Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #102 12/11/12: Blog Mom Does a Concert, Eats Brisket, Forgets It's Her Night to Blog. Talk Among Yourselves...

Yes, I had another concert of our new Hanukkah songs show last night and forgot to blog. Here is a rough translation of the highlights of the esmas recap and I hope y'all can fill in (and add the snark which is missing from the official sinopsis of capitulo 106).

Helena tells Plutarco nothing has happened to make her distant, but she can't believe he's one of those who believes a woman becomes a man's property when they marry.

Adriano, sad and desperate, begs Eva not to leave him. She says she's not the woman for him, but he says he'll die without her.

Onésimo blackmails Rebeca again, into sleeping with him: if she doesn't he will show proof of all she's done. She says he should be patient.

Jennifer hears her parents fighting and discovers them lying. She calls Daniel and says she'll to go Acapulco with him.

Juan Carlos makes a notebook of his investigations and wants to prove to Helena her project was robbed, so she'll trust him.

Eugenia is excited because she's gotten a tv series audition, but Claudia tries to make her feel insecure. Eugenia calls Juan and asks him to go with her.

Helena tells Adriano she has many doubts about whether Juan Carlos was the fraudster after what happened with Fernando.

Helena reads the report on the fraud and notices the fellow who accused Juan was Maximiliano Montes, she asks Vero to get the telephone number. Innocently, Vero asks: "Oh, Eva's sweetheart?" Immediately Helena remembers Plutarco mentioning Montes and later remembers that Eva also has been investigating the fraud. Helena suffers, fearing it's Eva who is behind the fraud.

Sorry, friends!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #101 12/10/12: For You, I Braved the Christmas Ads!

Uh-oh - Adriano is desperate to see Eva, and confronts Mimi at his apartment, saying he will not leave the spot till Eva shows up. Fortunately, Helena manages to get him out (I forgot how), while warning an undisguised Juan to stay away from the exit. The stupid kid tells Helena, what, you didn't know Juan is Eva's cousin? Come on, we'll show you! And they go out to look for Juan who is now hiding (I'm not sure about this part.... I'm pretty tired). He is now hiding behind a car, telling Helena (on the phone) that, sure, I know Eva... I'm not in direct contact with her, but sure. Helena smiles and leaves. What?

Mimi is out with a desperate Adri, and she tells him "haven't you heard, if you love her, set her free. if she comes back, she's yours." He puts on a really funny face and says he'd never heard that before.

Helena's mom is miserable. I tune out for these segments.

AHHAHAHA Kevin asks Fernie why they never help Marcela in the kitchen. Fernie is still a doofus and pulls some "the role of a man" crap out of his butt.

What's his name's wifey is at the club, super pleased with herself over her recent photo shoot! She even signs some autographs while Rebe looks on with an evil look.

Awww, Adri was scared at his health checkup and he wishes that Eva had come to it with him. He mopes a bit about how hard it is to be in love with her. Mimi cracks a little, I think, and asks him "what if Eva isn't the woman you think she is?" How is that a good thing to say? He snaps a little - if she's betrayed me, I'll kill myself! Mimi says no, no, it's nothing like that - those are intimidades, the secrets of beautiful women.

Mimi tells Eva the whole thing. She sounds a little weary of this whole charade.

Aaaand here's Pluto. He and Helena enjoy their house where everything is wrapped in plastic. But she's not totally there with him. Second thoughts?

Anyway, catch you next week!



Saturday, December 08, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #100 12/7/12: You're The One That I Want


I am doing this recap on the fly, so if I miss something please let me know.

It is unpacking day at the new abode of Lalito and Helena. Pluti is helping and suddenly, Helena's phone rings, and it is, I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. It is JC of course. He tells her he is at the Minstero Publico, they won't let him go cause he has no i.d. and could she please come down and help him out? On her end, Pluti is watching her and she pretends it's her Moms on the phone. The head cop at the desk is wondering why it is taking JC so long to talk on the phone, and JC asks for some privacy, and funny thing is they do give him privacy. He tells Helena he told the cops, his name is Juan Perez Contraras, and that they are married, and if she could just come down there, they'll let him go. Well on her end Pluti is telling Helena to say hi to Moms for him, and JC knows Pluti is there. Helena is telling "Moms" she just can't and now JC is beggin' her to please come down there, when there is a disconnect. Helena is verklempt!

At G.I. Rebe is trying to break into Pluti's office on her quest to derail him. She has a binder in her hand, and Renato catches her, red handed so to speak. He wants to know what she is up to, tryin' to get into Pluti's office. She says it is work related and shows him the binder, but he is not buying what she is selling and she ends up going, and Renato gets some text on his phone, and smiles and goes.
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Friday, December 07, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #99 12/6/12: If You've Had Enough Don't Put Up with His Stuff, Don't You Do It.

We begin with Rebeca bothering the Virgin yet once again.  Boy, if HER prayers get answered then I'm a shoe-in.

At the pension, JC and Mimi are doing their Life is the Color of Roses dance.   Eva's phone rings persistently while Mimi tries to get JC to respond.  It's Adriano and Mimi feels for the love-sick puppy.  Adri leaves a mushy text, to which JC scowls but Mimi answers while JC protests.  Mimi sends Adriano besitos on Eva's behalf.

At home Kevin says something about the new girl, Claudia, at music school, and Fernando jumps all over it wanting to know if she's pretty.  Fernando is playing at being a soccer star like he's still 12, while Marcela scowls about him not looking for work.  It's Saturday he complains, but she tells him there are plenty of businesses open on Saturday.  He calls her a woman of little faith.  Just then Santiago calls with a job interview opportunity for Ferni.  He gets dressed in his suit and goes.  Marcela calls Santi to thank him.  Apparently she's the one who set this up.  Santi says that Fernando is like a brother to him.  He is very sweet to Marcela on the phone.

Eugenia is going out and Modesto is worried it's with that meddlesome woman Eva.  No, it's with Eugenia's agent, but Modesto isn't happy about that either, apparently having taken the same husbandry class as Bastardo.  Claudia is eavesdropping.  JC calls Eugenia and they congratulate each other for their good fortune- he for meeting with Helena and she for meeting with the agent.  It's so nice they've reconciled.

Silvia and Lalo are going to the new apartment to wait for the furniture to arrive, and Helena is sneaking away to meet JC although she continues to vacillate over it.  Just as she's heading out the door, oh no!, the Putz shows up.  He wants to help with the move but everything is taken care of and she mutters about having other things to do.  She has an attack of guilt and tells Pluto she hasn't been a good girlfriend lately and begs his forgiveness.  He thinks she's the cat's pajamas, so instead of meeting JC Helena goes with Pluto to the new apartment.  Meanwhile JC has set up a romantic table for lunch at the park where they had their first date.  He tells himself to be patient when she's late.  At the new apartment Silvia tells Helena that she is moving back in with Mad Dad.  For a second there the planet stops spinning... Viewerville roars in disapproval. 

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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #98 12/5/12: The Episode Where Girls Share Secrets, Boys Will Be Boys and Nacos Are Not Stupid!

Wednesday, December 5th - Good evening to all,

We start off with Rebeca bothering the Virgencita (thank you, to Melinama) about giving her “goodies’ to Oneismo (the fool).
Helena is in Pluti’s office getting ready to look at his computer for proof, when she gets to a file labeled- Pluti’s Projects.   He walks in.  She told him that she was looking for some Playa Mayagua information and she feels terrible about using his computer.  Pluti is thrilled.  What’s mine is yours, we will be married soon.

Fernando jumps the line at an agency in search of a job and is nicely placed back in his right place in line behind the woman who was patiently waiting. Of course, he has to make some inappropriate, chauvinistic type comments to the woman because it’s a transportation company, that I guess in his mind they should only hire men. 
Lucia notices that Helena is very pensive and asks her- What’s up?  Helena said just thinking about work and Eva enters and asks Lucia for last month’s price lists or quotes from Mayagua Beach.  Eva clumsily sits down and starts teasing Lucia about being the girlfriend of the President’s assistant.  Eva tells Lucia to thread lightly with Renato.

Fernando and the other candidate are waiting for the results of the interview, he is sure that he has the position based on his resume and just being him.

Lucia asks if Eva knows something about Renato.  Santi also told her to take it slow.  Eva says that Renato is not for Lucia and Lucia comes to the conclusion that he is a womanizer, a sailor, with a woman in every port, every company.  (Lucia began the novella as a strong, independent woman and has now become a babbling fool; I hope to see her transform back to the first Lucia and very soon because her screeching voice is starting to bother me)  Eva notes that Helena has been a little different lately too.  Helena has a lot going on in her mind and she can’t shake it.

