Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, May 26, Mon. - Looking for an Ideal Relationship? Sorry, Check One of the Other TN's

¡Chinches Bravas! Este cuento sigue desarrollar como si fuéramos todos en un manicomio, ¿no?

The opening scenario has become like a history of this very long TN. It's kind of fun to see back to the early days of Juan encountering this crazy family and the version of DF. We join Juan at the market telling Angarita that he should remove all his economic support from Yadira and eaveryone will be happy, while Anga shoots back that he can't do that. Further from this point Juan says they are no longer friends and he cancels their contract to do business together. Anga asks Juan not to be so drastic. Anga insists that he has his reasons for helping her but he can't speak about them. What a disgrace (vergüenza) yells Juan as he turns his back to exit. Wait, wait Anga breaks, I am going to tell you the truth [ed. finally, Anga boy, this delay is a vergüenza for us all]. "Because she is my daughter!" Juan probes about proofs and Anga answers that they have a certain characteristic in common and he loved her from the time he first saw her. He goes on to fill Juan in on his early love for Nidia who even though she married Samuel, she was involved with him first. Juan warns him that these hunches or impulsive acts (corazonados) are hurting the Cachon family. Angarita defends his right to give her money and help.

Pastor can't believe that Ivonne saw two Sandros but she insists that this means that Cesar Luis is not dead. She reveals that she followed Sandro and still has keys to CL's apartment. Pastor thinks perhaps Sandro came home, then changed clothes to go out again but Ivonne isn't giving up her discovery so easily. Then he posits that the sighting of two CL/Sandro's was because Sandro came back through the parking garage (estacionamiento). He warns her of her obsession about Sandro just as Fernando approaches to hear just that part of the conversation.

Juan and Anga continue their heart to heart confession and Anga tells Juan he doesn't want others to know about this or to have a joke made of it. Juan points out that while Yadira is a half slow (conchuda) by nature but she isn't an idiot by any means. What is Anga going to do when sooner or later she questions why he is being so generous? Anga supposes he will tell her the truth. Juan seizes the moment to urge him to save (ahorrar) time and money and tell her now. Anga fears doing that before she has learned to love and respect him. Anga thanks Juan for his advice but this time he is going to do it his way. Anga asks Juan only one thing, to defend his reputation against the stains of the gossips. Do what you can. Juan's concern is that Anga is supporting Yadira in her quest to take the baby from Kike.

Fernando finally faces Yvonne and tells her he has been thinking their relationship won't work, he was mistaken to start up something serious with her. She assures him this wasn't a game to her. In his hurt he adds that what he feels for her isn't love. Their relationship is just a farse. Ivonne may be realizing her sneakiness isn't paying off for her.

Back to the Juan and Anga conversation that Yadira has a right to leave a house and relationship where she isn't happy. But he also says both Yadira and Kike will have to give in (ceder) in the end. The life and well being of the baby, Anga seems to like saying granddaughter (nieta) is of utmost importance. He points out when Yadira went to live with that professor, Yadira realized the baby would be better with her father. Juan does his internal dialoging while listening and realizes that they both need to help with peace negotiations.

Fern is acting out his hurt and Yvonne takes offense that she never wanted his pity and so from now on they are nothing and have no relationship. She leaves in tears and Fern looks surprised by her reaction, like the spotlight somehow shined on his ignorance. [Well, really I think that, he doesn't have more than the merest clue]. Heri is sneering at his discomfort behind his back.

Juanito reacts with jealousy when the boys are challenging his exclusive relationship with Flor. He brings her a frozen treat (paleta) and the usual suspects poke fun and suggestions his way while flirting with Flor. [the micro-hombre who hasn't a clue].

Paula comes out to give proposals to Marely to send on to Sandro's, Marely in irritated fashion slams them into her in basket and excuses herself that she is preoccupied with work and school. Paula looks confused at Marely's abruptness but perhaps the writers are showing us that not having a clue is not a gender based flaw. When Marely hands CL ill disguised as Sandro the papers, he slaps them down with a rude thanks. She starts to leave but returns to slap an index card down when he asks what it is she lets loose with how he is two-timing her with Paula and he's a hypocrite. She begins to yell and refuses his request to lower his voice. He doesn't see why she has to create a scandal and she stomps out after calling him an imbecile and telling him to go to the devil and she wants nothing to do with him ever again. A pure CL evil grin spreads on "Sandro's" face. Break.

Pastor says he believed Fern's sincerity for once in his life when Yvonne tells him she figured out Fern was with her just for pity. She says at least she didn't have to tell him that she couldn't have children. But she vows that though she is dying on the inside, he will see nothing in her comportment on the outside or have the pleasure of seeing her suffer. Down in the garage Fern is talking to himself, when Juan drives up in the convertible and asks him what he his ruminations (rumias) are about. Fern tells him that he and Yvonne have broken it off and because of her going after Sandro. Juan leaps out of the care and says she is giving kisses or sweet stuff (dar guayabas) to the little short twin boy?? Fern pours out his jealousy telling how he saw Yvonne follow Sandro to his apartment and follow him inside and this is proof of her intent and he is not going to be the butt of a joke and games again. Juan consoles Fern and listens while he thinks his own thoughts that always lead to his undying love for Paula.

Yvonne listens while Pastor waxes poetic over his crush on Heri and how the spa workout and treatments were so painful but so worth it. Then he goes on about Toribio and his message and talent and how he made Pastor scream in pleasure/pain that surely Heri must have heard... Then he goes on to tell of his technique to reduce the crows feet lines around his eyes.

Meanwhile a stiff Kike approaches Anga and asks what deliveries (entregas) he has for him today. He only has one but then goes on to tell Kike that he is going with Yadira to the lawyer today. He feels it is better if Kike knows ahead of time so as not to be surprised. But then he softens to tell him that he thinks that he and Yadira need to come to a civilized arrangement and they share custody. Kike can't hear it at this moment and vows to fight for total control to the end.

Juan and Fern enter the L Lounge and as Juan encounters Paula he gives her a friendly but cursory hello then waves papers and flaunts his business then kisses the hand of Laura, on to the office while Paula looks green watching it all.

Anga tells Kike he needs a plan, Kike says he will have a great one. At least Anga has invited him to come along to the lawyer but if he doesn't cooperate the lawyer can make a salad of him.

Juan serves marshmallows and informs Fern that he knows that now is seeing the TWIN, Fern asks hopefully if Juan plans to fire him... Break

Laura approaches Marely to ask if she can see Juan, his secretary isn't at her desk. She begins to approach Juan's office as Paula exits the elevator. As Laura peers through the clear glass, Paula assaults her verbally about her protocol of not entering the president's office without being announced. When she tells Paula that Marely told her she could go in, Paula begins to tell her about Juan's important, rich girlfriend that she has to compete with. The usual spitting match is imminent. Inside Fern continues to advise Juan. Laura approaches Marely again to consult on the truth of this girlfriend story. Marely has snapped for the day by the look of her and spits out that their is a line of broken hearts around Juan for her information. Marely is interrupted by a call that is for her.

Yadira is with the baby in her fancy new apartment when the door bell rings and Anga AND Kike are at the door.

Sandro calls Yvonne into his office to ask her why she was spying on him at his home last night. She protests ignorance but he hands the telltale earring to her [notice she doesn't ask how he knows it is hers but perhaps she is in shock].

Paula asks Marely why she was shooting sparks earlier and now is smiling brilliantly. Marely tells her she is so happy she just got news that she received her grant and will be going to Spain!

And now when CL/Sandro asks her what she has to say for herself, Yvonne does ask him how he knows the earrings were hers, these are so common. They parry but he says he SAW her and she confesses that she was so in love with his brother, didn't he know? He sneers that he can't keep track of the lives of the secretaries of the company. Yvonne plays the love card a bit more how she just couldn't avoid being attracted to him he is so exactly like Cesar Luis, may he rest in peace. He caresses her shoulders in an intimate, old way but tells her if she comes to his building again, she will lose her job. That's it, you can go. She goes out, he looks worried.

Paula is amazed that Marely didn't tell her of this move but Marely shoots back, even though with her characteristic sweetness that Paula was too busy with Juan and Sandro and all so she hasn't had time. She excuses herself so she can advise Pastor to begin looking for her replacement but Paula asks why all the hurry? Well, she has to leave in one week! Break

Kike bounces the baby on his knee while he and Yadira trade insults, from the dining area, Anga tells them not to argue but Kike in mocking tones tells her how impressive this huge apartment is with all the light. She is certainly progressing from her days with the misery of that professor Topete. Anga tells him he isn't cooperating and Kike says he is just complimenting her for improving her lovers. Gasp says Yadira! Anga demands he respect Yadira. Yadira and Kike then have that ridiculous argument over who loves the baby Nidia Michela MORE....no me, no me..... The upshot is that Kike gets in all his resentment and ends saying the baby will be in better hands with him than in a jam (atrabancada) with her streetwalker (callejera) mother. He fears by 10 she will be trading favors for sweets as she learns from her mother's example. Anga intrudes yelling, the baby is crying and Y and K haven't stopped screaming. Anga tells Kike to go and he does saying he doesn't want to have Anga blow up (sulfurarse). He runs out the door with the baby in his arms while Yadira screams louder.

Paula and Marely have tea and discuss the promptness of this big event. Marely says she hasnt' told her mother yet and Paula is not to tell Ana or for sure the secret will be out.

Enrique drives off in the truck while Yadira sobs in Anga's arma. He'll bring her back.

Yvonne swoops into Pastor's office to tell him that Sandro acts and talks exactly like Cesar Luis now, there is no difference. Pastor says it's her imagination (figuraciónes). She goes on with the detail of the bracelet links. How would he know? Well he gave it to her when they were having an affair. [Yvonne has indeed broken the code, as one of our commenters noted recently] Pastor is astounded, Yvonne is worried about losing her job. There will be a complaint. - Break

Juan asks Sandro if he has money and then tells him he wants to sell him his shares in Farell. While Pastor and Yvonne discuss that CL is shark food lost in the sea unless his spirit came back in the form of another body. Juan pushes Sandro for his interest in buying or not. Sandro feigns the need to analyze the situation before he can make up his mind. But when Juan leaves the room, CL/Sandro gloats that he will get his company back! Back to Pastor who thinks they better buy amulets to neutralize this evil spirit. Yvonne, who rightly thinks that if this is reincarnation, CL has come back in the form of a poisonous (ponzoñoso) scorpion (alacrán). Pastor thinks about how Paula would feel learning that her husband is not only alive but living and working near her. Heriberto bursts into the room and makes more inappropriate, salacious remarks to Yvonne about her yummy hips (caderas), while Pastor tries to get him under control.

CL/barely Sandro calls really Sandro on the phone to tell him of Juan's offer to sell his shares. Sandro congratulates him for achieving what he has wanted but CL says the other thing really important is to destroy these wretches. And what happened with Yvonne? Well CL brags he handled her and put her in her place. They discuss who she might tell or who might guess. CL is so convinced that she is stupid that he has the upper hand. CL tells Sandro that Yvonne says she is attracted to Sandro because he reminds her so much of CL. Then Sandro is impactado that CL had an affair with his secretary and then with Paula. CL is prouder than embarrassed. Sandro labels CL a narcissist. Then CL drops the bomb that he has insulted Marely so much that she told him to go to the devil. Sandro looks doomed. Yeap. Surely this is more than a coincidence that it seems like real life. Tahtah for now amigos y amigas!

A bit of vocabulary:

Este cuento sigue desarrollar como si fuéramos todos en un manicomio = This story continues to develop as if we were all in an insane asylum
Vergüenza (f) = a disgrace, shame, embarrassment
Corazonados (m) = hunches or impulsive acts
Estacionamiento (m) = parking place or garage
Conchudo(a) = slow, also stubborn in Puerto Rico, but we aren't in PR here
Ahorrar = to save
Ceder = Give in, cede, back down
Rumias (f) = ruminations, meditations
Guayabas (f) = kisses or sweetness, also the fruit guava
Entregas (f) = deliveries
Atrabancada = a jam, a mess
Callejera (f) = steetwalker
Sulfurarse = to blow up, to get riled
Figuraciónes = imagination
Ponzoñoso(a) = poisonous
Alacrán (m) = scorpion
Caderas (f) = hips


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan - Friday May 23, 2008 – In Which We Find that Ivonne Has No Future as a Private Eye

As always, the producers want to remind us what happened last night, and since JudyB did a stellar job I quote:

“Cesar Luis and Sandro are fighting about our " lovely little rose garden", Marely. Sandro wants to call off the arrangement. When he agreed to it, he didn't know Marely. Now that he does, the game has changed.

Not for Cesar. He's going to get his vengeance and nothing is going to stop that. Not even the great luuuuuve (he sneers) that Sandro feels for Marely. Beside, he adds, she'll never be yours.

She hates you. I've made sure of that. And if you really love her, you'll spare her the horror of finding out you've been fooling everybody...and all for a cold-hearted act of vengeance.

Forget about going to Farrell, about looking for her and about betraying me, Cesar finishes.

And mercifully, that's where this very unpleasant episode ends. Bring on "ultimas capitulos" por favor!!!!”

Your prayers are answered: “Últimos Capítulos” appeared for the VERY first time last night at the end when they advertised for tonight!!!!!!!


CL sneers that he hopes Sandro won’t be so vile and so low as to confess this little arrangement because it’s going to shatter his life if he does. Don’t even think about betraying CL. Sandro is on his wavelength and not the least bit happy with it. And WE are surprised that CL thinks it’s a problem that someone might be vile and low enough to bust him. We think it would be a coup.

Imagine this, there’s a gym in the D. F. called “Fissic.” Pastor and Heri are signing up. An instructor tells them he can give them private lessons in the morning or afternoon, and describes all the other fun activities, including the sauna. Pastor wants that to relax his body. Heri, OTOH, wants to know who gives massages. Is it some chick or some guy? It’s a guy, so ask for Toribio. Heri will do without, thanks so much. If some guy dares to touch Heri, he’ll plant him a facer. Pastor tells him to chill and the trainer welcomes them. Heri gives Pastor the sign in sheet and urges him to sign on the dotted line.

