Wednesday, June 19, 2024

El Amor No Tiene Receta #75: Revelations A9:T4


Ginebra met with the assistant to her competitor who said that his boss would prefer to get rid of her. She answered that he had no idea what she was capable of and he needed to watch out because they were all going to hell.

Vermin went went to Paz who did not want to deal with him. They were alone. She picked up the flyers about Maria.

Paz, I came to talk to you. This might be the last time I will dare look you in the eyes.”

What is this about? This is strange. Why did you come here? You didn't call or leave a message.

What's up with Rubio?

It's all about one thing, Paz. One thing that has followed me all these years, Every night. And all hours.” He was crying.

What are you talking about?”

He flashed back to the first time he looked at the baby through the nursery's window and said “You are exactly like your mother.” He then remembered his next sight of her as Samara, holding her beloved dog and a moment on the rooftop.”

Talk. Tell me, Fermin. Is this about our daughter's disappearance?”

Yes, Paz. I know what happened to our daughter.”

The flyers fell on the floor from Paz' hand.

At the office Esteban told Kenzo he was sure that Ginebra killed Berenice. Humberto arrived with the flash drive containing the evidence.

 “Of course. I knew it, you wretch. You always knew what happened to our daughter and kept your mouth shut.”

Through copious tears Vermin began talking.

Yes, Paz. I knew all along. I am the worst of all men. I don't deserve your love, your understanding. You would have been better off if we had never met.”

She beat his chest and shouted “Tell me everything, you scoundrel! Tell me what you know about my daughter. Tell me what happened!”

Pacita, you might not forgive me. I'm going to tell you the worst of disgusting things and you will hat me for life, but I can't carry this around anymore. I can't see you suffer one more second.”

Fermin, talk. What happened?” Her anger was building up.

I sold our daughter. I sold our daughter.” The words echoed in his head.

How did you sell my daughter, Fermin? Explain it to me!” [an expletive was deleted.]

Because I had no other way out. I was thinking of all of you.”

She slapped him.

You never did anything for us! Talk! Talk with a demon! To whom did you sell my daughter?”

To some very bad people, but, please, you have to believe me. I thought it was for the best, that our daughter would have a better life, It would be better.”

Paz took a big knife out of the dish rack and held him back with the point at his throat.

 “And how did you think I'd feel? You saw me with a broken heart, prostrated with grief on the hospital bed, and you had the nerve to sell our daughter! You ripped away the most sacred thing I could have. You're a bastard and too despicable for the air you breathe. You are a monster. I knew this all along. Six years ago I suffered, unhappy. I asked you again and again.”

I swear I intended to tell you, Pacita.”

I am not your 'Pacita.' I went to the prison to ask you face to face. You looked me in the eye and had the nerve to hit me. You tore my soul and tore away my daughter!”

I don't deserve anyone's forgiveness, but please put down the knife, Paz.”

She was your daughter, too. How could you do such a despicable thing and be less than a man? You are a coward. Answer me. To whom did you give my daughter? To whom did you sell my daughter? I have to get her back. I need to know where my daughter is, please.”

She's safe, Paz. You have seen her. You know her. You've protected her. Your daughter is... your daughter is Sam.”

Paz was stunned. She flashed back to the early encounters with her. The first was when she bathed her and Sam said “I wish you were my mother.”

Humberto put the flash drive into Esteban's laptop as Esteban started explaining this to Kenzo. The flash drive contained the original AI videos sent to Elvira which showed how they were created using photos of Berenice. This was proof that Ginebra killed Berenice.

[Photo enlarged to show how Mauro's screen looked during creation.]

Ginebra said to Mr Big's associate that his boss had disappeared. He talked about abuse of resources and technology, so he became suspicious. Ginebra responded that nobody tells her what to do. The man said “I came to put things in order. If you don't accept this, my boss said to be more forceful.”

She and her henchmen drew their weapons and she said “Give me one reason to not kill you now.”

