Thursday, June 13, 2024

El amor no tiene receta, Wednesday, #71, S.O.S. Men in distress

Hello, Patio! I’ve had computer troubles that are not yet solved, so this is going to be a fast one. Feel free to fill in the gaps and sorry about any mistakes, writing this without a working mouse has been quite challenging.

Ginebra gives Esteban an ultimatum: if he wants his son Eder to live, he has to sleep with her. She wants a baby. Esteban is disgusted (and Paz who is eavesdropping is about to lose her breakfast, lunch and dinner). Gin threatens him with harming the others if he doesn’t obey, he is trapped and he might as well accept it and stop resisting. Esteban accuses her of going after Elvira’s money and being obsessed with him. Their marriage is a joke, did her mommy abandoning her cause so much harm that now she is begging for attention? Gin says she’s no victim, she’s a fighter and a winner. And Esteban is going to be her prize.

Porfirio is with the Roble family and Kenzo, asking questions about Nandy. He is confused about her being a woman is a man’s body, going out with another man and dressing like a woman and … his head is turning. Everyone tries to explain to him how it works and he is trying to understand, but this is Porfirio, so it’s not a given. Gema arrives with a baby crib on wheels (how convenient, am I right?) and sure enough, she gets into it with Salo, Gala (that tramp) and the entire gang. Salo makes it clear again that he will only take care of the baby and Lupita assures her she will always have their help raising her child. But of course Gema gets mad, she ends up threatening to get rid of the kid, and then storms out.

Later Porfirio and Lupita quarrel over the fact that he doesn’t want his grand daughter to have to deal with this kind of issues at her age. Lupita defends Salo, who is a good boy, but I totally see grandpa Porfi’s point of view.

At the same time, Gala and Salo reaffirm their love for one another, she promises to stand by him and help him with his baby. (As in raise him and change diapers? Not clear, but boy, oh boy, that does sound like a fun activity for a 19 year old. #clueless).

Elvira has caught 40 something Mireya and Mauro making out on her lawn and acts like they are Eder and his first girlfriend. She tries to offend Mireya, but Mauro cuts her off immediately. It shows that she’s always been rich, he says, people like you have always despised people like me and Mireya, who have had to work their way up. He adds he can no longer keep quiet, he has too many physical and emotional scars left by people like her. But enough is enough! Elvira manages to say that he’s making the same mistake as Esteban (with Paz), but Mauro is really not in the mood. He loves Mireya and she will have to accept it, whether she likes it or not.

Well, she obviously doesn’t, she mumbles that they obviously have different values in life and asks Mireya when she is leaving. Mireya says she is here at Esteban’s demand, helping out with Eder. As soon as the crazy woman is gone, Mauro tells Mireya that he truly wants to change. But she pushes him away, she needs space.

After making him swear to keep the secret, Felipa ends up telling Jeronimo that Sandro is not his bio brother, she bought him from Ginebra and Mauro when she couldn’t have a second child to keep Kenzo with her and “preserve” their family. Jero is shocked, declares that Sandro is not his brother (he’s really a waste of human space this guy). For once in her life a sobbing Felipa says something sensible, they are very much brothers, and together they are all a family, united by love. But Jero doesn’t want to hear his mother talk about love connections, when she has been yapping for so long about blood and biology and asking him to reject his father because of Nandy. She keeps saying she did it all for their family, but Jero accuses her of doing it for her own selfish reasons. He now realizes that the cryptocurrency scheme was not even her fast way to get rich, she was using him to launder money for a child trafficking rink. She is just a common criminal. At least Jero has the decency to look half horrified by this realization, but Felipa, ever the dotting mother, threatens that if she goes down, he will go down with her! #mothergoals

They are interrupted by Sandro arriving to ask what is going on. I missed their conversation, was it important?

Paz is tending to a very bad looking unconscious Eder when Mireya arrives. She tells her about Ginebra’s ultimatum if he wants Eder to wake up and accuses Mauro of being her accomplice. Mireya defends him, Paz is horrified, Mireya asks her to stop worrying, she’s a grown woman, she can take care of herself. #famouslastwords.

