Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #127 (MEX #131). Wednesday September 14, 2016. GRAN FINAL, PARTE 2: Esperanza Loses Her Stomach, Her Hair, Her “Galán” and Her Dignity While Ricardolt Gets to Rub His Happiness In Her Face!
Congratulations, Blondie! You think getting Ricardolt was a prize? Ha-ha! He’s your anvil, darling! Enjoy! |
At a glance
-- You first tuned in thinking you were going to watch a sappy romantic comedy called “Dream Of Love” but it turned into a Frankenturkey horror show that ought to have been titled: “Move Over, Toots, I Found Your Replacement!”
-- No telenovela female protagonist has been humiliated, disrespected and demeaned like Betty Monroe. She was branded ugly, fat and a bad actress. She was blamed for Osorio’s failure as a seasoned circus producer and a budding writer of “original” stories. She was bullied into losing weight and shaving her head on national TV. She was forced to endure the introduction of another protagonist actress halfway into the novela’s run. She was made to wear zombie makeup and an unflattering wardrobe for most of the show, while Marjorie de Sousa sashayed around in impeccable hair, makeup and clothes. To top it all off, her character demeans herself to the jerk Osorio calls a galán, only to be strung along for a while then get rejected by him! But wait, it doesn’t end here! Esperanza is made to attend Ricardolt’s wedding and share in his happiness and baby news with a smile on her face! But wait, that’s not all! Esperanza has to endure Ricardolt’s presence at the inauguration of her dream school, accompanied by his pregnant wife and his perfect little recomposed family!
-- Friends don’t let friends watch Osorio’s novelas. If someone you care about expresses an interest in checking out one of those hideous mounds of mutant manure that Osorio produces, please stage an intervention!
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Sueño de amor, GRAN FINAL part 1 of 2 - Ep. 126 usa/131 mex (9.13.16) ...and we ended up with 7 weddings (2 failed) and 8 funerals!! How's that for original?
The "dream of love" also known as "the worst nightmare" has reached its end.
We finally woke up!
That's good and bad, because we might be happy, but there will be more monkeys people in the unemployment list (starting with Osorio) looking for a chance, any chance, to do ANYTHING. ¡Dios nos agarre confesados!
Anyway. With this recap I say goodbye to SUEÑO DE AMOR and I sincerely thank all the carayitas who filled the patio with their laughter and precise comments. Let's start:
As you can see, I am lucky not to cover the whole kidnap.
No. We didn't hear a shot. I thought it was Baxter storming in with the SWAT team but no. Probably something else.
Ricardo almost lost both hands getting free from the plastic strap fasteners but finally got it, being able to tackle Ernesto down, hold his hand and with his own gun kill two of his achichincles. After Ernesto was neutralized, Ricardo flew to untie Cristina Vález Valderrama, firewoman of education and therapist, leaving poor stomachless Esperanza to fend by herself.
No. She could not believe it either. With eyes big as plates she stared at Ricardo who was holding CVV tight completely oblivious to her. She took the gun and ran to try to kill Ernesto!
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Monday, September 12, 2016
Sueño de amor # 125 (MEX 130) Mon. 9/12/16 Ernesto Reminds Esperanza Twice: She Has No Stomach
Well, this is my last recap for this novela and I would like to thank my fellow recappers Adriana, Nandicta and Pablo for making this a fun experience as well as all of the commenters on our tiny patio who also made this worthwhile and fun.
