Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday 6/21/24: Karmageddon for the Hell-bound: El Amor No Tiene Receta

It's that time again! Karmageddon arrives to deal itself to the evil ones we have discussed and analyzed to a degree that Freud and Jung would applaud. Evil is escalating every day as all the Deadly Sins (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth) are committed. The usual questions apply:

  • What do you think the writers will do to them?

  • What do you think they deserve?

If I have forgotten anything in the following, please advise so I can revise. This should include all data through episode 77.

Ginebra Nicoliti / Altair Jarabo

Full Rap Sheet Not Disclosed

Guilty of at least 12 first-degree murders, mostly outside Mexico. Also guilty of unknown counts of tax evasion, financial fraud, money laundering, arson, child abduction and trafficking, child abuse, torture of an unknown number of adults, blackmail, creating false evidence of a crime (the murder of Berenice), bribery, and an unknown number of attempted murders.

Guilty also of using her sexuality to lure victims.

Before criminal sentence is passed should be sued for mental and physical health damages to her victims and any others affected by knowledge of her crimes.

Mauro Nicoliti / Tiago Correa

Full Rap Sheet Not Disclosed

Guilty of being a major accomplice to Ginebra in an unknown percentage of her crimes. Guilty of one murder we know of, but it was partly self-defense and partly revenge for multiple counts of child exploitation and abuse. Very likely also guilty of forgery considering his tech skills.

Also guilty of attempt at undercover spying using his sexual skills.

Rubio / Mauricio Pimentel

Full Rap Sheet Not Disclosed

Guilty of complicity in most of the Black Widow's violent crimes, loan sharking, several counts of attempted rape (Mireya), unknown acts of prison violence, vandalism, and at least one murder.

Also being so ugly and creepy that Medusa would turn into stone at the sight of him.

He has a rap sheet and a probable prison sentence prior to the events of this tale; details unknown.

Elvira Moncada / Azela Robinson

Guilty of class prejudice despite lack of justifiable reasons. Also guilty of being a major control freak and of filing false abuse and murder charges against Esteban.

Felipa Guera Alvarado / Liz Gallardo

Guilty of purchasing an abducted baby (Sandro), money laundering, attempt at spying through seduction, and coercing her older son (Jerónimo) into money laundering.

Also guilty of child neglect.

Jerónimo Figueroa / Andrez Vàzquez

Guilty of money laundering, cyber-bullying, slander, and gaslighting.

Giovanna Belmont / Antonia Mayer Camil

Guilty of filing false charges of rape against Bosco, creating false evidence for same, and cyber-centered libel regarding the imaginary crime. Guilty of doing these things in cahoots with Jerónimo while also being paid by Ginebra.

Gema León / Regina Villaverde

Guilty of sexual harassment, attempted alienation of affections, and attempted baby-trapping in order to steal Salomón from Gala. Also guilty of assault (throwing black paint on Pepa and Bosco).

Abdul / Moises Zurman

Full Rap Sheet Not Disclosed

Chief lackey to the Nicolitis, so involved in an unknown number of their crimes. Also guilty of creeping us out.


Fermin / Hugo Catalán

Guilty of domestic violence and verbal abuse, for which he did six years in the slammer. Guilty also of selling his newborn baby daughter to Mauro and Ginebra, keeping this secret for seven years, and ultimately working for them. Wasn't smart enough to figure out what he was getting into.

Shot dead by Rubio on orders from Ginebra in Episode 75.

Bonus Questions:

1.  Who actually killed Berenice?  This should not be a loose end.

2.  A novela with this magnitude of evil will have to have a Sacrificial Lamb in its last two weeks. Who will it be?

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I'm voting Abdul as the hitman of Berenice given the characters we know about.

I agree! The man was tall and would have to be someone with Ginebra long-term. Someone new at this point would make no sense.

As to the sacrificial lamb, I guess Fermin doesn't qualify. I haven't seen enough TNs to know this plot twist so to go against this convention I vote no more good guys get sacrificed....