Paz is not only upset because Esteban might have to sleep with Ginebra, but she’s also terrified that she might be after his money and her endgame is killing him.

Humberto has managed to put a tracker on Mauro (or was he saying something else, I didn’t quite catch it and with my computer bugging so much, I was afraid to go back and listen again). Esteban is grateful for all that Humber is doing for him, but he still feels trapped, he sees no way out. He writes the number that Gin had given him a while back (the 0708 one or what was it) on a piece of paper, asks Hum to look into it, maybe they could actually discover something. Sam and Monito appear just then, see the digits and recognize them as the code they had used in the past. Monito almost screams, Sam asks him to keep quiet, the grown-ups ask the kids to talk slower. I didn’t get this scene, shouldn’t have Hum and Esteban asked what they are talking about?

Anyway, Paz arrives, the kids go to the kitchen and Hum realizes she and Esteban need some time alone to talk and he leaves, too. She tells him she’s going now, but Mireya will stick around, take care of Eder. Esteban wants to tell her about his conversation with Gin, but Paz admits to having already heard it. She knows that Eder’s life is in danger, so she understands the sacrifice Esteban has to make.

I know this is supposed to be sad and tragic, but talk about a hall pass!! Go ahead, Esteba, have sex with the sexy lunatic, do it for Eder’s sake. #luckybastard

Elvira is in her room with Fogo, explaining how frustrated she is because she can’t change. She has no clue about how the less fortunate live. Ginebra and Mauro are living proof that one can overcome hardship (with murder and mayhem, the Patio notes). She herself has abandoned her child, so she is in no position to criticize others. But, as hard as she might try, she is incapable to see things differently.

Fogo, ever the loving sexy stud, helps her see things from a different angle: when she looks at him, does she see who he used to be, who he is now, or who he could become? Aren’t we all like a symphony waiting to be heard? Elvira is impressed (Adriana Noel even more so), she asks him to sit by her side, places her head on his shoulder and together they start listening to a music box. #yogatime? #lockthedoor

Mireya is cooking, Paz sends the kids to the garden to play. She tells her sister she is afraid to leave her alone in the house, but Mir is not scared. I don’t really get why Paz has to leave immediately, but it all becomes clear in the next scene, because Esteban is about to accomplish his marital duties with Ginebra.

It is broad daylight and the house is roaming with nosy kids, but Ginebra wants to get it on with her man, whether he likes it or not.

Of course he looks like he’s about to go to the guillotine, doesn’t even try to hide his utter contempt. Gin couldn’t care less, he better start cooperating, it would make things easier for everyone. She starts caressing his naked chest and I hope he closes his eyes and thinks of England, because I don’t see a way out for him.

All the kids are in Eder’s room, talking to him; Monito even sings and it’s quite a touching scene (I maybe even shed a tear or two, don’t tell anyone).

Paz is at home, trying to cook but obviously upset. Lupita makes sure to remove all sharp objects from her hands (hehe), Paz can’t stand the thought Esteban and Ginebra might be making a baby. That woman is a lousy mother, the child would only suffer. And she is completely jealous, she really hates Ginebra.

Mireya is bringing Mauro a tray of something, forgot what it was, he says she doesn’t have to tend to him, they have the hired staff to do this. She points out she is part of that staff and asks him never to kiss her again, nothing can happen between them. Mauro says he wants to change, to be honest, and to prove his point, he shuts down all the tracking devices. This only makes things worse for Mireya, she accuses him of hurting Eder, he’s basically a monster and he will never change.

Mauro denies harming Eder and starts shaking, insists that mistakes are only human and he truly wants to change. Mireya realizes he’s not OK, he’s having a panic attack. She asks what she can do to help, Mauro says his life is meaningless without her in it and falls to the ground.

