Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #43 Wed 7/15/15 "And to my grandson Manuel, I leave my second best bed..."

Technology and life have conspired against our beloved LatinInMd in small and aggravating ways today.  (No worries, she is just fine!) The upshot is that those of us who look forward to her Wednesday recaps will have to make do with what NovelaMaven can remember about last night's episode. 

Please fill in with additions, corrections, etc.

Marty and Vero – Dueling Passions

We join Crazy Marty and Vero in a full-blown Harlequin Romance moment.  He has just bested her in their duel and with one swift movement of his sword, has sliced off the top button of her blouse.  Will she be swept up in the passion of the moment?  Hell, no!  When Marty is off guard, she knocks his sabre out of his hand, picks up her own, and with its point at his throat, gains the upper hand.

Has he allowed her to win?  Probably.  She was angry before.  This makes her even angrier.  She is unwilling to listen to his explanations.  Their self-destructive dance has gone on too long.  It's too late.  They might have been very happy together, but now it's over.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #42 Tue 7/14/15 I want a divorce!

Bullets again:

 Disclaimer: This show is already driving me nuts, cast your votes patio peeps, how long before I start my recaps with my classic "I wish they would all just die" line? I give it two more weeks, maybe less!

  • Cresensio is in Mexico City, he needs an operation to make sure his heart keeps ticking, Botel and the other doctor assure him that the operation has minimal risks, but that without it he will die (yay!)
  • Cres does not want the surgery because he is afraid he will die and he can't leave this planet while AP is still mad at him, he wants to have the chance to apologize to her for his past treatment, he is also not wild about the operation having to be preformed near his boy parts, Botel convinces him to go under the knife.
  • Veronica hears the conversation crazy Marty was having with Padre Juan, she's hurt that he feels he can't trust her, Padre Juan looks like he'd rather be anywhere else but in the Santelmo hovel, he tells them they love each other and that they can work through their issues.
  • Veronica and Marty argue-what else is new? She can't believe that he still does not trust her, why does he think she's a slut? Marty tries to explain that he has issues but Vero is fed up and does not stick around to hear his excuses, she goes to see Magdalena.
  • Magdalena tells her to give Marty a chance, they love each other and their love will help them overcome their issues.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #41 Mon 7/13/15 Can This Marriage Be Saved? - or - Crazy Marty Redux.

I love you, brother.  No, not you, my other brother.

Manuel pulls out a long, scary knife.  Yikes!  He has caught Pablo outside Ana Perla's window.  We've seen Manuel try to murder a man with far less provocation.  (Ana Perla herself is locked up on the other side of the house and unaware of the unfolding drama.)  "Kill me!" shouts Pablo, with more bravado than brains.  Before Manny can oblige, the padre shows up (thank God) and separates the two men.  He sends Pablo to the church and sticks around to try to talk some sense into the Manny.  He warns him that his hateful ways have alienated him from God and man alike.  Manny doesn't care – he'll take money over love any day.  And he tells the padre to watch his back – he's tired of him meddling in his life

Inside the house, Ana Perla is still sitting in her grandfather's locked bedroom, her dinner tray on her lap, while Julio pines on the other side of the door.  At last he works up the courage to tell her he loves her.  Unfortunately he chooses the wrong verb in this treacherous language.  Te quiero, he tells her.  This leaves room for Ana Perla to respond in kind.  "I love you too.  Like a brother."  [Oh crap, Julio.  You should have gone for broke with  Te amo.]

Ginny marks her territory while Dr. F fumes
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #40 Fri 7/10/15 Cousins Doing Things Cousins Don't Do

(scenes out of order and some have been combined)

Marty has promised Vero that he'll control himself and listen to her before turning into Crazy Marty (™ NovelaMaven). (Let's take a bet - How long before he breaks his promise? I give him two days) He gets all lovey dovey with her and using his charms err kisses he's able to convince her to give him a second chance under the condition that he keeps his word and controls himself. First, Marty tells Vero that he would love to stay and be all lovey dovey with her forever. Then he tells her that he has to go work at the mine. Smooth Marty. Smooth. Before leaving, he asks Vero if things are a little better between them. Vero tells him that they are. 

Emi has seen Virginia at the cantina and he isn't amused. Usch! That's just what needed - for her to come slithering to town to asphyxiate him. He sits down and serves himself a drink. Virginia explains she had to come because his parents decided to travel to Cancun earlier than expected. They would have noticed he wasn't there and realized he was in Mina Escondida. Emi thinks Virginia ratted him and she denies it. She informs him that daddy is on his way over there. From behind, Daniel watches as Virginia talks with Emi and isn't a happy camper.

