Tuesday, June 11, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #69: Too Many Words and What Action?


Mauro approached Mireya to talk privately. She slapped him and demanded to know why he played with Paz' hopes and emotions about her missing daughter. He said he deserved the slap and more, but that he did not deserve her love. Mireya did not want to go down this road again. He started out saying that Ginebra made him do it. That he had done many thing he regretted and didn't know exactly when he became who or what he was. “A monster!” said Mireya.

No, not a monster or I could not feel what I do,” He admitted not having been sincere with anyone throughout his life except her. She would not believe him. He wanted to leave the past behind and change his life. Salomón and Nandy entered. Salomón was ready to defend his mother. Mireya took his hand and left with him. Nandy asked if she could do anything for him; he declined, saying nobody could help him now. She left. Mauro began to cry.

The doctor told Esteban they had not found any of the typical poisons in his blood. Esteban demanded a toxicologist, following it up with the usual accusation of incompetence. The doctor was very understanding but pointed out that the hospital had the best doctors and specialists in the country. Esteban apologized. The doctor could not give a prognosis at that time, but would keep him informed. He went back to his patient and Paz arrived. She hugged Esteban, who was crying. Both knew that Ginebra was responsible for this. Fobo had brought the juice to a lab and nothing turned up. Esteban told her to go back to keep an eye on the other children for his peace of mind. She agreed and left.

Elvira, Bosco, Gala, and the Satan's Fiancee put together the usual get-well gift for Eder and talked about Bosco's case. Esteban told them what he had just been told. He and Ginebra exchanged looks.

Kenzo and Nandy appeared to be making up.

Esteban confronted Ginebra who – knowing that he had his cell turned off – boasted of the large repertoire of undetectable poisons she had. She taunted him with “Do you think Berenice's soul is coming for him?” and he pulled out his fountain pen and grabbed her by the throat, calling her an evil bitch. She smirked at him anyway, telling him that only she knew how to wake Eder up. She then scolded him, calling him a “bad boy.” The phone rang and she answered. She thanked the caller with fake relief and told Esteban that Eder was in his room and not to look pathetic. He turned that back on her for attacking a child, finally telling her that she will get what she deserves.

Porfirio visited Lupita and they began taking about forgiveness. He was never forgiving while she always was. Another comparison between country and city folk later he told her she was like rain falling on parched earth.

Vermin and Pepa got into Vermin's cab. Rubio appeared as he was about to start the car and started with his verbal intimidation.

Paz suggested to Samara and Monito to do drawings and make paper birds for Eder. Because doves are symbols of peace. “Like you!” Samara said. Paz appreciated this and told the kids that the test came back negative and Max was not her daughter. Samara hugged her saying she was sorry but she knew that Paz would find her daughter, Maria. Monito said they were like her children, and so were Esteban's children and Cobija. She hugged both of them.

The doctor said that nothing toxic was detected, nor did they find evidence of force. Elvira began losing control and began crying. Esteban asked why Eder hadn't awakened and the doctor said that his brain functioning was diminishing. Elvira began losing her temper, calling the staff useless. The doctor said Eder was in a coma. Similar looks between Ginebra and Esteban.

Rubio demanded the keys and reached in for them. Vermin floored the accelerator and got away from him. Rubio shouted death threats at him.

The doctor said Eder could be like this for days, weeks, even years. Elvira demanded specialists. Ginebra obviously enjoyed her panic and Esteban's dirty looks.

Paz and the younger kids talked. They wanted to be her kids. Ginebra was not there nor had she made any move to adopt Monito. Samara asked if she had seen her daughter in the stars. Paz said she had, as stars are dreams and wishes. Samara asked how one learns to be a mother. Paz talked about how being a mother is more than just giving birth. It is about care, love, etc. Samara got it and understood more. “I wish you were my mother.” [This must mean the revelation is imminent.] Monito stood up and nominated Paz as their mother. She accepted and hugged both of them.

Esteban ordered Ginebra out of Eder's room. She and Elvira left. Esteban prayed at Eder's bedside for him to have a long life. Esteban flashed back to his younger self when his mother told him she was very ill. Sufficiently that no one could help her.

Out in the reception area Elvira told Gala and Bosco that Eder was in a coma. Gala almost became hysterical. Both she and Bosco blamed themselves. Elvira managed to control her own anxiety as she told Gala this was not her fault. Ginebra rolled her eyes as she hugged Bosco.

Vermin drove until Pepa told him to stop. He then questioned him about Rubio. How the hell is he out of prison after the things he's done? Vermin did not answer, telling him there are things you have to forget about. [WTAF???]

