Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/26/19, Episode 10: Women On the Move

I'm Christopher Mason. In patriarchal societies it has always been difficult for women to be taken seriously when they take charge of their lives and other situations. The female attorneys at Vega and Associates know this all too well. It doesn't stop them. However, there are others who do things that cause setbacks for all women on the move.

I'm Candice DeLong. It wasn't easy being a female FBI Agent; I even wrote a book about it. But being accused of a crime is far worse.

Ricardo introduced Gustavo to Javier, who said they needed to review the information they had on the case. Gustavo told him that there wasn't much and that with Jacinto Dorantes dead they had less of a chance of finding out. Javier said that there would have to be another way. Ricardo left them alone to discuss this.
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Monday, March 25, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Lunes 3/25/19, Episode 9: The Killers Among Us

I'm Christopher Mason. No matter who we are, rich or poor, we are shocked when we realize that there are killers among us. Evil can be greedy, lustful, or vengeful, but it is often banal. It is often hidden for long periods of time before being discovered. Yet, no matter how many tales we hear of in the news we are shocked every time.

I'm Candice DeLong. Evil can disguise itself in many ways. It can appear to you with the face of innocence and say “I love you.” It has no conscience.

In the morning staff meeting Alonso introduced Adrián to the rest of the firm, less Roberto and Juan who were still at the police station. They welcomed him to the firm. He told them he was also licensed to practice in the USA, and Alejandra told him she was about to go there on a client's behalf. He offered his help if she needed it.
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Friday, March 22, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Jueves 3/21/19, Episode 8: Sociopaths

I'm Christopher Mason. One does not need to be a lifetime criminal to be a sociopath. All it takes is a lack of ethics, a lack of empathy, and an unerring instinct for self-preservation at all costs. However, that does not always guarantee success, as we saw with Jacinto Dorantes. All because he let his guard down when he should have raised it higher. Julio Cervantes is also riding to a fall; he is no master criminal but only because he hasn't had adequate practice.

I'm Candice DeLong. Whether sociopaths are born or made, they start young. They're the ones who feel that the rules of society don't apply to them. While they don't all become criminals, they typically do not care about other people and behave accordingly.

There was a potential riot in the cell block as Jacinto's body was zipped into a body bag and removed. The prisoners were all locked in their cells except for Ramiro, who looked like he was still in shock. One guard said to another “He committed suicide” but Ramiro loudly denied that this was possible. A few moments later he was leaning against the wall when one of the killer guards made a call to “el patron”

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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Miercoles 3/20/19, Episode 7: The Truth Will Not Set You Free

I'm Christopher Mason. Sometimes the truth is very liberating; other times it leads to prison or worse. There are several people in Mexico City about to learn that lesson as their lies will fall apart in the face of the truth. While some wealthy people have bought justice in the past, there are two here who will realize they can't anymore.

I'm Candace DeLong. Corruption is as old as civilization, but we are about to see it die a slow death, one criminal at a time.

Dorantes shouted that the documents just entered were fabricated. The judge said back that they had been examined scientifically.
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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/19/19, Episode 6: Denial

I'm Christopher Mason. As is often said, denial is not just a river in Egypt. It's usually a defense mechanism which allows people to believe what they want to about themselves or others. It can also be a bold-faced lie intended to deceive or to gaslight. Very effective when used by a master of manipulation and very pathetic when the truth is easily seen. Too many people in our tale live in a state of denial.

I'm Candace DeLong. I've never met or studied a criminal who didn't lie at least half the time, both to others and to themselves.

Alonso visited Jacinto Dorantes in the cellblock and let him know that he will do whatever it takes to see that he paid for what he has done to the lawyers of his firm. Dorantes told him that he was risking the people he cared about “for caprice” because there were other enemies. He tried telling him he was fighting the wrong people. Alonso didn't buy a word of this.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Lunes 3/18/19, Episode 5: Information

I'm Christopher Mason. In the modern world, the right information is as valuable as gold. For both arms of the law it is more valuable than the best stock tip. It's what can make or break everything. Some people will even sell their integrity for information.

I'm Candace DeLong. FBI agents and everyday police do whatever they need to do to get theh information they need to make their case. Usually within the law.

Jaime thanked Paula for allowing him to stay in her home. She told him that while their marriage didn't work, they had Alejandra. She credited him with Alejandra's courage. He said that Alejandra had her smile and her zest for life.
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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Viernes 3/15/19, Episode 4: Man on a Mission

I'm Christoper Mason. Thomas Paine once spoke of times that try men's souls. This has been such a time for the partners and associates at the Vega firm. Even the most level-headed people can become unhinged in a crisis and forget what they are all about. There are explosions all around them. Sometimes a man on a mission implodes as well.

I'm Candace DeLong. In my experience I've seen some otherwise good people do bad things when provoked intensely enough. It would be ironically tragic for a lawyer to do this.