Renato is going to treat Santi and his wife and Lucia to a little celebration for his promotion.

Eva asks again about the thesis and wants to read it but Helena has packed it up and when she unpacks she will give it to her.  Helena asks why is Eva so interested in it, Eva says that it was plagiarized and Helena claims that its not. It’s a coincidence.
Adriano (in love)- pops his head in and invites Eva to go out with him but she can’t, she is going to the wedding planner with Helena. Men, they just love to touch says Eva,  as Juan/Eva touches Helena.

Santi is encouraging Renato to go out with Lucia but Renato is not feeling her.  He doesn’t know how to tell her and Santi (for the first time, says something semi-intelligent) tells him be direct with her.  Renato says, thanks but I really don’t want advice from you and Santi understands, but then he teases Renato by asking him- how many women are you going out with?  Renato lies and says that he is a one-night stand type of guy. Santi is going to teach Renato- Juan Carlos’ moves- first deceive them and make them think that they are the only ones or just be indifferent, they will tire of that, like how you are with your wife?  Santi didn’t think that was funny and told Renato that Lucia doesn’t deserve to suffer, she is a good woman.  Which is true.

At the wedding planner lunch, the girls are looking through catalogues trying to pick themes, some looked like the Addams Family, Batman, Mexican but not like Frida Calo, etc. The planner was so confused.  Eva wasn’t pleased with any of her ideas.

Silvia calls Helena to ask about the location of some papers.  Helena explains that Silvia is packing.  Eva notes again that Helena is a little nervous and needs someone to confide in.  Helena confides in Eva and tells her that Juan Carlos is alive.  Eva does her- Que, que, what???  Trying to feign surprise.

Fernando did not get the job that he felt he was more qualified for.
Helena begs Eva not to tell anyone the news.  Eva’s lips are sealed.  She explains the whole fake death bit to Eva. (wink, wink)

The music teacher calls Marsela, she thinks its because she hasn’t paid him and will pay him tomorrow but he tells her that Kevin has missed a few classes and when he comes his is not interested.  He is talented and the teacher doesn’t want to see the talent go to waste.

Helena explains that she hasn’t given Juan the opportunity to explain everything. How does she feel? Used, deceived, etc.  Eva suggests that she give Juan Carlos a chance and here comes Pluti.

Fernando and Kevin are at home playing like the boys that they are.  Kevin wants to stay at home with his brother (oops, father Fernando) and Fernando is encouraging him to stay at home.  Marsela asks Jennifer why didn’t she tell her that Kevin was missing the harp classes?  Jennifer didn’t notice.  Marsela tells Kevin to get ready to go to class and the doorbell rings.  It’s the third son, (boyfriend) Daniel.  Marsela now knows why Jennifer didn’t have a clue about Kevin, and does the boy have a home?

Pluti wants to know what is the matter with Helena and Eva tells him that it's girl talk. They have their monthly visitors (those days), so that they are sad, agitated and hormonal.  Pluti buys it.

Eugenia and Claudia are at the music school and the teacher recognizes and compliments Eugenia on her interpretation of “A Midnight Summer’s Dream”. Kevin sees Claudia and is love struck and Claudia is quiet for once.

Pluti brings Helena home and offers to help with the move, but she doesn’t need any help.
Juan Carlos calls Helena- Juan begs Helena not t hang up but to give him a chance to tell her everything in detail. They will meet in a spot that they both know at 12 the next day.  Why did she say, yes?  Because she loves him.  Juan is doing the happy dance.  Mimi asks if he is going to tell Helena about Eva.  Juan feels that it is counterproductive to tell her about Eva before he tells her his story.  Helena calls Eva to tell her that Juan called and she will see him tomorrow.   Eva convinces Helena to listen to him and have faith.  Mimi is going to light her candles and ask for help from all saints, because Juan needs it.  Happy, happy, joy, joy.

At the celebration- Lucia is complimented on her dress and how tasteful it is.  Santi suggests that Angelica take a page from Lucia’s fashion book.  Let’s have a toast!! Angelica has been called to model in the gentleman’s magazine- “El”

Santi and his wife are having a debate about her job.  She is an artistic, erotic, nude model, not a pornographic one.  Santi doesn’t want her to have a career, according to her.  She then asks Renato and Lucia for their opinion and Renato agrees with her.  Santi wants her to be a model that is dressed.  Renato and Lucia leave.
Renato takes Lucia home and they talk about how Santi and Angelica always end up arguing. They are like oil and water. According to Lucia, they won’t end up like that because she is a super girlfriend and comes from a good family. (This is getting painful to watch because Lucia deserves someone like Santi who will truly love her) Lucia wants Renato to stay but he has to get up early and go to the office, she reminds him that its Friday night and he doesn’t have work in the morning. He finds any excuse not to stay and leaves.  Lucia thinks that she should be more like Angelica! 

Eugenia and Claudia are discussing the music classes that she previewed.  When Modesto came home she greeted him like the good child that she can be and tells him about the music classes. Finally, a breakthrough!  Kudos to Eugenia!

At the Escuderos apartment- Angelica knows that Santi is mad with her and makes him a sandwich.  Angelica feels that Santi should be proud of her and support her in reaching her dreams.  She wants to be famous. (like Linda Lovelace.)

At Rebeca’s house- Oneismo pays her a late night call.  She is wearing one of her numerous animal prints, she even has a night collection. He is looking for some payment and not of the financial type. She’s an aristocrat and he is a naco.  He let’s her know that he has the video that she was looking for and without Pluti’s knowledge.  Oneismo also has proof that Pluti framed Juan Caballero.

At Fernando’s house- Fernando tries to re-enter the marital bed and Marsela tells him- no way, not until your find a job.  Fernando blames the fact that he hasn’t found a job on the global unemployment- huh??  Marsela can put in a word with some contacts from Grupo Imperio. Fernando being the manly man that he is returns to the couch.

Angelica is eating and teasing Santi- (honestly, I wish that I could eat like her and keep her figure- she is always eating).  She teases Santi with a little bit eat the sandwich by playing airplane, which turns in a love bite.
Rebeca seduces Oneismo in order to get the proof of Pluti’s involvement in the fraud.  She asks him to bring it to her. Oneismo wants her body and soul.   Again she bothers the Virgencita.  I had a flashback of LFMB- with Tomas and Alicia

Coming attractions- Juan wants to see Helena???  Will he be stood up?? Juan turns him


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #97 12/4/12: Rebecca is Like a Bad Penny

I must have missed the very beginning. Helena and Eva come into the "Office of Exploded Good'n'Plenty" to find Rebeca is not fired! She tells them Adri and Pluto begged her on bended knees not to leave, and why? Because her work is invaluable. And she is a victim, blameless. And she's happy to be back embittering their lives.

Santi comes to Fer's home. Fer, fired, is wearing his baby bib. Santi returns the money he borrowed ("you'll need it more than I do") and Fer says the lesson he's learned is: never trust a woman. Everything bad that's happened to poor him is their fault! Santi has adopted a less cro-magnon stance on women. Fer: "Your wife is probably deceiving you again, that's life."

Meanwhile, Marcela sadly decides she has to return her new car, now that Fer's fired they can't afford it.

Helena tells Pluto she doesn't think Rebeca should still have her job; he says it turns out it was all Fern's fault. Same story when Eva goes to see HER boyfriend Adri: he says the brilliant evil mastermind Fern seduced and used Rebeca to rob the company. "No, Adri, that burro doesn't have the brains for something so baroque." Adri yells that the decision is final. Eva calls him Satan and leaves.

Helena thinks about Juan's accusations against Pluto. Pluto comes in. The phone rings, it's Juan. Helena won't pick up. Pluto is suspicious. Helena lies and says it was her mother. The phone rings again - Pluto says, answer. She does. It's Juan again, he says they have to meet. She stammers out another lie to Pluto. He does not believe it. She calls Juan; he begs to see her. She refuses.

Rebe cries piteously to Adri: she doesn't want to lose her job, she did it because she lost her heart to Fer. She is fully reinstated.

Announcement from Adri to all: Fer is not working here now, but no gossip about that is allowed. And, from now on Renato is officially the President's Assistant.

"I have nothing to say to the wife of a thief," says Rebe when Marcela is astonished to see her. Marcela and Eva agree Fer was too much of a moron to plan this. Marcela remembers Juan dragging her moron husband into stupid activities when he should have been doing his homework. "I loved Juan but he was a bad influence."

Fer looks at job ads, finds one to his liking, goes back to watching tv, then later goes (without making an appointment) to the place offering the position. He's in the process of being, as usual, a macho imbecile when the woman says she can't hire him, she knows he was fired from GI.

