Saturday, February 14, 2015

Que te perdone dios #20 Love don't pay the bills

Tia Mia's makeup is horrible. I'm sorry but every time they showed her on the screen all I could think of was "who ever did her make up needs a new gig", now that I got that of my chest let's get to the recap!

Diego and Abi are having a moment, he tells her that he loves her and she's all like "wha?"- Mateo is walking into the room and Abi spots him, so what does she do? She kisses Diego just to make Mateo jealous. Not cool Abi, not cool AT ALL. Mateo leaves the room slowly and poor Diego never even knows that he is being used, which blows by the way. Once Mateo is out of the room Abi pulls away from Diego and tells him that she's sorry but she is very confused, he is her best friend and she has no idea how she feels. Diego with tears in his eyes tells her that he will fight for her. My goodness, Valencia is a beautiful man. Sorry, I get distracted when I see pretty things. Ahem. Back to the recap.
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Que te Perdone Dios Episode 20 " The switcheroo" Discussion

Here ,you can discuss Episode 20 while Eli is focusing on the recap :)


Friday, February 13, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 19 - Ah,esa Mendiga Amor ! Full Recap

We are back at this folk story
Of snakes and wisdom 
Slaps and Rainbows 
and nothing could possibly go wrong right?

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios, Cap 18: A Compromising Confession and a Game of Chicken

~~Parte 1~~
Cap #18

As we left it last time, Fausto was attempting to drown Diana in the river cuz if he couldn’t have her, nobody could—especially anybody younger and sexier like Mateo!!  As luck would have it, who should come trotting by on his white charger complete with a white hat, but Diego!  “—Let her go!”  He jumps into the river and forces Grey ‘n Grizzled Fuzzy to stop then and there!  “—Don’t you mess with me, peon!”  Diego steps back and Di races off to her bling-mobile with Feisty yelling after her to stop.  (She may be daring but she ain’t a total fool.)  Diego, meanwhile, unties Feisty’s hawss and shoos him away, leaving the crusty old homicidal maniac to hoof it home on his own--muy bad mojo.  

Back at the hacienda de Angel, Renata guesses that Abigail is mooning around the house cuz she’s fallen in love with the unavailable Mat.   Macaria sticks her nose in, having overheard the two of them and reminds Abi there’s no way some hacendado’s nephew is gonna ever pay serious attention to some servant’s kid.  Ren sends Abi away and gives Mac grief over speaking to “their” daughter that way.  “--Why not?    Did you really see yourself and Pablo together for the rest of your lives any more than me and your husband? I’m only trying to avoid the same suffering and bitterness the two of us have gone through our entire lives!  What for?  It cannot take place.” 

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 17 Full Recap

It seems a rather Nasty Mac( I meant Rat)  has infested Caray Caray and decided to remove my recap ,so i am posting it again. Part 2 will be in writing soon! 

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, February 9, 2015.

Di and Mateo are talking and getting intimate when Fausto zones in on them. Simona comes out in need of a doctor and Mateo goes off with her; thus Fausto has the opportunity to smack Di around. She then lies fot her life and Fausto has subtle mercy on her.

Effie and Eddie are ready to hit the sack.

Di realizes that Mateo's love is genuine and that pisses Fausto off some more.

PatPrize and Ren are at the table when Abi comes in.

Di drives off leaving Fausto with the words in his mouth.

Two people are having sex (I didn't see who they were.)

Simona thanks Mateo for his help and showers him with good humor, compliments and smiles.

Fausto walks in to give Lucio money for all his trouble and a talking to.

MACgiftcard has something up her sleeve.

Two guys are impeded in an escapade by a girl.

In a bar, there is a bevy of men (too many, even for ny taste.) Diego and Lucio act as if they're about to fight forasomething when they don't and Fausto comes in.

Tia Mia and Di talk about Fausto.

Diego has just pushed Fausto's berserk button and is having the stuffing beat out of him. Lucio then beats up another guy because IDK and it's hiur typical Machista Bar Fight.

Renata is having nightmarea about Fausto beating her up ans rapinh her, then wakea up.

Abi is remembering her kissing Mateo

Mateo is as well.

MACgiftcard is in a frenzy.

Abi has gone outside and Fausto is accosting her .She doesn't tolerate it.

