Saturday, December 15, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/14/18, Episode 30: Death Plays A Hand

Parte 1~~

Valentina is excited and flies into the manse's dining room.  Lucia's broadcast is #1 trending topic on all the social net websites.  Eva arrives after parking her broomstick and has a breakfast of sour grapes when seeing the last night's ratings.

Beltran is racing off to the airport.  He tells Alicia and Javier that he'd rather take a taxi than have her drive him to the airport.  However, Belchin's BFF arrives, fully recovered from the near-death beat down he got a few months back, and says he'll take him instead.  Alicia is satisfied.  Barbara, on the other hand, apparently is left to get to the airport all by her lonesome.  Belchin' refuses to answer her numerous calls to his cell.  

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/12/2018, Episode 29: Which Ones Are the Bad Guys? Oh, They Are ALL Bad

Recap by Kirby J

The tension continues as León/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) tells Armenta that Lucía will come through, but Armenta is getting impatient waiting while Lucia negotiates with Montilla and tells LCJ that he is fed up, Lucía is taking too long with the mayhem caused by the cops. As Armenta tells LCJ that his time is up and points Juanita (his lovely pistol) at his head, main goon leader rushes in to tell Armenta that the cops are leaving. Armenta wonders what saint LCJ prays to, but then tells him that the Saint must not have heard him.

Out in the corridor, Lucía thanks Montilla for saving her life and that of her chauffeur’s. Montilla is upset and chides Lucía for provoking such a big sting operation just because of her impertinence. Whatever happens next will be her responsibility, and she needs to respect the police. Lucía apologizes, and when they turn to go inside they hear a gunshot!
Karla arrives home and sees all the disorder. When she goes inside and sees Pedro passed out on the floor and runs to him. She tries to bring him to, but he is unconscious so she calls for an ambulance. As she talks to the operator, she sees the note from “El Ruso” (long-bearded goon) which demands that she return the money or there will be more beatings of those close to her.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/11/2018, Episode 28: Go Away, Little Boy! OR I am Woman, I Am Strong!

Recap by Rgv Chick

Previously: Armenta reminds Lucía that she doesn’t need a weapon to kill someone; she has the newspaper and more power than she realizes. She suggests that they use that power…together

Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) is quite impatient and stands up. As he is about to ask henchie something, another henchie comes out and tells him to follow him inside. As he walks in, Lucía motions him to stay calm. Armente mocks him for being the sought-after chauffeur and suggests he should ask for a raise after that escape. When LCJ asks Lucía if she needs something, (Yeppers Chof, trot down to 7-11 and get me a Latte and a hand grenade) Armenta quickly points out that HE sent for him. He wants LCJ to record the conversation that he and Lucía are about to have…a historic event that is about to happen.
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Amar a Muerte, 12/10/18, Episode 27: Q-Where oh Where is El Chino Valdes?

A-In two places at once. (Broma)

*Johny is on his way (presumably) to the office. He always seems to wear the same suit and tieless shirt (should be quite ripe by now, after 27 episodes). His fancy red car has been defiled by a nasty yellow note which reads, “How often do you think of me?” It freaks him out. What a way to start the day. To make matters worse, he can’t reach Lucia.

*Lucia and her chofer linger over their early morning kiss. It’s a lot like coffee, though. It wakes Luci up to realize what she’s been doing and sends LCJ away. She needs to be alone. Although he doesn’t believe her, he strides out, still breathless from the passion spent, or rather, unspent.

*At their breakfast nook, Mateo and Eva are pissed by the news in or not in the papers. Mateo’s article is missing and all Eva can see are the competing headlines featuring Luci. Eva is sure Luci’s not going to get away with it as she has no idea who she’s dealing with. And Mateo thinks Eva does? It sounds like she is defending those scalawags. No—Eva is only defending her family, the family business and Mateo.
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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/7/18, Episode 26: There Are Kisses And There Are ...Kisses

Lucia is surprised to take a late night phone call from the head of the Armente Family.  He asks if she meant what she said on tv or was just posing for the Press.  He's willing to take her at her word for a sit-down.  Yes, it will be in a public place and he'll call her back with a couple of choices.  NO cops or media present or else!  He's a man of his word and she can trust him not to pull anything on her.  "--You wanted to talk and that's what we'll do." 

