Thursday, January 07, 2016

Blog mom is considering deleting Caray, Caray entirely. Thoughts welcome.

Hello, friends, trolls, spammers, complainers, etc.,

Behind the scenes there has a been a lot of trouble over the past year or two. Against my instincts I let this project get too big. We used to just blog the three shows on Univision prime time. Now our net is cast across all of Telenovela Land.

We have had almost 18,000,000 visits to our site. Perhaps this is what has made us a target of ugly behavior. We have lost a lot of recappers due to nasty commenters. We have had to delete 1,000s of spam comments from witch doctors and spell casters and plumbing supply houses. We have had to scour the comments for spoilers and malicious mayhem.

Over the last year or more Diva del desierto (5 foot Latina) and her computer whiz husband have made a number of very complicated improvements under the hood. These improvements have answered some of your multiple complaints but the Diva has had it. She wants to throw in the towel. I cannot take on the work she's been doing.

So that's why I'm thinking about folding up the tent (to switch metaphors). People who complain and attack each other and post spoilers etc. have finally worn us down.

Most things online are eventually ruined by spam and porno. One could say about the whole internet: "This is why I can't have nice things."

Have you noticed that everybody who works on this site does it for free?

Another possibility would be to cut back to just three shows and dump the rest of this. I think I could keep my eye on three shows.

I am taking suggestions and comments below.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Help Needed!

I suppose it was bound to happen sometime.  Many of our recaps, and in some cases comments as well, have been copied and pasted and presented as someone else's work (i.e., copyright infringement, plagiarism).  I am in the process of contacting the sites in question and asking to have them taken down, but it's a tedious process and I could use some help.  If you have decent search skills, patience, and an even temper (because, believe me, it's really tempting to leave nasty messages for some of these people instead of following proper channels, and we need to avoid that!) and would like to help out, please email me.  I especially need people who use Facebook, as the majority of the sites in question are Facebook pages.

Please be aware that this is taking my entire focus at the moment, so I may not be doing my usual updates on the feeds this weekend and I may not have time to get into any specifics about this infringement issue.  You're welcome to ask, just don't expect an answer right away!

Update: Facebook has begun to respond by taking down the offending posts, but the list is still growing.  2 down, 1 report submitted without a response yet, and 10+ more Facebook pages and other sites that I still have not finished combing through yet to be able to make reports.

Update: Facebook and Blogger are taking down the offending posts, sometimes entire pages.  The list is now shrinking instead of growing, but there is still more to do.  If you're interested in helping out, email me and I'll send you some links to research.  To repeat--we are making headway, our rights are being upheld, and the word is getting out that, no, copying and pasting is not a legitimate way to run a blog, website, or Facebook page.

Update: This is a special message to those who are now aware that we are conducting investigations and requesting takedowns.  I would like to point out that we are within our rights to do this.  It's not a matter of just giving credit--we do not allow any reprinting/republication aka copying and pasting.  It's nothing personal, it's just our policy.  I'm aware there is some confusion and some hurt feelings and rumors are starting to swirl around, so let me make it clear that ALL we want is to preserve our intellectual property rights.  If you voluntarily take the posts down, then we have nothing to report to Facebook, Blogger, or your web hosts and you will save yourself a LOT of trouble.  If you want to be helpful to your readers, the best thing...the ONLY is ok for you to do is to share with them the link (the web address, the URL, the "http:...etc.") that points to the particular recap they're looking for.  Our recaps are already available and freely shared.  There is NO reason for all this copying and pasting and editing.  If our recaps are not to your taste, if your readers don't want to come here to read them, then we highly encourage you to begin writing your own.


Friday, August 07, 2015

An alternative way to view the feeds

Experimental Index for Sombra

If this works, we have an alternative way to look at the feeds that would help IE and Chrome users. Even if you're not watching Sombra, please take a look when you have some time and give me some feedback on how this would work for you.
Read more »


This has to be a non-politics zone. So: no politics

We lost a couple wonderful bloggers (and almost lost a couple more) an election cycle or two ago when politics started to intrude into blog posts and comments.

This is NOT a forum for political beliefs. Political comments will be removed. Thanks for your understanding.

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Friday, July 24, 2015

Chrome feeds

As is pointed out in the sidebar, feeds do not work in Chrome.  As there are so many of us using Chrome, here are a couple of suggestions to get around that.

