Sunday, June 09, 2024


 ALOHA, Caraymates!!

I wish I could tell you I'm in Hawaii, but nopis! Still here at my ranchito tending to my leeway for vacations, weekends, days off, etc., etc., etc...

I've been asked about the "Coming Soon..." pages, so I want to address that here. I don't have much time to do more than an occasional recap, comments, or monitoring of the blog; so I will not be creating/posting summaries of the upcoming telenovelas. BUT I do want to encourage and welcome anyone who would like to take over that duty :-)

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Saturday, December 24, 2022



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Friday, December 16, 2022

Coming to a Screen Near 2023!!

Ahoy there, Caraymates!!!

We’re on the heels of the end of the year…and what a year it was in telenoveland! During the 2022 year, we saw mucho backstabbing, intrigue, mystery, murder, and other not so nice stuff, but we also saw slap-stick, repeated reconciliations, forgiveness, love-lorn looks, weddings, all that delicious food and so many other good things! And I am sure the 2023 year will bring much of the same, but in different stories and in varied ways.

It’s taken me a while longer than I anticipated, but I finally have what so many have been waiting for…news on what’s coming!! I can tell you that there are some really good TNs coming our way! But as always, before I start, I must add my usual disclaimer:

The information you are about to read was gathered from a variety of sources including, “Univision,” “People en Español,” “La Opinion,” “Wikipedia,” “Forbes,” “Las Estrellas,” and "MediaVillage”.  The articles/webpages read are dated from as far back as Spring, 2022; so changes may have been made by the powers that be in the production companies (and I am not privy to the changes). As you will note, I have very little information about release dates, but this page will be updated periodically throughout the 2023 year with any additional information I come across. If you have current or more accurate information to share, please do so; it will be greatly appreciated and used to update the page. So onward we go---

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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Good Tidings to All on Thanksgiving Day!


May you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
We wish you an abundance of food on your tables, peace in your homes, and the joy and love of family and friends!


Sunday, July 17, 2022

A Bit of "Coming Soon...2022)

 SALUDOS, Caraymates!

You all haven’t “seen” me on the comments pages, but I’m still keeping an eye on everyone. I saw that Stevey posted some comments on the Primetime page about upcoming TNS, so I thought I’d copy and post them on a separate page so everyone can be in the know, especially since there is mention about FERNANDO COLUNGA!!  Here is what Stevey posted…

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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Coming to a Screen Near You...2021/2022, 3rd Ed.

 SALUDOS, Caraymates!

Welcome to the third/Fall edition of the “Coming Soon” page! We’re in the last laps of the 2021 year and currently have some pretty darned good TNS airing; some have a ways to go while others have concluded or are in their last laps. HERCAI fans are biting their fingernails and scratching their heads waiting to see what Telemundo will do with the third season where bigger and better secrets are revealed…que angustia!!

While we enjoy the current TNs, we can also look forward to what’s coming. By the looks of what we are currently seeing, it seems that producers have heard the pleas for more traditional and/or family-oriented TNs, but there are still a few action-packed series out there. Below you will find some of the TNs that you can expect on one of your favorite networks.

In this third edition, you will also find a special section titled In the World of Dizi. Several are already familiar with this genre of series which has become very popular in recent years. Don’t know what a dizi is? Well, read on and you can find out about it…and a very intriguing dizi that is on the horizon…well at least it is to this viewer LOL

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Saturday, April 10, 2021

Coming to a Screen Near 2021: 2nd Ed.

 SALUDOS, Caraymates!

Welcome to the second edition of the “Coming Soon” page! We’re well into the 2021 year and have some very interesting TNS airing; some have a ways to go while others have concluded or are in their last laps; “so what’s next?” you may ask. Well, we still haven’t seen many of the TNs discussed in the first edition of this page and some are on their way while others have been cancelled for airing in the US. You can forget about ¿Que Le Pasa a Mi Familia?..that’s the one that Univisión cancelled due to some unfortunate unforeseen circumstances that cannot be discussed here. Telemundo’s Café Con Aroma with heartthrob, William Levy, is “coming soon muy pronto” and some of us are excited about that! There has been no mention of Fuego Ardiente on Univisión, so we’ll just have to wait ‘n see what happens with that. In regards to Malverde: El Santo Patrón, well, we are disappointed that Fernando Colunga bowed out, but he will be replaced by Pedro Fernandez; the TN is still expected to air sometime in 2021.

So what else is on the horizon? Well, get your coffee/drink and let’s talk…

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Friday, December 25, 2020

Coming to a Screen Near 2021

Greetings, Caraymates and Happy Holidays!