In the marital bedroom, Gin and Esteban are now on the bed, Esteban in a catatonic state, while Gin is all over him. They hear Mireya’s screams for help and both run to the study. Esteban and Mireya help Mauro stand and grab him a chair. Esteban wants to call an ambulance, but Mauro refuses. Gin, who has been staring at them without lifting a finger, demands that Mireya leave, since this is a family matter. Mireya sticks around, just outside the study, so she can hear Gin asking Mauro to be strong and basically get over himself. She is as cold as ice, showing zero empathy for her so called beloved brother. Mauro accuses her of never caring about him, if he’s having these crisis is because he feels suffocated, there is no way out for them. Esteban wants to leave, thinking that Mauro is putting on a show, but Mauro asks him to stick around; he can’t stand what Gin is doing anymore, they need to save Eder. Caras impactadas all around.   


I finally managed to post the recap, using my phone after my laptop froze, but I couldn't add the page break.
Could another one of the blog admins do it for me, please?

Adriana, I think Sandro was complaining he needed money for some gaming upgrades (from Kenzo I assume.) I was glad to see Jero's disgust at his mother and her scheming with Gin. Of course he is now also implicated in the money laundering so he is pretty much in the same boat as Felipa being at Gin's mercy. I also got the impression Felipa lost her bio baby, pre eclampsia I thought was said.

I still wonder whether Gema is actually pregnant. Seems that storyline started 2 months back. She still isn't showing at all, and the Ultrasound photo showed a baby that was probably at least 8 weeks or more. I think she borrowed somebody else's photo in the hopes of making Sal go back to her. Threatening to have an abortion is a way to terminate the fake pregnancy.


Great recap, Adriana.

Well now we've seen a coitus preventus (TM) but that won't be the last attempt with 21 or 22 episodes to go. Ginebra will definitely hold this against Mauro but she might not risk torturing him over it now in a house that's never unoccupied.

The flashback Monito had showed those numbers on the bottom of the animal sculpture and they are the codes for the panic and the vault rooms. He needs an opportunity to tell Esteban. They are also the dates that Ginebra and Mauro landed in the orphanage although there may not be an existing record of that after the fire.

Did the writers screw up or is Elvira experiencing additional guilt? Her father took the infant from her against her will. Or is it that she had to wait a long time for him to die before she began looking for Ginebra? As for her lack of empathy for the poor, I hope Gala becomes a social worker.

Cher Adriana, Merci. C'est fantastique. Wow. What a great read. I love your writing style , your wit, and wisdom .It feels like you are sitting right next to me telling me e story.

Yikes ! Gin is a steamroller. Now Paz knows that Gin has demanded a bebe from Esteban and seems to have made the mental leap to understand that Gin will ultimately kill Esteban and take all Elvira's money. Wow . Gin's version of love appears to be lust and power on steroids .

Gin is pawing motionless Esteban playing possum .He still has his pants on and then...saved by the bell , be jumps up as Mir helps for help. Yay! That was close.

I thought it was odd at Paz and Esteban's love theme was playing when Monito and Sam came to see Eder, but then Monito started singing the lyrics !!! This kid !!! The little actor has a bright. future . He is talented and charming. I watched a behind the scenes video of him singing to the cast. These young actors are all amazing.

Also. Monito (autocorrect changes his name to Monitor.. And it is not wrong,,,) recognizes that the numbers that Esteban wrote down are the numbers Monito used to enter Gin's secret room of doom. I guess he must be a child savant and will be a math whizz and STEM genius.

Gema must be pulling a scam. She certainly doesn't look pregnant . The words on her tee shirt were " nobody makes a difference by being like everybody else,." I wonder if she knows enough English to know what it says. Sandro always as English words on his tees.

Lovesick puppy Fobo needs to stop trying to get Elvira to do yoga with him and start investigating Gin. He's acting like a teen trying to plan a promposal .

Loving this show as good folks fight against the evil. Love must always win .

Adriana Noel,

A marvelously constructed recap, replete with wit and wisdom.

Eder looks like he is on the verge of death. Seeing that pale countenance was pitiful and heartbreaking. When Monito sang, my eyes were overfilling as well. It seems that Mauro suffering a public nervous breakdown will hopefully be the necessary catalyst for Gin to inject and save him.

Jero and Felipa's "conversation" had me pingponging as to who is the most loathsome. "Jero is shocked, declares that Sandro is not his brother (he’s really a waste of human space this guy)" is a close second. "Felipa, ever the dotting mother, threatens that if she goes down, he will go down with her!" is the clear, cringeworthy winner. I never ever thought I would feel sorry for Sandro but this kid clearly never had a chance.

