Wednesday, July 10, 2013

PEAM #88-7/10/13: Multi-Layered Circles of Love, Chained To Each Other.....

Recap by Pablo

 ''Love is born, grows, reproduces, and sometimes refuses to die''

Verónica loves Jesús
And in Vero's little head there's no room for understanding that Jesús loves Alma and keeps insisting on having the family she rejected 6 years ago. She might not really love Jesús, but since he came back to Monterrey and is getting his life together, she became obsessed on having him by all means necessary, not limited and including getting naked when he is showering, changing just for him, spending great amounts of money for a home cooked two person dinners, and so on...
We might never know how her little brain works, because now that Jesús has ''put the cards on the table'' highlighting one more time that he doesn't love her, she thinks of revenge and threatens him with not letting him see Valentina from now on (if he doesn't comply with her terms). Jesús loves gossip and that takes all the room, so no, no room for revenge in Jesús heart...

Marta loves Valentina
But she is so mental that now that her cover is blown, she will see less of the little girl. Both Elías and Jesús have agreed that Marta should be kept away from the whole family and that she needs help. Her ''mental lakes'' are getting worse and she is afraid because after them, she doesn't remember anything! Her case is worse than Chatita's...

Ricardo loves Marisela
And telling bad jokes. He takes her to eat tacos from the street vendor, and even when she refuses at first, ends up eating more than him and licking all her fingers (as millionaires like her surely do, but of course, with gloves on). Everybody in this TN loves TNs, so the taco maker loves MI PECADO.
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 7/9/13 (#87): At Last! Furniture Is Flipped!

No tables are turned, alas. This is more of a Jerry Springer Show type of furniture-tossing. So old-school!

Paty's Tangled Web

Alma wants answers, and Paty's got them all! She is so glib, it's actually a shock when she finally seems to screw up and contradict her own story - but then she comes up with a lie to explain that away, too! Alma is still upset, but she's also relieved that her ONLY friend has an explanation that lets her off the hook.

The somewhat irrelevant specifics of Paty's lies:
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Monday, July 08, 2013

PEAM #86- 7/8/13-When Will We See Alma Explode?? Uh, Not Tonight!

Happy Monday, no you are not reading it wrong. Today is Monday not Thursday but I am subbing for Cheryl tonight.  I hope that everyone had a great weekend.

We start of with Sebastian blaming Jesus for Rogelio’s failed marriage.  Sebastian presses Susana to see if she noticed anything between them and Susana sings Jesus’ praises.  Sebastian doesn’t want to hear it.
Paty the back stabber is trying to calm down Rogue.  Rogue does not want her to touch Alma’s bed.  Paty is trying to find out what brought up Alma’s conversation with him.   It was during the birthday party. She babbles on about how this took place before she sent the Jessica videotape to Alma.  She tries to put in Rogue’s head that Alma and Jesus spent the night in Toluca together.  Rogue is not buying it and Paty can’t believe it.
 Alma is looking at the video and hears Paty the back stabber’s voice.  What is she doing at Rogue’s house??? Why is she jealous??? Alma is trying to put two and two together, but it’s taking awhile. (She could have flipped a table for a good effect)

Paty tells Rogue that Alma is not capable of deceiving Rogue.  Since Alma married you and didn’t love you.  It just shows what an upstanding person she is. She hates infidelity. She tells Rogue that she is faithful to him and loves her with all of her heat.

Alma is flipping out.  She doesn’t believe that Paty would betray her. She calls Paty’s house.  No answer.  She calls Paty’s cell.  No answer.

Elias and Jesus are still talking about Dr. Loca and Val has a nightmare.  She dreamt about Dr. Loca being a monster.  Val will be okay; she is with her 3 parents who love her. Que padre!!! (A touching scene)  The Ice Princess is melting!
 Xochy/Natasha is singing at the club and Ferny is in love.  Thank goodness, Xochy can’t see him.  Julio tells Xochy that Ferny is in the audience, throwing flowers to her.  She puts on her glasses to see.  The crowd is yelling- another song!!!.  Ferny tries to go to the stage and Alex pulls him back.

Sebastian is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Jesus is a starving secretary and Susana says so is she.  Susana speaks highly of Jesus’ character and talent even though he is not wealthy.  Sebastian is adamant about Jesus not being the right type/social class of person for his daughter and Susana tells him than neither is she for him.  He shouldn’t judge Jesus without knowing him.  (What a double standard- Rogelio is a wealthy, lying, womanizer that is worth marrying his daughter.  Debt or not, wake up Sebastian.)  Susana shows Sebastian the door.

Jesus wants to clarify things with Elias about his relationship with Vero.  Jesus makes it clear that he loves Alma and doesn’t feel anything for Vero and hasn’t touched her.