ACT ONE: Kidnappings
We start out where we left off with poor, pathetic, crying and conniving Ernesto begging Esperanza to let him in to talk. He is not there to hurt her. Against her better judgment (and because she has a bad habit of giving in), she eventually caves. As soon as he is in and she goes to get him some water, she knows she is in trouble. She comes back out to talk to Ernesto and has an incredulous look on her face the whole time he raves on and on. Ernesto is supposedly upset that Esperanza could believe what Tracy said about him on the recording after all they have been through together. He loves her. Esperanza mentions the photo. Not him! Ricardo is turning her against him. How can she doubt him and his love. He does not have to take days to decide. He wants her. He knows Ricardo is going to choose Cristina. His reason is when she got sick it took Ricardo no time at all to hook up with Cristina. Esperanza defends Ricardo by saying she told him she did not love him. Ernesto thinks that Ricardo should have investigated what was really going on. Ricardo's love is divided. Now he has a younger, attractive fertile woman in front of him with a child the same age as his children and Esperanza can no longer have children and as much as he hates to say it: she does not have a STOMACH!!!! She is also the woman who lied to him, deceived him. Ricardo will never ever forgive her completely. The long and the short of it is since Ricardo will choose Cristina and since Esperanza's children are no longer living with her, he can offer her his unconditional love. They can leave. Esperanza wants to know where. Paris, Rome, wherever she wants. He knows they can be happy together. Esperanza tells Ricardo that she does not love him. Ernesto tells her that that could change. She has affection for him. Esperanza reiterates that she loves Ricardo. She does not trust Ernesto and she prefers to wait for Ricardo's decision. She is declining Ernesto's offer but that is not the end. Crafty Ernesto has one final request: will Esperanza go out to breakfast with him one last time as great friends so he can say goodbye to her? He promises her that after today he will not bother her anymore and he will accept Ricardo's decision whatever it might be. He begs her like a dog. She does not think that it would be convenient but Ernesto does not give up and lays the "how could she deny him a dying man who gave her his whole life just see her happy and alive?" guilt trip on her until she gives in again.
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Friday, September 09, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 124 usa/129 mex (9.9.16) Chinese (weevils) philosophy: Big crisis bring bigger opportunities
Or "la que tiene más saliva, traga más pinole"
True love has deadlines
Cristina Vélez Valderrama, firewoman of education and mind reader, surely knew what I was thinking, and her reaction to the second time Esperanza nalga pronta made herself affordable with yet another basket of "homemade" cookies this time with chocolate chips that can be shared with the kids at school, was to snap them out of Esperanza's hands. Cookie fight!
I am sorry you spent all night baking cookies, Esperanza, but this is not Sesame Street and Oscar (the cookie monster) is not here! Last time you said Ricardo's favorite cookies were oatmeal, now there's chocolate chips, what's next? Key lime meringue cookies? Mexican wedding cookies (hint, hint)?
Esperanza's response to the dismiss of her whole night spent baking was to slap CVV and run. (And here I had to laugh out loud, very loud)
But CVV, who has tackled Ernesto and Kracy even when they both had guns (and Kracy had mental issues), thinks this is a piece of cake and she runs after Esperanza so they can both engage in some pulling and yelling with Ricardo in the middle.
Ricardo, who has to come after them, remind them that they are both professionals and ADULTS and shouldn't be behaving like this in public (or in private).
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Thursday, September 08, 2016
Sueno de amor, #123 (Mexico #128), Thursday RIP Tracy. RIP PatoLuca's honeymoon. RIP Esperanza's cookies.
I am going to keep the recap very short, because I have run out of patience with this telenovela. Luckily, this is my last episode to retell, so thanks God this is FINALLY over.
Here goes...
At the hospital, Esperanza offers to stay with Ricardo, as he waits to talk to Tracy (who's not dead, yet). Cristina takes Selena and Rodrigo home. They are heartbroken over their mom’s
possible death, especially Rodrigo, but Cristina has the right words to calm him a bit. He wishes she were his mom. Point for Cristina, I guess.
Viviana and Adrian are worried because
Ernesto won’t agree to the transplant. Vivi wants to divorce Mario. Luca screams at Mario for the way he's treating his mother.
PatoLuca play house. Pato is a good cook,
but her food kind of makes her nauseous (Oh, boy, already?).
Regino tries to kill Tracy, but he can’t do
it because she's with Ricardo and he’s discovered by the doctor outside her room.
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Sueño de amor #122 ( MEX #127) Wed. 9/7/16 Finally!
Comments in parentheses are mine.