Gutis is disgusted big-time with the rat on two feet who hasn’t shown. He curses Delirio, who’s left him high and dry (me dejó plantado- he stood me up).

Speaking of the King of Rome, Hillary is thanking Delirio and Nidia for the warm welcome into La Casa Cachón. Nidia hopes they’ll do it again and Delirio toadies. There’s a surprise. Juan thinks it’s really time to blow that pop stand and extricates Hillary as quickly as he can. They both have appointments the next day, hablablablabla. Nidia is given charge of Juanito and they get out of Dodge as fast as they can.

The gym must be a happenin’ place—Heri can press big time and Pastor –not so much. Heri does his reps and Pastor….does his best. Or whatever. The band plays on. Pastor gets himself hung in some exercise equipment. Heri hugs him around the waist and gets him down. The band plays on. Pastor gets in trouble again on another piece of equipment and Heri jumps off the equipment he’s on to go to the rescue. He hugs Pastor and grins. Heri does great sit-ups, albeit slow ones, and Pastor….tries his best. With a spotter. The band plays on. Heri sees a chick he wants to meet and springs up from the sit-up apparatus. He slinks around the equipment she’s on and loooooks her over. Then he leans in and introduces himself—apparently he hasn’t noticed her boxing gloves until they connect with his face. It’s a KNOCKOUT! Pastor quickly waddles over to Heri’s recue! [Ed. Note: Give the recappers more dialogue like this, writers!] The band drags to a stop.

Perafán wants to know what happened with Kike with Yadira. Well, he confronted Anga and Anga sent him to the devil (me mandó al carambas—Kike doesn’t curse). Anga’s insisting his intentions toward Yadi are clean and pure. Delirio tells him sure, and I’m Mandrake the Magician. This guy’s not clean in his body or heart. He didn’t dare to fire Kike, but tomorrow Kike’s going to surprise Anga with his resignation—right in Anga’s mug (jeta – face/mug). Delirio disabuses him of this plan—he needs to keep his job so he can keep his daughter. No job, no custody. He can’t win if he resigns. Kike is discouraged—he thinks Lady Luck has a bee in her bonnet where he’s concerned. (La diosa Fortuna me trae entre ceja y ceja – the goddess Fortune has me between her eyebrows).

Pastor is having a FABULOUS massage, judging by the shouting from the cuarto de masajes (massage room). It actually reminds one of the scene in “When Harry met Sally” where she fakes it. [For those of you too young to know the movie, so sorry.] Heri overhears this and determines massages ‘r’ not us. He’s out of there.

Ivonne awakes from a doze-off to note someone leaving the apartment building where she used to “share” time (so to speak) with CL. It’s that CL clone, “Sandro.” She’s irritated and smacks the cab driver, who wasn’t as watchful as she wanted. He thinks it’s her boyfriend and she denies it. He tells her that he saw a movie where the girlfriend watched her boyfriend leave and searched his apartment using her key. Ivonne is bummed—she forgot her key, but it’s not a bad idea. The cabbie thinks this guy will be a while in getting back and Ivonne looks at him with new respect. As JudyB noted, he’s one of the two cabbies in the D. F.

Hillary wants to know if Juan will tell her what happened in the office. Juan gets parked and deliberates over the consequences of telling her the truth vs. not telling her the truth. Her lovely, tender eyes make him think which way is better or worse. He compliments her—but it’s sincere. She’s the sweetest woman in the world and he wouldn’t want to miss out on knowing her. He wonders if they should go out for a drink and then to her house, but she tells him no. She throws him a curve—she has something important to tell him. She’s in love with him. Juan is I.M.P.A.C.T.A.D.O.

Ivonne skulks outside the apartment building until a woman with a child leaves and she scoots in, thanking them. The cabbie taps on his wheel, bored to tears with it all.

Juan comments on the curve Hillary threw. Why, she asks? He thought bubbles about how he could deserve a woman like this. She’s never known a guy like him, she says—but what little she knows, she likes. He wonders if it’s not just an impression. Nope, she’s sure. She’s ready to talk to Papi. Juan knows she trips his trigger (moves his switch), but he’s not so sure about talking to Papi yet. Hillary tells him now’s the time. She’s very serious about this. Juan is speechless, which is probably a first.

Ivonne makes her way to the floor where CL’s apartment is. She digs out the key and tries to open the door. It’s not working and something alerts her to run back to the stairwell she came up. Sandro leaves—looking for Marely? She peeps out at him going on the elevator, wearing different clothes than the guy who left in the car. Ivonne is bemused-impactada.

Anga is all smiles, telling Yadi by phone he’s taking her to a lawyer in the morning and give the baby a kiss. Pastor gets home to hear the end of the chat. He remarks on how it sounds like Anga chatting with his “Segundo frente” or queried—beloved. Anga scoffs and tells him not to be a mischief maker (digas tarugadas – say bits of mischief). Pastor points out how easy it would be for Nidia to just say that Yadi is Anga’s own blood and thus avoid the “relationship” that people think they have. Anga gets thoughtful while Pastor concludes that since she hasn’t done that, Yadi’s not his daughter. Simple, really. Anga negates it—Nidia would never ‘fess up because of Samuel’s name. Pastor thinks she’d find that preferable to having her daughter in Anga’s clutches. Anga tells Pastor that Nidia’s behaving like any mother, warning and all that, but deep down she knows Anga’s a man with principles (principios – principles, beginnings). Pastor retorts “and of endings (finales) because he’s spending so much on this chick that he’s going to be left with just his smile—as Pastor walks out. Anga calls after his brother not to talk trash about his daughter and Pastor returns to the room to tell him that Yadi may be his “daughter” out of necessity or lots of other reasons including pure pleasure, but there’s no proof she’s really his daughter. Anga wants to know what about that family mark? Pastor thinks it could be most anything; it remains to be seen. Anga smiles—his heart tells him she’s his daughter. Pastor reminds him his hearts not working so well. Anga tells Pastor to knock it off, she’s my daughter, period. He stalks away while Pastor rolls his eyes.

Ivonne, You Silly Girl! CL thought of EVERYTHING! He changed the locks! Her key gets stuck as the elevator door opens; something breaks off in the lock, and something drops on the floor—parts of a key or something else? A building security guy wants to know what’s up. She makes up a lame story that she’s such a fool, she always forgets the floor she needs and that’s why it didn’t work. She runs to the still open elevator and gets away before he strolls back, looking suspiciously at the elevator.

Paula’s dressed to kill in something that actually looks rather conservative compared to what she wears to work, and in strikingly similar style and color to Hillary’s dress from earlier in the day. She descends the stairs to chat with Ana a few minutes before her date with “Sandro.” Ana’s on edge about the exhibit. Only God knows what Nidia’s got planned. Paula can’t imagine why she gave charge of the details to Nidia, and for that matter, neither can we. Ana sarcastically remarks on what great moral support (apoyo moral) she’s getting from her daughter in a moment of great anxiety (angustia). Paula then does try to calm her, reminding her that not even Nidia can detract from the quality of Ana’s works. At the end of the day, it’s about her talent, not what Nidia does or doesn’t do. They both chuckle about what Nidia really could do—and just how gaudily dressed (guacamaya, Puerto Rican adjective) she might show up. Speaking of gaudily dressed, Ana wonders at Paula’s lovely get-up and thinks is could be a tad provocative. [Ed. Note: Ana, you haven’t been paying attention. Paula looks like a Barefoot Carmelite tonight, relatively speaking.] Paula just wanted to look pretty, and so what? She tells Ana the A to Z of why she’s so dressed up, to get Juan out of her mind. It’s more than time she fell in love again. With Sandro Arenas? Paula admits it—Sandro, whoever. Ana turns away and scowls.

Nidia wants to know why Marely is sobbing her heart out, but Marely’s not inclined to talk about it. It’s not because of man. What? It’s the fault of a woman. Nidia goes into a full-blown tizzy. Marely explains there’s always a woman blocking her way, and lamentably, it’s someone she cares a lot about. Nidia gets it; it’s Paula, of course. Marely cries that Paula’s always stealing her boyfriends and she can’t stand it any more. Nidia does an uncharacteristically loving, motherly thing and simply holds her tearful child.

Ana gets very direct with Paula—not Sandro, not anyone will make you feel happy and fulfilled. Paula’s not so sure and Ana wonders why Paula never listens to her. Why is she always looks in the wrong doors? Paula says the wrong thing is to think there can be something with her and Juan. Ana argues in support of Juan and Paula disagrees. Hablablablabla. Paula is just sure Juan isn’t interested in her as a woman. He’s going out with others. Ana wonders why Paula doesn’t just TELL the man already that she loves him. Paula’s pity party isn’t over, though. Well, she’s waiting for Sandro to come and Ivonne is out with Fern, so she won’t come for dinner. Paula kisses Ana and gets ready to go wait for Sandro. Ana reminds her not to come home too late because Ana doesn’t sleep until she’s in. Paula opens the door to find “Sandro,” who compliments her, comes in a moment and assures Ana he’ll take good care of Paula. Ana talks over her shoulder at him, refusing to make eye contact and looking sullen, rolling her eyes at his flowery promise to care for Paula, this valuable treasure.

Nidia is indignant about what’s happening to Marely and rails on about it. It’s not really Paula, it’s that Hillary Paris! Marely sniffles that it won’t work, since Paula’s got his heart. Nidia thinks marely hasn’t really done anything to conquer Juan. She’s letting others eat that cake! Marely cries about how she’s working on forgetting about him, even studying to redirect her attention. Why so much drama, then? It’s not about Juan, it’s about Sandro. Who’s Sandro? Marely reminds her about CL’s twin. But I didn’t know you were interested in him. Great! No, not so great—he came looking for me (was interested in me), interested in my work and—now he’s got his eyes set on Paula. Of course, she’s pretty, she’s intelligent…and I’m nothing, Mami. Nidia holds her again while Marely cries.

A corner flower lady greets Sandro, who is wandering aimlessly in the neighborhood. He absently returns the greeting. The lady tries to sell him all kinds of flowers for all kinds of females—a wife, a girlfriend…whoever. Sandro wants flowers for a “good friend.” What kind of friend? Well, I’d like it to be more than a good friend….the flower lady will make up an arrangement that will have her falling at his feet.

Nidia wonders when this all happened to Marely—she’s not said a word. Marely tells her that she’s always so busy with her stuff, but Nidia fusses that she has time for her daughters—she loves them most in the whole world! But, she’s not a mind reader and they have to come and let her know when they have problems. Marely cries that she wants someone to love HER and not get distracted by Paula. [Ed. Note: Fern wasn’t fixed on Paula. Ever.] Nidia points out that she’s a little nun, very serious, and that might not keep the boys lining up. Nidia thinks it wouldn’t hurt for her to be a little livelier—guys are like cars and gals like stoplights—you have to give them the green, not the red. Marely tries to explain—she wants them to like her for her mind and what’s inside, not how she looks. [Nidia’s not sure this is HER daughter here]. She gives marely tips on how to attract guys, and not with intellect. Marely has to grudgingly acknowledge the point. All men are womanizers, liars, and betrayers. Nidia hugs her and wonders why her daughters’ fate is to suffer so much.

In the Big House, Hillary’s Papi tells her the accountant advised him that Hillary’s spending big bucks and she’s overextended. He’s glad she’s got this work she’s doing, but….She’ll be more careful. He’s heard that she bought a convertible in the car dealership. Yep. A good friend needed it. Hm. What good friend? You haven’t met him, Papá. It’s a new friend (not the son of one of Daddy’s friends as usual) and Hillary wants to present him. So, where’d you meet him? Don’t be telling me he’s a good-for-nothing you met on the street. Hillary proudly tells Papi that he’s a businessman…..and that’s she’s in love with the guy. Papá Paris is impactado….then pleased…. and we hear commercial break music.

Juan finds Kike in the dark and asks him what’s up. Kike’s not only in the dark, he’s on the floor. Kike wants Juan to join him in a drink. Kike gets up and cheers up a little to congratulate Juan on his new girlfriend. He sits down on the coffee table in front of the sofa just feet from Juan. Juan responds that she’s just a friend of the moment. Too bad Kike wasn’t around to get an intro! Kike gets serious. He’s dying. Juan tells him not to say that stuff. But Kike has to tell what he’s dying of: Love, rage, anger, and all the synonyms for fury. He hurts so much he almost can’t breathe. Juan looks at Kike with concern and clinks his beer bottle against Kike’s.

Hillary’s Papi wonders who the heck this guy is, if he’s never heard the name. Hillary explains that Juan is half owner of Farell. He bought the shares. He’s a good worker, and little by little, he’s arrived…. ”to my house?” Papi wants to know. This guy’s really clever, because look at who he’s found! He indicates his daughter. Papi thinks it’s the money and at the end of the story, they are all fortune hunters, but Hillary assures him Juan’s not that way and Papi will see it once he meets Juan. Is he your boyfriend? Not yet. Okay, before he is, he has to talk with me. Hillary protests that she’s of age, and can choose for herself. Papi responds that he’s only asking this, to talk to Juan. When will she be bringing him by? Hillary tells Papi to let her ask Juan and Papi shakes a stern finger to tell her it has to be This Week. Hillary gives him a Look as he goes. Nice to know that even the best kids have issues with their folks, huh? She sighs in frustration as he gets out of sight.

Kike scoffs that Anga has tried to tell him that he’s only helping Yadira, it’s all clean and pure, oh Puh-Leeze. Another dog with this bone. Kike is sure something’s going on here and the worst of ti is that Delirio told him he can’t quit so he’ll have a job to support his daughter and have a shot at custody. Juan thinks that’s pretty lame (canijo—weak, feeble). Kike thinks they should spend a little and establish their own transport company—but Juan is living from paycheck to paycheck. He’s paying off the loans he got to purchase Farell. Kike wishes they’d been business associates before they became friends. Juan thought bubbles that he’s run into bad luck since buying Farell—lost Paula, and now he can’t help his best friend. Juan is downcast.