Read more »


Monday, June 29, 2015

ALL MUST READ! Bloggers and visitors alike! Read or be banned!

Hello my dear friends, it has come to my attention that an unacceptable number of comments lately have been:
  1. Unpleasant
  2. Unsupportive of our bloggers
  3. Containing spoilers

It's bad enough I'm having to delete twenty comments every day from the spell-casters who want to bring your spouses back. I don't have the time to police this site for inappropriate remarks.

Have you noticed that there are no ads on this site? Nobody is making a cent including me. Every blogger is doing it for love. If you don't support them then you should not be here.

Have you noticed this is a NO-SPOILER zone? This is a rule with no wriggle room. It's not my rule, I don't care about spoilers (I read the end of a book after I read the first chapter). It is the READERS who have begged again and again that NOBODY SHOULD REMARK ON THINGS THAT HAVE NOT YET HAPPENED ON THE U.S. RUN OF A SHOW.

Oh, have you watched ahead somewhere? Do you think you are cooler if you go "nyah, nyah, I know what's going to happen to Horacio!"? No. You are not cooler. You are a jerk. Let people watch the shows as they unfold. If you have to gossip about what hasn't happened yet, go to another site.

We do not have racial or political or socioeconomic slurs on this blog. If you persist in this behavior you will be banned.

Have I been clear?

Support your bloggers. Thank them, do not scold or denigrate them.

Nothing nasty will be permitted.

No spoilers are permitted.

If you violate any of these simple rules your comment will be deleted without warning or explanation and if you do it repeatedly you will be banned. There, have I been clear now?

Your Blog Mom

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Monday, June 08, 2015


Dear friends,
You may or may not know that our blog is attacked daily by frenzied legions of spammers. These days most of them are witch doctors, but in the old days they were peddling limousine services and air conditioners. I have turned on comment moderation after a week, and am now deleting most of the spam by hand...

... but I just discovered that blogger has, in its own attempt to ease my burden, been classifying zillions of spam comments - but also plenty of legitimate ones - as spam...

... for instance, I just found a folder on the site called SPAM and in it were about 1,500 comments dating back a couple of years and a lot of them were from (sob) Susanlynn who is one of our longest-contributing and devoted fans...

... so, if you find that your legitimate comments are not appearing (ie you are not a witch doctor or an air conditioning salesman) write to me at and let me know.

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

If you're in Mexico City June 14 you can hear your BLOG MOM sing in the Yiddish version of "American Idol" !!! Also - recommendations?

I am a finalist in the Yiddish songwriting contest called Der Yidisher Idol (or, in Spanish, Der Idisher Idol). They are flying me down to Mexico City to sing in the finals, a concert on June 14 at 6 pm! If you're around you can come! It's at Comunidad Bet-El (click for the map, you must search the location as "Bet Hajaim Comunidad Bet-El"). Click the poster to see a larger version.

I will be arriving in town a couple days earlier. I have never been in Mexico before. Any suggestions in Mexico City - attractions, restaurants?

If you want to preview the song I'm singing, here I am with a couple of the members of my band Mappamundi, singing it the day I finished writing it! There are subtitles and the song expresses my world view completely.

It would be fun to meet somebody while I'm there...

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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Calling all bloggers (and readers): we are under spam attack

Hello friends,

Owing to a sudden onslaught of spam comments, I've changed the settings on comments so that after seven or ten days comments will NOT be automatically published, but will be submitted for moderation. I believe (but I'm not sure) that each individual blogger will start seeing a lot of comments to be moderated. It's now your responsibility to kill the spam ones and let the others go through. I would do it, but I only get the comments put on my own posts. If you have questions let me know.

And readers, I suggest you get your comments up promptly (unless you are a spam generating robot) because later they may not be appearing in a timely manner!

I don't know why blogger is suddenly letting us down like this. Or whether the spammers suddenly noticed we are getting about 12,000 visits a day (we're up to around 14 million total now!) and figure it's worth it to attack us.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Guau Award - the two entries.

This one is from Viv. Thanks Viv!

Que te Perdone Dios...

