Friday, November 15, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #29 Thu 11/14/13 Llegar para Sorprender

As everyone files into the boardroom, Ricardo asks Inés if that's Jose Luis or not.  She lies, remembering the threats he made.

Francisco (JL) dangles the possibility of expansion in front of the board.  He also brings up the idea of offering lower quality fabrics at a lower price, making up for it by moving a greater quantity.  Ricardo seems not to object, although he was the one who brought up the company's reputation being based on the quality of their fabrics.  What he does object to, after Inés asks what role the Caribbean Investment With Potentially Funny Money Firm will play, is that in order to carry out this huge expansion, they would have to depend on the CIWPFMF's cash, since Aresti Breton doesn't have that kind of liquidity.  That would make CIWPFMF the majority shareholder in Aresti Breton.  I vote no.  Oh, wait, crap, I'm not on the board.  Paloma comes to visit.  I'm digging the hat, babe!

Eliseo schleps Francisco's luggage over to Casa Bonita where he runs into Felipe…oops!  Eliseo talks fast and claims he got fired from being caretaker at El Descanso, so he got a job as a cab driver, and he met Francisco Castro and got a job being his "achichincle" (henchdude).  He whines about his hurt shoulder so Felipe will carry the bag and then makes a cara de "me fregué!" (I'm screwed!) while Felipe's back is turned.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #28 Wed 11/13/13 JL makes Oriana an offer she can’t refuse, or can she?

Table for Two
JL tries to get Oriana back but he's not getting anywhere. She's not willing to forgive and forget.  He begs for forgiveness for this one error.  After all she's suffered, she can't believe he'd ask her for forgiveness.  Yeah, he can see how she's suffering, kissing another man!  She admits she has a novio.  She had to have a reason to move forward and besides, she had been told JL was dead. She tells him Lucina and Raquel are the only ones who know her true identity.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #27 Tue 11/12/13 You Mess with Her, You Mess with Me! Capische?

Aresti Breton, Ricky’s Office:  Lila and Berto have shown up unannounced.  Lila would like to recommend a new investor group that wants to partner with Aresti Breton in South America and Europe.  Francisco Castro is her contact’s name.  Upon hearing that name, Oriana practically jumps out of her skin.  Ricky immediately agrees and says that they want to introduce Mr. Castro to the board.  Oriana also thinks it’s a good idea, but she wants to consult with Paloma first.  Oriana asks for the name of the company.  Where are their accounts?  Berto says that they have a lot of accounts in the Cayman Islands.  All Rich people have accounts in the Cayman Islands.  Ricky abruptly ends the meeting.  After the siblings leave, Oriana tells Ricky that Francisco Castro was the name of the man who was in the restaurant.  She’s certain that Francisco is really Jose Luis.  If Francisco Castro invests, the money is dirty.  Ricky says that may be the case, but it’s better to keep your enemies close to you. They will do whatever Paloma says.  Oriana says that Paloma will do whatever Ricky says, so that does not comfort her.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #26 Mon 11/11/13 Mentir para engañar a la tonta de Lila

Jose Luis is explaining Eliseo that he bailed on Raquel’s inauguration party because he can’t be seen by his wife just yet. Idiot Eliseo thinks this is Corazon Indomable and some beard and a different hair could forbid Oriana from recognizing her husband, but JL knows better.
Joaquin calls just then and JL explains that he found the company to use for their lavado de dinero (money laundering) – they don’t need the capital, but he’s sure he can pull off the transaction. We don’t hear how much money they’ll “invest”, but it’s a lot.
Eliseo tries to find out what is the deal, but JL puts him in his place.

Casa Bonita is getting ready for the big opening, with a pool filled of flower petals. Nice.

Ruben is getting all dressed up to go to the party; since Madhilde wasn’t invited, she wants him to refuse attendance, too – normally, I’d agree with the wife in situations like this, but this is Maddy, so she has it well deserved.
She thinks they should have at least invited her as a gesture and if she can’t go, then Ruben won’t either. But he really, really wants to go – and he states this in a ridiculous childish voice, like he was a 10 year old going to his first sleep over.
Maddy accuses him of sleeping with one of the women, el desgraciado!

Oriana, Alina, Ricardo and Paloma arrive at the party; Lucina welcomes them, as Raquel looks on. Then she notices that Lucina is searching for Ruben in the crowd. Raquel explains that Francisco isn’t attending because he’s in a business trip; Lucina implies that something might be going on between Raquel and Francisco, because, you know, she’s Raquel.
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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #25 Fri 11/8/13 Bad Boy Berto Gets Bagged; Ricardo and Oriana Get Tagged

Cap. #25

At Paloma’s expansive manse Oriana, aka 2nes, is pacing the floors and driving Paloma (as well as Viewerville) crazy worrying about Ricardo’s safety.  If she’s that worried, suggests Paloma with wizened certitude, she should never have broken off their relationship.  2nes says no, they should never have allowed one to develop in the first place!

Across town at their new B&B, Lucina and Raquel are discussing their list of invitees to their upcoming open house.  Lucina mentions that Raqi needs to be a bit more tolerant of Oriana since she’s going through a bad spell.  The cause?  It seems that Jose Luis never really died and is now in Hermosillo!  Raqi’s first thought is that he’ll bring the Colombian authorities down on all their heads and Oriana and the two of them will end up being cellmates.   Perhaps the Colombian authorities figured to follow him here so they could track down his wife, suggests Raqi.  No, they’d have already pounced if that was the case, reasons Lucina.  He no doubt escaped and is here to get his wife and daughter back!  “—Poor Oriana!  She’s walking an emotional tightrope about now!”  Cara de serves-the-wench-right de Raqi.