Across town, Carla counts her cash.

Lupita bemoans the fact that now they need to disappear and have no money to make the move.  Julieta says it's no use because those two men will follow them to the ends of the earth; no matter where they try to escape to, they'll find them.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/5/2018, Episode 25: Coming Home Is So Special

Recap by Kirby J

So we left off with Loosey and Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) arriving home after their “release” (no one can imagine what kind of “release” they really had…but didn’t happen according to Loosey). Johny is interrogating Loosey about what happened between her and LCJ; so she comes back with, “Must I remind you that I was just kidnapped…that we were trying to escape? …What is wrong with you?” As he holds her head (as if wanting to force her real thoughts out of her head), JonEvil admits that she is right and thanks her because no one understands him the way she does…and no one respects him the way she does. Menacingly, he adds that no one knows him the way she does...and if she is lying to him, he’ll kill him. (LCJ)   He forces a kiss on her and hugs her, but Loosey wants to take a bath ( as she tries to push herself away)…she needs to take a bath because she is very cold ( and smelly?). As JonEvil releases her and leaves, Loosey looks back at him in horror.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 12/4/2018, Episode 24: It Never Happened, OK? Fer Sure??

Lucía and Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) are still in the water enjoying their looong kiss (while the goons are probably closing in, but they don’t seem to care). As they continue their passionate kisses, she takes off his shirt; she slips off her dress…next to come off is her bra (as the water starts to steam). They break apart briefly, looking into each other’s eyes, then continue their fierce display of desire. LCJ stops and looks up, as does Lucía, as a flock of birds flies above. (LCJ relieved that they weren’t giant moths).
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Amar a Muerte, 12/3/18, Episode 23: No News of The Escape

Valentina called Juliana and they talked about the kidnapping. When Val ended the call Lucho told her she shouldn't be talking about this with someone who is practically a stranger. She indicated she didn't want him to stay over, so he left.
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Saturday, December 01, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/30/18, Episode 22: Risking It All And All A Part Of The Risk

Parte 1~~
Running through the jungle.....🎸(apologies to Creedence Clearwater Revival)

Montilla has found the cell phones left as a taunt but not the kidnapped Lucia and Jacobo, aka León, aka, Leonchin, aka Jacón, aka Jake.  He screams at the underling detective to get the dogs out to track them somewhere up the mountain.  Otherwise, if they don't find them and quick their reps have been risked --and lost.  They'll be the laughing stock of the whole of Mexico.

It's a smart idea, that, since the kidnappers are running somewhere...but it's to another couple of getaway cars. These miscreant thugs have been to this kind of rodeo a time or two.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/29/2018, Episode 21: Games Goons Play OR Colombo Solves the Case of the Missing iPhones

Recap by Rgv Chick

At the goon shack, Leo/Chi/Jac (LCJ) is about to reveal himself to Lucia when Goon 1 enters with good news…they are in luck (Rats! there just had to be an interruption!). He talked to his boss and the boss thinks they should be more practical; they don’t need to hold both of them since it means more food to bring and more eyes to watch them. LCJ agrees and tells him they should keep him…it would be more practical. Goon 1 scoffs and tells LCJ that he knows he wants to be a superhero, but that role doesn’t fit him well because he is just a simple chauffeur who is worthless. When Goon 1 asks Lucia if LCJ is her chauffeur or her lover, she repeats that he is her chauffeur; so Goon 1 tells them that he is the one to go…they’re not going to let him go…they are going to kill him. As LCJ is taken away, Lucia cries.  Wait ! With good news like this, don’t tell me the BAD news then.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/28/2018, Episode 20: Dead Battery? Flat Tire? Hijacked by 8 Goons?

Recap by Kirby J

Leonchi yells at the goons, “What do you want?” The main goon tells him that they are from Cartel de los Armenta and they want someone to pay for the article that was published today.