So, we are starting where we left off with Esperanza never having gotten the lesson about calling before you go to somebody's home and getting an eyeful of Cristina answering Ricardo's door in her pj's and barefoot to boot. Seems that Esperanza has one of "those" excuses: she was just bringing Ricardo some of the oatmeal cookies he likes. Yup, and he also likes blueberry crepes answers Cristina. She babbles on about him usually not sleeping this late but that he had a lot of things he had to do last night. Esperanza gives her a look up and down and says she can only imagine. Esperanza decides it is better that she go and hands the "homey" basket of cookies to Cristina. Esperanza leaves with Cristina holding the cookies and taking a look at them. (She should try them and if they are any good, eat them all or give them to the kids for just having to put up with Esperanza as Ricardo slept.)
Back at Esperanza's, Anya and Pedro are setting the table for breakfast and talking about how they hope Esperanza's little delivery went well especially after yesterday's kiss. They agree that she deserves to be happy. Anya reminds him that the greatest miracle of all is Esperanza overcoming cancer. What she would not give to have her dad there with them now. They kiss. Esperanza walks in upset and asks them to guess who answered Ricardo's door. She tells them: Cristina in pajamas and starts to cry thinking that Cristina spent the night with Ricardo.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #121 (MEX #126). Tuesday September 6, 2016. El Perro De Las Dos Tontas
At a glance
-- PatoLuca partay, Esperardo esnog and Cristina cries.
-- Ricardolt is still confused. Poor Señorito Confundido!
A closer look
The millionaire construction heir and his bride arrive to their wedding reception. The setting and the buffet do not reflect the wealth of the De la Colina family but rather the stinginess of our beloved producer, Juan Osorio. He invited members of the public to attend the PatoLuca wedding and asked them to bring their own fancy clothes, thus saving himself a bundle on extras and wardrobe. It appears that the same penny-pinching attitude affected the PatoLuca wedding catering, which consisted of the following measly offerings: One minuscule plate of surimi vol-au-vents, four small plates of unidentifiable bites on sticks, half a cantaloupe with tiny cheese and crudités skewers sticking out of it, two puny platters of his and hers shortbread cookies, one styrofoam wedding cake, one single-tier medium-sized cake stand of styrofoam white cupcakes.
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Saturday, September 03, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #120 (MEX #125). Friday September 2, 2016. The Step Siblings Tie The Knot And Paulo Rey Kicks The Bucket
Giving your daughter away at her wedding with your son is priceless... For everything else, there’s Mastercard. |
At a glance
-- Bodaaa! Comaaa!
A closer look
At Casa Conde-Kuri, soon-to-be Casa Conde only, without the hyphen, Viviana supervises the after-bachelor party cleanup by a non-Eufro housekeeper. Paulo Rey picks Salma up for the “picnic”. He greets Viviana politely and promises to bring Salma back early so she can attend the wedding of the millennium. Mere seconds later, Adrián takes his leave as well, to supposedly go see an exhibition but we know he’s off to play Nancy Drew. He too promises he’ll be back in time for the bodabulous, bodatastic, bodawesome, and positively superbodafragilisticexpialidocious boda of his eldest brother, Saint Luca Superhero De La Colina. And here comes the bridegroom! Proud momma Viviana tells him she can’t believe he won’t be living at home anymore. At what point in time did he grow up to be so big and handsome?
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Thursday, September 01, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 119 usa/124 mex (9.1.16) Bachelor(ette)s parties for schmucks
After the exchange between Cristina Vélez Valderrama, firewoman of the education and Esperanza Guerrero Diez cancer survivor, Ricardo is surprised because he didn't know this side of CVV's personality. I have a tigress inside me. Nobody will come between you and me.
What comes next is an endless loop of compliments that start with you rescued me, no, YOU rescued me, NO, you rescued ME, no...
In the High Definition Motel with surround sound Pedro and Anya don't need the 3D glasses! They sleep together for the first time and everything is right there at hand. In their make believe bubble they pretend they're in a movie set and after lights and camera, of course whats next is ACTION!! And little Pedro is eager now that finally has a woman in his arms. Wow! We both deserve an Oscar! I already have two golden globes!!