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Friday, November 08, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #24 Thu 11/7/13 Planificar para Atrapar

Paloma tells Ricardo that she can't talk to Inés about her past, she doesn't want to embarrass her.  She figures Inés must be upset still because of the anonymous letter, but Ricardo disagrees.  Lina shows up to chastise Ricardo for not taking her to the fair and buying her a hamburger and a ginormous milkshake.  Ricardo says they can go right away, but she needs to get her mom's permission. Paloma begs off joining them.  As Lina goes off to get permission, Paloma tells Ricardo she's also supposed to be throwing Lina a party, though she hasn't gotten started yet.  Ricardo fills Paloma in on Maria's new medication and Sebastian's same crappy attitude.

Inés doesn't want to go to the fair and she doesn't want Lina to go either.  Lina tries yelling, then she tries pouting, but Inés won't budge.  Even pleading won't work.

Ricardo tells Paloma that he's wondering if Sebastian is really his son.  He explains that when they were young Maria once ran away from the house and when he found her, she was flirting with some guy, so now he's wondering if maybe Maria was "promiscuous."  Paloma doesn't believe it.  She suggests asking Celio what he knows, since he's been with the family for so long.  Inés shows up with her fake excuses why Lina can't go to the fair and raises Paloma's suspicions…Paloma assumes the blackmailer has been in contact and is now threatening Lina.  This forces Inés to admit that, no, Lina hasn't been threatened, but the blackmailer has been in contact.  Paloma wants to just pay them, but Ricardo argues that they'll never be able to stop once they start.  Ricardo wants to look at Inés computer and Paloma tells her to have Lina come to her (Paloma's) room to play.
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Thursday, November 07, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #23 Wed 11/6/13 That's no forro - that's my wife!

MPV Wednesday 11-6-13  That's no forro - that's my wife!

Celio tells Ricky the only thing missing fjrom El Bungalo is Ricky's graduation photo album.  Ricky instructs Elio that under no circumstances is Seba allowed entry on the premises

Gimnacio Sagrado
Mariano of the Plaid Priesthood is intrigued with Seba's attitude w/Maria; and now this issue with the photos and the "secret".  He reminds Ricky that Maria often imagines things and she may have made up the whole thing about the "secret". He asks Ricky if Maria might have been promiscuous in her youth and if she was a virgin when.......Ricky gets frustrated and repeats, again, that he doesn't remember anything about that fateful night.  Mariano miraculously puts two and two together (he is a priest, after all)--maybe Seba is someone else's son!  And maybe that's the "secret" he and Maria share!   Must be the Power of the Plaid Priesthood!

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #22 Tue 11/5/13 Does Anyone Know Where We Can Find A Good Skank Around Here?

Oriana’s Boudoir:  Lucina tells Oriana that Matilde put Cesar out.   Lucina wants to inform Paloma immediately, but Lucina stops her.  They can tell Paloma in the morning and besides, Cesar is staying at the Casa Bonita tonight.  Ricky knocks on the door and humbly asks if he’s interrupting them. His choice of sporting mustard pants and a purple shirt clearly proves that he’s still depressed.    Lucina runs out and shoves Ricky in the room.  Oriana tells Ricky that Matilde told Cesar to bounce after learning that he wants to be a missionary.  Oriana thinks it’s better if she just disappears.  Ricky tells her that he spoke to Paloma about the blackmail letter.  He confirmed that the letter threatened to reveal her past as a hooker.  Ricky holds her and whispers that they will get through this together, but she pulls away and says no.  Her life is complicated.  She’s wanted for smuggling in one country and murder in another.  Raquel doesn’t want to involve him.  She asks what they will do if her husband is alive. 
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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #21 Mon 11/4/13 Break-up revisited

Manolo, the cop, drives Jose Luis to a hotel; JL asks for Lucina’s number, she left some boxes behind at the villa.
After all that beer drinking, Manolo surely has Lucina on speed dial, right? He gives JL the phone number.

Madhilde is nagging Ruben about the possibility that Mariano convinced Cesar to become a missionary. If their son continues with this madness, she plans to throw him out of the house, see what a sacrificed life really means.
Lucina interrupts Maddy, casually asking what this latest fight is all about. Ruben tells her about Cesar’s plans, she doesn’t see what the big deal is. She’s going to her hotel – Casa Bonita Hotel Boutique (don’t like the name); Ruben offers to join her.

On the phone with Fidelia, Paloma apologizes for Maddy’s behavior. She’d like to see her, and Fidelia shouldn’t worry, because Maddy has been warned to behave.

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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #20 Fri 11/1/13 He Returns From The Ashes, But A Grand Entrance It Ain’t

Capítulo 20

Lo Del Pasado:

Oriana has been threatened by someone willing to tell the world she’s not really Ines but the fugitive Oriana Caligaris.  Oriana has told Ricardo and she’s determined not to pay.

