Thursday, July 31, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 7/30/08 Holy margarita, Batman--I think the Joker has passed out in your living room

Mea culpa, mea culpa! I really goofed today--I watched the show late last night and took notes, but then I had to run out early for a court appearance this morning, and I forgot my notes. I just got back to my office, and I will now put down what I have from memory. I will rely on the rest of you stalwart viewers to fill in where I have missed.

Here are some things that happened. Socorro had a couple of heart-to-heart talks with Lina. Poor Karla, now trying to repent, overhears and feels jealous. She even hears her mother say that she wishes Karla could be more like Lina. Karla flashes her patented exasperated look.

Nestor meets with Sr. Lobredo, the only lawyer in the DF. He wants to leave his money to Alejandro.

Bobby asks Lina for a definitive response on their relationship, and she rejects him and runs to her room crying. Bobby later talks to Al, who reassures him that Lina really likes him, but he can't tell him why she's acting the way she is. He tells him to hang in there. Then Al proposes that Bobby join him in a brand-new business. They will get away from the machinations of Connie and Flor. Where will they get the money? They will sell their cars! This reminded me of when Don Fernando, Omar and Marcia pooled their resources to save Conceptos. Will Al and Bobby sleep in a little bed together and fight over the covers? (I must ask, though, who would want to buy Al's Hummer now, what with gas prices the way they are? Although I understand prices are still lower in Mexico, since it's an oil producing country. . .)

Stalker I has lunch with Stalker II (that's Flo and Hugo, if you hadn't guessed) to tell him that they must form a united front if they want to preserve their miserable marriages. They should go away to have romantic getaways. Everybody buys tickets for a trip to the beach, as it looks like a great time to get out of Dodge. Hugo buys tickets for him and Mili, Flor buys tickets for her and Alex.

When Mili is presented with the idea, she is not too thrilled, but she feigns interest. Hugo hugs her and she looks queasy.

Val begs Rocky to take her away forever. He says that no, he wants to do things the right way and build up some business and they will get married in the future. However, he agrees to take her away for a few days to--the beach! I'm betting that all these couples will end up together in Acapulco. Let the fireworks begin!

To make the episode easier to recap, thankfully, most of it is dedicated to the grand guignol tour de force of Luciana's intervention.
When we start the episode, Luciana has collapsed on the floor and she's still tossing back the scotches. Her lipstick is completely smeared, and she looks like she's channeling Heath Ledger. It's pretty creepy. In her drunken state, Luci tries one last time to insult Mili as being a low-life like her mother, but this time Mili won't have it, and she points out that her sainted mother died in childbirth etc. Mili now reveals to Al that it was Luciana who told her the secret about their not being siblings--and it was just after his wedding, when it was too late to do anything. Al is beside himself.

Meanwhile, Connie, Brau, and Andrea return home from the political fiasco. Connie is bellowing for Luci, and a huge blowout ensues, as he explains that he will have to resign, I think. She is thrilled that his career is destroyed. He says he once loved her but she has destroyed it all. She says he is a liar--he has always hated her. He demands that she go to rehab, and she says no, no, no. Everyone in the family assembles and chimes in about how she should go. What's funny is that every time they cut to Andrea, she is laughing or smirking. Luciana does not want to go to the manicomio, and she wails louder and louder. I hope she gets nominated for Best Scream Play.

Mili suggests that perhaps Luci could be treated at home, but this idea is shot down. Rocky chimes in that Mili is the lady of the house, so they should listen to her, but he is shot down. Luci rants that the only people who support her are those she hates the most--that mugrosa soccer player and the naco chauffeur. Irony's a bitch, ain't it?

Finally, Connie calls an ambulance. He plots with Damian to get Luci to go. Damian takes Luci into another room, and she thinks he is going to save her from the asylum if she gives him her shares back again. Luci believes him, but in her state, who can blame her. Anyway, finally, the men in the white coats show up and put her in a straitjacket. It's pretty gruesome, and they have to inject her with something to get her to calm down. She realizes Damian betrayed her. As they drag her out, Connie hugs Val and even puts an arm on Al's shoulder, but Al throws it off in disgust. That's all I can remember!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guapos 07-29-08 "Someone get that Lady a Drink"

Welcome to the party….Fasten your seatbelts cause it is gonna be a bumpy ride.
Quick refresher..Now that Nestor has taken a hike, Consti is no longer interested in boinking Luci.
See it was all about screwing Nestor not Luci, figuratively of course.

Mili and Al lock lips, tongue wrestle and put three years of pent up frustration into one grinding kiss. Then separate to opposite sides of the little homey setting of carefully arranged living room furniture.

The Padre reappears with Hugo and Flor. Now everyone must follow the rules, it is hands off. There is some eyerolling there as well as in my own living room. Padre tells Mili to round up Gloria & Chamaco manana for some belated relationship advice. Hugo mentions he thought it was Lina that was pregnant, okay bring Lina and Bobby in also.

The Padre looks all flustered like how did this happen? Well Duh, Dude…A little life preparation would have been nice; but back to that later.

----Say I have been wondering how Padre Manuel told Nestor all Luci’s little dark secrets..I mean if you watch Fuego, you know (it has been much debated), that a Padre can not tell anything…like Luci would have whacked Mili if she would have married Al. I am so confused, does this mean it is okay if you only tell your family like your brother Nestor? Well over on Fuego, then maybe Father Tad is a spawn of Bernando’s (isn’t everybody?) then he could tell.----

Flor tired by the pregnancy and carrying around all that deep dark hatred, retires for the evening. Hugo goes off to paint more scary goth pictures of crazy Al. Mili goes to tell the Chiclet Posse, they have to go see Padre Manuel tomorrow. Mili finds out that Lina and Karla are now Buddies, bonded over the evil, despoiler Fernando the Dead. Lina is willing to give Karla the benefit of the doubt. The other chicas don’t seem so sure.

Matt the Ratt is lying in bed with whatever the hell, Flor sister’s name is. He is having disturbing memories of his best, if somewhat AssHat friend being whacked. Where Lobo, VillaLobo, says Fernando no longer exists. I believe Matt should sleep in pull-ups cause he looks like he is about to pee his pants.

Next day….
Looks like Luci has been nursing a big heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch, this is day two of her drinking binge. In Mexico this is a great favorite, I was at a Wedding…yes a rural Wedding with liberal bottles of Buchanan Scotch, which was drunk with a orange soda and a healthy squirt of soda water…Hmmmmmmm, I stuck to beer.

Consti comes in and starts screaming at Luci to take a shower and get dressed and show up for his big political luncheon. Luci is all not gonna do it. Yes you will. He calls in Brau for back up. Now Brau has to get Luci ready for her close-up. Brau seems rather horrified by the whole thing. Luci tells him she will, but first…how’s bout a heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch. “No No No, it is too early,” Brau says and he doesn’t drink while he is working. She grabs a couple of glasses and pours him a drink. Luci, class act that she is forgoes drinking out of the bottle in front of the servant. Luci also realizing the value of Scotch, does not dampen that “heated in an oak barrel, by strapping men in kilts over a peat fire” taste with naco orange soda. We just see the bottle being pour again and again and again.

Meanwhile, over at St. Deceptions, the Padre greets the Chiclets and Chico. Padre wonders where Bobby is. Lina says he isn’t the father. Poor Padre, so much sin, it is hard for him to shoulder the world of sin.

Mili slips off to talk with Chunky Nun.
She gives the Chunkster a little background on the whole Lina debacle. Chunky gets all Medieval about rotten men. Methinks the Chunkster has not always been a Nun.

Padre grills, poor Chamaco about how he robbed Gloria of innocence. Chamaco says he used precautions. The Padre is appalled birth control is also against the Catholic belief system. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. “Well, Chamaco asks, “What’s a boy to do?” Padre answers with eons old oft quoted refrain, “Remain chaste tell married.” Chamaco smirks and it looks like the Chiclets are smirking.
What is a Padre to do?

Now back to Luci’s always open bar, she starts singing. (Sorry I tried to look up the lyrics, but I don’t remember enough of them. But big emphasis on lies) Luci is crooning a Brau is up on the bed drunkenly singing along. Luci starts in on Brau about what a total ratbastard the Consti is. She tells how he has thrown away everything for his political career. How Brau’s Niece has suffered. Oh damn drunk or not, she is good. Luci continues, “Now today is the day to end this…to make Consti suffer”.
Luci brings out her little lavender outfit and asks if Brau likes it. Why yes indeed, Brau caresses the fine feminine fabric.

Al and Val are out for a stroll, basically Al is happy that Val is so happy, but alas Val is sad cause Al is so sad and trapped in a loveless marriage from hell. They lament their crappy parents.

Over at St. Deceptions, Chamaco says he will marry Gloria in six months. Padre says no way, you will marry in one month. Gloria is all excited. Padre laments that Lina doesn’t have it so good, but being one big happy unprotected family, they will rally around and help her out. Chamaco says that is cool, he could marry her too. Padre is so not impressed with Chamaco’s prior religious instruction.
---Oh if only these people knew what we know, Fernando may be gone, but his gifts just keep on giving---
A moment of silence for Fernando….Okay carry on.

Luci wanders downstairs, nice outfit. She is kinda rich bag lady. Big oversized sweater, shirt and, say it isn’t so, sweatpants? Her lipstick is all smeared. Eureka, like a bloodhound, she has located another bottle of Buchanans. Al & Val wander in and they are appalled at her state. Luci starts in with “Hey I got some really great news, today along with destroying my three remaining healthy liver cells I am going destroy your father.” Then looks from Al to Val and directs to Val, “Well your father”. This leads to the game that sober people always get caught up in when dealing with a drunk, I like to call it the “Logic and Reasoning Game”. Al starts yelling at Luci, “You are so disgraceful, you ruined my life, you are terrible”. Val follows with, “I will not let you ruin my life, the same way”. This little game leads to smug drunken ramblings about, “I have sacrificed my life for my Hijos, no one loves you like Mama”. Al says, “she lied and he lost his love Mili.” Luci smirks with a look that says, oh my beloved if I wasn’t your “I only live for you, noble Mother”, I’d be forced to laugh. She counters with a, “I wasn’t going to let you ruin your life by marrying that dirty, low class, fly”.

Now over to the big politico. It is the PUN party. I guess a play on the PAN party in Mexico. Hey, I am not trying to draw any comparisons here, but this seems like maybe in this country, these folks would be in the ahhh wealthy, most light skinned, ahhh family first, most likely to be caught in an airport bathroom party. Hey I’m just sayin. Perleta, introduces Consti as the man with great family values, honorable and so on. Consti tells Damien to go look for Luci and get her ass in there.