Connie has officially lost it. She shoykd have accepted Mel's help.

Fausto is about to accost the life out of a dormant Renata.

PatPrize and Mateo

Fausto eyes Renata's dormant self zome more.

MACgiftcard abuses Abi a bad amount.

Vicenta scolds Diego for having gotten in a fight and you know, typical stuff a Mexican grandma would chide you for.

Fausto is in the dark biding his time when Renata wakes up askinh who ia there. She squabbles with Fausto as usual.

Mandy has prepared a lovely meal for Mateo amd they discuss Renata.

Fausto and Renata are talking and yoi know it's weird because at one point Ren looks like she i going to laigh.

Vicenta and Mandy- Abi and Mateo are eating when PatPrize comes in and eats as well.

Mandy has served Fausto food at a baron table and taht is the end of the episode.

[Here are a few more details for you from ViviDC that merit being included. --edit.]

Mateo blabbed to Fausto that he and Diana have been seriously seeing each other for a year, not the short, non-serious flirtation Diana had led Fausto to believe. Diana's excuse was that she loves Fausto and wants to be his wife. She's getting tired of living in the shadows. Diana also swore to Fausto that she and Mateo have NEVER had sex. Fausto is her only man.Mateo would marry her. She pressures Fausto to get rid of Renata and marry her. Both Fausto and her aunt point out that he would be left with nothing if he divorced Ren. Her basic reply is if there is a will, there's a way. 

Fausto's reaction to this is to think real hard about Ren and their marriage, the benefits (money, power), and the lack of benefits (no sex, no kids). Hearing Pat telling Mateo about having to give Ren a sedative because of her nightmares, seemed to change his mind about raping her. Why? Maybe he likes his victims completely awake? Or maybe he realized Mateo and Pat would hear the screams and beat the crap out of him? Anyway, when she wakes up in the morning they argue about him being in her room, the long ago rape, why she won't have bis kids, and then he asks for her help help convincing Mateo to dump Diana. Ren is amused by this because she suspects Diana is his mistress.  

Simona took Mateo to treat the sick baby of a poor neighbor. She tells Mateo she has been nominated by one of the parties to run for mayor. Mateo thinks this is great, but tells her Fausto has been nominated by another party. This makes Simona more determined to run.

The couple getting it on was glasses sister and the mechanic. Meanwhile, the other sister was getting it on with Simona's barely legal son. Both had to escape through the window. Both were paid for their services by the sisters. The sisters' maid (Abi's friend) is the one who caught them, but she doesn't seem to disapprove. 

Diego and Benito were trying to convince some of the men at the cantina to leave Fausto and to come work with them. Lucio and Fausto didn't like this one bit. Fight!

Fausto paid Lucio well for being his whipping boy and taking the blame for kicking out Mat's mom. Lucio then revealed to Fausto that Macacria is planning to betray Fausto and tried to enlist him. Fausto tells Lucio that Mac has the gun they killed Pedro with. They plan that Lucio will pretend to go along with Mac's plan, and find out where she has that gun.

Meanwhile, it seems that Mac just keeps the gun in her bedroom just wrapped in a handkerchief, while she talks crazy holding it. When Abi goes out for a midnight stroll, Mac accuses her of having been out having sex with Diego and that she'll come back pregnant by a peon, just like Renata...She stops herself before she spills anymore beans.

Mateo, Patricio and Ren all decide to eat in the kitchen, leaving Fausto alone at the big table. This is in solidarity with Abi, who Fausto has now banned from the big table.


Saturday, February 07, 2015

Que te Perdone Dios

Ok, here we go! Full disclosure, I have a terrible headache and I'm recapping with no notes, if I miss something please feel free to point it out in the comments section. The recap also won't be as long or detailed as I'd like because this headache is kicking my butt.

We return to a nasty scene, Lucio on Fausto's orders is kicking out Elena (Univison's website has her name spelled as Helena), she tries to reason with him, and even asks him who comforted him while he cried for his son, Lucio seems to have a change of heart and tells the men to bring in the furniture that they had removed. Helena breathes a sigh a relief but that's short lived as Lucio soon says "The furniture belongs to Don Fausto, so that stays, everything else that belongs to this woman goes"- they then throw all her clothes, along with Mateos clothing outside. Lucio invites the two men that are with him to go eat some birria while they wait for the locksmith to come and change all the locks in the house. Well, he might be a rat bastard but at least he has good taste in food. Seriously, if you ever have a chance to have birria order two servings and dig in! Helena is distraught as she finds herself outside her former house with all her  possessions on the sidewalk.
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Friday, February 06, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 14 "Emergency,emergency we need a Shrink!