Pablo has showed up unexpectedly at Blanquita and Polo's door. Blanquita is reluctant to let him come in since 1. they aren't allowed to hang out with him anymore 2. it could cause them problems with her parents and grandfather. While Blanquita tries to close the door shut, Polo tries to open the door and let Pablo in. Pablo explains he came to see their mother Raymunda to talk to her and let her know how things are. Eventually, Blanquita lets him come in and she calls her mother telling her there is someone at the door. 

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Lo Imperdonable #39 Thu 7/9/15

Veronica wants to confront her accusers, but nobody is brave enough to have an honest talk - and, yet, everyone blames her for being bad

Hello, everyone. I'm going to have to keep this short, as I'm not home - Mr. Noel and I are visiting our parents before the baby comes and I'm still able to travel comfortably.

So here is the quick retelling of last night's shenanigans in Mina Escondida:

  • Emi and Martin meet in the forest and Emi explains that nothing happened between he and Vero, they just stumbled and fell on the bed together - haha, this is actually funny, because it's true; Daniel was the one to take him to the hovel, he didn't come willingly; Martin still doesn't care, he wants Emi out of their lives; Emi is willing to step aside, even if Martin doesn't deserve it, with the way he's been treating Vero and the place where he makes her live (can't argue with that); he just hopes that his sacrifice will be worth it
  • Crescencio won't allow Pablo to date Ana Perla, he is "saving" her for Eleazar; Pablo tries to plead his case, Manuel protests ..... zzzzzzzzz
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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #38 Wed 7/8/15 "Arguments and Fistfights Abound....And V-Snake Barely Sets Foot in Town to Wreak More Havoc"

The full recap is here now.

(some scenes are combined)

 Lo viejo:  Dr. Feelgood drops off Emi at the San Telmo hovel.  Veronica tells him he can go.  She can handle Emi and will just have to wake him up with a cup of coffee or a bucket of water.  (Now why didn't she go with this Plan A, instead of trying to lug a drunken deadweight twice her size off the bed?)

Lo nuevo:  Martin arrives home and notices the romantic candlelit dinner awaiting him on the table.  He heads to the bedroom with a wicked smile that quickly turns to a look of rage.  He picks up and punches Emi, who conveniently lands in a chair and continues sleeping.  Vero tries to explain, but Martin is enraged and screaming right in her face, saying:  "The whole world warned me."  She asks what he is talking about.  He continues:  "I'm an imbecile and you are a......"  She screams at him to shut up and not say something he'll be sorry about later.  As he goes berserk, he accidentally head butts her squarely on her nose.  (And that was clearly NOT in the script, because it was a REAL head butt.  Poor Ana Brenda deserves combat pay for this scene.)

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #37 Tue 7/7/15 Baby Emi has a bad bad day

Quick bullet style recap can be found below; my recaps will probably be done in this way until Sombra ends, then I'll have more time for longer, more detailed posts, enjoy!

  • Emiliano makes his way to Veronica's house and quickly makes an ass of himself. Vero looks a little dirty- but that's because she's doing house work, Emiliano won't listen and berates her for living in poverty.
  • Vero explains that she is in her home doing house work, that's why she's a mess, and yes maybe her hands are rough but that's because she has been doing work all work dignifies a person.
  • Emi throws things. Seriously. This jackass breaks furniture in Vero's house because he feels she's not being treated like a princess. I'm not making this up. It really happened. My mouth hit the floor.
  • Vero makes Emi leave.
  • Emi leaves and bumps into Marty, he reads him the riot act for the way Vero is living. Marty tells him that Vero is happy and in love with him, and she's happy with her home.
  • They fight. 
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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #36 Mon 7/6/15 I'm very uncomfortable dealing with your obsession with my spouse.

This was a night devoted to the lovelorn, the lovesick, the spurned and the spiteful, and most of all, to the obsessed. 

Ladies and gentleman of The Patio, I present the Claudia Show!

The good (and the not so good) folks of Mina Escondida and Pueblo Nuevo gather in El Purgatorio for the surprise they've been promised.  Heeeeeeeeeeere's Claudia, singing and wiggling and glamming up the normally dreary cantina.  And it's not a one shot deal.  Oh no.  Pierre Dussage is bankrolling her for a whole season!

Verónica and Martín realize Claudia has pulled a fast one on them. She has chosen to spend her paid vacation right here in Green Hell.   They can't exactly banish her from the town.  They can – and do – give her a talking to.  Vero warns her to stay away from Marty or she'll be forced to show her claws.  "I don't know why you're defending him," sniffs Claudia.   "You know he only married you for..."  

