Friday, March 10, 2017

La Piloto #3 3-9-2017: With More Lives Than A Herd Of Cats

[My apologies, but I am living the recapper’s nightmare with only a poor quality video, bad audio, machine gun Spanish, and no CC’s. On Demand and Hulu+ are a bit behind.  But who’s complaining? –ed.]

(And this is just in the first ten minutes.....)

Viewerville is at the edge of their seats as Yolanda, John, and Zulima take an unexpected air born detour to the creek bed hundreds of feet below in the red bug. Dave/Arturo and Monica look on in horror.  Dave thinks on his feet and immediately grabs a rope; he then heads down the branch-filled  cliff side.  Suddenly there’s an explosion.  More horror as we learn Dave’s knocked cold—but only momentarily.  He heads back down and another policeman comes down with a fire extinguisher.  They see all have escaped into the deep-forested hillsides.

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Thursday, March 09, 2017

La Piloto #2 3.8.17: In Which Yolanda Is In Three Shootouts

• The police knock on the bathroom door as Yolanda silently freaks out. Think quickly, she hides the suitcase under one of the ceiling tiles as a female military officer opens the locked door and asks her to step into the hallway so the officers can search the bathroom with the dog.
• In the hallway, the officer body searches her and asks her where she comes from, when she got to Colombia and how many bags is she carrying. Yolanda came from Mexico today and she only has her purse and one suitcase with clothes. The officer tells her that she can’t lock a public bathroom and search her bags. They find exactly what she told them and assume the dogs made a mistake. They apologize for their mistake and let her go.
• Yolanda goes back into the bathroom and retrieves the money from the ceiling tile. She opens up the bag, sees that the money is gone and calls Zulima to ask her why she never told her there was money in the bag. Zulima lies says she didn’t know about the money or whom it was for. Yolanda admits that she was robbed and Zulima freaks out, confessing that they are going to kill them both if she doesn’t show up with the money. Yolanda offers to go to the hotel and explain what happened but Zulima tells her that she has no idea who she’s dealing with and hangs up.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

La Piloto #1 (Premiere) 3.7.17: In Which We Meet Yolanda, A Woman With Dreams of Being a Pilot

Colombia. 2016.

• A small airplane flies through Colombian air space with unknown cargo. The military chases in their own plane but the small plane gets too close to the trees, in a effort to escape, than is safe for any pilot. Military officers also chase it on land and one officer manages to shoot it down. The small airplane crashes into the forest and the officers go to see if there are any survivors. By the river they find an unconscious woman.

• Some time later, the woman is asleep in a tent with the head commander watching her. She wakes up and he introduces himself as Arnoldo. The woman wants to change into her own clothes but the commander has some questions: is she Mexican? Why is she flying a plane in Colombian air space and so close to the ground? The woman explains that she was taking a flying course and because it’s her last day the school let her fly by herself. The commander doesn’t buy the story and asks if there were drugs on the plane.

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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

La Piloto - index

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