fade no matter what happens around you.

I had a student from Dominican Republic who tried to explain the difference between tu and usted to me. He told me that in his country , it would be disrespectful for children to use " tu" to address parents . I had another student from Ecuador thank me for saying " usted" to him. Maybe Dion used usted with La. C to show a distance from her. Maybe he used it to push her away from him. He seemed to be disapproving of her .

It's sad that after all that they have been through , their strong bond seems to be weakening . Realism instead of magical realism. Love should last a lifetime and beyond. That is the magic. Susan


Thank you, Rgv Chick, for taking us out with your great recap! And all your recaps through this bumpy telenovela bus ride. Millones de gracias!

Things sure moved quickly and easily to resolve all the issues. #telenovelamagic
Glad I engaged the chinstrap of my telenovela beanie hat.

I thought Natalia was going to jump into that lake and drown herself. In front of Gracia.
At least the writers left us with some hope for Nat's redemption.

Arturo's "grand gesture" for Diego wasn't quite as splashy as Heath Ledger's song in "10 Things I Hate About You", but it sufficed, if not a bit overdone. And apparently his parents were okay with him coming out. Phew!

That whole letter-written-by-Isa thing still has me confused. lol

How many leather jackets does Lorenzo own? I've counted maybe 4 or 5.


I am going to watch a few episodes before I decide if I'll continue to watch it. IF I do, I can recap one night a week, if the closed captions are decent. Doing two nights (Tu Vida) was too much for me.


Doris, I wasn't counting Lor's leather jackets, and I lost count of his scarves . Well, he is a wealhy silver fox , and I have no doubt that he will find a lovely and decisive companion very soon.

I don't see my own comment on vida. Has it vanished?

Waterlily, your comment is back where it should be. I retrieved it from the SPAM folder.


Thank you, everyone, for your always kind comments and accompanying me through this (no so mellow) drama. This definitely was a different kind of ride.

What bothered me most about this whole depressive novela is that Paula only decided to agree to treament AFTER she fell in love with Pepe. So yes, Waterlily, I agree with you; and I also agree about all the useless threats against Gnat and Rolando, Neither one got their anvil because of follow through on those threats; had it not been for Rosa, Gnat and Rol would still be at large and in charge.

Anywho...we shall go forth with other TNs to keep us all us something to share, gripe about and tear apart .


I'll try out Golpe de Suerte. Unlike many here, I am not a big fan of Ed Yanez; so not sure how long I will stick to it. I stuck with VIDA because of Susana G and Juan S....AND because of Doris's help and the encouragement and company of such a wonderful patio.

May everyone have a glorious day!


It looks like we all agree this was one of the lamest telenovelas, ever. Idiot main characters and full of all sorts of PSAs, too. Makes me wonder about the writing team at Telerisa.

One thing I noticed last night is that we finally saw Diego hug Paula.

Well, I'm glad to have those characters out of my life. lol


Thanks so much, Rgv Chick, that was great. I enjoyed the episode itself too.

Nat has tried to correct where she wronged people, and Rol got caught by two teens he was planning to kill. I would have liked him to suffer more but I don’t have any idea how I would have written his end.

The letter totally confused me. Did Rafa get to chose who to give it to? I was surprised when she agreed to travel with him. And I think she probably would have been happy with either man, but it seems they made the choice for her.

I guess they decided not to show the funeral, or did I somehow blink and miss it! But the wedding was sweet and I liked the way it ended. All in all, a good show with a good ending.



Thanks, Liz. We must have all blinked and missed the funeral! LOL The only way I knew there was one was because it was mentioned and everyone was wearing black.

Doris, “Telerisa” Love it! Gotta write that one down! LOL


I enjoyed reading everyone's comments.

"What bothered me most about this whole depressive novela is that Paula only decided to agree to treament AFTER she fell in love with Pepe" rings (sadly) true Rgv Chick...

I'll add sincere appreciation to Rgv Chick and Doris to my already posted long winded comment. 😊




Thanks , everyone, for your comments. This story is takng a few turns I never expected.

novelera, "Mr. Google tells me it was Confucius who said: "Seek revenge and you should dig two graves." I'm hoping this applies to Lorenzo, but I fear for Dionisio." Me, too. It is too bad Dionsio cannot enjoy what he has and not give into resentment and revenge. HIs current situation doesn't augur well for the rest of the novela. I am wondering if we know the character who saved Lorenzo from the river bank or if his rescuer was a stranger.

Maggie, great to konw that you have been watching along with us. I so agree with your "Still, it's a realistic development - that he has changed, becoming more success oriented, and that her need to be out in the world and to grow her career, which she was quite clear about when they first met, has begun to cause problems." La Caponera made no bones about what she wanted out of life from the beginning. She also offered him compromises like taking La Pinzona with her and inviting him to come and visit furing the tour. I have a feeling nothing she offered short of not going was ever going to suit him. We willahve to see hwinlng that white hat stays white.

