Friday, June 10, 2016

Weekend Activity: The Televisa Remake Game (Classic Movies Edition)

In the last week I've been watching some great classic movies, so I've decided to revive something we had fun with in the past, The Televisa Remake Game. The rules:

  • Pick a classic movie, any genre.  Title translation optional.
  • Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce.  Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call.  Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
  • Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
  • Comment on any previously posted project.
  • Have fun!
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #67. Friday June 10, 2016. Repetitiveness, Wretchedness, Ludicrousness And Drabness, Washed Down With A Tall Glass Of Lala Milk

Too much stoopid will give you indigestion

At a glance 

-- We got a Lala milk commercial with plenty of filler scenes. 
-- Pedro breaks up with Princess Confundida. Tee hee hee.
-- Osorio keeps torturing his heroine in his bid to capture ratings at any cost. 

A closer look 

At Casa Guerrero, Ernesto brings Esperanza flowers and offers to take her to her oncologist’s appointment. He says he is trying to make her current situation more bearable (llevadero). 

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Thursday, June 09, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 66 (6.9.16) What hurts the most are lies, someone please get Ricardo some morphine!

We start this episode visiting the Gallos, and Estrella is complaining that Erasmo, who just got the check from Pato last night, did it a little bit too late.
-Why?- Erasmo asks
-Well, because you could have done the same BEFORE ALL THIS STARTED (and spare me to go to Tamaulipas and service old guys against my will or you and Kiko die).

Why some people trust the police and some don't is not explained here, but I am sure that if she had reported Sansón on time, he could have been watched and/or arrested. Plan B could be getting help from Ricardo in his new justice avenger mode, but he no longer works in Vasconcelos, or does he? Is that school still open? I haven't heard anything about it anymore...

Oh, well, who am I kidding?... we have to make this last until mid september, right? Lala productos are not going to sell themselves!!
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Sueño de amor #65 Wed. 6/8/16

If this has 130 capítulos, we are at the half way point, if not, we must be approaching it. Tonight the scenes could not have been any shorter or choppier but in any case story continues on . . .

At the Nueva Luz shelter, Ricardo is still at it with Cristina and they continue bickering but finally stop to collaborate on trying to find Sandra the lost girl (with revenge on her mind). Cristina is concerned about her because she has suffered so much. Sandra is not from Mexico City and is not at her home in Puebla either. Does Cristina know of some place that Cristina likes in the city where she might have gone? She does not remember so Ricardo asks her her name as a kind of distraction that might help her remember. After fighting this technique at first, Cristina introduces herself. Ricardo looks surprised as he recognizes her as the super duper expert in pedagogy that Bárbara Santillana has been trying to track down for a while now which he tells her all about. Rodrigo explains his surprise by identifying himself as a teacher at the Instituto Palacios. He also tells Cristina, not wanting to offend her, that at the Instituto Palacios she already has a reputation as a witch. Well, she is offended but Ricardo's distraction technique worked because in th she does remember Sandra's favorite place. She looks happy about that but not so happy that his technique worked.
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Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #64. Monday June 6, 2016. Sometimes A Show Gets So Off-The Charts Stoopid That You Long For Its Early Days Of Milder Stoopid

What do you call that level of hunger when even a carcinogenic Crayola icecream called “Sueño de Horror” starts to look appetizing?

At a glance 

-- The good news is we’re roughly halfway through this. The bad news is we’re roughly halfway through this. 

A closer look 

Dr. Cutie Pie assures Esperanza that he’ll do his best to help her. He’s doing this because it’s his vocation. The Guerreros thank him and Esperanza gives him a hug. 
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Saturday, June 04, 2016

Sueno de amor, #63 Friday Espe is dying, Salma has a dying wish and Estrella is in mortal danger. The guys are mostly alright, though

Sorry for the delay, but here is Friday's recap.

For those who missed it the first time, we get another dose of kids violence, when Tracy screams at Selena and almost slaps her. Fortunately Anastasia is not a soulless bitch, too, because she defends the girl and after, she even reproaches Tracy her treatment. Mom of the year has no problem saying that she is bored and she despises her children, especially her daughter.
Selena runs to her room, crying with Rod and the maid, saying how much she misses her dad.

Estrella is with Sanson. She doesn't have the guts to hit him on the head with a pan, because she's terrified, but she becomes even more so when Sanson takes her picture and tells her what he plans to do with her: sell her to the highest bidder, because she's a hot commodity, being a virgin and so pretty (Damn you, Erasmo!).
Sanson adds that Estrella is five times more expensive than Erasmo's debt and if she says no, Kiko will suffer the consequences.

