Monday, June 24, 2024

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): El Señor de los Cielos 9 y más: Week of June 24, 2024

Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week:  Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

***Another reminder that El Conde with Fernando Colunga premieres next week, Monday July 1***

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

  • El Señor de los Cielos 9* 10 to 11PM

*El Señor de los Cielos will have a two-hour finale on Wednesday, June 26, from 9 to 11.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production.  Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin.  This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel.  Thanks for your cooperation!

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Zap2it lists a 2 hour gran final for ESDLC on Wednesday, June 26. Thursday is the presidential debate.


Thanks for the heads up, dondi. When it's my turn to put up the pages for the week, I just zip through the guide for the following week quickly to see if there is some change to the daily schedule. I did not notice the novela was ending up on Wednesday and just thought the movie on Friday was a special. I should have caught on because El Conde begins on Monday. I will change both pages.


Dondi356: I missed last night's episode because I overslept. Can you do the recap of last night's episode if you can please ?

Looking forward to fallout from the explosive Presidential debate between Goldie Locks & Psycho Jaime.

Señor9 #92 part 1

Belen plays the video of Jaime killing Esther Ahumada at the debate. Everyone is stunned. Jaime claims it’s an AI fake. Carla calls for a commercial break. Jaime has to be held back from attacking Belen. He accuses her of working with the Colombians.

Aurelio says he supported Belen but she took things too far.

Amanda is horrified—she takes off and Jaime rushes after her.

Carla wants to know where Belen got the video. One of the most wanted capos (Cabo) was in it. Belen doesn’t tell.

Cabo is pissed that Belen showed the video against his order. Almenar says, “I told you not to trust her.” Cabo says there will be consequences.

Felina drops the bomb on Rafa and Marcela “You’re the son I thought had been killed at the age of 5. I may be able to save my granddaughter.”

Jaime catches up to Amanda. She says whether this is true or not, it’s over for him. He tries to deny it at first but then like the idiot that he is, he tells her the video was real. “You saw I was held at gunpoint.” She’s disgusted. [even Amanda has her limits…lol.] He says he needs her help. Amanda isn’t having it. She leaves.

Rafa tries to process the revelation. Felina tries to explain. She thought he was dead. She tried looking for him. She didn’t abandon him. She begs him to believe her. Felina says she wants nothing from him. She just wants to save Sofia.

Ismael brings the bad news to Diana and Rutila. Diana doesn’t care what Aurelio says, she wants to kill Jaime. Ruti says they need to talk with Aurelio first. Ismael sides with Diana on this one.

Dalila and Alfaro discuss Jaime’s video. Belen calls Alfaro and asks him to double her protection. Alfaro tells her she went too far messing with Cabo. He says he will speak with his boss (Dalila) and get back to her.

Aurelio calls Jaime. Jaime asks if he had anything to do with this. Aurelio says no and he’s upset that Jaime mentioned Amanda and left the debate stage. “You gave everyone reason to doubt you.” Aurelio says his people are working on a solution. They will say the video was AI generated.

Jaime cries that Amanda left him. Aurelio says he will send someone to pick him up and take him home. He warns Jaime to watch what he says to the press.

Diana tells Aurelio she wants Jamie dead. Aurelio blames it on Cabo. Ismael accuses Aurelio of defending Cabo. Jaime will pay, Aurelio answers, but not now. He asks everyone to trust him. Diana won’t. She thinks that Jaime also killed Berenice. Aurelio says Jaime didn’t kill Bere.

Aurelio asks Greñas to find out how the video was done. He promises those responsible will pay. He warns everyone not to go against him. He tells Vitas to keep an eye on Diana, Ismael and Ruti.

Carla makes a public statement as a citizen: “Regardless of whether or not the footage is real, you and I have a tremendous responsibility. We need to consider carefully who will receive our vote. “


señor9 #92 part 2

Belen is beside herself. This isn’t the time for Carla to be impartial. Rey tells Belen it’s all good. She’s up in the polls. She will be the next president of Mexico. Belen replies, “if I’m still alive.” She knows she has upset some very powerful people.

Belen asks Rey to call Amanda. Amanda is at the stables when she gets the call. She doesn’t take it.

Rafa replays Felina’s confession in his head. He has a fuzzy flashback of her.

Diana calls Rafa—I need you. Rafa says he needs her, too. He asks her if she knew Felina was his mother. Diana owns up. Felina told her not to say anything. Rafa hangs up on her.

Felina gets tested. Marcela will authorize the transplant if Felina is a match. Marcela says that Rafa always thought his mother didn’t love him and abandoned him.