Susan, yes, "I was sad to see Dionisio's sweet nature changed by wealth and power and the magic between La C. And him seemingly gone ." It is going to be interesting to see how she manages her tour and him. Will he be able to keep La Pnzona in tow? She cannot be under house arrest forever. I found it odd that with both her mother and father home, La Pinzona was able to just disappear for hours once a week to go play cards in the barn. Granted it was at night but they must have had clues to how she was already.


El Gallo

Thanks Jarifa, your recaps are filled with so much detail, informative and enjoyable.

I was disappointed that Dionisio seems to have changed so much. He still is nice to friends and family, but that’s about it. By closing the road he’ll make more enemies and he seems to have enough. Also, he once had no interest in money, La Caponera brought him luck through bringing him love and acceptance. Now he wants money. Although at least he’s earning it honestly.

His precious daughter is a handful. I thought it interesting that she seemed to have lost some hands in strip poker, maybe the gift is watered down. That would serve Lorenzo right if he’s planning to kidnap her for luck.



Liz, thanks, for your kind comments. Dionisio is so different than he once was. Now, he is rather obnoxious. You make a good point that at least, he is coming by his money honestly.


I just realized that Lucero sang the theme song of “Tú vida es mi vida” and in the next novela of the night she was singing as La Caponera. It is always good to hear her.

I caught the final 10 minutes of the show tonight. It has now been added to my library so I can watch it later (8 p.m. is too early in the summer for me, that's the cooler part of the day and I'm gardening or walking the dogs then). I know none of the actors so I have no preconceived ideas about them. The one thing I thought was strange, they all circled their numbers on the winning tickets. I would be afraid the lottery commission would call that defacing them and it wouldn't be a valid ticket.


Well, I'm out.

I watched the first half hour and that was enough. The actors spoke too fast for me to understand, and I couldn't even figure out what was going on, for the most part.

I like telenovelas where I can understand most of it without relying on closed captions. Alas, the trend is away from that and that is one reason why I haven't watched any for two years until Tu Vida.



I watched the first episode . I knew some of the actors ...Big Ed Yanez,the actress playing his wife, the actor playing his father ( who was an awful villain in " Pasion" , but most of these actors are new to me . There's a cute dog, a car thief , and a cute kid . Sergio Sendel seems to be the villain. ..he usually is. Looks like these people who win the lottery will become connected I will probably surf in and out. Susan



And our murder vic German from Tu Vida was reincarnated as Nacho's not so nice boss in this one.


Doris, yes, I noticed Susana's hub . He also had a small villain role in hat show that she was in which she was married to sleazy Sergio Sendel and ended up in the barrio with her two teen daughters .
I also recognized the older guy living with the woman whose car was stolen .


EL GALLO DE ORO #13 (Uni Edit)( VIX Season 2 #5/#6)

This is a long one. So much action. There maybe typos : )

Part One

1. The Arriagas talk about how they are going to have to do something so Doinisio reopens the road. They went to the judge but he sided with Dionisio. They think he was afraid of Dionisio. They cannot stand that a damn person like Dionisio who came from nothing , now owns all of Ocotlán.

2. The band is in town and talk about La Caponera and Dinisio arguing. They want to leave for Gudadlajara alaready. They do not want to be driving at night. Justina says good bye to Carmela. They hold hands but are careful to not show much more physical affection. Carmela touches her face and says she will be waiting for her. The Arriagas watch them. They know they are supposed to be cousins but it looks like there is something else going on between them.

3. The band arrives t the hacienda in their van. La Pinzona accompanies her mother to the van and doesn't understand why her mother has to leave today. She blames herself because of what she did. La Caponera assures her it has nothing to do with her. It is not a punishment. Her father is handling that. La Pinzona asks why her mother is punishing him more then. They are always fighting. La Caponera says that is not true. The tour is very important to her. She feels it is something she has to do for herself. La Pinzona and her father are very important to her, too but she doesn't want this opportunity to slip away. She asks about La pnzona's dreams. La Pinzona doens't want to spend her whole life in Ocotlán. She wants to leave Jalisco and go somewhere else. There are so many things to discover. The farther away she is, the better. La caponera tells her to go wherever she wants, llve however she wants where her dreams lead her. Her time will come. La Pinzona wishes her mother good luck and they hug. They love each other a lot. La Pinzona knows that her father is going to be in a bad mood. He never talks when La Caponera is not around. La Caponera thinks missing each other will be good for them. Dionisio comes out to watch her leave but neither he or La Caponera talk to each other. She hugs La Pinzona, glances at Dionisio, tells Remigio to look out for that reckless Remigio and leaves.

4. Dionisio asks Jesús why he looked for la Pinzona on hacienda prooerty. Jesús says it was a hunch. Dionisio thanks him.