Alma is trying to figure out why Paty is at Rogue’s house yelling.

Elias is not buying it and Jesus reminds him that Val needs a roof over her head and he would have done the same thing.  Jesus is totally in love with Alma. He sleeps in his room with the door locked and Vero sleeps with Val. (How many times does he have to say it?)  Alma confessed to Jesus that she loves him and Elias felt more secure.

Ferny wants to see Natasha and Julio is barring him from entering her dressing room.  Julio lets Ferny know that he is not working now; he is not his boss so he cannot order him around.  Ferny leaves and tells Natasha his name.
 Elias realizes that Vero doesn’t love him.  Marisela is a young, immature cutie but she has problems.  Jesus knew about Panfilo being Marisela’s father but doesn’t like to gossip.  Elias has his faith back in Jesus and they shake hands. They part and Elias wants to call him Chucho again, they hug under the loving eyes of the Virgencita.

Julio loves Xochy and Natasha. Julio sees that Xochy is changing.  Ferny is hot for Natasha.  Xochy doesn’t get it.  Ferny is trying to ditch Alex. (What happened to light? Stay strong Ferny)

A distraught Alma decides to go home to confront Paty, the cell rings.

Gil (the wimp) tiptoes into his apartment to Begonia who has her suitcases packed.  Gil thinks that the suitcase is his.  Begonia tells him that it’s not his.  Gil and his toes are impactado!!!!

The phone call was from Sebastian, who can’t believe that Alma is still working and starts his crap about Jesus and Alma cuts him off.

Paty is cuddling a sleeping Rogue and telling him how much she loves him, he is the reason for her existence.  Bleeeck!!! The lights are out.

Ferny thinks that he has caught Natasha and comes upon Xochy and Julio.  They tell him that Natasha left through the VIP entrance.  Ferny starts questioning Xochy, as to why she is there, he didn’t see her in the audience and then he is asking questions about Natasha.  Xochy came with Julio because they are a couple and Julio can’t believe what he is hearing. Ferny thinks that Natasha is simply marvelous. Julio asks Xochy to be his girlfriend and Xochy is screeching happily that they deceived Ferny, they have to be careful and didn’t answer Julio.

Begonia is trying to explain to Gil that she is done with their marriage (She picks up the giant rolling pin and Gil jumps- hahaha!!) and that Gil will be happy without her.  Just two suitcases for all of those years of marriage?  Geez!!! It was a little sad.

Jesus checks on a sleeping Val and Vero and covers them up.

Alma is STILLL at the office!!!!!  Sebastian calls yet again. It’s 1 AM and he doesn’t want her in the streets alone at this time.  Alma will be okay.  She is staring at the paper angel, crying for Jesus. (Hello, we have cell phones, now; it’s not the 1950’s). We end the scene with Alma crying.

Vero awakes looking for Jesus, who is showering.  He is looking for his plaid shirt.  Finally, Alma calls Jesus.  She doesn’t answer while Vero, wearing Jesus’ plaid shirt disrobes.  She slips off the shirt and says that she is all his, while Alma is listening. He tells her to get dressed.  She can’t take anymore. (Listen, honey stop crying and at least throw something!!)  Jesus, now the Ice Prince, tells Vero again to get dressed.  He tries to continue the conversation but Alma has hung up.  He calls back and of course Alma will not answer.  Jesus asks his namesake why do humans complicate life?? The Ice Princess who was all hot, bothered and melted is still sitting in disbelief, sadness and embarrassment.
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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Porque al Amor Manda #85: ¡Qué Emoción!

Purple Towers:

Alma admits to Jesus from about two inches away that she confessed her non-love to Rogue. Jesus impactado. Alma reverse-impactada. He moves closer. She edges away. Finally he backs her up against an end table, where she puts up a brave resistance by baring her throat and arching her back. Ha! That'll do it! But then both of their phones ring, and of course they have to answer them. It's telenovela law.

It's Sebastian on the phone for Alma, and Vero for Jesus. Rogue is a basket case! Marta is a nut case! Jeez, wouldn't you two rather be kissing? JUST SAY NO TO THE PHONE.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013

PEAM# 84- Rogue's Pity Party Continues; You Can Cut The Sexual Tension With a Knife and The Re-emergence of Cybil aka Dr. Loca Marta

Happy July 4th!!!

We begin with Paty the Back Stabber- drinking what may be poison and sending the incriminating email to Alma.

Dr. Loca is at Avon with very youthful, high shoes, waiting to see Alma and goes to the bathroom.
Marisela comes out of the bathroom and bumps into Panfilo, she trips over a broom, Panfilo calls her daughter and asks if she is okay. She scolds him for calling her his daughter all the while Dr. Loca is listening.  Panfilo asks how is she and Marisela tells him that she is fine and Elias is divorcing his wife.  Dr. Loca is still listening.
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PEAM #83- 7/3/13: These Are The Little Mornings That King David Used To Sing!