I can't bear to watch Lucia drool and nag over Renato, who would rather hang with Santi, who suggests to L. that she not hang all over the scarfed one.

Eugenia suggests music school to Claudia. Claudia says she doesn't care. Eugenia says, that's the problem with today's youth, so indifferent to everything. Claudia is poisonously sarcastic when Eugenia says we have to struggle towards our dreams, sometimes winning, sometimes losing.

Onesimo puts his feet up at Rebe's office and says she owes him big time, he talked Pluto into not firing her, and last time he saved her when she poisoned Helena, and there was a time before that (I forget what). He expects a fine reward. She covers her breasts before his lustful gaze and after he leaves she bothers the Virgin, begging: "Don't make me give my favors to a naco."

Helena, finding Pluto out of his office, sits at his computer... and he comes in and finds her there!


Monday, December 03, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #96 12/3/12

Rebe has a mysterious video to show Adri on a camcorder. BUT it's blank! Pluto breathes a sigh of relief and drags her out of the room.

Marcela continues to chew out a humiliated Ferni. She doesn't understand how he could have done such a thing, didn't he think of the kids, etc... Him: I needed to be important, the man of the house. That's why I did it. I felt small because of your career and success and everything. I can't believe he's got the nerve to blame her. It hasn't escaped her attention that he's lazy, doesn't like to work, makes irresponsible decisions, and more, but theft? She's shocked! He gets a pouty moment to himself after she leaves to go have a chat  with Adriano.

Rebeca has a little breakdown after the camcorder incident, especially when Pluto tells her he owes her nothing for those 10 years as his snow white.

Adri is doing a surprisingly good job of being respectful to Marcela - maybe this is supposed to show us that Eva was a good influence on him.

Mousse boys shows up, more mousse-ed and scarf-ed than ever, to smirk at Rebe about her misfortune. His duck-bill of moussed hair bobs hilariously as he chuckles. Rebe prays to la virgencita for help!

Eva discusses wedding clothes with Helena. It is positively ridiculous that now, when she even knows Juan's dead, she still doesn't see the Juan connection.

Rebe breaks down in front of Onesimo, who's been painting her guest room. Then she flips out at him for suggesting that he, a simple chauffeur, might be able to help her.

Haha, bad dad puts on his biggest scowl as Helena tries to ask him why he got so mean.

When Onesimo returns to Pluto, he gets grilled some more - Are you TOTALLY sure she's got nothing recorded?

Juan, of course, still wants to reconquer Helena. . . It's funny how often this word in Spanish (you'd get slapped if you told your ex you wanted to reconquer her) - it must be related to Spanish history... a positive/acceptable connotation for this in romantic relationships. But it's still a weird metaphor - like driving the moors out of your ex-lady's heart.

Pluto to Rebe - if you threaten me again, I'll crush you like a bug! But he does agree to convince Adriano to let her keep her job (but only on the condition that she leave him alone in the future. She gives him a hug but makes evil eyes over his shoulder.

The cliffhanger: Pluto is on the phone with one of his wicked accomplices, discussing his plans to implicate one more person, when he realizes Helena has been overhearing all of this!


Saturday, December 01, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #95 11/30/12: The Big Meeting!

Fernando, the big macho, is telling Santi that he has to MAKE Angelica quit her "modeling" job. He's being very belligerent about it. Santi says it's ultimately Angie's choice - and Renato agrees. It's not the 19th century and women are not property. But nobody is a smarter or bigger man than Fernando! (To be fair, he also says that Santi is blinded by passion, which is true.) But then these Three Unwise Men are summoned into a Big Meeting.

Claudia is bopping around with headphones and singing off-key. She admits she hasn't picked out a school yet. She begs Eugenia not to bore her with her dull tales of ancient times, i.e. Eugenia's youth. The girl is a bit sullen because when she phoned home, her mother would barely speak to her. Eugenia makes excuses for her sister-wife but hints that someday, Claudia will understand. (Will she one day stop wearing those gawdawful braided headbands on her forehead, too?)

And now for something completely different: a Big Meeting. Helena asks Pluto if he knows what it's about. Eva wedges herself between them, deftly elbowing Pluto out of the way. Adriano announces: Someone's been stealing from Grupo Imperio! Eva looks right at Pluto.
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Friday, November 30, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #94 11/29/12: Living in a Powder Keg and Giving Off Sparks.

Eva brings Eugenia home and is scandalized to see Claudia living there.  She scolds Modesto for having a child from his "other family" there and Modesto, who has an intense dislike for Eva, tells her to leave his house.  Eugenia tells him it is her house, too.  Claudia joins in on the fracas and Eva takes her down a peg.  Eva leaves, encountering a drunk outside while waiting for a taxi.  He calls her 'mamacita,' and she hits him repeatedly with her very large purse until he withdraws.  Feeling her oats, Eva finishes his drink, hurls her purse into the taxi, and takes off.  The driver looks scared.

In the hospital Silvia, Helena, and Plutarco are being solicitous of Mad Dad who, charming to the end, tells them he doesn't need anyone.  Silvia has had enough and says, fine, take a friggin' taxi.  Helena tells him some men never change and he is one of them.

Angelica is meeting Santiago's parents for the first time in their home.  Angelica is her exuberant self and is happy to finally meet them, but Santi is nervous and asks her to sit down.  The parents give each other sidelong glances, obviously disapproving (you can see it in their faces, they're thinking "naca").  Angelica is offered caviar and makes a sour face upon tasting it.  When she goes to the bathroom, Santi asks his parents for a loan.  They are all over him.  This girl is nothing like Paty [you mean petty and spiteful?], she's vulgar, and she obviously doesn't come from a good family.  As long as Santi is with her he need not bother to come around again.  In fact, he's disinherited and he no longer has parents [no wonder they like Paty].  Poor Santi looks crushed.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #93 11/28/12: A Mother's Love, Thought Bubbles, Andale, I've Fallen and Do Not Need Anyone to Get Up

Hi everyone and Happy Humpday!!
Our show starts out with Helena and Lalito talking about Juan Carlos and how Helena was sad when he died, and that he is not a bad person like Mad Dad says.
Pluti is trying to C.H.A. (cover his- you know the rest.) regarding the fraud.    He wants to know who told Adriano this, Adriano replies one of the employees and he won’t say who. There will be an audit.
Fernando wasting time at his desk and Marsela comes and wants him to pay on the credit card with his extra money.  Fernando does not want to hear her financial advice.  Santi asks Ferni why haven’t you told Marsela about your bonus.  Fernando gave him a ridiculous answer- in other words –when the money is gone, love ends.  (I really lose brain cells, when I listen to Fernando, really- I guess that the character was to be comical but he is such a Neanderthal, that it’s not funny)
Juan is sharing all of the newspaper articles regarding the fraud of $3 million dollars with his mother.  Eugenia vaguely remembers.  He asked Modesto for help and he turned his back on him.  Modesto did not want to have anything to do with him because Modesto was beyond reproach, a model citizen, incorruptible, had another family. 
Juan swears that he is innocent, and he explains why Eva was born.  Eugenia doesn’t understand what is going on with Adriano asking to marry him.  She asks hi to tell her the truth.  Did you take the money?  He says no the only thing that he did was to deceive Helena as an Argentinean.  He was trying to take credit for her Mayagua Beach project.  She can’t believe that her son- Don Juan, Macho man is dressing like a woman.  Eugenia doesn’t know how he will get out of this situation, but she does realize that he has learned a lot in Eva’s shoes.  Juan says her shoes, but her wig, stockings, boobs, painted nails, make up, etc.  Its ironic – Eva taught him to be a better man.  He asks his mother if she has forgiven him.  And she has.
Pluti (with his never-ending shiny suit collection) is at a restaurant with Oneismo- Pluti is worried about now being implicated for the fraud. He wants to know who is pointing the finger at him.  Oneismo thinks that it is Rebeca. He wants Oneismo to investigate who is involved in the blame game. Pluti says that she can’t be that stupid.
 A large bouquet of roses is delivered to Helena’s without a card- Helena thought bubbles back to the flowers that Juan Peron delivered.  Helena says that the flowers belong in the garbage just like Juan.
Eugenia-scolds Juan for deceiving almost everyone including Helena.  He told his mother that Helena knows that he is alive.  Eugenia asks about Rebeca, because she knows that Eva is Juan.  He was able to confuse her with Adriano so she doesn’t suspect him/her anymore.  Eugenia asks about Pluti and Juan tells her that he opened up a bank account in her name.  She is trying to remember.
Lalo is trying to talk to a distracted Helena about the meal.  (Lalo is getting taller.) Silvia knows that something is wrong and asks Helena if she is okay.  Helena wants to go over what Silvia will need for her bedroom in the new apartment.  Yeah right, Helena is thinking about the new apartment.
Eugenia doesn’t remember anything about a bank account.  She does forget things from time to time based on the treatments that she received.  You have to try to win Helena back.  But she won’t have anything to do with me.  Eugenia asks if he is sure?  How is she?  He shows her photo.  She remembers that Helena came to the house and she gave her the engagement ring that Juan had for her.  Eugenia’s female intuition is always right- Helena still loves you!!!