Paula and “Sandro” are enjoying a lovely dinner with red wine. “Sandro” tells Paula that when he’s seeing her outside the office, those are some of the best times he’s had with her. Paula fiddles with her food and listens, not making much eye contact. They exchange chitchat about being friends in or out of the office. Paula asks if he remembers wondering if there was something between her and Juan. Yes, but she didn’t respond. Well, today, she’s telling him. Between her and Juan there is NOTHING. Was there something? Not important, though, and he doesn’t want to know. The present and future are all that are important. He flirts seductively and she pulls back—she’s suffered and had a lot of pain. [Sheesh.] She doesn’t want to be pressured. He’ll give her all the time she needs—he rubs her cheek and hopes he can heal the wounds, dry the tears, [Ed. Note: rolling my eyes].

Sandro has taken the flower lady’s arrangement to leave at Marely’s doorstep. He looks up anxiously and puts the card into the arrangement, then looks up again and beats a hasty path away.

“Sandro” has paid and thanked the server, and Paula thanks him for the dinner. She had a lovely time. He’s so pleased, because he’s had a lovely evening. He leans in for the kill—er, kiss, and she jerks up out of her seat, leaving him staring directly at her décolletage. He jerks back up as Paula wonders if it isn’t time for them to go. She’s promised Mami she won’t be late. Our smooth-talking, seductive and wheedling ghost of CL is back, wondering what’s up with that? Are you bothered that I want to steal one kiss? I think you want it as much as I me. “Sandro” strokes her cheek, ala CL. Paula begins to cave. Suddenly, she’s kissing Juan passionately. [Pardon me, gentle readers while I run and turn the AC on.] She pulls back abruptly, leaving “Sandro” frustrated. No, no—understand, please. I’m not ready for this, not yet. Why? [Ed. Note: Paula, LISTEN. “Sandro” wheedles EXACTLY like César Luis!] Is it because when you’re with me you’re thinking you’re with César Luis? [Nice touch, pal.] Well, maybe some of that. “Sandro” tells her that CL and he are very different. She agrees hesitantly. Well, what should I do? Change my face? [I think they call that cognitive behavioral therapy and it’s working with Paula.] No, she just has to get used to it. He offers to get plastic surgery and she tells him of course not, and he jokes that’s good because hospitals terrify him (me dan pavor, give me dread)….one time I….well enough of that. Paula gives him a pensive look before they leave.

Juan can’t sleep though Juanito can. Juan muses to himself that he’s never seen his best pal suffering so (like a pig – como marrano). He’s got to find a way to help Kike and to help himself, too. “Sandro” is like a thorn in his shoe. Juan gets the picture of Paula with “Sandro” reading her palm in his head. This wasn’t part of the plan, he tells himself, shaking his head.

“Sandro” arrives home and can’t get his key into the lock and they drop. He sees the broken pieces on the floor and thinks about what it means.

After the commercial break, we are treated to a loooong-ago lead-in of Juan with his lovely locks cut, and the light blue-gray jacket and silk tie, hugging Kike who has just spent his life savings on Juan’s dress-to-impress wardrobe. That must have been from when? August or September? Of 2005 or so?

Morning is bright and lovely in the D. F. Juan and Kike talk out by the front entrance of Casa Cachón. Juan urges Kike to be patient. Surely God will give us a hand here! Cheer up! Kike retorts that he doesn’t need a hand at the moment, he needs the whole arm! He looks to heaven, beseeching. Juan tells him to come by the office around noon the next day. Kike wants to know what he’s up to. Juan tells him to calm down, this will work. Kike quietly thanks Juan for not leaving him alone right now. Juan wants to know if he’s nuts or what, with how good Kike’s been to him. Juan reminds him they’re soul brothers. Juanito comes out – he’s ready and has his teeth brushed. He gives the clean teeth grimace so Papi can see how clean they are. Juan dances down the sidewalk, urging Kike to cheer up. [Ed. Note: A woman would just hug the living daylights out of Kike like Julia did, but Real Men don’t do that, right Anon #1?] They walk to the street, hands on each other’s shoulders, with Juanito chattering to them. Wow, here are some flowers, and who could have left them? Juanito reads the card—they’re for Marely. He scolds his Papi—see, you’re going to lose that girl! Kike calls Nidia to let her know about the flowers, because the boys have to go. Juan looks at the delightful arrangement in shock and is impactadoooo.

In Pastor’s office, we of course get the great view of Ana’s painting of Juan in his prime. Paula has asked Pastor to come in early to talk about Laura Berrocal. Pastor is motionless in his chair and asks her to give him the meds for muscle aches since every since muscle in his body aches. He can’t even get up from the seat. She fiddles with the bottle and hands it over while he details what all is aching. It’s just that I began to exercise. [Ed. Note: Uh-huh. Right.] It was a challenge to get dressed. Paula’s heard enough. Now, about Laura. She’s been hired as your personal assistant with the idea that you’re going to make her life in Farell impossible, Paula advises him. Excuuuuse me? Pastor looks up warily. Paula wonders if he was lifting weights with his ears and they atrophied. [Sheesh. Is that what you call sarcasm, Paula?] Pastor chuckles with equal sarcasm—always so congenial! Paula makes it clear that he can do about anything as long as she ends up resigning. Pastor grins from ear to ear and mutters “me?”

Nidia hustles the lovely flowers in for Marely while she eats her breakfast. Marely is stunned by the lovely arrangement—don’t tell me the Licenciado Perafán sent those to you! Don’t be kidding me, he doesn’t even buy bread around here, Nidia laughs at her, touching her elbows to emphasize his tightfisted ways. Nope, they’re YOURS! She makes Marely look at the card (my bitter cucumber). “Perdóname (Forgive me)– Sandro” Marely is disgusted and sweeps the flowers onto the floor with one quick shove – “hypocrite!” Nidia is impactada. Poor flowers, what fault do they have? Marely announces that she’s really late, grabs her purse and stalks out. Nidia talks to the flowers while she restores them to their proper place at the table.

“Sandro” talks to Sandro (who looks really nice in a green v-neck sweater and black jeans). Sandro wants to know if CL is sure that’s Ivonne’s as CL brandishes the piece he found on the floor in his hand. Sure he knows it’s Ivonne; this is a piece of a bracelet (pulsera) he gave her. Sandro cautions him to be careful what he’s accusing her of, because he doesn’t have proof. CL says he knows exactly what he has to do. Sandro stops him from leaving—he says he has to let CL know he bought flowers for Marely the night before and left them at her house. “¿¡Qué?!” Are you nuts or what? I was with Paula! If she talks with Paula….”no one saw me.” He explains how he left them as a gesture to calm his conscience. It was his way of saying farewell to her. CL scoffs that he wonders what the h*** convinced him to involve Sandro in this. [Ed. Note: Could be the reasonable facsimile to yourself, ya think?] Sandro desperately reminds CL he had to do it that way and still needs Sandro to pull it off. CL stalks out and Sandro is still desperate.

Juanito is still scolding his Papi about those flowers. He hasn’t even given the girl a stick of gum and he’s gonna lose her for sure. Juan tells him to cut it out, already, he’s been scolding the entire way and what mosquito bit him anyway? Juanito accusingly tells Juan that last night Marely cried her eyes out and it’s Juan’s fault. What, she cried? Yes, she was JEALOUS of Hillary. Juanito wrinkles his nose in disgust with Papi. Juan protests that he’s a bachelor and can go around with whoever he wants. Juanito asserts that no woman will ever love him like Marely does, no matter how pretty or rich. Juan explains that he can’t order his heart around and he would like to do with Marely, but it won’t work. He babbles on while he “explains” this to his son and shoves him in the direction of his class. Juanito waves and Juan tells him he loves Juanito and urges him on into class.

As Ivonne gets off the elevator and the lobby lizards congregate, Pastor hobbles toward Ivonne to tell her the latest scoop—she can’t imagine what the Lic Paula has just asked him to do. She wants me to make Laura’s life impossible so she ends up quitting. She’s as hateful as Medulla, huh? Ivonne defends Paula—she has her reasons. Julia and her LL friend listen intently from the background. Ivonne continues about Laura—this gal played them dirty—both with Paula and her mother. Ivonne lectures a surprised Pastor. She was Monica’s spy when Paula married CL! No! Pastor is impactado. It’s logical Paula doesn’t want to see Laura—even in a painting! She remarks on the gossips. She drags him off to tell him what happened the night before and he moans about his aching body. She gets him as far as her desk, not so far away from the madding crowd, but tells him that she followed “Sandro” to his apartment. Huh…what for? Well, to clear up some doubts I had, she continues. Pastor tells her she’s always putting herself in the wolf’s mouth. This cloak and dagger complex of hers (complejo de caperucita – complex of cloak) is going to bring her lots of problems in her life. She scolds him for foreseeing her future instead of letting her tell her story. She tries to sit him down but he’s too achy-breaky. She lowers her voice and tells him she saw….TWO Sandros. TWO! TWO??? Ivonne scowls. “Two César Luises!” She declares that there are identical men in the apartment, and who knows if in place of two there are triplets! (Trillizos) One of those men IS César Luis Farell. She kisses her hand in confirmation (last part of the sign for crossing herself?). Pastor is muy skeptical. He looks over his shoulder and shakes his head in doubt and …fear? with an “Oh, Please, God, NO!” look.

There’s a new face in Anga’s market storefront with Remolacho. Kike strides in. he’s taking charge of the truck today, and makes a pointed remark about the patron only to find Anga right behind him when Remo tells him Anga’s arrived. Anga got the message. They face off and Kike stalks off. Anga says nothing, then asks Remo why he hasn’t cleaned the office. Remo reminds him that it’s because the day before he was a nanny. Anga cuts him off--any excuse is always enough to slack off. Hurry, the shop looks like a pigpen. Remo orders the new guy off to sweep out the pigpen. Juan comes into the store behind Anga. They greet each other, but we know there’s not so much warmth in Juan’s greeting today. Juan’s not here on business. It’s personal. Anga doesn’t even ask what it’s about—who cried first? Nidia or Kike? Juan tells him that what he’s up to is nothing good. Anga wonders if Juan, too, is thinking he’s a dirty old man? Juan scolds him for taking up with not only a young thing, but also the daughter of a former love! [Ed. Note: No, Juan, that was Fernando who did that, only in reverse.] Juan lets him know just how bad that really is. Anga shakes his head. He’ll tell Juan exactly what he told the other two. He’s helping Yadira unselfishly (desinteresadamente). Juan’s not buying it. He thought Anga was upright (cabal), proper. Anga asserts he is. Yeah??? Yeah. Well, tell Yadira to go home and if you want a young chick, go look for one but not at the Casa Cachón! Juan, please, Anga sighs. Believe me. Juan wonders how he can believe Anga when all the evidence is against it. You want me to believe you? Take back all the fiscal support you’re giving Yadira. Everyone will be happy. Nope, can’t do that, Anga shakes his head and sighs. You can’t? Juan challenges him. Fine, from now on we’re not friends and the contract we have is cancelled, Mr. Angarita Calvo. Anga asks him to not be so drastic, please. I swear I have….reasons to help….Juan interrupts, yelling. What reasons, man? Anga can’t tell him. He bows his head as he sits at his desk. Juan’s face is screwed up in fury. He looks at Anga in disgust and tells Anga what a sense of shame Anga is giving him. Juan stalks away in anger. Anga calls him back—he’ll share the truth with Juan. [Ed. Note: it’s Friday and the 59th minute of YAAJQ, so there has to be a revelation. That’s the rules of the game, folks.] I’m helping Yadira because….she’s my daughter! Juan is predictably impactidíssimo, and we are advised that any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.

Monday: Will Ivonne find out if there really are two? Will Ivonne keep leaving a trail while she stalks him/them? Are we really in Últimos Capítulos? Will we all make it?


Segundo frente—beloved, lover (second front)
Me dejó plantado - left me high and dry (stood me up, left me planted)
Me mandó al carambas - sent me to the devil (Kike doesn’t curse)
Jeta – mug (face/mug)
La diosa Fortuna me trae entre ceja y ceja - Lady Luck has a bee in her bonnet where I’m concerned. (The goddess Fortune has me between her eyebrows).
Cuarto de masajes - massage room
Digas tarugadas - be a mischief maker (say bits of mischief)
Principios - principles (OR beginnings)
Apoyo moral - moral support
Angustia - anxiety
Guacamaya - gaudily dressed (Puerto Rican adjective)
Canijo - pretty lame (weak, feeble)
Me dan pavor - terrify me (give me dread)
Perdóname - forgive me
Complejo de caperucita - cloak and dagger complex (complex of cloak)

Have a lovely Memorial Day, Everyone!



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Juan Thurs. 5-22-'08 Same Old Same Old

Hi Folks...I'm filling in for Sylvia tonight. She's off sailing over the holiday, lucky gal. And those of us who stayed home to watch this show are suffering big-time, right along with poor Marely. But...don't want to get ahead of myself..here's how things unfolded....

Brief recap of last night's ending. "Sandro" comes into Paula's office, ignores Marely, leers at Paula.

Juan, Juanito and Hillary are at Doña Pepita's and she's flustered and excited by Hillary's presence. Juanito leaves to get Flor to take her home and Hillary pops the big question: "Juan, was there something between you and Paula? Or more to the point, is there still something?"

Juan gets up, turns his back, thought bubbles that he can't lie to her, she's been so great, and turns and tells her that Paula was the love of his life. A thorn he couldn't pluck from his heart. But before Hillary loses heart herself, he adds that he needs to give up pursuing a hopeless dream. HE WANTS TO LOVE AGAIN.

And who else wants to love again?...none other than our new and improved Julia who pursues Kike out of Ferrell to sympathize. Tells him what a great guy he is, responsible, good-looking. You have my number. she adds. Call me...if...they both get flustered, looking like two 7th graders dealing with their first crush. Kinda cute except you know it's going nowhere. Another filler.

"Sandro" meanwhile is putting the moves on Paula. First, intellectually, by presenting some financial documentation with elegant confidence, and then touching her hair and her shoulder while classic Cesar Luis seduction music plays in the background. Unlike the real Sandro, this "Sandro" has very smooth moves (remind you of someone?)

A little comic relief as Pastor and the new improved Herbierto emerge from the elevator to a crazy dance tune replete with wolf whistles. Ivonne does her bit by noting how good Herbierto looks and he's ready to "dar el estocada final" (give the final thrust, as in bull killing) but Pastor holds him back. You've got to play hard to get, he counsels.