... in which Fausto, with the aid of his minion Lucio, teaches us how to get away with murder, all without displacing a single moustache hair or getting a single smudge on his fancy cowboy hat. If you work for Fausto, you’ll get the lash in the fields by day, but a shot of free tequila in the cantina by night. Old women, young women, they all love him! And if you don’t, he’ll rape ya! His blind wife (Renata), his on/off lover (Macaria), his ex-lover/mother of his child (Helena), his lover/niece/daughter-in-law (Diana), and his obsession/step-daughter (Abigail our heroine), all know this is Fausto’s world, and the rest of us are just hostages in it. Mateo (our galan) naively thinks his uncle (really, father) Fausto plays by the rules, but he’ll learn soon that Fausto plays by his own rules.

From Anita. Thanks!


Couplings, uncouplings, recouplings are the mode
In the beginning, in the middle, in the end
So far, no end in sight

Gorgeous Max-Clingy Constanza (engaged, disengaged)
Bewitching Amaya-Max (obstacles overcome, new barriers raised)
Back to Max-Constanza (having a baby)

Constanza-Yummy Sal (non-starter)
Snobby Flavia-Mean Ulises (left him)
Former Snob Flavia - Sal (he’s rushing it)
Flavia-Ranch Hand Heriberto (might work)

Amaya-Whorable Horacio (caught cheating)
Horacio-Useful Emma (too old, then too dead)
Horacio-Statuesque Juliana (got rejected)
Juliana-Franco (died early)
Juliana-Rugged Jorge (might last)

Beautiful Mariana-Adorable Ivan (ideal love)
Despicable Ulises-Mariana (obsessed, sequesters her, no love)
Ivan-Crazy Cecy (lost his memory)

Teddy Bear Mauro-Elena (long dead)
Mauro-Florencia (killed early)
Mauro-Killer Lucrecia (toxic marriage)
Mauro-Eloisa (might happen)

Pond Scum Cesar (does prostitutes)
Cesar-Amaya (“arranged” marriage, he’s BSC)
Amaya-Max (might happen in episode 161)


Guau award! update

Hello friends,

Turned out only TWO of you were willing to submit entries to my challenge. Both will get the free cd downloads.

I guess I didn't make clear what I really wanted, and anyway you were right, 150 words was too short. Here is an example I wrote of an old novela, it's 499 words. This is sort of what I was looking for. I will post the two entries shortly. Thanks.

Entre el Amor y el Odio

A recently deceased rich shoe-factory owner leaves his fortune to his nephew, the hero, and his ward, the heroine, with the stipulation that they, not previously acquainted, marry. 

The villain, Marcial, tells the hero this ward (our heroine) had been shagging the decrepit old shoe magnate so after our hero and heroine marry, glumly, in order to secure the loot, the hero invites his evil girlfriend (who's also the villain's girlfriend, her name is Frida) to move into the mansion with him and the new wife. 

The wife and the girlfriend both get pregnant. Our hero thinks he's the father of both, but actually his girlfriend's baby is the villains. The babies are born the same night. The baby born to the villains is feeble because his mother smoke and drank while she was pregnant!. The villains switch the babies in the nursery. 

The hero thinks he owes it to the evil Frida to marry her, so he divorces his wife. The villains try to kill the feeble baby several times. Then they try to run the hero over, but the heroine nobly gets hit instead and almost dies. 

Frida goes to the loony bin. When, later, she gets sprung, she tries to drown both boys in a swimming pool. The feeble one dies. Our devastated heroine tries to drown herself in a river but is rescued by a handsome feral Indian who takes her to a MONASTERY where she glides sadly around in a hempen robe. Then the hero is almost killed by a poisonous snake but the feral Indian saves him too.

Eventually the tide turns. Evil Frida’s skin begins to fall off; she has LEPROSY. Wrapping herself head to toe in orange scarves she sneaks into the hospital, covers her orange scarves with scrubs; poses as a nurse and kills a doctor in order to get morphine.

Meanwhile in the jungle the heroine is almost killed by an escaped-from-the-zoo lion but the feral Indian saves her, dying in the process.