Alejandra called Ricardo to tell him her location so he could come to get her and her father.
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Coming Re-e-e-ally Soon to a Screen Near You…

·         Premios TV Y NovelasSunday night! March 17th on Univisión: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (E)

·        Sin Tu Mirada – starts March 19th on Univisión: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm (E) to replace En Tierras Salvajes

The tale revolves around Marina (Claudia Martín) who was thought to be born dead, but, Nopis, she survives, but she is blind…and she is also rich! BUT only the village midwife knows that she is rich (sigh). Osvaldo de Leon plays Luis Alberto (main protag) who was born a few hours after Marina. He is raised rich, but was really born poor.

I won’t say anything more…watch it and weep J
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Friday, March 15, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Jueves 3/14/19, Episode 3: Control

I'm Christopher Mason. Kidnapping is one of the most common crimes experienced by the wealthy and powerful. While the criminal's usual motive is to extort as much money as possible often it's a power play between the victim and the mastermind of the crime. It's one way a criminal can be in contol.

I'm Candace DeLong. You're right, Christopher. Truly effective criminals at any level understand one thing: If you want something done, you need to be in control of yourself and all the people involved. There are many ways to achieve this and no criminal mastermind relies only on one method.

El Ciego enjoyed discovering Alejandra's foolishness in her action... but he more enjoyed contemplating what she would feel like in three days.
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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Friends, Carayers, Anons, Lurkers, Lend Me Your Minds…

Greetings, One and All!

It has been noted that the number of recappers and members appear to have decreased; and we would like your opinions and ideas as to how to make Caray, Caray more appealing and productive. We come to improve Caray, not to derail what Melinama has so generously and graciously built.

Please share with us your thoughts and constructive criticisms. What is it that you like, don’t like? What pages do you find useful/not useful (check out the sidebar; there are some pages that have never been used or commented on). Give us your wishlist! Please note that any changes will take some time; so please be patient with us.

You may post your thoughts and ideas in the comment section or, if you prefer some privacy, please e-mail me at rgvchick627@gmail.com.
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Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Miercoles 3/13/19, Episode 2: Connecting the Dots

I'm Christoper Mason. When we last met there was an attempt on Alonso Vega's life that resulted in other deaths. This is another link in a chain that leads back to Jacinto Dorantes, a corrupt politician. The course of justice never runs smooth in such situations and will ultimately depend on someone's ability to Connect the Dots.

I'm Candace DeLong. I've dealt with both criminal masterminds and their flunkies and this situation is full of them.

Alejandra advised Sofia that since four lawyers recently left the firm there was a heavy workload. Sofia did not seem intimidated by this. She specialized in criminal law and human rights issues, which pleased Alejandra well enough.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Index

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 Martes 3/12/19, Gran Estreno: No Honour Among Thieves

I'm Christopher Mason. When last we met the partners and associates at Alonso Vega's firm were steeped in ugly and dangerous situations. Jaime Ponce was being held captive, Gustavo is grieving for his wife and son, Ricardo had advised his ex-wife to flee with their children, and Alonso had considered dissolving the firm. He was outvoted by his partners, all determined to fight for justice.
I'm Candace DeLong. I was an FBI profiler and I had many cases involving psychopapths and other cold-blooded criminals. No matter how they dress or what kind of cars they drive, they are the lowest form of human life and deserve to be locked away. Thanks, Christopher, for inviting my observations.
Alonso lunched with the police chief and talked about the murders of Gustavo's wife and son, looking for assistance in some way. Also about the kidnappng of Jaime Ponce, all because he refused to represent Jacinto Dorantes. He was told that the department was doing everything it could. Interpol had been informed and they would be watching out in case Dorantes tried to leave the country. Alonso wasn't sure how long they could deal with this and said that they needed help. In the name of Justice.
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Monday, March 11, 2019

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2: Recappers Needed

Por Amar Sin Ley, Season 2 begins tomorrow night at 10PM EST.  Season 1 ended on a cliffhanger with the kidnapping of Alejandra's father by a corrupt political figure whom he was investigating in addition to the funeral of Gustavo's wife and young son.  There is another killer to be caught as well.  
Here is the recap of the Season 1 finale for those who need a reminder of events.

New cast members will include Kimberly dos Ramos (remember her from Vino el Amor), Federico Ayos (Mi Marido Tiene Familia, La Candidata) Marco Mendez, Erika Buenfil, Marc Clotet, Manuel Balbi, Arturo Carmona, and Marisol del Olmo.  There will be location shooting in New York and Boston which will have a storyline mostly spoken in English.

Of course the great and sinister Juan Carlos Barreto returns as Jacinto Dorantes.

Do not read the Wikipedia page for this as it already contains spoilers on an episode by episode basis.

Who is up to recap?  Please e-mail me!


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