Consti goes to the podium and begins his speech about fine noble causes, how he loves his family. He is so proud of his children, why his son, Al is right there by his side at the company. His daughter is a treasure. Now about that fine woman that shares his life. She is just the best thing since Cortez conquered Mexico City and gave the natives a reason to live. He calls for Luci to come forward.
--We see that fine little Lavender outfit move thru the crowd. Luci looks really tall.
OMG, it is Brau in full drag. Const doesn’t know what to say, and all those fine upstanding persons look like they just smelled something on the bottom of their shoe. Andrea jumps up and pulls the wig off Brau.
Andrea always the helpful Andrea. Perleta jumps up and tries to play it off as a joke. Reporters start asking if Consti supports that kind of life style. Brau runs out as do all the reporters and other fine citizens.

Back home, Al & Val continue the futile Reasoning Game with Luci. Al is just spitting hate and venom. Luci says she is a good mother. Al fires back with, “A hyena is a better mother thant you are.” Val says you won’t ruin my life with Rocky like you ruined Al’s. “A chofer, a dirty chofer?” Luci can’t believe it. Val says, “you tried to have Rocky killed.” Luci denies this, and truthfully it was Andrea, but honestly Luci probably can’t really remember if she did or not, by this point. Val follows up with a “He is the only man in my life and I am a mujer.” Al & Luci’s mouths drop. “Yeah, Ma, that’s the deal, we did it like two monkeys with only seconds to live”.
--Well I threw that in, but you get the idea—
Luci now starts in with what a thankless child Val is, “Where do you get your ideas?”. Val follows-up with, “Don’t point your finger at me, you were living in our home with your Amante”.
Luci draws back and gives Val an awesome smack across the face. Al grabs her arm and says enough. Val screams, “I hate you, I hate you.” And runs off.

Over at the business, Consti is furious, Brau comes out in a suit of Consti’s which is way too big. He tells Consti that Luci got him drunk. Consti wants to hit Brau, but Andrea stops him. She says putting up with drunk Luci and hiding everything has caused this. Brau nods in agreement. You go Brau, I’d direct the blame elsewhere too.

Al is not done with his mother. She begs him to help her keep that rotten chofer off Val. Al has had enough, he says he will help Val, he won’t let crazy Luci ruin her Luci ruined his.

Just so you know, Luci has been drinking full throttle through this, which just makes her get a more intense drunk face, of why can’t you idiots follow my reasoning.

Mili walks in on this, and even she is a bit shocked by Luci’s bold fashion statement and drunken state. Luci, seeing a new victim starts in on Mili. She says how Mili’s mother was a rotten, slutty servant. Al tells her to shut-up and Mili has that hurt little girl look on her face, she starts to walk away….but feeling the draw of the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, comes back. She says, “Your are a drunk and My mother was good and true and gave her own life for me”. Luci with the drunk reasoning counters, “Well I am a good Mother”.

Now then kids if you think this was fun…looks like this episode of “Dr. Phil’s Family…A family in crisis” will continue tomorrow. Looks like Luci dares Consti to admit that Mili is his spawn…Everyone has an AWKWARD MOMENT look on their face. Luci is still dressed in the same becoming outfit and has not mussed her misapplied lipstick.

Now all I can say about Luci is this…damn that woman can drink, I would have seriously passed out several Buchanans prior, and probably been puke sick too. Now I must say, while I hate to be caught in the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, watching it on TV is pretty funny, cause like real life; you can’t move Luci onto a new theme, she just keeps repeating what a stellar parent she is. The others have gotten caught in the game and keep trying to reason with her. That so isn’t gonna happen.


Guapos: Monday 7/28/08 "Can You Hear Me Now?---Fernasty learns a little bit of info, which will cost him a lot."

PART ONE-Florencia sticks up for Al when Mili announces she wants Hugo to manage her finances. Hugo sticks up for Mili. Then Al launches into a passionate speech about how he can’t deny his love for Mili, and she loves him. They all got married under false pretenses, thinking that Mili and Al were siblings, but that’s not the case. Mili and Al’s love was separated unjustly and it still exists. It is absurd to pretend otherwise and they all know it. Hugo suggests that the only way to avoid all of this is for Flo and Al to move out of the mansion and of course, Flo is in total agreement.

Elsewhere in the mansion, Padre Manuel has come to visit, per Al’s request. Braulio lets him in and accidentally spills the beans about Gloria’s pregnancy.

Nestor and Luci are arguing. He insults her mothering skills and she takes great offense. She tells him to get out and she calls for Al to be her bouncer. Nestor thinks it is a great idea for Al to come, that way she can explain to him how she led him to believe he and Mili were brother and sister. Luci doesn’t want Al to know, so she tries to explain to Nestor why she hates Mili….her mother ruined my life.

Socorrito comforts Lina and tells her all about her own past….how she was abused and raped and ended up pregnant---with Karla. Soco tells her that she wanted to lose the baby at times, but when she was born she found a purpose and the baby gave her hope. She tells Lina that Karla believes she was born from love and it is better that way, it would only cause her more problems is she knew she was a product of violence. Lina’s worried about how her dad’s going to react when he finds out she’s preggers. Soco tells her that he’s been very supportive of her and he’ll be the same toward Lina. Karla, in her wedding dress, comes wandering up, in tears and Soco comforts her daughter, who says she just wants to die.

Nestor packs to leave and Luci begs him to stay. He tells her he can’t be with someone who doesn’t merit his respect and affection. She doesn’t deserve either from him. He warns her, as he’s leaving, that he will no longer allow her to cause harm to his son. He walks out and glug, glug, glug goes the bottle in Luci’s hands.

Al asks Mili what she thinks about him leaving, we don’t get an answer because Nestor and Luci are headed downstairs, making a scene. Nestor tells Luci to have a good look at her handiwork, take a look at the lives you’ve ruined. Mili and Al both tear up. Nestor tells Al he’s leaving and Al responds, why should I care. Nestor reminds him that he’s his father, not his enemy. Nestor tells Mili to stick close to Al, he needs her. He then apologizes to Flo.

Andrea comes in as Nestor’s leaving. She demands to know what’s going on and Nestor tells her to ask Constancio.

PM is upset to hear about Gloria and he rants a little. Then calms down and offers Gloria congratulations. PM goes to talk to Mili and Al. He finds out Nestor left.

Andrea finds Luci and rubs in the fact that Nestor left her. Luci tells her that’s because he caught her and Connie making out. So now my husband is cheating on you, na-nah-na-nah—ha ha.

Mat and Fernasty are having a good laugh over the women that Fernasty has screwed over, figuratively and literally. Mat has some business to attend to, so he tells Fernasty to wait as he goes inside. Fernasty makes a phone call to some bimbo and loses his connection. He decides to find out what’s going on with Mat. Inside Villalobo is filling Mat in on the set up of Constancio for Domingo's demise. Fernasty hears it all and VL decides that Fernasty needs to be eliminated. Two of his goons take Fernasty away and Mat is upset, but there is nothing he can do. VL tells him that as far as he's concerned, Fernando never existed.

PART TWO- Alone in the study, Padre Manuel mentions Gloria's pregnancy to Mili and Al. Al's shocked and Mili is indignant. She tells the good padre that she'll make sure that Gloria gets to confession tomorrow. PM says that is obviously not why he's there, and he asks them what is it is they want to talk about with him. Al and Mili fill him in on their suspicions that Constancio had something to do with Domingo's death. Padre Manuel can't believe that Connie would be involved with murder, sure he's a rat bastard father who cares more for his political career than his own daughter, but he's no criminal (laugh). He urges the children to talk to Connie about it and Al says (rightly so, I'm sure), why bother he'd just deny it. The three discuss what's going on with Florencia and her lame attempt of suicide (as she is now sporting some bandages on her wrists that look like sweat bands I used to wear back in the early 80s). Mili says it's because Al's talking divorce and then Flo saw him kiss her. Al interjects and says that Mili kissed him right back. They banter back and forth about this for awhile, Al adding that Mili enjoyed it. They aren't getting anywhere other than to upset the priest. Finally Al decides to prove his point, he kisses Mili in front of PM and asks him to be the judge if Mili enjoyed it or not.

In the servants dorm, both Lina and Karla cry over how poorly Fernasty treated them both (they would only be so happy to know that he's getting a much worse treatment from VL's goons). Lina blurts out that she's pregnant and Karla gives her a hug. I say, is this the beginning of new softer, nicer Karla?

Al points out to PM the different signs that Mili is displaying that indicate she liked the kiss---she's blushing, her breath is coming in short gasps and she trembles when he nears her. PM wants nothing to do with this and he scolds the two and reminds them of keeping their promise to steer clear of each other. Al adds that he loves Mili. PM reminds them that they are both married and he brings up the commandments and sin and all that moral stuff. Al lets the padre know that Mili and Hugo are married in name only----Mili is a little hesitant to tell the priest she hasn't slept with her husband, but eventually the whole story comes out, even the part where she got him in the family jewels (along with a little pantomime reenactment, with PM filling in for Hugo). PM eventually gets the two to promise to keep apart, but Al tells him that as soon as the baby's born, he'll be divorcing Flo.

Andrea rants to Constancio about Nestor leaving because of him messing around with Luci. Luci interrupts their argument and she tries to get Connie to rekindle their flame again. Connie tells her he's not interested, now that Nestor is gone, so is the thrill. Luci is once again devastated and she leaves, Andrea thought bubbles that Luci's days as the mistress of the house are numbered.

Padre Manuel has a little heart to heart with both Hugo and Flo. Neither likes to hear what PM has to say. He reminds both of them that their weddings did not take place in the church. This sets Flo off and she let's into PM and tells him that he's nothing but a conspirator/pimp for Mili and Al. PM is properly aghast at her accusations.

Outside, in the foyer, Al and Mili talk of family----all the while keeping their distance from each other. They talk about Connie and how he's chosen his career over coming clean and going public about Mili being his kid. Braulio overhears this part of the conversation. Al shares that he wishes he could be an orphan like Mili, it has to be better than his lot in life. Mili reminds him that Nestor is his papa and he's not such a bad guy, Al really should try to get to know him. The two, once again, are drawn to each other and almost kiss....they jump apart to separate sides of the room. They discuss how they have to keep their promise to Padre Manuel......but they can't resist one another and then they run into each other's arms and passionately kiss. END OF EPISODE


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #129, Friday 7-25: La Familia Belmonte…giving a whole new meaning to "I Got You, Babe"

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in front of our respective television sets, to witness the carnage we are sure will result from the union of this man and this woman. Damian and Karla, you have planned, schemed, cheated and swindled, and finally your big day has arrived:

Padre Manuel asks for any objections to the union. Well, Padre Manuel, ask and ye shall receive….

Oh, yeah, that's a pink shirt alright. Fernando objects. Damian has to fake shock and outrage. Fernando claims to be in luuuuurve with Karla. She forbids Damian from doing any physical damage and then runs to Fernando. They mack. In the church. Cause Karla's classy like that.