The villain Marcial is almost burned alive in a motel jacuzzi, he survives but looks very gross so skulks around in a black cape and mask. Out for vengeance, he crashes an awards ceremony at the shoe factory. Swinging out of a tree, he sweeps up the remaining kid and takes him to the top of a huge statue. Frida (in her scarves) follows him up there cause she wants to stab him. The whole cast rushes up to the top of the statue in their formalware. The burned guy dangles the kid over the edge but Frida stabs him and our hero snatches the baby and Marcial pitches over the edge, and then Frida pitches over too.

Everybody rushes down to the broken villains on the stones below. A priest comes to give last rites but our villains reject him and each gives a long defiant speech before dying. Then there’s a big party.


Monday, March 09, 2015

Blog mom's "Guau! Award" contest open to all! Glory and prizes!

Hi friends,

I have been too busy/sick to follow ANY telenovelas for quite a while. I am offering an award for the best telenovela summary mailed to me to help get me back in the groove. Here are the rules:
  1. 150 words or less;
  2. Must be a telenovela which is currently running on Univision or Telemundo;
  3. As many lurid, ridiculous, amusing details as possible;
  4. Excellent cliffhanger ending (you don't have to end where the novela currently is at - anywhere up to the current point will do).
  5. Submit your entry before March 20.
Mail your entry to I will announce the winner on March 22. Winner gets:
  1. Free downloads of any two of my cds, anything available on my Skylark Productions record label site;
  2. A link to your synopsis from the sidebar;
  3. The accolades of your fellow travelers.

I will post the winning entry on the blog, and also the two best runners-up.

Any questions? Really hoping a lot of you will take up the challenge!!

Love, Jane


Tuesday, December 09, 2014

12/9/14: Thank You Note from the Family of Blogger Madelaine

All- I got this note from Madelaine's brother.



I am one of Madelaine's  younger brothers.  I wish that you would pass on to all how deeply we were touched at the outpouring of all of the members of your group.  She is deeply missed by us already and time has not yet begun to heal our pain.  But I will say this to all, she will not be forgotten. While at her house after she had passed I noticed a saying she had hanging on her wall:

Some people
come into our lives
and quickly go......
Some stay for awhile
and leave footprints
on our hearts,
And we are never,
ever the same.

I would say that we will all never be the same. May we all be thankful that our lives touched one another's.  May we all share what she has so generously shared with us.  Again, I thank you all most graciously and may God bless you all.

Karl  Leber

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Friday, December 05, 2014

Blogger Health Update: Sad News About Madelaine

Caray Caray Family,

It is with a very heavy heart that I share this news. Yesterday morning, Madelaine passed away in the hospital. The cancer had spread to her brain and there was nothing more that the doctors could do. I know you join me in sending heartfelt condolences to her beloved husband Jim and daughter Marie (Mia).

If you have not already reached out to me for her address, and would like to send something to her family, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Here is Madelaine's obituary with information on funeral services:
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at - See more at:
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.
Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at - See more at:

Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at

Madelaine Marguerite Fails, 57, passed away on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Born in Hielbronn, Germany, she was the daughter of the late Neal and Maria Houston. She was also preceded in death by her brother, Marcel Houston.

She taught herself Spanish by watching Mexican Telenovelas and became one of their bloggers. She was strongly loved and will be sorely missed.

Left to cherish her memory are her husband of 24 years, Jim Fails; daughter, Marie Houston; brother, Karl Leber and wife Jennifer, and Paul Leber; sister, Patricia Morgan and husband John; nephews, Cody Houston, Draque Leber, Benny Galia and Tyler Vogel; nieces, Shannon Fails, Coleen Fails and Olivia Fails; and a great niece, MacKenzie Fails.

The family will received friends at Hollomon-Brown Funeral Home, Indian River Chapel on Sunday, December 7, 2014, from 4 to 6 p.m. A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, December 8, 2014, at Riverside Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at - See more at:

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Send get well greetings to our wonderful blogger and team captain Madelaine!

Madelaine has been quite ill, here is a post where you can comment and give her thanks for the amazing double- and triple-shifts she has pulled recapping for everybody!

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Blogger Update: New Update from Madelaine

Madelaine just sent a new update on her health today.... 

Hola Y'all,

I've had two little set backs. I went back in the hospital twice. The first was a complete heart check. Things were fine. The second was to drain that lung again. I am now done with the radiation treatment. I am continuing to recover. It's funny in a way, I have now been on all floors of the hospital, and they all know me. I even got two cards from them, one from oncology, and one from cardiac floor. They called me the crazy Texan, too funny. My name may be Madelaine Fails, but Mads never Fails, how about that.