At the company, Mateo congratulates Palomarez for being so obedient and caving in…he’ll probably be the employee of the month. When Palomarez reminds Mateo that they are only employees, Mateo retorts that what he doesn’t forget is Gaston….who was murdered…and up to a few days ago attended parties with them. Palomarez snaps that when Mateo owns his own newspaper he can do whatever the heck he wants, in the meantime, they have orders to follow.  Mateo then tells Palomarez that he sent his article on Gaston to his email so that he can read it and publish it. Palomarez agrees…as long as Eva approves it.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/27/2018, Episode 19: Invasion of the Black Moths OR Too Much Wabbit Gives Indigestion

Inside the dark cave, the black moths fly around as we hear Beltino cry out. Outside Beltino looks at a very dead Valerio and as the black moths surround him, he runs away. He wanders around wondering how he is going to get out of there. Meanwhile, Alicia is at the university looking for Beltino; she thinks something bad must have happened.

Barbara has Sammy sitting on her lap as she talks to a client who is looking for a lost document. She looks at Sami hoping that he sees something and stalls until she tells the man his time is up. After the man leaves, Barbara asks Sami if he didn’t see anything; and he tells her he was busy talking to Conchita. Barbara’s jaw drops.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/26/18, Episode 18: La Fashionista Santa Muerte Has a Busy Day

*Left alone at the cemetery after Gastón’s interment, Leonchi sees his own grave. We don’t get a chance to know what he’s thinking.

*Camilo is continuing the session with Karla explaining transmigration of souls. He uses two chess pieces to demonstrate, but he can’t explain how it happens. He tells Karla he wrote a book on reincarnation, which is not the same. She and Jacobo share something for which he would like an explanation. Karla says if the objective is for them to pay for their sins now…Cam interrupts. Neither of them are to blame for any of this. Karla begs to differ. She sees death all the time. Cam tells her Jacobo does, too. He wonders how far this will go. Karla doesn’t want to cause anyone else’s death. Cam wants to know if she’s tried to get in touch with anyone in her family. She shakes her head, no.

*Beltino and Valerio are at the site of a beautiful waterfall. Valerio does some hokey pokey and sends Beltino into a cave behind the waterfall. Valerio must stay outside, within the stone circle to continue with the ritual. Beltino warns him that if something goes wrong, he can’t guarantee Sammy’s safety. Beltino sheds his outer shirt and wallet and goes in the swirling waters.

*Barbara, left with the mischievous little Sammy, is desperately trying to get ahold of Beltrán. She wants to be rid of Sammy, who’s annoying and hungry all the time. Sam calls attention to the crystal ball and sees his abuelo. Barb doesn’t see anything.

*Valerio continues to do some magic outside. Weird things are happening inside the cave.  A behatted Sta. Muerte appears, as does a shiny light which envelopes Beltino and helps us to see what is going on.

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Amar A Muerte, 11/23/18, Episode 17: In Pursuit Of An Answer

Carla, León and El Chino, are each in their own way seeking an answer for their return to the living.

*Lucia, frustrated and confused about her feelings decides to use Alirio as her chauffeur today.  She tells the head of security to keep Jacobo occupied doing other things today.

  • Downtown at the police station, Fabian and his P.I. arrive and get to meet with Montilla.   The P.I. asks for a chance to look through their fingerprint data base to find an "escaped" assassin who is on Interpol's top 10.  (Viewerville keeps screaming  at the T.V. that the man has already been caught and cooked once for this crime!)  Fabian and the P.I. get Montilla's permission.

  • Valerio reminds Belchin' that he first has to get the special ingredients for the ritual and then warns him that it is possible the two of them will lose their lives.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/21/2018, Episode 16: I kissed a Girl...and I Liked It

Recap by Kirby J

Crap, they are still kissing.  Oh no! she asks why he kissed her...he's crazy! Just then LuciHo gets a phone call from Johny who asks if she is still at the embassy. He asks her to go over to his house, but she is too tired. She tells Leo to take her home. So Hon, how tired are you?

Val and Guilly finally having a heart to heart talk. Vale tells Guil that she was dumb to do what she did; she was lucky that Jacobo was there .They talk about Jacobo (LeonChi). Guil feels some type of connection with him too.  He then asks what he can do to make Val feel better. Val doesn’t know how he and Eva are able to cope with their father's death; they don’t seem as affected as she is. Guil shares that when their Mom died, he felt the same way as Val is feeling now. He shows her a book that helped him through that time; it is Camilo's book. Val points out that their father never believed in it; he just published the book because Camilo was his friend.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/20/18, Episode 15: A Kiss to Die For

Val is on a lounger outside as she looks at her father’s pictures and has several drinks. Meanwhile, Lucia is  putting on her makeup as she thinks about buying her dress and getting Leonchi’s opinion. Just then Johny calls to let her know he is on the way. She tells him she is not ready but he wants to get an early start. She tells him they need to be discreet; so she will go on her own and meet him at the embassy.