5. Dionsio goes back to his room. He sits on the bed and sadly looks at a family photo.

6. The band arrives in Guadalajara and park across the street from where their manager Enrique León is located. They are all excited to be in the city and talk about legends like Pancho Villa shooting a bullet through the ceiling of a building they passed. They get out of the van. La Caponera and Justina cross the street and asks the doorman if Enrique León has his office there. She is told it is. She knew it was the right place! She tells Justina that as soon as things have started to get good for the band, Dionisio has gotten like he has. It is not right. Justina says his attitude is not justified but they have never been away for so long. Whaat bothers La Caponera is that she is expected to give into what he wants. Why can't he be the one? He could come with with them. What would it cost him? She refuses to be affected by that. She thinks it is all so lovely! She tells Justina that they are going to show Enrique León that he did the right thing by choosing them. The band enters the building.

7. Dioniso is in town talking to Secundino that the fight with La Caponera was an excuse. She had already decided she was leaving. She ended up leaving today! Secundno says leaving a day later would not have changed things. Secundino is concerned about an argument not being addressed for three months. Dionisio says she is the one who left. Secundino tells him not to be unappreciative. He knows that this had been her life-long dream.


Part Two

8. They are stopped in their tracks with a sign that has been tied across the street. It is addressed to a "raggedy man" who won't let himself be touched. Neither money of love will cure him. The priest is out and about with the mayor(?) and sees it since it is in front of his church. He wonders who put it there. Dionisio asks them who put it there. They do not know. Dionisio demands that it be taken down right now. The mayor apologizes saying he doesn't have much staff but it will be done when he has available personnel. Secundino says they can take care of it. The mayor says no it is their responsibility. The priest smiles and Dionisio wants to know what he finds so funny. The priest says that Dionsio is not mentioned in the sign. Dionisio states that he is no idiot. but maybe the priest is. The priest is SHOCKED and warns Dionsio about the way he speaks to him. Dionisio says that works both ways. The priest insists that he is to be respected. He is the representative of the church. Dionisio doesns't give a sh** about the church or its representative. he warns the priest not to mess with him. The mayor tells him to be more respectful. Dionisio cuts them off, tells them he will remove the sign and leaves with Secundino.

9. Lorenzo tells Lucas how he would have koved to have been there to see Dionsio's face. Lucas wants to know how sure he is that this is going to work. Lorenzo says because what Dionisio hates the most is being reminded of what he is. Lucas doesn't understand why his stupid son didn't take advantage of the situation to grab La Pinzona. Lorenzo says everything will happen in its due time. They need to drive Dionsio crazy and is having him monitored day and night. by somebody he knows who won't disappoint him. Lucas says that is what he thought about Lorenzo and look at him now.

10. La Caponera and the band walk into Enrique Leon's office and have a seat until he can meet with them. The band is impressed by the artists he represents. Enrique León emerges from his own office to greet them. He starts flirting with la Caponera from the get go saying her album cover didn't do her beauty justice. He tells the group that they have a lot of details to hammer out starting with something he has scheduled for tonight

11. Jesús stops by the house to check on La Pinzona. He was worried. She is okay. They flirt. She asks if he saw anything else. He says no. She looks worried. He doesn't want anyone to know he came to see her. He has to go back to work.

12. At the cantina, Dionisio is still wondering who hung up the sign and why. Secundino says maybe it was the Arriagas as payback for him closing the road. Dionisio doubts that because the dead rooster was before he closed the road. Then there was what he heard from the bathroom. Secundino reminds him that La Pinzona was only partying. Dionsio agrees but somebody knew what was going on with her. Carmela has joined them and agrees it is all strange. They never found out who was talking to him outside the bathroom or who killed the "supposed" rooster. Dionisio takes offense at "supposed". He is not making anything up. He leaves in a huff.

13. The Arriagas, other landowners and the priest are visiting at the Arriagas' cockfighting ring. Sebas says nobody knows who put up the sign but if they knew who did it, they woudl congratulate him. The priest reminds them "if you plant wind, you harvest storms." Dionisio doesn't even respect God. The subject changes to the"cousins" who run the cantina. Something is off with those two women.

14. Dionsio is sitting at home , drinking as he always is, listening to a record and looking at her portrait. He tells Secundino that he wishes La Caponera were there. Maybe if she were, none of this would be happening.


Part Three

15. La Pinzona rushes in, turns off the music and turns on the TV. La Caponera and her and her band are on. Secundino arrives. They all watch the performance. After the song, Enrique appears to talk about all of the events they have planned for La Caponera and her band. He even mentions a European tour. La Caponera would love to spread her Mexican music throughout the world. It's the big leagues. Dionisio gets up and starts to pace. The announcer starts to give dates and places of La Caponera's performances that are coming up. Dionisio leaves the room.

17. Dionisio is packing his suitcase why La Pinzona watches. He tells her heso going ot see her mother. He kisses her on the head goodbye . He leaves Secundino in charge.

18. La Caponera NARRATES: Her mother always told her that the worst decisions were those not taken. There is nothing worse than standing with your arms crossed and doing nothing. Over the years, she has come to understand that the worst decisions are those made when you are in a bad mood. When instinct guides us, we are not at peace with ourselves. Those decisions very rarely result in anything good and happy.