"Sandro" meanwhile is ramping up the intensity. He tells Paula he's recovering faith in himself, thanks to her. He's asking for a chance to get to know her better, even though he "knows" he's risking being fired for expressing a personal interest in his boss. But he's just asking for a chance, for some time, yada yada yada and he leaves.

When Marely comes in, Paula is so pensive and bemused, Marely has to wave a hand in front of her face to get her attention. Are you that transfixed by the presentation? Marely asks. No...the presenter, responds Paula, seemingly unaware of Marely's interest in Sandro.

I'm going to give him a chance, Paula continues. I've got to give up Juan. He's not the man for me. "Sandro" is honest, he's interested in me.... Nothing Marely can say changes her mind. (well,what else is new?)

Meanwhile, Hillary is still bedazzled by Juan. Impressed that he stayed true to a hopeless love for so long (Habla muy bien de ti...speaks very well of you). There aren't many beings like you, she adds, and I'm glad to know you want to love again. She moves in for a kiss but just then Flor and Juanito show up and Juanito is not happy at all!

And neither is Marely. She tries to convince Paula that maybe she misinterpreted "Sandro's" interest, or is confused by his resemblance to Cesar Luis, but Paula insists that's not it. Yes, he's like Cesar Luis but without his defects. Marely warns her she's about to make a horrible mistake and leaves the office devastated.

Ivonne asks her what's wrong and Marely explodes "I thought Sandro was honest but he's not!" You can see Ivonne putting two and two together and let's face it...of all the women in his life, she probably knows Cesar Luis the best. She's onto him.

Switch to Juan, Hillary, Flor and Juanito in the car with Juanito insulting it as being "small". They head back to the office because Juan forgot his keys.

Yadira is thinking about heading back to work also, but Angarita advises her to wait until Kike calms down. He reassures her that he has a lawyer to take her custody case and she kisses him good-bye, thanking him for supporting her just like a father.

The blows keep falling for Marely. When she sulkily answers "Sandro's" request to see Paula, he reams her out for "talking to her superiors that way".

And Juanito isn't being much kinder to Hillary. While they wait for Juan in the car, he talks about all the gals running after his dad, so many he can't count them! and then adds that his dad does have a girlfriend. Hillary looks impactada...and not in a good way.

Meanwhile, "Sandro" is working his charms on Paula, asking her to dinner, while Marely fumes outside, blaming herself for being an idiot. Juan breezes by, tells her he can't offer her a lift home because he's WITH HILLARY but then stops when he realizes "Sandro" is with Paula.

"Sandro" has Paula's hand in his and is reading her palm..."I see a woman who is intelligent (we'd dispute that wouldn't we?!), courageous, intense and very very passionate. There are two important love lines...but wait, there's a third line" he adds.
You're making me nervous, Paula replies. He leans in and whispers, "Not as much as I am". Juan's lurking in the door making a gorilla face. Not happy!

"Sandro" leaves, mission accomplished, looks around the room and says, What a pleasure to work in an office with such beautiful women! Marely and Ivonne look at each other and Marely adds that Sandro is worse than Juan and Cesar Luis put together. More pensive looks from Ivonne so we know she's hatching some kind of plan.

The atmosphere in the car is rather frosty and Juanito asks Hillary if she's mad. No, but she's disappointed. Juan lied to her. Now Juanito comes clean and says, actually his dad doesn't have a girlfriend but there IS someone who loves him and whom Juanito wants for his dad. Juan just hasn't caught on yet.

When Juan gets back to the car, he's obviously upset but denies it and invites Hillary to the house for dinner and to meet his "family".

On a happier note, Pastor is enjoying some exquisite moments with Herbierto...advising him to fill those wonderful new shirts with muscle, build some biceps, triceps, reduce the waistline, lift the butt. Herbierto protests, I've got great muscles and touch my tush, hard as a rock! Pastor takes a deliriously long time verifying this, but still advises that they find a gym nearby and go work out together. Hope springs eternal.

I'll compress the Ivonne, Fernando, "Sandro" scenes. She's suspicious. Tells Fernando she has to work late, she'll see him tomorrow. He's suspicious in turn and lurks around the corner behind a newspaper. She calls a taxi and has it waiting by the door. When "Sandro" leaves, she skitters after him down the stairs. Fernando follows.

There are evidently only two taxi drivers in Mexico City, we seen this one before. He drives Ivonne to where "Sandro" is parked. She has him wait (he's shivering with cold) while she punches a lot of buttons on other apartments trying to get into the building.

Meanwhile, Fernando has driven off, convinced she's about to betray him.

Angarita and Kike are having a confrontation back at the warehouse. Remolacho would love to be in on it but they send him off. Lots of fighting which could all be cleared up if Angarita would just tell Kike that he knows he's her real father but no, that would be too easy!

So we go round and round about how Yadira needs to get away from her family, sort things out and then maybe she'll come back to Kike. And he's at fault, because he threatened her first with trying to take away the baby. Enrique accuses him of being an "asalto cunas" (cradle robber) but Angarita assures him he's not interested in Yadira as a woman. Kike doesn't buy it.

The discussion heats up and Enrique says why don't you fire me! Well, I'd like to after this lack of respect you've shown but I'm not going to.

Nidia in the meantime has found out about Alirio and Gutis' schemes by picking up the phone in the middle of their call. She tells him no more contact because this is a "casa de-cen-te".

And who arrives at the casa de-cen-te but Hillary. Perafan falls all over himself fawning, and so does Nidia but with a lot more verve. Perafan wants to offer caviar (yuck! says Juanito) and champagne and Hillary makes it clear she's fine with tequila and enchiladas. Nidia is delighted that Hillary is "one of us" and takes advantage by promoting Ana's gallery showing coming up.

Poor bedraggled Marely arrives, sees Hillary and says "This is all I need!" Nidia can't believe Marely is being so rude but Hillary smooths it over and Juan is impressed with how well she handled the situation.

Marely won't stay for dinner, rushes upstairs, cries her heart out and Juanito comes in to console her. Is it Hillary? he asks. In part, she answers, but I'm mad at myself too. I'm too trusting. I'm not cut out for love.

But I love you! protests Juanito. I know, Juanito but I'm thinking of a different kind of love...someone to care about me, to hold me, to kiss me...And to look at you the way my dad looks at Paula? adds Juanito. Yes, sighs Marely.

In the meantime, Cesar Luis and Sandro are fighting about our " lovely little rose garden", Marely. Sandro wants to call off the arrangement. When he agreed to it, he didn't know Marely. Now that he does, the game has changed.

Not fo Cesar. He's going to get his vengeance and nothing is going to stop that. Not even the great luuuuuve (he sneers) that Sandro feels for Marely. Beside, he adds, she'll never be yours.

She hates you. I've made sure of that. And if you really love her, you'll spare her the horror of finding out you've been fooling everybody...and all for a cold-hearted act of vengeance.

Forget about going to Farrell, about looking for her and about betraying me, Cesar finishes.

And mercifully, that's where this very unpleasant episode ends. Bring on "ultimas capitulos" por favor!!!!


qué finura! that's so nice!

estoy jurada (Nidia).... I took the pledge...I'm "on the wagon"

lo unico que me faltaba the last thing I needed

viejo encandilador old smoothie (as in dirty old man)

un asalto cunas cradle robber

dar el escopeta final give the final thrust (as in killing a bull)


Juan Q - Wed 5-21- Toys and Shopping for all

Pals, I'm freakin. My DVR fritzed out in Mon. in the middle of the Guapos death scene/revalation of Mili's nietaness, like the most friggin important moment in the whole friggin series and no matter what I put into it, including no disc, it says "incorrect disc." I have hundreds of unfinalized discs that I won't be able to watch on another player. Any insight or experiences with the same are much appreciated. Thanks.

Juan gets an Audi from the big spender (Hillary). Hillary’s done it now!

Pau thinks it’s one thing to give a trinket but another when you throw your money around. This is extreme and only shows her insecurity and she won’t go for a ride with Juan because of it (and the big green monster, no doubt). He is perplexed and proclaims that she is screaming louder than a category five hurricane. He thinks if he accepts something this expensive he will be comitting himself to something serious wiht Hillary when all he really wanted was to make Pau jealous.

Someone please tell Marely and Pau that sisters who coordinate their outfits are really cute at age 5, or maybe even 16; at 25 or 35, not so much.

Mar tells that Sandro is going to contract Laura today, and pau says that’s all she needs, Pau spills the beans about Hillary’s "gift" Marely.

Pau decides she’s not letting Juan get away with this so she goes out and she tells him she agrees that Laura will work here but only in the post she assigns as he walks up extolling the virtues of his Audi convertible. He complains that she is trying to control things again and she essentially says tough, she’s given up enough already and these are my conditions.

Nid yells at Yadi for accepting the apartment along the lines of not knowing what’s behind the offers. Yadi doesn’t understand because Nid thought he was the greatest human being ever. Nid says I thought, but people change. No one gives something for nothing. Yadi thinks there are still good people in the planet. What planet is she on? Nid says he’s a stranger, and that she will regret this. A mom is never wrong. Nid says first you hide taking your kid, and now doesn’t want to live in her own home? Yadi snips back It’s not ours it’s Pau’s actually. Nid gets mad and tells her she’s cruel to say such a thing.

Lau shows up after Sandro gave her a tour. Pau welcomes her to Farell and she says thanks though you had no choice. Juan asks Lau to respect Pau, and she says yes, she’ll enjoy working on promotions and they go to his office to await the contract.

Pastor tells Pau about a rumor that Sandro wants to put Laura in charge of promotions at request of Juan, el presidente. Pau explodes that he wants to annoy her. He says no, he’s only passing on info. He washes his hands of any insubordination and Pau says she’ll be responsible for the changes, so he says he’ll write it as she wishes.

Pau tells Pastor to make Lau his assistant, he says he already has one, and she says now you have two and wonders if he will question her authority. Of course he won’t, he prepares the contract. I love his scrunchy face he makes at her as she walks out. I make that at the TV all the time.

Laura will see him everyday and is excited, but Juan says but everyone has to like your work.
They are about to kiss, Mar asks if she interrupts and should come back, Juan says no, work first.

Anga tells Yadi that Kike will be next. She worries if he comes he’ll take the baby. He says they need to get her out of here and asks Remolacho to drop what he’s doing and come with them.

Lau wants to know when Juan gets pottery classes again. Just then Hill calls to ask if he got her surprise. Juan he says he can’t accept. She says you can’t convince me by phone so I’ll come get you to eat together. He agrees while Laura gets the cat’s ass mouth now. This is coming up as a convenient descriptive term!!

Pau walks in and drops the bomb, Lau says something is wrong with the contract, but Pau says nope, there are no other vacant positions, so if you want to work here, take this. Lau looks to Juan for his help, and he doesn’t really, he instead convinces her that she’ll start low and work her way up. She wants more money but Pau says you aren’t going to earn more than the person you are working for so forget it. Juan sweet talks her some more and gives her hugs so she ends up agreeing.

Pau introduces Lau to Pastor. Sandro is there and notes to Pau that woman must be crazy in love to accept so little to be here in the office. Funny, the same was said about him. Pau walks away pissed off and Sandro is pleased at himself for his annoying comment. Laura echoes Sandro’s sentiment in the elevator until other people get on. Juan begs her to chill the confrontations with Pau, and she’s just thrilled to be around him.

At Yadi’s apartment Anga tells Remolacho to rest while they try to find someone to care for Baby and clean a little. Remo says his cousin needs work but she’s mute, if that’s ok. Anga says call her!

Yadi isn’t sure if she’s dong the right thing. He says don’t worry if you have none of your stuff, we’ll buy you what you need. She thinks he’s good people.

Kike is reporting Yadi’s flight to Nid and Perf. Perf says well she is related to your Ma. Nid still thinks there is a misunderstanding, but Perf agrees that the onion seller has all the fault and is a pervert - irst he robbed me of my curvy lined wife and now when he didn’t suceed goes after the daughter.

Nid is offended at Alirio’s suggestion that Anga is that malicious. Perf wonders where is the love.

Pau explains her decision re Laura to Marely, that she’s a bad person and has no experience. Marely calls a spade a spade that Pau’s jealousy is getting the best of her. Pau doesn’t accept that.

Kike fears he’s going to lose his baby. He begs Perafan to help him, and Perf begs that he needs some bills paid. Kike says he’ll pay whatever for his daughter.

Anga becomes Yadi’s new stooge and we are treated to scenes of shopping for baby and Mama.

Hill comes into the business and asks to see Juan, Ivonne is impressed. She asks how Pau is doing and Pau says fine and walks away without asking how Hill is.

Sandro asks to explain numbers to Pau over lunch and she is thrilled to accept. He is impactada that she accepted so easily.

Nid goes to the gallery says she thought about the event all day. Nid shares her ideas for the gallery musica de un cilindero, no wine, instead pulque, and she wants some Tacos al Pastor on one side, and some enchiladas on the other, Willy and Ana stare at each other disconcertedly.

Back at the Farell, Hill picks up Juan to go eat. Sandro comes out and greets her. They exchange they are both going out to eat, so Sandro suggests for them all to eat together.

Sadly I neglected to tape this section so I can only report from memory. Feel free to add in.

Ana tells Nid thanks, but no thanks and wants something more discreet, Nid says no way it should be big with Venuses, and Cupids. Ana says nope and Willy agrees. Nid’s creative bone is crushed and she agrees to do a "boring" ordinary exposition.

The four agree to eat together.

Nid tells of Anga’s exploits with Yadi and that she thought he was a good guy and incapable of something crazy like this. Ana can’t believe it either.

Pastor tells Ivonne to help him by being kind to Herib and to make kind gestures to him every so often. She worries about Fer’s jealousy and doesn’t want to jeopardize her situation with him. Pastor begs her please. He says that his plan for friendship with Heri could lead to other things.