Greñas manipulates the video. Aurelio tells him to release it to cause confusion.

Vitaminas notes that the Chinese have been active. The fentanyl labs are running again.
Ruti comes to see Nina. She tells the singer they are going out on tour again. Ruti wants to get away from her family.

Dalila shows up to talk to Nina to clear the air. They have a drink.

Ismael calls Belen. He asks, where did you get that video? Who gave it to you? Belen says the video is real, Cabo gave it to her. Belen wants to talk about it. Ismael hangs up on her. Belen shouts. Carla walks in on this. She is surprised that Belen was talking to Ismael.

Carla hands Belen her resignation. Belen doesn’t want to accept it. She admits she was talking to Ismael and Cabo gave her the video. She practically begs Carla not to resign.
Cabo calls Belen. She doesn’t answer. His anger increases.

Consuelo notes that Belen is up in the polls. She also says Cabo trending on social media. “The Lord of the Votes” “The Puppet Master” “The power behind the power” Cabo laments. Almenar says Belen will win… isn’t this what you wanted? Yes, but Cabo didn’t want to be outed.

Aurelio is proud of how Mecha is managing business in Tamaulipas. [for now.]

Lencho comes to reason with Diana. She doesn’t want to hear it. He tells her he was asked to protect her and he will, even if she hates him. He asks her to go to Spain with him. To forget about Aurelio. Come and relax. He knows she has problems; he knows about Rafa. He confesses his feelings for her.

I guess Felina was a match. Laura explains the procedure to her. Felina just wants to save that little girl. Rafa comes in and tells her the girl’s name is Sofia Eugenia. Felina says it’s a very pretty name. He’s wondering about his name. His adoptive parents named him Rafael.

Felina says she named him Alexander in honor of one of the few good men she met in her life. I called you Alex, she tells him, but Rafael suits you nicely. Felina is ready to answer any questions he has after the procedure is over. Rafa takes Felina’s hand, then he puts his hand on her cheek. He’s grateful to her for helping Sofia. [Touching scene.]

Aurelio comes to see Amanda at the stables.


señor9 #92 part 3

Belen tries to blame Carla for pushing her into using strong tactics. Carla says she didn’t suggest partnering with a murderer. Belen insists she’s no one’s partner. Carla tells her there are boundaries. Belen says when she becomes president, she needs Carla to run things at the station. Carla wants that in writing and she will think it over.
Rey comes with news that an alternate video has been uploaded.

Belen asks Rey if he reached Amanda. Nope, Rey left a message. Belen cries.

Aurelio reminds Amanda he gave her a job. He warned her it could get complicated. He pulls her close and starts doing something to her we can’t see on camera…lol. She tells him Jaime has too many skeletons in his closet. She tries to get away, but Aurelio is “forcing” the issue in more ways than one! Amanda can’t hold out and bites Aurelio’s lip and kisses him.

Nina says she was craving Dalila’s tenderness. Oh, she loves men. They drive her crazy with their aggressive and wild nature. But Dalila is different. They agree to keep seeing each other. Dalila explains that Castillo is a colleague and there’s nothing serious between them. Dalila wants to avoid all attachments. They kiss.

Carla comes to see Castillo. She’s feeling partially responsible for what happened. She didn’t think Belen would do something so drastic. Castillo says he’s seen all the AI versions. Different people are killing Esther. He shows Carla. She’s even one of the killers. But Cabo is in each video.

Carla tells Castillo she wanted to quit but Belen is trying to buy her off by offering her leadership of the company if she wins the election.

Belen and Rey look at the doctored videos. She wonders why Rey hasn’t asked her where she got the video. She comes clean about Cabo.

Cabo keeps calling Belen. She won’t answer. Cabo says, “sooner or later you will answer, Belen. After you get elected you will pay for the presidency in blood.”

And we are out.



Dondi356: Keeping my fingers crossed that Jaime becomes President with the possibility of Belen getting whacked. I mean, Belen did go too far.

Busted out laughing with the manipulated videos LOL: Carla "killing" Mommy Amuhada. You know Diana is NOT going to stop until she kills Jaime.

On Mecha: her days are numbered I think. Dumb naive woman thinking she can just join the drug business lifestyle & don't expect consequences ? The dead girlfriend's sister wants Mecha DEAD.

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my super-short recap of tonight's episode!
*Election Day in Mexico & the hotly-contested campaign for the Presidency of Mexico is heating up.

*Goldie Locks, Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda casting votes respectively.

*Aurelio decides to up the ante even further...... Mecha asks Aurelio where he's going.