Marty quickly cuts off Claudia before she can blurt out the word "vengeance."  He tells her HE LOVES VERO.  If Claudia forces him to choose between their friendship and his love for his wife, well, goodbye friendship.  Then he, Vero, Botel and Magdalena leave the cantina.  Ouch.  Claudia has been hit where it hurts – in her vanity.  During her next set, she even cranks out a crocodile tear or two.

Just when everything is humming along again, and the place is all smiling faces and bobbing heads and swaying hips... 

...the music dies.  
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Friday, July 03, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #35 Fri 7/3/15 Emi Arrives To Town; Claudia Gets Her Own Show; And The Old Goat Nearly Keels Over Again

Happy Fourth Of July Everyone! Hope You All Have A Great Day! 

On to the recap...
(scenes have been combined to help it flow better)

Tough Love (Or Twisting The Knife?) 

Jorge visits Emi in his room. He doesn't want Emi to feel like he's being treated as if he were an adolescent. Although we on The Patio know that he's been behaving like one. Jorge wants sonny boy to understand that they're worried about him. Emi like a true addict denies that he's an alcoholic. Yes, it's true that he's been drinking a lot lately. But that will pass. These days will mark the difference. Whatever that means. Jorge knows the real reason behind Emi's drinking. Emi thought it'd be easier getting over Vero but it hasn't been easy. Jorge doesn't want to hurt him more, but he has to show him Vero's fax. That way Emi will understand once and for all that he must leave her in the past.

The fax lets Emi know that Marty is doing better and Vero is happy. Emi crumples up the fax and Jorge tells Emi to not think that he doesn't understand his pain. It would drive Jorge crazy if he had to be away from Salma (foreshadowing perhaps?). But Emi's relationship with Veronica never started so it'll be easier to start over again with someone else. Emi doesn't think the same -- he'll never love anyone else. 

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Lo Imperdonable #34 Thu 7/2/15

Skipping the old.........

Emiliano is throwing himself a pity party and in walks Matilde. She advises him it's time to get over this love of Veronica. But I can't he shouts! Why do I always have to lose those that I love? First my mother. You know how much I suffered.

Marina has taken a trip to delusional land and believes Pablo just needs some time away to concentrate on his painting. Virginia hopes she isn't confused and that they actually broke up. She'll believes she just rushed the wedding plans. She changes the subject and invites her to go with her to Cancun tomorrow. She's going with Emiliano. Marina wants all the details.

Veronica and Martin make out.

Emiliano thanks Matilde for always being there for him and loving him when he lost his mother. Matilde thinks that with the loss of Veronica, his old wounds of losing his mother have reopened. But life continues....of course it continues replies Emiliano. I do not or will not resign myself. This love is stronger then me and it's killing me. I prefer to die then to throw in the towel. Life took away the love of my mother and now the only woman I can ever love. If I can't recoup Veronica, I will never love again! Way to throw a good-old fashion big boy tantrum! Salma comes in to put a stop to this non-sense. She orders Matilde to leave which Emiliano quickly reminds his mother not to speak to her that way in front of him. Salma apologizes as Matilde leaves.

Veronica and Martin surface from the make out session. He starts to plan their day. He promises to take her to the hotel so that she can send a fax to her family. He playfully gets jealous about Pierre but she reminds him that she only has eyes for him. She can't believe how happy she is. They pledge their love for each other.

Raymunda apologizes to Joaquin for what she told him. It was wrong of her. She's just worried over her father and Ana Perla. She's so young and innocent. I don't want the same thing to happen to her that happened to my aunt. He understands. They are his family too. She says he is the best of the best.

Ana Perla assures her grandfather and brother that she herself will stay in her room. Forever. She has no wish to leave. I just want to die. Her grandfather gets up to go after her but Manuel stops him. He reminds his grandfather that he can't let her do what she wants. Crescencio asks if Manuel if he has ever seen anyone circling Ana Perla. The only one I see sniffing around her is that foreigner replies Manuel. The only that attacked me at the bar. And you are the one that allowed him into this house.

Every woman wants a woman that takes care of them, protects them and loves them says Raymunda. The only thing I ask of you is time. Let us wait until my father is better before we talk to him.

More lovey dovey stuff from the love birds as Veronica is cooking Martin dinner.