I guess Marisela and Mat weren't invited. Marisela is complaining about Flor not wanting to move in with her. She goes on and on and Mateo pretends to care and gets in some more insults about Alejandro and the family. He hints about Constancio being a bad guy, but won't give details. As we've seen before, this is the best way to get Marisela to believe you…"Oh, well, honey, if you knew the things I knew…but I won't say…."

More outraged Damian. Karla complains that Damian didn't treat her well and her new Chicken Pimp treats her like a queen. And also, he's better in bed than Damian. Padre Manuel reminds her they're in church. Karla and Fernando ask to be married right then and there. Damian has to be dragged off by Alejandro and Hugo to keep from pounding Fernando. Padre Manuel refuses to marry them and he dismisses the crowd, all of whom seem all too happy to be dismissed. Fernando and Karla lobby for a wedding tomorrow, but PM begs off. Karla introduces Socorro and Fernando. Fernando macks on his new suegra. Again, in the church. Socorro drags him off to talk and tells him that she doesn't buy that he's in love with her daughter…and also, that she knows what he did to Lina. Fernando goes back to macking on Karla. Poor Socorro can't figure out how many more mistakes her little girl has to make before she learns her lesson.

Gloria and Lina are back at the house. Gloria comments that Karla's with someone even worse than she is. Lina wonders if it could really be true that Fernando is in love with Karla and she looks upset about it. She says guys only bust up weddings if they're really in love. Gloria says roaches don't like to be alone, that's all. Gloria reminds Lina that Lina's got Bobby who's a way better man. This cheers Lina up. Mili comes in all excited saying she's brought the pregnancy tests. Gloria refuses to take one, but Mili says they'll all do it so that she doesn't have to do it alone. Gloria's really afraid of it coming out positive. Lina and Gloria both refuse to go first, so Mili has to do it.

Padre Manuel gripes to Nestor about the crap he has to put up with at work. What's wrong with these kids these days?! Nestor reminds him that kids have always been kinda stupid, not just now. He reminds Manuel about some freaky hairdo he used to have. Nestor brings up Mili's pictures and that there's one of Mili's mom and Constancio. Padre Manuel tells him that Constancio is Mili's real dad and that she and Alejandro separated because they thought they were committing incest, thanks to Luciana. Nestor is impactadissimo!

Mili and Lina sit in Mili's room holding their pee sticks. Gloria's in the bathroom, but she's having a problem getting started and Lina tells her to run the faucet. She eventually comes out and the waiting starts.

Nestor can't believe Luciana could have done such a thing. PM has to break it to him that she sure as heck did it. Nestor is upset about Manuel not telling him before. PM promises he'll tell him the whole story now, but Nestor needs to chill. And so PM tells him about Mili and Al's almost-wedding. Now Nestor understands how upset Alejandro was when his grandma died. Nestor asks why Padre Manuel didn't tell Alejandro. PM says he had to keep his mouth shut because Luciana threatened to kill off Mili and because he believed she'd do it. Poor Nestor. He looks like someone just ran over his puppy. Twice. Commercials…. Nestor can't believe that his poor little fragile Luciana could have done this. Now Nestor understands why Padre Manuel set up the thing with the house on the beach. Nestor understands a lot of things now, and he wants to have a talk with Alejandro. PM reminds him that Mili doesn't want Constancio to know that she knows that she's his daughter. Nestor says Luci has a lot of 'splaining to do.

Big shock, Gloria's not pregnant. And there was much rejoicing. She promises that when she is, one of the others will be the madrina for the baptism and the other one for the kid's first communion, so they don't have to fight over it. Lina, however, has two little pink lines. Oh, please, writers, haven't we done enough to poor Lina already?!

Down in the living room, everyone is consoling Damian. He says he wants nothing more to do with women. But, no, he's not going to start pitching for the other team, he just won't be committed to anyone. Socorro comes in to apologize for her skank of a daughter, but Damian doesn't blame her. Damian claims he's sad since he was all set to call Socorro "mom." He hugs her just a little too long. Socorro asks for permission to go upstairs and see Mili and Andrea and Luciana fight for Alpha position again. Damian says he has to leave the house because everything reminds him of Karla. Before he leaves, he sadly reminds everyone that he was once her Chicken Pimp. Luciana looks vacant (or maybe she's taking a mental inventory of all the places in the house where she has booze hidden) and Constancio smirks.

Karla and Fernando mack on his couch. She blabs on and on about Fernando turning out to be the guy for her. He says she's just as innocent as her little friend Lina. Karla objects, so he says "yeah, that's right, baby, you're the one who snagged me." They make out some more as Fernando sneaks a look at his watch.

Lina cries while the other girls console her. Socorro tells them that it's important to do a blood test if the test comes out negative, cause it could be wrong, but if it comes out positive--too bad, you're preggers. Um, Socorro, we were trying to console Lina. Lina has to admit she's done nothing with Bobby, so it must be that rat bastard Fernando's. Lina cries that Bobby won't want her now. Mili's worried about Fernando marrying Karla, but Socorro scoffs that he's just messing with her. She says that Lina and Socorro are going right over to Fernando's apartment right now--just the two of them, not the other girls.

Alejandro and Nestor meet in a restaurant. Alejandro only showed up because Nestor said it was urgent. Nestor offers him a drink, but Alejandro just wants to know what's up. Nestor tells him he just found out what Luciana did. Alejandro doesn't want to talk about it with him. Nestor says he's worried about Alejandro. Alejandro says there was a time he would have given anything to find out he had another dad, but now it's too late and he's not interested. He goes to leave, but Nestor stops him. Alejandro tells him that he asked Luciana for the truth the night before his wedding and she denied it even then. Alejandro blames Nestor for not telling him when he had plenty of chances. Nestor tries to explain, but Alejandro doesn't want to hear it. Alejandro says that Nestor destroyed him the same as Luciana did.

Milagros comes to visit Hugo in his studio. She wants to talk. She tells him Lina's pregnant and she started crying when she found out. Mili says having a baby is, like, the coolest, but not when it's not the baby of the man you luuuuurve. Hugo says "What are you trying to say? That if you got pregnant with my baby, you'd start crying?" Mili and Hugo throw their promises to each other in each other's faces. Hugo gripes about Mili and Alejandro. He wants proof that Mili trusts him--by letting him manage her money and her shares in the company. She says she'll sign whatever he asks. He hugs her and makes a crazy-obsessed-guy face, while she just looks miserable and confused. Commercials…. Hugo thanks her. Mili's still upset and looks worried.

Karla and Fernando have a post-coital coffee. She blabs about wanting to go to Miami for their honeymoon. Fernando says she's funny and he'll miss that about her. Someone rings the doorbell and Fernando jumps up, saying "Finally! I thought they'd never get here!" It's Damian, still in his tux. The guys shake hands and hug. In front of Karla, Fernando says just hurry up and pay me the money, I've got things to do. Damian hands over an envelope of cash and Fernando starts counting it. In front of Karla. Who makes an ugly about-to-cry face. It's so callous, but I can't even muster up the energy to feel sorry for her.

Valeria and Rocky walk into the house together and find Luciana waiting on the couch, forcing Valeria to treat him like a chauffeur again. Luciana can't just let things go and has to remind Valeria that she can't let herself get enamored of the chauffeur again. Valeria says it doesn't matter since Luci and Constancio have done their best to get him to reject her. Luciana starts to whine that it's for her own good and she and Valeria get into an argument about it. Andrea comes over to join in, which upsets Luci even more. Valeria finally says that at least Andrea is her friend and she's glad that her dad traded Luci in for Andrea. Luciana slaps her across the face, then tries to beg forgiveness. Valeria leaves. Now Luci and Andrea get into it, with Andrea gloating and calling her a pathetic excuse for a mother.

Once Fernando has counted his cash, he takes his coffee and leaves. Damian tells Karla if there was a stupid contest, she'd win…"Stupidest girlfriend category…Karla Zorrilla. Stupidest servant category…Karla Zorrilla." Karla protests that her last name is Luna, but Damian says it would be like a stage name. Whether he means "zorrilla" as in "skunk" "striped polecat" or "little fox" is anyone's guess. He thanks her for saving him from both jail and marriage. She goes after him and he pushes her onto the couch. He tells her she looks better on the floor…with a bucket and a rag, of course. And in her uniform, which looks better on her than a wedding dress does. He says he's going off now to find another woman. Karla's left sobbing on the couch. Fernando comes in and throws the wedding dress at her. He tells her to shut the door on her way out. She asks if she can take the fur coat with her. Karla! Por Dios! Have you no dignity! He goes back into the bedroom, while she cries.

Chamuco tells Gloria not to be lifting heavy objects. She tells him she has good news, but can't get a word in edgewise as he starts talking about how he's going to work five jobs at once--whatever it takes so his little Chamuco has whatever he needs. He reminds her they've got to get married ASAP. This shuts her up and she doesn't bother telling him about the pregnancy test. They kiss and get busted by Horacio and Braulio. Chamuco breaks the news to them that he and Gloria are expecting and they're getting married. Horacio hugs him in congratulations. Mili comes in too, wondering what all the fuss is about and Gloria says she just told them the good news about being pregnant! Gloria pulls Mili close and whispers behind clenched teeth that if Mili says anything, she'll never forgive her.

Socorro comes into Fernando's apartment. She asks where Karla is and when he starts giving her lip, she slaps him across the face. She tells him he's going to be a father and Lina confirms it. He looks scared. Yeah, he's stuck. He keeps going around saying he only does it with virgins, so he can't very well try to say it's some other guy's kid.

Karla walks around at a park in her dress thinking about the nasty things Damian said. She starts ripping up the dress. Or she tries, anyway.

Speaking of trying, Fernando says it must be some other guy's kid. Lina says she's only been with him and Fernando says no one believes that. Oh, but Socorro does, and she grabs him by the neck to prove it. Dude, you have pissed off Mama Bear! She tells him he's going to take responsibility like a man. Lina says she wants nothing from him, but Fernando goes to his trusty envelope of cash, pulls out some bills and hands them to Lina. He tells her that should be enough to "get rid of the package." Lina rips up the money and tells Socorro they're getting out of there. Socorro tells Fernando he's anything but a man and slaps him again. After they leave, Fernando laughs and calls them a pair of gatas (either servants, hos, or cats).

That night, at Casa Belmonte, Luciana drinks while thinking about all the nasty things her kids have said to her lately, which, sad to say, she deserves. Constancio comes running into her room to tell her that Andrea has gone out. Luci says she's not in the mood, but Constancio says he can get her there. They start making out on the couch and Nestor walks in. Constancio tells him he should have knocked first that way they could have faked something. He says Luciana told him Nestor would be back late and they really should coordinate schedules to avoid these unpleasant situations. Constancio reminds Nestor that he's the lover, not the husband, and should be more flexible, especially since Constancio's letting him have free access. He finally shuts up and leaves. Luciana says she didn't want him to find out. She tries to swear it was the first time, she didn't do anything, he made her, etc. Nestor says he no longer believes blindly in her, he thought she was different, but she's a liar and a hypocrite, she's soulless, she destroys every good thing. Nestor says he couldn't expect anything else from a woman capable of ruining her own son's life. Dun dun dun!