At the poolside, Val gets up and stumble to go get another drink. Leonchi watches her from across the pool as she calls Lucho who is with friends while they are drinking and driving. He ignores her call; so Val leaves a message that she is calling because she needs him…and he doesn’t even bother to answer her call.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/19/18, Episode 14: People Who Work in Glass Offices...

Greetings and hallucinations! Due to the scheduling of this series I will not be likely to get more literary than this, so I hope it will be adequate. – Urban Ahthropologist

Luci-ho walked out of the competition's office gloating about how it didn't take much to put someone in his place.

Rosita introduced the shaman to Bel-chino. The shaman looked creeped out. He did not allow Rosita to follow the grownups inside. He seemed to understand the problem. He talked about how Death knows how it decides things. “I we don't understand it's because we need to really open our eyes.” He handed over the pipe. Bel-chino took a drag, then said he felt weird.
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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/17/18, Episode 13: Turning Those Proverbial Tables Begins

Parte 1~
So, Jacobo/León is amazed to see Sra. Lucia knock-knock-knockin' at Camilo's front door.  After pointing out he should let her through the front door already, she begins the...ahem...pretext is that as her dear departed's "best friend was Camilo--" "--Sorry, I thought Sr. Carvajál's best friend was Sr. Johny"-- "--he should know my reasons for firing you."  Cam suggests in front of the two of them that Jake was rather oafish and crude for which he's sorry (not).....Well she was there to have Cam relay the message but since he's there in person, "--I'll tell him myself:  you're to be at my house tomorrow morning.  Apart from your rude actions, it's difficult to find good workers and someone that I can trust.  Be there first thing in the morning." Jake thanks her for a second chance.  Cam sees her out.

In Téjas, Beltran and Fortune Telling Broad are downing a couple of Texican brewskis.  She wants to know why people are after him and trying to kill him.  "--Later.  --Damn, you soak beer up like a sponge."  Belchin'  throws down cash to cover their tab and answers a call from the wife that the boy is still in the hospital.  He'll be right there he says.  --He explains his job now in this life and she giggles thinking that's the last thing she'd think he could/would do!  Hey, he's won the lotto!  And his career in the life before this?  Belchin' tells her to throw the tarot cards down.  They'll tell her.  He leaves and she races after to join him.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Amar a Muerte, 11/14/2018, Episode 12: Devil in the Red Dress, or My Favorite Mistake.

Recap by Kirby J

We left last night with LeonChi and LuciHo making small talk, like,  I’m a man, you are a woman, wanna see?  And what looked to be a lead in to ZipperGate.  Why do I keep thinking  “No honor among thieves”?  Oh I know, ‘cause there actually is none.  Hmmm…

The little convo gets kinda physical and she runs into the house in a huff. LuciHo pulls back and tells LeonChi to get his things and get out.   But once inside and by herself, she thinks of his words that she is a woman and he is a man. Johny calls and she asks what he wants. He wants to see her, but she is not in the is not a good time. He asks if something happened, ‘cause he is there to help her out . She tells him they will talk later.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/13/2018, Episode 11: Revelations Lead to a Change of Plans OR Bring It On, Baby!

·       Part 1 of 3

 Leonchi is at the park walking and thinks about his discussion with Camilo. Meanwhile, Camilo drives along and thinks about what Leo told him…and how Leonchi wonders if Johny and Luciho were responsible for his murder (this must have been cut from the previous episode because I surely don’t remember Leonchi mentioning his murder. Back with Leonchi, he breathes heavily and walks when he sees Lady Death smiling at him, then she walks off in her short black dress.

·        Renata and Guil enter to see Castillo. Nurse says he is very fragile and the doctors are doing everything they can.

·        Johny asks Luciho for Guil. After he tells her Guil found that someone was embezzling money, he thinks he will work on Guil to have another ally within the board.
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