19. La Pinzona leaves the house to feed her horse Romina and ends up flirting with Jesús. She isn't concerned about her father catching her because he is not there. He went to get her mother in Guadalajara. She grabs Jesús and kisses him. He cuts it short because he needs to get back to work.

20. Lorenzo gets a visit. It is Jesús. He has news. Dionisio went to Guadalajara

21. FLASHBACK: We see Jesús rescuing Lorenzo from the river with a stick. He helped support them begging for coins in cantinas and pickpocketing the same men who turned him down while Lorenzo played cards. They were a team. Jesús told Lorenzo he wanted to learn how to play cards. Lorenzo said he was not ready. Jesús answered he was ready for anything the day he was born.Lorenzo laughed saying taht Jesús need to learn how to not ask so many questions.

22. In the present, Jesús tells Lorenzo that apparently Diniso didn't like seeing his wife on TV. Lorenzo says that doesn't give them too much leeway. He hopes they have time. Lorenzo writes something on a piece of paper. He will find what he needs where the roosters are. Jesús thinks what they are planning on doing is too much. Lorenzo tells him he needs to be strong. This is not time for scruples. Lorenzo asks how things are going with La Pinzona. Jesús says things are going well. He is following Lorenzo's directions. Lorenzo stresses that she needs to trust Jesús blindly. Jesús says he understands but doesn't look like it. Lorenzo warns him not to come back and see him during the day.

23.Enrique meets with La Caponera and the band. All they need to do is choose what songs they are going to perform in the shows and he is leaving that up to them. He dismisses the band but asks La Caponera to join him for dinner because they have business to discuss. La Caponera agrees since it is going to be about doing business.

24. They leave and the male members of the group think it is odd that La Caponera is going out with Enrique for dinner to discuss business. They wonder what kind of business he is up to. Jusitna is done listening to their insinuations.

25. Jesús is up to no good in a store room on the hacienda. He takes some powder and transfers it to his own container. La Pinzona sees him and surprises him. She is not focused on what he is doing. She kisses him and fills him in on what happened to the wife of the previous owner of the hacienda in this room. He locked her up and kept her there until she died. He refuses to believe that. She says he can ask anyone in town. They all know. Her own parents called him crazy as in crazy enough to be in an asylum. She says that his name was Lorenzo Benavides. Jesús looks upset. She starts to kiss him and he keeps her at arms length. He is still working. She kisses him goodbye and leaves. He breathes a sigh of relief and hides what he came for.


Part Four

26. Dionsio arrives at Enrique's office and finds out that his wife is staying at the Hotel Real. He gets directions from the secretary.

27. Jesus's next stop is a group of cattle that are corralled. He takes the powder he took and mixes it in their hay. One of the carrle kicks him and he falls down in the "mud." He gets up and leaves quickly.

28. Enrirque has taken La Caponera to a very nice restaurant where he shows her the contract. She looks at it and thinks it looks good but wants the other band members to look at it before she signs it. Enrique sees no problem with that. The only thing left is for them to talk about her image. He explains it has to do with her hairstyle and her clothing. She is not interested if he is triyng to change her. He has no intention of changing her. He tells her to take a look at what he has prepared in the folder. He wants her to be a star and thinks she could look more seductive. He wants everyone to fall in love with her including him. She puts her hands on his in a friendly way and says she only wants to be a great singer. She is not interested in other men because she has her own man. She is married. Lorenzo laughs and says he isn't the jealous type. She calls him on his nervy comment. They both laugh as she asks if he is the same with all of the artists he represents. He puts his hands on hers and says that he is only that way with the "free spirits." As Dionsio enters the dining room, Enrique asks her to explain something that he doesn't get . How did a smart woman like her get married? It is against nature. She asks how as Dionisio watches. As they debate the issue and La Caponera says that people are different than animals, Dioniso continues to monitor the situation. Enrique thinks she is a great singer and he doesn't want to ruin things. The only thing better than a good romance is good business.

29. As she says that she had thought that way for a long time that being free . . . and as he acknowledges her agreement, Dionisio arrives at the table. He has seen and heard enough. He asks if he is interruping. La Caponera wants to know what he is doing there. He says he is ruining the night with that ass****. Enrique says EXCUSE ME? and asks who the man is. La Caponera explains it is her husband. She tells Dionsio to just cool it. There is nothing going on. Dionisio thinks they are all but having sex on the table. Enrique tries to shut him up reminding him they are in public. Dionisio tells him not to get involved. He tells La Caponera to come with him. She refuses to leave. He starts to pull her by the arm. Enrique tells Dionisio him that La Caponera is not leaving and asks her how she ended up with this rancher. Dionsio pushes the table over and jams the edge into Enrique below the waist. He tells him that in his town they kill men who get involved with married women. He should be grateful that they are not in his town. If he, the SOB he is, approaches her again, he will kill him. He returns the table to its upright position.