Recap By Pablo

34 years ago, in a place at north of México, a little girl was born. She had hair blonder than corn and her parents named her Alma (Soul in spanish). Could it be because her hair got blonder as she aged? Probably not. Her mother had the same name, juárever. Today, on January 5th, her husband threw her a surprise party and all Avon was invited...  will everybody attend? Patricia, her best friend and husband's lover, mad because Rogelio upset her, left early this morning and didn't come. Instead, she spent all afternoon either planning to commit suicide and/or trying to send an email... maybe she can do both...

Rogelio, who almost got circumcised in Acapulco, threw the house out of the window with a party that included cabrito al pastor, fajita, asado de puerco, grilled zucchini and onions, jalapeño peppers, soft drinks and beer. When Fernando, who almost fell in love during jail time, thinks all this is for him, runs to happily hug Rogue, but soon he finds out it is not. It is because of Alma.

Alma, who almost lost her ''other virginity'' in Toluca, is more surprised to see nobody working when she left, than seeing them clapping when she arrives to Rogelio's mansion. Palomo group plays the Diana and the ''mañanitas norteñas'' and she blushes as she walks by Jesús side. Jesús, who almost lost his gold medal to more experienced secretaries, spends the whole time making all kind of faces. I know I should have counted them, but I only have 10 fingers!
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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 7/2/13 (#82): Half a Loaf

Xóchitl finds her mother unconscious on the floor and screams for Julio, who comes running to help. He holds a mirror to Bárbara's mouth and verifies that she is still breathing. Xochi calls an ambulance.

At the hospital, Xochi blames herself for her mother's condition. Julio tries to comfort her, but she seems to turn away from his hug. The doctor gives his diagnosis: Physically, Barb is perfectly healthy. She probably faked her swoon. She needs a psychiatrist. (Or a big bowl of Cocoa Puffs, because she is cuckoo!)

Bárbara is staring vacantly in her hospital bed until Xochi enters. Then Barb puts on her most pained expression and demands to know where Xochi was. She's yelling and scaring the other patients. She particularly complains about Julio. "Julio helped me bring you here," Xochi says. Bárbara grumps some more and pretends to gag or choke. "I know you're faking," Xochi tells her. "The doctor said so!"

Bárbara denies everything and says the doctors are all wrong. She's very sick. (With Munchausen syndrome, maybe!) Xochi tells her mother she thinks she's doing it to get attention, but it's not necessary because Xochi loves her.
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Porque el Amor Manda #81 , Monday 1 July. One small step for the lips, one giant leap for the plot.

In brief, and out of order:

Valentina puts Chatita to sleep with her retelling of the boring Queen and Lackey story. In Val's version, a wicked witch put a spell on the Queen and that is why she married the Evile One. Vero wakes Chatita and yanks the Ayudante doll out of her hands.

Elías invites Marisela for an evening out. When he picks her up, Vero is rude and condescending to the young gold-digger. Like she's any better. El and Mari go to a fancy restaurant, where Marisilly stages her usual act of what she thinks sophisticated rich people act like, with the usual abysmal success. Elías looks like he's starting to doubt the tale she's spinning, with her reminiscences of dining at Big Ben and taking a cruise in the fjords of Alaska.

Pato answers Rogue's tragically booty-free call, considerately dressed as a nun so as not to incite an uprising amongst his oppressed lower levels. He irritably puts up with her heckling over his many problems, but then he drops a bomb: he's been ousted from Avon, and his salary isn't coming with him. So buh-bye Sugar Daddy, hello Nine To Five for our Paticakes. She'll have to cut costs; probably give up her expensive apartment. Pato is outraged. WORK?! HER?! What about his other businesses? Well, turns out he had to give up his other TOTALLY LEGITIMATE businesses when he was arrested. No connection, surely.
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Saturday, June 29, 2013

PEAM #80-6/28/13: What Are Julio and Xochi Up To; Chucho Bonds With Pancho Lopez, But Will He Take His Advice, Will Alma Take Rebe's Advice?

Hola, Manda Peeps. This recap will not be in order, scenes have been combined so that the recap flows better. This recap will be in two parts. The first in Monterrey and the second in Toluca.

Happenings in Monterrey:
Chatita is now finished with Cardy and is about to leave, but needs directions of course. She encounters the three sillies and gets directions from them, but has a thought? Are any of them married? They point to Don Gil, he is the only one married in their department. She gets him to give her directions to his home so she can maybe sell Begona some Avon cosmetics and the other sillies joke that she just may need them, ha, ha!