Hugo and Mili come downstairs and run into Alejandro and Florencia. Mili tells Florencia she's glad she and the baby are doing well. She reaches for Florencia's hand. Will she never learn?! Florencia gripes that the doctor told her to stay calm and seeing Mili upsets her, blah, blah, blah. Hugo gets Mili to announce that she's reconsidered and it's Hugo who will manage her shares. End.

Monday: The foursome are still down in the foyer when Nestor and Luciana come downstairs, arguing, and Nestor tells Luciana to look at the great job she's done making everyone miserable. Well, yeah, I guess she has.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Guapos Thursday July 24, 2008: Ménage à …. um, I lost count.

Rehash: We see Mili and Al in the hallway outside his room where Flor languishes, and Mili is blaming herself. Al hugs her to comfort her and guess what, Marisela walks into the hall right then. She tells Al that this is why Flor slashed herself. Everything is his fault! Mili runs off. Mari tells Al that Flor is not alone. He says he doesn’t owe her any explanations, but he will do everything to make sure Flor is okay.

New hash: Mari enters the darkened Room of Crushed Dreams where Flor is asleep, recovering from the loss of less blood than you get taken for a blood test. Mari swears that she won’t let that monster destroy her sister’s life.

Karla sneaks into the kitchen at night and dials up Fernando, who is sitting astride his shiny motorcycle, waiting for her call. He tells her too bad she’s getting married tomorrow because girls like her aren’t thick upon the ground and he misses her. Karla flutters. He says how great she called exactly at the appointed hour and can she come out and play? Karla says it’s dangerous, and also it’s late for going out. But she says okay, when can you come get me? I’m here out front, he says. Karla is stoked, says she’ll go change and be right there.

In the foyer, Al is standing about like Hamlet, looking tragic, tears standing in his eyes. Nestor says you couldn’t help what happened. Luci agrees. All says leave me alone, you hypocrites. Nestor takes it patiently, saying well we’re all tense. He goes on upstairs. Mat and Connie are there too. Luci leans over Connie where he is sitting on the couch and softly says she needs to talk to him later in the study. She touches his ear and massages his shoulder - a clarinet is playful in the background. Luci goes upstairs.

Oh! Andrea is there too. She leaps over to the couch and asks Connie what Luci said. Look out, says Connie, you look like a suicide attempter yourself. Andrea curses Luci, then gets seductive and says let’s go up to bed. I’ll be up in a bit, he says smiling and rumbling.

By now Al’s tears have reached his chin. Andrea pauses on her way to the staircase and says I’m glad your wife is better. Al just keeps staring straight ahead.

Connie stops at Al too and says and you call ME an assassin? Don’t keep putting on airs that you are a better person than me. You are trash and you know it. Connie walks over to Mat who has been sitting there feeling awkward and tells him, please feel at home. You’re a great guy! If Al had been like you I would’ve taken him on like a son. Al in the background looks even more pained. Connie leaves.

Mat is standing, briefcase in hand, uncomfortable, and Al is still standing glued to the spot by the stairs. Mari comes down and tells Mat that she’s going to stay with Flor, she doesn’t want to leave her alone. In the background, Al says don’t worry on my account, I can sleep here on the couch. Mari can’t be bothered to even acknowledge that he has spoken. She goes upstairs.

Mat says to Al, well, I’m going now. Please greet Flor for me when she wakes up. He walks out. Al looks like he’s going to sob, but instead he runs upstairs. Oops, Mat isn’t gone, he’s lurking behind a wall.

Lina and Gloria are in twin beds (what happened to the bunks?) chatting when Karla comes in dressed to go out. They ask if those are her new jammies. Karla scoffs and says she’s going out with friends for her stag party. The girls say you don’t have any friends. I have tons of them, retorts Karla.

Mat sneaks into Connie study and plants a manila envelope in the desk drawer. Uh oh! Somebody coming! He dives under the desk, which is spindly-legged and doesn’t provide much cover. Connie and Luci come in and start telling the other how unscrupulous they are, and they laugh and flop on the couch, necking big time.

Karla is happily getting on the motorcycle with Fernando.

Vale is in her little Taco Naco hat at the Rodeo food bar (we see Morgan slinging hash in the background) and she’s talking to Al on her cell. She tells him to get some rest, as he seems really off. She says she knows Mili is having a hard time and that she’ll talk to her.

Vale tells Morgan that Flor seems to be in the clear now, but she’s really worried about Al. Morgan says no wonder, what a shock for him. Vale says when she’s pregnant with Morgan’s little Morgancito, she’s going to be very careful and not do anything to harm the child. Morgan says he can’t wait to have a miniature Vale in his arms. They decide they have to wait until they’re married because that’s the right thing to do. They cuddle endearingly.

Chamuco comes up and tells Vale to go fix up something for him. She goes off and Morgan is annoyed Chamuco is giving food orders to Vale. Chamuco says he has to talk with him – he needs a job because well, Gloria may be pregnant. Morgan says Que? He remembers Gloria has felt urpy. He tells Chamuco that Horacio will kill him. Just then Horacio comes up in his Taco Naco hat and razzes them about standing around talking.

Braulio is really styling as he turns out all the lights downstairs. He twirls and his coattails fly. Nestor comes up and asks if he’s seen Luci in the kitchen. Luci told him she was going to get an aspirin, but she’s taken awfully long about it. Braulio says he was just in the kitchen and no Luci. Now here comes Andrea in her slinky bathrobe. Has Braulio seem Connie? He went for an aspirin and now where is he? Braulio says he doesn’t know. Andrea says she’ll check in the study and Braulio says no!

Nestor and Andrea look at him oddly. Braulio says I mean no, they are not in the studio. They? says Nestor. Andrea just asked about Connie. Braulio says Connie is not there nor Luci either. What are you trying to say, Braulio? asks Andrea. Nothing, says Braulio, just that they’re not in the studio. Nestor says well, we’ll go find out. He and Andrea head off, and Braulio follows, his arms flailing.

Al knocks at Mili’s door. He says he saw the light on. Where is Hugo? Mili says he’s in his studio painting like very night. He never comes to bed with her. Al lights up and walks over to her bed. Mili gets out of bed and tells him that divorcing Flor will make Flor miserable. Al says he’s miserable and Flor would never be happy with him that way, and what’s more, Hugo will never be happy as he waits for Mili to actually fall in love with him.

He tells Mili that he won’t mention divorce until the baby comes. He says it’s not good for him or for Flor the way things are now. Al says he doesn’t want to end up like his mother or his father, resigned to a life without love.

He tells her that he has a suspicion about Connie and he doesn’t know whether to say something or keep quiet: He thinks Connie had Flor’s daddy killed, which would mean that Mili’s daddy is an assassin. No puede ser! says Mili.

Al explains that right before Domingo was killed, he had told Connie he was going to wipe out his business. Al and Damien heard with their own ears Connie furiously telling Domingo that he would destroy him.

Mili says no, Connie is a liar and a coward, but not an assassin. Al says I want to be mistaken. Because even though I’m not his real son, I still love him despite his always pushing me away. I wanted to be important to him, but I never managed to be. Mili says she understands exactly because even though Connie won’t say he’s her father, and even though she hated her father for abandoning her mother and her, still she has come to love Connie.

Don’t say anything, says Mili. Let’s ask Padre Manuel. She leans against him for comfort and naturally in walks Hugo. Mili says if I told you this is just a friendship hug, would you believe me?

Andrea and Lestor are striding quickly through the mansion toward the study, but an impressively agile Braulio is springing over furniture to get there first. He blocks the study door and says loudly that no one is in there. Nestor threatens to slug him, so Braulio steps aside. The door is locked! Nestor demands the key. It’s a ring of keys and Andrea is trying them all.

In the study, Luci is frantically trying to get her necklace on over her head and find her shoes. Connie is quickly tying his tie. Luci says Nestor will be furious. Connie says Andrea will kill me. Luci says I’ll kill her before she can. Connie seems to admire that.

Mat springs from under the desk and announces he can save them both. They are astonished, but he rushes to a chair and opens his briefcase. They will look like they are in a meeting. Nestor and Andrea burst in, demanding to know what’s up and why are they locked in? Mat says they were discussing very private points about the divorce. Nestor and Andrea are abashed and ask for forgiveness.

Mat says he has one more point to discuss with Connie. Luci tells Nestor that she is very sorry to think he doesn’t trust her. They leave. Andrea says she’ll see Connie in a little bit. Braulio gives Connie and exaggerated goodnight. Everyone is gone and Connie pops his eyebrows at Mat – well? What were you doing hidden under my desk?

Al is telling Hugo that they were just talking. Hugo tells him to get out.

Hugo says why did you let him into our room so late? Mili fakes that she didn’t realize it was late. She tells him not to be so jealous. She says Al is important to her and she intends to keep him as a good friend, and she will talk to him whenever she wants, not when Hugo gives permission. She says I am your wife, but you didn’t buy me. Hugo says I see. He’s more important than me, than our marriage. If only Hugo read advice columns! He’d be able to fling around the term “emotional infidelity.”

Mat tells Connie that since Mari was going to spend the night with her sister, he came in looking for a book. Yes, that’s it! A book! And then Connie and Luci came in and started kissing and he assumed it would be less embarrassing for them if they didn’t know he was there, so he hid. And then they got all passionate… Connie says not a word to anyone, understand? Of course, says Mat, I’ll see you tomorrow morning early. Con permiso. He runs out like a girl.

Braulio comes in like a girl. He asks if there will be anything else. Connie says no. Braulio starts to leave but then says I never thought you’d like a trio. Connie looks puzzled, then angry. Stupid, he says and leaves. Trio, says Braulio holding up four gloved fingers and waggling them.

It’s the morning of Damien’s wedding day and Braulio is straightening the gloomy landscape that is back in its spot which had been usurped by the Mili/Mama painting. Mili in a nice yellow dress walks in and regards it gloomily. Nestor comes up and says I’m sorry about your painting, Luci does crazy stuff when she’s been drinking. Mili says she drinks up every bottle in the house. Nestor says he doesn’t agree with everything she does, but she’s not a bad person, just lost. Try to understand her and pardon her.

Mili says you do the understanding. You live in this house with a drunk who makes my life miserable. Nestor says do you have a little time? I’d like to explain something. They sit and he says you and Al are close and when I talk to you, I feel like I’m getting closer to him. He’s pushing me away and I accept that, but I’m not giving up. Please be my friend, I want to know Al better through you. Mili is touched. She tells him that the photos of her mother are her greatest treasure and invites him up to see them.

Flor is in bed, face smeared with glycerin tears, contemplating her bandaged wrists. Mari comforts her. Flor says she so much regrets what she did, how impulsive and stupid she was. Mari strokes her hair and tells her that she isn’t alone and Mari will take care of her. Mari says Flor and the coming baby are all the family she has left. And if Flor does herself in, then Mari has no one. Flor reassures her that she won’t do anything stupid.