Helena is thought bubbling the conversation at the beach that she had with Juan, where he was still proclaiming his love for her and his innocence.  She thought bubbled- Pluti telling her that it is time to move on, Juan lies to her, deceives her.  She thought bubbles to the party where the woman (I forgot her name) told them that she had aborted Juan’s baby.  The conversation with Silvia about the time that she found Juan in Lalo’s room on the computer, Juan said that he was checking his emails.  She thought that it was strange. Yeah just as strange as when Pluti had a mini temper tantrum when he found out that Helena went away and didn’t call. him- right???
Helena doesn’t know what to do.  She dials an operator and hangs up.
At the Escuderos residence- Angelica wants her job as a semi pornographic underwear model to be respected.  Santi is embarrassed because everyone at his job knows about her Tires- Bikini website and is gawking at her.  Angelica says that they are just jealous.  He wants her to find another job. (Once again, more brain cells are leaping out of my head)  Angelica is happy that she is so admired.  She wants to be treated like a queen. Ay vay!!!  She needs to be introduced to his parents and the world needs to know that she is Mrs. Escudero. - Why??
Silvia is speaking in front of some type of support group.  She puts on a strong front for her daughter but she feels ridiculous studying and she should just return to her husband.  She tries to be strong, but she is not, she misses Mad Dad.  She has been married for almost 35 years. (Wow, how old is Helena supposed to be? Early 30’s) She has lived over half of her life with Mad Dad.  She is happy where she lives but its not her home and she is trying to support her daughter, but doesn’t want to suffer either.
Lucia is in the office working with Renato and wants attention.  Renato had work to finish for Don Adriano.  Lucia is whining about how she is going to miss him when he becomes Adriano’s assistant and will he miss her. (and there go more of my brain cells.)
Silvia doesn’t think that se is capable of forgetting her husband.  She is still sad (grieving).  The group leader encourages her to decide what she wants in regards to her relationship with Mad Dad.
Mad Dad is now angry at the light bulb and climbs on a table to change it.  We all know where this is going.  Both he and the light bulb fall, and it looks like he took a hard hit.
Renato asks Lucia, when is Helena going to return?  Renato thinks that it very irresponsible of her to always disappear. (Well join the club; I’m not sure how this company stays in business with the lack of work.)
Here comes Rebeca, delivering paperwork for Helena on Mayagua Beach. (Don’t they have mail people to deliver the mail, or is Rebeca’s assignment to only to deliver to Helena and Pluti?)  Rebeca tries to insult Renato but Lucia doesn’t take the bait.  Rebeca is one miserable whench!  Poor Lucia- as the song says- “Loving eyes, they can not see”. (from Everybody Plays The Fool)
Juan is desperate. He has never been in love like this. Fight for what you want.  You are a much better person than before.  Fight for her like a man and not a macho.
Helena’s phone rings, its Pluti. He didn’t call her because he didn’t want to bother her. -(Really- He is always bothering her!!!) That’s why he sent the roses.  Helena was surprised that he sent them without a card.  She thought that her father sent them.  She thanks him and he tells her that it’s just a small gesture to let her know how much her loves her as Rebeca (who does not have any mail to deliver) is eavesdropping.  Helena thought that he was trying to deceive her. Oh heavens, no, Pluti would never do that, not to her, Lalo or anyone in her family.  Rebeca can’t contain herself.  Helena deserves all of his respect and will no do anything to lose her.  Helena is touched by his words, they mean so much to her.  (Let me stop rolling my eyes, so that I can finish)  Helena you sound angry.  Is everything okay?  Well Pluti- I have something very important to tell you.
Mad Dad is still lying on the floor; he awakes in pain and tries to stand up.  Good thing he had on those heavy boots.  He is able to get to the telephone, and calls someone for help.
Pluti wants to know- what do you need to tell me.  Helena is crying.  She is so moved that he loves her and he has never lied to her.  She is so emotional in hearing his voice.  He is on his way (My eyes hurt from the rolling)
Great- I have her eating out of my hands.  Rebeca tells him that he has two left feet, how horrible, both in dance and in the bed.  He has prohibited her from entering his office without knocking!! Get out!! She really seems scared.  She lets him know that she heard his conversation and he is pathetic!   Don’t be jealous Rebeca; Helena was able to do what you couldn’t do for 10 years.  Make me fall in with love you!  You leave a lot to be desired. As a woman.  Rebeca isn’t jealous, she just wasted 10 years in a wreck of a romance.  Remember that I have a compromising video, Pluti is so scared. Get out of my office.  Rebeca can’t take the smell of his cheap colognes.  With her he used good, except colognes, but with the social climber he uses stinky stuff (dog water)
Eugenia has spent all afternoon with Juan. She tells him that she wants to go back to acting and he congratulates.  She doesn’t want to speak to Modesto and Juan doesn’t want her to drive alone, so he will go as Eva.  They embrace.  (The scenes with Juan and Eugenia helped me to recover some of my lost brain cells, because she was just what Juan and Eugenia needed.)
Helena, who a moment ago was so emotional and crying is now thrilled to hear that her mom is going out with the girls. Silvia feels a little guilty because there is much to do in regards to the move.  The phone rings again, and Helena goes out of the running.
Silvia shares girl talk with members of her support group and their feelings validate hers.  Silvia is happy to be able to speak freely.
Eugenia fixes up Eva who complains about the pain of the heels, wearing the make up etc.  But it’s worth it in order to win back Helena.
Eugenia always wanted a daughter.  Juan didn’t need to hear that. It was a joke.  It was a cute exchange.
At the hospital Mad Dad is better now that Lalo is there.  He misses him.
He took a hard fall and needs medicine doesn’t have a fracture and wants to go home alone.  He tells Helena to butt out in front of Lalo.
Helena checks Mad Dad on the way that he spoke to her in front of Lalo and that he better get himself together.  He doesn’t understand why Silvia his wife is not there with him.  (He really bumped that head badly)
Helena understands that he is in pain but you are not going to insult my mother.  He doesn’t need anyone.  He could barely walk.  Doctors don’t  know anything all they want to do is to collect money.
Dona Silvia returns home and asks Lydia about Helena’s whereabouts.  Lydia tells her that they are at the hospital.  Pluti arrives and of course they are going to the hospital.
At Fernando’s house, Fernando is still talking about taking a vacation in Ixtapa. Marsela has a lot of work to complete so now is not the right time.  The voice of the town, speaks. (The family)  Marsela says no! Daniel invites himself to watch the kids. Huh??  Daniel is serious.  Fernando doesn’t get it.  Fool!!
Modesto scolds Eugenia for coming in late.  Eva says that were having hamburgers and chatting. The brat recognizes Eva.

Coming attractions- Is Helena going to spill the beans to Adriano?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #92 11/27/12: Juan Carlos Is the Worst Cowboy Ever.

  • I agree with Ez about the singing: Mimi and her cousin Isidro made a sweet duo.

    Adri is empressed that Mimi can sing and she is indeed cute in her cowboy hat. Adri wants to ask Isidro about Eva Maria but Isidro bolts. Adri is upset that Eva has disappeared. She never answers her phone.

    To cheer him up, Mimi gets him to dance. He grabs her waist and feels deja-vu... and then there's that perfume... Adri bolts to preserve his virtue, he is true to Eva.

  • Modesto to the dying Other Woman: "I would have done something for you! Why do you trust Eugenia more than me?" Carmen: "Give me a break, you've never done anything for us, and when our son disappeared [plot point] you didn't do anything. But now, when I die, take care of Claudia."

  • Mousse Boy: "I am not gay, Rebecca, look how I yell at you like a macho guy!" She isn't buying it: "I have a sixth sense." He calls her a whore and says he's been investigating her. "Well, watch out or I'll tell everybody."

    It's getting to be quitting time. Renato (take off that scarf!) flirts with one of the blue dresses and offers to stay at the desk for her. She leaves, he takes piles of papers and commences his espionage. I am so distracted by his scarf, it's more of a blanket.

  • Back at the pension, turns out Isidro has hopes of being "discovered" - Mimi thinks he may be aiming too high, she herself has given up on singing as a career and is happy with her pension and doing makeup. She suggests Isidro consider selling tacos.