Big surprise in this one: looks like Jesús shouldn't have been wearing a white hat at all since he is Lorenzo's spy. There might be hope for him, though because he seems to be questioning Lorenzo about what he wants him to do even though he ended up carrying out his orders anyway. Maybe La Pinzona and her kisses will change his loyalties.

When I saw Alexis Ayala I knew it wasn't going to be good. He is such an expert playing those slick villains.

Only four more to go.


Jarifa, thank you for another excellent report on all the drama.

What a surprise to see AlexIs Ayala, who always Knows exactly how to bring the evil !

I hope Jesus falls for La Pizona and turns on BSC Lorenzo.

Started recordibg and watching " Pasion" on Unimas and was surprised to see the actor playing Secundio as a pirate . That was made in 2007. Jarifa, Did you watch " Pasion?" The patio had fun recapping and commenting on he pirates . It was campy. Susan


Susan, unfortunately, I didn't find Caray until 2013 and never watched novelas before then. Sometimes, the patios are more fun than the novelas. Pasión sounds like it was a trip. ; )


Thanks, Jarifa, this one had a couple of surprises in it, the biggest one being Jesus being partners with Lorenzo. I certainly hope he changes sides soon.

Dionisio gets more disappointing with each episode. I don’t see him changing. It sounded like he and La Caponera have been fighting for a long time. That’s too bad. Enrique probably was making a play for La Caponera but so far it was flirting. I guess Jesus put up the sign, killed the rooster and everything else. But plenty of people in town don’t seem to like him. Plus closing the road, did he really have to do that. He’s got a big chip on his shoulder.



Liz, it is unbelievable how much of a chip Dionisio has on his shoulder. It looks like his insecurity has taken over to the nth degree. I am also hoping that Jesús sees the error of his ways.

EL GALLO DE ORO #14 (UNI Edit) (VIX Season 2 #6/#7)

Part One

1. Back at the hacienda, Remigio sees Jesús is all muddied up. He asks him what happened. Jesús lies and says he was putting up some new cages for the chickens being delivered tomorrow.

2. Hugo(?) tells Remigio that the workers are upset because the priest had a run in with Dionisio. In his latest sermon, the press said that Dionisio was going against God and was provoking divine wrath. They both break out in laughter. Remigio asks why there is so much mud in the rooster section. Hugo says he was just there and it is dry.

3. La Caponera and Dionisio sit in the lobby of the hotel . She doesn't feel that she deserves what he is dishing out. He cannot believe she would go with another man. She tries to make it clear she wasn't going with another man. She did nothing wrong. They were only talking about work. He doesn't understand if they were talking about work, how they would need to touch each other so much. She asks what happened to them. He asks what happened to HER. He wants her to act like who she is: a wife and a mother. If she wants to sing, she can go to the cantina. She is clear that she won't do what he tells her to do. He insists that he is not telling her what to do. It is life itself telling her what it is that she should do. That is why she has to come back to the hacienda. She leets him know that she will not be returning. She is staying in Guadalajara to do what she came to do.

4. Lorenzo's guy tells him that when he brought Enrique the money that he said that Dionsio hit him in front of La Caponera. He was p***** off and demanded the rest of the money or he would rat Lorenzo out. Lorenzo cannot believe that Dionosio hit him. Lorenzo asks who knew that after all of this time, Enrique would pay him back for all of the favors he owed him? Lorenzo says he will give him the rest of the money tomorrow.

5. Lorenzo laughs and brings Lucas up to date. it is time to celebrate.

6. Jesús asks La Pinzona how her father ended up buying the hacienda. She says he didn't buy it. He won it in a card game. Her father said it was a matter of getting even. Lorenzo was a cheater and tricked her mother. He tries to take advantage of her. That is all she knows. They always said that Lorenzo was a murderer. Jesús says Lorenzo must have been bad and her parents must have had it tough. La Pinzona says like him. Secundino told her about him. Jesús likes she is interested him. The make out. She unbuttons her blouse but decides to save that for another time. She leaves. He smiles.

7. At Enrique's office, La Caponera tells the band that that Dionsio didn't see anything because nothing happened. They were talking and looking at drawings. One band member says maybe he saw them sitting close and he got angry. She asks REALLY? Another member says she knows how stubborn her husband is.


Part Two

8. Enrique comes in. He swears that he never intended for this to happen but his professional relationship with the band is over. La Caponera begs Enrique to not do that. She promises it won't happen again. Enrique says he doesn't like to get knto other people's business. He doubts that La Caponera can control him. He also has to think about his own reputation. A scandal affects them but also him. There was no way to keep the incident private since it happened in public. There was even a journalist there that he had to talk out of publishing anything about the incident. He will not be running that risk again. The band and La Caponera leave in silence and embarrassed.