Magdalena begs her daughter to forgive her for what she must have suffered at the hands of her father before her death. If I live, it's to remember you. Years of looking for you and to find your tomb. I can't resign myself to your death. I believe you are still alive. Magdalena walks into the living room and finds Nanciyaga crying on the couch. Nanci says the white woman will not allow her to serve the patron. She was told she was free today. She doesn't want to be away from the patron. Magdalena understands she cares for her patron but she's not doing it in the correct way. What you have is jealously. And if you continue feeling that way, you cannot continue living in that house. He is married. Nanci says the only thing she understands is that she needs to care for the patron and flees the house.

Martin tells Veronica that if only he has known she has cooked so well the day they met, he would have married her then. Veronica laughs and says her nana taught her all her secrets. Martin inquires after Nanci. Veronica says she gave her the day off but Nanci wasn’t too happy. I am grateful to her for saving you life and she is a nice person but she seems a bit impulsive with you. I don't feel comfortable around her. Martin thinks the white woman is jealous. Don't you know I only have eyes for you? I know replies Veronica with a smile. But sometimes it's uncomfortable living with her. Martin says he will talk to her and dismiss her but admits he wouldn't like to do it. Veronica couldn't do that. She owes her for saving his life and for her happiness. She will try and explain that they will need privacy. He's ready to go to town but she wants to stop at Magdalena's house first. She feels a deep affection for her but can't really explain why. I feel like she's mine somehow. Like a mother.

Pierre strolls back to his hotel from wherever he came from. He spots Teo outside brooding over some papers he's holding. Teo tells Pierre it's a letter Pablo gave him to deliver to Ana Perla before his departure. He just doesn't know if he should deliver it or not. He heard Pablo had a girlfriend. Pierre is outraged that Teo didn't do the bidding of one of his guests and quickly fires him on the spot.

After Daniel checks out crabby Crescencio, he informs him to stay away from alcohol, coffee and cigars. He must take things with calm and take all his medications. Crescencio doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. Daniel advises him to head to the capital. He has a severe heart problem and if not corrected, could lead to death.

Teo begs for his job back. Ever since his father died after a mine accident, Pierre has been like a father to him. Pierre agrees to give him a chance but understand once and for all he cannot decide for others. Let Ana Perla make her own decisions on what she wants. Now run and give her the letter!

Blanquita and Polo are not happy that their grandfather will not allow them to see Ana Perla. Polo has a little trick up his sleeve to be able to communicate with her. Teo rushes up and Blanquita wants to know where the fire is? Teo says he has a letter to deliver to Ana Perla but Polo says it's going to be difficult since she's grounded. Teo gives it to Blanquita but begs her not to tell her grandfather that he is helping the foreigner. She looks at the letter and finds out that the letter is dated days ago. He admits he's had it since the painter left and has just been holding onto it. Blanquita rips him a new one. She will never forgive him for allowing her cousin to suffer for days not knowing anything from the painter. Now she really never wants to see Teo again.

Julio, the ever faithful servant, comes in to inquire on Crescencio's wellfare. He says it seems he's the only one to care about his health. His grandchildren could care less. He asks Julio if it's so bad that he wants to marry his granddaughter off with someone of his choosing? Julio doesn't think it's his position to opinion, but doesn' want Ana Perla to be in danger. That is exactly what I say replies Crescencio. But she needs to be happy also replies Julio. I have never seen her so unhappy. You have to be careful because there are those that say that some die from sadness.

Veronica tells Teo she needs to send a fax. Teo says there is something wrong with the connection and Martin offers to take a look at it. When he disappears behind the counter, Pierre sounds up. He takes her hand and gives it a kiss. He reminds her about their agreed trip down to the river. He would love to complete his promise to her now that his boat is fixed. Suddenly Martin stands up from behind the counter and gives Pierre the stink eye. Teo cringes behind the counter.

Ana Perla is in her room crying when Crescencio walks in. He tells her she is what he loves most in this world. Then why can you not allow me to choose my own husband so I can be happy she asks. At your age, happiness is misunderstood replies Crescencio. Marriage must have security. Happiness comes with children. Did you not love my grandmother when you married her questions Ana Perla. That was different replies Crescencio. How so she asks. Love has always been the same through all of time. Otherwise no one would have written such beautiful accounts of it. Those stories are just that. Stories says Crescencio. Reality is what I tell you. If I need to choose your husband, it's to insure your security. Many will circle you because I am the richest in the region. There are those that will want to be with me because they love me replies Ana Perla. Crescencio reminds her he's doing this for her well-being. She reminds him that there is no guarantee that everything will turn out alright. You cannot go around fixing my life and my errors. I can at least find a man that will always be at your side, protect you and take care of everything I leave you he replies. If that is what worries you, then don't leave me a cent says Ana Perla. Leave it all to my brother and cousins. He tells her to stop arguing. Nothing will change his mind. I will not be here forever and when I die I want to know I have someone to take care of you.