We are back again,in this trembling hour .  Abi is having a terrible day while the need for a Shrink finally gets revealed but we do not know who is actually crazier yet.

On to the recap: 

Part 1 

The Kitchen Scramble

Abi wishes to know some answers from Amanda( I think i will call her Amie) ,how her father died and who was the woman which provoked his death . Amie says she cannot talk about it. Abi believes cause  Mac probably prohibited her from spilling but she cannot hide things from her ,she promised her. Amie promises the promise and  is insistent of shutting her mouth ,even if she wanted to spill , she cannot. Do not ask me about Pablo Ramos ,much less in this house .Now let me prepare the breakfast. Abi is disappointed that Amie is also hiding secrets from her .

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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #13: Don’t Mess With Me Or You Are History!

Cap 13

Abigail takes both Diana and Fausto to the woodshed while Patricio and Macaria get tea and sympathy from Renata.   However, once Again Renata and Mateo take being conned to an art form.   (Viewerville loves a winner and Abi apparently does not like losing!  Yippee!!  Could the tn gods have finally heard our infinite prayers for a strong heroine?  I think so…..)  

Across the way at Feisty’s ex-rancho,  La EnRamera…er…Enramada  [the bower/branched canopy] Diego and Abigail still have the town slut, aka Diana, locked inside the hacienda caged and pacing like a polecat (defined here for those of you unfamiliar with that animal species: any of several carnivorous mammals [] of the weasel family).   They enter to face and confront the distressed Ms. Di.  who contemptuously slaps Abi  across the choppers as the perpetual servant who doesn’t seem to ever know her place.   However, our Abi is not the slavish type and she slaps back twice as hard.   “—I may be dense but I’m no lying whore!!”  Crack!   Diego steps up to keep DeeDee from attempting any further undesirable physical expression of disrespect towards his new patrona.

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Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 12 Whispers&Grazes Part 2

Again ,we are in the deepest corners of the town with the Graceful Amanda arriving back  to chant the BS away (Who knows how long she will last,probably not for much long) ,Saints receiving threats from Losers( I am looking at you Baby Lucy,want a used diaper ?) and Cancer again tempting and smiling away while living for another day to ride  onto  the sunshines!

On to the recap:

Part 1 

Abi is meeting her long missing grandmother ,Amanda. Amanda thinks that she would not recognize her at all,she was so tiny at the time. Abi denies,she had photographs of  her ! She embraces Ms.Graceful and Dr.Pat advises Ren to give them some time alone together. Abi and Amanda are advised to go to the garden while Dr Pat will take care of things .

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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, February 2nd, 2015.

Mateo mentions the kiss between them and Abigail saysbit was her first, so don't worry about it. I eavesdrop on their conversation and swoon; their relationship and love gonna pay off in the long run. Abi says she will always remember it (fondly) and Teo says he had never seen her like, Abi cuts in with, "as a woman?" "Yeah that and I promise never to sneak-a-kiss again." "OMG STAHP." "Well did you want me to kiss you? " (Cara de Yes I Did and Enjoyed Every Second of It.) Aaand here comes Mac in a lovely off-a-shoulder ensemble and syas that Renata needs her. Mateo says they can't leaveRen waiting and asks if she'd like him to go with her. She walks off, with Mac not far behind, yonder in a huff and with a smile, Mateo follows.