Flor asks where Al is and Mari says forget him. Pack up and I’ll take you home to the apartment. Flor says no. Al is the man she loves and her place is there with him. Just then Al comes in. Flor smiles bravely. He asks kindly how she is and Flor asks Mari to leave. Mari rolls her eyes and warns Al to treat Flor right. She leaves.

Al puts his arms around Flor and she weeps and begs forgiveness. He says nothing to forgive. Flor says it’s just when he asked for divorce she thought for a moment she’d rather be dead. Al says don’t worry, I won’t leave you or the child. Huh?

Damien is getting into his tuxedo and Hugo is helping. Hugo is surprised that Damien is taking his upcoming nuptials so well. Damien says he’s okay with it. Hugo says he doesn’t think Karla is the right person, not because she’s a servant but because he doesn’t think Karla truly loves his father. She might be untrustworthy. Like Mili? asks Damien. Have you talked to her about you not voting her shares at the company?

Hugo says no, I’ve been waiting for the right moment. Damien says are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? You have to protect your marriage and your inheritance.

Nestor and Mili are sitting on the couch in her brightly colored bedroom looking at photos. Nestor says Mili has inherited the beauty, openness and good heart that he sees in her mother in the pictures. Nestor says he can’t understand why she and Al didn’t stay together, they would make such a lovely couple. Mili doesn’t want to talk about it. Nestor says Al is a hard worker, honest, noble and he has a huge heart, just like her. Mili says she’ll help Nestor and get Al to pardon him.

Hugo comes for Mili and Nestor says he’ll put the photos away. Hugo and Mile leave and Nestor looks fondly at all the photos in her box. Oops, he finds the taped-together one of Mili’s ma with Connie. No puede ser!

People are gathering outside the church. Socorro is scared Damien won’t show up. Horacio prays he does. And here comes the groom! Meantime, the girls are wondering where Karla is. She went out last night late. Chamuco asks Gloria about her period and she says not in front of the house of God, it’s some kind of sin. Chamuco says he needs to know if she is, because if she is, they’ll get married. Gloria is thrilled that it could be so soon.

Vale and Morgan wish it were their wedding but they will stick to their plan and not look like they’re together.

Bobby is telling Lina she pretty much blew him off. She doesn’t want him to think that. So he mentions about her needing more time. She runs over to Vale who tells her men think girls are easy if they agree too quickly. Lina is worried because she really wants to go with Bobby. She goes back to him and tells him she needs to think a little more. Bobby says why don’t you be honest with me? If you don’t want to be my girlfriend, just say so. He walks off.

Luci and Nestor, Connie and Andrea show up. Did they share a ride? Luci insults Mili’s taste in clothes and Nestor tells her to stop. Mili tells Connie he looks good, but what about his conscience? She says he can go to confession for all his sins since they’re at the church. Connie looks puzzled.

Oh wow! Karla’s still in bed with Fernando. He tells her she better hurry, but she says Damien can wait after all he’s made her wait. Fernando says he never believed in love at first sight before. She says she can tell by his kisses and she smooches him some more. He surreptitiously looks at his watch.

In front of the church, Nestor is asking the padre if he can talk to him. Al comes up and doesn’t even acknowledge Nestor’s presence and asks the padre if Mili and he can talk to him. The little padre says seems like everyone wants to talk to him, but make it after the service, for heaven’s sake.

Socorro tells Mili she’s worried about Gloria and it takes a while for Mili to get the drift. Mili points out that you can’t get pregnant without doing a certain thing. Socorro says yeah, well, they’ve done it. Mili is super impactada.

People are wondering where the bride is. Damien paces a bit. He says she’s probably still at the beauty salon. And here she is, running up. She has on her bridal gown and has a spray of flowers, but her hair is loose. She tells a story about not being able to get a taxi. Off she and Damien go arm in arm.

Mili calls Gloria a traitor for not keeping their pact about telling about their first time. Lina did, Mili reminds her. Gloria says she didn’t want to say because of how it was going with Hugo. Mili hadn’t had her first time and Gloria felt bad about it. Gloria says how lovely it was and Mili looks sad. Mili asks if she’s pregnant and Gloria says she doesn’t know, she never keeps track of her periods, but she thinks she might be two weeks late. Mili is excited and says she’s going to be an aunt. Sor Cachete comes and herds the girls into the church.

The couple is kneeling at the altar. We see various other couples: Flor clutching Al’s arm as he sits next to Mili, Connie and Luci making eyes, Vale and Morgan wanting to kiss, Lina smiling encouragingly at Bobby who smiles back. Damien at the altar smiles and Karla is smiling too and nodding her head with each line of the wedding ceremony as if she’d written it herself.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: the padre comes to the part about if anyone yadda yadda speak now or forever hold your peace. A voice from the back of the church says “Yo!” Heads turn. It’s not Silvester Stalone, it’s Fernando striding down the aisle in what I swear looks like a pink shirt. Freeze frame.

Avances: Padre Manuel tells Nestor that Connie is Mili’s true father and that Luci let Al and Mili believe that they were brother and sister. Mili and Hugo have words.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 7/23/08 Guapos really goes to the Diablo tonight

It's just not appropriate to use a funny title for this episode.

Rehash: Mili asks Hugo to come to bed. He gets a gleam in his eye, and she sets him straight--no not what you think, honey . . . He throws his painting aside.

Karla is seen with Fernando.

Mili sees Al on the stairs. She tells him he was right about their bad marriages. She tells him she trusts him.

Lobo is relishing the dessert Marisela prepared. Mari goes to the bathroom, leaving Mat and Lobo alone. Lobo tells how he got rid of Domingo so Mat could have smooth sailing; Mat has his loyalty, so he shouldn't abuse it. Mari comes back, and Lobo prepares to leave, offering congratulations on their upcoming marriage.

The big meeting is assembled. Luci bears her newly returned shares. Damian looks at them incredulously, as he is expecting invisible ink, but no such luck for him. Mili reveals the shocking news that she has fired Mat and Al is her new rep.

When everyone leaves, Connie tells Luci that her game was well played--now they should go home and do it under the table.

Hugo and Mili have another argument, which I could not get all the details.

Soco, Lina, and Gloria joke in the kitchen about how hard they work. There's no servants' day--er, domestic workers, if you please--the way they have secretaries' day and bosses' day. They imagine what fun they'd have if the bosses and servants traded places. Karla comes in, and I'm not sure, but it seems like they play a trick on her and tell her that the next day is official servants' day. No time for jokes, as Karla is off to rehearse her wedding at the church--the wedding is the next day.

Over at the church, we see Padre M, Damian, Connie, and Karla. Connie makes a few remarks that raise Padre M's eyebrows. Karla simply exults in her good fortune that is finally just within her grasp. Finally, as Karla and Damian leave, Connie says, poor idiot, if he only knew what she was doing. I don't get this, but I guess Connie somehow learned about Fernando, but he doesn't know that Damian was paying Fernando off himself.

Hugo tells Flo about Mili made Al her rep.

Peralta is meeting with Connie in his office and warning Connie not to let his wife get drunk at some upcoming political event--we can't have a repeat of what happened at the wedding. Connie waxes pompously about his new position as party president. As if that wasn't enough hot air, Peralta passes gas.

Luci is trying on a very tight blue dress for the affair while Braulio praises her effusively. Just in time to burst her bubble comes Andrea, who says Luci shouldn't get too comfy in the wifey role. Luci says that everything's perfect in her marriage. Oh, yeah? Andrea grabs the dress and rips it. Braulio accuses her of ruining a work of art.

Socorro gets Gloria alone in the kitchen and questions her some more about the likely pregnancy. Gloria swears nothing happened and nothing is wrong and tells Socorro to butt out. Gloria protests too much, methinks.

Al comes in to see Flor, who is angry about his helping Mili. He asks who told her--his shrew of a mother or his jerk of a cousin? They fight some more, and he defends Mili, who at least trusts him and think he is honest and capable--unlike his own wife.
What's more, don't bother asking me to manage your business, he says. It's too late--I want a divorce!

Flo begs him not to leave her. He says he doesn't have to be married to take care of the child. Connie comes in, and Flo turns to him for hehlp. He begs him to tell Al not to leave her. Connie drags Al into the back office for a tune-up.

Mat and Fern are getting on their motorcycles with a few last jokes about Karla. Fern drives away, and a huge black SUV drives up with Lobo. Mat gets in the back seat looking rather tentative. It must be he knows that he should not have raided the Acorralada wardrobe closet again for that blinding orange sweater.

Damian comes in to see Hugo, who is paining. Is that Leonor? he asks. Hugo says something about the terrible pain of children who lose their mothers. Damian reminds him that he's getting married tomorrow--to Karla. Hugo says she is ligera de cascos, or flighty. (she's more than that--remember when she was sleeping with amnesiac Hugo? Maybe he doesn't remember . . .)

Damian doesn't understand why Hugo is letting Al take over. Well, what does he expect him to do about it? Damian himself was fool enough to lose Hugo's shares.

Al and Connie are now having a big shouting match in the library about the usual. What kind of father are you going to be, Connie asks. The same as you! Take that. Al warns Connie not to provoke him further. But Connie says he has Mili's best interests at heart.

Back to Lobo and Mat. Lobo hands Mat an envelope that looks like the one Connie handed the mysterious black-coated figure a couple of weeks ago. Probably not the same, though. Mat asks if this is what he thinks it is. Lobo warns him not to ask dumb questions.

Now for the money scene: We see Mili sulking on her bed when Florencia comes in. I hate you, she says to Mili. You did it. You took my husband. Flo brandishes a knife, but she is not there to stab Mili. No, she slowly slits her own wrists and falls to the ground as Mili, and we, look on in horror. Mili shouts for help, and Val comes in, followed quickly by Luci, who immediately accuses Mili of killing Flor. Val defends Mili, and Luci yells at Val. Andrea suddenly appears and tells Luci to stop yelling at her daughter. Val defends Andrea. Luci tells her to stop defending the slut who goes with her father. Mili says stop, somebody call a doctor! I really couldn't believe how long they let this colloquy go on without calling a doctor. I know there's a telenovela rule about dragging these scenes out, but this stretched even the usual rule. Braulio comes in and faints at the sight of the blood.

Mat and Lobo are still negotiating, although Mat is now in the front seat? Lobo wants Mat to go over to the Belmonte castle with Mari on the pretense of seeing Flor. He will leave the evidence there and let him know when it's ready. Then they will go to the next step. Mat looks pretty scared now, as he knows that he is in over his head. Lobo says the police know the plane crash was sabotage, so they must take care to avoid having the evidence point to them and have it point at Connie. Mat says that he had thought it would be great if Connie was guilty of the plane crash, because he would have him out of the way and not have to worry about the money Connie gave him to help. But this seems like too much. He thought it was an accident.