Pierre tells Martin it's good to see him but Martin calls him on his BS. Pierre says he was just telling Martin's wife about the boat.....Martin tells him he knows what he was saying. Pierre offers to lend them his boat and Martin decides to take him up on his offer. They can continue to enjoy their honeymoon as he shows a lot of PDA in front of Pierre. Martin wants to know how much Pierre will change them to use the boat but he wont hear of it. Martin insists and Veronica leaves the pissing match to send a fax. Martin again asks how much?

Salma can't believe just because Veronica turned him down, Emiliano is going to forgo love forever. He wonders why she never accepted his love for Veronica. Because I was never blind like you she replies. I knew she would never love you. She accepted the love of a stranger then from a wonderful man like you. It hurts me to see you this way. I have always wanted to see you happy with kids. Emiliano is happy that she has accepted him like a son and loved him so. So if you love me like a mother, then show me. Forget about Veronica. Don't love someone that doesn't appreciate you. I don't want to hate her. Emiliano gets mad and says Veronica is not at fault. A mother never forgives someone that hurts their child. If you can't find the love of a good woman like Virginia then I will end up hating Veronica all of my life.

Ana Perla cries and says she doesn’t want her grandfather to die. But doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't love. Do you say that because you love someone asks Crescencio. What difference would that make she asks. Nothing he replies. You don't understand now what I am doing but in a few years you will be grateful for what I did. He leaves and Ana Perla says if she only knew if Pablo would return back to her.

Martin tells Veronica everything is settled. They are bringing lunch with them as he nuzzles her neck for more PDA. Pierre takes this fine opportunity to inform Martin that Claudia will be coming today with the filter for the mine. He orders Teo to pack the food and he has included Veronica's favorite wine. She thanks him as he walks away. Martin mimmicks Pierre as Veronica gives him the stink eye. She's not happy that Claudia is returning. He tells her not to worry. He promised to make her happy and that is exactly what he is going to do. Stop thinking about that and let's enjoy the day. More PDA as Pierre walks in on them.

Blanquita and Polo are trying to figure out how to get the letter to Ana Perla. A vendor selling pastries comes by and Polo has an idea.

Emiliano is in the gun range when Nicholas shows up. Emiliano apologizes for his rude behavior. Nicholas advises him to forget about Veronica and drinking. Emiliano says he will but not now. He has made arrangements to go to Mina Escondida tomorrow. I will leave everything done at work. I promise not to do anything stupid. I just want to make sure she is happy.

Salma joins Virginia and Marina at the club. Marina has to leave. She's going home to tell mommy dearest she's leaving tomorrow for Cancun with Virginia. Salma tells Virginia the only reason she allowed her to leave early with Emiliano to Cancun is because she knew that she would behave like a lady. Of course I would says Virginia. Sex comes after marriage and not before. That is why I invited Marina to go with us. I wanted everything to be appropriate. That makes me happy says Salma. I hope Emiliano realizes what type of woman you are.

The maid brings Ana Perla some lunch. She declines but maid insists that she have the sandwiches that her cousins brought her. Ana Perla gets the hint and opens them up to find a letter from Pablo. She reads the fax that he has done what he promised. He is now free. She finds out he gets back today.

The love birds take a nice trip on the river. She thanks him for behaving around Pierre. He doesn't want to talk about Pierre and enjoy the day.

Pablo says he's coming back so they can get married. He will do anything to defend their love. She's happy but wonders what will she do about her grandfather?

More happy time with the love birds. Lunching, laughter, kissing and frockling in the water.

Pablo has returned. Claudia walks in the door and receives a warm greeting from Pierre. She inquires about Martin and his welfare. Pierre a little down on hearing her mention him says all is well with him. She asks to be taken to her room and she is whisked away. Pablo finds out from Teo that Ana Perla is grounded and no one can see her. Pablo insists he has to see her. Teo says it's too dangerous and especially at night. If her grandfather will kill you if he catches you. Pablo smiles that beautiful smile and asks if her grandfather would really kill him?

Crescencio is glad that Ana Perla has decided to come out of her room and join him for dinner. She has decided to leave her room because she did nothing wrong. So it means nothing that you escaped asks Crescencio. I didn't escape, I just didn't want to continue arguing with you replies Ana Perla. All this time in my room gave me a chance to reflect on things. I'm glad you have decided to get married says Crescencio. This way it will cause less headaches for us all. I have not changed my mind on that says Ana Perla. I cannot keep quiet anymore. I cannot marry anyone else, because my heart already has an owner. It is Pablo, the painter.