Lo Del Nuevo:

An infuriated Oriana arrives at her friends’ new B&B and indignantly accuses Raquel of writing the blackmail note out of revenge for Ricardo having set his eyes on her instead.  How could it be her, screams Raq.  No way she’d stick the hangman’s noose around her own neck that way.  Oriana still has a hard time believing that Raq’s innocent, and Raq says then they’ll have to be frenemies since Oriana has finally shown her true metal [cobre=copper, brass].  They all go through the list of guests and friends and nobody Lucina can think of had a reason to know, find out or of the couple of people who owed her favors, none had a reason or an inclination toward blackmail.  Ok, says Oriana, then perhaps it was Jose Luis!  Raq is confused.   “—isn’t he dead?”  Oriana looks like she wishes he’d stay that way, too.

Meanwhile, Ric and Mariano have their own list of possible blackmailers and they’ve crossed off everybody but Berto (apparently right before the scene started).  Mariano is curious why.  Ric says it could be he was there, murdered his dad, and saw Oriana and Lina there.  Mariano adds, then after he met her he put the two together and tied up the loose ends.  Ric says he’s always had his doubts about the guy [dar mala espina]; and now he has full reign of the company and could have waited for the opportune moment to slip the note under 2nes’s door.  They figure it will be a total disaster for Paloma, 2nes and Lina if this guy doesn’t get paid and goes through with his threats.

On the other hand, Ric sees no problem paying the same monthly hush money to El Borrachon de Maligno Benigno for the really swell way he took care of his daughter, Maria, all these years.  Benny says to start anti-ing up a lot more from now on or he’s going to let everybody know how macho Ric took advantage of a mentally retarded girl all those years ago.  Ric says he’s not about to give him even a centavo more, especially since he’s got witnesses now who’ll swear he was way too drunk to have been physically able to do his daughter and that Benny knows it too!   (Ok, but why then still think and act like he’s your kid?)   So, Maligno better think twice before threatening Ric again, or he can forget about not only the money but  that guest house he’s been living in rent free all these years as well!  Your decision, dude! 

A few hours later, Ric’s aunt calls in tears over the fit Maria threw.  She begs him to get her out of her house and to stick her in an insane asylum or a psych hospital somewhere, anywhere but there!  Oriana’s in his office and hears all of it; Ric mentions he found out how Maria attacked her also.  Ori says it was no big deal, then tearfully tells him they both have too many problems and need their space.  She’s breaking it off.  He refuses to believe it and will fight to convince her otherwise, he tells her. (Fine, but not now.)  She leaves.  He grieves. 

Later that day, Paloma notes 2nes’s sad face and tells her she doesn’t believe breaking things off with Ric is a smart move.  It won’t solve a thing.  “—There’s nothing that can’t be solved by talking it through.”  The hassles with Maria, Sebastardo and such cannot be reason enough to break up.  Something else has to be up.  2nes can’t open up and tell her the truth.  

Ric has a heart to heart with Piero in the park and now Pierro knows the truth about True-nes and 2nes also.  Pierro feels it was Lucina and Raqi, but Ric says it couldn’t be since they’d be in trouble with the law also.  Ok then, offers Pierro, perhaps her little girl told somebody? 

Ric finds Lina in the garden and he explains that he knows the truth about her and her mother because her mother told him.  He finds out from her that she hasn’t said a word about any of that to anybody.  Ric excitedly calls Oriana to tell her how he knows it couldn’t have been Lina, but she reads him the riot act over involving her little girl.  Ric’s confused.  He thought he was doing a good think eliminating Lina as having accidentally spilling the frijoles to the wrong somebody.   It was hard enough getting the little girl to swallow the lies about her daddy’s death and then to get her to think in terms of their new identities for him to muck it up like that, she yells back at him over the phone.  She hangs up on him.  He tries calling back and she ignores the phone and walks out of her bedroom.    

He goes upstairs to check on Maria and overhears the hassle with her nurse over the antique doll.  He scolds her for throwing a fit over the doll and warns her if she keeps it up he’ll send her away where they will teach her how to behave.  [Puhleeese!  For the love of gawd, do it now!  Maybe if Fidelia tried leaving all those broken dishes, picture frames and antiques right where they lay till Ric gets home I think he'd change his tune in a DF minute.]  She wants to stay, she says; besides, Sebastian is coming by and he promised her that she could stay there as long as she didn’t tell anybody about---!”  “—What?  About what?”  Maria shuts up tight as a drum.    She covers with a little white lie and Ric’s head is pounding by now.  He and the nurse leave the room for a discussion about Maria’s earlier behavior.  The nurse thinks all she may need is a change of medication.  (I agree with Fidelia that she needs to be interned somewhere.  Maria definitely is not ready for social prime time.)

When bedtime comes for Alina, Oriana makes sure to remind her that she still cannot tell a soul the truth about themselves.

Sebastian arrives at Paloma’s manse a few minutes later to take Fabiola, at this point still sweet sixteen and never been kissed, to the party.  Mama Madhilde comes to her daughter’s side for last minute advice and admonishments, especially no drinking!   Sebastardo promises to treat Fabi right and to chauffeur her promptly to and fro.

Cesar comes home and tells his mother and dad that he’s quit his job at the company and plans to become a missionary priest.  Madhilde has a fit but Cesar tells her he grew up and is making his own decisions now.  Ruben this time actually stops his wife from going after Cesar like a rabid dog and tells her to let it be.  After all, it could be “the call of Dios”.  She tells him that’s a bunch of bunk cuz Dios would never allow a son to be separated from a mother like her!  “--Oh, well if you mean a suffocating, possessive and controlling mother like you, then yes!!”  (Viewerville does a hive five at the screen for Ruben finally rockin’ it.)