    He, instead, proposes to her. Evidently they were an item once. "Is there another man?" She avoids answering.

    He's about to go back where he came from, but before he's out the door, Juan shows up - in a moustache, cowboy hat, sideburns, pants pulled up nerdily high, and a ridiculous accent. "I rent a room here." When he says he's Eva's boyfriend, jealous Isidro calms down and they have a guy discussion about how to curl moustaches (I didn't follow the details).

    "Goodbye, Mimi, you'll see me on tv some day, even in the telenovelas," Isidro promises presciently, planting a big smacker on her to Juan's astonishment.

    Juan tells Mimi: "I didn't tell her I'm Eva, it would be even more deceit." The two of them still have no ideas.

  • Silvia is surprised they're all back from the beach. Lalo is sad about it and convinces Helena to stay home.

    Silvia: "Helena, did you come back early from the beach because of problems between you and Pluto?" "No, something else happened..." Helena mulls Juans' beach speech: "I need help proving my innocence. All I ask is your help." She wonders if he could be telling the truth.

    After Silvia begs, Helena tells her: Juan is still alive. She says she needs to forget him, but sadly will never be able to love anyone the way she loved Juan. "He made me believe in love again. I was so excited, remember? I'd forgotten about myself as a woman for so many years. How can I forget that?"

    Silvia is displeased: "Now it's Pluto who loves you - and you promised to marry him."

    Lalo, however, is later nostalgic about Juan: "He told me he would come back, and that if I wanted, he'd be my father, he would take care of us and we would be a family. I really loved him, I don't think he was a bad person the way they say." Helena looks dreamy.

  • Eduardo's friend says "You'll get sick working like this, admit you need Silvia." How can it be that Eduardo even HAS a friend?

  • Eugenia refuses to talk to Modesto about Claudia, who comes in just then. Modesto tells his daughter: "I want to find your brother and I'll get an apartment for the two of you." "No, I want to live with you." Eugenia says Claudia can stay as long as she wants IF she follows the rules (it's a long list).

    Later Claudia says the rules are ridiculous. "It's worse than a convent." "And you're going to have to go to school." "This is a concentration camp." "You know where the door is. And you need an artistic pursuit."

  • Santi to Lucia: "I thought we were friends but you didn't tell me what Angelica was doing." "All I said was that she should follow her dreams. She made me promise not to tell you." Santi says (as one never should) that things can't get any worse.

  • Fer shows up at work on a ridiculously huge motorcycle. Santi moans to him about Angelica getting paid for flaunting her "advantages." Fer has no interest in Santi's problems. Then Rebeca calls for Fer and he runs to her office. He has a bill for her. She says he should not be calling attention to himself by throwing money around. After he leaves, she rips up the bill.

    Fer lends Santi a bunch of money. Renato says Santi should stand down, it's no big deal if Angelica wants to pose for sexy pictures for money. In passing he says he doesn't give a damn about Lucia.

  • Juan jumps into his mother's car and begs her to listen. He drives away with her. They go to Mimi's pension. She asks why he didn't trust her enough to tell her the truth. Modesto calls - the chauffeur called him and said the car had disappeared without him. "Remember I know how to drive, Modesto."

  • Adri calls Eva for the 100th time (no answer). Renato comes in and says there are financial irregularities that implicate Don Pluti. Adri calls Pluto into his office. Pluto denies it all. "Who told you all this?"

    Adri is going to have an audit and let the chips fall where they will.

Tomorrow: Eugenia will give Juan advice about how to win Helena back.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #91 11/26/12: Wow, Helena Sees a Ghost!

Helena strolls alone on Playa Majagua... she's speaking to the ghost of Juan, telling it she's been dying, hurting inside, and refusing to accept the loss of Juan. The pain was so great that she has come to dramatically say goodbye forever. "They might as well have buried me with you, for all the good I've been without you." She takes off the ring, and says she's come to say goodbye to him forever. And prepares to fling it into the ocean....

BUT JUAN IS THERE! Was it a dream? No! he starts to explain, but she's pretty pissed. If you'd really loved me, you'd have come earlier. Good point. You played with my feelings, you played with my kid. I can't love someone I don't know, and I don't understand why you'd do this. Well, he's dropped the accent, so that's a start (at being honest). She's sick of him lying to her. Him: you're my only motivation to keep on living. Her: you have no right to keep on this way. What, you? protect me? Plutarco has supported me, and you just destroyed my life. I'm marrying him. Him: Pluto isn't who you think he is. Her: How dare you! You're the one who's not who I thought he was. You hurt everyone! me, my kid, my family, and you did it all when you were trying to steal my project! Him: give me a chance to explain - I've changed. Her: men? change? feh! here's your ring back.

He tries to grab her, but she turns on him - you have no idea of the pain that I've suffered. I've suffered too, months of living as a ghost, without home or name, just hiding. I became Eva and hid specifically so I could prove to you that I'm a better man. Her: what a shame, my love belongs to Pluto. Him: look me in the eyes and tell me you love him. COMMERCIAL BREAK!

Her: yes, I'm very in love (not very convincingly). He says that may be so, but I only ask of you help in finding the truth behind when I got framed. Although you have doubted me, I love you as I have since the moment we met. I was a victim of someone who framed me for fraud. I don't have proof, but YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME! She is, shall we say, less than convinced. She is thinking of turning him in. But PLUTO appears, hollering at the top of his lungs. She leaves him there to go talk to Pluto, who gets himself a neat silhouette under a huge tree. I know all about Juan Carlos, he says.

Helena tells him she came here to forget the pain in her heart. Him: you just need to forget about this nonsense altogether. Her: just, uh, give me more time.

In less interesting news, Juan's sort-of stepmother tells his mom that she's dying and she doesn't want Claudia to see. It's cancer, of course. They realize that their shared husband is kind of a lazy butt. He always tells them he loves them, but never lifts a finger for them. They discuss the discovery of his sneaky ways. Much sadness. Modesto had two families, but he wasn't really a part of either. Carmen keels over. She feels bad - it must be the cancer! Later, at the hospital, the doc says it's total metastasis. The two wives have a sweet moment - at least we don't hate each other. . . But Modesto walks in! He says he's surprised to see his other wife there, too!

Adriano is yelling: I don't want gold, don't want silver, don't want coffee. I just want Renato! Mousse boy comes in, scarf crazier than ever. Then he demands coffee.  He gets three cups, none of which is to his liking!

Marcela is still not pleased about Fernando's stupid motorcycle. But he bought her a fancy helmet, so she hops on with trepidation and off they go!

Angelica struts and poses and is disappointed to find that her hubby is less than pleased about her job as a model. She swiftly bursts out in tears, and he swiftly bursts out in hysteric shouting. Know what you are? un mal agradecido.

It looks like Mimi has taken in another hopeless-case man - a kind of pathetic Marichi. They sing a pretty good song - I actually like it: "el buen cupido nos enamoro!" Adriano shows up, and Mimi waves to him from stage.

We conclude on a showdown between Mousse-Boy and Rebe - she thinks he's gay and may start telling people; he claims to maybe have some dirt on her, too!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #90 11/23/12: Helena Goes To The Beach, Guess Who Joins Her? Carmen Tells The Truth!; We Find Out What Rebe Is Really Up To!


We get some answers to questions we have been having about a couple of things we have been wondering about. What things you ask? Please read on to find out.

We start this epi with our introduction Juan Perez, which I will nickname J.P. he looks like a paunchy older version of JC but with a bizarre mustache sort of like an Albert Finney one, in a Poirot movie, jus' sayin'. Mimi is worried about his going to New York and what if Adri comes by, what should she say??? He says bascially tell Adri I had a family problem I had to take care of and he hugs Mimi and he goes.

Meanwhile, Genie has confronted Claudia about the scissored dress, saying she knows Claudia did this, she's a little wretch, and Claudia tries to infer that Genie is crazy. While this little fight is going on, an agent has come to visit Genie about going back to work, he doesn't like what he sees, and tells Genie, fogetboutit, she isn't fit to work, and goes. Genie is very upset and Claudia laughs in her face. Genie is beggin' that guy to come back, to no avail. So Genie is mad and tells Chepina to inform the chauffer she is going out, Chepina takes the ruined outfit, and Claudia claims her conscience is clear, Chepina gives her the death ray. I wish Genie had pimp slapped her jus' sayin.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #89 11/22/12: She Wonders How It Ever Got This Crazy; She Thinks About a Boy She Knew Was Cool

Happy Thanksgiving to todos!