Sebastian has come to pay Rogue a bit of a visit. He wants to know if Rogue has gotten rid of his amante Patymelt yet, cause Sebastian had to convince Alma to marry Rogue, ya know cause Rogue bailed ole Sebas out! Rogue is shocked, I tell you shocked. And that isn't all! He swore that Rogue was a good guy, faithful, trusty, yadda, yadda, and if Rogue doesn't break it off with Patymelt, he'll tell Alma all about what is going on! Rogue isn't taking this lying down, and tells Sebas if he tells on him, he'll tell Alma that Sebas was responsible for her Mama's death. It's the proverbial stand off here! Well, Rogue backs off and apologizes to Sebas and tells him with everything going on, in particular Alma being away in Toluca with that damned secretary, Rogue has been let go from Avon and Sebas is just astounded.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

PEAM # 79- 6/27/13-Una Familia Con Suerte Names A New Northern Regional Director At An Unusual Board Meeting

Pancho begins by telling everyone that tonight is the big event.  Jesus is trying to find out, what event and Alma sidetracks him by saying that it is a surprise for Jesus.  Pancho’s phone rings, he excuses himself and tells Alma and Jesus not to miss him. Hahaha!!  Jesus and Alma share- “Que the heck” glances.  Alma is a little nervous but Jesus feels that they are good people and that there is nothing to worry about.  Jesus helps Alma to take off her lined coat??? (Why is she wearing that?)  They are alone and Alma thinks that it’s a bad idea that they traveled alone.  Jesus asks if she is scared??? (Wink, wink)  They look at each other as if they are ready to jump on the table in front of them.  We get some scenic photos of Nuevo Leon and then back to Avon.  Enter Dr, Loca- I mean Dr. Marta heading straight towards Marisela’s desk.  She wants to talk to her for 5 minutes. (Note to Marisela- you may need some mace for this chat)  Marisela agrees and Xochy and Susanna note the strange behavior of the psychiatrist who herself needs therapy.   Xochy asks Susanna about Don Sebastian.  They are taking it slow.  Susanna shares that in Acapulco she and Sebastian had a good time.  Paty the Back Stabber brings Rogue the memory stick.  (I hope that he had more than one)  Rogue wants to know if she slept with him.  Why no, Rogue are you jealous???  Paty the back stabber hugs Rogue.
Alma feels weird, but not because of Rogue.  She doesn’t want to be there for the complicated reasons.  Alma asks about Jesus and Vero.  She wants him to be happy and Jesus reminds Alma that his happiness is not with Vero.  Jesus asks Alma why did she ask about Vero at Rogue’s house?  Did she know something?? Then they share long, loving glances at each other.  She doesn’t know what he is talking about and gently takes her hand.  We can all feel the sexual tension. Candelaria aka Candy comes in and announces that the meeting will begin soon, inappropriately hits Jesus with her butt and gives out the folders, throwing Alma’s folder to her and gently handing Jesus his folder.  Alma throws daggers at this person.

Dr. Marta tells Marisela that she is owes her an apology about sending the photos of Elias.  It was childish!  Que the hell??  Did she have a lobotomy?? She was nervous and depressed and didn’t know what was she was thinking.  If they are going to fight for Elias, then it should be civilized.  This time Marisela acts like the fool.  Dr. Marta puts out her hand to shake and asks if they can be friends???  Marisela doesn’t buy it and tells the good doctor that she is super, super crazy.  The good doctor responds that she is a super, super little stupid girl.  (I guess that she didn’t get the lobotomy.) 

Elias is having coffee with his lawyer and concedes that he has lost Vero.  The lawyer says that he is an honest lawyer (is that an oxymoron???)  He should quit while he is ahead.  Start a new life.
Alma is not pleased with the provocative attention that Candy is giving Jesus. Ahem!!!  Alma scolds Jesus for encouraging the behavior with his smile.  Which smile?? The smile makes me all warm and tingly, Jesus.  Alma zips her lips for a change.  Jesus asks about the reason for the meeting and Alma says that it’s about Rogue’s case and that Rogue is innocent until proven guilty.  Jesus is a giddy but bothered by Rogue being referred to as Alma’s husband.  He also knows that Alma knows something about Vero that she won’t tell him.  Come on Alma, tell me, we’re friends.  Jesus as a married woman, I don’t have the right to say anything about your wedding with Vero.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

PEAM #78-6/26/13: Whoever Marries Without Love, Pays The Price With Tears!

Pato, Rogelio is home!
-Well, not so good, we have to sleep in separate beds!
-That's bad!
-Not so bad, he kicks and he wouldn't let me sleep!
-I know! I mean, that's good!