Across the way at Ric’s, Fidelia begs him to take Maria have her put away.  The woman is simply not ready for civil society!  It’s his son’s mother and she’s his responsibility, he reminds her angrily.  Sure as heck is, but she’s not her responsibility, is his aunt’s flustered and frustrated response.  He backs off a bit and finally sweet talks his aunt into giving him one more chance.  

At the party we see numerous twenty-somethings.  Fabiola definitely makes it look  like Seb’s into cradle-robbing.  She’s too square a peg for his fast circle of friends.    Grease-ball Berto and the ravishing Raquel are both there.   Berto finds out whose daughter she is and tells him she doesn’t seem to fit in at all.   Sebastardo says he’ll get her to loosen up.   First thing he tries is giving her alcohol and getting her drunk.   Berto sees the way things are heading with Seb and Fabi and mentions it to Raq.   She says she figures the girl’s gotta get laid sometime.    Tonight’s as good as any.   (Funny how Berto hasn’t put the moves on Raqi yet.)

Neither Ric nor 2nes can get to sleep because they’re both upset over her having to break off their relationship.  FF>>

Meanwhile, Madhilde waits up for Fabiola.  Fabi’s in the drive sitting in Seb’s car.  Seb starts putting the moves on her, telling her that he gets to paw her now that they’re going steady.  (Viewerville keeps waiting for Mama Madhilde to signal with the driveway lights or something.)   Fabiola sneaks into the house a long while later and we never learn if Seb got past first base or not.  (Damn!)  Mama is mad that she’s come in so late.   Fabi passes Mama’s manual breathalyzer test and promises she’ll never come home that late again.  

Early the next morning Cesar is over at the padre’s to let him know that he finally told his parents what he had planned to do with the rest of his life.  Mariano tries talking him out of it, thinking that he might just be looking for a way to escape his mother’s clutches.  Yes, he is doing that, but he also wants to do something useful for society and Dios.  This is what he thinks is best.  Maddy calls him and finds him over at the rectory with Mariano.  She immediately blames Mariano of brainwashing her son, and tells Paloma as much.  Paloma suggests that he’s old enough to decide for himself.  She strongly hints for her to let him do what he wants.

Back in San Carlos along the coast, we see a taxi dropping off a fare by the abandoned, former El Descanso looking more and more like a huge mausoleum in the middle of nowhere.  The driver asks if the passenger is certain he wants to stay there because the place isn’t a hotel any longer.  He tells his passenger the story about how they killed a rich man right there at that hotel, that they say it was a woman, but could have been her little girl.  Either way, they ran off from the place and after that the business went to Hell along with its reputation.  

The man’s got a single briefcase with him, full of multi-dollar bills, and he hands one to the driver before getting out for a look-see.  He carries a large teddy bear in the other hand.  Guessy who-ooooo!  Daddy’s home!  It’s Jose Luis, come back from the dead and looking for his family!  (OMG!   Compared to Ric, I got to admit this is one handsome villano I am going to abhor abhorring.)

Jose Luis walks inside and takes a look around.  The place is a literal dump!  Beer bottles and old food and newspapers are in piles all over the place.  (Surprisingly, no rats were hired as extras for this scene.)  The dumb, drunk dude he hired as a side-kick has spent all the money on pizza and beer instead of having a cleaning crew come in to get it ready for guests and JL is pissed!  He also wants to know what Dumb Dude…Eliseo?  has found out about where his family went off to when the place was sold.  DD tells JL that he heard the owners bought another small hotel in Hermosillo but he couldn’t find out a thing about his wife and daughter.

Jose Luis heads down to the pool and finds Manolo there giving the place a cursory security check.  He introduces himself as Santos Carvajal.   He tells Manolo that he plans to turn the place into his residence once he fixes the place back up.  He gossips a bit to the “new owner” about the murder and how they say it was the little girl who killed the rich man, but that the gun used was too heavy a caliber for a little six year old to hold let alone shoot.   And what happened to her and her mother?  Oh, they fled and nobody’s heard hide nor hair of them since.    Mano suggests another hotel up the road for Sr. Carvajal and explains it was in much better shape when the last owners had the place, but that now after a murder and an unknown dead girl on the beach, the people in the area think it’s cursed [salado] property. 

Mano gives JL a lift to the hotel up the beach and JL stops to ask him for Lucina and  Raqi’s phone number.  Mano is suspicious and wants to know why.  Jose Luis lies and says they left a few things in the storeroom and lost their phone number.   He needs to know whether to send the things up to them or to throw them away.    Mano starts searching his cell phone contacts list and the credits roll.



Friday, November 01, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #19 Thu 10/31/13 Instalar para (Intentar) Manejar

Paloma is glad that they've found Maria again.  She's worried that Fidelia won't be able to handle her.  Ricardo tells her about what happened when Fidelia tried to call Paloma and got Matilde instead.  Inés thinks Fidelia will get the hang of dealing with Maria.  Ricardo takes his leave and Paloma and Inés  discuss the possibility of Ricardo marrying Maria.  Paloma thinks that's ridiculous.  Ricardo has done  the best he can.  Clearly Ricardo is in love with Inés and Paloma is glad to see him so happy.  Paloma figures Maria will be fine as long as she's taken care of.  She wants Inés to take care of herself and not consider the possibility of Ricardo being stuck in a marriage he doesn't want.  Inés verifies with Paloma that Matilde doesn't know anything about her "past."