Teo tells Pablo that Crescencio ordered one of Raymunda's old suitors murdered. Are you telling me this to scare me asks Pablo. I swear this is true says Teo. That is why people are afraid of him. Just wait until she tells you to come see her. He finally agrees for her.

Salma thinks Jorge was right and they should have sent Emiliano to a rehab facility. Virginia doesn't agree. She doesn't think Emiliano has a problem.

Sorry folks. Recording ended. Please fill in what is missing. Thanks.


Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #33 Wed 7/1/15 "Martin & Veronica's 24-Hour Lovemaking Marathon - The Complete Sessions"

Freedom Reigns Supreme:  It's fitting that I am writing my recap of episode #33 on the first day of the month in which we celebrate America's freedom.  Why?  Because I am once again asserting our right to freedom from Uni's censorship.  And I am doing it by showing you here ALL the scenes from episodes #32 and #33 that Uni thinks American viewers are not mature enough to watch, even though they were shown without a problem in Mexico.  However, to not hurt any sensibilities, I have identified each of the clips below with what I believe would be their appropriate rating had they been shown in a movie theater.  You will note this includes two clips with "NC17 ratings", so if you have any heart condition, do make sure to clear this with your own Dr. Feelgood, er, cardiologist, before you view either one of those clips.  On to the recap and the deleted scenes.

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Lo Imperdonable #32 Tue 6/30/15 Ana Perla Crashes the party

Bullets because doing back to back recaps is hard:

  • Replay of Botel asking Nanci to leave because he does not want her to give Magdalena false hope.
  • Magda is not happy about the way he treated Nanci but Botel tells her that getting her hopes up will only make it harder for her to recover.
  • Magdalena decides that she is going to shower Veronica with all the love in that she can't give her daughter, Botel tells her that may not be a good idea and we all shout #shutupbotel!
  • The old goat, I mean Crescinsio tells Ana Perla that he is going to marry her off to whomever he picks, cause this is 1875,yo.
  • Ana Perla tells him he can't do such a thing but he's all like, "yes, I can, that's why I'm your grandfather" that's what grandparents do? Julio takes the whole scene in, sigh, he's perfect, right? I'm kinda wishing they could have cast him as a potential love intrest for Veronica, cause Santelmo is a jerk, speaking of Santelmo:
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #31 Mon 6/29/15 When you're in love, Green Hell feels like Paradise - or - The Protagonists Finally Catch a Break.

Even Vero had begun to think of him as Crazy Marty.  Now Dr. F has declared him sane (the high-pitched giggle? just an endearing tic), Marty has surrendered to love, and the couple's problems are behind them.  Claudia and Ginny are both safely in Mexico.  Yes, Nanciyaga is still (omni)present, but for the most part, her machete is sheathed.

Of course Vero doesn't know that Marty has chosen to FORGIVE her for something she didn't do and that while he has set aside his lust for vengeance, he is still conflicted and riddled with guilt.  It wouldn't take too much to upset the balance in this supposedly balanced man.  It is much too soon to make him our Mental Health Poster Child.

(Nor does Vero know how ready he was to believe the worst of her and how he had been trashing her behind her back while swearing his confidants to silence.  Oh man.  She's gonna be sooooooooooo mad when she finds out.)

In the hills overlooking the falls.

Marty vows to make Verónica the happiest woman in the world.  His love for her is stronger than any other feeling ... like, say, hatred or desire for revenge (though he doesn't say this last part out loud).   
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Friday, June 26, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #30 Special Post - Two Unedited Clips from Final Sequence

Hi All,

Please be sure to read Mauricio's wonderful recap of Lo Imperdonable's Episode 30, which is posted immediately below this special post.

We wanted to include these unedited scenes within Mauricio's own recap post, but alas after much effort to upload one single 5-minute clip of the entire waterfall sequence to a new Dailymotion channel, it was soundly rejected.  The single clip also exceeded Caray's size limit for videos.  So, I opted to only include here the (ahem) "horizontal" parts of Martin and Veronica's "Waterfall Rendezvous at Sunrise".

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Lo Imperdonable #30 Fri 6/26/15 Love By The Waterfall

Veronica and Martin are kissing passionately unaware that they have a group of children as their audience. The children applaud at them. Veronica wants to go inside so Martin can rest and get his stitches changed. Martin jokes around that he wants to thank their audience. This is the Martin that Veronica loves - the one who laughs, loves, and makes jokes. The kids ask the lovebirds for a birdie kiss and the two lovebirds comply to the children's wishes and give each other a peck on the lips.