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Thursday, June 02, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 62 (6.2.16) Tired of love triangles? Try love squares! They have more corners!

Happy teacher's day! Next holiday is father's day!
(this episode aired two days after teacher's day in México)

''Death is not true when you have accomplished well your life's work. We are what we remember of ourselves and we will be what others remember we were''. José Martí

Hola, crapola
Whoever is editing this version is not doing a good job. Today, they started showing a couple seconds of Dr Mireya telling Adrián something about some son. Now I will never know and that was crucial for the story to move forward, who am I kidding? This thing is going nowhere! jajaja!

My secret video
We all know by now that the ''secret video'' Patanasia so much talked about for the last week, turned out to be a non explicit sex tape she recorded without Luca's consent in one of the many nights they had sex around the world, Paris, Egypt, Nicaragua, you know...

In a moment of anger, she sent it to Pato and now even Aranza is checking it out. The title: ''I know who you did last night''. Ternurita, poor Patanasia hopes this sex tape will land her a deal with a TV show like ''Al tanto con las Garnachas'', but I think is not worth even Cinemax time.
Like Pamela Anderson's, the video looks too well lit, edited and shot from different angles to be from a hidden camera. Anastasia sure knows how to show her best assets.
Here there's hidden cat, thinks Pato, Luca would never cheat on me with Adefesia, she is doing this just to annoy me, and ITS WORKING!!
Watching Anastasia dominating a submissive Luca didn't upset recently raped Aranza. I wonder what kind of therapy she's having or what's going on in that little mind of her...
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Sueño de amor # 61 Wed. 6/1/16

We pick up the story at Viviana and Luca's place with Viviana hearing from Luca that Anastasia has a video of him and Anastasia in bed together. Anastasia has not sent Pato the video yet. Luca is afraid that he is going to lose Pato the love of his life in the whole mess with Anastasia.

At Ernesto's, Anastasia is having a riot telling Tracy about the whole Luca situation over a glass of wine. She is not sending the video yet to Pato. She will get Luca back. She has just thing to snag him with. Ernesto enters and interrupts their "bitchfest". He asks Anastasia to avoid coming over. She was just leaving and is gone. Ernesto starts to remind Tracy why she and her children are living with him. Tracy tries to get smart with her zoological background and tells him they are in a symbiotic relationship. Not so from his point of view. Tracy gets a warning: Ernesto tells Tracy she is like one of those little fish (rémora) that travels on and survives on what he the shark leaves behind. She is dependent on him. He is indifferent to her. She threatens to tell about the "La Sombra stunt" they pulled. He grabs her lips, squeezes them shut and tells her she better be loyal to him and not tell if she does not want to end up in the street. He leaves. She wipes her mouth off with the back of her hand.
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Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Sueño de Amor 60: Ain't Nobody Got Time for That! Well, some do, some don't.

Esperanza doesn’t have time for Ricardo. She's not giving in and telling him the truth. 

Ernesto has time for Esperanza. He sat with her for quite a while listening to her and trying to win her over. 

Mario has time for Viviana and their blossoming relationship. 

Jerónimo has time for the Gallo family as he visits with them as they discuss their problems. 

Salma is a fourteen-year-old itching to get her fiesta on, but she doesn’t have time for Kiko. 

Ricardo at first doesn’t have time to help at the women’s shelter but then has a change of heart. 

Luca doesn’t have time for Pato because a message from la Nacha is freaking him out. 

Tracy has time for wine, schemes, and intrigue with Nacha, but no time to be a mom. 

La Nacha tells Luca he better make time for her or else! 

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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #59. Monday May 30, 2016. Love Means Never Having To Say The Truth

In case you're wondering, this is Osorio's attempt to provide us with wholesome family-friendly softcore porn.

At a glance 

-- Esperanza continues to crush Ricardo’s heart, while allowing Ernesto to get close to her and to her family. 
-- Estrella receives an indecent proposal from Sansón, the loan shark dandy. 
-- Anastasia finds the sextape she intended to blackmail Saint Luca with. 

A closer look 

Ricardo vandalizes his own apartment after the police and his ex-wife take away his children. 

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #58. Friday May 27, 2016. This Episode Is Brought To You By Hallmark’s Mexican Cousin. ¡Feliz Día De Las Madres!

If I hear “Happy Mother’s Day” one more time, so help me, I will unleash the Cyclops on you!
At a glance

-- In case you didn’t notice, it’s Mother’s Day in Sueñolandia. 

A closer look 

Ernesto informs an inebriated Kracy that Ricardo is in jail for assaulting him. This incident would be helpful in the custody battle. 