Once I ran to you now I run from you...
Erasmo still doesn't love Anastasia and she comes with yet another secret she was holding. This could be the definitive difference between finally falling for her or getting away from her, but she confesses the secret anyway: She knows Erasmo has killed somebody.
Of course Ernesto can not believe such skinhead (descabellada) idea, since he considers him almost a saint for helping Kiko recover his mobility. It's true, she insists, I know him more than you, trust me... Black & white flashback of Ernesto choking her.
The date is over and Ricardo and CVV return to his house. they say good night to Andrés and keep talking a little more. After both thank Andrés and the manny thanks them back, here comes yet another endless loop of thanks when Ricardolt and Queen Christina start thanking each other for juaréver reason, back and forth, endlessly...
Thank you, no, thank YOU, NO, thank YOU! OK, thanks for thanking me, now let me thank YOU! C'mon, I wanna see who is required and who's not to the bachelor(ette) parties!!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Sueño de amor #118 8/31/16 " The Fight is On"
We start with more of the same old same old: Paulo is bullying Kiko in the classroom with Salma right there to add her two cents just to make it worse. (uh, where is the teacher supervision?) After one too many insults and having his cane tossed in the trash by Paulo, Kiko punches Paulo twice in the face as a friend keeps him standing. Paulo is enraged that he has been shown up by Kiko and now has a bloodied nose and mouth. Esperanza finally comes in to break it up when it looks like Paulo is going to get to punch back. She also makes the big mistake of getting in between Kiko and Paulo. (Has nobody ever taught her how to break up a fight???) Instead of stopping, Paulo yells at Esperanza not to interfere and pushes her back so hard she lands on her derrière on the floor. Some of the kids are horrified that he would touch her. She tells him he made a very serious error and that things are going to change.
Ricardo the schmuck is still at it explaining to Cristina in his unemotional, robotic, measured, without any affect kind of way that he has not chosen Esperanza. Cristina lets Ricardo have it. She completely understands his indecision and that is why she is ending it between them right now. He can stay with Esperanza. She wants him out of her life. If he is in love with two women, that means his love is divided. She wants all of it not just a part of it.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 117 usa/122 mex (8.30.16) -Ernesto, seguro que no quieres nada, nada, nada, nada, nada, nada? -Que no, que no Esperanza, así que déjame y vete ya!
Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of the education and runner up in the race to wins Ricardo's heart (and rest of his body), tells her only best friend Margarita la alcahueta that the only thing she bargained for was a family and not all this tests.
Esperanza and Ernesto are still pushing and pulling (en el estira y afloja) because he sees both his hope and Esperanza lost. Now that she is miraculously cured, Ricardo is also miraculously single and now he blames him for not having Esperanza's love all for him.
He, as mighty as he has always been, doesn't want crumbs, he wants the whole cake!!
Since reality is not what he likes, he prefers to keep Esperanza away from him. Go away, he said!
-But, but, I want to take care of you, give you everything you need except my love...
-I don't want it. Thanks.
In another part of the city, Napoleón is desperate because he doesn't want to give the money back and he doesn't have the baby either. Silvana, making fun of his fear, reassures him that she is working on it and that soon they will have the baby they so much need.
They should talk to the guy who wants the baby and ask him if he can wait 9 more months, because in that case, Napo could make his own "sacrifice" and putting a paper bag over Silvana's head, impregnate her. Really! This is easy money, not as easy as selling sperm, but hey, they could even have a million pesos every nine months! Think about it!!
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Saturday, August 27, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #116 (MEX #120, #121). Friday August 26, 2016. Señorito Confundido
Sorry, lady, but I'm too handsome to have to worry about making decisions! |
At a glance
-- Ricardolt is very confundido (confused) and can’t decide between the two idiotic women that are debasing themselves to win him over. Poor perplexed little prince! How will he ever manage this stressful situation with only two neurons to rub together?
-- The preparations for the rushed wedding of stepsiblings Pato and Luca are well underway.
-- Ernesto preemptively ends his “relationship” with Esperanza.