Lobo warns him again. Everything is arranged, and Mat better do his part. He tells Mat to leave the car.

Al is still arguing with Connie and now accuses him of killing Domingo. Connie is enraged and holds Al's tie like a noose. Just then, Nestor comes in out of nowhere and tells him to let go--of his son. Al is relieved but rejects Nestor's help, as he still doesn't accept him as father.

Mili and Hugo are now rehashing the Flor story. She's going to be okay, but Mili had a bad experience, seeing Flor cut herself right in front of her eyes. What made her do it? Hugo reminds her that he told Flor about the shares. They don't know that Al asked for a divorce, I think. Hugo then seems to be telling Mili not to go with Al, because she setting up Flor's child for a repeat of Mili's own story: a mother who dies in pain and leaves an orphan.

The doctor tells Al that Flor will be okay, but he has to keep watch on her. I'm amazed they're treating her at home, but I guess they don't want her to be in the hospital with a suicide history.
Al approaches a sleeping Flo and asks why she did it and begs her forgiveness.

Cut to comic relief, of all things. Karla is sitting on Damian's back, sort of giving him a massage and complaining about Flor. Couldn't she have waited waited till after Karla's wedding to slit her wrists? The nerve! Damian says she shouldn't worry--nothing will darken her big day. Karla asks if he is having a bachelor party, and he is not, as I understand. He wants her to have a bachelorette party, but she only wants to be with her chicken pimp. He ushers her out on the pretense of fending off seven years' bad luck.

Down in the hallway, Flo's doctor is violating HIPAA by telling Connie, Luci, Andrea, and Nestor all about Flo's condition. Marisela and Mat come in, and she wants to see her sister immediately. Mat looks like he would be pulling his collar if he weren't still wearing that orange sweater. Connie asks if he's all right.

Upstairs, Al exits Flo's room to find Mili in the hall. She asks him how Flor is--she was worried. It was all her fault and she's sorry. They hug, and Mari comes up just in time to catch them. You are the worst, Mari tells Al, warning him to watch out. Cut

Tomorrow: Al tells Mili of his suspicions regarding the plane crash. We still don't know who slashed the painting.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guapos 07-22-08 "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals,So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel"

This is a shameless and rather tasteless shoutout to the song "The Bad Touch" by the BloodHound Gang...Yes Const and Luci, this is for you two kids. Consti and Luci, they really don't get it, they are so self-centered they are totally unaware of the misery they have wroth.

Okay we start off with a quickie rehash of Val & Rocky, so young so in love…okay I really do like these too and ol Val is so cute. Mili looks on with shaded eyes. Oh the pain.
Anyhow, Al goes & threatens Matt the Ratt, which really isn’t hard, I am pretty sure I could take him, and I am rather old and tired, yet without airbrushing Mateo seems old and tired also.

So now back to the show, Blonde sister is visiting Flor (yes, after all this time I still don’t her name).
She and Flor are talking about how Al can’t be trusted with the company. Al comes in and basically kicks the sisters out as he starts changing his clothes right then and there.

Mili is down stairs in the kitchen with Val and Rocky and Sorrocito. Sorrocito has given them a quenching beverage to quench the thirst they worked up during the vicious soccer game. Val is all nasty and sweaty, yeah like she could ever look bad.

Chaumaco now comes into the kitchen hobbling on his crutches. Sorrocito picks up a small skillet and says she wants to talk to him. Mili leaves. Sorrocito is giving Chaumaco the stink eye and trying to get the 411 from him. The boy is rather clueless, but finally figures out that Sorrocito thinks there may be a kid on the way.

Some guy (I call all these guys like him just TeleNovela Guy, I never know their names but they repeatedly show up in these things), anyway he starts telling Matt that he will guide Matt with the company. He says you better marry blonde babe like yesterday. Matt asks what is his name. “Lobo, VillaLobo”, really he said Villalobo, but I like to add the air of mystery to this guy.

Now Mili and Val are having a girl chatfest, Lina comes in and says she is going to meet Bobby, and that Bobby has some big declaration to make. Val says play it cool.

Now Val and Mili are soul sisters as well as half-sisters, they hug, Luci walks in and has a little hissy. “Why are hugging that nasty fly?” Val, no longer the lil Luci Clone, “Tells her STFU and Mili and I are like sisters, plus a couple of digs about cutting up the picture”. The whole “Like Sisters thing”, makes Luci swallow the small amount of bile that just rose up in her throat. Mili, rubs it in with a “Yeah, we are just like sisters”. Luci turns to run upstairs, nothing gets the taste of barfy bile out of your mouth like a couple of quarts of Capn Morgan. Before Luci, can vamoose Al comes down the steps and gives her the accusing stink-eye. Luci is like “How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child!” Thank you Wm Shakespeare. She runs up the steps.

Now Al turns his face of angst upon his might have been sister and his real half sister. Val wants to know what is wrong. But Al just marches out of the house with his little tin soldier stiff leg walk, we have all come to know and love. Val then laments to Mili how unhappy Al is in his marriage to Flor. Yes we get to see the glittering tear sheen of Mili’s eyes.

Al goes out to the garden where Flor and Blonde sis are gulping down big heaping helpings of Kool-Aide.
Al tells Blondie to hit it and he wants to talk to Flor. Flor says Sis wants Matt to handle the money and company. She wants Al to stay away from Mili. Al won’t play and tells her do what ever you want with the company.

Chaumaco is in talking to Gloria, he is beating around the bush…or rather trying to find our if he needs to be worried. Gloria says she is fine. He finally asks her if she is (regular as in monthly) at least that is the way I took it. She says yes, why are you asking, Soccorito comes in. Gloria is not thrilled with the implication and walks out.
Well that is all of that…we will be left to wonder if there is a pan in the oven.

Now Bobby & Lina are having a very stilted snack time. The dessert looks good all chocolatey and nice. However things are tense as they thought bubble, he is unsure what to say. He finally blurts out, “Do you want to be novios?” Lina plays hard to get. ------Correct me I am wrong, I missed part of this-----
Leaving them both looking kind of sad, say if you lost your appetite I could finish that little snack off for you.

Damien is in the study on the phone. He is talking to Fernando (I think that is the Tool friend of Matt), anyway it seems Tool needs to buy some expensive gift for Karlita, as if she wouldn’t do it for a bag of bitesize snickers.

Luci wanders in drink in hand. Capn Morgan always makes it right. Now, this is the same day that Luci already told Nestor that she would drink and she was swiggin straight out of the bottle. Well she seems to have remembered her upperclass status and is now chugging out of a glass. Luci doesn’t drink because she needs to, it is only to keep her thankless children from ever getting her liver.

Damien puts the squeeze on Luci for more dinero to pay off Fernando. Luci says no way. Damien betrayed her for the 431st time when he acted like she destroyed the picture. Damien says well, you tend to due things when you drink. He finally agrees to give her his 20% in the company.

Mili has followed, “Al of the Stiff Legs” outside where he is posed pensively deep in thought on the outside staircase in the garden. Mili asks him what is wrong. His wife has no confidence in him.
---Geez Al, ya think---
He will divorce her. This causes Mili all kinds of tortured grief, no you must stay for the baby. You can’t abandon your baby. Al says he is not “Her Father or in other words” RatBastard Consti. Al says no matter you divorce Hugo or not, I will not stay married to Flor. He has mucho inner resentment against Flor marrying him, knowing he loved his sister who really wasn’t his sister. He also adds he will never abandon his kid, but the continues that he will never stay married to Flor. For added emphasis he walks off again with very stiff legs. Mili is left again to wring her hands over her fate as a poor motherless child.

Mili is now looking at the picture of Ma & Pa, back in happier days…that would be before Pa sold Ma and Mili down the road.. Knock, Knock, Knock….she hides the picture…Why lookie lookie, it is RatBastard child abandoning Pa. He tries to play nice, but alas Mili is in no mood for his crap. He tries to tell her that he is concerned with her shares in the company and he would very much like to represent her. Mili says he must have a lot on his mind, like his political career, his company. Mili asks him how he could abandon his child and marry someone he didn’t love, raise her Bastard and treat said Bastard like crap. She adds she would rather have a dog represent her than have him. OH SNAP. Consti gets that constipated look on his face, but no deal, no words flow out. He leaves, Mili laments.

Meanwhile, Blondie sister is talking to Matt the Rat…He promises to take care of their business. Then he pulls out a ring box with a hefty, I am crazy in love with your money, I mean with you honey, and pulls out a stellar ring. She looks pensive for about 3 seconds then agrees. Matt says he only has the best of intentions towards her and her dinero. Later she shows him a picture of Flor, Blondie and Lobo, that is VillaLobo to you. She says he was a good friend of Ma’s, but not so much Pa’s.
---I am getting a faint alarm on my Bastarddar…Hmmm more secrets?

Now Mili and the Chiclet Posse, Gloria & Lina are talking. Lina is giving them the 411 on her date with Bobby. He wants Novios, but I think they are still just Amigos with a nice chocolate dessert. I dunno, maybe Lina doesn’t want to rush it, but girlfriend has been in love with Bobby for mucho anos.

Now Bobby is forced to look at the pouty face of Al over pizza. Bobby tries to talk a little about Lina, but soon realizes nothing he could say would ever be nearly as interesting as Al’s diatribe about Flor.

Meanwhile, Karla goes to see hawt Tool boy, he gives her a present. (I missed what happened next…I feel confident in saying I am sure it was skanky)

Now we see Mili go in and say something to Hugo who is in his Van Gogh phase and can’t stop painting…awkward moments…Mili goes to bed by herself. Hugo tossed his latest “Mother and Child” paint by number.

Alas so much misery…but wait not everyone is unhappy…
Say audience let’s stroll into the “Musky Smelling Study”, Why it is Consti and Luci yep doing hawt monkey hate sex. See I don’t get this at all. I mean these two hate each other, I have known people who break up and then just keep having hate sex. I don’t get it. I mean is there no bar in this neighborhood? I mean you have already taken a ride on that bus. Jeez there is always another bus coming in 15 minutes.
I really can’t feel sorry for Andrea and Nestor, here is an idea, while you are waiting not to have sex with you mysteriously exhausted better half, why don’t you try reading a book? Huh just get up off your lazy Ass and take a stroll to the study.

Now Mili is standing and looking forlorn and here comes Stiff Al.

The end…

Tomorrow looks like a big board meeting, which before everyone else comes in…Consti & Luci talk about how they could do the Hawt Monkey right there on the table…

Al strolls in, he is Mili rep in the company…much to Hugo fury as the veins pop out on his forehead…

I apologize to all the readers of these recaps…perhaps I have been a bit harsh with Miss Camacho’s eight grade writing class…As I was typing this during “Fuego de Sangre” I was forced to realize that the “Guapos” characters are a freakin brain trust compared to Fuego. At least Al always remember every chick he nailed and the many abandoned children were dropped off at St. Deceptions.