Renata says to Abi that with the receiving of the docs'n'deed she will be given "El Ramada(?)" as the ONLY owner (cue Fausto's poo-face) and tells her she knows Abi is capable of making it thrive. Abi thought El Ramada was Mateo's and he reminds her about having wanted to sell it and Renata once again chimes in with positive choice words. Now Fausto does; Color me surprised, my wife is she who pleaded to keep things under wraps? Mateo's expression just screams you bet your britches. Renata reminds him of Racing Day; Teo did it as a mega sweet surprise for her. So you two were in league together this whole time? (I want to throttle yiuto death right now but) I'm (too) proud of you for having swam circles around me in this aspect. Mateo keeps sweetly nudging Abi to accept it and Mac pipes up; Of course we accept! It's always been like my dream to be the Duena y Senora of El Ramada (I call BS on MAC from in the crowd and add that red lipstick with gloss makes her look bloody-lipped.) Renata then twists Mac's nipple a bit; then help me convince "your daughter." Come on Abigail, this is my gift for your 18th birthday. Fausto then says it's evident why he's so happy; his nephew isn't just a doctor but is a little casanova and Fausto himself has a valuable wife who is such a good example and lastly but least of all, Abigail who he whole-heartedly (burns at the crotch for) congratulates. He says she has always (been the flash of his mind while releasing himself) something to him and with that, a HUZZAH! and a toast! Applause all around. Ren tells Abi not to confide in anyone since there are a lot of people who will try to snatch it from her the first chance they get. Only you must hold uo that title you'e been given just now. Fausto calls Mac who still has the documents over with a motion of the fingers and  they're on the home stretch when Abi takes them since she wants Renata to take care of them.

Fausto and Mac take it (but not the D'n'Ds) outside. He is so mad and angrily says he is the only owner of El Ramada, understood?  She calls him Mi Amor and he gets mad; don't call me that. She wants to owen he is gong to divorce Renata and get with her; he call that an estupidez. Renata trusts me Fausto, like a sister and keep in mind I can manipulate Abigail. Then get to it damnit because I'm not going to become the laughingstock of the town! Mac suggests he change his attitude with her and she misses him most at night then walks away.

Tia Mia says that Abigail is more active than Diana to Princess Di herself and that she isn't even just trying to take Mateo away. Look at her go, she's got that mansion  that's probably worth a butt-load! Princess Diana then says she can't stand a second more and TM than says they can leave, just tell her when. Di than says she can't leave and needs to find a way to talk with Mateo.

Mateo and Patricio are now talking. Pat wants to know why he didn't tell him about having won the rancho from a horserace and Mat says that it was for a good cause. Pat then says that was a grand gesture on his part and that Abi interests him in more than he wants to admit. Don't get confused Pat, the confused one is you Mat.

At the table of Chatty Cathies, Eddi asks the girls if anyone else thinks Mat's gift was too much. Effie than says yes but Abi is like a daughter to poor (spinster) Renata. Simona (my favorite, Zaide Silvia) is in on the convo and tells them not to talk so low since there's nothing to hide (I think Mona has had a little too much to drink LOL.) Mona points out Renata loves Abi as if she were her own flesh and blood! The most logical explanation is that she would want to protect Abi and nothing more. Eddi (who I liked WAY more as Raiza on CI) says Mona es tan...asi. Effie than says tgat that's why the town loves her so much. Mona than says if people love her so much, it's because she always lends a hand to those in need and nothing less! Cheers to that!

Lucio is getting his drink on and thought-bubbling that once Fausto realizes that the police found Pablo's remains because of Lucio himself, wait, I didn't say anything. It's that damn BrujoGuyMel's fault damnit. No one knows what Fausto and I did it to him.

Fausto has left the Chatty Cathies' ChaCha and is with his type of people getting his drink on. Cheers to Abigail, the prettiest woman in town!

Princess Di asks Mat if he can take her and TM home. Mat says he can't. PD then says the dead mosquito's kiss left him feeling gewd right? He iisn't having this right now, they'll talk tomorrow.

Meanwhile Vicenta and the servants are having dinner when she asks Benito where Diego is. He invited Diego to come and eat but he didn't accept so now he doesn't know. Vic is worried about Fausto firing him and Ben then says after all the fights he has fights with Fausto, it's inevitable. Vic says not even to joke about that and Amanda says that Renata will always be the one to defend him no matter what. Bentio asks Amanda when she will present herself to Abi and Vic then says when Mandy is good and ready. Mandy says she is hoping soon since there is a ton to talk about.

Mac has sauntered into Fausto's study for some smooching and evil interaction.

Pat'n'Mat talk about Renata and the conversation helps Mateo realize he is geuninely in love with her.


