Thursday, March 20, 2025

PRIMETIME on Univisión (#2): Las Hijas de la Sra. García, Papas Por Conveniencia, & Juegos de Amor Y Poder- Week of Mar. 17, 2025

PREEMPTION ALERT: There will be no Primetime Teleovelas on Thursday due to Fútbol!

Welcome to page 2 of Primetime TNs/Series. Juegos de Amor y Poder starts this week at 10PM!! Papas Por Conveniencia and Las Hijas de la Sra. García have are both going strong! Kat and Adriana Noel are providing notes/recaps for LHDLSG; and discussion is strong on PPC with Diana and others providing invaluable notes. So let’s cheer our leaders on and join in on the discussions!! As always and PLE-E-EASE!!, if some other brave soul(s) would like to contribute a recap or just some highlights for any of the listed TNsit would be greatly appreciated. You can also add to or clarify scenes/details, especially those that are favs or not-so-favs. The TNs covered by this page are:

8-9 PM – Papas Por Conveniencia: Ep. 45 (Friday)

9-10 PM – Las Hijas de la Sra. García:  Ep. 49 (Friday)

10-11PM – Juegos de Amor y Poder: 4 (Friday)

Friendly reminder:  PLEASE put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. (You can shorten the title to one word, i.e., “Papas”.)

Discussion pages will be posted on Mondays and Thursdays at 8:30PM.

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Can't wait for tonight's episode . I wonder if the first words we hear are " Where's Mar??????"". Susan

How far will Enrique go to become President of Mexico ?

Las hijas

Kat, I can't wait, either.
He will most definitely go to get Mar and Camila will be back in the vecindad. And it couldn't happen to a "better" person.

PAPAS #43 Part 1

Previously, Aidé answers her phone thinking it’s Uli. To her surprise, it’s Tino telling her Emi has had a medical emergency and is in the hospital.

A pivotal development is brewing in Seattle. We see a man (Ernesto Laguardia) looking at an online equivalent of a Facebook page. We immediately recognize Paula’s visage. We next hear a female voice chirping “honey I’m here” as Paulina herself strides into view. Paulina’s husband (Jason) turns to her with a hard, piercing look and asks her point blank if she has a daughter in Mexico!

Paulina’s smile dims as she stares impactada…

My dearest wish is that I could have rewound the first scene again! We see a scene of a young girl (years ago) opening an envelope and see what I believe was a picture of Aidé. She lights the picture on fire (please clarify if you can).

Jason puts up his hand and shows Paulina her Facebook page and the post. (I thought it was Lila but due to what transpired in the last scene, think it might have been from Circe). She sits down and tearfully seems to blame the father of her children for the children not being with her (something like he is dead to her?) She gives the side eye as she stands but it is immediately evident Jason is going to be supportive as he hugs her. She puts her hands on his shoulders and he tells her he loves her. He looks stricken but we don’t see her face.

Tino and Aidé walk down the hospital corridor, Tino’s arm around Uli. We see the images flashing through his mind of when he was brutalized. He swallows, with tears in his eyes. Later, they try to comfort him. When he gets home he warmly thanks Tino but Aidé stares icicles and says “adios” and sternly thanks him. Tino again tells her he is Uli and Circe’s father of the heart. She accuses him of wrongdoing but he tells her the truth, it is Guzmán not him. She later brings up El Calacas as he stares unbelievingly and tells him to get out of her house.

Chano continues to ream Chofis out. He points at her outfit when Checo comes in saying they could be heard all over the neighborhood. Checo holds his sister as she sobs her heart out. Later, Chano carries on to Lichita blaming her. She brings up the divorce again.

Lila tells Emi she is looking at pictures of her beautiful mother. She tells Emi their mother is still alive. She is quite nasty to Emi yet he gives her his “Candy” device.

Fed starts to knock on Guzmán ‘s door; Igor was just leaving. Err, slithering out. Guzmán gets rid of her right away and she walks up to Igor. Guzmán brings up Clara Luz, Rudolf, Maximax and then Aidé. Waste of space Igor holds his nose and walks away.