Ricardo fills Mariano in on the latest developments.  He's also tormented with the idea that he "should have" married Maria.  He wants to marry Oriana, though, but she brought up the same question--who would he be marrying?  Oriana or Inés?  Mariano tells him that the church wouldn't obligate him to marry someone who's not in her right mind, so there's no concern on that score.  They both ponder the change in Sebastian's attitude.

Raquel runs into Inés in the courtyard and talks to her about the work on the new hotel, Berto being their first guest, and the guy who bought El Descanso asking about Oriana.  The name Eliseo Martinez doesn't ring a bell with Inés, but Raquel passes on the theory that the mystery man is Oriana's husband.
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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #18 Wed 10/30/13 How do you solve a problem like Maria?

La Feria
Maria tries to get on a ride, but she's run out of tickets --- and the buitres (vultures) are circling, offering to take her to find her father. Later, Maria walks through the nearly empty fairgrounds, followed closely by those predators. She goes on and on about how she'd love to have a carousel in her home, but it's too small. But her husband, Ricky's house is plenty big enough for a carousel!  Wait, what? You say your husband has a big house?  The she-predator tries to get the full name of said husband.  They convince her it's getting late and why don't they go home now, to their house, and they can go find Ricky in the morning.  They promise they have lots of dolls and a tele.  Maria goes merrily along

Caretaker Elvira arrives at the fair looking for Maria but isn’t able to find a trace of her.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #17 Tue 10/29/13 The Two Most Delicious Uvulas in the Universe

“Was fifteen minutes of pleasure worth your lifetime’s reputation?”  Los Angeles Televangelist’s thoughts on the Jesse Jackson Baby Scandal.

If This Car’s A Rockin’, Don’t Come A Knockin’

Outside of the Bolo Bar, in full view of the other patrons, Raquel conquers Cesar while riding astride him in his tiny chariot. 

Unfortunately panting with Pretty Ricky rather than painting the walls of the garish blue bungalow is foremost on Oriana’s mind.  At his bedroom's threshold, she tells him that she doesn’t want to get preggers.  Ricky guarantees that he won’t knock her up until after he marries her.  They go in the bedroom and get busy. 

Later, in the driveway, outside of Paloma’s mansion, Ricky continues feasting on Oriana’s lips like she’s his last meal and the chef just bought a gravy bowl to the table.  They pause only when Raquel knocks on the car window and makes hand signals to Oriana, indicating that she is watching her.  Oriana spots Cesar and asks Ricky if he thinks that Cesar and Raquel are an item.  Ricky could care less.  He says that he wants to formalize their engagement and rams his tongue down her throat. 
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #16 Mon 10/28/13 A lovers’ first quarrel, a mysterious figure that slowly approaches and …Raquel making the rounds.

Oriana was invited to have dinner at Ricardo’s blue bungalow; when he offered to take her home, she tried a some of her seductive powers on him – worked like a charm.
They broke some glasses, stumbled around for a bit and ended up in the bedroom.

(I’m not sure how much of the love scene each of us got to see, so in the name of full disclosure – no pun intended –  I’ll try my best to give all the important details, you know, for better clarity.)

Ricardo loses his jacket and shirt before even getting to the bedroom, and once they are near his bed, Oriana’s dress comes off, too.
So, five minutes into the episode, we have both of them down to the underwear and the music changes its tune to something more sensual.
A lot (I mean A LOT) of kissing and some real nakedness ensues, but thankfully those strategically placed sheets do their job just fine.
Once the did is over, Ricardo is holding a hand over Oriana’s very naked chest, dozing off at the same time, and she’s lazily caressing his arm – now, that’s what I call acting, I’m not sure I could be that comfortable being naked with a stranger, not even if he were one of my telenovios (and Zepeda is not in the selected club, anyway).
Before the scene is over, Ricardo opens his eyes ever so briefly and his gaze rests on Oriana’s hand, with her wedding rings as bright as ever on her finger – you can’t tell me this is the first time he notices them, I’ve been screaming about this since they first met. 
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #15 Fri 10/25/13 Love and Hate, All On a Slow Burn

Capítulo 15

Lo del Pasado:

Mathilde has approached Oriana in the hallway outside Paloma’s hospital room, has accused her of plotting with Ricardo for Ines to run off purposely to cause her aunt to have a fatal heart attack from the shock in order to take immediate possession of everything now that 2nes has finally been named as sole heir to the estate.  Though 2nes denied it, Madhilde has threatened to tell Paloma “everything”. 

Lo Del Nuevo:

Oriana tells Ric what just went down and he tells her to blow it off.  2nes says no can do if that’s what everybody in the house thinks of her!  Ric says he doesn’t live in that house and he doesn’t think that (and that should, of course, be all that matters)!   

Meanwhile, Raquel has decided to take Sebastian up on his offer to show her his crib (and I do mean crib—the spoiled rotten baby).  Nope, says Sebastardo when asked, his daddy’s never gonna be welcomed there and he’s persona non grata.  Not a topic to be discussed.  Sebastardo’s doing just fine on his own.  All Seb needs, he says trying to be seductive (and falling miserably short) is a lady-love by his side, one like Raquel.  Well, Raqi is definitely part of the “love the one you’re with” crowd.  He asks and she admits to having gone to bed with Ric once.   Seb is a fine specimen of the hormone-driven 18-20 something species and she decides to have a bit of a cougarette’s ride on the wild side.  Seb begs her to tell him he was better than Ricardo.  After all, he has to have been since he is so much younger than Ric, he claims, with apparent and misplaced braggadocio.  Raqi admonishes him for having asked such a question of her and then suggests that there’s much to be said for experience (as opposed to enthusiasm and endurance, which, she is considerate enough to leave unsaid). She figures that discretion is the better part of valor in this case, and fights wrinkling her nose .  “—You sure were something!” 