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fausto gets the shaft, and it was awesome! Que te Perdone dios #10

The recap is up and totally done. I apologize for it being so late but all my recaps will be done like this, it is very hard to recap a show, especially a good one that has a lot of things going on at once, when I was recapping LQLVMR I would on occasion work will three in the morning to get it up on time, currently I don't have internet or cable at home so I'm recapping either before work, or after. You will always get a recap from me, unless I have an emergency, for now they will be posted late but I hope they are worth it!

So I've made up my mind that I really hate Fausto and so for me this episode was extra satisfying, let's get to it!

Fausto is visiting Diana and showing her a watch that he got Abigail for her birthday, she says that the gift is too expensive and far too good for a simple servant, the watch is something a woman like her should be getting. Fausto tells her to keep the watch but to make sure to wear it to the party. He then leaves.

Diana looks at her aunt and asks her what she should do, she is told to go to the party and wear the watch. Ummm, am I the only one bothered by the fact that Fausto and Diana has a mini-makeout session with the creepy aunt in the background? Gross. But even worse, what the hell was the woman wearing. Seriously. WTF. That coat was hideous! A true crime against fashion. do not get me started on her makeup.

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 9 - Bad singing makes for good Graves Full Recap

Hello ladies and gentlemen
It is  time 
A glorious day
Full of snow 
Snake women
Drunk losers
Horny lads 
and mariachis!
Its Cxa"s wonder day!

(Some scenes will be merged)
On to the recap:

                                                           Part 1                  

We skip towards the scenes that were shown at the end ,like Fausto"s stalking spree on Abi , the scene with Efgenia ( Ana Patricia Rojo)  on the market  flirting with Tonito ( They clearly have the hots for eachother!)  and race ahead to the more important scene of the night ,Mac and Abi"s conversation. Mac is showcasing her dress for the party but Abi"s not into it, and does not have the mood. Mac taunts her that Abi  would definitely love to see herself  dressed as a servant. Abi asks the million dollars worth question ,why do i not look like You? Mac does not react well and spews that Abi  has the looks from her father.  Abi wants some photos but Mac is tired of her BS and goes to rest,clearly upset and butt-hurt  (She has a nice butt BTW!), atleast she wants to go to the Party .

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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Que Te Perdona Dios 8: So Far A Few Half-Spoken Truths and Not A Lot of Consequence

Cap # 8

 2 Min. Review:  Feisty Fausto has handed the title to El Ramada over to Mateo .

The New:

The wealthy old maids, the de la Santa Cruz sisters (Efi and Edi)  are chatting with Ramona who is hitting them up for donations—actual materials rather than nasty, dirty money.  Only after reminding them she, and thus, the whole town know about their oversexed proclivities and their needing to untarnish their reps a bit, do the ladies agree to meet her with the charitable goods in tow.

Later in the day, Mat and Abi go for a walk and gossip.  “--Dunno what Uncle Feisty wanted with Diego.  Hope it didn’t have to do with lending me his horse so I could…..”  "--Moving back here?"  "--Nope.  My practice is in Ciudad de Valle."  “—Whachya doing with El Ramada?”  “--Selling it.”  How could he??!! His Unkie Feisty will have a fit, she replies worriedly!!  (Yep and won’t that be fun to watch, sportsfans?)

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 7 - Honor among Bullshit Full Recap

 We are back again,with Doc Mateo making his return to the grand town alongside the hot blonde who is secretly giving the Devil Sandwiches that  taste like snakes. No one knows yet  from which pit  the Devil came from but he certainly was God"s favorite( Is Pedro Medina his distant cousin?) up until this mendiga dia !  Anyway on to the recap:

Mateo and Abigail are still sipping ice cream . Abi wants to know if Mateo will come to her birthday party ,he will come and the talk ends up with dance partners .He would love to be her partner ,but he cannot. He asks if Abi has one but she denies it,there were some weirdos but thats it .She asks him the same exact thing and plays stupid but Abi is not fooled and has seen how the Nasty Diana  Montero was looking at him,i think she got annoyed that we were playing Patsy Patsy together !

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*~Que te Perdone Dios (Yo No) Recap Schedule~*

OK so CxA and I aren't alone on this. Eli and Jardinera want to help which is great. As of now, here is the schedule.

Monday-CS (Yep that's Me!)

Tuesday-CxA(Jardinera, if you'd like you can back CxA up if anything comes up since you stated Tuesdays are best for you.)