Lichita and Chano are still fighting as Chofis sits on the floor against the wall, in bright red lipstick and now, a black top. Tears flow down her face she rushes in, confronting her parents, saying everything is her fault. Lichita says no, it is between her and Chano as Chofis continues to shake. Lichita hugs her two children as Chano stares from the sidelines.


PAPAS #43 Part 2

Rudolf is with his red-headed flame Ana at the bar; she goes to kiss him but all he can think of is Clara Luz and Felipe kissing. He tries to cheer up and orders champagne. They are a bit drunk, flirting and then grab their coats and are off. They end up IN Guzmán’s office (I believe she says that was a fantasy of hers.) What on earth is Rudolf thinking. I mean, what could possibly go wrong???

Said Clara Luz and Felipe are again enjoying a candlelit meal. I think he asks her to be with/live with him but she says everything is happening too fast.

Bertha asks Tino about Paulina and Lila. Simultaneously, Paulina and Jason are brainstorming. She doesn’t look certain. He sits down at the computer as she stares, shutting her eyes.

A split scene of Aidé and Tino, she kissing her children, he kissing his. They both look at their phones and pictures of their fractured fairytales in happier days. They start to text each other but decide against it.

Aidé is at breakfast with the children when dark storm cloud Facundo bursts in to ruin the day.

Damaso calls Aidé. They later meet for coffee and a spiritual consultation.

Jason is on the phone when someone named Jaime enters as we hear a plug for Verizong. He calls someone asking them to find information on Circe.

An apoplectic Guzmán is on the phone (about what I couldn’t tell) as he calls Clara Luz over. He opens his office door and there, in all their non-glory are Rudolf, bare chested clad only in his black shorts and a half-dressed Eva passed out on his black leather couch. They wake up, Rudolf and Clara Luz looking at each other as Guzmán screams.

Chano and Tino are talking with Bertha and Lila. All of a sudden Emi starts yelling in pain.

Ana grabs her dress and the little left of her dignity and leaves as Guzmán starts screaming about Maxiclick among other things as a crowd gathers.


PAPAS #43 Part 3 of 3

Scarlet visits Emi in the hospital as Facundo shows up, doing his usual badmouthing. Scarlet defends Emi and his family as Tino arrives.

Aidé, Uli and Circe are with Scarlet at the dining room table. Scarlet tells them Emi is in the hospital; everyone looks upset. Next, Circe gets a text she stares eyes wide as saucers.

Tino and Emi have a heart to heart in the hospital. Te quiero mucho pa he tells a frightened Tino hugging him closely.

Bertha and Aidé talk about Lila and Tino. She calls Aidé senora interestingly enough.

Clara Luz and Rudolf run into each other, Clara Luz gibes him a piece of her mind and leaves but then Rudolf says something about Pipe and she comes back.

The doctor tells Tino that Emi needs an operation that can only be performed IN the United States.

Circe opens the door Aidé behind her when Jason and Paulina enter. Aidé stares at Paulina and says you are the mother of Lila and Emi right??

It was clear Paulina lied to Jason as to why she wasn’t with her children so if someone could clarify, I would appreciate it. I know I missed much but hopefully I got some things right. Thank you for your comments.


Las hijas #47 part 1

It was all a misunderstanding Luis says to one of the sons ( Leo?). Cami apologizes for how she spoke to him. Arturo also apologizes for his harsh words. Paulina is holding her forehead and hiding her eyes ( thinking about that DNA test I'm sure, she should have grabbed his comb or toothbrush). Graciela asks what everyone is thinking. What happened? As we suspected, he was forced off the road by thrives. He stopped and they stole his valuables including his shoes. Luis wandered until he found a small town, then lost consciousness for a few days. When he recovered the people he stayed with loaned him some money, and voila, here I am. I've been given a second chance with my family. Y Mar? Leo tries to justify absence. We discovered she was pregnant and that the baby wasn't yours via the body we thought was you. Luis is livid. Paula tries to explain but he shuts her up and blows up at the kids for questioning his wishes in the event of his death. He tells Paula it's between me and my children, not you.

Susana is pestering Juan about his argument with Cami. She says marriages he e good and bad times, but all is well if you care for each other, you love her right,? He avoids answering by asking why so many questions. Because I'm your mother, that's why. He's off to work.