At lunch a boxing match is taking place with Juan as moderator in his head. He notes Pau making digs at Hillary by complementing Sandro and wonders what she’ll say in reply, and is surprised when she knows just exactly what to say. She remarks how down to earth and wonderful Juan is and that is what she loves about him. Pau remarks how adept Sandro is. The comebacks are flying until the waiter shows up and Juan thanks being saved by the bell.

Kike goes to look for Juan and discovers he’s not there. So he unloads on Marely Yadi’s new tricks. He is extremely agitated, but Mar tells him to calm down and not do something crazy.

Filomena doesn’t speak, but understands all and is told that her first priority is Nid Mich.

Mar doesn’t know what to say....go talk to Anga but calmly and talk to Juan too. She says it’s for the good of his baby because it will cost her, and maybe him too, besides he’s got lots of work he should go do and worry about this later. He agrees and thanks her.

Julia follows him out and sneaks up to Kike in the elevator. He tells her about the story of Yadi going with an old guy. She tells him his baby is adorable and she thought they were reconciling. He says apparently all Yadi wants is a big wallet.

Heri gets a make over. Pastor says they have to work on his manner of complimenting. Un Piropo (compliment) has to be refined, darn no more animal references for our country boy I guess. Heri is transformed after his manicure and facial and Pastor likes the look. Deja vue, I remember Juan going through this and it didn’t work. Won’t this guy learn his lesson? Or at least like people the way they are? Ay Pastor.....pobre.

Back at lunch Juan tells Sandro he’s sure his strategies will be fine he on the other hand wants to enjoy life. Pau says he shouldn’t spend all day daydreaming (Papoleatando). They take their leave.

Pastor takes Heri shopping and dresses him like a doll. Heri thinks the clothes are girly, and Pastor reminds him they are in the men’s section and he thinks when Ivonne sees him, she’ll go nuts. This was cute, as him dressing Heri "for Ivonne"

Pau complains to Marely about her chinese torture lunch with Hill complimenting Juan during the whole lunch and that she was doing it just for spite or to be a bad person (Mula) just to make Pau miserable.

Sandro interrupts the two sissies and asks if it is something important, Pau says no we were just talking about importing meat and Marely interjects of Mula (in this case junkor actually could still mean meat of a bad person) and then says, uh, oh, she means beef. (Carne de Mula, no, digo de res.)

Juan takes Hillary to Pepita's and she is floored that Hilary is actually in her house. Hillary breaks it out for Juan: Uh, was there or is there anything between you and Pau? Go ahead tell her about this bizarre sick obsession you had forever and a day!!! Or wait until tomorrow. That works too.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yo Amo A Juan, Tues. 5/20/08: To find a prince, you have to kiss some frogs, and some more frogs

We open with Ana counseling Paula at the dinner table, yet again. She is nagging Paula about her behavior toward Juan. Ivonne sits with them and nods her head in agreement with Ana. Paula is obviously dying of jealousy, when is she EVER going to admit that she's in love with Juan? When?

Kike approaches Delirio in his office. Delirio wants to know what he can do for Kike. Well, Kike had a few drinks and had a chance to do some careful thinking. He wants to hire a lawyer to represent his interests in the disagreements with Yadira. He wants to hire Delirio.

Oh, no, no, no. Delirio would love to help Kike out if it was another town, another country, another planet... But Delirio lives here at Casa Cachon, in the belly of the beast! He just can't do it. Kike scowls, almost ready to sob, his nose is running. He says that he would do anything for his daughter, he's got money and he's ready to pay.

Just then, we hear a little chime. Did an angel get its wings? No. Is is the sound of a cash register and Delirio changes his tune. Kike is family! So Delirio will represent him! Kike looks at him suspiciously.

Marely opens her bedroom door, steps out quietly, and closes the door loudly behind her. She starts to sneak down the hall, but Yadi stops her. Where is she going? She's going to dinner, just with a friend from the office. Yadi agrees to cover for her.

Paula in her PJ's picks up the teddy bear Juan gave her. She rests the bear on her lap, then almost starts to shake it. The bear is spared, and she decides instead to call the Cachons.

It is dark outside. Juan is walking through a landscaped forest of pine trees and manicured lawns. He's been searching for Hillary Paris' address, but hasn't found it. Then he sees the number he's looking for. He approaches a large stone mansion with a lighted fountain in front. Wow! Look at this mansion, she lives here?

Marely and Sandro sit down at a restaurant and look at the menus. Marely is ill at ease. The waiter asks what they'll have to drink. Sandro starts to order a bottle of French wine, but Marely has no interest in it. He orders orange juice for them instead.

Juan knocks on the door of the stone mansion. A tall, somber looking butler opens the door and stares at him. Juan announces that he's here to see Hillary Paris. The butler looks at Juan and his getup. Juan holds his ground and tells the butler his name. The butler answers in a resigned voice that Hillary Paris is expecting him.

Nidia is in bed and Delirio is snoring as the phone rings. Nidia answers and is happy it's Paula, but is she calling about the late payment for the mortgage? No, Paula says. Nidia wants to know if Ana told Paula that Nidia got a job. No, she didn't mention it, says Paula. Does Paula want to talk to Marely? Nidia offers to wake her up. No, Paula wants to talk to Juan. Nidia's eyes widen. Oh.

Juan? Nidia mentions that he had plans for dinner... he went out. Paula wants to know if it was a business dinner. No, by the way Juan was dressed, it was to meet a woman. Paula looks wounded. Next we see her crawling into bed, crying, next to the bear.

Hillary Paris gives Juan a warm welcome. She suggests that they eat in, an idea that Juan likes. They stroll the grounds, arm in arm. She says she has a special dinner for him that the chef will have waiting for them. He thinks to himself that he hopes it's not some weird food like lobster.

At the restaurant, Marely looks guarded as Sandro tries to get in her good graces. She doesn't know what to make of his behavior. Why did Sandro send Paula flowers? Sandro says because he wanted to have a good relationship with his boss, the wife of his brother. Why twice? The second time was the florist's error. Sandro wants Marely to give him time. Maybe it would be less complicated if they pretend they are strangers at work -- and they can get acquainted outside of work. She reluctlantly agrees, looking doubtful.

Juan tells Hillary how hungry he is, and they go inside to eat. The butler tries to help Juan with his chair, but Juan stops him and looks at him suspiciously.

Marely wants to ask Sandro a direct question that she hopes won't offend him. Is he interested in Paula? No, no. But the way he acts toward Paula at the office... Sandro says that what Paula has would make any man crazy. But she's not the type of woman he's looking for. He wants someone kind, honest, someone he can talk to and have long conversations with. Just like Marely. Marely looks conflicted.

Sandro would love to travel. Marely admits that she hasn't seen too much of Mexico. Sandro wants to show her all the beautiful sights. But what is most beautiful is right here. Marely is confused. Sitting in front of me at the table... Marely starts to brighten, but restrains herself.

Later, Marely and Sandro are sitting in the car in front of her place. It's the goodnight and are-we-going-to-kiss moment. She thanks him for the evening. She kisses him on the cheek. She starts to get out of the car, but turns back and he kisses her on the lips. After a while, she turns to go. Wait, he says. He gets out of the car to open the door for her, and she brushes by him quickly. Then she turns back and gives him a small smile, looking shy and maybe little confused.

Sandro arrives back at CL's apparment and his twin bro is angry. CL, in PJ's with cigarette and drink, wants to know where was Sandro was all night. Sandro can't just go wherever he wants, they made a deal! Sandro agreed to the deal, remember? Sandro does not explain his evening, but comments that CL is using Sandro's good name. He adds, it's hard to say what will come of this, but in the end there will probably be some negative fallout for Sandro. Like CL cares!

The next morning, Yadi appears at the upstairs landing of Casa Cachon and she's got an audience downstairs. Kike announces that he has hired Delirio to protect his rights and the welfare of his daughter. Delirio starts to make some lawyerly statements and Yadi screams at him. Nidia and Marely rush out. The screaming match continues. Marely yells, STOP!

Marely is in the nursery, shaking a toy for Nidia Michaela and trying to keep her calm. She tells the baby, don't worry, mommie and daddy aren't arguing. They always talk like that! Nidia comes in, worried.

In the study, Nidia confronts Delirio for signing on to represent Kike. How could he? Delirio tells her about his principles, his moral obligation, the weight of the law. Nidia tells him he's just playing lawyer. She threatens him with D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

Meanwhile, Kike and Yadi scream at each other at the base of the stairs. Juan, just coming home after his night out, slips in through the door and sees the commotion. He says, calm down! We need to settle this with discussion and negotiation. Nidia comes out of the study and advises deep breathing. They manage to get Yadi and Kike to stop shouting.

We see a calico cat on a ledge. Another cat nearby howls. Delirio prowls a sunny street in DF, then steps out of the sun into a dark and sinister alley. The dark and sinister alley has graffiti, painted in welcoming pastel colors. Trash has been strewn around, artfully, just like the set of a high school play. Delirio pounds on a metal corragated door in the alley. Gustis demands to know if it's really Delirio, what's the secret phrase?

Inside, Gustis takes of his black hat. Delirio asks him a favor, a small favor. Can he read this book of legal code and find out what to do for a father who's trying to get sole custody of a child from an irresponsible mother. What??? Delirio pleads, what else would Gustis do with all of his free time? Gustis wants to know the identity of the claimant. Delirio tells him it's Kike... You mean this involves Nidia Cachon's daughter, are you crazy?!?

Laura is at work early at Farrell and stops in to see CL/Sandro. Yes, he gave her some general information about the position yesterday, but she wants specifics. He says, how about a tour of the office? They walk toward to the elevator, just as Marely arrives at work. She tells CL/Sandro, thanks for yesterday. He says to her, in passing, there's nothing to thank me for. She stares at him in shock. CL/Sandro and Laura wait at the elevator.

Yadi wobbles down the stairs in heels at Casa Cachon, carrying a big box. Nidia demands to know what she's doing, what's in the box. Yadi tells her it's mangos, for a client. Nidia chides her for her behavior with Kike. She and Kike need to do what's best for the baby! Yeah, sure Mom. Yadi leaves.

Nidia prances upstairs to the nursery with food. The baby's been so quiet, how strange... She lifts the blanket in the crib and the baby's gone! Just then, Yadi gets into a cab with the baby and tells the driver to go. Nidia runs out of house and sees the empty box by the front gate.

Kike is in the driver's seat, of his truck. He's telling Juan about his troubles with Yadira. He's miserable, Yadi's going after every man that passes by in the street, but she ignores him. Why??? Kike doesn't know how to treat her. Juan tells Kike he knows what he needs to do. And, by the way, can Kike drop him off at Farrell?

Anga is holding the baby and Yadi tells him that Kike has retained the services of a lawyer to protect his rights as a dad. None other than Perefan! Now Yadi says she has to get a lawyer herself. Doesn't matter who, but a lawyer. Anga tells her he can represent her.

Nidia bursts into the produce market and calls Yadi a liar for sneaking the baby out of Casa Cachon in a box. Mangos, ha! Yadi, holding the baby, cringes.

Anga comes to Yadi's defense. Nidia demands to talk to Anga, in private. They trade insults, why is he such is pervert? Why all the interest in Yadira? Anga says that what he feels for Yadi is the purest feeling he's ever had for a woman. Nidia tells him to watch out. When it comes to protecting her family, she's capable of anything!

Paula strides through the Farrell garage in almost-short shorts and a satin top -- you dress for the position you aspire to, no? She brushes by Juan paying little attention and he calls her back.

But Juan abruptly interrupts their conversation to respond to a forgotten best friend: Hillary Paris' chauffeur. Remember me? Jimmy! Of course.

Jimmy's boss has a little something for Juan! Paula scoffs at him and wants to see what the present could be. Jimmy drives up to where they are standing in a brand new silver convertable and gets out. He hands the key to Juan.

Juan, our hero with the mullet, triumphantly waves the key at Paula. She sneers at him in return.

*Note: Any similarity to real events is purely coincidental.

Previews for tomorrow's episode: Hurricane Paula (or is is Marely?) is gathering force and is forecast to reach Category 5!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, May 19, Mon. - Leading a Double Life Ain't a Job for Sissies

We open the week with the ultimas semanas promises again. Do you suppose it's real? The scene at Lizards-R-Us, aka Farell Industrys, shows us that since Friday Paula is still hollering about the dreadful Laura being hired against her demands in one office while Juan is defending this hiring to Sandro by insisting that Laura is smart, well prepared, and Sandro adds, well connected to the President of the company, right? RIGHT. Right, and Sandro conveys to Laura that she has all Juan's support. Paula watches with dagger eyes as Laura presses Juan with grateful caresses and kisses.

Alirio comes up to an information desk in the bank with baby and baby carriage and assures the clerk behind it that surely he will help him, he wants to open a new account. The clerk looks less certain but wants to ask Alirio some important questions. What is this program we have here?

Kike is hitting the wall and lamenting the disappearance and late reappearance of Yadira, demanding to Remolacho that he should be recognized as the husband with his proper rights and respect. Remolacho is less sanguine about being able to control what Angarita wants to do, like take Yadira out to eat, besides he is more interested in tacos for lunch. Laura is using her current sway with Juan to tell him where she most wants to be in the company. She would like to develop new business. She regrets that the only negative is the sour Paula who still harbors so much rancor over something so small that happened so long ago. Juan tries to be politic that some people don't get over what harm was done to them. It doesn't augur well that Laura and Juan are hugging and rubbing noses as Paula barges in without knocking or being announced by Ivonne Bonbon. Paula and Laura easily sling insults about hypocritic courtesy. Paula one more futile time announces she won't tolerate this woman in the company.

Yadira giggles while Angarita tells her how much she seems like her mother. She wants to know if Anga still loves her Mom. He prefers to talk about something else, but Yadira completely ignores his pleas and continues to ask about how romantic was it between Nidia and Anga when they were young. He tries to ask which University she wants to attend. She enthuses that there are so many. He wants her to pick her favorite without regard to how much it will cost.