*Cabo, Almenar & Counselo & Co., still figuring out how to take down the entire Casillas family, etc., once again. I hope Almenar had those Chinese investors to back him up.

*Earlier in the episode, Rey is furious about Goldie Locks killing his father & his brother while ranting to Bratty Amanda.

*Dondi356: When you mentioned that Goldie Locks mentioned to Carla running the TV News Station, it sounded quite ominous 🤔.

*Following the steady diet of commercial breaks, we get the musical theme & opening credits.

*Hospital de Centro: Felina recovering from the procedure & looks like Sofia Eugenia is doing quite well too & recovering.

*Mother & Son moments between Felina & Rafael.

*Just as Goldie Locks is giving another campaign speech, (from the words of ESPN's Mike Breen), BANG! The shot was fired by none other than Aurelio with Vitaminas watching. Chaos ensues almost immediately! Rey freaks out as Goldie Locks is rushed into an ambulance, but she died while taken to the hospital.

*Congratulations to Jaime Rosales on being the next President of Mexico just as I had predicted. Carla reports the news on Goldie Locks' assassination. We see Cabo, Almemar & Co., look shocked & stunned. Cabo, Cabo, Cabo: You put this in motion when you sent Goldie Locks the video & now it's looking likely Cabo will be framed for Goldie Locks' assassination.

*Bratty Amanda is devastated by her mother's death & she blasts both Almenar & Cabo on the phone. Over at Hospital de Centro in Mexico City: Diana visits Felina & gets the cold shoulder from Marcela & maybe Rafael, etc., we see Alfaro secretly calling Cabo & Almenar while Dalila & the federal law enforcement agencies arrive at Hospital de Centro & we see President Gomez Labrador calling Aurelio. PS: I've got the Tivo ready for the Gran Final tomorrow night!

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. My thoughts on last night's episode.

1.) Congratulations Jaime Rosales on becoming Mexico's next President 😃👍.

2.) RIP Belen San Roman: Your stupid video stunt at the debate sealed your fate you incompetent dumbass. If you had listened to Cabo & play your cards right, you would've been inaugurated as the next President of Mexico. Now we'll be seeing Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda living it up at Los Pinos as the next President & First Lady of Mexico for the next 6 years.

3.) Castillo watching Belen's assassination on TV at DEA Mexico HQ. He might want to watch out too.

4.) Carla is still the Walter Cronkite of Mexico: With Belen dead, Carla is all but running the TV News Station for good.

5.) What does Rey do now ? I'm assuming he might get a job in the upcoming Rosales administration in the spinoff.

6.) Big question is whether Dalila & Alfaro keep their jobs in the likely Rosales administration ? Dalila wearing a suit looks cool.

7.) Diana's temper tantrum is going to escalate at some point.

8.) The Figueroa's & the dead girlfriend's sister will be plotting something more sinister against Aurelio & Mecha especially Mecha.

9.) Does Ismael have what it takes to make it in the Big Business ? We'll find out soon enough in the spin-off.

10.) Ritula & Diego: We'll see how long this will last.

11.) Has Adelia Nunez (Nina) said if she'll be joining the spinoff ?

12.) Cabo & Almenar: Tick-Tock!


Thanks for the recap, Steve!

Belen overplayed her hand. But I’m wondering if she’s really dead.

No idea if this means Jaime is president by default. This sure is complicated.

Aurelio had the perfect scenario for framing Cabo. His dopey family believes him. I think Felina suspects Aurelio and Gomez Labrador flat out asked Aurelio if he did it.

“Carla is still the Walter Cronkite of Mexico” – LOL, Steve. I think she’s the only news reporter in Mexico.

I don’t know how they will wrap this season in 2 hours. I expect a bloodbath and a cliffhanger of who will make it to the spin-off.



Dondi356: Did you see that shocking twist at the tailend of the Gran Final ?

I knew the chickens were coming home to roost for Mecha.

I will have more to say about tonight's Gran Final sometime tomorrow.


Actually, I found it funny when Aurelio mentioned "maldita lisiada" after he shot Goldilocks, referring to Itati Cantoral's character Soraya in Maria La Del Barrio, who was infamous for screaming that line throughout la novela, lol. I'm surprised no one caught that.

Howdy from the Alamo City CarayCaray Family. Here's my thoughts on last night's Gran Final.

13.) Dondi356: Rey speaks to Carla on live TV about the situation regarding Goldie Locks' assassination. He brings up the deaths of his father & brother. The plot to frame Cabo is a success!

14.) President Gomez Labrador speaks with Aurelio & Co., on the phone.