Luis is on a roll. So much for a fresh start. You ingrates weren't happy with your portions. Poor Hector gets shoved, but I'm not sure why. Something about him challenging the will perhaps? Cami keeps saying Mar was trying to take advantage, the baby isn't yours. Why didn't you tell us she was pregnant, he says because it wasn't the time to say anything yet.

Val is bugging Mar again. I think she tells her staying in this area isn't good with the father of your baby near. Mar insists the father is Luis. Juan approaches, but walks on by in silence. Val says see, we can't avoid our neighbors here.

Graciela follows Luis to his room. He is disillusioned with her. He expected her to set an example and be a teacher for his children. How could you allow a pregnant girl to be thrown out of my house. Graciela blames it on that Sra Garcia. She's the one who told us about Mar expecting a baby. It's all her fault, and on top of that she knows Rocio's secret.

Ofi is lamenting her plight to Amparo. It's not fair. Those Portillo's, it's their fault. Amparo says who is the baby's father, O insists it's Luis also. But the DNA proof? They probably paid for a false report, I put nothing past them. She is sad about her step back down the social ladder. Amparo points out that the baby will be so well loved. O agrees, but the money!!! It's also important. She feels like she felt when she discovered the truth about her husband after her father sold her to him. ( Adriana correct me if I got this part wrong).

Graciela and Luis talk some more about Rocio. She reminds him of the truth comes out it will destroy his son ( still no name mentioned).

Amparo tries to get O to tell her daughter's the truth about how she sacrificed for them so they understand her better. O refuses as usual.


Las hijas #47 part 2

Nick says I told you we shouldn't have run Mar out of the house. Leo is like, of course, the perfect son as always. We had proof, we couldn't let those iars get away with it. Paula says we know those Garcia's are the worst. Cami agrees. Arturo is on Nick's side. Nick blows up at Paula's words and tells Leo that his wife puts stupid ideas in his head.

Luis is showered and dressed. He puts his wedding ring on (this confused me, I would have thought it was gone with the thieves, but that's right Nick got his personal effects. How convenient the ring was on the nightstand). Graciela wonders where he is going. To find my wife. Are you bringing her back, of course. If you do then I am leaving ( good riddance?). Are you serious. Well I respect your decision if that's what you want (oops that didn't go the way she wanted).

The kids are still fighting amongst themselves. Nick says dad is right. You all are forgetting that dad is alive! Arturo walks out, Cami agrees and hugs Nick

O comes out of the bathroom at Amparo's and asks are my eyes still red. I don't want my girls to see I've been crying. Amparo drops another tidbit. O's husband was a drunk.

Arturo is leaving to go talk to Val and apologize. Nick says I told you she wasn't a liar. Arturo hopes he hasn't lost her for good.

Val is mopping the Casita. She is trying to clean it better for Mar . Knocking on the door. Who got there first. Mar answers, it's Luis. Mar faints on cue and he catches her in his arms. Val looks like she's seeing a ghost. Mar arouses from her faint and is overjoyed to see him. (Val now perhaps wonders who is the baby's father?).

Leo and Paula go to their room. His dad will never forgive him he says . Paula tries to spin it that they were acting in the family's best interest. (Will they be the first thrown out of the house? One can hope).

Val comes from around the corner and tells them she will leave them alone to talk. She touches his shoulder ( no he's not a ghost) and says I'm so glad you are alive. Then leaves. Mar doesn't understand. Now would be a good time for him to explain what happened, but who needs those details. She tells him she renounced her portion of the inheritance, just kept what he promised the baby. Luis tells her I knew I could trust you. Come back home. She doesn't want to come between him and his children. She says it's best I stay here. He looks in disbelief at the charred walls of the Casita. (I had to laugh here).

Val is pacing outside the Casita. O arrives. Val tries to put her off. Mar is inside talking to someone. O is sure it must be Juan. No it's Luis. O thinks Val is trying to fool her. He's dead. Val insists he's alive, I don't know who they buried but, he is inside with Mar. O is ecstatic. Ahel give them 2 minutes alone then she's going in. Val shakes her head, oye mama.

Luis continues to try to convince Mar to return to his house. This is no place to raise a baby. She says I've lived here my entire life. O walks in. Praise God, you are alive senor Portillo! Mar snuggles on his shoulder.