At Casa Manzanares, Félix is meditating to connect with his inner self. Margarita thinks he should connect with her inner self instead. She crashes on top of him like a pile of rubble. Nookie time! 

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 57 (5.26.16) There are lies in your lips, in your hips, in your eyes, in your thighs, so much pain, you're so vain...

My big fat greek cancelled wedding tragedy
Pato ''se anduvo haciendo pato'' (was fooling around) so she could hear the conversation between Mapa and Ernesto. Esperanza said that in her house nobody lies, but is not true, because she is hurting Ricardo more hiding the truth from him than if she told him she has cancer. One day she was ready to be with him on sickness and health and suddenly she is stealing that from him
Ernesto's idea of rekindling their dream of love (only for show) so Ricardo can convince himself he is no longer wanted in her life (or what's left of it), doesn't fit Esperanza's plans. One moment looks like she takes a side with Ernesto to make Ricardo go away but then she changes back. Pato supports that idea because she thinks her father is a hero.
Choose wisely: Ernesto means more days in your life but Ricardo means more life in your days. What will it be? Die happy or die sad?
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Sueño de amor #56 Wed. 5/25/16 "One Hare Brained Plot Begets Another"

So here we go . . . where one hare brained plan will engender another but the real question is: will Esperanza give Ricardo the ring back so maybe he can sell it and get some of his money back?

Anyway, at the Guerrero house, Pedro tells Kristel he is angry with life. He tells her the truth and she will keep the secret. In the middle of this interaction, Ernesto calls and pressures Pato to talk with him. He tells her what is wrong with her mother. He does know everything.

At Viviana's house, brothers Adrián and Luca are talking about Luca's engagement with Pato. Viviana has to add that Esperanza thinks that Pato is too young. Bummer! They talk about how strange things are with the Guerrero's. According to Viviana, that is how things are one day you are in love, the next day no. Viviana tells Adrián she saw Salma and reminds Adrián that he needs to support Salma's pregnancy sooner or later. She thinks that Salma is planning on giving the baby up for adoption. Adrián wants to take things one step at a time. First, he needs to is go finish his stint at rehab. Viviana is happy to be with her two sons. She loves them. All is well among the three of them.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #55. Tuesday May 24, 2016. Esperanza Makes Lying a Family Affair, Erasmo Tells the Truth

This recap was brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, Kinomathematika! Enjoy!

Ricardo is still trying to reach Esperanza. Pedro doesn’t answer him, either. He doesn’t know what to tell the priest. Margarita goes to him asking if the bride had second thoughts. 

Esperanza is at home and says that she loves Ricardo too much to obligate him to marry someone who will die in months. She’s going to wither and wear away. I don’t want the love of my life to be witness to my deterioration. She asked Pato and Pedro forgiveness. They told her she had nothing to ask forgiveness for. She thinks she has to sacrifice herself for Ricardo. Pato tells her that Ricardo needs her, but Esperanza says that Ricardo doesn’t need someone who’s dying (moribunda). She says she’s doing it for him to be with his children and for him to be happy. Destiny wants them to be apart. She asks them to help her hide the truth. 

Pedro tells her that even though they aren’t in agreement with her plan, they will help if it calms her. She tells him to call Ricardo to tell him to come over, that she needs to talk to him alone. 

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #54. Monday May 23, 2016. This Dream Has Turned Into A Nightmare!

Join my telenovela, he said. It won't get messy, he said.

At a glance 

-- Esperanza is diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. Her wedding to Ricardo is cancelled. Booo!

A closer look 

At the bridal shop, Esperanza gets her new wedding dress and cries over her latest health crisis. She doesn't want to die and leave her children alone. Mother and daughter reconcile after their earlier spat. Still, Esperanza insists Pato’s engagement is a mistake that she is not prepared to cover up (solapar), and she is not going to change her mind just because she is worried about her biopsy results. 

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

New Telenovela: Tres Veces Ana, Starts Monday, May 23rd

Recappers are needed for this telenovela which starts Monday, May 23rd in the 9 pm time slot. A few of you have now expressed interest in recapping-- let Blog Mom Jane/Melinama know and email her ASAP:

**News flash: as of 5/21, Uni has once again changed its mind about the fate of Yago, and it is supposedly no longer moving to the graveyard shift on UniMas. I have no idea what will happen to A Que No Me Dejas. During its first week, Tres Veces Ana will be shown in 2 hour blocks, 9pm-11pm. After that, it will be on at 9pm and Yago on at 10pm. This schedule is changing almost daily, so stay alert.