I feel so blessed for having Mr. Mads as my hubby, my wonder daughter Mia, the home nurses that come check on me, the physical therapists that work with me, and Y'all for being family to me and sending me all those wonderful cards, earworms, gift cards and to the person, you know who you are, who sent me Alborada, I thank you so much. God Bless you, your prayers, and warm feelings. I think of you everyday. 


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Sunday, November 02, 2014

For el dia de los muertos, two songs I just LOVE!!! Mi funeral!!! No es serio este cementerio!!

These are the greatest. Hello everybody! Did you know we have almost 10,000 posts here at Caray Caray and 11,653,384 pageviews? From all over the world. You guys are the greatest too.

Mi funeral:

No es serio este cementerio:


Friday, October 24, 2014

Blogger/Recapper Update: A Message from Madelaine!

All, Madelaine sent this lovely message today.

Hello, Y'aLL

Yes, it is I the returning reader of Caray. Remarkably they did have UNI in the hospital so I could keep up at least.

It's funny in a way. When I first got sick they thought I had pneumonia. Then they got an x-ray at my doctor's office and sent me to the ER. That's where they found the tumor. It has not spread except for my brain, go figure, but the very front. I am not getting chemo, it is Radio Therapy. It's radiation, but chemo is a last resort. In order for me to get lung function back, they inserted a chest pipe. I called it the crack pipe, cause I swear they cracked a rib going in. But this cancer has not spread anywhere else, not my other lung, and it is shrinking from the radio therapy. No nausea, I can eat. Little unsteady on my feet of course, I've been in the hospital for almost two weeks and got out last night.  I will now be treated as an outpatient. I am just very happy to be home. They are treating the brain and lung at the same time.

As I do to you, I drove those nurses crazy with earworms and Texisms. The therapy people especially and my nurses couldn't get over the 'tude, how funny I am when I'm sick. The hostpial has a Padre, not Spanish speaking, that would come see me. We prayed together every day and he couldn't believe my faith either. Laughter is the best medicine eva! But I want to say I am remarkably blessed by Mr. Mads and my daughter Mia. And doubly blessed by this wonderful Caray Family. Thanks so very much for all the cards that were sent and the wonderful emails. Please continue to pray, as I think this was part of me getting so well so quickly. I'll be commenting again, and recapping too, I have not given up. I want to be a little steadier first. I send you very, very many wonderful hugs and thanks for all you have done.



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Monday, October 20, 2014

Blogger/Recapper Update: Madelaine's Health


I have been in touch with many of you over the last week as I have gotten updates from Blogger Madelaine’s family about her health. Many of you have asked if we shouldn’t share the news more widely on the blog, and so I am using this space to do so now. Most of you know Madelaine as one of our most energetic bloggers, recapping multiple telenovelas at a time, multiple times a week. He recaps and comments are folksy and warm. Her ever-ready, perfectly matched song/music selections are infectious. Over the last few weeks she has been unusually absent from the blog, battling what she thought was a tough flu bug.

Mads and her family now know that her fight is much greater than that. Sadly, she is battling stage four lung cancer. I know most have you have already been sending her prayers and well-wishes. I ask that you redouble those, as Mads goes through radiation and chemo over the next few weeks. If you would like to send her a letter/card/note directly, please e-mail me by clicking on my avatar.

I hope you are all well out there.



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Monday, December 02, 2013

Note to my beloved bloggers: please read

Hey friends,
Sorry I've been absent. Actually the tv situation in my house is so bad I don't know how to watch tv any more (my son upgraded it beyond my technical understanding) so I haven't seen a novela in months. There are so many of you now! Here are my two requests:

1. Please put the actual name of the show you're recapping in the title. Many people do not know them by the initials and you will not be found in a search.

2. PLEASE input your posts using notepad or other plain text editor. Some of the posts have been so full of coding that it breaks the blog design for some people. If you must input in Word etc. here is a workaround: after you cut-and-paste the document into the compose window, then cut-and-paste it again and put it into the html window. That way all the coding will go away.

Jane (melinama, blog mom, chapel hill fiddler - google has taken away my pseudonyms!)


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