Val is sitting on the wall in front of the Casita. Arturo shows up. She wants nothing to do with him. He tries to defend himself but she isn't buying it. You've lost me.

O fills Luis in on how Mar was driven from the house. She hugs him in thanksgiving for his returning alive. They are all family.

Las hijas #47 part 3

Val is standing her ground. You promised me you wouldn't break my heart, and at the first opportunity you didn't believe me. He tries to justify himself again., kisses her on the cheek and leaves.

Graciela wheels her bags into the hallway. Nick asks where are you going? Back to my apartment she says. I fought with your father. Nick understands. Leo was wrong too. Graciela says don't blame it on him, it's that wife of his. Nick agrees. Then she says that Ofelia is also a major problem. She is going to destroy us. Nick gazes at her fony. ( Any chance she is Nick's bio mom and Rocio was his nanny and is insane and thinks the baby she cared for was her own? This is a telenovela right, it could be a valid plot, lol)

O and Mar are packing a suitcase of smoky clothes. Where are the trash bags? Val comes in and asks Mar are you really going back to the house of horrors ( humiliation). Mar looks at O. Val says don't look at her, tell me. Mar says Luis wants her to return and it's best for her and the baby. Val washes her hands of them.

Luis, Mar and I return to the mansion, wheeling suitcases they did not leave with when they were thrown out with only the clothes on their backs. Graciela is on her way out. So you brought them back. Luis says yes, Mar is my wife. Graciela says I'm leaving. He says if that's what you want I won't stop you. Graciela leaves and Mar is upset for her. O tells her it's her job to support her husbands decisions. She takes Mar upstairs to rest.

The maids enter the hall, I guess Luis summoned them in some mysterious ways. He asks them to gather his children he wants to speak with them.

Val gets a knock on the door it's Amparo. She hasbrought them food. Where are the others? They went back to the mansion. Luis is alive. Amparo is in shock. Val won't go with them. She loves Arturo too much to be around him. She doesn't trust him though because of how he treated her

Final scene is one between Paula and O. O wins that round. First Cami left, then Graciela. You are next....


The scene with the burning letter was young Paulina opening a letter to Tino from aide. She tells him she looked for him but discovered he was in a new relationship so she left. But she wanted to let him know she was soon to have twins and he was the dad

Ana and Rudolph were on an espionage mission to discover dirt on Guzman, with a side of lovemaking thrown in

Paulina accused Tino of threatening her life and keeping the children from her. Jason wanted the truth from her and would never forgive her for abandoning her children, so that's her story.. Tino supposedly bought off the police or some such thing so she couldn't report him. Jason has always wanted to be a father and they are going to find her kids and he will love them as his own. Honestly Jason may be a good thing for Emi. He appears rich. And he lives in the US where the treatment needed for Emi's newest fast growing tumor is available.


"Ana and Rudolph were on an espionage mission to discover dirt on Guzman, with a side of lovemaking thrown in" was perfect Kat!

Thank you so very much for your valuable explanations that clarified so much. I am so appreciative of your generous efforts.

So Paulina made Tino the villain. As if Tino would ever threaten her! Jason seemed like a straight up guy so I'm not surprised she concocted such vile lies. Yet, she didn't hesitate to destroy Aide's letter...she really is something.



Exceptional as always Kat!

"O and Mar are packing a suitcase of smoky clothes. Where are the trash bags?" had me smiling away.

Well Luis didn't ask about Mar right away, but his reaction was everything we'd hoped it would be.

I was so happy to see Graciela hightailing it out of the mansion. Adios - and don't come back.

"Paula tries to spin it that they were acting in the family's best interest. (Will they be the first thrown out of the house? One can hope)". I'm all for them leaving but I hope we see Cami departing next, head bowed, following Graciela post haste.

God bless Amparo, the kindest soul, always showing up when most needed with sustenance for the emotionally wounded.

This was great Kat, thank you very much.


Las hijas

Thank you, Kat, that was an amazing read. The show was pretty great, also.

Luis showed so much pain realizing that his children can't even respect his choices after his death. We always say that it would be great to see the reactions of our loved ones after we die to see how they really felt. Luis got that and it was not a pretty sight. I especially loved his confrontation with Graciela. He'd chosen her to protect his kids upon his death, be the voice of reason, but all she did was follow their lead.