A closer look
Esperanza is visiting gravely-ill Ernesto and fawning over that drooling fool she says she is madly in love with. “A few days ago, Ricardolt hated me and now he loves me again! Well, with half his heart at least!” “That’s a big advance!”, exclaims Ernesto sarcastically. He curtly tells her that he is tired and wishes to be alone, thank you very much.
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Thursday, August 25, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 115 usa/118,119 mex (8.25.16) Dos mujeres y un canijo
Express novela Sueño express, where everything is express except coffee. Next express wedding is in a week!
A quien le importa? (what happens to the subplots, right?)
To put you in context, I will list all the scenes that Univisión decided you shouldn't see just to finish this express novela sooner to start wit the next trainwreck.
From original version episode 112
Salma is offered Guatemala or Guatepeor, therapy or bootcamp. Obvi, she chooses therapy. Then she calls Paulo and he recommends her to turn nice and play victim to get her way. Then she starts her plan with Mario, who believes her.
Later she asks for forgiveness to the whole Kuri-Conde family drinking green tea.
Kracy runs freely on the streets.
Anya picks up Pedro's roses before going out.
Esperanza and Pato talk about obscure forces "controlling them"?.
At Palacios, Ricardo argue with Pedro because he fells betrayed.
At the clinic, extended scene where Anya explains to Pedro and mapa about the cat.
From original version episode 113
Univisión don't give a damn about 0sorio's spawn singing career
or Carmelita Salinas grandson
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Sueño de amor #114 Wed. 8/24/16 "Ricardo Shows He is Just a Schmuck in More Ways Than One"
So, we will start with where we ended: Esperanza finally being forgiven by Ricardo the schmuck. He finally asks how her health is. She is in remission but not "free" yet: she still has some chemotherapy and viral therapy to complete. Ernesto and Pedro were the ones who researched the viral therapy. The doctors have no idea how she is in remission. Eventhough Ricardo the schmuck knows he has no right to ask, he does anyway: is she still planning on marrying Ernesto?
At the hospital, Cristina is still crying and talking with Margarita in the cafeteria. The upsetting topic is what Esperanza did to protect Ricardo and now he protected her from the bullet. The meaning from that is that either one was willing to sacrifice their life for the other. Margarita admits that is a huge kind of love to have. Cristina wonders how she can compete with that.
Esperanza fills in Ricardo about Ernesto's 20% operational kidney and how they have not talked about getting married since they called the priest to her death bed. He needs a transplant soon or he might die. Ricardo the schmuck asks her if she loves Ernesto. That does not sit well with Esperanza. If Ricardo is so sure about his marrying Cristina, why is he asking another woman about her marriage plans? Ricardo the schmuck apologizes saying he should not have gone there; it is just that he never understood the whole Ernesto thing. How she could kick him out of her life but forgive a man she hated? Ricardo the schmuck only had her come to tell her he owes his life to her and he thanks her. Esperanza tells him he owes her nothing and thanks him again for forgiving her but adds that she should not be there. Cristina his future wife should be there and she leaves.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #113 (MEX #114, #115). Tuesday August 23, 2016. Darn You, Kracy, You Had One Job!
I'm a rational being, get me out of here! |
At a glance
-- He lives! That rascal!
-- It appears that the geniuses at Looneyvision got scissor-happy again and are doing some creative editing to this creative show. They smushed two episodes together, #114 and #115 as per the Mexican broadcast. Recapper Jarifa has kindly contributed a summary for Episode #115, added at the end.
A closer look
In our wearisome and most loathed Sueñolandia, a severe case of nuptialsus interruptus is underway. We now know why Cristina Vélez Valderrama (CVV) chose an all-white color palette for her wedding: Camouflage. This is the only way we can explain why trigger-happy Kracy missed her shot at such a short distance and ended up getting Ricardolt in the shoulder instead of right between the eyes. Esperanza using her one-true-love as a human shield didn’t help either. It also seemed as if Tricky Ricky deliberately chose to shield Esperanza with his body instead of protecting his stunning bride; partly out of love and partly because he needed more cushion for the fall.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 112 (8.22.16) Esperanza suffers Aquimichú syndrome: One step forward, two steps back
We start this episode with Ricardo telling Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of the education, the reasons why he left Esperanza 21 years ago. We will never have the whole story, because he partially reveals that he did it because of his father, who died anyway, so his effort was in vain. Poor Ricardo.