9. La Caponera NARRATES: Fear is a treacherous animal that never leaves you. Invisible, it silently follows you. It can wait days, months even years for the right moment. When you think you are cured and believe that those fears from the past no longer exist, fear takes out its claws and attacks you making you see what doesn't exist and convincing you that white is black and black is white.

We see Dionisio drinking.

10. Back at the hacienda, Secundino is talking to Remigio when Hugo (?) tells them that they have a cattle problem. There are eight dead cows and five that are sick The feeders and the feed looked normal. Secundino says they need to find out what is gong on. he wants the sick cows separated from the well cows. He wants the dead cows burned. Hugo says that might be difficult because the workers won't go near the dead cows saying that it is the divine punishment that the priest was talking about. Secundino doesn't give a damn what the priest says. They are going to see who wants a job or believes this bull****.

11. Lucas complains to Lorenzo about being left so long alone. Lorenzo explains he had to make sure that Enrique got the rest of the money. Lucas never expected a man like Enrique to help him. Lorenzo asks if he doesn't remember all the SOB owes them. Lucas wonders why he paid him at all. Lorenzo tells him to look around. He wants to be able to get THEIR hacienda back. He tells his father it is going to be better than he can imagine.

12. The priest tells Juvencio that the priest in Cuquío never knew Carmela. He was there after she had left. Her father was a poor old man who died of shame because of his daughter's immoral acts. He never heard of a so-called cousin either. Juvencio asks what the priest plans to do. The priest says he will do what has to be done.

13. Dionisio returns to the hacienda and starts drinking. Secundino is glad he is back. A group of cows is dying. The vet is looking into it. Pinzona is happy to see her father is home. She wants to know when her punishment will be over. He tells her that he and her mother had a fight. She asks why??. He says because she was going to cheat on him. La Pinzona thinks that is impossible. He says he thought the same . . . He puts Secundino is charge of the hacienda. His head isn't into it. Neither La Pinzona or Secundino believe that LaCaponera was going to cheat on Dionisio. .

14. At the cantina, La Caponera tells Justina what happened with Dionisio. Just when she thought that f***** life had finally given her a good man who understood and respected her, he f***** it up. . Carmela says we all mistakes. La Caponera makes it clear that this was not a mistake. He put himself first and didn't care about what she wanted. He dragged them all down with him. Justina says not to worry about them. La Caponera remembers how they first met and how they talked about their dreams. He looked at her as if she was a great star. He believed in her. She wonders where all that went.

15. Jesús leaves the hacienda and Remigio follows him. He follows him to Lorenzo's.


Part Three

16. Dionsio comes into the cantina. He tells La Caponera she should be at home with her daughter who is waiting for her. She insists that she is not going back there. He asks if she is going to live at the cantina. She says she will live wherever the hell she feels like. It is none of his business. He admonishes her for forgetting so easily that she is a mother. No, she has not forgotten. She is going to leave and take her daughter with her. Dionisio warns her that will only happen over his dead body. La Pinzona will stay with him. La Caponera thinks she would rather be with her mother. He could give a sh** about what la Pinzona wants. Does she get that?? He leaves.

17. Remigio has his gun out as he hears Jesús filling some man in on what is happening at the hacienda. Jesús thinks La Caponera must be back at the hacienda. He doesn't think it was easy for her or Dioinsio. She really loves him. Lorenzo informs him that she doesn't love anyone. She takes advantage of people. Jesús tells him that people have a low opinion of him at the hacienda. There is a rumor that he locked up his wife in a storage room. Lorenzo asks why he would do something like that? Jesús says that is what he thought. Lorenzo tells him to focus on what he has to do. Jesús assures him that is what he is doing. Lorenzo asks who is working at the hacienda. He starts to list the men. He never mentions Remigio by name, just some man who works with the roosters. Remigio hears something behind him and unfortunately for him, it is Lorenzo who stabs him in the stomach. Lorenzo greets his cousin. He asks Remigio who would have thought he would become the f***** town crier's butler? Remigio says that Dionisio is a good man; something that Lorenzo will never be. Lorenzo calls Dioniso a stupid jerk. With his dying breaths, Remigio says he was stupid enough to take everything from Dionsio even La Caponera. Lorenzo finishes him off telling him that La Caponera might have left him but he betrayed him. Jesús comes out and sees Lorenzo and Remigio. Remigio tells Jesús he better get away from Lorenzo before he kills him, too. As Lorenzo tells Remigio that he only kills traitors, he pulls his knife out. Jesús vomits on the spot. Lorenzo tells Jesús to quit messing around and help him. Jesús stares at the corpse and at Lorenzo.

18. It is night and La Pinzona comes looking for Jesús in the barn . He isn't there but she is told that he went to town on an errand. She gives Héctor a note for Jesús and tells him that nobody is to know that she was there. He tells the rest of the guys that nobody saw a thing.