Later that afternoon/evening, Madhilde arrives home and gets snitty about Ruben and Lucina spending time together playing póker while she’s been at the hospital with her aunt at death’s door.  Once Maddie leaves the room, the two giggle (flirt?) over her snarky attitude.  FF>>   

At the hospital still, Ric and 2nes are there at Paloma’s bedside when the doctor tells Paloma she’ll get to go home day after tomorrow.  More small talk follows.   Ric surprises 2nes and Paloma saying that he and 2nes are steadies and engaged.  Paloma’s thrilled at the match-up.

2nes gives him a bit of grief afterwards in the drive of the manse and says she still wants time to think about it.  Talk turns to the gun she found and 2nes has no idea what Lucina might have done with it.  She refuses to go to the police with him and reminds him that would naturally lead to them discovering her taking True-nes’s identity and how would dear Paloma handle that????  They kiss; he wants more; she wants time to think.  What happens when a notable guy like him announces and she possible gets recognized by some tourist or something? It’s back to Columbia for her and a one-way ticket to prison for smuggling. She leaves him er…up in the air… and goes in to see about Lina.  FF>>

Madhilde tells Ruben her suspicions about 2nes and Ric plotting to get immediate control of Paloma’s wealth.  Ruben’s interest is piqued, but the two end up arguing about it anyway and he leaves again with another desperate and unheeded desire to have Madhilde put a sock in it.

In another part of the house, Raqi comes in late.  Lucina learns Raqi was with Sebastardo.  She also finds out from Raqi that Seb isn’t Ric’s little brother at all, but his closeted skeleton of a son “by way of a mental retard”.  Lucina is QTH impactada.

Ric makes a last minute stop at Mariano’s for a quick chat.  He tells Mariano about him and Oriana’s worries that despite their being able to prove she didn’t murder his father and that she didn’t know about her husband’s smuggling, how will they ever break it to Paloma that True-nes is dead and that 2nes is an impostor?  Dios will provide an answer when and if the need arises, proffers the good padre.  (Would we have expected him to reply with anything but???)

The next morning, Lucina overhears Madhilde griping at her daughter for submitting to being Nanny to Lina.  She’s not Ines’s servant or her maid, chastises Madhilde.  From now won just stay away from them!

Later in the morning, Raqi surprises Lucina with a trip to their new B&B.

At the same time, Ric has a chat with Piero about the different caliber guns, the larger caliber being the one Daddy Gabe was killed with.  They still have nothing to go to the police with, warns Pierro. “—The police will think you’re planting evidence.”  Their only option is to find the actual weapon used to kill him.  Pierro suggests he leave off worrying about catching the murderer, but Ric won’t.  He wonders whether or not Ric has heard anything more about Oriana Caligaris.  Ric lies and says the last he heard was that her husband had died; and no, he no longer suspects 2nes of really being Oriana.  In fact they’re nearly engaged!  Pierro congratulates his bud.  Ric brings up Berto and wants Pierro to pump him to find out what he can about him and what he’s up to.

Fidelia and Paloma chat on the phone.  Fidelia agrees to come for a visit the day Paloma returns home and to be introduced to 2nes.

Later that day, 2nes visits with Paloma and learns that Ruben married Madhilde instead of Ric’s Aunt Fidelia, that he lost his business, but instead of starting over and trying again to make something of himself, that he’s nothing but a lay about who’d rather play golf all day.  Cesar, though, is a decent sort and a hard worker, Paloma agrees. But she adds, he seems to be bitter and frustrated with life, and “—with a mother like Mathilde, who wouldn’t be?”  Ric shows up and takes 2nes to lunch.

At lunch Ric and 2nes discuss promoting Cesar.  Ric invites her to dinner at his batch pad that night.  They flirt.  He wants to take her to bed, though he makes clear to her that his intentions towards her go far beyond a one-night stand.  She admits to being frightened.  He promises her they won’t do anything she doesn’t want to.  Oriana stares into his eyes and it’s Truth Or Consequences time.  She asks if he ever slept with Raquel.  He admits he did but that it was only a meaningless fling.  He wanted information about Oriana and Raquel wanted to sleep with him.  She invited him to her room and he knew what that meant.  He had his needs and obliged.  Why her?  She’s not the first woman he’s been with; she’s just one of many occasional flings.  He wasn’t in love.   Believe it or not he’s never been in love.  Oriana is the one who’s finally captured his heart.  She doesn’t believe him He suggests they can discuss it and whatever else that evening. 

That evening while getting ready for her dinner date with Ric, Lucina comes to chat.  Lucina tells her about the B&B and that it still needs some work done on it.  They need just a few more hundred pesos for the rehab work and when Oriana balks because it’s [the company’s money] not her money to spend, Lucina suggests her becoming a third partner in the business.  She says she’ll think about it.