Kat, the way I remember Ofelia's words to Amaro, she was sold by her father as she was a piece of merchandise.
And her life was horrible. The only good thing her husband gave her were her daughters. But even they had to live in poverty. She doesn't want that for her grandson. That's why money is important and she won't give up on the inheritance. Or burden her girls with the truth about their father.


Kat, thank you for your very fine recap.

All I can say is poor Mar and poor Luis! At least, Luis now knows what a nasty group of vipers his kids have turned out to be.

Diana, I loved your comment about Graciela “hightailing it out of the mansion. Adios and don’t come back.” She’s lucky that she never gave up her apartment so now she has somewhere to hightail it to.

Val and her romances are a big YAWN at this point.

Adriana, yes, Ofelia said that she was treated like a piece of merchandise. It is long overdue that she tells her daughters what kind of family she came from and what their father was really like. Maybe in that way, they can better understand her incessant need for security, even if they do not accept her actions. There is no point in protecting their father‘s image. They are adults and the truth needs to be out already.

So, Paula is next. Okay!


Steve, I do not think that Enrique will let anything or anyone stop him.

Kat, Wow..thank you for a snappy recap of a very interesting episode .

I am surprised that the writers brought Luis back so quickly. Gee, amazing how Luis survived his ordeal despite his medical issues . This guy is made of titanium . Did he even go to the hospital before he went to the mansion ?

Then, he discovers that his kids had a fit about his will and HIS last wishes and threw his wife out of HIS house . You could see Paula squirming , but the wheels in her head were spinning. She and O are both wheeler dealers in their quests to get what they want.

My favorite character is loyal, generous, caring Ampara, who is always there offering her home and food to her friends . She listens to them without judgement and shares whatever she has with them..her cozy home, her food, her wisdom.A friend in need is a friend indeed, and Ampara is indeed that kind of friend. ( p.s. Autocorrect likes to change her name to Alpaca.)

I would be so done with Art. If you really love someone , you trust and believe that person and always have your loved one's back. When you are truly loved, you don't have to defend yourself constantly .

Now, I want to see what happens with Cami. Daddy will not be happy with her ,and now she knows that Juan still loves Mar . uh strikes the looked little rich girl. Ouch


Juegos #4

Another good episode. I wonder what the girl that Memo rejected so cruelly at the party recorded on her phone. No idea her name. I also missed the name of the woman that works with Toby and Daniel's dad, but I guess I did hear correctly when it seemed she might be pregnant. Is she an older woman and thinks his parents would be against the relationship? I'm sure if she is expecting, mom will welcome that baby as a part of the son she lost.

Las hijas,

Susan, I agree, I'd be done with Arturo also. Jarifa, another show where the main love interests stories are boring. Diana, good comment about Graciela. But I have to give her (and Paula) credit that they see through O's manipulations.

I still chuckle about the Casita. Val is now mopping and sweeping incessantly. Where's the paint and rollers so you can finish painting. Actually the walls need scrubbing before painting too. The living room furnishings survived amazingly (table and chairs), but not the bedroom stuff? The fire started in that living room. I could see having to toss the mattresses after the fire brigade got everything wet, but the bed frames, dressers, etc? Where are they? The trash service must be pretty good. Also, I guess Arturo and Luis had no insurance to fix the place up. I loved O's dig at Priscilla when she told Luis the state of their house was her fault, when actually it was O that lit the match....

Alpaca, lol. I haven't had that suggestion but ofela6she is what I get for Ofelia when I start typing her name. That's why I usually refer to her as O.

Las Hijas

Thank you, Kat, for the wonderful, witty, retelling of all the action! It was a hum dinger for sure!

I thought Luis's point when talking about the inheritance with the kids was really interesting. He told them that he had left them more than enough money for themselves AND their children. Why did they need to concern themselves with the amount he left for Mar? Whether she was dishonest or not, it was Luis's wish to leave her the money, why couldn't they just respect his wishes?