Another telenovela year comes to an end and I’m sure you are wondering what 2021 has in store for us. In last year’s “Coming Soon” pages, I listed some TNs that are yet to be seen, but have already aired in Mexico. These include: Soltero Con Hijas and La Mexicana y El Güero; so, we may see these some time next year. As for “new” TNs, grab a seat in the patio and let me tell you what I know (or have found). Before I start, I do want to put in some disclaimers—

The information you are about to read was gathered from a variety of sources including, “Univision,” “People en Español,” “La Opinion,” “Wikipedia,” “Forbes,” “Las Estrellas,” and "MediaVillage”.  The articles/webpages read are dated from as far back as Spring, 2020; so changes may have been made by the powers that be in the production companies (and I am not privy to the changes). As you will note, I have very little information about release dates, but this page will be updated periodically throughout the 2021 year with any additional information I come across. If you have current or more accurate information to share, please do so; it will be greatly appreciated and used to update the page. So onward we go---

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Friday, September 04, 2020


My dear Caray friends,

It is with great regret and sadness that I convey the passing of our dear, beloved Anita. She had told us that she was feeling very ill on one of the patios. On Tuesday night, she went to the hospital by ambulance and passed away the next morning.  She did not have Covid-19, but clearly something was terribly wrong.  

Anita was an outstanding contributor to Caray, She had an incredible grasp of detail, probably due to her librarian gifts. But with every new telenovela that came along, she would put together a complete cast list for us to use. Some of us were quite fuzzy on specifics and her recaps covered every detail—but with a saucy sense of humor. She never left out a scene. Some of us would. Mea culpa. She often came up with humorous (and salty) nicknames for the characters. She was very bright but could be quite irreverent when it came to these silly stories.
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Thursday, August 13, 2020

More Coming in 2020-2021!!

Good Day, Caraymates!!

There’s news of some TNs on the horizon! Two of the TNs are soon to air in Mexico, so it is my hopes that Univision will follow soon after because they do look promising. Here are some (short) details…

Premieres on Las Estrellas on Aug. 17th at 10:30PM
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Friday, July 24, 2020

WEEKEND DISCUSSION 7/23/20: The Producers and Their Works


What do you think of the executive producers and their works? Have they gotten better as their body of work grew? Have they faded or taken an easier route (remakes) to the screen? What do you think of the Winners of the Best Telenovelas for different years? Do you agree? I offered my own opinion in some cases. Are the "less than best" attributed to them, the writers, directors or cast? There is no test next week, it’s for enjoyment only. You can skim through your favorite and not so favorite executive producers to get a taste of their taste in selecting stories to bring to the small pantalla. Maybe there is a pattern to their choices, maybe not.

The listings are not purported to be exhaustive, or to name every single producer who has ever made a telenovela we have enjoyed.  For the purposes of this list, most of the producers made telenovelas for Televisa and were shown on prime-time on Univision or made for Telemundo and recapped on CarayCaray. The Turkish offerings on Telemundo are not covered here, although some were recapped on CarayCaray.

If anyone wants to add a producer, title, date, main stars, please do so in your comments and I will gladly add them.
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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Coming Soon to a Screen Near 2020

Greetings, Caraymates!

As the 2019 telenovela year comes to an end, we can’t but reflect on all the wonderful (and some not-so-wonderful) productions that Telelvisa, Univision, Telemundo and other production companies have brought us. Among them we were introduced to transmigration of souls in Amar a Muerte (which swept away all the awards in the TVyNovelas Award Show except for one); we saw a young girl robbed of her family and her fame in La Reina Soy Yo; we had just about every PSA under the sun thrown at us in Mi Marido Tiene (Mas) Familia; and we were given more of a glimpse into the narco/crime world than we (at least I for sure) would hope for in TNs such as  La Piloto 2, La Reina del Sur and Por Amar Sin Ley 2. We even were witnesses to the birth of the Dream Factory/Fábrica de Sueños which brought us some well-renowned telenovelas which were adapted and transformed into 25-episode series. All in all, it was a good year! So what’s in store for 2020, you may ask? Well, grab a seat in the patio and let me tell you what I know (or have found). Before I start, I do want to put in some disclaimers—

The information you are about to read was gathered from a variety of sources including, “Univision,” “People en Español,”, “La Opinion,” “Wikipedia,” “Forbes,” and “Las Estrellas.” The articles/webpages read are dated from as far back as May, 2019; so changes may have been made by the powers that be in the production companies (and I am not privy to the changes). I have no information about release dates (except for maybe one of the productions) and you will note that there isn’t much info on some of the TNs, but this page will be updated periodically throughout the 2020 year. If you have current or more accurate information to share, please do so; it will be greatly appreciated and used to update the page.
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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Warm Wishes from the Caray, Caray! Family


Sunday, November 17, 2019



She is none other than Bernarda Saenz, viuda de Guillen (Jacqueline Andere) from La Otra (2002), one of most evil, disturbing villains ever. She is the epitome of the toxic mother. Her selfishness drives the oppressive manner she treats her daughters in order to satisfy her own desires.