19. Dionisio arrives at the house. He knocks on La Pinzona's door. He knows it is late. He wants to talk to her about what is going on with her mother. There is no answer. He finally goes inside her room and there is nobody there. He sits and waits until she returns. He sks her where int he hell was she. She says she was taking a walk. . He asks what part of "you are not allowed to leave the house" does understand? He is sick of her not following his orders as if he is not there. She insists she did nothing wrong. Dionsio identifies that as the problem. She doesn't think that disobedience is wrong. He is treating her like one of his peons. He tells her to be careful with what she is saying. She suggests that he tell her what is going on with him and her mom. He cannot just bad mouth her and leave without any explanation. He tells her that she lost the right to explanations. He doesn't want to talk about it. Her mom only lies like her. He is sick of everyone doing whatever they want. He is going to lock her up. Secundino is seated in the hall and has heard it all. He asks Dionisio if he is sure he really wants to do that.


Part Four

20. La Caponera is toasting Justina and Carmina for the great job they have done with the cantina. The action at the cantina is suddenly stopped when the mayor arrives with the police and the priest. They turn off the lights to get everyone's attention and to announce that the cantina is being officially closed. Carmela protests saying everything is in order. She is informed that the cantina is being closed for a lack of public morality citing that Justina and Carmela are living together as husband and wife. The priest makes sure everyone knows what is going on.Carmela protests saying they are cousins. The priest says that is not true. He checked with the parish priest from Cuquío. The mayor tells the police to arrest the women. La Caponera says they cannot do that. The mayor makes the point that if they couldn't arrest them, they would not be here. If La Caponera continues, they can arrest her, too. La Caponera is ready to fight on but Justina tells her that she can do them more good being on the outside. The police escort the women out. The priest smiles and blesses a seething Caponera before leaving.

21. The women are being held at the convent and are guarded by a nun on a chair outside of their room.. La Caponera goes to visit them. La Caponera wants to break them out but Justina and Carmela think they will do better just going along for now so they don't end up in jail. Justina is sure the priest will give them a penance and it will all be over. She tells La Caponera to solve her problems with Dionsio and her daughter. La Caponera says they have to find them a place to go far away from here. She herself doesn't plan on staying in this f****** town alone with Dionisio.

22. Lucas lectures Lorenzo who is seated at a table playing with his still bloodied knife. He asks his son if he is sorry. There is blood that can never be erased. Remigio always admired him. Lorenzo insists that Remigio was a traitor. Lucas reminds him that he was also his cousin. Lorenzo says he had to do it. Lucas answers that he "didn't have to " He did it because he couldn't control himself. Lorenzo answers he had to kill him so it wouldn't all go to hell. Lucas wonders what will happen when they find the body. Lorenzo says it will be one more headache for Dionisio. Lucas doesn't think that Jesús is going to be able to withstand the pressure and he is going to end up opening his mouth. Lorenzo assures him that he can take that and more. He raised him to be that way. Lucas reminds him that he does not have their blood. If Remigio could betray him, what could Jesús do? That gives Lorenzo something to think about.

23. Jesús finds La Pinzona's note on his bunk. She needs to talk to someone. . Her parents had a bad fight. He takes off his bloody shirt and ends up on his bunk. He has a lot to think about.



I don't know yet if I will stay with this one or not. I am not up on slang and the dialogue is too fast a lot of the time. I like the cast but sometimes that's not enough.


My apologies for not having been able to catch up to this. How badly cut up is it?


I saw on Zap2It that Golpe and 9PM will be preempted next Wednesday for futbol. Receta is scheduled to air.


Urban, the worst cutting was done in the first episode which was really episodes one and two. Another episode has been trimmed here and there but you don’t really notice it. UNI cuts the swearing while VIX can let it fly, of course.We have three episodes left. I have really enjoyed it because it is so different and a high quality production.


I am commenting on Episode #13. It's been a very busy week for me. Tonight was my night to do a presentation in Spanish for my class, which I did about one of my favorite books in Spanish: Doña Bárbara by Romulo Gallegos. We read it years ago in my class and, coincidentally, Telemundo was showing the telenovela based on the book starring Edith Gonzalez, who sadly passed from cancer a couple of years ago. I reminded my classmates who were there at the time and mentioned to the newer ones about how I'd posted things on Caray about how the book differed from the telenovela, careful to not present any spoilers.

Anyway, thanks so very much for that fantastic recap, Jarifa. It was VERY eventful. I was gobsmacked by Jesus, who I thought was delightful, being revealed as in cahoots with Lorenzo. I have high hopes for him switching sides. Jesus's face really fell when La Pinzona told him about his imprisoning his wife in the very room where they were standing until she died.

Ay, Dionisio. You're pushing away the ones who care for you. I can understand why he's so volatile, though. La Caponera is the first person since his mother died that he'd been able to trust and to love. He needs her badly and feels very rejected that she'd want to go on tour. A man with a more developed sense of self-worth would be able to take it in stride. Dionisio...not so much.

Part of Lorenzo's plot to drive him crazy was removing the dead rooster and other witchcraft symbols, so Dionisio was doubted when he spoke about it.