When Patricia arrives to Rogelio's home, the doctor is still there giving the last instructions. Then Rogelio starts to argue with Alma about the twin beds they need to sleep in tonight. Of course, Patricia is careless and mocks the reason why that happened, going to the extreme to make sexual jokes regarding the ''little problem''. Rogelio is devastated, he is being hit from all fronts. Alma, who should be staying in her penthouse at least until Rogelio gets better, decides to spend the night. The Unefón rings, and Alma tells them that Pancho López, from the main offices in Toluca, wants to see her immediately, so tomorrow, she will be traveling once again (would they belong to the high mile club?). Patricia, whose list includes sowing seeds of doubt in Alma's soul, makes fun of both until she gets what she wants, and tells  Alma to find out who Rogelio really is. 
Tomorrow will be a big day, so without a good night kiss, Rogelio and Alma go to bed and turn off the lights.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 6/25/13 (#77): Relocations and Dislocations


Cardenas proudly shows off his no-longer-mysterious tube TV/telenovela collection to Chatita.

At home, Eli is despondent that Vero moved out. Minerva tries to cheer him up, saying there's always hope. But she sounds like she's quoting a fortune cookie. Meanwhile, Marisela is coming up the walk and thinking that this palatial estate is just the place for her.

The boner specialist says that not only will Alma and Rogue have to wait before they can have relations, but Alma will have to sleep in another bed. Otherwise, you know, she might thrash around in her sleep and knock that thing clean off of him by mistake. (Yes. We'll just say it was a mistake.) Patymelt pretends to be amazed that Alma isn't just climbing the walls in frustration to be with her new husband. She gloats openly in front of Rogue and imagines laying a passionate kiss on him in front of Alma.

Chucho comes home to Vero's surprise dinner. He is very, very slow to understand that she intends to live with him; but when he finally understands, he refuses. Emphatically. Sort of. But she is so pathetic: she has nowhere to go. She has no money. Eli cut off all her bank cards and whatnot, and she spent all the rest on groceries for this dinner. (Note for Vero next time: you don't need to buy two cows to feed three people for one meal.)

Fernando actually gets a warmer welcome from his cellmate than Vero got from Chucho. By bedtime, they have bonded sufficiently for Fernando to confide that he had nothing to do with Rogue's crime; he never made a dime off of it; he's loyal to Rogue because Rogue cared for Fernando like a father; and their father was never around when they were growing up.

One more thing...
Alma tells Rogue that she's been summoned to Avon's Maximum Wrinkle-Stopping Ultimate Mosquito-Repelling Supreme Control Center Anti-Aging Home Office Anti-Smudge Mega-Headquarters in Toluca. She has to go tomorrow. Rogue suspects this won't turn out well for him.
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Porque el Amor Manda #76, Monday 24 June. What happens when you call a girl a princess and put her on a pedestal.

So Val's gone walkabout from the office, and everyone is friqueando. They look "everywhere", meaning mostly in their own area. The guards say she hasn't left the building, so Chucho runs down the fire stairs, and then back up again, to show off his fitness. Then he searches the conference room and men's room back in the admin area. No luck. He runs down to the garage, and Alma follows. Val isn't there, but our Trepid Heroes have time for some Significant Looks and a leisurely chat about having faith before they take up the search once more...back in the admin office.

Meanwhile, down in the bodega, row upon row of boxes is neatly stacked on racks. Val finds one of only three wooden crates in the whole place, half full of packing peanuts, decides this is her princess carriage, and climbs in and closes it. See, this is what happens when you keep telling little girls they are princesses. So here come our warehouse dudes, who of course need to lift that almost-empty wooden crate way up to the top of a high and precarious stack of cardboard boxes, which are not on racks, with the forklift. Their only task for the day done, they leave. Val is friqueando and screaming for Daddy.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #75: Lip Locks, Thumb Locks, Locked Up and Locked In

Vero and Elias are at it again (fighting, that is.) It's a long story but I can make it short for you: Vero provokes Eli to the point that he actually draws back his fist to strike. He is appropriately horrified: "Forgive me! Forgive me! It's just that you're SO OBNOXIOUS!" Well, yeah. It seems to be doing wonders for her hair, though. I'm tempted to try it myself.

Alma comes into the office and doesn't even notice that Paty's giving Chucho a panty-shot on his desk. She's so excited! Cantu says Rogelio's getting out!  (Or maybe she's just over the moon about her Mexican Emma Peel outfit with all the yellow and zippers and yellow and stuff.) Jesus confides to Xochi that he wants Alma to be happy, but he can't stand thinking about Rogue getting down with his bad self if he's actually allowed out for a honeymoon. Now I'm confused. Is Alma actually...I mean...all of those Thursday that a COLD Jacuzzi at Rogue's house?Read more »


Thursday, June 20, 2013

PEAM # 74-6/20/13- Days After The Wedding That Was Shortened By An Arrest

Happy,  Eve of the Summer solstice.