The man calmly took off his sunglasses and said “I am only a link in a chain, Señora. The chain will not loosen. Shoot and death will be the least of your problems.” Ginebra exchanged a look with Mauro, paused for a few seconds, then lowered her weapon. Mauro and the others then did so. “They made a mistake by making such a big traffic hit. They did not think they would activate the alerts. Man of our allies became nervous.”

Nobody is going to put a foot on my neck. They are not going to subdue me.”

Mauro whispered to her “Ginebra, we are not at the point to tempt death. Please.”

Ginebra paused for a second, then stepped toward the other man. “Very well. Tell your boss that if he wants to talk, we'll listen.”

They all went back the way they came.

Paz did not let up on Vermin.

Don't get any closer.” She backed away.

Paz, you are the last person I ever wanted to hurt.”

You knew Samara is my daughter. I know you sold her to Ginebra and Mauro. You had the gall to come here and live here. You shut up and said nothing, Fermin.”

When I sold our daughter I didn't know who Mauro was. My mind was crossed up with Rubio and his bosses I owed them money. You had been hurt. I was afraid. It was the solution I found.”

There are a thousand solutions! Nobody has a soul who could sell his own child, his own blood.”

He started to kneel in front of her which did him no good.

Get up! Get up! You are not the victim here. I will not forgive anything you did. Do you hear me? Nothing!”

I beg you, Paz –”

Shut up!” She paused a moment. “Wait, the day at the water park you told me you knew how to find Sam. How did you know? Answer me.”

Because I was working for Ginebra and Mauro. It was the only way to protect you.”

Pleas. Fermin, at least ave the pants to accept that you did this for yourself.” She hit his chest again. “Your selfishness always had you thinking only about yourself.”

I did that in self-interest, Please don't hate me anymore.”

What I feel for you is beyond hate. I abhor you. If I feel like vomiting at the sight of you and bing near you. I could kill you with my own hands. You are a monster! The worst wretch in the world, you disgust me.”

I know, Paz, but I'm telling you now so we can recover our daughter.”

No, no, no, only I will get my daughter back. You don't deserve to be near her. She is an angel. Since the first day Sam and I connected. She is my daughter and I must see her. On the other hand you were here with her and said said nothing.”

I suffered too, Paz,” he said.

oh, please...”

And I wanted to tell you everything, but Ginebra threatened to hurt you. She said I would hurt them if I opened my mouth.”

If you had told the truth we could have acted together. Together! to protect my daughter from Ginebra! But I realized right away you will not be with Sam. I'm sending you back to prison and you will pay for this the rest of your existence. Get out!”

He tried to grab her arm, as she went toward the door to show him out. She shook him off.

Don't touch me!”

If anyone suspects you know the truth Sam will be in danger. Your family could die.”

Esteban was equally angry upon discovery of Ginebra's guilt and that she was in his house to harm his children. Humberto understood his outrage but warned him that they needed to think as coldly as Ginebra to defeat her. They had too many things to consider before making a move because of how many accomplices and how much money Ginebra had.

Vermin told Paz that Ginebra would kill her whole family if he didn't obey her. [Neglecting to mention he had skated close to that edge more than once already.] “You don't know her like I do. You don't now what she's capable of!”

Of course, I know. She stole my daughter. She killed her husband, and Dr Monica and who knows how many more. She also tortured my daughter. So don't tell me I don't know what she's capable of.”

If in your life you tell me what I have to do –”

I know you hate me but you need to be smarter than she is. Because it's not just us it's Esteban's family, too.”

You disappeared as soon as you knew Rubio was on the loose. Why? Was he after you about something?”

I have a safe deposit box in a bank. It has evidence that could finish off Ginebra. He told her he had a safe deposit box that contained evidence against Ginebra. And that might prove that Sam is our... that Sam is your daughter.”

I will get a DNA test. I will never need you, and least of all now.”

That's not all, Paz. If you want to put an end to them, stop them forever. I need you at my side.”

If you want teo help finish off Ginebra you need to understand something. I hate you. If I thought I knew hatred from Ginebra, I was wrong. I hate you more. For all the suffering and grief you caused me. For the tragedy I endured. You destroyed my life. When this is all over I will reclaim my daughter. And I don't want you back in my life. To me you are dead. Now get out!” She shoved him for good measure. “Get out of here. I don't every want to see you again!”