I'm not seeing Abdul as the assassin. We've seen the latter (and his tribal tattoos) twice from the back -- once at the scene, and later taking orders from Gin -- and it wouldn't make sense to hide Abdul in plain sight. JAJAJAJAJA! I said "make sense"! STOP THINKING.

Okay, I'll bite:

ABDUL definitely dies by violence, probably in a gun fight. He's done too many awful things, and he has no personality. (But wouldn't it be fun if he turned out to be Sandro's father?)

FILIIPA needs a year or two in a prison jumpsuit with no accessories to get her priorities straight.

We can send JERO and SANDRO to a bare-bones boarding school, where they'll learn to be really grateful for their Dad's visits. And all the other delinquents will be jealous that their Dad's girlfriend is so hot.

MAURO will have to decide whether to save Gin or Mireya, and he'll make the right choice. If he survives, he'll end up in a manicomio for sure. I don't see jail for him -- he's screwed up enough -- and we don't know if he's actually killed anyone. No body was found in the aquatic park, remember? There could still be a Gorila resurfacing...

ELVIRA has suffered enough. If she repents and becomes nice, I'll give her a pass.

GIO could use some heavy therapy. But she's young, so there's hope. Maybe she's a stolen baby, too! She couldn't end up with parents that are any worse.

GEMA is Gema, which is already its own worst punishment.

I want RUBIO to explode.

Nothing is bad enough for GINEBRA. I really can't think of a big enough anvil. What has everyone else come up with?


Abdul: Must die in an upcoming shootout. If he isn't Berenice's killer he must know who is and he must live long enough to tell.

Felipa and her brats: Agree with the above. As for Jero, I would recommend a US military school.

Elvira: She seems to be on redemption road and Esteban will need her help with his growing family.

Gio: Heavy therapy, no question. I like your theory about her having been a stolen baby and wish there was enough tie to develop that story. I doubt we will ever see her parents but I'm sure they are like the parents of Renata in Vida.

Rubio: Death and I don't care how it happens. Nobody is safe as long as he lives.

Mauro: I am of two minds about him and this speaks well of the actor. He should either be in a manicomio for as long as he needs to be or he should die a redemptive and operatic death to up the actor's value to the network and get him other lead roles. He has the gift of nuance, a great smile, and he knows how to move the sheets.

Ginebra: Since Mexico does not execute and since a significant percentage of her rap sheet is outsde the country she must die. She is too intelligent to be unable to escape from prison and nobody would be safe if she did. Even though she would be treated like Olga of MFEA is not enough. Whatever happens to her I see the actress getting next year's trophy.


ITA on Mauro. I would like to see him again. It’s not often you get to play good and bad at the same time, and Tiago is bringing it!

Indeed. He can definitely do both well.

I have always been of the opinion that actors often end up being cast as villains if they can't cry on cue, but he can.

His look here is different from those of other roles he's had and I like him clean-shaven. There is a European elegance about him and I wonder whether he speaks French.

Having said all that I think it's high time the typecasting stops and casting gets more flexible.

His second name — Girrulat — is German, apparently.

His mother is Brazilian and his father Chilean. Interesting. Based on his haircut and wardrobe he looks right out of films from the French New Wave.

Oh, well.....

I hope Mauro's last act in this tale is saving someone's life.


IIRC Thiago (Jonathan) sacrificed himself for Teresa Mendoza in La Reina del Sur so doing so again for Sam/Maria or Mireya would fit the mold.

Whoops, also meant to chime in on Thiago doing an excellent job portraying the duality of Mauro. In the very early parts of the show we saw how he really loved Samara but had to tamp down his feelings around Gin to keep her from suspecting him of being weak. Did he spare Monito at the Aquatic Park, or did he think he did him in but Monito was too resilient? And, yes, we've had those well-acted painful moments in which Gin berates him for something and he can hardly bear her recriminations.

He let Monito go in the park. He even gave him money to buy food.