Rubio was spying on Lupita and Porfirio on the rooftop. He eavesdropped on their conversation. Lupita talked about the possibility that Pepa would leave the country. Porfirio e=related that to Esteban's departure and then mentioned the death of his own wife. He didn't like to talk about it out of fear that he would fall into the abyss of misery he couldn't get out of it. Pepa came back telling them that Rubio was out of prison. He tried to make Vermin explain this. It was about the key to a safe deposit box. Vermin chickened out, said no more, and ran down the stairs.

Esteban, Bosco, and Gala sat at Eder's bedside, trying to be hopeful. Esteban said he would fight anything for his children. Gala asked if there was an enemy. He caught himself and said No, only that nothing bad should happen to them.

Paz cooked as Samara and Monito watched. She was waiting to hear from Esteban. Monito had figured out about Paz having the hots for Esteban but Humberto arrived before Paz could reply, Samara wondered why love was so complicated for adults. Humberto arrived looking for Esteban, who was not answering his phone. Paz explained why.

Nandy and Kenzo played ping pong in the office. [Some progress being made.]

Paz and Humberto walked out into the garden and talked Ginebra and her unlimited everything. About Max's adoptive parents. Humberto was very suspicious of the idea of them having committed suicide. He was concerned about her safety; she told him she and her family had it covered.

Salomón and Pepa went to the hospital with food. Bosco and Gala told them what happened and that their father was with Eder, talking to him.

Esteban kept talking to Eder whose condition had not changed. Kenzo. Porfirio, and Humberto came in. Porfirio looked like a changed man as he spoke of his wife's death. [This looks like the beginning of reconciliation.]

Paz and her family started making up a play to entertain Eder with when he comes home. Lupita took Paz aside and told her that Rubio was at large. She was afraid he would be after them again.

Mauro asked Ginebra “Do you still think I should have died in the orphanage fire?”

Mauro, the answer is Yes.”

He paused and took a breath before speaking.

Now I see it all very clearly. You never loved me and never were going to love me as I did you. I should have realized this long ago.”

You don't know how it bothers me that you get sentimental. Love is a waste of time. Please learn that. Look at me. I am still fighting with my mistake of letting Esteban sneak in like a virus. And I can't gt rid of him.”

Esteban's thing is very different. We grew up together. I protected you when we were children. We were almost one person. I obeyed every demand you made. And this is how you pay me? With this contempt?”

No, no, forgive me for contradicting you. We enjoy luxury, power, all the money we scored together. Please. Don't come to me with sentimentalism.”

She walked away leaving him with poisoned food for thought.

Fobo brought Elvira some tea. She refused to leave the hospital before hearing more about Eder. They embraced. She looked like her mind was a light year away.

Jerónimo had the nerve to show up at the hospital. He came to offer help since he and Bosco were still friends. Gala wasn't buying this and told him to leave. Salomón told him to leave or lose his teeth. Jerónimo told hum he looked like a gorilla and it was a good thing that he and Gala were no longer an item. This would have become a fist fight if Gio hadn't arrived followed by journalists who then started harassing Bosco. Humberto came in behind them and motioned to Bosco to say nothing. The female journalist kept firing questions at him.

Samara asked Paz if she could be her daughter until Maria is found. Lupita loved seeing this. Humberto texted Paz with the news of Eder's coma. All were in shock.

Humberto got rid of the muckrakers by stepping in their way announcing that the situation was being investigated. The lead reporter raised the question of women being victimized by men of power and privilege. Kenzo got in front of her and started to shove them toward the door, adding the threat of calling security. Bosco shouted at Gio that this stunt was her revenge for his rejection. Jerónimo said men could be victims, too. [He probably wasn't sincere here.] She insisted she was suffering. Humberto let her know that this was harassment and they could get a restraining order against her. Gio said “All the men in this family are dirty and disgusting” so Gala gave her a shove to a less public area. Kenzo wanted to talk to Jerónimo but the brat reminded him that he was under a restraining order and walked out. Humberto promised Bosco he would not set foot in prison.

Gio got nasty with Gala and Salomón with the usual class prejudice crap. She claimed to have proof of her accusations. Gala accused her of going after attention. Salomón told Gio off about the consequences of her actions. Gio blamed Gala for her brother's alleged transgressions. She even wished Eder dead, which earned her a slap. It wasn't remotely hard enough because Gio still had the gall to ridicule Gala for still being a virgin, Gala defended herself well, even telling Gio that “Your soul is dirty.” Still the Bush League Ginebra walked out with a threat.

Paz took Mireya and Lupita into Bosco's room (no cameras) to fill them in on the dangers around them, revealing that Ginebra had poisoned Samara an the wedding day. They agreed to stay to help protect the children.