We start off by getting bits: of Jesus telling Vero that he loves Alma and couldn’t tell her because she looked so happy in her wedding regalia  and Alma crying to Chatita about how she didn’t tell Jesus that she loved him.  She didn’t’ want to break up his united family, of  Vero, Jesus and Val.  Everything in its place!!!  (If I didn’t have to recap, I may have skipped this episode)   Chatita tells Alma that she knows the story but Alma doesn’t look happy for a woman in love. She tells Chatita that Rogue was arrested at the wedding.

Rogue is talking to Cantu his corrupt lawyer, who brings him medication for his zipper problem. And he has an idea as to how to use Fern to help his case.  He is still working on the idea. Ferny is still thinking about Rogue’s words, how it is all his fault.  The doorbell rings and Jessica and Alex (2 hoe hoe hoes) are at the door.

In the warehouse Ricardo sets up a dinner with an ipod for the high fluting Marisela because he is homeless.( Side note- my priority may have been to get a room to sleep in, as opposed to serving dinner- just saying)   Hmmm- the table is on a forklift.     Ricardo is slowly winning over the rich wannabe.  He recites a line from Ortega, Gasset  and Tagor and of course Marisela has never heard of them.  (She needs to read more if she wants to hang with the rich and famous, she is as dumb as a doorknob).  He is looking at her qualities, her beauty and her lips and then plants a smooth one on her.
 Elias is thinking about Val’s letter to Jesus and how Vero and Jesus were kissing..  He calls Marisela.

Elias interrupts Marsela’s kiss.  He asks – if she is with Chatita.  Of course not.  He needs to see her and she flat leaves Ricardo to run to Elias.  Ricardo doesn’t have a freezer to freeze the food for another day.  Poor fool.

Ferny is not interested in seeing either of the 2 loose ladies.  His brother is in jail and he is not in the mood.  Alex lied that she is going out with Ferny, and he couldn’t remember her name.  So Alex spills the beans – that Rogue paid her to relieve him from his Discua depression, while a stunned Jessica stands there.  Ferny was happy that his brother thought of him.  Alex’s message- tell your bro to pay me or I will sue him!!!

Rogue relives his last moments of freedom, literally, oh sorry digressing, when he and Alma were announced as man and wife,  Paty, the backstabber is speaking to Domi, Rogue’s maid, while the dog is growling at her. (He has  more sense than the humans)  Paty wants him to rot in jail for getting married to Alma, and then  proceeds to break his picture.  She yells that she loves him, (I am ready to fast forward, oops I can’t)

Alma is still talking about how Rogue needs her more than ever she has to help her husband and complete her promise. Chatita asks her if she is going to divorce him??  Thank you, Chatita- who knew that she would be the forgetful voice of reason.  She tells Alma- bad beginnings will have bad endings.  Alma starts talking and shares about her loveless childhood.  (Where is the good doctor when you need her?? Oh right, she is crazy and plotting to marry Elias)  Chatita gives her the motherly hug and attention that she has so lacked for years.

Vero doesn’t hear Jesus and wants him to give her another chance for love.  She will fight to earn his love even though he has confessed that he loves someone else. (Calling Dr. Phil and Steve Harvey

Jesus puts in another bid for Vero to give Elias another chance.  Vero is not hearing it.  She begs for another chance for Jesus and Jesus is listening, oh no!!  He doesn’t want to play with her feelings, give her false illusions or hurt her.  She finally gets it or does she???

Jessica enters Ferny’s apartment for any gossip or sex that she can acquire.  Fern has had it with Rogue. 
 Elias shows up at Chatita’s and Chatita lets him know that Marisela can’t be up too late and no funny business because she is listening.

Jessica presses Ferny for gossip and I hope that she will slip and tell him the truth.  He tries to minimize what is going on to throw her off of the trail.

Elias  wants to talk  and tells Marisela that Marta is not the problem. Marisela slips in that Marta is the problem for her, but Elias doesn’t pay her any mind.  His problem is that Vero wants to marry Jesus.

Jessica knows that Paty is having an affair with Rogue , she remembers the video but keeps digging to find out why Rogue is in jail. He sticks to the – I made up a story that implicated my brother and sends her on her way.
Marisela lets Elias know how she feels for him but Elias is stuck on Vero and his marriage.  Marisela tries to convince Elias that he will kill himself trying to fight for his marriage.

Tonight’s bedtime story won’t be about the Queen and the Helper because the Queen got married. .Valentina asks Jesus to come close (what an old soul)-  she wants to know what does he feel in his heart?  He can trust her?? She lets him know that she overheard his conversation with her mother  and he reminds her to stay in a child’s place.  Val reminds him that the adult stuff she can feel in her heart and it affects her. He loves her more than anything and he will protect her like a Superhero.  She tells him that she prays nightly that she is thankful that he returned to her life and she is glad to know him.  She loves him.  She is another reason why I don’t fast forward.
 Alma is playing the role of the good wife and is waiting helplessly while her husband is in jail.  Jesus brings her coffee and tries to get her to rest and she cries on his shoulder.  That it was all a disaster.