At his house Pluto is putting the moves hot and heavy on Helena, and the doorbell begins to ring insistently just as he finally has Helena where he wants her.  Helena prompts Pluto to answer and it's Eva!  With a message from dearly departed Antonia (when in truth she's on a fact-finding mission).  Eva sees Helena on the couch rearranging her clothes and Eva looks upset.  Helena tries to explain to Eva what it is she just walked in on, but Eva tells her she doesn't have to explain anything.  She knows perfectly well what they were doing.  Helena persists but Pluto is angry and says Eva is right- they don't owe her an explanation.  Eva gives Antonia's "message" which came to her in a dream: Antonia will be watching Plutarco from the sky every moment.  Helena tells Eva, "We'll talk tomorrow."  "What for?" replies Eva.

Renato is in a bathroom stall while Mutt and Jeff are talking about him at the sinks.  Renato is very depressed to discover that Santiago and Fernando had no real intentions of being his friend and are only trying to find out for Adriano if he's gay.  In the club Lucia shows up and Renato grabs her and shoves his tongue down her throat to show off in front of Santi, Angelica, Ferni, and Marcela.  She's a little shocked, but pleased.

After Eva leaves, Pluto tries to recapture the romantic moment to which he worked so hard to get Helena but Helena says it's better that she go.  Pluto tries to talk her into staying.  Helena tells Pluto he's attractive, intelligent, mature, sensible [yeah, that's what every guy wants to hear], has a shiny silver suit, etc. but she needs more time before she becomes intimate with him.  She says that if things don't work there's no point forcing them.  He asks her to tell him the truth- does she not want to make love to him because she's still in love with JC?  She tells him no [liar].  She leaves and Pluto curses Eva [he's closer than he knows].
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #88 11/21/12: Is He or Isn't He?

Hi, everyone, before I forget- Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.  I’m taking a needed break from the kitchen to recap.

Rebeca is insulting Renato, calling him a social climber, blah, blah, blah.  Renato tells her to get off her high horse because they come from the same neighborhood.  She is not better than him.  They go back and forth, while Adri comes in.
Adriano thinks that he may have interrupted Renato and Rebeca, but Rebeca lets Adri know that Renato is gay.

Eva is looking for the money launderer- Raul Mendoza isn’t in the country.  Eva wants him and no one else.  She begins to compliment the receptionist

Renato calls Eva, because Adri is looking for her.

Adri can’t believe his ears.  Rebeca has inkling that he is gay although she can’t prove it.  Rebeca is an expert on knowing when someone is in the closet
Mimi meets Eva for lunch.  Eva fills Mimi in and tells her how Raul Mendoza has fled the country.  He is the only one who knows about the fraud.  Eva feels as if she in a labyrinth because it is not making sense to her.

Renato asks about his promotion, and Adri answers coldly, that he was going to think about it.  He summons “Dumb and Dumber” (Santiago and Fernando) to his office.

At Grupo Imperio- “Dumb and Dumber” are in Adri’s office.  He tells them he wants to assign an assistant as his right hand who will not be one of them but he has heard a rumor that Renato is gay.  The genius of the group- Fernando- assures him that he is not.  Santiago says that he and Lucia are an item.  He wants them to investigate Renato.  He dismisses them and they are too stupid to get the message.

Daniel and Jennifer- Daniel is trying to talk to Jennifer about going to the beach, but she can read between the lines.

Helena’s office- Lucia babbles about Renato and Helena tells her to take it slow.  Helena comments on Lucia being Renato’s twin.  (Thanks to Vivi- noticing the scarf)

Fernando asks Santiago if Renato is gay.  Santiago speaks up and says that he has gay friends, and that someone’s persona life doesn’t matter to him, especially since he has such a wonderful marriage with such a supportive wife.  Renato interrupts the tomfoolery and joins in. Three idiots.

Lucia wants to have sex with Renato before she gets married to make sure that she doesn’t marry a dud. Helena believes that sex is directly aligned with love, a magical feeling, with words, a touch or with silence.

Cindy approaches Renato in the hall regarding the receipt of some proposals by email.  Uh oh- Renato doesn’t have his tablet.
Eva- reads what se thinks is her tablet, but reads an email from Pepe about an apology and that he loves him.

Adri- pops into Eva’s office- looking for the most beautiful woman in the world

Renato is trying to find his tablet and thinks that Rebeca has it.  Whew- she doesn’t.
Renato is frantically looking for his tablet.
Adri wants to talk about their wedding.  Renato bursts into Eva’s office and asks for his tablet.  Adri doesn’t understand the confusion with the tablets.  Adri gets a little jealous.  Eva knows that Renato is gay.  Renato is sweating bullets and knows that Eva read his email.  He meets the other two idiots in the bathroom. Santi says that

Adri- tells Eva that he is thinking of naming Renato as his assistant.  He tells Eva that he is checking out if Renato is gay.   Fernando says that they have to investigate whether or not he likes, soccer, Lady Gaga, Madonna, etc.

Adri- is asking if Eva has made any wedding preparations.  He wants to escape and have an afternoon alone with Eva.  Eva says no nookie until the wedding.  Lucia comes in to confirm the signing of the construction company.  Adri is whining.  He and Eva march out.  Helena signs and commissions the fake Fitxa Construction Company for the Mayagua Beach Project.
Pluti kisses Helena over the deal and Eva storms out.  Renato stops Eva and asks what did she read on the tablet.  He wants to clarify that the email was not for him, Eva said but it’s your tablet with your name on it.  He admits that it was for him and that gays are foolish and that this guy has been after him for a while and he doesn’t know what to do. He wants to know if Eva is going to tease him?  She is not.  He thanks her.

At Helena’s house- she is explaining to Lalito that they signed a construction company and she chose the best one.  Lalito is still bothered by the cheating piece and asks his mom if she cheats at her job, so that things can go well.   Helena says- cheating, never, not at work or at school. (Helena- think- why did Lalo bring that up- duh??)  Helena remembers the thesis but it is packed away.
Pluti comes over to pick Helena up and they go out.

Juan Carlos tells Mimi that he found out by accident that Renato is gay.  Mimi can’t believe that JC is homophobic like Adriano.

At the club (where I thought Santiago couldn’t afford to go), they are with Renato, and the wives.

Mimi is annoyed with JC because he is prejudiced against gays, she can’t believe it.

JC says that Renato is similar to him because they both can’t be what they really want to be.  JC wants to go to Pluto’s house to find the safe with the money.

At the club, the Stupids are discussing Don Adri and whether or not Renato is gay.  Marsela feels that Adri is uncomfortable because Renato is handsome, always well dressed like JC.  I wasn’t sure what Angelica was saying because she never makes sense. Something about
Renato is calling Lucia and telling her to rush.  He gets a text and goes into the bathroom to speak.

Eva and Mimi want to go and get another look for the safe without a plan.  Eva is having a hard time waiting, doing nothing.

Renato is yelling at the person on the other end of the phone- he doesn’t want to hear from them, leave him alone, don’t call, write etc.  He is yelling to be heard outside of the bathroom.

After the peeing contest (I’m not sure what took them so long in the bathroom)– Dumb and Dumber, exit the bathroom.  I’m glad to see that they washed their hands.  They are looking for Renato and they don’t see him.  They are still trying to decide on their position, if they are homophobic or not.  The only position that they have is silly! (I feel as if I lose some brain cells watching these two.)

Pluti has a celebration at his house with Helena.  She is the most beautiful, marvelous fiancée in the world- yawn.  He doesn’t want to pressure Helena but he has something looming (in his pants, I’m sure) and he want to be alone with her and show her how much he loves her.  They start to do the deed…

Fernando and Santiago are still in the bathroom, and they talk about women taking a long time in the bathroom.  Renato overhears the tomfoolery and knows that they hung out with him only to see if he was gay.

Bleeeck- Pluti starts the foreplay on Helena.  Yessssssss!! The door bell rings- no puede ser.  (It can't be) It rings and rings, it must be Eva Pluti tries to ignore it but it keeps on ringing.  It’s Eva who sees Helena with her skirt up and is impactada!!!!!!

Coming attractions- Does Helena have second thoughts?? Does she get a call from Juan????


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #87 11/20/12: More of the Same of Everything

Tonight we just got more of the same on all fronts. For instance, Claudia continues to bug Eugenia and Modesto continues to evade any discussion about it.

Pluto continues to hammer away about Juan Carlos's fraud. He has hired a money launderer to continue convincing Adri of Juan's villainy. The accomplice says the 3 mil which went into Juan's mother's account is - gone. Pluto pretends astonishment.

Eva: "It can't have disappeared into the air." Adri: "Juan was much more than a thief, he had this all planned, he even involved his mother. The investigation is over, I won't have Eugenia and Modesto bothered, they're my friends and their son was a cretin."