As we all could have predicted Ginebra refused to give Eder the antidote without causing Esteban more agony. She made him beg for Eder's life. Apologize for his rejection of her, On his knees. He had to recall memories of good times with the kids to comply. She was really getting off on this.


My apologies for the lateness and the smaller size of the screenshots. I am having issues with the mouse and need to depend on the touchpad for the time being, which I hate.

All I can say is that death is the only appropriate end for Ginebra no matter how it happens. If Eder ends up with brain damage I would look the other way if Esteban did her in himself.

Wow, Urban, thank you for that detailed recap that brought us every horrifying moment . Great screencaps.

I agree that Gin is beyond redemption . She is a monster smirking and taunting Esteban about his children and Bernice. She hasn't a drop of humanity in her . I cannot wait for her to receive her anvil after all the pain and suffering she has caused.

A bright spot in this dark, depressing episode was Paz , Mir , and Lupe comforting And distracting Monito and Sam , and the children expressing their love for Paz. Children always recognize the hearts that truly love them and want to protect and care for them.

Another positive moment was watching Hum, Kenzo, and Porfirio showing up together at just the right time to stop Gio and Jeri from harassing Bosco. Pepa and Salo have become wonderful supports for Bosco and Gala when so many bad things are happening to them.

Vermin , who started this whole mess , is still not brave enough to tell Paz the truth about Sam\Maria and what he knows about Gin.

Likewise , Mauro still hasn't turned on the monster that he has linked himself to his whole life. Is he ready to go against her after her declaration that she doesn't love him ? It's amazing that she thinks she is " in love" with Esteban when she just poisoned his son. She has no idea what love is .

Watching Esteban drop to his knees to beg Gin to save his son's life was so unnerving , but something anyone would do to save his \ her child.

Hang on , sweet Eder. Your dad will do anything to save you . I can barely look at Gin. Susan

Thanks, Urban. Your recap was outstanding. ITA about Ginebra’s only possible end.
I would like to see her go out in a gun fight with police; an expedient and sure end. I do not want to see her slither away or end up in jail poisoning other minds and planning an escape.

I wasn’t watching closely last night and wondered where Esteban got the X-acto knife. That it was a fountain pen makes it much more realistic but then who still writes with a fountain pen? Esteban! Okay!

Finally found out that Eder’s real name is EDERTON. Like many names these days, I never heard of that one.

At least Pepa has a brain ansd is suspicious of Vermin with his connection with El Rubio.

UA, Rubio still looking for the safe deposit key reaffirms my feeling he never found it in the room search. I guess the window molding behind the curtain is not that bad a place after all. I don't know if it was in Nandy's or Vermin's room that it was hidden.

So Mireya and Lupita are going to help care for the children, leaving the restaurant unmanned. How in the world will they ever make any money.

Mauro is definitely about to turn on Ginebra.

Jarifa, yes, I thought Esteban was holding an exacto knife , too. Well, he didn't use it . He knows he has to keep Gin alive because she has the antidote . Daniel is doing a good job depicting the unbelievable mental anguish that Esteban is feeling .

I wonder what Altair is feeling portraying this awful, heart!was monster . I can't imagine going to work and doing those intense scenes every day . I know that the actress has portrayed both good girls and bad in her career , but this villain is over the top.

As a former theatre major who was never pretty and could not get into the field, I can tell you that playing evil is much more fun.

What I would love to know, though, is whether Altair was told in advance about Ginebra's level of evil. When the role is in a play or a movie you have a finite script. A telenovela with 80 or more episodes can blindside an actor if the writers don't have it mapped out from the Gran Estreno to the end. Not to mention changing their minds midstream if the ratings aren't up to network demands.

The most puzzling element of this story is Mauro's conscience. He was no better off but nowhere near her level in terms of worldview. If he is still alive at the end he will need shrinks for the rest of his life.

Belated thanks to Urban, Adriana, and Weirdo for all your therapeutic work -- as this story gets more tense and frustrating, the recaps get more and more nourishing. Let's just say the Patio is a far, far better place to hang out than Alternate Mexico City.

I've had too much flojera in the last week or two to comment at great length, but I hope you all know that I enjoy every word of every post and every comment! And I have a gracious plenty of snappy quotes to fill the sidebar/header for some time to come.


Another spellbinding recap. Riveting from beginning to end. Your screen shots are always incredible.

Watching Esteban kneeling before Ginebra was sickening. So, she alone knows the antidote to the poison Eder was given. Talk about an evil genius.

How and who will vanquish Ginebra? There is so little hope...where is the unnamed character mentioned some time ago that struck fear into Mauro's heart?? Even if Mauro does turn on Ginebra, she is much shrewder and smarter than he. Perhaps Hum will think of something, he has seemed to have solved everything else.