Chatita gives Val – arroz con leche-rice pudding- yummy- and tells her to eat it so that she will grow up to be a beautiful girl.

Alma is getting on my nerves, because she should be crying that she married Rogue, sorry I digress.  Jesus is pained to see her like this and she is happy to have her best friend Jesus at her side.   Val calls Jesus on his cell to find out when is he coming home.  Val tells Alma that she and Chatita love her.  Alma takes Jesus’ advice and goes home to rest.

The next day- Jesus tells Val that she has to study so that she can be a Licenciada like Alma.

Mommy Dearest calls Xochy for breakfast.  Xochy still wants answers about her dad. Xochy tells her momma to make breakfast with her own hands.  Mommy holds the crumpled up magazine photo of the handsome galan and says- if you only knew the truth.  Is that model, her dad, is her dad handsome?  Que the heck???

Ricardo reads the headlines about Rogue being arrested. (Hmm- where is his friend that’s in the press??)
The agent has a theory about the money in the warehouse, are Uri and Rogue connected?  She is going to interview Rogue.

Cantu visits Ferny and notes how much whisky he has consumed.  Is he trying to drown his sorrows?

Everyone at Avon is a buzz about the arrest.  Susana speaks up for Rogue, saying that the arrest was a misunderstanding and it will all be cleared up.  All of the idiots are standing around speculating and NOT working as usual. Jessica who is always scheming wants to know who is in charge- Cardenas says it would be Ferny and in unison everyone says- desencanto!!! Thank goodness, Alma shows up to work.  Now maybe something can get accomplished.

Alma tells them that in the first place what happened to Rogue doesn’t not affect Avon.  Everyone needs to be disciplined and not to gossip about her husband.  Alma says that her husband has been arrested and everything will work out to his favor.  She thanks them for their concern, but then tells everyone to get back to work.  She then thought bubbles back to the wedding and when Rogue is arrested. 
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PEAM #73- 6/19/13: This Is A Long Story That I Wish Was Shorter!

Recap by Pablo

This is January the 5th. Good day for a wedding!! 

Alma (stupidus volatilus), after Chatita's phone call and all the slippery phone and the missed/crossed calls, flashbacks to  the only memories her brain has recorded. Yes! The ones with the kisses with Jesús. That makes her think she will be able to finally speak up and tell the good news and the bad news to both men in her life. Jesús (unicus worthis), who has come to her room to do the same, uses his laser vision to open the door without a key and sees her happier than ever (thinking of him) but he misinterprets that and decides not to bother knocking and walks away...
Too bad Alma's father, Sebastián (chuchulucus deadsquirruls) has been monitoring her and stops her right in her tracks. And she was in bionic woman mode!!

-where do you think you're going little girl?
-to see Patricia, dad, she has to check my make-up and hairdo...
-we'll see... we have more important things to talk about...

And here it comes, the same old speech we all know by heart. Rogelio saved my life, blah, blah, blah... remember you promised blah, blah, blah...
The straw that breaks the camel's back is when he says: YOUR WORD is the most important thing you have to offer! I swear I thought he was going to say your purity, honesty or at least virginity or something like that but hey, this is the 21st century, those things are so 18 hundreds!! This is the word's age! It's got truth, it's got meaning!!
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 6/18/13 (#72): Running With Scissors

Chucho doesn't want to go to Acapulco, but that dress isn't going to deliver itself, and he is the only person in the world who can do it, according to Valentina, Xochi, Mari, and Cardenas; so who is he to disagree? He calls Delia and says there's an emergency, and therefore he has to leave town, pretty please?

Delia starts to say no, but then some flunkie hands her a signed, stamped, and approved arrest warrant. (If you play it back verrrrrry slowly, you can see "Rogelio Rivadeneira" in blurry letters in the lower left corner.) This pleases her so much that she authorizes Chucho's request. "Gee, thanks," he says without enthusiasm. "We're going to Acapulco," he tells Valentina in the same tone one might say "we're going to the Registry of Motor Vehicles."

Cardenas helpfully protests that there isn't enough money in the budget for two more tickets, but Mari and Xochi say that Rogelio will probably fire Cardenas if he's the reason Alma doesn't get her dress and they cancel the wedding. So, yeah, this is gonna happen, and Chucho's gonna MAKE it happen! What a guy!

Sansón and Rogelio get a couple's massage, complete with cucumber slices on their eyelids and scented candles everywhere.