Adri gets so upset he faints. An ambulance is called. He's ok for now, but Eva reminds him his sister died young. He agrees to go see his cardiologist. Pluto wants Adri to retire: "I'll take care of everything." Eva: "No kisses, no anything for you, Adri, it would be bad for your heart. Go home and rest."

There may be a real-life rock star, Erik Rubin, showing up soon.

Mimi goes to visit the convalescing Adri, who is attracted to her but resists temptation.

Mimi and Juan continue to have no ideas about how to proceed.

Adri asks Renato to become his assistant, Renato is thrilled. Adri: "I've always been in complete control but I'm not young any more. Soon I'll marry and I want to enjoy my conjugal life. ... you know, when Juan Carlos was alive, he was like my right hand."

Pluto lunches with his money-laundering accomplice and insists on his silence and discretion: "You should disappear from Mexico for a while -- if Eva gets Adri to reopen the investigation I want you far away. But I'll probably need you for the fake construction company Fixa I'm going to use to defraud Grupo Imperio." Possibly important: Pluto admits to the guy that the money is in his home safe. The friend congratulates Pluto on the death of Antonia: "How lucky that you were widowed so early."

Lucia continues to be an idiot. She gets a compliment from Renato: "It doesn't matter what you wear, you're always cute." He tells her he's gonna be Adri's right-hand man but it's a big secret. Lucia the twit: "I see myself as wife of the vice-president." He gets a text from his mom but won't answer it.

Pluto continues with his evil little projects. Eva continues to talk him down to Helena. Tomorrow they'll sign with his fake construction company Fixa which is going to destroy the Playa Majagua project and put more money in Pluto's safe.

The fake thesis Pluto bought has convinced Helena that neither he nor Antonia stole any ideas from her. Eva wants to read it but Helena says Pluto gets first dibs.

Santi and Fer continue to do no work and gossip a lot.

Eugnia tells her husband she's going back to acting. He doesn't think she's ready: she should cancel her plans and they should talk... "later."

Eva goes to find Raul Mendozo (I think that was the money launderer) but the secretary says: "He's on a long vacation, I don't know where."

Fer continues to be an idiot.

Rebeca calls Renata "Cinderella" and insults him. He asks why she's humiliating him. She says, "because you came from a low-class neighborhood." "So did you" "Well, I didn't choose where to be burn, but I am like an aristocrat now." He leers: "You want me." "I doubt you're the man you pretend to be." "I'll prove it to you." She tells Adri that Renato is gay. Adri is astonished.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #86 11/19/12

Adriano sneaks up behind Eva to make a horrifying scary noise. Is rebuffed, talks about her like his pork sandwich ("quesito de puerco")

Another pep-talk for Juan (from Mimi, of ). She advises him to buck up, "squeeze 'em." He's not convinced.

Out to eat, Pluti has a surprise for Helena. He's brought in the best wedding planner in the city! We get some really scary music. He's raring to go, but when the planner starts talking locations, Helena finally nuts up enough to say it's too early to talk about such things.

Drunk chumps at a bar toasting a "lost brother."

Angelica has no interest in studying or working - she just wants to hang out. She's not gonna want kids, either... "can you imagine this amazing body getting fat carrying around some chump's baby?"

Rebeca is a barrel of monkeys in her outrageous leopard-print jammies, turning Onesimo into a worthlessly quivering lump of goo.

Fernie has been shopping - Marcela doesn't look pleased. Tools of domesticity! Then he has the nerve to ssay "enjoy your gifts!" Hey honey, here's an iron and washing machine. Have fun!

Angela looks like she might have accidentally gotten a sexy modeling job. she's okay with that!

Hehe, Juan bids Adri goodnight by phone as Eva, but refuses to send him kisses. Regardless, Adri is cute and hopeless!

Juan and Mimi are pretty darn cute sharing some product-placement-snacks. He has the idea that maybe he can clear his name, even if he can't get Helena.

Helena lets her mom know that she's really not ready to get married. Fair enough. But her outfit doesn't get a pass.

I am still confused about why Mousse boy wears a scarf. It can't be that drafty in Mexico this time of year! Also, how did he get o the board? I hate this scene where they pick Plutarco's company "Fitza."


Friday, November 16, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #85 11/16/12: Recognition, and Lack Thereof.

No pimp slap for Claudia tonight. Better luck next week!

Marcela asks Fernando where he got the money for all the home entertainment stuff he brought home. He tells her he found he's getting a big bonus too. She disapproves of spending money before receiving it. "Party-pooper," is the wittiest reply Ferni can dredge up.

JC wipes his new mirror clean and tells Mimi he's still bummed out over Helena. Fortunately, his parents will be visiting at GI tomorrow and he's got a plan!

Modesto and Eugenia discuss tomorrow's visit to Grupo Imperio. Eugenia says there's someone at GI she'd prefer to avoid. She asks Modesto what he plans to do about Claudia. Modesto ignores her question in favor of getting a drink of water.
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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #84 11/14/12: I Heard You're Getting Married!

Finally, an action packed episode.

Eva and Adriano are in Adriano’s office and he feels abandoned and lonely because she is going away this weekend. He will miss her. He has an idea, he will work on the weeding preparations but Eva has a better idea. Speak to Modesto and Eugenia about the investigation that he needs to complete. Adriano asks Eva, what?? Am I going to tell Juan Carlos’ mother about the account that he opened in her name? Eva reminds him that it is the supposed account. Adriano says that its not supposed it is an actual account. Adriano wants to leave JC in the past.

Claudia asks Eugenia what are you reading? Eugenia is reading the play- The House of Bernanrda Alba by Garcia Lorca ( a side note, I love Garcia Lorca- he is my favorite author!!!!- Wow that bought back memories) Claudia asks Eugenia- is it true that you were famous? How come you don’t act anymore (Listen honey- Eugenia is acting right now by keeping herself calm, and being a class act because if it was any other woman- Claudio and Modesto would be living in the street) Eugenia tells her that she is not going to fall for her nonsense and that she promised to be seen and not heard.
The rude teenager- says that if you were so beautiful and so famous how come your husband met my plain ole mom who was a secretary? (Claudia is out of line) Eugenia lets Claudia know that if she wanted to bother her she has won, but that’s what Eugenia gets for letting her stay in her house.
Eugenia walks out of the room past a clueless Modesto, who asks, what happened? The little liar says nothing, I swear.

Back to Adriano’s office- Adriano wants to look ahead, but Eva says- yes Grupo Imperio is a part of our future and there are things that have to be clarified. Adriano agrees to speak to JC’s parents. Anything for Eva.
In Santi and Ferni’s non-productive office- Santi is complaining about his wife while Ferni is perfecting his paper airplane. Santi doesn’t have any money, credit cards are maxed out but all she wants to do is party every weekend. Ferni tells Santi that he needs to take control and stop complaining. Santi is upset because she spends all day at home doing nothing. A man enters their office and Ferni has had enough of his paper airplane and gives them privacy by leaving the office.

The rude girl is listening to music and Modesto tells her to have patience and compassion with his wife because she just finished undergoing treatments for mental treatments and Claudia asks- is she crazy? This girl really crosses the line!! Why isn’t she in school??? Modesto proceeds to tell her that no she is not crazy and that she is getting better every day and your presence is not helping the situation. Claudia throws a guilt trip on Modesto, reminding him that she is accustomed to him not being around when she needed him, etc, etc. Modesto tells her that this is not the time to discuss such matters. (Whoa- what about putting the little girl in her place. Whatever shortcomings he has needs to be discussed with her mother. Then he justifies his actions by blaming Eugenia. Did I miss something here, Modesto?? You had an affair with your secretary, had children born out of wedlock and you are blaming your wife for not allowing you to visit your other family, pleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz!) He also throws in the death of Juan Carlos and that these are things that should be discussed with her mother- finally. His cell rings- it’s his buddy, Adriano. Claudia mimics Modesto.

The man in the office tells Santi that with his pay cut and the loans that he owes he will have a very small paycheck. Uh oh!! It’s time for somebody else in the Escudero home to get a job.