I am never accurate in guessing anvils. I think that devil Gin must die to give the innocents peace . Mauro might still turn against her, but he has stood by her all these years and supported her evil, so he is beyond redemption . We have seen Rubio leaving prison as if it has a revolving door , so the only way to get rid of him is death , and Abdul gets prison or death. Lots of evil in this show , but it has been balanced by the love of the Robles family and the love between Paz and Esteban . Now the evil has to go, so that we can have some HEAs.

Mauro killed Gorila, the Fagin in that Oliver Twist situation on the night that Ginebra's thugs were sent to wipe out everyone there. They got into s fight which ended with Mauro shoving him underwater and choking him to death. Mauro was freaked out by this and didn't go back to the hell house until sometime the next morning. That was in episode 11.

I may be clinging to a simple writer's error -- it wouldn't be the first time -- but the point was made in a subsequent police-station discussion that NO BODY WAS FOUND. And Mauro has felt guilty about that event ever since. Maybe they were just trying to leave it open in case they decided to rehabilitate him, and now they've forgotten all about it.

In any case, he is pretty much beyond redemption at this point, having gone to a crowded gathering with a big ol' box o' poison. How exactly was he planning to get out of that with a clear conscience?

Gin did say that it was a slow and terrible poison that would cause everyone to die in agony, so maybe that would be a suitable Karmageddon for los Nicoliti. WATCH THAT BOX.

I'm SOOOOO late, but I'll comment anyway:

GINEBRA should get a bunch of anvils combined, because only one is too good for her. I want her tortured, a prison fugitive and dead by mystery Big Bad guy. I'd rather it be sloooow.

MAURO should save Mir from death and then die somehow. I don't care how, but I can't see him redeemed nor alive in any other way.

RUBIO deserves death as well. Prison is a road trip for him, he comes and goes whenever he pleases, so that's not enough.

I can see ELVIRA redeemed and get into a relationship with Fobo so these two can practice yoga together.

As for FELIPA, a couple of years in jail will do the trick.

JERÓNIMO and SANDRO: I will adopt Blue's hilarious idea about going to a boarding school and listening to the other boys saying how hot Nandy is. Yes. I need this.

GIO: I want everyone to find out she lied somehow and get HER name ruined.

GEMA: meh, I don't really care about her. Maybe therapy for her.

ABDUL: I am adopting Urban's idea. Btw, I think he killed Bere.

Urban, as everything is still going "full guns" (so to speak), I reserve the right to change some of my answers depending on what transpires from now til the end :)

I have no idea who killed Bere...

I have a feeling there will be a sacrificial lamb but I don't want to say who. My lips are sealed.

I don't think Ginebra will survive and (I don't think I've ever said this) but she doesn't deserve to. I'm thinking someone (Rubio?) might kill her.

Rubio deserves to burn in eternity...

Felipa deserves jail and intense counseling. Jero and Sandro need to be confined in a tightly controlled institution and given even more stringent psychological counseling.

"ELVIRA has suffered enough. If she repents and becomes nice, I'll give her a pass". Me too Blue Lass....

Abdul will die in a fight ere the end.

As others have suggested, I am hoping Mauro gets to redeem a bit of his wasted life by saving someone, preferably Mir at the cost of his own life.

For what it's worth, I never thought Gorila died.


I was just mining past recaps for sidebar quotes, and I noticed that Urban said in the first couple weeks that a fire should burn up all Ginebra’s cash. So let’s throw that in there too.

After seeing recent episodes, the poison Gin planned to use to annihilate everyone should be her kArmageddon. And her antidote doesn't work.

Kat, I was thinking the same thing. It would be poetic justice for Gin to die by her own poison. She is so arrogantly confident about her knowledge of chemicals to harm and threaten others . We can think of it as the wicked queen biting into the poisoned apple she gave to Snow White. It would be satisfying and ironic. Susan

I love the idea of her dying by her own unique poison, especially if it disfigures her along the way.

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