15.) We see the likely incoming Mexican President Jaime Rosales & incoming Mexican First Lady Amanda San Roman at the hospital & they comfort Rey, etc., I noticed lots of Secret Service protection detail agents with them.

16.) Consuelo shows Cabo & Sidekick Dude the layout of the Casillas Family Mansion in Mexico City including everything else while hacking into Isidro's video games.

17.) Almenar gets arrested by Dalila at the hospital, but later on in the evening, Marcela gets Almenar released. Dalila is like dumbfounded while Alfaro plays it cool & pretending to be shocked.

18.) Earlier in the episode, Felina & Rafael hug each other during another mother & son moment. She also speaks with Narcela, who is at Sofia Eugenia's side. We also see Diana speaking to Rafael in an awkward moment between them.

19.) The explosive showdown between the Casillas Family & Cabo, Almemar & Co., begins with an explosive shootout, bombings, etc., we see the multiple fake Cabo's LOL getting into the act.

20.) Dalila, Alfaro & Castillo get notified about the explosive bombings, shootout at the Casillas Family Mansion in Mexico City. They all head over there along with DEA & Mexican Federal National Intelligence, etc.,

21.) We see some FBI agents releasing some mysterious dude in broad daylight. Some ominous signs are foreshadowing something NOT good.

22.) Grenas becomes the hero by sacrificing himself with a detonator & killing Cabo & Co., we see Almenar getting up before he gets shot to death by Ismael, Felina & Co.,

23.) The dead girlfriend's sister launching the most sinister plot against Mecha, who got chewed out by Ritula in front of Nina. Another ominous sign. Later in the day, we see Aurelio showing Cabo's decapitated head in front of everyone: Isidro was taken to his room before revealing Cabo's decapitated head though.

24.) Annoying Laura takes her daughter away from Ismael & left. Big question is whether Laura will be in the spin-off ? We see Carla reporting the explosive shootout from the TV News Station. After defeating Cabo & Almenar, Aurelio & Felina toasting another victory drinking tequila.

25.) With Psycho Jaime & Bratty Amanda becoming President & First Lady of Mexico & most likely moving into Los Pinos (Residence of the Mexican President), things are getting quite interesting. While Aurelio is talking with Mecha via skype, the ambush takes place when ScruffyDude is killed & Mecha is held down by henchmen before the mysterious man carved Mecha like a Thanksgiving turkey while Aurelio is horrified, watching helplessly: with that, we will see you in "Dinistas Casillas" in 2025. Plus, Mecha is the 3rd baby momma of Aurelio to die violently. I do feel sorry for both Diego & Albita.


Steve, nice recap of what I thought was a lackluster season finale. (Ok, so there were a few explosions.) Our Telemundo page was on life support and you kept it alive with your recaps. Thank you. Sorry I couldn’t contribute more to the cause.

I’m not quite convinced that Belen or Cabo are dead. They might resurface sometime later.

Ha, ha… everyone thought they each killed Cabo.

Almenar was a dope to show up at the hospital. Glad he’s gone.

Once again, the DEA and Mexican Feds are the biggest losers.

Very sad to see Greñas go. I liked him a lot. Aurelio offered the hacker job to Consuelo.

Pitufin was shot before he could kill the traitor Mirruña. Now Mirruña will work for Los Casillas. As his entry exam, he was told to decapitate Cabo.

The Interpol agent called the mysterious dude “Fabricio Hernandez Solano”. I don’t recall a character by that name. He told dead GF’s sister, Melosa, he was in prison for 20+ years. So they will team up against Los Casillas in the spin off.

Steve, you warned Mecha but she didn’t listen. I give Aurelio a day or two to get over it or maybe he will immediately head to another woman’s bed for a little sympathy. Poor baby Albita will never know her mother. Diego will likely go the revenge route.

Hi, Anonymous. I didn’t watch “Maria la del Barrio” but I’m glad you stopped by to point that out.

Yep, I’ll see you in 2025 for the “La Dinastía Casillas” premier. I wonder how they will write out Aurelio.



Dondi356: Let's be honest. Mecha signed her own death warrant the second she killed Melosa's sister. It was only a matter of time before the chickens came to roost for Mercedes de la Cruz...... in one of the most gruesome ways ever.

You & I both know Diego will likely be out for blood.

Nina is the likely the beneficiary by default of being with Aurelio assuming he does NOT get killed off in the spin-off.

Once again on Mecha: I gave that naive girl warning after warning of what she was getting into. Like you said, Mecha did NOT listen to any of the red flags & warnings.

I was NOT shocked that Mecha died in a violent gruesome way.

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