Helena shows her engagement ring to Lucia. Helena shares with Lucia, that in front of Lalo, Mad Dad, her mom, Adriano and Eva, Pluti asked her to marry him. Lucia wanted to be there and asks Helena how come she didn’t tell her. Helena tells her that it was a surprise. Lucia, who as silly as she is notices that Helena is not very enthusiastic about her engagement. If it were Lucia she would be doing the happy dance. Lucia (who is now getting on my nerves) is complaining about Renato and their non- relationship. A blue dress (I forgot her name) brings some papers to Helena and welcomes her back to work. Lucia proceeds to shout out Helena’s engagement to Pluti and the blue dress can’t wait to run out and spread the gossip to the other blue dresses. Lucia is so full of emotion that she and the blue dress do some type of bridal walk, dance, I was ready to reach for the remote, oh I can’t, I’m recapping. Just as I predicted, the blue dresses and Marsela are talking about the upcoming weddings, Dona Eva and Adriano and Helena and Don Plutarco. As usual everyone is not working and talking about brides and weddings and Rebeca overhears the conversation. Pluti is getting married? Yes, Marsela tells her, her asked Helena to marry him. Rebeca starts insulting the blue dresses.
Rebeca continues with her trepadora insults regarding Helena and says that she hates women like Helena. Marsela says that Helena is not like that and they are marrying because they are in love. Rebeca looks ill. Everyone is complimenting the physical beauty of the betrothed couple and of course Rebeca throws in her insults- Prince William and Princess Kate are a beautiful couple, Helena and Pluti are ugly, etc. etc. Marsela asks- aren’t you a little bitter? Be happy for them. I think that they make a beautiful couple and I am happy for them, as should you. Rebeca- the Queen Naca- blames herself for listening to the gossip from the naca bowl and flies away on her blue broom. The Evaleets and Marsela remember the song by Shakira-“No Se Puede Vivir Con Tanto Veneno”. (Shakira - No [Gustavo Cerati]
Rebeca bursts into Helena’s office- under the pretense of handing over all of the Playa Mayagua paperwork. We know that this will not end well. (Did I miss the blue memo at the office today?) Helena thanks her but you know that there is more to come. She congratulates the single mom for her good luck with the Vice President. The hypocrite Rebeca can’t believe that Pluto forgot so soon about his wife, Dona Tony, the lovely adored woman, and she has the nerve to blow kisses to her (she should have been struck down with a lightening bolt). Helena and I shared the same facial expression for once. - the look of disgust. Helena says that he hasn’t forgotten her, he is just moving forward with his life and he has a right to. (Says who?) Rebeca just thinks that its months later, its too soon. Rebeca shares that according to gossip- Pluti married Antonia for interest/convenience. She has the nerve to ask Helena, if she heard that? Uh no, Rebeca, unlike you she works. Helena doesn’t have time to listen to gossip. Rebeca also shares (from first hand experience) that Pluti was never faithful to Antonia.

Ferni is on the phone talking to someone, sounds like an order and gets off of the phone in a hurry when Marsela enters the office and pretends to be working, typing one finger at a time.
Rebeca shares her memories of Pluti before he got married, going from one to the other. Helena has confidence in Pluti and she will have him clear up any lover issues. Rebeca is so sad, just looking for any type of reaction. She says how life takes a turn and starts on JC, saying that he was the lowest of the lows, mistreated women and now you are engaged to his rival Pluti. What irony? Helena says that they are men with virtues and defects. Rebeca says that JC knew how to hurt women including her. He was an enchanter and knew how to attract women. Helena does not want to speak of the dead. Rebeca still looking for the sting- tells Helena that he would have never married you.

Santi is talking to Angelica about his cut in pay, lack of finances and he doesn’t know how he is going to make it through the month. and how she has to sacrifice. She needs to think about going to school but she is not sure what she wants to study, something technical, fashion English, interior design (picture that??) She suggests that he asks her parents and he can’t. He tried when he was with Patti and it was a no go. Lucia walks in listens to the conversation and asks Santi, if everything is okay. Santi gives her a look of defeat.

Rebeca is still in Helena’s office talking about JC and his player ways (sheer foolishness), gossip about players who promise to marry their girlfriends, blah, blah, blah and Helena cuts her off and tells her to get back to work, she doesn’t have time for foolishness (listening to gossip) because she has a lot of work to do. Rebeca’s last pearl of wisdom- whoever gets angry loses, then she flies out on her broom. Helena tries to contain herself.

Fern the idiot is waiting for Rebeca and wants to know more details of their partnership. Rebeca tells them that they can’t talk there.

Rebeca bursts into Pluto’s office to start her foolishness. Rebeca is one miserable person. She says that she heard the gossip in the hallways that he is going to get married. What a pathetic couple. So you prefer a single mother to me. You are a naco. Pluti doesn’t want to hear her opinion. She tells him that its not a good idea to live where bad has happened Pluto tells her that she can’t spoil his happiness and don’t think about trying to blackmail him. He told her that she should be on her knees thanking him for allowing her to work there. He told her to disappear leave his office before he throws her out. They insult each other about the 10 years that they spent together, she calls him a hot mess (I think) and he can’t believe that he spent so much time with her.

One of the Evalettes has free time and asks if they want to get coffee, what free time, they don’t work. The Evalettes are sad and talking about how they miss Mimi and her Avon. They can’t live without it.
Eva goes into Helena’s office to talk about the construction company if Helena has time and they have a que, que, and que contest. Que, Que, Que. Eva wants to know if Helena is angry with her. Helena said that she has gotten over it. Eva starts asking about Pluti and Helena asks her to stop and leave it in the past.
Pluti wants to talk in private with Helena about Playa Mayagua-ewwwwwwwwwww!!! Eva says that that the three of them can discuss it, but she is sent out of the office. Kissy, kissy time- yuck!!!
Helena doesn’t seem to pleased with the kiss, maybe her b.s. detector is finally working or maybe she can still hear Rebeca’s conversation.
Helena and Pluti are talking about choosing a construction company- Fitsi. Pluti seems to favor them.

Santi and Lucia (who make a great couple and will probably end up together) Santi wants Angelica to work or go to school. Lucia tells Santi that she has always worked and has paid for her schooling. She should be proud. Lucia suggests that perhaps Angelica can talk better with a female than her husband. Rebeca is her best friend- enough said. (Dumb and dumber)

Pluti notices that Helena is a tad bit cold and asks her what’s up? She says that even though we are engaged, I don’t know much about you? Pluti tells her that he worked his way up the ladder, he studied, graduated worked for Grupo Imperio for about 10 years, met Antonia fell in love and married her. He is proud to be a VP based on merit and not marriage. He is not interested in the past, only in being a family with her and Lalo.

The two gold diggers are conversating on the phone- Angelica is complaining to Rebeca that Santi wants her to go to school. She doesn’t want to go to school, she teases Rebeca because at least she is married and has a husband to take care of her and for cuchi cuchi.
Rebeca said that she would rather stay single than to be married to someone as useless as Santi and have kids. Angelica tells Rebeca that she knows that she is dying to marrying Pluti who doesn’t want her and she is an old maid and can’t find anyone else. Rebeca disagrees, she get whomever she wants. (What a toxic relationship these two “friends” have? I don’t want to have one up on my friends) She wasted 10 years with Pluti; she has work to do- bye!

Renato and Pluti discuss his work with Helena that Renato is working hard and that Pluti can help Speed Racer move up in the company, he has influence over Adriano. He can move up and have a position like Juan Carlos. Renato seems pleased. The ball is in his court. The VP position may be available soon and it could be his, just like JC. Renato can help him.

Santi tells Helena that he is behind in his work but he will try to catch up. He also congratulates her on the upcoming nuptials. She stops him and says that she has to ask him something about JC.

Mimi and Eva are having lunch and Eva, he feels like he is operating on automatic pilot. She/he finds it hard to continue without Helena’s love and feels useless.

Helena asks Santi if JC was really going to marry her? Santi asked her why did she have the doubt and Helena said that it was something that Rebeca said. Santi told her that Helena was the only woman that he loved. He was madly in love with her. He wanted to have a family with she and Lalito. It was a little uncomfortable but it seemed to revive Helena.
Here comes Pluti, what a pain!!! He wants to take her out to dinner after work, but she wants to work alone. Buzz off- Pluti!!!!

Lucia, Santi and Angelica are out having a cup of coffee and Lucia is giving suggestions to Angelica on how to find things that she is interested in. Angelica is interesting in dancing and being Santi’s kept wife.

Helena visits JC’s grave and she reminds of a line in The Godfather III- just when I thought that I was out they pulled me back in.”

Angelica doesn’t do anything, that why she got married so that her husband can take care of her. She and Santi proceed to slobber over each other at the table. Lucia tries to suggest- secretary, waitress, catalog seller, etc. but it doesn’t work.
Helena is still having her conversation with JC. It always feels as if you are so close to me at all times. I can touch you. She doesn’t believe that he is in his grave. She needs JC to die in her heart.

At Ferni’s house, Ferni arrives with a flat screen TV and a home theatre system. Jennifer helps Ferni the idiot say high definition. Marsela wants to know- where did you get the money to buy this.

Coming attractions- Oneismo is visiting Eugenia and having her sign some papers. Eugenia recognizes Oneismo at Grupo Imperio.


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