She slammed the door behind him. He slumped against the door while she cried out inside.

Rubio was on the roof or balcony of the next building and probably heard most of this.

Esteban, Humberto, and Kenzo talked about how to expose Ginebra. Esteban rejected the idea of a press conference. They needed to expose it all. Humberto suggested that public pressure could be protective under the right circumstances. Kenzo agreed, saying that nobody wants a national scandal. Esteban finally said that the only thing to do would be to eliminate her, but they needed to take their own precautions. They needed the right plan and to stick to it. Esteban agreed, but if they didn't the only way to go would be to “eliminate her.” [Ironic if she died ingesting one of her own poisons.]

Neither Humberto nor Kenzo flinched at this.

Elvira and Bosco disagreed on what he needed to do with his problem. He had not retrned to school because of the charges against him. He did not want to face the other students or faculty. Elvira was concerned about him being expelled. He was already getting messages accusing him and calling him names. She admitted not understanding this because this did not exist when she was his age. “One never talked about their intimate things with strangers.” He pointed out what the public would potentially think of her if they heard about hr abandoning Ginebra. “But I didn't abandon her; my father took her away, as I told you.” Bosco pointed out that it's the same problem, of people believing what they want to believe. 

Gala and Pepa came in. [Didn't this look finally fade out? It's too 00s for now.] Gala told Elvira she wanted to become a lawyer, advocating for people unjustly accused. Elvira almost ignored this and asked Pepa if he didn't have a home and why was he there so early. Bosco said he called Pepa to help him with his math. “He's my friend and I trust him.” Elvira took her classist stance saying “My grandson will not advance in math with tutors. What are you thinking to do to motivate him?”

Show him that if he is strong he can reach many places on his own. In fact I just scored a scholarship to study painting in Madrid.”

Elvira said nothing but looked at him with her usual attitude. Bosco said “Grandma, you are bullying him.”

Oh, sorry.”

'Ah, I have a plan,” said Gala. “As you see, Sam and Monito are being home-schooled. It occurred to me that Pedro Pablo could be their teacher. He's more up to date than Mauro and he gets on very well with the children. You can pay him from what you used to pay the school.”

Elvira looked at Bosco whose expression said he supported this. Elvira stood up and told Pedro Pablo “You are going to prove yourself, young man. We're going to see if you are as capable as you think,” She left the room and Gala thanked Pepa for helping them to become a stronger family.

Mireya was lecturing Salomón on responsibility while en route to meet with Gema who had just come back with the test results. The woman with her (her mother or aunt?) gave him a dig over having his mommy with him. Gema handed Salomón the still-sealed envelope. He opened it and read out that he was not the father of her foetus.

Pepa led the class in Eder's room, using Eder's chef aspiration as a starting point and using a pie chart with a reference to ingredient quantities for pizza as Gala watched. Jerónimo called her and she told him she wanted nothing to do with him. He said this was not about their relationship but something very serious. She ended the call saying he was not to call her again.

Gio was in Jerónimo's room. He told her that their alliance with Ginebra could not continue. “It's much more serious than I thought and we have to stop,”

What? Jerónimo, are you crazy? Think! I won't stop the charges against Bosco. If I do I could end up in prison.”

I know. I run the same risk. But stop being an immature child and obey.”

She poked his head, saying “The protein is killing the brain cells. When that's over,, call me. Understand?” After she left he looked at the photo of himself and Sandro and cried. Felipa entered and he told her his life was in shambles. She hugged him and he cried harder.

Porfirio and Lupita had coffee at his place. They talked about coffee and their differences.

Mireya and Salomón came home and after swearing them to secrecy for their collective safety Paz told them that Vermin had sold her baby. “My daughter is Sam.” Mireya looked shocked, then happy.

Jerónimo went to Kenzo's office despite the restraining order and after much difficult hesitation told him that Sandro was not his son.

Esteban went to the Robles' house to see Paz. She was still crying but with joy as she told him that Sam was her missing daughter. He smiled and they kissed.