I’m with Diana, good riddance to Graciela! She started off okay, but boy was she toxic and judgmental! Imagine asking your brother if he was really going to go get his pregnant wife and bring her back home and then threaten to leave the house if he does??? How heartless can you be? As far as Graciela knows, young Mar is pregnant with her nephew, just lived through the ‘death’ of her husband, was viciously thrown out of her house and is currently huddled in a burned-out shell of a house and she’s lobbying for Luis to leave her there??? Nah, we don’t need Graciela on the island! I get that Graciela's main concern is O, but that's cruel! I can kind of forgive Val for trying to keep Mar from going back to the mansion because she strongly suspects the baby is Juan’s and she doesn’t want her sister being treated poorly, but no one else should be trying to argue to keep Luis and Mar apart at this point!

But why oh, why are Mar and Ofelia bringing stuff from the burned house with them? What could they possibly need from there? They were living without it before!

I wonder what Luis has to say to the kiddos!? He can’t kick Nic out, cuz he doesn’t live there. Technically, Cami doesn’t either (I don’t think she actually left Juan’s yet), He SHOULD kick Leo and Paula out!

Does anyone else struggle with just accepting Ofelia’s story of who the girl’s dad was at face value? I mean we are now being given this narrative that Val and Mar’s dad was a drunken abuser who bought O from her father and treated her horribly and they just don’t know it because she’s lying to protect them…. But then O has also told us that Juan is a criminal who kidnapped Mar! If Rocio had let her, she would have told her that she had PROOF that Nicolas was her son, and she didn’t. I’m just saying…. It’s probably true, about O’s background, at least to some degree, especially if Amparo is a witness to how she was treated. But we’ve gotten to know a character who is more than capable of telling any kind of lie in order to get what she wants; a part of my brain has to wonder what if she’s lied to Amparo over the years? Or even if it isn’t a lie per se, could it be an exaggeration? I don’t know, maybe I should just take it at face value but my spirit rebels at the idea of accepting with no questions asked the story of a character who has been so dishonest since day 1.


Las hijas

Darcy, great insights. Val does have a reason to keep Mar away from the mansion as you pointed out. I do wish Leo and Paula were kicked to the curb. Do you have any insight on why Luis seemed upset with Hector, or was I misreading the room?

I'm guessing Amparo did witness drunkenness from O's husband and possibly some physical or verbal abuse, but O is an inveterate liar who does try to manipulate everyone around her.
Did anyone get a feeling O hugged Luis a bit too long? I still think those 2 may be end game, though O doesn't deserve him, imo.


I could not believe how Enrique’s mug is present on so many scenes either on campaign posters or on the tv in the background. He is always present! LOL

Las hijas

Kat, you're right about Hector. Luis is upset that he was just going to go along with what the kids wanted instead of following Luis's wishes. Hector knew Luis had concerns about his kids - Leo specifically - being too concerned with his will from the previous incident with trying to get access to the will. Luis was hoping that when push came to shove Hector would defend his wishes.

It's not really a fair expectation though considering Nicolas, Leo and Art became Hector's bosses. Hector is about their Nic's age, maybe younger.... he's not really an any position to stand up to his employer. If Luis wanted that, if should have had his estate handled by an independent lawyer/law firm that wouldn't be dependent on his children for income after his death.


Here's my two cents .
I think that Ampara can be trusted and witnessed O's mistreatment by her hub , but who knows, manipulative O could have embellished the truth .

I don't think O and Luis could ever end up together.. please NO...poor Luis has been through enough, so I don't want his grasping mother in law to become his wife. Yikes !!! That would truly shock me . The hug she gave him seemed to say " Oh boy, I am so glad that you are back from the dead , and Mar and I are back in the mansion and the lifestyles of the rich and famous. "

Those maids had better Steer clear of O. They were all too speedy to fill those garbage bags so that she and Mar could be propelled out of that place .


Ha, I agree. And poor dad of the dead boy, both of those names I can't recall, seems to always be wearing the same plaid jacket, even at the funeral.

Kari must get into sex scenes. She bared a lot in Diana Salazar also.... Since Enrique's real life wife is also on this show it must make for interesting dynamics at home.


Darcy, your "...we are now being given this narrative that Val and Mar’s dad was a drunken abuser who bought O from her father and treated her horribly and they just don’t know it because she’s lying to protect them…. But then O has also told us that Juan is a criminal who kidnapped Mar!" was very thought provoking.