Botel consoles Magdalena at the cemetery and asks her the stupidest question of the century. Is she feeling a little better? Magdalena stands up and yells at him that she can't feel better. In fact, she'll NEVER be able to be happy. She kneels down on the supposed grave of her deceased daughter and grief stricken she says that her daughter is dead.

At the hovel, Veronica sends Martin off to bed while she gets the supplies needed to change his stitches. Before doing as told, Martin has a chat with Nanciyaga. “Patron esta  contento, pareciera que por herida se fue mala sangre” (Boss is happy, it seems as if the bad blood came out from the wound). Looking behind him, Martin asks Nanciyaga if that is what she thinks. “Eso sabe Nanciyaga, igual y no era tormenta lo que veia si no vientos que cambiaron para otro rumbo” (That’s what Nanciyaga knows, perhaps it wasn’t a storm what she saw and instead it was winds that changed direction). Martin asks her if she really does see beyond … (he mumbled something I could not get). Nanciyaga tells Martin that she talks to spirits when it’s noche nueva (nighttime) and there is no moon. They come and tell her things that she can’t say unless it’s necessary. He asks her if the dove is a message from his brother. She tells him that doves bring peace and are of light. He doesn’t know why he’s even asking her this since he doesn’t believe in these things. She tells him that he doesn’t have to believe since the signals present themselves anyway. He asks her if this is a good sign and she replies that it is but to not be so trustworthy. She leaves as Veronica comes back with the supplies in hand. He stares at Veronica and thanks her for giving him the opportunity to save their marriage. She kisses him. The two head for the bedroom. 

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Lo Imperdonable #29 Thu 6/25/15 Everybody has a grave to visit

Martin has his almost “Visit the grave and complain” scene. This time he admits that he loves Veronica, so he needs to make a decision. But what will that be? To some ominous choir music, he explains that he doesn’t want to let Dim down, but he can’t take it anymore. Could his bro send him a sign, show him what he should do?
The monologue finished, he calls for Lorenzo to come help him. Lorenzo thinks that the dead always send messages, at least that’s what Nancyaga says. Dim was a good man, he will send some help from up above.
And there flies a white dove, settling on Dim’s cross, which makes an impression on Lorenzo. Martin is not sure if he believes in these kind of things, though (this, after he just asks his brother for a sign – Dim and Dimmer).

Magda tells Jorge that she came to see Salma, but since she’s away, she will leave now. He offers to give her a ride in his car and forget about taking a cab the next time she wants to visit – she can call and he will send his driver for her. As the two leave, Matilde is left shaken to the core by her earlier talk with Magda about Vero.

Joaquin comes to search for Martin and tells Vero that the miners are doing better now. She doesn’t know where her husband is, but does he know where Dim’s tomb is? Could he take her to it? Joaquin really doesn’t want to, the padrecito might get upset with him. Vero doesn’t see why that would happen and she doesn’t care if the cemetery is far, Joaquin could just show her the way and then go about his business. He reluctantly agrees and they go on their way, unaware that Nancy is watching them.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #28 Wed 6/24/15 "Everyone (including Martin) Tries to Figure Out If He Is Crazy.....Or Perhaps Just Crazy In Love"

(some scenes are combined)

Repeated Scene:  Veronica storms out of the bedroom, then listens through the closed door as Claudia tries to pry from Martin details of his married life, telling him he knows she still loves him.  He admits he and Veronica have problems, but only he can resolve them with Veronica.  He tells Claudia she can't stay in his home.  She says that wasn't her plan, but she has nowhere else to go.  He offers to let her stay in their living room.

Lo Nuevo:  NanC comes in and sees Veronica sitting in the living room and crying.  She tells NanC she plans to sleep there.  NanC offers her the second bedroom, since she prefers to sleep outside on the hammock.  While NanC goes to prepare the extra room for Veronica, Claudia comes out of the marital bedroom.  Veronica quickly wipes off her tears and tells her harshly that she took longer than expected to come to town to see Martin.  She tells Claudia she always knew she loved Martin, but her shameless effrontery (descaro) surprises here.  Claudia tells her she will always "be there" for Martin, even if he is married to Veronica.  Veronica wonders if she will be his lover and reminds her he already has a wife, and if he didn't marry her before, well then why would he want to now.  Claudia claims she is only there as Martin's friend and co-worker, and she has no place to go, but if it bothers Veronica for her to stay in the living room as Martin just offered her, then she will just return to the church.  Veronica tells her to take the extra bedroom.  Claudia tries to resist, but Veronica cuts her off and makes it clear that SHE is the "lady of the house" and what SHE says goes.  Claudia says fine and tells Veronica that Martin wants to speak with her, then heads to the extra room.