Bosco, Pepa, and Gala brought Sam to the restaurant. She was very happy to be there. Salomón crouched down to hug her and she wanted to see Paz. Salomón told her Paz was busy at the moment. Pepa looked curious at this asking if everything was alright. Salomón said all was well but any fly on the wall could see that he was delighted and surprised to know that this little girl was his cousin. He took her out for ice cream. Gala went off to find Paz while the boys decided to go to the mural. Bosco said “I don't know what's happening to me but every time I see this neighborhood I want to live here.” The Villa de Cortès chauffeur stood nearby, silently. [But whom is he loyal to? We have to hope it's Esteban.]

Esteban and Paz continued to talk. He told her that all their tragedies were Ginebra's work and that the ultimate reason was Elvira. Paz was feeling homicidal toward Ginebra but not liking this feeling. Esteban told her that they needed to proceed intelligently. Paz had the feeling that Ginebra's goons were watching her and her family.

Elvira barged into Gio's room.

How did you get in here?”

Because I know your parents since before you were born, for the love of God. I'm also a grandmother desperate to know what's going on. I'm fed up with this show you're putting on. What is this, Giovana? This isn't the first time a girl lied to get five minutes of fame. Do you have any idea about the fight women have when they've been violated?”

Gio rolled her eyes through this.

Oh, puleeze, Madame. Sit down and stop acting.: She went to the door. “Nobody believes your theatrics. Get out of here!”

You are insolent.”

Leave now or I'll say you forced your way in. You can't come here and threaten me, OK?”

Also? Who came to threaten you? What are you talking about?”

You are a hypocrite just like your daughter.”

Elvira was shocked.

Ginebra came to see you?”

This talk is making me lazy. I was working for your daughter and if you're not here to pay me, leave!”

Elvira was shocked, but still fast on the uptake. “How are you working for Ginebra, Giovana? Explain yourself!”

Bosco started giving Pepe a fencing lesson with their paintbrushes in hand. Then Pepa directed him back to the work.

Gala and Salomón talked about Sam. She had noticed how sweet he was to her. He explained that when she came to live with them there was a connexion. He told her about the DNA test result. He was sad for the baby that would not have a father. [This boy has come a long way.]

Humberto berated Vermin for having sold his daughter, telling him that no judge would ever let him off. Vermin said he wanted justice... and to escape from Ginebra. Humberto said that would not be easy but he could still do it.

Vermin gave him the key to the safe deposit box, telling him what was in it: His diary containing incriminating information about Ginebra and Mauro. Humberto had found nothing like this in the Robles' house. “What could you have found that the police did not?”

I saw Mauro again on the day of the barrio party. I thought I could get some easy money like that from his sister. But on the other hand to blackmail hem with an excuse.”

So they put you in their business and you are sank in with them.” Vermin nodded. “In the meanwhile you were guarding evidence in this box.” He looked at the key. Vermin nodded.

I know I'm a wretch but I am not like them. And even if it's with my last breath I want Paz to reunite with our daughter. Please.”

Alright. Let's go”

Before they moved more than one step Rubio barged in and shot Vermin in the chest, saying “My family will not die for you!” then must have quickly run off [as we did not hear any more shots].

Paz looked at the mural outside and flashed back to the day she had given birth and discovered that her baby was missing. Esteban arrived with Sam, who ran to her. Paz picked her up and spun around. She and Sam were happy. Paz and Esteban smiled like stars of a toothpaste commercial.


My apologies for the late posting but we were all waiting for the Big Reveal and I felt my readers deserved every word of that confrontation.

Lots of ugly truths came out and we're still 17-18 episodes away from the finale.

Loved the recap! Thanks.

FINALLY, an episode where several plots had some forward action or were resolved.

I was surprised that Paz called Vermin only one thing that had to be bleeped. I think I read her lips correctly though and it was a good one. ; )

Could we be lucky enough for Vermin to be dead and gone?

Jero is like the dog who caught the car. No pity for him.

I hope we get to see the BOSS that Ginebra is being controlled by.

“Paz and Esteban smiled like stars of a toothpaste commercial.” Funny but true.


Urban, utterly amazing.