Paula continues to point out the inept inexperienced Laura is a hypocrite (her favorite word these days is hipócrita) and further she is unpleasant (antipática), yadayada. Juan throws back that he was a good partner when she insisted on hiring Sandro which makes Paula yell with even louder shrillness as she points out that Juan made Sandro stay with such a ridiculously low salary. When he tries to quiet her she insists she isn't getting louder and wonders why he is challenging her (estar desfiando). Juan shows his desk sign as president and his expensive boots to emphasize his right to make these decisions and Paula continues to ignore that Laura is off settling in her new office saying Laura is not going to work in the company and Juan says, like it or not she is, and Paula goes to over my dead body and Juan gives kisses....

Marely startles an angry Sandro/CL who wants to be left alone and is so nasty she leaves telling him sometimes he is worse than his brother.
Pastor tells Ivonne that Heriberto has eyes only for her. She advises him to think of things he and Heriberto have in common, sports, the cinema, can't think what. Back to Marely buzzing the cranky guy that Paula wants to see him in her office. Paula wants to convince him that Laura Berrocal can't work in the company and even the disguised CL tells her he can't countermand a decision by the rightful President Juan. A grinning CL peers out of the eyeglasses of Sandro at this frustration he has fomented. Break.

Nidia and Alirio fight over where he has been and how worried and scared (susto) he has made her. As they parry over who has the bigger need to do things, she still demands to know where he went with her precious granddaughter....

Paula now rants at Sandro who feels he is between a rock and a wall, about why he isn't using his administrative powers to argue with Juan. Kike tries to act busy while a very jolly Anga and giggling Yadira enter late from their happy meal. He wants to go off to see HIS DAUGHTER but his high toned words are lost on both. He wonders if Yadira won't come with him but she giggles that she needs to settle something with the patron, but she will come along later. Nidia and Alirio seem to bore each other into an uneasy truce of who will tell where they go, have gone, will go and who has the right to drag it out of the other.

Sandro is now trying to talk with Juan about Laura and the pressure Paula is putting on him to convince Juan not to employ Laura. He ironically seems to enjoy, in fact almost help, Juan keep to his decision which is so irritating Paula. He calls the game in play a power struggle, (duh). Then the unbelievable advice asking Sandro wants to know what Juan would do in his place. If Paula has urged him not to accept Laura's contract and he does how will she take his shameless act (raspado). Juan advises him to tell Paula that he did what he could to convince Juan but it didn't work... we switch to seeing Sandro/CL tell Paula just these words. He is at a loss of how she can insist that he do something that Juan refuses to give into. Paula asks if she should just directly insist with Juan and Sandro/CL smiles as he says he personally thinks there are things to read between the lines here. And he says there are other ways to achieve what she wants. The cat that ate the canary grin takes us to another break.

Yadira coos over baby Nidia Michaela while Kike looks like a canary about to be swallowed. He wants to know what it is that Yadira wants to do.... Over at Pastor's office Paula tries another tack with him but he calmly says he is waiting for Laura to sign her contract.... Kike finishes his sentence, he thinks something strange is going on between Angarita and Yadira. He piles on the dichos, all our old favorites: Anga is trying to mate or get too close to Yadira (echando los perros), there is something fishy (gato encerrado) and even a suspicious or hidden dog fight (pelear de perros). She says he is the only thing that is insulting but he holds with as the father of their daughter he has every right to advise her that she looks like she is making some bad steps, or heading toward trouble when his daughter's welfare is concerned. In short, Kike is back to being the insecure, jealous pile of anxieties in the face of this self-centered woman who has a Paula-esque shrillness about her that saves our ears only because her voice is lower. So what confusing mess (jaleo) is she trying to make with Anga. She defends his help, respect and especially that he is paying attention to her in a way that she craves. He can't believe she can carry on like this while they live under the same roof (techo) but she counters that this will end very soon. He assumes she will move back to Topete's but she says no she is moving into her own apartment.

At dinner with Anga, Pastor sneers that now that Anga has bought Yadira an apartment and will pay for university what is his next act to buy the baby her own car? Anga tells him to go on joking but he is sure that Yadira is his daughter and one day all will come out. Does NIdia agree, Pastor's pokes with more questions. Back at Casa Cachon Kike is telling Yadira she can't leave all this but Yadira says here everything they have is either borrowed (prestado) or given (regalado). But the most important things to Yadira is liberty and freedom that she has nothing of here. She insists that this is all her business. When Kike says but what about the baby. Yadira snaps that she will take her with her. While they struggle with that issue, Yadira tells him to quit insinuating stupidities (like her having a lover or what, I would presume). Finally she ends by telling him that she is going with Angarita's offer of an apartment and paid university, nahnahnah....

Sandro and Cesar Luis finally catch up at the dinner table but it doesn't look like a nurturing or nutritious family dinner. Little by little CL intimidates Sandro about the attention he is paying to Marely who is worthless and boring (sangrona) with her university research and all but he guesses that after today Marely won't be coming to him for help. Sandro pales and says what did you do to her?

Pastor calls Heriberto who is watching something fetching on TV and eating something high calorie on the bed with a beer in one hand. Pastor lets him know that he can counsel him about how to charm Ivonne. BUT, he can't do it on the phone.

Juan and Juanito also at a table in a cafe, discuss Juan's various and plentiful bevy of beauties. Juanito only has sympathy for the charms of Marely but Papa goes on to show him his own inclination to prefer pretty women, Juanito has a preference for Flor doesn't he, well yeah but...

Dinner at Ana's table has Paula talking about Laura again and HIllary and complaining but the ever wise Ana calls it jealousy . Ivonne tries to be conciliatory but Ana pushes the point that Paula is dying of her jealousy and she better get it together to declare her real love for Juan before it's too late.

Nidia and Yadira talk about Yadira's plans to leave and take the baby. What if she is sick in the night and Yadira has to study. Yadira sounds quite sincere in waxing poetic on how she isn't throwing a tantrum (berrinche), she is grateful to her mother but wants her freedom and needs to make her own way in her life and the world, one tends to forget that she won't be paying for one peso of it herself.

Juan and Juanito return to the house to find Kike lining up about six stiff tequila drinks. Kike cries and reveals that Angarita has offered to pay for Yadira to have an apartment and to attend university. And saddest of all she will take his daughter with her.

Sandro calls Marely who gives him the cold shoulder until her gets out of her that she was insulted by his treatment. He blames his tension because of the struggle between Paula and Juan and he lost control. She says over Laura? Yes, he probes not knowing how insulting CL must have been but tells her he is really interested in her university studies and yes he cares a radish (rabano) but he needs to see her in a restaurant not talk on the phone so they can sort this out. Marely is too willing to change her hurt insulted feelings when Sandro begs to make her see that he was not responsible for his outrage today.

The great advisory dinner meeting takes place between a conciliatory Pastor and a flattering Heriberto. Heri is sure Pastor knows all about the ways of a gallant urbane man of the world. Pastor continues to peddle his wares with feigned sincerity. How to woo an hottie like Ivonne. First he has to change his LOOK (look). Wow are we going to see a change in Heri who seems to imitate Juan but with even brighter suits.

Juan makes his excuses to get out of the house while he tucks Juanito in. He has meetings to attend. Juanito tells him he is staying out too late and he better get home to bed. Juanito knows that Papa is avoiding the real truth about who he is seeing and why.

Alirio is having a secret conversation on the phone with a disheveled Gutierez who seems to be living in a garage. He has to keep his voice low or NIdia will find him talking and kick him out of their bed again. He assures him that tomorrow he will go to other banks and open other accounts. Oh my what a business man with a new plan. (Sorry I missed Friday, perhaps this was explained but it seems like today's hot new idea.) Kike interrupts with the desperation of a man who turns to someone like Alirio. He needs to have a lawyer on his side to keep Yadira from taking his daughter form him. Fin.

Next: Nidia answers Paula's call and tells her he has gone out with another woman. Paula doesn't look pleased once again.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan – May 16, 2008 – In Which the Real Fun with Laura and Paula Begins and your Recapper Can’t Think of a Snappier Title

Folks, feel free to add, subtract and correct any errors in this recap. All help is deeply appreciated!

Cap’n Sylvia Sharkbait came up with a brilliant system last night to identify the twins and so I quote her:

“In order to avoid confusion here is how I will deal with the twins:

CL = when CL is himself and out of disguise
Sandro = Sandro Arenas
S2 = when CL is disguised as his twin Sandro Arenas
"Sandro" = when people are talking about who they think is Sandro, but it's really CL”

Thank you, Cap’n Sylvia, and now on to tonight’s feature:

Sadly, the writers and producers have decided to make our very first review of last night’s episode a reminder of how Yadi can dribble herself all over just about any good-looking man. S2 is no exception. She dribbles while he looks over her proposal and declares there’s no problem with it—it’s a good proposal and the prices are attractive. Yadi simpers and gives no appearance whatever of being a competent businesswoman. She mistakenly calls him CL, corrects herself, and they do the now familiar routine about where he’s getting used to it. I guess he should be since he’s CL anyway. The old boy hasn’t lost his touch, because he seizes the moment and asks to tutear her, which totally makes her day. Her simpering reminds me of the fake orgasm Sally had in “When Sally met Harry.” Except Yadi really means it.

Paula snipes about Hillary Paris as Marely brings some papers she’s requested. Paula comments about what an arrogant type Hillary is. Personally, I can’t imagine who Paula’s talking about, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it, obviously. Marely agrees, though. Paula doubts Hillary is taking Juan seriously.

“Sandro” can’t imagine why Juan wants to hire Laura. Juan doesn’t give him line, chapter and verse, he sketches out why he wants her and just tells “Sandro” to get the job done. “Sandro” is more than compliant. He’ll do whatever the boss-man wants. As a parting shot, “Sandro” congratulates Juan and points out how well Juan has done, moving from the bottom of the barrel to the top of the heap. Juan gets up, menacing—how does “Sandro” know he came up from the bottom to the top? “Sandro” notes how easy it is to come by information in this company. Juan wonders if “Sandro” is gossipy (bocón – big-mouth, boastful, backbiting, gossipy). “Sandro” denies it – and he’s not nosy, either (preguntón, one who asks too many questions) and briefly describes how he came by the information and that they’re more than willing to describe how Juan has come up the ladder. Juan stares at him, suspicious, and thought bubbles about how he thinks this guy is mocking him and how he likes this guy less all the time. He muses about how this guy seems like a wolf disguised as a Grandmother (un lobo disfrazado de abuelita) at times. [“Sandro” is at his snide CL best, which will trip him up in the long run, in my not-so-humble opinion.] Juan stops him and tries to send “Sandro” off on the task of the hour. Before “Sandro” goes, he tries to get Juan to go eat with him so they can “keep talking.” Juan weasels out—he’s going to eat with Hillary. “Sandro” mutters behind Juan that he should choke on his meal (que te atragantes en la comida- loosely translated, I hope you choke on the meal) while he’s climbing the social ladder (trepado). Juan swings around -- what was that? “Sandro” says that since they’re talking about food at the moment, he’s on his way to a little place where they have a spit roaster (asador). It’s a restaurant in Polanco [from http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/Polanco_i.html: “Polanco is located just in front of Chapultepec Forest and it is one of the most dynamic areas in the city. In this neighbourhood you'll be able to find the most sophisticated hotels, restaurants and the best shopping district. The main attraction of Polanco is being residential and commercial at the same time. Elegant flats and boutiques turn the area into a strategic business hub. Nevertheless it still has its original trendy atmosphere, great dinner options and at night it offers some of the best clubs in the city.”] It’s a great restaurant. “Sandro” walks in front of the bemused Juan telling him about “La Carne Atravesada” [which is delivered like an insult, so help here, anyone.] Juan is suspicious-impactado.

There are shoppers in the gallery whom Willy is busy serving while Ana grabs a moment to update Nidia on her love life. Nidia, the babysitter today, wants to know if Ana’s joined the team, flirting and sashaying. Ana shushes her and Nidia persists. The flesh is weak, death is a black hole and one needs to enjoy! [No doubt I mangled that dicho, so help here, all who can “la carne is débil, el muerto al pozo y una al gozo!] Ana ignores that and tells Nidia she and Willy prefer to take it step by step. [Well, at least Ana does.] They’re letting it all happen without forcing it. Nidia tells her that sounds about as exiting as taking an intensive English course in bed. “Good morning, Papi Rico, chami, chami, yes, yes” and Nidia punctuates this boring event with bounces on the bed to signify the action…..while she gives us one of “those looks.” Ana changes the subject altogether and asks how her work with Delirio in the home office is going. Nidia reports it’s been destined for failure from the get-go, and so it’s not going well.

Ivonne wants Pastor to know that she’s of the opinion that Juan’s not really very interested in Hillary Paris. She thinks it’s a scam to get Paula’s knickers in a knot. Pastor notes that the new VP is watching Paula carefully for her reactions. Ivonne is doubtful and Pastor continues that he’s taken Paula out to eat, sent flowers, doesn’t that suggest something? Ivonne thinks that was just for Paula to get some of his attention, but the one he really likes is Marely. [And you’re BOTH right, folks.] Pastor scoffs, but Ivonne points out he ate with Marely yesterday. Pastor is impactado. This guy’s a mystery! He notes that this guy seems worse than CL himself! Ivonne crosses two pencils at him to ward off the evil spirits of CL, may he rest in peace. [Anon #1, you’re right! There are pencils everywhere here!]. Pastor warns her to be careful with this guy, because he could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing (un lobo en piel de oveja). [¿Tú crees, Pastor??] How strange, Ivonne mutters, looking thoughtful.

Willy has come to chat with Ana at her desk. She tells him she’s worried about Nidia; she’s had problems finding work and her hubby is a zero to the left. [Two zeros, if you ask me.] Willy asks if Nidia will be able to pay the mortgage, and Ana confirms not only will Nidia not be able to pay that, but not even to live. Willy suggests that Ana ask Nidia to come and work at the gallery, they’ll have a lot to do for the exhibit and it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have a PR person. Willy says all this with a tad bit of reluctance; we are talking about Nidia here, after all. Ana is thrilled, is he willing to have this expense? She can’t believe he’d do this for her! She thanks him and gives him a kiss; he caresses her cheek and smiles lovingly at her.