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Lo Imperdonable #27 Tue 6/23/15 Manuel needs an anvil

Telenovela Death Watch 2015: 

Cresencio is still alive (boo, hiss)
Manuel, also still alive- what does a recapper have to sacrifice to the gods to get them to kill these two off? Goats, cats, virgins? Where am I going to find one of those in Los Angeles? Sorry, I got distracted, and now your recap!

Veronica wakes up to find Claudia sitting in her bedroom like a creeper, she's rubbing Martins feet and this dos not sit well with Veronica, and can anyone blame her? Claudia explains that she found out about Martin being injured and that she came to help (oh do you have a medical degree missy?). Veronica tells her there's nothing Claudia can do there and if she really wants to help she should go to the church to look after the injured men, they need all the help they can get.

Vero gets out of bed and Nanci makes her a juice to help her get her strength back, Vero wants to know where the doctor is and is told that he went to get something to drink to freshen up, it turns out he also took the time to take a shower because he is headed to the church to help. Veronica looks at Claudia and says "I guess you're going with them to help, right?"- ah what a nice way to say "get the hell out of my house you skank". Claudia reluctantly says that yes, she will be going to help at the church, once she leaves Nanci tells Veronica that the perfumed lady (Claudia) holds things in her heart. Then she says she's going to make Vero and Martin a soup so that they can get better.
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #26 Mon 6/22/15 Schmalz, Blood and Cyanide.

Marty splits open like a piñata and it's all Vero's fault.

Over Veronica's protests, Crazy Marty insists on going to the church to talk to the miners.  Somehow Lorenzo gets him there (a gentle horse is involved but the details are left to our imagination).  Marty limps inside, clutching at the wound in his belly.  He tells the sick men that a doctor is on the way, and he promises to keep paying them their wages while they are recovering.

Again ignoring Vero's warnings, Marty pushes on to the mine, where he meets up with Crescencio and Joaquín.   He has figured out the best way to repair the cyanide leak and will supervise the work.  
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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #25 Fri 6/19/15 Let's Rub Our Arms To Help Us Get Through This Mess

Greetings everyone! I'm not sure what happened with yesterday's recap but here are some bullet points (from memory) of the highlights to help fill in what happened (please feel free to add if I missed anything or to correct me if I get anything wrong)

  • The miners from both La Moreneita (Martin's mine) and La Perla (Crescencio's mine) both get intoxicated from drinking water contaminated with cyanide. This is due to Manuel the idiot not having changed the filter when he should have.
  • Manuel is released from prison and Crescencio tells him about the conditions Martin put to forgive him. Oh and Manuel will sign and come with him to give Martin the document where Manuel promises to behave.
  • Ana Perla was still upset with Pablo but the two end up kissing and making up. Pablo will go and break things off with Mariana when he gets the chance to go to the city.
  • Emiliano is stressed at the office and Virginia (determined to turn him into an alcoholic because it'll be easier to dominate him) serves him a drink and tells him it'll make him feel better. He at first declines but ends up accepting it and chugs it down. He later serves himself another drink.
  • Veronica finds out Demetrio is dead from Joaquin. She goes and asks Martin about it and Martin accuses her of having been Demetrio's lover. She denies and gets mad at him.
  • Botel offers to compensate Dr. F really well with money if he replaces him in Mina Escondida for some time. Dr. F says he needs the money and will think about the proposal. For now he'll be in Mina Escondida for 15 days. Claudia shows up and Botel takes one good look at her and how she's dressed and tells her to ummm wear something a tad more comfortable for the trip.
  • Virginia realizes how sending Claudia over to Mina Escondida wasn't such a good idea because she could cause problems between Martin and Veronica. Virginia says she has to do something about that.

The new stuff...

Martin knows Vero doesn't understand him. But he doesn't understand himself either. He's sooo tormented by it all. Vero thinks he's "tormented" by his jealously. She knows they love each other but sometimes it's not enough. They have to fight to keep their love alive and attempt to comprehend and and trust each other. She asks him to please trust her. She kisses him and the kiss quickly turns passionately. Will the marriage FINALLY be consummated? Nope. The two lovebirds are interrupted by a knock on the door.  
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