Haven't seen tonight's episode yet, but I expect a big blowup over Dionisio's treatment of the big producer. But he was right in that the guy certainly planned to seduce La Caponera. But Dionisio should have trusted her.


Thanks, novelera. I NEVER expected Jesús to be the spy but also agree that there is hope for him. Your assessment of Dionisio is excellent. “La Caponera is the first person since his mother died that he’d been able to love and trust.” He does seems fixated on La Caponera’s role as mother more than anything else. Yes, a more self-confident man would have left La Caponera handle the Enrique situation herself. He has changed all of his outer trappings but that is about it.

Ah, “Doña Bárbara”! I remember her well! : ) I will have to catch the novela one of these days.

I watched the second episode in it's entirety. So far I have only caught the last 10 minutes of the first. I'm on the fence whether I will continue with it. I'm currently watching 3 current TNs and watching Mi Marido tiene mas Familia (definitely not as good as the first season so it isn't drawing me in). Reading a novel sounds like it would be beneficial to my Spanish learning journey. Novelera, can Doña Barbara be found online, I doubt a small town SC library has much in the way of Spanish books.


Thanks so much Jarifa, another great recap. I had no idea, until I read this, that Enrique was working for Lorenzo. I was surprised that Enrique fired the group. It seems petty, unless he was supposed to cause more problems.

I kept telling Remigio to leave! He had enough evidence that Lucas was causing trouble. I thought he knew it was Lorenzo but maybe not. But every time I saw his hat in the window I cringed. I hate he was killed, I liked him and he already suspected Lucas was up to something because of the mud.

La Caponera and Dionisio should be joined together in this. Although I guess they don’t know they’re being set up. I hope they join forces when they figure it out. I liked them better as a couple 15 years ago!

The 9:33 comment was Liz!


I watched part of the first episode and didn't like the basic plot at all so I am out. I wonder what is following El Gallo. Nothing new is listed anywhere yet for Tuesday.


Liz, they keep on surprising us in this one which I like. "I kept telling Remigio to leave!" Exactly. I could not tell if he knew it was Lorenzo or not either. What a sad ending for the guy after he had made apositive change for all those years. I found it almost unbelievable that Enrique could have owed Lorenzo anything but I guess it is a case of "Birds of a feather . . ."


Eric Del Castillo has been fantastic as the priest. The smirk he gave La Caponera along with the blessing after he had Justina and Carmela arrested was the best. It is always great to see him. Somehow, I think it is inevitable that La Caponera is going to end up back at the hacienda.


Jarifa, thank you for another excellent recap. This show has become too dark , violent, and depressing for me , so I only surf in and out to see if things are getting better . Wouldn't you know that I surfed in Last night just as Remigio was standing outside with his gun drawn , and then, I got to see awful Lorenzo stabbing him . Can't believe Jesus is helping Lorenzo . I guess he doesn't remember that Dion helped him when he was a little boy. Uff. I need stories of true , lasting love, not middle aged married couples bickering .

OT...I just saw Eric Castillo as a priest in Pasion(2007,) on Unimas from 10 to 12. What a wonderful actor , A true treasure.

I, too, was wondering what would follow Gallo.


OT...I watched Dona Barbara a few years ago . Edith Gonzales was fierce in the title role. That was a wild ride.


I watched this one and damn was it hard to understand sometimes! That Argentinian footballer drove me nuts with his accent and slang. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the 'they speak too fast' camp.

OT/Doña Bárbara

Kat, I found the book online. If you have any trouble finding it inform me, I can direct you to where I found it or send you the PDF if you'd like.

First off, massive thanks to you Jarifa! Your recaps are just terrific, and so helpful.

I'm thinking this is not going to have a happy ending. Since it's taken from a book and not from the telenovela handbook, that could well happen.

I love the story development. First you have the important town people huffy about our hero's wealth and not attending his daughter's party, though they know they should. Then the dead rooster appears and our hero is freaked out and connects the two. Then it's revenge time, so he closes the access road. That escalates everything and now the priest is gunning for him and also for the two ladies who run the cantina. Feeling things spiraling against him - creepy threats! - he reacts by going into control freak mode, trying to clamp down on his wife and daughter. Great stuff.


I will probably be sticking with this one. It's light and fun and has a ton of cast members I like. My fave is Segio Sendel. When he gets to play a baddie with humor injected, he's a hoot. It looks like that's where his character is headed - I hope so!


Susan, I agree that this story is " dark , violent, and depressing" and can understand why it isn't for everyone. Thanks for you for your comments as you surf in and out. I am loving it so far because of the performances of José Ron and Lucero but, by the same token, am happy it is so short and not a full blown novela. That I couldn't take.

Maggie, I am glad that the recaps are useful. I agree that this is "great stuff" and that it would be no surprise if there isn't a happy ending. It has been a pretty bleak tale so far except for those 15 years of some sort of wedded bliss that they never really shared with the viewer. That in itself is sort of funny when I think about it.

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