Guapos: Monday 7/21/08 "A Game of Clue, Anyone?--- Lady Luci with the Lead Pipe, in the Lounge?"

A shadow slips over the painting of Rosario and Mili in the foyer. Slash, slash, slash, repeated and repeated as the painting is neatly shredded. **Note: They shouldn’t have shown a close up of the “painting” because in my opinion it looks like one of those photographs that has been given the painted effect---it makes Hugo look like a lazy painter who’s trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.

Marisela is making small talk at Bobby’s…she’s thankful that he showed up to her father’s funeral and he said that despite what happened between them, he had to pay his respects. She mumbles on about not being able to forget what they were and he mumbles back about her being with Mateo now…she’s made (or unmade) her bed, now she’s got to lie in it. Bobby insists she cut to the chase, what’s she doing there in the middle of the night and what it is she needs to tell him about Al. Mari questions whether Al is the best man to run Mafia Enterprises. Bobby says he’s got all the confidence in the world for Al. Mari calls Al a thief, he stole money from his family. Bobby tells her to get out, this is a waste of time and he accuses Mat the Rat of trying to wash his hands of wrong doing by casting blame in another direction.

Back at the Belmonte mansion, we are being treated to the previews for an ABC After School Special. Gloria, our did it one time with Chamuco girl, is experiencing some morning sickness, but just thinks she’s ill. Lina tries to help her and Braulio enters the room and tells them more work and less talk. Lina fills him in on Gloria’s not feeling well and Brau suggests that she should rest back in her room. Gloria pales and the majordomo and her best friend are full of concern. Gloria’s pallor is not do to her pregnancy, but rather to what she’s noticed on the wall---the shredded painting….dah,dah.,dah,daaaaaahhh. Braulio is upset and wonders who could have left it hecho jirones (in shreds).

In the library, Damian is getting teased by Constancio. Connie is in a wonderful mood, but this is soon to be broken as Brau rushes in to tell him of the paintings fate. Connie immediately thinks it had to be Andrea.

Out in the garden, Valeria and Rocky plan how they will continue to keep their romance a secret from her family, as to not risk Rocky getting pummeled again. Lina bursts in on the happy couple and tells them of the painting’s fate. Val is sure it had to be her mother, but Lina thinks perhaps it was Karla.

Mili and Hugo are discussing the day’s upcoming game. Hugo won’t be going because he was up all night painting and he’s pretty knackered. He’s going to stay home and catch some Zs. Gloria comes in and tells them of the painting’s horrible fate and Mili thinks it had to be Constancio.

Flo begs Al to skip the game. He says no can do, as Padre Manuel is counting on me. Flo insults the good padre by saying he’s just Mili’s conspirator. Val comes in and fills the couple in on the painting’s fate and Al accuses Flo of doing it. She denies and Val says she thinks it was their mother.

Socorrito and Lina confront Karla about the painting. She denies any wrong doing and she and Lina start to fight. Soco attempts to break it up and it appears she succeeds, but more insults are flung and the girls are back to trying to pull out each other’s hair. They fight like crazy sisters.

In the foyer the cast is gathered. Accusations fly. Luci enters the room and demands to know what the ruckus is all about. Val accuses her and points to the painting. Luci swears it wasn’t her and everyone turns on her, they all start to believe that it was done by Lady Luci with the lead pipe in the Lounge. Luci leaves the room distraught and denying any involvement. Damian asks the group if they believe her or was she lying. Singing a little ditty he exits.

Upstairs, Mili tells Hugo she doesn’t feel like going to the game. He says she should go and he’s not going to sleep, instead he’s going to redo the painting for Mili. This makes her happy.

Luci cries on Nestor’s shoulder and he tries to console her, but also encourage her to ‘fess up. She’s upset to think he doubts her. He offers some more comfort but says he’s got a meeting and asks if he should go. She says yes, go. He begs her to not drink and gets her to promise to not hit the bottle. He leaves and she doesn’t even wait a beat before reaching for her not-so-secret stash. Glug, glug.

Gloria talks about the game with Soco and how she’s not feeling well. She wants to go and be supportive for Padre Manuel, but she’s feeling poorly. She runs out of the room, ready to hurl and Soco realizes that they’ll be changing diapers in nine months.

Brau removes the painting from the wall.

Fernando contacts Damian and lets him know that everything went well the day before with Karla. It is revealed that Damian is giving Fernasty some dinero to woo Karla away from him. Damian and Karla talk, she gushes over him and he apologizes, for what I’m not sure. She quotes “Love Story”---“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. Cough—bullsh*t! (I hate that line—and Karla my dear, if he’s apologizing, and you believe this movie quote, perhaps you could figure out he doesn’t love you).

Luci and Andrea have a cat fight over who’s responsible for the painting. Luci messes up Andrea’s nails and leaves the room. Andrea realizes that Luci wasn’t the slasher, who could it be?

In the library, Karla calls Fernasty and makes arrangements for a booty call, I mean a date, for tomorrow. Connie overhears her plans and he’s tickled pink.

At the game, Rocky warms up and hurts his shoulder. Val’s concerned, but Rocky tells her the game is played with the feet, he’ll be okay.

Bobby impresses Lina with by balancing a ball on his face, just like a seal. He tells her he’s going to dedicate his goals to her…..what romantic words. He reminds her they’ve got a date later and he’s got something important to tell her. He emphasizes that they’ll be alone, just the two of them.

Chamuco hobbles up and asks about Gloria. Lina tells him she’s under the weather.

Mili and PM talk about the painting and then Mili tells him that Al’s inside praying for a 5-0 victory. The padre scolds her for praying for such a thing, a 3-0 victory is enough.

Connie stares at the blank wall.

Damian gives Karla flowers. She’s ecstatic and Connie just laughs. Damian wants in on the joke, but Connie won’t tell him.

Brau and Hugo talk about the repainting. Brau suggests that Hugo add him into the picture. Hugo’s not too keen on the idea. They discuss Hugo’s mother, Leonor. Hugo’s been working on a painting of her. Brau shares a memory he has of Hugo and his mom. Hugo’s almost brought to tears. Brau leaves and Flo comes into the room. She accuses Hugo of destroying the painting.

Al prays and asks for help for him and Mili getting back together. Mili overhears and Al catches her listening. He asks if she thinks God will help. She says he works in mysterious ways, but she doubts he’ll intervene. Al insists that he can’t let go of Mili and that it is a question of faith. They’ll be together again, God can do wonders, just think of the loaves and fish. Mili says that was a miracle. Al says yep, a miracle, just like you…you are the miracle I need. He walks away.

Andrea and Karla discuss the painting. Andrea accuses Karla. She denies. They realize it wasn’t either of them or Luci, so who could it be?

Flo and Hugo have some words about Mili and Al. You got your peanut butter in my chocolate, no you got your chocolate in my peanut butter. Flo tells Hugo that her guts tell her it was him who ruined the painting and she trusts her guts. Hugo questions why she thinks he’d do that. She says ‘cuz Mili won’t sleep with you and a little bit of advice, next time don’t take it out on a painting, be a man and take what’s yours.

During the game, both Bobby and Rocky are distracted by their girls on the sideline. Rocky gets hurt and Val steps in as his replacement. Mili scores a goal. Yeah!! Later she kicks the ball, which bounces off of Val’s head, and ends up with another goal.

After the game, Lina tells Mili she’s nervous about being alone with Bobby.

Al catches Val and Rocky together and he tells his sister that he’s got no problem with their relationship and he’ll keep quiet about it. He’s glad to see her happy and he tells Rocky to take care of her. Al glances over at Mili and he leaves. Mili stares off in Al’s general direction, deep in thought.

Flo and Mari rehash the painting. Mari tells Flo she should also have Mateo take charge of her money.

Al goes to see Mateo and tells him to stop messing in his life. Words are exchanged back and forth and Al tells Mateo he’s going to be watching, if Mat does anything fishy with the MP2’s money, he’ll find out about it……veiled threat and the END OF THE EPISODE.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #124, Friday 7-18: On the eve of the big game, Hugo helps Mili practice her goal-scoring kick.

Valeria nurses Rocky's wounds and he does the classic flinching from the antibiotic. Valeria and Rocky recreate the scene from Indiana Jones (it hurts here…and here…). Rocky finally tells her that it wasn't a carjacking, but Valeria already figured it out. She has to break it to him that it was her mom, not her dad. Andrea has covered her ample bottom by blaming it on Karla. Valeria is sick of Mommy Dearest and wants her to leave the house with Nestor.

Luciana drinks and gets familiar with the backside of the Mili & Rosario painting. Andrea comes downstairs and gets in some digs about Luci's drinking and Constancio not thinking about Rosario when he's with Andrea. Luciana's not buying that last part, though. She tells Andrea the painting is there to remind Constancio of Rosario every day. She says if Constancio never loved her, it's because he liked low-class girls like Rosario and Andrea. They start getting into an Alpha Female fight again, but Luciana goes upstairs.

Valeria comes in and tells Andrea she was right, Luciana had some guys beat up Rocky. Andrea pretends to care. Poor Valeria is upset and doesn't know what to do about mommy. Andrea suggests they act like they learned their lesson and keep the relationship secret…er, a better secret than it already was.

Mili laments that Rocky won't be able to play fútbol all banged up the way he is. Rocky laments that Valeria won't be able to watch him plan…oh, and that her daddy won't let them be together. Mili feels for them, not being able to be together, even though they luuuuurve each other. Rocky tells her she still loves Alejandro. Mili tells Rocky he's like a brother to her. He goes to hug her, but aggravates one of his injuries.

At the ultrasound, we discover that Florencia's baby has five heads and three tails and will soon rip its way out of her womb like that thing from Alien. Or so I wish. Speaking of wishes, Alejandro imagines it's Mili there with her fake pregnancy belly hanging out and covered with ultrasound goop. Really, the things that turn this guy on. He tells Mili he's super duper happy and then kisses the belly. Then he kisses Mili, but she turns back into Florencia…he looks a little surprised and disgusted as this. Dude, don't make me get out my DSM-IV-TR…BSC is not a recognized diagnosis.

That money grubbing ho is out shopping for jewelry. Karla, I mean, not one of the others. She tries to bargain with the guy at the jewelry counter, but he's not having it. Frat Boy Fernando comes up and offers to buy the necklace for her, since he likes pleasing spoiled brats…er, pretty ladies, or whatever. He puts the necklace on Karla, stroking her ear in the process. Then he walks off. Karla grabs her shopping bags and chases him. She recognizes him as Mat the Rat's friend. He starts to say he recognizes her as the maid, but she says she was Luciana's personal assistant. He says it's too bad she's getting married and no, he's not dating Lina. He tells her she's way more of a woman than Lina. She wants to thank him for the necklace and invites him to sex. I mean She'll probably invite him to sex later.