There are a few comforts to hold onto: "...later he told her she was like rain falling on parched earth" and "stars are dreams and wishes". Monito and Sam's devotion to Paz and to each other are the few bright lights here.

Porfirio has opened himself up to Lupita but stood still at Eder's bedside, never going to or offering his son a comforting word.

I'm looking for the tide to turn. Quickly.


Thanks for the excellent, detailed recap, Urban.

I have never had a safe deposit box, so I don't know how this works. But, even if Rubio got the key, wouldn't the person showing up to get at the contents need an ID matching the person who initially paid for it? Obviously Rubio himself wouldn't show up. He would probably have 4 guards following him if he even showed up at a bank. I'd also give Abdul the side-eye. And Gin is the wrong sex.

I am still annoyed by that obvious piece of fake hair they festooned Altair with. I thought something like that used to be called a "fall". Is my memory bad? But when I googled it to confirm my memory, all I got was a ton of stuff about treatments if my hair was falling out!

Gala got to Gio a bit in their confrontation. She said that Gio being alone all the time was no excuse for what she did. Earlier on they said something about Gio's rich parents pretty much ignoring her and traveling a lot.

A quick death is too good for Gin. I kind of like the idea of their copying the outcome of Carlota in En Nombre del Amor, in a wheelchair in a manicomio, being bullied by the other nutcases.

Novelera, it is indeed called a fall -- you and I must be of an age. I remember them.

Diana, I too am looking forward to the return of the threat of Mr. Big, whoever he is. Mauro did say when he was hyperventilating in the safe room that several of their operatives had been killed, and the reason Gin told him to take the babies back was to buy them some time. She thinks they almost "have it all" and refuses to consider running...even though we all know that will be her downfall.

Novelera and Blue Lass, I too remember a fall!

Blue Lass, thank you for providing that information. "Mr. Big" is likely closer than I envisioned. I can't wait for Ginebra to be taken down. Her ego and false sense of invincibility will not serve her well.



Urban, thanks so much for the amazing recap and pictures. I love it.

After watching La Doña 2, I am prepared to see Eder get some sort of damage or even die. In that one, the male prota killed the main villain at the end (mostly) because of this. I was cheering. If Esteban kills Gin I'll be cheering too.

Mir calling Mauro a monster reminded me of the Imagine Dragons song. It's a Mauro song. But I still think he shouldn't be redeemed. Come on, there's no way he didn't know Gin was like this. He and Vermin deserve the worst.

I'm ready for Paz to learn than Sam is her María. How many episodes to go until she figures it out? I bet around 10.

What's up with people taunting women for being virgins? The funny thing is that if they lose it early on they call them sluts. Anything you do you get taunted! But the whole virgin shaming is completely ridiculous.

Gin, please poison Gio and Jero next. These will be two deaths I will not feel sorry for.

Thanks, urban.
I seem to have forgotten Mauro was basically 'devil made me do it.' But I do wonder what he expects Mireya to do. Run away with him? Would her saying she'd start a relationship with him be enough to make him turn on Gin and risk being killed?
That virgin shaming is so disturbing to me.Is there something women do without being shamed for it? This weird idea that having sex is some kind of' pass' to the 'normaal' world or something is bizarre.
So what is Gin's opinion now of that unshakable belief she had earlier that Esteban will start loving her? She is angry, but I wonder if she realises she was wrong rather than it being Esteban's fault.

I think that virgin shaming is about not being desirable.

As for Ginebra, she will never accept being wrong about anything. She seems to think that she is above the law.

As for Mauro I think his mental health is taking a major hit and it's too late to stop that. He will probably end up dead or in a manicomio.

"please poison Gio and Jero next"... ha Weirdo ..if only.

How is Gin going to be stopped ? Is Fobo still investigating her , or is he too distracted trying to teach Elvira yoga?

Mauro needs to realize that all Gin has done is use him for years to carry out her schemes and hide her crimes . Maybe her obsession with Esteban and poisoning an innocent child will finally make Mauro try to expose her and stop her. Maybe. He has lived his whole life in her dark, dangerous, domineering shadow. I think Mauro has Bern changing since he met Mir and her point family , and he has shown a soft spot for kids , but he as lived with the evil that is Gin too long , so I don't see a HEA for him.

These shows always pit good against evil. We need the good to win . We need it


I agree, Susan.

I'm currently working on last night's episode and wondering whether she is looking to remake Esteban into Mauro's replacement so she can dispose of him. There are times when you don't know if she is trying to con Mauro and she does abuse him at times.

She will not succeed in such an effort.

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