The story of "Tres Veces Ana" starts with a family road trip—the Álvarez del Castillo Rivadeneira family. Triplets Ana Laura, Ana Leticia and Ana Lucía, along with their parents, suffer a dramatic car accident, crashing by the side of a river. The event leaves both parents dead, Ana Laura losing one leg, and Ana Lucía dragged by the river’s current. Only Ana Leticia emerges unscathed. Soledad, a woman who is mourning her own daughter’s death, finds and helps Ana Lucía. Although Soledad discovers who the girl is, she takes advantage of Ana Lucía’s memory loss about the accident and her family and decides to keep her, making her believe she is her mother.
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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sueno de Amor #53 Friday Sometimes it takes a village...

.... or a great team of commenters to write a recap.

After having tried yesterday afternoon and almost all day today (it's 6 pm my time), I finally give up. I cannot find a usable link to watch the episode, so I have no clue what happened. Therefor I'm not capable of writing a worthy recap, or any recap for that matter.
I'm annoyed and very sorry to let you all down, but the one link that I could open starts buffering after 17 seconds, so...
The Univision site says that Esperanza is afraid that the cancer is going to kill her... This is all I've got!

Later edit
A big thank you to Diana, Pablo and Jarifa for stepping in and writing down what you remember from watching. I'm adding your comments to the main post, this way whoever checks this down the line will have a recap (I tried to do a little bit of editing, for continuity).

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep #52 (5.19.2016) Keeping up with the dreams that love for Lala products command!

I have a dream!

Viviana's dream

At the cereal clinic, mother and son promise each other they will fight this together. Her dream of love is that the three of them (I am guessing they're including Luca) will never get apart.
Looks like Adrián borrowed Salma's t-shirt, maybe because she doesn't need it anymore.

Salma's dream
Speaking of the devil, Salma shares with Kristel her dream of love and that doesn't include the shrimp-like fetus on the screen of her tablet (Look! it has eyes!). They watch a sonogram and the younger sister complaints about the situation she created herself. On the dark side, she is one of half a million teenagers that are pregnant in México right now, but if you look it at the bright side, she can take her kid to her quinceañera as one of the chambelanes!

Mario's dream
His dream is that his unrequited love for Viviana blossom in a full gilf relationship.
He is so confundido and more when he tries to tell his daughters and Salma's hormones make her feel unwanted. He assures her that he loves both equally and then she is happy to be included and now the club has four and a quarter members. Granny, pops, the girls and the fetus. Imagine if Viviana ties the gordian knot with Mario and becomes both Salma's stepmother and mother in law! Wow, and including PatoLuca in this mix this will make a very twisted family tree!!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sueño de amor #51 Wed. 5/18/16

A little fragmented a lot like the commercial ridden episode of tonight . . .

Ricardo goes to open the door of his home and he gets yet another phone call from Esperanza telling him how much she misses him one more time and that Pato has news about his kids. The call turns out to be a good thing because while talking to her, Ricardo notices some marks on his door as if somebody was trying to get in. He remembers La Sombra's threat. He does not try to open the door. He does not get blown up. He calls the super duper spy office of which he is no longer an employee. Esperanza insists she is coming over even though he tells her not to.

At Ernesto's house, Ernesto and Tracy get into a discussion. Ernesto is all worried that La Sombra is going to tell Ricardo he was not the one that caused the attack at the restaurant. Tracy wants to know what could happen anyway if La Sombra said it wasn't him at the restaurant. Ricardo would never think it was them. Ernesto is worried there could be an investigation which wouldn't be good for them. Tracy reminds him it had nothing to do with the two of them; it was all his idea that ended up being his deal  to get his daughter Pato to love him and for Pato and Luca to forgive him. Ernesto is just not sure. He would be capable of doing anything so that Pato and Luca would not find out the truth. Tracy jumps on the "anything". What might that be? Ernesto says that would be eliminating La Sombra all together.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #50. Tuesday May 17, 2016. A Valiant Recapper Has Joined Us, Just In Time To Document La Sombra's Capture! ¡Enhorabuena!

This recap is brought to you by our brand-new recapper and Patio Pal, Kinomathematika. Enjoy!

Monday’s episode left us with several questions: 

- How’s Ernesto going to handle having Rodrigo and Selena living in his house? 
- How will Anastasia seek revenge against Pato? 
- How will Pedro handle Aranza’s clinginess? 
- Will Erasmo take Pato’s advice and let Luca help him with the money for Kiko’s operation? 
- Will Ricardo be able to finally get the Sombra? 
- How will Ricardo get his kids back? 

Here’s what happened on Tuesday’s episode: 

At the OCN – After being able to locate la Sombra, Ricardo and his team prepare for their mission to capture him. 

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