Your lengthy dialog translations added so much to understanding exactly what transpired as did your perfect pictures.

Claudia Martin was a revelation last night. She morphed into the victim rather than merely playing her. Her hurt and outrage was raw and very real.

All of the unbearable agony was somewhat assuaged by Paz' finding out Sam is her beloved, long lost daughter. Finally, progress toward the reunion we have been waiting for. Sadly, the opposite news was given to Kenzo.

Gema seemed shocked Salo wasn't her baby's father; I can't imagine she would have handed him the envelope if she had the slightest doubt.

Ginebra made a mistake concentrating on "Mr. Big", taking her Sauron like eye off the victims in her viper's nest. Her lack of vigilance has allowed evidence to be procured; even Elvira is starting to question things...

I think Vermin will soon breathe his last; I cannot summon up an ounce of pity.


Considering where Rubio hit him, I agree. I guess the writers considered Vermin to be less evil than Rubio. Probably because the only thing he killed was Paz' happiness. We don't know how many people Rubio has killed.

Ginebra became overconfident and careless.

Urban. Thank you for that amazing recap that gave us some much dialogue and details . I appreciate all the time, talent , and effort you poured into providing us with this excellent account .I also loved the screencaps. Wonderful job!!!

Despite the evil , I love this show. All the actors , including the young actors, are doing great jobs. Claudia Martin makes me believe the loving kindness of the character of Paz. She and Daniel have great chemistry.

In a real world that is sometimes dark and depressing , the love in the Robles family and the love between Esteban and Paz is positive, uplifting .

What's going to happen when Gin gets back after taking care of business? If she discovers that Esteban and Paz have connected , she will be furious ? Will Paz confront Gin about Sam being Maria ?
Is Esteban ever going to bring Castro into this mess ? Susan


Thanks so much Urban, a great detailed recap of a great episode. It looks like things are lining up to take down Ginebra and her crew. The pictures were great too, especially the “toothpaste commercial” ones to relive their happiness.

I was surprised Rubio didn’t shoot Humberto too. Guess he’s not worried about witnesses to his shooting.

Paz did a great job on her anger and disgust with Vermin.

Elvira is giving Pepa a chance to school the kids. Could she be softening. And after talking to Gio she must be wondering about her daughter. Maybe she’ll give Fobo the go ahead to investigate her.

Jeronimo told his dad that Sandro wasn’t his son. But is he going to tell him that he and his mom are working for Ginebra.

They have a huge group that realize how evil Ginebra is. It will be interesting to see what kind of plan they come up with.


Just a wonderful, amazing recap, Urban Anthropologist! Your screen shots were so well chosen. Thanks so much for all the hard work putting up a recap of SUCH an eventful episode. It was sort of surprising they didn't air it on Friday, so Viewerville could wish it were Monday already!

Hmmm. The flash drive shows Ginebra (Mauro really) making the deep fake. But it's only circumstantial that she killed her sister. A case could be made that she obtained a video of Berenice and made the deep fake to somehow punish Esteban.

Well, Uni surprised me! Usually when a character starts out saying: "I'm going to tell you something I've kept quiet about for so long...and it's going to really impact you... what happens is an interruption by some random person, or an earthquake, or whatever to delay the long-awaited reveal. They let us have it and with some excellent flashbacks to Paz and her relationship with Sam, including finding her with a dirty face on that bridge.

Well Vermin was toast from the very beginning. No way could he live for redemption after selling his own child. But I was shocked Rubio took him out so quickly. At least he managed to hand over the safe deposit key. They might go with a deathbed scene in the hospital where he chokes out his regrets and then passes, but I think he's already gone.

I loved Pepa teaching the children, but I want him to go to Madrid.

Bosco achieved full redemption saying that every time he comes to the barrio he feels more like it could be his home.

This recap took all day yesterday because I didn't want to risk any mistakes on the confrontational dialogue or whatever info was needed from the criminals' meeting or Esteban's meetings with his loyal friends. Also, inserting the text between the photos took an hour this time because there were more photos than usual.

Vix does not have the episodes on demand any earlier than my cable company, which doesn't help.

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