Pierro and Berto have drinks together that night at some bar.  Pierro chats up Berto about being Lila’s finance manager.  “--Lucky you!”  Not really, sniffs Berto inbetween sloppy swigs of beer.  (Viewerville, after watching Berto in action, is glad it had only a light snack before viewing.  Obviously Berto suffers an unnatural aversion to shampoo and combs.  From the way Pierro’s rolling his eyes and turning his face, I’d say an aversion to showering and soap also.)  Berto gripes that he’s not that lucky.  He’s got to send in monthly reports on the financial aspects which were paltry in comparison.  Ric and Seb got the lion’s share since Lila and Gabe fought like cats and dogs all the time.  Over what?  Lucina, of course.  His lover?  Of course—and he’s not bashful [empacho= ashamed, embarrassed, shy] about saying it, either!  (I believe this was the gist of the conversation.  Correct me if I’m off base.)

Lucina shares the conversation later with Raqi who becomes incensed at having to have anything more to do with Oriana, let alone being forced into a business partnership with her!  Ric shows up looking for Oriana.  While they wait for her to show up, Ric asks about the gun Lucina found.  Lucina has to admit she had it, but then lies about throwing it away right after.  Oriana appears moments after.  Raqi is fairly choking on her rage as Ric flatters Oriana about her choice of dress and her overall hot looks.  They leave and Raqi wants to know why Lucina lied about having the gun and throwing it away.  Because, says Lu, he obviously now knows that Oriana is Oriana.  Nobody else could have told him about that gun and why but her!  

Lucina describes to Raqi how Felipe explained about the difference in calibers of the two guns involved and that the one she had was too small a caliber to be the murder weapon. While Ric tries to impress Oriana with his bachelor’s digs, Raqi suggests to Lu that it could really be dangerous for Ric to know the truth now.  They should say it was all Oriana’s idea to falsify her identity using the dead girl’s identity.  Lu says no way.  “--Why not???”  Because he’s too in love to turn in either Oriana or them, being her friends.  “--Well, it’s a great way she has of compensating us for her good fortune, wouldn’t you say?”  Why?    Raqi parodies Oriana. “—I’m too ashamed to lend you money; why it isn’t even mine!”  Lucina watches the act with a discerning eyebrow.  Raqi suddenly gets pissy.  “—What she should be ashamed of is going to bed with the first guy she meets!”  Raquel is grumbling over spilt milk and Lucina gives her grief about it.

Over at Ric’s bungalow, the major domo has been sent away to another part of the house, and he and Oriana are discussing Lucina’s request for additional cash.  Ric doesn’t see a problem and offers to loan her the little bit more that they’ll need for the B&B.  When she refuses, he reminds Oriana that the three of them planned this false identity plot together and that they know all about her situation.  Lucina is a good sort and would play straight with them, though he wouldn’t trust Raquel as far as he could throw her, he says.  What right does Ric have to get involved in her business, anyway, she asks him.  Ric says that no matter what name she goes by, it’s because he is in love with her.  That’s why.  He decides he’d better take her home before she gets the wrong idea—that he only wants to seduce her by having her over to dinner.  It’s on his mind but it’s not all he wants from her, he reminds her.She says she knows what he intended, yada, yada.   Before he can say anything more, she moves in for the kiss and it’s electric.  One thing leads to another and she’s seducing him.   


Friday, October 25, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #14 Thu 10/24/13 Seguir Mintiendo para que la Abuela Vive

Ricardo insists that they need to get back to Hermosillo ASAP and refuses to discuss it.  He threatens Inés with calling the cops and says if anything happens to his godmother, it's on her.

Crap.  Paloma wakes up in the middle of the night and sees the envelope Inés pushed under her door.  In the letter, Inés says she doesn't deserve the place Paloma has given her in the family and she's leaving with her daughter. She says she can't keep pretending to be someone she's not.

Ricardo thinks they're racing against the clock to get to that letter before Paloma sees it in the morning.

Paloma knocks the phone off the hook, but manages to push the call button for the maid, who comes in and sees her on the floor, but doesn't seem to have a clue what to do about it…so she goes to get Matilde.  That seems like a bad idea.  Matilde gets a move on, once she's awake enough.

Inés makes faces at Ricardo and Padre Plaid from the back seat of the car.

Matilde also has no clue what to do, but Ruben gets the phone and Matilde tells him to call for an ambulance.  Aw, crap.  Matilde sees the letter and sends the maid off to have Jorge open the gate.  She stashes the letter before Ruben comes back.
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #13 Wed 10/23/13 Tito Goes on an Adventure!!!

Casa de Paloma

Lila and Oriana share a little Mommy and Me time before bedtime.  Lina's had a dream about Papa – she misses him.  Oriana reminds her Papa's no longer with us and says her dream may be Papa trying to tell her to be a good little girl. During her prayers, Lina gives thanks for all they have and asks God to tell her Papito he was the best Papi in the whole world and they both miss him very much.  Before leaving her, Oriana takes Jose Luis' picture and places it between the pages of a coloring book with the blue dolphin on the cover.  (file that away, everyone, I'm sure it will come up again)