Juan and Fern share a celebration in Juan’s office. This Hillary Paris netted Juan a 10! Seeing Juan when he got off the elevator with Hillary Paris….and Juan tells Fern he owes it all to his Juanito. Fern thinks after this at the very least he should be buying his son a bicycle or something. Man, such a beauty she is! Yep, she’s a goddess. A fantasy (aparición)! The boys dreamily discuss Hillary’s attributes. Everyone standing there with their jaws dropping….and Juan’s going to eat with her today. What? Yep, today.

Delirio rushes to his door with Nidia at his heels, possibly thinking he has a client—nope, it’s Gutis, sporting a beard and moustache. Delirio calls him a bad friend, a traitor and Gutis just chuckles at him. The boys face off and Nidia rolls her eyes.

As we return from commercial, we get a lead-in clip of Gutis laughing sleazily at us, which is Not a Good Sign. It probably means we’re going to have more filler and Gutis is central to the new filler. Delirio asks again why the h*** Gutis is there. Gutis wants to know what kind of greeting this is for an old friend. Delirio tells him it’s been a while and don’t count on any favors from him on account of “friendship.” Nidia throws her two cents’ worth in—he better not be counting on her, either. Okay, if they don’t want his friendship, he understands, but he has such a deal for Delirio. Gutis taps Delirio on the shoulder emphatically. What, Delirio wants to know, to end up in jail? Thanks, but no thanks. Business with you is of no interest to us any more because it always ends up badly. Nidia snarls that Gutis can get out of his own volition or Delirio can kick him out. She turns Delirio to her and asks, “right, Alirio?” Delirio, wuss that he is, backs right down. Nidia jumps in front and tells Gutis fine, if this rat of a husband of mine won’t dare to do it, I will. Delirio is much more comfortable throwing out the threats from behind Nidia. “Don’t force me, Gutierrez, to employ violence!” Gutis laughs with a scoff. He can’t believe Delirio after all they’ve gone through together. Well, he understands, and he’s leaving. After all, they’re good people, decent people. [Methinks I hear a sneer in this voice, folks.] Nidia agrees, although she knows he has to work hard to believe it. She tells him to go and never darken their door again. Nidia’s feeling pretty darn empowered after Gutis leaves quietly with no more discussion.

At the market center, Anga is excited that this is the beginning of a good commercial relationship with Farell without CL muddying things up. Yadi murmurs agreement. Anga continues that this really has promise to be a really big business deal. Yadi exults in agreement, and tells Anga they’ve gotten really lucky (killed the snake on Friday, one of my favorite dichos!). Kike joins them; he’s been waiting for them to go eat. She links her arm in Anga’s and tells Kike it’s a shame but she’s invited Anga to go eat. Anga smiles and tells her that’s not necessary. She insists it’s the least she can do. Kike is impactada and worried as Yadi says that Anga has behaved so divinely with her and Anga is embarrassed. He says she’s left him no choice but to agree. Yadi goes for some papers so they can do business over the meal. Anga wonders where she’s taking him and she tells him no taquitos or stuff like that, something much finer. She condescendingly tells Kike they’ll see him later. Anga tells him he’s in charge and Kike looks bien irritated, but what can he say? The pair goes off arm in arm and Kike scratches his head in concern and puzzlement.

Ana is still hard at work at the gallery, talking to Nidia. Ana wants to issue an invitation to eat. Nidia’s excited, how divine! She alludes to her misfortunes, but she’s not actually dying of hunger. Ana fondly tells her that Guillermo (Willy) and she have something to discuss with Nidia. Nidia’s pleased that the chomi-chomi will join them. She’ll make sure her gloomy old spouse and her granddaughter are squared away because her curiosity is piqued now.

“Sandro” gets a caller in his office—Marely wants to pop in. He invites her in, a trifle uncomfortable at her warm and welcoming smile. “Sandro” pushes at his glasses and goes back to his laptop while Marely brings him a pile of papers. Look at this, what do you think? What’s this, he wants to know. Marely tells him it’s the essay and she made progress the night before with his help. He scolds her –what does this have to do with your work at Farell? He hands it back to her with a scowl. Well, nothing, but….”Sandro” scolds even more that she shouldn’t think it’s right to be coming to distract him with this in the office. Marely looks like he slapped her and stammers that if it’s not a good moment……”Sandro” tells her it’s NOT a good moment. Sounding for all the world like his twin, he yells that he has IMPORTANT things to attend to and she comes to him with this stuff. He tells her to never interrupt him with such things and limit her work to things related to the office. Marely looks panicky. Are we clear? Yes, she responds softly. Excuse me. She frowns at him like he’s grown another head [which he has] and leaves quickly.

Delirio is napping at Casa Cachón in his favorite room, the office. A firm knock snaps him awake and to stand behind the desk. “Come in!” He calls a second time when no one enters. Running to open the door, he discovers he’s babysitting again. Nidia Micaela is ready for a walk in her stroller, a note pinned to the hood of the stroller. Nidia had to leave in a hurry and didn’t want to wake him. [A likely story, since she knocked hard.] Take care of this child as if she were your own. Delirio mutters in annoyance, then snarls in frustration at Nidia; meanwhile Nidia minces out as fast as her stilettos can carry her—right past a barely hidden Gutis stalking the house for the right moment. Gutis grins like the cat that caught a canary.

Sandro reads the paper at the kitchen table in the apartment. He remembers his lunchtime discussion with Marely. She told him when they ate that she didn’t remember a time when she’d had such a discussion with anyone, about something really important. He told her the same thing, and stammered his way through it until she asked if he was tongue-tied. He told her she made him a bit nervous. Sandro returns to the present with a happy smile on his face. [Ed. Note: Brother, are you in for a surprise about the damage your other half has done this morning at the office!]

Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Marely has to see Paula to unload about “Sandro’s” treatment of her moments ago. Has something happened to you, Paula wants to know? No, not to me, but to “Sandro.” What’s wrong? Marely describes how he offered help with her essay, including the book loan, and today he’s the biggest despot in the world about it when she wanted him to take a look and he told her to limit it to office work! Paula thinks he might be overwhelmed with work. Marely acknowledges she might have chosen the worst moment, but that doesn’t explain his strange attitude. Paula, our in-house expert on men, tells her they’re all like that. One moment they’re enchanting, and the next they’re making you feel way uncomfortable. Marely wants to know if Paula remembers the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Paula chuckles. You know, one moment he was a serious and kind guy, and the next he was a rabid crazy man. Paula chuckles again. Marely wonders if “Sandro” could be bipolar or have a split personality or something. Paula laughs outright—she doesn’t think so….but she thinks again. She agrees that it’s strange, but concludes it’s for everyone’s good. [WHAT is for everyone’s good?] Paula advises her little sister to quit thinking in horror film terms and they’ll go eat. Off they go.

“Sandro” sees them come into the lobby and scoots off so they don’t see him first. The girls are going for sushi down at the corner, and want to know if Ivonne will join them. Nope, she’s going with Fern. Ivonne has noted “Sandro’s” odd behavior and that he’s still lurking behind a pillar waiting for the girls to leave. She sees his scowl as he stalks back to his office, and she gets a thoughtful look.

Gutis has found his way into the Cachón house and Delirio tells Gutis that it’s his fault Delirio suffered undeserved shame and humiliation. Gutis grabs him by the tie and tells him not to be such a liar. He knows that Delirio was only locked up one night. They told him. Delirio wants to know what about the joke they made of him? Gutis wants to make up for it by again offering the best business deal of his life—and helps himself to Delirio’s liquor. All the while, Nidia Micaela is mellow in her stroller. Delirio supposes Gutis is still a refugee from justice? Yep, he supposes right, Gutis tells him. Delirio declares that Gutis is NOT going to set himself up in this house, Gutis heard Delirio’s wife. Gutis reminds Delirio that his wife was in on the deal to alter that will in the first place, and while she was busy covering up, he was spending time in the jail. They argue about the affair of the will cover-up. Gutis figures it’s been working okay while she’s at his side—he insinuates that Nidia is only with Delirio because of the cover-up. Delirio asserts that Nidia has realized that she loves him. Gutis tells him that this woman’s not going to really love him even in his dreams. But, let’s get to the point about this deal that will be in our best interest here. Delirio doesn’t want to hear it and tries to throw him out again. Gutis mocks him about how he’s keeping Nidia at his side with a vile trick.

Juan is finally on his way in a taxi to lunch with Hillary. He gives himself a pep talk about his date with this beauty and how attractive all his charms are—she didn’t make eyes at him just because he was such a great impresario. He sings a phrase from a song by José Feliciano. What will it be? It will be what it will be.

Apparently Gutis doesn’t give up easily. He’s still at it, trying to convince Delirio about his deal. All Delirio has to do is open some new bank accounts, and Gutis’ clients will use those—they surely will be moving a lot of $$. Delirio nails it right off the bat—so, we’ll be doing laundry? [Okay, that’s a very loose interpretation..] Yep, with other people’s money and gaining millions. Delirio strolls Nidia M. around the living room as he talks. Dangerous, Gutis, very dangerous. Gutis persuades; “wouldn’t you like to let Nidia have the life she deserves, take her to exotic places, buy all she wants?” Of course I would, Delirio agrees. Well? Why would Delirio close the door on this opportunity. Delirio points out that all Gutis adventures so far have ended badly for Delirio. Gutis interrupts and reminds him that nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nidia M. begins to whimper. Me, too. Gutis assures Delirio this will solve all his problems and help him win the greatest love of his life. [Right.] Delirio is softening—it’s tempting. But….Gutis won’t take no for an answer. But if Delirio wants to lose this great deal, Gutis will make someone else rich.

Willy and Ana enjoy a leisurely lunch while she tells him how she and Nidia are opposites. Nidia is spirited, lively (jacandarosa) and extroverted, scandalous and naughty, but she’s a good person. For Willy, it’s enough that they are friends and Ana trusts her. They look at Nidia noisily making her way toward them. Ana adds a note—Nidia is one of the main promoters of her romance with Willy. Well, then, he’s eternally grateful to her! Nidia joins them and immediately proceeds to be herself, totally embarrassing Ana. He’s such a gentleman! The waiter asks what she wants to drink, and Nidia orders a tequila. Ana nearly jumps at her over the table and Nidia retracts the order to give a more appropriate order-a sad and boring lemonade. Ana has said nary a word and Nidia got the message; Willy sits looking down at his plate, figuring out what it’s all about and noting a depth of understanding between the women. Nidia babbles on—she’s at their orders, and since she left her house has been thinking and thinking about what could be on their minds. She’s got various theories. Willy starts to explain and Nidia bursts in that they’re probably going to get married and want her to be the wedding sponsor! (madrina de bodas). Nope, Willy tells her, but it’s a magnificent idea! He looks at Ana, who tells Nidia not at the moment (but doesn’t negate the possibility). Nidia speculates they ate the torta early and maybe Ana’s pregnant. Ana is distinctly uncomfortable. It’s not about us, it’s about you. Ana tells her they have a proposal for her, that she collaborate with them in the gallery. Nidia is soooo happy and the amigas smile widely at each other, with Willy joining them.

Delirio has foolishly brought Gutis into the office. [Okay, that’s a judgment call on my part.] Apparently, Gutis has him hooked, but Delirio wants his assurance that Nidia will NEVER learn of his involvement in this. You heard her a while ago, she doesn’t want to see you, Gutis, not even in a painting! Nope, she won’t see Gutis and Delirio won’t have anything to do directly with Gutis, either. [Ed. Note: I just noticed that Gutis has lost his curly lock in the middle of his forehead! He doesn’t actually look like such a naco any more.] Instead, Delirio will see Sr. Maloro. Who’s that? Gutis stands, shakes Delirio’s hand, and announces he’s at Delirio’s service. He explains how he’s going to arrange it so she never knows a thing. Delirio thinks this sounds just fine and pats Gutis on the cheek to punctuate his satisfaction with the arrangement.

Hillary and Juan are clearly having a good time, and he’s telling her tales that amuse her about Akito, the Japanese man he met on the way to Achichipico who left him with the anthurium business, and as they say in Juan’s home town, like a burro who plays the flute. Hillary chuckles at the story. [There appear to be bodyguards [or, they could be the valet parking guys] over his shoulder watching the two of them eating]. He babbles on and Hillary tells him she’s never met anyone like him. [No doubt.] Like this, straightforward, authentic. He thanks her and jokes –what are YOU drinking? They laugh some more. Juan remarks that she’s so cute and must have mountains of admirers, or no? Mountains, yes, but they’re not the same. They’re like a bunch of clones, all trying to impress me all the time, and competing. She and Juan clink their glasses in camaraderie. You, on the other hand, are so natural. Juan muses to himself—what’s up with this? Have you seen me au natural? [Ed. Note: Oh, Sheesh, Juan.] Juan says he doesn’t have two faces, WYSIWYG [Loosely interpreted, amigos]. Well, from time to time he tells some of those little Holy Lies. Hillary tells him in spite of that, he’s a transparent man. One whose soul could be touched. Juan thought bubbles that if they’re getting into these areas, they’re getting red-hot. She continues that he’s a special man—incredibly special. While she continues, he muses about her lovely red lips, silky voice; it’s music to his ears. She’s destined for him, right, Papa Dios? She calls him back to the real world. Juan? Juan! What’s up, I’m here! He snaps back to join her. She tells him she asked him a question, so what does he say—yes, or no? Chinches Bravas, what would she have asked? What if she proposed marriage? He tells her he has to think about it. What, you have to think about if you want to be my friend? Juan makes like he was messing with her—you believed it! You believed it! They both laugh and so do we. Of course he wants to be her friend! And whatever else you want, divine child, he muses to himself again. He tells her what an honor it is for him to be near such a woman, who is so rich and so straightforward, having such a wonderful heart and sharing so much with everyone! Juan kisses her hand and looks her straight in the eye enchantingly. He compliments her eyes and caresses her cheek. Hillary, like women everywhere who meet Juan, smiles shyly.