Alma and Paty are getting facials, also with cucumber slices. Paty agrees to help Alma with her makeup, "IF the dress arrives." "Don't tempt fate," Alma warns. (Is it really necessary to "tempt" fate? Dude, fate is like a little kid running with scissors!)
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Monday, June 17, 2013

PEAM #71 - 06/17/13 - The Wedding of the Year or Is It In a Year or Maybe A Different Year?

Marta congratulates Alma on her upcoming wedding in Acapulco and says she'd like to come along.  Alma gathers her things and the two beauties leave.  Susana hesitates to come along with Sebastian, Alma assures her the arrival with Sebastian is fine with her and further has been approved by Rogelio.  She brings out her suitcase which she had ready all along just in case.  Xochi hesitates to go for whatever whine she gives about obsessing about her paint by numbers Daddy.  Chatita and Jesús discuss how he is so sad about the wedding so he isn't going for sure.  Chatita calls him on the heartbreak so he calls her on her supposed "memory problems."

Jessica rubs it in about the Descua article to a mopping Fernando, she just KNEW Descua was a bad one, as she arranges her long lovely legs in a sympathetic leaning in.

Jesús tries to be philosophical about things proceeding according to plans, but cannot really smile about the impending loss of his lovely Alma.

At the airport, Rogelio takes a call and thanks the person on the other end for the effective article on Descua and promises to send the money as agreed upon.

Jessica uses her many assets to cheer up Fernando assuring him she will do anything to help him.  She seems to think she has achieved some victory but we see him leaving the room, still inconsolable.
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Saturday, June 15, 2013

PEAM #70-6/14/13:What Love Demands, the Bucket of Destiny Delivered! Did Alma and Chucho Get the Hint? Nah, Not So Much!

Happy Father's Day Y'all!

We start this epi with Patymelt trying to sneak into Rogue's place and Rogue is screaming and then he screams for Alma, who starts toward the stairs, sees the Patio door open, and goes and closes it and then goes upstairs. She never sees the Patymelt. Patymelt, outside, is very happy Alma didn't see her, but she stubbed her toe, and boy is it hurting.

Chucho puts Val to bed and she asks him how someone can stop loving another person. He tries to explain about divorce, etc and she says she loves her Papa Chucho, besos on cheekies.

Those bumbling Avon secruity guards are on patrol in the warehouse and come upon Ricardo, fast asleep with his teddy bear. Awww. They wake him up and want to know why he is sleeping in the warehouse. Ricardo explains about losing his place, all his stuff and how his friends couldn't put him up, and by the time he is done, he is sobbing along with the security guards. He is allowed to stay in the warehouse, and Ricardo grins behind that teddy bear.
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

PEAM# 69- 6/13/13- Number C-47902/X You are Not the Father!!! Number D-47902/X - You Are The Father and Ouch, Zip Up Slowly!!!!

From yesterday

We are at Valentina’s school with Vero salivating over Jesus and here comes Elias, bad mouthing Jesus.  Vero tells Elias to grow up and Jesus reminds everyone of the purpose of their visit, Valentina.

In Acapulco- Rogue gets his family jewels caught up in the zipper for a minute of good-bye pleasure, while Alma is waiting for him at the bar.  Thank you, Ms. Karma.  (Does this mean that Rogue was not wearing his boxers??) Rogue turns, as a red as a beet and stupid Paty doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t want her help.  How about calling for a doctor????
Rogue calls Alma and he tells her that he needs her he had an accident.
 New business

At the school- the teacher understands that Val is undergoing a difficult time and she shows the family, her drawing of two adults fighting.  Elias.  Elias flips out (he needs a lobotomy) and Jesus tells him that Val wants to live with him because there is just too much fighting.  The teacher agrees that maybe Val should stay with Jesus for a spell.  Elias is uncontrollable and very unreasonable.  Their problems are affecting Val’s emotional development.

Back at the hotel, Alma is trying to help a screaming Rogue.  He wants Alma to return back to Monterrey.  He wants his own doctor.  Huh??? When you're in pain any doctor will do.  My head is hurting from the whining and screaming. It hurts if he moves, so stay still. Alma calls for an ambulance- finally!!!!!  There is blood everywhere!!!

Panfilo tries to gives Marisela some fatherly advice about Elias.  Panfilo is worried about the age difference, he is under 40.  Elias is married and married couples fight.  He doesn’t want Marisela to get hurt.

St. Ferny is thinking about Discua.  Alex, the escort gives up. Ferny wondering if she is hot or cold in India.  What an idiot.  He checks the temperature on the intent.

Rogue’s little jewels are wrapped up against infection.  It looks like he is wearing a diaper.  Hmmmm- Karma!!!!
Elias speaks to Val- the only mature person and tells Elias that she loves him and hopes that he is not angry with her.  Vero in her neon green skirt that matches her cell phone handle. Jesus reminds her that Elias is a good man who doesn’t deserve this.
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