Bar Bolo

Piero and Antonio discuss the subject of Sebastian over some drinks.  Piero is convinced Sebas is not Ricky's son.   He feels bad every time Ricky speaks of Maria.  Besides, Ricky was so drunk there was no way he could have done the Dirty Deed.  Scum Bag Antonio thinks otherwise.  Maria was certainly no virgin and she seemed to have plenty of “flight hours” (horas de vuelo) – scum.  How do they know she hadn't slept with someone else the day before?  He's sick and tired with Piero constantly bringing it up (sacar a colación).  Piero repeats he's bothered that Ricky's been stuck with this problem.  He brings up the possibility of an ADN test!  Antonio wants to pass on that but Piero insists.  This would put their minds at ease.  Antonio wants nothing to do with that and wonder why, all of a sudden, is Piero so bothered by this.  Piero explains it's because the sh!t has hit the ol' fan and he”s never seen Ricky so bad off.  “Well he'll just have to get over it,” says Antonio.  “It's a bit late in the game for you to be all hot and bothered over it and try to put all the pieces in place.  If, as you say, it was so difficult for the boy to find out about his true father, imagine how much harder still it would be if you arrive with yet another story.  What do you want?  You want him to go crazy?  cut open his veins?  Shoot himself?  What?  You need to chill and leave the past in the past.  Drink your beer and relax.”
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #12 Tue 10/22/13 After Seeing How the Other Half Lives, Maria has a Spaz

No man is rich enough to buy back his past…Oscar Wilde

Casa de Breton Driveway:  By phone, Manolo tells Ricky that Oriana’s husband passed on to that big criminal enterprise in the sky.  Ricky is visibly shaken.  Later at the church, Ricky tells Mariano, the priest, that Jose Luis is dead.    A Columbian informant reported that his body was found in a building that burned to the ground after a gunfight with grenades.  They can’t match his DNA. 

Aresti Breton-Oriana’s Office:  Ricky says he wants to smother her in kisses, but she looks at the employees and says that they have to remain professional at work.  Ricky came to tell her that Lila wants Berto, a kinda sorta accountant, to work there.  He wants Berto to work for Piero because he wants no competition for her kisses. 
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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #11 Mon 10/21/13 Is she a prostitute? Is she a killer? Either way, Ricardo wants some of that…

At church, Orines is talking with Padre Plaid - he’s saying that Ricardo suspects her true identity, but still, he has feelings for her. Oh my Gosh, Orines feels the same way, but she can’t tell Ricardo the truth about her, he thinks she killed his dad. Also, she doesn’t know if her husband is still alive or how she could prove her innocence in Colombia.

Ricardo comes to visit Mariano, too, but he meets Jorge outside the church and when he hears Ines is with Padrecito, he pouts and leaves… Ines stole his best friend/ confessor.

Arriving back at the house, Orines meets Raquel, who gloats about the 3 million pesos she managed to squeeze out of Paloma. Orines is upset that Raquel went so far, they go back and forth about who has more to lose if the big secret comes out. And, obviously, Raquel warns Orines to stay away from Ricardo.

At the textile plant, Ricardo and Piero talk about the remote possibility of a little girl firing a .44 caliber. Piero has many thoughts on the matter, all very accurate. 
(Short brake just to say that I find it surprising how this telenovela has never used misunderstandings or people jumping to the wrong conclusions just as a way to forward the plot - it almost seems to good to be true... I hope I don't jinx it.)

Anyway, back to Peiro, he says:
- he thinks a woman could shoot a .44 caliber, but she’d need to have some experience with handling guns, especially since the shot was in the heart; also, she’d have to be very coldhearted to shoot a man in front of her small daughter. 
- he doesn’t think Oriana had anything to do with her husband’s wrong dealings.
- isn’t Ricardo obsessing too much about this whole story? 
- the shot could have been coming from another part, maybe Oriana just got scared and ran with her daughter. 
- the inspector said the little girl found the gun on the beach, maybe the owners of the villa hid it. 
- was there anyone else interested in killing Gabriel – like maybe Lila and her brother? 
And Piero rests his case. 
No way can Sebastonto be the son of this smart man, not while he wears those yellow pants that surely come from the same factory where Hernan from La Tempestad gets his trousers.  But more on this later.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #10 Fri 10/18/13 New-Nes Confesses; Ric Eyes the Possible Male Competition; Padre Plaid Prays for Guidance

Capítulo 10

Lo Del Pasado:
At the hospital Oriana breaks down and confesses the real story to Padre Mariano.  She was looking for shelter from her deceitful, scruple-less, and criminal hubby and the misguided long arm of the Columbian law; not to mention that she only meant to bring a bit of happiness into the old lady’s lonely life.  He advises her against telling the truth to Doña Paloma for fear the emotional shock of True-nes’s washing up on the shore like a dead tuna post-deadly overdose would be too much for her. 

Lo Del Nuevo:

While Padre Plaid (having actually changed into a red stripy something now) is chatting with New-nes, Cesar and Racquel show up in the waiting area to check on things.  Ric sees another opportunity to snooker information about NewNes’s past and any possible link to his dead daddy’s murder.   He immediately starts giving Raqi the third degree.  (Word up, Ric: don’t try snookering a snookerer.)  Raqi’s way ahead of him here.  Nope, she’s got no idea what Padre Red Stripes and Ines discussed that morning that supposedly set her off since they’re really not friends as such; and nope, she’s not aware of any long distance phone calls to her hotel—except (once he mentions that he paid the last phone bill for Ines) the time she was calling about some little cheap stuff she left in the room and a hairbrush which they’d given to Santos for the DNA test.  “—it turned out positive, didn’t it?”  Yeah it was positive, he replies, still mentally sifting her answer for a crack in her alibi.    So then what’s your problem, asks Raqi with another sparkling crocodile smile of hers.  (Chomp!) 

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