Alejandro and Florencia come home and Alejandro nags her about taking better care of herself, like the doctor said. Florencia threatens him some more about what will happen if she busts him with Mili again, then she gets all excited about their trip, which the doctor approved of. Mili comes in while they're hugging, allowing Florencia to give her a smirk behind Alejandro's back.

Florencia and Marisela have a Mafia Princess Board Meeting. Marisela announces that Alejandro won't be managing her money--Mat the Rat will. Florencia is surprised.

Mili and Lina work on putting together a puzzle up in Mili's room. They pout that Gloria won't be at the fútbol match since she's feeling so sick and all. Mili gives Lina a hard time about being there for Bobby and not for her. Hugo comes in all mopey and asks Lina to give him a moment alone with the little missus. Mili looks guilty and asks if he's still mad. He says he trusts her, but he did get jealous. Mili says she tried to stay away from Al, but, you know. Then she gets all offended that Hugo doesn't believe her. She wants to know what to do so he'll feel better. Hugo grabs her under the chin from behind and says he wants her to be "his." Oh, yeah, that coupled with the headlock he's got her in and the rubbing up against her…no, not threatening at all. Mili breaks away and says he's scaring her. Hugo invokes his marital "rights" and suggests maybe it's what Mili needs to forget about Alejandro.

Alejandro walks down the hallway hearing Florencia's voice telling him that it all depends on him staying away from Mili. Of course, he hears Mili yelling "no Hugo!" and goes running to their room. He screams "Let her go" but Mili had already taken care of matters with a well placed kick. Alejandro gets to gloat for a few seconds before leaving the room again. He laughs out in the hallway and says "that's my Carlitos!"

Hugo asks Mili why she did it. I think that's going to win the stupid question award for the evening. Mili reminds him he made her a promise and he's got to keep it. She calls him on the drinking and he asks her to forgive him. She demands he go take a cold shower or she won't let him back in the room. She shoves him into the bathroom.

Bobby and Lina have a moment out on the tennis court. Bobby's trying to convince her she's the prettiest girl he knows. She's not buying it. He tells her it's what's inside that counts and really, she's the prettiest. They make plans to meet at the fútbol match and Bobby invites her out on a date after…he wants to be alone, without anyone else. He moves in for a kiss, but Lina pushes him away and says they won't go to his apartment. He agrees and suggests wine…before that gets settled Alejandro comes up asking if Bobby's ready to lose. Lina decides to stay and watch them. Bobby comments that Alejandro's looking pretty happy and he says it's because he doesn't have to watch Mili and Hugo anymore. Bobby takes his place on the other side of the net and calls to Lina that he's dedicating his "star" serve to her…Alejandro jokes that it's his "star" ("estrella") because he always crashes it (estrellar) into the net. Ja ja ja…puns just aren't as funny when they have to be explained.

Karla drools over Frat Boy as they have dessert and coffee. Meaningless seductive chatter--"You're so hot" "I'm getting married." Frat Boy tries to take his leave, but Karla thought bubbles that she can't let him go--she doesn't have much singlehood left. Frat Boy says he just can't today, but he leaves her his card so she can call him…"Fernando, Gigolo Extraordinaire, $199.99 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour, call 555-SKANK, email" Karla drools over him some more after he leaves.

Rocky breaks it to Socorro that this happened because Karla busted them and ran to Luciana to gossip. Socorro wants to go have words with Karla, but Rocky tells her not to. Horacio tells him he'll have to learn to live under threat of death. Rocky swears nothing will separate him from Valeria.

Hugo returns from his cold shower. Mili is sitting up in bed, but won't talk to him. He asks her to forgive him again and has a bit of pain as he gets into bed. She asks him to forgive her too, but says she's not ready. Hugo says that sometimes he can't control his jealousy of Alejandro. He tells her it won't happen again and she's right. He says he'll keep his promise, but she also has to keep hers and not cheat on him. Mili agrees. Hugo says he'll give her all the time she needs, as long as it's not too long. He rests his head on her chest and gives a look to the camera that makes me think he's had a full-on BSC relapse.

Luciana and Nestor sit in the living room reading and making kissy faces at each other. Upstairs, Constancio and Andrea play Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf a little too loudly for Luciana's taste. There's more vying for Alpha status. Andrea goes upstairs as Constancio goes to the kitchen for a snack. Andrea calls down to him not to forget the whipped cream…ugh! Gross! I'll have to wash my brain out now, thanks. Nestor tells Luciana he's getting tired of her fights with Andrea. He goes upstairs and Luciana says she'll join him once she shags Constancio again…only she says "once I finish reading this article." She snags Constancio and drags him into the study, complete with apple and can of whipped cream…seriously? Whipped cream out of a can? I mean, it's fine for me, but wouldn't the Belmonte's think that's just too naco? They insult each other and snog some more. Luciana asks for the favor of taking down Mili's painting. Awww, the fun's over for Constancio now. He reminds her they said they wouldn't be together again and goes to leave, but Luciana stops him.

Valeria sneaks into Rocky's room in the dark and sits on his bed. She remembers telling Regina that she's in love and it's impossible and crazy. She remembers Regina being happy to find out that she was in love with Rocky and telling her it doesn't matter what the world says and to fight for her feelings and be true to herself. Valeria sneaks back out as Rocky sleeps on.

Mili sits in the kitchen eating dinner and a little to excitedly says to someone that she's all hyped about the big game. She can't wait to kick the ball. Oh, she's telling this to Hugo. Yeah, I don't think he can think about her playing fútbol quite the same way again. He asks if Alejandro's going to be there. Well, duh, he's the goalie numbnu--uh, never mind. Mili doesn't know. She reminds Hugo he's their best defender and they're sure to win. Hugo says he's going off to paint and will probably be at it all night. He gets a glass of iced tea, kisses Mili goodbye and leaves. Karla comes in with her usual attitude and spits a bunch of venom in response to Mili asking "where have you been?" Mili slaps her a good one and says not to get into it with her. Karla swears she'll be sorry. What. Ever.

Hugo sits in the living room flipping through a magazine. I wonder if it's that Vanidades that Luciana was flipping through earlier. Alejandro comes in and, talk about rubbing salt on the wound, says "Mili kicks hard, doesn't she? She kicked me like that once too." I almost think the implication there is "I kissed her first, I got kicked in the nads by her first, and I'm going to sleep with her first, too, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah." Alejandro laughs thinking about Mili kicking him, pulling his hair, and dumping a drink on him. Hugo says "and she fell in love with you. I guess I still need her to dump a drink on me and pull my hair, but I'm on the right track, replacing all the moments she had with you, don't you think?" Hugo reminds Alejandro that he's patient and goes upstairs. Alejandro meets Florencia coming back from the Mafia Princess Board Meeting. She suggests they go upstairs and talk…probably because he must stink from playing tennis and she wants him to shower first. They go upstairs as Braulio, who let Florencia in, vamps the pose on the cover of Vanidades. He once again busts Luciana and Constancio post-gross-coitus. Constancio asks Braulio for the favor of taking the whipped cream back to the kitchen. Braulio puts two and gross together and raises his eyebrows looking at the can of whipped cream. Dude, do NOT put that back in the fridge!

The Naca Princesses are also having a board meeting up in the bunker. Lina explains to Mili that guys like sex. And here I thought Sor Cachete covered that. Did she somehow miss the "When a guy marries you and swears he loves you it's only because he wants to do the nasty with you" lecture? Seriously, if she wasn't prepared to have sex with him, then why bother marrying him? Mili does remember Sor Cachete saying the first time should be with a guy you love, which is her justification for waiting to have sex with Hugo--she doesn't love him yet. OK, again, did Sor Cachete not give them the lecture on not marrying someone you don't love and wouldn't at least be willing to have hawt loveless sex with? Sor Cachete's really falling down on the job here. Karla comes in, being as pleasant as usual, pleasantries are exchanged, and Mili leaves. Lina tells Karla to be nice, Gloria needs to rest because of her stomachache. Karla blames it on kissing Chamuco and Gloria returns with "it's better than being like a pizza that gets delivered to anyone inside of 30 minutes, if you know what I mean." There's more talk about Gloria having waited for sex and Gloria having that look on her face that says it's not true.

Upstairs in Alejandro and Florencia's bedroom, Florencia has gotten into her red silk ninja pj's, but Alejandro hasn't showered yet. Maybe he thinks eau de tennis will keep Florencia off him…but the giant fake pregnancy belly should be doing that well enough on its own. Florencia tells him that Marisela doesn't want him to manage the company. Alejandro asks what Florencia wants to do. She doesn't exactly answer, but says they need to agree on some solution. Alejandro asks if Marisela wants Mateo in charge. Florencia says that as long as she can't trust Alejandro to stay away from Mili, she's prepared to let Mateo be President of MafiaCorp and also let him manage her money. Alejandro tells her she's in no position to threaten him. He says it's not his problem if they decide to trust Mat the Rat. Florencia gripes about all the hurt Milagros has done and how she wants revenge, but Alejandro says she's the one hurting herself by not acknowledging the truth of the situation. I'm not even going to ponder which of the many truths he means.

Once again, Constancio isn't in the mood for sex with Andrea. Andrea wants to play, though. Constancio tries to beg off, but Andrea suggests they play that she's Rosario for tonight. That freaks Constancio out, but good, and he screams at her that she'd better never say that name again. Wow, Andrea's radar must be way off if she thought Constancio was going to go for that. She'd better just pack up her toys and go home. He screams that she dirties Rosario's name by saying it and she'd better not do it again. Now Andrea pressures him to take the painting down. He basically says "shut up about it or I'm breaking up with you." Andrea looks like it just sunk in that Luciana was right about Constancio's luuuurve for Rosario (even if he never did have the cojones to stand up for it).

Nestor isn't making any demands on Luciana tonight. She's awake, remembering Constancio weeping over Regina's coffin that Mili is the daughter of the only woman he ever loved. Luciana curses Rosario. I have no advance knowledge of anything, but just like Domingo's oddly long goodbye to his daughters, these back-to-back scenes feel like big heavy anvils to me.

Bobby wakes up to a knock on his door. It's Marisela and he's not happy to see her. She says she's sorry, she couldn't sleep, and she thought about it a long time before coming over. Bobby grins and says she probably should have thought about it some more. Aw, that's sweet, he's insulting her, but in a completely good-natured way. Marisela says it's urgent and she didn't want to call him. Bobby finally lets her in and asks what it's about since as far as he's concerned, they're over. He wakes up when she says it's not about them, it's about Alejandro. He's impactado as we leave the scene.

A shadow with a knife falls over the painting of Mili and Rosario. The butcher knife descends on the painting and starts cutting it to ribbons. Now we must speculate on who done it.

Monday: Mili overhears Alejandro talking to her cuate Jesús about his luuuurve for her. And the whole Belmonte house is in uproar over the, uh, defaced painting. Everyone accuses everyone else.


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