Greetings Caray, Caray! visitors--

Some of you may know me already. For those that don’t, let me introduce myself. My nom de plume was CountxAlacrán. During 2015-2016 I was a recapper on several telenovelas, including Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Yago and Que Te Perdone Dios. I posted comments regularly. Shortly after YNCELH, I left the recapping teams due to personal obligations.
The reason for this post is to announce my intention to create a website where my own recaps of Spanish telenovelas and possibly other shows, not available elsewhere, such as La Otra, can be ordered and purchased for a fair price.  I hold a B1 certificate in English, so translating from Spanish to English will be my primary focus.
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Friday, May 10, 2019


Greetings, Caraymates!

Meet your recappers who dedicate much time and effort to bringing you a bit of entertainment with the English language recaps of selected telenovelas...
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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Welcome to Caray, Caray!

Caray, Caray! is a community where telenovelas (TNs) from Spanish-language networks that air in the United States are discussed. Different patios form to discuss TNs presented by larger networks such as Univisión, Telemundo, and Unimás. Participants gather to share their thoughts and insights about characters, plots and subplots. They praise, critique, and snark about what they like or don’t like; and they present ideas about what may or may not happen…but this is based on pure speculation, not spoilers.

TNs are usually covered via daily recaps or discussion pages posted bi-weekly. On discussion pages posted for more than one novela (e.g., Telemundo y Más and Daytime TNs), commenters are urged to precede their comment with the title or part of the title of the TN they are commenting about; it makes it easier for others to identify the TN they are interested in.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Ay, Caray! Did I Say That?

Greetings, Carayers!

Welcome to the “Ay, Caray! Did I Say That?” page. You will notice that the sidebar and topbar comments rotate. Your old favorites may be gone, but certainly not forgotten; so don’t fret. This page has been developed so that you can reminisce and read gems written by commenters throughout the years. (A link is on the sidebar for your easy access.) New “gems” will be posted  every month for your enjoyment. After they expire, they will be moved to this page.

Have yourself a wonderful day!
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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Friends, Carayers, Anons, Lurkers, Lend Me Your Minds…

Greetings, One and All!

It has been noted that the number of recappers and members appear to have decreased; and we would like your opinions and ideas as to how to make Caray, Caray more appealing and productive. We come to improve Caray, not to derail what Melinama has so generously and graciously built.

Please share with us your thoughts and constructive criticisms. What is it that you like, don’t like? What pages do you find useful/not useful (check out the sidebar; there are some pages that have never been used or commented on). Give us your wishlist! Please note that any changes will take some time; so please be patient with us.

You may post your thoughts and ideas in the comment section or, if you prefer some privacy, please e-mail me at
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

All bloggers! Please read!

I notice that many posts are being written in Microsoft Word or other word processing programs. This can break the blog. Below, see what you get when you don't use PLAIN TEXT - please compose in Notepad or equivalent, or type directly into the HTML tab at blogger (NOT the compose tab) or save your file as plain text if you use Microsoft etc. stuff like what you see below is NOT good for the blog. (click for a larger view)

Nandicta: in order to do bullet points without cruft, do this:

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Another of your blog mom's projects: tshirts of a little guy in a stovepipe hat

I don't, as you know, make any money off this blog, but that doesn't mean I don't try to make money elsewhere! I'm interested in your opinions: could a character this obscure be popular today? Let me know what you think in the comments! Thanks!

I love old pop culture. I've been bringing back to life Samuel Zagat's early 20th century comic strip called "Gimpel Beynish the Matchmaker." Gimpel was wildly beloved by the people of New York City's Lower East Side. Gimpel, that shlemiel, seldom succeeded in anything he did, yet he never got discouraged and his self-esteem was unimpaired. That must have been very heartening for folks struggling to make a buck.

You can see the comics as I clean them up and translate them, here: and also see two books of his comics which I've published.

Wondering if Gimpel could be loved by the modern world too, I just make a couple Gimpel tshirts. They are only $14.99. Click on either picture to see more colors and styles...

1. An impoverished millionaire turns his pockets inside out

2. Gimpel visits the high seas during World War I, falls in the ocean and is rescued by a submarine. Here is is looking through the periscope!


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