Then, like in the truth or dare game, CVV reveals that her mother is alive and kicking in USA. We all know her father died of lung cancer. Why is her mother not coming to the wedding, is she illegal also and can not leave the county? Poor Cristinita.
In the Guerrero's household, Esperanza and her daughter discuss Ernesto's kidney's problems. Since he is reluctant to accept the girl's organ, Patricia has an idea to make him take it. Looks like these women like to decide what is best for everybody else except themselves.
Your father is a saint, says Espy, he prefers to die before taking your kidney.
He is so noble, right?
-But mapa, I am ready to donate my kidney for love. Love is everything!
-Well, and if you're right and love is everything, why is he rejecting me? You know that I can not leave him, after all he did for me.
-This is the same you did to Ricardo, remember? It's called karma, viatch!
-And I can not keep insisting with Ricardo either. I need to get away from them.
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Saturday, August 20, 2016
Narcos Synopsis and Characters :Gran Estreno Monday, August 22 2016
Start Date and Time Slot: August 22nd, 10pm, replacing the 2nd hour of Tres Veces Ana for 2 weeks as the show only has 10 episodes.
If anyone desires to recap alongside me let me know in the comments below. You can also contact me at this email
Plot Summary: Set and filmed in Colombia, Season 1 tells the story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities.
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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, Fifth Edition
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to point out severe fashion felonies, you can always count on the staff of your established fashion -- and gossip -- magazines to point fingers and name names.
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Sueno de amor, #101, Friday All talk and no play
For those of you who thought that this was going to be an action packed episode, there is nothing for you to see here. But for those who hoped they would be subjected to another never ending episode with people having the same conversations over and over again, then you are in the right spot.
Get a chair, make yourself comfortable and let the talking begin.
(scene have been combined, for better flow)
The hors d'oeuvre are so tasty, but who cares about them?
We open the episode on Cristina and Ricardo fighting over
the other woman the walking dead the wedding menu. She can see that he's showing to much "hate" for it not to be hiding some leftover feelings of love. So, are they going to get married or not? Ricardo denies everything, he's even upset that she would doubt him after all that he has done to show him his love for her.
The wedding planner drops by in between their fighting, and even whispers at one moment that there might not be a wedding because of all this mess. Cristina doesn't appreciate the interruption, but her mind is set on figuring out what's going on in Ricardo's head. She finds it hard to believe that he would remain indifferent to Esperanza's love. She asks him to look her straight in the eye and promise that he wants to marry her because of love, and not because he committed to it and he promised to the kids.
He swears he loves her and only her. She cries from relief and they kiss, but I'm still having a bad feeling about this. He's very believable and I'm sure that he truly believes what he's saying, but the Patio knows better.
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 110 (8.18.16) If you love him set him free, if he doesn't come back, GO GET HIM!!
A quien le dan pan que llore!
We start this episode with Cristina Vélez Valderrama and Espy talking about Ricardo. What else?
Since CVV thinks she still loves him, she needs to know the ground she is on.
Esperanza, a known flipflopper, replies this time that despite still loving him too, she is no longer interested in him. My word is my bond and I am now with Erny.
She should put that in writing, sign it, and seal it with a Notary Public, because we know how often she makes bad decisions and then she reverses everything always for her convenience.
The card on Espy's sleeve is that argument that even when she no longer wants Ricardo, "she is not responsible of what he feels" meaning, I don't want it, but if he comes to me I will take it! After all, 20 years are 20 years!
Let's synchronize our feelings, I love him and you don't, ok?
OK, you are sure. Yes.
Is that your final answer? Yes.
You will not think you are dying again and change your mind AGAIN. Yes, I mean no.
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