"Fogo, ever the loving sexy stud, helps her see things from a different angle: when she looks at him, does she see who he used to be, who he is now, or who he could become? Aren’t we all like a symphony waiting to be heard? Elvira is impressed (Adriana Noel even more so)" was fabulous. Amen to that.

"As in raise him and change diapers? Not clear, but boy, oh boy, that does sound like a fun activity for a 19 year old. #clueless)" is exactly right. That said, I'm tired of Gema and her pancake stomach and endless props. Give it up girl.

Paz is a saint. Truly. Her life is a dizzying, all consuming array of heartbreak, disappointment and crushing loss. At least the end of this is somewhat in sight.


I totally forgot to give kudos to Monito. Susan, ITA, child savant, future opera singer? He carried a tune so much better than Paz. Kinda glad they stopped inflicting us with her lullaby with Sam(Maria)....

Thanks,Adriana. This was great.

On the road so only one comment: LOVED Monito singing the theme song.

Thank you guys for stopping by. My laptop is fixed... after a couple of hours of trying everything I could think of, I finally let it be and turned it off. I just got back on and... it fixed itself. It's a technological miracle - not unlike some of the tech mumbo jumbo we've been seeing in Receta.

Kat, I was under the impression Felipa's bio baby was stillborn or something similar. Your explanation clarifies things. As for Gema, I definitely don't see a baby in her future.

Urban, loved your coitus preventus, I hadn't heard this one before. Yeah, those were the same numbers, Monito has an excellent memory.
I guess Elvira feels guiltier now because she's finally getting to feel empathy for others and some well needed awarness of her own actions. She was a victim when she was young, but just like Ginebra (at a much smaller scale), her hardship turned her into a resentful arrogant woman, instead of making her understand the power of kindness and acceptance.

Susan, your "Gin is pawing motionless Esteban playing possum" is the perfect description that I couldn't find to explain what was going on in that bed right before Mireya's screams.
Yes, Monito is a freakin' genius, maybe he will end up running Mystery Inc and actually decide on an official activity for the company, Esteban and Paz will surely adopt him when all is said and done.

Diana, protagonistas have become stronger and smarter, they are no longer virginal damsels clutching their pearls while waiting for the galan to fix all of their problems. What hasn't changed is their capacity to suffer, go to Hell and back, while keeping a perfect smile, hair and makeup. I have days when I barely feel like brushing my hair and my life is pretty good, I don't know how Paz manages to get out of bed with everything that is happening to her.

Paz is much stronger psychologically than Ginebra. Many women in her situation would have said "to hell with men" after Vermin's behaviour caused their divorce and she would have resisted her attraction to Esteban much longer than she did. This is compounded by Mireya having dumped a cheater before that and being chased by a rapist (Rubio). All of the women in that family have the strength to be their authentic selves and carry on.

Elvira and Ginebra don't even get close. Elvira might become redeemable but Ginebra will die hating the whole world no matter what will happen to her in the finale.

Cher Adriana, I guess sometimes keeping to a routine...shower, eat, hydrate, live how people get through bad situations.

Yes, old possum Esteban . That bed scene was hard to watch as Gin smarmed all over him, and he tried not to move at all. Ewww His eyes were darting around , but he was lying so still. Gin, in contrast , seemed fine , like the Roman rich ladies who hired gladiators to brighten their days . uff .

I think the writers are portraying Monito as a child genius with a photographic memory , and the kid is actually so multi talented that he might be !! Some peoppe have an intuitive nature when it comes to math. My friend is a school psychologist ,and he believes that is true . His daughter struggled with math. Some people just get math even before they are taught. I know people like that. They actually love math, and it makes perfect sense to them.I had a college math professor who used to put formulas on the board and tell us how beautiful they were. (Que?) I have taught gifted kids, and they are truly remarkable .