Laura Berrocal strides across the Farell lobby with determination, in an outfit that is leftover from the early 70s mini-falda and weird stockings days. What was it you said, Cap’n Sylvia? She shops at “Skanks R Us? Julia meets her. Laura is looking for Sr. Juan Dominguez. He’s left to eat, Julia tells Laura, did you have an appointment with him, or what? Laura declares haughtily that she needs no appointment with Juan. [We beg to differ; nowadays you might very well need an appointment, Laura]. She’ll wait. Julia points to where she can wait, but he might be late. Laura says it’s not important, and could Julia bring her coffee? Julia is intrigued, of course. She’ll bring it. Sugar or no?.....”Sandro” sees Laura and approaches, greeting Laura. Well, you must be the twin brother of CL. Yep. She notes that they’ve seen each other during the interviews and she learned about his parentage. “Sandro” self-effacingly tells her he’s getting used to people looking closely at him for the similarities. Laura congratulates him on getting the VP position. “Sandro” says that Juan’s told him about her. Really? Yep. And he gave me the responsibility of personally helping you. Suddenly Paula and Marely come off the elevator and as Sylvia said so eloquently last night—“Laura arrives at Farell + Paula sees her = Catfight!” Paula tells her to get lost, please. Laura just stares.

Hillary is bidding Juan goodbye at the restaurant—where’s his car? He left it in the garage. She offers to take him wherever he needs to go, but he tells her he prefers to walk to work off his full belly. [Ed. Note: Apparently Hillary doesn’t mind the tie that ends mid-chest level]. Her car appears to be something like a Lamborghini or Ferrari—[I don’t know the difference, I just know the basic shape.] Later, he’ll hail a taxi when he’s worked off the meal. Fine, she tells Juan, and it’s the best meal I’ve had in a good long while. Can we have dinner together? Juan takes her hand to kiss it and nods—what?? Shyly?? Well, then, she asks—until tonight? Hillary draws his face down with one hand and gives him a kiss. Or two. Or three.

It seems they didn’t get the job done during the break and there are more kisses. They stroke each other’s cheeks, kiss and flirt. Juan is thought bubbling while he kisses, which I am told is unusual for guys, about how he never dreamed when the day began that by afternoon he’d be testing the honey of her lips! This would be the moment when he should sweep her into his arms and turn it into a real kiss. But, he’d run the risk of her seeing him too forward (lanzado) and that wouldn’t speak well of him. Hillary breaks the kiss and asks if he thinks her too forward (lanzada). He thought bubbles no way and tells her it enchanted him. She was so spontaneous. She tells him it would only happen when she met someone she liked so much. He thought bubbles to himself—didn’t I tell you? You have your way! Hillary wonders why he’s so deep in thought. He tells her he’s not really thinking, but being sure he doesn’t forget the feel of her lips on his. She asks if they’ll see each other in the evening and he tells her he’s ready [Ed. Note: If I were a suspicious person, I’d be suspicious about the wording he used, but I’m SUCH an innocent schoolmarm type. He said he’s more ready than a sock. Or a French Letter.] You say frog, and I jump. She smiles and chuckles at him. She walks off toward her car, her entourage of bodyguards with her, and abruptly returns to Juan. Do you know what? She tells him she hasn’t asked him the most important thing. What would that be? Are you a free man? He affirms that he is. Hillary is pleased, because she’s free, too. She finally goes to drive away in her beautiful red Italian car. [Could be a Maserati, too, what do I know except that it’s Italian? FWIW, the taillights are not Lamborghini or Maserati, and look more like Ferrari Enzo taillights to me.]

Meanwhile our favorite harpy has declared war right in the center of the Farell lobby. Paula wants to know qué the heck she’s waiting for and Laura screams back that Paula can’t throw her out. Paula wants to know if Laura wants her to call security to eject Laura. “Sandro” tries to get them to calm down. He informs Paula that Laura is looking for Juan. Since he’s gone out, “Sandro” will see to Laura. Paula tells him not to waste his time with Laura, they don’t have to give her any type of consideration. Laura wants to know why Paula has such poor manners. [Ed. Note: Those boots and nylons are super skanky. Just my two cents’ worth.] The girls continue to exchange insults, and Marely tries to get Paula to let “Sandro” take care of Laura. Julia tries to intervene at Paula’s request that she calls security and Marely gently tells her to hold on. She tries to get Paula to back off, but Paula wants to know what Julia’s waiting for. Laura confronts Paula—she’s not the sole owner of this company and she can’t dismiss Laura like she’s a nobody. Paula lunges forward to confront Laura up close and personal. Marely drags her back to calm her down. She’s making a spectacle of herself! Paula will give Laura five seconds to get the heck out. Laura announces she’s not going anyplace. “Sandro” asks Marely to accompany the Licenciada Paula to her office and he’ll see to Laura. Paula is NOT to be swayed. She counts. One, two….Laura squares off with crossed arms and “Sandro” interrupts—he’ll SEE to Laura. Paula’s not buying it. It’s an order. “Sandro” tells Paula that Juan asked him personally to take care of this. Ivonne rushes over to grab Paula and drag her to the office. “Sandro” actually looks distraught as Paula gets hauled to her office by her sister and Ivonne. Julia approaches –he tells her to let security know their presence isn’t needed. He drags Laura off to his office. She apologizes for all the shouting, but this woman (Paula) is increasingly too unhinged (desquiciada). She asks his pardon, but his blessed brother left her like someone in a nuthouse. “Sandro” looks totally bemused by this declaration. Laura asks if she can tutear him. Sure, of course. Laura notes that they are actually like “political relatives.” Her cousin Monica was married to his twin. She was so happy until this social climber (Paula) crossed her path. “Sandro” gives her a tight smile. Laura wonders how he can work with such a woman? “Sandro” excuses her—Paula’s had a difficult day. Would that Laura can forgive her. Whatever. “Sandro” changes the subject—Juan’s told him that Laura wants to work with them. Yes, Laura understood that she could begin little by little. She doesn’t have much of that kind of experience. She hasn’t worked in a while. Laura has high hopes and is hopeful that Paula won’t be a hindrance. “Sandro” notes that from what Juan told him, she can count on his help. Laura remarks on what a great guy Juan is and offers “Sandro” her resume. He notes that she appears to be a very well prepared woman and there shouldn’t be a problem offering her a very attractive position in the company. Really? Yep. He continues that it was very rude of Paula to treat her like that in front of everyone. That’s what Laura would say, too—this woman has no manners. She tells “Sandro” how agreeable he is, nothing like his brother. He was hateful. “Sandro” squirms uncomfortably and mutters that’s what everyone says. But there’s a question that intrigues him. What? Why is Juan so interested that you work in Farell? Is there a personal relationship between the two of you? Well, Laura hedges, they’re not sweethearts but they’ve been going out. Nothing formal yet. “Sandro” asks if she wants a tea or coffee while she waits for Juan. Laura remembers she had asked for tea a while back. “Sandro” calls Julia to bring it. Without sugar, she reminds him, and he calls Julia back.

The Harpy has continued her rant in her own office, thank heaven. That’s all she needs is for Juan to force her to have this woman working for her here. Marely and Ivonne try to calm and reassure her—she doesn’t know for sure this is the case. The three discuss the dilemma of Laura at about 110 decibels—at least Paula is at 110 dB. Paula throws out that “Sandro” was tasked with seeing to Laura personally by Juan. Paula is in a full swing hissy as the girls try to calm her. Ivonne sees a way out and runs to get her a cup of tea to calm her. Marely is stuck with her sister, trying to calm Paula. [Ed. Note: What a colossal waste of time!] It’s the last straw! First Hillary Paris and now this! Juan isn’t going to work because he’s hunting women everywhere? Marely looks sooo sad.

Willy tells Nidia that Ana wasn’t mistaken, Nidia is very nice. Nidia thanks him sweetly, and tells him that Ana is her best friend. She warns him to treat Ana well, because if he doesn’t he’ll have to deal with her. She brandishes fists at him. Willy holds up a hand, not to worry! Ana’s told him a lot about Nidia. She’s embarrassed if Ana’s told Willy what a mess Nidia made of the will. She swears to him that she’s very sorry. He knows. And he’s aware of the mortgage she is paying for the house, and that she’s needing work. Nidia teases Ana about her chattiness. [Yes, folks, that’s apparently a word because the spellchecker let it by.] When do they want her to begin working? ASAP, Ana tells Nidia. Willy tells her the timetable on it is flexible, but there’s lots to do before the exhibit. Vivaldi’s “Spring” plays in the background. Nidia remarks she was born to this (painted for this); she’s always given Ana good ideas. Ana notes that they have to keep a tight rein on Nidia because she is sometimes very imaginative….and the cuckoos sound.

Laura is still bending “Sandro’s” ear. There are lots of areas where they can collaborate, right? You choose, he tells her, what’s important is that you like working with us here. She’d like to talk it over with Juan. Of course. Laura whines that he hasn’t shown up, so when will he? “Sandro” smiles sardonically—he has no idea. Laura thinks she should go; she’s been wasting lots of his time and has caused problems. “Sandro” assures her it’s not a problem and she shouldn’t worry. Laura thanks him for the coffee and the chat; they’ll be in touch. He’ll accompany her to the lower level.

Pastor congratulates Heriberto on the flow chart. [Ed. Note: Who prepared that? Inquiring minds want to know.] Wow, did he do that good? Pastor evades a bit—“I just have to say I couldn’t have done it” and comes around the desk to shake Heri’s hand. Heri gives him a nice, big hug. He wants to learn. Pastor is very pleased with Heri. Heri is with Pastor, too. [Ed. Note: One wonders if they are talking about the same thing.] Pastor pushes—really? What do you like most about me? Heri lists Pastor’s good qualities—he’s such a good friend, the patience he has with Heriberto, gee, he teaches Heri better than the teacher Heri had in grammar school! Heri hugs Pastor’s shoulder and Pastor is enraptured. Pastor says that’s what he wants, to teach Heri lots of things and eventually tell Heri his story and reveal his soul. Heri thinks he’s a joker. He saw Pastor’s soul from the first day; Pastor’s a good person. What’s more, he’s Heri’s Mexico City buddy (compadre chilango=buddy who is a native of Mexico City). He gives Pastor a polar bear hug, dislodging Pastor’s toupee and shaking his teeth so we can hear them rattle. Heri pulls back, startled by this new view of Pastor with hair down in his face. Ay! Pastor scolds Heri to not be so effusive, for the love of God, as he rearranges his hair. Heri asks what the heck is that? He never knew Pastor’s hair was made of lies! Look at that, it’s the first time I’ve seen a man with a wig! Pastor is miffed. His romantic moment is a goner.

As Laura prepares to take the elevator down to the ground level, it opens to reveal Juan waltzing off and she rushes him—he’s finally arrived. “Sandro” observes with crossed arms. Laura gives Juan a big hug, though he tries his best to evade her collapsing against him. He wants to know what she’s doing here and she reminds him he told her to call but she felt like coming by to see what kind of work they were offering her. He points to “Sandro” who is standing by with folded hands waiting to see how Juan will put his foot in it now—I told him to take care of it so it wasn’t necessary for you to come by. She reminds him he’s promised at times and not followed through. She’s learned with him it’s better to get close. “Sandro” reports the bad news that Laura’s had such a disagreeable encounter with Paula. Juan is impactado while Laura tells him how rude Paula was, yelling and all that. “Sandro” saved the day, though, all kind and solicitous of Laura. Juan thanks “Sandro” who tells Juan that he’s checked out Laura’s work preferences and paperwork with her. Great, thanks. Laura looks him square in the eye to tell Juan she was on the way out but she’d rather stick around and chat with him. “Sandro” looks at the floor, knowing Juan is in yet another tight spot. Juan assures her he always has time for her and ushers her to his office. Laura waves over her shoulder at “Sandro,” thanking him and telling him it was a pleasure. He mutters that the pleasure was his.

Heri and Pastor have returned to normal, sitting at their respective places in Pastor’s office. Heri is telling Pastor his plans to excel, and begin to earn more money, and make Ivonne HIS! Pastor rolls his eyes and tries to disabuse Heri of his plan. Heri points out that hope is the last thing that dies. Pastor has to admit that he subscribes to that notion, too. [Ed. Note: As we have seen repeatedly over the course of nearly a year, Pastor.] Pastor checks his watch, qué bárbaro, it’s time to eat. Want to go out with me to eat? Heri thanks him, but says he’s got a lot of work to do. Well, Pastor tells him, it can be another day. Heri talks about the assignments he has that Pastor gave him. Heri rushes off and Pastor watches him leave, a bit irritated. Then he adjusts the toupee carefully.

Delirio is a picture of abuelo-hood as he carries Nidia M. into the bank while he pushes her stroller. The teller asks if he can help, and Delirio says he can; Delirio wants to open an account with them. The teller begins to go through the list of choices.

Kike and Remolacho are still holding the fort at Anga’s market stall. Remo wants to know why he keeps checking the clock and Kike retorts it’s because his boss is out with his wife. [Ed. Note: seems like a good enough reason to me.] It sure is taking them a while to eat, right? Remo quotes him a dicho about when folks are sharing a table, time flies, right? Kike charges him, not wanting the lovely dichos. He reminds Remo that Yadi is HIS wife and she didn’t even ask him along! Remo remarks to Kike that this will keep him in good with the old man, right? And he’s going to the corner for tacos, does Kike want some? Kike pushes him. No, get out of here! He glowers.

Juan has Laura settled in his office and lets her vent about Paula a little. Paula’s the only bad thing about working here. She’ll run into Paula. Juan thought bubbles that he has the same problem with Sandro. Juan gives her a pep talk to be very strong. He’s sorry Paula has this ugly attitude with Laura. Laura can’t understand Paula’s rancor since it’s been such a long time ago! Juan comments that some folks don’t forget easily when they’re given trouble. Laura just smiles and tells him she has to go and let him work. He’ll call her to let her know more later. Laura tells him that she wants a good salary [Sheesh] and nothing out of the normal, except to be paid well. Juan thought bubbles about how Paula demanded he give Laura a real slap like he gave to “Sandro” with that salary –and he gives Laura a kiss. She gives him another hug, telling him she’s his new employee. He mutters thanks for her visit into her hair and she thanks him for receiving her while they hug, and Paula bursts in with no knock.

We are thankful to finally see the message that “any similarity to reality is purely coincidental.”

Monday: Will the catfight continue? Will we care?

Vocabulary: It’s embedded, folks. If I have time in a day or two to extract it and list it here, I will. Discúlpanme!



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