Wednesday- CS (until someone claims this spot.)

Thursday- CxA 

Friday- Eli (she did do last Friday so you can tell I'm following by last week.)

I know I'm staying in my spot(s) but there is the possibilty this schedule is subject to change as the show progresses(and with wishful thinking this rather grim show will last as long as Ernesto Alonso's version.)

While I'm here, I'm up for double duty on HEFDM (meaning today and Thursday) and will help in Quiero Amarte on Wednesdays as well. 

If any questions or volunteers for anything, just comment! Thank you!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Discussion #6

Hi all-

I don't know what's going on with the recap for today so feel free to discuss-I'll do my best to watch the episode later tonight and maybe do a quick write up so we all know what's going on before tonight's episode!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios on Monday, January 26, 2015 (#6)

Diego and Abigail are together when Macaria comes out to bitch at them

Mateo and Princess Di are practically eating each other with their looks and  saying how much they missed each other.

Vicenta babbles with Ren who sends her to get Abi.

Abigail and Macaria argue about the "kiss" Diego gave her and Mac-Bitch slaps Abi while threatensher with never seeing Renata again in her life.

PrincessDi thinks about her meet with Mateo and says something is to be a huge surprise for the 2. She walks into a house and starts making out with Fausto. He gives Di expensive jewelry.

Mateo and Guy (who calls for a sweat wipe) are operating on someone.

Mac-Bitch and Abi talk about Abi's father. Mac says Abi's father was a worthless bum and Abi asks if that's why she doesn't like her.

Diego takes it up with the complaint department that is Renata about Mac's bitching. She asks in what aspect can she help? Diego says Abi has done nothing wrong and walks away.

Abi wonders about her grandma and says if she lived with them, she would sing like a canary. Mac bitches some more and brings Abi's spirit down. In comes Vicenta(Lucha finally has a name) and warns Mac bitch she'd better not mess with Diegito. Vicenta says Renata has called for Abi to come see her and Abi is happy to oblige.

Connie calls Mac a Hoebag and I couldn't agree more with her (Mac responds with calling Connie a psycho bitch.) Mac then plays victim with Ren that Connie was being mean to her. Ren has asked Connue a million times not to bug Mac; Connie, with a lovely yellow rose tucked behind her ear, says Bruno will put Macaria in her place!

Mateo in a pair on jeans and no shirt lays on his bed reading a note Abigail gave him. Abigail as well is reading a note but Mateo gave it to her. They express their love for each other in coos and swoons.

Mia and Diana are on their asses on the when the doorbell is ringing and Mia calls for Teodora to open the door. It's Mateo ready to take Diana out for a stroll.

Renata expresses to Fausto's face how much she HATES him.

Princess Di and Mateo (and Mia) are out strolling when Diego, Renata and Abigail pulls up.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #5 Fausto earns himself a spot in hell

Hi, I'm still working on the recap, it will be up later today, the show is on late and I'm on the West Coast! All future recaps will be done by Saturday afternoons. Be back in a bit with my recap!

We start the episode with Renata pointing a gun at Fausto, she demands to know if he was responsible for the death of Pablo, he asks if Macaira was the one who told her this, and Renata tells him she has no reason to doubt anything Macaira says, thus confirming that Mac was the one who let the cat out of the bag. Fausto tries to calm a hysterical Renata by telling her not to trust Macaira because she is a snake (true, oh so true!) but Renata is not having it. I shout at her to shoot him, but does she? Nope. Instead she cries and cries some more which allows Fausto to disarm her.

They argue some more and Fausto makes it clear he is not letting her go because she is his meal ticket. You see Bruno's will stated that Fausto was a sort of manager of his assets, should Renata and her mother leave, Fausto gets zero, nothing,nada. Even from the grave Bruno manages to screw things up for Renata and his wife. Fausto has zero incentive to let the women go, the second they leave he is left with nothing.

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Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 5 ~Discussion

Hello guys,feel free to discuss the todays episode which was quite depressing i must say and the town is in an desperate need of an exorcist ! I  am sure that either Eli or CS are working on the recap so do not worry about that. However just in case,  if it is not up by tommorow,maybe i will write it myself,they are probably still sleeping so i will give it rest.



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