Your insightful perception has always given you the ability to strip off the veneer to get to the truth.

Everything that you noted was entirely true, especially the comment regarding Amparo and what she actually saw for herself vs. what she was told. Ofelia has not exactly embraced the truth much of the time and her actions toward Juan have been vindictive and unwarranted.

I can be very naive at times, but I'm going to (meekly) say that I do believe that Ofelia's version of what transpired was the truth, at the least HER perception of it. There have been a few times when she has thought about the past and the pain seemed genuine and overwhelming. My heart tells me that if she were lying, she would tell Mar and Val what (didn't) happen in order to gain their sympathy. She has not (uncharacteriscally) said a word.

It will be interesting to see what happens.


Las hijas

Diana, you have a good point about that she would probably tell Mar and Val if she were lying. And, I don't doubt that something truly happened to her. Her trauma seems genuine, I just wonder if she's telling the truth about the who, what, where, when and how of her past. Like you said, maybe she's telling her perception of the truth, but how reliable is her perception of the truth? When Juan was in jail, she rattled her 'he's a criminal' so easily, it was like she honestly had no thought or consideration for the fact that Juan was only in jail because she lied to put him there - she believed her own lie!

I agree it will be interesting to see what happens for sure!

I wonder what is going to happen now that O and Mar are back . I guess they will be back in their fancy clothes with O in her updo.

Will Cami show up at the mansion , discover O and Mar are back , and go ballistic?

Meanwhile, quiet, laid back Juan will be simmering about the baby .

Will Nick talk Val into going back to modeling ?

Will Paula try to trick babe in the woods Mar into thinking she is her friend since she didn't smack her and pull her down to the floor like crazed Cami?



The above is me....Susan



Thanks Diana, I enjoyed your recap. And thanks, Kat, for adding to it. I thought Aide had written to Tino about expecting twins and then she burned it. Thought she had changed her mind about sending it. Having Paulina burn it makes more sense, and now she has a way to make things even worse between Tino and Aide.

Chofis was definitely not dressed like a 14 year old. But Chano was a bit much in his yelling at her. I felt sorry for her.

Aide is definitely not giving Tino any breaks. He called her to let her know about Uli and was a supportive dad to him. But Aide gets in her mood and sends him off. It can make you think there was a reason the kids picked on her in high school.

Jason seems nice. I hope he catches on to his wife. He’s going to try and take those kids away so he can be a father.


Las Hijas

Thanks, Kat, great recap. I was surprised that Graciela really left. But I was also surprised that she went along with Paula, Leo and crazy Camila. She knew Luis married Mar for a reason, even though she didn’t agree. But I can’t blame her for not wanting Ofelia back. She does put a damper on everyone in the house. I can’t even imagine the family having to eat all their meals with her.

Luis walked in the house like he had just gotten out of a ditch and walked home. I was surprised he told the whole story before asking for Mar. I had been wondering if Camila was going to move back with Juan in tow. He does seem to do her bidding, but he deserves it. He’s the one who wouldn’t talk to Mar when she went to the jail to tell him about the baby. So let him wonder!

I hope Val stays away from Arturo. He seems the type to bail when things don’t go his way. Maybe he’ll go back to crazy Pricilla.

The suitcases were funny. Isn’t there someone on the set to make sure things from the scene match previous scenes. I think they weren’t allowed to take the garbage bags of clothes home. But it is strange that everytime we’re at the house something else shows up.

Amparo is so nice. I’m assuming she and Ofelia have been friends and neighbors for years so she should know the truth about the marriage. But then Val has great memories of her father. Hope will find out what he was really like.



Liz, thanks so much.

I don't know how Paulina could have walked out on her children and never have tried to contact them. If she were a loving mother wouldn't she have told Jason her heartbreak about the children taken away from her? Yet she never mentioned them??? Incredulity strikes...

"Chofis was definitely not dressed like a 14 year old. But Chano was a bit much in his yelling at her. I felt sorry for her". I do too, especially as the poor girl seems to blame herself for her parents constant arguments.


Jarifa: Why do I get the feeling Eugenio & Co., had something to do with the deaths of Luciana's parents ? 🤔

Just saying!

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