Can't wait to see what happens next. The forces of good and evil are lined up now. Susan

Urban and Adriana,when anything bad happened , my mother always told me " That which does not kill you, makes you strong ." Maybe Lupe told her daughters the Spanish version of that maxim if there is one . Lupe is a strong force in her family's life . Susan

Thanks so much, Adriana, a great read.
I really think Mauro wants to change. But I feel he’s looking at an impossible task. Ginebra would kill him first. And would anyone trust him enough to confide in him. It would be great if he started helping the good guys.

So Jerónimo was ok with laundering money but has his standards. He’s not on board with stealing and selling babies. Sandro must have parents out there wanting to find him. I wonder if he’d be nicer for them.

The kids knew what the numbers were and the adults just shushed them. That was strange. Maybe they weren’t listening to the kids. Monito’s already connected Eder and the dog, he needs to share that with an adult. Although I guess it wouldn’t help them wake Eder up.

Monito has a beautiful voice. He’s a talented little boy.


Thanks, Adriana.
I know it's Felipa, but I couldn't believe it when she said her son would go down with her if she went to prison. I guess I thought she had a bit of...humanity? some kind of limits? I don't know. Did she only want to keep Kenzo because divorce to her means she failed? Because she never loved him, judging by the way he talks about his past with her.
Gema is pathetic. But she must surely realise her plan isn't working. Why is she so obsessed with Salo? He is a nice guy, but this girl is clearly not OK. I can't believe she'd make a good mother because she clearly has issues.

Thanks so much, Adriana, for the heroic and well written recap, despite the technical difficulties.

I really liked "closes his eyes and thinks of England". That was the mantra for Victorian women in the 19th Century, I believe.

I got a kick out of Lupita's needing to rein in Paz while she was cooking. I think Paz was chopping enough peppers to scald the tongue of the toughest Mexican person.

Yes, Sandro is a perfect little sociopath. Seeing his mother and brother in an emotional state, he maintains his composure and only thinks about the gaming thing he wants. What I can't figure out, and maybe we'll see some padded bellies in the back of Felipa's closet, is how she "kept" Kenzo by producing a baby she bought from Gin.

Gema is fitting the TN mold perfectly. Despite every insistence by the galan, in this case one on the young side, that he wants nothing to do with her, she keeps on keeping on. That crib on wheels was one of the most ridiculous props I've seen in a while. Again, we see no sign of a belly, and no one comments on it.

The breakthrough that Humberto had, with the help of some tech guru he knows, was this: If everyone clicked on a link she sent around, Mauro's tracking device would be de-activated from their phones. More Telenovela Tech.

Felipa is pathetic. She has no class and so many prejudices. She makes more of the trans issue than anyone else and we're talking about a very small minority. What is she really afraid of?

Porfirio admits to his ignorance but isn't rude about this, at least not intentionally. He showed interest in understanding this.

As for Gema, she has issues. Did we even see her parents? We know Felipa is a crap parent but what about Gema's parents? I really think that nobody under 25 should have children, so I can't understand teens who want to get pregnant. I also agree that she most likely isn't based on her refusal to allow Salomon to accompany her to the clinic.

UA, I think we saw Gemas aunt in the early episodes, maybe her parents are dead or away.
Liz, I wondered if the adults shushed the kids because "the walls have ears". But maybe they just wanted them to go away so they could continue whatever they were discussing.

UA and Adriana and any others who may have seen it, I am watching Corazon Indomable and reading the recaps from 2013. I noticed you both watched that one. The recaps are so much better than the shows writing. I'm tempted to quit viewing it and just read the recaps, lol. Was it worth your time. It's like 160 episodes. If I had seen that show before mi marido I probably would have boycotted it with the idiocy of the main male protagonist.

novelera, “Again we see no kind of a belly, and no one comments about it.” You can say that again. Weak plot line even with crib on wheels.

Kat, Corazon Indomable was a mess! The most ridiculous novela I have ever watched. It was my first recap for Caray so I do remember it pretty well, it started out so and so but by the middle we were all watching just to mock the characters. The recaps were pretty great, though, a lot of laugh out loud moments. Definitely read them!

Oops, posted my comment to the wrong recap — I’ll be a little late with tomorrow’s (dentist), but it should be up by mid-day.

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